B TIIE OMAIIA SUNDAY MARCH 10, 1907. SHEEP HERDING IN MONTANA Heavy Lowes Sustained hj Floe Owners Durinc Fresont Winter. WHAT A BL'ZZAUD MEANS TO SHEEP MEN Personal Experience with W ild Storm a Bait and Heme Incident . of Heroism on Part of Herders. NEW YORK, March 9-Custr county, 1 Montana, has been hard hit this winter. It Is declared that not since 1888 have the sses In stock been bo severe. For 'eeks the thermometer has Hood below sero. The snow, a foot deep on the level, has been so thickly crusted over that the cattle could not break through It, but starved wih their noses only a few Inches from fodder. As for the sheepmen, they have been , hauling- hay for their flocks since the riilddle of December.' "You easterners seem to think It Is ths ranchmen's fault- when their stock Is swept away by ! the thousands." s&ld a Custor county sheepman In this city. "The Montana ranchman, you- must remember. Is not dealing with half a doxen head of cattle In- a ten-acre pasture. He probably has SCO, too, 1,000 head. The big- outfits run up mto the tens and hundreds of thou aands. . ' "The ranches are miles In area miles. And outside- the barbed wire fences you've got the whole prairie for your stock to range over eight miles to the neares ranch to the east, maybe twenty miles on the south and north and west, nothing but sky and grass, sky and grass, with here a butte and there an old buffalo trail and yonder a water hole. "There's not a winter that the ranchman doesn't link his life to save his stock, not a winter that some poor shepherd don't freexa his feet and lose 'em caring for his flock In the pursuit of duty. "I nearly died yqung myself back In '82 trying to savo my band of sheep. I had 2,000 sheep out with a shepherd, and I was hoping to harvest my little 50 per cent on my money come shearing. "We'd been having a fine spell !of weather, when one day, the last of Feb ruary, a little, soft, moist dab of some thing fell on my cheek and began to trickle Into my beard. I didn't wait for a second. I knew It were a snow-flake and that it meant death to my sheep and my hopes If t couldn't get to Frisco Frank and help him turn the band Into my big pasture where the Bad Lands be. "Now, If a blizzard strikes a band of aheep they drive before It straight to de struction. Horses will cut and run for corner. Cattle will sometimes. But a band of sheep haven't a quart of brains among 'em. They drift before a storm wherever It drives 'em. ! "I put a flask of whisky and some bread and cheese In my pocket and was loping across the prairie In half an hour. Already the blizzard was upon me. "The sky was thick with flakes. The wind was blowing a baby gale and the mer cury was dropping down cellar at a fast clip. It was going to be a hummer. "It was four, miles to the place where I thought 'Frisco Frank was camped out. He wasn't there. I could see where his tent had been, but. the weather being so fine he must have decided to throw the sheep a couple of miles nearer Fallon creek. "I rode looking for 'em till the-twlllght began to full. Even when It were dark, r a nA hnnwi a fnntnnM. nlirht can be the itchiest black thing that ever happened. l wouiun i give u up. "I rode,, shouting Into the night, then listening and holding my breath to hear a bleat or a voice. And I rode and I rode till I was plumb lost. "Well, I managed to find a shallow cone half under a pinnacle of sandstone and I backed the bronc' Into It. A horseless man In that country Is a dead man. I found another under a ledge and crept Into It more dead than alive ; with anxiety and exhaustion. "I lay In the cave all night and all night the storm raged and howled. I was some where In my own S),0UO-acre pasture, but I couldn't tell where. Nor the next day either. "Bo all that day and-the second night I lay In the cave, desperate. On the third day the sun rose clear. Saddling the bronc I floundered to the top of the tallest butte and studied the landscape. There, not two miles away, was my shack and the stables and the corral. "I had not been at home an hour when In stumbled 'Frisco Frank, both snd nose frosen. " "W here's the sheep, Frankr I asked him as soon as I had thawed him out "'At the foot" of a cut bank mostly,' says Frank, choking. "When we had pulled ourselves together we went out to see, and there,' heaped up one on top of another, a solid wall of dead sheep five feet high, was my band. Eighteen hundred out of the 2.000, that Is. , "The others Frank had managed by superhuman efforts to swing on to the left between two hills. Of these thirty died later from exposure and starvation. "Well, that little experience did two things: It cleaned me out financially and Prince Ilernadotte. the president of the Forbundet mollan Sveriges Krlstliga Kore nlngar of Unite Man (The Young Men's Christian Association of Sweden), in a per sonal letter, sent fraternal greetings. He wrote: "It Is of great Importance for us to know that we are one with so many of the servsnts of Ood In different countries In the work among young men." .Tongellngsvereenlglng ter reordering ran Christellgk Iven. the association of Amsterdam, Holland, through Its officers and members, thanked the association of North America for sending him who had strengthened bonds of Christian unity. From the association leaders at Jerusa lem, Damascus, Athens, Naples and his feet I i aVnaVyVv-- ;;.; $ y , t ' - ..... . - 1H .- 1." i tftu-nrsz-. Wf.K .-! I h M i ..f:i i 'mm &m$i!$m$A COOK STAnTJNG Ton APISTAN CAMB. "' !pll I III w V. sw1 r v b r fM , w ,- 'v typ"my8s$Stei t "v ",tvii ,. --.7 i-TSjy gill f ,: ixnl,4t.mt .a-. ,V R-vr" h- . :'z,$t ,rt. v. -,.cj V:'tfW$MM& mUPt' fi,;;V," i;;,;.- . . ,3 'Vlffl ,.Ywf 't ' W' ;. y?x&& ' ' -;;ri , ifUti It broke my nerve for sheep, that Is. !By the middle of the following week I had borrowed S0u and was, on my feet again, but I was soured on sheep. , My nerve wae broke. .... "When I read In the papers that It serves the ranchman right If his stock die I think of Cayuse Charlie and the time he was herding sheep back of the old Hank Nave ranch, between Teny and Yellowstone. "Charlio and the sheep had both suf fered considerable that winter, what with the cold and its being a big year for coy otesthey seem to go in cycles of three years like and Charlie resolved to have a crack at a couple of big fellows that had . to the pony, caught him up and slowly been pestering the band for a week. So hoisted himself Into the saddle. It took when the sheep had quieted down one , nim three hours. succeeded in freeing himself his left leg wouldn't work. The leg was broke. "Well, Charlie sat and lay onlhe prairie all the rest of that night sometimes curs ing . and sometimes sobbing under his breath. But he never lost his hold on the aheep. From where he lay on the frozen around he shouted his orders to his dog .and the dog obeyed. "He was eight miles from the 'nearest Inhabited ranch. When It grew light he saw his horse, still saddled, grazing near by. , "He never knew how he did It, but drag ging his broken leg after him he crawled night he rode round on the outer edge of the band and waited for the ornery brutes to appear. "About midnight a big gray male sud denly sprang out of the blackness on to the " 'Boy,' he Bays to his collie, 'hold 'em, boy, till I come back.' "And with that he heads the bronc" for the O Bar B ranch eight miles off. "Four hours later Jim Boyd of ube O WEIDENSALL AND HIS TRIP fomethins: About the T. M. 0. A. Wbi Hu Girdled the Glcbi. BEST BELOVED OF ALL THE SECRETARIES back of a sheep, .burying its fangs In the Bar B outflt Bee8 a norso wltn something flesh and fairly ripping down the hind quarters. Charlie's broncho shied furi ously, reared, lost Its balance and fell over backward the most dangerous game a horse can put up on a man. "Charlie went over with him. When he President's Message New York, March 1. 1907. Life insurance has passed through another year of agitation. The Tolume of business in 1906 was diminished. Notwithstanding this, much has been accomplished that is exceedingly gratifying. The total assets of the Society on January 1, 1906, Were 1420, 176,214.84, and on January 1, 1907, aggregated $434,682,375.13. The payments to policyholders during 1906 were $44,691,942.58. Of this sum $7,289,734.91 was paid in dividends to policyholders. In 1904 the policyholders received 70.4 out of every dollar dis bursed by the Society to 29.6 used for expense and taxes; in 1905 they received 74.65 to 25.35 paid out for all other purposes, and in 1906 out of every dollar of disbursements 80 went to tho policy holders, while only 20 was expended for the conduct of the busi ness. This was a reduction of about one-third in the expense of ad ministration to total disbursements. Still further improvement along this line will be the endeavor. The ratio of expense to premium income was 24.43 in 1904 and 22.60 in 1905; this was reduced to 19.34 in 1906, a decrease in ratio of 20.8 from 1904 and 14 from 1905. The ratio of the Society's total expenses to its total income was 19.42 in 1904 and 17.38 in 1905; this was reduced to 14 48 in 1906, a saving of 27.4 from 1904 and 20.6 better than 1905. The Society has loaned during 1906 to its policyholders on their policies $17,969,165.76. The loans made on Real Estate Mortgages amounted to M 4,5 12.4 12.50. On Bonds in which the Society may legally invest it loaned $13,350,000, the market value of the collateral being at all times 20 in excess of the loans. The income of the Society from its Interest and rents was $1,909, 373.39 greater in 1906 than in 1905.. The average rate of interest yielded by the Society's investments, which amounted to 3.90 in 1904. was 4.03 In 1905 and 4.26 in 1906. The increase in income from investments has been accomplished without the sacrifice of a single point of safety. The i:iiuitliU Society has never, stivce its existence, Ix-n In better financial condition than at tho present time. Its assets were never more securely invested. With a surplus, including amounts held await ing apportionment upon deferred dividend policies, of $68,720,333.74, policyholders and prospective patrons of the Society can be absolutely assured of its impregnable financial strength to make every contract good. Messrs. Masking & Sells, Certified Public. Accountants, have veri fied the Society's statement of receipts and disbursements for the year 1906 and have certified the financial condition of the Society as of December 31, 1906. A copy of their report wili be mailed upon request to anyone interested. - The Society is complying squarely with the spirit and the letter of the new Insurance laws of the State of New York, and offers to the in suring public the nejK Standard policies prescribed by these laws, safe guarded by unquestioned security and backed by a determination on th part of its directors and Officers to so manage the Equitable Life As surance Society that it will continue to commend Itself to present poli cyholders and command the patronage of Insurance buyers. PrendtnL on nis back, that might have been a man and then again it mightn't. Jim ran out and the thing was Cayuse Charlie. " 'The sheep's with the dog,' says Ca yuse Charlie, as white as a snowdrift. Get Hnppy Hawkins to take 'em.' Then he fainted. "Rattlesnake Frank had even a- worse time than that the day he nearly bled to death In the . pine hills between Teedee and Knowlton. It was his own sheep he was herding. "One day he went out to chop firewood, and one ray or another In tackling a thirty foot pine his axe slipped end cut htm a nasty gash almost cut off his foot in fact. " 'I was all alone except for the dog,' he said In telling the story, and n-hlle he were a most engaging cuss and a corker with the sheep, he couldn't rig up a tour niquet to stop Jhe bleeding. Well. I propped my leg against a tree snd tore my neckerchief up Into strips. Then I laid violent hands on my shirt and ripped it up as well as I could. " 'Somehow I made out t hitch on the bandages and screw 'em up and by and by the bleeding slowed down. . Then I began to crawl back to camp. " 'At camp I made out to get some food and feed the dog. Then I lay down to think things out. " 'I thought 'em out all right And when daylight came I started.' " 'Started?' says I, when he told me the tale, 'where to?" " 'Why. for Billy Madison's.' says Frank. " 'Tea, sir. Rattlesnake Frank crawled them seven mile on his hands and 'knees, trailing his broken ankle along after him. Every few minutes he'd sit down In the snow to rest and take a drink. Then he'd clamp his Plymouth Rock Jaws and hitch himself along another rod or two. "So he worked his way the seven mile, crawling like a baby on his hands and knees. It took him all day Ood! what a day. f "About ( he strikes Billy Madison's shark. " 'Billy.' he says, talking like a turtle from between his shoulders, two feet from the ground, but as steady as If he'd Just loped over friendly from Teedee, 'Billy, I wish you'd send that or'nary red-ceaded boy of yours to herd my sheep for a day or two, I Jarred myself like with an axe yesterday and I think it may blow up a nor'wester by tomorrow noon,' ha says." The Montanan began to slide Into his great coat, preparatory to breasting the dangers of Broadway. "No, slree," he said, as ha clapped hla soft Stetson on his head. "If they was any way a ranchman could save hla stock ha wouldn't lose 'em no air!" To Assert Her Independence. Miss Rthel Foraker, daughter of At tor ner James K. Foraker of Cincinnati, and niece of Senator Joseph Benson Foraker, nas aereptea a position as cashier In one of the hotels there. Miss Foraker is a so cial favorite and well-known as an expert at tennis. Wishing to aseert her Independ ence, she applied to the management of the hotel for the position, after consulting her mother, and was at one given th place on the hotel stall, y He Will Speak In Omaha Sunday Afternoon to the Local Men About Ills Experiences Abroad. Robert Weldensall, the oldest association secretary In the world in point of service and the best loved man of the brotherhood, now past 70 years of age and hale and vigorous, has Just returned from a world tour. In which he has vl.ilted leading asso ciations In twenty-seven countries. Mr. Weldensall will speak at the Young Men's Christian association meeting this after Eighteen months ago he started out to fulfill this long cherished desire of his life. He bore letters of Introduction and the greetings of Sir George Williams. Lord Kinnalrd, Cephas Bralnerd, Esq., for twenty-five years chairman of the Inter national committee; Hon. John Want maker and others. Ho had the Idea of friendly visits and a sight-seeing tour, but at the first point he touched Honolulu characteristically abandoned the thought of pleasure and projected himself with fire and force into the association work which StfGAsKlHG A. COUT has so fully absorbed his ' life. His en thusiasm and warm personality gave hope and . purpose. He did not seek to hold great public meetings, but rather to meet In council officers, directors and commit teemen. In Japan with the students, In Manchuria with the soldiers, In China with the commercial and college young men, he Immediately won sympathetic attention. Mr. Weldensall found that wherever the association has had a fair chance, In what ever nation and under whatever conditions. It has proved a success, . and missionaries as well as the people of the countries call for Its enlargement. At Manila ' he was received by the officers of the army and entertained at the Army and Navy club. After he had spoken to 500 soldiers at Camp McKihley every man conBldeied It a personal privilege to shake hands with him. Among the most notable services he held were several on the old Oregon. Lord Kinnalrd speaks in his letter of In troduction of his "vigor of initiative and soundness of Judgment, which have en abled him to do most valuable and useful work." The Norges Krtstellge Ungdomsforbund at ChrlBtlanla, Norway, saw In him "a living evidence of how love for the young men and Christian work among them may grow and would be after one advances In years." From Malmo come expressions of Joy In meeting this man "whose whole life was given up to one thing alone young men'a conducting to and guarding by the Lord Jesus Christ." The farthest north asso ciation at Tromso, Norway, expresses Its thankfulness for his talks and good 'advice. . -4::v"'' v x .-'.-,.v.' - V:- Ephesus come hearty expressions of an en larged sense of brotherhwod received from his addresses. He spent some rare days about Nazareth and Bethlehem, and on the mounts of the Beatitudes and Transfigura tion. Carter of the National Council of India, wrote: "It is altogether fitting that you who have pioneered the association work in North America should now. In the even ing time of your life come to stimulate us In the older countries of the world. Wo believe that your visit will prove of unique and permanent value to our many associa tions." Chairman Honda of the National Com mute of Japan: Your presence among us has been a blessing. Our leaders and principal direc tors have learned much from you uliout the nrancy ana growth or tne association of which you yourself were a foster father. Best of all we saw In you an Inspiring incarnation of single hearted generous devotion to its service as a secretary. We are grateful to you and to the friends in America whom you represent, and pray that your visit among young men of other lands may be even more helpful. We beg you to bear our greetings to all the move ments you touch along the way. There is a rare appreciation in this letter of thanks to Mr. Weldensall from Kioto students: We have felt greatly honored In seeing your kind face today. We thank you for the beautiful and helpful instructions which you have given us. We shall earnestly try rrom this time on to establish the Kingdom of Heaven upon the earth. We pray that the bussing of God may be upon you for ever. Amen. (Signed) The Young Men'a Christian As snclations of the Student Association of Kioto: Imperial fnlverslty fhlenkal. loshlsha. Modlral College, Commercial School and the Government College. The Nanking students In this letter show) the Impression he made upon them: It was a great blessing to us that Mr. Robert Weldensall addressix! our meeting on December 14. At thst tlm he brought us greetings from all other meetings whloh he had held. We are very much obliged to him and very greatly touched by his speech. We cannot thank Ood enough that he has sent to us this most honorable old man. We were specially touched by tha greetings of the late Sir George Williams, the lamented founder of our association. Herewith we ask Mr. Weldensall to greet you all In the name of our Common Master. Wishing Uiat God may be with you always and help you all ceaselessly In whatever line you work, we remain, etc. Mr. Weldensall treasures a letter front the members of the Toung Women's Chris tian Association Bible class In Toklo signed by fourteen of their members In Japanes characters, acknowledging the great ln spiration of his enthusiasm. On his return to New Tork he was ten dered a dinner at the I'nlon Leo rue club by Mr. A. E. Marling, where many of his friends and colleagues were present tat listen to the story of his remarkable Journey. Mr. Weldensall Is Immensely appreciative of the kindness of his friends and asso ciates who provided him .the opportunity for this lourney. Administrator Yokura of New Chwane; writes to Robert Weldensall appreciatively, of the association's service to Japan: The late war has given us many object lessons. None the least of them Is that neither numerical strength nor superiority in flKhtlng implements decides the Issue, but that the morale of the men la the deciding factor. The Japan-Russia war was forced on Japan. It has never suffered a reverse on land or sea. It Is mainly to be attributed to the Im perlal virtues and graces that have ani mated the brave, loyal subjects. How ever, the Influence of the Christian en thusiasts, who have come from abroad to minister to the needs of the soul, has also grently contributed to this end. The gentlemen specially detailed for th field work by thr International Young) Men's Christian association are not In any manner connected with the army or navy. But they have shared with the soldiers the privations and hardships of camp life. They have borne oil these to feed the hungry soul and comfort the aching heart. Their noble labor has been richly fruitful. The men at the front and along the linos of communication, far away from the Jovs of their sweet homes, have not felt lone some. Cheerfully they have done their duties. The horrors of carnage or the stench of the dead have only produced an edifying effect on such as have been spared. So they have fulfilled their duty. The Japanese people, especially the offi cers and men. acknowledge with gratitude whnt noble work the representatives of the association have performed. H. I. J. M., the emperor, has graciously made a gift of lo.ono yen toward the asso ciation funds. Marshal Oyama. Admiral Togo and the officers and men under them, have also expressed their hearty thanks, myself among the rest. Their grand achievement will be cherished long In grnteful memory of our countrymen. Buch Is our sentiment and I try to voice It. This Is only a faint echo, an humble offering from one of the thankful people. nEI.IGIOlS NOTES. As a result of the revival at Fldorafl Kan., one-seventh of the population of the town has been enrolled as members of the Christian church, where the meetings were held. One of the most conspicuous characters among the negro churchmen of the United Plates is Heiyy MoNell Turner, bishop ot the African Methodist Eplscopnl church. The bishop claims direct descent from an African king. Prelates are what lnauranco men call "good risks," no matter what the form of their faith. Still active are the Methodist Bishop Bowman at 90, the Episcopal Blshon Huntington at 88, the Catholic Archbishop Williams at 85. the Catholic Bishop Mo Quald at M and the Methodist Bishop An drews at 82. A Methodist authority has Just estimated the total number of adherents and mem. bers of the churches of Methodism through out the world at 43.63S.258. the total being" based upon the following figures quoted for all Methodist churches of the world: Ministers, 60,03; lay preachers, 98.4SJ church members, 8,278.043: Sunday school of ficers and teaohers. 817,723; pupils, 7,0u0,0u0. DENTISTRY TOOTH TALK NO. 110. If your teeth era vary sensitive and hurt when a steel drill is rap idly rotated In a cavity of deeay, try this painless method of mine. Tour teeth can be filled painless ly If yon coma to me. DR. FICKES, 'Phone Doug. ill. Dentist 331 Bee Bldg. uvi-tuinn auroxom rxHoa ooxPAjrr, 07 aTorta irta mu Omaha. PURITY or PROMISE 'Make Good" and you'll Ba Protperoet ROBERT WEIDENSALL, CT. DVERTISING is a l PROMISE. It is also ra CONTRACT. l-When wc agree to do certain thinpn, we have to "make good." Otherwise we lose the confidence and faith of our patrons. The principle we adopted in 1830. when CASCARETS CANDY CATHARTIC were put on the market, was to make no PROMISE in our salesmanship, that was not characterized by PURITY and TRUTH and HONESTY, so that we could always DELIVER what we AGREED. It was our own PURE DRUG law and our PROMISE has always been FULFILLED. The best inducement we can offer our friends in our advertising, past and present, is to TRY CASCARETS only ONCEI We prom ised and promise now, that these dainty, little candy tablets, if faithfully tried, would prove to be the most perfect Bowel Medicine ever placed before the American family, as dependable for their effects as nature herself. In our eleven years of PROMISE, we have never failed to ful fill, and that's why we have gained the friendship of millions of the American people, who have experienced the reliable quality of our product. If the ONE TIME that we can induce the reader to try Casca rets proves to be a failure and disappointment, it means a BROKEN PROMISE and NEVER a repetition of his patronage. The fact that at the present time over ONE MILLION of boxes of Casearets are sold every month PROVES that we believe in "Purity of Prom- ise" and have delivered the goods. So we ask you with the endorsement of the American people behind our state ments, to accept our promises and try CakcareU as the best all-around personal and family medicine (or all STOMACH and BOWEL troubles, especially CONSTIPATION and all Its complications. Nearly every serious illness is caused by a derangement ot the Stomach and Bowels. Casearets will strengthen the walls of the weakened intestines and make them act exactly as nature intended them to do NO VIOLENCE, but plain, soothing action. Another PROMISE we are willing to make Is that Casearets will prove to be a great PREVENTIVE of DISEASE. They are anti-septic, destroy dis ease germs all through the FOOD-CHANNELS, and are what soap is (or tho outer body a perfect cleansing means (or the inside body. One of our mottos has been: "Keep clean inside!" and Casearets will help you to do it and avoid disease resulting from internal neglect. K you hsve never tried Casearets before, go to your druggist TO-DAY and buy a little 10c bos. It will convince you. BE SURE TO UET WHAT YOU ASIC-THE GENUINE! ru