Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 10,, 1907. AUTO SHOW READY TO START i B eet Exhibition of Kind Cmtha flu Yet 8ei it AnnoMotd. AUUTORIUM WILL BE A BUSY SPOT All thit..rMk. "Will B Sbwii ..4 Marine Pletar. . Fredrlck.oa Al ." Attract Wr TUItor. I-reparatlon. for th. .econd ""u tomobu. .how. which WUI be held March a to M inclusive, -t the Auditorium are completed, and the will undergo a rapid transformation on the evening of March 1J and the morn'B. t March 13. and the big .how will .11 b. hlp-ahape when ie door open on Wednee day afuTnoon for those who . desire to .e. the finest dlsplar TU arena na.rt. The entire arena nessed In the- Prt. in. '"""ot will be filled wKh machine of varl ous design- and .Ik. The stag, wm oe equipped with a very large fr recertkm of moving picture. Illustrating e great automobile race. Held In France ind at Ormonde Beach. Fla. 'The moving picture operator will arrive f'm on Tuesday and Install hi. machine and CBT"- ,...v mnnxter airship. "Vim- brasKa." Is practical completed and the chine will be installed upon the Magi . In full view of spectators, wno w. -mitted to go upon the stage and inspect at close quarters. a,ttrn0o and ,Tne snow w... orchestral evening. " - - . , . , mUslc will be rendered each night. m - Votjt York A. B. Hance. wno "p- - - rCrwrircUo'Vhe Be. from M.nneapo,l. concerning the Fredrlckson ;h may mean . - . h. vpnture. or ini terras lp.V to furn..h something to aid n. innatlo'L III. letter, with It. adver tising matter eliminated read.: MINNEAPOLIS. March 6. WW. Editor nr inn r which is no .ddreesiOK " t to "he people doubt of pB-rtlftilnr "t"p 1A which In also of timaha and ya"?? the whole EXT. HSW under ire5r,CclUrVWmkllethaetlrn.a. Ulp along about the nrm i "JV" In the Intorrst of the I 'lilt" the m troptllsf. 'kminH I represent i of th country from tV.ton to Ban TOtsralJy tf'aeron'aut.c cVrcVS in New York Bnrton. Lttp ce.ratchead vr' before been shown. . . Th. new .nd novel feature. hlch thl. ;uenVcChhmrd,,'ngt,Jo KSgS fore been thought of It s'eem. to me point. '?!?-I.n. - ..Vi.faWorv solution of thl. directly. -Ti. of the wonderful prooiem upm - -- - woTld'S moW fertile Inventive brain. have Vn-en active for year, along thl. line or woVk To Mr Fredrickson. Tn my opinion. ZtU be due all the honors that the world rtand. ready to bestow upone man who first discover, and put. to practlcAl test a machine to carry passenger, .nd freight through the air. propelled by motor and steered at will in any direction, and which according to description and data. I have b.n able to collect .relative to the Idea, brought out and applied to thl. machine, seems to point to sure success. I am doubly interested In this problem. or - ii n.iniiannnt nnlv from the stand- - nnA whn nrlHhna to see this hereto- fore mystery solved, for the benent of civ ilisation at large,, but also rrom a pusineni tandpoint. a. li the line of business In which I am engaged it w.111 open up a new H...ln.a mnA nlltlpt for TT1V DrOdUCt, which Is .peed and distance Indicator, and recorder. , . . I regret that T .hall be unable, owing to pressing calls of business which take, me direct to Boston from here, to run down to Omaha and see Wltn my own w ' Fredrickson". work, and It will be after he has made hi. trial trl. that I will next have the opportunity of visiting your city, and (if possible) meeting and congratulating Mr. Fredrickson upon hi. wonderful aecom plUhment. Yours very truly, A. B. HANCE. acres, of Show ieem. Certain. The air ship ha. been Inflated and found perfect and new machine, are arriving by the car load lot. for the show, which In sure, a gigantic success. AH the commit tees have been' hustling tor the last two weeks . and the result Is . that all I. In readiness for the best show ever held In the Wept Automobile, of all the most modern type, will be shown to their best advantage and dealer, from ail over the state a. well a. prospective buyer, will be given an oppor tunity to see and Inspect for four entire day. and . night. The Auditorium ha. proved Itself most IdeeJ place for holding auch ..ho-, and the space ha. been ai )otte4 that the dealer, might prepare their exhibit, ahead, -A Uniformity In the .pace, will be; observed that will give the place a striding appearance a. soon a. the spec tutor enters. ,i ... An effort , ha. been, made to provide en tertainment a , well aa automobile educa tion at the show that all might get their money', worth, even though they have no Idea of buying . machine. The. stage will be pt lilted for giving moving picture, of .11 sort of automobile topic, lnoluding pic ture, of the Vanderbllt cup race, and the race, at Ormond beach, where machines were sent at the rate of nearly two mile, per minute. Atte.tloa ta .Aecea.orlea. a I Especial attention ha. been given by the dealer, toward showing th. automobile ac cessories of which Omaha has been made the distributing point for the entire west. When the Chicago show wa. on all Omaha dealer, went there and some arranged to be exclusive western agent, for all aorta of "accessorlea a. well a. for automobile. Thl. I. of Immense advantage to dealer, in the west for the Omaha dealer, can sell Just a. cheap a. the eastern agent, and save time and the express between Omaha and the east on all sort, of automobile supplies. The demand for automobile, ha. been un precedented thl. spring and many dealer, have sold their entire allotment. The auto mobile business haa reached auch an extent that the demand far exceed, the supply, and the question I. no longer what machine, a dealer can Mil. but what h. can obtain from the factories, for it 1. no trouble to Mil the flrat-claa. machine, a. fut u they can be obtained. Fredrickson and some other dealer, have a different deal, however, and have contracted for so many machine, each month, so that during the winter while machine, were not being sold these machine, were coming from the fac tories Just the same and the consequence Is they have quite . supply on hand. Other Vehicles nn thaw. . Automobiles will not be the only Item, of Wet est' at the show, for other motor ma chine, will be exhibited. Including motor boat, and motorcycle, and motor truck. The Kimball Automobile company ha built . massive truck for It. own' use, which will be exhibited. An old Stevens- rniryea machine wa. rebuilt Into a com mercial truck for use In hauling automo. bile, from the station, and In doing all ort. of dray work. It Is a O-horo-power .take truck, provided with . cover and la capable of traveling twenty-five mile, an hour. It ha. a two-ton capacity. Interest mobile truck, and the man who turn, out any sort of power vehicle which make, good soon wlna . nam. for htnwelf In th. hall of fame. Lmui. Fleecher will -exhibit all .ort. of motorcycles, and has some built especially for thl. .how, and ha. also soma new ma chines from the enstcrn factories. Mr. Fleacber ha. built . motorcycle for himself of which he I. Justly proud. The motorcycle Is fast coming Into general use for all sorts of purpose., especially for package delivery In the larger cities. It can cover an Im mense amount of territory during . day at a small cost, and several are now success fully being used In Omaha. Interest in Motor Boats. Motor boat, will also be shown and member, of the Omaha Rod and Oun club are anxiously awaiting the arrival of some of these models, for many have de clared their intention of buying for use at Cut-Oft lake thl. summer. Several were In use 'there last year, and the owners were the envy of all the members, for what la more pleasant on a warm evening than to glide over the .till water, of the lake at the expense of only . small amount of gasoline. Of course, the real fishermen of the club are not much In favor of this style of boats, for the chug-chug of the engine can be heard to the farthermost part of the. lake, and is said to scare the flslie. to their most hidden retreats, making them hard for the fishermen to lure. Delay. In Dellverlnsr. . Herman Peters Is chafing at the bit for hi. new machine and every day he Journey, to Derlght'a garage to see If any news haa been heard from the front concerning this racing machine which .it to attract so much attention aa It gracefully glides over the street, of Omaha. By continual burning up of the wire, a promise , has been re ceived from the factory that the big red Stoddard-Dayton runabout . ' which was bought by Ed Cudahy, Jr.,, will . reach Omaha In time for the show.' The Derlght company wa. allotted but twenty-five Stoddard-Dayton. for this year and these have all been sold. A man wa. dispatched to the factory to see J f more could not be had. but the Journey failed to bear any. fruit or automobiles. There Is a possibility that a few ' more , may be re ceived for late delivery. Orders will be taken subject to delay. Mr. Derlght ha. Jirst received three carloads of the four cylinder Fords and models of these will be shown at the show. A mew car dashed up Farnam street last week and the wise one said, "there goes one of those Stoddard-Dayton runabouts painted red," but they were mlstaknn, for it turned out to be a Premier, built along the same lines with a Beat lehlnd for the mechanician. ' Mr. Derlght has Just reoclved three carloads of Reos and some, two-cylinder Masons, whlrii will be exhibited at the .how. He also has two big six-cylinder Fords for exhibition. , rhfiNKla on Exhibition. The Kimball company has Just received a polished chassis of the Stevens-Duryea big six. which will be shown this week. It I. the same machine which Fred Hnm ilton has bought and which will nlso bo at the show. This company will -jhow ton machines, including new Stanley, and Bab- cock stanhopes and roadsters. Messrs. Louk and Compton are receiving congratulation from all side, for the natty appearanc of the new Maxwell salesroom, which they have fitted up be tween Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets on Farnam. While they do not maintain . garage, simply a salesroom, they have a most complete atock of every kind of a machine made by thla well known firm and will show a full line of machines ut the show thla week. The Powell' Automobile company haa been receiving machinee which Ihey are holding In reserve for the show and will not exhibit until that time. Among the machines sold by the Powell company last week was a large touring car to F. M. Casteller of Blair; a large Franklin to J. E. Baum, and . light touring car to Herxog Brothers. ale. of Rambler.. The exhibitor, at the .how will be H. E. Fredrickson, R. R. Kimball, the Powell Automobile company. J. J. Derlght, the Maxwell company, Louis Flescher and the Townsend Gun company. All these will have a full quota of the machine, they carry. The Rambler branch In Omaha reports thirty-five sale, to date for this season, the first of the new models being received about the middle of January. The Model 21, which Is the two-cylinder, twenty-two-horse power touring car, leads in number of orders taken, while the four-cylinder, are also attracting the attention of those wanting high-powered cars. Two of these machines have recently been sold, one going to Cornell Bros, at Ord, Neb., and one to John Jacobs of Omaha. Beaton Bros, of Omaha stick to the two-cylinder and have ordered a Model 21, also Tom Farrisworth of Council Bluffs. Three of these machines were ordered last week from Aurora by Richard McOovern, Dr. Stetnburg and O. Hartquest. J. L. Sims of Danbury. F. A. Larson and T. Paddock of Holdrege get the same model; also Mr. C. Howe of Alnsworth and Mr. Woodward of Lincoln. Two of these models are or dered by William Lana and F. A. Stevens of Harlan, la. Other purchasers are: Dr. Cameron of Herman. W. P. Savage of De lolt. J. C. Castle of Long Pine. C. J. Rey nolds of Rogers and E. L. Benedict of Coin, In. E. E. Mockett, the Rambler rep resentative at Lincoln, has already bought this Benson fifteen machines and says he can place them as fast as he can get de liveries from the factory. The Model 21 Rambler Is distinctive In that it is the most powerful two-cylinder car ever brought to Omaha. Automobile Oosslp. A mllf ride In a Paris motor car costs but 20 cents. There are now fifteen clubs In the Penn sylvania Motor league. India In 19nfi Imported automobiles worth $l,6fl6,fltW. according to a consular report. The Albany (N. T.) Automobile club will hold a seventy-flve-mlle road race In the spring. The Paris motor buss?s, fifty In number, are driven by forty-horsepower gasoline motors. It is estimated that over 3,000 auto cars from other countries toured France last year. The recently organised auto club at Ak ron. O., has become Incorporated and au tomobilists of Elyrla are forming a local organization. . . A farmer living on Long Island who two vears ago fought the proposition to hold the first race for, the Vanderbllt cup on the county highways, now owns an autotmblle, his son owns one, and together they are . i (Speed OUICK JPower (Reliability Owners have learned the meaning of Buick. We want to convince you.- See the two and four-cylinder cars in both Runabout and Touring Car at the show: " Two Cylinder Runabout ..$1185 Two Cylinder Touring Car. $1285 Four Cylinder Touring Car $1850 Four Cylinder Rounabout. . ; $2500 Also , THOMAS-PEERLESS-WOOD'S ELECTRIC. "We have everything for your automobile in our sup ply department. ' H. E. Fredrickson 1502 Capitol Avenue. Telephone Douglas 2161. We were only allotted twenty-five Stoddard-Day tons for 1907 and these have all been sold. We may possibly get a few more for lat9 delivery, and will take orders subject to delay. We have just received three carloads of the celebrated four cylinder Ford run abouts at $600. We have also two high powered Premier runabouts for immediate delivery, and have three carloads of Reos in stock. We will take orders for the Mason, the fastest two-cylinder car'on the market Sam ples of all these cars at the Show. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1818 Farnam SI. working In the Interest, of the motor park way. lon Berpollet, a pioneer French Inven tor of steam automobiles, died at Paris re cently. An Indiana automobile Arm has a sales man whose sole duty la to Interest the , farmer. fnlo show was nn Immense reproduction of the bada-e of She local auto club, fifteen feet in diameter and containing 1,000 In candescent llshts. An entry fi-e of $100. to cover all ex- i penses. hns been named for the .old cup ' Kurnpenn tour, which will Include a two months' tour of 4.000 miles, conbining An Ohio Arm uses Its motors while un-; ' ' ' . , ' .. . derroln testa to furnish nower to llht the 1 of manufacturer, who exhibited at fartorS furnish power to the Bh )w -t Cn1oa(to ,n im ,hre , ,. . . . 'hut one now doing the same business In The police commissioner, of Richmond, i ,n ,HmP cltv nr the same name and Va., are planning to buy an automobile , wh tnp pnrnP owners. patrol wagon. Tnp xvorcester Automobile club has had It Is estimated that I3AAOO0 will he spent Introduced in the Massachusetts legislature for new automobiles In the Pittsburg dia- J a bill allowing municipal authorities to close trlct In 1907. ; highways to ordinary trsfflc and permit au- Automoblles will be aiven a prominent . tomobile racing thereon. place In the coming International expoai- f The promoters of the Ixing Island motor tlon at Tokto. A three-day endurance run Is being ar ranged by the New Jersey Automobile and Motor club of Newark. As many aa twenty-two foreign machines are Imported In a single day through the New York custom house As an extension of the projected Milwaukee-Chicago highway a similar road to St. Ixnils is under consideration. F.ntrles for the Kaiser's Cup race have closed wtlhout a single American motorist signifying his Intention to compete. A motor cycle sclRsnr grinder, with power for his grinding wheel, supplied from his motor, has bobbed up In New York. A Washington physlclnn has been using the same runabout in making his profes sional calls for the last seven years.. Feminine mo'torlxts of Pittsburg, of which there are several hundred, are considering the formation of a club all their own. The Professional Chauffeurs' Club of America has retained eminent counsel to fight unjnst legislation and Illegal arrrsta. March 20 to 27 will be auto week at Nice, France, and numerous American lovers of motoring who are abroad are preparing to attend. The Syracuse (N. Y.) Automobile club Is striving to Increase Its membership from 150 to 1100. Fifty new members were gained the last year. Rostern motorist, have returned from California enthusiastic over oiled roads and advocating trips to that state In prefer ence to European tours. Celluloid windows In curtains and tops may be renewed after becoming scratched by dust or mud by varnishing with a solu tion of celluloid in acetln. Announcement shortly will bo made of a company to establish auto delivery service In leading cities, beginning with New York, lloston and Philadelphia. The latest mctor Journals In France are laying stress on the Importance of constant speed for automobile engines, with shifting gears to vary the speed of the car. The Chicago Motor club has offered an unconditional reward of $ft0 for the arrest and conviction of any automobile driver who runs away after causing an accident. Carbureters seem to be In a more un settled state thnn any equally Important element of automobile mechanism, if the variety of Improvements be taken as a cri terion. Milwaukee la the first city to have Its mall collected by automobiles. The vehi cles are Inclosed cars containing sufficient room for a clerk to sort letters comforta bly. During the Nattrnal Motor Boat show at New York J. Norris Ollphant of the Thou sand Island. Yacht club was elected presi dent of the American Motor Boat associa tion. With Russian caviare concealed In the hollow rims of his automobile, a smuggler recently was detected by customs officials crossing the Russo-Austrlan frontier near Cracow. Chicago autemoblllsts' associations want York and end at the Windy City. Instead of starting from the latter point, as planned. Tod Slonn, the former Jockey. Is learning to become an expert chauffeur. He be lieves getting speed from a horse is not as good sport as getting more speed from a machine. The principal electrical piece In the Buf- narkwav are acreeina with owners of land ceded for the great automobile course not to allow any of It used for steam or elec tric, railways or for ordinary traffic. A. mnn with a mathematical bent cal culHted the average strength of the machines shown at the Chicago show at thirty horsepower or nn aggregate of 1&,00 horsepower for the 6" machines shown. The automobile Industry received a great boom during the recent stormy weather at Now York. Many business men who found how much mure reliable thry were than elevated or surface cars made purchssea. The wide Held open to the automobile Is elearlv shown by the significant fact that fully two-thirds of the l.TnO.OfO horse-drawn vehicles produced annually In the Vnlted States are distinctively pleasure vehicles. When a couple of Escanaba Mich.. autoiiHililllots recently were caught by heavy snow at Menominee, a local black smith fixed a pair of runners to the front wheels and enabled them to return home. U'hnn n fir. aR'A rofiicAS to Admit Rid In colli weather because there Is Just enough moisture within it to Ireeio it tlEht It usually can be thawed by the warmth of the hands or by breathing on It. Automobiles came along Just In time to prevent a horse famine, according to a re port from the Department of Agriculture, which shows that more and better horses have been bred since the motor carts ar. rival. Promises have been received of nearly eighty entries for the Brescia contest, to be run in Italy In September. The pro jectors hope to have enough foreigners compete to give event an International flavor. The only speed limit stipulated by the automobile laws of Jamaica Ib that "no person shall drive a motor car on the public highway recklessly or negligently, or at a speed or in a manner which is dangerous to the public." The present high prices In the leather trade, according to a leading dealer, are attributable to the fact that over 400,0.10 hides were used last year for upholstering and other things connected with automobile manufacture. Though six countries are represented among the thirty-four entries for the Grand Prix. Walter Christie Is the only American. Prance will have twenty-three. Germany and Belgium three each and England and Italy two each. Congress has passed a bill which will tend to reduce the cost of denatured alcohol by allowing any person to produce It after September 1 In locked stills and denature it without going to the expense of a de naturing bonded warehouse. . The American Federation of Mortor cyclists haa asked the Pennsylvania legis lature to omit all reference to motorcycles from pending automobile legislation on the ground that it is unfair to class the two wheeler, with the larger machines. A bill before the New York legislature authorizes the police to Impound automo biles as security for the arnearnnce In the next Glldden tour to begin at .NeWt court of a driver charged with violating the law. In case of refusal to pay a fine the owner may be compelled to pay storage at the rate or xi a montn. Plans are under way for the formation within the ranks of the American Motor Car Manufacturers' association of what will be known aa the American Society oj Automobile Knglneers. which is expecteii to bring about greater Improvements In motor cars by free and open discussions. Tie fefl uoo The Over-AH" ONIMOD You don't "lire" them They don't lire yon. No Speed Limit A License Free! Every Thoroughfare Will be an Easy Street for you. If you wear THE ONIMOD SHOE Over-all Hand Built Onimods are all right anywhere, on the street, on the ears, at home, or at a social function. They are the best and finest shoes made $5.00 and $(5.00. Bench made Onimods are all around good shoes good enough for all occasions $4.00. $3.50 and $2.50 Onimods are good shoes good shapes, good values. New Spring Styles aker "Electrics The Aristocrats of Motordopri 9 9 . fteqeni Shoe .fLs& Mm yi.AOn-THE BAKER NH0PE".B1.ftOn BAZZB quality Is standard, and battery for battery, all for all. plat, for plate, weight for weight, tire for tire, the BAKES will give more.mllarre and greater speed than any other electric carriage made. It costs XiESS to run a Baker than any other automobile built gasoline, .team or electric. XH.tribut.ra In XT.braska and Iowa for th. I Baker "Electric' Franklin, Pope-Toledo. Cadillac I THE POWELL AUTOMOBILE CO. Perfectly Simple Simply Perfect The, We wish to announce the open hig of our M axwell Salesroom at Eighteen Hit idred and Eight Far nam Street. You are cor dia iy invited to call Louk & Compton U 0 $ Farnam St. :-. Omaia, Neb. MO AUTO TICE MOBILE OWNERS? Is your car stored in a safe place? Are you satisfied with the service you are getting? Is the work done on your car satisfactory? Are the prices right, considering the results? Are the men who do the work competent? Did you ever ask yourself these questions? Did you ever inspect our garage shop and tire dept? .We have the best equipped automobile establish ment in the west, each department being in charge of a practical experienced and competent man. Only com petent help is employed. We have the best tools and equipment. Our desire is to please. Satisfaction guar anteed. Isn't this worthy of investigation? JR. R. Kimball 2026 2028 FARNAM STREET Stanley Steamers Stevens-Duryea Babcock Electric fllHl''tl,t'T,l'!fHlHl'tl''jMiH'tHMHrI II TH 1907 Model 21-22 H. P. Price $1,350 Weight lOOO Lb. Duilt for Nebraska Roads NOTE KOMK OP THE FKATIKKS: Presued Bteel frame, 106-Inch wheel baue, floating rear axle, 3nx4-lnch tlren, tilting body, detachable tonneau, multiple disc clutch, transmlBslon and fly wheel entirely enclosed and run ning In a bath of oil, le?a weight, less noise and many other Im portant Improvements, too numerous to mention, lie Hure and Look This Car Over Ik-fore You Hare Your Order. It'. Hound to be the Hit of the hhow. The Rambler Automobile Co., Omaha, Neb. The Old fcUnd One Hlotk. Eatt of Tout Officu. ail over th. country la manifested la auto