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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1907)
TI1R OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FKIDAY, MAltClI 15, 1007. 7 i . a - r 7 tnck yards. Beversl of the mbr op posed the motion because a sifting com mittee had been appointed, and they thought this eornmlttee should pa" B he measure, and If It. refused to report It back to the hcuse there would b plenty of time of shooting ever the head of the com mlttee. Primary Reglstratloa gtaads. The f unionists of 'the house this after noon tried to kill H. R. T, a bill providing ft frustration of voters on primary day. la the commute of the whole the fuslon lets wert euceeKuful, but when It came to a roll call on the motion hot to concur In the committee report, enough republican stood for this most vital companion of the primary bill to overcome the deflections of republicans and the horde of fusloniets, led by Cone ;f Bnundera. and the very honor able Mr. Qunrkenbush of Nemaha, whom the republicans surrendered to a few days ago. Borne of the republicans voted to kill the bill In retaliation' for the tleup of republicans and fuslonlsta, while others believed It would result. In too many voters getting out In the large cities enO, towns. Dodge and Walsh both spoke for the bill, while Cone spoke to kill It. The rote was 4 to St In favor of passing the bill. Once more the tun Is shining In the office of the state auditor and In tha office of the land commissioner for their recent hard labors have borne fruit In great gobs for thorn. The house this morning Indefinitely postponed H. R. "426 by Hurt of Tork. the bill to remove Mr. Eaton and Mr. Pearls from the Btate Board of Equalisation and Assessment White It lived the bill was a mighty nightmare to these two men, but Its friends found the persistent appeals made by Baton and Bearls to stand by the nominees of the repttblkiah state conven tions had done Ita work and there was no occasion for a fight. The pops too, It was understood, would vote to retain these men on the board In the hope they would make some campaign thunder next fall. Among the bills which the committee of the whole renommended for passage was 8. F. 2S0, thf same as tha McMullen bill, providing the state treasurer shall be the ex-offlclo treasurer of the Btate university and shall pay out the Morrill fund, the Hatch fund, the Adams fund and the cash fund without appropriation by the state legislature. Cone t Baunders fought the bill bard. He called attention to the letter by Hon. Peter Mortensen, who set out the dangers In such a measure In that It al lowed the" regents to aide step the const!' tutlon which provides , the state auditor shall .audit' and Investigate every claim filed against the state. Tha auditor .does not. audit the university accounts, and under this bill whan It becomes a law, when the regents say pay, tha auditor must draw his warrant. When this la done the state treasurer must hand over the money and no injunction can restrain him be cause he Is the. university treasurer and not the state treasurer in this case. Cone fought like a man to safeguard the state money, but the university lobby headed by Regent Allen Was too much for him and . be went down to defeat, almost alone. Barns, Slnra Governor. v Joe Burns of Lancaster, who has always stood out against any legislation curbing tha power of the railroad and other lobbli-a, took a lert-handed Jab at ' Governor Shel don today because tha chief executive In the exercise of the prerogatives of his of fice sent a special message to the senate yesterday asking that aome legislation di rected against the lobbyists be enacted The Lancaster "reformer" offered a resolu tion to amend H. R. 18, the ahl-lobby bill, which the governor asked to have consid ered again so that It will Include the gov. srnor as well as the legislators in Its scope. The evident attempt, of the. Lancaster sounty senator to reflect on tne chief ex. soutlve fell rather flat when the resolution was read ami It was' Immediately referred to the committee on Judiciary which has H. R. 18 In charge. . " Just before the resolution was offered , '.he senate administered a spanking to the tenalor' from Lancaster by. turning down several tt " his recommendations for the lnauriince committee, of which he Is chair men. The first " punishment camo when Burns reported on 8. "P. 441, by Bckett, which provides for a leglstativo investiga tion of life Insurance companies. The committee report was for Indefinite post ponement, but tho senate voted to override the committee and place It on general file, ' whero It m!gj)t bo discussed. Immediately after this Burns reported for Indefinite postponement B. F. 590, pro viding regulations relating to the election of directors of mutual life Insurance com. panles. Burns made a plea against allow Ing the bill to go on general file and '.fkened' the present agitation for public regulation of public corporations to the grange movement In the '70a. He declnre-J it would result In a "financial hell'' and said the legislature la treading on danger ous ground. However, the motion of Baokett that the bill go on general Die carried. The discussion on these motions was warm and the friends of Insurance meas ures declared the insurance lobby waa retting In Its work On the Insurance eom nlttee and Epperson aald he did not op poso adverse action on his bill In the com ailttee because he preferred to take his dances before the entire senate. It was tharged that' P. J. Cheney, the Toledo patent medicine manufacturer, had been tiding the Insurance lobby In Us work. Larder's bill providing for a tweive-nour ihtft for Omaha firemen was recommended lor. passage In the senate committee of ihe whole this afternoon without any con llderable opposition. Thomas of DoUglat Moved that It be. engrossed for third read 5E Seen and Heard in "Best shoes he ever had" "Why have I not come here before for Bhoes?" "Very gatlsfactory. Let me have another pair of the game." These aro expressions we hear every day In our Shoe Section. Our business growi larger every day. It may pay you to investigate. Our new Spring Shoes are here NOW. Below are de scribed a few of them: UOWI TO SHOE . Finest French patent calf vampa. with brown oor. rulf tops, tip toes, i-tart-rlsht make: bites Vs to lufe M.TS bites t to X ta.00 Sites to for baby ll.0 wrra vor natozs Misses' and children's Onet French patent cuif vamps, plain toe, white calf tops, button spring heel. Start-right make. Sites 11 to I S3.85 Sites ISi to 11 -2.7S tiui I to I , ....fca.oo Sites 1 to for babies Sl.M MU) MOiri MOCI Mlastts' and children's finest brown calf. Up toe, button shoes. Start-right niaae. Sites 11 to 1 tl.OO Sites t to 11 ..ij.bQ Slioa i to I tl.7t Sites t lo I for babies.. ..t.ils New catalogue t running thro' the preaa. Writ for It now. ing and the motion carried without debate. etbark for Cnlld Ukof Rill. The child labor bill had a setback when It came up before the senate today for final pasnnge. After considerable discus sion It was referred back to the committee of the whole for specific amendment. Borne of the country members are still dissatis fied with the bill because they thought that amendments adopted by the committee of the whole were satisfactory to the agri cultural Interests, but when It came up today Byrnes of Platte wanted It aent back for another' amendment, and this was done. The friends of the measure voted for the motion In order to head off another one by McKesson of Iancaster to send It back to the agricultural committee. A quietus was put on the 8undny base ball agitation In the legislature today when Aldrlch a bill. 8. F. 230, was Indefinitely postponed without so much as r discussion of Its merits In committee of the whole. A . week or two ago the house killed Its Sunday base ball bill and the action of the senate ends both the bills, which were In troduced to enable the playing of the na tional game In IJncoln on the first day of th- week without the aid or consent of Ttev. Bamuel Zane Batten or anyone else. The senate bill had been changed by amendment, but waa "till acceptable to the fans who were behind the movement The summary action headed oft what promised to be a lively debate on the merits of the bill. The Ktjng anti-pass bill was pn"d by ttvs senate today wttnout any nuveraw uvr. Gibson and Gould were absent when the vote was taken. Patrick. Wlltse and Ran dall explained during the roll call that the measure did not meet their entire ap proval because the provision as to the la suahce of rasses to employes waa not drastic enough to suit them. , , CnmmlHlos Bill Advanced. The senate sifting committee tonight ad vanced the house railway commission bill to the head of the file and It will be taken up at the meeting of tha committee of the whole tomorrow. ROITINB PROCKEIMXUS OF IESATK Home Returns Anti-Lobby BUI on Reqaest. (From a Btalt Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 14.-8peclal.)-House Tbtl No. IS. Jenlson's aptl-lobby bill, which was killed by the senate the early part of the week and revived again at the Re quest of Governor Sheldon, waa before the senate this morning, having been returned by the house. At the request of McKesson of Lancaster, who said he would support the bill If It were properly amended, It was referred to the 'Judiciary committee after the vote Indefinitely postponing It had been reconsidered. A disposition to pass the measure was evident but those who opposed It probably will Insist on some changes being made In It. At present it prohibits psld lobbyists from seeking to In fluence members of the legislature upon any- subject but It does not forbid persons who are Interested themselves In measure working with the legislators. Either from the reaction against the lob byists manifested yesterday or because they took the hint that they were not wanted, very few of them showed up In the senate today and the gallery and lobby waa almost entirely deserted. In committee of the whole the senate this morning passed on the following bills: V H. R. 110 By Scudder. Forbidding the stealing of rides on passenger and freight trains. For Pasaage. 8. F. 81 By Phillips. Relating to the disqualification of Justices and Judges. For passage. 1 H R. 61-Bv Klllen. To prohibit the pooling of bridge contractors. For passage. 8. F. 230 By Aid rich. Sunday base ball bill. Indefinitely postponed. H. R. 130 By Brown. Allowing ballots to be printed In two columns Instead of In a single column. Indefinitely postponed. H. R. b By .Byram. Regulating the gambling houses. For passage.- 8. F. 243 By Kendall. Providing for the Incorporation of grand and local lodges of fraternal ornanltatlons. For passage. 8. F. 244 By Randall. Permitting frater nal nrgRnlsatlons to . build .homes for the aged ond poor. 11. R. 106 By Steinauer. Relating to the charters of state banks. For panige. 8. F. 277-By Root. Requiring certain classes of corporations to pay wages twice a month. For passage. 8. F. 384 Relaxing to the Btate Bureau of Commerce and Stttistlcs and conferring upon It the- powers to Investigate corpor ations given t the national bureau. For passage. The . principal discussion came on the last named bill. Ashton of Hall thought the powers conferred were too brood, as they permitted the investigation of any business that is Incorporated. Root offered an amendment limiting these' powers to public utility corporations, but the amend ment was voted down, King declaring that the wholesalers and retailers in certain classes appeared to be In a combination, and might need investigation. ' Clarke of Adams secured the adoption of an amend ment Including hotels in the list of con cerns within the scope of the law. The bill was recommended for passaga. At the afternoon session the following bills were passed: B. F. t By King. ' The anti-pass bill. 8. F. Ill By Wilcox. Placing Itinerant physicians under the Jurisdiction of the Btate Board of Health and providing for a yearly license fee of $500. B. F. 344 By King. Fixing standards of requirement for college degrees. 8. F. 4 By Gould. Providing method of Investment of school funds in state warrants. 8. F. 377 By Luce. Providing for entry of townsltea by corporate authorkles and to validate deeds for townslte lots here tofore Issued. 8. F. 19 By Epperson. Allowing the issuance of hall Insurance on crops. 8. F. 242 By Randall. Providing for a the Shoe Dept. BSD BHOKg Fine deep red kid shoes, tip toe. spring heel, button. Start-right make. Site. t to 10 Sg.80 Sites i to 8 moo bites 1 to for babies tlias wKITB aCOXIKTsT BSOXS Children's genuine white buck skin pearl button shoes with very broad toes and medium weight WH.klng sole, very durable and the most easily cleaned of Any white hoe. Start-right make 'tol w 60 WKITB BrTTOaT azoxa Fine texture white sea Island canva pearl button shoes. tuJrl rtght make. Bites 11 to 1 ' iaM sit.s mo u :: : JaS bite. I to iiii stvs i u. -for babi;:::::;;ijs Special Bhoes with low heels for gins wearing ladles' sites. wnlf bonnty by the state In counties which also pnv a bounty. 8. F. IS By King' A Joint resolu tion for a constitutional amendment pro viding for seven members of the supreme court and Increase the r"V supreme Judges to 4.50 and of dlntrtrt Judnes to fft.onn: Buck, litta. Luce, OX'onnell and Thome voting no. The senate then went into committee of the whole, with Wilson in the chair, and acted on the following measures: II. R. 177 By Leeder. Providing tho dou ble shift for Omaha firemen. For passage. 8. F. i2 By Randall. Retiring two thirds majority to adopt sewer proposition in cities of the second-class and villages. For puses. is II. K. W By Brown. Authorising county board to establish and maintain detention homes. For passwge. 8. F. r By 8mkett. Providing notes given for Insurance premiums shall not be transferable. For passage. 8. F. Rv Klnir. Prohibiting county Judges In counties having less than 20.K inhabitant from practicing law. inaeii nltely postponed. 8. F. 840 To allow counties under town ship organization to have a separate super visor for each township. For passage. ROITISK PROCEEDING" OF HOISFI Committee of the Whole Arts ou Number of Bills. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March It (Spial.)-The sifting committee of the house sppolnted this morning got busy at once and reported back the following bills for the general file: H. R. 151 By Carlln of Rock. Provid ing; a divorce shall not be granted unless the coniplalnsnt has lived In the state two years or over since the marriage. it R. 69 My McMullen of Urnro. Mak ing the stute treasurer the ex-offlclo treas urer of the state university. H. R. '3-By Hlvstone of Lancaster. Fifty thousand dollars for a'men's building at the Lincoln asvium. H. R. 407 By the commltte on privileges and election. Providing for registration In cities. H. R 4H9 By Wilson rf Custer. Making It optlrwvHl whether school districts buy text troks. H. R. 3! By Alderson of Madison. One hundred thousand dollars for building at the Norfolk asvium. H. R. 3)2 By Whitney of Barpy. Two thousand five hundred dollars for improve ments at the state fish hatcheries. H. R. 2R9 Bv Reich of Lancaster. Pro. vldlng a contract between a school board J and teacher shall be binding on both. H. R. 16l-By Walsh of Douglas. Seventy-five thousand dollars for n machinery building at the state fair grounds. H. R. 76 By Armstrong of Nemaha. Ap propriating 1-mlll levy to the State uni versity. The house passed the following bills: H. R. 447 By Cone of Baunders. Provid ing for bond Issue for sewers In small towns. . H. p. 812 By Cone of Baunders. Provid ing for red gasoline cans. H. R. 47 Anpropriating 30.fKW for a building and 127.000. for maintaining the orthonedln hospital In Lincoln. H. R. 871 By Clarke of Douclaa. Provid ing for redemption of real eaiate sold un der tax decree. In committee of the whole the following bills were acted upon favorably: H. R. 408 By Blystone of Ianeastcr; ISO.fOO for men's building at Lincoln asylum. H. R. 3SS By Alderson of Madison; amendment to read 89S,0u0 for buildings at the Norfolk asylum. H. R. 76 By Armstrong of Nemaha; one mill levy for university, of which 15,000 Is to buy. text books to be sold students at cost. .' H. R. 161 Bv Carlln of Rook: amended that complainant must reside here one year before securing a divorce. H. R. 40ft Bv- Wilson of Coster; making It notional whether school districts buy text boobs, was Indefinitely postponed. ROOSEVELT CALLS BLUFF (Continued from First Page.) , . TT ... ., presdency of the Union Pacific. His retlre-J . , . . , ment was a voluntary act on his part. I .. , . . .. , From the way I found the Union Pacific i , ... ji. organised It seemed that In order to nave to make certain officials presidents," said Mr. Harriman, smiling, "or In some other way harmonise the organization. I think and I thought a great deal of Mr.' Burt aa a railroad man. I would have, liked to have brought him to New York and had hlra next ( to me. Ho told ma, however, that he -w'lshed to leave the Union Pacific on account of his wife's' health. He had never traveled and he wished to spend a year abroad. We parted the best of friends, and when In New Tork Mr. Burt calls at my home." Effect of Retrenchment. When Mr. Harriman was subsequently asked what would te the effect on general business with the withdrawel of the rail roads from the iron and steel markets, he replied : "I do not wish to answer that question. I have been asked It before." "Would a check to business be the Worst thing that could happen?" -' "It might not b an unmixed evil," Mr. Harriman said. "The railroads now have more business than they can hnndle. A slowing up would mean the curtailment of expenditures, an Increase In the surplus of the rood. It would mean also a lessened demand for labor and a reduced demand for mcney. These , In consequence would become cheaper. "There are various Items In the railroad Improvement the hire of labor, the ma terial, etc. If more must be paid for the hire of money, then there must be a re duction In the amount paid for the cost of material or the hire of labor. "There Is so much money to be spent and the Increased coat of one Item means a decreara in the other two. The railroads must hold net eamlnga and, as I have tried to make plain, the total costs are bound to be distributed. "A check to business Is of o urse better than a full stop," Mr. Harriman added, "but what would be applicable to a full stop will be measurably true of a alow up." Wants I.ecalled AKreements. When Mr. Harriman was asked for a solution of the national problem, he said: "We want the Bhermnn anti-trust law repealed so far as It relates to the rail roads. I believe It waa not intended that Its provtakns should embrace the railroads. It was so asserted at the time the measure was under discussion prior to Its enact ment. In the Transmlssourl case tried un der the Sherman anti-trust law It waa finally held that ail agreements between railroads were In restraint of trade. What the railroads desire is that they be allowed to make agreements under the regulation and supervision of the government. This would allow the railroads to do an Inter state commerce business. "If equitable ratrs and agreements ap proved under the proper authorities of the national government could be Inaugurated, then legislation by states so far as It re lated to Interstate traffic might become null and void. We bel'eve that If the na tional government should approve our rates as being reasonable the action would be reflected In tha State legislatures." SUGAR JURY DISAGREES Ha Verdict la Case Where I.arka wanaa Railroad la t tamed with Rebatlns. New Tork, March 14. After a half day's consideration of the evidence the Jury In 1 the criminal brapch of the United States circuit court reported lte today that tt could not agree on a verdict In the Dela ware, Lackawanna A Western rebating case. Judge Holt Immediately discharged the jury.' The railroad was charged with giving rebates to tha socalled "sugar trust" through payments of lighterage charges to. Lowell M. ltlmer, owner of Palmer's docks ana t rattle manager of the sugar company. To freveai ike Urlp. Laxative Bromo Quinine removes the cause. To get the genuine call for full name and look for alg nature of C W. ttruvs. Xo. JEROME BEC1NS REBUTTAL Dr. Austin Flint f iji Thtw Wti VtcUUy Irspsnnble Whfn He Ehot "Whit. HYPOTHETICAL QUESTION READ TO fXPtRT It Contains is.OtM) Words and tow tains All Evidence la Case Haainael Caatradteta Mrs. Thaw's Testlmoay. , NEW YORK. March ji-AnsWerlnr the same hypothetical question. In response to which the alienists of the defense declared Harry K. Thaw waa suffering from an un sound mind and did not know the nature or quality of his act when he shot and killed Stanford White, Dr. Austin Flint, the first expert called today by . District Attorney Jerome In rebuttal, declared It to be his opinion that Thaw positively did know (he nature and quality of his act and knew that the act was wrong. When court adjourned Mr. Delmaa had not be gun hla cross-examination of Dr.' Flint, who Is the first of six alienists to be called by Mr. Jerome. After receiving Dr. Flint's answer to the Delmas hypothetical question, Mr. Jerome had read to the witness the prosecution's hypothetical question which contained some 15,000 words and which required one hour J and eighteen minutes In the reading. Dr. Flint again said without qualification that Thaw knew his act was wrong ' and Is therefore liable for the murder In the first degree under the statutes of the state of New Tork. Mr. Delmas Indicated that he would cross examine each expert searchlngly. Mr. Jerome's sanguine prophecy that the taking of testimony would be concluded by - to morrow night has been abandoned, and those concerned In the case again look to April 1 as the earliest moment of closing the trial. Ilnnimel Contradicts Mr. Thaw. Abraham Hummel was on the stand again today and before Mr. Delmas could object to a question put by Mr. Jerome the wit ness had got Into the record the statement that Evelyn Nesblt had told him that sho had Informed Harry Thaw lo Tarls in 1P03 that Stanford White positively had not drugged or betrayed her. Mr. Delmas at first moved, to have the question and an swer stricken from the record, but as the district attorney seemed about to consent to this plea, he Insisted that the answer stand. Hummel's further testimony was halted until Mrs. Evelyn Nesblt Thr.w again takes the stand to testlfas to whether or not Hummel was acting as her attorney when she made the statements to him which were afterward embodied In an affidavit It was reported tonight that District At torney Jerome may be called to the witness stand In sur-rebuttal by the defense. The purpose, It was sold, was to question Mr. Jerome as to certain actions against Abra ham Hummel, who was a witness today. This move was taken as a reason for the defense allowing much of the Hummel testimony to stand today. t Dr. Flint's Testimony. Dr. Flint when called to tha aland stated his qualifications as an expert. He said he had for' twenty-five years made a spe cialty of mental diseases and has many times testified a an expert. He said he . , ... . , .. rod read letters placed In evidence, the ... . . .. , .. . . ' will and codicil und the letter to Anthony . . . ,, , . . Comstoek. Mr. Jerome then began to read tn . , which Mr. Delmas had submitted to hi. experts. When he had concluded reading the Delmas question to Dr.. Flint District Attorney Jerome said: "AssumlnaalMhese facts to be true, did the man who shot and kilted another know the rature and. quality of the act and know that the. act was -wrong?" Mr. Jerome put hs question In the form of the statute which defines the character of the Insanity which excuses crime. "In my opinion," replied pr, Flint., "he knew the nature and quality of his act and knew that the act was wrong." Mr. Jerome now said his own hypo thetical question would be read to the wit ness. He Asked all the., otfier experts to listen closely, evidently In the hope that vhen the time comes Mr. Delmas will not Insist tlpon the question being re-read to each witness. The district attorney culled upon bis assistant, Mr. Garvan, to read the question, and when Mr. Garvan began Jerume left the room. Thaw's counsel, with copies of the question In their hands, followed the reading closely. Jerotnr's Hypothetical Qnestlon. The hypothetical question covers prac tically all of the evidence In the rase. It contained about 15.000 words. Throughout the question Thaw was referred to as "H. K, T," and Evelyn Nesblt as "E. N." The question covered the. entire life of Thaw, as It has been testified to by various witnesses. It told of Thaw's various dis eases as a child, of measles, mumps, whooping cough and St. Vitus dance. In 1001 Thaw met Evelyn Nesblt, then a chorus girl. Boon after he sent her a $50 bill lr. a boquet, which she returned to him. He saw her at various times, and finally In March, 1903, he sent the girl and her m ther to Europe, where he Joined them. In June In Paris he proposed mar rlig't to her, but . she refused him. Practically In her own worda the ques tion detailed her story of what happened In the Twenty-fourth street studio on the night on which she claimed Stanford White betrayed her. The effect of this story on Thaw was detailed at length, ta was the trip which Thaw and Evelyn Nesblt, travel ing as man and wife, made in Europe. The story of the subsequent relations of the two was then gone into. Including the second European trip, the marriage and other events leading up to the night of June 8. when Thaw shot Stanford White on the roof garden. Several thousand words were required to give the substance of James Clinch Smith's testimony regarding Thaw's actions on the roof garden before the shooting, this being the testimony on j which the district attorney principally re lies to show that Thaw waa not Insane when he did the shooting. Then came a long description of the actual shooting. Thaw's letters, the will and codicil and the letter to Anthony Comstoek, all of which are In evidence, were then referred to, as were tha convetsotlons between Thaw and his wife, in which he told hsr of other girls whom he said had suffered at White's hands. - All Featarea of Testimony Reviewed. The testimony of the elder Mrs. Thaw regarding her son's conduct when he re turned home from Europe In 1903, which she described as unusual and unnatural, was given. Then at much length, the conversations WfstfllMIMtMfiH fflHlffiisTr -1 "1 1'TTTWT NO TIRED BRUHS II fou tat Grape-Nuts To prove it, fry for 10 days.. "THERE'S A REASON" r Moll and Thone Orders Iterflv rrompt Attention; -Ially Deliveries to South Omaha India Llnon and Dimities rinln India Llnon and Irish Dimities, checked and hair line, that are worth 12 Vie, on sale Friday, per yard... So Mercerized White Goods Checks, satin stripes and open lace effects, reg ular )c quality, Fri day only laViO Waistlngs 25 pieces Mercerised Madraa Walsting, nov elty sheer linen finish, pretty floral designs, and worth S5c yard, Friday only lo Figured J&cquards White ground, in dainty printed colored pat terns, bow knots, stripes, spots and em bossed designs, a 89c value for, Friday S8o Now Daylight Yes, the Flour Bale Is still going on and Itja surely a winner. lbs. Daylight Peerless Flour and one pound can Of high grade coffee free ' JO lbs. Granulated Bugar and I lOo pkgs. of Ice Cream Powder free. ..11.00 5-1 1. ran hlirh vrade Breakfast Coffee, same as belngedemonstrated S0c I GINGER BNAP8, pound 10 bora of- Diamond C Boap and 10c can of Rex Lye for ..'. o Head Rice, usually sold at 10c and l!c, on sale Friday for, per lb 6c Rumford's Baking Powder, 1-lb. can and biscuit cutter free 25c -lb. can hand packed, whole, sound, ripe Tomatoes, 15c each, dosen .,...ll.6 2H-10, can same quality 12VjC each, dozen $1 Sweet Corn, can 8c In the Tombs between Thaw and the alien ists' were related. . No feature . of the case that could pos sibly throw light on Thaw's mental con dition was overlooked In the question. Mr. Oarvan finished reading the Icing question at 4:26 p. m., having been one hour and eighteen minutes at the task. Mr. Jerome then arose and asked Dr. Flint If In his opinion aa a scientific man, Thaw, when he shot White knew the nature and quality of the act and that the act was wrong. "In my opinion," aald Dr. Flint, "the person described as Harry K. Thaw, when he shot Stanford White, knew the nature and quality of his act and' knew that the act was wrong." This concluded Mr. Jerome's examination, and he turned Dr. Flint over to Mr. Delmas or cross-examination. Mr. Delmas asked for an adjournment until tomorrow morning to prepare 1 for the cross-examination and Justice Fttx gerald granted the request. DOWIE'S FUNERAL IS QUIET Body Arrayed la White Robe Apostle la Laid to Rest. ol CHICAdO, March 14. The funeral of John Alexander' Dowle was held In Z on City today and, was quiet and unostenta tious. A small portion of the magnificent choir that formerly officiated at the tabernacle m hvmns. The body was arrayed In 4 the wonderful white robe which deceased had worn since he assumed the title of 'first apostle of the Christian Catholic church." . Six weeks before he died, John Alexander Dowle prepared his own funeral sermon. It was decided not to permit It to be read at the funeral, however, leat It should bring greater dissension In Zlon City. The re ligious settlement Is now torn asunder by factions. In an effort to bring the warring Interests together, Judge Barnes preached a simple sermon. In which he extolled the good qualities of the dead man. The sermon prepared by Dowie was given out for publication. This sermon makes tt plainly evident that Dowla did not forgive his enemies before he died, as he lashes those who ousted him from control as "dogs of hell." The sermon concludes as follows: I shall return, and with ruthless hand shall 1 exterminate the vipers and the dogs hnM t hu hltrh nlacee in the city of Zlon. They dreamed, and In the grossness of their dreams they thought they had prevailed over the first "Pottle. And now, priests and eldera of Zlon. I shall return to- strike down. I shall return in another form, brighter and more beautiful and ten h"u""dm.,'Vn" . "'1' terrible to cut ye ofT In the miost 01 your sins' and to win back Zlon for the truth and for them that held to me wora nu am no evil. MEETINGS JU MITCHELL Methodist Hold CanveaUoo aad Odd Fellows' Orand Lodae Ha Special Sesstoa. MITCHELL, B. D., March 14. (Special Telegram.) Two hundred Methodist minis ters, Ep worth leaguo members aad those Interested In missionary work gathered in Mitchell today to attend conventions of the three socletiea The roinlttert concluded their session last night, and this morning and this afternoon the Epworth league and the missionary peo ple are holding conventions. Prominent speakers In the various lines are present, two foreign missionaries being here. It Is the largest gathering of these bodies that has ever assembled In the state. A special session of the Odd Fellows' grand lodge waa held In this city last night, with an attendance of 100 members of the grand lodge. The session waa held for the purpose of conrerrlng the grand lodge degree on past grands of the state who were unable to go to Pierre for the session In May. Thirty-one past grands were present and received Hha degree, the work not being completed until I o'clock this morning. At midnight a magnificent banquet was spread In the banquet hall, plates being laid for 180, and a royal good time was given visiting members. , HYMENEAL Vallaadlaa-ham-Oaka. John R. Vallandingham and Haxel M. Oaka were married Wednesday evening by Justice of ths Peace W. W. Eastman, at 14 North Seventeenth street, where they will make their home. Both bride and groum are recently from Des Moines, Mr. Vallandingham having been with the Iowa Fruit Preserving company there. He will now Iocs', m Omaha. The bride also moved here a short time ago. Barnes-Cam m lags. George W. Barnes and Lottie B. Cum mlngs were married Wcdnesduy afternoon by Rev. Charlea W. Buvldge. The bride Is daughter of Robert Cumniings. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes went to Chicago for a visit. 'Jj'jX n 1 o;-rf 1 ' jU M 1 1 " 1 t See) Our Window Bargains for Friday r Ittr That J-ully sustain Oar Great Bepntatlo. as X.ow Prtoe Maker. Ai,1"lor' I...'. . Sp.ct.1 Skirt Sale Friday. .. I . . . 0 jnn pxirts m niarK, Blue, Shadow i tiwu. ranamas, i,h'v , "" Vnj Kyes every skirt this spring's style In plented and models, some button trimmed, and not one In the whole lot worth li-ss than $5.00 and many worth .00 and 8..S0! Your choice Friday, only 83.98 TB3 rABKIOZT 1TEST Or THE SEASON. Oar Orand Mllllnsry Opening Saturday. The Opening Special will be 112. tin and 18 pattern hats S4.B8 Bee announcement In Friday evening paper. Hew Spring Waists. White French Lawn Wolsts with assorted eixe polka dots, solid tucked front, tucks running full length of front, very full sleeves, nlcoly tailored and neat, made to sell at 75c. Friday for 60o SIXB.8. Friday will he a memorable oay In the silk section for prices have been put to the lowest notch 20 for example our reg ular (9c quality of Phantung Pongee silk In the real natural tan shade, guaranteed to wear and to wash. The bargain silk plum of the season, per yard 33o rriday from B to 10 a. m. eoo aad 39a All Over Smbroidsry for,' per yard 16o Grocery , Items Tomatoes, can --loc Baked Beans, can c Kxtra Sanitary Prunes In cartoons, 1 lb., 12Hc; lbs., snc; & lbs 40c No. 1 Creamery Butter, pound 3to Fresh Country Eggs, doxen 16c Don't fall to see our great Grocery Automobile Window. 1 1 1 Wall Paper Speci&l Just received a new large shipment or dainty bed room, parlor, hall and library wall paper In patterns rang In prloe per roll from 1VC to. . . .10c 5,000 rolls of bed room stripes at, per roll, only c l.nno rolls of Parlor Pattema, worth 20c, for, per roll 10c 2,000 rolls of Library and Hall Patterns, a gilt edged bargain, roll only , .l-'o LOUISVILLE STRIKE 'en'ocept Terns of Conference Commltttt and Beturn to Work Today. SERICUS RIOTING DURING THE DAY Mob of Thoarand Attacks First Car Oat and Police Cor- , poral Is Badly Iu ' Jnred. LOt'ISVILLE. Ky.. March H.-By a unanimous Vote tonight the 800 striking union employes of the Louisville Railway Company agreed to accept the terms agreed on by their executive committee and the officers of the company. All of the strikers will go back and full service in the city and suburban lines operated by the com pany will be resumed by tomorrow noon. The strike began at 6 o'clock last Sun day morning and caused practically a complete tleup of oil the company' lines. . The moat , serious rioting since tha street railway etrlke began was witnessed at 11 o'clock at Fourteenth and Chestnut streets. Five cars were -broken to pieces. Several persons were badly Injured. Iho mob numbered 1,000 and when the first of three cars reached the scene the j fortunes and against the Idea of their des outbreak' began. The cars were smashed j cending from generation to generation, with stones and the entire front end of one 1 These against whom the president In car was torn out. Other cars were literally ' velghed are those who are not giving a torn to pleoea and many, stores and real dences In the vicinity were damaged. When the riot reached Its height and the police saw that they would be unable to cope with It by ordinary means they began firing over the heads of the crowd, but this only Increased the fury of the mob. The surging mass of men and boys then made a determined attack on the police. Police Corporal Injured. Curing this onslaught Police Gorporal Whitman was hit In the head with a rock and badly hurt. ; Those of the mob who were Injured In the rush were hurried away by frlenda. , .. The attack came aa a result of the gates at a crossing being down to allow a train to pass. When the gates were raised the motor man turned on the current and jumped off the car. A big delivery wagon going up Chestnut street was struck by the flying car. ' The ' car was demolished and the 1 horses and wagon thrown over on the side, waik. The car was left crosswise on the I . ijaca;. The strike tireakers Jumped oft and were charged and chased by the mob. A number ! of the strike breakers were badly beaten, The fleeing men ran through the yards of private residences and many escaped, po lice reserves were hurried to the scene with all the mounted policemen that could be reached. They charged tha crowd re peatedly. Farley, the strike breaker. Is In the city. Twelve policemen. In addition to Captain RUey, have been suspended from duty up to noon today for Insubordination. Forty Cars start. The fifth day of the street railway strike showed some betterment over yesterday's meager service, about forty cars being run by this morning. All were manned by Im ported strike breakers. The oars were screened with heavy wire netting, to protect motormen and con ductorst Automobiles and wagons contin ued to carry most of the passengers. The police, with an added force of 100 extra men, appear to have the situation well In hand. The mounted police ' have been brought In from the suburban districts and are being used to accompany aome of the cars through districts which have been scenes of disorder. Police Captain Thomas O'Reilly was sus pended todsy for Insubordination. He was ordered to put six of his men on a car leaving the East Broadway barns, but re fused, telling Chief Guenther over the tele phone that the strike breakers aboard the car were thieves and thugs and all armed. He waa thereupon summoned to the cen tral station and hla men aaslgned to other districts. There were numerous arrests In the business districts and revolvers were drawn In two Instances. tmtet at Waterloo. WATERLOO. Ia., March 13-(Speclal.)-Peace and quiet prevail in this city and service on the Waterloo, Cedar A Norlliern systems has been continued without Inter tuptlun duiinT the past twenty-four hours. Forty extra police are patrolling the streeu, but there have been no disturbances for the past two days. Sympathy for the strikers has Increased since the lawleasmss and rowdyism of the last of the week has ben abandoned. The mayor of the city has ex- Ahray) .Iteaiy'ntcr tat fv) ra Winn Days fcos. m Coffer & Wafers Nerved FREE All Inr In Our (Irocery Department Third Floor a card, only . IllacK Head Mourning Tins, SKM-lal lo Nickel l'late.l Safety I'lns, 3 sites, special a doten 340 Good ISc Tooth Hrush, -special Friday So 0-in. Tapo Measures, special t for lo Iiiss Makers' Pins, spe-, clnl, ths paper le Chinese Ironing Wax, wood handle lo Large Cahlnct of As sorted site Wire Hair Pins, per box only flo Bhcll and Amber Hair I'lns, dosen In box, spe cial go Mrn's Handkerchiefs, fjns , doten linen camhrlc handkerchiefs, gort . slr.e and nn excellent value atio 4 Basement Bargains KHc, 15c, IfiSe Ml'BLINB. dHc A notable offering Friday. Finest TruesdAlO, Dwlght Anchor and Fruit rtf the Loom Muslins, Cambrics and Im perial Ixing Cloth In lengths from I to 10 yards, and sells over counter at 12t4c. 16c and lf.!,c, and Friday they go at double quirk time at only, yard 8Hc 3.76 FCRU Cl'RTAINS. M9-Frlday while they last we will sell 12.75 pretty Ei ru Lace Curtains for, per pair.. tl. 49 Another lot at .! $1.J6 1.60 Roman Btrlpe Couch Covers Fri day at 9Sc each. Great! $1.35 pure geunlne Feather Pillows, lim ited number, Friday 9So LADIES' 15c STOCKINGS. 9eBlaok or tan, some lace ankles, other lace allover. Instead of 16c Friday only 9c CHILDREN'S 21c 8TOCKING8. UHc Extra fine, strong elastic rib. faat black and worth :0o and iba pair UVto pressed his thankfulness to the general public for assistance rendered during the riot. BRYAN SPEAKS IN BOSTON Xebrasknn Addresses Bay State Legl lators oa the Problems of Cor poration Control. BOSTON. March 14. William J. Bryan arrived In Boston this afternoon for a visit which will Include many receptions and speeches.' The chief object of Mr. Bryan's visit was the delivery of an ad dress tonight at Tremont temple. Mr. Bryan later snolte to Harvard students. After paying his respects to Governor Guild today, Mr. Brynn visited the legts. lnture, addressing both branches. He spoke at some length of the rate legislation and declared the ardlness In procuring the final rate bill with Its amendments, wag a good Illustration of the Influence corpor ate wealth exerts over legislation. He be lieved that the tendency today Is toward a more strict control of corporations, but ha did not think that this meant evil for the Investors.' "It means," declared Mr. Bryan, "that the natural man whom God made shall not always be trampled upon by the man-made giant that' the legislature has created. It was no wonder,'1 said he, "thai president i Roosevelt had cried out against the swollen service that la at all measured by the money they receive.'" DIAMONDS Frenaer, 16th and Dodge. Herd's ja corn cure that does Voen relieve the pain Does remove the corn , , Does allow you to walk in com fort. . Does it in three day. .' , Does It whether corn is a soft one or a deep callous De Mars' Corn Cure is tbe one that dees. It has proven that ia does in hundreds of cases. Never failed yet whore it was used properly. There's comfort for you in a bottle of it. Only costs IB cents. Surely comfort is worth that. GUARANTEEED. BEATON DRUG CO. rifteeath and Faraam . Alt t SUM K NTS. BOVD'3 Mcra. TONIGHT SATURDAY MATIXEK SATURDAY ISABEL IRVING In the comedy SUSAN IN SEAICH OF A HUSBAND Cast Includes Marie Walnwrlght, Jste Itett. Edith Lemmert, Hasaard Bhort; Ernest Mainwarlng, Herbert Standing. A. G. Andrews. COMUro Faul Ollmore. BURW00D JESS TONIGHT THE CRISIS Nest week What Happened te Joaos AUDITORIUM AUTOMOBILE "ISHOWp March 13 to IS. - ' Immense diapUy of Automobiles and Auto-Boats. Creat Airship "Nebraska" Superb Moving Picture Show and Orchestral Muslo. Admission It cents. CwttCtttOH PHOMC DOUG. Voalglit aad otarday Matlaee and Bve MODERN VAUDEVILLE Bice and Conn, Zdward Staves, ft Co, Sdonla aad I awards, It. Oage Bros., Oart msll and Xarrla, A. dolUe, Morrow a4 ohsllberg aad t& Klaodroma. rtoe 100, , LOO.