Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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To hely'i Talk AWt Cut!- Leeu
. Doesn't Bear Folks,
Topeka flare Ba Wnttn
To a ft (VNcli H-.s Dew What
Ha Kara la Maklaa;
thc DmI.
-Listens rood. ,
TKc" Bhlvely" taHc about forming an
outlaw league sound like the lonesome
err of a loser. It comes with very poor
grace from tha doctor, too, for he la a
amber of the National Board, that august
body whow decisions are Irrevocable law
aa regards tha purely Internal mattera of
th minor leagues. If he cannot abide by
the decisions -of the tribunal of which he
la member, what will he expect of other?
Tut, tut. doctor; thla exhfbttlon la childish.
It's hard on the Western aoaoolatlon to
have to rive up Topcka. but It would be
Jit aa hard on Topcka hsve to atay
fnrever In a Class D league when there la
an opening in a Class A for the town.
Such chances do not come every day In
basa hall, and the Shlvely people ought
tn be glad to let Topeka better Ita con
dition. The milk In the cocoanut la that
tha doctor had In his mind the object of
planting a team at Kanena City, Kan., In
exchange for Topeka. Thla. of course,
could not be allowed, hut It does not ap
peaaa Dr. Shlvely. Aa a matter for aober
consideration, hi talk rf establishing an
outlaw league with teams In both Kansas
Cities and at Topeka doesn't amount to
anything more than the natural chagrin
of a man who has Joat. If Prealdent (VKHI
h paid the money to Secretary Farrell,
aa he aays he haa. the deal la complete,
ad Topeka will be a member of the West
ern league circuit, no mutter what Shlvely
say or dvs.
Who Will Own St. Joseph.
From Chicago cornea th announcement
that Mike Donlln haa got the Bt. Joseph
franchise In the Western loague and will
put In and manage the team there. Thla
would be" welcome news If It could be de
pended on, but .on the surface it beara
the earmarks pf being the output of the
some brand of bonrV that sent out the
story lately about Michael being separated
from several thousand dollars' worth of
hot rocks and other Jupk while walking
down one of Chicago' crowded thorouah
far4. Donlln Is under reserve to the New
York Nationals nnd couldn't play In St.
Joe, unless Brnsh convent, which la net
likely to happen na Mike la needed by the
Otanta. He might manage the team, but
vn that would be In face of a fight with
tha New York magnate. Still, John Oaniell
suoceoded In breaking awny from the New
York Americans In much the same wny.
anft If Mike la really In earnest, be will
be welcomed out here.- ll'-m presence on
the bench alone would add a certnln de
rrea of Itrten tt to -proceed1?, even If It
didn't add dignity. Some deflnrie announce
ment will have to be made very soon about
Bt. Joe, for the daya are gliding swiftly .by
and the putting together of a team for
that town cannot be left entirely to ohahca
What President O'Xell tarn..
Ia answer to a Query from The Bee
Prealdent CNell telegraph from Chicago
aa follows:
"Cooley and Crow are to handle the To
peka, club.. They are the present owner.
Cooley was to handle Louisville If, we had
fot taken Topeka Into the Weatern. The
. owner of Bt. Joseph franchise I want to
glv out at St. Joseph, so the newspaper
people of that town will have eomethlng to
writ about. I am writing around to se
ra , exhibition date for that club and
so player. Dr. Shlvely waa notified In
ufralo by the board of arbitration of the
National association, through Its repre
sentative, Secretary Fa,rrelt, . that he was
to ' relinquish the territory, of Topeka to
tha Westorn league on payment of tt.000,
and I Immediately mailed same to him.
Bhlvely now cornea out In an Interview
from Kansa City, In which he states that
h will play outlaw ball. Thla comes in
poor taata from a man who la a member
of the National Board. Ha know that
tha National Commission and National
Board have don their best to give the
Weatern association a chance to gracefully
surrender the Topeka territory to the West
ern league, and ha now see fit to defy
all th organised Interest In base ball. I
amy doing my bast to put the, Weatern
leajrua in a position eoond to none In
base ball, and, regardless of win or lose.
I know that I am making every, effort
toward that end. . " N. L, aNEIU"
Omaha's 1'roepeets are Brlarht.
Papa B1U Rourka Is awaiting with the
eagerness of a schoolboy for the coming of
the time when his teem will assemble for
Its .season's work. He 1 better satisfied
With his chances than he has been for a
number of years. The team he expect to
putt, on th field look mighty good to him
and to tha thoroughbred fan a well. Oua
Thompson's contract came through all
right, and that means the big pitcher will
ba on the dot. Hla work ta aure to be a
feature of the season. With Sanders. Dodg?
and. McNeeley, and, maybe Hall, the pitch
ing staff la good at th vary beginning.
Met will be given an opportunity, al
though he is the least promising of tha
sextet under contract. Qondlng. Bender
and Townsend are the catching corps; tTry
or. Dolah for first, Francka at. second aod
to captain the team, Jimmy Austin at
third. White at short. Autry In left. Welch
In, aalddle and Balden In right is the way
the field will Una up. and It mean the
hardest hitting crowd Omaha haa ever had.
Four of theae men are in the .too class,
and ths others are .160 or better, so that It
will be a case of hustl from the first for
tha other fellows. It is a good fielding
team, too. and all that la needed la for the
early development of the Inside work, and
the games are certain to be "real contests
Tha other team have strengthened greatly
luring the winter, and the Western circuit
will aee better ball during thi coming sum
mer than It haa since th good old days of
1W8. when It was aura enough a Class a
JSe Couatry Clab.
Tha crowded condition of ths outdoor
clubs of Omaha will be relieved this sum
mer If present plans for a new country
club carry. The old Patrick homestead,
familiarly known as Happy Hollow, was
sold last week to a pr,ty of local business
man for 110.000, and will be usad a tb
Dundee Country club.. Tbs .deal Includes
Steven acre of land, which, will be laid off
Into a golf course. , This is most accessible,
jav It ia situated at the. end of tha Dundee
Una. The, club membership will be
injtsd to aoo. each membership coating
which entitle tha members to that
arauant Of stock In th company owning
tb land. The Patrick bo ma coat originally
7040 with th Improvements which have
been mads and will make an Ideal club
fcouaa, i
Field Claw Opea.
The Field club haa opened Its door and
built th Ares and 1 ready for th early
golfers aa well aa any other of tha mem
bers wha might want some place to Journey
fin the beautiful daya, For such aa these
ths "buffet has been spened and light lunoa
Is balng served. Ths new golf Instructor is
on i head and is paving ths way for a
strenuous season for, with a new Instruc
tor at both the larger clubs, the rivalry
bids fair to be keener than ever. Tb Field
club now boast as pretty a course as I
to ba found anywhere, for th new wooded
forty which waa utilised last fall give
added tntareat to that course. With th
Increase In due which th club voted upon
tha fcotntnlttee wtlt mve mora fund for
beautifying the grounds and also for offer
ing mora Inj the way of prlxes for contest!.
nark heotla Poor. '.
The nlmrod of Omaha who olght In the
Spring shooting of the festtve duck as he
Journeys to hla nesting plaee In the far
north hare had a hard time la bagging
any larjr , number of bird because of the
high water of the Platte. Several Omaha
parties went to different point along the
Platte Sunday, but had poor success, a
they were unable to get to any bare nf the
Platte because there were none, all being
covered with water. Report from the
aandhllla are better and. shooters who tried
their luck nearer home and shot at Cut -Off
lake fared much better. Many good bag
were made at Cut-Off. thirty-aeven being
killed from one t.Had. ;
T. C . Gym Popular.
The Young Men's Christian association
gymnasium wss opened for men a week
ago and thla week 'Will be opening for the
junior classes. The new gymnasium will
be a -wrest help In the association work,
for many will Join the association for the
sole pttrpoee of benefiting by the use Of
the gymnnslum. The directors may well
be proud of the results of their efforts In
trying to glv Orrtaha the finest gymna
sium possible, for the entire country would
have tn be searched to find a gymnasium
the equal of that In Omaha. Director
Pentland will have hla hands full with the
numerous classes of members which are
being formed for spring work. It Is now
not a dlfPeult matter to make a renewal
of a Young Men' Christian association
Foot nail Wejnafl Oat.
. Base hall 1 not the only sport which
will soon open out wth the early birds
of spring, for Coach Yost of Michigan
has called on the foot ball squad to assem
bly April 1 for spring; training. Ho is
practically forced to make thla move" be
cause of the Ineligibility of so many of
his old men, which makes It necessary to
round some of the youngsters Into shape
for th gruellinK work of th grid this
Whether or not Michigan stay In th
conference, there will be a hard season
before the Wolverines, for the game with
Pennsylvania will be no easy, task, and
If Michigan sticks to the Big Nine there
Is a strong chance for a game with Chi
cago. Yost proposes to keep the men -at
punting, handling the ball and formation
work this spring, for the defeat of tile
team by the Quakers last fall aroused
hl:n, and he Intends to let no chance for
victory Blip by this year.
He will have of the veteran' squad Cap
tn I n Magoffin, Bishop and Rumney of the
backneld; Iell, Davidson, Clement, New
ton, Hnmmond and Patrick of the line,
and what vacancies may be left next fall.
If nny nf these men leave college, may be
filled with eeveral excellent players, who
were Ineligible last yeai, but who will
have free entrance to the foot ball quarters
Diets Athletle Plans.
Work of remodeling the Dletx Athletic
association ground at Thirtieth and Spauld
Ing la progressing at a rapid rate. The
house movers have moved and set the large
grand stand, thus assuring a more comfor
table position to watch the games. The
bleacher have been moved over to the east
j aide of the grounds. Twenty losds of cln-
ders have been spread around the n
trance, to , the ground ' and clnof walks
built up to the stand' to do away with the
muddy places occasioned by heavy rain
and this Is one of the troubles with which
the association will not have to ' contend
this year. Work on the club house Is ' In
progress and will be pushed as fast aa pos
sible and It Is expected the locker rooms
i and showers will be In readiness for the
early practice of the ball teams.
1 At a base ball meeting held at he club
rooms Aionaay mgni 10 arrange a system
of running the teams for the coming sea
son, Fred J. Evans was elected to fill' th
position of head coach. With a squad of
I twenty-five -ball players the association I
I assured of two faster team than last year.
Th first team will have white suit
' trimmed In blue and the second team blue
suits trimmed In- white. The ttnnls court
will be remodeled aa soon a possible, the
fence on the end having been moved out
to make the courts regulation.
Th association has Increased Its mem
bershlp from 72 to $9 and haa nearly
enough applications on file to complete the
full quota of membership.
Hackensckntldt Admit He Doe Not
.Want the Match.
The announcement that Frank Ootch and
Hackensehmldt had been signed for a
championship wrestling majch. to take
place In Kansas City, for a BurHe of tlO.OCO
la one of the most Important that has been
In connection with wrestling for many
It Will be remembered that when th big
Russian was In thla country two yearsiago
he met Tom Jenkins twice. At tha time
of the first match Jenkins was holding the
championship title, it having been his turn
to defeat Ootch. Frank wanted a try at
the Russian, and next time he and Jen
kin met h took away the honor, but (till
the tjlg foreigner refused to meet him, and
took on Jenkins in New York for a second
match. He won both of the contests.
(k)toh got busy hurling challenges, and
offered to meet Hack In the ring or on the
mat for any sum that the foreigner wanted
to name, but atlll there was no match.
Th cry was started that Hackensehmldt
was afraid of the clevrr American, und
from what Hackensehmldt ha told friends
in lOngland this ha proven to ba trua.
On of Ootch' strongest holds when on
th mat Is tha l-g hold, and once the Iowa
boy gets the hold he Is after it Is pretty
near all off with his opponent.
Look over th list of big matches which
Ootch has won in the last couple of years
and you will And that 75 ger cent of hla
lulls have been secured wifti some sort of
a leg hold.
Farmer Burns can Justly be called the
most sclentitio wrestler that haa ever ap
peared on a mat In this country, says a
Chicago paper He knows no less than tto
holda. any one of which la good for a fall
with the average wrestler,, and he, also,
ktiowa a bar to' every one of thexe holda.
And yet Ootch probably knows more about
leir holds than Huras, hla teacher.
Outch has made a careful study of these
holds, and they are exeremely painful to
the opponent.
Hackensehmldt la stronger in th shoul
ders than In the legs, and he haa paid
more attention to tha upper holds than the
lower onea. and. moreover, there Is-a great
question aa to whether or not ha Is ss fast
aa the American.
It was because of Qotch's well knomn
ability In the way of leg holda that the
Russian waa afraid to tackle him. It Is
only when public opinion la becoming so
strong In Its demands that the two men
should meet that tb Russian has consented
to the match.
To a friend In London last year Hack
ensehmldt admitted that ha wsa afraid of
Golrh- and stated that he waa not well
enough posted In the leg hold to meet him
at that time, but that he waa training
steadily to be' able to esnet Ootch on an
equal footing. The Russian was also dub
ious aa .to hla speed as agalnet Ootch.
Time win alone tell ' ust whst founda
tion Hackensehmldt had for these fear.
When the two men meet If the match does
not fall through the ability of the two
massive wrestlers will be tested to- the
limit .and It will be a case of best man win.
Hick School lrla Defeat York for
First Tisue la Two Yaora.
K BARNEY, Neb.. March 9. (Special Tel
egram.) Before an audience that packed
the bouse, the alris' Muh school team
played the final basket ball game cf the
iMit'ii last nlnht at the arnvry. More
than usuhI lnti-et atHched to theae rames.
ss the York girls were the acknowledged I
man acnooi cnunipiona or the state. Kear
ney akne remaining to b beaten. At times
York plaved brilliantly, but not consist
ently, and tha Anal score of IT to It In fa
vor cf Kearney express tha relative mer
its of the two teams. The York girls were
riisannulnted. thl betn their nHt
In two rear. Tha Kerry l Is. tigering
beatea North pla'ta . tirwij Wnl and
York, hnve an excellent claim on the atate
Dick Cooler Freotadiiicon lhaory Eaiito
Ba in tha Western Laacaa.
Maes Oat for Addltloaal Player aod
Expeete ta Cosae ta with m Toaan
Wklek Caa Hold Its
TOPEKA. Kan., March l-(Sporlal.-The
base ball situation In Topeka la eomewhat
a matter of doubt, owing to the conflicting
condition surrounding the Topeka fran
chise. However, It la the general opinion
of ths local management that th fran
chise of the Topeka team belongs to the
Western learue and Manager Cooley will
pick his team with that end In view.
Dick Cooley, who Is the president snd
manager of the local team, returned this
morning from a two weeks' sojourn at Hot
Springs, where h has been getting himself
In shape for the coming season. Cooley,
while In Kansaa City yeaterday, on hla
way back home, called upon aeveral prom
inent base ball men. smong whom where
Oeorg Tebeau and President D. M. Shlvely
of tha Western association. Cooley says that
Shlvely's logic failed to convince him that
ths Topeka team still belonged to th
Western association, and that ha la going
right ahead to get a Weatern league team.
For a starter for hla Weatern league
team, Cooley ha moat of th best men of
his pennant winners of last season. Of this
bunch he haa a catcher, two pitchers, two
Inflelderg and four outfielder, who are
nearly all of Weatern league caliber.
Cooley himself playa first base, which pos
ition he played for many year In the
National and American leagues.
Jack Henry haa done the bulk of the
catching for the last two seasons, and la
considered by Cooley to be fast enough tor
the Western league. Last season at the
opening of the schedule Henry had to sub
mit to an operation. After he recovered
he went right Into the game with th re
sult that hla playing was not up to his
usual standard. He I now In fine shape
and expects to do good work this com
ing season.
Good Start for Pitchers.
In the pitching deportment Topeka has
Mclnnes and Halla. Halts was the second
pitcher In the league last season. He has
the best control of any pitcher who ever
worked in th Western association. Mc
lnnes was the mainstay of the team laat
season, and If winning the pennant could
be attributed to any one player "Mac"
should have the credit.
In the Infield, beside Cooley, thor 1
Walter Bole, who Joined the White "ox
near the cloae of the season. He Is a
pitcher, but 1 a very fast Inftelder as well.
He will, In all probability, be used at third
or short, probably short. In the outfield
there are Pennell, who has Just signed his
contract; Hurlburt, Davla and Abbott. All
of them are good men and It would be a
hard task to select the three beat onea.
All four men are above .f70 hitters.
There are a number of new men who have
been signed to try out, but not very much
Weatern league ball la expected of them.
8ome of the men are! ' Lanfles, catcher;
Landreth, outfielder; McBrlde. inflelder;
Neal, Babb, Richards and Thompson, pitch
ers. None- of these men have aa yet played
In any higher than Class C leagues.
Cole. Olson and Ragan of last year's team
will likely be traded for faater players..
Msnager Cooley ha aeveral good men on
the atrlng. Negotiations have been pending;
for several days for two- pitcher and a
catcher of known ablilt' besides an In
flelder, whom Cooley sayl will play rlnga
around any other player tp. tha league.
' A few of the members 'of the team who
have been hibernating in topeka thla whi
ter are practicing dally, the preliminary
schedule opens March ta, with the Wash
ington Americans. The Denver team will
hold Ita spring practice in Topeka,. but np
game will be played between the two
.team If Topeka plays in tha Western
league. r
Cooley this afternoon :wlred to Secretary
Farrell for a definite statement aa to To
peka' standing, but has not received a
reply, however. He seems, to hv some
lnlde Information that Topeka- ta In tha
Western league and aaye.that they will
have a good team. To him tne outlook for
the coming season look very bright. -
TOPEKA. Kan., March .-D. O. Cooley,
manager and part owner of the Topeka
base ball, club, returned to- thla dlty from
Hot Springs, .Ark..' today. Cooley stated
that he waa engaged In. securing playera
for a Western league team and that hla
club was not In that organisation, regard
less of the action of th Western associa
tion club owners at the Kansas City meet
lias Hall oa Mlaor Dtamoads la
Omaha Shows Row Mte
This Year.
. Th amateur diamonds ar being pat In
ahape, aa well aa the professional. Omaha
baa a number of faat, unusually fast, ama
teur and semi-professional teams, tnd the
Indications are the coming season will even
surpass the ' laat cn in Interest among
these clubs. They are engaged In aligning
their forces' for tb season's work. More
amateur parks are being opened year by
year. Stors this Mason promises to be a
popular place. .'
R. O. Ogden, manager of th Walter O.
Clark' ball team, left Omaha Saturday on
a trip through th state and will visit a
number of good old baae ball town where
he haa played ball. He expects to schedule
a number of good gamea for his team this
The prospect of th Holly for a strong
team are aald to be brighter than ever.
With but one exception they will start out
with last season' Une-up and with a con
fidence Inspired by last season's work. Last
season at the beginning the Hollys were an
experiment. Manager Bell, with but three
old player aa a nucleus, built around these
a team of kids that lived up to hla expec
tations. As to the agea of the players the
Hollys were by far th youngeat of
Omaha' representative teama. For thla
reason they were considered a Joke by sev
eral of the old-time teams until they got
together on th diamond, when the kids
showed an aggressive and never give up a
game. Th terrific hitting of the entire
Holly team, together with the base
running of Neno, McAndrews, Bunnell and
Mechan was alwsys good for a nice bunch
of scores, while th defence wss well taken
ear of by a good Infield and the pitching
of Bunnell. The record of th team was
on tl. five gamea lost and seventeen vic
tories, which gives a per cent of .T.
Ths Ramblers are Jubilant over th pros
pect for th coming season and say they
think they have an aggregation of th beat
amateur player In Omaha. Manager
Marsh la busily engaged in booking games
with all ths local team and is also anx
ious ta hoar from out-of-town managers.
The Ramblers' record for laat year is wsll
known and th boy say they will excel!
that record this year. Th laat dance of
th season to be given by th Ramhtors will
bo held April t at tho Ancient Order of
United Workmen temple, South Omaha.
Challenges should ba sddrassed to L. C.
Marsh, 10K, North Twenty-third street.
South Omaha, or telephone 1W0. Members
of th team are: W. Collins, right field;
R. Swift, center field; T. Collins, left field;
R. Corrlgan. shortstop; E. Llsmond. third
base; E. O'Nell, second base; L. Marsh,
first base; H. Williams, catcher; J. Cava
naugh, pitcher; J. rowers, pitcher; W.
Ronan, pitcher; T. Regan.
Kid Jenstn and Tommy Campbell are
matched for a go next Friday night before
th Osthoff Athletic club. So greet Is the
Interest In this contest that th promoter
are considering the advisability of securing
a larger hall. Jensen broke his arm be.
fore Christmas, but that member Is said to
be fully recovered. This I a contest of
more than ordinary Interest, because Jen
sen waa a prime favorite before he broke
his srm, hut since that time Campbell has
been whipping all comers at his weight,
th match Is most logical one.
Clarence English challenged th winner of
the Osthoff hall bout Friday night and at
the same time sent word that he would not
accept the challenge of Ed Courtney un
less the agreement was accompanied by a
oide bet. English Is now In Chicago
and seems quite anxious to arrange a
match In Omaha.
Since tho election of officers a week or
two ago new life has taken hold of the
Omaha Rod and Oun club, with the result
that the membership Is atendlly forging
ahead, there being In th neighborhood ot
626 members at present. Already plans are
being formulated for the formal opening ef
the summer season, which will be he?d
probably during the latter part of May, It
being the Intention to make this the largest
and grandest fiesta that hss ever been
held on any lake In this part of the country.
The varloua Improvements around the club
grounds are progressing steadily and It Is
hoped that everything will b finished In
plenty of season.
Oat City In Favor for nig National
Bowline? Meet.
DENVER, March . At a meeting of the
executive committee of the Western Bowl
ing congress, now holding Its second annual
tournament here, a resolution was Intro
duced to appoint a committee to confer
with like committees from the American
and National congresa with a view to divid
ing up the territory. The Western lays
claim to all the territory west of the Mis
souri river, although the Amertcsn officials,
It Is claimed, have been busy In Omaha,
Kansas City, Chicago and St. Ixiuls In at
tempting to hold Its clubs In line.
The sentiment prevails among the adhsr
enta of the Western Bowling congress that
In order to strengthen Itself In its chosen
territory the Western should hold Its next
tournament either in Omaha or Kansas
City, for by so doing it would draw teama
from all th Missouri rlvar towns.
The game of the two-men teams today
wss wnrt by Anderson and Talamantee of
Bait Iake, score 1,2. Six teams contested.
In the Individuals the highest score wn
made by Jewell of Denver, 6t6. Wtlaon of
Salt Iake acored Efl6 in this contest.
In the five-men team event all Colorado
contestants, the highest score was mad by
the Ooldsmltha of Denver, &524.
The five-men team event tonight wss won
by the Kenmore' of Denver, 2,f83. The
Ogden team, the only out of atate con
testant In this event scored 2,229.
Omaha haa representatives at ths Denver
meeting and they are pulling for thla city.
I,ocal bowlers will be gratified to land the
next meet for Omaha. Bowling In this olty
Is at Ita xenlth, no city In the west having
a greater Interest In the game. If the big
meeting comes here bowlers promise the
best of entertainment. Omaha Is a more
popular place than Kansas City for the
meet, naturally, and probably will get It.
Brings Home AH the Docks the Law
Allows Him.
As BUI Kruse of 1824 St. Mary's avenue
walked up Fa mam street he waa the most
generally observed man on the street. The
reason was he waa carrvlng the full limit
the law allows of mallard ducks. These
fifty beauties made a splendid showing
ahd were also all that a man would want
to carry for any distance. Kruse has been
shooting but a few. years and shoots simply
for sport and recreation, nnd as the law
does not permit of the sale of birds be was
busy giving them away.
Kruse has been at Calhoun for three day
and during that time shot seventy-three
birds, mostly mallards. He shot these on
the Missouri river east of Calhoun and
under circumstances which would stop
many a. hardy hunter. A gorge had broken
in the Missouri above that point and larevi
'cakes of tc were coming down, but these
did not deter the hardy hunter from rowing
his boat In and out between the huge
cakes, which threatened at any time to
crush his boat. He said the flight waa
greatest Friday, when millions wer Jour
neying north.
Standing of team In the Omaha Bowling
t the end . of the twenty-second
Games. '!tyon. Loet.
Rtors Blues 63 44
Krug Parks..... fi 4i
Mets Bros. ..-.. 66 ' ' DA
O. I. Ks 63 31
Hamilton ....... e .... 28
Onimooe .' 60 28
Cudahys 64 ... 24
Drusliera 66 24
Detailed work of the teams:
. . Pet. 8tr.
Stors Blues.. .15 1.831
Krug Parks., .9u) 1416
O. D. Kb .t 1.1W
Onlmods .m 1,1
Mets Bros... .878 i,2t)
Hamilton ... .& 1,103
Cudahys KM 1,070
Dree hers .800 1,0X6
Individual averages:
A. -sav
C. 1. Frsnciso
ABorreaa .......
O. 0, PrsneiftM
KM Molraaaus
IH .,
1H Sh.idoa ..
JW Norms ...
0 Mnilll ..,
llliChutllsr .
ltl'rruih ...
iwi Willis ma
lit jona
1M That. lain
JohlUOB ....
Sprgus ....
Prlterher ...
Pick. ring ..
P.nm.n ....
Francs .....
Benf.le ....
armplie ....
Hlak.nar ...
Drunk .....
Porsoult ....
U7IH. D. R
1ST Talor ....
in J. c. Rcae
1M A. C. Rml
IU Urimiha ...
1W r.ordr
m Oardlner . .
ll i'athroo4
1st While
lVl'rooSs ....
Individual avenues
In tha Commerolal
Ara. I
.. 1-lNetam ...
.. 1&2 Mi-K.lvy
.. ItiiCam ....
.. !h 'folllna ..
.. lWlCautMlB
.. U0 L'lark ...
.. ni'MoOaa ..
.. 171 Harass ..
.. 1'lHiuinon
I7i Solomon
.. 17! Baker ...
.. m.Hoard ...
.. HI
.. 11
.. 1M
.. H
.. U
.. 181
.. 1
.. IM
.. IM
.. 16
.. l'l
.. isa
I vlns
Baa bibb
Drink vstar ..
SUsasborst .
U Hit.
C. Prlmaau..
H. PrlsMao. .
Ollbra atk ...
O Brian
Hlnrlrha ....
Kaufmas ....
taahoeay ....
P. Ktiak ....
Vi c. Kuan
111 Rnfl.r 17
170 Pafwaars
lU! Kumar
Ill lillhT
Ill Friable
in Btlna
14 f.nmtk
in Ptilon
144 HuS
141 White
144 Roy
144 rllra
i Griaia
,. If
.. if 5
. m
,. IM
,. 11
,. 1M
. Iftl
,, m
: tit
. 14,
,. 10
,. Mt
. HT
. 145
. 14
Pet. Pins. el I
1H .fWX GO.KTfi I . . Ml
V) .645 60,7t ' H 1
82 .492 58.M5 ' ViZBESEKl
37 .439 68.970
St .433 U,M
iZ ..IM M.377 -
43 .3iA a.m
1.3as m 461
1.371 S44 615 I
1,888 287 (XV i .
Played. Won. Loet.
Patstafrs 68 It
Ufa Malta r 49 tn
Omaha Bicycles 72 4 VS
Colts 69 40 29
(.laid Tops m S SI
Daily News 83 17
Armours ta a 46
Muck Kats M 21 45
Kl CsudlUos at 18 43
O Briers) 43 1 4s
ttchcduls of coming weak: Monday. Pat
terson Daily (lews against fc.1 faudlllns;
Tuesday, Armours against Hlack Kala;
Thursday, Gold Tops against OBrlena.
The FalstarTa and Omaha Ricyclea and
life MaUs and Colts gamea are postponed.
Hew Calf lastractar af Caaatry Clab
Here Tweatlcth.
Bob Simpson, tha new golf Instructor nf
the Omsha Country club, will arrive tn
Omaha on March 20 to enter iiboq his
duties. The Country club course as now
laid out has never been plsyed In less thsn
saventy-three, snd that by ftprarue Abbott
rague has laid a substantia! wagrr
with Frank Colpetsnr that Blmpaon alll
do the course before September 1 In aeventv
or better. This would require that every
hole would be made In four or better, two
of them necessarily better than Jour.
"fllmpaon Is a man of class. said one
of the Country club golfrs. "lie la a hUb
class man In every way. and his clubs are
eagerly sought after hy some of the best
men In the I'nlted States, I'mbr the nr.
rangementB by which he comes to the
Country club he will hive plenty of time
for Instructing the members In the game
and we look for considerable Improvement
In the playing of some of our cracks."
Harry Vp Yost Will Have Ills Men
Ont In April.
DETROIT, Mich.. March .-One of the
biggest surprises In oMIege athletic circle
thla year has be-n sprung on the under
graduates of Michigan by Coach Tost In
the announcemrnt tnnt spring practice for
the foot ball team will be taken up about
the middle of April. This step was really
forced upon "Hurry l'p," as many of his
last year's men will be Ineligible this fall
and he wished to have as much time as
possible to get his new material Into shape,
whether or not Michigan stays In the
conference there will be a hard season be
fore the Wolverines, for the game with
Pennsylvania will be no easy task, and If
Michigan stick to the Big Nine there Is
a strong chance for a game with Chicago.
Yost proposes to keep the men at punting,
handling the ball and formation work this
spring, for the defeat of his team by the
Quakers last fall aroused him. and he In
tends to let no chance for victory slip by
this year. He will have of the veteran
squad Captain Magoffin, Bishop and Kum
ney of the back field: I-oell, Davidson,
Clement, Newton, Hammond and Patrick
of the line, and what vacancies may be left
next fall. If any of these men leave col
lege, may be filled with aeveral excellent
players who were Ineligible last year, hut
who will have free entrance to the foot
ball quartera now.
Shoot at Geneva.
A . big two laysshoot will be held at
Geneva on March 1 and 1". at which tlmr
all the best hunters of th west will Ym
present to shoot for the honors and money.
After the regular program Is shot off on
March 15 C. C. Evans of Geneva and Art
Potts of. Blue Hill will shoot for the Thorpe
trophy. Evans la the present holder and
Polls the challenger. Captain A. H. Hardy
will give a free exhibition. The shoot will
h held on C. A. Thorpe's grounds nnd It
Is said there are no better grounda In the
state. Many shooters hnve signified their
intention of attending tills shoot, as Charlie
Thorpe goes to the other Fhoots all over
the state and Is a bully good fellow, whom
nil like to assist In making his shoot a
Gray Issne C hallenge.
OMAHA. March 9. To the Sporting Editor
of The Bee: I herebv challenge nny man
under 130 pounds In Omaha to a wrestling
match, catch-as-catch-can. Police Gazette
ruler, strangle hold barred. Address all
communications to 8. H. Gray, care Peter
Loch. . S. H. GRAY.
Today, you can buy Roxbury Rye in bottles
with the makers' label, as shown in the
accompanying picture, and with - the U. . S,
Government, guarantee of age and
original purity. Better , try Roxbury Rye.
Roxbury Distilling Co., Baltimore, M&
Henry Rohlff (wholesale Liquor Dealer) Distributor
26th & Leavenworth Sts., Omaha, Neb. .
fSi 8Si 15 W fr
in ; : ' I
, JT f.!- . I
!!!!!"!"" n i I -fv, ! ? I
VI i ; I --f 1
- it? ,. --;. .. , I J
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estes -....:' 1 . ' t t I 2
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I4 I ' X J
, 1M fr. - - - if- --i. ..
li i tf '
In this enlightened age of ths twentieth century a Doctor's ability should be determined b
The State Medical Institute has long been established for the purpose of restoring to health young men, middle-aged men
and old men who are suffering from the evil results of early mistakes, neglect and misfortune, and to save them the dlsnp
polntment of failure, loss of time and money often spent in rxperlmenting with Incompetent treatment, unbusinesslike methods
and deceptive propositions. The State Medical Institute has astablished a reputation aa a place where all sick and suffering
man can fu with full conlldence, knowing that ttiey S'lll bs fairly dealt with, skillfully treated and promptly cured In the shortest
time possible and at the lowest coat.
The difference betwexn success snd failure In life li dua In
nine out of every ten casea to lack of physical mannooj. Voi-i
vrniulli vnttr .Iranvlh v,,n altllllv .n. IhIuMaaIii.I r, 1 ,,i u 1 1 ii.a-.
I capacity, your skill as a workman in the
or lire, your popularity with other human heltiKs Is all snauen
and your future career blighted If your standard cf manhood
is drpleted. You can't be a half a man physically and a whole
man otherwise. A chain ia no stronger than its weakest link.
I'pcin possessing- the essential elements of manhood depi-mia
Buccess in the commercial world and the perpetuity of cur race.
Intellectual power and vigorous manhood cannot be mei'-irod In
dollars and cants. It Is power and a privilege that should en
dure with a man as long as life Itself, and whenever It ta un
paired or suspended through ignorance, neglect or Utssirjatlon.
j nature will assert herself and other
tions weaken.
If you have violated nature's laws you must pay the penalty
unless you are again restored to health. Hy health so implied
that beautiful snd harmonious blending of the mental and physi
cal forces which contribute so much to our happiness and kiiccets
In every walk of life snd the absence
counts ror our lanuras. it i useless to
causa after the disas or weakness becomes once established.
The fact that the trouble now exists
there snouta be no apatny, no delay, no
later on.
and all SPECIAL DISEASES and their complications.
Consultation and Examination Free: i'&a,.
1503 FARNAM STREET,' Between 13th. and Uth, St.
M please the most fastidious men
M will please you .
$AA00 rft the best
jhoe stores
You, will probably recognize
Roxbury Rye by its taste, for it
has been sold in bulk for years. You
will know it now by this name
State Medical Institute
1303 Farnam St
Between Uth and 14th Street!
asual business purjuit
bodily and mental func
of which materially ac
worry aoout tlia pa
makes It necessary that
aorerrmg matters until
A. N
Tim 1W N
Spring Styles
in the Standard
PAY WHAT YOU CAN and begin your
treatment now. Men, I have a treatmant
specially adapted to all your ailments; ft
years' experience make it possible for ma
to cure where all others (ail 25 yaara ta
Omaha. Treatment by mail.
Office hours all day tn 8:30 p. tn. Sun
day, 9 to 1. Call or write. Dox .766. Office,
216 South Fourteenth St, Omaha, Neb.
.. . . i..'. x, u., i miv.rn.jum
i I v itv- - '
Don't put off a duty you owe to yourself. Half ths evils
of this-life come from things deferred. TWi time to ses a
doctor Is when you realise you have violated nature's laws.
Don't 'wait until you are forced to pay ths penalty.
Don't wait until your nervous system Is tottering under
(he strain and you are a physical wreck, unfit for work, busi
ness or atudy.
Don't eiperirtwnt with FRKK TREATMENT or QUICK
I'RE schemes. Unskilled or Improper treatment can only do
Don't think because others have fulled to cure you that
there is no cure for you. Ths specialists of the Btate Medical
Institute cure obstinate cases. Start right and atart at ones.
Delays are always; dangerous. Don't put It off too long.
We do ao note misleading prices ia our announcements.
Ws make ao misleading statements or deceptive, unbusiness
like propositions. We ears bbsb at ths lowest charges possi
ble for skillful aad successful serrtoes. Ws believe la fair
dealing aad honest methods.