Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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j f A
f U IS creating lots of favorable talk among the people herein y
1 Omaha, and of course, that's exactly what we want. X
T an uuuijj limits uuiticuuy in me way oi sening
Y Rcady-to- Wear Clothing for Men, Women and Children on Credit. V
we want yoif to know about it and the only way to do
is to call and se for YOURSELF. No last season's goods here
everything is brand new and is priced plainly in figures
that will stand comparison. Step in and have a talk with
our credit manager -we want you to meet him personally.
Ladies' Easter Suits
Special for to-morrow only,
Ladles' tailor-made Eton ft ifl nil
suits, regular 115 values. rSlll llll
pedal price WlUUU
o Ladies' Walking Skirts
A In four different atyle, and in
II thl spring's newest Jabries, -S F" if
(I old elsewhere for S8.50, ISil 1111
II our price to-mirrow WWw
Easter Millinery
A Don't wait until the last minute,
. i tm urn
io Duy your new spring nat we are oner-
In? regular 15. 00 value in f Pfl
fl wered and tailored ISai aft 1 1
effects at UW,UU
row and let us show you how
nicely we can fit him In a suit
In order to
at this new
our price
Formerly Miller, n fa wart
JPar Dapsrtwnt Mast Take Other Steps is
Probing Brownsrllls Affair.
Ballets of tbe New Springfield tildes
Can He I'sed Only In
Manser and Schmtta
WA8I1INQTON. March 22. Secretary
Tail today transmitted to the senate com
Bait tee on military affairs a report o(
Brigadier Oeneral Crozler. chief of
ordnance, with reference to numbers of
the (tuns assigned to the negro soldiers of
Companies U, C and D of the Twenty-
fifth lnfnntry on the night of August 13
last when lirownsvllle was "shot up.
It appears from the letter of General
Crosier that on the face of the lists of
guns as forwarded by the officers of the
companies there were certain errors, aris
ing probably from mistakes In transcribing
from the property books of the companies.
The effect of this is to raise a doubt
whether two of the guns, held by expert
examination at the Springfield arsenal of
shells picked up in streets of Brownsville
to have been used In the affray, were In
arm chests of Company B, under lock and
key and not issued to soldiers as indicated
by the former report sent . to the com
mittee by the ordnance company of the
army. In his letters transmitting Oeneral
Crosier s supplementary report. Secretary
1 1 Open
II Until
I 10 fJd
ft 5.
t Taft says;
' will be observed that this does not
, .v ' In the slightest the conclusion of
4! f'tlit shells and made further tests
printcneia arsenal, as 10 me nuni
A guns from which the cartridge
o cVv'arged. The lists of the gun
' ) assigned to the men were not
hat a fine aiomatlc odor because It's
made of the choicest materials it
cures because It's nude of the ruht
material. Just smell one, that's all
you havt to do to compare It with
all other plasters.
IMIMIIIt Allteeft Plitn,
have bes In um lor 6o Thty sic
lh original and genuis. poroui siaxcrs
Mad of lbs Bursal asd WmI
matatlala. and Guaranteed uadsr tks
Purs Fsod sod Drut. Act, Juss So,
Ifrud. SsrtalN. 3.
Drandroth's Pills
A Lax mint W Blotd TnU
Escb pDI contains ooe rrmto of solid en
tacl ot satMpaiills, whwa, wuh otssr
valuable vgetbW prod acta, Biaka it a
biuod pattnar ot esccllcat character.
f ar Censttaattsa. IstabllehaO I7a
Men's Clothing for Easter
Men's Spring QuitsNew ar
rivals every day. VVs will offer for Saturday
a a special inducement our A f A f" O
regular 110.50 Men's Suits J)fc,0U
Boys9 Suits
Bring your boy to our store to-mor- O
Men's Hats
encourage Saturday night trade
store, we will sell men's bats In
either soft or siitr snape trial cannoi do
bouarht elsewhere under 12.50, rfa fl n n v
from 7 until 10 p. m-
Beaton's Location.
sent to Lieutenant Hawkins and were
never In his possession. This matter only
affects the qutwtlon of the custody of those
guns and the names of the enlisted men
of the company to wsorn they were as
signed, if to any of them.
Property Dnoki to Come.
In ord?r to remove the possibility of
error, Secretary Tart nus ordered tne
property toooks of all three companies sent
to the War department and has notified
the senate committee that the books will
arrive In a day or two. He says It will
probably be poaHlble from them to correct
the errors apparent on the lists as pointed
out In Oeneral Crozler'a supplementary
Oeneral Croiler's report gives In detail
the numerous errors made in telegraphing
the numbers of guns to Washington and
explains the manner In which such mis
takes could be made.
Another report from the ordnance bureau
of the army was sent to the committee by
Secretary Taft, which shows that the am
munition for the new Springfield rifle can
not be used In any other guns except the
Mauser and'Schmltx, either the calibre or
the fact that the Sprlnfleld ammunition
uses a flanged case excluding all other
arms. The type of Mauser, which Is
adapted to the Springfield ammunition Is
said to be used in Argentina, Peru, Bel
glum and Turkey and the Schmlts gun has
only three lands instead of four, which the
new Springfield rifle has and the bullets
consequently would be differently marked.
Seoretary Taft notified the committee that
should It desire further expert evidence on
this subject General Crosier and his as
sistants In the Bureau of Ordnance are
at the disposition of the committee.
Lieutenant on Stand.
When the committee convened today Sen
ator Fojraker called to the stand Lieutenant
Hawkins and began an examination of the
witness concerning the reports of tests
made at the Srrlngfleld arsenal of the car
tridge shells found In the streets of
Brownsville. Curing the sitting of the
committee a request was received from
Secretary of War Taft for the return of
the three bullets taken from walls of
houses In Brownsville and submitted to
the committee as an exhibit of the report
of Assistant General Purdy. The War de
partment desires to have these bullets
analysed In order to determine. If possi
ble, whether army guns were used In dis
charging them, and if so the numbers of
such guns. In view of this request the
committee decided to postpone the exam
ination of expert wit finesses and to sd
Joum until Monday, as It Is expected off!
cers of the Twenty-fifth regiment will have
arrived from Port Sam Houston by that
Body Lie a In Cemetery Rear Those
of Others Who Have
BOSTON, March ?r t'nostentatlon, ai
the poet himself had wished, but Impres
slvely memorable of the life and work of
the author, were the funeral services today
for Thomas Bailey Aldrlch. who died Tues
day afternoon at his home In this city.
B.ev. Paul Revere Frothlngham, pastor of
the Arlington Street church, conducted the
service. At the conclusion of the aerv
Ices the poem which Mr. Aldrlch wrote for
the one hundredth anniversary of the poet
Longfellow, and which wae the last work
of Mr. Aldrlch, was read. In ft he spoke
of death aa follows:
They do not die who leave their thought
Imprinted on some deathless p&gs.
Themselves may pass; the spoil they
Endures on earth from age to age.
With this reading the services ended.
The body of the poet was conveyed to
Mount Auburn cemetery In Cambridge,
where It was Interred not far from the rest
ing place of Holmes, I o well. Longfellow
and others w be have won fame la liter,
Municipal QovemmfEts Will Fe Abolished
ob Order of FmideoU
Marh Money Will Re Saved tr Inno
ratten and Ioeal Regulations
Will Re Rrnnaht lata
WASHINGTON, March 22. -Changes In
the local government In the canal tone
which will abolish all the municipal gov
ernments now In existence and result In
tha harmonising of various parts of the
tone will become effective April 1. Presi
dent Roosevelt has signed executive orders
providing for wholesale changes and Rich
ard Rogers, general counsel for the Isth
mian Canal commission, will go to the
cnnal tone with Secretary Taft and remain
there for some time to assist In reorganis
ing the government.
All the municipal councils, all the may
ors and other municipal officers will be
done awiy with and the Ave municipal
governments in the canal time will be re
placed by four administrative districts
which would be under direction of the
canal commissioners. These districts will
bn known as Ancon, Lmperader, Gorgnna
and Cristobal. Under the old organization
the five municipal governments were under
control of officers named by the commis
sion' and not elected by the people. Conse
quently the abolition of the municipalities
will not In any way limit the voice of the
people In their government, but will make
it possible for the commission to give the
administrative districts ordinances and
regulations which are In complete harmony.
Town Governments I'nsatlafartnry,
The municipal governments were found
to be wholly unsatlsfactury after a com
plete test and all canal officers are con
vinced that the new plan will be far more
satisfactory. It will result In the abolition
of the bureau of municipalities on tho
Isthmus which costs alnut I13.0O a year
and will cut off about 112.000 In salaries In
the municipal office, making a saving of
about 13.000. Many of the efficient munici
pal officers will be retained in various
offices under the form of government.
Mr. Rogers will not go to Cuba ar.d
Porto Rico with Secretary Taft's party, but
will remain In Panama for some time look
ing after changes In the government. It
Is estimated that the total saving to the
United States under the reorganised gov
ernment tone will be about $100.0il0. Fur
thermore, there will be a centralization and
unification of the governments of the
various sections which was impossible when
five councils and five sets of municipal
officers were endeavoring to enact and en
force ordinances which were widely ut
variance In the different municipalities.
Onethnla Snceeeds Stevens.
WASHINGTON. March -Secretary Taft
today announced that Lieutenant Colonel
Goethals would succeed Mr. Stevens as
chairman of tho Isthmian Canal commis
sion and engineer In charge of the canal
work, on April 1. When Colonel Goethals
becomes chairman by promotion from the
grade of commissioner ' there will be a
vacancy In the commission, which will be
filled by the appointment of former Sen
ator Joseph C. S.. Hlarkburn of Ken
tucky. As chairman. Colonel Goethals will
receive a salary of 115,000 annually; Majors
Calllard and Elbert and Civil Engineer
Bosseau, 114,000 each, and Dr. Gorgas,
Jackson Smith and Mr. Blackburn, 10,0u0
Old Woman Must Prove Herself
Daoghter of Feoentrlo Lara
YANKTON, B. D., March 22.-A romantic
story Is connected with a probnte cse now
nearlng Its end In this county. LArs Lnnd
strom, an eccentric farmer of Mission Hill,
living all alone on his fine farm, was com
mitted to State Hospital for the Insane for
medical treatment, and there died, about
two years ago. His estate was probated
and found to be worth $8,000, but no heirs
could be found. Notice of the case In local
papers brought hosts of claimants, most
of them absurd. The Swedish consul at
St. Paul appointed B. C. Krickson of Elk
Point to represent the heirs, and It Is be
lieved an old woman of 90 years, living In
Sweden, will get the money, which, through
legal expenses, has shrunk to about $n,ono.
She will get this sum provided she can
prove she was recognized as a daughter
nf T.nndRtrom. who married the sirl's
mother after the girl was born. It Is said
this can easily be done.
Business Men Assaulted While Trying
to Quell n Disturbance.
ELK POINT, 8. D.. March K. (Special.)
While trying to quell a disturbance In a
local pool hall last night Mayor W. V.
Main was assaulted and seriously beaten.
Other prominent business men who accom
panied him received similar treatment. Two
arrests have been made and more will
probably follow. The assault upon the
mayor has caused great excitement.
The mayor has been actively promoting
the raids on these pool halls and gam
bling dens. 1
Nebraska Man Buys Newspaper.
BIOUX FALLS, S. D.. March H.-(Bpe-clal.)
C. E. Sanders, a Nebraska news
paper man, has purchased an Interest In
the News, a weekly newspaper published at
Oarretson, situated northeast of Sioux
Falls. For some time the News has been
conducted by J. O. Sanders, formerly con
nected with an Aberdeen dally newspaper
as city editor, who since purchasing the
News has given It his personal attention.
The purchaser of an interest In the plant Is
his brother, and In future the paper will
be conducted by the brothers under the
firm name of Bandera Brothers.
Two Fires Near Pierre.
PIERRE. S. D., March 22 (Special Tele
gram.) Fire last evening did damage to
the amount of about S5.000 at Midland,
burning the hardware store of Schrader &
Koll and several smaller buildings. The
No mitter what the death cer
tificate says, the fundamental
cause of one-half the deaths re
corded is constipation. Cure
yourself of the habit by eating
which- is made from the whole
grain of the wheat berry. M
IO cents a package.
for aU by all Ortcort
An Exceptional Glove DealS
town has no fire protection and a number
of small buildings were torn down to pre
vent the spread of the fire.
A large barn on the Koch ranch, south
of llarrold. was burned Inst night and with
it six head of horses and a number of
cattle, causing a loss of several thousand
dollars to the owner.
Moron to Ilnve Gna Plant.
HURON, S. D., Mnrch 22-(fpecinl. The
Huron Gas company has closed a contract
with Chicago parties for the putting in of
a gas plant In this city, the plant to be used
for lighting and heating purposes. A fran
chise was granted by the city council some
weeks ago and It Is thousht the plant will
be In operation by. midsummer or early fall.
It will be one of the largest and beat. In
this section.
Vienna Hears that Trouble In Itou-
mania Has Beached an
Acute Stage.
VIENNA, March 22. According to tho
news received today In Hudupest from Mol
davia the peasant movement In Koumanla
is spreading. The town of Dorogol has
been sacked and burned by the peasants.
The Inhabitants were compelled to flee for
their Uvea ,
At Cucutenl, where many Hungarians
live, a light occurred between the Hun
garian and Roumanian inhabitants. Ftour
Hungarians are reported killed and forty
Fourteen peasants were killed In a col
lision with troops at Belgestl, while In
Fokshanu the people ore in revolt against
the authorities. The village of Sullce was
destroyed by peasant rioters. The fate of
the Inhabitants is not known.
BUDAPEST, Roumanla, March 22. The
agrarian revolt which at first was centered
around Botoeahnl, has now spread over
practically the whole of Moldavia.
A serious encounter between troops and
raiders occurred at Blegestl, In the district
of Bacau. The peasants attacked the troois
who opened fire and routed the enemy,
killing fourteen of them.
In the district of Vasull alone yesterday
twenty peasants were killed and scores
were wounded.
The movement Is really more agrarian
than antl-semltlc. The peasants In revolt
against me great xrun
leaned null Ul lilts lllia'iin 1H.IIU lit AiiJiiia.v la.
The absentee landlords, who control the
trust, happen to be Jews, and most of their
estates already have been sacked.
Americans Are Present at
Made by Connt Arce at
BERLIN, March 22. Count Arco, in his
wireless telephone experiments, has suc
ceeded In obtaining distinct exchanges of
words In a tolerably natural voice, at a
distance of two miles, by using poles thirty
feet high.
Rear Admiral Manny, who was a delegate
of the United States to the International
conference on wireless telegraphy at Berlin,
and Lieutenant Commander Howard,
United States navy, the United naval at
tache here, were present at a serl"s of
private exhibitions of the wireless tele
phone apporatus and have been able to
talk with each other at a distance some
what less than three miles. But the best
practical results are attained at two miles
or under with thirty-foot poles.
Governor Joins Them In an KfTort to
Form Fsiulue Relief Com
mission. ST. PETERSBURG, March 22. After a
long debate today in the lower house if
Parliament on the formation of the famine
relief commission as proposed by the con
stitutional democrats Premier Stoljpin
announced that the government fully
Joined in the proposition and would give
full assistance to the work of the com
mission. M. Stolypln'a speech was con
ciliatory. He admitted the government
made many mistakes.
The premier's announcement was tho
first approval by the government of the
policy of the constitutional democratic
party. The proposition was carrnsd unrn
France May Prohibit Manufacture,
Sale and Importation of
This Heverave.
PARIS, March 22 The committee on
hygiene of tie Chamber of D.-j-utles ha
reported In favor of the total piohlbltton
of the distillation. Importation, traffic In
and sale of abahuhe. The commission pro
po.tes that the. manufacture of abklntha
hall cease in one year .ind afier twu years
Uf sal become U'.c-U.
NE week ago wc were asked to make an offer on a large Glove
Stockto liquidate an Importer's account. Wc made a bidMhc
gloves are ours. Arriving on top of our already large stock wc
have concluded to give the public the full bencfitand at the prices
set for Saturday's selling the proceeds should all be in the money
drawer by closing time. Two lengths in genuine high grade lamb
vtans, white and blackball sizes
Quality sold everywhere at S3.25 to S3.50 on sale Saturday at S1.98 a pair.
Quality sold everywhere at S3.50 to S3.75 on sale Saturday at S2.59 a pair.
A new pair for every pair which will show a defect in fitting.
At same time elbow length silk finished lisle, sold last season at S 1.25, at 59c.
And a beautiful fine lisle, sold last season at $2.00, will go at 98c a pair.
are sold usually at bargain sales.
more than six pairs to a customer
Former Kansas Senator Leaves Jail at
Ironton for Abilene.
Proclaiming; Innocence, He Nays He
Will Devote Life to Work for
People with Tonitae
nil Pen.
TRONTON, Mo March 23. Joseph Ralph
Burton, who until his conviction In the
federal court was I'nited Stales senator
from Knnsas, was this morning released
from the county Jail here, having com
pleted his sentence of six months Imposed
when he was found guilty of violating a
federal statute by appearing before a gov
ernmental department as the raid repre
sentative of an alleged "get-rlch-qulck"
concern of St. Ixiuls. Burton entered the
Jail ut Ironton October 22, IS. His re
lease toduy Is due to the law which pro
vides for a deduction from a sentence for
good behavior. Burton's sentence also In
cluded a fine of $1,500, and the statute un
der which he was convicted debars him
from ever holding an Office of trust nr re
muneration under the federal government.
The fine, which has not been paid, wjll
be held over him as a civil Judgment.
SlKned Statement. v.
I'pnn leaving the Jail Burton gave out
the following signed statement:
This Is the (Irst Blgncd .statement I have
made for publication since the day I was
indicted. The Impression has gone out that
I propose to live for revenge. This Is a
mistake. I have no such purpose. The
wronirs done to me are the wrong of
others. Vengeance Is thought to be noble
only by the Ignoble. "Vengeance Is mine,
sayeth the lrd." Is the philosophy to
which I have always sunBcrlned in tne past
and to which I shall adhere In the future.
I am a thousand times more solicitous that
I shall not wrong another than 1 am con
cerried about the wrongs others have done
or may do to me. In saying this, however
I do not pretend to have more than two
checks. Nor do I think that It Is wrong to
retmloB hypocrisy.
I return to my home at Abilene, hrlmfull
of life and hone. Onlv my body has been
In Jail. My mind has been at all times
free, sustained with the knowledge that I
am Innocent. I shall tnke up my life's
work with "malice toward none nnd with
chanty for all.
Will Edit Newspaper.
With tn and tongue I shall stand for
policies and principles that I believe will
make for the general good, and oppose
such as I think are bad. It Is bad policies
that make bad men and bad governmenta
Easter Styles Are Here
We desire to announce our Annual Spring Opening Exhibition
which opens tomorrow (Saturday).
The Exhibition will give our friends as well as the public an op
Women's Suits
Women's Coats
Men's Suits
Boys Suits -
difference in the quality to what
Don't miss the chance. Not
while true policies make good men and
good government. My fight shall be against
measures rather than against men. 1 shall
have chnrge of a newspaper, unless there
Is a fraud order Issued nqalnst It before I
can arrange for Us publication. It will
reflect my Ideas. It la to be one of the
agencies In the work I hope to do. I shall
talk when I am not writing, and shall write
when I am not talking. The history of
my case, already prepored, will appear In
serltil form, first. In tho paper. The story
will not lie senatlonal; It will be truthful.
Interwoven with the hlstorv, and a neces
sary part of It, will be a discussion of cer
tain conditions In our legislative, adminis
trative and Judicial government that, I
think, have escaped the attention of the
average cltlzan.
I will not now go further Into my case
nor my plans and purposes. The rlrst
statement will be made on Saturday even
ing to my home people; then there will be
more to follow.
(Signed) J. R. Bl'RTON.
Accompanied by Mrs. Burton and his
niece, Miss Dorothy Mitchell, Burton de
parted for St. Louis, enroute to Abilene
Kan. '
Mlrhlican Central Train Strikes Street
Car, Injuring; K.leven Per
anna. Two Fatally.
DETROIT. March 22. Two people were
fatally injured and nine others, all girls,
were mora or less seriously hurt today,
when a south bound Fourteenth avenue
street car was struck at the Fourteenth
avenue crossing by a Michigan Central
railway train. The fatally Injured:
James C. Bmlth, aged 66 years, 118 Mo
Ornw avenue.
Miss Charlotte Martin, Mason City, Mich.
There were twenty-two passengers on the
car, a majority of them girls, on their way
to business. The car stopped at tho rail
road crossing and the conductor ran ahead
as usual, but apparently did not see the
approaching train. The view up the track
Is somewhat obscured by nearby buildings
Just after the car passed under the gates
and out on the crossing the gateman
sighted the approaching train and lowered
his gate, but the car was already on the
track. Engineer Smith of the train says
that he did not see the street car until
within seventy-flve feet of It. He Instantly
applied the brakes, but the distance was
too short to stop the train. It struck tho
car which had stopped, In the middle,
splitting it In two and throwing the
wreckage fifty feet away against a trolly
pole. A few of the passengers sighted the
oncoming train JuBt before the collision
occurred and tried to escape through the
rear door. There was not time enough,
however, and they were hurled Into a heap
among the wreckage. Smith was talcen
portunity to learn just what is correct in
Spring Styles for Men. Women and Children
We cordially invite every reader of this paper to
be present and we ask you to take particular notice
of the fact that while we give generous credit our
prices for the newest fashions are as low as any cash
S10.00 to S30.00
S7.00 to $30.00
S7.00 to $20.00
$2.00 to $5.00
The Best S3.50 Shoe on the
Market today.
1508 DODGE ST.
from the wreck with his skull fractured
and other injuries about his head, which
will prove fatal. Miss Martin was severely
hurt Internally.
Illinois Man Knda Life.
C11TCAOO. March 22 Ixiuls Chaldeeott
secretary and treasurer of the National
'hide compnnv. committed suicide today .
by shooting himself through the head. He
had for some time been suffering from ner-
ous debility. Cnaldecott recently came-
here from Sycamore, 111.
Partly Cloudy In Nebraska, Iowa nnd
South Dakota Today nnd
WASHINGTON. March 22 Forecast of
the weather for Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebraska and South Dakota Partly
cloudy Saturday and Sunday.
For Iowa and Missouri Partly cloudy
Saturday and Sunday; variable winds.
For Knnsas Fair and continued warm
Saturday and Sunday.
For Colorado Partly cloudy Saturday and
Sunday; showers In west portion Sunday.
For Wyoming Fair Saturday and Sunday.
Local llernril.
OMAHA, March 22 Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared wnn
the corresponding, day of the last thre
years: 1C"7. 19"6 l!". lWt.
Maximum temperature.... 6 26 64 61
Minimum temperature. ... Ml 15 44 3d
Mean temperature D!' 20 M 41
preclpltutlon w i i .u
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1
and comparison with the lart two years:
Normal itemperature 89
Excess for the day 20
Total excess since March 1 124
Normal precipitation men
Deficiency for the dai Oft inch
Total precipitation sir . ?e March 1... JJ4 Inch
Deficiency slnre March l w incn
Excess for cor. period In I 34 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period in 1305 2 Inch
Reports from Stations nt T P. M.
Station and State Temp. Max. Rain
f Weather. 7 p. m. Temp. full.
Bismarck, cloudy 56 68 T
Cheyenne, cloudy 68 Kl .W
Chicago, clear 64 72 .n
Imvenport, cloudy 6 Tl .'W
Denver, cloudy... 62 7) .
Havre, clear 4ii 46 .00
Helena, clear 40 4 T
Huron, part cloudy 54 2 .00
Kansas City, clear 84 rt .00
North Platte, cloudy 62 66 .
Omaha, cloudy 63 CS .00
Rapid City, cloudy 62 M .00
St. Ixula, clear 80 8 .00
St Paul, cloudy 62 56 .00
Suit Ike City, cloudy 63 fc4 T
Valentine, cloudy 6S 61 .o
Wllllston, cloudy............. it U .M
T indicates trace of precipitation.
L A. WETlt Local Forecaster.
Ho matter "in what town you live
you can buy Men's and Youth's
Suits, Topcoats, Raincoats; and
Trousen by Mail on easy payments
direct from our factory. State what
garments you want and whether tot
Man or Youth, and we will send you
samples, prices and terms,