THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY, MAKC1I lfi, 1007. 15 OFFERED FOR SALE (Continued.) ririllin. CONTENTS of fnur-rnom flat for sale t snrrlflte. mux eel' st ono. Inquire of fist 1. Wright block. 16th ami f'hlriso Bts. OD-MM4 FURNITURE of an i-room house for sale. 172. Can St. " )-MlM M FURNITT'P.K of 10-room mcxWn house for sale. $477 Dodge. 16-M21 lx Planna, Ort, Mnstsjnl Imtnmmti. PIANOS PIANOS Don't fall to see these bargains: 25 Upright Pianos, each, J100 to. $185 1 Smith & Barnes, oak case. ... 123 2 Vose & Sons Pianos, $135 to. 209 1 Norwood, man. case 13 8 1 New England, mah. case.... 167 1 Martin Bros., mah. case 162 1 Sterling, ebony case $173 1 Franklin, Burl walnut case.. i5 1 Singer, mah. case $148 1 Stelnway, ebony case 2 50 1 Chlckerlng, rosewood case... 135 Stelnway and other Square Pianos, $25. $35, $45 and up. Organs, used and new. all makes, $15 v to $45 TERMS. 6 to $10 cash; balance, $2, $3. $4 or more per month. . 200 new Uprlfiht Pianos for rent, $3 and od. Pianolas and Pianola Pianos for rent, three months' rent allowed If purchased. Instruments tuned, repaired, moved, Stored and exchanged. Tel. Douglas 1C25. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.v 1311 and 1313 Farnam St.Omaha. !) 8H7. PIANO for Bale. 1U N. &th, (16)M3.j6 22x 8TBOER PIANO CHEAP FOR CA8H. 81$ M CAGL'E DL.DO. 115 MbJS A7 PIANO, mahogany ease. In excellent con uttiun, cost W.jO, ftir anle at flTS. 432 S. 2i!li bt. . 'I'hone Dcnglus tJM. (lii) MS32. IjEAVINO town at once, will ancriflce fin upright Chlckenng piano at 1110. 41. No. Eld St. (16) 186-lg TWO ORGANS-ONE M CAGL'E BLPO. ONE $?5. SU (15 Mt37 A7 FOR SALE A good merscn upright piano, at a sacrilice. Apply Ui3 Hamil ton, uol-mbui Pool Dlllard Tables. FOR SAI.R New and second-hand billiard and oool tables: we-lead the world In cheap bar fixture: easy payment. Ilruns- wlck-Ualke-Couenaar. wi . win hi. (16)-944 Typewriter and Irnlnt Machine. FINE Remington No. 0 typewriter, good as new, 145. 641 paxton uik. (16) im-is ONE Remington typewriter. No. 8, In good cnditlon. for aale cheap. Call at Pea office. Q&)-429x Miscellaneous. HALL'S safes, new, Id-hand. 1818 Farnam. uaj BEND us . your mal! orders for druga freight paid on 110 Iota. Myera-Dllloo Drug Co., Omaha. tis 4? riCW bars-alna an 2d-hand soda fountains monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Farnam. 110 VVi FOR BALE Two National cash register. One total adder; also nice line of store fixtures. Globe Land and Investment Co., Patterson UlocK. u sou KTiF.nwiV WTI.L.IAMS CO.. best mixed paint Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. BtTTCHERS' Douglas. refrigerators on hand., 1108 U MM ID. BECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES. 1906 Thomas Flyer, 40-H.-P., full equipment ,-nmt M 7VI now 11 DnA. 1905 Pope Toledo, Type 7, tor and full equipment: cost W.tco, now xt,oo. ! no. used SO miles: cost I1.2S5. now $1,000. !( Reo, top and full equipment; coat $1,360, now $'X). 1904 White Bteatner; cost CfVO, now $700. 1906 Ford, 16-H.-P.: cost $1,160. now $700. Pone-Waverly Electric runabouts, $400 up. DERIGHT AITTOMOBILR COMPANY, 1818 Farnam Bt. 16) M940 R1DPATH 8 History of World Encyclo pedia Britannic, cheap. 641 Paxton block. Roberta. (18) Uw AprSOx ONE gas range for sale, $8. 123 So. 2Rth 8t n)-MT!71 x PATENTS Larcon & Co., book free. Bee Fid 230 D. O. BARNELL. patent attorney and ma chine designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7U7, (17) 183 All PERSONAL C1TT STEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed, not Ironed. HI 8. 11th Bt. Tel. Doug. 264. BEWINO machines rented, any make, 7Ro per weeg or s.uo per month. Second' nana macninea for sale, to 00 and Neb. Cycle Co.. 16th and Harnev 08)-e$ M A PQ I" E costumes. Lleben. Tel. 4115. Open evenings. US)- COSTUMKS-fflls 8. 1Mb, Back. Tel. Red ?m (18-M3 8TRINQE8. rubber goods, by mall; cut price; sena lor rree catalogue. slyer Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. , (18) (8 PLEATING ALL KINDS. Butluiia. Ku-lilng, KmbrolderY. Dyeing and 'cleaning, sponging and Relink ing, only 6o per yaid. beud for prlco list aiul a in pies. UGLDMAN PLEATING CO.. tO Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 131 111) 961 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOMli-Mra. Dr. King. &1J N. list fit-' TeL Doug. tl) BCHULTZB BLATTERT, 111 B. 15th SU Complete line of leading periodical; Oer. ut&n and foreign publications a specialty. (la) iv Mil IHE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing;' In fact, anything you do not Crd; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. Viih t., tut cot of oollectliig, to the worthy poor. Cull 'Phone Doug. 413a and wagun 1U ca.lL (li) HI f ASiS! AfJVSwedlsh movement. 410 N. tki nooAVJi1itlti room I. second floor. (1 MM7 Ali Xf A nKKTTP treatment and bath. Mm. JUAUiMillLi SuiUn, 114 N. l-lh, 2d Moor. OJ il PAINFUL burns, any sore or skin hurt quickly healed by Satin Skin Cream. 2&c. (1S- ETB defect corrected by glasses, fitted in your borne tf deislied; reasonable rices. Biuitti, uraduate optician. SkiI jUio. 'Ffcou WeLLr i. (IX) MjQ 2X DR. N. BOMMER, homeopath. Bee Bldg. (18)-03 RUPTURE! CURED $30; uj knife. Quick 'Cure Rupture Co., Woodmen of the Wort J builditig. tlS)-MA' M31 LACE CURTAINS, nicely laundered, satis faction guaranteed; prlco lauJerate. 'Phone Douglas 482$. 1711 Jnuwn. (I) MU13 16x WANTED Someone to share car; household goods for bnokane, $.6.UU for lu.'AA.' lbs. Answer quickly. Address 11 i'., IV. tl4 X1163 IS OMAHA bis. Stammerers' Institute. Rsmge OU-4K4 FOR anything In the sewing machine line go 10 P. E Flodman ft Co., 1514 Cap. Ave. (IS) US All ARE you going to New York? I can save ynj W per rent on your ho'el bill at a first elaa downtown hotel. Address N-J. Kee. 08)-W REAL ESTATE riTI PHOVKM I T FOR SAI.R. AYNE, BOSTAVICK & CO. $0,000.00 No. 149 No. 81st Ave., two story, practically new 8-room house, built by owner for a home, strictly modern through out Fine hnll and parlor with besutirul mantel, built In -bookcase, round columns between hall and parlor, largo and ex tra light dining room with hammered brass gas and elec tric fixtures hung by a heavy chain which cost $T0; extra good fixtures throughout the house, quarter - sawed oak i floors In hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen, heavy drop beam celling In reception hall, parlor and dining room, which makes a beautiful effect. Sec ond floor has large hall with four nice chambers and good clothes closets, fine hath room and extra good plumbing: third floor has one finished bed room and large attic; basement un- der the entire house, well ce mented, with fine laundry room - and an outside cellarway, sep arate furnace room with plas tered celling; corner lot, fine ahade, both streets paved and paid for; located on one of the prettiest residence streets In West Farnam district. Can give Immediate possession. This Is an ideal home and must ' be seen to be appreciated. Let us show It to you. VACANT Fine Bunch of Lots We are Just putting on the market 7 south front lots 42x 128 feet each, with sewer, water and gas In the street. Ground Ilea a little above the street grade In a fine neighborhood which Is rapidly Improving with fine modern homes, only one block from the Farnam Dundee car line. These lots - are on the market at $550 each, which is much lower than any other lots in the western part of the city as well located. If you want a flrst-class lot to build on don't fall to got busy quick. Payne, Bostwick & Co., 6th Floor .N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 101S. 09)-292 16 X)n North 20th St. Blvd. FIVE Rooms, 1 story; gaB; city water; sewer connections; stable; east front; nice shade. Price, $1,700.00. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. " 'Phone D, 2152. (19) M298 17 J. H. DUMONT&SON List you property with us. -.We have customors for a number of cottages and larger homes, and a ' flew 'people who will buy vacant lota it the prices are right. J. H. DUMONT&SON 805-8 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19) 241 17 6-ROOM COTTAGE , iK complete little home on full lot, with trees and shrub bery and everything well kept, 6 blocks from street car; take 48th and Leavenworth car, ride to end of line, walk t blocks south and I blocks east. Owner will show property. House No. 1020 South 46th Ave. Price $1,400; reasonable terms. A bargain for any one wanting to get out a little ways. DlrecJcar service; 15 minutes ride to center of city. Harrison & Morton 918 N. Y. Life. Tel. Douglas 214. (19) 842 15 A GOOD HOME COS'HNG $12,000.00, WELL LOCATED, FOR $7,500 House was put up by owner, plate glass windows, doors and window caaing of the very best; hard wood finish on first floor, colonial carved oak staircase, two mantels with open grates and fas logs, a good hot wiiter heating plant, laundry, one of the nicest lurnlshea nam twmi in the oily larae barn, everything In best ef order. ground 75x124, shade, fruit, grapery; located 2117 Wirt: Davi-d street and permanent walks. Owner gone to California and house vacant. W. H. GATES, 07 N. Y. Life. Phone Doug. 1294. (19) 2S1 16 V $3,?00 S-room. all modern, I-story house; Inrse reception room, parlor, back parlor, dining room and kitchen. Lavatory downstairs; corner lot 75x136; on Farnam car. $1,750 On Frederick St. we have (-room story and a halt cottage, with 1 lots, electric light. The Byron Reed Co., DouK. 297. 212 8. 14th. (19)-E IS BARGAIN I MUST sell my vacant lot In Be ml psrk, and will sell It cheap; slse of lot 80x150 feet; best location, high and sightly; may divide. Addreas B 801, care Use. ' (19)-M307 It DUNDEE each for two of 1 1 it Lust south trout lots on Injur wood Ave., between 6oth and Mt St.; rice terrace, atone suiewnlk, large trees, half 1.1. ck f.-om.cur line. GEORGE CO.. 1601 Fturain St. Oil-MAil U REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALS (Continued.) To the Man With 6 Children 2814 Hamilton St. Is the best house In Omaha for you. It has 9 rooms, all modern, all newly papered and painted, a brand new furnace, new bath service and gas fixtures. Beautiful south front lot, SOX 135, with fine old tree and fruit. Permanent sldewalka. This properly has been held at $3,200, but owner la leaving town and won't turn down a reasonnble offer. Payne Investment Co., Tel. 1781. 1st FI. N. T L. Bldg. (19) M272 15 FOR SALE. BARGAIN. $5,750. 1313 and 1315 South 82d street, finest loca tion in city, z eignt-room moaern nouse renting for $.10 and 132.50 each; lot 50x140 reet; stone walks and paving all paid W. R. Homan. 1517 Farnam St. (1SO-720 15 THE KERR ABSTRACT CO.'S AB STRACTB OF TITLES are the safest. You are protected by a $10,000 bond against loss by errors. You don't buy a law suit when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1G14 Harney. Tel. Douglas 6487. (19) HAVINO about decided to npen an office In Omaha for the erection or cottages on the monthly payment plan, without any pay ment down, I shall be glad to receive let ters from reople Interested. For a cottage costing $1,10(1 I charge $13 a month and I per cent Interest. This cottage will be built on a lot you oWn, or you can buy a lot for that specific purpose. Write at once to EDMUND Q. WALTON AOENCY, 114 South 4th street, Minneapolis, Minn. (19) M266 19 $25,000.00 BRICK APARTMENT HOUSE FOR SALE On ZTith Ave., near Harney St. These apartments have five and six rooms each, all modern, hot water heat, oak fininh. Janitor service, finished In fall of 1900; east front, on aaphalt paved street, corner lot, 12ox!H feet. Gross yearly rental, $3,1.18. Excellent in vestment; leased to first-class tenants on written leases. Foe further particulars In quire of GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam St., Exclusive Agents. (t9)-230 lit $10,000.00 FACTORY OR WAREHOUSE BUILDING Known as "On Time Yeast Factory," located at the N. E. corner of 28th and Boyd Sta., 8-story brick building, 44x90 feet, engine room 40x30 feet, first-class condition, suitable for manufacturing business, ground 270xl2614 feet, located on Missouri Pacific tracks. No reasonable offer will be refused for quick sale. For further particulars In quire of GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam St. Exclusive Agents. 0?) -231 13 ON NORTH 17TH ST. 6-room cottage, city water, ewer, one block from car line; owned by non-resident; , anxious to eel'; rent $13 per month. v O 'Keefe Real Estate Co., . 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. SlEz 19-M374 18 A. P. TUKEY & SON, FINEST FARNAM h AGE FRONT- W have been authorized to sell at the market price the southeast corner of 26th and Farnam Sta., being 163 feet north front on Farnam by 134 feet west front oa 86th street, with alley In rear. .It la needless to say, what every one will admit, that this la one of the fineet loca tions on Farnam St. for Im mediate Improvement. The ground Is largely vacant, having only one nous on the corner of 26th street. We can make very reason able terms and sell at a reasonable price. Come and Bee us at once. A. . P. TUKEY ft SON. 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg Telephone Douglas Z1SL I (19) S40 16 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Given to practically a new, modern, 7-room, Z-story house, near new cathedral on 40th fit., built by owner for a home; east front 60-foot lot, paving paid, permanent walka, storm sash and screens. This property will bear Investigation. If Interested, call us up and arrange to look It over. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 119 Board of Trade. TeL Douglas 49. (l)-&27 18s TRACKAGE t On Missouri Pacific and Northwestern Ry. wiin co leei on pavea street $2,MMi W. II. GATES, 617 N. Y. Life,. 'Phone Douglas 1291 NEAR THE MERCER HOME rooms, all modern, hot . t water heat, new house, corner I lot, oo car line; One location, i Price. $6,600. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO t 1001 N. Y. L Bldg. f 'Phone D. Zlt (13)-240 16 ACREAGE. A Snap -one and one-halt acres, eight blocks from Flor ence car line; house, 24x24; bum, 12x16; chicken house, kiln; twenty fruit trees, as) strawberries; also grape arbor, and the price waa $l.su0; bow the owner says sell fr $1,600, TURRKLL ft CO., 17th and Farnam Sta (19) M371 It A BARGAIN FOR SOME ONE. Owner wants an offer for an S r. house at 1624 Ohio. Look this property over and come una see us. lurrell ft v, 17th snd REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE (Continued.) Small Cash Parments, Balance, t& Mnnthlr i t " BUILD A HOME Tt 8CIT TOVRSELF. On one of those beautiful lots In Halcyon Heights, . the finest and most sightly loca tions for a home, only two blocks south bimlnees center of lienson and Military ave nue csr line. Tou can't buy such lot elsewhere t thiw prices. $3M to $."&. Make your selection today. Russell & McKitrick Co., Sole Agents, 4S2-33-34 Ramge Bldg. 1Mb and Hsmey Pt (19)-2S8 15 $3200.00 . Six-mom all modern, on N. , 19th St boulevard, within fif teen minutes' walk from post office. It's a gem. Oood barn. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug, tlfil (19) M.T75 W 2103 LOCI'ST ST. All modern 7-room house, good barn, permanent walks, now vacant; a bargain at $3 ono. See It. O. N. Hypse, owner, 00 California St. (19 18Q FOR SALE On East Maple St. strictly modern 7-room house, full basement, laundry, paved street, near three car lines. Inquire i. H. Olseen. 117 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. Douglas 358. (19) 581 FOR SALE Two modern houses and large barn, one block north of Hanscom park; paved street, east front, lot 71x150. East ern owner will sell at a bargain. THOMAS BRENNaN. Room 1 N. Y. L. Bldg (l-4 REAL ESTATE FARM ASH. HACIi LA.U FOR SALE arkanaas. t WANT everybody to know what I found In north wi ct Arkansas; don't let them coax you to go where you have- to pay tnr water and fuel. Send for my ten rea sons why northwest Arksnsas Is the best place to locate tor a nome, wm uwuis. J. T. Oswalt, Uravette, Ark. , U))-78 22x California. HERE 18 A SNAP Must be sold; CalV r,ni minrlc and fruit ranch. 1.100 acres. fine residence, two barns, wagon, etc.; 800 r,u re hred Amort goals. 13 cuttle, 14 Lri tun 000 worth of olack oak tlm ber; 12 miles from Napa, 47 miles from Oakland. For full particulars write -rrown & Lewis. (Inc.), Dept. 1. 10M Broadway, Oakland, Cal. (20) M670 20x BARTLETT PEARS and Tokay grapes at tain their hlgnest perieciion hi mmx, -v-. i . , - . aiiitnA 9 iOii iruM meitalHi KIIIUIIUK, , oi. ' -- , ' magnificent climate; fine soil; with or without Irrigation; good mines in vicin ity; ideal spot for homeseekers; one of the healthiest sections In California. For literature address ti. m. jnorritin, ocio tary. Colfax Promotion Committee, Col' fax California. (20)-669 ltx r . - B CANADIAN WHEAT LAND480 acres gently undulating prairie, one mile from navies Die lRKe. ten nines in.nn dh- Hrr in fini nu Cast Mountain valley, $16 per acre, easy terms. This land Is in a well aettled portion of the country and can practically all be broken up. Boll dark loam clay on clay subsoil, the very iwi.i nf wster can be obtained from ten twenty feet. Wm. Pearson, Ltd., 328 Northern Bank Bldg.,-Winnipeg, Man. Colorado. RANCH FOR SALE 880 acres In the grand Ban IjUIS valley oi Bguuwrn vlulnuu ..i.aion water, fenced, good improve ments, close to town and railroad. Write now for further aesenpuon ana price. William L. Go ye, Cheney, Nebraska. (30) 71 21 Indian Territory. NEXT "TUESDAY INDIAN LANDS WU! HAVE XUBT RETURNED FROM INDIAN TERRITORY, WHERE Wfcl SOLD FARMS TO FOUR CUSTOMERS. KI.W1ANT COUNTRY. FINS OPPOKTU NITY I'uR INVESTMENT. OUR NEXT EXCURSION TUESDAY, MARCH 19.- WE ARE GOING DJWW AliAiiN wirri Btv EH A I. PARTIES. THERE ARE BAR GAINS IN FARMS DOWN THERE. AND WE CAN PUT YOTJ IN TOUCH WITH THEM. EXCURSION RATE8 FROM ALI POINTS. WR1TH UH f UK rAMrll l,r, 1 H. SOUTH DAKOTA LAND EXCURSION SAME DATE. THE PUTNAM CO., 604 N. X. UflS BLDG., OMAHA. (20) 330 It Mlnnesotm. GREAT OPPORTUNITY A No. 1 stock and grain farm, &!0 acres, new Duuaing. plenty of water, to rent for cash, per acre, or part easy terms; can be rented for 8 years; y, mile from school and creamery; 2 miles from railroad sta tion; also sell reasonable, 30 cowa and 100 young hogs: easy terms. This land is worth $70 per acre In good condition. A nap for party who wishes to milk cows and feed hogs. Address German Land Co., West Concord, Minn. (20) 74 19x Itbrsiks. FOR SALE 1.040 acres. Improved stock and grain ranch, Dawes Co., Men.; xi.ou per acre. Write for particulars. S. A. Gll lett. Antelope. Neb. (20 G74 18r FOR SALE Three quarters, Lincoln Co., half level, black aoll; $6 per aero, brands KelUe, Wilcox, Neb. (20)-7$ 20x STOCK FARM IN BOX BUTTE County. Neb., of 3.100 acres: well situated. 10 miles from Hemlngford: finest kind of soil; big crops without irrigation; modern no Be. nun ail lllipruvriiivnia, m mum ui fence; beat of water and climate. Write owner for particulars. If sold In body, $; la. small farms, $10 per acre. X). A. PAUL, HEM.1NG1TOKD, IS'EU. (&)-7i 16x 160 ACRES Four miles from Ines, 70 acres good farm land, balance good hay land; house, barn and flowing well; price $:',8ut cash. R. R. station, Atkinson. Other farms and ranches for sale at reasonable prlcea Llerman Bros., Ines, Holt Co., Nebraska. (20) 673 17x FOR 8ALE-160 acres of fine rolling land. ait under cultivation: no Improvements except fence on three sides. Price, $ua per a Y. D. acre. Address Anthon Armltage, H s, Box 74, Kenesaw, Neb. (30) 77 20x Custer County Farm 160 acres t miles from R. R. Owner wants to trade for Omaha property or sell cheap. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. L. Bldg, Omaha, Neb. (201-339 17 a ACRES. Improved farm, 24 mile northwest of Florence, between ponca church and school house; 4 acres young fruit. Price. $3,200. Call at place or address Jacob J. Chambers, Florence, Neb. (3d)-MX 17x FINELY Improved Iu6-acre farm, one and a halt' miles from good Nebraska county seat town; worth $i6 an acre of any man's money, but the owner Js leaving for the south and will aell tor $32.60 per acre on easy terms; possession given April 1st; first man with a Utile money gets this snap; agents need not answer. For full particulars and location address K i.9. Bee. (20) M3;3 17 tli Dakota. ONE MILLION ACRES ROSEBUD LAND BOON to be opened In Tripp county, South Dakota; new and authentic map fust out, price, 60 cents, postpaid. Fred Relch mann. bonesteeU 8. D. (20) M3M Is Twsaav, OILMORE REAL ESTATE CO., 141$ Doug, las St., Orrjtiia. Neb., 'Phone Douglas ioii, general agents W. B. Soaah Land Co., owtisrs of large tracts near Dslhart- Tex., the choicest In the Puihsndle. Agents wanted In every county. Next exouisioa March 1$. Sleeping ear berths free. Call cr write for full Information. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RAVTII LANDS FOR gAI.R Texas Coat I seed. LAND8FKKER8. Send fir Illustrated booklet, telling of the famous lrnr.i Vslley of Texas, WHERH1 the R1CHK8T AND BEST PRAIRIE LAND, with 45 inches of rainfall. Is sell ing st $12.n0 to $lS.fti per acre. In tracts of lfio seres or more. Tou have read of this valley as the "Nile of Amerlcs" snd "The Texas Bugar Bowl." Its splen. did corn, clover anil nlfalfa land sre ad mitted to be the richest cotton and sugar can land in the United Btnte. own the land and make ONE pilt'C to alL No inflation allowed. HILAND P. LOCKWOOD, 436, San Antonio, Texas. (2u) M724 1 EIGHT HUNDRED ACRES stock and fnrm ranch In Frontier county, four miles from railroad town; no sand and partly Improved. 17 per sere; terms. 8. Hawves, 1614 Emmet St.. Omaha. (20) MU' 24 Wis LAND LAND LAND NORTH WISCONSIN OF FERS YOU A HOME AND A FORTUNE We'll show you the land at our own expense. We'll make it easy to pay. This Is the most tertile gisss region, most promising dairy, stock raising mid grain coutfuy ever opened for settlement. It is equa' l value to any farm In Minnesota or lower Wisconsin. It has been held all these years by big lumber companies, but WE own It now and are ready to sell to the man of small mean who will develop his rutin. Mo speculators wanted. This land In Hit y Held and Sawyer coun ties is covered with a network of rallwnys Ave hours from Minneapolis and St. Paul anu only ten hours from Chicago tno greatest markets in the world for your product. More favorably located than Iowa or Minnesota farms and for only $6.00 to $15.00 per acre on easy payments. Do you realize wnat mis means in aoitnrs ana cents to you? Do you realise what It might mean to your ramliy now and in years to come? This Is no cliAnce to look upon liirhtlv. It Is a clean-cut opportunity no less and thone who grasp It will be glad of it. We tra ready to show you the whole country and pny the expense If you . buy. This-1s too good to pass up! Don't wilt a minute. Now Is the time. Write to us at once and we will show you something in land values that you would never believe could be possible. Write now. Ask for booklet E. American Colonization Co. Chippewa Falls. Wis. . (n)-W3 20x Miscellaneous. EXCURSION NOTICE On Tuesday, March 19th, we will run per sonally conducted excursions to nortn eastern Colorado, northwestern Kansas and the gulf const of Texas. We can buy you a railroad ticket for the round trip for less than you can buy It for yourselves. Call Monday or .early Tues day. Continental Realty Co., 21-36 U. S. bank bldg., Omaha: 63 Brownell block, Lincoln, Neb.; 711 Security -ank bldg., Sioux City, la.; 613 Edniond St., St. Joseph, Mo.; W. 9th SU, Kansas City, Mo. (2u-M371 17 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm and Ranch Land. FOR RENTV-6-acre tract of land In Bon son (without house), suitable for garden ing or raising potatoes. Will rent till January 1, 19u8, for $26 If taken Immedi ately. Address E 33s, care Bee. j2 4px REAL ESTATE LOANS $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi dence property In Omaha.; lowest rates; no ueiay. icomua ttrennan, tioom i, n, Y. Life. U2) 68 LOWEST RATES Bemla, Paxton Block. (E2)-7 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. IZi) 8'JO UNION LOAN & INV'T CO., PPTVATlV. TlArJKiVUSl 310 BEB dV A-fr-ft. V AAJJ.1J sW-ftJa. sVsVaygs jBLlXXt LOANS MONEY ON REAL ESTATE. ! (22)-623 tl GARVIN BROS.. 1S04 Farnam. t and per cent, loans on real esiuie; no auiuy. U2)-W LOWEST RATES Bern Is, Paxton Block. (22) 867 $1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resl. deuce property in umana; .roweBi rates; no delay. Thomas Breiman. R. 1, N, Y. Life. (22)-tV WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters ft Co. (22) 071 WANTED City loan and warants. W. Farnam Smith ft Co.. 1320 Farnam St. (22) 963 LOANS on Improved city property. W. H. 1 nomas, duo f irst ixauonai euna uiuk. (22-l)70 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1520 Doug. izz via BUILDING loans on resldenoe property; 6 per cent. w. B. MeiKle. Kamge kik. f5?)-M5B REAL ESTATE WANTED I WANT to Invest $6,000 to $15,000 In Omaha real csiaie. Business property preierreu. Must be a bargain. Address F 322. care Bee. 23) M31S 21 x WANTED TO BUY WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture. cook and heating stoves, carpets, linole ums, office furniture, old clothes and hoes, plunos, feathera, bed pillows, quilts and all kinda of tools; or will buy the fur niture of your house complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The high est prices paid. C&U tUe right man. Tel. Doug. 3U71. , (26) MA5 M16 WANTED to buy, stock of groceries, be tween $400 and $000. Address C 319, care Bee. (.) MJuS 17 WANTED Second hand 40 to 60 h. p. boiler and engine. Address E, 321, eare Bee. (26) MJ&3 17x CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co., $13 B. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 1331. (26 44 lYPEWRITERS-We pay the highest cash prlci Tel. nee lor typewriters, can at once or Doug. b477, Kendls, Paxton block. (26)474 Ml CASH for old books. Stacy, 314 8. 13th. (26)-M697 A6x WANTED TO BUT-Property. close In; must be cheap. Address F-34, Bee. (1)-M10 16 WANTED Black Cocker Spaniel pup from registered stock. Address Box luou, Wes ton, Neb. (26) 333 17x WANTED Oood . second-hand Btove or range; give full description. Address K 8-'8, Bee. (25) 344 17x WANTED TO RENT ROLL top desk. Tel. Douglas 6477. (26)-M200 1 WANTED Board and room or furnished houRskeeping rooms for couple with daughter u years old. Private family pre ferred. Address Mrs. F. II. Coarney, 3617 Howard. (261243 16 WANTED To reiit by April 1. 6 or i-room cottage with yard; no children; reference given. Address L 3bl, care Bee. (.) 238 15x WANTED-Housekeeplng rooms; close In; state Address P 8, CAre Bee. rooms; I to ( full particulars. (26)-M276 17 i WANTED SITUATIONS DAY WOMEN furnished free of charge. Telephone Douglas 111X (27) Uwl WANTED By practical brlckmaker, place a foreman or manuger; to years at the business. Can give good reference. Ad dreas Box 27, Genoa, Neb. (27)-e34 Vx WANTED-.Poaltlon. bookkeeper or bank ing; boat v( rsfsreniMM. livx i, Dawson, WANTED SITUATION (Continued.) YOUNG man wants position to work half time, learning some good trnde or busi ness. Address D, 3JO, care P-e. (.7) M2 17X HOTEL MAN, experienced and trust worthy, desires position as manager or day clerk. Address E-304, care l'e. (27) M0i3 lsx TRUSTWORTHY man with real estMe ex perience would like the care of rrterty. Address M-Sll, Bee. (2T) lSx GOVERNMENT NOTICES' DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. V. 8. Geological Survey, Reclamation Bervice, Washington, D C.. February 14, llti. Pealed proposals will e received at the office of the United States Reclnmaiton Service, Belle Foiirche, South Dakota, until t o'clock p. fli., April 10, lt'7, for the con struction of sections 3 to 8 of the South Canal with appurtenant structures. In volving spproxlmatoly JnO.OiiO cubic yards of canal excavation, 7.2UO cubic yards of concrete and 1.2!5 linear feet of tunnel. In eonnectlon with the Belle Fourche project. South Dakota. Plan, speclllcitlons nd rroposal blanks may be obtained from the iltet Rtates Reclamation Service. Wash ington, D. C, Crawford, Nebraska, or Belle Fourche, Botitn uakota. u. a. imwi CUCK. Secretary. F2SM1.,.16 CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Omaha, Neh., March !. 1M7. Scaled pro posnls, in triplicate, subject to the usual conditions, will bo received here until 10 a. m., central stahdard time, April 16, 1907 an then opened In the presence of at tending bidders, for printing rcqulrwl at Headquarters Department of the Missouri, during the fiscal yesr commencing July 1, 1WJ. and ending June 30. 1. United States reserve the right to reject or ac cent any or all nronosals. cr any part thereof. ,Blsnk forms for blddlfig snd cir cular giving full Inlormatlon and require ments will be furnished on application Envelopes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Printing," and ad dressed to Major THOMAS CRUSH, C. Q. M. MlS-18-19-20-AprlZ-lll LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that the Keith and Lincoln counties irri gation District will receive sealed proposals for the purcnase oi ine sixty-six nunarea $rt.00.00) dollars remaining of the bond is sue of said district uo to the hour of ten o'clock a. m. on April second. 1907. at the office of the secretary of the Irrigation DIs. trlct In the Village of Sutherland, In Lan coin County. Nebraska. Said bonds are It the denominations of one hundred ttiw.uo) dollars each and bear Interest at the rate of six Dercentum per annum payable earni annually oa the nrst jays or Marcn ana September or each ana every year Degin nlnir with the rirat day of September, 19U0. These bonds are of three series and ten of them are due on the first day of March, 1917; thirty-nine of them due on the first day of March, 1325; seventeen of them are Hub on the first dav of March. 1930. The sealed proposals may bo for the whole of said bonds or for any portion tlrereof, and such bids will be opened immediately after the hour of ten o clock a. m. on tne saia second day of April. 1907. The board re serves the right to reject any and all bids, Dated this eight n eiey or Marcn, isui. JAMES 8HOUP, Secretary.' M12d20X REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mary H. and William C. Upjohn to jnei iv. Kcnrt. lot in. re-Diai dioch, . Bemls pork -I t Louisa P. Ambler et ai. to oamuei B. Bower, lots 10, 16 and 22, tilock I. Eckermann place 1 Clevlns C. Kendall to Antone Tim merman, lot 9, block &, Park Forest John W. McDonald, sheriff, to Charles Rattelle. trustee, lot 11. block S. 30 276 Sulphur Springs add $00 Charles A. Kent, trustee. 10 lubtoi hi. Winquest and wife, part lot 4, Ragan's add Genevieve 8. and Mary C. H. Hins- Hala In rharlea V. WlnnllcsL Dart 426 lot 4, Ragan's add . 26 Frances M. Smith ana wue u Christina L. Thompson, lot U, block IS, Central park Omaha Mercantile company to Joseph A. McKee, east 60 feet westlW feet lots 11 and 12, block 36, South Omaha Reuben A. Johnson and wife to Wil liam Martynowlcs, nhi lot 6. block 66, South Omaha Li la Johffson to Dora Rathbols, e4 lot 3; aouth 60 feet e lot 3 and nne.thlrd Interest nU 10 feet lot 2. soo 26 1426 block 94, South Omaha 3,750 Catherine Byorth and husband to Olof Llngqulst, part lot 4, block 11, Redlck's sub Mary E. Temke and husband to Thomas O. Degan, lots au ana vi. block 2. Matthews sub. 2,000 Isidore T. Van Moorleghem and wife to Ulrieh Langenegger. lot 10. block 22. Wilcox 2d add 2,550 John J. Ryan to Raymond Cottenler, lot 3, block 5, 1st add. to Fowler Place, South Omaha 400 Hans N. Jensen to Frank V. Kuncl, W14 lot 8, block 4, Credit Foncler.... 1,700 Union Stock Yards company to Frank Mary Hajek, kit 2, block 16, and lot 4, block 17, 1st add. to South Omaha 400 Ellen Belle Slabaugh and husband to Bhlmer.ft Chase Co., part lot 102, Glae's add 1 Elizabeth Kountse Real Estate com pany to William H. Clark, lot 3, block , Kountxe Place 1,150 Elizabeth Kountze Real Estate com- pany to Edna H. Klrschsteln, lot 4, block 8, Kountse Place :., 1.150 Total ..$19,967 OCEAft STEAMSHIPS. EUROPE $150 SIXTY TOURS $1,195 All expenses tnclndsA ALL ROUTES WRITE FOR BOOKLET TM08. COOK SON 246A BROADWAY, NEW YORK 136 Offices Abroad Cook's TraTslefi Checks Tayable Svsrysrhere. SCANDirUVUNAKlERICA!. UM U,Mg Toa Twin-8crw Passenger Bt tamer 1 Ulrect to 1 Norway, Sweden and Denmark . Balling trora New York at noo. C. P. Tltto..... M7 tltTDH4 State Jon 4 Oaear II M.f Mr. p. Ttata. Juna II Htlllg Olav Mar il0car II , J una M Saloon, 10 sad upward; aacood eablo. ISO. Aftar Mar 10, Baloos 7i and up, Id caul log. A. xC. Jennson T Lo., i nroadway, . x , 11 Et Klaale ft.. Chicago. ALLAN LIKE OCEAN STEAMSHIPS K MMswn Vlrtorlan sd4 Virginian, triplo- scrw turbiiis rtvlQ'i. ancJ Tuntttan, Conloaa aol loDlaa, twin-?Tw. Wklf salllus Llvvrpeol, Ola- low, lsO4eA, Htts (l-raact. Ramembep. our sal Una ara from Montraal, rig sows lh filcturaaqua St. Lawnmoa Klvar tor llUhL Attomm(Mlltoua narpaaa4. Halaa: alooa fivu.00 ana upwardi ; second cabin t4u.0O snd up wards, was siaas usdib laamars, iw.w in upwarui. . ALLAN A COMPANY, 174 Jacaaoa Boul., Chtoago. TWO FIRES IN PITTSBURG High Water Prevents Effective Work Ly Firemen and Hnck Property Is Loit. PITrBBURQ,' March 14. Fire to)ay de stroyed the plant of the American Sheet and ; Tin Plate company at the foot of South Fourteenth street and slightly damaged the Bolt works of the Oliver Iron and Steel works, adjoining. The loss to the tin plate company was about $.000 and to the Oliver company $1,000. The fire originated from a car of lime, which was set on fire by the high water. A second fire broke out on Mount Wash ington about the same time and at 10 o'clock eleven business houses and dwellings had been destroyed. The fire had assumed such threatening proportions that It waa decided to use dynamite to destroy adjoin ing building to prevent more valuable property burning up. No water Is avail able. The Are had practically burned itself out at roon. Insurance men estimate the loss at $300.000. , Twenty-flve business . bouses and dwelling war destroyed or badly damaged. iYAR IS CENTRAL AMERICA Aiscciiattd Fret i Correirondnnt Telli of Condition! ai They flitted FnnJay. SALVADOR MAY JOIN WITH HONDURAS President F.elaya of Meornaaa gald te) Re DUlrsjsted by Roth fon -tries Arms F.mpeeted from America. FI'RRTO OORTEZ. Honduras. March 10. Via New Orleans. March 1 (Correspond ence of the Associate! Fress.V In spite of the claims made by coi .mandlng officers on each side that "the enemy has been van quished In an Important battle," the fight ing bet wen Honduras and Nicaragua has. up to the present time, been confined to small engagements between scouting par ties on one or the other side of the fron tiers, encounters that anywhere else would be classed as skirmishes. Each side hag msde claims of victories not warranted by the farts and each side has called the reports sent out by the other falso and misleading. While there has been no battle as yet, all the conditions are ripe for a serious en gagement. It Is a mistake to characterise all Central American fighting as comlo opera performances. Much of the fighting here Is comparatively not serious, but tha waning elements of these' states have) shown In. the past thst they can. on 'occa sions., put up a good, stiff fight, and It the arrayed forces of Honduras and Nicara gua do meet In an engagement the conflict will not be Inconsequential or to be laughed at. The situation of armed hostility between Honduras and Nicaragua, from the Hon duran side. Is briefly as follows: The sklr mlsh at San Marcos, a village In Honduras about Ave mllos from the Nlcarngimn fron tier, was inconsequential. The main Hon duraa force Is Nt Choluteca. 'Texlguat. Oulnepo and Yuscaran. These four towng are In practically a straight line and about twenty miles from the frontier. Bonllla Awaits Arms. President Ronilla Is waiting for- further reinforcements from Tegucigalpa and for arms from the United States. He would like also to have .the first serious engage ment on Honduran territory In order to be able to demand that Salvador make good Its promise to help him In case of war. Tho presence of President .Ronilla In the field has stimulated the Honduran army so that the men hnve confidence, and he la a fighter of experience. He has a strong; personal following In Salvador as well as the confidence of the Salvadorean army, and every one here Is epect'ng to hear any day that Salvador has decided to fight with him. Honduras has armed already between 18,000 and lS.ODO men. and 15.000 more ara bein? equipped at the capital. The presi dent Is In close touch with his capital by automobile. There Is a splendid macadam ised road from Tegucigalpa to the Pnclflo coast, which passes within & six-hour horseback ride of the Honduran headquar ters. Choluteca has water communication with the port of Amapnla, which makes the transportation of artillery and supplies comparatively easy. The present disposition of the Honduran forces cover all the main roads from Nica ragua. Forces of Mearagaa. It would appear that the Nicaragua forces have concentrated at Homnto, Santa Maria and Ocotal. The first actual diffi culty took place at Las Manos, a little village, the main street of which marks the frontier line between Honduras and Nicaragua. The Nlcaraguans, who were encamped on their side of the village, crossed the line one night and stole a Honduran mule and "retired with their capture without . firing a shot. This inci dent was followed by diplomatic corre spondence. In which the .Nlcaraguans were stigmatized as "cattle lifters." This will resented with counter charges and shortly after there was a town meeting at Ami pala, Honduras, In which President, Zelaya of Nicaragua was accused of violating his promises and fomenting strife. Nicaragua then demanded that Honduras punish the municipality of A ma pala, but thla Hon duras refused, on the ground that the Honduran people were guaranteed the right of public speech and meeting. President Bonllla offered to submit the Lag Manos incident and all other pending questions to arbitration, but this Nicaragua refused and Bhortly after both countries began seriously to prepare for war. In Honduras President Zelaya Is harshly criticised. He is accused of harboring and aiding Honduras revolutionists to organlsa and provide them with arms and ammuni tion with which to fight the present gov- v ernment. He was a friend of Sierra Alias and Pollcarpo Bonllla, both sworn enemies) of the present president, and In Honduras It is declared categorically that Zelaya long has been watting a pretext to declare war on Honduras, his ultimate purpose being to set up in this country a president la sympathy with his own ambitions. The people and the government of Honduras believe that Zelaya bopea now to repeat his victory of 1893-4, when a Nlcaraguaa army entered Tegucigalpa and Pollcarpo was proclaimed president of Honduras. Zelaya Is Distrusted. The question of a boundary line between Honduras and Nicaragua is still open, and. with A friendly president at Tegucigalpa- Nicaragua would be sure of boundary de cisions favorable to i'.self. In short. Presi dent Zelaya Is thoroughly distrusted, not only In Honduras, but in Salvador and Ouatemala as well, and the Honduran gov ernment declares It Is preferable to fight him in a final effort to put an end io his International Intrigues than to let him con tinue to foment disorders. Honduras and Salvador are bound by al liance to aid each other In case of war and President Zelaya la hostile to Manuel Estrada Cabrera, the president of Ouate mala. There la a chance that Guatemala will remain neutral, but. If not, all the Countries of Central America, with the ex ception of Costa Rica, which so far hag taken no active part in this dispute, ara likely to become Involved. Saldor is so close to Chlotueta that Salvadorean troops could join Bonllla In twenty-four hours and another twenty-four hours could see the united armies on Nlca raguan territory. If the Nlcaraguans ahould march upon Tegucigalpa, the Hon duran forces are so disposed that they could be readily concentrated to oppose tbs Invaders. Salvadoran troops could be hur. rled to Tegucigalpa in forty-eight hours. Thers Is reason to believe that both belligerents are expecting shipments of arms from the United States. HAND SAPOLIO FORI TOILET AND BATH Finger roughened by nesdlework catch every stain and look hopelesily dirty. Hand Sapollo remove not only the dirt, but also ths loosened, injured cuticle, and nttorea the tiogr to -' their mmturtl besutf. Vl okoceks and dku'ooistC rarnam. (IS) MJ7$ It i l.