1 TTIE "OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MARCII 9. 1P07. 13 i l GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET BtoirU of Damtca in Fovfcweit by Grw , lutr Vtrlfitd WnEAT TRADES IN STRONG BULL MARKET feaartlal Crop Fa 11 ere ia Tesaa aad Oklahoma f eem Grin line Dts oaats HniTr hlpaaeata treat Argeattaa. OMAHA. Much 8, 1907. Wheat opened easier on reports of record Increase in snipmente Irom Argentina and lower cables, but the market soon took a Bullish turn wnen reports of extensive damage to crops In the southwest by (tie nrrrn bug were auost antlatly verified. Ad- Ivices from lex aa and Oitlahoma were to lue eneet tnui me green Dug was playing bavoo with tne spring crop and tnere weie run. ore ul blight to the crop in Michigan anu northern Ohio and Indiana. ilit bears were routed by the unfavor able) reports, toitether with strong buying in the iiortnwest, and the market advanced in large fractions. May wheat, wnlcli opened at ?0c asked, quickly rose to lOtfcO siwtil and closed strong at that figure, a tain of o oVr the closing prlose ef yes truAy. Corn was au-eng la sympathy with wheat, although Liverpool cabled lower prices, and the large clearances at seaboard tended toward a burdening In prices. Oats and corn . were In little demand, however, the attention of traders being directed to the wheat market. May corn closed at an advance of c and oats wss Arm with a sustained advance Primary wheat receipts were 664,000 nueh els and shipments 160,000 bushels, against receipts , last year of 67.000 bushels and shipments of 117,000 bushels, Corn re .inn war (76 one huahula and shipments tft2.iut bushels, against receipts of $;,000 bushels and shipments of 604,000 bushels last yaf- ... ilmnnrM were 187.000 bushels 01 corn.. 13,006 bushels of oats and wheat and flour extiial to t9,000 bushels. Liverpool closed & lower on wheat and lAd lower on corn. Arrnnrlns wheat shipments were of record quantity, 4.624.00O bushels, against 3,4W,0o0 bushels last wees: ana ouniim ur the corresponding week of last year. Ar gentina corn shipments were lot, 000 bushels. gainst T3.000 Ousneis issi wees. Local r.inge ot options: Artlcles.l Open.J Hlgh.j Low. Close.lYes'y, Whest May.., July... Com toa' 7oa ioa MST...I41VJAI 42UAI 41B 8ept... i I I Onts I'll, May...! 41HBI 42B 41A July... S7B SoB 7WB 7"NA WsB I 424A 41'iAl 414B I 70A TO'iB 42B 41 VIA 41HB 414 A 7.A A asked. B bid. Omaha Cash Prlees. ' WTIEAT-No. I hard, 68gV4c: No. hsrd, 624if'e; No. 4 hard, 6y4c; No, CORN-No. 8. WKWW, NO. 4, Qyc' no grade, 3236e; No. I yeuow, wi OAT8-N0. 8 mixed, 88WHc; No. ,1 white, 3SJ40Vc; No. 4 white, SSWo. RYE No. 2, 60c; No. 8, 68o. Carlot Reeelpts. VVhoat. Corn. QatB. turea, steady; Msrch, ts td; May, 6d; July. 6s 2S1. 4.iikn bpct. firm; American mixed, new, 4" 6d; American mlinl nM la U' (u. tures, quiet; March. 4a 4M; May, 4a 6d. HEW YORK UEJIERAl MARKET doetatlona ef the) far Varloas Commodities. NEW YORK. March $. FLOU R Re ceipt s. 2.07B bbls.; exports 4.463 bhls.; mar ket tlrm, with better Inquiry; Minnesota frftenls. 14.1iku4.4o; Minnesota linkers, H. 86; winter patents, U.SWiS &; wlntir straights, 11.40443.66; winter extras, 12.) 1 t.00; winter low grades. U.7i2.9U. Rye Dour, steady; fair to good. $3.ti6tj3.8o; ch Ice to fancy, $3.85ir4.20. Buckwheat flour, dull at U 20, spot and to arrive. . COKN.MfcAL Steady; line white and yel low, $1 ao.UL36; coarse, $1.1031.12; kiln dried, $2 .hf.fiz.,6. WHEAT Rerelnts. 29.000 btl. Snot mar ket firm: No. i red. 83VC. elevntor; No. I red. M40. f. o. b., afloat; No. I northern, miluth. 2He. f. o. b.. afloat: No. t hard inter, 1. o. b., afloat. Jfcxecpt lor A short time at 4ht opening, when big. Argentine vhlpments depressed the mnr ket. wheat wss active and much stronger. Houthwest damage news coming on an oversold professional market caused the afternoon Jump of over lc per buhel and the market closed uc shove tne previ ous night. May, H4 i-UVn'c, closed at c: July, 4S,4i6'4c, closed at SSVc; eep- lemner, w 'VO w-idc, ciosea at Mstc: CORN Receipts. S7.S25 bu.; exports, 13',- (31 bu. Btiot market steady; No. 2, t'Vxc, elevntor, and 63Vfcc, f. o. b., afloat; Nrx I white, 64Hc; No. 2 yellow, 54c. f. o. b.. afloat. t)ptlon market was without transactions closing He net higher. May ciosea at M4c; July closed at MiC; eep tsmber closed at 53Vic. OATS Receipts, 49,600 bu. Spot market firm; mixed oats, ?8 to OT pounds, 4V; nat ural white, to to 33 pounds, 61Uu3c; clipped white, 36 to 40 pounds, SrMWc mat firm; good to choice, il.uwm.i". HOPS Dull; state, common to choice, WH crop, invite; 1906 crop, 8311c; Paclilo const, 1906 crop, 10ijl3c; 1W crop, B7JI2c. HIDES-Bteady: Galveston, SO to 26 lbs.. 20c; California. 21 to 36 lbs., 21c; Texas, dry. 24 to 0 lbs., 24c FROV18ION8-Beef. quiet; family. $15.0Kffl5.50; mess, .60W10.i); beef hams, $34.0iKiC.00; packet. lll.O04m.CO; city, extra India mess, l21.00l23.0i. Cut meats, steAdy; Pickled bellies. 110.7641 1!. 00: pickled ham.i. 112.26. Lard, steady; western prime, IM.tJS VV.Tb; renned, barely steady; I1000: South America, tll.oo; compound 3S.62HJi1.75. Pork, steady: family, $250; NEW YORK STOCKS ANDBONDS rnrlher L'qnidaticn it Fol'twed by Ter ods of Eitrme WMknega. UNI )M PACIFiC AND STEEL LOWER Drop Due largely t Pesslmlstlo latervlew of E. H. llarrlmaa Rally Rear Close Followed by Derllae. The market finished steady, with Southern Railway the feature. The Indian secretary secured an option on 32.5no.000 In gold. Jap anese Imperial ts of l-4 closed at 103. BERLIN, March 8. lYIces on the Bourse touay relapsed at the opening and New York advices caused further realisations. At the close stocks recovered slightly.' PARIS. March 8. Prices on the Hours today opened heavy on New York ad vices, but Improved toward the clone. Rus sian Imperial 4s cloned at 74.15 and Rus sian bonds 01 1H04 at . NEW YORK, March 8,-Thare wag further liquidation In the stock market today and periods of extreme weakness during which prices plunged down to a level In many cases lower than for several years past. At the same time there was evidence from tlmo to time of an absorption of stocks of a kind to Indicate that prices have fallen to a level where some demand la I attracted 'of an Investment or semi-In vestment charactfr. There hns been more or less bargain buying In small lots all through the week's decline, such ss Is taken out of the market to hold for an Investment return. But buying attracted by the Investment return, but of mar ginal character, has been slower of develop ment. There hns been a notable lack also of buying by banking and other largo finan cial Interests for purposes of support up to today. The opening break In prices to day did develop buying of this kind, and the perception of It was a prime factor In turning the bears to cover and affecting the following material rrcovrry rally. The bears proved In the later market that they had not exhausted their ammunition. This did not prevent a srrbwth of ODlnlon. how ever, that- the period of active liquidation was approaching Its termination. Senti ment was much less easy today even during the early break than for some time past and the confidence was more reneral that the liquidation would run Its course with out disaster or panic. The week has been singularly free In fact from rumors of nnancini embarrassments, although the ex tent of the decline makes the fact of enor mous losses havlnn occurred a matter of continent, 'course. The conviction remains general mat move nave fallen generally upon the millionaire lsss and amons-at ttinaa whn ahort clear, 18.0ivjn9.26; mess, I1V50& 19.25. j could shoulder the burden without ruinous TALLOW Steadv: eltv (ii Der Dk.). io: consequences. It Is this conviction which Oountry (pkgs. free), H?T7c. I fives the present decline the name of the Chicago Kansas City Minneapolis . Omaha Duluth Bt. Louis 17 . 64 .367 . .120 . a 371 36 104 I06 6 'ii 188 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROIHOfcl Features of the Tradlaa; aad Closlaa; Prlees oa Boar of Trada. CHICAGO, March l-Conflrmatlon of the reports of serious damage to the fall sown crop by the "green bug" caused a sharp rslly In wheat today, th. May dellv.ry closing at a net gain of c. Corn was up He. Oats were W'ac higher. Provisions were unchanged to loul2Vo higher. Tha rally In the wheat pit occurred about v. nt tha ion Prior to that time the market waa weak beoause of re ordlreaklng shipments -of wheat from Ar gentina during me ibsi r. h nmith American reoubllca were 4,&a,000 bu.. which was 624,000 bu. more than had been estimated, and 17i,vuo bu. In e cess of the previous largest weekly move ment. The radical change In sentiment which took place about midday waa oj hv th nnart of a Bt. Louis trade Journal which confirmed much that has been said regarding the damage done by tha "areen.bug" to wintsr wheat in Texas, Oklahoma and Indian Territory. It was conceded by this aumoniy mi In Texas wns almost totally ruined. Shorts covered freely during the remainder of the dsy and the market continued strong until the close. May wheat opened 4e to q lower at 7So to 7DV4o. sold at 76i4. and then advanced to 770, Final quotations were at Tla. Clearances ot wheat and flour were equal to 96.000 bu. Exports for the week as shown by Bradstreets were equal to 2,260,000 bu. Primary receipts were 6t. O00 bu.. compared with 467,000 bu. for tha same day last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 494 cars gainst AOs cars last week and 426 cars a yRela!t?vely , small local receipt had a strengthening effect on the early corn mar ket and later the market was bulllshly Influenced by the advance In wheat. A leading commission house was the principal buyer and the offering came mostly frem longs. The close was firm. May corn opened unchanged to a shads lowsr at UTvH7o 'o c' fl10 an1 "n ad vanced to 4710. The close was at 7o. Local receipts were 271 cars with one of contract grade. Oats for May delivery sold today at 4o, which la a new high mark for the season. A continued small movement was the chief source of the strength. May oata opened a shade lower to a shade higher at 42tto to 42c advanced to 43a and closed at 42o. Local receipts were lot cars. Provisions were unsettled. A firm mar ket for live hogs caused sUedy prices early In the day. Belling by packers caused a . decline, but later the market rallied In sympathy with grain. At the cloae May pork was up lflo at 2U.60. Lard waa un changed at S8.60. Ribs were 10&IV& higher a.t t.22H4i . ' Estimated receipts for tomorrow 1 Wheat, 28 cars; corn, 346 cars; oata, 146 cars; hogs, 15.000 head. The leading future ranged as followei RICB Steadv: domestic, fair to extra. thic; Japan, nominal. BITTER Steady; street prices, extra creamery, 21633c. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, 21833e; held, com mon to extra, 21ti31c; western factory, common to nrsts, lsiff 21Hc; western Imita tion creamery, firsts. 2.1(ft24c. CHEESE Firm; stste full cream, col ored, small, September, fancy, 15c; stats white, 14Ac; state colored, small, October, best, 14'4c; white, Oetobar best, 13KVc; good to prime, lSHfUVxc; winter-made, aver age best, 12c. F.OOS Irregular; stats. Pennsylvania and nearby fancy selected white, 21"(22c: choice, ltff".ne; brown and mixed extra, 20c; firsts to extra firsts. lb&lSc; western firsts, lfcVtc; official price, lSc; seconds, lKc. POULTRY Live, steady; western chick ens, 'lc; fowls, 13c; turkeys. 12c. Dressed, easy; western chickens, ll'fflSo; turkeys, 12415o; fowls. KftllcT . St. Louis General Market. 8T LOUIS. March 8 WHEAT Hlfcher: ,., -A Att.h 777711.. VCr, 2 hawl 74'n7Hc; May. 7ic; July, 7B't,c. tOKM-Migner; iracK, ino. s casn, r 46Vic; No. 2 white. Mobile; May, 46 'c; July, 40'4C oatb Higher: track, no. z cash, sc; o. 3 white, 44c; May, 411c; July, SWa 3iiHc. FLOUR Steady: red winter patents, ii-3110; extra fancy and straight, 33.2(3.60; Clear, 32.ifi2.6. BKBU i imothy, steady at .7M94.16. CORN MEAL Steady at $2.20. BRAN Blow; sacked, east track, Sfc. HAY Steady; timothy, 316.00iu-ia.0O; prslrie, 310.Kgl00. IRON COTTON TIES-IL10. BAOOINO lOSc. HEMP TWINE 10c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, 117.00. Iard, steady; prime steam, J7.S2-. Dry salt meats, higher; boxed extra 'shorts, 39.60; clear ribs, 19.62,; short clears, 39.76. Baoon, higher; boxed extra short, 310.377; olesr libs, $10.60; short clears, I10.62V4. POl'LTRV Firm: chickens, 11c; springs, 12c; turkeys, 10c; ducks, 12c; geeee, 7c. BUTTE'Jt Steady; creamery, 15833c; dairy, "ftaata. Jf-UUB Firm; loo, .case count Hew York Money Market. NEW YORK, March MONEY On call. firm, 4tii per cent; ruling rate, per cent; closing bid. 4 per cent; offered at 6 rr cent. Time loans, stronger; sixty dsys, per cent; ninety days, 6Q per cent; six months, 6 per cent I'RlMhi MtiHUanTliIi t'AI'Jirt O-'Uti per cent. bfbKLlNU riAt. HAPtHB OOIl, WHO ctual business in bankers' bills at M.S44M? 4 SkVI for demand, and at $C2or(4 00 for sixty dsy bllU. Posted rates. I4.K1V, and 34 H- Commercial bills. $4.77"'4.(o. B1LVBK Bar, iai"c. Mexican dollars, 6e. BONDS Oqvernment and rallixad bonds weak. Closing quotations on bonds follows: .left jJapan to. Id series .1 ln 4a ctr , .lei4! An rtta .lii:fi do Id nrles 100 U A N. unl. 4i were as v. s. rf 60 eouDon . . . r. 8. rg. so counos . . V 8. old 4a, ref do coupon, ax-lnt. 1014 Man. e. g. 4a. U. 8. new 4a, reg.. do coupon Am. Tobacco 4 do 4a Atrhlaon ts. 4a.... do adl. 4a Atlantic C. U U.... Pal. Ohio 4a do ma Rrk. R. T. e. 4a entral of Qs. la do lat Ino 0o Id Inc do Sd Inc. Att Mai. Central 4a. .12Va . 71 .ins .1CK SIT. do lat Inc. Mlnn. A St. L. 4a. M., K. A T. 4a do la N. R. It. of M . II . . H .100 . H . 44 124 Itit'N, T. C. (. ma .10"- . lit , M . Tl M(hea. A Ohio 4Va..l014 Chlr.no A A. ma... Tl C, R. A Q. n. 4a.... I!H C, K. I. m r. do ool. aa.. N. j. r. R. No. Pacific do Sa N. W. M as ajU M IM4 m I 10V4 4a 1' OMAHA LIVE STUCI MARKET No Quotable Cbann in Cattle f Any Kind. BETTER AVERAGE PRICE FCR HCGS Moderate Reeelpts of Shea mm Lambs, with Good Kinds la Active De mand at Steady Prlees , Median grades Blow. SOUTH OMAHA, March , 1907. Receipts were; "" Cattle. Hog Sheep. Odlcial Monday 3.363 6.1M Olflclal Tuesday 4.648 OrMolal Wednesday ...... 8.198 tmicial Thurmlay .- 4.710 Official Friday 1,900 7.S.V1 7.471 6.018 6,800 10,444 8.7.1 U.4S2 4.6U 3,700 84.W7 41.313 40.273 '.,7h 33.620 29.1S6 .. 74 . .. . TJ.. US . M . 71.. Tl.. at . ti.. 7S.. 11 . .. M. 7J. tl. Tl. SO Tl ' .. 4 T .. I T .. 4 T74 .. 4 Til 4 4 nv 4 i 1 4 ITS M I T74 ,. inn .. 6 .. 4 lro 4 77 .. I TH St 4 TTv 4 T7 4 n I nv I TTVfc 4 T7V I T I TT III 1(0 IT7V, in .. 4 TTi ...m .. in ...f4 ...tt ...Ml ...HI ...! .. ST ..140 ...II ...I" ...IM .. .Kit .. rr .. m ...in ...SSa ...144 ..TO ...ltl .. 7 ...141 79.. . 4... T4... 41 .. M... M .. ... V... U . 71... Tl.. 40.. n.. Tt... T4.. M . M . ., 44.. IS. . .114 111 ll e it ,.1?4 ,.r ..I' . .Hi ' ,.111 ' ..IM . I0 .Ml ..if . I' . l' ..rr ..T ..W7 ..! ,.J ..us ..HI 40 6 TTH .. 4 T7 .. 4 774j .. 4 T7N .. 4 17 .. 4 n4j .. I K .. IN .. I IS .. 4 to 4 an .. 4 to .. I to .. 4 M IS .. 4 ,. IN .. 4 to ,. I 0 .. M-4 .. .. 4 .. I It . r BWEET T bhw, 4-vw; i 31 86, April 1 N AVT rcc. 8. b. g. 4a.. loo Colo. Ind. (a, sr. A.. W Colorado Mid. 4a Oilo. A 8o. 4a...., Cubs 5 D. A R. O. 4a Platlllara' Sec. H. Brta p. I. 4a da mm. 4a Hocklni V.I. 4 Ha japan ea O. 8. U rfdg. 4s tl4 Pcnn. ronv. Isa SA Raadlnf fem 4a M4 St. L. A 1 M. a. ts..UI St. L. A 8 r. f 4a. II Bt. U 8. W. e. 4a. . 75 114 "Seaboard A, U 4a. 7H MW8o. Parlflc 4a Bid. Ofrered. do lat 4a ctfa M So. Rallw.r Sa 110 70 Teiaa A P. im 11T14 .. 0H sr., St. 1, A W 4a. H4 ..101 I'nlon Pad Bo 4a. Won .. V. 8. Steel Id Ha..... .. ftav, Wahaah la Ill .. Western Md. 4a Tl .. Hi W. A L. E 4a M ..104 awia. Central 4a.... M Ada ma Rxprew A ma I fn ma Lad Copper Am. C. A r Am. C. A r. pfd Re"'Pt- Shipments jAm; cotton' o.V pfi:: ... 12.000 8 000 i American Eipreaa ... ... 43,000 . 29,000 Am. H AL pfd.. ...241,000 119.000 ' American lc 88,000 60,000 , am. unaead Oil...., Am. LocomotlT rich men's panlo" amona nrofenntonal operators. Yesterday's weak closing paved the way for the flood of selling orders under which the market was swamned at tha nnnin Gloomy sentiment was accentuated by the discouraging views on the Industrial out hiok expressed by fi. H. Hnrrlman In one of the various Interviews with him which appeared this morning. His assertion that ir orders on hand with the United States Bteel corporation were not subject to can cellatldn their completion would develop the lack of demand was the occasion for the special drive against the securities of the corporation. Tne ,evere decline In these " was or sunstantlal effect on senti ment. Union Pacific also responded to the pessimistic utterances of Its nmalrlent with a material addition to the reduction In the price caused by the 6 ner cent dividend coming off. The persistent absorption of Reading and the support of It was a factor In keeping the bears uneasy and in Inducing the extensive covering movement of the day There was good accumulation also of the group of Morgan stocks which broke violently yesterday and Southern Railway preierren re no united violently when It be came known that the dividend rate was maintained. This checked momentarily the decline in the general market which was rfS!IT'o. wUn the renewed Attacks on I nltd States Steel. The drop In prices at the last was much the same as that of yesterday and the closing tone was decld edlywesk. News was little regarded in the day g movement and very little of Im portance came to hand. The Indicated loss in cash by the banks for the week pointed to some subsidence of the flow of currency to the Interior and New York exchange at Chicago rose from 26 cents to 16 cents discount today. aiSTl wT.re. w,nk- Total sales, par value, $1 7S(!.O0rt. United states bonds were un changed on call. the New York Btock exehane-e: Bslea. High. Low. Oo, 174 Roston stocks aad Bonds. BOSTON, March 8.-Call loans, 6ffi12 per rent; time loans, EW per cent. Official prices on stocks and bonds were; Atrhlaon sdj. 4s..... tl (Bln(ham .... do 4a im Cal. A Hoola.. Mai. Central 4a al4 K'entennlal Atchlaon II U do pfd ' Boaton A Albany 331 Boaton A Malna Ill boaton Kleraled 147 Fllrhburg ptd 13fi Mexican Central IOVi N. T., N. H. A H...1M Union Pacific 1M Am. Pnen. Tubs 8 Amer. Bussr ltft do Old 124 Am. T. A T 114 Am.. Woolan do pfd Edlaon Elec. Ills. Maas. Electric .... do pfd Maea. Oaa t'nlted fruit United 8. M... do pfd U. 8. Btsel do pfd Adventurs Allouea Amnlsamatad Atlantic Copper Ranga Dalr Waat ... franklin (Irmnbr lala Hoyalo Maaa. Mining ... M'chlran Mohawk old Dominion .. Oaraola ......... Parrot Oulncy Shannon Tamarack Trlnltr United Copper .. U. 8. Mining.... U. 8. Oil Utah Victoria Winona Wolverine ... North Butte .... Butte Coailtloa 4UINeTads 13 ir-al. A Arltona. lOiVArliona Com. .. 1 7 1 i Greene Con .lit . IT . M . 61 . 1 . I9S Bid. Asked. Ex-dlvldend. . im . a ...... 17 84 H 140 14 1V4 11 7 U 1(1 13 124 l'Vi IS6 37 74" 47 MS It 10 17 11044 1114 It 174 M 1714 Five days this week.. 30. 718 3?.S9 Same days lost week. .. .19.672 44.471 Same days 1 weeks ao.. 23.601 62.0K9 Same days 8 weeks ago.. ltl. 476 46.2M Same davs 4 weeks ago. .24.811 40.413 C. ... 16 art KMX The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for tne year to date, compared wun iai r; 1907. 1906. Inc. Dec. Cattle 113.9? 16.109 17.820 ...... Hogs 47,81.7 614.490 46,6t4 Sheep 328.084 290.577 81.607 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Good to choice cornfed steers $5 RV(T6 85 Fair to good cornfed steers Iy'a, 5? Common to fair steers lrKu1 7x Oood to choice fed oows 3ft'g4.60 Fair to good cows and heifers Common to fair cows and heifers.. 2.0O";3 3n Good to choice stockers A feeders.. 4 8i'g4.90 Fair to good stockers and feeders.. 3 H 30 Common to fair stockers VftKi8.80 Hulls, stags, etc 1755 4. Veal calves 4.Vrr8.50 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. 1907. 19O6.1905.19O4.1903.19O2.19Ol. Feb. 36... Keb. 27... Feo. 2S..v March 1.. March 2.. March 3.. March 4.. March 6.. March 6.. March 7... March 8.. 6 80 6 9KI 6 7tVI 8 04 6 7H.-I( 6 11 C 85 I t 05 76 j 6 99 j 6 11 6 73 I 72 22 6 74 I 20 6 70 6 1.3 6 T7VI 6 10 4 77 4 841 4 80 4 76! 4 81 4 861 4 Wt t 401 t 32 6 21 6 15 4 7M 6 091 68 6 121 6 04 i 07 6 13 i tfM 6 86! 6 86 4 88 6 Z0 ' 031 7 02 7 11 7 04 7 15 t 88 6 34 6 831 5 17 IKii 29 6 6 6 19 29 a 24 6 09 4 95 4 96 4 M 6 02 I l e 6 16 6 06 London Closing; Stocks. LONDON, March . Closing quotations on stocks were: Flour, bbls.. Wheat, bu.., Corn, bu Oats, bu Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, March 8. WHEAT May, 70710; July, 72c; September, 72Hc, Cash: No. 1 hard. lOii'lc : No. 3. 6&u72Wo: No. 1 red. j744f74Hc; No. 8. 6773c. -ua. uiy, mu, DfptemDBT, 42c. Cash: No. 3 mixed, 4141Hc; No. 1, e41c; No. 2 white, 43(a43y.c; No. 3, 42 oats no. I white. 42c; no. z mixed, 39,40. HAY Steady; choice timothy. 814.5oalo.(A): Choice prairie, 111.0011.60. KJ Steady, 6Wb&c Hl'TTER Creamery, 31c; packing, 18,4c. E)QQ8 Steady; firsts, 16c. RecelDts. Shlnments Wheat, bu. 64. WW 45,000 . Corn, bu 85,0tO S 35,000 Outs, bu 4,000 16,000 Board of Trade Quotations for Kinua City delivery. The range of prices, as re- ponea uy Logan ek uryan, lu uoara or Trade building, waa: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. lYes'y, ewheat May July ' Sept. Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork May July Lard May July Sept. Ribs May July Sept. TOH-ffH1 f77fiM rnwvtJ - 41H S7HTI 32Al&U M47H 16 60 CO I SB I IB 7Hl 77roMt 7HS 771 47V 4W44 47 43 S8T6 83 16 80 16 66 60 68 T7H1 VMl 70 a 8ZJ 39 16 SB W43MJ ITU 7H T8V-J77Vf TiWki 771 47H1 47 46S'46rt t14U ton 42il42Hr4i 46 46HI 4MJ 37W37T4ft8 OS 05 lZVe) M 81 16 B0 tt 66 M 6S 76 IB 80 16 40 14 W H 70 1H S B 30 No. 1 Cash quotations were as follows: IP-LOUR Dull: winter DatanU. 33.aVfS.60 straights, )300r3.36; spring patent a, 3-VyJ 160; straights. 3A10jC40; beJtera, ti.lOW2.7I TMk.A. WHBAT-W spring, aegiso; no. g, TWJ c?H; no. 1 reo, iswisc. CORN IX O. A Ki ro. S TWi lOW. IM. OATS No. t 4140; No. I white. 44o: Ml I white, tavwieto. Tt V K No. 3. 640. TiAKLEYr-ralr to choice ouJUng, 709 T20. SETfiirm No. 1 flax. M.1CU; No. 1 north weetern. ILXtH. Timothy, prime. ti-Hi A to. Clover, oocMraoi grmos, ait.w. PROVISIONS Short ribs sides flooeeV M0iIlSH. Meea pork, per bbL, tsl.62Vv9 167e7- Ird, per 1(4 lb., ttt.60. Short eluar gide iboxedl. t.rcfl.a(e. The reoelpta and aulprante of trmr aad graia were: neoeipia, auapmoota. vlaur. bbls.. 36.0W 88.008 Wheat, bH tft.OuO t OO CorrL-bu.J .....411.310 , Cats, bu - 1W.0U0 . 3ti) Viva. bu..... 6,1 M barley, bu 7.d (,303 Oa the Prodooe exchange today the but ter market wss steady; ordsamery. ttfUo dairicA SuCSe. Eggs, steady, at mark, eases tnuludsd. isc: nrsts, ito; prune orsis. tie. Cheese, gteaoy, tmaitw. Urerpeel Orala asasl frarrfarlaaa. LIVWTJOOL. Marc lftTlUT-8pot, ftnn; 3uw s rea wsaissu winter, as CO, ru ,144.700 10I1U, 102 . t.ioo 4m ih , 1.100 101 s 101 . 1,110 rvi an 100 M4 Its 100 tl6 t:i 100 14 13 iw sis ao .. r-o 16 . 8,4M TO 100 110 . 84, HJ0 1314 600 113S4 . 4, HO lit . 1.100 M . 10.80 U .lM.aoo Ui 400 H . 1.100 112 . t.too 10s 44 10414 IIV BH Bait . iz.ri b9 . Il.tOO 174 4 Articles. j Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. mo it, too too 100 400 I l.sno l.ino 8,700 0H 404 tl M H it, It 8t4 107 Wheat- May .. July .. Corn- May .. July .. 71 1 707272V4 69A 7oV, 41HPi !41StsI 421 70 7f A 414,i41V4eH 41141 42 A asked. Mlaaeapolle Orala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. March 8. WHEAT May. 794.C.- July, SOVfflWMc; SeDtember. 7M478Tsc; No. 1 hard, 81"iffic2i4cj No. 1 northern, 8OH0lV4c; No. 3 northern, 7H TS'ic; No. t northern, 757fic. hjuh-urst patents, x4.aotr4.so; second patents, 84.064i4.15; first clears. 33.26410.15: second clears. $2.4012. g BRAN In bulk, 317.50417.75. Milwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. March 8. WHEAT Mar ket higher; No. 1 northern, 824H3C; No. t northern, 79681Vc: May. 77Sc bid. RYE) Higher; No. 1, SBH'ffvoc RARLBY Higher: No. 8, 77c; sample. 80 43716. corn Firmer: NO. 1 cash. 42bhk4.c: May, 47HC Philadelphia Prodooe Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 8. BITTTER Steady and quiet; western creamery, 31 H t4c. KtlQB-Bteady and In fair demand; west ern fresh, lc at mark. CHE10SE Firm and In fair demand: New York full creams, U44614c. Peoria Orala Market. PEORIA. March 8.-CORN-N0. 8 yellow and No. 8. 42 Wc: No. 4. 41c; no grade, 3uc. OATS Hlghar; No. I white, 43Vc; No. I White. 41'-UVc: No. 4 white, 40VtU41o. XI TP t,-t-n, . V.-. WHISKY-6n basts of fi.2 for finished foods. Dalalk Qraia Market.' DULUTH. March 8. WHEAT On track. No. 1 northern, 80Hc; No. 3 northern, 78S4o; May, twc PLi'l'. uhc; Beptemoer, .ieQ. OATS To errive. 40c; May, 38c Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. March 8-COTTON-Spot cloaed steady: middling uplands, 11.46c; mid dling gulf. 11 70o; sales, 1.847 bales. LIVERPOOL, March 8. COTTON In pot a good business was done: prices Steady; American middling fair, 7"6d; good middling, s-ooa; niuiuung. 1,140 low mia- dllng. 6 92d; good ordinary, 6.36d; ordinary. 4.9H1. The sales of ths dsy were 10.000 bales, of which 608 bales were for specu lation and export and Included .000 bales American. Receipts. I.00V bales. Including BuO bales American. ST. LOUIS, Mo., March 8. COTTON ttu.lv mlddllnar. Wic: sales. 246 balsa receipt A 663 bales; - shipments, 271 bales 1 Stork. 86,811 bales. N EW ORLEANS. La., March Ip-COT-TON t Kit closed firm: sales, 1.400 bates! low ordinary, Vc, nominal; ordinary, 7Sc, nominal: good ordinary, 8 16-16c; low mid dling. 10 l-16c; middling, 11 l-16c; good nuddllna. 11 16-16c: middling fair. 11 u-loo, nomliial; fair, 13 8-16c; receipts, 8,177 bales; Stock. 301,444 bales. Oils aa Moela. OIL CITY. March 6 OIL Credit bal ancea. 11.63. Runs. 161.868 bbls; average, 115.116 bbls. Shipments, 163.16 bbls; average, 161,741. SAVANNAH. March I. OIL Turpen tine, firm. . .. ROSIN (Irm. Quote: A. B. C, D. 31. "5; E. 84 80; V. Q. 84 36; H. 4 45: I, 34 7u; M. J6.40; N. 11.00; WU, 14.40, WW, f4.n0. 100 474 8. too !44 1.100 1.400 r.aoo 1,100 1.400 7414 7IH l4 44 It MOO 1UV4 "'400 iib" too 16 Am. Locomntlvs pfd Am. S. A R Am. B. A H. pfd Am. Surer Rennlns Am. Tobacco pfd ctfa..... Anaconda Mining Co Atchlnon Atchlaon pfd Atlantic Coaet Una Baltimore A Ohio Bal. A Ohio pfd Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Contra! of New Jereer.... Thee. A Ohio 10.404 4.144 Chicago ot. W 4.(io 14 Chlcnto A N. W t.ioo i6t C. M. A 8t. P 4.to 141 Chicago T. A T Chicago T. A T. pfd P.. C. C. A Bt. L Colorado F. A I Colo. A 80. Colo. A Bo. lat pfd Colo. A Bo. td pfd Conaolldated Oas ., Corn Products ,,,, Corn Products pfd Liclaware A Hudson Del., U A W Denver A R. O PAR O pfd Illatlllera' Becurltlea Erie Erie lat Jfd Kris td Pfd General Electrle Hoiking Valler 1 1 II noli Central International Paper ........ Int. Taper pid. Int. Pump .... Int. Pump pfd. lows central Iowa Central pfd Kanaaa Cltr 80 , K. C. So. pfd Lonlarllla A N Meilcan Central Minn A St. L M , Bt. P. A 8. B. M M , Bt. P. A B. 8. II. pfd Mteeourt Pac.lfla M , K. A T M . K. A T. pfd National Lead N. R. R. of II. p!4 New York Central M. T., O. A W Norfolk A Weatern Norfolk A W. pfd North American Paclto Mall Pennaylvanla People's Oaa P.. C, C. A Bt. b. , Steel Car Preaaed B. C. ptd Pullman Palace Car.... Reading Reading lat pfd , Heading :d pfd Republic Steel Republic Bteel ptd Rock Iiland Co Rock lel&nd Co. pfd...-. Bt. L A 8. P. Id ptd.. Bt. Loult 8. W Bt. L, 8. W. ptd Bouthern Pacific Bo. Pad Be pfd So. Railway Bo. Railway pfd Tenneeae C. A I Texas A BmISc T., Bt. U'A W T., Bt. L. A W. pfd Union Parlfle. ei-dl t0t,4Ot lto In loo Pacltc pfd, as-dlv... 100 tl V. B. Kxpreen U. 8. Realty IW 14 V. 8. Rubber l.tnt 47 V. B. Rubber pld tot 106 p. B. Bleel IM K 40U, V. B. Bteel pfd U.4O0 lvHi Va.-Carollna Chemical 4O0 to Va -Caro. Cham, pfd I' 4 Wabaah M Hi Wabaah pfd IMS 344, Welle-Parso Eipraea Weatlntnouaa Bleotrle ... fw 160 Weelera Union Wheeling A L 10 Wleoonaia Central 1 00 11 Wla. Contral nfd 4t 41 Northern Paclto tt.Sno 141 Central Lanther 6J H"4 Ca. LMther pld. e-dl.... H ILiaa-ghecheld Bteel t' U Great Northers pfd t luS 1U Inu Metropolltsa f-SA rj4 Int. Met. pld 8. lot t4 lta4 9H 10044 10 ts lit SV4 H l H l'tt HIS 11244 US'. 14 H 4ti4 1114 15 110 10414 It 74 171 IH 41 41 ll4 19 1M4 IM 140 14044 15 8Vi 101 131 1IZT4 lKi U 44 4014 tt 110 17 171 Console, money do account .... Anaconda Atchlaon v., do pfd Baltimore A Ohio Cnnadlan Pacific . Chea. A Ohio Chlcaso Ot. W ... 0.. M. A Bt. P.. Ie Bee ra Uenrer A R. O.. do pfd trie do lat pfd do Id pfd Illinois Central .. Loulavllle A N... 88 11-14 t4 t-ll ... 14 ... 14 ...100 ...tot ...17H ... 45 ... 15 ...14614 ... t .... J5 .... Til .... to .... MU .... 54 ....lbl .1114 M., K. A T N. Y. Central Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Pennaylvanla Rand Mlnea Readlnt Southern Railway do pfd Southern Paclflo .. Union Pacific do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Wabaah do pfd Spanish 4a ... 414 ..12J .. .. 16 .. 4114 ,.. 444, .. 14 ,.. 41 ... tf ..78 ... 8714 ,..14B ,.. K ,.. 4114 ...104 . ...It ... II ... t44 SILVER Bar. steady. 314d per ounce. MONEY 464t per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 474 per cent; for three months' bills, 4Tt per cent, Boston Copper Market These quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, members New York and Boston exchanges; Adventure 444 Mohawk 87 Allouos II Nevada Conaolldated, It Atlantic 11 North Butt Blnghara 34 Old Dominion Black Mounuln I Oaceola Boaton Conaolldsted.. It Pnen. Bervlea Butt Coalition 124 Pneu. Service, pfd. Calumet A Arlnons...l74 Qulncy Calumet A Heels 435 shannon t 14 to IS to 14 tl V.t to M IM 475 It 71 Tl r 44 150 lot 144 It Tt ii 14 lit 51 KM 111 lit 111 l.tno lit ill lit .KI9 T6 Tl TI44 41 40 It In II 4t 4t 414 tt 61 H 100 1104 40 to 18 10 tl lit to 4 III 474 to 70 71 It 1 4 Ml 14T" It r l.too li 11 ""goo "ii" "ii" ,.. lino 54 tt ,. 1.400 m int ... 4.400 114 10 It. too ton 1.400 Centennial Copper Range Dally Weat ... F.aet Butta Franklin Oreene Copper . . . , Oranby Helvetia Iala Royal Junction L. B. A Pltteburg. Masaachueetts Michigan com. pfd.. 18Tamarack ... ... an Trinity .a it t'nltcl Prult ... 11 t'nlted States, ... 15 United Btatra, ... 17 Utah Conaolldated ...140 t'tah Copper .... ... t Victoria ... 27 Winona ...10 Wolverine t4Cananes 7Nlplaalng 11 Nevada-Utah ..1024 .. tt ..ltl .. 1 .. ZI .118 .. 80 ..141 .. 27 ..106 .. 61 .. 44 .. t7 .. It .. .. 10 .. n4 .. 11 .. f Hogs. lfl.T2H'8.r 6.15 (&7.02V4 6.60 tjA.BTVfe 6.26 47.05 6,0 &4.80 stock 'Sunday. RANGE OF PRICES Csttle. Omaha $2.P6'i.50 Chicago 1.7h(&.90 Kansas City .6ti6.n0 St. LOUIS 8.66'U,0.7 Sioux City Z.7&446.86 The official number of cars 01 brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'seg C, M. A St. P. Ry 8 Mo. Fac. Ky t I'nlon Psclflc System 40 36 C. tt N. W. Ry. (east) .. 6 C. N. W. Ry.(west) Zl 18 C, St. P., M. A O. Ry. 6 c, it. at VI- (east) s C, B. St Q. (west)... IS 16 C R. I. & P. (east)., 2 Illinois Central 8 8 Chicago Oreat W'at'n 2 1 89 103 U 20 Total Receipts .... The disposition of the day's reeelpts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head Indicated: Cattle. Hogs. Bneep. Buyers. Omaha Packing Co.. Swift Co Curl ah y Packing Co Armour & Co Vansant & Co Carey & Benton Lobman & Co W. I. Stephen Hill & Son F. P. Lewis Huston tt Co Hamilton & Rothschild L. F. Huss J. H. Bulla Sam Werthetmer Mike Haggerty Sol Degan J. B. Root At Co T. B. Inghram Lehmer Bros Other Buyers CATTLE Receipts of cattle as usual on A Friday were light, eighty-one cars being reported. The market as a whola wag with out any very great change In any direc tion. The trade, however, waa fairly active so that the most of the. receipts changed handa In good season In "the forenoon. lieef steers sold In about the same notches as they have all week. There wag no quotable change In the market today, and there has boen comparatively little change on any day during the week. Cows and heifers also commanded steady prices, the few loads here moving off In about the same notches as yesterday. Barring one string of six cars of pulp fed Colorados, there were very few feeders on sale this morning. Such as there were sold quite readily In spite of the fact that tt was a Friday, the Colorados bringing (4.66. Representative sales: IX l'l-l liw "27 li6 12 644 23.9 11M 801 1956 9sl 19 S 82 96 esse test 41 48 eeee eeee 144 V.W ... 68 4 eeee ess 9 ess es 5 ess 41 i 13 100 .... 433 SHEEP There wss a fslr run of sheep today and the market as a whole was In very satisfactory condition. Buyers were still anxious sfter strictly good killers and anything of that description met with ready sale at fully steady prices. Thus good ewes sold tip to 35.50, the same price that waa paid for the top yesterday. A string of very good heavy shorn wethers brought 85.00. While strictly good stuff ts selling to such good advantage, the common and medium grades are more or less neglected. The fact la, buyers are making a wider range between the different grades and are buying the stuff more on Its merits, thus while the tendency this week has been upward on good killers, It has been down ward on the common to medium kinds. Oood light lambs were wanted, but there was nothing desirable among the early ar rivals. Heavy iambs a re not so mucn sought sfter, buyers for some reason or other giving the preference to the lighter weignts. . Uuotatlons on killers: Oood to choice lamhs. 37.2fffl7.60: fslr to rood lambs. 8fl.7tVir 7.15: good to choice yearlings, lamb weights. o ih-gi ou; lair to gooa yearlings, ismo weight, f5.864f4.15; good to choice year lings, heavy weights, 35.86t76.10; fair to good re&rllngs, heavy weights, 3.V60f6.88; good o choice old wethers. I.V50i5.75; fair to good old wethers, 85.254ji6.60; good to choice ewes. 35.2bft6.60: fair to euiod swes. 84.750 6.26. Representative sales: No. Ar. Pr. Kit western wethers, shorn 131 6 00 8K6 western ewee , 14 6 28 137 western yearlings 66 6 60 88 western lambs 60 7 20 158 western lambs 71 7 80 1 western lamb 90 7 50 87 western cull ewes. 97 4 80 M Colorsdo cull ewes 74 4 00 126 Colorado cull ewes 81 C CO 375 Colorado ewes 61 6 00 61 Colorado ewes 80 6 00 3M western ewes 120 , t 60 135 Colorsdo sheep and yearlings 88 6 10 11 Colorado sheep and yearlings 81 6 10 CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET Cattle Strong to Bteady Roars Stroma" Sheep and Lambs Dtendy. CHICAGO. March 8. CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head; market for best, strong; other, steady; common to best steers. 34.26fiH.85; nelfers, U.656.26: cows, 83.264i0.00; buns, 33.2f ti4.0; calves, 32.50)7.25; Blockers and feeders. 82.60(86.25. HOGS Receipts, 19,000 head; market stronsr: choice heavy shlprlns. 36.96fti7.00; light butchers. 3o.9fiT7.00; light mixed, K92H tli.97tt; packing. 36 60'h.97V: pigs, 84.50y t.so: bulk or sales. K 9-J'i().sf, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,000 head; market steady: sheep, 34.75ty6.00; year lings, 36.10&6.76; lambs, 3u.26ta7.76. New York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK. March 8.-BEEVE8-Re. celots. 3.440 head: choice heavy cattle firm others steady; bulls and rows steady; steers. 36.16tii6.15; bulls, 3.85&-4.72H: cows; 31. ibCaA. ooi choice heavy, 34.50. uverpoo and London cables quoted live cattle lower at UVWii'124o per pound dressed weight; lots nt London at lJVc: sheeo and yearllnira B lllng at ltdflSe dressed weight; refrigerator beef at 9h&9c per pound. Exports to morrow, 920 cattle and 6,640 quarters of beer. CALVES Receipts. IS head: steady on mlted suddIv: medium to rood veals. 38.50 ?.; cuv aressea veais steaay at S14C per pouna; country nressea at stauzo. UHKEf AND lambs Kecelnts. lrl head heep, nominally firm: lambs. ltKfl5c higher prime lambs sold at 88.26. houh Keceiots. 4.5W head: market about steady: Car of Pennsylvania hoars sold At t'.tn. BWEET POTATOES Illinois, per Urge seed sweet potatoes, per doi.( 1. HEANS-rer b., tl.; No. 3, t) 60. LIMA BEANS Per lb 6Hc. CABB AUK Holland seed, home grown, tc per lb.; new rebhage, per lb., JHc. POTATOES Per bu , 60tif7c. ONIONS Home grown, per bu., 7Sc; red or yellow, Colorado, per lb., 2c; Spanish, per crate, 3-00. RUTABAGAS About 150 lbs. to Baok. CUT PEEr PRICE Ribs: No. 1. 15c; No. 3, 9c; No. 8, to. Loins: No 1. ISc; No. 8. 13c; No. g, 10a. Chuck: No. 1, 6c; No. i. 6c; No. 3, 4cs Round: No. I, 7Hc; No. 8, 7c; No. 8, 6 Plats: No. 1. 6Hc: No. 3. 4c; No. 3, 4c MISC KL1.A NEC US. rmr.F.RB New full cream Wlserms'ii twins. 17c; new full cresm brick, 164t)17c wheel SwIhs cheese, Kftlftc; block Swiss, 17c; llmberger, 15; young Americas, 18o. FISH t ICS ere l, orrasen. ec; Pisa, 4 tt 12c: white flsh. dressed, winter caught. 13c; trout. 12c; halibut. 11c: salmon. luo; catnsn, aou, iiviiuia, un-iura, pvini frosen, 6c; perch, scsled snd dressed, 7o; perch, skinned, dressed, headless, lc; crap PISS, rounu, oilav, i.-iev.'1" lancy, 15c; black bass, 2V-; smelts, sweet and fine, 13c: eel.' 16c; blue fish. 15c; red snapper. 12c; roe shad, per pair, 3Wi4oc; frog legs. 40o lobsters, green, per id., etc; itiowiera, do lien, per lb., 40c; mackerel Spanish, per lb., Mo, n-iackerel, native, 85e per lb. HONB.I ler 14 irmmes, ta-ou. cured FISH Fsmllv mhite flsh. cer tiarter bbl., 100 lbs., 4.00; Norway mack erel. No. 1. 136.0": mo. I. 43MV; nerrlng, la bbls.. 20 lbs. each. .Norway. k, tu.00. HIDES AND TALLOW- Kaosae City Uve Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. March 8 CATTLE Re ceipts, 2,000 head. Including 600 southerns market steady to weak; choice export and dressed beer steers, 3o.&o86.oo; rair to good, (t.oorufi.to: western fed steers, l4.0iKii6.U0 stockers and feeders, 31764i6.25; southern steers. 33.7666.25: southern cows, 38.0Oft4.O0 atlve cows. H.75414.50: native heifers. 83.60 4i5.25; bulls, 33.1064.26: csives. 83.60(117. 26- iiuuu Keceipts, t.ouo neaa; market 6C higher,' but closed weak; top, 26.92H; bulk ot sales. 36.80;i6.87V.: heavy. 86.d7H2i92M packers, 36.BO044.W; pigs And lights, 86.6O4V r. RHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6.700 head; market steady: lambs, 37.007.60; ewes and yearlings. 8j.004i.76; weatern fed year lings, 36.151iI66; western fed sheep, 85.00 ao; stockers and feeders, tleoijj&.oo. New -York Mlnlnar Stocks. NEW YORK, March 8. Closing quotations on mining stocks were ti 11 tt n 1.000 toe too 100 too ....111 t"0 IM .... l.too tl .... 10ft TO .... I 44 TOO M t'tt 14 ....ttt.tte i4 i .... tuO .... t40 too .... 11 100 .... 1.100 l.one toe TOO It too Adams Con. II Mule Chief I Alice tot Ontario ....C75 Breece :t Ophlr t4i Brunawlsk Con tl Potoal 14 Cometock Tunnel .... Jl 8a vase Tt Con. Cel. A Vs IT Sierra Nevada Tt Horn Silver 170 Small Hopea IS Iron 81 Ivor ....440 Standard 171 Laadvllle Con 8 1 Treasury Statesmen!. WASHINGTON, March 8.-Today state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, excluaive of the 3150,000.000 gold reserve, shows: Available ceuth balances,1 $254,312,651; gold coin and bullion, 3117,678,179; gold certificates, 347,869,710. Baak Clearings. OMAHA, March 8-Bank clearings for to day were $2,442,616.04 and for the corre sponding date last year 32.134.K4.64. Metal Market, NEW YORK March $. The London tin market was hlvher with spot quoted at ltri 1184 1K4 6e, and futures at tiw its oa. i.ocnny intt IV 7t9 1 maraet was quiei anu auuui o intiiiM uigucr Tt II T6 17 III an TO 41 tl 104 ! so T4 rr 12' to T 41 tl ltl It 8 97 W tl It 13 M M tt tl 114 fti it M M 100 117 11T 8T.400 St4 11 IM 74 10 14? I.e io 1.000 It lit lto BV efl to T4 140 te 17 lit 11 'ii 104 it 18 :i tt 11 tt 2 to II t4 114 II Tl 141 to 154 IT 10ft tl 47 104 tt Total teles for the day. l.tut.Mt shares. to It 1116 lot II 14 87 rT est Its 14 to 10 10 14 IT IT 40 40 in IM II II to M 111 111 M M- M tt Forelgo FlaaBelal. LONDON, March A Money was In fair demand and supply in the market today. Discounts were firmer. Prices on the Stock exchange were still weak, .with no pros pect of an Improvement until ths position in New York ts better and ths monetary outlook la cleared. Consols continued to droop owing to lack of support and kindred securities were easy In sympathy. Ths fact that gold waa going out to South America assisted In the depression. Americans flue tusted erratically. Offers of only a few shsres were sufficient to cause the drop of a point eariy in tne any, nut later tne mar set showed more reaiatsnce. The New 1 ork advices In the afternoon came fairly steady ana caused A lucxiuraio recovery on the average with spot quoted at $43.00(3 42.10. Copper was lower abroad wun Lon don quoting spot at 109 7s 6.1, and futures at 110 10s. Locally the market was nrtn and a little higher on some grades. Lake being quoted at $28.2625. 76; electrolyUeV at $26. 0uO25.26; casting at r.i4.50ifr.!4.75. Lead was Is 3d hlKher at 20 lOe 3d In the London market, but remained unchanged at tb.uiin 6.30 locally. Spelter was unchanged at ti In the Lodon market ana at to.ouuvw locally. Iron was unchanged at Ma 4d for standard foundry, but a little lower for Cleveland warrants, which were quoted at 65s In the London market. Locally the mar ket was unchanged. No. 1 foundry north ern Is Quoted at tJ6 re.aB; No. I foundry. northern at 24.75ijtt.7o; no. 1 toundry southern at $26 0(i'2.50; No. 2 foundry southern at l26.mu'.o 00. ST. LOUIS. March 8. M ETA LB Lead. dull At 36.V7H- Spelter, steaay at to-fa. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fruit a. NEW YORK, March 8. EVAPORATED APPLES Market ' Continued quiet, and In the absence of any Important demand prices are mere or less nominal; fancy are quoted at c: choice, 8'ot'1c: prime, 7ar;c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are steady, particularly on the larger sixes. although demand la said to be less active. California fruit ranges rrom so to inc. and Oregon prunes from 64c to 10c. according to grade. Apricots are unchanged, with choice at 18c; extra choice, UilDc; fancy, 10 20c. Peachea are In slack demand at the moment, but the tone is firm owing to tight supplies; choice are quoted at Hullo; extra choice, 124flV; fancy, 12t12Hc; extra fancy, 13tt16c. Raisins are unchanged; loose Museatela are quoted at oiiso; aoeded rai sins at 7fjlvc; London layers, $l.S6jl 46. No. 10... 10... it... 11... 11... t... 10... 11... ti.., tl.., IT... t 11 II 13 t 11 II II II It 8 I I 3 it 11 It 11 I I I II tt 1 It 4 I II It It 7 t , I II 1 I t I 17 I 1 1 1 to It 11 1 1 8 I I 4 4 1 I... to... 14... (4... 4... 11... a... I. .. 16... 14... II. .. 10... M A v. Pr. Ml 4 86 , 177 4 40 Ill 4 41 , t6 4 10 Ill 4 66 1111 4 If 1064 4 M 1041 4 tO, 1181 4 U 1071 4 TO 1081 4 Tt lttO 4 TO 1080 4 Tt 1180 4 10 1131 4 Tt 1181 4 to 104T 4 40 1171 4 40 1111 4 It 10W 4 It Uel 4 14 ...808 9 ... til I 71 ...1014 ttO ... TH IN ... 1st 8 4t ... 141 t tt ... 761 I It ... tli I to ... t?t I SO ... tM t 10 ...1011 144 ...loot I tt ...l9t t TO ...uu tit ... tit I 10 ...1C8T I Tt ...lull 8 71 ...111 I II ...1111 t Tt ...1071 t Tt ...11M I 10 ...lilt I to ...1011 t to ...1141 8 If HEIFERS. ... T80 t 46 3 ... TI4 4 40 II ... W 104 It BULLS. ,...1171 t 40 1 ....1141 I tt 1 ...1665 I ft 1 ,... I 44 8 ,...1410 I 70 1 ....30 8 TO I ....14(4 I TO 8 ...1M4 IBJ CALVES No. II , f 31 41 , to 10 t s M 4..t...., It 31 I 11 XI II 11....'... 40 t II cows. IT II M 11 11 II It 10 4 8 4 II II If l II f It It , II. 11. At. Pr. ,...1281 4 t ....Itrl 4 to ....1200 4 tt ,...Ut 4 40 ....1130 4 10 ....10S 4 14 ....IM 4 If ....1148 I 00 ....lilt 8 04 ....110T 4 06 ,...1114 I 04 ....1141 8 10 ....1131 8 It ....1281 I II ,...1MI 8 II ....1137 f M ...,1M1 8 16 ,...1310 f 44 ....ltll 4 40 ....1431 I 40 ....1401 8 44 10S 3 ft ... .10111 t 8t ....ltll 8 84 ,....1101 I M ....1114 I tt ....104 I tt 1061 I 10 M I to ,....1031 I 10 ....101 I M ....1111 4 oo ' ,....1184 4 Ot 1U0 4 ot 1111 4 00 1121 4 04 1141 4 00 11M 4 00 ltrtl 4 Of 1120 4 10 .1281 4 10 14 1181 4 16 1 1400 4 M 8.... 7ft 4 If .171 4 09 . 185 4 11 . lit 4 W .IMO I to .1460 I tO .1180 4 Ot .1714 4 Ot .1810 4 It . T4 4 II . M 4 44 rrt 4 ti 1 84t t to ISO f Tt 1 180 4 tO IM IN 1 tit I ft lto f tt 1 ltd t 40 ltO 4 14 1 121 4 ft 160 4 14 1 160 4 t ID! I 4 IW 6 f Ill I 84 1 lto 4 tO 100 4 40 1 1st 4 tt 181 4 HI STOCKERS AND FEEDERS, Co tTee Market. - NEW YORK. March 8. COFFEE The market for coffee futures opened steady at a net decline of 10U 16 points In response tuooeitlAued liquidation. There seemed to be a good deal of offering of the near months In contrast to recent developments and theae positions ruled relatively easy. Unsettled conditions In the stock snsrket were supposed to cause part of the selling, but Braaillan markets were again lower and European cabUa wsre easy. Roasters were good buyers towsrd the close, which was steady, net lOtj'JO points lower; sales were reported of 61.000 bags. Including March. 4-16i35c: May. 6.2u626c; July, 4 otic; September, 6 00c; December, 6.0016.060. Spot Bteady; No. I Rio, Tc. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O., March t SEEDS-Clover. cash snd March, tdlTej; April. 3S.0O; Oe lo be. 64.76. A lala a- tATa. Timothy, g2.hu. in 1 to ...ion 4 00 ... tm 4 if ... tM 4 11 ... trr 4 to ... It 4 86 ... 11 4 10 ... 474 4 SO ... n in ... 7fl 4 16 ... Ill 4 40 484 4 40 U. 14., 11. I. St., 4. I::: T.. It It 748 i 44 . 41 4 40 . ft 4 40 . 171 4 40 . 44 4 40 . 171 4 40 . 444 4 te . 184 4 M .1160 4 10 . tit 4 It . 444 4 18 HOGS Hogs sold a little stronger this morning on the opening, closing back about steady with yesterday. In fact, some of the buyers were at no time bidding more than steady prices, and a good many of the hogs had to sell that way. As will be noted from the ssles below, a consider sble proportion of the bogs brought 84. 754 f so, with a top at 36.86. it will be remem bered that yesterday two-thirds of the hogs sold at $6.76. with only a sprlnklln at $6.77Vd0 and a too at 86.82H. Whll the trade was at no time very active, the moat of the bogs changed hands In very ascent season in tns morning. Ne. Av. Bk. rr no. A v. B. Pr. - ti in 4 1 7i 11 :.rt .. 6 TT If .1-6 .. 6T1 4T 4 .. tTT T7 ti4 tt 1 12 to i4i .. 4 rr 44 Ill 10 4 Tt ft let .. 6 77 41 12t 40 t 71 to lat .. 4 TT 11 130 . 4 18 ft 171 .. 4 71 14 214 184 4 Tt tt t4T .. in Tt 114 ..lit Tt 184 4t 8 T7 ft I18 .. I Tt 44 ttt .. 177 44 It .. 4 T4 10 "4 10 4T7 ti.. ...... 18 .. I T4 64 181 It I 77 tt HI .. 6 Tf tt til .. 4 TT Tt ..tat .. 4 Tl Tt Ut -it- 4 T7 TO til 10 4 Tl tt 4 84 4 T7Z T4 44 lit )( II let .. ( TT Ill - I 11 ft Bit 4S 6 T7 ireen salted, lee, Be; green "' per lb. 1 per lb. 1 No. No. 1, 11HC1 No. 3. I040; bull hldee, Be; green tildea. No. 1. loc: No. 3, Be; horse. tl.tOca) 5; Sheep pens, owcuju.o. laitow, no. 4, Wo: No. 3. 8HC 001. .muzzc. CIDER-New York, half barrel, W.7S; bar rcl, Jvo. . ... COfFKK-KOni "IO. jo, aoc tjn A lin ner lb.: No. ifi. 19c Bo. "lc ter lb.: No. 21. 11c per lb. BUUAK uranuiatira cine, in sacaa, tP.Uj granulated beet. In sacks, 36 11. NUTS French walnuts, 15Hc; California walnuts. No. t. soft shell, 13c; No. 1, soft tiaell. 16c; Braslls, lfiHSlHc; pecans, lff22ti; filberts. 134i14c; peanuts. rsw, 7Hct roasted, c; caiuornia simonas, nara shell, l"Hc; Taragona, l"Hc; cocoanuta, $11.50 per loo lbs. arn, 654Ptuc; Maine, fi.it. tomatoes, i-in cans, fl.4i; 8-10. cans, ti.w. t ine enpies, grated, 2-lb., $2.20rJ 30; sliced. $1,751 uannn apples., rancy, .'.mBo.". an- fornla apricots, $2 00 Pears, $1.75tff2 50. Peaches, fsncy. 81.754140: H. C. peaoheav 82.00tg-2.60. Alaska salmon, red, $1-26: fancy ChinooK, f., ta.io; rancy nocseyej, r ei.ao. Sardines, quarter oil, $3.76; three-quarters) mustard, 33.00. Sweet potatoes, i. nnjl.it, Rniierkmut. 00c. PumDkins. 8oc4li 00. Wsx beans. 3-lb., 64jtVc. IJma beans, 3-lb Kcj31.S6. Spinach, $1.86. Cheap peas, I-lth toe; extras. $1.00(01.16; fancy, 31.2txWl.86. Wool Market. BOSTON. March 8. WOOL The Com mercial Bulletin of this city, basing lis report on statistics gathered from thi gov-. ernment, will sav tomorrow of the wool market: New business is of moderate volume and the general market r.uiet. Large buyers have withdrawn after thcrr heavy purchases of last week nnd the -week before. Late last week fully 6,000 pounds of Montana and Oregon Bold, tits latter not being Included In our -report of that week. It transpires that the Mon tana staple sold largely at ISttc and the Oregon at 28 43 23 He. The scoured cost la About 72c. Sales this week Include oon- . Blderable clothing at 2147280, or 47&6l!o clean. The movement In Australian or.d New Zealand wools Is steady and at satis factory price. The feeling hero la con servative and there Is no-speculative ten dency. Values for domestic ara not more than steady and but slight change Is an ticipated. The London auction ssles are expected fco open Arm at unchanged prices Tuesday. The shipments of wool from Boston to Msrch 7, Inclusive, according to the same authority, are 68.952.295 pounds. against 60,170,319 pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to unarm ;, in clusive, are 49,582.062 pounds, against 47,- 448.048 pounds the same penoc, last rear. ST. LOUIS, March 8. WOOL Medium grades combing and clothing, 2443 2SHc; light fine. 20r28c; heavy fine, 16llo tub washed, 304338c. - Bagsr and Molasses. NEW YORK, March 8,-SUOAR-Raw, firm; fair refilling, 3 l-16c; centrifugal, 9f test 8 17-82c; molasses sugar, t 26-82c; re fined, firm; crushed, 6.40c; powdered, 4.80c J granulated, 4.70c. NEW ORLEANS, March 8. BUQAR Strong; open kettle, 8W&3 15-lBc; centrtfu- ?al whites, 4 S-ltkiHc; centrifugal yellow, 8-lc; seconds, JVSS 7-lc. MOLASSES Quiet: syrup, 80et34c- JAPS TALK OF KOUROPATKIN Several Orle'wtal Generals Express Themselves oa Book Reeeatly Published by Rasslaa. ' St. Loots Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. March 8. CATTLE Re ceipts, 800 head. Including 200 Texana; mar- ket steady: native shipping and export steers, $6.25fi.78; dressed beef and butcher teers. 84.K.916.75: steers under l.ooo ids. rrjs.-j tt . ......I. .1 .1 .. ittvxj Tc eo. tutu v. lit, l v . i n biivi irrucie, eou-'-i. if , cows and heifers, $2.bV(03.25: canners, $2.00ji 6u; buna, 13.2.4(4.26: calves, is oosjtj.oo; Texa and Indian steers, $2.666.60; . cows and heifers, $2.90(86.80. . HOOS Rucelots. 8.000 head: market higher; pigs and lights, $6.25)6.96; packers, tfi.n&(ii7.00; butchers and best heavy, $b.90O 7.06. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head: market steady: native muttons, $3,604)6.00; lamba. 34.264i6.75: culls and bucks, $3,004 4.00; stockers, $2.6Cfc6.60. Slonx City Live Stock Market. OTITV Tf.-V Ta JTaK m.l. oirtt a i . , . l,i a. . u i'c' i i j rir gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 600 head; mar. ket slow and weak; beeves. 34.60tfre.W: cows. bulls and mixed, 82.76tft4.50; stockers and feders. 33.004H.46; calves And yearlinrs. $3.15r3.90. ... Mouts itsceipts, t.'iio neaa; market steady, selling at $6.60(6.80; bulk of sales. $6.70(4)6. 75. 4. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH. March $. CATTLE Re ceipts, 880 hnad; market steady to strong; natives. $4.40436.25; cows and heifers, $2.3bf 4.75; stockers and feeders, $3,761)4.86. MOG8 Receipts, 6.612 head; market 6o higher; top, K90; bulk of sales, $6.75ir)i.86. bnEKr AND LAM Bo Receipts. 443 head: market active; lambs, $7.107.46; swes, 24.80 4J6.20. . , Stock la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western maraeis yesteraay: Cattle. 1j0 South Omaha Sioux fliy ., Kansas City , Bt. Joseph .... St. Louis Chicago Totals Sheep. $.700 Hogs. 6.800 . 600 4.000 , 2.000 7. ,700 . 8M) 6,512 443 . 800 8,U0 600 . 1.000 19,000 1,000 VICTORIA, B. C, March 8. The steamer Shawmut which arrived yesterday from Yokohama, brought Japanese newspapers with interviews given by Japanese genersle regarding Kouropatkln's comments in his recently Issued book on the late war. The Hochlt Shlmbun says Count Nodtu, who commands the main Japanese army, writes praising General Kouropatkln's personality' and admitting that he only unshea,thed his sword out of loyallty to the fatherland He was handicapped because the Russian troops were dispirited and consisting of various' races, were not Inspired by strong patrlotio spirit. Prior to the war, said General Nodgu, Oenerml KouropaUlA thought It premature to open war wlttr Japan and would have refrained from com mand of the Russian armies had not the war party In Russia precipitated the out break. General Oku, who commanded the second Japanese army, writes criticising Kouropatkln, stating his books to be Blmply an excuse for the Russians. Kouropatkln. he says, should have been able to restore order in his army between Llao Yang and Mukden with better results. ... General Nodi wrote, refusing to give hlg opinion on Kouropatkln's work. i t Count Itagakl. according to Japanese newspapers, has launched A propaganda fop the abolition of titles to nobility In Japan beyond the life time of present holders. The Toklo municipality will endeavor to gr range a loan of $26,000,000 for a scheme of harbor Improvements. The loan Is to be, received In three Installments ending In 1911 . - . 7.080 60,312 13,343 OMAHA WUOLKUUD MARK-ET. Coadltloa of Trade aad Qaotatloas oa Staple aad Vaacy Prodooe. EGGS Per doz., 15c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 3H; old roogt- ers, 6c; turkeys, 12c; ducas, 10c; young roosters, 74j9c; geese, 6c. BUTTER Packing stock, 20c; Choice te fancy dairy, 2i4j26c; creamery, TfaJi. HAY Choice upland. 810: medium, $9.00; No. 1 bottom, $4.60; c grades. $6.bOiae.0uI Rye straw, $7.00; No. 1 AltaUfs, $11.60. it RAN Psr ton. $11. lliUiTS STRAWBERRIES Choice Texas. M quart ease $6.0u4ei.0O; 24 pint eases, $2.60. CRANBERRIES Per bbL.. $6bO8.60; In bushel box, $2.25. APPLES Fancy Orsenlngs. per bbl., $3.60; Jonathans, $4.60; New York apples, $3.6u; Iowa and Nebraska, eating and cook ing. $2.86ul.Oo; Wlneaaps, 32 00 per box. PEAKS Winter Nells, per box, $3.00. C'OCOANl TS Per sack of 100, $3.76. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California, bulk, c-c; (-crown Turkish, 14c; 4-crown Turkish, 12c; 3-crown iurklsb, lOn. LEMONS Limonlsra, 800 and 860 It 14, $4.6r other brands, 60o less. - DATES Kadaway, to; sayars, 6c; hal lowla, new stuffed walnut dales, B-ib. box, $1.00. ' BANANAS Per medium alsed bunch, $2.002.26- Jumbos, $1.6043.60. OKAPE FKUIT-Blse 64 to 80, $4.Au. ORANGES CallUtritla navels, extra fancy, all sixes, $3u"4jl.2l; fancy, $1.7i; choice, large sites, $1.66. NEW VEGETABLES. BEETS. TURNIPS AND CARROTS Psr dos.. tfrnfcOa TOMATOES Florida, 80-lb. crate, flOQ, LEAF LETTUCE Hot houso, per dog heads, 46c CL 61 BER8 Psr dOA. $2.06. RADIbHES Per dot. bunches, 860. PARSLEY Hothouse, per do bunch tOo. . HEAD LETTUCE Bout hern, per do, ti.WJHJi.aB. OLD VEGETABLES. TURNIPS. CARKOVa. BttTS Per bu.. IK; pavrsaips, fft uu., tx.mt. If you have anything to trade Advertise It In tne For Exchange column of Tha Bee Want Ad page. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Paul J. Kepler to William and Irene N. Zltsmann, avk lot 0, rierAon e suhdlv '. I Paul J. Kepler to George H. and Gr- truoe si. zauier, 117 w, 1-1 subdlv Irene N. Zltxmsn et al. to Paul J. Kepler, lot 6, Herson s subdlv Josephine Johnson to Knos Johnson, lot U block 6, Syndlcau Hill add.... Commonwealth Real Estate company to Josephine Johnson, lot la, block 6, Syndicate Hill odd Ijittln Mnrulelsaohn snd wife to John U. Klausner, n lots 1 and 2, lot I - snd e4 feet lot 4, block 2. Perkins' subdlv u,m Peter N. Petersen and wife to Mette Marie Nielsen, lots 10 and 11. pur dette Court Annex Llsxle Quealey to Bridget Quealey, lots T and 8, Burr Oak Joseph Pelllcan and wife to the Fiwn clscan Sisterhood of Nebraska, mid dle third tax lot 7. ne4 se n-16-13... Harry Hopkins, executor, to Joseph Pelllcan, same Ole Olson and wife to Jens N. Jtmaem, lots 14 and 16, block 1, Avon dale Park Robert W. Patrick to W. H. Thomp son, lot 21. block 11, Orchard Hill.. Northwestern Investment company to John Hollstrom. lot 6, block t, Cretghton Heights Franklin Realty company to Clara J. Clark, elo7 feet lots 1 and 3 and wllJ feet lots 17 and 18, Tukey's replate block 3, Benus Park Frd H. Cosgrovs and wlfs to the franklin Realty company, lota 1 snd Tukey's re plat block 3. Bemls Park Clsus Pshl and wife to Hans Godber- sen. sA ne1 4-14-11 Charley A. Carlson and wife to Ed ward P and Isaac T. Bamuelson, nW tiey, 24-16-9 Wilson T. Graham and wife to Ar thur W. Atkinson, wK feet lot 4 snd eq feet lot 6, block 6, Parker's add.. Anton Thomeen to Edward Weartlund, lot 7, block 7, Isasc A Helden's add. George Warren Smith to Kmrn ft. Huadley, lot 14, Sinltit's subdlv s I M 20 808 X 8,00 I LJOO I 1 tout I 8.600 1008 864 1.608 tos Total.. ..431471 J