Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1907, Page 3, Image 3
TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MAROT 15, 1907. f J The behind the Suit" lip i plisliPlil V. . I I.I .1 I n making, clothes there are a hundred and one ways of "skimping" that the average man cannot detect not. until something goes wrong, and then he doesn t know why. In mak ing Schwab Clothes no parts are skimped; everything, inside and outside, is cut full end generous and put in place skillfully and carefully. Bear this in mind when you buy your new Spring suit Get a Schwab ready-for-service garment, $10 to $25, and you will find it's made to give , satisfaction and not merely to look well. If you are interested to know under wliat conditions Schwab Clothes are made, write (or our new Booklet "The Plant Behind the Suit." It tella all about our model tailoring plant and illustrates some ot our new 1907 Spring styles. Ash your loral dealer it he sells Schwab's $15 Special, our hand-msde leader, with the retsil price " on the sleeve." You'll be glsd you sshed slier you've sees the garments. Look for this Trade-mark: " It's On The Sle Schwab Clothing Co. Makers of Honest Clothes ST. LOUIS, MO. Used by Millions l ''Baiting S f : Powder J' (Viiipl! with th Par 5 Of trTMTjr bUl. Gfie Wales Adding Machine - Is the latest, most modera, p-to-dat Adding and Ukfiog Machine on the market. It must be sera to be appreciated. Correspondence Solicited. Trial Examination Free, A. L. McCreary Nebraska Agent, l. O. TiOX 3U1. UAtULS. WHAT RAILROADS NOW PAI Tixaiii tba Cities oflebrukt Little Help to CcmmnnitUi. NO WONDER THEY FIGHT CHANCE IN LAW While the Resident Tapr Foot las; the Bills lor Maslrlval Gov ernment the Railroad Cos trlbetfoai la Small. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. March 14. (Special.) The fol lowing1 compilation shows the small amount of tax paid under existing law by the railroads at the towns named, and may help to explain why the railroads are fight ing so hard against a change which would compel them to pay on the same bests as other property In cities: ADAMS. Total as- T as Town. Mileage. eessment. sessed. Junlta. r. P.. O 28 t 1.316 I 10.44 Junlta. B. & M., 0.T.2 8.044 Hustings. V. P.. 2.03 9.135 H.istinKS, St. J. & U. I., 166. M.67& Hastings. It & M.. 2 90 44J Rep. Valley, 1.47.. I4.i' C. & N. W.. 10.33J K. C. A O.. 09... 30.4fi) K. C. & O.. W.... if.f0 B. A M.. 1.01 15,24 Neb. A Colo., 0.27 1.KJ0 Hasting, Ilnlln, Holsteln, Roseland, Kenesaw, KenesH w, Ayr, 0.51 , 6.100 ANTELOPE. Tllden. F.. E. 4 M. V.. O.ffU. Oakdale. K.. E. 4 M. V., 1162 Klgln, F., E. & M. V., 0.49.. Nellgh. F.. E. 4 M. V., 1.0U6. Clearwater, M. V.. O.H27 Brunswick, W. 4 B. F I S.. BOONE. Albion. U. P., 0.98 Albion. C. 4 N. W.. 0.83.... Petersburg, C. 4 N. W., 0.68 St. Edwurd, U. P.. 1.41.... Cedar Rapids. U. P.. 1.18.. Primrose. U. P., 0.68 BROWN. Alnaworth. C. 4 N. W., 1.009 Iaiiik Pine. C. 4 N. W., 0.6t2 BUFFALO. Kearney. IT. P., 8.17 Kearney, K. 4 B. H., 8.10.... Kearney, B. & M., 1.92 Shelton, U. P., 1.07 Gibbon, U. P., MS Elm Creek, U. P., 1.64 Amherst, X. 4 B. H., 0.... Miller, K. 4 B. H 1.29 Ravenna, B. 4 M., 1., Pleasanton, O. 4 R. V., 0.61. BURT. Tekamah. M. 4 O., 1.67.... Craig. M. 4 O., 0.86 Oaklund, M. 4 O., 0.66 Oakland, B. A M., 8.106 ft. Lyon, M. 4 O., 0.36 .Lyon, B. 4 M., H mile BUTLER. David City, C. 4 N. W 0.976 ,338 Brum. C. 4 N. W., 0.730 .4,746 l.Inwood, C. 4 N. W.. 1.002. C 6,500 Brainard, C. 4 N. W 0.319 2.10 Surprise, C. 4 N. W., 0.647.. 4,225 Able, C. 4 N. W., 0.200 1,6S0 Uwlght. C. 4 N. W., 0.600.. David City. U. P., 0.7U David City, L. A N. W., 0.61. Brainard, U. P., 0.61 Rlwtng. U. P., 0.60 llvsses. L. & N. V.. 0.60 Bell wood, L. 4 N. W., 0.72.. Uarrlson. L. 4 N. W., 0.56.. CASS. Plattumouth, B. A M., 1.73.. l'lattflmouth. M. P.. 1.36.... Weeping Water, M. P., 1.26.. Union, M. P.. o.w 0.25 P., 0.92... 0.49 M.. 055 8.5 8.044 10,074 A voca, M. P. Elm wood. M. Eagle, M. P., Louisville. B. 4 Ixuitsvllie. M. P.. 0.67. Greenwood, B. 4 M., 0.52... South Bend, B. A M., 0.G9. . 1.R90 7.475 3,'i'iO 6.56 6.046 8.0U0 I.4HS 6.3 3,770 9.3t2 7.7X5 4.485 (.666 8,640 94.081 9,702 19.471 88,760 28,024 2.9H8 6, 930 6.600 3.364 9.096 2,975 4,760 1,770 2,0 1,600 3.250 6.014 3,316 4,024 3.21'8 3.215 4.8M) 3.676 2fl,73 11,5 3.133 1,950 7.176 3.822 Wauneta, B. A Imperial. B. 4 CHASE. M.. 157 M . 0.85 CHERRY. Wood Lake, B. 4 M., 0 644.. 8.510 Valentine. B. 4 M., 0.794.... 6.1S5 Cody. B. 4 M.. 0.2t5 1,765 Merrlam, B. 4 M.. 0.508.... 8,302 CLAT. , Sutton City, B. A M., S.ZSs ft ,628 Sullon City, K. C. 4 O.. 4,2U ft 8,977 Howard City, B. 4 M 6,276 ft 15,458 Howard City, C. 4 N. W., 4.3i5 ft 6,900 Clay Center Val., K. .C. A O.. 2,640 ft 2,500 Hay Center (Lyrm.), K. C. O.. 960 ft 900 Olenvllle Val., St. J. A O. I 4.026 ft 4.965 Fairfield City, St. J. A O. I. I ml., 7S7 ft 7,668 Edgar City, Neb. A Colo. Iml., 787 ft 8.894 Edgar City. St. J. A Q. I.. 2,f3 ft 1.625 Ong Village. Neb. A Colo., S.40S ft 1.870 COLFAX. Schuyler. N. P.. 1.01 18.379 I Schuyler, O. A N. P., 0.56.. 4,6,5 Rogers. U. P.. 2.03 86.941 llnweur, c. i. v , ... o.o Clarkson. C. A N. W., 0.79.. 6.136 Leigh. C. A N. W.. 0.90 6,860 CUMINO. West Point, C. A N. W., 1.61 9.815 Wlsner, C. A N. W., 1.01 6.65 , Beemer, C. JN. w., o.w... ,. Bancroft. M. A O., 0.V9 8.716 I CUSTER. Calloway. U. P., 07 I.0M Mason, B. 4 M , o.3i ife Anslev, B. A M., 0.75 475 Broken Bow. B. A M., 0.75.. 4.876 Merna, B. A M.. 1.07 8.956 Anaelmo, B. A M., 0.69 4,486 DAKOTA Dakota City, M. A O., 0.71.. 8.112 Dakota City. B. A M., 0.80.. 2,4p0 B. Bloux City, M. A O., 1.93.. li.4ta B. Bloux City, W. A S. r .. I. aw U.4W DAWES. Chadron. C. 4 N. W.. 1.01... 6.5 Crawford. C. A N. W.. 0 89.. 6.785 DAWSON. Overton. U. P.. 2.53 1,664 Lexington, u. r.. Cosad. U. P., 1.24....... 1.311 Gothenburg, U. P.. 2 31 1.636 Verner. U. P.. .89 297 Eddyvtlle. U. P.. 1.08 178 Farnam, Neb. A Col., 2.79.... 712 DIXON. Emerson, C. St. P.. M. A O., 1.21 Wakefleld, C. Bt. P., M. A O.. .21 Concord, C, Bt. P.. M. A O., 1.16 Pones, C. St. P.. M. A O., .87 Allen. Wllmar A 8. F-. .375 DODOE. North Bend, B. C. A W.. .78 Fremont, 8. C. A W., tl35.. Fremont. C. A N. Ww t0.. Fremont. C. A N. Wtf 2.42.. Hooper. C. 4 N. W , .62 Scnbner, C. 4 N. W., 1.17.... Snyder. C. A N. W., 185 ... Dodge, C. A N. W.. .69.... DUNDY. Benkelman. V4 ml FRANKLIN. Rlverton. .74 . Franklin. 1.60 Bloomlngton, Campbell. .68. Upland, 2.01 .. HUdreth, .77 . 1.01 FURNAS. Beaver City, .88 Hendley, .96 WIlHonvllle, 1.01 Oxford. .51 Fdlaon, no levy Arapahoe, .60 Holbrook, .60 Cambridge. 1.03 OAQE, Fllley. B. A M.. SO Blue Bprlnga. B. A M . 1.04.. Wymore. B. A M., 2.78...... Odell. B Adams, B. 4 M . 1 Beatrice. B. A M.. 148 Beatrice, R. I . , Beatrice, IT. P., 168 Cortland. V. P.. 64.... Barnston. V. P.. l- GARFIELD. Burwell, B. A M . .60 OOSPER. R4 26 2f.78 44.10 1,256.1 4U. . 289.38 91.36 16 (W 109.37 11.34 80.60 El wood. Neb. A Col., - .47.. GRANT. Hyannls, 1 80 GREELEY. 16 90 183.13 13.00 141.14 60.16 48.00 148.70 124.09 37.70 93.(13 124. tfl 44.86 187.11 1U3.74 2.91(1.63 441.8,1 920.77 25(2.07 810.O9 430.30 2"J.2 23.72 84.60 .7;i 226.09 66.63 64. W 23.90 61.20 80. U0 126.78 47.45 30.80 32.60 100.28 66.30 40.24 72.66 48.75 46.80 28.60 909.95 3K3.04 157. 26 81. 33 9.75 71.76 19.11 84.03 20. W 80.44 128.09 125.80 17.0-' 10.53 71.89 17.65 497.89 j 252.64 71198 264.40 128.25 48.16 148.64 458.12 627.38 209.68 158,67 887.69 93.50 235.69 17.70 87.80 122.85 89750 822.02 163.48 270.62 SO 80 67 34 116.99 KI7.26 217.79 44.83 48.89 I960 11483 79.80 249.47 185.12 238.47 236.47 225.66 420.36 178.66 252.11 167.40 Cairo, O. I. A W. C, til.... 13715 Grand Island. V. P.. 2 31.... 42,086 Grsnd Inland. U. P.: Q. A R. V.. .71 4.884 Grand Inland, U. P.: St. j. A O. I.. HO 11 Grand Inland, B. A M: Rep. Valley. M .JO0 Grand Island, B. A M.: CJ. I. W. O., .08 I HAMILTON. Aurora, n. A M., 1 38 18.B1 Glllner, B. A M , .44 4.4' Hampton. B. A M , .27 2.70 Mar inette, B. ft M., 57 6 7m Htnekham, C. N. W., .25.. 1.82S I'hllllps, C. A N. W.. .53 6,3 HITCH"OCK. CulherUon, R V.. 1 19 ll.Urt) Culbertson, R. V. 4 N., 1.22. 4.ssi Trenton. R. V., 157 15.7'0 Stratton, R. v., 103 lo,3'0 Palisade, R. V. A W.. 1.13.. 4.520 HOLT. Ewlng. C. A N. W .34 22 Hastings, B. A M.. 2 S 44.83 O Nell, C. A N. W., .93 O'Noll, W. A 8. F., 1 67 H Atkinson, C. A N. W., .63.. 33 Stuart, C. A N. W.. .58 37 rate, W . 4 S. F.. 1.38 69 HOWARD. St. Paul, B. A M., .76 4.W Farwell, .50 2.750 St. Paul, V. P . 1.28 8.445 Elba. U. P.. 1.32 8.710 Danburg, U. P., .34 2.240 Boelus, U. P., .50 8,0 KEARNEY. Add. .26 15 Add. K. C. A O., .90 4o Minden, .52 S.M) Mlnden. K. C. A O.. .90 4 .5"0 Axtell, N. A C. .76 4.680 Wilcox, K. C. A O., .64 2,200 JEFFERSON. Falrbury, R. I., .75 7.6W Nehsinblne, R. I., 1.12 67 Nebsnihlne, St. P. A Q. I., 9.4 6.110 Plymouth, It. I., .68 6.WNI Dlller. B. A M.. 1.19 ll.t0i Enillcate, St. J. A O. I., 1.05.. Endicate, 1.29 2.9"0 Reynolds, B. A M., .60 6.0"0 Dykln, B. A M., .36 1.8"0 Steele City, 8t. J. A G. I., .$8 2,470 JOHNSON. . Tecumseh, A. & N., 1.12..:... 11,200 Crab Orchard, Rep. Val., .36 3.600 Tecumseh, Rep. Valley, .69.. 8,9"0 Sterling, A. A N.. 1.03 10.3OJ Cook, M. P., 1.62 3,260 KEITH. Ogalalla, U. P., 8.05 65,502 KIMBALL. Kimball, 8.03 230 KNOX. Bloomfleld, B. P. M. A O., 1.09 9.285 Wauna. 1.25 10.626 Crelghton. C. A N. W., .33 2.145 Wlnnetoon, C. A N. W., .66. 4,230 Verdlgrce, C. A N. W., .72.. 4,680 LANCASTER. Havelock, C. R I. A P., 1.75. 17.500 Havelock, B. A M., 2.10 32.428 Unl. Place, C. R. I. A P.. 1.23 12. 3"0 Unl. Place, B. A M., 121.... 18,718 West Line. C. R. I. A P., 0.02 2"0 West Line, B. A M .03 140 Hallam, C. R. I. A P.. 1.27.. 12,700 Waverly, B. A M., 0.77 11.911 Coll. View, B. A M., .75 14.CK0 Firth, B. A M., 0.36 2,700 Hickman, B. & M.. 1.68 I6.8110 Hickman, M. P., 1.50 9.750 Roca. 0.40 4.000 Bethany. .88 6,8i;4 Raymond, U. P., 0.40 2,639 LINCOLN. North Platte, U. P., 1 53 27.80 Sutherland. U. P.. 1.0U7 18,325 . MADISON. Madison, U. P., 1.08 6.P93 Norfolk, U. P.. 0.61 4.025 Norfolk. C. St P. M. A O., 0.68 4.M) Norfolk. C. A N. W., 2.27.... 14.756 Battle Creek, N. W 0.76 ... 4.940 Meadow Grove, N. W 0.78.. 6.070 Tllden. N. W 0.27 1,755 Newman Grove, N. W., 0.79.. 6,135 MERRICK. Silver Creek. .68 10,558 Clarks. .63 11.44 Central City, 1.30 23 657 Chapman, 1.17 21,2X1 Palmer, 1.64 8.470 NANCE. Fullerton. TT. P., .64 3.53 Genoa. U. P., 1.87 12,337 NEMAHA. Peru, B. ft M., .78 6.240 Brownvllle, B. A M., 1.15.... 9.2o0 Nemaha, B. A M., .09 720 Johnson, B. A M., .35 3.600 Auburn, .60 6,000 Nemaha. .14 1.4W Auburn, M. P., .60 4,250 Brock. M. P., .50 8.900 Julian. M. P., .50 4,250 NCCftCOLS. Superior. 7.38 4.810 Superior, .60 2,700 Superior, 1.00 10,000 Oak, .4S8 83,250 Nelson, 0.90 6.400 Hanly. 1.04 10.400 Lawrence, 1 13 6,780 Lawrence, .75 3,375 OTOE, Nebraska City, B. A M., 1.83. 14.640 Nebraska City, Dunbar, 036 . Syracuse, 0.53 Unadllla. 0.64 Lorton. 0.29 . Talmage. 0.16 Berlin. 0 37 .. Burr, 0.66 .... Grant, 1.02 ... Madred, 1.49 126. PERKINS. PHELPS. 19.126 4.240 4.240 4,320 1106 1,070 2,788 4,290 8,978 6,811 10.286 102.86 1.785 87.47 .770 T.77 ,3u6 181.33 18 16.25 13.6S0 186. 96 16 186.53 80.9.16 8m).03 16.730 408.98 3..VO 60.84 7,6i6 140 6 16.276 106.92 8,s?5 61.36 270 170.00 88 35.96 150 13.60 101 64.60 52 40.40 6 46.07 46 80.03 85 83 79 88 38 48 20 1 39 36 24.64 60 22 68 60 27.00 103 82.62 3.000 45 00 10.4O0 832.80 n.WiO 861.80 6.00 sow 12.91") 84 60 23,738 622. 8.S3 )f 77 10.424 29 33 4.222 42 22 . 6,663 (2 32 1SU0 49.60 1820 2S.20 117 93 60 7.7O0 38 SO 4.S35 267 I.U06 28 19.83 178 51 t,6u0 JW.CO Holdrege. 2.30 Bertrand, 1.09 PlERCHt Pierce, C. A N. W., 0.68 Plulnvlew, C. A N. W.. 0.66.. Plalnvlew, O. N 0.788 Osmond, 1.339 PLATTE. Columbus, U. P., 2.0 Columbus. L. A N. W., 0 83. Columbus. O. 4 R. V., 0.39.. Platte Center, O. A R. V 0.61 Tarnov, O. A R. V., 2.0 Humphrey, C. A N. W., 0.08 Creston, C. A N. W.. 2.14.... Humphrey, C. A N. W 0.33 Cornlea, C. 4 N. W.. 298 ... Llndaay, C. 4 N. W., 0.68... POLK. Shelby, 0.30 Osceola. 1.26 Btromsburg, 1.42 RICHARDSON. Shubert, B. 4 M., 0 .08 Verdon, B. 4 M., 063 Verdon, M. P., 0.08 Rulo, M. P., ill Falls City, M. P.. 0.78 Falls City, M. P., 0.75 Dawson. B. 4 M., 0.28 Humboldt, B. A M., 1.0 Stella, M. P., 0.88 SALINE. Crete, B. A M., 1.09 Crete, O. A 8. W.. 0.58 Crete. M. P.. 140 Dorchester, B. 4 M., 0.78.... Friend. B. 4 M., 0.45 Wllber, O. & 8. W.. 0.87 Tobias. K. C. 4 P., 0.027.... Western, Neb. A C, 0.68.... Swanton, Neb. 4 C, 1.01.... Dewttt, O. 4 B. W.. 0.61 Dewltt, N. 4 C, 0.26 BARPY. Papllllon. U. P., 0.66 Bellevue, B. 4 M., 166 Springneld, M. P., 0.50 Uretna, B. 4 M . 0.84 Fori Crook. B. A M., 2 14.... Fort Crook, M. P.. 114 SAUNDERS. Cedar Bluffs, C. A N. W., 0.50 Morse Bluff. C. A N. W 101 Colon. C. 4 N. W., 1.98 Wahoo. C. 4 N. W, 1.448.. Waboo, O. 4 R. V., 1.73 Wahoo, O. 4 N. P.. 0.80 Ceresco. C. 4 N. W., 0.754.. Yutan, O. 4 R. V 0 89 Mead. O. 4 R. V., 1.01 Weston, O. 4 P- V., 1.18 ... Valparaiso, O. 4 R. V., 1.74. Ashland, O. A N P., 0.79... Ashland. B. A M.. 0.41 Memphis. O. A N. P.. 0.98... Ithaca. O. A N. P.. 067 Maltno, N. P., 102 Prague. C. 4 N. P., 0.53 SCOTT'S BLUFF. Mtnatare, 2.23 fccotl's Bluff, 1.S1 Mitchell. 8.97 SEWARD. Germantown. Neb. R. R-. 0.34 Seward, 0.88 l a mora. 8.62 Utica, 0.50 pleaauntdale, L. 4 N. W., 0.88 Beward. L. 4 N. W 1.47... Bee. C. 4 N. W., 1.60 Seward. C. 4 N. W., 0.20.... Beaver Creasing, C. 4 N. W., 1.18 SHERIDAN. Gordon. 1 672 Rushvtlle. 1.629 liay Springs. 6 21 SHERMAN. n 2 7H8.88 89.00 234.6s 178.70 88 148 88 36 64 23.33 30.78 16.26 69.00 89. CO 64 no 54 20 89. 00 22.10 1.25. 16 8 2.26 417 50 135 2 ) 61 86 69.35 75 24 13 75 432.01 43. 56 28.40 S3 (10 31.20 9).0O 19.60 9K.(io 22.80 32.00 196.00 174.72 158. xs 12 00 23 0 47.87 90.30 25.00 18. 0 17.29 229 61 46.80 141 45 72.10 16.26 886.00 145.44 92 65 106,25 21.45 21.45 32.76 806.26 58.52 246.00 874.8 .20 .24 im so 47.64 224.00 36.10 117.60 68.25 20.00 68 84 ' 26.39 857.48 91.63 160.84 107.87 131. 8S 394 70 49.40 50 70 17.56 77.03 10S.R5 171.96 700.71 2)291 69.29 89.08 186.06 93.60 138.00 7.20 65.00 89 00 55 25 39.O0 Lmin City. V. P.. 1 T.ll Itockvllla, U. P.. 8 44 22.6 STANTON. rilgr. H 8.750 Stanton, 1 60 THAYER. Chester, N. A C. 0.27 24 Chester, Hep. Valley, 0.61... 76 Hebron. N. A C, 1.26 161 Hebron. C. H. I.. 1.40 18 Belvldere, N. A C., 1 11 66 Brunlng, N. 4 C, 0.35 15 Gllead. C. R. I.. 0.17 22 Deshler C. R I 0 50 Alexandria, St. J. 4 G. I. 0 2 17 Belvldere. St. J. A O. I., 0..65 35 Carleton, St. J. A O. I., 0.26 17 Iavenport. St. J. A G. I.. 1.10 63 Davenport, N. W., 0.64 31 THURSTON. Pender, 1 mile 8.500 Thurston, 0.57 6.375 Emerson, 0.28 2,380 VALLEY. Ord, tT. P., 1.13 7.455 Ord, B. A M., 1.37 7.5.A North Loup, U. P., 0.44 19"3 Arcadia, B. A M.. 1.44 7.9J0 WASHINGTON. Blair. M. A O., 1 mile 8.600 Calhoun, M. A O., 060 5.i) Herman, M. A O., 0.035 2.975 Blair. C. A N. W., 1.36 8.775 Kennard, C. A N. W., 0.71.. 4,615 Arlington, C. 4 N. W., 0.76. 4.9W WAYNE. Wayne. M. A O., 1.66 13.20 Winalde, M. A O., 0.93 7,820 Carroll, M. A O., 1.10 9.S50 Hoskliis, M. A O., 0.92 7.8JU YORK. Gresham. C. A N. W., 0.47.. 3,055 York, C. A N. W., 1.86 lt),7 Henderson, C. A N. W., 0.56 3.375 Waoo, C. A N. W., 0.50 3.95 York. C, B. A Q., 0.58 4.616 Bradshaw, C. B. A 14., 0.37V8. 37.0uO Benedict, 0.60 2.0110 York, I.06 6.3110 McCooL 0.52 2,600 FIRE 11 SCHOOL, BIT NO 123.61 72.24 22.76 67.25 15.80 41.31 ls.8 18.01 43.29 9.75 22.20 17.55 85.10 17.23 63 b.1 81.20 85 00 63.75 23.80 146. 93 146.93 2U 0.1 79.20 SOUTH OMAIIA POLICE BOARD New Cemmisiioi of Three Members ii Appoioted by GtTtrnor Eheldon. THEIR AUTHORITY BEGINS AT ONCE Governor Isrna Bill laereaslnsj the Monthly Kalarles of the ( aptalas of rollee Foree la Omaha. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 14.-(Speclal Telegram.) South Omaha has a new police board, by appointment of Governor Sheldon, made up of Wesley P. Adklns, A. H. Murdock and W. C. Lambert. The new board, consisting of three members, will succeed the old board, consisting of four members, which Ji.4.'S. I ha' Deen ousted by the enactment of a 4 38 l1 lailirieu u UIURUII tt I IU Blliru U ' ' ' . ' 1U ' . n . , Tl. . 1 M I . . ... 1 ... n.l 1.. I n 148.18 ' governor. 23.(18 183.02 23-(i8 - sttthiiiit mpnt ntiH lh governor therefore 212.16 10.4S 112.20 78.20 commissioned the new members at once In order to prevent a hiatus In the police government of the Magic City. The bill prohibits more than two of the members being chosen from the same political party and a A mnicniinnM AHkln. ami ( 1 1 1'fl n . ' W 6-'o'82 B m as republicans and Lambert as a 15.91 democrat. Adklns Is In the livery business I70 08 ! and formerly served In the city council, Itib.W 1 having also been the unsuccessful repub lic. 25 I llcan nominee for mavor In the last city J election. Murdock's last position was that 160.80 PAMC Chlldrea March Out la Good Order and Damage Is Slight. FREMONT, Neb., March 14.-(Speclal.) The lire department was called out this morning by a email blaze In the attic of the West school building. The children marched out without any panic or disturbance, al thougii when those on the second floor came Into the halls and saw the people rushing In they were strongly tempted to run. The damage was small. The flre department was called out about 2 o'clock this morning by a flre which proved to be a burning haystack eaat of town. 997.7B 396.84 180.88 62 68 6 19.80 138.39 223.74 686.80 6.31 M.ih 26.92 621 134 Beatrice Prepares for Teachers. BEATRICE. Neb., March 14 (Speclal.) Elaborate preparations are being made for the Southeastern Nebraska Educational as sociation, which will meet In Beatrice April 8-5. Two of the prominent speakers from abroad are E. G. Cooley, superinten dent of the Chicago schools, and O. J. Kern, superintendent of the Winnebago county schools, of Illinois. Some of the leading educators of the state are to ap pear on thu program also. The music for the session will be furnished by the Beatrice schools. local talent: the Peru normal quartet. Miss Reed of Auburn and the Wllber High school quartet. Exhibits of art and other school work will be presented by the Beatrice city schools and the rural schools of Gage county. The Woman's club will give a reception for the association and the Commercial club Is making all possible arrangements for the comfort, convenience and enter tainment of the visiting teachers. President Carrlngton says that Indications promise the largest attendance In the history of the association. Slabaugh, and Lambert was once city at torney In South Omaha. The bill makes the mayor an ex-offlclo member and pre siding officer of the board, but without any vote or participation in the duties. Governor Sheldon also signed the bill Increasing the salaries of the captains of the Omaha police department to 1125 a month. This will give them an increase of $15, as they arc now said to be getting 2110. The bill fixes $126 a month as a minimum and leaves It to the police board, should it so desire, and funds permit In the future to increase the pay further up to a maximum of $160 a month. New Depot at Colombna. COLUMBUS, Neb.. March 14,-(Speclal-The Union Pacific will build a new passen ger depot hero, large enough to accommo date the Immense business of the road at this point. It is thought It will be east of the new freight depot Juwt completed. 8.9TO 827.41 4.251 42.51 4,420 61.68 4,225 92.96 3,177 87.94 8,OU0 88.00 S6.395 618 72 6.395 81.72 S.KI2 66.17 3,J4 4J.06 13,196 13. iO 627 11.08 14,660 101.92 2.145 46.06 19,370 38.74 4,420 44.20 29 29.89' 187 1H7.04 208 2u6;10 800 8.20 6,3u0 87.80 680 4.08 21,100 211.00 7,600 95.00 6.376 79.69 2,800 16.80 10,0110 210.00 7,480 I. 688 837 26. 6,240 104.81 9,100 182.00 12,06 14).67 6.961 6D.63 7,80 167.21 100 100 4.00 40.80 6,00 S0.30 6,611 44.09 1,660 12.48 II. 828 118.28 23.942 .43 8,900 36.10 7,140 67.12 19.334 88.67 19,334 86.67 32 86.00 130 130.66 12,870 77.22 9,860 224.64 11.414 174.38 6,8X) 115.20 4.876 68.60 6.872 87.38 6.6M 26.46 7.785 69.38 U.4M) 146.16 6.716 o.W 6.343 8 15 8,3JU 17.64 6.6M5 16.08 8.670 4. 4.5U5 73 14 F. 10.035 100.36 6.8.6 6s. no 17.8(4 178.66 1720 104 7.W0 133.76 4.160 37. 4 4.0UO t'.u) 6.5oO 22.88 9.65 18164 10.4.A 62.32 7.800 148.20 7.870 J2.04 147.97 11436 8S.6J 149 104 08 7J 186 88 8.iJU M.I4 23 karat wedding rings. Edholm, Jeweler, DIAMOND fa Tenser. iBcn and Dodga NEBRASKA FROM DAY TO DAY aalnt and Carloas Features of Life la a Rapidly Grow ing State. People who plant potatoes on Good Fri day may have to shovel snow before pre paring their ground. Norfolk Helps Wayne What would Wayne do If there was no Norfolk for a target? Norfolk News. Now that the Vermilion Ice gorge has broken, Dixon county farmers are assured of good crops, since the water will likely pass before time to plow. Thieves Leave the Box A short time ago Chalmer Bwltser butchered a hog at John Whlteman's. Nothing strange about that! The strange part came when he took the spare ribs and backbone home In a box, nailing It up and leaving tt on the porch to freeze. When he went to get them the next morning they had disappeared. Some one had taken everything but the box. NehawVa Register. Why Reypolds Moved Several years ago Bob Reynolds took an upright homestead In the Custer county sand hills, and he would till be there if It had not been for a little gust of wind that came by one day and turned his well inside out and spilled the water, blew the cellar from under the sod house, blew away the township line, changed the day of the week and blew the mortgage off an adjoining section onto his quarter, knocked all the cracks out of his wire fence, and landed Bob in good old Kearney again. Kearney Hub. DR. YOINO ASKS IX VESTIQATIOX Declares World-Herold Charges Show Malice on Their Face. NORFOLK, Neb., March 14.-(8peclal Tel egram.) Dr. Young, superintendent of the Norfolk Insane hospital, with regard to an attack In an Omaha paper from a former employe. Issued this statement tonight: "My attention hoe been called to the ar ticle In the World-Herald headed 'Neglect Charge.' The article, written by a dis credited employe, shows upon its fane Its malicious intent and requires no reply. I have forwarded the article to Governor Sheldon, together with a refutation of the contained charges, and have asked for an Investigation. I am responsible to Gov ernor Sheldon for the proper conduct of this institution and stand ready at all tlmea to have a thorough examination mnde Into the affairs of the hospital. A committee of seventeen members of the present legisla ture visited the hospital some six weeks ago and their favorable report bespoke no such condition ae described In the article. "Should you wish more detailed Informa tion. I am sure that you will find ready access to it in the governor's office. News paper men are Invited to visit the hospital ajid every opportunity will be given to aid them in arriving at a correct knowledge of the conditions." DRIGHT'S DISEASE CUItED Thote Paint in the Small of the Dack Are Really Prxini in the Kidney and Ought to Warn All Who IUtc Them ! Attend to Their Kidneys at onee by Takinf WARNER'S SAFE CUR.E WHICH 13 A PCRK CVRF. FOR ALL FORMS OF KIDNKY. LIVF.R, PI.AlnKR AND BLOOD DISKASKS. IT HAS t TRI.I) TIKHHANHS, IT WILL CCKK Vt'V. A TRIAL BOTTI.K ABSOLt'TKLY FHKK TO F.VkrY RKAI'KH OF THE DAILY BF-K Mr. Umirg Banehsrt. for many years a highly resperted motorman on the ls Moines, la., street railway, on account of kidney disease, which for twelve years hid troubled him, gave up Ms position for years. Ho was cured by Warner's Safe Cure and Is hark at work again. News of Nebraska. T'PLAND The new Farmers' Grain com pany Is now doing business at the old farmers' elevator. BEATRICE The Union Pacific Railway company has donated 325 to the firemen's monument fund of this city. RANDOLPH At 2 o'clock this morn ing the venerable B. Wentworth pasaed away at the age of nearly 77 years. HARTINGTON At the annual meeting of the Cedar County Telephone company a dividend of 8 per cent was ordered. NEBRASKA CITY William Gallerman and Miss Emma Reuter were married Thursday at the home of the bride's par ents, near Syracuse. PAPILLION Judge Kennedy came here from Omaha Thursday morning and called court, but there was no rase ready. He ad journed court to April 22. 1'1'LAND-Mrs. B. M. Taylor, who had been ill for some time, died at her home here on Monday. The funeral took place at Mlnden on Wednesday. BEATRICE Fred Talbert, colored, was arrested here tonight on the charge of desertion of his wife at Lincoln. He will be taken there tomorrow. COLUMBUS Less than 83,000 Is to be raised on the subscription for the Young Men's Christian association building to bring up the full amount to $30,000. RULO L. O. Hurn died at his home at the age of 77. Mr. Hurn served In the union army during the civil war and lo cated In Rulo after the war closed. UPLAND The record price for land in this vicinity was secured by Frank Oster lund recently, lie sold his quarter section two miles north of town for $12,6o0 cash. BEATRICE The Fulton bloodhounds were taken to Valparaiso, Neb,, yesterday to be utted in running down tne parties who robbed a store at that place Tuesday night. HERMAN The snow has now all melted and farmers have begun to get ready for their spring work. A few more nice days like today will see them busy at It. ASHLAND-The amateur presentation of "The Merchant of Venice Up to Date" at the opera house by the students of the high school was highly successful and well attended. BURWELL District court, which has been In session here this week with Judge J. R. Hannah of Greeley presiding, closed Wednesday evening. The docket was light, only one important cabe being tried. BLUE H ILI The famous tax suit of the First National bank of Bllue Hill against Webster county, which has gone through (Continued on Fourth Page.) We Open As Advertised Saturday morning, March 16, 1907, at 9 o'clock. Promise made good from the start. W will be ready for business on the above mentioned date and Invite the public of Omaha and vicinity to Inspect our large and complete lines of Heady-to-Wear Clothing for Men, "Women and Children. This store Is "different" from the other you have been trading with. We sell everything for cash or on easy payments. USE OUR OPEN ACCOUNT SYSTEM We offer you lower prices easier terms better service and better treatment, than you can obtain elsewhere. It will pay you to watch our windows bargains in every one of them. EVERYTHING MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Uivion Clothing Co. 1315-1317-1319 Farnam Street n MR. GEOHGK BANUHART. "After suffering twelve years from kidney and bladder trouble I was Induced to try a bottle of Warner's Safe Cure nnd can't help but write and tell you of the wonderful relief It gave me. It Is certainly the greatest remedy for Bright'! dis ease that I have ever tried, and I have tried them all. The doctor told me that my ense was hopel-ss and through a frh-nd I was persuaded to try a bottle of Warner's Safe Cure, and I am now In condition so that I am at work every day." (Jeorge Banghart, Des Moines, la.. May IS, 1906. CURES KIDNEY DISEASE. When the kidneys are diseased the uric acid Is not carried off and this causes Gout, Lumbago, ltheum:ititui of the Joint, Itheumatlsm of the Muscles, Rheumatism Of the Heart, Rheumatism everywhere. In Bright's disease the bowels are often constipated and the liver torpid. War ner's SMfe Pills quickly relieve this condition, and no 111 after effect Is experienced. WARN' ICR'S SAFK Cl'RK Is put up in two sizes and Is sold by all druggists, or direct, at 60 CENTS AND Jl.oo A BOTTLE. Refuse substitutes containing haimful drugs which Injure the system. TDIAf IlftTTt P ITCITF To convince every sufferer from diseases of the kld laiHbOUl 1 L, C tyk neys, liver, bladder nnd Mood that WARNER'S SAFH CURE will cure them, a trial bottle will be sent AUSOI.L'TKI.Y FREE, postpaid, to any one who will write WARNER'S SAFE Cl'RK CO., Rochester, N. Y., and men tion having seen this liberal offer In the Omaha Pally Bee. The genuineness of ihli offT Is guaranteed. Our doctors will send inedlcnl booklet containing descriptions of symptoms and treatment of each dlncnse and many convincing testimonials, free, to ' everyone. -ji in f tt. II r ' y x '. I - e S P 1 1 n ;-!,;''-: i n to one who has U A, TrlPT-,Mre.,. aU ii ilHMiiT .... THwaag I(ahnWertheimer&Smith(5s -111 sRANtf CoIledfeCIothes cost less than half as much as the crack custom Tailor charges for like quality. If your dealer hasn't 'hese clothes in stock, we'll gladly direct you to one who has e 0 0 0 VI A UNION PACIFIC EVERY DAY To April 30. 1907. SHORT L1XE w FAST TRAINS NO DELAYS Be sure your tickets read over this line, Inquire at City Ticket Office, 1824 Farnam St. l'tioiie louglaa 834. No Matter What You Want Bee Want Ads Will Get It Wolbaeh, 1.40 Greeley. .77 Bcoti. ,M HALL. Wood niver. U. P.. .09 Doniphan, bu J. A O. I., 1. Ash ton. L. A B. Luud Cltv. 1.32 .. H.. 171.... LHchflelJ. G. L 4 W., 1.28.