Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1907, WANT AD SECTION, Page 2, Image 40

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' 0
;! i
Arnt and Salesmen 4'ontlnned.
VANTIH Advert Isir g sMI' it r on Hotel
Phnpprrs' and Hovers' Guide f r Omaha,
hs ked nj. by tirsl-tMs local t,nt'. Ad
dres M Bee. (9t MM9 24x
t MEN for canvassing; steady work; pa
weekly. C. F. Aduns Co., 1619 lluwart
WANTKD-Plntrl'l apents for thi oldert
Western 1 .1 f Insurance company; most
liberal contract Address 11 2W, cnr
Dee. (Hi Mtr.7
$0 A Mi'NTII salary nml all nr'ns
to Intiotiiioe our guaranteed poultry and
link remedies in towns or country.
Bgler Co., XU'19, Springfield, 111.
WANTl'H -T'avfllrw salesman for well
established ulnrt mid overall factory. Ter
rltorv, o-ntnl Iowa. Jood references
required. Addles V 27 S, lire.
9)-MS89 28
BELL our resemvlr dustles floor and car
pet burshcs In stores, schools, residences,
public buildings, hotels. hHlls; tl. 1(1 un
limited; reduce diiKt 97 per tent, actual
teat; (fold medal nt St. Iuij World s fair;
strictly guaranteed, big margin and great
idler; oppoi turilty to build groat trade;
exclusive territory, no competition. Mil
waukee DuBtless Brush Co., Milwaukee,
Wil. (9)-148 24X
SOLICITORS wanted at once to sell arti
cles In universal use; llbi-rat ray. Ad
dress P 877, lice. (9) 1 24x
AGENTS Make ST. to $!0 dally handling
Parisian mantleless gas burners; no man
tles to break; all our agents are coining
money; vou can do the same; sample, 20
rents. Parblan l,nrnp Co., Suite 2JJ, 171
Washington St.. Chicago. (9j 124 24x
AGENTS We will positively show you how
to make tJS every day; new Invention,
everybody want one. Just hand them out
and collect your money; free samplo.
Automatic Co., 924, Cincinnati. Ohio.
(3) l.D 24x
120 A WI'KK Expenses advanced. Man
or woman to travel for manufacturer,
and appoint agent, for household
necessity. Good pav for home work or
part time, .Icgler Co., 221 locust St.,
I'hiladclphla, l'a. (9)
AGENTS WANTED To soil hosiery and
underwear; possible buyer In every fam
ily; out fl t fiee. Victoria Mills, Kntt'-ai
City, Kan. 9)
WK PAT $2fi a week and expenses to men
with rigs to Introduce poultry compound.
Y"nr s contract. Imperial Mf. Co., Dept.
64. Parsot a, Kan. (9)
AGENTS everywhere to sell our automatic
buiglur a, arms; aend 5"c for sample; In
dorsed by chief of police; exclusive ter
ritory given. Rnmona Novelty Mfg. Com
pany, 1931 Broadway, New York.
WRITE for Illustrated circulars on new
advertising soap and toilet package with
valuall- premiums. Agents and crew
managers wanted everywhere. Good ter
ritory open. Exclusive territory to good
agent. Costa nothing to find out nhout
'It. Myers Mfg. Co., 21:1 5th Ave., Chicago.
8ALESMAN capable of earning not leys
tlmn I3.o"0 per year with the greatest
proposition ever offered . a dealer; com
plete line if Soaps, Flavoring Extracts,
etc., sold by dealer to consumer nn "Fac
tory to Family Plan." F. F. Cuok, Mgr.,
Detroit. Mich. (9)
AGENTS WANTED We manufacture a
new pipe wrench that sell to every user,
lncludirg the man or concern who al
ready owns a full line of other mikes.
Exclusive ante In your territory If not
already taken. Irland Pipe Wrench Co.,
16 Court Sep, Boston, Mass. (9)
WANTED A good hustler In every town
to sell our perfect water filters, retailing
from 11.60 to 3S; 100 per cert profit to
agents; exclusive territory. Seneca Kil
ter Co., Seneca, Mo. (9)
WANTED A flrst-clas stock solicitor or
brokerage house to handle a gilt edge
Industrial stock that will stand the
most rigid examination, none but hus
tlers need apply. Address Lopez Iron
A Hteel t'o., 211 Lumber Exchange. Se
attle, Wash. L. I. Simpson, Gen Mur.
(9) M229 26x
AGENTS New designs In embroidered
waist suit patterns, now reduced; Jap
drawn work, table decorations, linens,
dress goods, etc.; samples mailed. Jap
Importing Co., Aldlne Place, Chicago.
AGENTS The mcst useful household
necessity ever produced. No talking t')
do; sells Itself; poor agents making $:!S a
week; bustlers coining money. Write for
exclusive territory. Monarch Co., 123 Lib
erty St.. New York, Dept. 7S8.
(9)-645 2lx
WANTED Two traveling snlesmen to com
plete l!Ni7 selling force; start on or about
April 1; exclusive territory In Iowa; must
be successful salesmen with clean rec vd
to handlo line for an established house,
calling on drug and general store trade;
opportunity for man of ability to advance;
replies confidential; state age, experience
and lines handled. Box 555, Chicago.
(9) 9ul 24x
DOE3 your present Income eatifcfy you?
You can double It by taking the Sheldon
Short Cuts In Helling and Management,
(ne salesman sayH: "You added JS.O'io to
my salary year.'' Another states:
"A single deal rlosed by your method
netted 60 times original cost;" U',iO0 others
and nearly l.ouO firms are using It to In
crease sales and earnings; positions se
cured for graduates; all Instruction by
correspond! lice; you owe It to yourself to
Investigate. Write for more facts and
proof. Sheldon, 1778 Republic Bldg, Chi
cago. (9)-lo9 24
WANTED AGENTS Legitimate substitute
for slot machine, patented; sells on sight
for 31.00. Purtlcul&rs, Glsha Co., Ander
son, Indiana. l9)-(K3 24x
SALESMEN S11 our $20 Soda Fountains;
make $10 on every salo; collect on com
missions; act quick; write for particu
lars. Zenith Mfg. Co., Dept. 10, 1S2 La
Balls St., ChlutKO. (9)-954 24x
WANTED Experienced Indtlng sn.le.smen,
to introduce our oil-Proof Rtretchless
liell In your city; can be handled as a sido
line on liberal commlsHiou; territorial
rights granted; gooo. chance for live men,
a thl belling Is giving gn utest sallufuc
Uon In the lurgeBi factories In our city;
applications treated confidential. Address
all communication tn the V. S. Chemical
Rubber Co., K'3 8. Jefferson St.. Chicago,
111. (9i 9as ax
iLW E&MEN to handle our line In Neb,
l have men making over $lo0 per week;
i!ri. CsHiiiiussloiis; iriiiuneiit position for
t aimble salesnutn. ' Mr Allister-Coiuui
Company, 3oo Dearborn ttt., Chicago.
(9) nod 24x
MONEY In soap; agents making $50 weekly:
mammoth circular free. Parker Chemical
Co.. Chicago. (9)-67 24x
WANTED Intelligent hustler to sell sub
atantial co-operative real estate Invest
ment stock: nothing better; future.
Security Investment und lmproveiiiviit
Co.. 145 La Salle Bt., Chicago.
(9) 972 2-lx
AGENTS We have a gisollne lighting
system for stores and houses; a world
beater; 2i0 to lv candle power; uses a
mantle upside down; runs 40 to 80 hours
on one gallon of gasoline; almost as
cheao as sunlight: all light directed down
Just where wanted; mantles last four
times as long us old style: a proven suc
cess: looks like the latest electric arc;
demand enarmous; quick seller: big
money maker; exclusive territory. Gloria
Light Co., ill w. Lake Hi., cnicaeo.
(.9) 970 24x
WANTED Man wtlh rig. $W a month
send for contract. Royal Co-Op. Mfg,
Co., Indianapolis, Ind. (91071 24x
WANTEI' Manufacturer win pay $250 a
month for first-class salesman for Ne
braska and Iowa territory to fill vacancy
staple line; sells to all cla.s of mer
chants; position permanent. Addres Man
ufacturer, Box .K. bt. Louis. Mo.
(9) 973 24x
WANTED Home worker, both sexes, $4
to $12 weekly; canvaslng. no ex
penence. Send stamped self-addressed
envelope. Plate, FV.gravtng Co.. 5 Penn
Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. (9 fj 2lx
"AGENTS Something extraordinary : self-
rrenerutlng ga burners, fitting ken.cene
amps; brilliant white gas light; liberal
Inducement; exclusive territory; positive
monopoly; description free; estaollhed
rel'.abie. f .intern (las Light ('.)., J
Broadway, New York. () 2 lUx
A COMMISSION big enough to produce
heart failure for traveling men with
golden tongue and established routes
Addi?s bide Line. Box oi, t'luelrnu l o
t9 lw 2ix
Aaent and Solicitors osllnied.
MAN cleared tl.172, lady 1720 last six
months selling now celluloid waterproof
shoe dressing, why pot you? I h nionstr if-d
samples free. W. Holladay A Co., 2H0
Clerk St, Chicago 9I 96 24X
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with taple line. High commission wltli
$loo motitlily advance. Permanent position
to right man. Jess. H. Smith Co., Pe
trol Mich. (I) 951 24x
WANTED Specialty salesmen able to earn
$;. per mnntli and up. Greatest town
site proposition on earth. Hustlers are
making $.'" to $.o per week. Address
Texas A Pacific Development Co., Kdge-
Wjod, Tex. 19 1 sju iax
SALESMEN wanted. Grocery salesmen In
our country department; honest, capable,
energetic men, to sell hotels, restaurants,
farnnrs and large consumer generally;
largest house In the business; lowest
prlots; highest quality goods; comply
with all pure food, law requirements; ex
clusive territory; good pay; permanent;
grand, new deal Just out for 19T. John
Sexton & Co., Wholesale Grocers Chi
cago. (9) 986 24x
STERLING silent salesmen bring In dollar
while you sleep; $5 worth free to first ap
plicant from each town; no canvassing;
no capital required. Sherman Co., Key
port, N. J. (9)-9tS2 24.
SIDE line, big money, quick return. Wo
banufacture the largest line of advertis
ing fans, selling to all classe. Heat
months, March to June. Liberal commis
sions; sample free to regular traveling
men. Send credentials with application.
The Kemper-Thoma company, Fan Dept.
Cincinnati. O. (9) W 24X
WANTED Salesmen of ability and neat
appearance to call on all merchants In
their territory; elegant side line con
venient to carry; good commissions;
prompt remittance. Belmont MfK. Co.,
Cincinnati. O. (9) 97 24x
SALESMEN wanted. Two dry goods
ppecl.ilty salesmen worth $200 per month.
Well known house. Trade established.
Positions permanent. Personal Interview
arranged. Address Y-279, care of Bee.
(9) 9t'Jt 24x
In Dilhart, Panhandle of Texas; 4.000 In
habitants; K. H. division and shops;
county seat; original townslte, not an ad
dition; best Investment ever offered to
the public; big commissions to agents;
give experience. Rock Island I.and Co,
4o2 Shukert Uldg., Kansas City, Mo.
9-;ol 24x
AGENTS make $23 to 140 weekly selling
our new household specialties; big variety,
huge profits, exclusive territory; write at
once. Midwest Specialty Co., 614 N. l!Uh
St, Omaha, Neb. () 278 2S
WANTED Five boys: good wage; perma
nent Job. A. D. T. Co., 212 S. 13th St.
BOY for office work. Nebraska Clothing
Co. (9)-M2i9
DELIVERY boy wanted.
Brandeis & Sons.
Apply J. L.
(9 )-854 24
Clerical and Office.
WANTED Young man who ha had somo
exHrlence In a retail store. Address 11
87)3, Bee. (9) MS2i 24x
WANTED A short-hand and typewriter
with experience of drawing legal papers
and real estate office aork. For partlcuiats,
address Geo. W. Hulton, Whitney, Neb.
(8l M22 23
WANTED Young man: good at figures
and well acquainted In city, with good
references. Inquire Bennett Coal Yards,
1113 Chicago. (9) M126 26
EXPERT male stenographer with clerical
experience. Railroad work. Good Salary.
Address O 87ti. Bee. () MT71 23x
WANTED Good reliable and experienced
clerk for general store In town of eastern
Nebraska; must be well recommended;
such who talk Bohemlnn language will
be preferred; salary $50. Address corre
spondence to Y 273, care Omaha Bee.
(9)-!12 24
WANTED Young man over 21 years old
for real estata work; experience unnec
essary; salary. Call or write, 'US
Neville Blk., 16th and Harney.
(9) 257 24
WANTED Clerk In railroad offlce. salary
$f0 per month. Address F. B. Southard,
A. y. A. U. P. H. K., Omaha. Neb.
(9) 291 23x
Factory and Trade.
POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F.
V. Kniest, 707 N. V. L., Omaha. i S90
WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few
weeks completes: tools given: wages Sat
urdays; board provided If desired; diplo
mas granted; pcsltions guaranteed; top
wuges nam. iau or write for catalogue.
Moler Barber College, 1118 Farnam St.
(8)-Mo6i 2;x
WANTED A good, steady man who un
derstands house moving; good wages to
right man. Address I. A. Murphy. Sioux
Falls, S. D. (9)-M848 ti
PAINTERS and paper hangers wanted;
union wages, 4 per clay tor 8 nours. L.
Florman Merc. Co., Pueblo, Colo.
(9)-M667 2S
WANTED Blacksmith: no horseshoeing.
ueo. coning at eon, lorit, reo.
(9)-M749 31
WANTED First-class barber; will pay $20
per w
er week. Addres W. A. Dodds. Gillette,
(9) Mi 86 X
WANTED Machine and bench men In sash
and door factory. Ten hours work; good
wages. Box 1155, Lincoln, Neb.
(9)-M789 23
WANTZD A good coatmaker; must be
sober; steady ot for the right party;
good wages. 203 Paxton block. A. J.
Sistek. (9) 792 2tx
WANTED A pantsmaker.
Barrett John-9)-926
ion. 1507 Farnam.
MEN. learn plumbing. Western Plumbing
rraue Hcmmi, ioo i remoni, uenver, l olo.
Day-nlgut classes. W. T. Crean. (9)
HELPERS wanted In alteration depart
ment; call secona noor. u pornntit'-tted.
mond-Normlle Co. () 215 26
'HARNESS makers wanted. Good wage
and steady employment." The P. J. Cro
uln Co.. Portland, Ore. (9) 277 27
COLLECTOR, ta) to $00.
If In need of a position see us at once. We
can place you without delay.
Suit 840-841-612 N. T. Life Bldg.
19) MaoS 23
WANTED, for the V. 8. Marin corps,
men between ajes of 19 and 85; an oppor
tunity to see the world. For full In
formation apply In person or by lottcr to
Recruiting oiflce, old Nat'l Bank Bldg.,
Cor. 12th and Farnam Sis.. Omaha, Neb.
(9) M553 M31
OV'R representatives make $78 per week.
Want one or two more. Bond required.
Address tn own handwriting, with stamp
and references. A 627, Bee. (9) 888
to 26, for firemen and brakemen on lead
ing railroads: experience unnecessary.
Firemen earn $lo0 00 per month, becorns
engineers, earn $Ai.'Ai; brakemsn earn
$75. iu, become conductors, earn $150.00.
( all or write at once for particulars. Na
tional Railway Training Assn. 20 X,
Paxton Mock, Omaha, Nb.
WANTED Man with steam plow, or seven
horses, to break prairie at Modale, la.
L. G. Vincent. Odell 111. (9)-M71 28
IF TOl! work for somebody else on sal
ary let me tell you how to make a
handsome addition to your Income by
using an hour or so of your time of
evening now and then; no canvassing
or agency work; strictly legitimate and
well worth investigating: entirely new
Idea. For full particulars, address In
perfect confidence. Address J s-ta. Bee.
(t)-M84t 28
WANTED A cake decorator; must be
flrst-clsss workmen. Apply candy C
partmenl. J. I. Brandeis St Sons
t9) $ 14
AGENTS engage In the mall order bulne
s. llln ouc Houm hold ltuober UooU by
nii.l. Catalogue f'.lnlshed with y.ur lor
frtnC InUia Rubber vfjlalty Co. Erte,
a. v- M Ux
Miser! la neons Coat laned.
150 MEN wanted to work on La
Preie Ditch. Teamsters, ifJ.'-'o
and $2.30 or day; rock men,
$2.50 ier day; board, $4.50 per
week. Apply to La Prele Diteh
& Reservoir Co., Temple Bldg.,
Douglas, "NVyo.
(9) M989 6
WANTED Assistant trensurer traveling
theatrical company; lorg season; ."!H
cash security and references required;
salary IJi per week, board and transpor
tation. Address 8 SSI, Pee.
(9e-MSTS 24x
WANTED Two young men. Apply Boston
Lunch, at once. 112 Farnam.
(1HM 25
DOT wanted at once. Aprly 1514 Dodue
(9)-911 28
WANTEI '-An experienced Janitor, white
man. 2102 Sherman Ave. (91 927 28
ADVERTISING managers, experienced
preferred, but not necessary, permanent
position; state age and references. Ad
dress American Trade Digest, First Na
tional Bonk Bldg., Cincinnati.
(9) 121 24x
MAKE 25 TO 1"0
a week In commissions and build up a good
business for yourself. Write H. & 1. T.
Blado, 118 Broad St., New York.
(9)-643 24x
WANTED Representatives with first-class
.references to sell high grade securities on
' commissions; no salaries paid, but we
bnck the right man to the limit. Barnard
& Clark, 118 Broad St., New York City.
(9) 949 24x
Bookkeeper and cashier, $75.
BOOKKEEPER, wholesale jjTocerias, W0.
And many others. For a good position sea
us. We can place you on sncrt nouee.
Offices m Kansas City and Omaha.
842 N. Y. Life Bldg.
(9)-3W 24
$30 WEEKLY paid men to travel, adver
tise, leave sample; expenses auvanceu.
For territory write Silvarton Company,
a. C Chlcaso. (9 9i2 4x
PAPER hangers and painter wanted; all
round men preferred; steady work to
competent men. Cowell & Felton, York,
Neb. (9)-992 24
LEARN TELEGRAPHY In tho only school
In the country that sends Its students to
railroads that will- refund them amount
fald for tuition; dispatcher' wire direct
o school room. Young men also pre
pared for railroad clerks, positions guar
anteed. Write for particular. Chicago
Railway & Commercial Institute, K. 51,
97 Washington BL. Chicago. (9) 978 24x
WANTE1 Men, each state, to distribute
samples of our goods and tack advertising
aigns; salary $L1 .per week; $3 a day ex
pense allowance. Saunders Co., Dept. 8,
Chicago. (91979 24x
WANTED Railway mail clerks. $18 weekly.
Examination soon. Preparation free until
appointed. Franklin Institute, Rochester,
N. Y. (9)-964 24x
WANTED men, everywhere; good pay; to
distribute circulars, advertiser matter,
tack sign, etc.; no canvassing. Address
National Distributing Bureau, 100 Oak
land Bank Bldg., Chicago, 111.
(9)-69 24x
WANTED-Several high-grade experienced
road salesmen for 1W; men capable of
earning large salaries; staple line; old
established Jobbing house Addres 1110
Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. Y1nn.
(9 f14 24X
WANTED Two men and 4 boy. Omaha
Box Co., East Omaha, (9) M922 26
WANTED Man thoroughly experienced In
handling fresh fruits and vegetable busi
ness ; good salary to right man; state
ege. experience and references. Address
P 8S3. Bee. (9) M195 26
. . ,
WANTED 20 cash boys and girls. Apply
J. ' L. Brandeis & Sons. (9) M203 25
CLOTHING manager to take charge of
large clothing stock In city of ar.O.OK); good
pay to right man and permanent. Call
Sunday I o'clock, room 323, Her Grand.
(91-274 24
VOL NO man to operate passenger eleva
tor. Nebraska Clothing Co. (9) 279 20
WANTED Man and wife on western
ranch, regular salary; also other work
netting $1,000 a year additional. Refer
ences required. Address H 307. Ree.
10 M!S:7 24x
BOYS and girls, get a beautiful gold watch
free. Correct timekeeper; beautifully en
graved; guaranteed. Sell 24 packages of
our bluing at 10c a package. Write today.
Royal Mfg. Co., O. L. Spencer. Mgr., 3041
Lows Ave., Chicago. (10) M159 2&x
$50 TO $100 a month easily earned under
our practical system of home press corre
spondence; send stump for booklet, "The
How of Money Making." Wlrters' Insti
tute, Lima, Ohio. (lo) 955 24x
Horse aud Vehicles.
t HORSES, weight 1,200 lbs. each, Wagon
and harness, $126; one team, weight 2,6o0
lbs.; one team, weight 3,oou lbs.; 2 farm
mares. 2113 Urant. Tel Douglas S410.
ALL klnda of horses, wagons and harness
for sale on easy payments. Buy your
I luina " iivii -r x L-u'siiai k'tajr lui
i suit your convenience; first pay-
ment when work ipen. Omaha Hurs
and Suuulv Co.. rear 414 N. 16th.
4 OR 8 work horse. Medium price. Tel.
Douglas 91)8. J. I. Kemp. 2513 Leaven
worth. (ID Sll
PIANO boxes and aewlng machine crate
for sale, oole at uunnell icxpresa and
Llvsry Co. Horses boarded, lfk-8 Far
nam. Tel. Doug. 670. 1718 Cass. Tel.
Doug. 4727. (11) 678 A6
GOOD team heavy mares. 281B No. 16th
AV. (uj utw
XIORSES-rRoadsters, general purpose and
work horses, bought, sold and exchanged
on commission. Myers, 1718 Jackson. Tel.
Red 8693. UD-601 A3
ONTS good driver or express horse; cheap
for cash. 2816 No. 15th A vs. (11) MOoi
FIVE heavy work teams, weighing from
X.'jiO to 1.6(0; three odd horses; six good
drivers, weighing from l.Ouo tj 1.150. It-sr
414 No. 16th. (11) Muo8
15 HEAD of horses, driver and business
horses; two span of mare, one span of
young mule, city broke. Jones' stable,
Ill4 Dodg ktreet. (11) 128
ONE driving horse, one span of worker,
2.100 lbs.; two worker. 1,1"0 lbs. each.
Coal office, 20th and Lake Sts.
(1D-MS99 29
FOR SALE Light weight surrey, with rub
ber tires, a bargain. 24U Pacific St.
(ID Mid 26x
ONE big patr of work horses; $70 tikes
them today. Myers, 1715 Jackson. Tel.
Red 8692. (1D-2J4 80x
PAIR black mares, half Shetland; drive
single or double and ride. 43d and Center.
RIDING pony, Jersey cow nnd e".
143 N. 7th. (11) M27
Poultry Eggs.
The extra chick saved by ftedlng B. it H
IDEAL CHICK FOOD more man pays th
fost of feed. Mfg. only by Bunnell A lluU
jk, 24th aud Belt Line, Omaha.
(Ill M12S A2
PMontr ISLAND RED e-i,. Xfartln. 2803
Indiana Ave. Tel. Harney lsol.
OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book Is
fr to ail who Will writ and ask for
It, til in where they saw tins ad. A
valuable book for every pouiCyman; ',(-)
pr. tiled. Addrtot Harris Poultry Co.. (.'lay
Center, NU (Uj-mJ HsyX
WILL sell 4 dojen 1-year-old pullets; alsi
2 pure-bred buff cochin cocks ?.i Valley
St. Uli M.Xi Ux
PA R ft ED PLTMOI T!! RiX'K3Fge;. 15.
11.: . 11.50; wo. 14. Austin Faucet t. Blair,
Neb, (11I-M-V4 Afx
prizes at the big Tii-Clty show In a class
of sixty. Eggs, lie each, any quantity.
H. C). Klddou. South Omaha.
SQUAB RAISING beats chickens, requires
less work, tlmo, room. Book Issued by
Department of Agriculture tells all about
It; copy free. Hornet Pigeons I.' pair; v i I -tors
welcome. M.nlel Squab Co, 1923 a.
loth St., Douglss 6tii4. (ID JJ159 M:7
BARRED Plymouth. Rck eggs, from pens
headed by 2d cock and 2d cockerel at the
Mg Til-City show; 13 per IS. $.' r r 30.
'Phone Red i47o. F. C. Ahlqulst. 2752 Mer
edith Ave.. Omaha, Neb. (ID Mo47 24
EOQS for hatching from fine thoroughbred
Single Comb M bite Leghorns; pure white;
tl.oo for 16. l.uiuistroii;. lo'l S. 2;th St.
(ID M646 ilx
FOR BALE Buff Wyandotte cockerel and
first-class eggs for hatching, tl per t
Ung. lm Webster St. (1D-M578 2Gx
SETTINGS from full-blooded Brown Leg
horn chickens, tl.ts. 1401 N. 27th.
(ID S8 Six
WHITE Plymouth Rocks Ten choice,
thoroughbred cockerels. $1.50 to $2 each;
few pens eggs, $1.25 per setting; satisfac
tion guaranteed. Mrs. Frank Brown,
Wood River, Hall County, Nebraska.
UD-MSne Six
EGGS from beautiful Barred Plymouth
Rock. Bradley Bros stialn; also pure
White Rocks. Flshel strain Tel. Harney
8364. 4340 Ersklne St. (11)-M.24 2sx
WE will give any one Homer Pigeons,
book about squab raising and It profits,
and guarantee market for squabs, all for
doing spare time work for us; enclose
stamp. Nebla Co.. Omaha. (11) 716 25x
BEAUTIFCr. thoroughbreds, bantams and
eggs, Brown Leghorns, large, drooping
combs. Plymouth Kocks, Mixed Leg
horns, Buff Leghorns; 6fc setting and up.
918 South 4uth, Leavenworth car line.
. U) 150 24x
BARRED Plymouth Rock eggs, from pens
headed by 2d cock and 2d cockerel at the
big Trl-City show; $3 per 15, $5 jer 30.
'Phone Red M7". F. '. Atilqult. 75i Mere
dith Ave., Omaha. Neb. (Ill M!3 SO
EOGS from hl?h-grude, olngle-comb Whlta
leghorns, $1 &o for 15. Regular "egg i
chlnes." Ludstrom, 1302 N. a;th.
(1DM18C 30X
Corrs, Birds, Doss and Pel.
MILCH cows, on eay terms. 43d
Center. (11)-
FOR SALE A very pretty Scotch Collie
dog. 6 months old, mule; also a Fox Ter
rier dog, male, 8 months old. 20Z2 Charles
(11) 2t2 23 X
LOST-Silvcr purse, with Inlt'fll E. L. B.,
at Krug theater Saturday matinee; reward
for return to Bee otllce. (12) M76J 22
LOST Mink fur scarf. Finder will klnilly
return same to office, third floor, O'Don-ahoe-Redmond-Normlle
Co (12) S5U 24x
FREE medical and surgical treatment at
Crelghton Medical College, 14th and Dav
enport Sts.; special attention paid to con
finement cases; all treatment supervised
by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1167.
Cnlls answered day or night. (13) 129
BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nervs
Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman &
McConuell Drug Co., Omaha.
(13) 820
DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women,
80 years' practice In confinement. Office,
614 N. 16;b; residence, 2421 Charles, Omaha.
(13) -811
Arnold's Asthma Cure Why look for cli
mate when you can be cured at home?
Arnold' Herb Asthma cures. Every
package has a binding guarantee. Bund
for free treatment. Arnold s Asthma
Cure, 715 Olive St., Seattle, Wash.
(13)-M393 23x
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
bies adopted. The Uood Samaritan Sani
tarium, 728 First Ave.. Council Bluffs. In.
Tel. 774. (13) 322
ANY poor girl In need of a friend call
or write to the matron of the Salvation
Army Horn for Women at 3S24 N. 21th
St., Omaha. Neb. (13)-M100
83-DAY blood remedy, th great blood
fiurlfler; sold only at Gladlsh Pharmacy.
2th and Dodge St.. Omaha (13)
DR. irtTTCHINSON. specialist of women
and children. Office, 2205 Cuming. 'Phone
Douglus 3067.
remedy cured my husband and manr
others after all else failed. in tabl-t
form for willing patients; may be given
secretly In powder form. I gladly 8' nd
trial treatment free to all. Address Mrs.
K. Downing, Key luO, Victory Bldg., Day
ton. O. (13) 944 24x
Get your Easter money of a reliable loan
ing concern one whose record speak for
One whose business la built up by fair,
honest dealing.
Our rules must be fair compared with
the "other fellow'' or we would not have
been bete fifteen years.
Our confidential and private method of
handl ng your business 1 the secret of our
Ijouiis handled quickly you get the
munev .ame d.,v vou -,.Dlv. ProUertv to
remain undisturbed
In your possession.
i x i .... u.....
'."Z": .L.. f"".'. 1 " Vs!
household goods, pianos,
"''.?;r. ",0 u "' ''"u ul
119 Board of Trade Bldg.
. (14) M149 29
PHOENIX CREDIT CO., for chattel or
salary loans. 638 Paxton block. 'Phony
Douglas 745. (14) 9-3
loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses,
etc., In any amount; less than half rates;
perfect privacy, Immediate attention; any
terms wanted; payment suspended when
sirk or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk..
hit South 16th St. (14) 921
EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom
modatlng; all business confidential. 13') I
Douglas. U4) 024
Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
adtances private money on chattels or sal
ary; easy to get; no red tupe. Yoi1 gut
money same day asked for ut small cokL
Open evenings till T. (14 M2
and others, without security; easy pay
ments, unices In 63 principal cities. Tol
man, room 714 New York Life building.
CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt
loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Furnan. ft.
(14) 830
FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans Duff
Green Loan Co., room 8. Barker block.
Our new plan enables you to obtain money
at rates which honest people can afford
to pay. We will make you a loan on your
salary, furniture or piano, and you can
pay us hack later In amounts fo suit your
convenience. Everything confidential.
Room 2c, Frenzer Blk., Ulfi and Dodge Sl
(14 A 7
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, cows,
horses, tic. C- F. Reed. 810 S. 18th.
Positively lowest ra tes eulest payments
Phons Doug. Go9. 04) M1U9
Boarding! and Rooms.
LADY and gentlemen desire board and
room wxhln twenty minutes walk of
Board r.f Trad bulldtug. Address P. O.
Box 263, (15) 630
tlnardlnsT and nnoma 4'ontlnned
VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms: rf.
THE ROSE. .v.i Harney, nice rooms with
good board, also table boatd.
(Ij)-MIoT A1lx
DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Furnnm.
FAMILY rooming and boarding house. 71i'
So. 2sth St. 'Phone 439 Harnef.
(151-M2SS All
HANDSOMELY furnished rooms and first
clans bonrd In private house to refined
couple only. 324 N. 19th 8t. (15I-76-1 26
BOARD AND ROOM, homo cooking, good
location. 2t. Harney St. (15) M!0 2T-
OOOD board and room, private family.
2317 N. 24th. (151-913 2
FRONT room with alcove, with or without
board. 2223 Burt St. . (151-915 25 x
A LARGE alcove room, east front, two
closets, modern; breakfast prlvllene. 116
N. 15lh St. (15;-.M251 30
FIR3T-CLAS3 board and room. fo$ 8.
24th Ave. (16)-M2o9 JO
Furnished Rooms.
NICE, clean, well-furnlsned, well-heated
outside room; house trlctly modern. '2409
Harney. 15-933
FURNISHED oi unfurnished room, mod
ern, close In; also good building, ultable
for carpentor or paint shop. 613 8. 25th
Ave. (151-M534 tlx
GOOD furnished room at $24 N. 31st St.
til) 631 24
GOOD single sleeping room. 2319 Doug
las. (13)-MiiS5 25x
GOOD Bleeping rooms.
219 N. 22d.
(lo)-MtiS 25x
NICELY furnished room. 2117 Douglas St.
(15)-M740 20X
LARGE furnished front room. 1917 Sher
man. (15)-M741 26x
ONE LARGB7 east room, with large closet;
also large front room, with alcove and
large closet; beautifully furnished; use
of telephone; centrally located. 1919 Cass
St. (15 MK87 29X
THREE large modern housekeeping and
sleeping rooms In best location. 422 N.
2,th St. (15) 912 29
GOOD sleeping rooms. 2214 N. 20th.
(15) 914 29X
GOOD furnished rooms. 2t3 S. 24th.
tiu) M839 2Sx
WELL-FURNISH ED rooms and board.
312 N. 25th St. (15)-M840 24X
GOOD, large, neat front room, for gentle
men. 2314 St. Mary's Ave.
(16)-M811 28x
ELEGANTLY furnished large alcove room,
lurge closet; also 2 lngle looms: modern;
phone. 648 8. 24th Ave. (151918 26
TWO front rooms, modern house, private
family; walking distance. 'Phone Harney
E2S. (15) 109 26x
GENTLEMEN Take one of the new fur
nished room at 405 8. 24th Ave., (24th
Ave. and Hurneyi; plenty of light and
ulr, unlimited supply of hot water at all
times; close In. Prices right.
05) 930 24
LARGE front room and alcove. Also
young lady wishes room-mate. 2418
Cass St. (15) M-237-20
ELEGANT furnished room, modern. Tel.
lied 6413. 702 S. 17th St.
(18) 236-24'
4 LARGE, nicely furnlshexl rooms, reason
able If taken, at once, rioti S. 2l'lh.
(15) 228 24x
FURNISHED rooms, modern convenience;
use of 'phone. 22!4 Chicago St.
(1) 220 24
TWO nicely furnished room for rent. 601
S. ISth St. Tel. Red 6261. (16)-263 30x
NICELY furnished, Hunny room, very
reasonable. 214 S. 3)th. (15) 295 24x
Housekeeping; Rooms.
TWO nice rooms; light housekeeping; ga
for cooking and light; reasonable. 614 S.
22d K'. (16) (ill 23 x
FURNISHED modern, sleeping and house,
keeping rooms, li3 Cass.
(16) 628 21x
TWO rooms for light housekeeping; mod
ern. 614 S. 29th St. (15.1 856 23
TWO excellent modern furnished room for
light housekeeping. 'Phone In house. 2574
Harney St. (15) M2U5
Apartments and Flats.
FOR RENT Three flats of three and four
rooms each, 23th Ave. and Douglas St.
Globe Land and Investment Co., rooms
1 and 2. Patterson Blk. (16)-M129
FOUR room corner flat, modern, 220 N. 23d.
FOUR-ROOM modern apartment; owner's
residence; private front and back
porches; private bath; choice location;
to family of two; price $. Address K
K 854. Omaha Bee. (16) M814
THE ONLY modern up-to-date apartment
house In the heart of the city; no car
fare; gas stoves, shades, combination
fixtures, tiled bath; beautifully decorated;
steam heat, janitor service. 114 N. lxth
St. (1E)-AI88S 29x
i AND 4-ROOM apartment, modern. 816 S.
22d St. (16) m 28x
$30 6-ROOM, modern except furnace,
flat, number 2210 Farnam St. This Hat
has new plumbing, porcelain tub, porce
lain sinks and every room newly pa
pered and varnished. Will be ready
April first. See us at onco about this.
N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam St.
(18) M-188-26
5-ROOM modern apartment, adults. 1112
S. 11th St. or 'phone Douglas 3999.
708 N. 16TH ST., flat, 8 rooms. $21
83d and Capitol Ave., 8-rm. flats, all mod
ern, finest In Omaha, $50 and $45.
1124-1121, 8 rms., all modern brick flats, $40.
1st Fl. N. Y. L. Bldg.,
Tel. Doug. 1781.
8-ROOM brick, 2401 Harney, new build
lng, Just papered. Price $55. Don't
bother nearby tenants. Ernest Sweet,
618 N. Y. L. (16) 935-21
Furnished ' Houses and Flats.
For six months, new brick 7-roorn house,
good location and well furnished. Ad
dress Postofllce Box 6d$ (15) M9
A GENTLEMAN having a fine home, fur
nished, in Kountze place, would like to
leuse nme to refined family who would
bourd him and his young son for the
rent. A Christian , Science family pre
ferred. References given and reotilred.
Address O-!W0. Beo. (16) 143 24x
Houses and Cottages.
2WT Seward St., 6 rooms, $12 80.
7l6 N. 10th St., flut, 2 rooms. $20.
2212 Spencer St.. 8 rooms, all modern, fine,
2215 Blnnev St, 10 rooms, ull modern,
choice. $10.
8524 Burt St., 10 rooms, all modern, an ele
gant home. $50.
23d and Capitol Ave., 8-room flat, all mod
ern, finest In Omaha. $.V) and $13.
26o8 Rees St., 8 rooms, modern except fur
nace, $11.
8'7 8. 841 h St., 8 rooms, modern except fur
pace. 1-5.
2o7 6. 2th Ave., I rooms. $25.
Slt and Jones, 7 r om, all modern, $30.
618 ri. l&th St.. 8 room, ail modern, $.s.
1124-1126. 8 looms, ail modern brick flats. $40.
Flrt Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug 17S1.
05s;( 23
8-R. MODERN, on Cuming Bt , $10.00.
7-R. modern, on Spencer at., $27.50.
7- R. modern, on N. 28th. new, li'D.
8- R partly modern, on Pierce tit., $-3.50.
8-R. modern, on Jacks in. $.5
k. modern, on Nlcholu. 8'.00.
TL'ilRELL CO., 17th and Farnam.
05;-Mfi 23
llnusea and Cottnates f ontlnnetl,
7-room house, partly modern, nnr ?;th end
S.ward Sts Inquire 11. II S'tnlt, 1 t
N. Y. Lite Bldg. 1 hone Douglas ;.I4
ti;.i- M3- 24
VF, MOVE Pi..- -Macgard Van and
Storage Co. i eJ. Doug. Hlti. Oflu-e, 1713
Webster St. USl-934
FOR RENT Modern l-room brick house;
11:' 8 Slat St.; $40 per month.
Brennan. room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg.
i FOR RENT, at 3 113 N. 3mh St. 5-room rot
i tnae. city water, $12. R. C. Peters - Co,
Bee Bldg.
tl5l Mslti i4
linimVSS ,n R" P"rt of flty. Tha I
0- Fi ,jUV,, Co, Bldg.
4.15) J
NEW 7-room nil nodern house. $27 80; flue
locality. 5128 N. 2.ld St.; take Florence
car to Brown. Owner, 61J0 N. 23.1 St.
Tel. Maple 2882. (1)-'
SEE us when shipping household goods to
larse cities west ; we can save you money.
Kith St. Tel. Doug. 1196. Ui)-94i
OMAHA Van Storage Co.. pack, move,
store, H. 11. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N.
19th. Office. 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559.
(15) 933
WE DO expert piano moving at lowest
prices. Tel. Douglas 16J5. Sohmoller St
Muelll-r Piano Co., 1311-1313 Farnam.
1 15) 941
FOR RENT Four nice rooms, city water,
without children. 1619 N. lMh St. C. M.
Bachmann, 4So Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 2W9.
HOUSES, insurance.
rtlngwalt. Barker Blk.
TinTTiT',sl In all part of the city. R.
UUUOLO c peUr, & Co., Bee Bldg.
(15) 37
IN BEM19 PARK, new S-room house,
strictly modern, $35. Tel. Harney 2029.
(lai M'."2 25x
'OR RENT SIS Worthlngton Place, 10-
room 3-story Ionise; modern In every par
ticular; hot water heat; very desirable
location; $:) rer month. Apply to Conrad
Young. 1518 Dodge St. C.5) M367
FOR RENT $40 B-room detached house;
strictly modern; call and Ree the house,
27 1 Dodge St., If suited call 'on Morand,
16th and Harney, teleplsyne Liouglas W41.
FOR RENT 7-room house, modern excpt
furnace- 211 N. 28th Ave.; newly painted
and papered; very convenient; rent rea
sonable Apply at 607 N. 15tb, or room 90$,
N. Y. Life Bldg. (16)-M764
2011 CLARK 8T., 4 rooms, owner pays
water, $15; 3107 Davenport St., 7 rooms,
modern, $.15; 662 8. 28th St., 6 rooms, mod
ern, $35. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker block.
(16)-M901 24
FOR RENT 6-room house, all modern. 7"4
8. 25th Ave. R. J. Dinning, 1316 Jone Bt.
(15) MSi'S 2Sx
FOR RENT 8-room modern cottage, fur
nished, $26; unfurnished. $J0; man and
wife onlv. 2850 Meredith. (15) 170 24
FOR RENT No. 3406 Center St., six room,
modern except furnace; Interior recently
painted and papered. W. H. Thomas. 603
First National Bank Bldg. (15) MltH 25x
80(i8 Hamilton, 5 room. $12.50.
2229 North linn St.. 4 roomB, $15.
Southwest 28th and Manderson, 7 rooms,
(15) 177 24
FOR RENT R-room modern house. 1148 S.
29th St.. $35. John Wr. Robblns, lr2
Farnam St. (16)-12S 24
FOR RENT 210 S. SOth St., 9 rooms, mod
ern, with furnace. Inquire next door.
(15) 138 24
2212 SPITN'CER ST. 7 rooms, modern. .. .PA
3221 Pacific St.. 8 rooms, modern $27
2nl0 N. 27th St., 6 rooms, modern except
heat $20
Seven new 5 and 7-room flats, close In.
Five rooms, first floor, two block from
postofflce, modern: water and telephone
paid; no children $40.
To see complete list call nt office.
HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St.
(15) 110 24
HASTINGS & HEYDEN will get you
tenant. (15)-1U 24
(458 N. 27th Ave.. 26 rooms, modern... $50. 00
419 N. 18th, 7 rooms, modern $40.00
S8M Sewnrd St.. 9 rooms, modern $30 (M
2842 Dodge, 8 rooms, modern $30. Of)
1717 Park Ave., 8 rooms, modern $17.60
807 8. 84th, 7 rooms, modern $28. no
2T.22 Ersklne St.. 6 rooms, modern $12.69
FOR RENT In Walnut Hill district,
seven rooms, all modern, east front;
price, $27,60.
1001 N. Y. L. Bldg.
'Phone D 2162.
(16) M268 26
7-ROOM house. No. 1618 Spruce St., mod
ern. Including gas stove, hot water
heater and curtain. H. I. Flumb, The
Chatham. (15) 192 24x
MODERN even-room brick house, 208 S.
20 th St. Inquire 2417 Jone St.
(15) 185 24 X
TWO 8-room house In South Omaha, low
2 2d and Mason St., 6 rooms, large yard,
$17.60 per month.
2515 North 17th Ave., 7 rooms, part
modern, $17.50 per month.
44th und Cass St., 2 7-room brlcK
house, modern, each $25.00 per month.
40ih St. near Cuming, 10 rooms, all
modern, $35.00 per month.
Tel. Red 2107. 1201 Farnam St.
$30.00610 8. 30th St., 8-room flat, all modern
except furnace.
$30.00312 N. 26th St., a large 10 or 12-room
bouse; look at it.
$26. 4J37 Burdett St., 8-room, all modern,
with new furnace and electric light,
house; newly shingled.
$20.00 8. 80th St., 8-room brick flat, all
modern except furnace.
220 8. 17th St. (Bee Bldg.)
2212 Spencer St., 8 rooms, all modern, fine,
2216 Blnney St., 10 rooms, all modern,
choice. $40.
3524 Burt St., 10 rooms, all modern, an
elegant home, $50.
2boe Kwi St., 6 rooms, modern, except
iurnuce, u.
807 8. 34th, 6 rooms modern, except furance
20? 8. 28th Ave., 8 rooms, $25.
31st and Jones, 7 rooms, ull modern, $30.
618 B. 21 h St., 8 rooiiMi, all modem, $:15.
First Floor N. Y. Llfo Bidg.
Tel. Doug. 1781.
14C8 N. 17th St., 3-ruom, city water, close
In, $10.
1752 Leavenworth Bt., 6-room, all modern
except heat, close In, 1-6.
154i fc. 27th St., 7-room, ull modern, only
712 . 16th St., 7-room, all modern except
heat, float In, $25.
716 8. 18th St., t-iuum, all modern except
heat. $30.
4!o7 Izard St.. 8-room, strictly modern, $-'7 5o.
81,'-8ia Park Ave., two new 8-room, strictly
modern brick hou-s, JJS-t being finished,
now ready for tuunis, $47. 6u each.
821-8U Park Ave., two new 8-r iom. strictly
modern brick houses, Just being finisiied,
$io each.
(XM-oot. N. 21st St.. two 9-room, strictly mod
ern and up-to-dato brick houses to be
vacant April 1. $.0. These are fltst-clasa.
tn 1-3 N. Y. Life Bldg.
Open Monday Exeiubg-
y D. WEAD. 1524 Douglu Bt.
S room cottage, 13 Douglas St., city
water 1 1260
8 room modern house, 2';27 Seward st;
burn .22-50
9 room modern brick house,-luJ7 bouth
29th st 35 00
12 room modern house and barn, 8i.i
Burt street
12 rooms modern. 24th and Harney st .
S tory and buseineiit bulding In whole
sale district with eieclrlc elevator.
4 story und htn-ment building on Far
num stni't nor ih street. Be" me for
pi ice ajid number (15) ;!3 2o
T-ROOM cottage, 698 . Jlat St. Inquire
Owen Mil xfT-.-ry, 1'JJl Purk Ave PI. one
Harney (16,-:V4 20
it'otitlnuNy! )
lpr-01 IIARNTY ST - WCC feet. R storlet
and lwiwinent. with steam heat and good
.le:itor; 4"1 P' r i"in(b.
JFOR47 & CO.. l'ii'l KartiM'Ti St
U;.t-7 2.1
1.112 HAHNt-'Y ST. Three Moilcs and lvo.
Incnt. ":'nU feet; rental ( pi r month.
GEORGE & CO.. l'i"l Kainnm S!
I WANTED -Man to share expenses of good
i esinbllshed otllce In center of whidesal
district. Address J care Bee.
tl5 3.:i
1M1 ponil.AS ST. '.M and
foci e.h: ! per month.
id floors, 22x70
C,i:oKi;E A- ct.. l'iot Farnam St.
U6I 23
F(Il REN T Farnam St. store In Duvldga
bide . steam he it.
JOHN v. RoBBINS. 1Sv2 Farnam St.
tlM M59S '-'8
THREE splendid modern offlce or store
rooms, mi ground floor, reasonable. Is2i
Farnam St. (151 M911 24x
to the fact that a successful, substantial
business deserves a convenient, well ap
pointed office. We have thoroughly modern
i i-iii,!'. miti i limine', Ml excellent il
lation the I'. S National Umli Building.
the bnnklnc room fornirrlv occupied hy tha
1". S. Natlonnl Bank for Icaie. Phis main
f loom ftioiii- eonr..i; m tu.lie ami
i there Is besides a directors' room, clerks'
; lunch room, private toilet, clerks' toilet and
i two excellent largo vaults, one being en
tirely of stone.
Telephone Red-2107. 1201 Farnam St.
PXF, large rfTlce room, ground floor, Ed
ward crelghton Institute Bldg., 210 8. IMh
St., opposite city hall. Inquire building.
FOR RENT- Desk room In Bee, office, ety
nao iiuimmK. u Di., ouuin umana.
Apply to manager. (15' -,t4
UNEQUALLED chance for druggist In
block with groceiy and meat mat kit.
Central, with fixture,. Rent moderate.
Beat of chance for good mun 111 t. st
Laundry rooms with 7"-horse power boiler
to run same. Apply 220 N. 23d St.
1919 FARNAM ST. New. up-to-date stora
room and basement; $'fi per month.
212i"t Farnam St. Small store room, suit
able for barber shop, bakery or tailor
nhop; $.'5 per month.
GEORGE & CO.. 1601 Farnam.
(15)-79S 23
FOR RENT Tho best located cornje
store In Omaha. Karnam and 16th
streets. Board of Trade Bldg. See P.
H. Phllben, Schlltz Hotel. (15) M253
ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing1
8c per foot. 206 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 14.
tllij A1546
CONTENTS of four-room flat for sale at
a sacrifice, must sell at once. Inquire
of flut 2. Wright block. 16th and Chlcaso
Sta. (14)-M93
HOUSEHOLD goods and sewing machine
for sale. 2710 Parker. (16) M848 24
FURNITURE for sale and 9-room houa
for rent; filled with roomerB. Addresa
C-848. care of Bee. U6) M566 28
FOR SALE Second-hand furniture, cheap,
including chairs, bookcase, beds, table,
etc. 'Phone Doug. 7136. 220 No. 24th.
(16) A1884 29x
FOR SALB Household furalture. piano,
etc. Apply mornings at Expressmen's
Delivery Storage, 224 and Izard, or 'Phone
Harney 2585. (161924 25x
MAHOGANY and onk furniture of eight
room house, a bargain If sold at once.
Call evenings or Sunday. 649 8. 26.h
Ave. (16) M-2S5-80
FOR SALE Oak hat rack, divan and book
case. Inquire 627 N. 40th St.
(16) MOT 26x
Piano, Or arans. Musical Instruments,
THE smnllegt piano In the west at the
Chicago Furniture Co. We also have the
highest grade second hand furniture at
small prices. 1413 Dodge St. Tel. Douglas
4887. (16)-M78l A20
PIANO, mahogany case. In excellent con
dition, cost $350, for sale at $150. 432 8.
24th bt. 'Phone Dougla 3206. (16) M83
piano, at a sacrifice.
Emergen upright
Apply 2413 H .mil-(16)-M81J
M'CAQUE BLDG. (15)-Ml3J9 A7
M'CAGL'E BLDG. (15) M037 A7
Free Music Lessons
$1.00 PER WEEK
Are the special Inducements to Easter
piano buyers at our store this week.
Aside from our matchless stock of
Stelnway, Steger, Emerson. Hardman
and 18 other standard makes quoted nt
it heavy reduction from eastern prices,
we offer the folowlng unprecedented
bargains In slight lv used instruments!
Kimball, burl walnut finish $ 80.00
Kimball, rosewood cose 76.00
Arlon, cottage slate 80.00
New England, mahogany case 100.00
Hallett & Cumston grand 110.00
Chlckerlng & Sons 125.00
Singer, mahogany cate..,.. luO.OO
Opera piano, oak case 105.00
Norwood, mahogany case 17.110
Vose & Sons son 00
$600 00 Ptelnway, good condition.. 3oO.UO
All make to elect from, $15, $23, $18
and up. Every lntrument fully guarun-
Ciu. or write for complete bargain list
Term. 60c to $1.00 weekly. New
pianos for rent, $3 and up. v a move,
Horc, tune und repair pianos. Tele
phone Douglas K.2S.
1311-1313 FARNAM ST., OMAHA.
(16) MJ51
Pool and Illllard Table.
FOR SALE New und second-hand bllllarfl
and pool table; we leud the world In
cheap bar fixtures; easy pa vtnents. Bruna-wlck-Hulke-Collendur,
4V7 B. 10th St.
Typewriters and feewlna Mut-lilnra.
If you trade with us we guarantee yt
will be fiiiblud with our g.odH und oul
Mull outers receive our most car. f 1.
attention. We ship ma'hlnes same .!..
as we receive order. Write us tor prh '
on your (hoi,,, of tvpewrlier. If you lie
not ilehlr" to buy. we will rent you a
nuil.ine m from 2 to (4 a month. 'A'
rent machines anywhere.
Special this week: t 'h dee of half d n: -r,
Mundc.rd machines. In good winking o.d
er. !0 each. First in gits first pick of
the lot.
1607 Farr.uui bt,
I'hore Doug. 8 '.'6
HO iiv-H