Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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High. Myle Suits tor spring
If you care to number yourself among the . well dressed
women you mustn't miss seeing our new Spring Suits.
Wooltex Styles
We show them in all the latest tints and patterns in pure wool
acid-tested fabrics. The fit and wear is guaranteed.
Red fern
Do You Know Our Notion
It la complete with all the little necessi
ties that belong In auch a ltuck. Bmall
thing, sure, but they are Just a
disappointing when the quality la bad aa
other and grcnter thing. We aim to gel
you only the bent, and furnish them (or ihi
A description will not tell you much, ao
we ask you to call. Many noveltlea that
Just match the atyllah circus good we ai
howlng. ,
Fancy gilt and enamel button In all the
popular shades of blue, green, gray and
brown, In large and small alxea.
Cut, also pronged, ateel button In most
any wanted size,
. Small button In gilt and enamel, aul.
able for trimmings, Jacket, etc.
I'luln allk and crochet button, small size.
In black and colors.
The finest assortment of pearl buttons In
the city.
W also have the wash crochet button.
Muln tloor.
138.00 Wooltax Culta are equal If not better than any 135.00 suit soid
Separata Skirts.
Never have we shown such a varied line of beautiful skirts. They reprq--nt
the first choice model of the Woolteat Styles, the Bonwlt styles, the
XTewgaaa style and the Helnaman designs. Imn t forget a good skirt costs
l"a at our store than elsewhere. Lovely skirts at 98.79, 10.60, $12.50,
915.00, $16.80, 918.80, 931.60 and 935.00.
Women's Dainty Waists
Hand Embroidered Linen from It. 26 up to 913.50
Ualnty Lawns from 11.00 up to 910.00
Every waist clean, crisp and new. Second Floor.
Women's Gloves for Easter
i In this department we are splendidly ready to meet the Easter Glove
want. A feature of this department Is to rarry a stock whlrh provides for
all glove wants. It Is Impossible tc enumerate In limited pace every style
and quality. A few of the many are mentioned below. Let our experlencod
fitters fit the glove to your hand.
Elbow Length Glace Kid Gloves, of Valller, Trefousse and other well known
makes, In black, tans, russets, brewns and all the Easter shades, rr.?r
pair 93.00, $3.60, $3.75 and $4.00
EUmiw Length Knyser Hllk Gloves In all qualities, styles nnd stltrhlnt,J,
black, white and all colors, per pair 91.60, $1.78, $3.00 and $3.80
Elbow Length Lisle Gloves of best quality In black or white, pair $1.23, $1.50.
Main Floor.
Saturday, the Last Day Colored Wash Goods
b o n
of our
Great White Goods Sale
The great sale of White Goods that
lias made our Linen Department One
of the busiest In the store for the
laHt two weeks, will end Saturday.
This will be your Inst opportunity to
buy these dainty white tabrlc at re
duced prices.
White Trench lawn for Graduation
downs and Evening Dresses.
60c French Lawn, 4S-ln. wide, yd. 35o
80c French Lawn, 4 8-ln. wide, yd. 890
75c French Lawn, 48-ln. wide. yd. 600
$1.00 French Lawn, 48-ln. wide, per
yard '9o
II. French Lawn, 48-ln. wide, per
yard .....890
White Persian I. awn.
20c White Perslnn Lawn, yd 15o
25c White Persian Lawn, yd 190
80c White Persian Lawn, yd $oo
3fc White Persian Lawn, yd i0o
40c White 1'erstan Lawn, yd 89o
Main floor.
You'll agree that a very essential
thing about a colored wash dress Is
that It should hold Its color In re
peated washings, and It Is our bus
iness to use our knowledge and ef
fort to help you find such wash ma
terials. We know there are certain
manufacturers who will not sell any
thing but reliable materials the kind
that hold their color. And to them
wo go for wash goods. They proudly
put their names upon thesa perfect
products, and we pride ourselves In
offering you the choicest of theso
beautiful wash goods.
Prices are, per yard 100, 12 Ho, 15o,
180 and np to SOc.
East Basement.
The pleasure we tako In presenting to you
the latest models In the Redfern,wlll be ex
ceeded only by the pleasure you will have
In wearing one of them. If you select with
the advice of on of our corset experts.
Our salespeople are trained In corsetry nnd
are qualified to serve you well. There 1
much to know about the adjustment that
has not been heedful before. To fit 1 one
thing to fit and create I another. These
are the essentials In corset selection thl
season. The figure must bo made, and, In
the vernacular of the day. It 1 up to the
corset to build the base. We thought for
you, and actually have the make of corsets
that combine the essentials. These model
are here now In full art-ay, and we but
await the opportunity to show them to you.
The range of prices 1 from $3.60 to )16.u0
per pair.
"Security" Rubber Button Hose Supporters.
Thread !
Economy Basement
John J. Clark's Spool Cotton In whl.o
only, two spools for 5o
per dozen spools S6o
100 yards Spool Silk In, black and
colors, per spool .' .50
Silk- Featherbone. black and "white.
per yard 100 k
First News of WomeiVs Spring Underwear
The needed weights for Spring wear are here all economically priced. Wo
men's fine ribbed cotton Vests, high neck, long sleeves; high neck, Bhort
sleeves, or low neck, no sleeves; drawers to match, .ankle or knee length,
all sizes, each 60o
Women' Gauze Lisle PrnwersJTflatfe-. with tape top or French band, umbrella
knee,,lace trimmed, all sizes, each 60o
Women's Gauze Lisle Vests, low neck, sleeveless, plain tape trimmed. 3 fr
tl, or, each 3So
Women's Fine Hlbbed Cotton Vests, high neck, long sleeves; high neck, short
sleeves; low neck, short aleevea, or low neck, no aleeves, fine value at, each 25o
Main Floor.
Bargain Square in Base-ment.
Here we always have some gentiino
surprises to offer. Artificial rosos,
three In bunch, all colors, regular
26c. on sale at, per bunch 100
Best American Shirting Prints at,
per yard 3jc
32-in. Madras at, yard .. ,.7Vc
36-in. Sllkallnes, yard 2'jo
cancelled when the right of franchise Is
exercised. Vote, 12 aye, 17 nay.
In committee of the whole the senate con
sidered the following bills:
8. F. 1S3 Hy Epperson. Kelstln to the
iMimnce of precinct, township and other
bonds Indeilintely postponed.
8. F. 31-Uy SiK'kett. providing for the
payment tf sheriffs out of the general
fund at the follnwlug snlaries: Counties of
not more than li.Ao population, not to ex
ceed vm. In the discretion of th county
board; counties of e.OiO to lS.ueO, not to ex
ceed l.a. In the discretion if the county
tx-anl; counties of 1'i.OiO to ).tui. 81. wu;
counties of a.u to K6,tM 81,750; counties of
2f.M to 8.i, t-i.t"'; counties of 86.0U) to
fi.n, $Aam; counties of be.niM to lt,iMi,
82.6"i; counties over lOrt.umt, Jz.ooO, until Jan
uary 1, ism and 84.uu thereafter.
8. F. SI S Ily Sackett. Making a schedule
of sheriff tees; requiring 'the sheriff to
report all fees earned and providing for
I the feeding of prisoners by contract In
lViuglas county after January 1, ISMi. To
8. F. Sou Hy Sibley. Heduclng rates of
express companies to 78 per cent of pres
ent rates. To pass.
S. F. 44.V-Hy Thomas. Regulating employ
ment agencies and requiring them to e
cuii a I. cense and put up a bond of Il.tWO.
To pajw.
S. F. 410 Hy Clarke. Allowing depository
banks to give two guaranty bonds to se
cure county deposlls. To pass.
H. R. 64 By Harrison. Removing the
15, iw limit to verdicts for damages caused
by deulh through negligence. To pass.
II. K. a) Hy Clarke. Relating to the
opening of streets and alleys by city coun
cil In Omaha and legalizing vacation or
dinances. To pass.
H. R. 268 Hy Jones. Amending the law
relating to the drainage of wet lands. To
11. R. 277 Hy E. W. Brown. Relating to
the sale of rod property belonging to an
lnssne husband or wife. To pass.
H. R. 14V-Hy Haker. To permit of the
sale of unused portions of cemeteries. To
H. R. 224 By Pllger. Referring to re
wards offered hy county board. Recom
mended for passage without amendment.
8. F. 4SS Hy Gould. Outlawing brands
unless re-regls'tered wttS ecretary of state
Ithln two years. Recommended ror pas
su ne.
8. F. 1R Hy Patrick. Fixing salaries or
county attorneys. Amended to allow dis
trict Judge to fix the salaries or county
attorneys not to exceed those fixed In the
bill and recommended to pass.
1517 Farnam SI. FJERGER'S 1517 imm SM
Bee, Klarch 82, 1907.
Howard Cor. Sixteenth Stroat
; " ' ' ' ,
dsr my amendment the Union Pacific will
add to the value already apportioned to
these towna 800,000 a mile. If this amend
ment prevails i.000,000 worth of railroad
property In Omaha and South Omaha will
be distributed to the towns out In the atatJ.
I see the gentleman from Douglas (Clarke)
mile. I have charged him on the floor of
this house with being greedy In this mat
ter. If you believe In trie unit system, air, !
.for slate, school and county purpose, you
must believe In It for city purposes. Omaha
Is more Interested In the distribution cf the
railroad property than In Its assessment"
Clarke Replies to Ilanier.
. "I rle to a question of personal privi
lege." Interrupted Clarke. "The Increase
of the assessment of railroad property In
Ihl state was caused by publications In
The Omaha Bee for years past. The rail
road attorneys themselves put It Into the
court records that this was lr;ie and that
The Bee had caused the Increase In assess
ment of railroad property. That shows
whether Omaha Is Interested In the assess
nient ff railroad property."
; Hamer closed hi remark with a dra
' matlo plea for "Justice and falrnes-' for
his sun topped hills.
"I waa expecting auch a motion either
.from the gentleman from Buffalo or from
..the gentleman from Saundera." began
, Clarke. "Neither- has been In favor of local
assessment of railroad property"
.. "Mr. Speaker. I object." Interrupted Cone
of Saunders. "I told the gentleman from
Douglas If he would get an honest bill I
would support It"
"Thl bill 1 honest," retorted Clarke.
. "No It Isn t either" yelled Cone, and apeaker stopped the dialogue.
'The purpose In -thle motion la delay,'
continued Clarke. "The amendment would
kill th bill. He want to make an amend
atory act out of It.. If he want to amend
m revenue taw let ni;n introduce a aepa-
rata bill and not try to ruin thl one."
. "Do you mean to go on record aa
lawyer," retorted Ilamer, "that this amend
ment rulna that bill do you, T say"
Dob Clancy' Flue Work.
"I mean to say," replied Clarke, "that
tho amendmenta offered by you were of
fered to one of the most prominent and re
spected members of thla house by Bob
Clancy, and he refused to Introduce them.
The member can draw their own In
ference a to where these amendments
cunie from that you have Introduced. Here
are some statistics prepared by the chief
clerk to Bob Clancy. He haa left out the
value of the franchise entirely In an effort
to deceive the members of this house. We
caught on to their game early and that
is why the railroads have not been offering
any more figures."
Clarke then read a letter from Attorney
General Thompson, who said In hi opinion
the 1)111 would not reduce the assessment
in any town In the state, but, on the other
hand, would Increase the assessment.
Former Chief Justice Sullivan also en
dorsed the same sentiment. Clarke then
concluded by showing If the Hamer amend
ment carried. Lodge Pole and a few other
little town would get- more railroad prop
erty for. assessment, because of their mile
age, than would Fremont and many of the
other larger towns. And then he said:
' Mr. Speaker, I move the previous ques
tion." Thl called forth aeveral protest.
"That' what you call fair, la It?" yelled
Cone of Saunders.
"Tea; they are fair," chimed In Frank
Young man Wlleon from Cuter The
Hamer motion waa lost by a vote of 44 to
61. and when it waa announced Con said:
"That's a sample of Omaha' falrnje."
Final Vote on Bill. '
That shut off debate on the amendment.
-Then came th vote on putting the pre
vious question, and It carried by a vote of
bi to 41. A roll call was then had on put
ting the bill uq third reading and It carried
by a vote of M to 42. Tho final roll call
oh the passage of the bill was 66 for and
40 against. That roll call was a follows:
Confirmation Suits
- S?e that the boy is well dressed for confirmation, It's
the day above all others when the boy should appear at his
best. We have made great preparations for dressing boys
for this important event.
Norfolk and ' Double
Breasted Suits, in dark col
ors and the newest fabrics.
Suits that will answer for
dress or school wear long
after their use at confirma
tion time.
$6.00 to $10.00.
Long Trouser Suita of
choice fabrics, cut in single
and double-breasted 6tyles,
especially suitable for con
firmation wear
$12.50, $13.50 and $18.00
Just the Hat to top it off
Write for Illustrated Catalogue Just Ready to Mail
AMtrson, HegmlBter, Qutcknbush,
Armstrong, HtnMii, kaper,
tltlrd, HarrlaoD, Hvjrha,
turn. Hart, ftlchardaon.
Marratt, Harjr, Rohrtr,
Beat, HrrTernan, 8'Udder,
Blratone, Jenlaoa, Bhubtrt.
Urow, B. W., Johnron, Smith,
Ilrown, B. P., Jonaa, Staldar,
itrraia, Kelrar, Btoli,
Clark. Knowlea, Talbot,
Dodga, Lahnara, Thleasefl,
tloran, Laeder, Tucker,
Kllar, Lh, Walah,
Farlar, !,ln, Waama,
Matchar, Marah, Whlta,
Frlpa, Maatara, Whithorn,
Funk, Naff, Mr. Bpeakar &
Oraan, Noyea,
Adams, Hamar, Kurphr,
naki-r, Hanrjr, Plliiar.
Heaaa, Hill, XrdmonA,
Brown of finer- Howard, tlankal,
man, Howa, . Pattndara,
Bu. klar, Klllan, ' ('holtar,
larlln, Kuhl, Sprlncnr,
Cona, L"gnon, Bnydar,
Culdlce. Mvi.-ullousb, stalnauar.
Junkln, McMullcn. Van Houaan,
Franca, Marker. Vopalenekf,
Ollam,, Wllron.
draft, Met, WortblDf 40
Grtrg. Mllllgan.
Absent and not voting-,
Pnlan, Davla, Oilman,
Delinquent Voters Bill Head.
The senate by a vote of 12 to 17 killed
Fries' bill providing for a tax of 13 on de
linquent voters. The bill caused a deadlock
In committee of the whole Thursday, but
finally won out by a margin of one vote.
When It came up for passage this morning
enough senators had flopped to the nega
tive to make a majority against It. Most
of them explained they believed the meas
ure unconstitutional. It provided for a tax
of (3 on voters to be remitted If they voted.
The vote on the bill follows:
permitted. The bill 1 expected to precipi
tate a floor fight when It comes Up In com
mittee of the whole.
Jail Feeding; Graft.
The Douglas county jail feeding graft
waa disposed of by the senate today, In
accordance with the compromise arrived at
several day ago for eliminating the graft
entirely. In accordance with thla compro
mise, the sheriff' salary bill was amended
to Increase the sheriff pay In Douglas
county to 14,000, to be paid out of the gen
eral fund after January 1, and a provision
was added to another bill providing that
after that date the feeding of prisoners In
Douglas county should be done by contract.
The amended bill waa recommended to pass.
Express rate schedules now in force will
be cut 2S per cent. If a bill recommended
for passage this afternoon become a law.
The bill 1 by Sibley of Lincoln county. It
provide for a reduction of all express
ratoa to 76 per cent of present schedule
and give the railway eommlsslon power to
equalise unJUBt charges. MoKesson of Lan
caster tried to make the cut 15 per cent
Instead of 26, but he failed.
State Chemist Red fern today submitted
to the senate a report on stock foods, com
piled principally from Investigation of
Iowa authorities. The senate voted to have
l,0(iO copies of the report printed for distribution.
Thome It
ttolbrook, Thomas,
King, Tbomaon,
Lu. Wllcos,
kandall, Wlltee.
Hoot. Wllaer IT.
Backet t,
bill to enable trust companies
to transact business In the state 1 to have
another chance for life. The aenate this
afternoon,. Juat before adjournment, recon
aldered Ita vote killing the bill, which goes
back to general file. The motion to recon
sider was made by Saunders and wn
carried by a vote of 17 to 11 on roll call.
The measure was not called up for con
sideration this afternoon, an adjournment
cutting the session short. It Is now In a
position to be taken up at any time in
committee of the whole.
Primary BUI.
The Joint committee primary Mil la ready j
to be reported back to the senate from the
Judiciary committee, but was too late to
be considered today. It now stands at the
head of the file and will be taken up Mon-
day afternoon or Tuesday morning. The
bill, by th amendments, has been changed
practically to the form It was In when it
left the Joint committee, nearly all of the
house amendments having been stricken
out. The open primary feature wa changed
to the strictly party primary, but the new
provision la not quit aa strict as I; was
originally. Imttead of making oath he sup
ported a majority of candidates of the
party at the previous election, the voter
must certify ha affHlate with the party
and intend to aupport the candidates of
the party at the next election. In connec
tion with this provision regular registra
tion la required and each voter stuns hla
party affiliation when he registers.
By. the amendments name may be
placed on the ballot by the candidate hlm
te f. In both caae a filing fee being chargej.
Tbi fee U not as heavy as the one pro
vided In the original bill and runs from ISO
to ti. according to the office. The rotation
feature has been eliminated, except aa to
Douglaa county, and restricted fusion Is
tansaally Iarge Urlat of Ullla Dis
posed Of.
(From a Siaff Correapondent.)
LINCOLN, March !. Speclal.)-The fol
lowing bills were passed by the aenate
H. H. 216 By Barrett. To enable cltle
and village to erect statue and monu
ments o( soldiers in aeinelaries and parka.
x.ppeiun oi nay wa tux only meinoer
voinig in tne negative.
d. . 2J1 tiy Astiton of Hall. Regulating
ii.e puuiiu service oi stallions.
S. F. a2 by Thorne of Nuckolls. Rs
quiring county asseaaor to gather statis
tics relating to agriculture.
S. F. 2Vo Uy Thomas of Douglas. Mak
ing the salary of the clerk if the county
court of Liouglas county fl,6uu per year.
8. F. 30o Uy Koot of Cass (by request).
Making taxes levied against corporations
delinquent February 1, the same as other
a. b . JOti Hy U'Connell of Johnson. Re-
aucing interest on warrants leaued by coun
tlea and school districts In metropolitan
cities and cities of the first-class to 6 per
8. F. 815 By Tatrick of Barpy. Allowlni
cities or tne eecond-class less than tt.WJ, ai
villages, to sen special tax liens.
B. F. filiy Fatrlck of Barpy. Making
It unlawful for an Intoxicated person to
ride upon any street car, interurban or
railway car.
8. F. 374 Py Epperaon of Clav. Providing
for the establishment of hiah achoola bv
speciHl elirtlous.
8. K. Stv- Hy Epperson of Clav. He.
quiring insurance companies to return the
net amount of th premium received bv
the comoaDV after deductinar riimmnArv
short rate premium for the expired tune
wticn policy is cancelled.
8. F. 412 liy Saunders of Douglas. Pro
vldinr for th dissolution of defunct cor-
8. I. 114 Uy Cilover or Custer. Author
ising county and deputy assessors to ad
minister oaths.
8. F. 444-Hy the governor, by reaueat
of Thompson of Buffalo. Valldatlna the
Issuance of brnda for the estahllsnment
and maintenance of heating and lighting
systems by villages and cltlas of the second
class having a population of leaa than i.vui
inhahltanta which were Issued In com
pliance with the act of 193.
8. F. 261-By Hanna. To allow cities of
the second class and villages to grant fran
chises to steam and Interurban rallroada.
S. F. 2V7 By Ashtoii. Requiring rallroada
to maintain tracH scales at division points
fur the weighing of coal In carload Iota
8. F. li By Sackett. A r--j,rocal de
murrage bill, requiring railroads to fur
n!h car within a reaaonable tune after
application by shipper or pay a penalty of
Vi a day per car and prohibiting discrim
ination In the furnishing of cara. Hanna
voted no.
The following bill failed of passage:
H R. 1-By Fries. Providing for a tax
of tJ on ecu bwrsfin aiittti.k tn v..f. . 1
(onrnra In Conference Report on
Hallway Commission Rill.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 25. (Special.) The
house concurred In the report of the con
ference committee on the railway commis
sion bill. '
H. R. 629, by Noyes of Cass, providing
that the state pay for bridge built acroa
the Platte river and appropriating a
mill levy for the purpose, wa Indefinitely
postponed on motion of Kller of Washing
ton, by a vote of 49 to fr).
H. R. 4W, by McMullen of Oage, providing
for the state to receive the special United
States appropriations, was recommended to
A motion by Hart of York was carried to
hold a night eBlon.
Springer introduced a joint resolution to
add a department to the state farm to ralso
coyote. The speaker ruled the reolutlon
out of oraor because it waa Introduced after
the forty-day limit on the Introduction of
bills had passed.
M. H. 112, by Hamer of Buffalo, appro
printing 1100,000 for an addition to the
Kearney Normal school, was passed On
third reading.
II. R. 33 appropriating 350,000 to provide
a seven months' school in those districts
which, though levying the limit, are unaWe
to hold a school for that length cf time,
wa passed.
II. R. 341. the warehouse receipt bill, was
In the. committee of the whole the follow
ing bills were recommended for paasage:
H. R. 485 By Howard of Adams. Appro
priating 32,600 for tuberculosis hospital at
Hastings anylum.
H. R. 46 By Kelfer. Appropriating $15,000
for officers' flat at Milford.
H. R. 60O-By Cone. Public warehouse
under control of railway commission.
H. R. 638 Claims bill. Amended to put
In $728 for A. I. 8mith for work as account
ant In office of adjutant general.
H. R. 278 By Raper of Pawnee. Notaries
publla must keep record of all official acts.
II. R. 800 By Springer of Scott's Bluff.
Practicing physicians shall act a quaran
tine officer.
H. R. 34 By Metxger of Cherry. . Appro
priating $2,000 for fish hatchery In Cherry
H R. 2R4 Bv McMullen of Oage. Appro
priating $180,000 for state farm building.
In the committee of the whole tonight,
the house recommended for passage the
following bills:
H. R. KM The deficiency claims bill.
H. R. 343 By Clreen of Holt. Appropria
ting $7,600 for Investigation of diseases of
horses, cattle and hogs.
H. R. 474 By K. W. Brown of Iancaster.
Appropriating $1M for th expenses of J. J.
Carlln in tne conteei to unmni mm.
H. K. 47fl By K. w. Brown. Appropria
ting $279 for expenses or William coryeii,
who contested Carlln's seat.
During the discussion of the claim bill
thl afternoon Cone moved to strike out
the words $52 for the claim of newspapers
for printing the constitutional amendment
and insert $26. This wa adopted but later
rescinded, and the bill recommended for
paasage without amendments. Harrison of
Otoe came to the help of the newspapers,
as did others, and Cone waa raked over
the coals pretty severely.
When the McDonald and Power claims
were read tonight, Envder of Harlan wanted
to know who these men were.
"They are from- Omaha," aald a half
do sen member. "Let 'em have It," replied
Snyder, as he collapsed amid the laughter
of the crowd.
Saturday SpecSaSs
$10 Black Panama Skirts. Satur- OA OQ
day only ,wU
$12.50 Dlack Voile Skirts, Satur- OfZ Qfl
day only UU.UU
These skirts are the best special val
ues we or any other firm in the city
have ever offered to the public, so come
early as we have but a few of such model
During the past few days we have
received a great many shipments ot the
latest creations in spring tailor made
suits from $25.00 to $4S.OO. It would
pay you to give us a call if you ara de
sirious of selecting a suit that is be
coming; that is guaranteed to fit and
one that has those natty tailored lines
and that adequate individuality which
makes your friends all exclaim "Who
made your beautiful new suit?"
Open Saturday Evenings till 1 0 O'clock
1517 Farnam St.
Only One "Bromo taln!ae "
That 1 Laxative Bromo Quinine. Simi
larly named remedies sometimes deceive.
The first and original Cold Tablet Is a white
package with black and red lettering apd
bears the signature of B. W. GROVK. 26c
E. W. Grove' lgnatur Is on each box. 20c,
DIAMONDS Frenxer, 16th and Dodg.
Milton Roger & Sons Co
14th and Farnam Street
Garden Tools j Rubber Hose
Qnr garden and lawn tools will make your work easy
and the prices are right.
Garden Trowels . . . 10c to BOc
Steel Hoea 2Ro to 70c
Wire Lawn Rakes. 45c to 75c
Spading Forks 75c to 00c
3-plece Garden Sets. .10c to f 1.25
Steel Rakes BOc to 75c
Pruning; Shears 85c to $1.25
Steel Spade, Shovels. 05c to $1.25
Lawn Mowers. Wheel Barrows. Poultry Netting.
Remember we sell Gas Ranges, Gasoline, stoves,
Refrigerators and Steel Ranges.
We are sole Omaha agents for
Eclipse Water Filters
Hundreds of satisfied users In Omaha.
Announcement by h Erla Brlnaja
General Declines on Price la
Railroad Llat.
NEW YORK, March 22. The tock mar
ket wa again very unsettled toaay, ine
disturbing feature being the decline In the
Erie Issue on that company' announce
ment of postponement on all construction
work In the state and at Albany. At noon
Erie common had declined 3H. the flrat pre
ferred H and the second preferred over
6. The drop In these stocks brought them
to a lower level than was touched In the
panic of last Thursday. Cables from Lon
don Intimated that trouble Is expected there
In the course of the next week' fortnightly
In addition to the evere decline in the
Erie stock there were losses of between
I or t or more In the Hill and Harrlman Is
sues. Canadian Pacific and Reading, while
other issues (bowed losses. About the
only exception to th downward tendency
of the stock during the early esalon was
tin advance of 2H In American Smelting,
but by noon thla advantage wa lot. , In
the early afternoon the weakness of the
money Increased, the coaler showing
marked decline.
A lump of 8H In Canadian Pacific In
the last hour msde the market weak and
decidedly nervous at the close.
President of I'nlted Railway I la
trrested in Proaecatloa of
Abe Rnef.
NEW TbRK. March 22. Patrick Calhoun
president of th United Railway of Ban
Francisco, said today that It wa hi
Intention to go to Ban Francleco In the
near future.
He ald he had planned originally to be
In Ban Franclaco early In May but he had
decided to go eooner In view of the situa
tion In connection with the charge against
Abraham Ruef In which the United Rail
ways company 1 accused of giving bribes.
Mr. Calhoun said he could not any Just
what day he would leave for th west.
BAN FRANCISCO, March 22. Elisor
Btggy will have a conference with Judge
Dunne on or before tomorrow, at which It
will be decided what . will be done with
Ruef In view of the fact that th prosecu
tion does not trust either the police or
sheriff office. One of the principal que.
Hon bring forced on the attention of the
district attorney' office I what la to be
don with the alleged boodle supervisors.
No Immediate step to remove them from
office will be taken.
Piles Cared ta 8 to 14 Day.
Paso Ointment will cur any caae of
Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protudlng pile.
At all druggUt 60 centa.
Bllea tiallty of Murder.
ST. UOCI3, Mo., March 22. Arthur C.
llllra, son of Robert Bllea of Kamtaa City,
waa today convicted In the circuit oourt
of first degree murder for the death of
Robert Harvey of Osage City, Mo. Biles,
It la alleged, drugged and robbed Harvey,
the drug causing Harvey death.
EYE BPEC1AUBTS. Huteson Optical Co.
tx karat waddltig rings, Edbolra, )twUr,
tooa res okuarr Lassk.
ClMtiM and tsMttitifiei lh hair.
Prumote ft Inxurlanl rrurth.
Neffr Fall to liator Grty
Hir to Its Youthful Color.
Ct&rw tv-slp d I X htlr itvilitigv
Vt,nd fliA'U PrugitU
BOYD'S rud.V. Mrs
a oaut rations
B. C. Whitney' Musical Comedy
!eIsle of Spice
600 Seats Lower Floor at $1.00. ,
Famous Pony Ballet.
two rsatroBMAjrcEi onx.y
ITaxt Wednesday, Mat. aad Wight
Henry -W. Savage's
English Orand Opera Co.
And Orchestra of (0 Poopl In
Seat sale Today 50c to $2,50.
uurwuuu season
Thlg Afternoon Tonight
ymt Wk Th OU1 I ft Bshiud
iviObfiitN VAUl)J2VILLE
rmxess ioo, sso ,aoo.
BaaasaajBasaBBSiaaasaB a)
HatliN Today, aso Tonight, 8U5
James J. Corbctt
Punduy MOMTAkTA.
Close fur the aeaaton, Saturday Mht
March Si Id.
Beneficial to elderly people
who suffer from dryness of
mouth And Uurocttt t '