TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1907, 12 I DAY FRIDAY WE OFFER ALL THE ODD PIECES AND REMNANTS FROM THE DRESSMAKING STOCKS of Holland Fox Co., Omaha and Mms. Switzer, New York AT BIGGEST BARGAINS EVER KNOWN Tremendous solos from tlw?se grand stocks have left U3 with many odd and broken lots; we clear away everything at most exceptional bargains. REMNANTS OF FINE SILKS 5S--ri-i at Vz and less their value. We find a great many short and medium lengths in all kinds of plain and fancy Silks. Friday's price for quick PSfiSOC clearance, per yard w w www High claa Silk Materials from the stoft( Rough Silk Suitings, French Plaids and Checks, 4 5-ln. Hadlum Silks? Silk Voiles. fiOf ' from 20-ln. to 45-ln., worth up to $2.00. at. yard W... Black Silks, about 1,500 yards . White Silks from the dressmaking guaranteed Taffetas, specially made for fine dressmaking trade, rich black, 86-ln. and 27-ln. Mes sallnea, etc, worth up to $3 a yard, main silk department, QSd stocK. 2u-in.' Jap . jUks, per yard ......... v . h. ... 27-ln. Jap Silks. yaV4. .... .39, 27-ln. figured Habutal' Silks, per lard . -.58 Worth fully Onre . Remnants of Dress Trimmings From the Holland-Fox and Switzer Stocks All kinds of fine Dress Trimmings and Si Silk Braids from the Holland-Fox Switzer stocks, worth up to 35c a yard bargain squares Friday at, per yard LACES AND EMBROIDERIES ON TWO BIG BARGAIN SQUARES Over 100 styles of fine Embroideries and inyjj Laces, fine, fresh, new goods on great bargain squares Friday at, yard. Dress Goods Remnants Ic From the Big Dressmaking Stocks Dainty Spring and Summer Dress Goods fine Broadcloths, r opuns, etc worth up to $1.50 a yard extra bargain at, per yard ,. Elegant new 1907 Dress Fabrics all are leading styles. worth up to $3 a yard new blues, browns, leather shades, etc., at, per yard A BASEMENT EXTRA SPECIAL Remnants of serges, Panamas, Plaids, Fancy Suitings, Henriettas and many other weaves in lengths from 3 to 10 yards O Ck worth up to 65c yd. basement Friday, at, yd. wC A Great Remnant Sale In Brandeis' Basement Silk Dot Mulls new and very stylish patterns, at, per yard 40-in. wide "White Lawn Remnants, worth up to 15c a yard, at, yard 15 Remnants 12c grade, yard-wide Long Cloth, at, g? n per yard 9 w Large yellow plaid Toile fin Nord Ginghams, long rti lengths, at, yard O2C Fine quality Shirtings In mill lengths, light grounds, rtl at, per yard Ojv Long lengths dotted and figured 36-in. Curtain Swiss, f S. I WW at, per yard 15c Voiles in neat printed styles for waists, dresses and children's wear, at, yard Mill Remnants 25c Art Ticking for covering shirt waist boxes and drapery purposes, at yard FORENOON Friday forenoon, fine quality printed lawns, all this season's pat terns, sold at 15c off the bolt, short m mill lengths, I p w at, yard. AFTERNOON 5 cases 36-Inch Full .Bleached Muslin Rem nants, a good grade, at, yard :.3yac 5c 10c AFTERNOON One big lot slightly mussed fancy white goods for waists and dresses, at, per yard . . . , 2c iTV 1 1. R: 8 WWWSKa g! ohajui rvma roos cim IS wjSf i EASTER DELICACIES 1 $ that will tempt the Jaded appetite , i x when "that tired feeling" robs you ' 1 $ of the deBire to eat, we will have jn j I 0 for those who love spring broilers, $ , pj spring lamb and veal, and all the J:( J $ delicious morsels that will tempt ft i 1 the epicure on the first depressing Q j ft days of spring. ! y FISH DEPARTMENT. g, A In this department we nave se- S cured a large variety of fresh t.j , caught fish, including shad and ft , black bass. Special 500 lbs. fresh caught , trout, at, per lb. 12 WcW I I SjJ 200 lbs. fresh caught X crappies, at io...ircw llOTTLED IN BOND. R The United States Governments fcj guarantees the age and purity. 0 Old Atherton Rye (10 years old),$ bottled In bond 1.25 .'"i Cedar Brook, formerly McBrler's, & bottled In bond $1.23 X t : wiu ivriryiaua itye iDOiuea inv .91.23 8 W bond) e Leading brands imported Cham- pagn?, per. qt. . . $2.65 S 3 Cognac Brandy (12 years j $ old) $15 9 Williams & Newman's Old Fash-g j loned Cocktals (very fine), ready $ Nj to drink . . ... .A. ...... .$1.23 jj Old Maryland Rye, per gal. .93.00 $ . Kentucky Burbot, per gal.. $2.83 U k Fine Old California Port, Tokay, ft Malaga, Maderia, Angeliojr and J. y Muscatel; this week. . . . . .BOc 85 Assorted If desired, per doz.$5.00 Ponnney & Go K ? Seventeenth and Douglas U TaL Doufflas 847 Private Exchange connects all Depts. 0 Easter Novelties We are showing the largest rarlety of Easter novelties in the city and at prices that will surprise everybody..- t 1S 2. 3S 4. 5. 10. 12 S 15J goods worth up to 50c. Goods are now on dis play in our window. Take a look before buying. ' Handkerchiefs We are closing out all ot our 25c and 3 5c ladies' Swiss em broidered handkerchiefs at 15c each this week only, and a fine line of handkerchiefs at 5c, 7c, 10c. You can save money this week. Agents for Pictorial Re view Patterns. ' JOS.F.BILZ 322 So. 16tb Street, Omaha OMAHA LII1EU BARGAINS FOR FRIDAY On bargain square, new basement beautiful new lot of fine mercerized table damask in long mill rem- np nants, worth up to 75c yard Friday, yard uuC Big lot of slightly mussed hem stitched Scarfs and At Regular Linen Department Table Damask Remnants in table cloth lengths at less price than cost to import. Best grade Btrdseye Cotton Diaper, 10-yard bolts, reg- np ular price fl. IlMn Friday, per bolt MUU Squares, worth BOc, each. 25c Lot of mill ends of Huck Towels, each Every woman should have a bank account of her own Tou realize how convenient It will be to pay bills with a check rather than have to tear up the carpet every time the grocer comes to collect. Open an account in the Women's Banking Room First National Dank Having Bank Account is a Good Habit and a Useful One. Any Woman May Open an Account for Any Amount. First National Bank OMAHA. NED. C3 BLUE FLINT Gluas Is the flncat lurl most brlllltuit cut g-lau made, and omuaJiwi bo tr cent lead, whioh It mum hav to retiUn lta ful drsign in kwla, Hon Bona, Cruata, C&ndleatlcka. Cream and Sugars, etc. Bj.end a fw mlnutea la our. auTe. uhjk lor tn nam. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1616 Douglas Street. WE 'ALWAYS HAYE OMAILV "EATHEU FXJRECAST Friday: Fair. WWW WW yi You Know S. Plirase .1 "It's an ill wind that Mows nobody any (nod" (or words to that ettrrt). The little grocer, forced to quit giving Green Trading Stamp, la unwillingly sending his customer to Itennrtt's Big Grocery. While he hnndled the little greon sticker, lie was In- creasing hU business proportionately a we are Increasing four, but he had to capitulate at the word of certain "Inter ested parties," who went to the Jobbers and threatened to shut off the Uttle grocer's sources of supply To prevent customers flocking In drove to Bennett's where they know they can get Green Trading Stamps with all purchases in all department all the time the little grocer (some, not all) is telling his customer that Green Trading Stamps are going out of town. Such magnificent cheek! We believe In the policy of "live and let live." The little grocer should quit telling lies, he should play fair. Lie-telling is no way to retain public confidence and patronage. The people arc not fools they'll have what they want, and they'll have it when they want it. They want Green Trading Stamps and they get then: here every time and all the time. (To be continued.) o ROCK V SPRINGS PHONES IZZI-169 CENTRAL COAL AND COKE CO. . 53 tMAKNtY STS a Try. The New -Way CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 207 So. lt!!i Street Food tor NftP VAX work and youthful vtffu laui IU gon. m result of ac ana fe,rvnni Ma. bo And their nusar t ork or menial exertion Kmi OKAY'S KEKYE FOOD FU.I.g. Th IU dak you eat and sleep and be a maa aiaJa , 91 Boat sum LM y KaO. She rm&n 51 McConncll Dru Co are the leading article ot their kia4 is Cxtra Specials in Silks, Dress Goods. Wash Goods and Domestics for Dargain Friday Silks 27-in. Heavy Black and White Taffeta Silks, in plaid effects. These Silks are being used for outer garments, pleated skirt3 as well as nobby coat or jacket suits; suitable for separate linings under sheer materials this sea son's newest production, every yard worth $1.00, Bargain Fri- day, yard . ... SILK SUIT OFFER Twenty-seven different col ored and various designed Silk Suit Patterns, consist ing of the best and most up-to-date Silks ever brought to this store. All colors browns, blues, reds, greens, white and black each pat tern measures 8 yards, 36 Inches wide equal to 16 yards of reg ular Silk each suit pattern worth $12, on sale ji Bargain Friday, Great Skirt jeattern Sale begln3 Frl- day morning the first 01 its Kina iu Omaha. Read Carefully: Each Pattern 13.98. Dress Goods 4 yards of the best 46-in. French Novelties that sell regularly for 1.50, swellest styles of this season. . . , iVt yards BO-in. Black Chiffon Panama, worth $1.25 3.98 3.98 4 yards 66-in. Suitings that sell for $1.25 a yard everywhere, all colors, newest styles 4V4 yards $1.25 Goods in the latest color effects 3.98 3.98 5 yards 46-in. Black French Voile, very beautiful and sheer, sells for $1.25 every where Many other pretty new weaves in this great offer, and every yard worth exactly as we claim; FOR BARGAIN FRIDAY-YOUR CHOICE FROM HUNDREDS OF NEW SWELL SKIRT PATTERNS, each..... ENTIRE DRESS GOODS COUNTER CROWDED WITH THESE NEW ELEGANT PATTERNS. Each J)98 WaJsh Goods 27-ln. Silk Mull or Muslin De Sole, in all new colors, browns, white, navy, green, red, etc., especially . desirable for dresses,, Friday full pieces to choose from, yard, 5c 36-in. Percales, the best 15c qual ities; also 32-in. fine Madras Shirtings in every design, dots of all sizes and colors, stripes, checks and plaids, all light col ors. Bargain Friday, yard 6c Bargain Friday in Lineni and White Qoodi Dotted Swiss, Checked Dimity and Linen Finish Suitings, worth 15c yard, special, yard 10 27-in. Red Star Birdseye Diaper Cotton, put up in sealed packages of 10 yards, regular $1.00 value, Bpecial 75 70-ln. Cream Table Damask, good heavy quality, regular 30c value, special, yard 38 22-ln. Linen Bleached Damask Napkins, worth $2.00 a dozen, special $1.30 qirdlos Bargain Friday we will give you a 60c Girdle, pink, blue or white, boned or tape, at 25 Second Floor. Hosiery Ladles Fast Black Seamless Hose, 10c value, ralr. . . . .7 Ladies' Fast Black Seamlees Hose, 17c value, pair . . 12 i Boys Fast Black Ribbed Hose, 15c value, pair 11 Gloves Ladles' 1-clasp Kid Gloves, In black, brown, mode, navy, green and white, $1.00 value, pair 670 Handkerchief Ladles' Initial Handkerchiefs, Bargain Friday, each 4 Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, Bargain Friday, each 7 Underwear Vwk Sleeveless Vests, tape neck, eacn ier;' rD r "if it's Frem Jientutt'B 1V Good" Bennett's Bio Grocery FRIDAY AND SATi RIA Y UST ir SAVERS. HLF.A8B LKAVK OHDEH3 EAKL.V. COFFEE ROASTED HAIL.Y. Bennrtt'l B Coffe.. 9 lb. .. .11.00 . And 7S Ortwo TrmJIng Sumps. (PHWyWI Ana 75 oreen rranina Bimp- . fjj s : ti ,.i,ni n.kin I'..iUr i IT7 7 ; r ; vl : ..." ..." ...r.ii.w wjim And KiO Oreeo Trading Slmp. ' ORANI'I.ATED Sl'UAH IKJlBLl liHEE.N TRADI.NO STAMPS. Bi-nn.lt Tipltol Flour, uk. 11.10 And 1"0 (Iron Trading Ktamps. VenrnbU sad riower Sesda, par pas Jo Thonipaon's California Sultans Ralalna. lb. ....loo And Twnty tlrcen lYadlns HLampa. "Baat W Hut" brand Vasaiablaa Tea Oresn Trsdlns Stamps with asxk tan; Corn, caa ISHo Homlnr. csn lOo Tomatoes, largs, raa ISo Baked Basna, large osn Pumpkin, large csa UiO Kidney Besne, can 12We Wax Brana. can l.'J Lima lieana. can 1& Prtlt Pola Praa, can 120 etrlnglau Beana. can 160 Caatlls Toilet Soap. cakes 0 And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Palace Car Jam. can 12c Navy Btana. hand ! kcd. 10 Iba i-id. pag ldc Vests, tape arm and neck, 15c value, each 100 w 1 m-ot Vfirlf KlPPVPleSS ? .IK nb . --- -1, -r: V-..,,; i i. And Ten Green Trailing Btampa. Dlamoad 8 Chill Sauce, bottle And Twenty Green ITaulng Blames. Bennett'a Capitol Oata. ski And Twenty Ureen Tratling stampa. Hennett'a (asltol Wlieat. 1 pkga And Twenty Green Trading Biampe. Hwi.i 2 faftn 11 California Pruiiea, lb ...Ic Joc.h Tetley ft C'.s India ajid Ceylon Tea. bunflower prana. tt-io. no And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Sew York Pull Cream Cheese, lb. And Ten Green trading etarape. Virginia Swlea Cbewe. lb. ........ And Twenty ureen mnmi ci.uiy.. Wiggle Stick Bluing. stlcka Aua ten Kirwu ii.utua 'orn. can Peaa, can rorn Starch, lb. pkg uil Sardines, can HKAIMt AKl r.its run o...... 8 Offl lbs. Bennett s lapltol Creamery, full pound brlcka, ea'n Red I rues t ream, can And Ten Green irtaini Bi.mK Worcester labia Salt, large ea k Us An 1 Ten Green Trading Stamps. FRCITS AND VttiETABLtS. Lettuce, Reinhee. Cucsmlra. Pie Plant, Green Onlona. Tomatoee-Kreah l)lly . . Three Thousand Freah Coci.uta. worth 1-. frl. oay and Saturday only ic Leuiona, worth lfr dn,n. at luc BENNhTT'S CANDIES Thouaanda of Kaater KovelUea, up from 9c Iuka. hal.ljlta t kicks, each 5c tti.uy Essa, S for .-.. ( i.a Ksxa. I for be The Vollmcr Clothing Co.'i Closing Out Sale BARGAIN FRIDAY Raincoata at i?15-l?12.50-?10 and 7.50 Spring Overcoats at- $15-?10 and $7.50 ...15c ...5e ...50c ...too too I ...ICc ...too ....5o Se ic ic to loo Special Sale of Carpets and Ruas Friday nn u OT SMS TMS REt-lftSLB TB Special Dargalnsl In Ladles Suits Fridar Friday Is Remnant Day In the forenoon we will sell the following Remnants in Wash Goods,' Dress Goods, Table Linens, Towels. Napkins, etc. Commencing at 8 a. m. find lasting until 12 m 3 r I 6-ln. Bleached Muslin, 7c. 8ViC Nothing reserved, everj tuiua ".w v and 10c grade, not over 12 yards to I Commencing at 3:30 p. ni. . J a cussomer. at 4 I place 00 dozen Huckaback 36- u. Percales, best quality made, nil m'1 ",u t ith. m ,ll I" fine fast colors, at ........ .4?s ; 60 dorpn I,uck Towels that W ft 1 Full Standard Prints In Black and VuJ-kUh nit TowolM hat V White. BlHck and Gol.i. Hlnrk nr.d 'lzlf t och WiA I Yrllnw. Sh..nhrrl I'luM-ka. Plait's. SOltl lit 1 Ml C, III, encil ....... aj, , etc., all goods worth S'jc a yard, not over 12 yards to a customer, at 3- 36-in. Flannelette, fimwt ni:ule for Kimonos, Wrappers, etc., that sell at 120 and 15c everywhere, Per sian styles, fast colors, not over 12 yards to a customer, at At 10 a. in. we will put on sale 5,000 yards of good long remnants Wash Goods of various kinds that sold up to 12 Vic a yard, not over 12 yards to a customer, at, per yard 1 At 11 a. m. wq will put on Pale 10c Outing Flannel and Flannelette In all colors. Polka Dots, FigureB, etc., and not over 12 yards to a customer, at, per yard Afternoon Sale, commencing at 1 p. m. 10,000 yards of Pacific Challis. goods sold everywhere In- this town at 7 Vic a yard, they are perfectly fast colors, Persian styles, the finest wrapper, kimono and quilting goods made, not over 12 yards to a custo mer, at, per yard 2e At 1 p. m. we will, place on sale 5,000 yards of Heavy Bleached Muslin that sells the world over at 8 Vic a yard, and not over 10 yards to a customer, at. per yard 5J At 2 p. in. we will place on sale rem nants of Irish and German Table Linen, pure linens, in bleached, silver bleached and unbleached, in three lots. Lot No. 1 sold for 75c to $1.00 a yard, at, per yard -25& Lot No. 2 sold for $1.00 to $1.25 a yard, at, per yard 39 Lot No. 3 sold for $1.00 to $1.50 a yard, at, per yard 49 t I p. in. we will place on PHia mree cases of Hope Bleached Muslin, everybody knows what Hope is worth, 11 Xfc to 12 'ne a yard, today, as long as the three cases last, we will sell at. per yard 5 An Immense line of all kinds of Mer chandise, too numerous to mention, will be changed hourly during the day. Wool Dress Goods Department 15,000 yards of Wool Dress Goods in lengths from 2 4 to 10 yards. Broad- 1 cloths. Prunellas. Tamlse, Batiste, new spring fancies and thousands of S other goods too numerous to men- j tlon will bo placed on sale in four t lots, at per yard 25c, 39c, 4o' and 50 . Remnants of Danish Cloth at, per yard Gt Remnants of 50c Henriettas, at, per j jard lOt HOI KI.Y KAl.KS IX THE DRAPERY DKPAKT.MKXT. 0 till 10 a. in. We will sell 50 pairs of Curtains, regular 60c goods, not over two pair to a customer, at each 10 10 till 11 a. ni. We will sell 60 pairs of $1.00 Curtains, not over two pairs to a customer, at, each 25 2 till 8 p. m. We will sell 60 pair of $1.50 Curtains, not over three pairs to a customer, at, each 40 3:80 till 4:30 p. ni. We will sell 50 pairs of $2.00 Curtains, not over four pairs to a customer, at, each. . .75 Other bargains In Portieres, MafVjv eries of all kinds, special Friday JcJS. Novelty Silks tc Per Inch An immense purchase of high grade Novelty Silks, in short lengths, together with thousands of yards of remnanf from our own regular Btock left from the past few weeks' tremendous selling Silks worth 75c to $2.00 per yard Friday at, per inch t $1.00 Black Taffetas, 27-in. wide, sale price Friday, yard Jt) $1.00 Black Taffeta, 36-in. wide, special Friday, at, yard s...97' White Jap Wash Silk. 20-in. wide, Friday, at, yard 19i Novelty and Plain Silks, worth to $1.00 yard, Friday at...... 494 and 39 Friday's Furnishings Goods SPecial Thirteen great counters piled high with Men's, Ladles' and Children's Summer Underwear at prices far below quotations for like quality elsewhere. Profit Friday Ladles' Vests, worth to BOc, high neck, long sleeves, silk taped, great snap, for 12 W Ladles' Drawers, worth to 50c, lace trimmed, Jersey ribbed. Ladles' Lisle Gauze Vests, all sizes, special at 15c, 12 He, 10c and 5 Men's Silk Neckties in all styles, worth to BOc, choice 19c, 15c, 10c and 5 Men's Underwear, spring and summer weights, worth double, at 39c and 25t Hose, men's, women's and children's, worth to 25c pair, at 12VtC,.10o and 5(4 Suspenders, heavy police and firemen's or ellk and lisle, such that soltfNfc, 'i r 60c pair, at, per pair Boys' Suspenders, worth Friday at, per pair ii hat eoIdJW 1 r , iV- Special Sale of Notions Friday we will give the greatest notion bargains ever offered la Omaha. Items below are but a few of the many. Fast Black Darning Cotton, spool 1 i Gold Eye Needles, best quality, per Pk 2Wt , looks and Eyes, per card i Pearl Buttons, per doz, lc, 2 Vic, Kid Curlers, all sizes, 4ou iiuBB oupponers at 10 -"V ner Bpool 2H(f Basting Thread, 600 yards at. ..2H 280 yards Perfect Machine Thread per spool XHt Needle Packages containing 4 pkgs. needles, 14 darning needles, 6 hat . veil" pins, and 80 pins, the lot at n4A Sole agents for Hall-Borchert Dress Forms and Zion City LaceB in Omaha. Friday Bargains in Shoes Ladles' and Girls' Rubbers Misses' Good Shoes Ladies' Point House Slippers Ladles' Fine Shoes, button or lace, $3.00 value uaaies Men'i Ladles' Dongola and Box Calf Shoes, worth up to $2.60, at Three Special Clothing Bargains ' ON SALE FRIDAY OX MAIN FLOOR SOUTH ItOO.M. xioyo unee ranis aoc to uc values Men's Pants Worth from $1.60 to $2.50, at Boys' Knee Pants Suits Worth to $2.50, choice . , 257 .75f les Fine Shoes, button or lace, $3.00 value 1 ft-,-, i ies' Serge Slippers nolS . S ;s Good Solid Vork Shoes, worth $2.60. at ."..'.'. .'a2oS 4 il.29 lOt and 2."5 31.95 nd 1.50 1.50 Grand Opening Friday iSc and 10c DcU "Jf a."8? -!M.0P lng- handle, only f-Ea 1 Round RoMa Toilet i'tiiicr. 6c size. Square pkKs. Toilet Paper, 5c alxe.. Fine Tea rStralner, wooden handle. Lunr Handled Wire Toasters, only. 6c Box Hardwood Toothpicks 2 pkKs. Carpet Tacks, worth 10c... 75 feet Braided I'luture Wire rkK.) 6c pkir. Pollahtna; Wax for ironing- Fancy Tnln (Mint glass) glaasea .2 Vie .2V,o .2 Vi (10c 23 .21,0 9x14 Folding Wire Picture Karka . . . . 2 H 1 Long Handled Metal Mixing Kpoons. . 2 t". Long Handled Wood Mixing Spoons.. 2 xs Wooden Potato Maahera, worth 10c...2Va Vegetable Brushes, only 2',,c All alzes Pot Covera up to 10-lnch . . . 2 Ho Japanned Candle Sticks, 10c quality .. 2 V4c 10c pkga. TXxon'a Stove Polish tc Imperial Tin Graters, semi-round . . . 2 Vc Rellnned Pie Plates, Dippers, Cake Cutters, Pint Measurea, Funnels, all worth 6c to 15c each 23 ro not ask us to Belt you these goods after tills sale; we cannot do It. Just stead These Items for Be Extra large fine wire Tea Strainers, wooden handle, worth 15c Be Hardwood Towel Rollers, worth 15c... 6c Solid Steel Frying Pans, only 6c Two large rettnned Pie Pans only Re Heavy Wire Carpet or Rug Beaters... &c Grocery Department Flue StOIIH. for Frl.lnu l r- Heavy Enameled Drinking- Cups or Basting Spoons , 8, Heavy Tin Wash Basins , bo Cake Pans, pie pans. Dust Pans all worth 10c to 16c, Friday 6o Dover Egg Beaters, worth 15c, only...So- 7 doxen Brass Headed Tacks ..to 16c size 10-qt. Tin Pails 6o 10c size Asbestos Stove Malta ; 6a 2ttx Palmetto Scrub Brushes, worth 12c. otJy 8o Wooden Salt Boxes, only 6s No. 1 Sprinkling Cans, eaclu ......... 5o lOo size Shlnola Shee Polish... 6j Hardware Bpeolala. Mrs. Pott's No. 115 Sad Irons, 6 -piece sets , 65a Mrs. Vroomnn's Sink Strainers 12 Ha No. 8 Copper Bottom Boilers, each. . . tta Large Wooden Chopping Bowls. . . . .12 V- J 18x24 Bread Hoards, only , 20 Slaw Cutters, xl7 steel knife 12Ho Gulvanlzed Wasn '1 ubs only..,. 430 10-qt. Galvanized Palls 1 .io Itrga Strainers on sale for l.m 10-tooth tiarden Rakes, long handle. .. 1 5 1 Steel Garden Hoe, long handle loo Steel Spading Forks 4'io llemrinl.fr this Is for one day only. Ksvdsn's for Oroearlei yon from 88 to 60- oa youx liviug- expenses. Owing to the enormous lncreaso of bus iness we have been compelled to enla."o all our departments in our mammoth basement, thus assuring our customers better service than ever. Read Tliee prices: 33 lbs. Best rare Case Orsnulsted ugr ..81.00 10-11). sack best pure white or yellow Cornmeal lOo 10 lbs. best Hand Picked No. 1 Navy Beans 25 10 lbs. best parked Breakfast Rolled Oatmeal fje 10 lbs best pure Buckwheat Flour... 35c Gallon cans Pumpkins, Peaches or Plums -e 1-lb pkg. Gramlma Mincemeat 63 Carnation Cream, per can 8i,c 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can 3 Ho H-lb can Breakfmt Cocoa m,- 1-lb 'pkg. Cold Water Starch ic Egg-O-See Mreakrasi r ooo, per psg. 1 Purina Pancake Flour, per pkg 7 He The Beat Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb. !c The Best Crisp Ginger Snaps, pr lb. i; s Ws can savs Shredded Wheat Biscuit, per pkg.... .13 .90 .!. Pi r Grape Nuts, per pkg. Fancy Dairy Butter, ner Ih la Fancy Separator Creamery Butter, lb. 27o Fancy Full Cream Cheese, per lb 15J The Best Tea Slftlngs, per lb 12 He Fancy Santos Coffe, per lb 15o Omaha's Greatest rresh rrnlt and Tegee table Market. 2 bunches Fresh. Leaf Lettuce 2 bunches Freah Radishes.... Large Heads Fresh Crop Celery.... i bunches Fresh Young Beets....... 1 bunches Freah Young Carrots..... 2 bunches Frexh Young Turnips..... r resn, Hlpe Tomatoes, per lb 12 Ho 2 bunches Fresh 1'arsley 50 Large Juicy Lemons, per dozen lOr New Honey, per rack ...12Ht New Imperial Figs, per lb.... Ho Ijirge Grape Fruit, each 60 California Figs, per pkg. ..,..,..,., Ho Large HwiiIh Cabbage ...la 120 size Fancy Sweet Hlshland Navel ' Oranees. worth everywhere 40r to 60c per dozen, our price, per dozen. .... .W' Don't fall to get our prices on Harnt. je" ir you neet any .Bo 10o 10q 6a r 0