Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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15. 1007.
Tiifomaha Daily Bee
Entered nt Omaha ' p'wtofflce aa second
class matter.
Dally Mee (withnjt Bunria)). one year..40
Dally lice and Sunday, one year 00
Sunday He., one year M
Saturday bee, one year 1-M
Dally Be (Including Su
I 'aily Hee (without Hun
Sunday), per weck..l&e
ndsy). pr week 10c
Evening Ke (without Sunday), per week. 6c
Evening I;ee twlth Sunday), per week... .100
Add rem pnmplqinta of Irregularities In de
livery to City Circulation Department
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street.
. Chicago-161 fmtv Hiilldln.
New York-IMS Homa Life lnuiran-a Bid
Washington Sill Fourteenth Street.
Communications relating to newa and ed
itorial mutter should be addressed: Omaha
Bee, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, -express or postal order,
payable to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only 2-ccnt stamps received In payment of
mall account. Personal checki. except on
Omnhn or etatem exchnnir, net accepted.
St.ite of Nebraska, Douglas County, sa:
Charles C Rweyvater.. general manacjr
pf The Bee publishing company, being duly
worn, snvs that the actual number of full
ind complete copies of The Dally. Morning,
Svcnlna- and Sunday Bee printed during the
nonth of Febnisrv, 1907, was aa follows:
1 .. '.. ai.ftoo 18 31,980
: 81.830
I...,. 80,100
4...1 31,639
B 31,680
1 33.H0
S 31,660
........... 33,130
10 30,450
II 31,780
12 31,570
13 81,848'
14 31,540
IT ......... 30,390
1) 33,830
It .......... 33.010
JO C3.660
1.. 83,470
H, 38,400
13 33,060
14 00,620
IS 83,080
!.,. 31,060
17 83,050
28....; 33.130
IS 31,830
. t.763
Leas unsold and returbed copies.
Nr-t total .' 688,987
Dally average ' 31,677
General Manager.
Subscribed In my prVsenoe and sworn to
before me this 1st day of March. 19-T.
(Seal) M. B. M UNGATE,
Notary Public.
gab'acrbeis leaving-the city tens
porarlly sboaid bar Tke Bee
mailed to them. Addreee will ba
changed aa eftea' aa reaested.
Wall street's near-panic Is creating
no concern west of Jersey City.
Are we to have a threat of moving
the headquarters every time the rail
roads want something?
Don't forget that the issue at Lin
coln today is whether the people or
the railroads will govern Nebraska.
A Paris professor claims that fish
can bear. It that'a true, they must
be awful hot over the yarns told about
Twenty ornate lamp poet around
the postofOce square at Lincoln ought
to provide the capital city with a
"great white way." .. .
However, Mr. Harrlman's hope for
pence with the administration has not
yet Induced hln to Join the ranks of
the third-term boomers. -
American export to Panama now
amount to 1 1,000,000 a month, exclu
sive of cash for the construction work
and $100,000 engineers.
Later the stockholder will be casu
. ally informed that what the railroads
made in 2 -cent fares waa lost in law
yers and court fees in fighting the law.
The scare talk of the railroad mag
nates is having its echo in Wall atreet
and the water is gushing forth, as it
did in Horeb when Moses smote the
The ball teams will soon undertake
the task of taking the pennant away
from their rivals, who have had It
draped over the corner grocery stove
il winter.
The Sugar trust is laughing at the
man who has brought suit against it
for (30.000,000. The average citizen
would laugh at a man who sued him
for an amount like that
Chief clerka will run a god ahare
of the federal offices of the different
states in the first week in June, while
the Rough Riders are holdlog their
reunion at Prescott, Arizona.
The state railroad commission In
Iowa has reduced freight rates to the
tune of 18 per cen in Iowa. The rail
road standpatters will he more than
ever opposed to the Iowa idea.
The e.tejmion of one of the great
packing houses at South Omaha in
dicates mat tna orokers nave more
confidence in the future of the country
than do the railroad manipulators.
The American ' consul at Blueflelds
failed to call on Speaker Cannon and
will have to explain to the State depart
ment whether his failure waa due to
discourtesy, bashfulneaa or fear.
According to the Congressional Reo
ord only 9,000,000 words were spoken
In congress during the short session
It Is evident, then, that Senator Mor
gan did not conclude his speecft on the
Panama canal.
New York proposes to commence suit
to collect $18,900,000 in back taxes
due under the franchise tax law
passed in 1900. That'a a signal for
the francbleed corporations of New
York to move to Kansas City.
It Is peculiar, to say the least, that
the chief floor manager of the rail
roads and the first to repudiate his
s! fried pledge should be Tom Hamer
of Kearney, representing the dUtrlct
honored by the choice of the Hon.
Norrls Browc. aa United States senator.
The performances of certain repub
llcan members of the legislature at
Lincoln, which would Indicate that
hey have been led astray by the rail
road lobby to the point of repudiating
publicly-made pledges to the people
who elected them, suggests that the
members should all hear from home.
Not only should those who hare
openly allied themselves with the rail
road contingent hear from home, but
so also "should those who have stood
np and had themselves counted for
honor and honesty, so that they may
know that Integrity and good faith are
appreciated and approved.
In addition to this the work-a-day
members, who have gone along thus
far without yielding to temptation, al
though perhaps without distinguishing
themselves as leaders, should hear
from home to strengthen tbem in
their good intentions and to Inform
them that they are being watched by
the friends of good government who
sent tbem to Lincoln and who will
condone no selj-outs or backsliding.
The railroads are bringing to the
capital all the railroad sympathizers
and pass or rebate beneficiaries they
can scrape up to make men think that
treachery can be respectable, but fof
every railroad capper brought to Lin
coln there are a hifndred at home who
owe allegiance to no railroad and who
will Insist upon an accounting when
the legislature shall have adjourned.
So we eay, Jet the members bear from
home. Let every republican newspa
per In Nebraska call attention to the
conditions existing at. Lincoln and In
vite its readers to write, to their rep
resentatives and tall them whether
they want them to represent the peo
ple or the railroads.
Those well-meaning, but misin
formed, persons who meet over at
Lake Mohonk every summer and pass
long resolutions asking congress to
safeguard the Indians of the country
and protect them from being robbed
of their birthright by designing white
men may see a new light if they will
read the proceedings of the constitu
tional convention in Oklahoma. The
new state will be composed of Okla
homa and the Indian Territory, which
are about equal in area and have equal
representation in the convention. Tho
white population of the two territories
is composed of keen, shrewd, resource
ful men who have received their polit
ical training in other states, and what
they do not know about political
schemes, is not worth knowing. They
had Intended to run the constitutional
convention In their own way, leaving
the Indiana, who own most of the land
in the Indian Territory, half of the
proposed state, to pay, the taxes and
pick np an occasional political crumb,
but the Indians took a hand In the
matter and turned a trick that made
the would-be political bosses look like
The result of the constitutional con
vention beara abundant proof that the
poor Indian la able to take care of
hlmaelf. By shrewd political tactics
the Indian delegates to the convention
formed a combination which gave
them the balance of power and en
abled them to frame a constitution to
suit themselves. They captured a
good share of the best offices and
forced through a county formation
bill which will guarantee them rea
sonable representation In the legisla
ture of the state and a share of the
state and county offices. They showed
the result of their education and train
ing and clearly established the fact
that they are capable of self-govern
ment and to hold their own in compe
tition with white men. Their work In
the convention was marked by Intelli
gence, . patriotism and a high regard
for the welfare of the people who will
become citizens of the new state. The
sympathy that has been lavished upon
Poor Lo may well be reserved In the
future for others who need it.
While congress is being criticised in
some quarters for making an annual
appropriation of about $1,000,000,000
for federal expenditures, the rest of
the country, according to a bulletin of
the Census department, is matching
this, dollar for dollar, with appropria
tions for state and municipal admin
istrations. The figures of the Census
department are for 1902. when the
total cost of government in the United
States national, state, county and
municipal was $1,773,950,360. Of
this amount the rational appropria
tions required the odd figures, while
the expenses of local, state and county.
affairs amounted to a round $1,000
000,000. The expenses have kept atep
with advances in cost in other lines
and It is estimated that the American
people were taxed at least $2,000,000,
000 a year ad the price of government.
With an estimated population of 85,
000,000 the per capita cost of govern
ment would be $23. S3.
Large as the total coat of govern
ment Is, it amounts to a tax of but 1.7
per cent on the tangible wealth of the
country, a smaller assessment than Is
necessary in any other country In the
world. The tables show that the cost
of government ts much heavier in the
cities than in the rural districts and
there is a wide discrepancy in the per
capita cost in dlffereut cities. New
York leads the list, with a per capita
tat burden that is nearly three times
aa large as the per capita charge of
the country for both local and state
While the average cost of govern
ment is perhaps not excessive, the
trend of sentiment Is all In favor of
a general policy of retrenchment a'nd
reform, calculated to Improve the serv
ice with a reduced expense. There Is
r.o concerted action along this line,
but the records of the legislatures that
have ben in eesslon this year show
much legislation looking to a lopping
off of needless offices, a centralization
of authority and dismissal of superflu
ous boards, the holding of fewer elec
tions and the adoption of regulations
providing for a more careful Inspection
and accounting of funds impropriated
for the purposes of state and local gov
ernment. The cost of the country's
government is amazingly large in the
aggregate, but there Is a cheerful
promise In recent and pending legisla
tion that the people will soon be able
to feel that they are getting their
money's worth.
Governor Sheldon's message to the
senate, calling upon that body to take
action against the invading lobby, is
timely and to the . point. ' Nebraska
legislatures have In the past been fre
quently overrun, with corrupting agents
of the great corporations, but probably
never before has such an array of rail
road manipulators been centered at
the state capital as during the last
few days, in their desperate effort to
head off measures that would compel
them to pay city taxes on their ter
minal property, the same as la levied
on other property, and incidentally to
defeat the antl-pasa law. the direct
primary bills, the reciprocal demurrage
bills and several other measures de
signed t'o give the people .relief from
railroad oppression.
Governor Sheldon is plain spoken in
his message in saying that "this legis
lature should not only redeem, every
pledge and promise made to the people
of this state, but should also pass a
law regulating and controlling: lobby
ing." The railroad lobby .Is the chief
obstacle in the way of redeeming these
pledges, upon which every republican
member of the legislature, as well as
the governor, stood before the people.
The message is especially gratifying
as indicating Governor Sheldon's de
termination to insist on having the
legislature redeem every pledge, even
if it takes a special session to do It.
The first official orde. of Mr. Cortel-
you, secretary or tne treasury, loucn
lng relations between the Treasury de
partment and the New York bankers,
must be reassuring to the Wall street
financiers, who have been fearing the
new secretary would adopt a radical
policy that would deprive them of the
privilege of looking upon the govern
ment's treasury vaults as a very pres
ent help in time of trouble. Mr. Cor-
telyou has Just issued a notice that it
is not his intention to fix a time for
calling in the additional $30,000,000
which were' deposited with the national
banks last October, with the under
standing that it would probably have
to be returned early In March; It la
officially explained that there is no
present need of the funds by the gov
ernment and that conditions are such
in New York that the withdrawal of
the amount might have a tightening
effect upon the money market.
It will not do, however, for the Wail
street bankers to take it for grauted
that there will be no change in the
Treasury department's policy. Beyond
stating that he is keeping a close watch
on the situation in New York, Secre
tary Cortelyou refuses to indicate what
bis further plans are. It is known in
administration circles In Washington
that Secretary Cortelyou is determined
that he will not follow the path beaten
by so many secretaries before him.
He proposes using tie surplus federal
funds as an emergency currency to
meet the demands.for increased circu
lation when the demand arises from
legitimate business causes, but will not
under any circumstances follow prece
dent in extending relief for specula
tive banks that have got caught by un
wise loans on stocks. This is an evil
which has been tolerated in the past
and which Mr. Cortelyod declares must
be stopped. It is also certain that he
will refuse to overlook the conduct of
banks in New York which have per
sistently in the past violated the bank
ing laws as to reservea and other mat
ters on the plea that the market needs
a continuance of free loans in order
to avoid a stringency. Many of the
New York banks almost habitually re
port a less sum In legal reserve than
Is required by the law, an abuse which
would place the offending banks In
the hands of receivers if the law were
strictly enforced. Mr. Cortelyou' de
termination to adhere to the law will
put a new aspect on so me phaaea of
-Tlhe relations between the federal
treasury and the national banks that
have heretofore been the object of
severe criticism.
When the anuexation of the
Hawaiian islands waa proposed it was
argued that they would furnish a won
derfully good place for the overflow
of America's population. The dream
does not seem to be In any fair way of
realization, as it has been found neces
sary to suspend the contract-labor law
In order to allow Hawaii to import
workmen from Europe to take care of
fta industries.
A tuberculosis- congress will soon be
assembled in New York and make its
chief feature a discussion by experts
of the effects of bovine tuberculosis
upon the milk supply and the effect
on the human system of the consump-
tlon of milk from cows so affected.
The derisions of this congress will be
of great Interest to the country. There
Is a vldo difference of opinion as to
the extent to which the spread of tu
berculosis may be due to Infected milk
supply and the congress will do a great
service to the country if it succeeds in
removing all doubts and establishing
tbo facts in the case. ,
The anti-Omaha prejudice which the
paid railroad lobbyists are inciting in
the legislature reacts to tho detriment
of Qmaha at every turn. The railroad
spokesmen are so thoroughly trained
by their teachers to attack Omaha that
they by force of habit hit at Omaha
and Omaha's business Interests on all
occasion, with or without excuse. If
the railroad managers here who are
telling our business men how much
they want to help build up Omaha
care to give evidence of good faith
they will call down their anti-Omaha
claquers at Lincoln.
Nebraska railroads are charging only
2 cents a mile for carrying passengers
between points wholly within the state,
but they are still exacting 2Vt cents a
mile whenever they sell a through
ticket from any point In Nebraska to
a destination outside the state. How
can they prove that the 2-cent fare Is
confiscatory so long as they pursue
this practice, which makes it impos
sible to separate the expense of carry
ing local S-cent fares from the expense
of carrying through 2 M -cent fares?
The general building campaign in
Omaha has not been checked by the
action of the Union Pacific in suspend
ing operations on its headquarters
building. The taxpayers of the city
are Just as active in their efforts to
improve as if the railroad company
had gone ahead with Its needed con
struction. The supreme court of the United
States haa upheld the South Dakota
law which prohibits the sale of liquor
la that state in less than five-gallon
lots. It is a little rough on the South
Dakotan, however, to ie compelled to
have a hip pocket made with demijohn
Beatrice pays $3,000 annually In
interest on a bonus voted to the rail
roads and collects $900 in taxes from
the railroads within the town limits.
The citizens of Beatrice should be, and
probably are, especially proud of the
Gage county members of the house of
Boston doctors claim to have suc
ceeded In ascertaining the weight of a
human soul. The weight of a Boston
brain will be ascertained after the
scale makers get out a product that
will take heavier loads than those now
oa the market. -
Senator Depew'a statement that Mr.
Roosevelt is" the only presidential
candidate, In sight is Just proof that
the senator la beginning to Joke again,
even if Messrs. Root, Fairbanks, Taft,
Shaw et al. do not see the point.
They Deliver the Goada.
New York Commercial.
There la one thing- tolerably certain, that
if James J. Hill leaves the carrying' trade
of the Pacific coaat to the Japanese the
good will be delivered. ,
Aa Overworked Job.
Washington Herald.
Mr. Harrlman says he would be perfectly
willing to act as the president's adviser.
Mr. Roosevelt gets more advice now than
he knows what to do with.
!o Room for a Kaoclc
St. Louts Globe-Democrat.
Appropriations by the' congress Just closed
foot up $1,800,000,000. "But as the treasury
surplus for the last eight months haa
paafced $40,000,000 the financial outlook Is
not the sort the democratic party needs in
Its business.
lanocenta la Repose.
Kansas City Journal.
The cost of living In Washington has In
creased much faster than In any other city
In recent years, and nobody can account
for It. The Washington boarding house
keepers wear the innocent look of the cat
that swallowed the canary.
Get Oat and Posh.
Baltimore American.
Do not stand by the roadside of Industry
and grumble at the man and the team
struggling In the middle of the muddy road
hauling a load of wheat up a steep hill, but
put your shoulder to the wheel ard help a
comrade who helps himself.
Prom Silence to Loquacity.
Baltimore American.
The trust magnate Is now no longer the
."silent man." He Is not' only willing, but
also glad to talk for publication and to
take the dear public Into his confidence.
It haa been discovered that the public, aa a
great abstraction, can no more be con
signed to perdition than can a corporation.
Vellow Backs Conilna- Back.
Sprlngfleld Republican.
Soon there will come Into general cir
culation "yellow backs" of the denomina
tion of $10 these being authorized by the
financial bill of the last cession. Hitherto
a man had to deal in quite considerable
sums of money to catch a glimpse of yel
low bill or gold certificates, wince they
have never been of lower denomination
than $3). But- now we' shall hear It said
that gold at last has been made the "poor
man's money." Perhaps the poor man
will feel richer on this account and per
haps he will detect no particular change
in the condition either of hla feelings or
his pocket.
Aa laflalshed Crime.
Chicago News
It seems clear at last that nobody ever
will be convicted and punished by law for
the monstrous crime of December 80, 19U8,
by which &9e lives were lost and hundreds
of persons were seriously Injured. Vet the
recklessness of thoee who took chances by
crowding an unfinished building with hu
man beings, the levity or public- officials
who were easily satin nW that no accident
would result, and the horrible rinks taken
by thoae In charge of lights 'and scenery
constituted a desperate gamble with death.
The stakes were a multitude of human
Uvea. The whole combination of circum
stances Is a lasting reproach to this city.
The dead were plied In heaps and yet the
law finds no one to pur. lab I
Minor Scenes and Incidents Sketched
an the nt.
Political vocalists of the democrailc per
suasion Invariably nre greeted with thr
rude hoarse lauah when they assert w'.lh
straight faces that prosperity la an idle
drenm. When thry strike this keynote and
solemnly Interpret the'r sorrows, the
chorus of workshop and msrt translates
the dirge Into Joyous son. Tct theirs are
the voices of sober truth. Distance from
the flesh pots of power and pie ts enouiih
to make their melnneholv the real thing.
Put there Is greater warrant for claiming
"there Is no prosperity." The parly treas
ury Is empty nnd not a nickel coming In.
The famous party vocalist In Wnshlnirton,
Colonel Charles A. Edwards, secretary of
the democratic congressional campaign
committee, sent a touching note to demo
cratic memlers of the senate and" house
some days before adjournment,- reminding
them of the financial needs of his office
and delicately suggesting that a contribu
tion of $3! would help some. In due time
the colonel was rewarded with this re
sponse: Dear Charlie: T received your tetter re
questing a contribution to assist you In
procuring the services of a stenographer
for the prosecution of your "labor of love."
It Is a real pleasure to Inclose herewith
my personal check for the amount. Allow
me to indulge in the pleasing hope that
this shall by no means result In "Love's
Labors Lost." Mav I ask that you mail
me a receipt? Tour true friend.
Ia It any wonder that democrats pipe a
sad song and Insist "there is no prosper.
It la hard for a man to be a hero to his
valet: It sometimes Is harder still for a
father to fill the role satisfactorily In the
eyes of his son, especially If that son be
so young that he treats everybody with
Secretary Taft has a son, "Charlie," 9
years old. Ever since his father hns held
his present position In the cabinet "Charlie"
has been an enthusiastic warrior. He and
Quentln Roosevelt go to the same school,
and, aa might be expected, Quentln also
has military aspirations and Ideals. For
the last week or two snow fortp and snow
battles have engrossed their time, so much
Indeed that "Charlie" Taft's studies have
suffered. At 'last his reports showed such
a marked falling off that his father thought
the time ripe for a few words of parental
reproof. "Charlie" listened with respect
ful, though plainly unconvinced attention,
and was ready with a crushing rejoinder.
"Father," he Bald, In pained surprise,
"you talk Just Ilka the school teacher.
You know that building forts and digging
tunnels and thing like that are a part of
my education, and don't you think that If
you had spent more time on such things
when you were a little boy you might not
be having such a hard time now, especially
digging that big ditohT"
It' la believed that with the expiration of
the Fifty-ninth congress, says the Wash
ington Herald, the last maimed veterans of
the civil war who have served In the na
tional lawmaking body have ben retired to
private life. Senator Berry of Arkansas, a
one-legged veteran of the confederate
army, is now in private life after a con
tinuous service of twenty-two years in the
senate. Representative Roswell P. Bishop
of Michigan, who wore an empty sleeve as
a result of service In the union army, has
followed the one-legged confederate into re
tirement after an unbroken service In the
house of twelve years. In both branches
of congress there are still many men who
fought In one army or the other during the
civil war, but none of them, "except Senator
Daniel, is maimed or crippled. The Vir
ginian had hla right leg badly shattered
by union bullets, but, unlike Senator Berry,
he did not loaa that member, although he
usually walks with the aid of a orutch.
It is not known that among the large
number of new men elected to the next
congress any are maimed even in so alight
a manner as Major Daniel.
Among the men now in public life who
bear the honorable scars of war none is
more conspicuous for the number of
wounds received In the terrible conflict of
the '60s than Is General J. C. Black, the
democratic chairman of the Civil Service
commission. General Black, who won dis
tinction in the ujlon army, but who haa
always been a democrat, was shot more
times than probably anybody now on the
pension rolls. He draws a pension of $100
a month. Except for a slight limp in his
walk and a weakness in his arms, he shows
no effect of his many wounds.
Shortly before congress adjourned a
United States senator asked Secretary Taft
for some papers cn a question which was
about to come up. Mr. Taft made a note
of tho request, but the papers were not
forthcoming. The senator called upon the
secretary, who expressed surprise. He
pushed a button and a messenger appeared.
"You remember I told you to send certain
papers to Senator Blank. Did you send
themT" This with a touch of sternness.
"Yes, sir. I remember distinctly .sending
them," was the reply. The messenger was
dismissed, whereupon the secretary said
with a laugh: . "To be perfectly frank,
senator, . I forgot all about your request
for those documents and they were never
sent I only called the messenger to show
you what a perfect system we have up
here. Now," the secretary continued, with
a chuckle, pressing another button, "I am
going to sea that you get the documents."
"Foreign relations," said Senator Cullom,
the chairman of the senate's committee on
foreign relations, "are delicate things, and
must be handled delicately.
"Foreign relations, In fact, remind me of
a newly married couple I heard about the
other day.
."Their life had been very happy for a
year. Not a cloud had marred their perfect
felicity. Then, one morning, the wife came
down to breakfast morose and wretched.
"She was snappish with her husband.
8he would hardly speak to htm. And for a
long while she refused to explain her un
wonted conduct.
"Finally, though, the young man, Insist
ing that he be told why his wife was treat
ing him so badly, she looked up with tears
in her eyes and said:
" 'John Smith, If I dream again that you
have kissed another woman I won't speak
to you again aa long as I live. "
Decision la Omaha Beer Ibel Case
Warmly Commended.
New York Tribune.
We must regard with profound satisfac
tion the decision of the supreme court cf
the United Btate-though we regret to see
that one Justice dissented -to the effect that
any state may constitutionally enact a la'
prohibiting the use of the national flag for
advertising -purposes. It Is as sound In
morals and In patriotism as It is In law.
If, then, any state may make and enforce
such a law, we may add that every state
should do so. Every state worthy of its
place in the union, as every one of them
Is, should surely have sufficient regard for
that union to forbid the sordid defilement
of Ita emblem. In thus honoring the flag
each state will manifest its own senee of
In the near future, then, we trust an
other form of expression jnny be used on
this subject, and that InsiKtd of saying any
ftate may pass a flag protecting law, or
that every state ahould do so, we may say
that every state has done so tu an effective
tired a;:d sic:;
yet f.1ust work
"Man may work from snn to sun
bet woman's work la never done."
ta order to keep the home neat
and pretty, the children well dressed
and tldy women overdo and often
suffer In alienee, drifting along from
bad to worse, knowing well that
they oiifht to have help to overcome
the pains and aches which dally
make life a burden.
It is to theae women that Lydla
E. Piokham'a Vegetable Compound,
made from native roots and herb,
comes a a blestfnjr. When the spir
it are denreaaed. the head and back
aches, there are dragging-down paina, nervonsnesa, aWplearoeM, and
reluctance to go anywhere, these are only symptoms which unless
hcededv are soon followed by the worst forms of IPemale Complaints. .
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
keeps the feminine organism ina strong and healthy oonditlou. It cores
Inflammation, Ulorra,t!on, displacements, and orgnnlc troubles. In
preparing; for child-birth and to carry women safely through theChang-e
of Life it is most efficient
Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, Pa., writes: Dear Mra. PinV
ham: "For a long time I suffered from female troubles and had all kinds
of aches and pains in the lower part of back and sides. I could not
sleep and had no appetite. Since takingr Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and following the advice . which yon gave me I feci like a
new woman and I cannot praise your medicine too highly.'
Mrs. Pinkham's Invitation to Women
Women suffering from any form of female weakness are Invited to
write Mrs Plnkham, at Lynn, Mass. Opt of her vast volume of ex
perience ahe probably has the very knowledge that will help your
ease. Her advice is free ana always
Effect of Terminal Taxation Teata
tlrely Applied to Kebrasha Towa.
, Fremont Tribune.
It will be Interesting to note what effect
terminal taxation would have on the as
sessment roll of Fremont. The valuation
of Union Pacific property may be used as
an illustration, since for It most of the
figures are at hand. The road was for the
year 1906 assessed at $lM.fi8 for the 1.7
miles of main tins within the city limits.
Under the plan of terminal taxation for
municipal purposes the total valuation
would be' as follows:
Main line. 1.7 miles . .$154,674
Switches, 6.08 miles ll'l.sno
Kight-cf-way, 26.88 acres 61,7tiO
Tool house , 40
Stock yards 100
Watchman house ,. ' IS
Stand pipes $.000
Passenger station
Freight depot 7,215
Tool house..., 16
Pump house , 1,150
Repair shop SO
Well 110'
Water tank 1,600
Watchman's house 15
Section house,....,. 250
Coal house 10
Tool house 40
Water system...'...'. 8,500
Lime house IB
Watchman house 34
Coal house, , 125
Total..... ,.$374,603
The foregoing Items, all except main line
and aide tracks, are an Inventory given out
by the company; the main line and side
tracks are, according to the figures of the
'State Board of Assessment. .For the latter
the figures may be too high for local as
sessment, for they include whatever of
terminal distributed valuations may be
represented, though it is certain that Item
ia small.
Compare the two valuations and It will
be aeen that if Fremont taxed all property
of the Union Paolflc located within the
limits of the corporation it would be as
sessing property worth $374,608, instead of
$154,679. In other words, there ta $220,009
of Union Paeiflo property in Fremont that
contributes absolutely nothing to the city
In return for fire and police protection, for
water, sewer, light and other municipal
purposes. '
Ths Union Pacific Is now paying but $804
In municipal tax on Its $374,603 of property
In the city. If it paid In proportion to
other property it would pay $1,671 a year.
That Is to say, it would pay 3 mills on the
dollar en, one-fifth of $374,803.
The Fremont National bank with a capi
tal stock and surplus of $250,000 pays for
purely city purposes $1,811.80 tax. In other
words, the Union Pacific with 48 per cent
more property, pays 62.8 per oent less
Slgalflcance of an Episode In a Washing-ton
Baltimore News.
President Roosevelt made his sweeping
reservation of forest lands before signing
the agricultural appropriation bill beoauaa
the bill contained a provision that here
after no forest reserves shall be created
except by act of congress. Through pres
sure of the western demand for Irrigation
work under the direction of the national
government an act was passed years ago
authorising 'the president to withdraw for
est lands from entry so as to guard the
river sources. Under that law some ob
struction has been put In the way of fraud
ulent seisure. The recently adopted amend
ment puts an end to that. In order to
protect tho public interests President
Roosevelt used the old law to the fullest
extent before signing a bill that virtually
repealed It. thus giving free jlay to the
operations of the land grabbers.
That repeal has been known as the Ful
ton amendment, because it was proposed
by Senator Fulton of Oregon. This fact
gives point to an Interesting Incident that
happened on the day that congress ad
journed. Senator Fulton was called aa a
character witness In behalf of Binger Her
mann, ex-congressman from Oregon, who
la now being tried on charges growing out
of the government prosecution of land
fraud caaea. After Senator Fulton had
testified to the excellent reputation that
Hermann had borne, he was asktd If he
remembered writing a letter to the then
commissioner pf the general land omce re
questing that United States District Attor
ney Hall of Oregon be instructed to nolle
pros certain indictments against William
K. Burke and William CI. Gimsiln. Senator
Fulton made a heated denial. The letter
waa then produced, and he had to admit
that It was In bis own handwriting. It was
In a mlnslve "inclosing a letter by Mr.
Hermann" and asking that Mr. Hall should
" when read."
The incident throws light on the springs
of action in congressional policy regarding
publlo lands, and enables the publlo to un.
derstand why the efforts of the government
to stop land frauds by Improvements In
the laws meet with no response from con
gress, i
Spring innoaocement 1907
' We are now displaying a most
Complete line of foreign novelties for
spring and summer wear.
: Your early Inspection is invited,
aa it will afford an opportunity of
choosing from a large number of ex
clusive styles.
We Import in "Single suit
length," and a suit cannot be dupli
cated. , An order placed now may be de
livered at your convenience.
j ,"'
rEnsovit, Xotes.
Boston doctors profess to have found
that the soul weighs an ounce. That Is
the Boston soul, however.
James Lane Allen's old home In Ken
tucky Is again for sale, Senator Bailey of
Texas, the present owner, having adver
tised it
A man etx Baltimore sang hymns while
undergoing an operation for appendicitis,
but probably a glimpse of the bill made
him change his tune.
Among the recent purchases for the Pan
ama canal are ten steam whistles. If they
don't keep the hands from falling asleen
at the Job nothing will.
- A rural Pennsylvania justice of the peace
has decided that a swain charged with
hugging his sweetheart against her will
was not guilty of assault and battey, as
charged, but of 'the crime of embracery.
And ha certainly was. If the English lan
guage means anything at all.
Admiration for the perspicacity of
courts grows apace. A Mississippi judge
declares that a boy has "the Inalienable
right to climb a tree," and an Indian
court denied Na decree of divorce to a
woman who charged her husband with
the crime of saying "O fudge" and other
"silly things" In her presence.
It Is recalled by a close observer In
Washington with a good memory that Mr,
Spooner has been opposed to nearly every
Important subject of republican party pol
icy since he has been In the senate, In
cluding the annexation of Hawaii, the Span,
lah war, the holding of the Philippines and
the rate bill legislation, but he ended by
advocating and voting for them all.
Last Friday waa ths forty-seventh birth
day of James A. Hemenway, junior United
States senator from Indiana. As a boy he
waa a bootblack and newsboy. Recently a
friend said to him; "Jim, how'd you get
up there, anyway? I remember when you
used to shine my shoes, and I didn't sea
any senatorial possibilities sticking out of
you then. He replied: "You saw me
working and hustling, didn't you? That
the only way I can answer your question.'
"There goes Mr. Poorman," said Mis
Qaddie. "My! he looks as solemn aa an
undertaker these days."
"No wonder," replied Mr. Batchelor,
"he's going to undertake a wife neat
week." Philadelphia Press.
"Pa," asked little Willie, "what doas
food for the gods' mean?"
"Well," replied the old flrt-n!ghtei
"probably it means peanuts, plug tobacco
and the like." Philadelphia Press.
Woman of the House "Did you ever earn
an honest dollar in your life?"
Goodman Gonrong I reckon not, ma'am.
I got a dollar fresh from the mint,
and I wouldn't even feel sure about that.'1
Chicago Tribune.
"Do you think that session of congress
was a success?"
. "It waa," answered Farmer Corntoseel,
"a great success. It didn't do any particu
lar damage." Washington Star.
"Did you lose much by that fire out at
your house?" asked Townley.
"Two quarts of fine old Scotch whisky,"
replied Subbuha.
Was that all?"
"Yea, you see, only about half of our
volunteer Are company got there." Phila
delphia Press.
"Pnw, can anybody tell fortunes by
"No, my son. Many a man who has
thought he could has found by subsequent
experience that he didn't bold the right
cards." Chicago Tribune..
'1 see," said Wtttacus to the host, aa his
eye roamed from the broiled oysters at one
end of the bountiful table to the chicken
salad at tie other, "that your wife Is not a
good manager."
"What do you mean?" demanded the
irate spouse.
"Don't you se that she doesn't make
both ends meat?" Philadelphia Press.
New lYork Bun.
I've just received a catalogue
Fresh from tho eMedsman's -store,
gorgeous book of fruits and flowers
And veg'tables galore;
And I can hardly wait until
The winter's Ice and snow
Melt frojn my well loved garden plot
To spade and rake and hoe.
For In this catalogue I find
New radishes and peas,
Six kinds of lettuce, elKht of corn
I waitt to try all these;
Cucumbers slim, cucumbers fat,
' And llmaa short and tall,
And melons, cabbage., beets and greens
i want to try them all.
Tomatoes, ten varieties.
And onions white and red;
Asparagus and celery
I want of eurh a bed.
And turnips early, turnips late,
potatoes try the score.
And squashes, iny! don't say a word,
A dozen kinds or more.
I herewith thank the seedsman kind
For sending me his book.
When all these things re coming on,
How pretty they will look!
And when the frost has left the ground.
I'm going to plant my total plot '
Twi-Ivm fnt t,v ft htv l.i.i ir1
Guckert (L
317 South 15th St.