Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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The only excuse for buying anything but
a Pure Grape Cream of Tartar Baking
Powder is to save a f eW cents in price. .
J ROYAL cottt you a few centi more per. can than Alum or Phos
phate ot Lime powders, but it u worth far more than the difference
CO keep your : bitcuitaj, cakei and pastry free from the injurious
citccts oi tntse cheapening substitutes.
continued use of Alum means permanent injury to health.
Avoid Alum Ailments Say plainly
l V T" 4 W Sk T d .
Dniimrn -xw
H errant to Sotton Commerce on Missosrl
Mist Bs Properly Btokti.
r Invsetln-ntlon of EiprtM Com
sarnie la Ona of Most laa-sor-tnnt
Htttm (or tke
I Consressman Johni I Kennedy jchd
Omaha Wednesday mornJnc from AVaah
Incton, having left there upon the adjourn
1 ment of congress.
. "J aw a boat on the Missouri as I came
aeroae the river this morning, and I hope
It preetf ee rood things for Omaha la that
line," said Mr. Kennedy. "The disposition
ot congress le to give liberal encouragement
to the efforts to reatore commerce to the
. Mississippi and Missouri. It le up to the
people of Omaha to 'make good' before the
; neat appropriation bill comee up for cow
el deration. If substantial progrs has
then been made In operating boats or
barges for the transportation of freight, an
, amount will be appropriated sufficient to
' put the river In good navigable condition,
The engineers -In charge of.ttte -work oon-t
Vsider the Missouri to be navlsable and aav
that It Is only a question of money prop
erly expended. Kansascity will make des
perate efforts to Use the river for transpor
tation purposes and I , understand . that
SHoux City will do likewise. Omaha should
be in avldence all alone; the line.
, . Express Company Inquiry.
"The Investigation of the express com
panies Is one . of the moet Important
matters before the country at this time.
These companies have been conducting
commission departments and have been
soliciting consignments and shipments of
fruits, eggs, butter, oysters and other
produce as a regular business. Borne of
them buy and sell outright. Of oourss the
disposition of the companies' Is to get the
produce - In which they hsve an Interest 1
SO the market before other similar produce
ean reach It Then the companies have
Inside Information as to the condition of
the market and the quantity of any given
commodity en route to that point, which
gives them an advantage over all com
petitors. Where neceassry they offer to
handle and .sell produce for the shipper
without charge and In that way they give
rebates on .express charges to favored Ship
pers. Ths probabilities sre that the Inter,
state Commerce commission will open up
the hearings st Omaha during the summer.
The commission .merchants and produce
dealers are thoroughly aroused all ovuii the
country and sre determined that the prac
tice shsll stop. Ths proposition Involved
Is the same as thst lnvolml in the Penn
sylvania" railroad . Investigation, In which
It appeared that they had an Interest In the
coal nanaiea along me line, me express
companies are common carriers. At such
they .ought" not to be permitted Jti trsns
pert' any commodity which they own or in
1 Which' Jthey have an Interest In competition
with shippers using their lines. The abuse
has been growing rapidly of la to and to
permit It to continue is to wipe out legtl
mat dealers handling the slaseta of com
modities now blng owuoj and carried en
consignments by the express compsnlet."
Mares, ton Completing Coarse, gas
talus accident that Threatens
ts Take He Uf.
Tueeday evening a young woman, a
graduate nurse, was taken 'to the charity
wards of ons of the Omaha hospitals for
treatment after a gradually Increasing Ill
ness since January 4, when she slipped and
fell on the Icy sidewalk at Twenty-eighth
and Farnam streets and sustained a broken
ankle. 8he had but recently rented a room
In a private residence on South Twenty
eighth street and prior to her aocldent was
filled with high hopes promised by her
future work. Bhe had spent nearly all her
means to take a nurse's course and these
means were soon exhausted by her Illness.
The family with which she was rooming
generously cared for her and for a period
hired a nurse for her. Later her case be
en me known to some of her associate
nurses and they took turns In caring for
her without oost. A physician volunteered
to prescribe and look after her without
coat but her Injured limb would not heal
and It was finally decided her case was in
curable. The family caring for her were
people of but moderate circumstances and
the charge on them was too great, so the
patient, herself, pleaded that she . be sent
to a hospital. Ths family reluctantly con
seated and Tuesday, evening, she, was taken
to. the charity ward of a hospital. 6 he
was uneoncious when she reached there
and It la posslbls her death Is only . the
question of a few days. Her mother and
stepfnther live at Dubuque, la. The mother
is frantlo over ths sad plight- of her
daughter, but the step-father is said to be
obdurate and has thus far refused to care
tor her.
The girl Is scarcely 20 years of age.
Inrliogtoa Follows Union Faoiflo With
Kotice of fnipaniion,
Forced to . Pay Taxes Like Other
Property' Owners Railroads
Are Dying Hard, bat '
Clerks Are Appointed for the MoCook,
Norfolk; and Hastings DI-
' Overflew Mntlaee at Orphenna.
Owing to the fact that the house Is sold
out fur the week the management of the
Orpheum has decided to give an overflow
matinee Friday afternoon. The matter had
been -under consideration for several day
before a decision was arrived at to meet
-the emergency in this way.
C. A. Rogers of McCook, deputy district
clerk for Red Willow county, has been ap
pointed a deputy clerk for the MoCook
division of United States courts; J. W.
McCleary of Norfolk receives a similar ap
pointment for the Norfolk division, and
George F. Work for the Hastings division
of the federal district subdivisions created
by the Judicial district law recently passed
by congress. '
The appointments were made Wednesday
morning by Joint agreement of District
Clerk R. C. Hoyt and Circuit Clerk Oeorare
Thummel of the United States courts for
ths Nebraska district. Ths appointments
have been approved by Judge Munger.
Disposition Will Be Made of Sewer
and Intersection geoarltles
. by Fink.
A publle sale of sewer end Intersection
bonds will be held In Treasurer Fink's c flics
on the morning ot March 22. Thess. bonds
were voted last November nd were: For
sewer, 2160.000; for paving Intersections, VK
000. The bonds will be the regular twenty
year bonds, drawing 4 per cent Interest,
payable semi-annually. The bidder offering
the highest premium will be awarded, the
. With the Issue of, these bonds the bonded
Indebtedness of Omaha will then be; Gen
eral city bonds, 15.211000; school district
bonds, OTIOOO; special bonds. 41.600; total,
OLD people need Scoti t Emul
ation because age has enfeebled
their blood, worn out their tissues.
diminished their nerre power and im
paired their general health. ,
Scott's Emulsfon enriches the
blood, renews the tissues, restores nerve
power and builds up the general health.
It enables old people to throw'off colds,
coughs, rheumatism and all winter
diseases. -
Scott's Emulsion makes thin
babies fat, pale children rosy, delicate
mother strong. It is the most nourish"
ing food in th world. ' , '
, i . .
tlf sVUGCisTlit-. AND 11.00.
The Burlington railroad has Joined the
Union Pacific and says it won't build its
freight depot in Omaha which Its enor
mously Increasing volume ot business de
mands and even makes a necessity.
General Manager Holdrege announced
Wednesday morning that he had tern
porarlly suspended all work In prep
aration for the new Burlington freight
depot which that company Is te
build at Eighth and Jackson streets,
While Mr. Holdrege gave no reason for his
action, it Is said to be the same reason that
Mr. Mohler stopped the clearing of the sits
for the Union Pacific headquarters. Ths
roads fear the. terminal taxation- bill will
become a law and they will have to pay
taxes on their property the same as other
people have to do and they are therefore
trying to -head oft sentiment against ter
mlnal taxation by threatening to move
their headquarters and to stop all building,
Xo Bin It by Northwestern.
Anrouncement was mads Tuesday that
ths contract had been let for the construe
tlon of the new Northwestern freight depot,
but the local authorities maintain they have
heard nothing of the matter and, on the
other hand, John H. says hs has
the contract and has had It sines last
Thursday. He says, ho will begin work
immediately. '
The York correspondent of The Bee sent
the message that threats were being made
around that town that the Burlington
would not be able to build the new depot
promised because of the passage of the
2-cent passenger fare bill. G. W. Loomls
assists nt to the general manager of the
Burlington, was. asked if there was any
ttuth in the report that the road was going
to -refuse to build the depot, and tie said
"Not a word of truth in it. We are go-
Ing to build that depot.'
The Union Pacific still maintains its posi
tion as announced by General Manager
Mohler that the work of clearing the a,lte
for the new headquartera building had
been called off. . ,
According to Mr. Harte, the contract for
building the new Northwestern freight de
pot and office building, at Fourteenth and
Davenport haa been awarded to him from
the Chicago offices, although several Chi
cago firms made bids for the work. The
approximate cost of the Improvements will
be about $100, COO and the buildings will oc
cupx the west half of the three' blocks
north from Fourteenth and Davenport
Brings Second Action, This Tint for
Fees Earned and Rot
., V ' Collected.
Suit was filed In the district court Wed
nesday against Frank A. Broad well, clerk
of the district court by F. SL Howell, special
counsel for, Douglas county, asking Judg
ment for 241,526.82. alleged to be due the
county from, the district clerk's office In
fees earned by the office above the salaries
snd expenses of running the office for four
years beglnnfng with Mr. Broadwell's first
term, January 4, 1900.
A similar suit was filed against Mr.
Broadwell last fall by the county, but that
Involved only the Insanity fees. That suit
was dismissed because It was desired to
Include the other fees, which the county
cnmmlsxioners contended were due the
"This suit Is for fees earned and not
collected, fees earned and not reported
and Insanity fees, said Attorney F, B.
Howell. "An. expert has examfned the
records and telle me there Is a considers bis
sum which haa been earned and not re
ported." "It is an Impossibility to collect all ths
fees earned In this omee," said District
Clerk Broad well. "For example, cases are
continued of necessity from one term of
court to another. There is a fee of 10 cants
oollectlbls on each case so continued, but
many of them are never heard of agan.
There is a fee earned, but how are fou
going to collect ItT"
The matter of turning over the surplus
fees st ths end of each year also will come
up In this ease. Broadwel! has contended
he did not need to tura over this surplus
until ths snd of his four-year terra of
office. Ths county commissioners eon lend
it must be turned over at ths and of each
year aooordlng to law, Ths interest on
these surplus fees will be demanded la
this suit-
Bpsoificaiiosi jTttrly Completed hf lim-
bdh.ll for Iw Biildine.
Ring wait Bros. Have Began Raslnsj
trnetarea that Now Stand on
It of Association's
Fa tare Home.
The plans and specifications for the Toung
Women's Christian association building are
nearly completed by the architect, Thomas
R. Kimball, and bids will be received tor
Its construction within the next few days.
The plana have been practically approved
by ths building and finance committees of
the association and more tangible results
from the recent strenuous canvass for
funds will soon be seen.
Ring wait Bros., who wer given the con
tract for wrecking the old buildings on the
site on St. Mary's avenue between Seven
teenth and Eighteenth streets, - have par.
tlally begun rasing the .buildings. One
small building on the, site has been nearly
torn down and a large force of men will
be placed on the work before March 15.
Many additional Improvements are to be
made at Krug park this spring before the
opening of the amusement season, chief
among which is the erection of a mammoth
bandstand and music pavilion, for which
plans have been made by Fisher Sc Lawrln,
architects. The bandstand Is to be of the
very latest denlan and acoustic properties,
being In the form of a senil-clrele, which
will be forty-eight In diameter and sixty
feet across and similar to the bandstand
at the Transmlsslsslppl exposition. The
platform will accommodate a large number
of musicians and will no doubt prove
tar attraction at the park. .
Bids have been received for the con
struction of the building, but have not
been opened a, yet. Work will l-e begun
on the structure within a very few weeks.
Office Flxtnre Factory,
T. H. Welrlch of the Welrlch Fixture
company has bought what is known as the
Goodrich hall at 1300-17 Nsrth Twenty
fourth and will make Improvements costing
about S2.5C0 to the property for the purpose
of establishing a factory for the manufoc.
ture of office, bank and store fixtures. The
entire Interior of the building will be com
pletety remodeled and a full set of wood
working machinery Installed. Mr. Welrlch
is now In the east buying the machinery
and It will be Installed as soon as the
building Is rehabilitated for factory pur
poses, whlclt will be In about one week, as
a large force of men has been set at work
tearing out tne old superstructure.
At least seventy-five men will be given
steady employment after the factory. Is in
Several five-room frame cottages will be
erected this spring by C. D. Armstrong of
the D. V. Sholes company In the vicinity
of Thirtieth street and Ames avenue for
investment purposes. Contracts have been
let for two of the cottages and others are
in course of negotiation, but work will be
begun on ths houses within a feV weeks
It is proposed to place the houses on the
market as soon as completed, to be sold
on the easy payment plan. The houses with
the lot will cost about 22,250 when finished.
Secretary Grlgg of the Omaha Builders'
exchange is receiving bids from contractors
for the erection of a six-room "modern frame
cottage on Calhoun street at Florence,
overlooking the river and the water works,
to cost about $2,600. The residence will be
occupied by Mr. Grlgg as his home when
completed and wlQ be one of many house
in course of erection at Florencs this spring,
M. F. Martlff, who Is the owner of con
aldersble Omaha realty, has Increased his
Investments by buying a lot 4txlS2 feet on
I sard street between Twenty-third and
Twenty-fourth streets and will erect a row
of two-story brick flats on the' premises for
rental purposes. Ths lot was bought for
21,800 through the Byron Reed company and
ths D. V. Sholes company and the flats will
cost about $4,000.
If Nebraska High School Wins
rs Will Be Even for
. Series..
The Omaha High school debating team,
which will go to Des Moines Friday, ha
high hopes of winning this contest. There
Is special reason for the Omaha students
making svery effort to bring home the
laurels this time, as Des Moines won two
years ago and Omaha last year. If the
Omaha students win this ttms honors will
be even, but if they lose the result of the
four years will be three to one tor the
Des Moines debaters.
mnaa Oete Mvoros A decree of di
vorce and her maiden name, Tina Ililgert,
era given Tina Thompson Wednesday.
Shs chsrged her husband. Andrew Thomp
son, with cruelty and nonsupport.
Xetra by Madasaa Trosasr Madams
B. Trosner ot New York City will lecture
Patterson hall. Seventeenth and Far
nam streets, Thursday night at I o'clock
on subject cf "Zionism," under ths auspices
of the Omaha Zlon society. Questions will
be answered.
FBgltlve from fnstlos J. F. Morris,
inted In Iowa on a charge of breaking
Into box oars, was arrested by Detectives
D rummy and Maloney Wednesday morn
ing. He was locked up as a fuel live from
Justice awaiting the arrival of officers from
(he neighboring state.
Dlvoros Asked for Cruelty Alleging
nonsupport and extreme cruelty. May
Rolph applied to the district court Wednes
day for a divorce and alimony from Guy
Rolph,' to whom she was married In Council
Bluffs, November 1. 1902. She also asks the
csstody of their child.
Buffalo Bill a Stags Hand Colonel
F. Cody, commonly known as "Buffalo
Bill," was Initiated Into the membership i
f the Theatrical Mechanics' association ;
Monday night. Ths colonel was asked to I
oln the order of the theatrical people and
umped at the chance, and It Is said the
boys had a good time with the old scout
while Jumping the Jumps with him.
Burglars Overlook Valuables BurcUr
broke open the back doer at 2(10 Poppteton
avenue Tuesday afternoon and ransacked
the house for valuables. While a revolver
and some Jewelry lay In plain sight, neither
was touched and so far as could be discov
ered nothing else hsd been molested. The
house is occupied by Spencer Martin and
George Beemer. No one was at home when
the Intrusion Was made.
O. B. Brown Company The C. B. Brown
ompany has been Incorporated to succeed
'.he Brown ft Borshelm company, Louis A.
Horshelm retiring from the firm, which has
been In the Jewelry business at 222 South
Sixteenth street. The new company con
sists of Charles B. Brown, president, and
O. C. Iloman, secretary. The present stors
will be enlarged to Include the space now
occupied by a stationery concern.
Man Who Cheats Washerwoman J. W.
Bryant, colored, was arrested Tuesday by
detectives cn the complaint of J. J. Hen
derson, who asserted the negro is the man
who collected money due a washerwoman
for work done by her and then spent the
money himself. It Is charged against Bry
ant that ho signed the name of Mrs. Swil
ley to an order for money on her customers
and then proceded to live high and easy on
the proceeds.
nss for Tlndloatlos Colla Croshaw
riled suit in the 'district court Wednesday
asking 15,000 damages from Edwin Starks
and Henry Staatn for alleged false impris
onment. She relates she Is a married
woman, 44 years of age, .and her home is
In Cedar precinct; Saunders ocunty, where
her husband and her children and his chil
dren are living on a farm two miles north
east cf Cedar Bluffs She says the two de
fendants filed a complaint against her,
charging Insanity,' and furnished much of
the money to prcsecute the complaint,
which she alleges was false.
Railroad Men Attend Meetings John
Eyler. live stock arent cf the Bur
lington, will leave March 15 for the annual
meeting of the Northwest Texas Cattle
Growers' association, which meets this
year at Fort Worth March 18 to 23. G. W,
Holdrege, general manager of the Bur
lington; C. E. Spens, general freight agent,
and J. A. Eyler, live stock agent, left
Wednesday to attend the. annual meeting
of the Wyoming Wool Growers' association
which Is to be held at Cheyenne March T.
General Manager Mohler of the .Union Pa
ciflo and other officials of that road will
also attend the meeting.
Damages Cut Down Anna Zadlna filed
suit . in the district court Wednesday
through her mother. Mart Zadlna, against
ths Chicago & Northwestern railroad, ask
Ing 125,000 damages for injuries sustained
by being run over by one of the defendant's
engines. She resides at Fourteenth and
William streets and has been acustomed,
she says, to go to and from her home along
the track of ths defendant company for a
number of years. The accident happened
Jarkiary 17, 10U7. - Her left foot was cut off
and bcth legs were broken. The Chicago
& Northwestern railroad paid Into the dis
trict court the sum of $2,600 in settlement
of .the suit of Miss Zadlna.
Clothing Firm Dissolves by Senior
Member Becoming Successor
of Janlor.
The firm of Bcrg-Swanson company has
been dissolved by mutual consent. J. A.
flwanson leaves the business, but has no
The Omaha team will be composed of Ueflnlto plans to announce. O. E. Berg will
David O. Berg of the Junior class aadRob
ert Stout and Herbert Ryan of the sOpho
mores. E.. E. McMillan of the high school
faculty, will accompany the team.
The question selected for the debate is,
"Resolved, That United States serstors
should be elected by direct vote of the
people." The Omaha team will take the
Now Manager of Western Car Service
Association Elected at Spe
rial Meeting.
I. R. Van Tuyl has ben elected manager
of the Western Car Service association to
'succeed A. C. Jones, resigned. A special
meeting was held Wednesday morning in
Omaha for ths purpose of selecting a suc
cessor to Mr- Jones, who goes to Montana
to engnge In private business. Mr. Van
conduct the clothing business at Fifteenth
and Douglas atreeta, following the earns
policy that was malntajned during the partnership.
It yu have anything to trade advertise
It In the For Exchange eolums) af The
Ue Want Ad page, ,
Captalrr.C. B. Bweesey, paymaster United
States army, has retu-ned to Omaha head
quarters from his usual troop paymont
The following general court-martial sen
tences have been promulgated from head,
quarters Department of the Missouri:
rivates Bert E. Argo, Company B, Twenty
eighth Infantry, for desertion, eighteen
months imprisonment: Samuel A. Jaymes,
Company A, Eighteenth infantry, for deser
tion, two years lmnrlsonment; Wnly
Steward, Troop F, Ninth cavalry, for con
duct prejudicial to goyd order snd military
discipline, one year's imprisonmnent; Will
iam Cole, Troop H, Ninth cavalry, for con
duct prejudicial to good order and military
discipline end letting, prisoner eiicape. one
years and one dny's Imprisonment: Philip
D trt.k, Twir ty-sixth ba tery fljld a t lo.-y,
for tleceitlon, use year and one dty's tin-
nrlwintniinl 1 Allan fllilnth nm.
Tuyl haa been connected with the - car I puny const artillery, for desertion,' two
service association for ths lust thirteen f years Imprisonment; Ernest U Powell,
vaars : Company M. Eighteenth Infantry, for being
' " ' . , u. . .. I drunk on duty, one year and one day s
Mr. Jones sent In his reslgnetion thirty Imprisonment; John P. O'Khaughenessy.
days ago to take effect aa aoon as a sue- Troop D, Thirteenth cavalry, .for larceny
ceasor could be appointed. In recognition f"d '"f? ''hu 'ff.f-l" "ST
of hla long and faithful service ths general j
managers of the western roads, who rep
resented their routes st ths meeting Wed
nesdsy morning voted Mr. Jones a two
months leavs of absence at full pay. Mr.
Van Tuyl's appointment Is to become ef
fective April 1.
Thirteenth csvairy, for larcency, one yaar's
Imprisonment; John Wilson, Troop B.
Second cavalry, for disobedience of orders,
one year's imprisonment. The sentenres
in each Instance carry with them ..dis
honorable discharge from ths army, and
the terms of Imprisonment will be carried
out at ths military prison. Fort Leavenworth.
No woman's htppl
ntescan be corr.plcts
without chiHren ; it
is her nature to low
rtl fj 1 . and want them
btilJGfjlnltfimd&IlF "..Tot.".;;
beautiful ind
pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must
pasi, howerer, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger,
that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror.
There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful
or dangeroul. The use of Mother' Friend so prepares the system for
the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This
great and wonderful
remedy is always
applied externally, and
has carried thousands.
of women through
the trvinir crisis without sufferino-.
Seas fnrlrse book aoslaining Inrormauoe
ef nrttwlaaa value to all exuaotsut BiuiUera.
Tbs Brsdflsld RtaulaUr C, Atlasta, 6a.
Spring Suits
Vawa mnrfl gnfl.n sjid chaxacteT
thaa for several seasons. The
styles are sensible and attract-
ive. We have seldom offered
Boys' Garments , having so
much genuine merit.
Tt Give You an Idea
Tmic9 Cuifc Attractive all
UOyS sjlllib wool ' garments,
made in double' breasted jacket
.irlnd Trilh nr without bolts, with
SlJIl"! ......
knee pants or kinckerbockers. They come in assorieu
colors and in a variety of styles, ages 7
to 16 yearss Bailor collar, Russian blouse jT
and sailor blousetylcs, ages 3 to 8, price
- a s Handsome double breasted Jacket styles,
RoVC Qlllf Q with or without belts, with knee pant, or
W . K I illltl t,.lLHnKrAlf At! TTl Htl F" Ul T-Vigfvw-a
rnrrcs, cheviots, blue swgps. etc. These suits are
c.iantniv tuiinroii nnd are very neat and dressy.
rpeL 7 to Irt, sailor collar, Russian blouse and Jf
sailor bloune styles, apes S to 8 price
Extra fine Suits, made from a
grade materials, the kind
chant tailors use. The
workmanship Is superb. We have a large assort
ment of these stylish, perfect fitting garments,
all ages, price
Boys' Suils E
ltUBf vos-r
variety ot
that mer-
'"' ill ...ii "aissT
Is the Secret of
Doesn't it stand to reason,
that for perfect health, the
human system must be kept
pure and clean, inside as well
as outside?
Then take Cascarets, the
world-famous Bowel Medicine
and system-cleaners, that will
help you KEEP CLEAN
N The body of man Is the
most perfect and delicate mechanism in existence, and the least
OBSTRUCTION or accumulation of filth in any part of it, will
make it hobble.move IRREGULARLY and SPASMODICALLY,
and if not attended to promptly may stop the machine altogether.
Isn't that plain common sense to any person that has had
any experience with machinery of human invention, from the
sewing machine to the triple-expansion engine? All the parts,
joints, connections, gearings, must be kept absolutely pure and
clean to get the best results. A careless,. untidy engineer is a -failure
and will lose his job.
Nature haa been kind to us by handing over to us to be occupied dur
ing our earthly existence, an almost automatic, elastic mechanism, that will
run itself if only properly cared for. ' '
All that She asks, is that the body be supplied with "Pure Food" fuel '
of the right kind, applied in the right way, that a lubricant be furnished
for the joints, muscles, nerves through the marvelous distributing and col
. lectins; system of arteries and veins, and that all parts of the engine be used
for the purposes intended without undue strain.
But, when little mistakes are made in eating and drinking, with perhaps
excessive exertion, there is a liability of a stoppage in the natural cleansing
process, and you are liable to become UNCLEAN INSIDE.
That means obstruction, stoppage of the normal functions, fermenta
tion, poisoning of the blood by your own decaying sewage,, and a liability
of the development of any of hundreds of serious diseases.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic are fragrant, sweet, mild but effective little
tablets' that were first compounded from pure, harmless, vegetable sub
stances, under a Pure Drug of their own, in 1896. These tablets proved to
be the greatest lubricators for the Bowels ever discovered, and at the same
time a destroyer of disease germs in the whole alimentary (food) canal.
They have now a sale of over a million boxes a month.
They are a pure, reliable, means of keeping the system clean, prevent
ing all diseases arising from accumulations in Constipation, and also relier
, ing and aiding the cure of chronic conditions after they have developed
from neglect.
Begin today to watch your conditions, be careful of your food and geiw
eral methods of living and learn to take precaution of "Keeping Clean In
side" with Cascarets. Buy a little 10c. box from your own druggist TO
DAY, be convinced and join our MILLIONS OF FRIENDS.
Be sure to "Get What You Ask For" the Genuine, every tablet stamped
CCC," 7
est Best Service
I 1
aT ftaV
Lmsi assa mm
Leavs Kansas Chtv:ttp.m. to-dsy
Arrive Mltof ie 6:) a.m. tomorrow
Arrive McAle.tfr 8 30 a.m. tomorrow
Arrive Deniaon 12:W p.m. tomorrow
Arrive Ft. Worth p.m. tomorrow
Arrive Hillsborn 6:50 V-m. tomorrow
Arrive Waco H:iS P.m. tomorrow
Arriv, Bfeville 6:37 s m. 2nd 6r
Arrive Corpus Cnrstt 9:30 a.m. 2nd da
5.. ,-. jliV
Take any train to Kansat
City change there and take
M. K. &.T. Train No. 1
leaving at 9:00 p.m., and
occupy the through aissper
that runs to Corpus Christ
without a' change en route.
The second morning you are
on the Gulf Coast of Texas
at Corpus ChristL
Use the same train and
with but one change (at Waco)
you arrive at San Antonio the
second morning at 6:25 a.m in
ample time to make all connections.
Shortest in Mile and Time
A satisfying ride through the besl and fastest
growing section of the Southwest. Tracks, trains, meals and
service the best to be had. Tickets on sale everywhere, via
Aak your agent about this, or write to
1. 'V j .1 -w
Gen. Pass. Agent
St. Louis
Disc Pass. Agent
SOS Walnut St.. Kansas City Ma
" i ' . .
wits, out Iron snd Wire fenoe, 'Trellises nsd Arear for
vines, flower guards, chairs, setees, vases, tree gut&a,
hitehiagr posts, window guards, Sara natures sad osioksa
II South ieth Street. TsL Stooglas 160,
end for Cstlogus.
No Matter . What You Want
Bee Want Ads Will Get It