12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1D07. rim Read this Great Bargain List and you'll woo what a money-saving day Wednes. day will be. Such chances as these come very seldom. No store but Drandeisever sells goods so far below regular price. 1 1 yard for long mill -JL-jffe lengths fine quality 2 JLi batiste; In floral, small figures, circles, etc.; every new Idea of the season la sheer material. yard for 15c Victoria lawns for dresses and children's wear, 36 and 40-ln. remnants. yard for Scotch and chambray ginghams; plaids, checks and nurse stripes; for children's wear, wrappers, dresses, etc. yard for long rem nants new and beautiful white waitings. This quality Is worth your while to make . up Into pretty waists for spring wear. yard for remnants white and 60 differ ent shades poplins. The most popular fabrics of the season for waists and dresses. yard for good' grade yard wide dress per cales, la light and dark styles. 8 !1 JUST RECEIVED Two cases blue apron checked gingham, remnants jr that we are going to sell on bargain square j?) at, yard...-....., Two Big Specials in Linen Dept. per, 17 sold at 65c Best grade cotton diaper, inches wide, usually sold 11.00; Wednesday, 10-yard bolt Fine quality crochet bed spreads, large size; special Wednesday, worth up to $2.00 Hemmed, each ........ .81.00 Fringed, each $1.25 OKixii nr&s food onrm An Easier Greeting In honor of the great spring- festival demands the beat of everything thnt 1 good. If (rood wines or liquors aro required, the jroods furnished by Courtney St Company will meet every purpose, as they are not only gwo.t, but superior In flavor, in purity and In neaithfulnens. This is because they are honest, mads honestly, and sold honestly. In addition to this we offer, aratls. Sjj a bottle of food California Wine with each purchase of a dollar or more wines or liquors, of our own bottling-. K3 Bakery Dept. Thre-&ar Oakea. i tjj Our delicious three-layer Cakes fj 5 (all flavors), each SOo -3 patty ririeus, per dozen. oo n Olaced Bquares, per dornn lOo 1 Cream Puffs, with whipped cream, ft per dozen 800 E? OUR NEW SODA FOUNTAIN I Now Open In East A road a. In Order to Acquaint the Publlo with the Delicious Drink We Serve. We Offer Wednesday A Charlotte Russe FREE With Every Order t nocoiate unaires, per dozen ouci-j Peanut Cookies, per dozen. ....... 10c Jelly Tarts, per dosen SOo Mj Waist Dept. Main Floor New. Store 5 DAINTIEST NEW CREATIONS a - rv ,. mm vv aists tor iy uv The style Innovations of 1907 seem prettiest of all in the new waists. Dainty creations arrive every day. The new Jumper effects, the new lingerie waists, with long or short sleeves and the silk and net effects are all very fetching. Silk, Net and Lace Waists Including the mescalines. Jap silks and French taffetas pretty new style a iq . f r AA features, at O.ifO 15.(10 Lingerie Waists Tucked and pleated many with elaborately hand embroidered panels 4 FA . n pa at. 1.50 op to 7.50 Silk Jumper Waists The newest thing for 1907-i) no a fin 1 no a dosen different ideas, at.Z.JO-d.Vo'Oo A Grand Display of New Wall Paper Have you seen our n.w, up-to-dat. wall paper department? W are offering a striking; display of 1807 styles. at prises so low that you are bound to b. astonished and pleased. 20,000 rolls of good bed- 1 10.000 rolls of slimmer room and kltchun pa- I and ' silver papers .' &ri.;...-....2.c & ...Be . AAA II- - . l.l.l 1 . . ... , . rune 01 .paciKiuea, nuvsmes, etc in wail paper. 4SC J ' worth 40c, 0o and up to 0o roll at, roll. . . . " . . , . .. IOC"22C-40C V Jl Napoleon Bars, per lbT ...40a Alllll. IV (,,,. "WW fc-. Almond Macaroons, pr lb 40o ft linpeniu nacarguni, per io.......vo Kisses, per lb. 40a Cocoanut Sticks (very fine), per lb.40o Ptitter Wafers, per lb 40o French Macaroons, per lb 6O0 Anfrel FVods, each ..SOo f.tl- T"i 1 1 - - w .A. iicujr xvuijB, rcn ,,...ivq M 8pona-ue Cake, each , lOo ( j Apricot Macaroons, per lb. ...... .40o I Meat Dept. S Wsdaesday's SPZCTIAX la HhI T. U For a New England Boiled Dinner, U trv our rnrn t)Mtf i hnnl.a. k !H per lb So ! !-! Lamb (fricassee. Dot cle. stewlnc). S per lb So i'i A fresh consignment of Roe and H Buck Shad,. Just received from Baltl H more; also fresh salt water Herring-. P. KB . AID MS 8. BkaOAJrT, ii our Interesting little people, have con M sented to stay with us another week, Q and can be seen and conversed with (1 at our candy department every aftor S noon. . I Seventeenth and Douglas N TsL BottglM 64T 55 Private Exchange connects all Depts. 40,000 Volls of varnish ed gold papers at. . fin r roil. . . . un-uw-iut OMAHA TO HAVE D. A. R. 0U City Offers Invitation for Annual fonfsresoo, Whioh is Aooepted, KEETIKQ WILL BE HELD IN OCTOBER Soeietr lw Haa MenWnklf of Fer Rang red, wit Cliapters lm Several Lead lag Tewms. Ths Daughters of ths American Rrvolu tlon of Nebraska have accepted the In , vltatlon of ths local chapter to hold tha annual stats conference In Omaha next October. The announcement was made at the monthly meeting of the local chapter held at tha home of Mrs. A. P. Tukey Monday afternoon. The exact dates of the meet ing have not been set. Although the Oc tober meeting will be the sixth annual gathering of the society. It will be its first meeting as a delegated body. A set of bylaws was drafted at Lincoln laat year, the conferences previous to that having been Informal. The society haa at present about 400 members In Nebraska and chapters In Omaha, Lincoln, in air, Fre- ' roont, Falrbury, Reward, Ord and Bea trice,, and two new ohantera being formed at Aurora and Hasting. Mrs. C. 8. Lang- worthy of Beward Is stats regent and has been Invited to attend the meeting of the local chapter April t, when further an nouncement regarding tha coming confer ence will be made. Mrs. Langworthy will be the guest of Mrs. J. C Cowl a. Omaba has entertained the conference but once, three years ago, whan Mrs. Fair banks, wife of the vloe president, and at 4-hat time president general of the national society, was the gusst of honor. Several notable social functions attended that . gathering, but - the oooferenoa la always loads the occasion of extensive entertaln- : ing. The local chapter Monday afternoon voted Is to the memorial window to be plaoed by the Daughters in the little church at Fredericksburg. Vs., where the mother of the first president. Mary Washington, was a regular attendant . fer company, waa shot and killed fnrtu w dWfr? urt' wh0 Immediately ren! i.r.i.ih P"110- - Court madT a ment to the effect that Nichols had slapoed Mra. Court and when he took NlchoSS !OUKni f-.1ih?.f Nlcho!. d.wICiknif.- eii-oeiense. and he fired In Batldlag Peraalte. The following building permits have ssued: Stella C. Jacobl.U38 North TVwen ty-ninth, 12,600 dwelling; W H StnK' 2 Rugglea, H.W dwe' ngj W T (iraham' Landeryou, Twenty-eighth and H.iiii' and Capitol avenue, U&0 dwalllng. Cypre.a Dealers Urgaalae. NEW ORLEANS, Maroh it The reor ganisation of tne C lreM Selling eojrf iiny , lih a oaulial of l.uuu.uU, waa annoaJnJ ye(.rJy. '1 his rvurs.nlKUlun makes tb. coJM!Jiy. whUti la ouu.priMd of mure than tw.iity cypr.M firms, one of the largest lumber ornuauoiis tn u.e soutn. larder la St. Leale. ai. inma. March li Albert Nichols. SHOHT TALKS BY L. T. COOPER JTERVOUSSESa j Nervousness makes people miserable blue and unhappy. They think something terrible Is going to happen. At night they t o s s ' and worry and are not rested. They tire easily and haven't much energy. They think many things are the m a.t t er with thera Con sumption, Kidney . trouble, or twenty other disease. It's Just stomach trou RS. w. j. schai'rer ble, nothing else In the world. Two bottles of Coopefs New Discovery will put the stomach In shape tn three weeks. I know this be cause I've seen It tried a thousand times. Then all nervousness will disappear. I know this, too, because I've seen it hap pen a thousand times. Here's a letter I got the other day: "My system was badly run down and my stomach and nerves In an awful shape. I could not digest my food, was always dlssy. . tired and would often feel faint and "I had heard so much of your New Dls- cvvary medicine that I began taking It. Relief and strength-and happiness were found In the very first bottle and the benefit I have received from It haa bees truly wonderful. I am no longer nervous, my appetite and digestion are good and I eat everything and I sleep well." Mra. W. J. BCHAUREU. !0 Guthrie Bt Louisville, Ky. A SHOE FOR THE DRESSY MAN Is our $3.50 Gun Metal But ton Shoe. It's made with an eye to economy as well as style the leather is soft and pliable, and takes a fine luster Similar shoes can be had in lace and blucher lace. FRY SHOE CO. 16th arid Douglas Strtets We sell Cooper's New Discovery. It makes tired, worn out, nervous people happy. BEATON DRUG COMPANY, Oecae let A Fenacm Vsa, Pmah JUs. Take a Bite Of our Pies and Cakes and you will no longer mourn for the kind you used to find la your grand mother's sideboard. Our pies are made of ripe fruit, with light, flaky crust. If you want a rich fruit pie and one that Is made of good, wholesome mate rials, come to us. Try one of our' cakes and see if our "cakery" doesn't produce as good a cake as your own; see if It isn't really a little better. Any way when you are down town come in and see the many good things we have In our bak ery department. ! BALDUFF 1518 - 20 FAR NAM ST. DairtlTY 8TATB VETERINARIAN. H. L RAMMACCIOTTI, D. V. S. CUT VETERINARIAN. OMAHA. MR. Telephone Ms. OX&ve e4 Infl unary. feUk aiU kiaeva Nta. OMAHA WKATHKTl FORKCAST Wednesday! Fair. io Orcen Trading Stamp Is a permanent thing with us. Don't be fooled by stories to the contrary. There are busy-bodies trying to shake your confidence regarding the permanency of Green Trading Stamps. WE TELL YOU AGAIN AND WITH EMPHA ' SIS THEY'RE HERE TO STAY. -w r . u Great Sale ol WAISTS WOMEN'S Wednesday Waist Sale vvx, WsSBBBSnSsSSSsSlSSl 600. SAMPLE WAISTS ON THREE DAIUiAIN TABLK& MAIN FLOOR .S2.48. LAWNS, BATISTE and SILX T .w it ) Table 1 Lawn Waists, em broidery and Val. Lsce trimmed, worth up ftQ to 2, for JOC Table 2 Lawn and Batiste Waists, handsomely trim med in embroidery and Val. lace, also Medallions, worth ZV?. 1.48 kW Ml 'ill SWT Table 3 Taffeta Silk Waists, some plain tailor made, others have lace trimming; Jumper Waists, in black, plain colors and fancy plaid, worth up to $6.50,2 , Women s Taffeta Eton Jacket Like Cut , Made of Heavy Taffeta Silk. Tucked oyer shoulders, trimmed down front with braid, short kimona sleeves : Wednesday Special : MJ5 Women's Tailor Mfisie Suits- Wednesday Sale, $25 Every suit Is one of this season's .ap proved styles. Great care has been taken In selecting, these suits, both in point of style and value- the chic Eton suits which are so popu lar, and the short and long Pony coat styles. Over 100 of these suits, no two alike In style and color Wednesday, special, s25 Second Floor Gloves All leading makes under our brand. All gloves fitted to the hand by expert fitters. 2 -clasp Lambskin Gloves, pr.$l : l-cl&ap Italian Lamb, pr.1.25 8-clasp Real Kid. pair ....1.50 8-button Kid Gloves, pr.2.50 12-button ' Kid Gloves, pr3.25 . 1 (-button Kid Gloves. pr3.75 16-button Lisle, pair ....1.25 lS-button Silk, . pair ....1.50 - Double Green ' Trading Stamps in Glove section Larjge Shipment Teddy Bears and Dee; Rabbits At 50-G9-98-$1.50 up to $3.08 Crockery Another shipment Colonial Table Tumblers for Wednesday selling like cut finest of crystal, limit of one dosen to cus tomer, at, 6 for 23t Hat Pin Holders, pretty bisque, a 60c value, for .......... .29 New China Dinner Sets, 100 pieces .- finest of German china, pretty decorations, a t at. .517.00 Levees and Embroideries 5.900 yards Net . Top and Point Venice Laces, in white and butter colors, 4 to 12 in. wide, J worth up to tl.St yard, at , ..Utto 20-inch AUover Laces, In Plat. Vals. and Clunv effects, (or waists and dresses, worth up to 1 yard, at ..So lS-lnch Corset Cover Embroid ery, in fifty new assorted put terns, worth up to !5o yd., at.lo 1,000 yards Swiss and Nainsook Embroidery. In sertions and Edgings, J to - In., -worth 25o yard, at '.-.It He 'JJ IV from Bonnet? i 's Good' Dennett's Dig Grocery KNNLTT8 Ws4aesdaj's and Thursday's Special Sera. livery Itea luaseateed Oonce SaryalB "hree Thousand Cans Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, can ....4fle And Sixty Oreen Tradlnc Btaraps. tit iaoinr- Teas. - choice, B. V. Japan, b. L. Japan, Oolonc, Ounpowner Breakfast, pound. . SSo or And beventy-nve ureen rracins ' Stamps. amAJrTOATBD lUOll XoublS Oreea T radio BUunpa. costs) urxTiOsi sFxoxaxr Bennett s Capitol Wneal, pks.lOo Bennett's Capitol Oats. pk..10o Bennett's Capitol F'antake, ik.ll)o Bennett's Capitol Baklns Pow der, lb o Bennett s Capitol Extract, hot.. So 7to twim un om. ............... roe And k'lfty Oreen Trading- Stamps. BtST WK HAViS" Veselables Te.N CHKEN Tl.AUi.iU wiA-ifo WiXH EACH CAN: Tomatoes, large can ISO Baaed Beans, large can . ...llVio fetrtnsiesR Beaoa, can l&o Lima Buans, can Ho Wax Beans, can lie Kidney Beans H0 Corn, can ..llViS Hominy, can tettu Vols Peas, can 11 Ho BIA1S1JI J'KCIAIi Thompson s CaiJorola 8uUana Kals- las, pound And Twenty Oreea Trading 8tanip. Bennetts Capitol Flour, -lb. sack for And One Hundred and rifty Oreen Trading Htmps. JAM aj'SOXAJi. Palace Car Jams, aasurled, usually sold lie can. Wednesday and Thurs day, eao Specials in Hard ware Wednesday HOURE CLKAN1NG TIMK 18 HKKB I1KRK AUK HOME VSEKVL ARTICLES Rloe Root, Tamplco and PvJmetto Bomb iirueues. choloe. . . loo ' i Ana Ten ureen Trading ! Stamps. j Mop Sticks, best qual- ' j ity 10a J And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. Carpet and Hug Beaters, ' lio and ..10e And Ten Oreen Trading - Stamps. Heavy Carpet Beaters I at 25c and Me j And Twenty Oreen I Trading Stamps. Regular 6. ft. Clothes ; Lines, special ' . . . . loo And Ten Oreen Trading Stamps. nisa k rooms, extra sood. each lOo.f 5T'" 1 I And Ten Ureen Trading " . 1 ( Stamps. Galvanised Water Palls, idc, 26c and SOo And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Galvanised Wajh Tubs at 5o, 75c, tie and.S&o And Thirty Oreen Trading Stamps. FRESH CHINOOK SALMON All Week Sliced, pound lie Heat - Section Basement. TO it i I A Few of Wednesday's Special Bargains If You Count Cost We Can Count With You A AT uuu . " rarvrn II h b U UivA TKI RXLUBLB ST0RI It You Count Quality We Can Satisfy You Wash Laces Vedncsday, 2ic and 5c Two Immense lines of Wash Laces, Including all the newest designs, has Wb divided for this sale Into two great lots Wash Laces, worth to 100 a Tara. at , 5 Wash Lacos, worth to SOo yard, at Ihc All Silk Veilings, Wednesday 10 Famous Hour Sales BE BURE AND ATTEND OUR FAMOUS HOURLY SALES POPULAR PRICED GOODS DEPARTMENT 8:80 Till 9:30 a. m. We will sell pure all Linen Towels, 1 yds. long by 22 lnrhes wide, regular 26c Towels, and only four pair to a customer at. 10 10 Till 11a. m. We will sell Arnold's celebrated double-fold Flannelettes, everybody knows these goods this sea son sold for 15c a yard; 36 Inches wide; perfectly fast coloru, Persian styles; not over 10 yards to a custom er, at, per yard 51 niGH-GRADE WOOL Dress Goods Dept. Be sure and attend these sales: From 10 to 11 a. m. Any high-grade Novelties, ranging in price from $1 to $5 per yard, In all the new French, English and German fabrics for the eprjng of 1907, we will sell one pat tern to a customer at exactly half the marked price. 2:30 Till 3:30 p. m. We will sell one pattern of any of our high-grade Black Goods, consisting of Voiles, Fancy Panamas, etc., and only one pattern to a customer at exactly half the marked price. 2:80 Till 8:30 p. m. We will sell Dotted Swisses, fine dots, large dots and medium dots, the regular 19o and 25c grade, from the bolt; no rem nants; not over 12 yards to a cus tomer, at, per yard 105 4 Till 5 p. m. We will sell 72-inch Bleached Irish Linen, regular $1.00 and $1.25 values, the finest goods made for the money; six yards only to a customer, at, per yard ...59 HIGH-GRADE Wash Goods Dept. 8:80 Till 10:30 a. m. We will sell any of our Printed or Woven Hlgh Grade Wash Fabrics at exactly halt the marked price; not over 12 yards to a customer. 3 Till 4 p. m. We will sell Anderson' celebrated Scotch Gingham, 32 Inches wide, in all the new patterns, and Anderson's Scotch Madras, 86 Inches wide, all the 25c grade, nothing re served, your choice of any pattern, for one hour only, at, per yd.l2tt No goods sold before or after the hours mentioned. . 2 Wednesday Clothing Specials BOYS KNEE PANTS Regular 35c to i MEN'S ODD PANTS Worth to 11.60 65c values, in Wednesday's sale, 19c at, choice ......... ...... . ... . .fJ5 and 25Wortllto M-BO, at, 'choice.... $1,50 A Few Specials In Hardware Best grey enameled Tea Kettle, No. 8, worth 85c, on sale Wednesday. 49 5c pkgs. Wood Tooth Picks SVss Best grey. enameled Oatmeal Cookers, three-piece ' combination, , worth 86c, for v.. i.49s 10-inch I. 8. Steamers, this sale. 19 Mrs. Potts' 5-piece 8ad Irons,, regular price $1.10 per set, one day... (15 No. 1 Galvanized Waah Tubs .'.SSt No. 2 Galvanized Wash Tubs.48Vie Parlor Brooms, rour-tie 17 H Granite Spoons, Granite Drinking Cups for 5t White metal dressed Tea Spoons, 6 for .i..w. ...... Large Feathef Turkey Dusters -, . 19. White Metal Forks and Knives. . .Kg Remember, ' this is for Wednesday only. Flour Flour Flour Another big banner Flour sale Wednesday. We have just received 2 carloads ot the best Highest Patent XXXX Flour for this special sale. Thls flour la made from the finest Red Turkey Hard Win ter Wheat obtainable. It will make more loaves and much whiter and sweeter bread than any other flour on the market; The same grade of flour is retailed everywhere from $1.80 to $1.50 per sack. To give every house keeper in Omaha an inducement to try a sack of this best patent flour, we are going to sell it for this special sale only, per sack ..... ...... . .$1.00 Our guarantee with every sack. Re member this sale is for one day only-Wednesday. n n n nrrnrvr Mil ft " 11 III! llVl o)o) la jvJla Five fast daily trains via the North- Western Line take you through to Chicago , over . Tho Only DsuMo Track Railway Bclvc: Iho Uissourl River and Chisago Pullman standard drawing-room and tourist sleeping cars, composite observation cars, buffet smoking and library cars, parlor cars, 'dining cars, free reclining chair cars and day coaches. Fast daily, trains to Sioux City, Mankato, St Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth and to points in Nebraska, South Dakota, The Black Hills and Wyoming. For rates, tickets and fall in formation apply to Ticket Offices, 1401 -1403 Farnam Street. Omaha, Neb. Tha extensive sale of is awing to their perfect purity. Food for Nerves fVssJc and Mrvoos msa who find their powar K stork and youthful visa, on s a result of sf- Work or mntJ sxsrtlon should tas OltAT'l NEKVK VOOD FILL. Tby wltf ka you sst and slsap end b a msa to. auni a asusS tor Mail, Sherman Q. McCoAnell Drv Co , UUx an Dots BU osatia. Ms.- The Twentieth Century Farmer ran Ppr-SbscHb Nw. . SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. DCLLCVUE COLLEGE OOIXKOB CUMtl. selMJllSe. BhliosopktuaJ soitrSM, AC4UWI-A uell4 e mhuo is tW Imii'm eoU er HAlorsti. HOKMAI. MO(Jb-lMiUIT S4TSMMS OrtiScet ' 00sV4ToKr Itwy at Bast, $Um, vstes, Tlvtis. atocutioB B4 aft, OMAMA CciNKOTluNs SkMtrU Um ssS Bvllns- ! rmilnr Wvtt Softoi lMrmltarls. XH,mt rnsUwtt WsSssons, iMtMTBS, . For Rent..o OLD BEE BUILDING V.. At 916 Farnam Sj This Is a four-storr and basement brick building la tha wholesale district with trackage in tne rear. Has steam heat and eleotrlo light and a freight elevator. - The upper three floors are occupied at present for storage purposes. There is a lease on the building, which expires the 80th of June. 10, which would have to be assumed or a sew one made. . , ' If Interested, call and see ' GEORGE R. WItianT, At Bee Office, Seventeenth end F&rn&si Et i