Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 3, Image 13

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Otminn and Grios-i cf Feopl. ii the
Towni Ennronndine ths City.
Social 1,1 fe Presents Little of General
Interest, Lenten Dolness flrles;
Mora Than I snail? la
Miss Prudence Tracy spent Wednw
Omaha, the guest of Mrs. 1-1 L. Cain,
Jennie Peters. Helen Fairfield and Masters
Randall Curtis, Irvine Kllson, Paul John
son, Heed 1'eters. Ralph Montgomery, Rei
CamprwIJofvi. Horace Schram, Silas Wll
lard, Frank Belby. Progrexstve names were
flayed, at which prises were won by Lucy
larte and Heed Peters.
Services will he held today at all the
churches at the usual hours.
Mr. and Mrs. James Degan have cone to
Shenandoah, la., (or a week's visit.
Mrs. O. Davis left last week after a visit
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. L)olph.
Baptist Mlselonary soc iety will meet at
the church on next Thursday afternoon.
The Salvation Army of Omaha will hold
services In the Methodist church today at
4 o'clock.
OCOCCOCCCCOOO 0GCeGSC8O00 coooooooocooo
Albert Hlelek and Mies Christina Inren.
both living- near Benson, were married last
erinarii4 v.
"7 'n 1 Miss Lettle Smith came up from Platta-JVV
. uii inn niuin umnnn duys in Benson.
Logs, ui iona or , Ars c w Hlckey and Miss Rose Wltte
Driiiiiueiuii ei Buevk fc me tTOJin
Miss Nesmlth of Fort Omaha was the
guest cf Miss Julia Hunt Tuesday after
noon. Ed Pllefer of Calhoun, Neb., was a busi
ness visitor In Florence Monday of this
Harrison names returned Monday from
week's visit with a daughter at Teka
mah. Neb.
Miss Emma King spent one day the last
week visiting her parent. Mr. and Mrs.
F. M. King. T
W. R. Weber of Wayne, Neb., spent Hun
day here visiting hia parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Weber, sr.
Miss Kate Logan of Missouri Valley, la.,
is visiting her cousin, Miss Clara Pliant,
for a few days.
Master John Tracy went to Union, Neb.,
Thursday to make his home with his unole,
lr. Frank Tracy.
Bam Clausen sent out a car of cattle and
m car of hogs from Coffman Station
Wednesday night
Mlsa Eva Johnson Is spending- a few
Weeks at home, visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Uua Johnson.
George Davis and wife spent a few days
of this week here, the guests of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis.
Mrs. D. C. LfOnergen of Spruce Hill farm
spent a couple of days In Florence this
week, the guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. M. King.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. King spent Sunday
In South Omaha visiting Mr. and Mrs.
the last two weeks In his territory In South
Dakota and northern Iowa.
James Dowllng of Blair, Neb., took his
wife to St. Joseph's hospital In Omaha last
Thursday and slopped to visit his mother,
Mrs. F. K. Marks, over night.
Thor Jorgensen left Saturday for Hot
Springs, Ark., where he goes lor his health,
wnich has bean poor during tiie winter. He
ex peels to remain for some time.
Carl Taylor, with the Northwestern rail
way at Council Blurts tor the last Untie
years, spent Sunday at home with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Taylor.
Mr. and Mra Jacob Stull gave a birthday
party last week, Uio occasion being the
birthday of their daughter, Mia Carrie.
Several of their Omaha friends were pres
ent Mr. and Mrs Carl FeldhUBen and little
daughter went to Calhoun 'iuesuay mum
lug to attend the wedding of some friends.
Mr. and Mra. FelUnusen were termer resi
dents of Calhouu before coming to Flor
ence. M. E. Machlln of Glenford, O., who has
been visiting in the west for tne last month,
spent a couple ot days here this week, the
tUHHt of Mr. and Mra L. A. Taylor. Mr.
achlin was well pleased with Uio western
Herman Smith left for Sunnyaide, Neb.,
Sunday, where he and his brother, Dr. 11.
C. Smith, have f' '! a partnership in a
bunch of emtio. Herman will look after
the cattle while the doctor will practice his
Mr. J. F. Ransom, an old soldier who is
pending the winter at the Soldiers' Home
In Leavenworth, spent a few days here at
his old home. He will return In a couple
of days. Mr. Ransom will be M years of
age March 22.
Mrs. ' Maggie Negley spent a couple of
weeks here visiting her father, W. A. Wil
son, and other relatives, and while here
purchased her spring millinery stock fur
her store at Long Pine, Neb. She left for
her home Monday last
F. M. Kirvg leaves Monday for Leaven-'!
worm, Kan., where ne goes as a delegate
from Robin Hood camp No. SO of Florence
Woodmen of the World. The head camp
meets at Leavenworth. Mr. King expects
to be absent about a week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Chandler of Han
cock, la., spent the last week here, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Taylor, Mrs.
Chandler being the oldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Taylor. Mr. und Mra Chandler
returned to their home Monday.
James W. Green, John C. Rennlnger, Tom
Graham and John Nicholson spent the last
week on Mlchelaon's bar, near Desoto,
hunting ducks and geese. They got about
ninety ducks and one goose, and report the
hunting good for this time of the year, It
being a Tittle early.
A missionary sen-Ice will be held this
evening at the Dundee Presbyterian church.
Round Doien club will be entertained on
Wednesday by Mcsdames William Plndell
and John II. Harts.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Barr and children
of Chadron arrived on Friday to be the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Barr.
., Ex-County Superintendent of Schools
Bodwell, on his way from Chicago west,
stopped off last week and spoke at the
Dundee school.
Mr. H. C. Balrd was In Knox and Cedar
counties during the week superintending
some repairs and the erection of new build
ings on his farm lands.
The LadlcB' Aid society of the Dundee
Presbyttrlan church will meet on Friday
with Mrs. White at her new home at
Forty-ninth and Webster streets.
Dundee Woman's club met on Wednesday
with Mrs. I. 8. Leavltt. Mrs. Covelle. on
hums last week.
Swedish Ladles' Aid society will meet at
the home of Mrs. C A. Bioomburg next
'1 hursday atternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ueorge Wedge, who have
resided lu Omaha this winter, have moved
Into a Benson cottage.
Ed Berguson, Albert Bleick and Henry
Zlmmermon, with their families, will leave
tor Dakota next Tuesday.
George Gllmoie of Omaha will give an
address at the Benson gymnasium rooms
this atternoon at 4 o'clock.
Mrs. Sumner, who has been visiting her
daughter, returned to her home In Lincoln
accompanied by her grandson.
James Horton entertained a number of
his little friends at his home Saturday in
honor of his seventh birthday.
Some of the veterans of Benson went to
Omaha Thursday to attend the meeting of
the County Veterans association.
Mr. A. K. Chrlstlanson of California left
last week foi a visit In Vancouver, ii. C,
after a long visit here with her niece.
Miss Delia Miller of Glenwood, la., and
Herman Hunnlngn of California were guests
at the Llndeil home during the past week.
Miss Ruth Parker was pieaauntly sur
prised at her home by a number of her
friends In honor of her birthday last Satur
day. Benson Gym cluh will give a reception to
their trlends at th Ir rooms Saturday even
ing, a musical program to be given during
the evening.
Dr. Leochner, James A. Howard and
Jerome Alien of Benson attended the Ma
sonic reception held in Omaha laat Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. C. E. Sprlngmeyer went to the west
of this state to attend the wedding of her
niece, Wlnitred Pine of Lynch, Neb., and
Mr. John Blnkard.
A well rendered and successful musical
entertainment was given at the Odd Fel
lows' hall last bat ui clay evening by tne
Christian Endeavor.
Miss Mabel Otto arrived in Benson last
Saturday from Aurora, Neb., and will visit
at the btlger home before going to her home
In Bloomington, 111.
Fraternal Union lodge will give a pie
social at the Odd Fellows' hall on the even
ing of March 14. A program will be given
during the .evening.
Regular meeting of the tire department
was held last Monday evening, but nothing
of mportance came before li. Election of
olllcers will take place at the next
A number of the South Omaha Odd Fel
lows' lodge were present at the regular
meeting ot the Benson lodge laat Monday
evening. After the regular session a social
hour was spent
A "Law and Order" league la being or
ganized in Benson. A can tor a meeting
will soon be nuiue by the present commit
tee, consisting ot Rev. Mr. Leldy, O. Pryor
and H. Smiley.
Thursday, March 14, a public mass meet
ing will be held at the town hall for the
purpose ot nominating a candidate for
mayor and tour counuilmen. Every voter
Is requested to be present
Mrs. A. Z. Leach was hostess at a lunch
eon and social time at her home lost Thurs
day atternoon for the women of the Pres
byterian church. A large number of women
were present at the lunch, which was an
elaborate one, served In the dining room,
and a social time was spent during the
ii, i sVllevia,
Miss Helen Fletcher re visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Theodore Cooper at Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew If. Wilson of
Elverson, la., were In Bellevue last Mon
day. John Johnson of Fillmore1, Canada, Is
vUltlng this week at the W. T. Jones
Harold Woodbrldge has returned from
Chicago and is staying at Prof. W. E.
Newton Rice, a Junior in the college,
left last Monday for Colorado to hold
down a claim.
Miss Mamie Aston of Waterloo, Is stay
ing in Bellevue and attending a business
college In Omaha.
Mrs. Charles Whetstone was called to
Albright Friday on account of the serious
Illness of a sister.
Horace Henderson left the college Monday
for Annapolis, wiiere he has an appoint
ment in the naval academy.
Dr. and Mrs. W. C. T. Adams enter
tained the (senior class of Bellevue col
lege last Friday evening at a six o'clock
dinner, and the Junior class Monday eve
ning at an old fashion purty.
Dr. and Mrs. Adams received a visit
this week from J. Jewell of Ma.-ion City,
Iowa, on his way home after wintering
in California.
The Interurban line has put In electric
lights at all the crossings, making a great
improvement for the passengers in getting
on and off cars.
Rev. William Splcer of Rulo. Neb., has
concluded a Beries oi revival meetings at
the Holiness church, and has gone lo Al
bright where he will hold more meetings.
Miss Hazel Wilcox, who has snown
behalf of the Woman's Christian Temper-1 wonderful precocity with the violin, played
ance union, addressed the women. I a couple of numbers before the Tuesday
Tho lots at the southwest corner of I Morning Musical club at the residence of
Forty-ninth and California streets have L- f . Crotoot on South Thirty-ninth
been sold to Fred Schaefer and Hlrara U. I "treet, Omaha, last Tuesday .morning.
Bell for the purpose of Investment j The college has Installed a new printing
Mr. Dennis and mother of Omaha have P,r8" a"u '"if,1"1.", to own. l'Pl"i'f-
Vy-en " atonln ! Tt M-Jam? tt
Mr. Royal Miller Is building a new porch
and adding other improvements to the
residence he recently bought und moved
Into at the corner of roity-nlnUi and Chi
cago streets.
Mrs. T. W. Robinson will entortsln at
bridge on next Thursday for her i ter, Mrs.
Breevoort of Detroit, and Miss Willard
Drown of Portland, Ore., guest of Miss
Jeanne WakcfUld.
A Dundee Country club Is about to be
realised, the beautiful Patrick home In
"Happy Hollow" to be buught for that
purpose. Its eleven acres of around with
seventy additional acres to be used for golf
Mr. R. C. Patterson of Kansas City and
daughter Mildred, who Is attending Hrow
nell Hall, were the guest at dinner on
Modnay of Mrs. Henry C. Van Olesoii. Dr.
and Mra Charles O. Rich and Dr. Lemere
were the other guesta
For the members of her bridal party,
Miss Ijoulse Van Gieson entertained at
cards Saturday evening. Those present
were: Mr. and Mrs. W. L Blby, Dr. h ii I
Mrs. Charles O. Rich and Misses Mildred
Merrlam, Fannie Huwland, EUitli Thomas,
Elisabeth Palmer, Mary Murphy. Ivouis.
Van ilieson; Messrs. Dr. Lemere, Ward
Palmer, Will Wood, Sydney Smith, George
Lair, Dr. llolltster.
For her sn Frank Mrs. W. L. Slby en
tertained the younger set of the village
Thursiliy evening Those present were
Misses ixiuise Curtis. Kthel Marshall. Lucy,
aule and will soon have the college on
mm foundation.
Lust Friday the land possession case of
Albei t Neglesby and J. D. Robinson took
a dilfereni phase, when Mr. Robinson and i
his two sons mixed with Mi. Negieshy and!
son. The result wss a dllTeit nt kind of t. 1
case, an assault casu. which Neulesby swora i
out against the Rublqsons.
The Plvuiles. headed by their uronhet.
Louis Fifes", have left the Island beiow
11 u
ummww, m -m yK
m With tar Dnifial in lei
ffii (ri.!
These Sets Can
Be Obtained Only at the Peoples Store
These Dinner Beta are guaranteed
by the makers. They are guaranteed
not to craze or crackle; the gold deco
rations will not wash off or tarnish
during one year from date of sale. In
case any pieces are crazed or gold deco
rations washed off, the makers agree
to replace them free of charge at any
time during one year from date of
sale. Will also guarantee that these
and in case of breakage of same on de
livery they will be replaced free of
charge. n
THE greatest proposition ever offered the householders of Omaha and one that will
cause delight in the minds of thousands of householders and hou sewives. A rich,
tasty set of white and gold dinner dishes with your initial in gold and worth from $12 to
$15 in any store, and a fit ornament to any home, offered you FREE as a premium on
every purchase of $100 worth of furniture and household goods or sold you outrfght at
$6.75 on small weekly payments. It may be had FREE while you are buying your
Spring Outfit or adding new furniture to your home. It requires nothing out of the
ordinary on your part and simply acts as an inducement to the general public to trade
with the greatest and best furniture house in Omaha. It is utterly out of the question for
any pottery or china shop in the world to produce a handsomer set of dishes at such a
price, so that whether it is given to you free on your purchases, or is bought outright at
$6.75, you can thank fortune in either event.
This Offer is Divided Into Three
Separate -Propositions as Follows:
Proposition No. 1 The Dinner Set will be given to you free with every purchase
of $100 worth of furniture or household goods, and the goods may be purchased on our
well known and liberal open account credit plan.
Proposition No. 2 We will sell you the Dinner Set outright for $6.75, and permit
you to pay the $6.75 on terms of $1 cash and $1 monthly.
Proposition No. 8 If you buy the Dinner Set outright now on the terms mentioned,
and you should at any time during 1907 buy a bill of household goods or furniture ag
gregating $100, the $6.75 paid for the Dinner Set will be credited to you on the $100
Description of the Dinner Set
This 53-plece gold coin La Francaise Porcelain Dinner Set Is of the very newest de
sign in 6hape and decoration in fact, a replica, or copy, of the finest $300 Dinner Set
ever created in the world. The bodies are dazzling white, bearing a neat and tasty floral
border design in the clearest gold, with the first or Initial lotu-r of your name In Old
EngliKh denign on every piece. This is actu ally the clearest and whitest dinnerware
ever made in this country, and the makers guarantee that it will not lose its enamel or
clear white color; that it will not craze or crackle, as the most expensive china will
sometimes do, and the gold Is so thoroughly baked under the glaze that it cannot possi
bly tarnish or rub off. The pieces are all from dainty and yet elaborate French pat
terns, and there isn't a woman in Omaha w ho would not be delighted to have and use
this magnificent set of dishes.
Dinner Get Consists of
These Pieces:
6 .Large Dinner Plates.
O Koup Plates.
6 Cups and Saucers.
0 Fruit Plates.
6 Dessert Plates.
6 Individual llutter Platen.
1 12-lnrh Meat Platter.
1 10-hu-h Meat Platter.
1 Covered Dish.
1 Creamer.
1 Hugar Howl and Cover.
1 Vegetable Dish and Cover.
1 Cake Plate.
1 Open Dish.
1 Hound liutter Dish.
1 Itound Vegetable Dish.
Remember These
The Initial Letter of Your Name Will
Appear in Quid on Each and Every One of
the 53 I'ieces.
We do not require you to pay Cash for
the $100.00 worth of merchandise, Himply
open an account and buy the goods on our
matchletw und liberal system of monthly
credit. The set lb delivered with the goods
you buy.
We do not require you to pay cash (or
the dinner set if purchased outright. You
merely pay $1.00 cash and $100 monthly,
which gives you six months to pay M.76.
The sale begins tomorrow and you are
advised to place your orders promptly, for
Wo fully expect to be swamped with orders.
You do not have to buy 1100.00 worth at
one tim to get the dinner set, hut If you
buy lluo.OO worth during the entire year of
1!)07, t..e set, with your Initial In gold en
each piece, will be delivered to you FItEB.
Bellevue. The river has continually, piec
iy piece, eaten their land away, unul a.
Hue farm of -u acres was reduced to nuth
ii:K. This pecullur sect was founded at
Uietna yeurs ago by Louis Flgg, a promi
nent cltiifii, vtho believed himself chosen
by Uod as another prophet. Persecuted
and harassed by old iielgULiors, they sought
tk 4P. Jf . sk.
Beach, Cal., writes she Is the guest of old
nelghMrs, Mr. Charles Byas, at Los An-k.Ii-k
this week, tilie will return home
Alis. Furman, who spent the last year
with her daughter, Mrs. Theodore Smith,
seems to have wlllud that again tney uhould
llartr, Kdn:i H nnett. Margaret Anders m, I mann.
larJorle Uenson. Marjorie rVhram, Hur- Mrs. 8. Shandy. ho has been spending
gieil Bweeiry, Ada Klupp, Louise Willard, the past month with her parents at Long
pnsrv SfTTw ' I s kv tw
And niauy other puiuiui uud serious
ailments from which most mothers
suffer, can be avoided by the use of
, Motfttfl FriecJ. This great remedy
is a God-send to women, carrying
them through their most critical
ordeal with safety and no pain.
No woman who nses 'Motucr'S Friend" need fear the suffering:
and danger incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its horror
and insures safety to life of mother and child, and leaves her in
a condition more favorable to speedy recovery. The child is
also healthy, strong and
good natured. Our book
Motherhood," is worth
its weight in gold to every
woman, and will be sent free in plain
envelope by addressing application to
Bfadfieid Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga.
relUKe near Bellevue. but frovld.-me Itself I hH" 1'UK'hase.l a home at Holdrege and
Mr. Hurtman, who has been making his
home with his aunt, Mrs. 1'ltman, the past
winter, left for a week's visit with his pur
ems at Atchison, Kan., on Wednesday.
Mr. T. O'Connor left Tueeday evening on
a protipec'lng tour through Oklahoma.
MIhs Legale Faverty Is staying with, Mrs.
O Connor and children during his abarnce.
Mr. Will Morton of Long Fine, whose
wife and son are visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Faverty, here, has secured a po
sition as engineer brtweiu Omaha and
Lincoln and may remove here soon.
Mrs. J. K. Aughe met her brother. Arthur
Ziebell. who came in from Lincoln Tues
day, where his little son Earl underwent
a surgicul operation at the sanitarium
there on Monday and together they met
their father, Andrew Ziebell, who was
brought down from W'lsner Monday even
ing and who had a serious operation at
th.- Mvthodlet hospital here Wednesday for
bladder trouble. Arthur left Thursday
evening for Lincoln.
Weat Ambler.
Mr. a. Ambler Is seriously 111 at his home
In 1-kkerman.
8. T. Campbell Is reshlngllng his home
and otherwise Improving It.
Mrs. (Jeorge Vlultcly was the guest of
Mrs. Hendt-ixon on Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Cunningham are
rejoicing over the adv. nt of a daughter at
their home on South Twenty-seventh street.
Urandm.i Hickman went to Norfolk last
week, where slie will spend the balance of
me season wan ner daughter, Mrs. Mussel-
hit mm
Inatrnetrd by Bureh to Continue
Prosecntlon of Xebraskn Vio
lators of Law.
Assistant Attorney General M. C. Burch
passed through Omaha over the Northwest
ern at an early hour Saturday morning en
route to Denver. He was met at t'nlon
station by Special Assistant Attorney Gen
eral Rush. In the brief conference be
tween them Mr. Hurch directed that Mr.
Rush proceed with the trial of the land
cases now In hand and Informed hlin he
would be retained here in Omaha until
the completion of these cases, the trial of
which will begin the first Monday In April.
The talk between the two officials was
wholly upon land matteis and had neces
sarily to be brief. Mr. Burch expects to
return to Omaha la a few days fur fur
ther coolereoce with Mr. Rush,
Sixteenth Annual Reunion f Scottish Bits
Maims leeics Monday.
Distinguished Delegates Will Attend
and Governor Sheldon Will
Be In tbe Class to lie
Scottish Kite Masons.
sixteenth annual reunion of the
Ancient Acci-pted Scottish Hue of Free
masonry, Orient of Omaha will he held In
Masonic temple March 11-15. The affair
promises to be a notable event in Masonic
circles and the Improvements at Masonic
temple aia being hurried to completion to
be in readiness for the occasion. Members
of the rile in good atumling wht-rever dis
persed are fraternally Invited to be preei.t
and participate In the sublime woik and
beuulitul ceremonies of the convocation.
Distinguished Scottish Rite Masons at
home and from abroad have s. glutted their
acceptance of invitations to be present.
It is expected 4hat a class of over fifty
will receive the degrees. Among those to
be invested with the dignities of the several
decrees will be Governor Sheldon.
The program for the week Is lu brief:
Monday, a. in.. Mount Moiiari Iodga of
Perfection No. 1, will convenj in executive
session after which will follow the recep
tion and welcome of visitms. At 11 a. in.,
conferring the fourth, fifth and sixth de
grees. 2:30 p. in., sevetith, eighth, ninth,
tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth de
grees. T:Stl p. m., fourteenth degree. This
degree will be conferred in full form by
Claude L. Talbot, Xid, acting master, as
sisted by the regular officers.
Tuesday Semper Fidelia Chapter Rose
Croix will aaaeinble In executive session at
a. m. At lu a. m. tbe seventeenth, and
at 2:3U p. in. the eighteenth degree will be
conferred, and at 7. Jo and 9 p. in Tuesday
will be conferred the fifteenth and sixteenth
degrees, respectively.
Wednesday, a. in.. 8t. Andrew's Council
No. 1 Knights of Kadobh, will rendesvous
ir. executive council. The nineteenth, twen
tieth and twenty-first degrees will be con-
rred during the forenoon, end the iwenty
cond to the twenty-ninth degree during
tiie afternoon. The thirtieth degree will be
conleired at 7:30 p. m.
Thursday, Nebraska Consistory No. 1,
will convene at 8 a. in. to confer the thirty
second degree, and the thirty-first degree
at t.'M a. m. The ceremonial 'MBions will
continue, during Thursday afternoon and
bpeilal music will be provided during
the ceremonials by a quartet consist
ing of MrB. Uirdell, Miss Francis Holder,
John McCreary and Koy Moore, with C.
L. Shook as cornetist and ii. D. Ucllis as
organist and director of music.
Friday evening a banquet will be given
In honor of the class at the Temple. Its
appointments will be on a most elaborate
scale, at which prominent members of the
craft will be the speakers, Including sev
eral from adjoining states.
The Masonic Grand lodge of Nebraska
will hold its next annual session at Lin
coln in June.
The annual meeting of the Grand Com
mandery Knights Templar of Nebraska
will meet in Omaha April 11.
The annual meeting of the Nobles of
the Mystic t-hrine immh of .Nebraska, will
meet In Omaha April ID. Elaborate prep
arations are being made for the event,
which will be helu In tne Auditorium.
of Kearney made a brief visit to Omaha
fhl"'?nthe la.Ht week f"r coTferenctJ
H,.?Dc"s of ,hH eubordinate circle reli.-
ventlnn , "P',rochlng department ,
entlon at t remont. Arrangements
being made for an elaborate entertalnr,
Triennial Conclave Knights Templar
The triennial conclave of the grand en
campment of the Knights Templar of
the I'nlted States will be held U Sara
toga, N. Y.. July -13. The New Yorkers
are making the most elaborate prepara
tions for the conclave, this being the
first conclave held In th state since
the yeur IMS. It is the intention to make
this conclave one of the most notable
ever held In the country. It Is expected
that over 40.000 Templars Will be pres
ent. The competitive drills among the
many crack commanderles will be special
features of the encampment for which
maganiflcent trophies will be awarded to
the successful contestants. Many pleas
ant side excursions to historical points
in the vicinity are planned. Nebraska ex
pects to send a big delegation to the
conclave and arrangements are already
being made therefor.
Horal Areaanm.
Pioneer courcll will meet Tuesday even
ing In the Rohrbough building. Nineteenth
and Farnam streets. Several applications
for memberships lu this council will tie
acted upon and there will be initiation of
I'nion Pacific council will meet Thursday
evening In Crelghton Institute hull, 210
South Eighteenth street. There will be In
itiation of i number of candidates and
arrangements will be decided upon for en
tertaining the women on the evening of
March 24.
The degree team of this council will meet
In the lodge room Monday evening at 8
Several entertainments are In contempla
tion for the near future and the meeting
of the grand council of the state, which
meets In Omaha April 23, will be an In
teresting session, one of the features being
a large class Initiation on the preceding
The general committee of the councils
Of the city will meet Wednesday evening
at k o'clock at the usual place.
Order of Scottish Clans.
CIi n Gordon No. U3 held a largely at
tended meeting in thn Continental building
Tuesday evening. Three new men were
Initiated Into the bequeathinen class and
three more went through the ballot.
Thomas Falconer, Jr., waa elected dele
gate to the Royal Clan convention, to be
held at Halifax, N. ri., In August.
Songs were sung by Clansmen It. Kerr,
Jamleson, Falconer, sr., Kennedy and Wat
eon, and addresses were delivered by the
three new members.
Grand Army of tbe Republic.
George A. Custer post and Woman's Re
lief corps have changed their place of
meeting from the Continental block to Pat
terson hall, Seventeenth and Farnam
streets. The regular meeting will be held
on the first and third Fridays of each
month. An open meeting, with cards and
refreshments, will be held the evening of
March 15.
Indies of the Maccabees.
The state convention of the Ladles of
Maccabees will be held In Omaha April
21-21. The headouartera of the association
will be at the Millard hotel. It Is expected
that 150 delegates will be present at the
Ladles of the Grand Army.
Garfield circle No. 11 held a meeting Fri
day evening. It was reported formally
that the circle had lost two memiiers by
deaih since the last meeting, bisters Hub
bard and Dolsn.
The circle will give a "swap social" at
Its next open meeting, April U.
Department President Mia Clarissa lloge
circle rela-
Woodmen of the World.
The delegates from Alpha camp No! 1 to
the head camp convention to be held at
Leavenworth March U will leave over the
Missouri Pacific Monday evening at 11
0 clock. In consequence of the departure
k "'legatee, no regular meeting will
be held, but has given the use of the hall
to the degree team for that night for a
card party and dance. Prises will ba
awarded the successful card players and
good time is aasured all who attend.
Jh" o,""11,"1, having In charge the oper
etta Alice In Wonderland," to be presented
at the Auditorium April M-27, report having
received encouraging support from the other
camps in the city, also In securing parties
to assist In the chorus. All who desire to
assist In this performance are requested to
send in their names to the clerk of the
camp as soon as possible.
Sunday the Seymour delegation will leaya
for IeavenworU.
Mlsccllaneoas. j
Omaha Homestead of Yeomen will give a
Japanese social and open meeting Friday
evening at their ball In the Patterson block.
A musical and literary program together
with various contests for prises will ba
The drill team of Success lodge No. 1M0.
Modern Brotherhood of America, will give
a carnival ball Monday evening at Ba
right's hall.
Mondamln lodge No. Ill, Fraternal Union
of America, will give a progressive high
five party Monday evening.
Mecca court No. II. Tribe of Ben Hur,
will give a slave sale social at the next
regular meeting, March H.
Ruth Rebekah lodge No. 1 gave a social
at Odd Fellows' hall Saturday evening.
Mlnnelmha council No. i. Daughters of
Protection, will give a "skldno" mask ball
at Myrtle hall Saturday evening.
The ladles' auxiliary of branch No. ft.
National Association of Letter Carriers,
held a meeting at the remdence of Mia.
C. C. Rose. 2111 Grant street, Thursday
afternoon, following which un Informal
program was Indulged In. Social converse
tlon and games, Interspersed with vocal and
Instrumental music, aided In making th
occasion one lung to be remeuiber&
1 Dainty refreshments were served.