12 THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MAIiCII 15, 1907. 35 3 1 3 3 y 3' 3 51 3 3, 35 3' 3 3 i n HI H n M M H f . R.EMNANT DAY AT IMANDEIS Odd L, Broken Dolts and Rem runts ! Fine String Goeds Will Di Sold Friday at Prices (hat Will Sur.lj Make This the Biggest B&rg&.ii Da.y of the Yca.r 50c and 60c Dress Goods at 25c Yard Remnants of cash meres, eerges, panamas, mohairs, cream rz stripe and fancy suitings, from 3 to 10 yard U 1 lengths, worth up to 60c yard Main floor at, yard All Wool Imported Henriettas Remnants in shades of cream, red, brown, navy, gray, tan and black T TK if sold off the piece would cost 69c yard y V in lengths from 2 to 8 yards at, yard Jr v Remnants of All Wool Mill Warps Can be used for f A -vnrinnn nnrnnsps in Basement at. vard vv Bargain Square of Laces Thousands of yards of the finest wash and trimming laces, in desirable widths torchons and Vals. white, cream and ecru all new and pretty pat terns special big bargains yard Embroideries a.t Daintiest and most elaborate new lnsertlngs made on high quality Swiss and Nainsook widths most In demand, worth up to 2 0c a yard at, yard REMNANTS 3i Manufacturers' eilk samples every mill has an accumulation of these silks we buy them at a fraction of their cost. For Friday, a fine lot, running from 1 to 18 yards 2f $1.25 yard at, yard. Iligh grade dress taffetas, yard wide; also five pat terns in fancy stripes, coin dots, etc., worth OA $1.50 yd.-at, yd...OZC BLACK TAFFETA SPECIAL feta, rich luster and will wear well regular price 75c yard at, yard. OMAHA REMNANTS OF in Brandeis New Basement White dress Swisses, woven pin dots, dress Remnants gingham lengths, splendid various checks at, yard Quality; special price, yd . 15c Beautiful mercerized white waistings Jac quard effects, poplins, etc., 25c and 35c white 111 One big square piled high with short lengths plain color ed mercerized waistings at, yard FORENOON ONLY. Various grades and lengths bleached muslin and cam bric; Friday fore- . "noon, yard. LINEN DEPT. BARGAINS U H .' n. IN BASEMENT Large size slightly damaged Bed Spreads, if perfect they would be worth $1.00 n H M U M u n H U a special Friday at; each 39c Jmperf ect . H u c k Towels These are mostly f half towelseach IC Table Linen Remnants In table o 1 o t h lengths at about half price. Best grade cotton Diaper, in 10-yard pieces, $1 (j value, bolt 0 JC m 5 : fir aniiris nnTfiw ctadi? (3 SHORT SLEEVES Sunret a bracelet. The Narrow Bangle atyle la r much worn. Those a little till wldrr eet with etonc iit in om na goia tilled. SteD la and see them whether you wish to purchase or not, LOOK FOR THE NAME. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1516 Douglas Street. Sweet Cream Wanted Pay 3 Cents Per Pound Over Hew York Market , Will make a yearly contract for 100 to 200 gallons sweet cream daily at 3 cents per pound over New York market price. Write me. W. S. Balduff. Omaha. Neb. Farrhase They are the purest aad best. 3zc 5c and 10c Ya.rd patterns of embroideries and 5c-10c OF SILKS warps and trial pieces in three lots values up to 25c-39c-50c Smart Louisenes and taffe ta checks; blues, browns, black and white, etc., $1.00 r.? '..69c - 20 - inch black rustling taf 47c g Lf.Wl-.M. THE FINEST , U ' H M of apron blue and Yard wide percales remnants 'that are worth 12 c off the ..2c bolt all go at. yard. . . . .3c Thousands of yards plain and fancy Bllko- line remnants usual 2c price 10c yard; sale Friday, yard lc AFTERNOON ONLY. Regular 15c qualities mussed dress Swisses, corded wliite B waistings and plain 3l8c w white lawns at 1 P. M. at. yard NOVELTIES ON BARGAIN SQUARES Main Floor Mounted Combs, all f A styles lUC Imported Beads, graduating, In Alice blue, red, turquoise and green, fine cut crystals, f i worth 25c. at IlIC Small Teddy B. Roosevelt f A Bears, at 1UC Studded Elastic Belts, i r t... ...25c Buster Brown Belts, kid 1 C lined, at ZDC Enameled Swaaltka good luck pins, hand enameled. In navy, red and turquoise blue, fl A t ..lUc B M wider with lolnt-and thoei are all good tyle these Food tor ?hnv who find th.lr power te work and youthful viae Nerves one a. a reault of ...r. Work or m.ntaj ei.rtlnn should take GHAT'S NEKVti FOOD FILLS. Tney wtU tumke you eat end sleep end be a man agaiSk 91 Boat soxse CLM by Mail Sherman & McConnell DruJ Co Ui and Pie eta, Omaha. Meat omasa's rumi roos cbbttbb uvui iiuviii L4 Mr. and Mrs. Jean ttregani, win be glad to see you any afternoon sj of this week, when they will con-to Tlnce you that there is no candy U "as good" as Woodward's. Special Shipment for Friday's Sale Consisting of fresh caugnt snaa.tv w cat, trout, crapples, Mlmon and u 8: halibut. ft Holland Herring, per keg ...escB R Cod Fish Steak, in 1-lb. tins .2flcfi Second Floor Barfialns 5"$ J1UBUU AUU'IJ Oil U u n - V- 1-lb. package Dates, per keg...ocj fi T ovar t7Mrca not IS . . IRC In Lemonft, per doz 10c y : j n ecu vutuouu to, cchia 0 57 Toilet Soap, per cake lcK Cracknells, per pound 10c n sack I.OOK Tl Bonirlu 047 B ?5 Private Exchange connects all Depts. D YOUR. SPARE CASH Br Depoeltlns It Wltb Tb. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Take a Certificate of Deposit for the amount, and you will be securing 3 interest on your money besides the protection offered by our Capital and Surplus of over Prudence in Saving Money Today means Ready Cash for any need which will come la the future. First National Bank OMAHA. NEB. ster Novelties! We are showing the largest variety of Easter novelties in the city and at prices that will sur prise everybody. 1c-2C-3c-.4c-5c-10c-12ic.-15c X goods worth up to 60c. Goods are now on display in our win dow. Take a look before buying. X Handkerchiefs We are closing out all of our 25c and 35c ladies' Swiss em broidered handkerchiefs at 16c each this week only, and a fine line of handkerchiefs at 6c, 7c, 10c. Tou can save money this week. Agents for Pictorial Re-4 view Patterns. IJOS. F. BILZ 999 9a' ich nuiui H a i.iiiih UlSMSIll n I un"i n mi'. V W mm w x 5'i "n lt.t. .. ., For Rent... OLD BEE BUILDING ....At 916 Farnam St. This Is a four-story and basement brick building la the wholesale district with trackage In the rear. Has eteam heat and electric light and a freight elevator. The upper three floors are occupied at present for storage purposes. There Is a lease on . the building, which expires the 80th of June, 1909, which would have to be assumed or a new one made. '' If interested, call and see GEORGE R. WRIGTJT, At Bee Office, , Seventeenth and Farnam Sta. WE ALWAYS HAVE ROCIC SPRINGS l PHONES IZZI-1635 CENTRALCOAL , ANDCOKECOV lStHARNtY5TS. Try The New Way OMAIIA WKATIIEIt tX)RKCA8Ts Friday, fair And It's Bargain Friday Again V) M l L,. nLi L II I I Jin U M M -J . Drxrain Friday ii The beat 85c Crepe de Chine in nearly all colors, for dresses or waists, pure silk, will wash beautifully, Friday, yard 48 21-ln. Best Black. Bonnett Taf feta, the kind that sells for 8 Be, we offer 10 pieces Fri day, yard 54 86-ln. Fancy Black Mohair with fancy designs, all black' with polka dots or other neat de signs, worth 60c per yard, t 29 12 He and 10c Batiste, In floral pattern, dots, etc., pieces long enough for dresses, etc.. In remnants, yard 4 Bilk Mulls In nearly all colors, Friday, a yard j) Women's Neckwear 200 dozen Plauen Lace Shoulder Collars, worth up to $3 each, bar gain' Friday, each ..: ...49 Swiss Embroidered Collar and" Cuff Sets, large assortment, new patterns, worth up to 89c,( at Linen Embroidered Coat Sets, worth 50c, at 25 Art Needlework Two hundred Roman Slips, worth 25c, at . Stripe Finished Notions Nainsook, light weight Dress Shields, as sorted s 1 s e , worth 15c pair, at 8 Black Darning Cotton, 1 dozen spools to box, worth 25c box, t 9 Sampson's ' Linen Finish Thread, each spool con tains 100 yards, worth So a spool at 1 for. Be Sample Embroid ery Strips in In- . sertlons and edg--Ings, worth up to 16o yard, at . ,3o Gloves indies' one- Clasp K 1 d Gloves, 31.00 value, pair 69c Corsets 2c an inch $1, $1.50 and Two Cents an Inch Size 18 at 36c, Size 19 at 38c. Sizes 18 to 35 These are mill ends and salesmen's samples, consisting of well fitting, straight front, long and short hip models, from well known mawers, such as R. & G, "Royal, Wor chester, Kabo, "W. B. and others. Corset Department, Second Floor. Bargain Friday in Linens-White Goods Just a few of the ' interesting items in this section: 58-in. Cream Table Damask, worth 80c yard, at. lOd 6 4 -in. Cream Table Damask, reg ular 45o yard, at 29t , Good quality Dotted Swiss Just the thing for curtains, worth 16c yard, at "Oct Checked and Figured Waistings, and 32-ln. Madras, suitable for shirts or waists, worth 25c yard, at 15 27-ln. Red Star Blrdseye Diaper Cloth, put up in separate sealed packages, 10-yard pieces, worth $1.00.. bargain. Friday at.. 7, Vollmer Clothing Co.'s Closing Out S&le Bargain Friday Choice of any Man's ' or Toung Man's Black or Blue Suit In the department heavy, medium or light weights Brokaw Bros.' Kohn Bros.', Hlrsh Wickwire & Co.'s makes, sizes 31 to 60, sold up to 335 a suit, all at four prices: $15-$12.50 $10-$7.50 Winter Overcoats, sold up to $35, all that are left sixes 32 to 60, $15-$10-$5 Candies Candies Hundreds of Easter Novelties, up from 3c Ducks, Chickens, Rabbits, each Be Candy Eggs, 95 for 5c, and 60 for Bo Fancy Candy Eggs, 6 for 5c Mixed Candy, lb 10c Fruit -Vegetables Large, Juicy, Lusctous Naval Or anges, dozen SAc Big Cocoanut sale in Fruit Sec tion the milk is not only In the cocoanut, but in the price. Here tuey go, each. 8c-c-4o and 2c MM V la. I SILKS 86-ln. Colored Taffetas, worth $1.25, In nary blue and red changeable, brown and black changeable, fine for dresses, etc., Friday, yard 50 ine nest faOc Fancy Mohairs in brown, with neat little de signs or stripes, 38 in. wide, Friday, a yard 1D 56-in. Now Suitings, elegant colorings, spring styles, new grey effects, etc., worth $1.25 Friday, a yard 49k 20c Plain Colored Gingham blue, pink or tan; 30 In. wide, , Friday, a yard . , Q Madras Shirtings, worth 16c yard, at 7k Ribbons 6-inch All Silk Taf feta Ribbon, all the popular color ings, worth ' 19o a yard, at Pillow .15 10c Women's Jackets Made of fine covert; box coat style, or fitted back, with fly front, Friday, special. $4.05 WOMEN'S JACKETS Made of fancy mixture, check and plaids, dozens of styles to select from, Friday special $3.05 $5.00 TAFFETA SILK PETTICOATS at 1.95 Made of good quality taffeta silk, deep flounce, trimmed In ruffles, all colors Bargain Friday Second Floor, each $1.05 Hosiery Ladies' fast black Hd'kfj L a d 1 e a' Hem stitched Hand kerchiefs, 5 c value, each 3 L a d 1 e s' Pure Linen Initial Hand kerchiefs, 15c value, 10 Seamless Hose, 10c ' value, per pair ....... 7t Children's Fast Black Seamless Hose, double knee, 15c value, pair . . . -10 2c an inch $2.50 Corsets at "If Wt from Bennett'tiCi good" Bennett's Big Grocery JBVKST STXM If O MKT BATES Bennett's Best Cof fee, lbi $1.00 And 100 Oreen Trad Ins Stamps. Bennett's Best Cof fee, pound 85o And Thirty Oreen Trading Stamps. Teas, choice, lb...5So And Fifty Oreen Trading Stamps. Bennett's C a p It a 1 Baking Powder, 6 pound can ...$1.00 And 100 Green Trading Stamps. inuo of Bennett's Flour, sack $1.10 And Fifty Oreen Trading Stamps. Navy Beans, hand picked, 10 lbs. 6o Orauulated 8 agar Double Oreea Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capital Mincemeat, I pkgs ISo And Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps. "Best We Have" brand Vegetables Ten Oreea Trading Stamps with Each Can: Corn, can litis Hominy, can loo Tomatoes, large can ...lia Baked Beans, large can ,..li3 , Pumpkins, large can .,12 Via Kidney Beans, can .,..l!Vo Wax Beans, can 16o Lima Beans, can 15o Petit Pols Peas, can II Ho ' Strtnglesa Beans, can lie Egg-O-See, package lOo And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Oats, S pkgs....$0o And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Diamond Q Soap, bars ISo Flower and Vegetable Heeds, pkg ittac New York Full Cream Cheese, lb. . v...J0c And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Swiss Cheese, domes tic, pound 26c And Twenty Oreen Trading Htamps. Lincoln Butterlne. 2 pounds . . '. tSc And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. T . tJ....-ln- . ' "CJ UUII.III1V, I . Dound .14c - - And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Premium Butterlne, 1 pounds. .. ,42o And Twenty Oreen Trading Stamps. Peanut Butter, medium Jar "0o And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Jell-O, assorted, t pkgs 25o And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Butte Direct from the best dairies dally. Bennett s Capitol Creamery, JTrl- aay ana Buturaay, lb. . .320 Sour Pickles, quart lOo And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Chow Chow Pickles quart .160 And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Oold Dust Washing Powder, packages It And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Caatlle Toilet Soap, 10 cakes 2&o And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Grape Nuts, pkg 10c Toasted Corn Flakes, 1 pkgs. . ...26o Baked Beans, can 40 Corn, can bo peas, can .....Co Palace Car Jams, can 12c Kidney Beans, Torchlight, can.... so Mi Friday Is Bargain Day Special . " Bargains in tacts and Embroideries mm Friday Is Remnant Day Over two carloads of remnants of fine good3 direct from th' various mills at a trifle of their value. Two Creat Sales Forenoon 15,000 yards of all kinds of goods In short lengths, worth up to 100 yard, at, per yard lo 10,000 yards of Batiste, Dimity, Organdlee, Lawns, etc., worth up to 12 He yard, all colors io 12 Vic fine Flannelettes, fast colors 6c 10c Flannelettes 2c 36-ln. Muslins, fine, bleached, short lengths 2o 36-ln. Muslins, long lengths, 10c grade 4o 36-in. extra heavy Unbleached Mus lin 6c 15c Percales 10c 12 c Percales 6o Full Standard Indigo Blue prints 4 He Full Standard Silver Green prints 4 He Stilting Prints 4 He 26c India Linons 7e 19c India Linons ., 6Hc 16c India Linons ....6c 19o Towels 8 He 15c Towels to 12 He Towels 6c White Mercerized Waistings, 25c grade lOo White Dotted Swiss. 25c grade lOo 40-ln. Stripes and Welts, 25c grade lOo Silks Friday at 25c Yard Regular 59o Silks, pew styles, at 25c New checks, stripe and plain colors, 23 and 27-in. wide, Peau. de Slants, 23-in. wide; 27-in. color Japs; 19-in. color Taffetas, etc., etc., the greatest values shown in 'Omaha, in Friday's sale 25 C Watch our windows and Sunday ad for display and prices on the grandest lot of High-Grade Silk Bargains' ever known in the city. No remnants, no old stock, but fresh, new, 1907 Silk Fabrics and patterns at unmatched bargain prices. Friday Drapery Bargains From 8:30 to 11:30 we will sell Lace Curtains, full size, In white or ecru, worth $1.50, at, each 49o Lace Curtains worth $1.25 pair at, each ...87 He Lace Curtains worth 98o pair at, each 26c Lace Curtains worth 76c pair at, each 17 He Lace Curtains worth 60c pair at, each 12 He SUkoline, worth 12 He, at, yard.. 8 He Suit Department Specials , $15.00 Silk Shirt Waist Suits In newest styles and colors, great snap Friday at ..$8.95 Women's $5.00 Walking Skirts While they last at ....$2.50 Infants' Dresses, both long and short styles, regular 50o values, for ...19 Infants'. Shawls Regular 50o values, Friday : 19 Women's Sateen Underskirts Regular $1.00 values. 49 Furnishing Goods Specials Children's Underwalsts. worth 25c, In all sizes 2 to 14 years. In knit or fine cambrics, snap Friday at. . . .10c Children's Stockings, heavy ribbed, with double knee, heel and toe, all slzies, 16c value, Friday at 3 pairs for . . . . 25c Ladies' and Children's Vests and Pants, Jersey knit pants, lace trimmed vests, either short or long sleeves, 25c values, Friday 6c, 10c and 15c Three Special Clothing Bargains On Sal Friday on Main Floor, South Room. Boys Kne Pants 35c to 50c values 19 and 25 Men's Pants Worth from $1.50 to $2.50, at $1.95 and $1.50 Boys',Knee Pants Suits Worth to $2.50, choice $1.50 Hardware One Day Sale Only Hardware Xarflware and Household OooAa. 4-qt. Enameled Covered Palls, only.... 25c Mop Sticks, regular price 10c now to No. S Oranlte Enameled Tea Kettles, worth ibo, o Oranlte Enameled Rloe Boilers or Oat meal Cookers 4o 4-tle Parlor Brooms on sale, each... 17 He 1 pkgs Hard Wood Tooth Picks 60 Mrs Potts' 6-plece Sad Irons, worth 11.10. set 46c Scrub Brushes, regular price 10o,......c Carpet Beaters on sale fur, each 8c Grocery MaTdtm's, the Ore test nre rood Chroo- ary Department la the West; when you Duy at iiayueu m yuu vu iui ui uiu save yourself rrom it to v per cent on your living expenses. ga pounds Beet Fur Cans r nn Oraatuatea Bag-ax 10 lbs. Best Wisconsin Hand Picked Navy Beans 26c 10 lbs. Best Minnesota Rolled Break fast Oatmnal Z6c Shredded Wheat Biscuit, per pkg to Grape Nuts, per pkg c Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, per pkg.... to OH or Mustard sardines, per can ec 1-lb. pkg. Corn Starch Cold Water Starch, per pkg ..so Bromagelon. Jellyoon or Jelio, pag..i-c S-lb. can Best Sweet Sugar Corn 4c t-lb. can Fancy Wax, String or Llm Beans Ho 1-Ui. cans Golden Pumpkin. Hominy, gepuesh. Sauer Kraut. Baked Beans or Apples I HO The Beet Soda or Oyster Crackers, lb..o 1-lb. can Baked Beans HO Purina Self-Rising Pancake Flour, per package 'T!0 Qt. can Oolden Table Syrup .so Qt. bottle Pure Ohio Maple Syrup.... 16c in.ih -k ii.t Pure Buckwheat Flour s' 10-lb. sack Best wniie or xenow yCornmeal 10 till Ask to See Hall- Dorchert Dress Forms j Afternoon Sale I to 5 P. M. 5,000 yards of Pure Irish Linen in three lots, worth from 69c to $1.25 yard, at, per yard 25c, 89c, and , 49o 100 dozen Towels that sell for 12 He 16c and 25c, will go at. each 6 He, 7 He and 100 100 pieces of Arnold's Double-fold Fine Persian Flannelettes for wrappers, kimonos, always sold for 12 He and 16c per yard, will close at, per yard 6o A great many other bargains for afternoon. Remnafis Wool Dress Goods Danish Cloth, per yard 6 Ho 60c Henriettas, per yard 19a High grade wool Dress Goods In all qualities and grades, black and all colors, that sold from $1.00 to $3.60 a yard, in three large lots at, per yard 89c. 49c and 69o Great bargains In Wool Dress Goods by the bolt. Odd pairs, slightly soiled, worth from $2.50 up to $6.00 pair, go in two lota at, each 69c and 89o From 2:80 to 6:80 will sell Tapestry Portieres, worth $8.50, pair, at, per pair $4.98 Tapestry Portieres, worth $5 pair at, per pair $3.60 Tapestry Portieres, worth $3.98 pair go at, per pair ....$1.98 Taffeta by yard, worth 60c, at 89c Just the thing for shirt waist boxes. Working Shirts In all sizes for men and boys, samples and soiled lots, worth up to 50c, at, choice 15o Men's and Boys' 25c Friday's sale at. ... . Suspenders In lOo 15c Hose in all sizes, men's or ladles' in black or colors, Friday at, pair 5o Ladies' Corsets and Girdles, some with two sets of hose supporters, worth up to $1.00, while they last.' 39o Waah Tube, Boards, XJaea and Fins. 60-foot Clothes Lines, 16o quality, ....So dosen Clothes Pins for 6o Large No. 1 O&lvanlsed Tuba, ear.h....89o Large No. I Oalvanlsed Tubs, each. . , . 49o Large 10-qt Oalvanlsed Palls, eaoh....l9a Large Wash Boards, worth 26c. 19a Large No. 8 Copper Bottom Boilers. .. .H8o Faint. Falni. rain. All Colors Floor Paint, the very finest high grade quality, per gallon 98o Per one-half gallon 63o Inside and Outside Paints same price. Jap-a-Lac, 16o and 26o cans, all colors and shades. Department ' Ooooaauta. Ooooannts. We have Just received a large ship Dient of Fancy Large New Brazil Cocoa nuts, which we are going to place on sale Friday and Saturday, each lc. Omaha's Oreatest Fresh Fruit and Tsga table Market. We have again had to enlarge this de partment, owing to the enormous Increase of business. Freshest Ooods, Highest Quality and Lowest Price. The depart. me.it has been a boon to the people of Omaha, being able to buy vegetables and fruit as low as any summer prices. Read the following: 6-os. pkg. California Firs, iter Dkg..tUo Fancy Imported Figs, per pkg J Ho Fancy Hallowe'en Dates, per lb...... 10 Fancy Fard Dates, . per lb 7H0 Orape Fruit, each So Large Juicy Lemons, per dosen lOo Turnips or Carrots, per lb lo Rutabagas, Parsnips or Beets, per lb., lHu I bunches fresh young Carrots ..10o 1 bunches fresh young Turnips fa i heads fresh Lettuce 6a I bunches fresh Parsley lo Fresh Spinach, per peck ISo Fancy late Red Cranberries, per qt.... 6o Fancy ripe Tomatoes, per pound .... 12 'AO Pie Plant, per bunch 6o Large heads fresh Csbbage 6o If you are looking for anything in the Harness line, got our prices first. IB o) CITY STEAM LAUNDRY ' 207 So. 11LU Street aSE2XBBRS2