THE OMAHA DAILY DEE: FRIDAY, MA'rtCII 15, 1P07. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET V'arkat Weak ud Cnl Ehow im Kay Cats. of Strength BLAR.SH NLWS DOMINATES WH.AT MAFKtl Uitif Cables and Small Emport De mand Cause Steady Ilownward Rtntt la Prlres Ef eept for Oats. OMAHA, March 14, 191. Fiicm were depressed on early eelllng, al Ihcmxh nmiKrl ouened talriy uoii Mh Khmt sold off Vc and the July crop lc. L ui.aiderahle strength was shown only In May options lor oats, while corn ai x I 'rmiely weak. Jf-VMieut was the factor In the market and lines were liquidated at lower range Hi pines. Cables were lower and the n port demand poor. Other causes lead ng to the decline were sympathetic weakness with the stock market and the fact that the estimates o( shipments from Argentina weie much larger, being placed at 4,00,0j bushels, against 4,464,000 buahela laat wee it. 'Hie market In Chicago waa extremely weak and emtio and heavy receipts In Hie northwest cauaed a feeling of bearlshness. 1 nere were small offerings of corn, but liberal selling by commission houses was ( ported and resulted la an easier tone In general. May oats were In fair demand, opening at H.-Htc and was held up He, but eased on to 3lMc at the close. The prices for July options were well sustained, the closing price being 87c asked, after suffering au Intermediate decline of He. P.lmaxy wheat receipts were 73K.OOO bush els and shipments 226,0o0 bushels, against receipts laat year of 320,0uu bUHhels and shipment of 214,00 bushels. Corn receipts were &7,000 bushels and shipments 6l,000 bushels, against receipts of 274,000 bushels and shipments of 43,00 bushels last year. Clearances were 820,171 bushels, none of wheat, 1.486 bushels oats and wheat and flour equal to 126,104 bushels. Liverpool closed hki lower on wheat and Vtd lower on corn. Local range of options: and Artlcloa. Open. Hlgh.l Low. aose.Tes'y. Wheat I May... 70A 7"A July... 73 A 72 A Corn May... 41r4A 41T,A July... 4r,fcA Sept.. 41 A 41 A Oats May... 30A 40 B July... 37 A 37HA 70A 7n4A 7tWA 71A 71WA W A 4HA 41A 41B 4UjA 40 A 40B 4"A 40HA 41 A 3tHA S9A S9B 36HA 87 A 87 B A asked. B bid. Omaha Cash Prices. 63'u4joc; iSo. 4 hard, 6oniC4c; No. I spring, xa bio. CORN No. -8, 88a39c; No. 4, SCMAiTTHc; no Jim OATS No. 3 mixed. JWHo; No. I wnne. 3SCnWc: No. 4 white, 3bVI("B. flYE No. 2, 69o; No. S. 67o. 4e Hd. rutures, quiet; March, 4s4Vd; May, 4stiV,d. !M.W YORK IIK'IIRAI. MARKET Quotation of the Day oa Varleaa Commodities. NEW YORK. Msrch 14 -FLOUR Re ceipts 10.7-1 bbls.; export. 810 Mils.; mar ket stesdy but quiet; Minnesota patent, $4 l(ra4.4n; winter strslghts. 13 U .; Minnesota bakers. $3.;; winter ex trua. fxaac.a; winter patents, 13 S"..Nii; winter low grades, $2.7""j2. Rye flour, steady; fair to good. H.'u3.m. choke to fancv. K.SMi4.25. Buekwheat Hour, dull; $J "pi, nominal, spot and to arrive. CORN WAI Hteadv: fine white yellow. II lo.illS; kiln dried. $2.S5'li.7S. WHEAT-Receipts, 34. uu" hu.: exports, 16.140 bu.; spot market easy; No 1 red. MVC elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, 91"i, f. o. b. afloat; Nn. 2 hard winter, a6A,c. f. o. b afloat; further demoralising news from Wall street chiefly explains the cent break In wheat today. Crop news at home and abroad was bullish, but had no effect. owing to the stock situation. On the break, a good export business was done, rallying prices slightly near the do, although. thev were still S to TuC net lower. May closed. MSe; July M 13-l&'y6iC, closed Mc; Sept., M1-, closed M c. COK.N neceipis. si, n du. ; expuris, , fi bu.; spot eaay, No. 2, elevator, 63Hc; No. 3, white, MVy; option market was weakened by the Wall Street news and the decline In wheat, closing S to H cents net lower; May MijeSe, closed 63c. OATS Receipts, k,,& uu.; exports, i,z hu; spot market steady; mixed 2ft to 22 pounds, 47Hc: natural white, 80 to 33 pounds. 4!wu;'iMic; cupped wnite, )t to w pounua. HAY Firm; shipping, HOI'S Dull; stat, common to choice. 1"3 crop, 8'el3c; Pacific coast, 1906 crop, lou 13c; 1 crop, 84il2c. HliE-8teady; Galveston, M to 28 lbs., 20c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs, lc. I.KATHKK flteadv: acid. 27H029C. I'ROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. tlBoO 'Blfi.yi; beef hams. Lfl.0i526.W; packer, 111.00 'u 12.00; city extra India mess. Ia.00rfl-i3.00 Cut mFAta. steady; pickled bellies, 310. Ibft 1250; pickled hams. 310.0.U12 6 Iird, steady; western, firm; prime, i.a'(iw.; rennea. quiet: continent. t'.SO; Bouth America, $11.00; compound. $N.62V?4.7a: Pork, steady; family, 219 fto'Zu.Ob; short clear, l.0Wspisi.&u; mraa, Il.(v,( is. 75. TAL1W Steady; city. 22; per package. Sic; country packages free, fiHUjTc. RICE Steady ; domestic, fair to extra, 2;V(i4;ir; Japan, nominal. BUTTER Kai"y; street price, extra creamry, 30H'31c; official prlcos, creamery, common to exU-a, 21t3c; held, common to extra, 2tK(i30c; state dairy, common to finest, aoiiA'C; renovated, common to extra, lij'u⪼ western factory, common to firsts, lhylVi'-; western Imitation creamery, firsts. Sij4c. CH EES B Strong; state full cream, colored small, September fancy, 16c; state. whlt, Hc; state, colored, small, October, b-st, l4a14Hc; white, 13'Tn4H; good to prime, l.Vul3Hc; state, winter, average best, 12Hc; state, largo. September fanry, 14c; state, October best. 13Va'14c; tate. good to prlmn, i2ra 13Vic; Inferiors, HH'iUHc. EQiS Kacy; state, Pennsylvania snd nearby fancy selected white. 21'q22c; brown and mixed, extra, lWa9c; firsts to extra firsts, 17VH8c; western firsts, 17Hc, oftlclal price, 17Hc; seconds, 17HC. POULTRY Live, steady; western, steady; fowls, 15c; turkeys, 13c; dressed, firm; west ern chickens, 12ijl8c; turkeys, 12&15c; fowls, loijHo. Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha Duluth St, louls .... Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. 18 125 848 10 138 a 249 41 75 135 Oats 142 4 24 70 NEW YORK STOCKS ANDBONDS Market in Condition Porderlne on Panic and Fricei Tal! Folp:tately. SALES NEARLY THREE MILLION SHARES laloa Parlfle Loses 24 Points, Amer icas Smeltlna SI, Northern and oathera PnelHos and Great Korthera lO to 1ft Polats. I'nion f f f f ri-in! tli s. r 1 1 S. HltT . Kilf'her S. Ituhhr fd S. Iltesl Ftel pfil -rarollnii rhetnl-.l them. pfd... i -- e CHICAGO CnAIJI AND PROVISIOSB Features of the Tradlnst and CloalnK Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAOO, March 14. The panio In Wall atreet had a dHuresslns effect today on th loruil market and induced free profit taking In all points. At the close May wheat showed a net loss of hViia. Corn was down Oats were up W&"0. lrovlMlonH were liWulWo higher. The unsettled condition of the stock mar Vet brought out selllna orders from all direction, when trading began In the wheat pit, and for a time offerings were extremely liberal. With little apparent effort being made to support the market prices declined runtrilv. iinlni to the developments In the financial world, crop reports and other news which ordinarily would have cauaed -vinalriernbla Influence were seemingly iff nored. .Toward the middle of the session e selling , became less urgent, but . tna i . flj . uVimfcoH n papllnnrAllVA hnVHP. Bn- .., nvt - . . ----- - -al.ment In the lilt continuing -exxremeiy iieariah un to the close, frim&ry receipts today were more than double those of the corresponding day a year ago and this Heavy movement was an aaaiuonai oneca to any advance 4n prices. An estimate on the shipments of wheat from Argentina this week, which made the total exports to be somewhat larger than those last week was a further aid to the bears. The market closed weak. May wheat opened Ho lower to tc higher at 77fcf)TiSc, sold off to and closed at 76Ttr77c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to'126,100 bu. Primary receipts were 738.000 bu., compared with 320.UO bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago re ported receipts of 504 cars, 428 cars last week and 256 cars a year ago. The sensational declines In stocks were the dominating; Influence In the corn mar ket. Throughout the entire day there waa free selling by local and outside longs and also lively selling by pit traders for short accounts. The principal support came from shorts. The market closed weak. May corn opened unchanged to He lower at 46 ffiHti0 to Vtci, declined to 46Hc and closed at 4fii4o. Iiocal receipt wore 249 cars; no contract grade. Oats rallied late In the day and cloned at a moderate advance. Early In the ses sion, however, the tone waa decidedly weak because of liberal profit-taking sales. A leading elevator concern was an active bidder for oats the last hour and this brought about the rally. May oats opened unchanged to Ho higher at 44tr4i4c, sold off to SiiVs and closed at 404tp4Oc Local receipts were 142 cars. Provisions, after exhibiting slight weak ness early In the day became Arm on buyr Ing by shorts and several leading packers. Local longs were Inclined to sell at the start because of the weakness of grain. At the close May pork was up THc at flt.07H. I-ard was up 2Hc at 2&17H. Ribs 60 higher at H U. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, jbl cars; oats, ikz cars; hogs, Rt. I,4nts General Market. BT. LOUIS, March 14 WHEAT Lower: track, No. 2 red, cash, 77Vf7SViC; No. 2 hard, 74U7c; May, 76iij7V4c: July, 7HC CORN Weak ; track, No. 2 caah, 444c44Hc; No. i white. 4c; May, 44V4c; July, 44Sc OATS Steady; track, No. 2 cash. 42's42fcc; No. 2 white, 43Hc; May, 374jc; July, atTsc. FLOl'R Steady; red winter patents, 23.6txii8.o0; extra fancy and straight, 3.20r9 8.5o; clear. l2.6fl2.8o. SEED Timothy, steady, 23.75tM.lfi. CORNMHA L Steady at 22.40. B RAN Firm ; sacked, east track, 99Hc9 21.00. HAY-fltrong; timothy, $15.00819.00; prai rie, tlO.MKtH3.00. IRON t OTTON TIES, $1.10. BAOOINO loHc HEMP TWINE 100. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, 216.73. I-ard, higher; prime steam, tS.90. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, t9.50; clenr ribs, $9.62Vi; short clears, 19.75. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, I10.37H; clear ribs, 110.50; short clear? I10.62H. POULTRY Higher; chickens. 12Hc; spring, 13Hc; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 13c; geese. Rc. BUTTER Quiet; creamery, 24(g32c; dairy, njiWc EOGS Firm, 14HO. Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu. Oats, bu. Receipts. 12,000 26,0"0 .....135,000 , 70,000 Shipments. 7,000 50.000 151,000 70,0u0 cars; corn, The leading I Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes y futures ranged as follows: Wheat May July . BepL Corn May July Bept, Oats May 'July Sept. Pork May July Lard May July Sept. RitMt M.y Jjly Bept 7744 4tX446Wl T7 7SH' 79 ,463 77V 7KH 7bHi78HtM 46 46H41V 4u14&Titiii 46 4 46 77U 78 4 7' 46H'0Ji wax 36V 41 H 87H SfciTsl 15 95 16 10 16 16 16 26 16 9 26 t 20 4) 80 8 30 t 40 8 r7H 00 8 9,'fe OiS 9 06 10 4646H5U'H146VStti"i S9'4;40a4 2Hi 15 96 1 12Vi 10 9 17W r t'Vm K,aasaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March 14. WHEAT May, Wfec: July, 71Hc; September, 71Tic; cash, No. 2 hard, 77Wil78c; No. 8, 67VW73c; No. 2 red, 74'u'7oc; No. 8, (Wfi-TSo. CORN May, 40T4c; July, 41Hc; September. 42Sc; cash. No. 2 hard. 41HC; No. 2 white, tZ(ic; No. S. 41V04214C. OAT No. Z white. 4l(U41Hc: no. I mixea. S9ic. HAY steady; rnoice timotny. ii4.wj'i6,tJo; choice prairie, $11 .00311.60. I! V E r-teadv. 6 !r(vic, EOOS-Weak; firsts, 16c BUTTER Creamery, ale; packing, ISHo. Receipts Shipments. Wheat, bu 26.000 90,000 Corn, bu 41,000 64,0il0 Oats, bu 12,000 11,000 Board of Trade quotations for Kansas City delivery. The range of prices, as re ported by Logan & Bryan, 112 Board of Trade building, was: Commodity. Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat- I I May TTiH 7iwfl-S'WU'ft,-a1 "(Wiri 70 July 7144 71T4 I 70V 71B Corn I May 41H 41 4 4074 4041 July 41H 41VUHI 4J4 41 B bid. NEW YORK, Msrch 14. -Liquidation was of a volume and character today such as has not been altneased on the Htock ex change since May , 1m1, when the devel opment of a corner In Northern Pacific precipitated one of the severest short panics ever seen In the New York market. The extreme violence of the declines on thst occaaion was due largely to the fnrt that It broke In abruptly upon the period of boom and rising prices. Today's demon stration 'was radically different In that It succeeded a prolonged period of liquida tion and severe declines in prices. Not only had much been accomplished towards the neceasary liquidation before the present break, but the action of the market had begun to reflect a return of confidence early this week and a general conviction had grown up that the worst was over. The sudden and acute outbreak of re newed weakness today owed most of Its violence to the fedlng of despondency In speculative circles regarding the efrectsf of the publlo agitation againm corporations and the nearly universal trend of legisla tive measures against them. Speculative circles are not dlspoaed to rely on their own information and deductions as to the extent and the significance of these de velopments. The extreme sensitiveness of sentiment on the subject Is founded on suppositions of what the great authorities In the railroad and financial world think on the subject. Recent events have con veyed the Impression that these authorities are In a condition of keen anxiety and even of fright about the prospect they have to face In this matter. Borne, of the steps taken with the Intention of allaying ap prehension on the subject seem to have been principally Instrumental In aggravat ing It. This was notably true with a visit to Washington early In the week of J. Pierpont Morgan with the avowed In tention of acting as mediator between the president and the railroad companies In an effort to Induce the president to take some steps to allay public apprehension regarding the credit of railroad companies. There was a momentary sense of relief manifest In the stock market of the early part of the week without any clear Idea being entertained of the steps to be taken or the purpose that would be served by them. A vague supposition was enter tained that some striking and effective measure was to be taken at Washington which would put a new face on the mat ter. The panic broke out on the Btock ex change today In connection with dispatches from Washington that no change of policy or or aaministration was to lie Washington. This , appealed strongly to the speculative Imagination and fears as sweeping away the last bulwark of protec tion for the railroad companies from the onset of Indignant public disapproval and even threatened confiscation. Speculative operators saw this view of the situation confirmed In the mysterious and over whelming outpouring of stocks, which they attributed to capitalists who held controll ing Interests In the great railroads. The supposition that railroad capitalists held this opinion of their Drecatlnua altuat'nn has been fostered by their attitude before me public and tne complaints and even appeals throush public channels which they have been making recently. There came onto the excited market today also a rumor mat airrerencea nan arisen between Kuhn Loeb & Co. and E. H. Harrlman. which had prompted a call upon that cupltallsfto take up his vast holdings of stocks with that firm. This rumor was authoritatively denied, but the fear It engendered had Its pari in tne aemonallxatlon of the day. The excited ma-' et was accompanied by a rise In the call loan rate to 26 per cent and the time loan market was practically unquotable. This gave rise to fears of over-strained credits In one direction and another, rumors pointing especially to the market for copper securities. Bankers as serted without reserve that the most ex haustive and painstaking scrutiny of con ditions failed to show any threat of money trouble or embarrassment In spite of enor mous losses represented by the shrinkage Mwin.iuiui. una is conamerea tne moat remarkable feature of the present remark able situation. Undoubtedly the discrim ination against some stocks in collateral for loans and their throwing out had to do with much of the severe selling pressure. Yesterday's fears of foreign troubles were proved entirely unfounded by today's de velopment. The market had substantially recovered at one time during the morning, when the wild liquidation in Union Pacific started the demoralisation in the whole list. There were some violent gyrations due to the rush of shorts to secure thefr enormous profits at various thne hut ih. demoralization continued practically up to h CiZtf' The ,ntende'l Plan of relief by ...... . .ir,UIJ ui imnincnt was not made known after the market had closed, but yery specific reports were current of the Intended situation about 8 o'clock without appreciably affecting the market Borne of the most conspicuous of the day's -extreme declines were: Union Pacific, UV.i Reading, ai; American Smelting 21i' Amalgamated Conner. 1Ri n.i. V Itudson, lfl'i; St. Paul, Northern Pacific, Southern Pacific, Great Northern nrol ferred, Anaconda, Pullman, Sloss-Shef-field Steel and Brooklyn Rapid Transit, 10 to 13V Severe losses of less amounts were universal. Bonds were but sllahtlv affected y.v acute weakness of stocks, tint war. r-rjilly lower. 1'nlted States bonds were un- ".iinugru un ran, .v1 & followlnw" th ran f prices on the New York Stock exchanrsr Bats. Hlib. Low. CIom. Wbah W"itnih fM Willi-Farso Kirr Wwtlnthr"jiM Electric Western I'nloa w neellnc A U. E Wli (nlrl Wi Oittntl prd Northern Prlnf (It Northern pfd (ntrl Lethr Central 1Mthr pta.... Slnfa-Hhemfli Stnel ... int. MetrovollUn Int MiL btA fetsl uIh for the ar, hMS. I44 1?0 11H rw inn li ion , 1 M 14 W . I.SXW 4 41 44 , i.n im i.4j 1'H , 7 " ' rt . 1 !" 1 tl 2 , 1 n) li li5 l . i J" l' lf4 l!H . ,") MS " ... I'D . 1,(XK U0 14' 14S I'O B)4j il Ml v ltv, 10V4 . l.t"0 17 14 1 4m JHH M H . M am ) lit . 14J l.i 1S . 4.iO M"4 t M 0 MS 0 H . 8.7' H 4! 4" . 7 4"0 14 I! r. . I 7' WS 6 4' OMAHA LIVE STOCI MARKET Cattle Call in the farce YeBterday. Botohta ' HOGS AVERAGE UP A TRIFLE HIGHER ilr Ran of Sheep and Lambs, with Goads Killers Active and a Little Stronger ommoa Kind Mow Sale. BOUTH OMAHA, March 14. 1907. ew York Money Market. NEW TORK, March 14 MONEY On rail, strlnsnnt. Wf2i per cent: ruling rate. 12 per cent; closing bid, 8 per cent; offered at S ner cent. PHI M hi MERCANTILE PArER-frS.! ner rent. STKRMNO EXCHANGE Weak, with ctiml business. In bankers' bills at 84.Mx.Vd' 4 RMO for demand and at 84 7wnr?r4 7S6 for sixty-day bills; posted rates, 84.8Wyu4.lw commercial Mils, 4. BILiVER Bar, 7Tc; 62.c. BONDS Government, weak. Closing quotations on follows: Receipts were. Official Monday I'Mirlal Tues.iuy Official Wednesday.. Official Thursday ... Cattle. Hops Sheep. 8.403 d.Md 7.IHK 4.2UO 5.0.8 11.26 10.41 ,0"0 K.iii 8.111 8.300 Mexican dollars, steady; railroad, bonds were as V. a. rf. i. to coupon . C. 8. tm, ret so ooupon , C 8. o'l 4.. do coupon. tT. 8. nw 4s, do coupon Am. ToMeco 4s..., do to Atrhlvon fn. 4a... do all 4s Atlantic C. L ., Bal. A Ohio 4 do 141 Brk. R. T. c. 4a... t'entral of Oa. ta. rio lit inc no Jd Inc do td tne 'h. a Ohio 4S. Chloso ft A. ISi c. c. "do Col. M r-CO. ft 8. U ( ' Colo. Ind. It . Polo. Mid. 4a.. Colo, ft So. 4... 'ut. s d. ft it. a. 4.. lMtlllT' f0. (I Brla p. I. 4 do sen. 4t Hncklns Val. 4S japin n B. ft Q. n. 4s. R. 1. ft P. 4a. res lot Uapan 4a M series... lotS do 4 etra '"H 1 PWS o 4i cite J IMS! do M aertea M rex.... 10044 it.. ft N. ml. 4e 1" ea-lnt .IO'S Men. c. t 4e r....mS Central 4s. M lis "do let Inc !1 4s 72 'Minn, ft (It. U 4a. . ,irlM . K ft T. 4a 17 . . 1 do le 'I .. "N. K.R. of M. a. 4e lH .. r4 N. T. C. f. SSe ..100 v. 1. c. a It IMS . . KS So. PaclBc 4 l'iS .. IIS do l 7" ..liS 'I, ft W. c. 4i S .. 88 O. 8. L. rfds 4a . . 73 Penn. conv. 8Se M .. 44 Reeding sen. 4a 46 ..100 8. L A I. M. a 8s.. 11 .. (as t. L. ft a. P. fs. 4a 79 Four days this week...22.firt 8K.7f 85.7S8 Same days last week. . .1S.819 K.o" Sl.2 Same davs 3 weeks ago..l8.3H7 JT.V 36,(2 81 me davs 3 weeks ago.. 22.6o4 44,IJ SO1 Same days 4 weeks ago.. .:C2 S.- 422 24.512 Same days last year ... .17,590 :5.678 4i7 The follnwlnv Inlile rhowa the receipts Of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared wiin last year. 19(17. 1WU. inc. Mjvc. Cattle 217,037 ?2.13 34.SK8 Hogs 511,102 646.722 85.62U Bheep SV.UV Xtt.SriO 80.170 rni 1.: oinrrATfONS. Good to choice corn fed steers 5.2f'T6 W air to good cornfed steers 4.nt' Common In fair ateera 4.t"(l'4.Wi Oood to choice fed cows 3 o4.tx Fair to good cows and heifers 8.a'.r3.t Common In falf r-nvum nnH helferS.. Z-OO'lJ 3 ?0 Wood to choice stockers & feeders.. Ifui!"1 talr to good stockers and feeders.. 3insi Common to fair stockers 0rvfi8M nulls, stags, etc z.7vst4 2S Veal calves 4.f SI The following table shows th average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: ... ;h 4 r ... I 41 M. I I 4 4.'S 41 I'O ... S St "I ... 8 ! It. i" ;t i t 40 t ' " 4 3 to It'S 74 171 ... ! J.'S () ." ! 8 M o .1:8 ... 4 :s '4 0 4 5 4 141 . H'l f' f ... 4 S 4 t'O m 4 46 77 ! ... 4 t , ITS ... a 1 fJ ... a 4. r4" UO 4 '6 4S 47 40 n 4 J4 ... I 4.4 4.1 !! . . 4 J ei smi mi iti 74 :?7 io t s 71 2M 120 4 W . ' 4 HO 4 t S"8 ... 8 48 S7 J-'S . . 8 6 1.1 o J J' ... 4 at t i;t no m e ;4 40 c 60 !H4 l 4 4."' 7" 2 1 4 il ;o no 4 : 2"'i loo 4 7s 70 1"7 H l 41 IM ... 4 "S o 21 . . 4 S3 62 i.M ... 4 7'., a J? ... I 5 S 177 ... 4 7S M ?; M I II 40 2t ... I l' 1 .Ml ... 4 5 40 4 7S M ?i 4 80 4 S H 14 ... 4 7S Il f-o ... 8 72 .Ml SO 4 7., H ? 80 M f9 .44 ... 4 "7S 80 .178 ... 8 ' . ... 8 47S 74 7:4 ... 8 K.i f 245 ... 4 47S 44 2.4 ... 4 S 71 !"4 ... 4 il'S 3 Ill ... Ill 71 1-1 ... 4 7S 0 f.n ... Ill (4 214 ... 4 70 8 113 so 8 70 IM ... 4 70 80 I I 0 W Date, 1807. 1W6.1805.1904. 11903. 1802.1901. Offered. "Bid. ISl'St. U 8. W. c. 4. . 78 .. 68 lHahoerd A. U 4e. 7444 .. 87 I So. Pacific 4a 8S ...101 do let 4a ctra 2S l.. 4J So. Rallwar Se "S .. 7 "Texaa ft P. la 117 .. 84 T.. Hi. T-i. ft W. 4s.. 8I4 ,.101 If'nlon Pacific 4a 1(S .. 84 S t' 8. Ptcol Id S .. Msl Wsbaah la 1US .. Sl do deb. H .. SI Iwcutcrn Md 4. ..104sl,w. ft U E. 4a n i wis. central a. . 80S 77S 86 March 1... March 2.. March 8.. March 4.. March 6.. March 6.. March 7.. . March 8.. March 9.. March 10. March 11. March 12. March 13. March 14. 6 85 06 8 78 lit 8 11 6 78 8 72H 22 8 74 6 20 6 7(1 6 13 6 77H 6 10 6 81 1 13 8 11 tf 75 6 Gs M 6 62 4 so: 4 7:' 4 761 4811 4 85 4 M 4 fl 4 Ml 4 8H 4 HH 4 801 5 1S 5 091 6 121 6 04 6 C7 6 13 6 2" 5 19 6 11 5 11 6 15' 6 091 8 K' 8 11 4 81 5 10 88 03' 7 02i 7 H 7 04 7 IB 8) 7 16 7 25 7 SI 7 24 7 28 821 6 si 6 191 291 a 8 24 091 8 09 6 15 6 H 7 29 4 5 4 98 4 9 5 83 8 4 e 8 15 5 14 B 26 5 24 6 18 6 no 6 131 S IS Roatnn Storks and Bonds. BOSTON, March 14. Call loans. tV510 per cent: time loans. 6w7 Per cent. Official prices on stocks and bonds were: Meon adj. 4e. Atchla do 4a Mcs. Central Atrhlaon do nfd .... Boaton ft Albany. DO 88 80 . 84 . 82 S .137 Tlonton ft Maine 1F2 Hoeton Elereted ...147 Fltehhurf p(d 130 Mexican central US N. T., N. H. ft H..180 t'nlon Pacific 12SS Am. Pneu. Tube 4 Amor. Rufar . do pfd Am. T. AT.. Am. Woolen . do pfd Edlaon Elco. Mann. Electrio do pfd ... Mae. Oaa .... fnlted Fruit Cnlted 8. M do pfd V 8. Bteel do pfd Adrentura Allouei Amelaamated Atlantic Bid. .cVsked 115S 120 118 14 444 I11U...214 14 44S Blnsham Cal. ft Hecla... Centennial Copper Ranss . Half Went Franklin .... fnle Rojrale .... "Mm Mining Michigan Motiawk Old Dominion . oaceola Parrot Qutncy Shannon Tamarack .... Trinity t'nlte4 Copper . V. B. Mining... V. g. Oil t'tah BBSi'VIctorla Wlnom .... I8 8 .... SI .... 7SS .... 14 .... 18 .... 18 .... 7 .... 144 .... 74 .... 44 ....ISO .... 12 ....115S 18 ....110 20 t,S .... 4044 .... J .... 61 .... 7S .... 7S ,...11 77 14 14 1l 85 &t;.35 fcr4i. 75 IS685 Hoks.'J'VmiO 6.00 tti'l.SL'Va 575 i5 77H 8.10 fit! 6.06 (Ki.75 ol cars of siock Sunday. RANOB OF PRICKS. Cattle. Omaha $2o 50 Chicago l.lik Kansas City z . St. I,ou!r 2.S5 Sioux City 2.75 The ofllcial number broiia-ht In todav hv each road was: Cattle, nogs, oneep. ri am C, M. & St. P. Ry.. 2 Wabash 1 Mo. Pac. Ry 4 V. P. System 62 CAN. W. Ry. K ) . . 4 C. & N. W. Ry. (V.. 45 C, St. P.. M. & O. Ry 18 C, B. & Q. (K) 2 C. B. & Q. (V) 63 C R. I. & P. Ry. (E) 2 Illinois Central 1 Chic Great Western.. 6 1.1'W bales; woured, la :d'ols prreay, thiols Hnd. New 7eal.uul. AeO bales; sioiireil. Is 4.1 'lis !-jl . iireHSy, 7i1ols ;.l. i'hm of tloo.l II. 'pe and Natsl, balea; scoured. Is 1'M'is IS!. gieii"v, 8ola. HI'. LOI'IH. Mirrh 14 1 -Steady; nrdlti;n srades tomlopg snd dothing. y4 j -sc: llalit tin", '.''rj.'.c; heay tine. Iiil8c; tub waahel, 3"it;'.8c. 2 1.. 1 4 1.. 34 17 1 .. 1 40 .. 2 14 2 8 2 30 A 2 3 1.. 8 SHKKP Receipts of sheep were small to day, but still there was a fair run for a Thursday. Better still, the receipts arrived In better season than on most days this w eek. The market was In a good, strong, lie'ilthy condition and very satisfactory to sellers. Puyeta all seemed to want good sheep and lambs, and anything In the way of de sirable killers met with ready sale ut prices a little stronger than yesterday. It would seem that the market is gradually crawl ing up day by day, as evidenced by the sales. This morning K"d Nebraska fed Mexican lambs sold at 87.60. A cut off of these sarre lambs sold last week at tT. 16. Yearlings snd wethers mixed, about one third of ihem wethers, brought t'UO, as against 8i.o6 yesterday. They were heavy anl full of burrs, which makes consider able difference with the price. Strictly good ewes sold at 10. 06. While the market on good to choice fat sheep and lambs Is steadily working- up ward under the influence of the moderate supply and the very gjod demand, the mar ket on the common to medium grades con tinues slow and weak. Quotations on killers: Good to choice lambs, 87.2f.a7.i4); fair to good lambs. V' 7S'.r 7.25; good to choice yearlings, lamb welRhts, 8.l&tl.6u; fnlr to good yearlings, lamb weights, 8u.8fiiii43.lj; good to choice year, lings, heavy weights, 85.KT.&8.10; fair to good yearlings, heavy weights, ,".i'jVi.K5; K''1 to choice wethers. 85.ii''6.o0; fair to good old wethers, 8fi.2;i'.ii!.; good to choice ewes, 85.3tHi5.6o; fair to good ewes, 81.751(0.30. No. Av. Tr. 76 western ewes, culls h'3 6 ? 4i western ewes 98 5 35 341 western ewes l'n 6 joi'i western ewes 1"J 6 4o i western ewes l'-'l w 3U1 western ewes 1-0 6 0 34 western laniliR, culls o4 26 73 Colo. Mexican lambs, culls.. M 6 3ii western ewes 1-4 j "ft loo' western lambs "1 25 3W Colo. .Mexican lambs 70 7 io S Colo. Mexican lanil'S 70 7 25 4t western 2 i VI i western lambs 84 7 W) western lamlis 78 7 t 56 western feeder ewes 94 4 75 129 western feeder e4ves 91 4 i5 423 western feeder ewes 81 4 50 !46 western ewes 97 6 35 273 western ewes l-'7 5 bo U't'i western ewes 11 5 bi l.uts) wtaiern yearlings and wethets 1"3 6 10 Z western cull lambs 60 6 25 483 Nebraska Mexican lambs.... 79 7 tW 50 N'braska Mexican lambs 78 7 00 133 western ewes IW 6 W b Wolverine . M !North Dutte ,. ias Butte Coalition . 864a!Nerada . 4 cel. ft Atiaona....ln .. (0 Ariaona Com 22 S .. 80S Greene Coo 21S .. 16 1 Ex-divldend. Total receipts.... Itlon of .209 139 39 18 07W 18 00 in a nsj 8 81S, S 87sJ 8 95 8 96 T 9 03 oo i tvm li 12V& 16 9 au 8 80 8 974 00 Minneapolis ftrala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 14. WHEAT May, 7tJs'y7Se; July, 79Ht9Hc; September, 78-; No. 1 hard, 8"Sc; No. 1 northern, 79S4f 7974ic; No. 2 northern, 77HGl'77Tec; fj0. I northern, 74 g 76c. FLOUR First patents, 84.20iir4.30: second patents, 84.0f;-4.1fi; first clears, $3.408.50; second clears, 12. 41-3180 BRAN In bulk, $17.60(317.70. Mllwaikee Oralo Market. MILWAUKEE, March 14-WHEAT Mar ket steady; No. 1 northern, S'unJlao; No. 2 northern, 8fa82c; May, 76"S.e bid, RYE Steady; No. 1, S9V, 0 o. BARLEY Lower; No. 2, ,4Vc; sample, 2 JT.fHo. CORN-Easler; No. I cash, 4245 43o; May, 46SC asked. Peoria Oral a Market. PEORIA. March 14. CORN Unchanged; No. 3 yellow and No. 3, 4-'lc; No. 4. tic; no srrade. Kij;n44o. OATS-Steady; No. 3 white, Co; No. t White. 4t4c; No. 8 white, S9c. RTF Firm: No. 3. 67fu4o. WHISKT-Od the basis of 8129 for fin ished goods. (1 No. 3. Ciuh quotations were as follows: FLOVR-Steady; winter patents, $3.20iy 8 36; strain (.la. IJ 0lu3 i!; sprlne; patents, 8.150j3.aM; siraighu, 83.1u3.4o; bakers, K.lOdJ WUBAI-No. 3 spring, 794y3e; No. S, T3 fctOc; No. 8 red, 744a1iSc. CORN No. 8 yellow. 44c; No. 3 yellow, 450. OATS-No. t 40i; No. 3 white. 43243Uo; No. 8 white. 41&42Vc. KTB No. t aoc. HA HI. KIT Fair to choice malting. Tlfe-TSc iKKF.Dti No. 1 flax. 8115: No. 1 north Veetern, 81. 22. Timothy, prime, 84.46. Clover, contract grade. $11 bo. PROVISIONS Short ribs, sides (loose! $S.7f4i 7S Mess pork. l-T bbl., Jis l: lii.ln. Ird, per 1ia Ilis.. 89.U7H- Short clear sides (boxed I. 88 87V, u 9 26. Receipts and shipnaciiis of flour and gralu were aa umiows. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye. bu Barley, bu. Receipts. Shipments. ... 35J ao ... U.rt.4) 14 l ,..23(400 299.1UI ...JAW) 273. hoo ... I.uuO ll,2i ... 66.100 Philadelphia Prod are Market. PHI IAIELPHIA, March 14 BOOS Steady, fair demand; western fresh, loo at nvarK. CHEESE Firm, fair demand: New Tork full creams, fancy, 14vol4fio; New Tork full creams, Wmlce, 14'c Dnlatk Grain Market. IULUTH. March 14. WHEAT On track No. 1 northern, 79Hc; No. 2 northern, 7b4c May, 79c; July, 8oy,c; September, 79o. OATS To arrive. March. Sco. London CloslnsT Storks, LONDON, March 14. Closing quotations on the London Stock exchange: Conaoli, money 8S 1-lff .. UK .. 13S .. 84 ..100 ..1044, ..1774 K. ft T W. T. Central Norfolk ft W do pfd Ontario W PennajrlTanla Hand Mines 42S;Heedlna 14S Southern Railway 143S do pfd .122S . HO do account Anaconda Atchison do pfd Baltimore ft Ohio, Canadian Paclflo , CTiea. ft Ohio Chicago Ot. W..., C. M. ft 8t. P..., DeReere 17 Denver ft R. O 1 do pfd 74 Erie 2S do let pfd 47S do td pfd M Illlnola Central 1(0 Loulavtlle ft N Ex-Dlvldend. SILVER Bar, quiet. SI 7-16d per ounce. MONEY 4H'&44. per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is fVytiVs per cent; for three months bills, tVS per cent. Southern Pacific t'nlon Paciflo ... do pfd U. a. Steal do pfd Wabaah do pfd .m;Ppnleti 4a . 89 . 7'J . 77 . 83 .14(14, .1US . 14S . 844 On fha Iroduce exchange today the butter market was steady: cresmertes, rir29c; il.ilrUs. M3"c Kggs, rlrm; at mark, raaee Included. l'',c; firats. lftc; prime Bistar, ltlitc. Cheeau steady at 14,5 lbc. 4 Liverpool Orala anal Pro, lalons. LIVERrVMlI Maroh 14.-WHEAT-Fnot, firm: No. $ red western winter. 63d; No. 1 California. 8s 8d. Futures, quiet; March, nun lual: May. 'd ; July. ia 2V). . COKN hpot.' Ano rii an n.Ue.l. new. ijulet at 4a 5d; Auierlceva uilxed. old sieMdy at Toledo Head Market. TOLEDO. March 14 8EKT8 Clover, cash, 8.7: March. $8.7; April. $.82H: ratcber. kW. AUIke, $7.60. Timothy, ' ar and Molaaaea. NEW TORK. March 14. SUGAR Raw. steady; fair refining. So; centrifugal, M teat, o4.c. aioiasMs sugar, :1c refined, steady; No. 8, 4 SOc; No. 7, 4 2oc; No. 8. 4 10c; No. 9, 4.15c; No. 10, 4 OSo No. 11, 4.00c; No. 11. 8 95c; No. 11. 8 90c; No. 14. 8 85c. Confectioners' A. 4 50c; mould A. 4 60c; cut loaf, 6 40c; crushed. 5 40c; powdered, 4.80c; granulated, 4.8Jc; cubes, 4 95o. MoL-S6K8 Quiet; syrup, nominal, ftXJ S4c. NEW ORLEANS. March 14 SUGAR String; open kettle. JVC ' 16-b'o; centrlf ugal whites, 4 3-16t4So; centrifugal yel low. SS'iM 8-14c; seconds, 2V8 7-16. MOLAS8KS 7julet; new syrup, SujXHo. t'uflfee Market. NEW YORK, March 14 COFFEE-Fu-tur, opned steady at unchanged prices. The market waa oulct during the day, but prices eased off slightly owln to the ab sence or important "upitirt and as result of uneestmoa over the Wall street situation The close was ateudy, net unchanged, to 10 points lower, bales were reported of 11, ;,) liaxa. Including March at 8 0 o 10c; May at l"r; July at 5 H '(.i.ic; 8i'itratr at &.95"i.u"c. and IKnilr at 6y5.ci6.uO. Soot r"(T', eteady; No 7 Rio, 7c Mild Collie, dull; Cordova, iHjIJVx Adama Expreaa Amalsaauated Copper ... Am. C. ft F Am. C. ft f. pfd Am. Cotton Oil Am. Cotton Oil pfd Americas Bapreea Am. H. ft U pld American Xoa Am. Unseed Oil Am. Linseed Oil pfd Am. Locomotive Am. Looomoilva pfd Am. 8. ft H Am. 8. ft ft. pfd Am. Bucar ReOnlng Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa.... Anaconda. Mining Co AublBon Atchlaos pfd Atlantic Coast Line Baltimore ft Ohio bal. 4k Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Paclflo Central of New' Jeraar. . theupeeae ft Oelo Chicago Ot. W Chit. re ft N. W c, m. at. p Chicago T. ft T Chlcaio T. ft T. pfd.... C. C. C. ft St. L Colorado f. ft I Colorado ft So., offered Colo, ft So. let pfd (olo. ft Bo. 8d pfd ConaolMaieo Gae Corn Product, , Cora Product, pfd Xelaw,ra ft Hudaon..... Del., L ft W benrer ft R. O , D. ft R U. pfd Dlattllera' 8ecurltles ... Erie Erie let pfd Krte td pfd General Clectrlc, ei-dlr lllinola Ceulral International Paper .... Int. Paper pfd liil. Pump Int. Pump pfd Iowa ('antral Iowa Central pfd Kaueaa City So. K- C. 80. pfd Loaiarllla ft N Mralcaa Caatral Mian ft 8t L M.. St. P. ft S. 8 m.. t. p. a. a. Miaeourl Pacisc M . K. ft T M . K ft .'. pfd Katloaal Lead N R. R. of M pfd.;. New Terk Central.... N T . O. ft W Norfolk ft W N. ft W pfd North Amerloaa ...... Pacific Mall Peanarlvaula ......... Paopie' a Oea p . c. c. ft at. l. ... Preea4 Bteel Car Praeted Bleel Car pfd Pullman Palace Car.. Readlnf headlus let Pfd Reedtiis t P'4 Republic Steel rtepubllc steel ' bork leland Co.... Rock laland Co pfd St. L. ft B P 84 9" St. Luaia B W gt. l a. w. pfd Southern PaclAc fo PacISc pfd .'. So. Railaar So. Kll7 pfd Tnuee.e C. ft 1 Te, ft Pacinr T st U ft W . offered.. T.! 81. L. ft W. Sfd 118,4110 1.814) . l.uwl l.ioo 100 84 S v 88 28 100 12S 4,100 ti'O t,700 l 17,800 4,100 49,.io l.aoo 4, 7 J0 14, 3 JO ib!'io 81.4UO ' l'K) 1.8u 8.800 1.400 48.8UI) loo 1U0 , 17.700 8. 400 luo 1.4U0 1.4"0 . 4 IKO 1.100 i 8.400 700 . l.tuO 700 . 8 7'4 . tl.SnO , 8.100 . 1.400 . 3, " . . ItoO 44 S 107 S 1S1 HIS liS HS 4SS 2S to 108 lol 'n.'s 178 11 41S S 1444 lit 4 'ii" 78 s 41 48 ili'S Its u 181 474 80 n 71 its 44S 4'S 144 141 US (0 81 S IS ti 10 MS ICS 110 lot 114 0 li US s t M 'iis 147 1st US s 141 'ii" n it 14 U 47 111 US 71 147 S 40 s 7J 45 17S 41 40S 134 S 141'S US M. M. Pf loo 'iiioo 'i.400 lie 11.400 l.ioo ' 8.780 1.44 11. 4 .. 17. tu .. 1 JuO .. l.loO 1U0 .. 11 lis) .. 4 800 .. I too to t"0 .. l.W ..141 I'M .. 11(1 .. l.i .. 1.7' .. 1 ,.41.4u0 .'. " 800 .. 4 7a) .. 4. Ii4) .. 14 100 8. too 111 1U to . 10 VfO , I. toO 1 too , 1 too 'iis 'lis ti. S HI'S US its'' ut us ns ' 4S ts tl ins it 7S 8 tl 17 liiS us 7 17 M 140 ut. is'' KS t us 4S It ICS II IJS U4S M lit . :S 4 17S "ii" ii'' 47 1104 u iii " It 3 M U 42 S t U HIS il to 4tS 4S 114 II It It 1 'ii'' a 1S Ms 4t 16 It 4S 111 lc "S lit JS 14 190 1 3i ti tl W tut 20 S 711 10 54 11 ( 111 108 S 11S to 44 S U 88 99 US 1 4 147S lto 174, IS 4 141 ISO I 11 76 I 14 t6 46 114 11 It 147 S 440 28 71 MS 17 ' 41 41- lss 140 13 75 14 15 11 47 111 18 it lit 120 44 13 S It 4 US 111 15 11 II t 14 114 t4 44 11 U no ti u 84 tl 7IS Boston Copper Market. These quotations are furnished by IOgan A Bryan, members New York and Boston Btock exenanges, z ttonro or iraue: 4 Mlrhan 15 88 Mohawk 78 16 Nevada Conaolida'ed. 11 i nonii uuite 81 iS Old Iiomlnlon 18 Oaceola U Pneu. Hrlce 111 Pneu. service, tSQulncy 16 Shannon 78Tamarack .... It Trinity 11 United Fruit 18S United States, 12 United Btataa. 141 Utah ConaolldaUd 1 Victoria 10 Winona 8 Wolverine 10 Cananea 4 Nlplaalni Adventure v Alloaei Atlantlo hinrham Black Mountain .... Boaton Cnneolldated Butte Coalition .... Calumet ft Arliona. Calumet ft Hecla Centennial Copper Range .... Dally Weet Eaat Butte Franklin Greene Copper .... Granby Helvetia Iale Royal Keeweenaw I. 6. A Plttaburf Maaaachuaatta .... pfd. 4SS .140 . 4S . 10 117 14 Ill 10 1'J4 com. .. 61 Pfd... 41 . 63 ' 8 .171 . 17 . 11 New York Mlnlnar Storks. NEW YORK, March 14. Closing- quota tions on mlnlna stocks were: Adama con n i,ittie unlet Alice Breece Brunewlrk Con. . Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. ft Vs.. Hern Bllver Iron Bllver Leadvllle Coo. ... Offered. .660 . 16 . 60 . n . w .146 .416 . 8 Ontario Ophlr Potoel Bavage Blerra Nevada Bmall Hopea .. Standard I .. 1 ..144 .. 11 .. 75 .. 70 .. n ..134 Bank of Kafrland Statement. LONDON, March 14. The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve, Increased ?79.0uO; circulation, decreased ISH4.U00; bullion, decreaaed 104.972; other securities, decreased 2,663,800; public deposits, In creased 1, XI, 000; notes reserve. Increased 343,uu0; government securities, unchanged. The proportion of the bank's reserve to liability this week Is 46.89 per cent, as com pared with 44. bl per cent las week. Bank .of France Statement. PARIS, March 14. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following changes: Notes In circulation, decreased 27.26o.OiO francs; treasury deposits. In creased 23.')A) francs; general deposits, decreased 2o.3-0.0o0 francs; gold In hand, decreased 12.8:5,000 francs; stiver in hand, decreased 1.2&o.0oo franca i bills discounted. decreased 12.S75.O00 franca; advance de creased 13,0ob,O0O francs. Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, March 14. Today's state ment of the treasury balances in tne gen eral fund, exclusive of the 8160.0o0.0O0 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance. '1.3'J),lM; gold coin and bullion. $ US, "!(,- 848; gold certificates, lol, 814,14a Bank Clearings, OMAHA, March, 14. Bank clearings for today were 82.140. 784.10 and for the corre sponding date last year 81,533,140.58. 46 14 H'S 5"S '! ins r" 7S lit If. 14 44 Metal Market. NEW YORK, March 14 METALS The London tin market was lower, with spot rloainar at 411 HI 15s and futures at a-lfS) loa. Locally the market waa a shade lower on the average, with trade quiet. Bpot was ouoted at H2 0o.fl42.10. Copper was over Dound lower In the London market, with spot Quoted at 108 2s 6d snd futures at Allie 6a. IxM-ally the market was un changed, with lake quoted at 8 .S7V-y25.76; electrolytic, u. U4'l - v. ar.a casting, 24.2ii'24 87 Lead was Ss SKI lower at 1U ltis Sd In the London market, but was unchanged locally at ti.oni6 i. Biielter was unchanged at -6 los In the English market and at Jo .stni so locally, iron waa lower In the Kngllah market, with standard foundry Quoted st 62s 10d and Cleveland warrants at 63s 7Vd. Locally the market was steady and unchanged. No. 1 foundry northern is quoted at 826 JfrirJS 26; No. 2 foundry northern, J24.7fyy'J6.76; No. 1 foundry southern. 8 l"C28 6o; No. 2 foundry south ern. 8X 001 '-'ti .00. 8T. LOI IH, March 14. M ETA I J4 Iad, steady at 8U0. gpelter, steady at 8 at). The illanoHltlon of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle, nogs, aneep. Omaha Packing Co 710 1,75 tX" Swift and Company l.iaa in i,''i Cudahy Packing Co 1,3111 2.111 2.252 Armour & Company 312 2,831 Vasant & Co X Ixibman & Co 11 .. McCreary A Curj' I"6 W. I. Stephen 50 Hill & Bon 67 F. P. Lewis 11 Huston & Co St Hamilton & Rotl. jchild. . 29 L. F. Husr 142 L. Wolf 87 J. H. Bulla 2 Bam Wertheimer 8 Mike Haggcrty 24 .. Sol Degan 23 J. B. Root & Co 75 S. & 8 93 T. B. Inghram 8 .. .. Sullivan Bros 20 V. A. Brltton S .. .. Lehmer Bros 24 .. .. Union Dress Beef Co 18 Other buyers 461 .. 1.2S6 Total 5.358 8.769 8.167 CATTLE For. a Thursday there waa a fair run of cattle, 190 fresh cars being re ported. The market as a whole did not show any great change. If anything, there was a little more life to the market on beef steers, desirable kinds especially selling more freely, partly due to there being some good outside buy ing orders In hand. As to prices, there was no great change, the mom of the cat tle selling about steady with yesterday. Holders of common to medium kinds com plained about the trade being weak on their kind, but the feeder buyers helped out by taking quite a good many of the warmed- up and hair-fat steers. Cows and heifers did not snow any great change, the market for the most part being steady with yesterday. There were very few feeders In sight aside from warmed-up steers, which were shipped In for beef. At the same time there was a very fair demand and the mar ket was In good healthy condition. Prices were fully steady with yesterday. In fact. stockers and feeders have commanded firm prices all the week. Representative sales: BEEF STEER& No. At. 83 814 ti 821 11 1018 1( 891 It 818 tt ti 8 102 11 tm It 1048 47 1178 10 1Z20 11 1061 11 lilt 14 1118 11 1114 14 1148 10 12:il 10 820 8 1'8 14 1114 14 1241 :o 1111 tt 1244 16 1136 7.' 151 I Iu74 11 IKO 15 874 11 tat II 177 8 M..1U1 8 MO 10 l'Vt 1 1071 It 196 14 1070 11 1104 4 1446 4 lltl II 1U0 11 1063 4 6W 11 6' t II IM 11 240 5 S4I 18 755 It 121 I t2 1 1400 1 1330 1 UrtO 1..; 1120 8 15 1 teo 1 130 1 175 1 134 4 115 BTOCKEKS AND FEEDERS. IS 4.M) I 15 11 4 4 15 II 146 4 10 4 640 4 M 4 756 4 10 It 1 4 10 t ro 4 15 8 4i 4 16 II 431 4 26 II 740 4 16 16 774 4 It 17 8 21 4 40 10 Ml 4 40 It 73! 4 40 X i t 4 46 T 511 4 46 IT. No. A. fr. 8 60 11 l'0 4 86 4 16 14 1227 4 10 4 40 61 12.1 4 to 4 40 14 1111 4 80 4 40 18 1276 4 80 4 45 1 1806 I 00 4 4 5 1 8.. 1274 I 00 4 60 25 II t4 6 00 4 65 21 1145 6 00 4 40 47 1404 I 06 4 40 57 1241 06 4 40 60 12W, ( 06 4 40 1 1840 6 10 4 46 K 12 I t 10 4 46 17 1174 t 10 4 46 16 Ii'4 I 10 4 75 48 13.) I i 10 4 75 It 1378 I 10 4 76 II 1277 C 10 4 76 81 1K4 6 10 4 80 4 1446 I 16 4 80 II 124 I 88 4 80 , 16 14"0 I 40 4 86 1 i 1374 1 40 4 88 cows. 8 40 10 1048 8 80 I 16 Iv, 1142 4 00 I 40 17 t- 4 4 00 I 60 10 1198 4 00 50 M 1146 4 00 I 66 1 1340 4 00 I 46 1 1 K0 4 00 I 70 II Ut 4 00 75 11 1141 4 00 1 76 I IL 1 4 00 1 75 11 lit') 4 14 I 10 t 114 4 06 I 85 I mo 4 06 8 86 11 tot 4 10 I 86 18 ..lll 4 II 8 10 1 13 a) 4 10 I 80 I Hot 4 16 HEIFERS. 1 0 12 1040 1 t I 30 17 715 4 00 1 50 18 1 7 4 00 I 60 8 924 4 00 I 60 7 4 7 4 00 1 46 It 10H.I 4 It I 10 1 80 4 10 1 86 7 187 4 26 BULLS. 16 1 1170 00 1 71 1 1.60 4 10 4 00 1 1641 4 14 4 00 CALVES. 8 60 4 141 4 60 6 75 1 110 6 60 4 71 4 116 4 60 4 K 4 8.7 4 60 6 16 1 M 4 44 4 16 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAHK1CT Cattle Steady to Strong- Hogs Strong to Higher. CHICAOO, March 14. CATTLE Receipts, about 6,000 head; market stendy to strong-, plain to best steers, 81.25t.S5; cows, J3.2s.i.t 6.00; bulls, 832.vul.0O; calves, j2.6'!(7.-5; stockers and feeders, 2.5'Vti6.26. HOGS Receipts, about 20,oo0 head; mar ket strona to 5c hla-her: choice heavy ship ping, 8ti.92Vtf-974; light, butchers, tixf 6.H24; light, mixed, 8t;.3'i6.9ii; choice light, 80 9of(i4l.ti6; packing, 8H.5c"(0.l Vji P'S". eUOB ft. SO: bulk of sales. 86 S.Vtl6.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, about 13,0(10 head; market steady; sheep, t52Crtfti.26 lambs, 87.00i( 8.00. St. Ionla Live Stork Market. ST. LOI IS. Mo., March 14-CATTL1-Re-ceipts, 2,600 head, Including 1.2o0 Texans. Market steady. Native shipping and ex tort steers. 85.0(Vi;.76: dressed beef and butcher steers, fl.d0(ii6.90; steers under 1.000 Jiounda, 84.0Oti4.65; stockers and feeders, 3.605.26; cows and heifers, J2.tiff(i6.25; can. ners. 82.004 2.50: bulls. $3,204(4.26; calves l3.2Dfi8.0u; Texas and Indian steers, Jitia1 &.fid: cows and heifers. 82.W!i 4.(4). H(XJS iRieceipts, 5,800 head. Market steadv: ris and lights. 8U04iVi 80; packers, ti.oo4(ti.85; butchers and best heavy, 8o.804i 8.95. BHEEP AND LA MB3 Receipts. 1.300 head Market strong. Native muttons, :!.2fyiit. .5; lambs, 84.Ofvii6.26; culls and bucks, 83.754j4.25; stockers, 82.5O4.i3.10. Kansas City Lire Stork Market. KANSAS CITT. March 1 4. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,nO hiwd. including 4oo southerns Market steady to a shade higher; choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $3.3Mi'i.4; fnlr to good, $t.5ixii5.25; western fed steers, 84.3 685; stockers and feedin, 83.7.VU6.15; south ern steers. $3.6ofi5.2S; uthern cows, $2.MK(J 4.110; native cows. l3.MVn4.uO; native heifers, $3.50;i4.Sli); bullx, $3.S51c4.90; calves, 132.Vn7.00. HOGS Receipts, S.OOO head; market strong to 00 hlglier lop. fn.Mi; bulk of salon, 4n5.75; heavy, ti.7ui.W; packers, KtiVVs pigs and lights, 8o.5,v'(! 72W SHEEP AND IA MRS Receipt. 4.000 head; market steady. Iimhs, 87.CSii7.75 ewes and yearllngH, J5.0fK;j5.(Hi; western fed yearlings, 80.hVnb.1O; weHtern fed sheep, 85.004i5.75; stockera and feeders, 83.504(6.00. New York Live Stork Market. NEW TORK, March 14. BEEVES Re- celpts, 120 head: no trade In live cattle; feeling dull; dressed beef, slow at 7.o9c per lb.; exports estimated for tomorrow, UO cattle. CALVES Receipts, 324 head; market Tor veals steady to strong; common to good veals, 81.0oiie.uO;- choice and Harlem veals, 83 20; no buttermilks or barnyard calves offered; dressed calves steady; city dressed veals. S'triavtc per lb. HOGS 'Receipts, 1,404 head; market about steady; good light state hogs, 87.60. SHEEP AND LA M H8 Receipts, l.fttit head; market for sheep nominal; lambs, steady; medium to prjme lambs, 87.&04J 8.2t. OMAH A W IIOI.I: 4,1 K MAItKET. Condition of Trade and ((notations nit Staple and Fanry l'rodnee. EGGS I'er dor. , li.So. LIVE lfori.'l HY- liens. JV; ld roost ers. 5c; turkt). 12c; ducks, 10c; young rooster. 7u!V; geese, 8c. HI 'l'TKK- parking stock. 20c; choice ta fancy dairy. 23, ct eiincry . 2i'ti2S'. HAY CI. one upland. tlO ao; medium, f) 5o; No. 1 bottom, 8 ..''. ctT grades, . (ut Lye straw. J, .141; No. 1 alialla. 8U 60. BRAN -Per ton, M F1U ITS. STRAWBERRIES Choice Texas. 24 quart ca. s, 8f..iiiti.-4; 24 pint cases, 82.0O, CRA N BERR1 KS-Per bbl., 85.5t.-u8.D0; to b:iM..', box. 82.26. Al'Pl.K1 1'ancy Greenlnga. per bbl., 8.1. .Vi, New York apples. 8.1. io; Iowa end Nebraska, citing and cooking, 8-'.Siii3.i4); Wli.csaps, $ J. per liv COCOANl "I S I'cr sack of 10 lbs., $3.50. TROPICAL FRCITB. FIGS California. bulk. 6Sc; 8-rfown Turkish, 14c; 4-crown Turkish, 12c; 1 -crown Turkish, loc. LEMONS Limonlcra, 300 and 860 slai, (4.26: other brands, 5tc less. BANANAS I ! medium slsed Lunch, $2.(4' 11 2. 25; Jumbos, 82.6um3.60. GRACE FBI IT-Slxe 4 to 80, 85 50. 1A1'KS-Kn.laway. 6c; saycrs, 4V; hnl. lowis, 6c; new stuffed walnut dates, 1Mb. box. J1.00. ORANGES -California navels. exira fumy, small sixes, 83.2A-ii3.6o; ftiliry large sizes. 8.1.00; cnolte largo sizes, per boa, 82.76. NEW VEUETA1II.ES. BEETS, TL ItNlI S AND CARROTS Tef di.z, 4fn cOc. TOM Ai'oES Florida. 30-Ib. crate, 83-50. Tii.MA I'i il-.S-Florida. SO-lb. crate, 14.00. LEAF LETTUCE Hot housv, per doa. head.x, 45c. ccci aiHr.iis per uoa., i.ou. RADISHES-Per doz. bunches. 36o. PARSLEl'-llothouae. per doz. bunches. 40c. HEAD LETTUCE Southern, pet doa.. Jl.oif 1.26. 4J1..1' V l' NAVT BEANS-l'cr Du., J1.6E; No, X tl 50. LIMA BEANS Per lb., 60. SWEET 1 oTATGr.S Illinois, per large bbl., 83.5ii4.00; seed sweet potatoes, per blil.. 81. ni, April 1. CAHBAGIO Holland seed, home grown. 2C per lb.; new luutiugo, per 10., 2tyc. l'OTATOKS-Per bu., 60750. ONIONS-Homo giown, per bu., ?5o: red or yellow, Colorado, per lb., 2c! Spanlsli, per crate, $2.00. Ut,' 1 AUAUAS AUUUl iW ius. 10 sacg. $1.00. TURN IPS. t AKUOTB, nr.e.i-rer DU-, 75c; parsnips, per bu., 11. 00. CUT BEEF I'KICES. Ribs: No. 1, 15c; No. 2, c; No. 1, 8c Loins: No 1, lhc; No. 2, 13c; No. 8. luo. thjck: No. 1. 'ic; No. 2, oc; Nu. 8, 4c Round; No. 1, iite; No. 2, ic; No. s, eVjC Plate: No. 1. 5Vc: No. 2. c; No. 8, 4c MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY l'er 24 frames, ea.o. SLGA It Granulatei. cone, in sacka. $6 21$ granulated beet. In sacks, 85. U. COFFEE Roaslel. No. 35, 26c per Ib.J No. 30, 21c per lb.; No. .6. mo per lb.; No 20. 15c per lb.; No, 21, 13c per lb. CliEESfcl INew iuii cream v isconsifl twins, lie. new full cream brick, 19o; wheel Swiss cheese, inc;, block Swiss, 4ViC: No. 2, 3'4c. Wool, 154j22c. CIDER New York, half barrel, $2.78; bar rel, $...04. NUTS Freinch walnuts, He; California walnuti", No. 2, sof; shell, 3c; No. 1. sofa shell, ltie; Brazils, luVulhc; pecans, 19422c; flltRrls, 13allc; peanuts. raw, tc; roasted., oc; California almonds, hard shell, 17iic; Taragona. 17c; cocoanuta, $i il per HO lbs CANNED GOODS Corn, standard, west rn, L04i'j"c; Maine, $1.15. Tomatoes, 8-loa cans. 81.15; 3-lb. cans, $1.20. Pine apples, grated, 2-lb., standard, $2.204i2.$o; sliced, 11.754(2,35. Gallon apples, $2.0013.00. California apricots, $2.00. Pears, $1.75ii2.50. . Peaches, fumy, $1.75' 2.40; L. C. peaches, $2 0i'!i2.5i). Alaska salmon, red, $1.15; fancy Chinook, flat, $2.10; fancy sockeye, flat, $1.9o. Sardines, quarter oil, $3 00; three-quarte: a mustard. $3.00. 8weet potatoes, $1,1041.26, Bauetkraut, 90c. pumpkins. 80c4illOO. 'ax beans, 2-lb., jcV(ic. Lima beans, 2-lb., 75cf'i$1.33. Spinach. $1.35. Soaked peas. 2-lb., ikic; extras, Si.tftiail.16; fancy, $l.26ai l.SS. HIDES AND TALLOW Greeh salted. No. 1. UHc; No. 2, 10'o; bull hides, 9c; green hides, No. 1. 10c; No. 2, 8c: horse, $1.50iJ $.76; sheep pelts. 60cQ$1.25. Tallow. No, 17c; Ilmberger, 15c; young Americas, 18c. FISH Pickerel, dressed, 9e; pike, dressed, 12c: white fish, dressed, winter caught. 13c; trout, 12c; halibut, 11c; salmon, 10c; cutlish. 15c; herring, dressed, pari frozen, oc; perch, scaled and dressed, 7o; perch, skinned, dressed, headless, ic; crap pies, round, t'"'(j9c; crapiiies, large, fancy, 15c; black buss, 25c; smelts, sweet and fine, 13c; eel, ltic; blue fish. 15c: red snapper, 12c; roe shad, per pair, 30fi4oc: frog legs, 40ci lobsters, green, per lb., 37c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 40c; mackerel. Spanish, per lb., ltic.; mackerel, native, 35c per lb. CURED FISH Familv white fish, per matter bbl., 100 lbs.. $4.00; Norway mack erel, Ne. 1, $35.00: No. 2. $..00: herring, la bbls., 20 Iba. each. Norway, 4k, $11.00 Ions City 1,1 v Stork Market SIOUX CITY. March 14.-(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 70u head; mar ket strong, stockers steady; beeves, $4.5'i 6.85; cows, bulls and mixed, $2. TfuM.r.O: stock ers and feeders, $3.0O'y4.50; calves and year lings. $3.lH'4.20. Hi M3S Receipts, 3.000 head; market a shade higher, selling at $6.55'u6.76; bulk of sales. $l oOtiB.fiS. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, GoO bead; market steady. St. Joseph Live Stork Mnrket. ST. JOSEPH. Mo March 14. CATTLE Receipts, 2.310 head; market active. Na tives. S4.5iVU'i 25; cows and heifers. $2.4oii0.oO; Stivkers anl feeders, $3.7fyii4K5. HOGS Recelpls, 3,8ti head: market 6c hhher. Top, 81 SO; bulk. 8o.7Wi.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.M8 head; market strong. Yearlings. SS.TMiO.fiu; Uunbd 87.2u4j7.oO. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, March 14 COTTON Spot closed steady; middling uplands, 11.2iks mid dling gulf, 11.4fc; sabs, 1.130 bales. NEW ORLEANS, March 14. COTTON Spots closed 1 11 1 t and steady; sali'44, 1,478 bales; lower ordinary, 6 6-lOc, mmiliinl; or dinary, 7 5-liic. nominal; good ordinary, oc; low middling, 9-)c; iniiblling, br't.c; good inlddling, llic; middling fair. 12fi, nominal; fair, 13c, nominal. Receipts, 8.21S bales; stock, 303,467 bales. ST. IOl'lS, Mo.. March 14 COTTON Dull. Middling. He. Sales, 15 bales; re ceipts, K50 lailes; shipments, 800 bales; Block, 30.947 bub s. LIVERPOOL, March 14 COTTON Spot, good business done; market S points lower; American middling fair, B.84d; good mid dling, G.3d; middling, Us; low middling, J.HSd; g'-od ordinary. 51'l; ordinary, 4.72d. The sales of the ray were 12.000 bales, of which 1.000 were for siiex-ulatlon and ex port and Included 11. 7"0 American. Receipts, fi.000 bales, Including 4,3oo Anterlcan. Fu tures opened eusy. Oils and Rosin. OIL CITY. Pa., March 14 -OTTJ?-Credlt balances, $1.78. Runs. 156,702 bbls.; av erage. 116.CC0 bbls.; shipments. ir,60 bbls. J average, 150.W4 bbls. SAVANNAH, Ga., March 14.-OIL Tur poi.flne. firm; 94"c. ROSIN Firm; A, B. C, D. S4.1D; E, $4.m; F, $4.20: a. $4.26: H. I, S4.WI; $. $6.60; M, $5.(4); N, $5.70; W O, $610; W W, $0.28. Evnpornfed Apples and Dried Prnlts. NEW YORK, March 14 EVAPORATETl APPLES Mnrket Is easier owing to the lower ofl. rliigR of prime; fancy are quoted at 9"4til4c; prlnie, a'Uc HEAL ESTATE THASSFEHS. II 117 4 48 1 778 4 60 4 IM 4 10 4 4el 4 60 SO 841 4 60 4 t'8 4 60 2 L'4 4 Si 40 4 51 II ktl 4 45 la HVt 4 70 17 '0 4 70 4 7?4 4 76 14 il5 4 76 14 4 4 80 1 1217 i 10 Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. March 14.-The dry goods trad was not aiTected directly by the break In the stock market, but merchants anticipate a quieter trade as a com quence. Further advance were noted In, bieumed aiiecUttge- ttaw ana also advanced. HOGS Hogs opened 2'i,o higher and fairly active at the advance. A good share of the early sales were on the IihsIs of t .60 for tie general run of good loads. After about half of the rocelpt hud changed hands the market eased off, the advance of the morning being entirely lost. From thut time on the trade was slow and dull. It being practically liiipoaslhle to get over 86.62W for anything, regardless of huw good It mlgnt I.e. From this It will Stork In SItrht. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yeaterday: Cattle. Bouth Omaha 4,200 Sioux City 700 Kansas City 4.a St. Joseph 2.310 St. Louis 2.&1O Chicago 6,00 Hogs. Km i0 6,(H 8.m) 3.KXO 6.1x4) 2C.CO0 Sheep. 8.3'aJ 1.2"0 4.'00 2.51S l.'.'ou stootl that the bulk of be under the hogs sold at all $6 ;2W1i 66, whereas yesterday half of the bogs sold at IX'i-L,. Representative sales: No. Av to fr Mo. At. 8a, fr 44 Ut 4v life tt 141 ... 8 48 Totals 18,710 62,180 30,218 Wool Market. BOSTON, March H. WOOL There Is a moderate bufcinraa In the wool market with prices firm. The market Is yuit-t for pulled wools snd tin re is an absence of heavy Individual buying of territories. Lending domestic guolationa range us fallows: Intituna. and Missouri, combing, three eights blood, aVi'-tiu 34c; Colnl.llig, one quarter blotd, 3iiic; Texas. iscoured basis), fine 12 months, VifjT.'.c, fine S to 8 months. Ooick-; line fall clean, if. Ooc; California, (scoured basis 1, northern, choice, U7ti3c; northern, gord, ococ; mid dle countiy, b-Vyijiic; southern. IJiiWc; tad, free, 64,j-j0c. (;reg.n, (scoured Imaial, east ern No. 1 stHjile, Ti'iTSc; eaalern No 1 clothing. oS';i7it ; valley No. 1, C0'(,2c. Colorado and Ntw Mexico soring, scoured X. 0M4 Vie; No 1, eSW&c. 1XJNDON, March H WOOL The ' r Ing't at the wool auction sales today ainuunted to Xt,t bales. Conii.tillon w is active and all sections bought freely, a large supnly of nierlroa broixht out soir Ite i bidding from ho ne, Amurli un and German buyers. lir-ken woo's were in strong demand for France und si'oureds realized extreme rates. ( 'r.tas-breds and Capes Sold quickly. Foil). wing are the aal-a In detail: New B.uth Wahis. C.5"0 bitlea; scoured. Is (.U'tls 11.1: greasy, 9d' Is 3d. Oueenaland, eii hales; acoiirrd, W 3V1: greasy. Mols Id Victoria. 4 3m balee; scoured. Is Zd 2s tiVd; greasy, hernia fc-d. South Australia, 1 !' bsl.-a; acoured la (.1.7 Is luVjd. gieasy, trials id. Weal Australia, lllghlund Really Co. to Mary Murphy, lots 1 and i, H:iu.4 Sub., South Omaha $ 400 Georgia A. Merritt and husnand to Royal D. Pond and wife, lot 24, block 2, Graninieriy l urk 2C4) Charles W. Rainey et al. to Julia Jul ns. .n, n'i lot 1, block 8, Hillside Add. No. 1 1 Charles W. Ralney et al. to Anna F. Johnson, B-j lot 1, block tt, Hill side Add. No. 1 1 Horac 'Lii'lington to Ingvard Sib larnsen, lot 15, block 10, Reed's First 1.109 Fred Helnlgi r and wife to Charles P. Wilson, lot 4. block 24, Benson 675 Frank B. milliard to Patrick H. Lane, elm, ft aw 2-l"-12 anil other land. 12,133 John Swansoii to Adolpli Johnson, 1 J It c'.ij ft lot 4, okahoma, and other lots 1 San e to Ellen Bwanson. s: ft nVj brt rl, block 340. 11 rut 14ft Joining cast side lot 8, Oinuhn 1 Charles MiHuecii and wife to John P. lilulic. hi 16. Parkland Place 909 Lm.ihii Bit hards. in to Mary It. Mur nn. part tuxlot 1'.. sec. 21-15-13.... 1 r'-aine to same, same i lv,lght 8. Co' htan to Albert C. Fos ter, lots 5s. 9 and Co, Windsor Place, and other lots 1 Belle Lea rd to Charles R. Wilson, lot K bio. k 11. Drnl. I Hill l.O CI arles R. Wilson to Fannia L. Hardt- ireyer, lot Is, bl ck P., I'ruUl Mill.... 1 Franklin F. Will urns and wife to Frederick W. Perkins, lot 2. block B. Saunders & Ilhnelirmh a Add.... 1 Jtarry A. Tuk'-v to Lawrence Blinker, Iota 111, .0, 21, 22 und 23, Halcyon Heights 400 Mary S Jai sen to Harry A. Ttikey, Io'm 3, 4 11 n I 5. block 2.1, and other lots In llihon ll.1tl.1a 1 Finn. a C. liiant In llcirc K. Uur l ett. n'- lot 7. block 5, S.ib. of Join I. It. .':ck'H Add 2,753 Jui oil li. Wind and wife lo ("Tim ilea (). Mi. i.l. lot li. I l ick 1..3. S .tilli On-ill .i. und l it 11. block 7, Bagley l'ark South On. aha &CC l ei kins ct hi. to Frederick set, a', 9 P. 13 7'0 B al Estate rnd Trilft Co. to S. lot 3, hi k 11, C 1:. Pries. Unfed Alice Kouiilz- Place Total ,...-:,li-a