TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MAKCII 14. 1007. COUIICIL BLUFFS!! .1 xlbnbM 5IG JOB COLLECTING TAXES j ' (") Vina Rnnd'rad' Lawsuit Inmliatl in the Portland AwesimDt HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR POSTAGE ALONE Attorney for Osnpttf Hotlfy Cty Officials It "Will Flht the Tas la Behalf ( It Stock holder. ssssaJi of mi: B ' i ii wmmrmmm in. II in . iiiii.iiin.ii. i .. rrzr-z . . . . - Mime 3 : The effort on the part of pmttaWattarole county to collect taxes for several years past on the holdings of the stockholder of the Portland Gold Mining; company Involve a van amount of extra work for the county treasurer and the cleric of the dis trict court. Notices have been mailed by the county treasurer to 901 atockholders, whose places of residence are pracUcally world-wide. Notices have been sent to every state In the union, as well as to England, France, Germany, Canada, South America, Australia and other foreign coun tries. The cost of mailing- and register ing these notices exceeded $100. The notices are to the effect that the , stockholder named therein Is reuulred to appear before County Treasurer Mitchell on or before March 80 and show cause why Ms or her stock should not be as sessed for taxation for the years named. It Is the Intention of the county to as sess the stock for the years 101 to 106, Inclusive, and then let th courts do the rest. For the purpose of assessment, the mar ket value of the Portland stock for tho years named will be taken. The stock was quoted for these years as follows: 1901, IS. IB; 1902 12.78; 190S, 11.75; 1904, 11.40; 1905, l.9B; 1906. Jfci9. For In stance, a person holding 100 shares of . stock during 1901 the value will be placed at 1345 and the taxable value will be one i fourth of this, namely 189.25. The par j value of the stock Is II a share, of j which 1,000,000 were Issued. A list of the stockholders was recently ! secured by the county authorities from i an Inspection of the company's books un der order of the court. Notices have been sent to each person represented to own stock according to these books. Many replies have been reclvd by Treasurer Mitchell by persons so notified disclaiming ownership of the stock. Others have replied stating that they have alrendy paid taxes on their stock holdings In the states In which they resided and deny the right of Pottawattamie county to , again tax them on the same stock. The result of assessing the holdings of B6i reputed stockholders by the county treasurer will be the filing of 92 appeals to the district court. Yesterday H. V. Battey, clerk of the district court, re ceived a letter from State Senator 4 Saunders. local attorney for the Portland Gold Mining company, and the stockhold ers, warning him of the actions to come and advising, him to have two or more appcy.l dockets specially prepared for these actions. The entire 982 appeals will havs to be listed separately on the docket, not to montlon the Indexing and other work attendant on the filing. Saunders names as attorneys for Portland company and stockholders Mr. the Ty- son 8. Dines, C. S. Thomas, A. T. Gunnel of .Colorado and Hon. W. I. Smith and Baundors & Stuart of this city. Attorney Charles M. Hart has been re tained by the Board of County Super visors to aslst County Attorney Hess In tho matter of the taxation of the Port land company stock. It Is understood that Messrs. Hess and Harl are to receive as compensation 15 per cent of all the taxes on tho' stock recovered Into the county " treasury. If Anyone ghoold Ask Yoa We cary the stuff and make the prices. Thafs the reason. Sargent's Family Bhoe Store. Sign of the bear. JARVI3 WINE CO., 225 MAIN. 'PHONE IK P. A. BrENCE. ftaroblng. steam and gas fitting, furnace M Sheet metal work, galvanlied Iron cor nice, skylight tin roofing .gutter, spouting and repairing, green and Norfolk furnaces. Ftrst-claas mechanics In ull branches. Both telephones No. OO. 158 W. Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. JARVIS1 TRADE STILL. INCREASING. Real Bstate Transfers, These transfers were reported to The Bee March 13, by the Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Woman's Christian association to F.va I. Gibson, lot 7, block G, Curtis A Ramsey's add. to Council Bluffs, w d f I l.IW Peder Poulson and wife to Charles R. Hough, iw4 nw S3-78-43, w d. ....... t. f .' Ttmianelri to Ida May Prentice. 8.100 lot , block . Pierces add., to Counrll Bluffs, w d James W. Brock, trustee, and wife to Charles T. Officer, lot 17. block , Sackett's add. to Council Bluffs, w d..., Executors of Estate of Horace Everett 800 700 to M. Duchmann. part sw-4 swm 23-TO-42. w d 858 Benjamin-Fehr Real Estate Co. to 'llssbeth H. Smith, lot 28. block ti. Ferry add. to Council Bluff", w d.. 17B Jerries R Rice and wife to Frank N. Pefrlea. part of lot 8. Mnllett's sub division, sH se'i S-74-43, w d 128 Kxocutor of Estate of A. Cochran to J. C. Pachban, lot 5, block 15, Coch ran add. to Council Bluffs, exrs d.. IB Eight transfers, total. I 6.JS! TRT JARVI8' GOODS BEFORE BUY ING. la Hater's Yard All Asuertea Is Repre- i seated. From mahogany rafted down the Emer gen river to the humble pine of our Caro Uraa. In brief, when In quest of lumber, of the right sort at the right price, It will pay you to take the trouble to have a chat with me. I hare the goods and I deliver them. C. Hfr. Council Bluffs. Ia. The only repairing I do Is the kind that Is done right. I repair everything that Is repairable In the Jewelry line. Do not worry about the price; I make that right. O. Mauthe, 13 W. Broadway. EVERY KNOWN BRAND SOLD BY JAP. VI3. Grand Cenncll Royal Arcaaant. Circulars announcing the sixteenth an nual session of the Iowa grand council of the Royal Arcanum to be bold In Council Bluffs Tuesday, April 9, have been received by the local members of the order. The meeting win be held at the Grand hotel and the opening session will be convened at 10 a. m. The meeting will continue for such time as will be necessary to transact all the business coming before the grand council. W. A. Groneweg of this city has been appointed assistant to the grand secretary for the meeting. O. H.'Nicoll of this city Is one of the three grand trustees, A. T. Flloklnper Is chairman of the committee on laws and tht.t oo state of the order, while H. L. McNIlt is chalriitan of the committee a distribution of reports. ' , Chiuie A, ' Beno of 'thin city la Iowa OUR INVITATION IS MORE URGENT, OUR WELCOME WILL BE MORE ENTHUSIASTIC THAN EVER BEFORE, HATS from the autocrats of millinery who rule the world's styles, from the Capital of Fashion on the Seina. Paris IIat&, or rather American adaptations, and the favorite translations of French styles are those developed by our own expert milliners. The John Bcno Co. label in a bonnet means a great deal. .Without favoritism or royal warrant we have won distinct leadership in millinery. Our styles are the vogue our prices very pleasing to all who want high class millinery at moderate cost. The price range, with a great variety at each step, is: $2, $3, $3.50, $4, $5, $G, $7, $8, $9, $10 to $25.00. ' . HATS FROM SIMPLE ELEGANCE TO THE MOST ELABORATE CREATIONS ARE HERE IN THIS MOST CORRECT FORE SHADOWED OF THE 1907 SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. We're Proud The trend of fashion is most clearly shown in the smart 1907 styles and colors at this popular price. "While many women have already come beautiful, stylish and fine cannot be duplicated elsewhere at two or three times our price. Come and see for yourself. grand regent and A. E. Brock, also of this city, Is a grand treasurer. ' In the circular announcing the meeting of the grand council Grand Regent Bcno says: I have Just received the following good news from the supreme regent. Read It, then go forth and unite In one grand effort to continue this wave of prosperity: The month of February, lmli, for the first time since the Atlantic City sesHlon of tho supreme council, comes proudly for ward with a net gain In membership. The applications and reinstatements for that month filed In the supreme secretary's of fice were 900, while the loses from deaths, suspensions and withdrawals aggregated 875, thereby giving us a net gain of 116. The record of the first five days In March Is still more gratifying. During. that time 237 applications were received. Trades Islos Mea. Tou get Union Made shoes at Sargent's K"a rally Shoe Store, whether you ask for them or not. Sign of the bear. ALL, GOOD LIQUORS FROM JARVI& If you want a nice record or a fine talk ing machine come to the Bourlclus Piano House, 1 33S Broadway, where the organ stands upon the building. JARVIS. THE WINE PEOPLE. Matters in Federal Conrt. The federal grand Jury completed Its de liberations yesterday and was discharged by Judge McPherson. Three Indictments were returned, one of which only was made public as the defendants named In the other two were not under arrest. Charlea Holman, a youth of 20 years, was Indicted for bootlegging at Grlnnell. IIol man's 'defense was that he did not sell the whisky complained of because "all the boys chipped In" and he merely acted as pur chasing agent. Despite the fact that Hol man had already been twice In Jail, the court was lenient and 'sentenced him to four months' Imprisonment in .the Mont gomery county Jail at Red Oak and to pay a fine of 1100. The greater part of the time of the court yesterday was taken up In hearing argu ments on a demurrer In the case of Alex ander L. Watson of Galeeburg, III., against the Security Life & Savings Insurance company, the National Life St Trust com pany, the National Life Insurance com pany of the United States of America. The litigation arose over the amalgamation of the companies, the National Life A Trust company first taking over the Security Life St Savings Insurance company and it self being absorbed by the National Life Insurance company of the United States of America. Policy holders In the first company stopped payments when It was taken over by the second company and are now seeking a settlement of the amounts which they paid In. The petition also asks for the appointment of a receiver, but thla will not be insisted upon If Judgment Is obtained by the plaintiff. Tli rniest ftraaan at Head. If you Intend doing any cement work do not fail to call on George A. Hoagland for prices on cement, sand, crushed rock, etc. Have Just unloaded 1,000 barrels of Port land cement and can make you very at tractive prices. WHEN OTHERS FAIL TRT JARV18. Y. M. C. A. Subscriptions. The Toung Men's Chrlstaln association building fund reached the flt.000 mark yes terday. The amount secured by the so liciting committee yesterday was The THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Everything That Is Now in Hats Is Here, on the Great Second Floor of Fashion rv. ' " ' mm a Wife' -h -sir See the Exposition of Women's Coats, Suits, following will form the soliciting commit tee this morning: F. J. Day, 8. F. Henry, W. H. Klllpack, J. W. Smith. Congressman Smith pledged 1300 to com plete SX.OUO, and promised 1200 additional when needed to complete $35,000. CENTRAL FLOUR. $1.05 PER SACK; EVERY SACK WARRANTED, CENTRAL GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET, PHONES 2i. JARVIS SELLS "BOTTLED IN BOND.' N. Y. Plumbing Co. Tel. 620. Night, L-9CS. SQl'ABBLE OVER HYDRANT RENTAL Bill Ordered Paid on Basis of New Ordinance Rates. The semi-annual bill of the waterworks company for hydrant rentals was produc tive of a lengthy discussion at the ad journed regular meeting of the city council last night. The company presented Its bill at the old rates, asking that the city pay as much thereof as the rentals under the new schedule provided in the ordinance passed last year and contested by the com pany would amount to without prejudloe to the company or tha city. The new ordi nance provided for a rate of $16 a year per hydrant, while under the old franchise the company had been receiving $100 per hy drant for the first 100 hydrants and $75 per hydrant over and above that number. Councilman Wallace took exception to the form of the bill as did Mayor Macrae. They took the position that It ought to have been made out at the rate as pro vided In the new ordinance. After a pro longed dlscusslun the company was or dered paid at the $45 rate on the under standing that In accepting this amount It did not prejudice Its right as to claiming a higher rental, Councllraen Wallace, Olson and Yoankerman voting against It. An ordinance regulating the licensing of distribution of advertising matter, etc., and repealing the old one was passed under a suspension of the rules. The ordinance pro vides for a license fee of $- for the year, $6 by the month or $3 by the week. One person only can operate under such license and If additional persons are employed by the holder of a license to distribute matter they must be paid for at the rate of So cents a day per person. The ordinance further provides that only adults may dis tribute samples of powders or food stuffs, and prohibits the distribution of sample packages of pills or medicines. The penalty for violation of any of the provisions of the ordinance Is a fine of from $S to $100 and Imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. The question of remitting the taxes of the Gelse cereal mills for five years an being a new Industry waa responsible for the passage under the suspension of the rules of an ordinance repealing the ordi nance giving the city council permission to exempt from taxation new Industries. The taxes oo the Guise Industry were re mitted, although there was aome opposi tion. It being claimed that It was not a now Industry, but merely a transformation of the former business conducU-d by Mr. Gelse" In the same plant. Mayor Macrae took the position that If the Gelse plant waa entitled to exemption of taxes for tha five years the Metsger company's new bakery plant was equally entitled. At a foimer meeting the request of the Metzge? couipauy waa turned down ou the ground CBtM 4S JtttW1 X 5 rx of -the Skirts and Waists Everything . ' A VISIT WILL VALUE GIVING THIS STORE. that It waa merely aa expansion of the former plant. J. WalkJngton was granted permission to conduct a saloon at Broadway and Twenty fourth street, but It Is doubtful If he will be permitted to open up there. Residents In that neighborhood some time ago filed a protoet against a license being granted for a saloon there, and Councilman Hen drix, who voted against It last night, stated that his constituents had not changed their minds. He Intimated that the court would be appealed to for an Injunction. Council men Maloney, Hendrlx and Wal lace were appointed a special committee to confer with the county supervisors, street railway company and others relative to securing financial assistance towards paving lower Broadway. The park commissioners filed a request that tha city reinstall the electric light In Cochran park. The request was referred to the committee on Are and light, al though It was the opinion of some of the councllmen that If the park board had a surplus of funda with which to build a $2,600 modern residence In Falrmount park, ostensibly for a caretaker, It ought to have ample funds to provide a light for Cochran park. Latest up-to-date machinery for repair ing shoes. No waiting. Shoes called for and delivered. Our price Is less than oth er's. Sargent's Family Shoe Store. LADY CLERK-JARVIS, 22S MAIN ST. Commercial Club Election. At a meeting of the directors of the Com mercial club last night E. H. Merrlam was elected president. Other officers elected were: Vice presidents, E. H. Doollttle. P. C. DeVol; treasurer, E. E. Hart; secretary, W. B. Reed. The following were elected on the executive committee: R. H. Bloomer, Thomas Green, J. G. Wadsworth, Cnarles A. Be no. Dr. H. B. Jennings. The meeting was well attended, thirty, two of the fifty newly elected directors be ing present. Congressman Smith addressed the meeting informally relative to matters pending before congress. The hour of the banquet next Saturday has been changed from 6:10 to T o'clock. All tickets have been disposed of, but Secretary Reed Is still receiving applica tion for seata. Mr. Reed asks that any holder of a ticket who does not intend to be present, return them to him so that It may be resold to some one anxious to attend. Yenr Ikon Repaired While Yon Malt. Particular work for particular people; either by hand or machine, at Sargent's Family Shoe Store. Marriage Licensee. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Clinton T. Fitch, Logan, Ia Blanche A. Meyer, Council Bluffs.. Dodfred Nelson, Sheihy Co.. Ia Mary Christiansen, Pottawattamie Age. ... 24 ... IS ... r Co., ia William Eaton, Taylor, la.., Anna JefTerls. Weston, Ia..., Y MINOR MUNTION. Dav'.i, drug. Stockert soils carpets. Pine engravings at Leffert's. lil Rorers' Tony Fauat beer. Bee Schmidt's elegant new photos. Plumbing and heating. Blxby A Hon. The healing plant at the high school was put put of commission yeslaroay by a :.V!..,.!!.;,,:;:;:,v-' Mats We that's new and fashionably preferred is here ready for. inspection. .WELCOME! REVEAL THE POWER OF break In the machinery which operates the big ventilating fan. As a result of the breakdown Principal Thomas had to dis miss the pupils for the day. The break was repaired during tho aftprnoon and school will be held as usual today. Lewis Cutler, funeral director, 'phone 97. Picture framing, Alexander's, 333 B'way. Woodring Undertaking company. Tel. 339. Watch repairing. O. Mautho. 228 West Broadway, NEW SPRING 8TTLE8 IN SPRING GOODS AT HICKS'. ' Latest styles and patterns In wall paper H. Borwick. ill South Main. DIAMONDS AS AN INVESTMENT. TALK TO LEFFERT ABOUT IT. ' For Rent 8-room modern house; furaaca, hath, large yard; swd neighborhood. A. A. Clark & Co. You don't have to ask for Union Made shoes' at Sargent's you get them anyway. Bign of the bear. BUDWEISER BOTTLED BEER IS SKKVKD ONLY AT FIRST-CLASS BAHd AND CAFES. L. ROSEN FELDT CO.. Agts. Illinois nut coal, delivered, $5.0 per ton; spadra grate, $h.W per ton. William Welsh, 16 North Main street. Tel. 128. Yard Klglitli street and Eleventh avenue. Tel. 977. D. S. Kerr has farms of different sizes to rent, either cash or crop rent. Houses for sule on monthly payments. TelB. 417 and 4o Red. 546 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. Spring time is coming. Now Is tho time to selec t your wall paper and get the work done promptly and well. See the new wall paper at W. S. HeweUon's, Masonic tem ple, Council Bluffs, la. Come In and let us show our spring stick of carpeta, ruga, linoleum, oil cloth, window shaded, lace curtains, ranges and gasoline stoves. We have ono of tiie largest stocks of house furnlshinK In the city. D. W. Keller. 103 South Main. J. O. Bryant, aged 72 years, died yester day morning at the Jennie Edmundson Memorial hospital from stomach troulile, after three weeks Illness. He Is survived by one son. J. H. Bryant, of this city, and three daughters, Mrs. C. M. Hamilton of Toledo, O., Miss Maude Bryant of St. Paul, Minn., and Mrs. Alvln Johnson of Omaha. 'he funeral will be held Friday morning at 10 o'clock from St. Paul s Episcopal church. Kev. T. J. Mackay of Ail Bulnts church, Omaha, will conduct the services and burial will be In Falrview cemeteiy. Georgia Miller, the woman who "waltxed" Deputy CHy Marshal Charles Crum up and down Pearl street Tutsday afternoon, paid $5 and costs In police court yesterday morning for her fun. She was provided with a healthy looking roll of bills from which she extracted eurlliient to pay tha oenulty for her o rlndulgenee in strong drink. She ascribed her condition to tha effects of the "gold cure" which she sola always went to her head. "The next time I get that way I stay at home and then I won't have to pay any more fines." she remarked, as she left police headquarters, after squaring her accounts with Sergeant Nlcoll. NOT SATISFIED! THEN TRY JARVIS. ROBERT BURNS 10c CIGAR, OLD TIMES 6c AND SPINA 10c CIGAR. MA LONEY CIGAR CO.. DISTRIBUTORS. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. Farmer Snoots at Wife. CHARLES CITY, la., Mnrch 1.1 (Spe cial.) Whllo intoxicated laot night from the effects of drinking diluted alcohol, Samuel Miller, a retired fanner, took three shots with' a revolver at his wife. She escaped to the home of a neighbor across the street, and waa not hit. Miller was arraigned before Mayor Baldwin this morn ing and was fined $LoO and costs. Fight for Mine In Donbt. GRAND RAPIIB, Mich., March 33. The officials of the United States court con-tln-i-i reticent as to whether the Blgelow syndicate, owners of the Osceola Mining company yesterday procured an injunction preventing the Calumet and lieclu mining company from voting the proxies which it holds at the OaieoU company s annual meeting Thursday It Is tteUeved here that a restraining order was Issued and sent to the deputy Lulled Stales marshal at Mar quette. NEVER HAVE WE HAD QUITE SO BEAUTIFUL A SPRING DISPLAY OF CHARMING HATS AS THIS SHOWING WHICH WE ASK YOU TO COME AND VIEW WILL REVEAL. 1 Those who choose early have three advan tages: The privilege of selecting from the widest variety. The distinction of being first to wear the new things. The comfort of hav ing spring hats safely at home in their band boxes before Easter shopping ' crowds and hurries them. Offer at $5 WrW"v lfWrlF'"fsBif.U l Ui, , ui , mi "r 1 a stiff 1 1 rTV w eWtVira ewtiWi wtWstW 1f Mj leVjVi Hi oa rewte JOINT RATE BILL REPORTED Measure Fata Flxincr of the Bate in tha Hindi of Commission. BULK SALES BILL PASSES THE SENATE Woodmen of the World Hold Their Biennial Convention at Dee Moines Boone Man RelleTed of His Cash. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Ia., March 18. (Special Telegram.) The railroads committee of the senate has recommended for passage a Joint rate bill which will place the making of Joint rates on Iowa business In the hands of the state railroad commission. It is a measure that will not be opposed by the railroads. Tho appropriations committee . reported out the state marshal bill, but without recommendation as to the appropriation which It carries. . Bnlk Sales Bill I'D. The most of the time of discussion In the senate waa taken up today on the bulk sales bill, whl-h In demanded by the Jobbers to protect them from dis honest retail merchants. The bill requires the giving of five days' notice to all cred itors before a stock of goods can be sold In bulk, and a list of the creditors must be furnished the prospective buyer. . The bill was championed by DeWolf and later by Saunders. Bruce offered an amend ment making It apply only where the sel ler Is Insolvent and Glllllland wanted It to apply only to debts because of the business, and both amendments were defeated. Other amendments were offered to punish for misuse of Information secured In this way. The bill waa strongly urgod as a measure necessary to the protection of creditors and especially wholesalers and bankers; but the opposition came from the belief that It would subject a merchant to unneces sary and perhapa dangerous restrictions in his business. The bill was passed, S3 to 10. House Acts on Bills. After an all day'a session yesterday pars ing bills, the bouae was this morning con fronted with a larger calendar than ever and an all day session waa the consequence. In which a large number of bills were passed. The bills providing that the major ity stockholders of a railroad shall have control of the articles of Incorporation to the contrary, notwithstanding, and the bill providing that terminal railroads In Iowa ahall U. available for use to all roads, were made spe.lal order for to morrow morning at 10:30. Act on Polk Jary Case. The Polk county Jury case waa thrown out of court today by the supreme court lA Cough drift, a Good, for couch. Medicine your It, to know that equally The claim had ' been made that the Jury Hats' were . Irregularly made up In thla (Polk) county, hence"- there waa no legal Jury here nor could there be. A case waa taken to . the supreme court on a writ of certiorari,1 but the supreme court held that the . ease-.was not properly brought. Ap peal will now be made to the legislature for a special act to bring about a remedy. ,, 'Woodmen of World Here. The. biennial convention of the Woodmen of the World of rbwa closed at noon to-, day In this city. The convention waa called for the purpose of electing officers and a delegate to the sovereign grand camp, which meets at Norfolk, Vs. The officer elected are: Head consul. John W. Oelger, Cedar Rapids; head adviser, Edward Nydagger. Fort Dodge;, head banker, I C. Burr, Fort Dodge; head clerk. Dell O. Morgan, pes. Moines; head escort, Ernest Mueller, Dee Moines. . Boone Man Loses Cavah. . John Vagland of Boone, ' Ia., was picked up In an Bast Side saloon unconscious. It Is presumed, . from drugged whisky and minus a roll of $700 In bills. Within ten minutes after his discovery the proprietor of the , aaloon, Frank Menough, and two or three others were arrested charged with, the robbery. . More Railroad Hearings. The railroad commissioners have fixed on March 2 as the date for taking up the hearings on freight rates on 'grain. Fol lowing that there will be hearings on the lumber-schedules and schedules on lime, cement and other building material, the exadt dates to be fixed later. Hearings on freight rates on stone, sand and mer chandise will follow In order through the. summer. ''.' ' Trlangralar Debate. The second annual triangular debate will be held Friday between Drake university. the State Agricultural college and the Iowa college at Grlnnell. Drake and Ames meet in the auditorium at Drake university, , Drske and Grlnnell at Grlnnell and Amea and Grlnnell at Ames. Iowa News . Rote. ATLANTIC The funeral of Stephen J. Gillette, a prominent merchant of this city was held Monday and was one of the most largely attended funerals held here for years. Nearly all the stores closed In honor of his memory and the Masonlo order attended In a body. LOGAN The annual school election of the Logan independent school district oc curred yesterday at which time Thomas Arthur was re-elected a member or me school board for the term of three years. w I Farlnw. dumornt. waa the oniv otner candidate and lost by . 50 votes. The total vote waa l.OuO. ATLANTIC For some time the city of Atlantic has been losing much water by the new water tape not being reported to lbs city clerk, and the council has taken steps to remedy this leakage. It has em ployed a man to make the rounds of the oity and check up every water tap now In vse. Already he has found enough to add hundreds of dollsra to the revenue of tho city. . strong, medicine, a doctor metiiclno. etay cough, hard courhg, desperate If your doctor fully endorse It for cam. tneu tax n. 11 not, teen oon i Never to contrary to his advice VlkmutMiMl irU Wit 1