Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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In Our Book Department
A Complete Lino of Easter
Cards, attractively pricod,
at 2t to 75
Regular 25c Novels, in com
plete lift of titles; special
Saturday lS1
Regular 10c Novell at jj
All HOc Hooka Saturday ... .39
Copyright Fiction, any title you
may call for at 81.08
Bicycle playing Cards, special Sat
urday at ; 13
Remarkable Glove Bargains
Not only are our regular lines most satisfying in com
pleteness, high quality and attractive pricing, but our spe
cial bargains are beyond question, the greatest ever offered
by any Omaha concern.
Ladies' $1.00 Lamb Skin Gloves, with one
clasp, all newest shades for spring wear;
. Saturday, at G9
Ladies' 16-Button Silk Gloves, in black or
white, with double finrrer
$1.50 values; Saturday
A Perfect Line of Short Kid
t 1 jj 1 I
colors ana suiemngs, at
very finest quality, every
Bhade, at $1 $3.50 and
Ladies 8-Button Kid Gloves,
r AfllAH Q TilVTTfVM 1 nlnTTAM I
blacks only, worth up to
'$2.00; special at 98t
Ladies' High Grade Kid
Gloves, ail sizes and colors,
mostly samples; slightly
soiled, at, pair ..49
Extraordinary Sheet
Music Bargains
. . All the latest Rita So Copy.
Any a Copies 8 So.
. Add 1 cent per copy postage in
ordering by mall.
"Beautiful Btar of Heaven" tbcautlf ul
Take Me Back to Dixie."'
"Oh. What a Night to Spoon" (vocal).
"Red Domino" (two step).
"Good Old U. S. A." (great march
"Evening Shadows" (beautiful new
"Dixie Blossoms" (two step).
"Breath of the Rose" (waltz).
"And the World Ooes On" (vocal).
"Hearts and Masks."
"Deacon Jones" (new song, comlo).
"Cathedral Chimes" (beautiful new
"Half Back" (two step, new).
"Brownie" (new, ragtime march).
Bpeolal sale of over 6,000 classical,
vocal and Instrumental selection.
Including many easy teaching pieces
at tHc oopyi any 11 coplos 2 So
Eeowtary Garfield Will Facilitate ths Fer-
faction of Homestead Fatentt.
aoeal Officers Instrarted to Gourd
. Interests) of Government and Give
All Possible Aid to Bona J
; I i ; Fide Settlers.
WASHINGTON, March 15.--Secretary
Garneld of the Department" of the Interior
today Untied an order to Commissioner
Balllnger of the general land office, in
tended to expedite to the utmost the Issu
ance of patents to 90,000 entry men whose
t i f
"Suffered with Cuban Itch, and Sores
Covered Bodv from Head to Foot
Would Claw Himself and Cry
-, AH the Time Could Not Be
" Dressed Mother Advised to
Try the Cuticura Remedies.
fy little boy In the Bprln of 1901. who
' enly an Infant ot three months, riuvlit ttie
' Cbtea Ilea from one of my neighbor bbir.
rnreft Droke out mm
tils hetui to the bot
tom of his f-e. He
would itch and clr
liiuwlt and cry all
the tioie. He could
not tlerpiisy or night.
I Iik1 tonhwl him m
tilt rsrrtsite most all
the uil to ktrp hurt
till. He oould not
bear to have hi cloth
ing touch him, and
only a lht drns ia
all he could wear. I
Can't btyin to ak
in wordi thesufleriuc'
the poor cl.iM had to
endure. 1 called one
of our best (iix'tort to
treat hlin, and he aid
he had the Cuban
Itch, end Ills trmt
innil did not dsny
good. He teemed to
fel worte. He sut
ered so terribly t) at
my husband aald he
believed he would
liare to die. I had
almost vivan lin htii
When lady friend told m to try the t'uiu ure
lijjiut-.lin. 8tie ulil stie cured her little girl
ear, which as nearly eatan up with the
ecxema, I got acike of Cuucuia Koap and
eue bux Cuticura Ointment, and I uhed
tun all over ith Uie Cuticura Soap anil
et'tili'-d the CutK ura Ointment and he at once
fi-jl into a alerp, and he alept with -ai for
tiie Cit tune wm-e two mouths. When he
aooae 1 applied It aaJn, and It tv hnu
niKri e. and ailnr three apiilicaluin tlie
ores bfctfau to dry up and Uiiproveinent bt-an
to show, and in a few day tlie hide from the
eouoa of hta fret end Iniide of hia hands
to pJ off. I oiiIt u?d onn cake t'utl
tuil boap and boi Culx-ura ( HfiMtient to
cum pi vie tnecuieof t be dreadful dl?u', and
In Juki two erk from the day I tunmi. iKvtt
W uae tlie CutH-ure Hrmeiies mv baiv
entuvly well. The treatment cmy m.1 me
4c.. and I would have (la'tly pud SlOO U I
rould not have grot It any cheeper. I fwi aafe
to aaytiif tha) the Culicure Knuedira aaved
iu Uie. He Is now a buy of five vcara, and
la as well aa any child you ever taw. Mr,
tans Miller. Cuion t-liv tt, K. No. 1. Biauib
Co., Wuh.. May 17 lnoA
W4tkrauioaiiarW. f TTrut a fi Cora..
. Sx rnjf. lfcAl M. rVafMMa IjmXi, jvttft,,af
u.rvt. fn. , r.'U. RviiNu, 4 hu a. it ra.
f i aj ' awa (hait aui t ut.
Saurday Sioc
Ciood liuWxTB at. pair 30
KoyV HJmm Strong and solidly
made, $2 values, special 81.20
Men's IU Calf and Patent Colt
Blnrhem. $5T values 51.08
Girls' Shoe, with patent tip,
special at 75
dies' 9i.M Lace Shot's, In gun
metal calf, college cut, snap
at 81.08
$1.80 Hpata for ladles',' all colors,
at, alr '. . . .75
tins, rpfrnlar!
Gloves, in nil
ars 1 ST -4 fisSsCi
jja.ou ana jj.
imaginable '; !
; S3
UTaM T?VyJ Z' 1 SWT f Pt n.ntl I n
iiacu o xvlu vriuvca, wuim tu
$2.00. Samples lines from
three of the best known,
manufacturers, all sizes
,and colors, the greatest
bargain ever offered at,
pair .... 69
Our Meat Prices
Mean Sayings
Just read and compare
these prices and remember
quality is always A-l at
Hay den's.
11 lbs. of Lard for 81.00
1,000 small Pork Loins, at, per
pound . . . . 10
Pork Roast, per lb Q
Spare Ribs, 3 lbs. for 25
No. 1 Boneless Roast, lb. . . .10
Mutton Chops at, 4 lbs for. .25
No. 1 SUloin Steak. .... .12 H
No. 1 Round Steak 10
No. 1 Shoulder Steak, 4 lbs., 25
Rib Boiling Beef, 8 lbs. for 25
Pot Roast at ..... .54 and GH
applfcatlons have accumulated In the gen
eral land office. The order is based on
President Roosovlelt'a recent action maklnx
oasler thi process of proving up" under
the law. It directs the commissioner of
the lalid office "to take up for action a:l
locations, selections and entries upon which
final certificate has been Issued, and if the
proof is found regular and complete and
there is no pending; protest, or objection
the same will be posset to patent In the
regular order."
The local officers will proceed In accord
ance with the circular of December 7, 1305,
Rovernlnir the manner of ifivtns; nrtlne of
final proofs and the aotlon taken thereon.
You will furnish them maps defining- the
mineral areas within their respective dis
tricts as soon a they are provided by the
Keolnglcal survey.
All locations, selections end entries of
lands In nonmlrveral arans will be considered
by tho locrtl officers tinder the above cir
cular with a view to final action by them
ami the Issuance of final certificate in the
rexular order.
Locations, selections and entries for lands
In the mineral areas may be matte under
xlst!ntr rulfe, but shall not pass to final
certificate or approval except upon the re
port of a field officer.
, Duty to Aid Settlers.
You will Instruct local rffleere that It Is
equally their duty to facilitate the Issuance
of final certificates to bona fide settlers,
as to guard the Interests of the rfcibllc and
the government In preventing Illegal en
tries, end that in the performance of their
duties they will bo held to strict account
for the exercise of sound discretion and
$ood Judgment. It Is, expected that regis
ters end receivers (n their respective dis
tricts will obtain knowledge of the general
character and quality of the public land
over which their Jurisdiction extends, and
in the disposition of coa before these offi
cers thnv should make use of such knowl
edge, either in aiding the entrymen or in
preventing an Illegal entry, as the ease
may be. '
In accordance with the conference which
we have had you will at once take such
action as Is necessary so to organise your
field and office force, either by way of re
distribution or concentration, as will make
ft possible to mat effectually carry out
the order of the president.
All reinilnthin rr InntruriHnna In mnfllnl
herewith are revoked.
Gnrfleld Explains Order.
In discussing this order Secretary Gar
field aald:
This order Is -one of unumiaj Importance
to the citixens of the public land states,
Involving as it dives alvout Sn.OiO entries
and a large number of locations and selec
tions which have Accumulated in the gen
eral land office pending examination be
f'Ae the Issiiunce of latent. Included In
these are about 2t.0Hi hfmeeteas, 7. Out)
timber and stone and oth-r cash entries
made uniW specific law, 2,000 desert land
arxl Rixl mineral entries
To bring the work up' to dste the clerical
force of the genral lund office is working
overtime and will be employed fully ten
The order does not affect rrval lend areas
but the will be covered Imtwdlafely by
subsequent orders wnd directions.
Becauee cf the failure of congress to pro
vide an adrllt jonal anororvrlatlrtn for the
necessary nem inspect'onn the work cannot
proceed as rapidly as desfred, but the force
and means now availatil" will be used to
the utmost limit to expedite the patenting
of lands where the entrvroen have com
plied with the law in good faith.
Fublla Representatives on Peace
Board Named 1y President.
WASHINGTON. March 15. The president
today appoltited Beth Low of New York
and Thomaa O. Bush of Birmingham, Ala.,
as representatives to the general public,
under the act of congress establishing a
foundation for the promotion of industrial
peace, the basis of which Is the Nobel prise
fund recently awarded the president by
the Norwegian Storthing. This completes
the composition af the administrative
board. ,
Other members of the board of trustees
are John Mitchell, president of the I'nlted
Mine Wuikera o( America, as the repre
sentative of labor; Murvln rtughitt, presi
dirt of the Chicago A Northwestern rail
road, representing capital; the three Jus
tices of the supreme court, the secretary
ot .commerce and labpr ao4 h secretary
of agriculture
h .Jvi-v
Extraordinary Garment Values
A collection of beautiful styles in Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments for spring without
an equal in variety, unsurpassed in quality by any showing west of Chicago. Every wanted
color and style is here and at unusually attractive prices. .
Coats, strapped
NEW SKIRTS Special Saturday Bargains.
$5.00 values in newest styles $2.98
Handsome Voile Skirts, pleated taffeta, trimmed
at $4.95
Several Other Specials
A complete new line of home made "Wrappers
just received, best values ever known, at $1.25
to . $2.25
NEW WAISTS Special Saturday .Bargains.
$3 "Waists in ' Lingeries, Lawns, Batistes and
Vesting $1.45
Men's Furnishings Specially Priced
500 Dozen High Grade Shirts In percales, madras, etc., all newest styles and patterns, with or with
out collars, cuffs attached or detached, clean new stock, 75c and $1.00 values; choice 50
50c Work Shirts, 25c In all sizes, for
men and boys, light or dark colors
snap at 25
New Balbrlggan Underwear Spring
weights, plain and fancy colors, $1.50
to 25
Hayden's.the Greatest
Harden', the Greatest Pure rood Groc
ery Department In the West; when you
buy at Hayden's you buy the best and
save yourself 'from' 25 to 60 per cent on
your living" expenses.
SB pound Best Fur Can 1 ))
Granulated Sugar i.ww
10 lbs. best Wisconsin Hand Picked
Navy Beans 25c
10 lbs. best Minnesota Rolled Break
fast Oatmeal JJc
Shredded Wheat Biscuit, per pkg c
Grape-Nuts, per pkj o
Lr. Price's Breakfast Food, per pkg... c
011 or Mustard Sardines, per can...... Jo
1-lb. pkg. Corn Starch .' Jo
Cold Water Starch, per pkg o
Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, pkg.7Ho
, 3-lb. can best Sweet Sugar Corn 4Vio
References to'Flaaaelal Situation In
Talk Between' President
ad Hta Advisors.
WASHINGTON. March 15. Secretary of
the Treasury Cortelyou was one of the last
of the cabinet officers to leave the White
House after the regular meeting today.
There were several references during the
meeting to the. financial situation, but so
far as can be ascertained there were no
new developments, one of the members ex
pressing the opinion that the flurry ap
peared to be about over.
Secretary Cortelyou was asked whether
there had been any additional calls for
help from the financial district In New
York, and he replied in the negative. All
the members of the cabinet were present
except Secretary Metcalf, who is out of
the city. The meeting was one of the
longest that haa been held for some time.
Rain In Nebraska and Kansas Today,
Colder In West Portion Snnday
Fair and Colder.
WASHINGTON, March 15. Forecast of
the weather for Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebraska and Kansas Rain Satur
day with 'colder In west portion; Sunday
(air and colder.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair Saturday;
ruin Sunday.
For South Dakota Rain or anow and
colder Saturday; Sunday fair and colder.
l.ocal Record.
OMAHA, March 15. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
:he corresponding day of the last three
years: lfi. 1906. 1906. lam.
Maximum temperature.... W 14 S3 . S7
Minimum temperature.... 37 8 32 21
Mean temperature 50 11 48 29
precipitation 00 .00 .01 .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1.
and comparison with the laat two years:
Normal temperature 35
Kxcess for the day 16
Total excess since March 1 24
Normal precipitation 04 Inch
Iertrit;ney for the day 04 Inch
Total precipitation since March I.. .24 Inch
Deficiency since March 1 84 Inch
Kxcess for cor. period In 1908 85 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period In 1906.. .40 Inch
Reports Irons gtntlons at T P. M.
Station and State
Temp. Max. Rain.
of Weather. 7 p. m. Temp. falL
Bismarck, clear 40 bi .o i
Cheyenne, cloudy 48 54 .00
Chicegt), clear ... 62 54 .00
Davenport, clear ."54 08 .u
lH-nver, part cloudy 56 58 .00
Havre, part cloudy 38 41 .00
Helena, cloudy 40 48 . .00
Huron . 48 54 .00
Kansas City, clear 58 64 v .ft)
North Platte, part cloudy.. 56 66 N .00
Omaha, part cloudy 58 bi .00
Hapld City, clear 54 . 60 . 00
St. Douls. clear 56 60 .00
St. Paul, cleur SS 43 .00
Salt Lake City, part cloudy 62 64 .00
Valentine, part cloudy 56 62 .00
WlilUton, cluuuy M 44 .00
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
L- A. WfclJBU, Local Forecaster.
Be Cheerful
Worry and gloomy thoughts wear (
on the nerves and injure the digestion.
Vhen you feel blue, try to look on
k the bright side of things, cultivate
health-thoughts and correct the syt-
tcm bv taking
SoM everywhere laUgxeslOcandSSCi
Crown Jewel Suits have long "beon voted by the people who
know them the acme of perfection in suit style and beauty
at the pries. This year's styles are, if possible, superior to
those of the past season; $35.00 worth of style and quality is
yours at : $25.00
$20.00 Tailor Suits, $14.90 llandsome Panama suits, in the
eton, pony and blouse styles; special price Saturday, 14.90
$15.00 Suits Saturday, $10.00 Over 200 new spring suits, in
silks, Panamas and fancy suitings, not one worth less than
$15.00; special price Saturday $10.00
Best Styles' in New Coats The most complete line shown in
the city, all styles, all colors, all fabrics.
$7.50 Covert Coats, $3.95 A special purchase of new Covert
Coats in pony, tight fitting and box styles, either tans or
plaids . ,.. $3.95
$10.00 Covert Coats at $6.95175 strictly man tailored Coyert
seams, $10 values, Saturday at
Men's Hose In plain, black or fancies,
regular values to 25c, special Satur
day at, pair, 12 He and 10
Men's New Neckwear The greatest
assortment and beat values to be
found, at 60c, 75c, $1 and.. $1.50
Money Saving-Grocery Dept. in the West
2-lb. can fancy Wax, String or Lima
Beans 6ftc
S-lb. cans Golden Pumpkin. Hominy,
Squash, Sauer Kraut, Baked Beans
or Apples . 7 Ho
The Best Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb. 6c
1-lb. can Baked Beans 3 Ho
Purina Self-Rising Pancake Flour, per
package ?ttc
Quart can Golden Table Syrup..,;.... to
Quart bottle Pure Ohio Maple Syrup.. 35o
10-lb. sack best Pure Buckwheat Flour.J5o
10-lb. sack best white or yellow Corn-
meal 10o
Oklahoma Coimntiou Adjourns After Hun
dred and Fifteen Days' Work.
Drlnalna; of Liquor Into New State
Absolutely Prohibited Proposed
Women Suffrage and "Jim
Crow" Sections Omitted.
GUTHRIE, Okl., March 15. The ' only
state constitution to be produced under
modern conditions, that intended for the
proposed new state of Oklahoma, haa
finally been drafted here. The constitu
tional convention finished its work today
and adjourned after having been in session
11S days. The constitution will be sub
mitted to the people of the two territories
at a special election on August 6. One of
the last acta of the convention was to ap
point a committee to solicit funds tq pay
the expenses of the election, the conven
tion having- exhausted practically all the
money appropriated by congress.
The convention was overwhelmingly
democratic, being x composed of 100 demo
crats and twelve republicans.
'Jlnt Crow" Provision Omitted.
Probably the most Important measure
killed by the convention was the pro
vision relative to separate coaches for
whites and negroes, although the demo
crats had been pledged to Insert It. Sev
eral delegates alleged on the convention
floor that President Roosevelt would re
ject the constitution If the "Jim Crow"
provision were adopted, and warning let
ters were sent delegates by Senators Till
man and Pettua and others.
Woman suffrage waa defeated by a few
The Initiative and referendum, patterned
after the Oregon Jaw, waa adopted, as was
a provision providing for the nomination
of all state officers and United 8tatea sena
tors by primaries.
Succession In state offices la prohibited,
and It Is provided that the senate commit
tee shall not be named by the lieutenant
governor, but be selected by the body
Itself. I '
Stringent Prohibition Section.
. Oklahoma will be a prohibition state, the
most -stringent liquor law In existence,
prohibiting not only the sale, but the In
troduction of liquor Into the state, being
provided for. The enabling act provided
that Indian Territory must accept pro
hibition for twenty-one years. The con
vention provided that the whole state
shall vote on the question and there Is no
doubt that the terms of the enabling act
will be made uniform over the whole state.
Provision Is made for a state railway
commission, to be elective, and a t-cent
passenger fare 1 ordered. ,
Railway companies are pro hilled from
owning any productive agency of a natural
commodity, a provision particularly In
tended to cover coal lands.
A fellow servant law la embodied In" the
constitution. '
, Corporations are prohibited from owning
more land than-ts absolutely necessary In
the operation of their business.
Watered Stork Prohibited. .
The issuance of watered stock la pro
hibited arid the books ot, all corporations
are made subject to Inspection at all times.
The organisation of corporations to deal
lb real estate business outside of Incorpo
rated cities Is prohibited.
A commission ia appointed to negotiate
the purchase of the segregated mineral
Pnds . In the Indian Territory, valued at
i' - aoy millions ot doUara. and atata owner-
fir A
' K $ ' TAX
$5 Waists in Jap Silks, Linens, Lingerfes and
Fine Nets, at.... .$2.98
Great Reduction in Infants' Wear
From 8:00 Till 9:00, A. M. Children's Gingham
Dresses ". 19
From 8:30 Till 9:30 A. M. $1.00 Sateen Under
skirts 49
From 9:00 Till 10:00 A. M. $1.25 Flannelette
Wrappers 49
From 9:30 Till 10:30 A. M. Women's Covert
Coats, worth to $5, at $1.95
50c Ties at 23c As a Saturday spe
cial we will offer 500 dozen high
grade four-in-hand ties In latest pat
terns and colors, worth regularly 60b
Complete lines of Union Made Shirts
prices. $1, $1.50 and $2.00
Extra large, fancy Highland Navel Or
anges, 126 else these retail elsewhere
for &0o per dozen; our price for this
specl sale, per dosen 8So
Fancy Imported Figs, per pound IVtO
California Figs, per package 2 Vic
Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per quart oc
Two Heads Lrftttuoe 5o
Pie Plant, per bunch Bo
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb 12H5
1 bunches Fresh Radishes 5c
2 bunches Fresh Turnips Bo
S bunches Fresh Young Carrot lOo
8 bunches Fresh Young Beets 10.;
Fresh Spinach, per peck lBo
Fancy Dairy Butter, per lb ,2So
Fancy Separator Creamery, per lb l"o
Fancv Full Cream Cheese, per lh 15c
i ship and operation of the coal mines thereon
Is contemplated.
The legal rate of Interest is fixed at 6
per cent and the contract rate at 10 per
A compulsory and separate school system
ia established.
Commissions are created on labor and
arbitration, charities, insunnce, railroads,
agriculture, oil, gas and mines.
The state Is divided Into seventy-five
counties, twenty-one Judicial districts, forty
one senatorial districts and 105 legislative
The state seal adopted Is a combination
of the present seal of Oklahoma and the
seals of the nations of the Five Civilised
A majority vote Is required to amend the
(Continued from Third Page.)
O.'s at the home ot Mrs. Robert Copsey.
The following were elected officers for the
ronMng year: Mrs. H. 8. Harrison, pres
ident; Grace Moore, vice president; Jesse
tana way, corresponding secretary; Mrs.
Robert Copsey, treasurer; Mrs. O. B. Chil
cote. chaplain; Hermonle Brown, guide.
NEBRASKA CITY The erection of a
new high school building in this city is
being agitated and the indications are that
the necessary bonds will be voted. Secre
tary Georgo W. Hawke has received plans
from Omaha architects for the erection of
two different styled buildings, and It Is
thought the board will select one of them.
The cost of the proposed building will be
In the neighborhood of 176,000.
LONG PINK The Long Pine regree of
Honor lodge gave a banquet on Wednesday
evening in honor of tneir winning the state
membership banner. The banquet waa held
at the Long Hue Auditorium. A short
program, consisting of recitations by Miss
Tyler and Miss Mason, vocul solo by Mine
Hutnbel and a few selections by the Iing
Plnn orchestra, waa rendered and enthusi
astically received. The banquet was a
rand success. itvo i-ioot luuies wore
lied twice with guesta
NEBRASKA CITY The Missouri river Is
causing Us usual trouble In the vicinity
Nickel Plated Cake
Turners Saturday
only .
In the Basement Saturday
We will sell this modern, Improved Reynolds' Cake Turner or Egg Lift, highly nickel finished fj J, -
ebony handle regular price 15t? Saturday special, each '
We purchased all the short lengths from a prominent linoleum manufacturer, by taking the entire lot we ,
secured an exceptionally low price. In this sals you'll get more than your money's worth. ,
?cTUno 29 65c Linoleum. 6 ft. wide per sq. yard 30
76c Linoleum, 6 ft. wide, per sq. yard 40c
v , . , . TV 1 T3 1 K.rcralnl In VftrrAlr TtrilSftAls Riles '
Made from rt quality an
Hntnrrinv in the basement:
65c 1,-63-6 55 3-0x1-0.....
' 118.00 -0xlJ-0
6 000 Ingrain Carpet Samples, used by our traveling men. They come
'soiled regular selling price 78c to 1.00 yard all go on sale Saturday
Orchard & Wilhelm
The Finest Line of Imported Hose
Shown In Omaha
tallies' I'lnc Lisle Hone, In fancy
- embroidered, lace boot or allover
lac effects, special sale prices
Saturday, 25c and 40
Ladies' Hose, worth to 25c, In em
broidered, fancy stripe or plain
blacks and tans, at 12
Children's Hose, heavy ribbed, in
all sixes, up to 25o values, at 16c,
Uttcund . j 10)
New Corset Styles)
Just the model to suit your figure; just
the price you want to pay.
The La Marguerite Corset is again a favor
ite for this season; we have all newest
models at, up from $3.00
$5.00 Kabo CorsetsIn fancy broche, hoso
Bupporters Bide and front;
day $3.00
Thomson Glove Fitting Corsets In com
plete lino of new Nemo models, in fine ba
tiste; up from. . . . J ;.. .$i.00
75c Corsets, with lone or short hin. with or
without hose supporters also
m colors or white
Knit Waist for childrea.25
Ladies9 Underwear Specials
Our complete showing of dainty Vndermuslina haa been a great de
light to all who have seen them. Our special sale bargains always in
sure crowd In the department, for the magnificent values we give are
well known to all.
Ladles' Muslin Skirts, handsomely
trimmed with deep flounces of
lace Insertion and fine embroid
eries, values to $3, while they
last, Saturday special. . .$1.50
Ladles' Union Suits, spring weight,
long sleeves, ankle length, worth
76c, at 40
China Dept.
Imported Steins, .metal covered,
pint size, each 15
Holland, Sunset And Gainsborough.
Art Ware Vases, Jugs, etc.
values 60o to $1.25, not over two
pieces to customer, to close,
at 394
Crystal Sauce Dishes 24
Decorated Cups and Saucers,
Bowls, etc., at, each 5
Fine Flint Blown Tumblers, two
for 54
Fine Decorated China, Austrian
and French Plates, all 'sizes
bread and butter, tea, dessert,
breakfast and dinner, each, 154
of Mlnersvlllo, seven miles south of this
city. There Is a large bend In the river
and every spring the river cuts away a
large amount of land. The Burlington has
frequently been compelled to move lis
tracks toward the bluffs, and the indica
tions are that another change will be made
in a few days. The farmers are attempt
ing to protect their property by riprapplng
and flumping in stone, but It is extremely
doubtful if they will be successful.
TEKAMAH A citlsens1 caucus was held
last night to place In nomination candidates
for the city officers for the ensuing year.
As this will be the only ticket In the field
the meeting last night was practically the
election of the following officers: John A.
Binghaus, mayor; W. R. Beum. councllaian
from the First ward; A. L. Lite!, council
man from the Second ward; M. S. Mc
Grew, city clerk; D. W. Greenlenf. city
treasurer; Wy K. Pratt, city engineer; M.
D. Wlllert, member of Board of Education;
H. H. Smith, member cf Bonrd of Educa
tion. The only issue will be "For or against
the Issuance of liquor licenses," the candi
dates elected being bound to abide by the
will of the people expressed at the polls.
Quaint and Curious Features of Ufe
In Rapidly Crowing
If report from the western part of the
state are all true, Nebraska may expect
another congressman before many years.
The Beatrice Express' -continued story
on "The Bridge Graft In Gage County"
haa been temporarily suspended while the
county finds Just where It standi on the
present contract.
Martin Cornea Back Martin Meti, who
owns a nice farm five miles northwest of
Miller, , returned recently for the fourth
time. He aometlmes says that this Is a
poor country, but he comes back again.
Miller Correspondent, Kearney Hub.
Easy Marks at Orleans There are a
number of men In Orleans and vicinity
who are about 275 poorer, but wiser as
wooi, wnu nj rusei ir
11.65 t-6s4-6x
Saturday Specials i
Kmbroiclcry Flouncing, 7oC and
$1 values, special 30?
Millinery Klbbons, plain or fancy,
35c and 60c value, special 10
lc Linen llandkerthlefs, plain or
initial, choice 5
5c All Silk Veiling 10
Ididles' 50c Hone Supporters, Sat
urday at, pair 25
Chlldn n's Hose Supporters, 2oO
and 35c values at, pair. . . .10(
Fancy Silk Drape Veils
Fancy Silk Drape Veils -A com
plete showing of the very newest
Ideas at 76c, $1 and. . . .$1.50
New Dress Trimmings
New Press Trimming A display ,
of new Novelty Trimmings that
has no equal. You'll find just
what you want here.
special Satur-"A'..'Af
tape girdles ("
49 h
and '
Ladies' Muttlln Gowns, worth up to
1 2, well made and nicely trim
med in lace embroidery and
washable ribbons, several styles
to select from at .' . . . 084
Ladles' Jersey Illbbed Vesta, with
crochet and fancy lace yokes, 60o
values . -..254
&u" Hour Specials
From 2:30 TU1 8:30 1. M. We
will sell 50 pieces of Mercerized
Waistings, 39c grade, not over 12
yards to a customer at, yd., 944
From 7:80 Till 8 I. M. We will
sell 60 dozen pure linen Huck
Towels,' extra heavy, the 25c
grade, not over four to a cus
tomer at, each . . . . 104
From 8:80 Till 9:80 P. M. We
will sell Pacific Chains, the fin
est made, guaranteed fast colors,
goods that are being sold In this
town at 7V4o per. yard, not over
12 yards to a customer, at, per
yard 24
Thers will be 60 different sales in
this room during; the day and every
one an unprecedented bargain.
a result of their transactions with a few
olly-tongued strangers, who came to Har
lan county a few weeks ago to sell a mar
veloua contraption called a select pantry
Their real object was to sell territory
rights, and about a dozen men In Orleana
and vicinity each paid the snug sum of,
$275 In money of the realm for the blessed
privilege of selling pantries among the
downtrodden farmers. Business men and
farmers were, equally anxious ' tO' acquire
wealth suddenly. One young farmer aold
his only team in order to raise the money
to start in the pantry business, and so
far he has not made a nickel out of the
venture, to say nothing of the time he has
lost. Some of the others borrowed money
to' get In on the ground floor of the pantry
business Orleans Chronicle.
Cood Cough Medicine (or Children.
The season for cougha and colds Is now
at hand and too much care cannot be used
to protect the children. A child is much
more likely to contract diphtheria or scarlet
fever when he has a cold. The quicker
you cure his cold the less the risk' Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy Is the sole re
liance of many mothers, and few of them
who have tried It are willing to use any
other. Mr. F. F. Btarcher.of Ripley, 'W.
Vs., aayi: "I have never, used anything
other than Chamborlaln'a Cough Remedy,
for my children and It has always given
good satisfaction." This remedy contains
no opium or other narcotlo and may be
given as confidently to a child as to an
adult. ;
Postal Clerks named.
WASHINGTON, March 15. The appor
tionment of 600 additional clerks at (000 per
annum, authorized by the last postofnee
appropriation bill, was announced at the
Pontofflce department today. The amount
of Increased business and overtime showing
of the several offices was given first con
sideration. New York, Chicago and Ban
Francisco were allowed seventy-six, thirty
and twenty-five respectively.
Nickel Plated Cake
Turners Saturday
only i'
81.15 $16.00 -0xl0-6.. 512.00,
one yard square ome are slightly
at, each 15 20
Sarpet Go.