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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1907)
The unday Bee Go Into th Horn THE OMAHA DEE Best A". West ART II. EDITORIAL SECTIOil PAGES 1 TO 8. Omaha 4 A VOL. XXXVI-XO. 39. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 17, 1907. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. itAtJd)ltiflJl.,t Phone Douglas 137 Phone Donates 13 1 ,$ii&k 3 JfPf'f . , y - - - - i, , -. Grand Advance Opening in Women's Tailor-Made Suits and Millinery Sections Women's New Tailor-Made Suits We have assembled for Monday's special ad vance display, a superb variety of styles at popular prices. Omaha women of taste never had a more entrancing oppor tunity for inspecting the season's best style-models in ready-to-wear garments from as large and complete an assortment as we put on special display Monday. The new Eton, the three-button cutaway, the Prince Chap, the popular pony and many more fads and fancies, etc., etc. See window display. Our Advance Opening Week Special In Man Tailored Suits Smart Tailor-Made Suits in the new three-button, Ught-JiUivg cutaway model; the new Eton with taffeta braid and trimming, and the charming short Pony Coat style, made of Panama in blue, brown, new leather shades, tan or gray; also stripeed &ftm and clucked worsted, worth $35. Opening week special Oar Advance Opening Week Special in Women's Coats Women's coats made of fine Covert Cloth, box or semi-fitted back, dou ble or single breasted, handsomely strapped and tailored, full lined with heavy taffeta silk, An, fm regular $10.00 value, tBf It) opening sale price V vfM Our Advance Opening Week Special. In Walking Skirts Walking Skirts in the new Cluster Side-Pleated Model, made of Panama and Voile, colors black, blue, tan and russet. These Skirts are extremely full and splendidly tailored;' regular tit. 50 value. Opening sale- JCll Sll price.. V v W Our Advance Opening Week Specials In Lace and Net Waists, at $5.93 Net Waists with printed yokes of Irish lace, body and sleeves effectively tucked,. Japanese silk lined; another of allover net,' handsomely trimmed in Filet laoe and me dallions, reg. $8.50 value opening week special $5-95 An Engaging and Deautiful Display for Girls and Misses. Handsome new Junior Suits in attractive checks, single breasted effect, with half fitted back, mannish coat collar, new cluster pleated skirt; also large variety Jumper Suits in two and three piece styles at $19.50-$15-$12.50 Millinery Spring 'OT , -Every new idea of merit in American ; French and Eng lish Millinery will be on exhibition in an fxclusiveness, elegance,' 'variety and' in. an extent that will secure for us the admission spontaneous and universal that our beautiful millinery section is the home of Spring Millinery fashions iiTS- OUR OWN CREATIONS A GREAT MANY OF THEM EQUAL AND EVEN SUPERIOR TO HIGH PRICED IMPORTED MODELS. uihat vnirvr DrAn arhiit THfllir.HT arMiit r npriMrD ABOUT V WHAT YOU'VE READ ABOUT. THOUGHT ABOUT OR DREAMED ABOUT-YOU'LL FIND HERE IN A CAPTIVATING REALITY SECOND FLOOR Gloves Complete, beautiful line of Long and Short Gloves In kid, silk ami lisle all tho latest The Kid CJloves are our own Importation, insuring onr customers of a better selected lino than 1ms ever been shown in Omaha. SPKCLU.S MONDAY Ladies' 10-bulton Tre fousse Kid (illuvefl, In black, brown, tan. gray and white. $3.75 qual ity. Monday only, pair for $2.69 Lo dies' 12-button Tre fousse Kid Gloves, $3.25 quality, Monday only, pair 82.10 Spring Uiderwea.r Onr entire spring line, of ladicb' Knit Underwear has arrived and is ready for Inspection. The largest and most complete line west of Chicago, in silk, silk and lisle, silk and wool, lisle and cotton, Vests, runts and Union Suits. Ladles' low neck sleeve less Vests, fancy lace and embroidery trlm . ming, 25c quality, Mon day, each 172 Ladles' ribbed Umbrella Pants, lace trimmed, 25o quality, Monday ..17 Our Customers Realize Our Silks Are Better irv Quality and Lower in Price. Greatest Bargains ir the History of Omaha Silk Selling. 10,000 yards 75c and 65c pure silk col-1 27-inch Black Taffeta, the best qual SILKS ored Taffetas, in all colors, elegant shades for suits, dresses or OQl underskirts, Monday, a yd....vC lty offered at $1.25 at other stores, every yard guaranteed extra ft(g heavy and lustrous, Mon'y, yd.vtfl nni?CC rAnnC Every Item Exactly As Advertised. Every IP t 113.3 UUUUJ piece New and Fresh, and Paramount Value. Black Good Voiles aru In great favor. Monday, best 4-in. French Vollo, beauti ful fine mesh, this quality it as fine and soft as a silk ivoile every yard actually worth JR. Monday, yd ,oc ea-ln. Black Panama, the chiffon quality, oft and pretty; this fabric still holda ad vantage over softer stuffs It'll shed the duat retails every where at tl.25 yard; Monday, par eqc yard 48-ln. Chiffon Toils Prettiest and finest quality, worth 1 i5, very fine, pretty open effect, every color cream, tan, brown, pink, light or dark blue, red, , etc., Mon- a?y,..a..;"....!.58c 91 Black and W lilts Wool Checkt Latest arrivals, all sizes, some large block ef fects which are swell for coat suits; also black and while checks with over plalds, new and : AO stylish. Monday. I W NEW WASH GOODS The most extensive collection of good, new merchandise. Notice our styles we don't sell the cheap, second grade goods. These prices mean a saving to you. 36-inch Pure Linen Suitings in every conceivable shade: pink, light blue, nile, navy, brown, tan, etc., these linen suitings are swell for coat suits, etc., worth . 39c' yard, Monday, a yd, 19 25c Cotton Voile Suitings, all spring colorings, swell 8 h a d e s of tan, brown, navy blue, gray or delf grounds with overplaid or checks Monday, a yard, only 9 If It's From BENNETT'S It's Good Bennett's Big Grocery Monday and Tuesday List of Inter esting Items for the Housekeeper Bennett's Excelsior 1 1 a. . -i pKOtuMnTcoiuAiiy Flour, . . .1.S0 Trading k And Fifty Green 8tamp. Bennett s Cupltol Coffee, lb. pkg And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Oranolated Bugar Double Oreen Trading Stamps. Teas H. F. Japan, Uolong. a t u n i o w die r. KnKliali Breakfast, lb 4 3o And Forty Oreen Trading Plumps. Bennett's Capitol Oats, 3 ukfTS 20o And Twenty Green Trading btamps. Uonnott's Capitol Bftkl'is I'owdcr. lb can J4o r And Twenty tlreen Trading fstampa. Corn, can So Peas, can 80 Onlatlne, pkg o Pepper Sauoe. bottle a f-almon. Iialf-slse can 0a Grape Nuts, pkg 10c Toasted Corn Flakes, S pkgs for ic Fruit Speolal California bai 1 a ib- Ana twenty reen Stamps. J Joa. Tstley k co.'s Teas J BpMlal Odr. fiiinHm'nr IK .In ?tf. And Fifty Gruen Trading Stamps. Sunflower hrand, H-lb. tin i'a And Twenty Grenn Trading Stamps. fanntiower hranil. -Ui tin 20o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Japan Kice, i ids i io And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Mince Sleat. 1 pks .I3o And Twenty Green Trading Siamps. New York Full Cream Cheese, lb 20o And Ten Green Tra.llnu Sumps. "Bst Wsj Have" brand Tomatoes, large can for lie And Ten Green Trading 8ta:nps. 3 Bennett's Candies Easter Novelties, up from: 3f lUbbiu, Ducks, Chlika, each 5 Candy Egg 95 for f Birds' Nests, each . Ji m March Sale of Laces and Embroideries Monday we place on sale ten thousand yards fine French Embroidery. This lot Includes many patterns of lnce and embroidery combined Galloons, Hands, Flouncing, Insertions. Medallions. . m . m r - i a a. $2.00 value, yard. tq vaiue. yaru. MJC It ' ' ' ' . J J W I i. I at. at. , Lace Waistings, Lace Yoking. Lace Dress Nets. Values such as Omaha has nerer seen. 20-in. Oriental Allover. $1.26 value, yard, at 490 42-in. DreBg Nets, in wAlte and butter color, $1.50 value, yd., 59 1,000 yards tO-lnch Allover Embroidery Walstlngs, a variety of desirable styles at absolutely the lowest prices ever quoted 98o value, yard, for 89 Oriental Net Top Laces In white and butter, very charming designs, t to 15 Inches wide, 98c value, yard, at 12 New Beautiful Batiste and Lawn Robes, made in the newest shapes, each, from $32.60 down to $5 Alain Floor PICTURES Most Appropriate Easter Gifts 100 band colored plati num Modern Madonnas, 7x9 ovul gold framo, regular $2.50, sale price, one in a box, ready for mailing or otherwise, Easter Bale price, Mon day 81.95 riiotograrures, in quar tered oak frames "Christ at Twelve," "Christ at Gethsemane," "11 o r d e n hauser's Ma donna," , etc., regular sale price $1.69. Mon day SI. 29 Other suitable gifts at 75c, 48c, 39c, 25c nd 150 Specials in Hardware Monday Birf Sal on Spring Goods, Such m: quality Shovels and Johnson s Floor War, lb. .. -45c And 20 ureen Trading stamps. Weighted Brushes. 15 and 25 lbs., .special, $1.76 and 81.50 And 30 Green' Trading Stamps. 65c extra .Spades at 49 24-tooth Steel Lawn Rake at.404 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. 86-tooth Steel Lawn Rake at G5 And 30 Green Trading Stamps. Good Steel Rakes, 35c, 30c, 25 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. Extra Good Dirt Wheelbarrow for 8X.75 Top Shine Furniture polish, ex tra quality, at 25 And 20 Green Trading Stamps. ' . ' ("i ll! V J3 Eice Root. Tamcico and fp3 Palmetto Scrub Brushes choice 4WEAftSJICEIR0N' Greatest tblna; in the world fa ra- ovaUss most eierjthlns; la house for. Blsulfif and flztores. EIXTEEBT COXOBS, A X, X. SIZCB, M.1Q? PJtlCES. h 10c And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Easter Novelties la Stationery Great assortment of Post Cards, Rabbit and Chicken Novel ties, etc. Main Floor. The Vollmcr Clothing Cos closing Oat Sale Norfolk, Buster Brown, Russian Blouse Perfection Make Black or Blue Confirmation Suite Choice of Any Suit that we've sold up to $9.50, 3 to 16 years, at S3.98 Men's and Boys' Spring; Overcoats or Rain Coats, y Price Monday Choice of White or Colored Shirts, sold up to $2, at 85 Hosiery All the Intent novelties in hand embroidered, loe boot and allover lace, in silk, lisle and cotton. We Imported these goods last summer for this spring's sclliiifc at last year's prices, which puts ns in position to sell hos iery cheaper than any other firm can buy. Ladies' Imported Lisle Hose, double sole and high spliced heel. 35c quality, Monday ..190 Ladies' Imported Lisle Hose, hand embroidered, 60c quality, Monday, a pair 29 Handk'chiefs Our Handkerchief De partment is one of tho most complete in the wc;st, comprising Ileal Duchess and Km press Lnce, fine Swiss and Irish Linen, in embroidered, lace trimmed, plain and initial. Indies' Pure Linen Cross bar and Allover Em broidered Handker chiefs, 35c quality, Mon day, each 21 Men's All Linen 20-ineh Handkerchiefs. M and 4-inch hem, 20c qual ity, Monday, each.lO Corsets Monday will be the greatest Corset day of the season. We will place on sale Coutil and Batiste Corsets, long and short hip models, odds and ends and discontinued styles of several well-known makes. All Sizes, values $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50, at . ................ 2nd Floor. 87c WALL PAPER Paper Hangers and Property Owners Attention 16 patterns Silk Bed Room Stripes and Silk Parlor Papers, worth from' 170 to 45o roll, your .choice Monday and Tuesday, a roll 10 Moires, any color, roll at . 5 Imitation Oak Moulding, per foot lVi Imitation Hard Pine Moulding, per foot 1V4 Out-of-town orders and Paper Hangers' orders filled for any amount. THIRD FLOOR. Furniture 250 Green Trading Stamps with every nnea pur chase of $10. OO in Furniture Section Mon day, Tuesday, Wednesday. Baby Walkers at- $300 $325 I BenneU's Fine Carpets Twenty-five Green Trading Stamps on every $1.00 purchase Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 16th, 19th and 20th. ' Big Stock, New Goods; Lowest Prices. Extra heavy cotton chain Ingrain Car- pet, elegant assortment of new pat terns and colors, worth G5c a ft rj yard, on sale now, a yard only. rw3C 9.d2 Rugs at $19.75, $14.75 and $12.75 Kimona & Drapery Silks lieautiful colors in Japanese and floral designs, worth up to $5c, our price, yard, 60c and 59t Twenty - five Green Trading Stamps on every SI pur chase in Drapery Section Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Lace Curtains Nottingham 15 new patterns, all full nize. worth up to $1.75, our j price, pair 98d ? Cable Nets Copies of i real laoe that sell at t, $15 t,o $25 pair, linen thread, strong, full size, big variety, our r price, pair at, 1.98 r s r