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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1907)
'B TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH ,17, 1907. fairly blotting out the big hotels and tower ing cliffs In fountains of spray. Special trains are on hand at such times to hurry material to fill up cavities and breeches. It Is a costly business, however. The little town of Cromer In one yenf has spent over $:5o,0n0 on sea defence. ln the fishing town of Lowestoft furious seas J have licked cut lOO.Onn tons of shingle, despite the fact that l-'SO.O'O has been spent on protective measures; and on tho south side the low water mark has been driven buck nearly seventy feet. Nevertheless (ENGLAND'S WAR WITH SEA "tm Etretcisi of Ear Territory Art Wuhel Away Yearly. TOWNS AND FORESTS UNDER THE WAVES jiu aad Water Corer Area Known to History aad the Onslaught af tha Oomi la I a- rhecked. In the last named county the losses In 1535 and 110 four churches disappeared In Gibraltar; and on the east const alone ter ritory Is lost equal to the Island of Heligo land. All the coast towns spend annually hun dreds of thousands of dollars fighting the Irresistible enemy, especially the more pop ulous resorts whose prosperity Is threat ened. One December night the Kentish town of Margate waa almost pounded to pieces, and damage done to the extent of There were falls of cliff In the eastern an uninhabitable condition. On the Jetty Iron seats and! stanchions were bent and twisted, and enormous masses of concrete and stone torn from the defensive works and partlnly dragged out to sea. At Heme Bay, In Kent, a fw weeks ss the sea promenade, over a mile In length, and the roadway above It were completely torn and destroyed, and In one small sec tion of the town ITAWO damage was done to municipal property. . The county of Kent has always been a section of" the sea wall between Sheerness and est Minster, In the Isle of Fheppey, was so damaged that nearly l.OnO of the Hoyal Engineers, Royal Artillery and blue Jackets had to turn out to repair the dam see. During the night of the storm M.OOfl sandbsgs and 135,000 feet of planking were worked Into the gaps. It Is strange to find an Inland town fast passing out to sea entirely helpless and with valuable land marked out for des truction. Oreat efforts have -been m-vle modern times have been especially severe. the waves. In 1C77 combers lapped their wsy Into the market place, and In 1700 the towering St. Peter's church collapsed Into the sa. It Is no wonder therefore that a royal commission on coast erosion should have been appointed by the government to In Thus Englishmen of today look In vain for the lust city of Ravensbtfrg. It was at this seaport thst Henry IV. landed In i:r. as Phakespeare notice. The lost city snt two members to Parlia ment and was a bigger and more Important place than the city of Hull la today. But with It disappeared many other villages quire Into the encroachment of the sea and adopt measures of defense. The statistics of the. ordnance survey show that every and a large tract of territory In the Holder- neas district. year England loses by marine e rosion ctlnn of the town; promenadev'were car Once fertile and populous land. Is being destroyed at a great rate from Spurn Head to Bridlington. One-haJf of the ancient church of Kllnsea disappeared In 1S2, and a tract of land equal In else to the Rock of rled away and overhanging hotels left In great sufferer. Last winter one extenslva to ' threatened territory In the little the rest of It live years later) the town It self had gone long ago under the" waves. Britain mar be mMmi of the waves, but they take tremendous toll of Ita terri Aldborough church has been destroyed; the Castle of Grlmston hns vanished. Ma pint on church, rvw lopptlns; on the cliff, was formerly two miles Inland. tory arery year. For hundreds of miles If ' " " ' . x ' ,v . . ... Jon tha English coasts are burled once prosperous towns and villages, and forests Skegness, In Lincolnshire, wss at one time an Important town, with a fortified Wherein once roamed red deer. castle and Immenso churches. But that city Is now lost among the breakers, and castle, church, market place and streets ' r Tha line or anchorage for ships ofT Belsey, tn Sussex. Is still called "The Tark" by .ft ; i:t - ... . ' t k t. nannra ignorant of the term's orlrln lie fathoms deep In the North sea 'la Henry VIlI.'s reign It wss full of stags. So recently as 179 the remains of a forest ,oa and fawns, and for poaohlng la these , were tlalble aloruj the entire coast from j 1 ' r i r ... J Sw-enVe-tjl " " ' '. Oy ', J - .'-i ' ."' ji v '- : . r '' .k 1 V'. , -i ' 1 - ,;? U.''. Hew. -? ZOW THC WAVS BtCIhT TM.1ftATT4.CA QH BRITAIN'S CQA S'J ' royal preserves) inn Archbishop once ex- I ' communicated s r'eral deer slayers. In Yorkshire alone there are no fewer j than twelve burled towns and villages. , In the county of Suffolk there are at least j five; and at many points on the south coast, like Bexhlll, the remains of submerged forests are plainly visible at low water. But It Is Cornwall that has lost moat 1 In the ceaseless battle with the sea. Ac cording to a survey made In the reign of Edward I. the duchy contained 1,500,000 acnes; by 1760 the parliamentary reports gave it only 960,000 acres;' and the lr.test ordnance survey gives Cornwall but 830,000 acres. To the westward of Land's End. - and between there and the Scllly Isles lies the lost land of Lyonesse. But more strik ing than figures, history or tradition Is the evidence of the Cornish coasts themselves at low tldo. Thus beneath the sand of Mount's Bay Is a deposit of black mould In which may be discovered the remnants of leaves, ruts, branches and trunks of trees. And the remains of red deer may be traced award as far a the ebb allows. The chronicler Leland states that the district - between Land's End and the Scllly islands, now covorea ny tne Atlantic once con tained 140 parish churches and villages. As to Wales Prof. A. G. Ramsey says "Mora land has gone in the principality ' than now remains above the sea level. Formerly from the Kibble to the Dee and irom an unnnown distance seaward up ' the valley of these rivers the country was ' clothed with trees. But all this land has J bow disappeared and the sea appears I greedy for more. At Leasowes Castle, in the Wlrral dls , Irlct of Cheshire, the sea a century ago was more than a mile from the castle I walls. But today, were it not for the I masonry embankment of the castle, the wavea would sweep right -over It. Great submerged forests occur at In tervals all around the English coasts from I the treat bight between Wales and Scot land, the Bristol Channel, the coasts of Cornwall. Devon and the Isle of Wight And also from Solsey In Sussex to Holder I Bess In Yorkshire, Skegness to Grimsby. As to the No folk country, enormous havoc has been wrought In the Cromer district. Here an old salt will stretch a tanned forefinger to the northward, indicating In the far distance solitary upstanding rock lashed by Uie waves. "Yonder la old Cromer church." he will say, "which used to bo In the middle of the town." A little further along the cliffs the old church of Sldestrand, now deserted, hang on the very Up of a precipice, all but swallowed In the ocean. But perhaps the most notable case Is that of the city of Dunwlch, the ancient capital of East An- glla, which boasted sixty churches and a' mint. ... , It furnished forty ships to Henry III, and forest lay between the town and the cliffs. Robert, earl of Leicester, waa ap palled at the strength of Dunwlch, which became the seat of the principal soe of all eaatorn Anglla. The engulfing of this dlty forms a strange story. In Edward II. 's reign 400 considerable; nouses were swallowed up; and betweea r SCA T7GTOHXOVS DPfiTfuCTlON OF LANGLCY roff A"-? VASTJXWRN0 Kentish town of Sandgate, near Dover, where a battle between tho sea and civil engineers has been In progress for cen turies. Every gale leaves its mark on Sandgate, tearing away the sea wall and making breeches often. 300 feet In length. The foundations ' of the old castle are now causing anxiety, and have to be shored up with timber and masses of concrete, though It la doubtful whether these make shifts can avail for long. It Is a magnificent sight when the sea attacks a Sussex town like Hastings, break ing In fury on her defensive works and twenty-two feet of cliff disappeared re cently, leaving a new hotel in so perilous a position that It had to be abandoned. Col. Hellard, director general of the ordi nance survey, has told the Royal Commis sion on Coast Erosion that within the last decalo or two the county of Suseex alone nas lusi oil acres, i ii cinis hi nulling- a dean, where Kipling lives, are forever crumbling and falling. I In one spot land worth J7C0 an aero 7is J swept away In half mile slices, and tlitttw, , J for a depth of over 100 feet Inland. It' problems like theHe which tne Royal Cor. mission has to face, - FEW CONGRESSMEN RETIRE Senator Epooner's Cais One of tha Hotabla Fxoeptioai. EDMUNDS HAD A UNIQUE REASON Fear of a Chance in Senatorial Tra dition Llttaarr and Sibley Voluntarily Left the Hobs After Longf Service. WASHINGTON, March 18.-The sensation caused by the recent resignation of Senator Spoonor of Wisconsin ' was of twofold nature. In the first place it arose from the fact that in his departure the senate would lose one of Ita foremost members In point of ability and Influence and the ad ministration" a stanch (supporter. In the second plaoe there waa astonishment that 500.00 la Msec Simply make a (nesai Bow many will be sold to July 31 " ' " " - - - - - ,.(--. Tha ehanoa to g-aess Is TUXJS. Bo aside from the Prises, the "Xanphsr Hat" la the hat of quality, sold by the leading dealer everywhere. 1,000 BATH TUBS c From Sheriffs' and Receivers' Sale $6.00 AND h,cher Ta have om tboanne bath sub bsogbt M 8bntV VV waul la UU liu. into Utr mm im.OO. 11 r 7i S tvttd RolTr' ! mi ilrni6iv low Affurt. ww caw MTtj ui iu aw omuk ou ftnt ULinf Vt VIIM iaamcl fttk Thao luta au 4 4 i-tt ia ir-uarib. v snei, nan uamniasi iihm, Ali a Ji llll W Wtf lftBtltVl Mrtt fcth taW vMly 914.00. Tbm t ww uawuasKUua, roil rvii CtMl Irwn. sxan teu tu L I tUCk Wit ll fciCkri I )altl llnbar rUUD-lbda feu. la aalsi a nai..ll. a.- roia ht)to v Or. hv iniiH rtockx of tha iihi tcliaaaiiikaDfaran liaa Aha kIu. k.a. a.-k. i . .a i w ik-sa r rm ar, BMldteC lwk T. ajraaie wnirr riOMIi ial Vti.V. Tbll IB our 1 J i ' 7'-ril w a oipl x- of tnramrm, bouohoM SXKxlf - - 4 '. Jl Pt,. rl'tnilJr tcrll. bllns ffcrla, hrdr, Ii t Mt! ' - 11 hi piawt Hn r mit n in i -f( irrr.w,avfc. S- !;-; tli ' . CHICAGO HOUSE WRECKING OO. Tt or lcc( j.lun.tor l tmim 4 y0 to 4.', or. c..-.. ni.niuTura, rMiug u. pric lror . t. tn.eo. WtniHlUt ntfwa'tilailicrulii, aa4 km U mA tjirami Qsuiltle. Olkr klj- bk roa ot ariu see rasK cataloo. a. m., 707. .oetoe , fauuttm 33th and Iron Street - - Chlcturo Bee Want Ads Produce Results any one In congress should resign at all. Despite all that is said In congress and out (mostly by congressmen themst-lvee), H Is tlie rule that few voluntarily quit the Job of nerving their country as national legislators because of the small pay with which their services are recompensed. The exceptions merely serve to establish the rule. Aside from Senator Spooner's resignation. the most notable infraction of the rule In recent years waa the retirement of Senator Edmunds In 1S91. And the reason for his leaving was unique. He had retained his law practice to a large deisree throughout his senatorial earee.-.and was a frequent pleader before the supreme court, so that It was not because he had given, up his practice and must return to It to provide for himself and family. He went out be cause, of a fear that the injection of the "new blood" from the six new states would result in an overturning of some of the senate's most cherished traditions, 'particu larly unl'mlted debate arid executive ses sions. At that period there was active agitation for tho adoption of the previous question to close debate In the senate and some of the new senators were more than suspected of an Intention to force the adoption cf th rule. There were so many of them that his colleagues believed that Mr. Edmunds be came panlcatrlcken, and, fearing that old landmarks would be swept away, decided to quit while the body retained all of Its old prestige and glory as "tho most deliberative legislative assembly In the world." But no cataclysm occurred then or later, and things are now Just as they always have been. The voluntary retirements In the Fifty- ninth ror-ere". only served to emphasize the rule. Senator Alger decided not to make the race for re-election, but his action was based upon ill-health and his death demonstrated the necessity of the step. Senators Clark of Montana and Patterson of Colorado also announced that they would not be candidates for re-election, . but com ing political events doubtless oast their shadows across the pathway of their am bition before the announcements were made. All the other senators who went out on March 4 did so after struggling to retain their seats. The membership of the house presented two shining exception to the rule Messrs. IJttauer of New York and Plblev of Penn sylvaniawho (voluntarily sought private life after ten years' service. The latter served oae term that of the Fifty-third congress as a democrat, the other four as a republican. He attracted more attention In the first term than In- all the other four, having a reputation as rampant silver man. He had to run away from Chicago to es cape the vice presidential nomination with Bryap. which Anally overtook Mr. Bewail of Maine, also popularly credited with having a "barrell." In later daya he has been noted chiefly as one of the very few opponents of railway rate legislation. There were others who declined to accept nominations for election to the Sixtieth congress for either political or business reasons. These were: Beldlcr of Ohio. Bowie, to look after the governorship of Alabama: Hedge of Iowa, Bowersock of Kansas. Morrell of Pennsylvania, whose name was discussed In connection with the mayoralty of Philadelphia, to which his colleague, Reyburn, was rhosen, and who had Just returned to the house, and Rup pert and Towns of New York. Three representatives went to the senate Curtis of Kansas. Dixon of Montana and William Alden Smith of Michigan. Of these, however, Dixon was the only one who gave up his nomination for representative to enter the senatorial struggle. Curtis tieth congress. Three others left the house to become governor Little of Arkansas, Patterson of Tennessee and Swanaon of Virginia. Colorado, however, holds the . unique rec ord of the congress, and probably of all congresses, in the matter of voluntary withdrawals. Two-thirds of its representa tion in the house and half its senatorial representation told their constituencies that they did want a renomlnatjon. Of the three representatives Mr, Bonynge alono sought and obtained a renomlnatlon. Two terms each HHii. tiod Messrs. Brooks and Hogg. It is Intimated, however, that the former will again find . himself in the service of the state in another, and what is com monly spoken of as a higher place, that of senator. Origin of Des Moines. After three years of dlacusalon and re search, the city of Pea Moines, capital of Iowa, has formally decided that its name la not of French extraction. The decision .was brought to a crisis three years ago when an erudite down cast writer in a magazine demanded that "the early French explorers, such as La Salle. Hennepin, Dubuque and Des Moines should be adequately represented at the St. Louis exposition." The debate seems to have settled that Des Moines was not named after any early French explorer. , that there never was such a proper name, and that there was no good philological explanation of the name, Tho name comes from the Indians. It was originally Molngona, and was first given to the Des Moines river by some of the French. On various French maps which have been looked up it was put down as Molng8na. The character "S" was used by them at that time to signify the sound of "ou." As a result, the early Americans who fol lowed the Frenchmen into the valley, not having time to write and explain this odd French character, cut the word to Moln. Then. when th next stage of develop ment came, the river, known as "the Moln," was assumed to have been named by the French, and the "De" was substituted for the English article. Finally, the substitu tion of a uniformly French spelling inndo It Des Moines, without 'hanging the pronun ciation. It was originally a pure Indian name, but a sorles of accidental corruptions have made It apparently a French word. Its meaning In the Indian tongue has been ut terly lost. It was supposed for many years, under the theory that the name waa French, that It meant "the monks," but Investigation utterly disproved this. The French who came nfter the name was adapted to French forms were the most mystllled as to Its meaning In French. Queries. J- LQ 'TOM ID l m Announce the Formal Opening GD(o FD? Devoted to ft J 5n a THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AMD APPOINTED SALESROOM IN ELEGANTLY THE WORLD 1 aod Biuith were LoU returned to the fiu