Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1907, HALF-TONE SECTION, Page 2, Image 18

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TiTe KhnTini Heard at a SioeU Per
formance, ia Eambire.
Itallaa Work InpiiUr-VoIri of the
llfr-Brltrr Prospecte for
Opera la rarle Wagarr
la lal.
n id
New Yorkers were astonished
month when llcrr Wurrlan bcgait
opera of "Lohengrin." fell hoarse
wa replaced by Herr Idppel, who
to be natched from his game of pinochle
to finish the opera. Tet, there w as a per
formance of "Tannliauser" in Hambmg
the other night in which there wera fivo
Interpreter of tho title role.
Although surh thing are never sup
posed to happen In well ordered state
theaters, the weather In Hamburg was
too much for ordinary rules. Tho first
tenor t succumb was Hlrrenkoven, who
auddenly got no hoarso that he ould not
finish the first art. Aloys IVniiariin, who
carno here to sing Parsifal In English,
next took the purt, but having sung t'o
heavy roles on the two preceding even
ings he was taken 111 In the middle of tho
Second act und Herr Ftratx. another lcn-T
In the company, who hud the part of
Walther, finished the singer's tournament
and went off to Home to be forgiven.
Tho understudy who attempted the
part of Walther did not know his music,
and Herr Strati hud to prompt him so
much that It was not possible, f r him
to finish the last act, his voice being ex
hausted by the effort to slug one i do u: '1
prompt the singer In another. Tho opera
might have ended with the second act
had not the second Tannhauser recovered
himself and finished the opera.
' Thus tho honors rested with Pennarlnl.
If such a thing had happened at the Met
ropolitan Mr. Conrled would have been
compelled to resign within u week.
Oustav Mahler, who Is reviving more
and more of the old Italian repertoire at
the Imperial opera house In Vienna, Ii'io
Just added "Tho Barber of Seville" to the
The opera had not been heard In Vienna
alnce Mme. Sembrlch produced It there
alx years ago.
Bel ma Kurz, tho great German coloni
lure singer of the day. was the Hoslna.
Bhe sang Handel's "Allegro a l'enaeroso''
and "Ah, non glunge" In the leason t-cetie.
Frauleln Kun Is also the Mlml In Vienna
and has recently been one of the stars of
the Monte Carlo season.
Bhe sang Lucia recently there and Is
appearing In nil tho light soprano roles.
She Is a Viennese nnd was born In great
poverty. Her voice attracted nttentlon and
she wns enabled through the generosity of
friends to cultivate It.
nra Favorite In Berlin.
Frieda Hompel. who succeeded Geraldlne
Farrnr at the Koyal Opera house In Tier
Jin nnd appeared there first as Olhla, has
made such a success that she was not
only engaged for five years In rierlln. but
will sing this spring at Covent Garden. Sho
hud previously sung In Stettin. No such
triumph has been recorded In Berlin In
years. In London Mile. Hompel will sing
Elsa. Eva and Susannah.
Ethel Smyth, composer of "Der Wald."
which was given several years agl at the
Metropolitan, has Just hnd a third opera
ung In Prague. It Is called "The Wreck
ers," and the music is much more highly
praised than the text, which Is the experl
snce of many German operas now.
The opera tells the story of a young
Isherman and his sweetheart who try to
prevent the wrecking of ships by the false
lights and signals which the dwellers on
the acacoast display. The two pass through
various vicissitudes and are ultimately
drowned by the rising of the tide In a sea
cave Into which they are driven. The
music of Miss Smyth was very highly
praised and It Is thought that the text
may be so altered us to be of pructlcnl
Putnam Grlswold, the young American
basso who sang here In "I'arslfi'l" and U
now a member of the company at the
Royal Opera house In Berlin, has been
engaged for the season at Covent Onrdjn
tn the spring. He will have the leading
basso roles In the Wugner repertoire.
Th. Wnirner festival at Munich will,
after all, be held again this summer.
Nlebelungcn Ring" will be SJng
times; "Tristan und Isolde'
"Die Meisterslnger" and
four times,
twice each. There will also lie a nioaan
festival, at which the operas will be "Don
Olovannl," "Le None dl Figaro" and "Die
Entfuchrlng aus Uem Serall."
liaron Anton von Perfull. for many years
Intendent of the royal theater of Bavaria,
has Just died In Munich. It was he who
arranged for the crazy Ludwlg II tho
private performances which the king en
Joyed so much. He was born In 1&J4,
atudled law und then abandoned that ca
reer to become a musician. He became
Intendent of the court theaters In lsi7. and
held that P' un"1 ne w'11 succeeded by
Posaart In Ml He wrote several oieras
that met with no permanent success.
Ifdlmalr Retires at Vienna.
Bophle Sedlmalr. who sang In America
some years ago In comic opera, hits Just re
tired from the company at the Imperial
opera house In Vienna. Since 1SJ t-lie had
been a member of this company, having
been engaged after a very brilliant perform
ance of Isolde.
She later sung all the dramatic roles of
the Wagner repertoire and was considered
the best singer of her kind since Amallu
Materna until the powers of her ymi.ger
rival. Frauleln von Mlldcnbeig. were fully
recognized. She possessed a warmth de
riled to her successor. In uddltton to the
Wagner repertoire, she was accounted un
excellent Laonore in "Fidello."
"ToSca" was recently sung at the 0eia
Comlyu of Berlin and met with only mod
erate auceeaa. The till role was rung In
German by on Italian soprano, tut Her
mans filled the rest of the rohs. That fact
would explain any fute that ml ht have be
fallen the opera except triumph.
In Vienna 'Jlordano a "Fedora" was aung
In German and met with even !cs succr-s
than It found when Gemma Kcllincionl
'aang the opera theie six yens ugo with on
Italian troupe.
Jterlln is soon to hear the eaiire company
from the opera houre at Monte Carlo. Th"
coinpary goes there to give six perf orm
ances for charitable purposes. "La Dom
natlcn de Foust" will lie sung.
The troupe Is to cor.slt of V"! pi rsons,
and the object ct the vlult Is to make more
rordlal the relations between Franco and
Germany. Dellus' one-act opera, "Romeo
and Juliet," h.-ui Just been sur. wIMi real
Biiecens at the Roys! opera house In Berlin.
Fella Mtvinne recently gave a concert In
Vienna, at which she sang numbers suffi
cient to attest the full power of her voice.
To the program she contributed two
arias from Gluck'a Alceste." one from
Oounod's "Papho" and the "IJobestod"
from "Tristan nnd Isolde." As If this were
not sufficient, she added the entire 'I'lch
Urliehe" of Schuliert.
"Mpna Yanna" has supplied tho Inspira
tion to a Hungarian composer. Km!) Ab
rangt. and his opera will soon be sung In
Budapest. "Hannele" has also ben made
Into an opera by Bntykay. another Hun
garian, and with Carl Goldmirk's Shake
oeereu opera "A Winter's Tula" will L
produted this season at Budapest. No
opera house Is more active In the produc
tion of novelties than that of Budapest,
trtlallc Standard la I'arla.
I'aris Is wondering whether or not th
new directors of the Grand opera will at
tempt to r.iise thu artistic level of II. e es
tablishment, which has become a laughing
stock of burope. I'edro (Jailhard, In spile
of the mediocre character of the perform
ances, Is believed tn have made a fortune.
Merit played a very small part in the en
gagement of the woman singers. The
places were in the market, and the singers
who could pay for them wero engaged. The
Influence back of a singer were considered
much more Important than her art or her
voice, and Gallhard during his ten years of
management never failed to lake advantage
of this stato of affairs.
The small number of famous singers
that have appeared there In recent years
Is sufficient proof of the way he managed
the theater. Messager and Broussan have
promised to Improve the forces of the
theater und see to it that the only artistic
performances of opera in Paris shall not
be given at the Opera Comlque or the pri
vate theaters.
M. liruusxan Is the director of the Grand
theater at Lyons, und has rrsde it one of
the most noted opera houses In Rurope.
During his first se:u. n he mounted the
' Nibelungen Ivlng" und Puccini's "La. llo
hmo." He put on Gluck'a "Armlde" dur
ing tho second year of his management,
and later produced Massenet "le Jon
gleur de Notre Dame," "Tristan and Is
olde" and operas by D'Indy, Ie Borne and
Lit zz art.
Messager has been conductor and as
sociate director of the Opera Comlque for
the hict eight years, and Is a composer of
agreeable light music. He has recently
been director at Covont Garden. That
would never b accounted a test of his
artistic nl.'lllty, however.
He 1.1 now D5. He studied musln first In
a rt ticlnun school and later played the or
gan at St. Sulplce. Such a combination
ought to lift the National Academy of
Music, o It la railed, from the artistic
depth Into which Gallhard brought It.
Debussy s "l'elleas et Mollsande" had
never until recently been performed out
side the Opera Comlque because the diffi
culties of the work were so grent and Its
popularity so uncertain that no Impresario
wan willing to undertnke It. Now the op
era has been performed with success at
the Theater de la Monnale In Brussels.
Mary Garden sang the role originally writ
ten for her.
The same theater has recently produced
tho first nnd second parts of Berlloz'a
"Les Troyens," which has been almost too
much of a problem for any theater. Felix
MottI gave the opera nt the Berlioz festival
he organized In Carlsruhe, but elsewhere
It has remained unknown to the operatic
Emma Calve recently lost more money
through one of her freaks. In Dresden she
refused to sing In "Carmen" with a Ger
man tenor, and the Impresario brought
suit aganiBt the prima d una, who has just
Ixen compelled to reimburse him for his
Wsgnrr In Italy.
Both "Tristan and Isolde" and "Goetter
daenimerung" have been produced In Italy
this winter. "Goetterdaemmerung," given
In Rome, hnd not previously been heard
there for nine years. Slgnor Borgatl, who
haa acquired fame In Italy as the best of
Tristans, sang that role when the former
opera was performed at La Bcala In Milan.
"La Glocoiula," which has been sung dur
ing the season at La Bcala, has been the
most successful of all the operas heard
there, although Maria Gay has also made a
success with her realistic Carmen. Gior
dano's "Fedora" continues to enjoy great
popularity In Italy.
Ieopoldo Mugnone, who Is to be the next
Italian conductor at the Metropolitan
opera house, opened the sason at the San
Carlo, where he Is now conducting with
"La Damnation do Faust." Franchettl's
musical setting of d'Annunclo's "La Flglla
de Jorlo" hns not proved successful. Leon
cavallo Is working on an opera to be called
"Tho Rd Shirt," and the scenes are laid
at Trieste In the year 1868.
Celea's next work Is to be "Gloria,"
which will be sung this month at La Bcala.
His "Adrlana Ix-couvreur" will probably
not be sung at the Metropolitan this sea
son. Herein Darelee, who Is dividing the
winter between Spnln and Italy, recently
Bang Vlolctta In Naples.
The queen of Italy has recently forbidden
the orchestras In the opera houses to ln-
j terrupt the performance to play the royal
march when the sovereign enters the
Massenet arranged the opera of
"Werther" for Battlstlnt so that the title
role could be sung by a baritone. Jean da
Ratike appeared In It here and Battlstlnt
hns been singing the part in Italy this
Failure In London.
The German opera season at Covent
Garden in London might have been mod
erately successful but for the extra per
formances. The misfortunes that overtook
the troupe were also in part the result of
the high prices paid to some of the artists.
The season was organized by a London
syndicate Interested In German opera and
anxious to give the works of Wagner some
what more conspicuous place In the reper
toire than has recently been assigned to
them at Covent Garden. Ernest Van Dyke,
who undertook th direction of the senson,
is said to have his eyx on the post now
held by Henry Hlgglns as managing di
rector of Covent Garden, and he wanted to
show what he could do as Impresario. The
performances were praised, but there was
no povslblllty of making the venture suc
cessful even with the guarantee fund.
Found It Uaaler to Uet Employment
VI lien He "A-ore Femi
nine Garb.
For five years Joseph Teddar. a youth
51) years old. has appeared In various parts
of St. Louis and vicinity alternately ns a
girl and u boy He ha been a cook, a
chore boy, a housemaid, a grocery boy, a
cash girl, a stabla boy and even masquer
aded as a danetr.r; girl on the Pike at tho
World fair.
His singular existence became known
when he wns arraigned In court
on complaint of a young woman who as
serted he hud been annoying her. Her
charge wps not austalnvd, and the girl be
came so angry when he was released that
she rtruck hliu.
Teddar came to 8t. Louis flva year ago
from Little Rock. Ark. Ha found It diffi
cult to obtain employment. Friend had
nfii n chlded him on his effeminate man
ners und girlish appearance. This Inspired
him with the Idea to don skirls and seek
u position.
lie vusily found u, pluce with a Broadway
di-partment slur. Ha was a "cash girl."
"Nuncy Tetter" ho told hi employers his
name was. The other girls were unusually
devoted to "Nancy" and "Nancy" showed
his ui prvclullou by hugging and kiaelug
After a few weeks he became tired of
the confinement of sklrta and quit the posi
tion. In male attire he became errand
boy for a g nicer at Eighteenth and Wash
meet. At the end of two month he went
to tinsel Hill uud accepted a place as
cl.orc. boy (or a f aimer.
lint the farm work wa too heavy for his
gentle nature, and he aala donned skirts.
He applied for a poaittou as muld at a
iiaikvl meet house and wns Insulted in
..JJiiy 'MLiiiui ".iramma.'i'ym im. um mmav "WL-iiau1 wjl-W mman lkimi uwjiawai gwry
dDw Individual Credit Service
Shows Our Desire to Treat Customers Generously
THAT true and genuine desire of ours to make this store a helpful institu
tion in this community is shown in our generous treatment of custo
mers. We extend Credit Accommodations that are more helpful than those
of any other homet'urhishing institution in this city. We're here to give,
generous treatment kind consideration otv service.
We believe In extending kind, courteous treatment to all not endeavoring to see how
little we MUST do. but rather how helpful we can really make our Credit Service
and to tee to It that It meeta the Individual requirements of each and every customer.
"We believe that every business house owes its existence to the people of the community in which it
stands and should endeavor to accomplish the greatest possible good for the people of that community.
We're sincero in this we aro deeply in earnest. AVe show it by treating our customers liberally gen
erously helpfully. We require no payments when a customer is ill or out of work.
Saving Opportunities Aro Numerous This Week
Just consider the merits of the offerings here presented. They tell of wonderful saving advan
tages for YOU. Evervthuur is lust as illustrated and described nnd will he. found mi nlo sit nnr ut
tomorrow and all week at the prices and on the tenns precisely as stated below..
"Let Hartman Feathe&C
4 rooms
for .... ??)
$9 cash,
$8 monthly
V.'. .... . " C
This Complete Outfit, bed
Springs and Mattress
This outfit consist of bed, aprlng and mattress. Bed Is of above
handsome dpslgn, made of large, strong: tubing and hoavlly en
ameled; spring are made of best pliable steel and the mattress
is of splendid quality with soft top, heavy ticking and taped
edges. The bed alone Is actually worth as much a we now ask
for the entire combination.
Credit Terms i fl Cash and BOo Weekly.
W are agents
for th cele
brated MoDou
ral Kitchen
Cabinet, 918.
to 938.
26-Pieco Set
Rogers Silverware
laumjiiiriaii - ail MtmwmmwmmmmMiiwmKnrm-tT-rT-- T'- iYtiTiw?'-'----
This Elegant
Made In beautiful golden oak or
mahogany finish; hoa large l-'reiuh
bevel mirror and carved mirror
frami and standards. Top drawers
are full swelled, rich, exclusive
design, made to special order for
above Illustration gives you an
idea of Its beautiful design. It
has a high, comfortable back,
beautifully ornamented with
carvings. Is broad, spacious and
comfortable and has embossed
leather cobbler scat,
and Is most beauti
fully jolished
Bpvclal price
SET consists of twenty-six piece a follow I 6 Xnlvea,
6 Fork, e Tablaipoona, 6 Teaspoon, 1 Batter Knife,
1 Bug-ax BhaU.
We wish to put this silverware Into your home without
its costing you a single penny. Our plan Is this: We'll
give you one of these Sets Absolutely Pree If you purchase
goods or us to the amount or fiuu.uu or more, wunin me
period of one year. ,
In order to enable you to get this Sot at once, even
though not ready to make anv purchases now, we will naree
to deliver the Set to you immediately, with the under
standing that In caee you do not purchase goods during
the year, which In the aggregate amount to 9100.00, that
you will pay us 96.95 for the friet, on the easy terms of
only 91.00 cash and 75c monthly. This price of 96.93 is
about one-half the regular selling price of the Silverware.
We will deliver the Set on the terms mentioned. In case
you buy goods of us to the amount of 9100.00 any time
within the year, we will credit your account with every
cent you have paid on the Silverware, and thus bo giving
the entire set to you ABSOLUTELY FKEE.
EVERY piece of Silver In this entire set bears the full
name of "Itogcrs", the world's famous Silversmith.
It Is not the unstamped Imitation Rogers goods, such as
Is often advertised by Department Stores and Jewelry
Houses, at so called "Special J'rlces." This Is the genuine
Rogers goods of superior make and highest quality. This
Silverware Is good for ten years with proper care. Comes
In handsome lined leatherette case as shown In above
Illustration. See these beautiful sets tomorrow.
Wmk If f
- H i n 1 1 i ia ii n as si aj aj ni w mm i i a l I fl
SW WU'i nrarraorjrcrcattJ rXrZxzLAiZ&Jt i.itx? B
Lion Brand 9x12 Brussels Rug
Hir !iflP
t aw
vr," 5ppri soth t?rrK d? pw
aarrr4- MMa
Wm. . liflorr. ymittd
ttt Hnf gmraatw. 1UH. .. 'aim a Mw'A
Vim. A Hooni. LiaiHal
Size 9x12. This rug has no miter seams; It is thoroughly high
grade, made of fine especially selected materials and exclu
sively ror us ry one or the foremost rug weavers In the world
The colorings are beautifully blended. Choice of above hand
some oriental design or 4 selected elegant floral pattern, choice
colors, t-very rug is tnorougniy guaranteed.
Term, 91.60 Oaah 60o Wkly,
Be oar new d-
lgn In Go-Cart
l nw, oomplat
l Una on diaplay.
clining special Frame Is
made of bicycle tubing, gearing
Is constructed of best steel and
richly enameled. It has steel
wheels with large rubber tires.
Has polished wood arm. folds
compactly with one movement.
step ana an. J ne
lightest and
strongest Go-
Cart ever made....
iuu truism,
K m
3 ' r I
jXOJtniyar1rl Vlf "' aaiaaiaaiaaiaaiaa a.
ered In plain un
lettered wagons
5 AH goods
Meet kanres ialOt I D
ltl'FI'ET ExcIubIvo deBlgn,
made of rich quartered sawed
otilc. rubbed and polished, large
French beveled mirror, fancy
brackets as shown.
china closet front
with wood grilled
work price
Illllll'l, lIVJ
quality felt, perfectly clan and odorless, placed in
layers and thoroughly guaranteed, best grade tlyklng
In Roman stripes, small tutted, high grade ami Tie m
made In every particular any desirable size, equally
as good as uny 1 15 felt mattress
In the city for tomorrow
and all week,
price, only
Hart man Special? j C
Kitchen Cabinet
Exactly as shown. Convenient
top, large size base, size 26x46
Inches. 2 large flour bins, 2 draw
ers and 2 boards extra well made.
You can see at a glance that
It actual worth 1 $14.
A 7 Tour
VX Monay'a
I fXv Worth
I feV' If i i I X Tour
CHIFFONIER (like cut) made
of solid oak throughout, ha five
deep easy running drawer, of
dovetail construction, each fitted
with locks,
extra well made
and finished,
in' II I Hirn
Massive design, heavy quarter-sawed oak frames, finely carved, claw feet, guar
anteed upholstering, small diamond tuftlngs. large roll head; easily worth I:.
you'd have to pay that for one not as guoa eisevt u:i
Sewing Ml
chine Special
New Model Drop Head High
Arm Sewing Machine. All
nickel parts heavily plated.
Has all the new Improvement.
Cabinet is of solid oak, pol
ished finish, complete with full
set of attachments and acces
sories; guaranteed for 10 year.
Bold on easy credit terms.
Boston Leath- i
II Coinpieie miiii high warming closets, I er Oak Frtme X-f JEttfi T,
k i as shown above, of large sizo. full I Small DIamO d Tnltrd K V . 'i." WrivJVn,J
Ii every particular. Special easy terms ;. ,1 onv Xll V YVJ-WVj . '- tH' rTf 'VV aMl I A I tl
'1 of credit given. Has range to- " Wl IxW" f-I --4 tJLVI V
13 rTvH els Wttf
MFii l only dpjrt Credit Terms: 1.50 Cash, 50c weeklj La M rl
MTU mlll t. r.Jininuii a mnu tuif luauo L 1 4 f . 1 114 C I I 1 1 C , in. m 14 T f 1
Koliil Ouk Etfii.-ii TabU" Like cut, made
of solid oak. has five heavy it ga with fancy
stretchers und chiw feet as shown, extends to 8
feet, siitt of top is 42x42 Inches, nicely finlvhed.
extra well nmde. has Hartman
new ens running slides,
special, '
1414-1416-1418 DOUGLAS STREET
mtII Colonial Lilirary Tiibl Exactly
like Illustration; has n e W badger finish,
which can't he tnld from renl (iuartr-'i wed.
ItiHHlv clonlal legs, with
fihelf beneath; large rlze top;
(xi 'mivp Hartman design,
made to special order, only..
iii arrm
aa")Il'i1aji rti
charge of the culinary department. He
cooked, washed dishes, darned sock and
wa considered the Ideal housemaid.
At th end of a year Teddar returned to
the department store a a (alcaglii. Iater
he resumed his boy's attire and worked as
a stable boy for K. U. 8n:lih of le lUdla Gruotnli'.g hor. and cleaning the
table was Via heavy for him. i he put on
his skirt and took a position a domestic
I with a family at WtiUlMO.
Finding Mni.-ielf admired by men while
he maiuerddtd a a girl, Teddar thought
he could become a dancing glii at the
World s Fair. He had no trouble getting
n engagement on the like. At nliit he
liked to put on his In) a clot t ea, und he
was several times arrested, the police mis
taking him for a girl because of I. Is lonu
The records show that Teddar has been
placid la instil ulioii fur wayward
several times. He waa once In the House
of thu (io.)d Shepherd and t;'i!n In the
House of Ktfugc. His real sex was never
discovered In these places. Ir. Jacob J.
BingtT of the city dispensary says that
Teddu'r wu under observation several
tiincs. JJ came to the dispensary some
times as a girl and soMictimcs us a boy.
The dot tor says he understands TeJdar's
real name is I'leusaul H.ryer.-til. Louis
1'osl -IH.-.-afeii.
I'olnlrd raragrapha.
Hope makes hopeless fools of mine peo
ple. Look out for propositions that will not
bear looking Into.
r-otne free church scats are not as easy
as they might be.
The way people have of oeing
good Is worse than the way others Luv
of being bad.
Many a man full to reach tho t''P be
cause every time he stop to real he fall
a j! p.
It takes a handsome young widow to
make a woman hater change his mind.
Barking dogs should be taken to the
poue.d and boasting men should be
All men may be born free and equal,
but It's a waste of time trying to prova
t to thu satisfaction nt a woman. Chi
cago New.