16 TIIE OMAIIA DAILY T5EE: SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1007. 0IAI1A AGIO JOBBING TOWN Market City Derirei New Pretties from Eeoond Aatomobilt Show. BECOKtS GRIAT DISTRIBUTING CENTER Mmh Grrmt Smjvlms foe Retailer d IndJ-r14aaU Burcn rrleee Will Be SlMk Lower. Tho altunriance at Om&ha'a second annual automobile show Increases aa the week progresses. Thursday night saw an immense crowd of spectators, who were Interested in the machines which ar being shown and the attendance Friday was largo- The attendance from the country Is surpassing all eipectatlons; every city and town In this section of the country Is well repre sented at the show by dealers. Machines which are sold throughout the state ars sold through these dealers and they ars looking for the best deals possible. Omaha automoblllsts are visiting the show In large numbers and learning lea sons from ths representatives from the east, from all the leading manufacturing houses. They never tire of talking auto mobile. The accessory men also are In at tendance and are boosting their special makes of tires. The tire proposition Is a hard one to face.' Manufacturers are striving to make a tire as nearly unpuncturable aa possible and yet to preserve the resiliency. , Local dealers are closing contracts with dealers In the stats and western Iowa for automobile supplies for which this olty has been made the distributing point. The Omaha dealers are in a position to maka the same prices as the factories and at ths same time to give more prompt shipments and also to effect a saving in freight, which formerly had to be paid from Chi cago or New York. This la another move in making Omaha the great market town. An enormous touring car was received by the Powell company, which Is one of the sensations of the show. It has been sold to C. A. Romans of Denlson, la. C. W. Hull bought a similar machine In a run about form which is to be delivered April 1. The large crowds are especially inter ested in the new Six cylinder Franklin, which arrived by express for W. J. Hynes, a local grain dealer. These six cylinders are attracting considerable attention, al though all sorts of the smaller machines are shown trtid are being sold In quantities. The moving pictures attracted the usual Attention. Some of these are the earns ones which were the hit of the Vanderbllt cup race, a show which was given at the Boyd earlier In the year. HCWELL MOTION IS LOST Plea for New Trial Overruled and Case Goes to Supreme Court. Judge Button Friday overruled the mo tion of Samuel E. Howell, former president of the Omaha Coal exchange, for a new trial. Howell was found guilty In the dis trict court In December of being a member of the exchange, which was held to be an organization in restraint of trade. Attorney Connell had filed two. affidavits in support of the motion for a new trial. One of these. In which prejudice waa al leged on the part of Judge Sutton toward Connell, waa Ignored by the court Thurs day "on account of the welliknown tactics of Mr. Connell." The other, alleging that one of the jurors, L. M. Cash, had stated prior to ths trial that he hoped he oould get on the Jury and help "cinch" the coal men, was denied by Cash in a counter affidavit filed Friday. Mr. Connell says he will get ths case into the supreme court with all possible' dis patch. Dssgcri from Grip. An attack of grip seldom results fatally, but ft is the indirect couse of rrany deaths. If it does not result in pneumonia, which is ' frequently the case, it leaves Its victim with a cough which lingers on long after every other symptoms of the disease has vanished. Ths system Is thus left in a weakened condition and Is susceptible to almost every other disease. Ths grip can be greatly lessened in its severity If Cham berlain's Cough Remedy Is used, and any tendency toward pneumonia Is promptly checked. There is no medicine which has met with greater success in the treatment of this disease. ' It cures the cough and leaves the system in a natural and hoalthy condition. Oxfords for Spring Call and see our new line of Ox fords and Slip pers in all the late styles and leathers at popu lar prices $2.50, $3.09, $3.50 T. D. NORMS 1517 Douglas St. ASK FOR GREEN STAMPS V t - - - VftVWawfta4WtjaM WTa 'Vfw Vm - t r " rwufruf i no trmt twtll m e W Agents for n Ecssird'i n 3: 3 2 Corsets Agents for Standard FlStllOGS Most Complete Showing West of Chicago Ladies' Elbow Length GLOVES for EiiSTffi We Import our gloved direct "from our own Paris office., Our sys tem of buying and Importing saves us fully one-third on the cost of these gloves. Our Easter showing is complete. $3M Long Kid Gloves $1M Iligh quality, real kid glace and French lamb gloves, in black, white, red, russet and tan ac tually worth up to $3.50 and the greatest kid - r0 glove bargain in S TS iO Omaha, at, j I pair aUL 1A.Tl.rf tan Kial r.lnvti yj BLACK The most elegant long kid TAN gloves of the very best makes RlT8SKT real kid gloves and real kid WHITE suedes In all sizes and all CiKKY the leading street and even ItED lng shades fitted if you wish always worth up to 4 l t i t l $4.00 a pair. at, & pair , 298 Long Silk Gloves' These are the famous Kayser'a double finger tip silk gloves (beBt in the world) all styli olbow lengths, very special at, a pair. . 1.49 $1.50 Long Lisle Gloves Here are 16-button length, silk finished lisle, splendid quality, fresh from the customs house and worth up to QO 11.60, at, pair UV " "J $loa HOSIERY at 25c Ladles', men's and children's fine black and fancy hosiery, very fine quality, some lace e fleets ana iace also plain lisle and fine and heavy Lr fT9 ribbed actually worth up to $1.00, U. a t AQprt .............. mmmtmam Ba SS 50c All Silk Veilings at 15c Fine quality of Veiling in plain and fancy including the new Easter shades some with chenille dots worth up to 50 cents, at, yard 15c HANDKERCHIEFS l Ladies' sheer Handkerchiefs hand, machine em- broidered, some open work initial effects, with .wreaths, 15o quality, at Drapery Dept. Specials Saturday Snowflake Scrim, 45 Jn. wide, yard 15 Bobblnet, heavy grade, yard 15f Curtain Swiss, dots and stripes, 36 In. wide, yard 10 Window Shades, good cloth shade, each 25 Lace Curtains, 60 in. wide, pair . . . ...08 Couch Covers, full size. . .981 Swiss Curtains, 3 yards long, pair 79 Novelty Net, BO inches wide, , worth up to 7 Be, yd., at. .39 sf 'I If 5c I i OaLaJKAl FTU FOOD OXWTTM it rim u. XsWSJj f For Easier w have a variety of delicious cakes, pls and pastry. Including the famous "Hot Cross Duns" not formatting; our aver popular home-made bread. The products of our bakery can al ways be relied upon for being- abso lutely fresh, healthful and nutritious. Wa employ the best skill and require thorough cleanliness In all depart ments. Insuring perfect sanitary con ditions. Let ua have your Easter oraer, early. Candy Department Hava you visited our Candy Depart ment recently, and heard of the sweetness, goodness and purity of "Woodward's" candles from those In teresting little people, Mf. and Mrs. Bregant? If not, they will be glad to see you any afternoon. fetart the week right by having a cup of Ankola Java and Mocha coffee for your Sunday morning breakfast, pef pound, 86c that together with our pig pork sausage, per box. 15c will convince you that wa sell "bet ter thing to eat for Isaa mousy." Liquor Department Remember that with each purchase of $1.00 or more of our own bottling wines and liquors we will give, gratis, a bottle of port or sherry, worth 50c -T WEB. Satnrday Specials In Omaha'a Orsatast Msat Market. 2,000 pounds Leaf Lard, at 11 lbs. .91 Rib Roast, choice native steer, at, per pound la He and lOo From t p. m. to 4 p. m. we will sell 600 fresh beef hearts, each Bo From 7 p..m. to 8 p. m. we will aell pork aausage, (made while you wait), per pound 5He i itfogrtnpy a Go. Seventeenth and Douclai y , Tel. Bonglaa 647 9 Private Exchange connects all Depts. 1 RG CORSETS This rounded, denned . waist line Ms evi dent again this spring in the gown of every well dressed wo man, only one ready-to-wear corset gives this effect the ft. & Q. Tapering Waist. Ask to see the new model "long back and high bust." The style shown here A24 "$1.00 Hvsry al Quaraateed, nBur 9 FA NOTIONS Main Floor and Basement 10c Finishing Breid for. . . .5 Hose Supporters with, extra heavy elastic, special, pr., 25 Adjustable Sleeve Protectors, pair 10t First Quality Dress Shields, pair 10 Steel Pine, 200 to paper, paper "....3 Hooks and Eyes, all sizes, card . .......... 2 Safety Pinsall sizes, card, 2 600 yds. Knox-AU Basting Cotton, spool ........ . First Quality ( Hair Pins, . special, box .... ... . ... ..10 25c Hair Brushes, special 15? Fancy Art Dept. Main rioor Aisle 6 80x30 Inch Tinted Center Pieces, all white ducking, 6 Oo values, special 25 1,000 Lithograph Pillow Tops, 26o values, special ....... 10 8 tamped Linen Dollies, 6x6 inch special T Stamped and tinted Pillow Tops with backs all new and pop ular designs 25 Stamped Corset Covers, all ma terial for cover, material for embroidery and paper pattern for cutting, all complete, special -49 Just Received Negligee Shirts Lar Ltna 36 Sleav) Length All 61sa i i 13 to 18 $1.50 and S2.00 aaBBBiSaBaBBBaBBBBaaaBaBBBBBaBBBBaBBBBBiaBa Albert Cahn 1322 Farnam St. Shirt Maker and Men's Furnisher y WE 'ALWAYS HAYE SPRINGS PHONES IZZI-lb CENTRAL COAL Kltu bunt. r? mm 4? G. A. LIND QUEST CO., MERCHAKT TAILOKS Maker of good Slothes. 8pring goods rs new and ready for Inspection. 14th and Vmtnam Sts. SIS-llt Paitou Blk. s'hona. Doug. 1131. DAILEY a MACII DENTISTS Thiri ritor. ?txiot hUd Iijhcst QnU Dentljtrj C. B. Brown Co. Inc. ' Suooeaaor. t. Brows (at Bershetm JEWELERS AND SILVERSMITHS Announce a change in the partnership of the firm of Brown & Bo rah elm. Mr. L. A. Borsheim having retired from the firm, K will b. known in the future as the C. B. Brown Co., Inc., who will continue the business In the same location. v i ' - We wish to announce that the same courteous treatment and prompt service will continue in the future as the sme has been in the past. Hoping that we may be favored wjth your patronage in the future, we remain, Tours truly, C. B. BROWN CO Inc. Successors to Brown ft Borsheim. 223 South 16th Street. Sweet Cream Wanted Pay 3 Cents Per Pound Over Hew York Market '. Will make a yearly contract for 100 to 200 gallons sweet cream daily at 3 cents per pound over New York market price. Write me. W. S. Bdiduff, Omaha, Nob. Money Has No Value Compared to perfect teeth. The neces sity of mastication cannot be overes timated. We make a specialty of put ting teeth . in perfect condition, and where they have to be extracted, we re move them painlessly. Fillings 75e Crowns, 22k $3.00 TAFTS DENTAL ROOMS HIT Douglas gtrest. OUR GIRLS' SCHOOL SHOES Ar the nobbtnst looking and essloet fitting girls shos In town, and they'll wear tetter and hold their sbnp longer than any other, at the same prloe, OUR $1.50 SHOE For girls Is a splendid vaJue. It Is mnde of solid leather throughout. Is well finished, good style and a nice looking shoe. Our girl's 12.00 shoes are better, of coursethey're the beet there la for the money. FRY SHOE CO. run iioibi I of n ana uougias zimts ig i,.. AH? u . BOYS AND MARBLES Are a sure sign of Springtime. . oiotrinir. marbles and all other boys' games artf hard on shoes. ...... A cheap shoe on a Doys rooi is a poor Investment newer buy one pair of good shoes xnan two pairs of cheap ones. It's better for . the boy's foot. It s cheaper in the long! run. Our BOYS' "STEEL SHOD" shoes have, stood the test and are guaranteed to be , satisfac tory in every way. Boys' sises V to Rtf, at $2.50 Youths' sizes 1 to 2, at $2.25 Little Oents' sizes 10 to 13 A, at $2.00 Saturday la boys' day , at our store. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. rS Saturday Great Opening Sale Easter Goods And NOVELTIES CHICKS, DUCKS, ETC. New and exclusive novelties atlc. 2c, 3c 4c, 6c, 8c, 10c and up. Come and bring the children. ; : 1 whiskey! Phone Douglaa 124L The brands that are; Pure Best Styles in Spring Clothing Ml Wool Fabrics Tailored Right nn liil IMMl THE RELUSLC TRB Fit Right Prices Right Top Coats and Rain Coats Are almost a necessity in every man's wardrobe at -this season of the year. We are now showing the swellest line of styles ever, at prices which mean saving when you consi Some garments well till worn out- responsible. That clothes we offer here. Top Coats, well made, perfect fitting, at I0.00-J2.50-15.00-$18.00 Cravenette Coats, in the sea son's latest styles and colors, at 10.00-12.5045.00 to 22.50 Boys9 and Children's Suits Our Spring Showing excels in variety any ever before attempt ed, every recognizable style of fabric, all well made, at a splendid der quality. . 7v W'V 'M always look ktW WIS WWif)3Pt the quality is ?t livK' 's the kind of mm ft; i: if 1.50-1. 9 5-2. 50-2. 9 5-3. 50 up to 8:00 HAYDEKI -13113' qoj lis MONDAY! rj u si 13 11 n M n M ! i tl M II It The Rarest Bargains Ever.OfTered in High-Gfrade Imported Silks, Dress Goods, Laces, Trimmings, Unmade, Partly Made, and Made Up Gowns and Dresses from tho t i r t i i i i RESSMM0R3G STOCKS i iOLLAND FOX CO., OMAHA OF THE j Bought Direct from Trustee in Bankruptcy n Also the Entire Fashionable Stock of ii Mmc. S. SWITZER, 12 E. 33d Si., N. Y. N . tl ta RETIRED FROM BUSINESS j SEE OUR WINDOWS MONDAY IS THE SALE M El r i M U Q nnn LiV mm rVLL QUARTS. MILLER'S PURE WHISKIES 80c. $1.00. $1.25 HILLER'S PURE; f INE WINES ' 35c, 50c, 75c S HILLEK'S " 1309 rarnam. . We Deliver ( 41 inn iiin i! BEAUTIFY VOUR LAWN wlta our Xroa ui Wire fsaoe. Trslllsea aad Arbors for ,1dm, Iowm guards, olikirs, seteee, tms, tie c-uardt, aitcaiaa' posts, wt&aow (oaids, kaxa blUN and eiooksa f slice. .... CIIAMPIOX FENCE COMPANY. 11 Bout ltk atreet. TaL DoorUs 160, aa4 for Oataloffae. . rJEUJ ELECTRIC LIGHTED TOAinO Attention is directed to the splendid neMf equipment of electric lighted daily trains, Omaha and Council Bluffs to Sioux City, Mankato, St Paul and Minneapolis via Tho Horth-VostoriT Lino Buffet-smoking and library car, splendid Pull man drawing room sleeping cars and free reclining chair cars of the latest type, with all , modern travel conveniences; train new from the shops and brilliantly lighted by electricity, leaves Omaha daily 8.28 p. m. Electric read ing lamps in every section and drawing room and in the buffet-library car. Electric curling iron heaters in the ladies' dressing rooms. Breakfast a la carte in buffet library car. The North-Western Line is the direct line to St. Paul, Minneapolis, Superior, Duluth, Ashland and tho Lake Superior country. Two trains daily leave Omaha 7.50 a. m. and 8.28 p. m. Sleeping ear reservations and full infor mation concerning rates and achedulea oo application at TICKET OFFICE 1401-1403 Fanam Street, Omaha. asm