Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1907, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAIIA DAILY DEE: FRIDAY, M ASCII 15, 1907. a ( ISABEL IRVING IN COMEDY C!erer 8Ur w tb Soltndid Company st Eojd'a Theattr. sJIROME PLAY FULL OF OUAINT H'JWOR "! la Imreh of a IKubnid-' Llaht la Every Respect, bat Wrlltea Cleverly aad Acted Per fectly hy Compeay. Isabel Irving and company In "Susan In Search of a Husband," a comedy In thr.e acta, by Jrom K. Jerome; under direc tion of Uebler & Co.; at the tioyd. The cuat: lord llathtione Hassard Short 4 Ilnraie-Gieenleaf Ernem Malnwartng f The Jjoctor" Herlert Standing N'oluve, the village constable. A. O. Andrews Kivl.lriH I'ennlruique Jeeste Isett J-.iliHhcth Kaiileton .... Marie Wainwrighi Mrs. Mulberry Edith Lemmeit Bumn Uambett Miss Irving "Susan In Search of a Husband" Is a splendid example of what a really clever writer can do with limited material. Its story can easily be told In an hundred wordn, and Its dramatic action might with no violence be compressed Into a playlet of not to exceed fifteen or twenty minutes' length. But Mr. Jerome, with his faculty for spinning words and Inventing conver sation has drawn It out through three acts of Interesting and at times delicious com edy. It Is a worthy product of the man who stands at tha head of English humor ists. He Is plainly "spoofing" all tha way, but ha does so that you like It. Being a comedy of cleverness rather than of "smartness," It requires very clever people to handle it, and this equipment has been furnished. Miss Irving ! the bright particular star of the constellation, but she Isn't so very much ahead of the - rest of the organization. Susan Oambett was 15 when she met and married after three days' acquaintance Jim Raffleton, able-bodied seaman, on board a British cruiser, she being the daughter of a hotel keeper at Portsmouth, N. H. He Bailed away, and for soven long years he was missing. At the time the play opens Busan la In search of her missing husband, and as, the most likely place to find a sailor lad, she takes a Job as chambermaid In a Welsh summer hotel. Hither cometh Roblna Pennlculque, who had been known to Busan when the latter was yet a girl at a Paris boarding school, prior to the finan cial wreck and death of her father. Roblna is an American heiress. Also cometh Lord Rathbone, who waa Jim Rafflcton but a fc little while before. He Is looking for Susan, and for that reason follows Miss Pennlculque from london to Wales, feel ing sure If he can keep her In sight he will overtake his long lost wife. Also dur ing the course of the play come a maiden later of his lordship and his solicitor. At tha hotel already are the landlady, her factotum, and the Inevitable constable. 6usnn and Roblna change places, and his lordship falls In' love with the fictitious Roblna, but finally admits that he Is wedded to Susan and that duty and honor bind him to her. He Is put to a test and stands It well, and all ends happily. In the solicitor Roblna meets the only man She ever loved for three days at a time, and her romance, too. is ended. The com edy naturally flows from the mistaken Iden tity, but Is contributed to by Roblna'i mis apprehension that Susan Is trying to win Ills lordship. This is settled when it is made plain to her that ha Is the husband Busan so long has sought. The efforts of the spinster sister to get her brother back Into tha way of thinking she conceives to HUN BALTIMORE RYE Is Absolutely Pure and Is Guaranteed under the National Pure Food Law THIS CONFIRMS ITS REPUTATION, AND ITS GREAT POPULARITY DEMONSTRATES .THAT IT IS THE PREFERRED WHISKEY OF THOSE WHO KNOW THE BEST LIKE THE BEST BUY THE BEST 4 f -d! at melM ..1JN4U1S a he right and save him from an alliance wltli a barmaid, and at the same time to hold the solicitor, also adds much to tha humor of the situation. Miss Irving is Busan, and Is a charming girl; Miss Isett at Roblna divides attention with the star, and Miss A'alnwrlght as the old maid discloses that rich talent for fun that mails her the leading comedienne of America. Miss Lemmert adds her share as the landlady. Mr. Standing gives life to a queer sort of a character, the old bachelor of the holM; Mr. Stort la quite a manly young lord and Mr. Malnwarlng Is a source of merriment as the solicitor, played with unctuounness and taste. Mr. Andrews' constable Is cast on broad lines and adds a bit of flavor to the whole. The audience last night was not all that the play deserves, but It was large enough to nil the house with laughter and ap plause. The engagement lasts the week out, with a matinee on Saturday. GROCERY IN DAYLIGHT STORE Sew , Department on Third Floor Opened by O'Donahae-Hedmoad-Kormlle Company. The O'Donahue-Redmond-N jrmlle com pany has expanded Its large line of wares by the addition of a large grocery and meat department, which will decupy the entire third floor of the daylight store. This Idea of placing the grocery department on one of the light and airy floors Instead of the basement is new for department stores in Omaha, but not In the east, and appears to be popular. John Caughey, formerly with the Bennett comjjany and before that time with Robert Smith Bro., Is manager and buyer and he hat finished the purchase and Installation of a thoroughly new and extensive line of groceries and meats. A new feature Is a section with tables, where women can sit while they give their orders. Instead of standing before a coun ter. Numerous demonstrators of tea, coffee, syrup, corn flakes and cheiese are new at the store to demonstrate some of the new lines of goods. Experienced clerks have been secured for all departments from the older stores to show the customer the extensive assortment of new things which are presented. The advantages of the daylight store are shown more In this department than In many of the others, for the high ceilings and large windrows give a flood of light over all. To advertise the opening of the new department an automobile has been built of grocery packages and Installed In one of the Sixteenth street windows. FUNERAL OF LYNN CHAFFEE Services Will Be Held Saturday After, aooa at First Methodist Church. The funeral of Lynn B. Chaffee, financial secretary of the Omaha Young Men's Christian association, who died at 4 a. m. Wednesday at his home. Twenty-third and Laird streets, will be' held Saturday at 8 p. m., at the, First Methodist church. Twen tieth and Davenport streets, after brief services of a prlvats nature have been held at the residence. The ceremonies at the church will be conducted by the pastor. Rev. Frank I Loveland, assisted by Rev. Clyde C. Cissell and Rev. J. Randolph Bmlth. A male quartet will sing st the church and also at Forest Lawn cemetery, where the body will be taken for Interment and where the services will be private. The following business associates snd friends of Mr. Chaffee have been selected to act as pallbearers i George F. Ollmore, T. F. Sturgess, Me Uhl. B. C. Wade, J. P. Rentland and A. A. nttm br Inkkm! to.S, biuaiore. aid. F g IIS 1 U 1 iZJlY 1 SUTTON IGNORES AFFIDAVIT Eaja H Will Kot Dienify Conneli'i lotion hj Formal Order. ATTORNEY UNDER BAN OF THE JUDGE former latlmates Trouble If Covrt hoald gay Him oa Street What He Did oa Bench. For ten minutes Attorney W. J. Connell and Judge Button were In the same room Thursday morning. It was Judge Sutton's court room and Mr. Connell, encouraged with his victory In the trial of James A. Sunderland, concluded Wednesday, was there to argue the motion for a new trial for Samuel E. Howell, president of the Omaha Coal exchange, found guilty In De cember. County Attorney F.nglim read the affi davit filed by Mr. Connell In which the latter alleged extreme personal prejudice on the part of Judge Sutton toward him and stated thl prejudice had been ex ercised In the trial of Howell to the dis advantage of Howell's cause. The affidavit wan couched In caustic terms. The county attorney finished the reading and Judge Button spoke at once and positively: "In view of Mr. Conneirs reputation and well know tactics," ha said, "and In view of what the supreme court knows of Mr. Connell, you will pay no attention to that affidavit." ' Mr. Connell was on his feet before the court had ceased to speak and excepted In vigorous terms to the statement of the court. The county attorney' suggested that as a matter of routine Judge Sutton might rile an allidavlt denying the charges Refuses' to Dlarnlfy It. "No, 1 will not do that." said Judge But ton. "The court Is under oath and simply overrules the affidavit of Mr. Connell. I do not care to lend any dignity to Mr. Con neirs affidavit by filing a counter-affidavit." The county attorney asked two days to bring Into court L. M. Cash, one of the Jurors In the Howell case. In support of Its motion for a new trial the defense has had on file an affidavit alleging that Cash stated some time prior to the trial that he hoped he would get on the jury so he could help to "cinch" the coal men. When Cash is brought Into court the final argument for a new trial will be made. This will be very brief. "If Judge Button ever says to me on the street -what he said to me from the bench this morning 1 11, I'll well. 1 11 make it Interesting in Just about a minute and a half," said Mr. Connell to some friends after court had adjourned. "The result Is more than satisfactory In view of the outcome of the case tried be fore Judge Sutton," said W. J. Connell, speaking of the Sunderland case. "We had a trial this time and not a vaudeville show. "In regard to the motion for a new trial in the Howell case now pending before Judge Sutton, I would have no feeling of regret If he should overrule It. The record is so filled with error that there can be but one outcome to the case. I feel confident an appeal of the Howell case will settle and absolutely end all remaining Coal trust cases." EYE. SPECIAIuSTS, Ruteson Optical Co. VIOLENT FALL IN STOCKS (Continued from First Page.) of these notes would be affected by he fact' that the recent declines In-' Baltimore & Ohio and Atchison show losses of many millions of dollars from the prices at which they were purchased by ths Harrlman In terests. It was pointed out also that the decline In Reading shows a heavy loss to Balti more Ohio, which holds about 130,000,000 of 'Reading stock. No Failures Dartns; Day. ' ' After the close of the market considera ble relief was expressed that thers had been no failures during tlfe day and that of all the rumors In the street there seemed to be none affecting the solvency of any banking or brokerage house of any Im portance., .The banks reported that their demands for further collateral from brokers had met with prompt response, and that so far as they were concerned their posi tion as to ths ' stock market was satisfac tory. A remarkable feature of ths present de cline In Wall street values Is that It was foreseen several months ago and that warning was given so that brokers gen erally had protected themselves by re quiring their customers to deposit and maintain ample margins on their trades. In this respect ths present situation differs widely from that of 1901, when the contest over the Northern Pacific brought about a panic at a time when bull speculation was rampant and when the public was car rying heavy lines of stock on comparatively slender margins. At that time brokers suffered heavy losses through failure of their customers to respond to calls for funds Bo fax as Is known no such state of affairs exists today. Some of tha larger commission houses have reported for the last several weeks that their customers ware out of the market entirely. Secretary Cortelyou's announcement of government relief was received with much satisfaction In financial circles. It being pointed out that It would aid the banks greatly In making the payments, due on the Pennsylvania railroad rate Issue and the Standard Oil dividend. Paata la Copper Storks. BOSTON. March 14. Panicky conditions prevailed In the local market 'for copper stocks today. Brokers were flooded with orders to sell. Prices broke sharply, clos ing at the lowest. Rates on money rose generally to 10 per cent. Declines of from to 20 points were recorded In the leading coppers. Trinity was one of the features of the local market. It withstood the storm until about noon and then dropped to 1914, a loss of nearly 7 points, recovering frac tionally at the close. In many cases the selling was In default of a response to re margin . calls sent out last night. The Is sues suffering most severely were Osceola, off SO to 130; North Butte, off V to 78; Copper Range, off H to T; Utah, off 12 to 61; Qulncy, off 4Hi to 11; Tamarack, off U to 112; Butts Coalition, off 74 to 23. Lesdos Boars Traau.aU. LONDON. March 14. In the absence of any extensive American demands for gold tha directors of the Bank of England, at their meeting this afternoon, decided that no Increase In Its discount was called for and consequently It was left unchanged at i per cent. Consols at the opening fell to S4 5-l for cash and again touched 8t for ths ac count the latter being the low mark of lsstf. but by noon consols had recovered to S6 for the account. The bankers here say they know of no serious trouble Impending. American bankers here attribute the present situation almost entirely to the fact that the demand for gold to meet the booming trade Inter ests everywhere exceeds the available sup ply of the metal. They do not anticipate that the United States will take gold from here Immediately, and say no gold will be purchased In London for America untlll such a step is absolutely necessary, as, al though the Bank of England la at present In a good position, sued a demand would Inevitably mean an advance In ths bank's rate of discount. Roth the hnnkem and brokers here sar the course of the American market In Ixn don Is ruled entirely from New York. They are hopeful that the announcement that Secretary of the Treasury Cortelyou will not st present call In t.HV0O0.0nn of govern ment funds, deposit! In the natlnnnl banks, will relieve the monetary situation In the United States. The quotations cahled from New Tork caused another setback In Americans. Union Pacific fell 4 points and a few others one point. The settlement was concluded without disclosing any difficulties beyond two minor failures. t PRESIDENT WILL STAID PAT Considers Administration la So Way Responsible for Mump. WASHINGTON, March 14.-PJir more than forty-eight hours the White house and treasury department have been flooded with appeals for President Roosevelt and Secretary Cortelyou to take some action to. avert the "threatened disaster" In the financial world. It can be stated author itatively, however, that President Roose velt will not change his attitude toward the railroads, though it Is admitted that the administration has no Intention of enter ing on an extremely radical attack on the railway corporations. While it is known that the visit of J. Plerpont Morgan to the White house hvst Monday night to Induce the president to Issue a reassuring statement to the coun try In regard to the administrations atti tude toward the railroads, and he apparent failure of the financier's appeal, has had much to do with the panicky conditions that swept over Wall street today. Presi dent Roosevelt has repeatedly ssld that he Is not an enemy of the railroads, and that those that obey the laws have nothing to fear from the government. While It has not been definitely decided, the president may Issue a statement outlining his at titude after he has conferred 'with "Messrs. McCrea. Newman, Mellen and Hughltt on the railroad situation. The conference with the four railroad mag nates, which was granted by the president at the earnest request of Mr. Morgan, will be held early next week. It Is gen erally understood by those close to the president that the railway officials will urge Mr. Roosevelt to take some steps to "allay the public anxiety now threatening to obstruct railroad Investments and con struction and as to the relations between the railroads and the government." Since Mr. Morgan's hurried trip to the White House the president has held nu merous conferences with Chairman Knapp and members of the Interstate Commerce commission in order that he may be In a better position to present the administra tion's side of the question when he meets the railroad presidents next week. , The administration Is firmly convinced that the great unrest In financial circles has been brought on by the arguments advanced by the railroad Interests In try ing to prevent "hostile legislation" In various states and not by the attitude that ths federal government has taken to en force the laws regulating the common car riers. E. H. Harrlman, when he was in the city recently, and President A. B. Stickr.ey of the Chicago Great Western, who called at the White House today, have expressed the same opinion. Although believing that the conditions In New Tork are due to nothing for which ths administration is responsible the presi dent believes that he has dona everything that can consistently be done to give re lief to the money market. The order is sued by Secretary Cortelyou yesterday, fol lowed by ths order of today prevents ths withdrawal of large sums belonging to ths government and provides.. thevWay for use of additional funds in Wall street The first order put a quietus on the rumor that tha treasury was te Immediately withdraw the additional deposits put In the banks last October, amounting to $80,000,000. To day Mr. Cortelyou Issued an order that the $18,000,000 of additional Currency taken out by. the national banks could be held by them without substituting federal for the state and other bonds with which It Is now secured. This, It is pointed out will pre vent a sharp demand for government bonds for deposit as security.' Another step which will put about $1,000, 000 a day in circulation, ' Is the deposit of customs receipts In the depositories, as provided under the new currency act Tha secretary also has notified bondholders that ha will redeem, with interest to July 1, when they will, mature, any bonds of the 4 per cent funded loan of 1907 to an amount not exceeding 125,000,000. These bonds may bs presented at once. Good Conah Medicine for Children. The season for coughs and colds is now at hand and too much care cannot bs used to protect the children. A child Is much mors likely to contract diphtheria or scarlet fever when be has a cold. The quicker you cure his oold the less the risk. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is the sole re liance of many mothers, and few of them who have tried It are willing to use any other. Mrs. F. F. Starcher of Ripley, W. Va., says: "I have never used anything other than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for my children and It has always given good satisfaction." This remedy contains no opium or other narcorlo and may be given as confidently, to child as to an adult. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Today aad Tomorrow la ! fcraaka Fair aad Warmer la Iowa' Today. WASHINGTON, March 14. Forecast of the weather for Friday and Saturday: For Nebraska and South Dakota Fair Friday and Saturday. , For Iowa and Missouri Fair and warmer Friday; Saturday, fair, warmer In east portion. For Wyoming Fair Friday and Saturday, except rain or snow In northwest portion, warmer Saturday. For Colorado Far Friday In east portion; Saturday, fair. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WKATHER BUREAU, OMAHA. March 14. Official record of tem pemtum ana precipitation, compared with the corresponding day of the lust three years: ltf. 1S- 1. It. Maximum temperature.... 47 20 M 81 Minimum temperature.... 21 12 ifi 18 Mi an temperature 34 -16 30 21 Precipitation 00 .02 .02 .00 Temperature and precipitation departures from the normal at Omaha since March 1, and compariaon with the last two years: Normal temperature 85 Deficiency fur the day 1 Total excess since March 1 S Normal precipitation 04 Inch Deficiency for the day 04 inch Total precipitation since March 1.. .24 Inch DenVKtncy since March 1 82 Inch Kxces for cor. period, lbuS 81 Inch Deficiency for col. period, 19u6 17 Inch Reports from Stations at T P. M. Station and Stats Temp. Max. Raln of Weather. 1 p. m. Temp. fall. Klamarck, clear DO 34 .00 Cheyenne, clear 88 42 .00 Chicago, clear 4o 42 .00 Davenport, clear 40 ' 41 T Denver, clear 46 to .00 Havre, part cloudy 4. M 40 .u) H-lena, cloudy 42 4d .00 Huron, cloudy 3ft 60 .00 Kansas City, clear 46 60 .00 North Platte, clear 4a. 2 .00 Omaha, clear 45 47 .00 KuplJ City, clear 44 60 . 00 St. Doula, clear 88 40 .0u Bt. Paul, clear 3 40 .00 Suit l ake City, clear 43 43 .00 VaU-ntlne, clear WillUtun, cloudy 30 , M .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation. U A. Wt-LSH, total i'wua,lr. Kesftffyll r V''- -f : . ,..-tL MRS. P. R. Duffy 3o Is an absolutely pure, gentle and invigorating stimulant and tonic, It builds up the nerve tissues, tones up the heart, gives power to the brain, strength and elasticity to the muscles and richness to the blood. It brings into action all the vital forces. It makes digestion perfect, and enables you to get from the food you eat the nourishment It contains. It Is invaluable for overworked men, delicate women and sickly children. It strengthens the system, is a promoter of health and longevity, makes the old young; keeps the young strong. Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey is a form of food already digested, and is recognized as a family medicine everywhere. This Is a guarantee. Sold by all druggists, grocers and dealers or direct, in sealed bottles onlyj never in balk. Price $1. Insist oA the genuine and see that the "Old Chem ist" trade-mark is on the label and that the seal over the eork is unbroken. Beware of refilled bottles and spurious malt whiskey substitutes offered fop sale by unreliable dealers. They are positively harmful and will not cure. Illustrated medical booklet and doctor's advice free. Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N. Y. , WORK OFTBE WOMEN'S CLUBS Another Campaign for Buildlne Fuid.Eoou Starts in Omaha. CLARKSON HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION ACTIVE Larce Sams of Money Received Annually by Women for Caorch, Charitable aad Other I'sefnl Purposes. Another bnnd of Omaha women has as sumed the responsibility of raising a con siderable sum of money to be applied on a bulldlns fund. This time It Is the Clarkaon Memorial Hospital association, and the object of Its efforts Is, as the name Implies, the new Ciarkson hospital. It would be an Interesting; and doubtless an amaaina; sum If the money raised In Omaha through the efforts of the women could be definitely ascertained. Even the money raised for special objects, such as build ing funds, would reach well upon Into the thousands of dollars. Probably the largest undertaking of this kind was that of the Toung Women' j Christian association, which resulted In about $120,000, Including the cost of the lot and building. The, hos pital association will raise 120,000, and it will follow the example of the Toung Women's Christian association in making a public canvass. A few years ago the Woman's Christian association raised several thousand dol lars for the purchase and remodeling of the building now occupied as the Old Peo ple's Home. The Omaha Woman's club raised 116,000 for the auditorium and sev eral hundred dollars toward the educational work of the Transmisslsslppl exposition and last year gave 1150 to the public play grounds. There Is not a church In Omaha whose women's societies do not annually raise several hundred dollars for missionary vnd other church purposes, including every thing, from the repairing of the church, and the minister's salary to providing for the poor of the Congregation.' Many of these societies annually pledge themselves to raise from $1,000 to $2,000 for some special object, aside from ths running demands made upon them. Women Do the Hastllaa-. To be sure, the money usually eventually comes from the men, but there Is scarcely a woman who has engaged In one of these financial campaigns who would not pre fer giving the portion for which she Is responsible 'herself to canvassing among business men and others for the amount. It means work of the hardest, most dis agreeable and most thankless sort. It means, in many cases, falling back upon the fact that they are women and an ex perience or two of this kind usually re sults In a well kept resolution to leave the money raising to some one else In the future. But the money must be raised, and so the "aid" society continues to give chicken pie dinners and oyster suppers In winter and Ice cream socials and theatri cals and lectures and various other things the year around. Into which they put mora hard work than ths proceeds could half pay for at an even half fare rate. And In the meantime men cherish woman's methods snd capacity for raising money as choice material for Jokes, cheerfully neg lecting to recognise any reflection upon themselves. W. C. T. I'. Campaign. The Women's Christian Temperance union has commenced an active campaign of temperance work In Douglas counts'. In compliance with the recoaimended plan of work by tha state convention a county Institute will be held at South Omaha the second week In April, Mrs. 8. K. Dally of University Place to be In charge. She will be assisted by Mrs. E. M. Covell, pre Ml. dent of the Douglas county organisation. The purpose of the institute Is to Instruct the women In methods of doing better and more effective temperance work. The local Union 4s negotiating with R. U. Evans, at the head of the Loyal Temper ance Legion work of Massachusetts, to or ganise a local Juvenile union. Plans for this work are not yet perfected, however. At Wednesday afternoon's meeting tM was voted toward the expense of placing the name of Mrs. Martha Park on one of the tablets In Wlllard temple, Chicago. Mrs. Park has for years been a worker In tha looal and state union. ' Ths next meeting of the local uh'on will be held at the nome of Mrs. Mary Q. An drews, In Be mis Park, Wednesday, March X. It will bs tbs educational nieetliiaT aud fleep festered SOUTHARD. mm the state plan of work will afford the subject for the afternoon discussion. Woman's CInb Notes. The National Peace congress to be held In New York April 14 to 17 Is Interesting to many club women, and the clubs In dls. tant parts of the country will be repre sented by delegates or members attending as Interested visitors. Mrs. Carrie Chap man Catt has been appointed to represent the National American Suffrage associa tion. No plans have yet been announced for the Douglas County Women's Christian Temperance union convention. Mrs. E. M. Covell of Omaha Is county president and the meeting wll probably not be held until late In the spring or early In the summer. Mu Sigma Woman's club met Wednesday morning at the home of Mrs. Balllette. Mrs. W. M. Alderson, president of the club, will be hostess at the nc"xt meeting In two weeks. Dangers from tirlp. An attack of grip seldom results fatally, but It Is the indirect couse of many deaths. If It does not result In pneumonia, which Is frequently the case, it leaves Its victim with a cough which lingers on long after every other symptoms of the disease has vanished. The system Is thus left In a weakened condition and Is susceptible to almost every other disease. The grip can be greatly lessened la Its severity if Cham berlain's Cough Remedy lu used, and any tendency toward pneumonia Is promptly checked. There Is no medicine which has met with greater success In the treatment of this' disease. It cures the cough and leave the system In a natural and healthy condition. Sonth Dakota and Its Opportunities. SOUTH DAKOTA, with Its rich soli and favorable climate, offers openings In farm ing1, cattle raising and In every 11ns of mer cantile work. . Low rate homeeeekers tickets offer an inexpensive Inspection trip. New railway lines under construction from Glenham, Walworth county, to Butte, Mont., are opening up a promising country. INVESTIGATE NOW. Descriptive leaflets and complete Information free on request T. A. Nash, General Western Agent, 1E24 Faroam St., Omaha. MEDICAL OPINIONS OF RnnFfqTl ft (W Experience " Fully Demonstrates the Valuo of Buffalo Lithia Water as a Solvent of Uric Acid, and a Valuable Thera peutic Agent in the Treat ment of Gout." .....f W"rn,r A. M., Ph.G., M. D., Brooklyn, N. Y. In a paper so titled "The Treatment of Ooul, Urlo Acid Diathesis and super-fndueed Cystitis lu tha eases ol two idlosyncratle I'aueou," gives full clinical douis of tuese lnterMilni esses, aud Id a lecturs before tbsreoenl meeilncor tha Alatm Marfinai Tk 1 stereopllooB vlsne of the blood end uriue of these patients in dlflareot states of lm- LUFFAJLO LITIIIA VATER k.0! turn due to Urlo Acid Intoxloatlon led me ;piZn-7t D'JFFALO LITHIA V&OTR KtTS i"i,n.".i Wf" raor thn urprled at the amount of Urlo Aeld sand eliminated with each urination, and three weeks from the beginning of treatment not a Usee of the and in four months, wnh LUEFALO an lucreaeeof 5 Haemoglobin, 2uu,0uu red cells aud a normal oount ofwblt eells. wblls t lis uriue appears without any pathological factors. These eases hilly demon- Urate the BUFFALO LITItlA Y.V'JER r-itfttiS ZUl value of treatment el Ueut. "THE MOST RELIABLE SOLVENT IN CHRONIC INFLAMMATION OP THE BLADDER AND RENAL CALCULI." L0UJC- H?r". M . D., Ph. D., Protor of ZHmoms o Children and W lZtp D'JFFALO LrnrmVATEn IWSSK S fii." !?! ilSSlJ 1 a otilrV"i,l"u,d '' Chronic Inflamma tion of the BlaOoer and Roaal Calculi also la goaty aud raeusMtio eooduions. It is a rsmtoy ol great potency." "UNDER A DEBT OP ORATITUDB TO THI4 M05T EXCELLENT WATER POB WONDERFUL RELItP." , yym- C. Wilo, A.M., M.D., LL. D.. oCanfrury, Cbn., reports the following f-Vn. hnuland M.,i icai MunMV. December 16, I,: -Ids reoenl oulbroas of NephVuM BUFFALO LlTSIWVZATER. tVS quickly passed, and the debris which followed showed a tboroulb cleantDs or tha kldoeys aad bladder of all foreign eubttauoee. All of the reflex symptoms and asaueUsi K7w'S Teioet e4 ."rutll'r1 l"UmODX r' ' " s4 PKOr-RlliTOR. BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINQS. VA. Mrs. P. R. Southard, ol N Woodmere, L. I., who was a nervous wreck, and could neither eat nor sleep, was com pletely restored to health by DUrFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY. "I can certainly gay your tonlc-stlm-nlant, DUFFS PURE MALT WHIS KEY, has been a great benefit to me. I was weak, nervous and could not eleep and was troubled with loss of appetite. "DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY, waa recommended to me by friends. I took It, and the result Is that I am stronger and better In erery way, can sleep and my appetite' Is much Im proved. "I write you this, as I thought it was my duty to let you know what your (treat medicinal Malt Whiskey has done for me." Yours very truly, MRS. P. R. SOUTHARD. Woodmere, L. I., Jan. 3, 1907. Thousands of cases like that of Mrs. Southard have been cured during the past fifty years, since DUFFY'S PURS MALT WHISKEY was discovered, whiskey FRUIT MEN AND EXPRESSERS Western Jobbers Gonplaii Bie Companies Arc SisoriminatiDC Against Tbem. t MAY APPEAL TO COMMERCE COMMISSION Grievance is Express Officials Refass) to Retara Empty Banana Crates to ghtpplns; Point Pre of Charge. Local fruit Jobbers assert that they ara being discriminated against by the largo express companies. In that tha companies havs thus far refused to return empty banana crates to the original .shipping point free of charge, as is universally done In tha ; case of empty oyster buckets and beer crates. Secretary E. B. Branch of the Western Fruit Jobbers' association has recently re ceived replies from communications ad. dressed to the general traffic managors of the Wells-Fargo and Adams Express com panies calling their attention to the alleged discrimination. Both companies Intimate strongly that nothing will be done for ths fruit Jobbers with respect -to the return of empty banana crates, as it Is asserted ths charges originally made for the shipment of oyster buckets and beer crates cover ths cust of their apparently free return. It is the belief of the members of ths Western Fruit Jobbers' association that Uu refusal of the express companies to return their crates free of charge Is either an un just discrimination against them or ths privilege extended to oyster and beer Job bers Is directly IrV violation of ths Inter state commerce' acts, and, as such, proper cause for remedial ' action by the In terstate Commerce commission at Wash lngton. T'is express companies that favored Sec retary Branch with replies also allege It would greatly Inconvenience them to change their tariffs if ths concessions requested were to be granted. to suggest this agent to my patients. Ths LITIIIA VJmTER as lbs only sstdt- catlea ased. ws find