Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 14
TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCS 17, 1007. '5 ouriuud Uncompromising la Its attitude against dirt Old Dutch Cleanser (MtieiMi the energy Mod apasity to successfully rernoT Ik RcIUtm you of the drudgery end htm half the time and labor required wild rJlaarj oleantere. Geans Scours Scrubs Polishes Sold In Urge conreoieut gifting top cao. At all groeera 10c. m Sent FREE on request the neeful little booklet "Hint for HraeeirlTei." Till Ci'datiy Picking Co. O.D.CDep't S01TI OMAHA, MB. AUK) SHOW ENDS IN GLORT Biecet Crowd of All Attends, the Lut Betsion of the Week- DEALERS REPORT MAKING MANY SALES m Our friends who evidence their good nature by unusual girth are advised to look Into the merits of these atout men patterns In wor steds that we are showing. They are special mixtures, with quiet stripe patterns that detract from any slight appearance of bulk that you may have. We will wager tha the price will add to your good nature. $23 Is the average figure. Our force of two expert cutters, sixty thoroughly trained sewing tailors, together with a store that Is Just doubled In size since last season, make us confident that we can fill all your tailoring wants In an unusually satisfactory man ner. MacCARTHY-WILSON TAILORING CO. 'Fhons Doug-. IMS. SM-306 8. lGth 6t Near Southwest cor. ISth and Farnain. 10c Cigars, 5c We carry the largest and most aelct Una of 10o straight Havana and lo mustlo Cigars In the city, which we stll for 60 each. All popular brands, all long Hilars, all iresli guuds, and all -it a pup ular price. lOo straight Palmer House So Bos of 25. 11.25. 10c straight La Flor Da Teller 5o Box of 60. 12.50. 10a straight Esmeralda ...So Box of (0, 12.50. (Not more than one box to customer.) 10c straight Hon Pelayo So Box of to, 12.50. (Not more than one box to customer.) lOo straight Vellnda Panatella 60 Box of 25. 11.25. (Lone Havana.) XOo straight Estatua So lioi or cd. 22 .60. (HaavT Havana.) 10a straight Perferto .....Bo Hot Of 25, 21.25. loo Lord Glouster ....Bo no or is. 21 .11. BEATON DRUG CO. ISth and FarnaA Sts. IN Blurs Hour we guar antee you purity. It is brewed la shining copper kettles, aged in hermetically sealed tanks, filtered through white, wood pulp, put In sterilised bottles without coming In contact with the air, then pasteur ised by the approvod firocesa, It Is absolute y free from the germs or Impurities that lurk In water, milk, tea, cof. fee. or other beverage that's why the most prominent physicians recommend It. It's use promotes good health, and true temperance. Keep a, case of It In your home. felon Iirewtag Co- Omnlia, B4 Several gar They Have Disposed mt Their Reason's Allotment of Certain Makes and All Are Well Pleased. night saw the close of the second and most successful automobile show for Omaha. The attendance last night far surpassed any that ever attended a show of the kind In Omaha and the lower floor of the big Auditorium was so crowded with onlookers that many had to taks refuge In the balcony to avoid the crush. Interest has Increased as the show ad vanced and hundreds from neighboring towns have arrived during the last two days until all the hotels of the city are Crowded. Dealers are not making1 so much of an effort to sell machines at this show as to show their machines, trusting to making ths sales after the show. The dealers ail expressed them selves as more than pleased with the suc cess of the show, which surpassed all ex pectation. More real enthusiasm has been aroused over this show In the automobile line than Omaha ever experienced and the prospects are that the Omaha dealers will have all their machines sold before the season advances much further. Many dealers say they could have sold many more of several varieties of machines had they been able to secure them from the factories. The greatest hit of the show, as shown from conversations with dealers from the state and western lnwa, in the arrnnRO ment made by some of the local dealers to make Omaha the JohMng point for the west for automobile supplies. Larsrn numbers of contracts have been closed with dealers to buy their season's supplies through the Omaha houses. What the Dealers Bay. A number of Important facts have come before the dealers important as they indi cate the conditions of the local trade along this lino and foretell in a measure what will be needed to meet the requirements of their customers In the months to come. An unusual activity has been noted In utomoblle circles this season, many more orders having been taken previous to the opening of the show than at the same date any previous year. Here the exhlhlts have been much more extensive than last year and more dealers have contributed to make the show complete. The spectators have come from a larger range of territory and have shown that they are far better in formed on automobile topics than ever before. Of more than ordinary importance Is the present tendency of the trade to run to the four-cylinder cars. Theso were sold only In limited numbers last year, but orders have already been placed with the local dealers for more than double the number that were sold all last -year. One faotory In particular seems to have struck the keynote of success along this line and Is putting out through its local agent two types of four-cylinder touring cars, 24 and 80-horso power, with sliding gear or plane tary transmission, optional, multiple disc clutch, shaft drive, full lamp equipment, one of the smoothest running motors Bhown at the show, and with symmetry of design that will surpass any similar car on the market, ana yet are maning ine pni; www the 12,000 mark. Opinion of Experts. A. T. Osterloh and E. Jackson, represent ing a tire concern, have been making tne rounds of the shows this winter and were enihuMlastlc concerning the Omaha show, pronouncing it the best In the west, beyond Chicago. The Baker victoria ordered by the Powell Automobile company for the show arrived Saturday morning, Just in time for the last day of the show. This vlotorta Is a dupll cate of Mrs. A. D. Brandcls' machine and attracted considerable attention. J. C. Cowln strolled Into the show Satur day afternoon and announced he had de- elded to buy u touring car for running around, as his heavy limousine was a little heavy for runabout work. He rai Imme diately besieged by the demonstrators, who were anxious to ghow him the best features of their machines. The Maxwell company, the new company In Omaha, with lxuk & Compton as repre sentatlves, sold nearly every car they had at the show. They were assisted by Mr. Price from the factory, and were pleased with the work done on their initial appear ance in Omaha. ' The beautiful polished Stoddard-Dayton chassis In the Derlght booth, which had been shown without the body of the car and over a looking glass, was sold to Jo seph Hayden, who will have It painted tap immediately after the show. Many machines were sold by dealers to business men of Omaha who asked that their names be not given out until they re ceived their machines. Their request was respected and these buyers will not be known until later In the season. Some Personal Purchases. O. B. Tegelberg of Mead, Neb., who re cently purchased a car from H. E. Fred rickson was In the city the opening day of the show. E. J. Latta of Kenesaw, Neb., attended the show the past week and placed an order for an automobile to be shipped to him at once. Dr. M. T. Zellers of Hooper attended the show and took in the sights. The doctor has been running a car for several months and thinks they are Just the thing for a doctor's practice. Saturday forenoon Mr. Fredrlckson had a four cylinder car taken out of the Audi torlum . and used It for several hours demonstrations. A number of enthusiastic customers took advantage of this oppor tunity to try the car and orders were placed later In the day as a result. Th car was taken back to the Auditorium time for the show In the afternoon. A. Hospe has bought another touring car of which he is Justly proud. He drove it home Friday evening. O. B. Bell and son of Grand Island came In to attend the show and negotiate for the purchase of a touring car. They had demonstration of a four cylinder car and were much pleased with it. Mr. Bell U a banker of Qrand Island and said the show had brought many peopl from the country and many had been abl to pick a great many new points on auto mobiles. He said the lighter touring cars were preferable on the country road to the heavier ones. 12. E. Mockett of Lincoln, Lars Ounder son of Minden. F. A. Larson of Holdredge, K. Soreuson of Ord, Neb.; and the Bane diets of Coin, William Lana and F- Btevens of Harlan, la., all representing Omaha agencies, spent the last three day in the city In attendance at the automobile show. They brought their customers with them snd all report a most satisfactory business. Antousoblle Neies. rtwm ijn. j ) auiomooue aeaiere are considering ine lormaiiuu or a trade as sociation. iMtiir toward nara'y ever makes an ex curaloti nowadays without employing an- wuiouiioa. fiiiuie are oeing perfected by eompany whl"h plsns to Introduce taximeter cabs In New York. To prevent gossles stesmins; rub .them with slyrerlne. and dry with a soft cloth or chamois leather. ussollne, usfd In correction T-!th a hi-4 nnllhrusb. Is better than anything else for cleaning the hands. The most successful show ever held In New England was that which closed at Boston last night. The French newspsper. Matin, Is offer ing a cup to autnmoblhsts for a motor trip from Paris to Peking. The Magyar Automobile club of Budapest already Is planning to entertain the Amer icans who participate in the gold cup tour. One of the newest Intentions Is a re movable rim by means of which a lire can be changed in a fraction of a minute. Thirty-two states are represented on the touring board of the American Automobile association, recently appointed by President Hotchklss. Bporred by the success of their first show, motorists of Worcester, Mass., declare the exhibition must be made a permanent an nual feature. Eighteen cars, representing seven differ ent countries, have thus far been entered for the Targa Florio race at Palermo, Italy, April Si. Tourists on reaching Italy are required to deposit an amount equal to the duty on their cars, which Is returned when they leave the country. Mile. Baptlstlne Dupree, who was pro prietress of a large Paris garage which made a specialty of providing automobiles for elopers. Is dead. Interest In offset cylinders Increases steadily, and the prospeot Is that a ma jority of the leading makers will follow this practice next season. Treat leather lined clutches with castor oil If they slip. Never use rosin. If the dutch slips after a dose of castor oil, tighten the clutch spring. A feature of the Cleveland show was the absence of overhead signs, except against the walls, giving the ensemble a most harmonious appearance. Paris motorists already are talking of erecting a monument to Leon Berpollet, the famous French designer and builder of steam cars, who died recently. Maryland Is considering putting con victs to work on the roads and the resi dents seem to favor raising the highway tax from 25 to 36 cents on the tioo. A European maker is now turning out motors which weigh but three pounds per orse-power, Dut it is said Dotn ouraDiiity nd reliability have been sacrificed. French automobile manufacturers are much worried over the Increase In exports of American cars, and may make some move to farther protect their Industry. It is a bad clan to usn aiMil In the wator of the radiator to prevent freesing. Acid should be used Only for cleaning purposes iiu removea arter it nas been used . Vienna's electrically prooeiled nre enirtnea are shod with rubber tires. In winter two onskld covers are attached to each vehicle In front and rode on opposite sides. A French doctor, who has mart, a arnriv of the Bubject, now pronounces the motor car the safest and most hygienic vehicle iur me meaicai man to use on his rounds. Because she failed to acrjear as a witness when her chauffeur was arraigned in a 1 court for participating In an accl Liane de Poubv. the actress, was fined $25. The recent motor boat show at New Tork Droved that the demand Is for i-raff both speedy and safe. There was hardly boat of the tlinisv tvne. onrn ma tu.nii- lar, shown. A car designed snaclallv for nun In ths desert, having a clearance of sixteen jnches ana carrying seven passengers, has been purchased by K. A. Montgomery, the west ern mine owner. A circuit of motor boat shown, to in clude New York, Chicago and Boston, Is contemplated by the National, Western and . AugiKiiu AHsuciauuns 01 . jtianuiac turers for next winter. The American Automobile association's bill for federal reglsratlon was introduced in the bouse of representatives too late for action at the session of congress, which ended March t. The bill In the New York legislature pro viding for a state motor vehicle commis sion Is being vigorously opposed by the new Professional Chauffeurs' Club of Amer ica upon several grounds. One cannot axDect full mlleaar with . battery on an eleotrio machine until after It has been used four or five times. A bat tory, like other machinery, works belter after It has keen used a little. Should the front tires show abnormal wear the front wheels should be looked after, as possibly they are out of align ment. Shortening or lengthening the trans verse steering rod may be necessary. The Automobile Club of America nenres that its members will cover 1,500,000 miles in touring this year, and has asked them to furnUh information as to routes for Its touting bureau. Through the efforts of the Autnmohlla ciud of 1'lttsburg- the courts compelled local autnoniies to erect road sians at nearly every cross-road In western Penn sylvanla, as required by state law. When the csar takes a railroad lournev an ofllcer Is dispatched ahead of his train in a mutor-propeilea car to guard as&lnst possioie attacks anu gel Killed by a bomb, Congress durlns: lta cIokIiih- week ranmj the amended denatured alcohol bill to al low farmers and small manufacturers to reaauy mane alcohol for denaturiung. ine route of the Qrand Prix has been fixed. It la entirely within the Department of La Seine Inferleur, and Is triangular, Dieppe, Lu and Londinlerea being at the angles. The city council of Toledo, O., has ap propriated casn with which to buy tags tor inoiorluts who thus will be saveu tue trouoie of procuring thein personally after paying the license fee. The popularity of the six cylinder motor seems to bo on the increase in the motor boat field, as It la with the automobile maker and user, because of its beautiful baiauoe and smoothness vX running. For the first time In seven years the ice on the Hudson river at Tarrytown, N. Y., recently was sufficiently strong to bear automobiles and there was an interesting series of races between cars of four Uiuei ent makes. The Uugh was turned on Mayor Guthrie of Pittsburg tine other day, when he went into a police court to see that several chauffeurs were properly punished fur speeding. He found that the nntt colled to the bar was his own employe, and that he, personally, was likely to be fined. To test lubricating oil for use in gaso line engines heat a pane of glass to vari ous temperatures, holding It at an angle of 45 degrees with the horisontaL and 01 lo samples of oils to run over It. That which runs farthest without evaporating unaer the greatest heat is the most suitable. Pennsylvania's legislature has a bill re quiring peraons other than owners of oars to pay U for a license and to wear a bulg while driving; this in addition to the 3 registration fee for owners. Cars owned by nonresidents are exempt from registra tion for tea days If registered In their home. Many drivers are too Impatient when changing from high to lower speeds, and do not allow the fixed gears to slow down sufficiently boLore moving the change speed lever from one notch to another, 'lha correct practice la to declutch and -wair for a few seconds before puttlug the gears in mesh. The only monarch known' to possess a racing cor is the kaiser, and In addition he has a first-class racing crack to drive It. It Is believed by many that this pow erful motor, which Is capable of speeds up to nlnsty miles an hour, is the em peror's war oar, which. In the event of hostilities, he would use to flit from point to point. Saturday, October 12, probably will be selected as the date for the Vanderbllt cup race, according to Chairman De Mont Thompson of the racing board of the American Automobile association. The course probably will be dumbbell shaped fifteen miles long, with wide turns at each end, so that the cars will pass the grand stand twice every thirty miles. WhHe all cities of any importance are using bloycle police, Brussels has carrlod the system to the highest point of de velopment thus far. The police there ride chalnless whsels and are armed only wuh revolvers, which they are not supposed to use except In extreme emergency. They ride the boulevards and greater thorough fares always In pairs and traffic of all kinds is absolutely under their control. A matter of Importance in the care of chains Is to keep them at the proper tension. A chain at too great a tension nut only Increases wear, but also causs a greater loss In the transmission cf power. On the other hand, a slack chain is liable to Jump off the driving whem. The proper tension is that which will hold the chain between the two sprocket rollers in two straight lines without a a and without bringing a greater strain upon the bearings than Is necessary to accomplish this. rhan. 141: C'l Fdwards, lndlnnila. 143; rtol.l.liis. n'phell. M out of fi&; Olmsted, Hertnwul. l.'tT-l'o; I mff, Hertraod. 1SI; A. 1 l son, t'ecinr Bluffs. 1"2 U3u feeti; Merrill. Ilue Mill, 1 IsS; Maxwell (professional; Hastlnsjs. 1X: F. A Corhln, Ohio a, Swanson, Cliiy Center, 1M; Campbell, "Jlay t'culu, ic, Keith, Clay Center, 7O-S0. C. C. Evans Is still holder of the trophy, making 93. against A. Potts, challenprer. 79. Ninety-three Is the highest score yet made on the trophy. CREIOIITO" HAS FAST RISK College Will Tackle Blgaer Boys on the Diamond This Season. Success is a very In-obrlatlnK beverage, but when received in proper quantities it puts new courage Into the breast of the im biber. It can not be denied that the Crelghton base boll team of last year par took of a good quantity of this invigorating draught. It lost but two games last year, one to the Omaha Western league team and the other to Peru. This last game was played under great difllcultles, but was lost only In the last Inning. As an effect of its groat success last year tto team Is new striving to break Into faster company. The usual trip over Ne braska, which this team has been accus tomed to make, will not be made this year. The Nebraska colleges with which It plays will be met, for the moat part. In Omaha. There will be a me with Bellevue here May 4, and a return game at Bellevue May S&. A game la also scheduled with Door for Omaha. Crelghton did not play Doane last year aa Doane had no team, however the blue and white boys put both games of the season onto Bellevue. The team is arranging for an eastern and northern trip. The games are not yet all secured, but the trip is almost determined upon. This will be the first trip eaat for a Crelghton team, but their work of last year warrants the new venture. The boat col lope teams in the northwest will bo met on this trip. There probably will be no game with Col orado, for that team can not get Into this territory. The disappointment which this news brought to Crelmhton is, however, quite overbalanced by the good news that Missouri will visit Crrlfthtcm In the latter part of May. Manager 0Mftlley is holding a date for thorn, but can not say as yet the exact time of the game. He also states that he has several dates opon yet, but communications have not yet been received from a great many colleges with which negotiations were opened. Hoctor's South Omaha bas ball club has organized and is now ready to book games for Saturday afternoons and two games for Sunday afternoons. This team la composed of the defunct Jetters and DufTy tenms of last year. O. S. Kennedy, Twenty-fourth and N streets, 'Phone 1893, Is manager and ready to book game. Following is the makeup cf the team: Catchers, John Cavanaush. O. IT. Cran- dall, H. Hlnkle and E. Bowes; pitchers, H. Ballenger, B. Collier, "Snuff" Smith. Jamea Cavannugh, Pete Hlnkle; first base, Dale Tallmt; second haae, Kennedy; third ba, Edward Lismond; shortstop, E. Clnrk; neiaers, vvnitlock, an Cleave John Bowes, Paige. The base ball team of the Peoples' store was reorganised for the coming season at a meeting held last Thursday evening and will be upder the direction of Manager E. Morearfty, 230B North Twenty-second street, to whom challenges may be addressed. New uniforms have been secured and these players signed: Catchers, H. Frankfort, Mullen and Lear; pitchers, E. Morearity, Frankfort and Martin: innelders, O'Connor, Thatcher, Lear, Frankfort, L. Cross and Sampson; outfielders, Brown, Cunningham, Reed, Thatcher and E. Cross. The team had a successful season last year and from the roster of players secured so far the coming season promises to he equally favorable. The club grounds will be graded as soon as the weather permits and the opening game will be played In April with the it-am o the TowiiHend Uun company. Tho Invincible base ball team held its annual no cling Friday and elected the fol lowing othcers lor coming season: N. RiaiMia. prtmOVnt; ! "" Fous. vice presi dent; M. Bartos, secretary; J. Dwor.iK. treahurer; Leo Soukup. manager; IM Ixieseh, assistant manager. The lnvlncl bles made a good record last season, win ning seventeen out of twenty-four games r -laved, and also defeated some of tho astest teams In the city. The following will, be seen with the lnvinclbles this sea son: N. Kronda. V. K roups. Kd Loesch. J. Dobbins, Ueorg Probst, M. Bartos, Joe Kucera, 11 Posplshel, J. Dworak, W. Mc Cune. B. Carey snd Hoy Bolmer. Manager Soukup says, with this bunch he has one of the fastest teams In the city. The Coronas have reorganised for the coming season and are ready to meet any team in Iowa or Nebraska. The line-up will be the strongest that has worn the "gre?n" uniform for years. Besides six of the old men, who will again be In the gamo are four new men, Webb, the star pitcher of last year's Sterling teHm; ' Babe'" Coe of the Hanscom larka, McLaln from the Starlights, and Staley, late of the Pactno squadron teum. The line-up will be: Catcher, Mokry: pitchers, Bogatts and Webb; first base, Coe; second base, Ferster; third base, McLain; short stop, Staley; outilelders, Bando, Relnschrellier and Smith. All managers desiring games addre.HS Nell Smith, manager, ibii South Twenty-eighth street, Omaha. Phone, Harney-1506. Jimmy Parr is a good wrestler that everybody knows who has seen him on the mat, but everyooay can t say as mucn lor the English champion s nerve, that is his physical nerve. Of a certain sort of nerve he has plenty. He has refused to meet Beel In Omaha unless he could dictate tho terms, which wouldn't leave anything for anyone else. ' Beel, one of the best men on the mat, passed through Omaha Saturday morning for Denver and was met at the train by Peter Loch, Farmer Burns and other local men. A match was arranged for next Fri day night at the Auditorium. Beel Is to throw Emil Klank, the 200-pounder of Omaha and Peter Loch four times In one hour. Klnnk is in good trim and Is a comer youngster, while Loch In his day, did some good work. He believes he can do better now because he Is heavier, weighing 190. Farmer Hums will train him for a week and he expects to go on the mat at 175. Pete wrestled the Farmer In a match once for twenty-two minutes and again for eighteen and Klank got one full out of three from the Farmer at Hastings during the week. Beel, who Is live feet six and one-half Inches and weighs li'.H pounds, has met and defeated many of the foremost wrestlers of the country. He won the championship last November from Frank Wotcn at inbw Orleans, but lost It in a return match three weeks later at Kani:is City. He has de feated such well known mat artists aa "Amorlnus." Hlalmar Lundln. the Swedish champion; Harvey Parker of Baltimore, Ed Atherton. Max Wiley. Harry Conckle, Oene Trcmblay and George Plenlng, the cham pion of America at the Oraeco-Roman style. At the age of 18 years. Beel won from lid Adamson for a side bet of fr.eoo. which Is the largest wager ever wrestled for. "Qotch gave me an awful towsllng," said Farmer Burns Saturday. "He Is so big and strong that It makes a hard tussle for a man who goes against him. I am not ashamed to bo thrown by Ootch, for I consider him the best man In this if not any other country. I think a great deal of him. but If I were wrestling with my brother I would ao an 1 couiu to win anu that's what I did with him." Three motor boats were sold at the automobile show, which will add to the rapidly increaBlng fleet of water craft which is to be. at Cut-Olt lake this sum mer. The exhibit at the show seemed to arouse some of the lovers of the water sport to action and they Immediately placed their orders for delivery for tho earliest possible moment. The warm days have brought the boating fever to the yachtmen nnd thev will be seen sailing over the waters of Cut-Off. which will have twice as many boats this year as In any former season. The damage done by the slight blaze at the Omaha Field club house has been re paired and all Is running smooth again. The club house is well filled tnese beauti ful afternoons and by Sunday the links should be in fine condition for the golfers to play a few holes. SECOND AHIIUAL "SCOOP" Biggest Exhibit and Biggest lumber of Sales Model 21 The Two-Cylinder Hill-Eater. Six Persons Over Dodge St. Hill on High Speed The Only Two-Cylinder Car in Omaha That Will Do It. Model 21 Price $1350-22 Horse Power TIIE RAMBLER AUTOMOBILE GO,, TSS. 1 T ope-Toledo H. P. Type XII. Limousine, 35-40 S4.500.00 The embodiment of luxury, comfort and refinement. Ask the Powell Automobile Co. about it. See the Franklin air-cooled cars, the Baker Electrics and the Pope-Toledo cars at our garage. See our big line of tires, lamps, supplies and accessories. Visit Our Garage, at 2044 Farnam street. Look over our repair shop, tire department, electrical department, supply rooms, etc 1 GET CATALOGUES AND PRICES. The Powell Automobile Co. 2044 Farnam Street. Seores ta Oeaera I boat. GENEVA. Neb., March It 8pelal ) i rrraays snoot ror tne trophy: William Voarh profslonal), Falls City. 147-Mf.; Kd Meyers, HUdreth, lis; Frank Van Uuren, aua.l, !S; A. Putts. Blue Hill. 137: C. C. Evans, Geneva, 1; C. A. Thorp. Geneva, Ul; K. Meyer. Haailuaa. Ul. AUller, lvo- "We had a very nice time at the Automobile Show; sold no Stoddard-Daytons because they had all been soaI. Entered a few orders for 190S delivery; made arrange ments for 6ome outside agencies for the Reo and Maon. AVe fctill have a nico bunch of the celebrated Fords for immediate delivery and 6ome second hand automobiles at your own price. DERIGIIT AUTOMOBILE COMPANY 1018 Farnam Street Perfectly Simple Simply Perfect -rfrf Three Maxwell Cars on the Fuel Test Run. The fact that three Maxwell 20-horse power touring cars, taken from stock, each using a different fuel, but the same stock carbureter, made a highly successful trip from New York to Boston in sixteen hours of actual running time again demonstrates the strength and reliability of the fa mous Maxwell driving mechanism, that permits the use of gasoline, denatured alcohol or kerosene without any change whatsoever in the construction. The total distance traveled was 249.2 miles. The trip was completed without difficulty or accident through enow that averaged 10 Inches deep. Exactly the same kind of carbureter was used on each car. No greater proof can be offered of the capacity of the Maxwell power plant to , use different fuels; should the supply of gasoline become exhausted the run may be completed on ordinary kero sene. ' The Maxwell carbureter is reliable because It Is built of a few, large parts; no small or delicate devices to get out of adjustment. The price of the tourabout Is $825; of the 20-hprse power touring car, $1,450; of the 40-horse power cur, $3,000. Write Department 5 for a copy of the official report of the A. C. A. and of the Scientific American on the fuel test ran from New York to Boston. LOUK & COMPTON 1S08 Farnam Street I THINK OF IT! Hi Four Cylinder touring Car 24-30 horse power, ehaft drive, multiple clutch for $1 OCA At least $400 less than my other sOJv car of equal merit on the market. Don't fail to bco it and compare it with other makes. ALQ Two Cylinder Touring Car and Two and Four Cylinder Runabouts, Thomas Flyer, Wood's Electrio and Peerless ! LHL E. FredricEison ISTH AMD CAPITOL AVE. 'PHONE DOUGLAS 2161 9 Now Is Duck Hunting Time! And Towusend's Is the mecca of all true lovera of the sport par ticularly, when the dependability of the outfit Is concerned. bee our DLXHACK KHCXTIXO CXOTH1XO The best waterproof outfit made. No need to - fear swamps, marshes, etc. In this rig MACKINTOSH TAXTS WADEIW. We stake our reputation on anything we sc-11. TOWNSEND GUN COMPANY 1.514 Karnam Htrrt. .... 'Phone, Ifcmglas 870. V