Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1907, Page 10, Image 10
1 . -. 10 Want - ads A4ftrlffniti lor the want-ad Mlamti will no take wntll Ilea, for the tcIii edition and nntll for the morn!n( and anaday edition. Cash ttiwst aecesnsaar all order for want-ads and advertisement will be accepted for lees than 1 eents for the first Insertion. Rates apply to either The Dallr or Snnday Bee. Alwari rnaat six words to n line. Combinations of laltlala " eonot ma ono word. CASH RTE FOR WAHT.ADS. RGRrLAR CLASSIFICATIONS Ono In. aertlon. gar line. lO eents. Two or more eonareatlra Insertions. r rents. Each Insertion made on odd days, IO rents per Una. flJSO per line per month. PiSCTAL CLASSIFICATIONS It T' advertisement Is Inserted under any one of the. classifications sxlren below. It will he rhare-ed at the following rntesi One Insertion, 4 cents per llnei three to si eonseentlro Inaer tlons, It cents per lino each Insertion! even or more eonseentlTO Insertions, Z cents per line each Insertion. cents per IItvc per month. BARTER AID EICHASGB. flCSINKSS CII AltCES. HELP WAHTED-FEMALE. HELP ASTED-MALK. Except Agents, Solicitors aad dalesmen. OFFERED FOR SALKl Cows, nirds Dobs mm Fst. Horses and Vehicles. Ponltry and Ess. Porn It nre. Pianos, Organs and Moslem! In- strnmonts. Typewriters and Sewlnaj Ma chines. Miscellaneous. . OFFERED FOR REltTl Famished Rooms. In furnished Rooms. Honsekeeplna; Rooms. RoardlntT and Rooms. WASTED TO BUT. WANTED TO RENT. IVATION9 WAITED. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. Dentil and Faneral Kotlees, Cards of Thanka and Loss Notices, I cents per line for oas edition, morning or evening;) 3 cents a lino for each addl ' tlonal edition. Bandar, IO cents a line. No ad taken for loss than SO cents. BRANCH OFFICES. Want-ads for The Bee mar be left at any of the following: drag stores one Is "yoor corner drUKgtat" they nre all branob offices of The Bee and yoor ad wUl be inserted last as promptly and on the same rates as at the main office In The Beo building, Seventeenth and Farnau streets. A I bach, W. C, 40 th and Farnam, lleranck, S. A., 1402 8. 16th HU llechts Pharmacy, 720 a. 15th St. Henson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. pemla Park pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Caughlln, C. K., 0th and Pierce 6ts. Clifton IIU1 Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. B., 31at Ave. and Farnam. ( risfcey Pharmacy, 21th und Lake. Cermak. Emll, 1204-6 8. 13th St. Kastnian Pharmacy, 046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H., 202 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl, 213 N. 26th 8t. Freytag. John J., 1814 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman's Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. and Pacific. Greenough, O. A., 102S 8. 10th St. Oreenough. O. A., loth and Hickory. Hayden, Wm. C, 2930 Farnam St. Hanscom Park Phar., 1501 S. 29th Ave. Hoist, John, 624 N. ISth St. Huff, A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. King. 11. 6., 2238 Farnam St. Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th, Patrick Drug Co.. 1602 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Chas. E., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoa-a Druir Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Schaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago. Schaefer, August, 2631 N. 16th St. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cumins' Sts. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming, Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sts. ' Wlrth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sts. DEATHS AND FUHEKAX KOT1CES. BOCK-Mrs. Wllhelmlna B., March 14, 1907, wire of Hans liock. Funeral Saturday, March 16, at 1 p. m., fronV residence, lf.01 Bo. 13th. Friends In- rued. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Tire following births and deaths were reported to the Board of Health during the twenty-four hours ending Thursday noon: Births Aaron Jacobson, 2311 South Six teenth, boy; Carl IMetsch, 27t3 South Four teenth, twin Kirls: Carl U. Kins-, 43 fax- rick avenue, boy: Peter Swanbera. 203) Ar bor, boy; Joseph Thornton, tflO North Twentv-thlrd. bov. Deaths Mrs. Maadalena Sllhacek. St Joseph's hospital, liu; It Clough, County hospital, Stt; D. Benjamin Koth, lbu Burt, 67: Grace Hostetter, fcOH South Twentieth. 27; John M. Larson, died at Colorado Springs, 46. ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOL, BOYLES COLLEGE. BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. TliLKURAPHY. KNULIHH. Students Begin Any Thud. Catalogue Free. Address H. ii. BOTLLd. Proa., Omaha, Net. (D sau OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a sds cla-lty of nre excapes, shuttera doors and alea U. Anareen, Prop., 10C H. loth tit. THE CITY GARBAGE CO., Omce 4th and L-aavruworin ota ieu jjougias lis;. SPRING TERM of the Omaha Comercial College 18TH AND FARNAM Opens Monday, April 8. Courses: Business, Shorthand. Tvoewrlt lug. Telegraph, Civil Service and Pen mauaujp. CATALOGUE FREE. Q MS31 SIGN PAINTING a H. Cola, 1302 Douglas. ID sua EVERYTHING FOR THE SEWING MA t Mi.Nt iiayaen Bros., sewing Machine Dept. -pnon Doug. 2tuo. (IJ-1U A10 IOWA Sanitary Cleaning C0.4SU Farnam. D Kl9 BARTER AND EXCHANGE EXCHANGES If you have city property siocks 01 sooaa, larm lana or property o any kind to exchanae. write for our coin plete lint. Ws have properties and lands 111 aii P; is or me country to excrutng our u 1 is iree. Bena ror it at one Globe Land and Investment Co., Patter son B'd., Omaha, Neb. (3) ail WESTERN Neb. and Kansas lands to trade for merchandise or property. 110 8. 17th. Ol 6o4 AS FOR EXCHANGE 1W acres near Orchard. Antelope county. Neb.; price tlT.oO Pr acre. 320 acres six miles from O'Nell, Holt county, Neb., Improved; price 3u per acre. Will exchange either or both of above farms for merchandise or hardware. Vi also have several Income prnpertlrs In Onmha to exchange for merchandise, or ' hardware. Globs Land and Investment Co., Pattersuu Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ll-4 MOVING picture theater, a money makr, for lot or small cottage, or what? Pe terson Bros, ill bes Bldg. (1) M14I It BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) EXCHANGE. . . Good eastern Nebraska 160 acres) for good tock Implements. . Fine vacant property In Omaha for good Income property anywhere. Good Improved farm In eastern Nebraska for unimproved properly In Omaha. Fine residence In Omaha for good cheap land . Good, clean stock of general merchandise. Invoice about IS.OuO, lor ranch land. New stock rennral merchandise, Invoice about I7.0W), for good cheap land In central IN" t tr a 8 k & l-aere farm near Crelghton, Neb.r. for elevator and coal business. Good ranch for furniture stock. Hotel In Blair, Neb., for Omaha vacant property. Good Omaha residence for small cottage In country. Small cottage In Omaha for good vacant Good Income property In Plalnvlew, Neb., for guod cheap laud. ICO acres good bottom land In eastern Nebraska for good Income property In or within 150 miles of Omaha; $) acre; en cumbrance, t2,6o0, four years, 6V per cent. 160 acres good Improved land, Hayes county; net $1,000 clear; for cottage any where. Wanted, good typewriter In exchange for three notes, $26 each, secured by first mortgage on lot In Chicago. i0 note running five years, 6 per cent, secured by nrst mortgage on real estate, for equity on good little cottage. Some good relinquishments In Lyman county. South Dakota, for cottages. If von have anvthing for sale or trade list It with us. We have lists of over 800 offices throughout the United States, and we can sav. If vou will price your property right. It will surprise you how . soon we can move It. PETERSON BROS., Phone D-3167. 623 Bee Bldg. (3) 134 16 TO EXCHANGE trot 9 In block 2, first addi tion to South Omaha, ground 30x130, Just back of City Hall, with small cottage. Price 12,000.00. Owner desires to ex change this South Omaha property. What have you to offer? See PAYNE. BOSTW1CK & CO., 6th Floor. New York Life Bldg. (3) 191-14 WRITE Townsend Realty Co., Fremont, Neb., who have rarms, wild lands, eto., for clear town property and merchandise. ta Jd Altox WANTED To trade Nebraska land for drug stock In Iowa or Nebraska. B. IS. Sturdevant, Atkinson, Neb. FOR EXCHANGE For an automobile, 1C0 acres cf land near Hurllngton, Colo.; must be up to date. Address Dr. R. G. Hamil ton, Jr., Ocheyedan, la. (3) M269 16 FOR 8AI.B or exchange, for Omaha or South Omaha real estate, 1,100-acre ranch and herd of good cattle, In Nebraska. Address Y - 61. Bee. (3)-M324 21 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE First-class blacksmith and wagon work business. With tools; l to K received for shoeing and $4 to & for set ting tires. Address Y 129, Bee. 4)-06 Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex change, write us. GLOBE LAND AND' INVESTMENT CO., OiuahA, Neb. (4) 620 AS HALF INTEREST In hardware and Im plement business lor sale; srood business; will require (4,000 to handle same. Write Box 38, Nelson, Neb. (4) M328 FOR SALE Good bakery, confectionery. candy ami Ice cream business in thriving Iowa town, excellent location, doing fine business; can be bought right tor cash; no trades considered. Globe Land & In vestment Co., Room 1 and 2, Patterson block, Omaha. (4) .M316 WANTED Good business man to invest 11,000 against line amount, incorporate real estate company and take active manage ment. Address 11 3U4 Bee. (l)-M3a 17 MERCHANDISE Business; sales S20.000; Invoice ll,tw); new stock; only store; 80 cents on dollar. Address E. Reinhart, ai Dion, iseo. t4 M3UI ux FOR SALE A good two-chair barber shop; gooa town, 2,uuu people. M. n. uibbs. TarKlO, MO. (4) M302 ZlX FOR BALHi-Dividend paying newspaper in western lowa. Address x zw), rare Bee. (4 MM 22x WE BUY, sell or exchange everything. Nat investment to., oa Lraugias biock. (4)-M594 A FOR SALE Stock and fixtures of reatau rant and confectionery store for t.0. Reason for selling, other business. Ru dolph Rhode, Beemer, Neb. (4) M264 26x FOR SALE Business, stock ftad furniture in the only notel in one 01 the best towns In B. w. rseD. snap. Keason, other busi ness. Address Box 129, Alma, Neb. (4)-M258 A2x EXCELLENT opening for Intelligent vouth man who can do ouice work: mod salary weekly and an Interest In an estab lished, paying business. Must Invest S600 to fl.uuu, dui money is wen secured and can be withdrawn at any time. For In. tervlew address u 3b 1, care Bee. (4-M152 U BARBER shop for rale, or would lease for one year; gooa DusineBs; reason. moving on noinesieau. w. n. torainler, Fairfax, o. D. (4) M14 18 x WANTED Partner with small capital to help manuiaciure ana sen a quick selling article. Return every 80 days. Writer out of capital. Answer quick, the season Is here, it, omana Bee, 10 Pearl St. Council Blurts. (4 M234 19 FOR SALE OR TRADE 70 room, two story Dricx notei, steam neat, electric light. In thriving railroad Junction town of 6,0(10, excellent business op portunity, will consider trade for land, ranch preferred, price right. Globe Land & Investment Co., Room 1 and 2, Pat terson Blk., Omaha, Neb. (4) M2S 70-ACRB fruit farm paying good living for raniny ana xz,tuu annual profit, to trad for land. Good saloon, wholesale and retail, in Omaha for sale. tl.SuO. Half Interest in grocery doing business of tiuc.vuu annually; owner In poor healtn and will sell for S4,6uO; might trade for land for part. Brick building In good Neb. town, rents for 838 per month; will trade for land and put In 32.000 to S2.500 cash. t3,0u0 stork of hardware, $4,500 store build ing. 83.6iiO residence, all In good town, to trade for Improved farm. $l,0t) residence lot, clear of Incumbrance (our own property) to trade for large automobile; will give soma boot. 160 acres, clear, Hayes county. Neb., good land, trade for small stock of goods or automobile. Scads of others, all "plum-good-ones," on our list. Get In touch with the live bunch, the CONTINENTAL REALTY COMPANY. Inc., 21-3 U. a Nat l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb.; also have offices In Denver, Lincoln, St. Joseph, Kansas City and Sioux City. (4-M2u5 20 GROCERY AND MEAT BUSINESS FOR SALE. BEST paying grocery store In city for sale; stock flrat class; located In down town district: sales for lw over 11200110. Reaaons for selling, going Into wholesale uusinesa. Aauress H., km, rare Bee. (4F-M148 At ROBERT C. DRUE8EDOW de CO.. STOCK BROKERS, sut New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (0-4W6 820 shares of the Mankers-Heavner Navi gation Co. stock, at much less than tha niaikct price If sold at once. Address Box 243, Omaha Neb. (4) M866 DRl'O stores for sale everywhere. V. V. Knlest. 7U7 N. Y. L.. Omaha. (41-889 TO buy II or exchange anything calL write or 'phone Peterson Proa . 528 Beo Biug. lei. Doug. 3157. Ornaha (41-M469 A2 FINE Abstract Buslneaa Entire plant of controlling Interest; located In a good Nebruka townj unlimited opportuniiiea for buainvsa; standing order for 100 abstracts on addltiona at the iresent time; best of reasona for selling, price right; quick sale; might considor trade for part. Globe Lund at Investment MO. I Patterson Block. (4 MaaS TTIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1907. Would you hesitate to invest on dollar If you knew it would bring you a weekly Income of from fifteen to twenty-five times that amount, Hundreds of men and women are making )ust such investments every week through The IIaa art r4nv rl rnllimnc. Smw waa BUSINESS CHANCES (Contmied.) FOR ' SALE Meat market, small grocery, building, plenty Ice, good town western Iowa, would consider lan; an object for cash If sold soon; property cleer: going west. Address Y 261, Bee. (4) M637 23s FOR SALE A good, roomy brick carpen ter shon. eaulbDed with iwi and elee- trie motor; located at York, Neb., a city of 7,000; plenty of work. Write for par ticulars. Gilbert Bros., York. Neb (4) M72? 2?X TO BUY OR SELL Any business or property, write or call EL O. QANGESTAD. 403 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 8441 (4) 103 M26 FOR SALE A first-class county seat weekly on easy terms. Largest circula tion In county and on a paying basis. Address Y 265, Bee. (4) M837 2Sx FOR SALE One of the best candy stores In the city; restaurant In connection: doing fine business; would take part In trade. Address Candy, care of Carrier No. , Kansas City. Mo, (4) M759 17 FOR SALE Harness shop, northeastern Nebraska, good country, A No. 1 tradrtji bargain ir taken at once; otner ousiness. Address Y 270, care of Bee. (4) M947 lx IF YOU want to get In cr out of business, no matter what your ousiness ts, or wnere it Is. we can helD you. We make all kinds cf trades and guarantee to suit If you have anything to trace write us. 1 K f 1 ' lNVLUlMKiNT CO., 220 Neville Block. (4)-M?54 18 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Attorneys. T. E. BRADY, Probata Atty. 600 Bee Bldg. to; ZM Al Feasloa Attorneys. HOWARD SAXTON, Atty., 922 N.T.L. Bldg. lb) 1S3 M.'V Chiropodist. DR. ROY, R-2, 1606 Farnam St. Doug. 6497, China Firing;. CHINA Firing; work guaranteed, also In struction and art material. Mrs. Andrus, 1504 North 17th St, 'Tel. Doug. 6723. (51-M154 All Dresssnnklna;. 12.60 SHIRT waist suits. Phone Web. 2930. (6) 036 M18 IN FAMILIE3-Mlss Sturdy. Tel. Kamey 13b. (5J JU438 A3 Florists. HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. (51-910 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. Doug. ISA lb) ail Osteopathy. JOHNSON INSTITUTE. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. Douglas 1604. ! I (S 813 Dr. Bowser Over 1500 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. (6) M3S6 M18 Frlntlna;. I VWP.CTAnHlrh grade 1907 calendars. '.tr.. 3. E. corner 16th St. and OC JUKVt Capitol Ave. (6)-91 BWANklN PRINTING CO., high grade orintlng at lowest prices. 110 S. 17th St. Tel. Doug. 3809. (61242 al2 JENNINGS Printing Co.. Tel. Douglas 6380. Plnmhlngr. LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. lit N. 16th St. Tel. uougias mi. (6 M161 M27 Rlprapplngr Engineer. H ir, KEtXNBR. Rlvsr snd Riprap En gineer: 20 years' practical experience; write ror lmorniauun. viv ci"i. Omaha. Neb, )- VIO HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. WANTED-Experlenced .tenogTaph.r. on. hn can onerate an Oliver typewriter. 8. Fredrick Berger & Co., 1517 Farnain St. W 171 14 WANTED Stenographer; state experience anu salary required, auojuhb v, 0-0 wv. (7) M3a 17 Factory and Trades. GIRLS wanted at once; steady work, good wages. Bemis omana cum vo. m-MflW WANTEI-6hlrt makers, with or without experience. AJDen wann, iui ramam ai. t J BO.OJL IS Hoasokeepers srnd Dohicstles. WANTED Competent girl, second work. wages 86. Call lbOH B. iza ave. (7) M209 19 WANTED Exprelenced woman for general housework; good wages, with or without washing. Tel. Douglas 4856. 2602 N. 18th Bt. (7) 24i WANTED Girl for general housework. 2223 Dodge St. (7) M203 15 WAITRESS, first class; highest wages. Ap ply to manager the Omaha General H"S- : . . 1 -. WOVT IE Ol 1411. V ' I iXLl M GIRL, living at home, to do housework part 01 aay. tit t. aist at. 0-648 15x DISHWASHER. Apply to manager Dellone Hotel. (i)-Man 16 WANTED A neat girl to do plain cooking. The Creche, 1824 Harney Bt. ; a per week. (7) M262 16x Mlseellaaeoos. WANTED Eight girls who can either sing. dance or play some musical instrument, tor big vaudeville act, to work In parks all summer, wararooe rurnisnea. experi ence unnecessary. Good chance for ama teurs. Address at once, or call, Mrs. Matthews, Hotel Matens, Council Bluffs, la- (') m 's in WANTED Experienced girls to work on coats and skirts in alteration room. B. Fredrick Berger ft Co.. 1517 Farnam. 47) 174 14 WANTED Bundle wrappers and cash girls. Apply new basement. J. L, Brandels Bona (7) M226 15 WANTED Lady clothes Irotier. shirt fin isher and neckband lroner. Hlnchey Laundry. 409 No. 2bth. Bo. omana. (71-M2S2 IS MoDO WEILL dressmaking school. 1628 Far. fD M312 A14 WANTED A lady, about 4ft or 60 years old to stay with family of man and wire: one that will milk two cows. Address Oliver Duberry, Loup City, Neb. . (7I-M300 26x HELP WANTED MALE NAtrents, Solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED Salesmen selling hardware In Nebraska and lowa to sell our goods aa a aide line. Ws allow you liberal com- L Kansas' City. Mo. (1)-M7M If" AGENTS wanted to drive through the country: beat selllnjr proposition evsr of fared; big value foe your customer, big f ront for you. Write today for parti u urs and territory. E. R. McClellan. 60J Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (9) SS4 t MEN for canvassing; steady work; pay Weekly. C. V. Adams Co., Id Howard. l atXLt MJ1 cm HELP WANTED MALE Agents and Solicitors Continued. WANTED District agents for the older! Western Life Insurance company; most liberal contract. Address H 290. "re Bee. (9 M45J MAN to collect and hustle business for well known firm. Must give bond. State age. experience and least salary expected to start. Address W 299, care Hee. (9) muse 13 WANTED Experienced rond man to buy cream, cjnouirt re acquaintea wun mo territory adjacent to Omaha. State BKe. salary and least salary expected to be gin. Address W 299, care Bee. () MIVI l WANTED Competent snlcsman ac quainted in uimoer ana nunoing circles, 10 handle a high-grade patent rooting on commission basis In Omaha and vicinity. Address Y fO, Omaha Bee. () M 277 20 WANTED Wideawake, to sell concrete block machines In Nebraska. Call B18 Faxton Blk. (9) a 14 Boys. WANTED Five boys: good wages; perma- nent Job. A. D. T. Co., lit a. ism m. i.v 'it BOY to deliver packages. Nebraska Clnth (9) ML'J9 Ing Co. BRIGHT boy wanted; also young mnn; factory work: chance to worK up. jie- mls Omaha Bag Co. (9) 247 16 WANTED Good office boy. Apply In own handwriting to P. O. Box Z4S, omnna. () Zi 10 WANTED Two boys In wholesale depart ment, light work, wages per ween. Hayden Bros. (9) 175 14 WANTED Good capable office boy Apply People s store. () an it Clerical id Office. WANTED Competent bookkeeper capable of taking complete charge or dooms; state age, experience and least salary to start. Address W 299, care Hee. (9 M198 19 GOOD position open for experienced office man In department store. Must nave good experience and be able to show good references. Apply by letter only, giving all particulars. Address J 8.17. Bee. t) M311 li BRIGHT young man, with rome knowl edge of bookkeeping, to take charge of an Omaha branch office. Reply, giving age, experience, references and rtatlng salary expected, w Mil, care Bee. Factory and Trade. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. v. Knlest, wi N. x. L... omana. i eao 1 WANTED A young man. with drug and soda fountain experience, oaratoga urug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. (91499 WANTED Candy maker; must be compe tent of making all kinds of fudge, peanut. caramels and slab work; no other need apply. Drelbus Candy Co., 50n-fii2 so. 9th St. (9 M309 17x WANTED A general blacksmith; must tin del-stand plow work. M. 1 Tobln, Huron, B. D. (S-M2S 31 X WANTED At once, 2 harness makers that can fit and cut for the machine. Address L. A. Walther, 143 S. 10th St., Lincoln, Neb. (9) M32b 16x WANTED-Watchmaker who cart- fit glasses. The Hicks Pharmacy, Sargent, NeD. (9) MS40 XiX WANTED Carriage trimmers; 3 bank makers; 2 cushion makers. Address R. Lee, Box P 328, Toledo, Ohio. () 101 16x. WANTED Screw machine hands: Jones & Lamson men; 3 hand screw machine operators; Jones & iamson lathe hands. Address R. Lee, Sox P 328, Toledo, Ohio. (9) 102 16x WANTED 4 first-class lathe hands. Ad dress R. Lee, Box P 828, Toledo, Ohio. (9) 1U3 1X. WANTED 4 first-class milling machine hands. Address It. lee, box p 328, Toledo, Ohio. tJ IU isx. WANTED An experienced buahelman. A ply Manager Clothing Dept., J. L. Brandels & Sons. (9) M224 16 WANJED-A first c.a ra.or and shear grinder for Des Moines, la. One-half net profits. Guarantee of 820 per week. References required. John Rleder A Co., Des Moines, la. ( miuo 17 ENGRAVER with experience on wood or metal printing plates; also boy with some ability at aesigmng 10 team engravers trade. Address a guu, care Bee. (9) M220 15 WANTED First-class tinner, German pre ferred ; -cigareiie rollers ana Dooze fighters not wanted; furnish reference. K'nxel Bros., vvisner, (91 M 219 WANTED First-class cabinet maker; per manent position. Apply loin and Farnam. Beebe & Runyan Furniture Co. (9) 288 16 lit WANTED, for the U. S. Marine corps. men between ages il ana 4a; an oppor tunlty to see the world. For full In formation apply In person or bv letter to Recruiting Office, old Nat'l Bank Bldg., cor. Utn ana jrarnam bis., omana, o, (9) M553 M31 WANTED Young man willing to work, Inquire Omaha News Co., 15th and imvcn port St. s (9) MiM id 3 BOO K K EEPER8. $0 to $75. 1 nwriri.' tr.l rt tui Several RETAIL CLERKS, different lines. good salaries. 8 CITY BAL,rJHMHiN. different lines. 87s to $1(10. If you are In need or a position, see ua at onoe or write for complete Hat of vacancies, We can place you on short notice. WBHBKN Kill'. c tJIJJ AS M., INti, Suite 84U-841-842 N. Y Life Kid. 9 M3D0 I OUR representatives make $75 per week. Want one or two more. Bond required. Address In own handwriting, with stamp and references, A 627, Bee. (9) 689 WANTED SOUND YOUNG MEN. ages 18 to 35, for tireinen and brakemen on lead ing railroads; experience unnecessary. Firemen earn $100.00 per month, become engineers, earn iJio.uo; brakemen - earn $75.00, become conductors, earn $160.00. Call or write at once for particulars. Na tional Railway Training Ass'n, 630 X, Paxton block, Omaha, Neb. (9) 598 A WANTED Gardeners to operate on shares or buy Improved garden, c. n. McCully, R. F. D. No. I, Sheridan Wyo. ' (91-M146 lSx WANTED Elderly man for night watch man. Inside. 801 Farnam Bt. (9)-M275 15- WANTED Experienced carpet sewer snd layer. Inquire manager, carpet depart ment, Hayden Bros. (9 176 14 ANY person willing to distribute our sam ples, J JO weemy. r.mpire. ji i-ofcan bu, Chicago, 111. Steady position; no can vassing. (9 MJ30 lx HELP WANTED MALIO ANU KfcMAI.K. WANTED Man and wife to work on farm, 86 miles from Omaha Inquire 2633 1 apltol Ave. (l"l MX'i lex CLAIRVOYANTS I MADAMS BUDDHA, - I Tha lm Palmist itt Omaha I Revelations of tat and future deacrlbed. Parlors 11$ 8. Isth Bt.. Opp. Boston Store. MADAMES Besn ft Mayo. Spiritual Life Readers. Seances Tuesday and Friday evenlims. . Consult ua 922 N. 14th. Tel Red ftusa. 6-M977 aI26x as .1. i. u... .i.iraflf LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Uoraes and Vehicles. 1 HORSES, weight 1.200 lbs. each, wagon and harness, $126, one team, weight Iba.; one team, weight 3,ouO lbs.; 2 farm mares. 2113 Grant. Tel. Douglas $410. (11) 811 ALL. kinds of horses, warms and harness for sale on easy payments. nuy your horse now and save money everybody will be buying when work opens; pay for him as suits your convenience; first pay ment when work opens. Omaha Horse and Supply Co., rear 414 N. 16th. (1D-M5M GOOD team heavy mares. 2815 No. 16th Ave. (U)M609 PIANO boxes and sewing machine crates for sale. Cole A Gunnell Express and Livery Co. Horses boardea. iscs. Far nam. Tel. Doug. 670. 1718 Cass. Tel Doug. 4727. (ll)-78 A6 HORSES Roadsters, general purpose and work horses, bought, sold and exenangcu on commission. Myers, 1715 Jackson, lei. Red 3692. (111-601 A3 WAGONS for sale. 1314 N. 24th St. 11) 335 M18 ONE good driver or express horse; cheap tor cash. ai5 no. lotn Ave. (ii) muui FIVE heavy work teams, weighing from l.axl to 1.U00; three odd horses; six gooa drivers, weighing from 1,000 to l.liO. Rear 414 No. 10th. (11) M008 BAY gelding, 8 years; gentleman's swell road bike. Can 1114 Douglas Bt. (Ill 733 15x 20 HEAD horses, from 9u0 to 1,400 lbs., at 2113 Grant. (Ill Mrf4tt is 16 HEAD of horses, drivers and business horses; two spun of mares, one span ot young miner, city Drone, joncs sianics, 1114 Doagu street, (ii) is TEAM, harness and spring wagon, weight of team, i:Mi pounds. M. (J. Bonderson Florence, Neb. Phone Florence 1371. Ul)-U5 16 1 SPAN 2.800, 1 span 2,400, 1 horse 1,100, 1 mare i,4ou, an young. zuut Mapie bi. (11) M8G2 16x Ponltry an Eggs, SAVE EVERY CI1JCK The extra chick saved by feedlnu B. & IL IDEAL CHICK FOOD more than pays ttie cost or ieea. Aug. oniy oy uunneu Had lock. 24th and Belt Line, Omaha. (ID M 128 A26 OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book la xree 10 an woo vwu wine uuu aea tor it. telling where they saw this ad. A valuable book for every poultry man; 30,0u0 printed. Address Harris fouury Co., Clay Center, rxeD. (it) sui juayx RHODE ISLAND RED eggs. Martin, 2802 Indiana Ave. lei. narney imt.j (lf)-M522 BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS Eggs, 15, 81.; 30, Sl-ao; lou, H. Austin f aucet t, Blair, Neb. UD-MM A9X FOR S ALB Fancy pigeons. Hendee, 4402 Dodge, (11) M304 21 . EGGS. EGGS. Toulouse geese eggs, II per setting; Rouen and Pekln duck eggs, 18 for i; Bronse turkey eggs, 9 for V. peacocks, White and Barred Plymouth Rocks, Houdana, Bud Cochins, silver upangiea Hamburg!, Cornlah Indian Games, Buff Orphlngtons, Rhode Island Reds, Brown, Buff and White Leghorns, Buff, White and Silver Laoed s yandottes. White and Pearl Guineas, Golden Seabrlght Bantams, Buff Cochins Bantams poultry eggs, 18 for L Eggs by the hundred. All kinds of fancy pigeons tor saje. Hunting aogs. satis faction guaranteed. Write for free circu lar. D. L. Bruen, Platte Center, Neb. ail 184 20X EGGS from pure Flshel White Plymouth Bocks ana Bradley Bros.- Barred Rocks, mu fersmne. iei. iiarney zjh. (11) M892 16x MY BUFF W YANDOTTES won most prises at the big Trl-Clty show In a 'class ot sixty, t-ggs, iw eacn, any quantity tl. u. n.iauoo, Douiu omana. OD-M178 M27x HANDSOME brown Leghorns, large drooo lng combs, thoroughbreda Buff and brown Leghorn eggs, COo a setting. 911 8. 40th. (1D-M744 16x BARRED Plymouth Rock eggs from pens neaoeo oy za cock ana za cocxerei at tnc big Trl-Clty show. "Phone Red 6470. F, C. Ahlqulst, 2752 Meredith Ave., Omaha, NtD. (11) M8W 17 SQUAB RAISING beats chickens, requires less work, time, room. Book issued by Department or Agriculture tells all abou 1 ...... ,r ,Aa llm.i.r,. .,a tors welcome. Model Squab Co., 1923 S, 15th St., Douglas 6664. (11) M158 M27 EGGS for hatching from fine thoroughbred Bingie comD wnite uegnorns; pure white 81.50 for 15. Lunastrom, 1302 N. 2th St. (11) M872 16X WHITE Wyandotte eggs from good pure Drefl stock, i ror lb eggs. Ph"n Taylor 6S48. Mra C. H. Anderson, S51S Bouth 24tb St. (11) M170 19x Cows, Birds, Dogs and Pets. MILCH cows, Center. on easy terms. 43d and (ll-234 COCKER puppies for sale. Bldg. Room 81, Raker (11) 100 16 IMPORTED canaries and goldfinches; mala ana remaie. zui4 no. z4tn. (ii mzvo arx LOST AND FOUND LOST Garnet necklace, on Friday; reward. Return to 2711 S. 20th St. (12H-MZ62 18x LOST A shepherd dog; white on nose, ear, breast and head, the rest black. Belongs to Dolly Koory. Return to 1414 Bouth 13th street, alley. Please return tfee dog. (12)-2i 15x LOST Round black seal muff lined with brown satin. Finder telephone Douglas 6096. R ew ard . (12) M314 MEDICAL BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nervs Food Pills," $1 box, postpaid, tiherman ft McConnell Drug Co., Oinaha. (131930 DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women, 80 years' practice in conflnementa. Office, 614 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles, Omana. (13 611 FREE medical and surgical treatment at Craighton Medical College, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases: all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Doug. 1197. Calls answered day or night. (13 129 PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies adopted. The Guod Samaritan Sani tarium, TJi First Ave., Council Bluffs. Ia, Tel. 774. (131-321 ANY poor girl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at SS24 N. 24th St.. Omaha. Neb. (13 M1U0 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. DR. PRIBBENOW'S MONET loaned on furniture, salary, pianoa, horses, etc., In any amount; less than half ratea; perfect privacy. Immediate attention; any terms wanted; payment suspended when sick or out of work. 214 Karbach Blk., 2o South loth St. (14)-4r?l EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modating; all business confidential. 1101 Douglas. (14)-2 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances private money oa chattels or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. Open evenings till 7. (14) 4(2$ CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1504 Farnam St. (14 930 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co.. room s. Barker bine. "' U4)-2s MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad Chattels Continued. SALARIED" rEOFLE and ethers furnished money upon their own names, witnout security: easy psymenis; offices In 63 principal cities Sitve your self money by getting mr terms first. D. II. TOLMAN. 114 N. Y. L. Bldg. 04)-M FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THB PHOENIX CREDIT CO., for chattel or salary loans. 631 Paxton block. 'Phono Douglas 746. (14) 923 HIE UNION LOAN COMPANY PRIVATE BANKERS Havs Increased their capital and during the montn or Aiarcn win maxs a special rate on collateral loans, mortgages on personal property and notes, without se curity; terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas 2904, 10 Bee Bldg. (14) M.134 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, oows, norses, (to. C. F. Reed, 810 s. imn. (14)-St4 WOULD MONEY HELP YOU! Our new plan enables you to obtain money at rates wnicn nonest people can anoru to pay. Ws will make you a loan on your salary, furniture or piano, and you can pay us hack later In amounts o suit your convenience. Everything confidential. EASY LOAN CO. TKU DOl O. I960. Room 20. Frenxer Blk., 15th and !ode Sts. (ill ttM AI FURNITURE, PIANO ft SALARY LOANS. Positively lowest rates easiest payments. STANTON LOAN COMPANY, 501 Bee bldg. Plion e Don g. 63. 1 4) MliS OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooms; cafe. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. Ut WANTED Two young gentlemen who wish good table, pleasant associations down town, with good service. Call at li4 Capitol Ave. 05)-341 BACHELORS First-class table board, ele gant rooms, with hot and cold water, steam heat, building and furniture new and up-to-date; close In. 406 S. 24th Ave., (21th Ave. and Harney.) (15) 468 M19 BOARD and rooms, furnished. In good loca tion. 2208 Harnev St. (15)-87 14x FOR RENT, with board, a furnished room suitable for two. lei. D0ugins-4it). (16)-M747 16 THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, nice rooms with good board, also taoie ooaru. (16)-M157 AUx HANDSOMELY furnished rooms and first class board in private nouse to renned couple only. 824 N. 19th St, 05) M166 13 FAMILY rooming and boarding house. 718 So. 29th St. 'Phone 438 Harney. (15) M269 AU NICE east room, with gas, heat and bath; also breakfast ana ainner; on car lino. Gentlemen preferred. 4903 Chicago St. (161141 17x LARGE double room, with board. 1919 Burt. Phone Doug. w. uo mji zix Furnished Rooms. NICE, clean, weli-furnlsned, well-heated outside room; house strictly modern. J Harney. 15-983 GOOD rooms. 2021 Howard. (15) M711 16x t GOOD rooms, close to cir line; Just cleaned and paperca. ta4 N. mm Bt. (15) M710 15x GOOD, large room. 624 S. 20th. (15) M712 16x NICE large front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; modern. 3812 N. 21st Bt. (15) M938 16 x LARGE) front room. 214 N. 26th. (15) M961 16 NICELY furnished rooms to rent, 9 blocks from 16th St., 2563 Dodge. (15) M962 16 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM for rent. 224 N. 25th. pnone aso rtea. (to) inixn 10 ONE furnished room within walking dis tance. 208 No. 26th. $2.26 per week. (15) M159 18 THREE elegantly furnished rooms In mod ern house, good location, good tight and heat. 8271 N. 24th St. (18) M214 19 TWO well furnished rooms In good loca tion. 122 N. 26th. Phone Harney 2224. (16)-M216 19x FURNISHED 7-R. mod. house, $30. Owner will pay $18 for room and board; will rent to couple only. 2850 Meredith Ave. (15) M2C0 20x LARGE front room, suitable for four gentlemen. Modern conveniences. 201$ Webster. 'Phone Douglas 5890. (16) M318 21x One large room. Modem conveniences. 'Phone Doug. 4089. 1823 Capitol. (16) M81 ZlX FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without board. Modem convenience's. 'Phone. 2024 California. (16) M317 21 I'nfarnlshed Rooms. ONE unfurnished, steam heated room; no cooking. 413 N. 25th St. (16) MG96 16x $ AND 4-room apartments; modern. 816 S. 224 St, (161732 15x Housekeeping Rooms. LARGE front housekeeprng room for rent; $10 per month. 613 N. 19th St. (15)-71$ 15x NICELY furnished rooms for light house keeping. 2S10 Cuming St. Phone Douglas 7668. (15)-M166 18 THREE elegantly furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 216 N. 22d St. 06)-M261 17X Apartments and Flats. FOR RENT Three flats of three and four rooms each. 29th Ave. and Douglas fit. Globe Land and Investment Co., rooms 1 and 2. Patterson Blk. (15 Ml2 FOUR room corner flat, modern, 120 N. 23d. FOR RENT Seven room modern flat, hot Water neat, xeieyuouv iuuijiai ntn. (151114 14X Houses and Cottages. WB MOVE PIANVo Maggard Van snd Storage Co. iei. uoug. itm. omce, iiu Webster St. (16 034 FOR RENT Modern -room brick houss; 1126 S. 31st St,; $40 per month. Thomas Brsnnan, room 1. N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) 936 I1UUOLO Qi F Uvll Co- Bet Bldg (10) w SEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west; ws can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO., 214 N. 16th Bt, Tel. Doug. 11 & (15 45 OMAHA Van ft Storage Co., pack, move, store, H. H. goods; storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1611 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. (14) 988 WB DO expert piano moving at lowest trices. Tel. Douglas 15 Bchmoller ft lueLUer Piano Co., 1311-131$ Farnam. (15)-41 t-ROOM house, all modern. In Dundee; rent reasonable. L. L. Johnson, Barker Block. , Tel. Red 1264. (15-M9J6 16 8221 Cuming St., 8-r. modem. $29. f a Pacific St., 8-r. modem, $27. 2212 Spencer St., 7-r. modern, $7. Five-room new modern flats, steam and water heat, $40 and $06. To see complete list, call at office. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam Bt. (15) M30S It FIVE-ROOM cottage, ! N. 29th St. T. B. Forgy, 1632 Maple Su (16) M3u5 17x FOR RENT 4-rooms on first floor; In good condition: on 24th and Hickory; $8 per month. Inquire $26 Neville Blk. (15) M3U8 19x NEW T-room all modem house, $27 60; flna locality. 6126 No. 23d St ; take Florence I car to Brown, owner. 6130 N 23d St. Tsi. Jaapl-3tiel 05 AUiO laa I OFFERED FOR SALE Hoasea and Cottaaes Continued. FOR RENT Four nice rooms, city water, without children. 1519 N. ISth St. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 239. HOUSES, Insurant. Rlngwalt. Barker PI U6)-93 TTHTTSFS in rrts of the city. R, UKJUCtXLiO c inters A Co.. Hee BMg. (IS) 37 FOR RENT Sixteenth and Harney. St "re room. Apply Elmor J. Neville, .vn-l Neville Blk. (15)-638 FOR RENT 7-room house, modem exopt furnace; til N. 2Sth Ave.; newly painted and papered; very convenient; rent rea sonable. Arply at 607 N. ISth, or room 903, N. Y. Life Uldg. (15)-M;4 1M1 N. ISth St., 6-r., partly mod $1 14't? N. isth St., 4-r., partly modern 10 241fi Sherman Ave., 12-r. mod., choice.... 80 14'8 Westerlleld Ave., 7-r., good repair.. It orny, -r., moo., cnoice .j 4n"1 N 2Xth Ave., 5-r.. city water 3.UI Davenport. 8-r., mod. Also several ncresge and garden tracts. RUSSELL ft McKITRICK CO.. 432-34 Ranige Bldg. 15th and Hnrney. (161-2K7 1ft EIGHT-ROOM hons cm Improvements, In good repair, mod 130. 708 N. 19th Pt. (16) 29 TWO ELEGANT HOUSES, fill 80. 2!th St.. 8 rooms, strictly modern. 2215 Binncy St., in rooms, strictly modern. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st Floor N. Y. Ufe Uldg. (15)-M27S 17 FOR RENT Fine 8-room, all modern house, 1n a ring locality, cheap this week onlv 127 60. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1st Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 178L (15)-679 14 FOR RENT 8 rooms In city water, $8. C. W. Paxton block. apartment flat, Bachmann, 416 (15) 179 6 ROOMS, modern except heat, near 33d and Hamilton Sts 121.60. ( rooms, modern except heat, near Laird and 22d Sts. 118. 4-room apartment house, the "Ormond," 5SS 8. 2oth St. -825. BEMIS. PAXTON BLOCK. 'Phone Douglas btw. (15) M23! Offices. ONE large office room, ground floor, Ed ward Crelghlon Institute Bldg., 210 8. ISth St., opposite city hall. Inquire building. (161-942 FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 25th St., South Omaha, Apply to tnHnnser. (IS) 134 OFFERED FOR SALE Fencing. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c per foot, 206 N. 17th St. Tel. Red 814. (16J-M54S Fornltnre. CONTENTS of four-room flat for sale at a sscrince, must sell at once. Inquire of flst 2, Wright block. 16th and Chlcaso Sts. (16) M931 FURKITURE of an 8-room house for sale. 1724 Cass St. (1H M158 18 FURNITURE of 10-room modern house fog sale. 2427 Dodge. (16) M216 19x Pianos, Organs, Mnalcal Instruments. PIANOSPIANOS Don't fall to see these bargains: 25 Upright Pianos, each, $100 to. $185 1 Smith & Barnes, oak case. . . . 125 2 Vose & Sons Pianos, $135 to. 200 1 Norwood, mah. case 138 1 New England, mah. case.... 167 1 Martin Bros., mah. case 162 1 Sterling, ebony case $173 1 Franklin, Burl walnut case 1 Singer, mah. case 1 Stein way, ebony case . I Chlckerlng, rosewood case Stelnway and other Square $25. $35. $45 and up. Organs, used and new, all makes, $1 to W4a TERMS, 5 to $10 cash; balance, $2, $3. $4 or more per month. 200 new Upright Pianos for rent, $3 and up. Pianolas and Pianola Pianos for rent, three months' rent allowed if purchased. Instruments tuned, repaired, moved, stored and exchanged. Tel. Douglas 1625. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1311 and 1313 Farnam St., Omaha. (16) 997. STEGER PIANO-CHEAP FOR OA8H. $1S M'CAGUE BLDG. (16) M639 AT PIANO, mahogany case. In excellent eon dltion, cost $360, for sale st $175. 433 S. 24th St. 'Phone Douglas 8206. (16) M832 LEAVING town at once, will sacrifice flna upright Chlckerlng piano at $110. 415 No. 23d St. (16)-186-18 TWO ORGANS ONE $5, ONE $26. 31S (15) M637 AT H CAQl'G BLJXJ. FOR BALE A good Emerson upright piano, at a sacrifice. Apply 2413 Hnmil ton. (161-MS13 Pool and BUIard Tables. FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard and pool tables: we lead tne world in cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruno wick-Haike-couenaar. B. win oi. (16)-44 Typewriters and tewing? Hasblnts. FINE Remington No. 6 typewriter, good aa new, $4. 641 Paxton Blk. (16) 184-18 ONE Remington typewriter. No. 6, In good condition, for sals cheap, call at hcs ofnoe, asi 29x HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand, 1818 Farnam. (16)-94 BEND us your mst! orders for drugs; freight paid on $10 lot. Myers-DllloB Drug Co., Omaha (16)-4T FEW bargains In Id-hand soda fountains; monthly payment. Derlght, 1S18 Farnam. (16)-48 FOR SALE Two National cash registers one total adder: also nice line of stora fixtures. Globe Land and Investment fo, Patterson lllock. (16) 960 6HERWIN WILLIAMS CO., best mlxd paint. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. 06)-84 FRAME AND PATTERNS Hrooks' sail boat No. 6; chance to get good boat cheap. Address K 300, care Ree. X (hi) M232 15x BUTCHERS' refrigerators on hand. 110$ Douglas (16) MK18 16x SECOND-HAND AUTOMOBILES. 1906 Thomas Flyer, 40-H.-P., full equipment cost $3,750, now $1,800. 1906 Pope Toledo, Type T, top and full equipment: cost $3,76(5, now $1,900. ltJ Reo, used 60 miles; cost $1,26. now tl.WA 19" Reo. top and full equipment; cost li.lY now $900. r I l-4 White Steamer; cost $2,600, now $700. ' 14 Ford. 16-H.-P. ; cost $1,160, now $7uO. Pone-Waverly Electric runabouts. H"0 up. DERIGHT Al'TOMODILK COMPANY. 1813 Farnam St. O)-M940 RIDPATH 8 History of World Encyclo pedia Rrltannlca, cheap. 641 Paxton block. Roberts. (16) IK5 Apr3UX ONE gas range for sale, $8. 122 So 26th St. i Q6)-M271 20x PATENTS Larson Co., book free. Be Rldf U7)-M 220 D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma. chine designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17) 133 All WHEN you writ to advertisers, remem ber It takes but a few strokes of th pea to UU that you saw tha "ad." 1a Th Boa, $148 f I .... 250 il ...135 U . . 185 y J Pianos. , S