Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8
K L.tijui1; mrtaes IAD V fT3 T m EAC2 - u L3Ui FROM Holland, Fox Co., Omaha, and Rlme. S. Svitzer, Nev York, Highest Glass Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Laces, Dress Trimmings, Unmade and Made Up Gowns-Dresses, Imported for Fashionable Trade. Doth Entire Stocks Go On Sale Monday at the most Tremendous Dargains Ever Known in the West. TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 17, 1007. Mf? Mnn3V fl liill LuuiyiS) U II TO fS Entire Stock of These Omaha Dresmakers Sold to Brandeis' By Trustee in Bankruptcy. ' fif'"T'--J - - --iniiifnn in i i ' I ' ' ri' v r ' ' 1 1 i ii iiiii.iinr.i-Twil i i.m.n S Of iOj M JjjNij if gJ Til IY3 E S One of the most fashionable Q IAI I T R and exclusive dressmaking OUlI 1 rficrt establishments in New York. 1 1 ,2 ' We secured all the imported NEW YORK FT. TT- : fabrics and trimmings, un (Retired from Business) made and made up dresses. We Bought at An Extraordinary Bargain We Sell at A El, ere Fraction of Their Value, A LL THE GOODS in these stocks were bought " to appeal to the most fashionable sets. These establishments had the patronage of some of the most select and exclusive trade and the goods were chosen for their elegance and perfect style. This includes the rarest Spring Fabrics and Trimmings expressly imported for use in this season's elegant Suits and Gowns. All the goods in both stocks will be shown on bargain squares and counters. It will be one of the grandest bargain days in our entire history. i New Spring Dress Goods Choice Imported Fabrics from Holland-Fox and Switzer Stocks Nevsr have we b3en able to display such an assembly of High Class Dress Goods just as the season opens up. There will be found dainty spring and summer materials, also finest Broad cloths and Poplins ever imported to this country, including all the new colors shown this season, in the new blues and browns, also the new leather shades, etc., etc., French V 1 111 DVy f f I j 1 1 1 1 steds, etc. This immense assemblage positively worth $2 and $3 a yard, at n i u l ine new m si Dress Trimmings and Ribbons The greatest assortment of high class Dress Trimmings, In 811k Appli ques. Silk Braids, Persian and Oriental Novelties, also Bilk Ribbons of all descriptions. Both trimmings and ribbons are all new up-to- date materials, and go on sale, at, yard luimufcB auu i luuuua ura mi new up-vo- 5c-10e-25e49c TT A (T TCP From Thcsc Two Bifl IwAELC DRESSMAKING STOCKS All the laces from the Holland-Fox and Switzer stocks, consisting of Irish Lace, Hand Made Cluny Lace and Duch ess Lace, also dozens of Irish, Duchess and Cluny Lace Bol eros., These Laces and Lace Boleros are especially adapted for dress trimmings, waists, lingerie, etc. many worth $25 per yard and $35.00 per each "Bolero, go - At a Fraction ni Real Value SILKS s VELVETS STS Silk-sheer materials for evening gowns; also marty patterns of heavy, elaborately embroidered Silks, including Foulards, em broidered Silk Moussellnes and open-work Chiffons, Rajahs, rough-weave Shantungs, Pompadour Silks, brocade Velvets, etc. This assemblage ot high -class materials SILKS WORTH UP TO $5 A YARD go at, per yard P. (rn and MBS OSES BB4BllI4l4Bll4lllel4B4iltBlBl4llfa?lB4lB4a4B4lal4ll Easter Gloves If rm Arli,lic Sprinrf I KWaweO-. T JT.T TT JT TT TT T X A 1 V X W m 11 ILf ILf ii IN ID li-11 5 The Fine Elbow Length Kid GUves All Coler. Ladies' $3.50 Long Kid Gloves S Real kid and French lamb gloves in black, white, red, russet and tan a great bargain tl 98 at, a II : pair Ladies' 16-Button Kid Gloves Real Kid Suedes and glaces all sizes black, tan, russet, grey, red, white worth up to $4 C4C pair-pair. -at, Ladies' Kayser Long Silk Gloves Double finger yfQ tip elbow length a pair I Lcng Lisle Gloves 16-button fength, all colors regular $i.du values at, a pair. 98c NOW IN THE NEW STORE CARPET DEPT. MAIN FLOOR WEST END Better equipped than ever to show you our splendid spring line of the highest grade carpets and rugs. Here are special Monday inducements: 9x12 best quality Tapeetry Brua- 9x12 Sanford'i best qualltr Ax seU Rugs, sold every- f 'TQA minister Hugs, worth CP 1 C where at 118.60. at U $30.. at 9x12 AxminUter Rug8, usually sold Regular SI. 00 a yard Brussels at 126. and $27.60, DISQ Carpet Monday, Q C at $18.60 and per yard ODC Something new, Just arrived, Navajo Rugs, fine r ff J (T L for libraries, dens and cozy corners at Hv, n 50 Linoleum, Oil Cloth and Straw Matting, special prices. mm Trrr JffSf 1 .11 It 8 ? wmsmmtfMtbSc M UNMADE LINEN ROBES We have thirty of the finest Imported, unmade Drew Robes ever, brought to Omaha. These are embroidered and trimmed with Irish cluny and filet lace in sheer and heavy pure linen materials many ISSE: 15-,25-'39-s50 UNMADE SILK DRESSES IN BLACK TAFFETA Beautifully embroidered, -enough silk and embroidery aj a in each pattern for entire dress, (I each VJLV ENTIRE LACE EVENING COATS- $Or $QQ $A Worth up to $200, at UOm OU" dJ and 25 evening Partly Made and Finished Gowns Both 6treet, also tailored gowns from Switzer, of New York City, go at, ' each , French Hand-Make Muslin Undermuslins The Holland Fox Co. carried the most exquisite real French Lingeria We will sell these fine undermuslins Monday at Far Less Than Their Cost to Import. One Hello Checked Chiffon VoUo Lace Trimmed Gown Worth $160.00 at One Hello Floral French Radlun, with embroidered silk trim ming worth $123, at One Raspberry Cliif fon Voile Gown, Irish crochet lace worth $183, at i One Imported Model Tailored SalU Worth $150, at One Lavender Chiffon Floral Trimmed Evening Gown worth $125, at S50 $35 S39 $50 $39 The beauty of spring was never so effectively mir- 8? rored in millinery as this season. There is a grace and $ harmony in every leading style. Brandeis' showing sur passes that of any previous season. Have you seen our newest arrivals? New Spring Wash Goods The Brandeis Dress Hat at $10 More real Parisian style, more elegance of materials than you ever saw in hats to sell at $10. Original ideas of the "Belle of May fair" type, exquisitely trimmed, are prominent In Our Basement Imperial Chanibray Ginghams High grade inexpensive cloth, at yard 15c $10f Is Stunning Spring Hats at $5 Brandeis ha5 ga'ined last mg tavor throughout the West by specializing in dressy hats to sell at this moderate price. All C I" the favorite shapes and pretty color schemes y 5 2z Galatea cloth, in plain d e and fancy stripes, checks, etc., for boys' waists and suits, at, yard. . . , White and black silk, Persian lawn, worth up to 60c yard, at. yard ! I I5C 19c 25c Long mill lengths, fine nainsooks and Imperial long cloth remnants, 15c Qualities, for yard Fancy dress ginghams, pluln chambrays, well known brands such as A. F. C, Tolle du Nord. Red Seal, etc., in dress lengths, at. yard. . . , 6c V. iu ui COD 8yac Lonsdale cambric, in long mill lengths R wholesale price 12 Vic yard. A $ at. 1 IIP. 5 yard. Fine Imported Madras cloths. In beautiful patterns, long rem nants, tc Jard UC MONDAY BARGAINS IN LINENS Street Hats, Turbans and New Sailors at $2.50- of these hats are the smart but simple little suit hats others are flower trimmed turbans -Many .21 Sale of Well Paper Our second offer and display of the tremendous stock of the Economy Wall Paper Mills. a B 0 I Ladies' ILeady-to-Wear Apparel L; Heavy gilt parlor pa pers, worth up to 26c, at per roll, 6c, 8c and 0c. Dining room and hall papers, worth to 1JV4C at, per roll, 60 and 6 c. Bed room papers, rich in colorings and de sign, worth up to 10c, per roll, 3c, 4c and 6c. Pattern Table Cloths, all linen, elegant qualities, actually worth up to 15.00, Monday soeclal, each 81.08. $2.50 a" 82.08 Regular 11.00 all linen, bleached Satin Table Damabk, mostly 2 yards wide, at, yard 75 80c quality heavy bltched and cream Damask, yard 15 Full bleached. 22-ln. Scotch Linen Dinner Napkins, the $2.50 grade, dozen $1.30 Fine quality crochet Bed Spreads, large size, worth up to 2.00. Hemmed $1.00 Fringed $1.25 18x54 Hemstitched Drawn Work Linen Dresser Scarfs, the 50c kind, each 25 10c and 15c Hemstitched Linen Dollies, each 5 5c Turkish Wash Cloths, each 1 5c Linen Fringed Napkins, each Ve present this season the most carefully tailored and ekilliully made Suits and Outergarments for Spring. New arrivals have added greatly to J our already handsome line of spring wear. 5 The Famous "Fashionseal" Tailored Suits 15 The highest class of Tailored Suits made in America, These suits " are in an almost endless variety of 6tyles all the up-to-date fab- " rics were made expressly for the "Fashionseal" Suits. The .spring models compare most fav orably with the usual $40 and $50 Suits, at .... a 25 nnn n rn rnirn ci 1 i 1 tin I I i . . i 'iii r. v f 'Jl I V I 1 The New Spring Box Coat The new light Plaids and Checks and the smart stripes are promi nent in these jaunty coats both the box back Q Q2 and the Prince Chap model are high in favor tJJ Ladies' Tailored Walking Skirts We have included in this line many Skirts that would read ily sell for more money. The styles, materials QQ ana iaurics are 01 me niguesi oruer 11 is a K-m Giwinl villus nt ............... . . . . . I 5 The Best Ladies' SILK PETTICOAT That ever sold in Omaha at a moderate price A Q O Black and all colors, at JrJ mm Ti Mil S Silverware Oneida Comunity Tea Spoors. Patterns are Fleur de luce, classic and Avion, ar:.:' 1.10 Easter Coffee Spoons, ster ling silver, each Sterling Silver Easter Book 25c Odd pieces Silverware, W. A. Rogers Tea Spoons, Des sert Spoons, Butter f C Knives, each U ! Lace Curtains Brunei! Net Curtains, all new pat terns, at, pair. 110. Real Arabian and Battenburf Cur tains, at, pair. Ml 00. Real Arabian, Bruaaela, Battenburg-, Cluny and Point da Ualln Curtains, worth up to 17. EO, at pair IS 00. Imported Nottingham Curtains, tx-, tra fine net. worth up to 60, go at pair, 14 80. Cable Net Curtains, sold every where at 11.00. go at pair, 11.11. Nottingham Curtains, always In style and will wear well, at, pr. 1S5. Portleies, with tapestry borders or corded edges, plain or duplex, at, pair. ta bs. 4 CI and 16.11. New fcprlng Cretonne We r showtng a larger line thn e-rer be foreworth up to I6e yard, go at yard, lc. j T - . I r-rs rrs n r n r 9.1 n . I' I 111 taMrw -IJW W