Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 7, Image 17
8 TIIU OMAHA SUNDAY BEE; MA.TTT1 IT), 1TT1T7 7 Erect Form 744 TS an excellent model for well developed figures. Its closely stitched front subdues abdominal prominence, and rounds the figure into graceful lines. Made of white imported coutil. Trimmed across top with lace and ribbon. Hose supporters at front and hips. Sizes 1 9 to 36. Erect Form 720 TS a corset for average fig ures. Has me dium bust and long hip. Made of white and drab coutil. Hose support ers on front and sides. Trimmed across top with lace and ribbon. Sizes 1 8 to 30. t ,r,ii,:,'; " ; r f -ssr 1 41 1 u Ri 1 I'ir.x b 1" ij n hi 1 if ci m 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 m MYl 1 A FP M l F" y 1 I "Hk Jt I I I - T-TI f I Price, $2.00 Price, $1.00 Nuform 403 XTTILL fit any slen- der or average figure. Long above the waist which it de fines very distinctly, showing a perfectly straight line down the front of the figure. Made of white and drab coutil. Trimmed with lace and ribbon. Hose supporters front and sides. Sizes 18 to 30. Price, $1.00 Nuform 447 T?OR well developed figures, is a reverse gore model with the gore lines running backwards. A con struction which re strains undue devel opment below the back. Medium high bust, long hips and extra long back. Made of an excellent quality of white cou til, elaborately trim med with lace and ribbon. Hose sup. poirtersfront and sides. Sizes i g to 30. Price, $3.00 Hlfi? asmim Ik j Nuform 738 TS an excellent model for average figures. Constructed section ally, making the gar ment fit at all points, accentuating the slen derness of the waist line. Bust moderately high, hips rather long." Made of an imported coutil in white only. Trimmed with lace and ribbon. Hose supporters front and sides. Price, $2.00 I5he W. B. Reduso Corset IS a boon for Urge women the ideal garment for over-developed figures requir ing special restraint. It not only restrains the tendency to over-fleshiness, but it moulds the over-developed proportions into those pleasing, graceful outlines, hitherto thought to be attainable only by slighter figures. The particular feature of this model is the apron over the abdomen and hipsboned in such a manner a to give the wearer absolute freedom of movement Reduso Style 75 O isbuZt as per above description with medium high bust Made of a durable coutil in whits or drab. Hose supporters, front and sides. Sizes 22 to 36. Price. $3.00. Reduso Style 760 is the tame at style 75 0, except that the bust is somewhat lower all around. Made of white and drab coutil. Hose supporters front and sides. Sizes 24 to 36. Price. $3.00. W. B. Nuform or Erect Form ORSETS fed like old corsets from the first moment and look like new corsets up to the end of their wear. It is a corset that does not stretch out of shape, because it fits exactly. It does not press upon the chest or abdomen or strain the sensitive organs because it is bum nygtentcaiiy. 1 he lines ot a W.tJ. Dorset are yourown lines its shape is that of your figure. It will hold the graces you already possess -makes a bad figure good and a good figure better. ON SALE AT ALL DEALERS WEI N GARTEN BROS.. Mfrs. 977-379 Broadway - NEW TORS 1 T? Nuform 406 r S a splendid cor set for medium figures, pleasingly free from any bulky effect com mon to previous models of this type. Medium high bust and deep hip, ending in an unboned apron exten sion. Made of white and drab coutil. Hose supporters front and' sides. Trimmed with lace and ribbon. Sizes 19 to 30, HlgORJPrice, $1.50