Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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1007. "
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1 1
J Splendid Saivinjj Opportunities in Our SpeciaJ SeJurdaiy SaJes
79 1
Greaf Opportunity for Music Buyers
Sheet Mnslo B.0 Copy, Any 11
Copies SOc A'ld lc per copy pontage
In ordering by mull. Theso wlw
tlons an both vocal and Instrumen'al
and rnmpriiK sacred nnnga anl easy
teaching pieces: Palm Branrht,
tan re (vocal); Jerusalem (sacred
nn)i Calvary (sacred nonit, three
keya); One Sweetly Solemn Thought
(vnrH Romance of Iove (beautiful
Spanish; Little Fairy Hall
(easy teaching piece); Bridal Chorus
from Lohengrin (piano); Flower
Bona", I-anse 1 piano); Fifth Nocturne,
leybach (piano); Hustle Dance (fine
teaching; piece, easy); Heautlful Blue
I'enube Walts; Mlaere. Trovatore (vo.
cal): In Happy Momenta (Marltana
vocal); Faust Flower Pong (rocal).
Hundreds of other classical numbers
to select from.
50c Silk Veilings Only iQ
This lot of Silk Veilings has just
been received thla wek and repre
sents all the new stylo for spring,
all colors, all styles, regular prices
85c to 10c, special sale prlc Satur
day, yard 10o
New Ruchings
On Sale
Juat received, the great eat line of the
season; all the new colore, all the
new styles, all go at one-half price
10c Ruchings, In nock lengths 60
1 5c Ruchlnga, per yard 7o
20c Ruchlnga, per yard lOo
Inc Ruchings, per yard 12 Ho
115o Ruchings, per yard I7-0
Ladies' Hew Belts
Th, very latest novelty In Leather
Belts, with fancy stone-studded
buckles, regular price U speclul
ale, price Saturday only 6O0
Special Demonstration
Riker's Toilet Dainties
To Ihose who want the best without ex
travaganl cost Riker's preparations are a
boon. Discriminating women everywhere
have made Riker's goods most popular.
Hiker's Violate Cerate Is entirely unlike the creams
And ointments generally Bold for toilet uses. la not
a grease, but a beneficial skin food and beauty
builder. No preparation Is more appreciated by women who value and
care for their complexions.
Be Special Demonstration Saturday on Main Moor, Front Room.
Annual Sale Men's Neckwear
Begins Saturday, March 23
This department offers the most complete assortment of fine ma
terials and newest colorings and shapes for your selection to be found
In the west. With this goes the advantage of specially low price.
always an attractive feature at llayden s.
Men's Four-ln-Hand Ties, in pretty
light patterns for Easter, at
$1. 60. 98c and 50
Men's Ties, Four-ln-Hands, Tecks,
Clubs, etc., that sold up to 60c,
thousands to select from, at,
choice 25 s
Men's Hhlrt for Spring Wear if
you have a preference in pat
tern, it's here; if you have a
preference in style, it's here.
Never before was assortment bo
complete shown In Omaha.
Griffon Brand Shirts, every con
ceivable style and pattern, at 12,
$1.60 and 9S
Elgin Shirts (union made); a full
and complete line at $1.60
and $1.00
Men's Fine Madras Shirts, new
black and white patterns, in fig
ures or stripes, worth to $1, spe
cial at 50
Men's Heavy Work and Dress
Shirts, good patterns, broken
lots while they last at...25
In Our 5c and 10c Dept.
Big- 3He and 6o Sals,
Round rolls Toilet Paper. 6c alse SHo
Square packages Toilet Paper, nc
alee SHo
Fine Tea Strainer, wooden handle 3 Vjo
Long Handled Wire Toasters. .. .Slo
6c box Hardwood Toothpicks. .. .9iO
t pkgs. Carpet Tacks, worth 10c. SHo
76 feet Braided Picture Wire (lOo
package) IHo
6c package Polishing Wax for Iron
ing 3l0
Fanov Thin (flint glaaa) Glasses 8Ho
9x14 Folding Wire Picture Racks 8ViO
Long Handled Metal Mixing
Spoons 9Ho
Long Handled Wood Mixing
Spoons BVio
Wooden Potato Mashers, worth
lOo ., Ho
Vegetable Brushes, only 3V0
All slies Pot Covers, up to 10-ln 3V0
Retlnnnd Pie Plates, Dippers. Cake
Cutters, Pint Meaeuree, Funnels,
all worth 6c to 15e each 8V40
10c pkga. Dixon's Stoye Polish.. 3Ho
Imperial Tin Graters, seml-round.gWo
10c size Shlnola Shoe Polish 60
1 not ask us to sell you these
goods after this sale; we cannot do It.
Just Bead These Items fox 50.
Extra large fine Wire Tea Strainers,
wooden handle, worth loo So
Hardwood Towel Rollers, worth
16o s
Solid Steel Frying Pans, only 00
2 large retlnned Pie Pans, only.... So
Heavy Wire Carpet or Rug Beaters. 60
Mop Sticks, long handle, only Co
Flue Stops, for Saturday only So
Heavy Enameled Drinking Cups or
Busting Spoons Bo
Heavy Tin Wash Basins Bo
Cake Pans. Pie Pans, Dust Pans, all
worth 10c to 15c, Saturday So
Dover Kgg Beaters, worth ISc, only. 80
7 doi. Brass-Headed Tacks. ...... .So
lBo else 10-quart Tin Palls So
10c slse Asbestos Stove Mats So
Hx6 Palmetto Scrub Brushes,
worth 12c, only Bo
Wooden Salt Boxes, only 80
No. 1 Sprinkling Cans, each So
Japanned Candlesticks, 10c
Quality .alio
Annual Easter Glove Sale
Our Easter Glove Sale starts Saturday with greater assortment and better values
than ever before shown. The quality and style of our offerings speak for themselves,' as
thousands of customers will attest. Suffice it from us to say that no one with gloves to
buy can afford to miss this Saturday sale.
V 7
Ladles' genuine French Kid Gloves, 8-button
length, with clasp fasteners, Saturday .J)g
Ladles' Suede Gloves, In 12 and 16-button
lengths, black or white, In this special sale
t 81.50
Ladles' Street Gloves, In finest real kid,
black, white and all new spring shades, with
two or three clasps, $1.60 qualities, sale
price 08
Ladles' genuine French Kid Gloves, 12-button
Glase, In this special sale at. 981
Ladles' Real Kid Gloves, 12 and 16-button
lengths, fine imported stock, all colors, at,
Pr 31.03
Ladles' Gloves, In fine quality Italian lamb,
all the new shades for spring, one, two or
three-clasp, In Saturday's sale G9t?
Ladles' Kid Gloves, worth $1.60, sale price,
pair 490
Onr Sale of Men's Gloves for Easter will be
the sensation of the year. An Immense lot
offered to us because we could handle the
quantity, at a fraction of their value many
of them bearing manufacturers' names you'll
readily recognize as $1.50 values not a
pair worth less In this great sale your
choice of the lot, 98c and 49
Fashion's Most Favored Spring Styies
SUITS, GOWNS, JACKETS, WRAPS, WAISTS, SKIRTS nre here in prodigal variety of fabric
and color. Never before has a display so brilliantly attractive been shown. Every express
brings new style ideas styles were never more beautiful; prices never more alluring. We
Invite your critical inspection of our spring style.
Crown Jewel Suits at $25.00 are, if possible, more beautiful than
ever before. All who see them express their approval of the splen
did styles and quality. 100 new ones Just received for Saturday's
selling splendid value at $35.00 our price $25.00
200 Tailor Suits, in the newest fancy mixed and plain materials,
beautiful designs, in Eton, blouse and pony styles, $26.00 values
elsewhere, our price 814.90
$16.00 Suits at $9.90 A special purchase of 250 Suits, in bilks and
great variety of wool materials, newest styles, all colors, made to
Bell at $15.00, while they last 89.90
NEW Sl'ltlXO COATS More than all the other houses combined.
Our special prices Saturday will delight all who appreciate good
, style and quality at a splendid saving.
$7.50 Covert Coats at $4.95 A splendid line of new Coats, In good
quality coverts, plaids and checks, regular $7.60 values, special
$12.00 Covert Coats at $7.95 The nobbiest garments ever offered
at the price; pony, box and tight-fitting styles, all new, good value
at 112.00, special Saturday $7.95
Extra sized skirts for large women, all newest styles, materials and
colors, 600 new ones Just received; prices $12.50, $10, $7.60, $3
Manufacturer's Skirt Stock Over 1,700 garments, in plaids, chocks
and plain colors, fine voiles and many other materials, $10, and
$12 values, while they last at $5.98 and ja 00
NEW WAISTS FOR EASTER A splendid assortment of
all the wanted styles, materials and colorings greatest
showing and most enticing values at $15, $12.50, $10,
$7.60. $5 and $3.98
$4 Waists, In Japs, lingeries and linens, special Satur
day at $1.95
From 8 Till O A. M. Women's Dressing Sacques. .15?
From 8:80 TiU 8:80 A. M. Infants Knit Bootees, 10
From 9 Till 10 A. M. Infants' Dibs, each 5.
Children's Spring Coats, in pretty checks and plaids, nob
blest new style, at -4 $1.98
Children's Spring Coats, in pongees and fine cloths, worth
$5.00, snap at, choice $2 95
From 0:80 Till 10:80 A. M. Women's $2 Heatherbloom
Underskirts at j qq
From 10 TIU 11 A. M. Children's Gingham Dresses.25
Omaha's Greatest Money Saving Meat Department
Special prices that mean substantial savings to our customers. Qualities always A-l.
Pork Loins, per lb lO1
Pork Eoast, per lb 94
Pot Boast, per lb. . .7 and 5
Sirloin Steak, per lb. . . .12V2
Round Steak, per lb ..... . 10t
Shoulder Steak, 4 lbs 25
Rib Boiling Meat, special. 8 lbs. .25c
Best quality in the city Saturday, at,
lo 14c
Saturday Shoe Sale
Wen's extra rood box ralf blurlipi a.
i) ilia cap too lusts
Men's vld kid ard nun metal
calf oxfords stylish
Men's rnt'nt colt blurhcr welt 1
tx fords, luane cap loe, CQ
Men's vlcl kid or Kn metal calf, styl
ish welt sole Oxfords, QQ
20 styles new Queen Quality Ox
fords, all leathers. 13. Du. O Cfl
$3 .00 and t.JV
Orover's Soft Shoes and Oxfords for
tender feet.
Ladies' Neckwear
We nre closing out a prnnd lot of
ir,o to aro Nockwenr on Satur
day at, each
1H Not Miss This.
Easter R b)ons
The greatest ribbon sale ever held
In Omaha. Come early. All
kinds, all colors. Taffeta. Satins.
Printed Warp?, Mousselln
Checks, stripes, etc. Trlies, up
from l
If ou want Neck Ribbons,
If you wsnt Millinery Ribbons.
If you want Velvet Itlbbons,
If you want Trimming Ribbons,
Be suro to come Saturday early.
The greatest ribbon sale of the
Charm ing Millinery Mode
attractively priced at Hayden's.
materials, correct styles, correct fPfS$$y
prices the highest onler of millinery art. (j&tt i.tXTTi
Hata of Point d'Esprlt $S.OO to $12.00 Mviwi!
Hats of Allover Laces 8.YOO to t2.00
Hats of All Flowers $.1.00 to SIO.OO
Hats of imported materials. $10 to $25.00
New York Pattern Hata $15 to $ao.OO
Imported Pattern Hats $U5 to $55.00
Hundreds of nobby hats, mMe of do-
mestto braids and materials, designed and
trimmed by us
Worth $1.00, special at $1.98
Worth $5.00, special at $3.50
Worth $7.50, special at $5.00
All Other Huts Marked In Plain Figures.
Grocery Department
Haydsn's for Groceries Wi can
save 70a from 05 to 60 per cent on '
yonr living expanses.
Owing; to the enormous Increase of
business we have been compelled to
enlarge all our departments In our
mammoth basement, thus assuring
our customers better service than
ever. Read these prices:
83 Ids. Beat Fur Can Granulated
uff $1.00
10-lb. sack best Ture White or Yel
low Cornmeal I 10c
10 lbs. best Hand Ficked Navy Boans
for SOo
10 lbs. best packed Breakfast Rolled
Oatmeal 2 So
19 lb, best Pure Buckwheat Flour
fdr ' 30
Gallon cans Pumpkins. Peaches or
plums 3So
1-11). ck(. Grandma Mlnce Meat.... So
Carnation Cream, per can 8ViO
Oil or Mustard Barrtlnes, ean...i'xO
H-lb. can Breakfast Cocoa 800
1-lb. rk. Cold Water Starch 4o
Best Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb. Oo
Best CrtsD Olndersnaps. lb Bo
Eg-g-O-See BreakfaBt Food, pkg.TH"
China Department Specials
Beautiful Krys-Stal, the new pebble glass, the nearest to cut glass ever
made. Quart Cream Pitchers 15
lOO-Piece Decorated Dinner Bets, underglazea decoration, Deauurui ae-
siens. special $4.98
Brass Candlestick and Candelabra, Russian hand forged a beautiful
line just received prices up from 15
Green Matt Bayze Jardinieres 30
Plain Crystal Tobacco Jars for decorating with cigar bands, each. 40
Decorated Plates, Cups, saucers, Howls, Fruits, IN apples, etc., special,
choice 5
Furlna Pancake Flour, per rklT.-TiO
Shredded Wheat Biscuit, pkg.... so
Grape-Nuts, per pkg So
Fancy I 'airy Butler, per lb B3o
Fancy Separator Creamery Butter,
per lb 870
Fancy Full Cream Cheeso, lb....lBo
The best Tea Slftlngs, per lb..l8Ho
Fancy Santos ColTee, per lb lBo
Omaha's Greatest Trssh Trait and
Vegetable Department.
2 bunches Fresh Ieaf Lettuce. .. .Bo
2 bunches Fresh Radishes. ...... .Bo
Large Heads Fresh, Crisp Colory. Bo
8 bunches Fresh Young Beets.... lOo
8 bunches Fresh Young Carrots.. lOo
2 bunches Fresh Young Turnips.. So
Fresh, Hlpe Tomatoes, per lb,.18Ho
2 bunches Fresh Parsley 60
Large, Juicy Lemons, per dnsnn,.10o
New Honey, per sack 18Ho
New Imperial Figs, per lb TVio
Large Urape Fruit, each So
California Figs, per pkg 9Ho
Inrre Heads Cabbage Co
128-stzn Fancy Sweet Highland Navel
Oranges, worth everywhere 40o to
ROc per doxen, our price, dozen. 8S0
Don't fall to get oar prices on Ear
nasi If yon need any.
Gttat (htccea Mads in Craw bj a Cincle
Extra Card.
rrohwbllltlea lo Poker with Fifty
TkrM Cards A Prlr .A di
ttos to the Great Amer
tcam Oosse.
t Yng the many eviaences 01 me curu
lV tr d'"lr 'or something new la the
,' h! Increase in the popularity of
I whef,"c,rd Pok,r t"1 Per with
1 extnr1dd to the pack,
f shell to tnl not an American
t to ha but Is a change which has been
) arm the continent of Europe for
.' fcy afs. The first mention of It In
V j.. xlussiisSi to have been about 1874, but
. J. Whether the Idea originated in England or
la France ts uncertain.
Bo far there Is no distinctive name for
this variety of poker In this country. The
French call it mlstlgrls," but the word ls
not familiar to the American card player.
and at It has rather an awkward sound It
Will probakly be shortened Into "misty" or
somethingof that kind if it ever comes to
be recognised as the right name. Then we
shall have the card players of the next
veneration wondering where such a name
as "misty" could have come from.
The name mlstlgris, like the game Itself,
Is not a case of atavism, as some authori
ties would have us believe, but both name
and Idea are grafts from another game.
Writers who Imagine that poker was de
rived from the English game of brag, be
cause they see certain elements of similar
ity In the two games, tell us that mlstlgris
la a sort of return to the parent game. In
asmuch as It Introduces the "bragger" to
the pack once more. '
Basic Idea of nregr.
But brag 1b not from the same stock as
poker, the only resemblance between the
two games being that one of the principal
objects Is to get pairs and triplets. Bat
this Is also true of crlbbage and many
other games which have nothing to do
with either poker or brag. The idea of at
taching a value to pairs and triplets Is one
of the fundamental principles which un
derlie the construction of many of the old
est known games of cards.
Brag is an English emigrant from the
French family of games which started in
the time of Charles IX with brelan, which
was itself derived from gllet, a descendant
of the still older Italian game of prtmero.
From brelan the French developed boull-
lotte and amblgu, and then about 1674 we
find the English playing a variation of
these games called post and pair.
Not until forty years later. In 1714, do we
find mention of brag, but in the "Memoirs
of the Lives, Intrigues and Comical Adven
tures of the Most Famous Gamesters and
Celebrated Bharpers," by Theophllus Lucas
of London, we have a very Interesting ac
count of the game and Its attractions.
Brag was a three-card game, played with
the full pack. The dealer put up a certain
amount before the cards were cut and then
gave each player three cards, one at a
time. Each In turn could then put up an
amount equal to the dealer stake, or
could raise It, or throw up his hand and
pass out.
If no one would piny, the dealer received
a small forfeit from each player at the
table and the deal passed to the left. If
any one played and bet so much that no
Most persons 'who are afflicted with Contagious Blood Poisou hesitate to
gt to .1 physician for several reasons. In the first place the expense 19
heavy, and they know that the inevitable treatment will be mercury and
potash, strong minerals that act with disastrous effects on the delicate parts
t ef the system, and which do not, alter all, really cure the disease. What
they want is a safe, reliable treatment that can be takeu at home and a per
lect cure made of this loathsome disorder without unnecessary exposure or
expense. Such a remedy is S. S. K. it is the only medicine that goes down
to the very bottom of the trouble ami drives out the last trace of the poison
go that there are never any sipns of its return. It does not contain a particle
cl mineral in any form, and after removing tjie disease from the circulation
builds up every part of the system by its fine vegetable tonic properties.
. t. . attacks the trouble at its head and
not only permanently cures the disease for
the one afflicted, but so purifies the blood that
future offspring is insured against infection.
S. S. S. may be taken in the privacy of your
home and a perfect cure made of this hateful
and loathsome trouble. For the assistance of
those who are curing themselves with S. S. S.
we have prepared a special book on Contagious blood Poison which contains
instructions of great value to all blood poison sufferers. We will be glad
to send a copy of this book free, and if additional instructions or advice
1 wanted, our physicians will furnish it without charge.
one would call Mm, he took the pot with
out showing his cords. If a call was made
all the hands in it were shown and the
best brag hand took the pooL
Hands That Counted.
The only combinations of any value In
brag were pairs and triplets, and of course
three aces was the best possible hand.
The peculiarity of brag was that there
was a special privilege attached to three
three cards In the pack, which were called
These were the ace of diamonds, the Jack
of clubs and the nine of diamonds. Any
player holding one or more of the cards
could call It what he pleased, so that If he
had a pair of queens and a bragger he had
three queens. A ten and two braggers
was practically three tens. In case of ties
the braggers outranked one another In the
order in which they were given, so that
a pair of fours with the jack of clubs
would beat a pair of fours with the nine
of diamonds.
But In brag a natural combination would
beat one made with a bragger, so that
three eights were better than one eight
and two braggers. In the same way a
pair of kings would beat a king and a
When the French game of poque came
into vogue the game was changed Into
what Is called "three stake brag." In
which there are three pools to be decided.
The third card given to each player was
dealt face up, and the highest shown took
the first pool, braggers outranking cards
of the same denomnlatlon. Then the play
ers bet on their pairs and triplets for the
socond pool, and finally they laid down
all thslr cards face up and counted the
pips on them for the third pool. After a
while they got to buying more cards from
the pock to Increase this pip value-for
the last pool, and then a limit was set
to the number to be reached, and from
thla they got the Idea of our modern game
of vingt-et-un.
When this game of brag got to America
the ace of diamonds was dropped and we
And all the Jacks and all the nines used
as braggers, so that there were eight of
them In the pack, but they had no rank
with regard to one another. In this game
natural combinations were better than
those made with braggers, on account of
the number of braggers In the pack.
In the earliest book on card games
printed in America, "Hoylc's Games," pub
lished by Edward Cotton and printed by
C. Btebblns of Boston In lili, we find a
description of American brag. In which
the compiler falls Into the curious error
of telling us that three aces will beat two
aces and a bragger. He repeats this for
every card in the pack, as if there were
five of each denomination. FUteen years
later George Long of 161 Broadway, New
York City, copied this description in his
"Hoyle's Games." Including the errors of
the Boston original.
Foker Takes the Lead.
When the American game of poker got tj
France It very quickly superseded boulliotte
and brelan. As tl.u new ksjii required
fifty-two cards, the French pack being
only thirty-two, it was quite natural that
American cards should be used
In every pack of American made cards
tbero Is a blank or Joker, which is some
thing unknown to European makers. In
fact, some importers of American cards at
first had- some difficulty In getting lbs
English custom house to allow fifty-three
cards to pass as a pack.
This flfty-tHlrd card was so frequently
shuffled up with the rest and dealt that
It seems to have suggested giving it a
value, and nothing was more natural than
going back to the old game of brag and
making a bragger of the Joker. As there
was only one bragger in the pack, how
ever, it took the name of the Intermediate
card of the three, the Jack of clubs, which
in French Is called "mlstlgris." Thus we
find a blank card, without a name of Its
own, taking the name of a specially privi
leged card In another game.
This bragger, the joker of the American
pack, may be called anything the holder
of It wishes. If he has a pair with the
Joker, be may call It three of a kind. If he
has four clubs and the Joker, he has a
If he has four aces and the Joker, he
calls them five aces, which will beat a
straight flush king high. If be haa an in
side straight to draw to, and gets the
Joker, the straight la filled.
It makes no difference if some other
player at the table has the actual card
which the Joker is called upon to represent.
If one man has four kings and another
haa the A. Q. J. 10 of hearts with the
Joker and chooses to call his Joker the
king of hearts so as to have a royal flush,
the flush goes, even if the king of hearts
Is held against It.
There are one or two points In mlstlgris
which there should be an understanding
about before the play begins, because play
ers may otherwise be misled as to the
value of the hand on which they bet.
While in the original game of brag a
natural pair was better than a pair made
with a bragger, that is not the case In
mlstlgris. With eight braggers In the pack,
hlch was the American game, It was
quite right that pairs made with braggers
should not be as good as natural pairs, be- '
cause it could be easily demonstrated that'
the mathematical probability of getting
pairs made with braggers was very much
greater than that of getting natural pairs.
Whet the Joker Uses.
But with only one bragger in the pack
any combination which is maae witn mis
sp3clally privileged card must be held su
perior to a natural combination, so that in
cake of ties the player with the Joker wins.
When it la simply a question of ties be
tween pairs, this Is comparatively easy,
because two kings against king and joker
Is a straight proposition. But when It
comes to flushes, or even straights, it Is
sometimes not quite so easy to understand
why one hand should be better than an
other and how the rule applies.
Suppose one player holds the A, K, Q.
4, 1 of hearts, while another holds K. Q.
i I of clubs and the Joker. In this ca
the Joker Is supposed to be the ace ol
clubs. Simply as flushes, the hands are a
tie, but the Joker ace being better than the
natural ace, the Joker flush wins.
Suppose one player holds the Q. J, 10, 8, 1
of hearts and another holds the Q. J, i, I
of clubs with the Joker. The Joker In this
case Is useless as the king of clubs, be
cause it would not then be a straight
flush in clubs.
The Joker must be called the ten of
clubs, and as such the straight flush with
the Joker In it beats the straight flush In
which all the cards are natural, even
though the Joker Is not the top card of
tha band. The hands are a tie until the
ten is reached; then the Jrker (ten of
clubs) outranks the natural ten of hearts.
But, now, suppose that one player holds
the A, K. Q, 7, 2 of hearts and another
holds A, K, 6, t of clubs with the Joker.
It will not do to call the Joker the queen
of clubs, because that will still leave the
heart flush the better hand, as the seven
outranks the five. In such case the holder
of the Joker must call It the ace of clubs,
so as to make his hand an A, A, K, E, i
Borne players think it is absurd to have
duplicate cards in the hand and Insist
that It Is almost the same as playing with
an Imperfect ack. But It Is not more ab
surd than allowing one player to call the
Joker the king of hearts In a straight flush
when he Is betting against a hand of four
kings, one of which must be the king that
he claims aa part of the straight flush.
In one case there are two cards of ths
same suit and denomination shown In the
call, but In different hands. In the other
case there are" two cards alike, but In the
same hand.
The rule is, therefore, that the holder of
the Joker can call it anything he pleases,
whether he or any other player hold the
actual card or not, and that in case of
ties the Joker always wins.
Enormoue Increase of Hands.
The lntroduclton of the joker makes quite
a difference in the value and rank of the
hands, because it adds 170,725 more possi
ble playing hands. The total number of
hands which can be dealt, all different,
with a pack of fifty-two cards is 2.59S.900.
In the following table will be found In
the first column the numbers of hands of
each kind that can be made In various
ways, and In the second column are shown
the number of hands that can be made In
the same classes when the ker Is added
to the pack:
Fives 0 IS
Btralght flushes 40 a4
Fours 624 J.1D.J
Fulls S.744 6,&".i
Flushes K.iso 7 mu
Brtalghts 100 20.532
Threes M 913 17. 2
Two pairs m.6fi2 123,5f2
One pair 1,0!, 240 l,26vi
No pair 1,302,540 1.3U2.&40
Totals 2.5n8,96i) 263.6h6
Probably the moat striking thing In this
table Is the enormous Increase In the num
ber of triplets. With the ordinary pack
threes always beat two pairs, because the
odds against the triplets are 46 to 1, while
those against the two pairs are only 20 to 1.
With the Joker in the pack there are no
such things aa two pairs except natural
ones, so that their number Is not Increased;
but It is possible to get 137.280 sets of trip
lets with the joker to make them up, as
against 64,812 without the joker. The odds
against triplets with the Joker are there
fore only 20 to 1, while It Is 22 to 1 against
two pairs, when the denominator of our
probability fraction la increased to the
total, 2,869,685.
Two Pairs to Peat Triplets.
For this reason many players insist that
with the joker in the pack two pairs should
beat triplets, simply because they are more
difficult to get. But were such a rule
adopted It woul 1 probably lead to some
confusion, because it would require an
other rule to the effect that a player hold
ing the Joker with a pair must call it trip
lets. Otherwise a player holding A 4 4 end
the Joker could call the joker an ace and
say he had aces up, which would beat
threes If two pairs were better than trip
lets. In order to make a player call the
Joker the same denomination as any pair
he might hold we should have to make an
exception to the rule that he could call the
Joker anything he choose, so It Is better to
leave the rank In the hands as they are.
The difference Is so slights In actual odds
that It Is practically no more than the
present odds in favor of filling a flush
against a straight. All poker players allow
that the flushes the higher hand, although
the Btralght la the more difficult to fill.
When It comes to the draw, there are
some Interesting facts for the consideration
of those who gauge their coming in or
staying out by the amount of money In
the pot at the time they have to decide.
Its Effect on the Draw.
With the Joker In the puck, there are
16.213 more hands to get. Take the follow
ing table, which shows the number of
hands which it is possible to get by draw
ing four cards to an ace. The first culumn
shows what may be got from the ordinary
pack; the second column what may be got
when the Joker Is added:
Ptraight flushes ,
Fulls ,
Triplets ,
Two pai
One pair
0 1
62 220
2M 4fi
126 204
4i7 mw
4.102 9,172
8,874 8,874
7.3M 81,645
SS.0H4 88.044
62 Cords.
Fours 36a to 1
Fulls W to 1
Threes 8 to 1
Twj pairs 6 to 1
Probably a more Interesting calculation
Is that which shows the result of drawing
three cards to a pair. As this Is more)
striking when given In odds, the propor
tions are expressed In this way:
63 Cards.
126 to 1
75 to 1
64 to I
i to i
Drawing to threes with the ordinary pack,
it Is Zi to 1 against making four of a
kind, and U to 1 against the full. With
the Joker In the pack It Is only 11 to 1
against the four of a kind, the odds against
the full remaining the same, of course.
In drawing to straights with the ordinary
pack it Is 8tt to 1 against filling an interior,
and 4S4 to 1 against open e riders. It is
because of the odds against filling that
good players will not draw to straights un-
i less they get big odds in the betting, but
with the Joker In the pack, they are much
easier to fill. The odds against an interior
in which the joker is an Inside card are
only 6 to 1. When the joker ta held as mid.
die or end, both ends being open, it Is only
3 to 1 against filling.
Suppose the player holds 4. 8, 7 and Joker,
the joker representing a t. This Is an open
end straight, with the added chance that
If a 6 is drawn ths Joker can be turned into
in I or i I
This additional chance makes It a good
bet to come In with an open end straight
containing the Joker. It Is not often that
a careful player can get 6 to 1 in a pool
with the fifty-two card pack, but 3 to 1 is
quite common.
When It comes to filling flushes the odds
against them are very slightly less than In
the ordinary game. The difference Is due
to the fact that there are ten cards of tha
suit still In the pack, whether one of your
four Is the joker or not.
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