Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 10, Image 10

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    THE '0fStlX DAILY BEE: RATI!? DAY, MARCH 2.7, 1007.
i than anv credit store la Omaha,
Give us a call and we will convince
of paying. We have no special rule.
Terms are made to suit each Indi
vidual purchaser.
Our Stock Is Larger
In our clothing department. You
will see all the latest creations of the
leading designers of America and
Three Suit Specials lor Saturday
And Green Trading Stamps In Addition
STROt SK & RUOS.' HIGH ART SUITS Equal to custom made One of
the new spring styles Is the Roland Sack Coat long, CP f
roomy and graceful. We have them in the new plaids, TZ-IJ
6trlpes, etc. $25 values Saturday, special . ...J""
Green Trading Stamps With Every Purchase
EeBroJucinr Scenes from Seal Lift in
Ean-Relief Effect.
Inanimate Objects More Susceptible
Than Ot here Sarprlalns; Reaalte
In the Belief Treatment of
Land arapes.
Extra long and medium length
coats, fabrics are all wooL The
newest Spring patterns,
$20 values Saturday
ing all the latest styles and fab
rics. Excellent trimmings, well
tailored the best
suits in Omaha
, , n .
Moden Livim House ta Go Up at Thirty
ictth and Farnim,
Coat Will Be One Hundred and
Twenty-Five Thonsnnd Itol
lara and Owner E. 8.
Rood of Benson. '
H. B. Hood of Benson Is having plans
drawn by Architect F. A. Hennlnger for
the erjection of a seven-story modem brick
apartment house at tho northwest corner
of Thirty-eighth and Farnam streets at a
cost of about $125,000. The building will be
the most pretentious und costly of its
Style ever erected In Omaha ami the sUe
Is In the most select and desirable resi
dence district of the city.
The tentative plans are for tho building
of a structure of brick with steel frame
work, that will contain thlrty-ix model
apartments of five rooms each, but the In
terior arrangement Is being so devised as
to permit of two apartments being thrown
together, making an apartment of ten
rooms if desired.
The building Is to be erected according
to the latest Improvements In apartment
house construction, having adequate eleva
tor service, store rooms In the basement
and a large and completely appointed din
ing room on the seventh floor.
Roof Harden IHnlna Rooma.
While the dining room on the top floor
will not be aa high as the rooms In the
apartments, It will be more In the nature
of a roof garden with private rooms for
family dining parties.
It is also possible that smaller apart
ments of three or four rooms may be pro-
Gas Fixtures
Belter Than' New
Omaha Plalina Co.
Reliable Gold and Silver Platers
(Establishes 189S)
rM Doo . 1118 Barney St.
vlded, but the plana at present are for the
uniform elze of five rooms.
All floors in the building will be of hard
wood and the appointments of the many
apartments will be complete as to plumb
ing. Interior decomtion and like details.
It la projected to have the main 'en
trance to the building on the Farnam
street side, affording a south entrance, but
It is possible that the entrance will be on
the east side, facing Thirty-eighth street.
Decorative brick will be used in building
both exposed sides of the building and no
expense will be spared In making it the
finest building of Its type in the city.
Mr. Rood bought the property last fall on
which the new apartment house is to be
erected and at that time contemplated
erecting a smaller building of four stories
at a cost of less than 140,000, but the re
cent change was made on account of the
growing demand for apartment houses In
Omaha and the fact that tho present site
Is one of the best in Omaha for the purpose.
$2.50 per month
Suooeaeora To
rXJno Dou. 87. OuWia, Neb.
I. II. McElhinr llauga Himself and
la Sot Found for Tito
Feeling the weight of advancing year
and the pain of being penniless, I. H. Mc
Elhany, aged about 60, hung himself in an
outbuilding at Rlvervlew park Tuesday
night, and his body was found Friday
morning by Special Officer Louis Loudola.
1816 Chicago street. A letter In the dead
man's pocket, written Tuesday, said he In
tended to commit the deed that night and
the appearance of the body Indicated death
to liavo resulted fully forty-eight hours be
fore It was found.
While the letter which McElhany left
was long, going Into details of hia emo
tions and explaining the causes, using both
sides of a piece of paper and closely writ
ten, the substance of the whole missive
was summed up in the words written on
the envelope containing the letter: "Yea.
it's a case of despondency." He had been
working as a plasterer and boarded for
some time at 2016 Cuming street. He had a
brother, John A. McElhany, living at
Franklin, Pa., and another, DanWl W.,
living at the same place and at Charleston,
111., In the oil business.
McElhany used a web blanket strap,
nearly two Inches In width, buckling one
end around a rafter and tying the other
around his neck, and then lifting his feet
to tighten It around his throat. In Ms not!
he expressed his regret at the manner he
was obliged to adopt In order to die, but
as he had a knife and a rasor In his pock,
ets he may have Intended to cut his throat
and the hanging was an afterthought In
his letter he quoted from Shakespeare to
evolve hia philosophy In regard to death
and whether It were preferable to life In
his case. "To be or not to be," he began,
and stated a negative decision. Coroner
Bralley probably will hold an lnqueat today.
Appointment by President.
WASHINGTON. March 2. The presi
dent today appointed L. C. Welk postmas
ter at Odessa. Wash.
Chew Your Food
No medicine can take the place of
teeth. Eat slowly, chew your food
thoroughly and keep free from in
digestion. When haste imposes extra work oa
the stomach, help it out with
Soldeyeorwhere. Lu ba&c 10c and
The veracity of the camera hag been
brought once more Into dispute. It Is only
a short time since the statement that the
camera cannot lie was universally ac
cepted, but suspicion of many of the prod
ucts of the photographic process howadays
Is very general. There are as manv tricks
In the photographic trade as In any other.
Perhaps the newest photographic trick of
tho camera Is that of reproducing scenes
from real life, but with a curious effect of
llirht and hhnde which strongly suggests
that of a bass-relief. The high lights and
shadows are flattened and the lines seem
to take on a peculiar edge. Many of the
effect obtained in this way are very
It Is a very easy matter to make these
bass-relief effects, and one which any
amateur may readily master. The process
Is Inexpensive and takes little time. A
great advantage of the process Is that
any negative may be used for the pur
pose, even a poor one, and that after the
operation the original negative Is quite
as good as new and may be printed from
Indefinitely. Negatives, either films or
glass, may be used for the purpose. In
the final prints a very attractive effect
Is obtained by using a paper which will
take a dark sepia tone, when an effect of
bronze may be produced of surprising
The success of the bass-relief effect de
pends largely upon the subject used. A
little practice will soon show what pic
tures lend themselves best to the process.
Pictures of buildings, in fact, any view
which reproduces many straight lines, will
make good bass-relief effects, but It is best
to have the lines as simple as possible and
the general effect broad and well defined.
When the pictures show a complicated de
sign,, as of a very elaborately ornamented
building, the effect is likely to be con
fusing. Portraits, especially profiles, make
good relief effects. Some of the most sue
cessful of these pictures are made from
pictures of foliage, especially of the heavy
foliage of trees or of thick shrubbery.
Choice of Negatives.
A fairly good negative should be used
In making the bass-relief. It Is Important
that the lines be as sharply defined as pos
sible. A cloudy negative, or one In which
the Image Is not very sharp, will be found
less satisfactory. The only outfit neces
sary is that which will be found In any
photographic dark room or In the posses
sion of any amateur who develops and
prints his own pictures. A printing frame,
a number of films and an ordinary develop
ing solution, with trays, will be all that Is
The effect of flatness in a bass-relief Is
due obviously to the lack of contrast be
tween the .shadows and the high lights.
The whole picture Is dulled. In other words,
since the high lights have lost tholr clear
ness, while the shadows or darkened sur
faces ara lightened. The edges, again,
seem to cast a shadow, 'thus affording the
appearance of relief or raised surfaces.
Now, to produce this effect, a positive Is
first made from the negative, exactly re
producing It, of course, in size. Now place
the positive and negative together, so that
one image exactly overlaps the other, and
the effect of a bass-relief Is exactly re
produced. The dark places In the negative
are white in the positive and the white
places are, of course, reversed In the
same way. One Image exactly nullifies the
other, and If a print be made through this
combination the effect Is an exceedingly
flat and uninteresting picture.
In making the print however. If the two
Images be slipped a trifle to one side, or,
rather, toward one corner, the images no
longer overlap exactly and a dark line Is
Introduced below and to the side of every
line In the original picture. If a print now
be made through the negative and positive
the appearance of flatness is thrown Into
relief by the shadowed line and hence the
effect of bass-relief. It Is, of course. Im
portant that the positive and negative
should both have about the same density,
so that the shadows will be neutralized
and the effect be aa flat as possible.
Large and Smalt Negatives.
In case the original negative be a small
one It will be possible to make a single
positive from it and afterward as many
prints as are desired from the two. In
case the negative is a large one even
five by seven inches or more It will be
found that the film In drying contracts
slightly and will not correspond with the
original negative when It comes to mak
ing the print through them both. It Is
therefore better to make a positive on a
film, and when this Is dry make a nega
tive In turn from this positive, also on a
film. When these two are dry they will
be found to exactly correspond. It Is
obvious, of course, that the positives, or
the secondary negatives, muxt be made on
films In order to retain the proper focus.
If It were necessary to print through
glass with a film on the reverse side the
lines would be dulled and the sharp effect
on which the basa-rellef depends for its
effect would be lost j
When tho positive and negative are both i
dry they should be placed face to face and
printed in the ordinary way tn a printing
frame. If two films are being used it will,
of course, be necessary to place a clear
glass in the frame. Now put the negative 1
and positive together, so that the two
pictures exactly correspond or overlap, ;
and holding them up to the light move
one film slightly toward one corner, pref
erably the lower right hand corner. When
the two are adjusted lay them tn the
frame on a table, still keeping one hand
firmly on the prints to prevent them slip
ping. Next place a sheet of sensitized
paper in the frame and clamp In trie or
dinary manner. The greatest care should
be taken to keep the films or the paper
from slipping when puttlhg tn the paper
or clamping the frame back of the print
ing frame.
Eipotire and Development.
It will be found necessary to give the
print a very long exposure compared with
that necessary for printing through the
single negative. Depending upon the neg
ative the exposure will have to be proba
bly six or eight times that required under
ordinary circumstance If the negative
be dense it may even be necessary to print
with direct sunlight or by the aid of an
arc lamp. The paper used for printing
should be as contrasty as possible. Even
at the expense of detail It Is Important
that the contrast between light and
shadow should be aa sharp as possible.
These rules apply, of course, when the
so-called gaslight papers are used. In
making solid or platinum prints, however,
the relation to the length of the exposures
will be the same.
The main difficulty encountered will be
In getting the right adjustment of the two
Images, the positive and negative. If one
be slipped too far over the other, and the
two Images are too far apart, an effect
will be had much the same as when In
color printing the press falls to register
and the colored do not correspond with
the line drawings. If, on the other hand.
Genuine Daghestai Rvirfs
Perhaps one of the most sensational rug offers In
Omaha this week Is this lot of 75 genuine D-ighcsinn
Hugs, which we price at the extraordinary figure of
$16.75. These ru are of tho new Importation, just
arrived and ure all of the rarest designs niiil attrac
tive pHtterns. created by skilled, patient rug design
ers In the orient, whose creative ability is their prid
nnd he weaving of Hue rugs their lire's work. We
have taken In this special lot of imported rugs from a
well known Importer and secured them at an extraor
dinary reduction, hence the low price hero quoted.
These rugs run f mm 8
ft. to 4 ft. In. wide,
nnd In length from 5
ft. to 7 ft. 4 in. Choice
of the lot
OW price hero quoted.
Furniture VaJues
that are wor thy of your cnsier&.tion
This week finds tie with more than an
ordinary number of underpriced specials:
an unusual list of values. There are
always bargains to be had with a great or
ganization like llartman's with Its chain
of twenty-two big stores, for makers are
continually presenting special proposi
tions to its and offering special lots of goods
at special price reductions. They cut their
prices and you reap the benefit. Just
study the values here mentioned.
COMPLETE, at Only $ i J
Any Three Rooms You Desire
Credit Terms, 57 Cash) S3 Monthly
This Elegant Dresser $g75
Made In beautiful golden oa nr matiogany
finish; has large French betel mirror nnd
carved mirror frame and standards. Top
drawers are full swelled, rich exclusive design
vC$r ' ill injk 1't,'red
.r t'
7 I X Uul
a M F-t W. V
Sewing Ma- 1 Q 7 C
chine Special IQi f J
New Model Drop Head High
Arm Sewing Machine. All
nickel parts heavily plated. Has
all the new Improvements. Cab
inet is of solid oak, polished
finish, complete with . full set
of attachments and accessories;
guaranteed for ten years.
Terms, $2 Cnh; 50c Weekly.
This Set of Roger's Guaranteed Silverware
t KHriL !;
Ears Set camhts al
Inivn. i ri..
TeasoMos,! alter Saread 1 Sugar SpVnn.
WailAII lai (MinVBCATB
aaa afa eaa a aaa at aM a
This Is a Silverware proposi
tion that all Omaha has been talk
ing about for the past two weeks.
We want you to have a set. The
Bllverwaro Is the genuine Roger
goods, and every piece bears tho
full name of "Rogers," the world's
famous silversmith. It Is covered
bv the guarantee of this famous
maker. It Is good for ten years,
with proper cure. These sets Hre
put up In handsome leatherette
cases, lined and with broad rib
bon across the Inside top bearing
the name of "Wm. A. Rogers."
They sell nt other stores nt from
$10 to $12.
to put a set of this Silverware In
your home without Its costing you
a single penny. Our plan is this:
We will give you one of these com
plete 26-plece sets absolutely free
If you purchase goods of us to tho
amount of $100.00 or more, within
the period of 1 year. These goods
may be purchased for cash or on
our splendid plan of small month
ly payments.
sen you tills superior set of bilei
waru outright at the special prlise
of 1 6 . it f and permit you to pay for
It on the very easy terms of only
$1.00 cash and 7io per month until
the purchase price is paid.
TION NO. 3. In order to enable
you to get this set at once, even
though you are not ready to nuiko
any purchase now, we will ngreo
to deliver the set to you IMA112-IiIATKI-Y
with the understanding;
that In case you do not purchaue
goods during the year, which, in
the aggregate, amount to $100.00,
that you will pay us $t!.st5 lor the
Bet, on easy terms of only $1 cah
and 75c monthly. The price of
$6.95 is about one-half tho regular
selling price of the silverware. We
will deliver the set to you on the
terms mentioned. In case you buy
goods of us to the amount of
$100 00 any time within the year,
we will credit your account WITH
KVKRY C'KNT you have paid on
the Silverware, and thus be giving
the entire set to you.
0 M frfh
i Your
or Your
at Hart-man's
r yjwvwwmimi '.'jT man's frl
All Goods
In Plain
ifH.T'- a. -a. H-
Kitchen Cabinet
It has large table, tilting flour bin,
drawer for kitchen cutlery, kneading
boards. Top is most conveniently
arranged. Has roomy cupboard with
glass doors and full row of spice
drawers. Made throughout of solid
oak. Positively the biggest value to
be found In Omaha.
, Terms, $15 Cah; 50c, Weekly
17.1 7 I clocks
i This Complete Outfit A "7 C
1 Bed, Springs, Mattress lUs f J
By special request we again place on sale 1,200 "I C
of these popular clocks, Saturday only J3C
This outfit consists of bed, springs and
mattress. Bed is of above handsome
design, made of large, strong tubing
and heavily enameled; springs are
made of best pliable steel and the mat
tress Is of splendid quality with soft
top, heavy ticking and taped edges.
The bed alone is actually worth as
much as wa now ask for the entire
Credit terms, $1 Cash; 50c, Weekly.
Goods Yv
jSiMMZ all are
apgplglJ gone
v it. i. vxsjjl y n ir u rri
is the
day spe-that
d e a 1 e rs
To think
ing ablo
sell these
at &o
may surprise
you, but sur
prising things
are possible
with the great
chain of stores.
These clocks
are like rh
Cukoo clocks,
except that the
cuckoo feature
is omitted.
These clocks
are made in the
blax-k foreets of Ger
many and the frame
of the Sciiwartwold
clock Is known
throughout the world.
These clocks are of
our own Importation,
dlr-ect from the lo
cality from which
The movements are solid
fil I IS 1 i
Hartman Special "J 1 C
Parlor Divan !
Exactly like Illustration, elegantly finished
mahogany frames, high shaped arms,
carved back, largo bize, extra well made,
upholstering the very bet, coverings are tal
of Imported materials, largo selection
groat bargain special, easily worth $12;
exclusive Hartman creation; made iu our
own work shops.
Credit Terms: $1 Cah; ROc Weekly.
they are made.
bruas, perfectly adjusted and easily reg
ulated, kjich clock has a large cone
weight, wood pendllum to match clock
and the bands and figures are pure
white, making a clock which will prove
"ornament to any home. .
These clocks have sold in Omaha at
$1.60. Wa offer them Saturday at the
sensationally low price nf
m. until all are gone
1,300 only, ooma early, they will go fast,
only 1 to a customer, $1.00 value, at
Hartman'i only 35o.
Works Not Guaranteed on Account of
the Very Low lrlce
Special Sale CARPETS and RUGS
Ingrain Carpet,
former price em
75c, sale price... J C
Brussels Carpet, for
mer price Vic,
sale price 0,C
Velvet Carpets, for
mer price $1.10, Re
sale price 0
Axmlnster Carpets.
f ormex price f is
$1.76, sale price.
Brussels Rugs, 8-ix
10-6 ft., former price
$.'ti.60, sale If QE
price Il.J
Brussels Rugs, 9x12
feet, former price
AxmlnBter Rugs, 6-3
xlO-8 ft., former price
$26. bO, sale f fi 7c
price .
Wilton Velvet Rugs,
8-3x10-6 feet, former
price $118.00. 24.00
tale price " "
Special Parlor 65
Arm Chair....
In polished mahogany fin
ish, with broad seat and
high back, ornamented with
carvings. Has loose cush
ions covered with heavy va
lour and secured to chair by
silk cords with tassels.
Made to special order for
us. In tremendous Quanti
ties, special price.
22 i
Large Rattan
Hocker, at
Douglas Street
Wide spacious sett and
very comfortable. This
rocker is the full roll de
sign and U very handaomu.
We have these rockers mad4
In large quantities for our
22 stores and are therefore
ablo to quote you this very
low price.
no edge or relief line, and the. picture will
be merely flat and nothing more. It is
interesting In this connection to shift the
two images, printing the line first on one
side, then another. A variety of effects
may be had and the possibilities of a nega
tive the better brought out.
As a general thing architectural subjects
lend themselves best to this treatment.
In selecting negatives again It will be
found most satisfactory in the end to use
only those With broad contrasts and ef
fects. When the negative contains a great
many fine and Intricate lines tht re is likely
to be some confusion In changing the regis
ter. The average street soent. for In
stance, where the buildings are not too
flntly drawn, will answer admirably. In
such a picture the doorways and windows
should show In high relief. The most fa
miliar street scene or the most common
place houses when treated in this way take
on a new and strange appearance.
Barprlalna; Heaulta.
One of the surprises of the process is to
match the unexpected transformation
which conies over the average Undacape
when printed in relief. It might be sup
posed that the change even of a fraction
of an Inch between th negative and posi
tive In printing would merely blurr and
confue the picture. In the majority of
cases, however, the foliage of trees and
bUMhes even when they are very fine will
oue l &at swvsd far nfh $a wJIl Jbaljlxa aiilm! CeaulJk 2X uudx lX LUa
foliage appears strangely flat, while the
dark lines serves to throw them Into re
lief. In such pictures the Increased con
trast between the high lights and shadows
often serves to give an entirely new value
to the reproduction.
The reproduction of portraits is an art
In itself. While almost any portrait, either
profile or full face, may be made Into a re
lief picture, with more or less succes,
much, of cjurse, depends upon the choice
of the negative. In moat cases there Is
an effect of caricature which Is often very
amusing, but If the work be properly done
such pictures may have a high artlsttc
value. Care should be taken to make the
positive of the same value as the original
negative, so that when printed together
the high lights and shadows should be flat
tened aa much as possible. The positive
should be shifted rather further to on
side or one corner than In most picture.
The effect should be as broad as possible.
New York Herald.
Kot I.Ike Kansas.
Tou can't lose Kansaa at any turn of the
road. Her people are as quhk with their
wits in the big marts of civilization as they
are with their scythes and more dangerous
blades on their native heath.
Senator Plum of Kansas got away with a
Uothamlte some years ago at a Waldorf
Astoria dinner given to a Kansas delega
tion by plutocrats with axes to grind.
1'L.a a buuiaa jicntu i.uA lUeU la Uie
form of a mammoth salmon oouchant and
rampant amid Its garniture.
"You don't have fish like that In Kan
sas, do you senator?" asked the New
"No," drawled the westerner. "We don't
need 'em. The Lord knows where to send
brain food." Philadelphia Record.
Thoughts oa the' V amity of Things
Hainan by taa Oraveslde
of Klnaje.
Now let us go down Into the tomb of
kings and muso awliilo up- n the vanity of
things human, albeit claiming the right di
vine; for nowhere else on earth not even
In Westminster Abbey Is the lesson taught
so Impressively as in the Kacorlal.
The ablx y Is not without Its human
features. It baa, as it were, a soft and
sunny tide to It. Out of I'oets' Comer is
exhaled a certain fragrance of the past,
and the hand of Chatham, though in mar
ble effigy, still lx'lnts Insplrlngly to the
greatness and glory ef Kngland. There
seems redemption for the sins of Kdward
the Confessor. If be had any, t ven for those
of 11 ward VII. of which there is no doulit,
albeit by proxy and antli ij.ution. Mine he
is still alive, und there Is something reas
suring and compensatory, if not pleasant,
Uk Uie Utoua-ht ihnX Uary, tua Naples and
I fear me the not very virtuous Queen of
Scots, lived at least aa good In law and
morals as the royal cousin who murdered
her, and by the side of the son who in the
end came to his own; equal, all three of
them, In Immortality.
The whir and din of London's streets,
like the roar of the ocean, lull the dreams
of those who slept In the abbey. Not a sound
save the scream of eagle or the screech
of nlghthawk penetrates the walls of the
Kscorlal to disturb the rest of the Haps
burgs, the Bourbons and the Montpenslera.
silent If not anug lying there In their Iron
coffins, with gold clasps and Jeweled labels,
each upon another, like so many steel
blooms, awaiting the Day of Judgment.
And what a Judgment! Henry Wattersoa
In the Courier-Journal.
Washington Murdeier Hanged.
WAI.U WAI.LA. Wash. March 22.
Fred Miller was hanged at the penitentiary
today for tho murd.-r of Fred Ilrk at
Castle Rock last October. Miller collapsed
during the march to the gallows and waa
uncousious when the trap was sprung.
M, t-n ut for ow SIXTY YgAft b U1L
Ll ivs of M0TI1EKB fur tln-lr CHII.MttlN WiilLS
1MlllllNU Willi I'KI'.UC' T sUl'l Kd. If
h.olilr H "l H1I-1' HoKTKNS tho CI MB. AU-
Lays all PAIS, i t'KKJ couc, aim la u
mi niuwiy tor MAHRHoKA. Sola by aruita
Ik owr part at tha world. Ha aura an aak fe
iR4. wiAbunva sooiima ttxuvn