Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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V 1907. ,
Telephone Douglas SIS reaches H departments."
Our (Great larch White Goods Sale
No bankrupt'or old fihelfcorn goods, but bright, crisp and every yard new, right from
Thompson, Helden & (Vs. regular stocks, all market! at genuine reductions, which means a
real saving in this store. With spring sewing in view, wouldn't it be. well to supply, your
wants ngrw! These few must .stand as representatives of what the savings will be.
20o yite Persian I .awn. lie yard.
25c V. hit rr1nn Lawn. 19c yard. .
IOr-(Vhl Persian Un, iOc yrii. '
If, if White Perslnn U'!Sc yard. ;
tfi'i White rerslari l.awn, So yard. ;
i'ac-Whlte Persian Uwn, SOe yen).
.Oc White Persian Un. SSc yard. ,
' whit uin trimros.
40c White Linen Suiting. J7c yard.
toe White Linen Suiting, the yard.
SOo White I.lnen Suiting, 40c yerd.
So White Linen Putting, -"So yard.
7Sc White I.lnen Suiting. SOo yard.
- S5c White Linen Suiting. 6c yard,
.wmm SHOIA UK O ITS. -
15c White India .Linen, 10c yard.
20c White India Llnon, '16c yard.
tSc White India Llnon. 19o yard. ,
JOc Whit India Llnon. tv. yard.
40c White Ind'a Llnon. 3c yard.
60c White India Llnon, 89c yard.
wmitb nsrs KXSTnro
om stxts.
It SO 7t-ln. Linen Sheeting. $1.00 yd
II. (iO 0-ln. Linen Sheeting, II .00 yd
11.00 0-ln. Linen Sheeting. $1 69 d ,
S 1 .75 50-ln. Linen Sheeting, 11.49 yd
wmrra bubxoisius swish.
IRe White Kmbrnld. Swiss. 10c yd.
tSe 'White Kmbrold. Swiss, lKc yd.
15c White Embrold. Swiss, tSo d.
SOo "Whit Kmbro'd. Swiss, 39o yd. '
65c White Embrold. Swiss, 4o yd.
75c White Embrold. Swiss, &9o yd.
SSe White Embrold. Swiss, Sue yd.
11.00 White Embrold. Swiss, 79c yd.
11.60 White Embrold. Swiss. II yd.
Coats Suits Skirts.
Tor Well Dressed Women.
Spring Fashion OarniTal.
An unusual opportunity to see the i
latest creation Dame Fashion lio
lrmliieed, nn opportunity whlh will
be taken advantage of by every will
dressed woman. Come In at your
first opportunity. We'll not ask you
to buy.
Howard Oor. Sixteenth Street
L - " ------------- -
to walk a half mile or more and to run
within at least one hour of the published
schedule unless something very much out
of the ordinary prevent. . The hill waa re
ported by the committee for Indefinite post
ponement, but Bhuhert made such a fight
on the floor he got the committee of the
whole to recommend It for passage. The
Christian Science bill provide those of this
faith who care for the sick must conform
to the same regulations a physicians In
reporting the existence of contagious dis
eases. Davis of Cass argued that the pres.
nt law compelled them to do this and as a
xeeult of his statement he and McMullen
of Gag had a very spirited and at times
pefsonal debate In which each accused the
other of not knowing what he was talking
about and each accused the other of hot
knowing anythlftg about Christian Bclence
and a whole lot more thing. McMullen
made the statement that the Christian Bcl--enc
healer did not recognise d'sease and
this Inspired ravts to yell that the "state-
."ment la Batrufc." Davis moved an amend.
' ment -to' exclude Scientists from the previ
sions of the "bill, but this was defeated
'' and the measure was recommended for
; As th house killed the Bums bill to
'prevent district ludcea from befng candi
date for any office except 'a Judicial one,
vth Lancaster county district- judge will
"again be able' to Jump into the congres
sional fight "next year, and still hold their
. 'present Jobs. . The object 6f the bill was to
compel' a Judge' to , resign, before running
-'for some-other office and thus, as fsr as
possible, take the Judiciary out of politics.
) The bill passed the senate and . the Ln-
' caster delegation wa for It In the house.
It had been Indefinitely postponed, however,
and It required fifty-one vote to place. It
on general file, and a there were a good
many absent member the necessary num
ber could not be secured, -though a. ma
jority of those present were for the. bill,
Work'tor Fort Roblaaoa.
Adams of Dimi county It anxious or
the Nebraska delegation (n congress to get
busy on that appropriation for Fort Rob
inson, which I In his district, and this
morning he Introduced a resolution in the
. kous to that effect. Mr. Adams assured
the member that Senator Warren of Wy
oming waa working hard to accomplish
the abandonment of ' Fort Robinson and
that the Wyoming senator seemed to have
toor Influence than all (he, Nebraska dele
gation. The Sixth, district had onjy Con
gressman Klnkald working for the appro
priation and he wa anxious that the. other
members get busy, with Judge Klnkaid,
especially Mr. . Hitchcock, who represents
the Omaha district, for. he said, Omaha
Skin of Bsaut
f ii t jo Po rervor,
DR. T. Fall. Oouraud'a Onantal
- Cream or Megloal Baautiflae,
ItseinTss Tsa, " flwBlei
fracaiM,. sul M
. Ml bkia t3wsm
kMUti AB
M St M& mi
fa m bsrtxiita
tMH KiWtun
soesM scoocflier
Its ar HmUm
SSM. DllLi
prr ld U I
Mr sf ta ksot
torn (a kftilett).
ktl toi Ml
VUI in tkta
ftsr4' Ores st' n tk Iwl E.noM vt :l iU
u lu pnpara' iwii." for m.t fcy sU nn i in snd um
ttMMb) a Um l;i4 kuw, ss4 wse
rSlT.dSnJlS, tnVtnd km tnA. nT4
Do you own It? It not, why cot? Thers la nothing
Ilka being your own landlord.
If you have part ( tha money or a vacant lot we can
likely furnish the money . necessary to get you started
right. It you have no money nor a Vacant lot, then start
an account with this association and. add to It regularly'
until you have sufficient funds In hand to purchase a lot.
and we can than loan you the money with which to build
the house.. '
Funds always on hand. Loans promptly closed.
, rksoirces
RKSKKVE ,',, tt8,000
The Conservative Savings and
Loan Association
. . Harney Bt, , Omaha,
PALL. W. Kl'HNti, hec'y. aad Treaa. '
wxiTs ntpsmiAt. ton
No. 150 Imperial Dong Cloth. I2Hc
quality, l4e yard, or (1.00 bolt of
twelve yard. ......
No. .10 Imperial Lena- Cloth. Ho
quality, 10 He yard, or 11.16 bolt of
twelve yard.
No. 150-Imperial Long Cloth, 111c
quality, 10T,e yard, or 11.10 bolt of
twelve yard.
No. 400 Imperial Lone Cloth, ISo
quality, 11 He yard, or ll.Ss bolt of
twelve yard. -
No. 100 Imperial Long Cloth. 19i
quality. UHo yard. or. $1. I bolt of
twelve yard.
No. 00 Imperial 'Long Cloth. IOc
quality, 14e yard, or $1.61 Bolt of
twelve yards.
Watch for the Spring Open
ing Announcement of Our
Beautiful Millinery Dept.
Sate to be announced book.
. W shall give our Millinery Depart
ment more prominence than erer tills
season. Walt for the opening an
nouneement, and yon will see why we
sent our millinery buyer. Miss Alice.
Fenner. to Pari, to select from the
world' most famous model for this
grand spring opening.
Bargain Square in
Remnant of 'cotton challl Ittc
a yard.
Remnant of It-Inch Gilkollnes, at
IHc a yard.
Remnant of best 24-lnch Calicoes,
at IHc a yard.
Remnant of 10c Lawns at IHc
a yarn.
Remnant of l!Hc. 16c. tOo Ulng-
ham, 7 He a yard.
- -i-i-i-ii-r.ii-r.iririririiri-inriririi-iririnririririnj u j iji.iuinjj-uuuxnnjuiAJv
has the supply house and It' means much ,
to 'that city to have Fort Robinson built
up as big as possible. His resolution,
which went over one day, 1 a follow:
Whereas, The honorable secretary of
war of the United State recently wsHtd
and Inspected Fort Robinson, and than
pronounced that fort to be the most con
veniently located and most healthful Vid
most sightly and best adapted for cavalry
maneuvers in the United States, and rec
ommended that It be increased to Iwconio
a cavalry brigade post, and thai Its res
ervation be Increased for all suitable pur
poses relating to this use, and tht the
said post be made permanent for thut
purpose apd of that sixe; and.
Whereas.. Influences are being Irousht
to bear .upon the officers through which
such must be brought about, and
the said Improvements accomplished and
buildings erected, for the obvious purpoxe
of preventing such recommendations and
War department orders from being car
ried out; And. Intending to brln- about
the abandonment of that post:
Resolved, That this legislature renpect
fully urge upon the honorable senator
and member of congress- for Nehtaoka,
In the congress of the United States, to
use their most Immediate and Btrniud'.i
and conttntied effort to carry- iut 4bo
plan and recommendation of Secretary
Taft, and to offset the adverne Influences
aaatnet this nostv and thaMhe chief tick
be .instructed to forward a copy of tbls ,
resolution o eadh of - the 'enutor and.
members, jof congress at Washington. ;
. ft! Minor Committee Approved.
In an effort, to clean up the! Important
bill before the final rush the senate this'
morning .approved the sifting committee
reported from the standing committee on
committees.. There was no opposition to
the , seven, senator named In . the report.
They, are Root of Cass, Thomas of Doug
las. Wlltse ot Cedar. Aldrlch of Butler,
Epperson of Clay, Phillips of Holt and
Ct&t'ke of Adam. The sifting committee
will begin the work. of going over the
general (lie within a few days. ,
This afternoon the senate requested the
sifting committee to proceed to organise at
ones, and tomorrow report back to the
body recommendation s to the method of
. The senate .this morning placed Itself on
record as favoring, the election of jUnlted
States senators by -direct vote of the peo
ple. .Without opposition It recommended in
committee of the whole, the passage of
Kffig's Joint resolution asking congress to
call a, constitutional convention to. submit
the question to the several states .for
adoption as a part of the constitution. The
resolution Is the one endorsed by- the con
vention called last summer by Governor
Cummins of Iowa to determine on a
method of procedure to secure the. adop
tion of such an amendment. Former Con
gressman esse I Strode, f Lincoln was
chairman of the convention and It waa at
his request .- this . resolution was offered.
Similar steps have been taken In other
state legislature. The resolution wa not
discussed and met with no opposition.
A large part of the morning session of
the senate waa spent discussing Senator
Patrick's bill which provides for a radical
change In the method of starting suits In
the district, county and justice courts of
th state. At present suit are started
by the filing of a petition and a serving
of a ummona, . Patrick's bill adopts the
law of loVa, South Dakota and one or two
other state allowing civil .action to be
begun by the serving of an original notice
on the defendant by the" plaintiff. The
notice la to the effect the plaintiff will at
a certain time file a petition In s desig
nated court and will take Judgment un
less the defendant answers within a certain
In the discussion that fo Mowed It was
brought-out that .one of the principal argu
ments tor the bill Is that it permit suits
Be. March 1 177.
Beautiful New Dress Goods
and Silks for the New
Easter Gown.
Think of It, little more than three
week to Easter. Are you ready with
pretty hew clothesT Allow us to show
you some of the choice new things.
Not just anything and everything.
The new creations that are out of the
ordinary. In both stf 1 tc and wool. New.
nesa that you would be delighted to
own. Bee good displayed in our
Sixteenth street window.
Vote Sample now ready tor our
out-of-town cuseomer.
Linen Finished White
The enormous demand fr linen
finished shrunk white -cottons will
make these fabrics exceedingly -scarce
later in the season. We advise
you to secure them now.
Il-lncb wide Real Indian Hend
Shrunk White Suitings, at 16c yard.
41-inch wide Real Indian 11 end
Bhrunk White Suitings, at 20c yard.
45-Inch wide Real Indian Head
White Suitings, light or heavy weight
at 15c yard.
14-Inch wide Linen Finished Bhrunk
Whit Suitings, at 10c ya-d.
Imported Wash Serges
White and Black -Plaids.
These beautiful soft materials re
semble the ejspenslve wool material
to perfection and are superior to
them In one respect, they can te
washed like gingham, colors being ab
solutely fast, 80c yard.
to be filed, settled and dismissed In sec
recy and without the Intervention of a
court or any other officer of the state.
The plaintiff could serve the notice on the
defendant himself, and In case the de
fendant made a satisfactory settlement
could end the case by not filing the peti
tion. King of Polk opposed the bill, declaring
against secret tribunal of all kind and
against litigation In secret. Root of Cass
declared the bill was In violation of the
constitutional provision, which says . all
process shall Issue In the name of the
state. He also Bpoke against the system
the bill would put In force. In spite of the
opposition the bill was ordered engrossed
for a third reading by a small majority. ,
Railroad to Par for Coal.
The senate this aftertoorl In committee
of "the whole recommended for passage
Senator Sackctt's bill relating to the con
fiscation of coal In transit by railroad.
The-bill -requires the roads to' pay the
value of the eoal within 'sixty ' days and
In addition thereto to pay a penalty' of 0
per cent of Us value and attorney's fees Is necessary .for the owner to go, into
court to secure his pay. Clark. -of Aduns
book In ODDosltlon to the bill, but it was
recommended for Dassaa-e bv a lam ma.
torlt.v . . ' ,
The Saokett bill nrnvMins- for ths
of the law which now reoulres that eon.
tracts for . the sale of land when made
between .the owner of the land and a
broker must be In writing to be -valid, pro
voked considerable discussion.
A bill by Wilcox, which will practically
drive out of existence so-called itinerant
I Ihyielan and traveling medicine shows.
was recommended for passage by the sen
ate , this- afternoon. The bill require
itinerant physicians to pay a fee of I ISO
a year and place them under the Juris
diction of the StatS Board of Health.
A bill of considerable Interest to student
and patrons of the Crelghton Law school
waa recommended to pas by the senate.
The measure was Introduced by Patrick
and It' allows the supreme court ' to desig
nate other schools than the law college
cf tb University of Nebraska whose grad
uates may be admitted to the bar without
examination. vThe Crelghton Law school
Is the only other school In the state and Is
the only one affected by the bill.
County superintendents will not receive
a boost In pay from this legislature. The
senate today killed Goodrich's bill pro
viding for an Increase of about 20 per cent
In the salaries pf these officials.
ESTort Mad to Rash BUI Over ta the
, (From a-Stall Correspondent. I
LINCOLN, March (.(Special.) The sen
ate spent most of the morning In commit
tee ot the whoie, with Burns of Lancaster
In the chair. The senators are trying to
clean up the general file of nenate bill
and for that reason took up only measures
brlginatlrg In the senate, passing by tho
house bills. The following bills were rec
ommended to pas:
B. F. 16S By Thompson." Providing a
penitentiary sentence of from on le five
years for having custody, or control of
burglar tools.
8. V. 240 By Clarke. Relating to ac
knowledgments of deeds taken outside the
H. F. SIS By King. A joint resolution
memorialising congress to call a constitu
tional convention to suhmlt an amendment
providing for the election of United rltales
-senators by direct vote of the people.
8. F. 10 By Patrick. Allowing the com
mencement of suit in all courts eacept the
supreme court by the serving on the de
fendant of an original notice.
B. K. 184 By Patrick. A companion bill
amending the statute to conform to changes
made by 8. F. 160.
8. F. 27 By King. Prescribing terms
upon wnicn university ana state normal
graduate may be granted teacher' ver-
8. 814 By . Luoe. Applying the -law
relating to commencement of suits by ml- 1
, nora or insane persons to set aside de
; cress affecting real estate, to persons out
Side as well as Inside the state.
An even dosen of bills were added to the
general file during the morning session by
report of committees. Among these were
one by Root providing a 110 tuition fee
for the state university and Fries' house
bill taxing -voters- who fall to exercise
their right of franchise 83.
- The senate again went Into committee of
the whole Immediately after the noon re
cess and worked on bills until after
o'clock. The i followlpg measures were
acted cn:
H. R- 364 By Knowlee. Amending the
charters Tf cities hsvlng between 8,M) and
86, uu inhablfnta. For passage.
8. F. 147 By Beckett. Authorising the
publication of a one-volume edition of Cob
bey's statute In, addition to the usual two
volume edition." For paesage. :
8. F. 86 By Sackett. Requiring rallroida
to pay full value of confiscated coal, to
getfmr'With a penalty of 20 per cent and
attorneys' lees where it - ta necessary for
the owner to go Into court to secure pay
ment. For puesHg.
8. F. 26e By 6akett.' Repealing th law
requiring that contract for thr sale of real
state be in writing. Indefinitely post
poned a F. Sl-By Ashton. Providing for an
examlnatnri of stallions for transmissible
d I sea see. For passage.
R. F. 2fl Ry U'ConneM. Making poll tax
In villages 13 lntead of St. Kr passage.
S. F. IS By Epperson. Requiring mu
tual hell Insurance companies to deposit a
security for the payment of lose en per
cent Instend of 60 per cent of the gross re
ceipt and allowing them to filer personal as
wen as surety bonds Wltn siaie nuaiior.
For passage. t '
8 V. Ill Bt Wilcox. Providing for a li
cense fee of $3ff.or Inlterant physician
and placing theCI under Jurisdiction of the
Btate Board ot iiitn. or pasaaare.
8. F. SSi-Br Patrick. Allowing supreme
court the power to admit without examina
tion graduates or other law cnooi man
the State university.
Lara; K anther of 'Mils Acted ea la
Committee of the Whole.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March . (Special ) The houe;
pent nearly all day In the committee of
the whole. The following; bill were rec
ommended for passage:
H R. H By Wilson of Cuter. Providing
a ystem o( fee for county surveyor.
H. R. 221 By Walsh of Douglas. Pro
viding fnt'jthe exercise of eminent domain
by ethoil "futrtcts in cltiea.
H R.' HMOly Shubert of Richardson. Pro
viding mixed train carrying passenger
shall stop with the caboose , at the depot
pin tform. . .... .
11. R. M By Marsh of Seward. Provid
ing Christian Science healers must report
pnntiialnui dlHejtflea the same as Dhvsfclans.
8. F. 144-By Olbeon of Pouglaa. Cutting
down the South Omaha Police board to
three member.
S. F.. 95 By Thomaa. Providing pollee-
mn In rimntio. shall nnt hA entitled to Wit
ness fees, and neither shall city employe
when mnlovftri In m rltv rase. 1 ,
S. P. 151 By Epperson of Clay. lrovld
Ing for joint institute for two counties of
H...R. too fiv Knnwlea of Dodn. Provid
ing railroads shall sell l.OUD-mlle books for
ijo, gcoa for two years.
H. R. IIS By K. P. Brown of Lancaster.
Providing. insurance companies taking cases
to federal . court shall forfeit Nebraska
license. .
H R. 293 Bv- IlHrver of Douelaa. Provid
ing for the return of and redemption of
notes given mutual insurance companies
upon surrendnr or policy.
I. It, Zl-rBsr Harvey of Douglas. Provid
ing tor the increase of the Fire and Police
Relief association funds. .
II. R. 271 By. Clark of, Douglas, rroyldlng
wnen m. person ,ouys a iSJi oecree ne CHn
not make a deal with owner of property by
assigning the sorne to him when It Is less
than the, amount of taxes due on. the prop
erty. . '
it R. H7 By Harvey of Douglas. Provid
ing city council may make a garbage con
tract with any party when It costs neither
me city or citizens any money
. H. U. 224-By Pllger of Stanton. Allows
county board to offer reward for arrest of
persons cnarjrea xvitn treiony.
H. R. 18( By McMullen of Gage. Provid
ing ror optional Sunday base ball. Indefi
nitely postponed. t '
H. R. 269-By E. P. Brown of Lancaster. 1
froviamg for a state bureau of inspection.
inaennueiy posiponea.
' t'nlon Paclfle Advances Wastes.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. March 6.-(Spec!al.-A
large number of clerks employed, by the
Union Pacific 'who were not members-of
a labor union, have been advised of an In
crease In vara. The Increase Is not uni
form, nor doe It apply to all clerical
departments. The company ha picked out
a number of deserving employes snd hv
granted them an Increase. ,
Headache aad Nenralsrla from Colds
LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine, the world
wide cold and grip remedy, removes cause.
Call ' for ' full name. Look for signature &
W. Grove. 26c ' ,
DIAMONDS Frvnser. mtn and Dodga
STB SPECIALISTS, Huteson Optical Co.
Rain la Nebraska Today Bxeept
Sonthwest Portloai Colder 1st
r, , -re.t Portion."
WASHINGTON, 'March ! i-JTer'ecast 6f
the weather foir. Thursday and Friday i
..For Nebraska. 'BaJa' Thursday, 'except
fair Jn southwest portion';' colder ' in west
i Portion; Friday, fair.
I For Iowa Rain or snow Thursday,
I warmer In east portion ; Friday, ialr and
coiaor in east portion. ,
aJtota-Bnow Thursday, coioer
in west portion; rnaay, xair.
, For Missouri--Bain Thursday, warmer In
east portion; Friday, fair and colder.
For Colorado Fair Thursday and Friday.
. For Wyoming Fair Thursday, except
snow In. northwest portion; Friday, fair
,7, . IsOeal Record.
OMAHA. March .-nmclal record of tern
ferature and precipitation, compared with
he corresponding- day of the last three
years: . - - 191. 1906. 1905. Its.
Maximum' temperature... 33 . St 40 60
Minimum temperatures :. 28 26 SI U
Mean temperature 30 80 36 . . 88
Precipitation T- .08 T .00
Temperature and precipitation departure
irora tne normal ai umana since siarcn u
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature
Deficiency for the day '.
Total exoeas since March 1
Normal DreclDltatlnn
.04 Inch
Deficiency for the day
.04 Inch
.03 Inch
Total precipitation since March 1.
Deficiency since March 1..
Deficiency for cor. period, 1908..;,
.21 Inch
.03 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1W6....
.24 Inch
Reports frosa Stations at T P.
Station and State Temp. Mas.
of Weather. t p. m. Temp.
Bismarck, snowing 80 84
Cheyenne, partly cloudy. ...44 60 .
Chicago, cloudy ,.84 34
Davenport, partly cloudy. a
Denver,' partly cloudy .63 '' 68
Havre, clear 2 82
Helena, snowing 80 - 84
Huron, snowing 2S 88
North Platte, clear.. ..fiS 04
Omaha, cloudy .............s83 83
Rapid City, raining., 84 .. 64
St. louls, raining 40 42
St. Paul, snowing.... .....24 28
Suit Lake City, pt. cloudy. ..44 48
Valentine, cloudy ..48 64
Wllliston, cloudy 84
L. A. WEISII. Local Forecaster.
They Had Coffee Drinkers
An Iowa lady shows that Postum Food
Coffee ha proven a great promoter of
health. She says:
"During nearly all my life till a year
ago I used coffee dally, with out know
tng, It kept me thin and feeling bad. I
was Induced to quit coffee snd try Pos
tum. I like It from the first' and found
that I felt better than I did. when t was
using the old kind of cef fan. So I contin-
ued to us It.
"After a fw weeks I began to realise
that I waa growing plumper,, snd wa
pleased to find the other day that I had M Df aucn matters as a man who was
gained 15 pounds in the twelve months. WDOuy sane, but enough to be able to ap
Postum gives me a splendid appetite. In, predate that the taking of a human life
fact I can eat and digest my rooa perieci-
ly now. '
My husband has. all hi life, been
troubled With 'bold ftlvea.- aad' nas oen
quit a sufferer from catarrh in th head.
He also quit coffee, and began to us
Postum Food Oof fee about a year ago, I
with manifest good results. His catarfh
has vanished and he has not had an
sttack of "bold, hives', or six month.
My friends, noting the change in both of
u ay. 'Why, how well you ook! Do you
really suppose It Is postum that has made
the change?" and I reply. 'Most emphatl-
cally I do, for It Is the only, change w
have made In our, mod of living.'
-My (later who ued to suffer .greauy
from bitllousnes .quit oof fee and began to
drink Postum Food Coffee t years ago.
6h never, has bullous attacks any more.
Like my husband., my father has found
that hi catarrh bas dlaappered since he
gv up coffee and began to use Postum
Food Coffee. He has also, .gained de
cidedly In flesh." Nam given by Postum
Co.. Battle Creekv Mich.' Thare's a
on." Read th little book, The Hoed to
Wellvllle," in pkga
L-lll ! I
m-M S at,
Thursday Bargains
I And We Assort
Great Skirt Sale
W know thate 300 Bklrtii
"exact reproduction" ot f 9.00
and 1 1 0 style, that go on aale
Thursday will not laat long
the ''qualities are much above
the ordinary, extraordinary in
fact. Plain and fancy pleated
In both -aide and double box
pleated effect!. Black, - blue
and' brown panamas, fancy
mixtures In light and dark
hades, exact reproductions of
' 9 and $10 Skirts, Thursday
only $5.05
Ladies' .Furnishing Department
Ladles' warranted alll linen hand
embroidered Initial Handkerchiefs
that sell Tor 15c regular Because
line of initials are broken the sale
price Thursday will be 3 for 25
Six to a Customer.
. Reynler's Leila Gloves, two wrist
clasps, made of select French kid,
full range of new shades, Thurs
day only, a pair. . . . -$1.00
Reynler's best imported undressed
French kid Gloves, three wrist
clasps, full line of colors, per
pair, Thursday . -$1.50
Extra wide
lain Beige
for spring
wear ...... 7
8-ln. New Spring twaie
Extra fine Imported Madrai
.y".." i M-ivT. .'nd'e'hambray In dainty .h ecks sfcd plain colors.
lllifVi Itiu -
The Merry-Go-Round Washer, has
large round tub and large fly wheel
33c double faced Wash Boards, 25c,
te 1 : t,l "M'r.w TTonslloa
Clothes Pins, dozen
Secretary Taft -Taj U Called Upm. ta
Settle ferioni Cuban Quwtion.
Blaea Laaofers Oaaaat Bet ea bt
They Will Wet Work Fnl Tlsae,
Tans Cnrtatllaaj Pro-
daetloa. - '
WASHINGTON. March 6. One of the
questions that probably will confront Sec
retary Tnft upon his arrival in .uo in
the course of. a few Weeks will be ' tl
propriety and policy of abrogating Governor
General Wood's decree forbidding eock
flhtln In Cuba. An overwhelming ma
jority Qf the Cubans themselves demand the
right to fight their chicken as tney nave
done tor several years, even since tha ap
plication of the Wood decree, though the
sport, has been . necessarily conducted
clandestinely. It was the arrest ot a num
ber of prominent Cubans, Including at
least one presidential candidate, for at
tending a cock fight, that brought on tne
crisis and caused Governor Magoon in
promise that be would consider the petition
that were presented, asking for tb ab
rogation of the decree. Nearly all the
planter prefer cock fighting, according to
those who hav recently been In Cuba.
When the snort flourished, the Cuban
laborer worked four day a week to sup
port Ala family. Another day's wages be
set apart for the lottery and the last nt
the secular days he worked In order that
he might secure funds to back his favortts
cock In the pit. Now that the lottery and
cock fighting hav been stopped the laborers
and farm hands simply stop work for the
last two day of th week having no In
centive to continue. This practice Is said
to hav a rVally Injurious effect upon the
.00 development of the Island Industry and to
hav considerably curtailed production.
Probably Secretary . Taft will adopt the
expedient of permitting cock fighting out
side of Hanvana and the larger Cuban
cities Just a 'he did In the Philippines to
the satisfaction of natives and their em
ploye. ,
(Continued from. First Page.)
to ply bun with questions regarding Thaw's
sill and codicil.
Dr. Wmr raid thai he believed that
I Whn Thaw wrote that section of his will
I DrovkUog for. a fund for the prosecution of
I anyon who might take hi Ufa hi mind
I waa ciouded and h did not hav a clear
i M a crime.
I "Dootor. wben this defendant stood up to
I be married on the a ins dy that will waa
i signed, did ha know what h was doing r
I asked Mr. Jerome.
"I don't think his mind waa entirely
"Waa It clear enough for him to under
stand bs was getting married ?"
S"Ts, he understood It"
After quesUoning Dr. Wagner at soma
length regarding the letter written by Thaw
m vnjt to Attorney Longfellow. Mr. Jerome
suddenly asked: -Was there sny period,
doctor, bet wee ltuS and Uos whan this ds-
fendant was in full possession of hi faa-
i ultlesT" '
I Dr. Wagner hesitated a moment and then
I replied: "There are several month In that
I period of which- I have no record, it I
I possible that there may bave been recovery
I during that time and a condition of sound
Keks at Blaht at Mardsv.
Tha prosecutor next took up th event
on tha Madison Roof Garden the night
Thaw shot snd killed Stanford White. He
asked the wltnea if th separate acts at
No Better Values Are Offered Anywhere t
About This
Pongee Hllk
The Width,
nn Inches
Wide rwl .
the Very
Nowhere can
n You Buy
Its Kqual
For Less
Than One
IKillar .
Wash and
Wear" Guar
anteed White and
New Covert Jackets
Latest models, well finished and well
modeled, In double and single breasted
styles and everyone new $3.05
7 He Embroidery Turnovers, 7 He
Frne Lawn . Turnover coiiars,
fancy embroidered In about B0 dif
ferent patterns, worth 15c
each -
I aiivmif. wnTlf-T W want to I
call attention to our new "Day
light Pure Food Grocery" that
will be opened SOON. Bright, Pure,
Clean, well ventilated, without
question the most sanitnry room
in the country. Great preparations
have been made to give this dept.
a reputation for superior qualities
and we will see that this is fully
maintained. Prices we know will
please and satisfy and we would
consider it a personal favor to
have you call and see if It's not all
we cleam. Wt are filling all otaers
Basement Bargains
New . and pretty
- --
the defendant that night indicated Insan
ity. "Taken In connection with all that has-
been , established here.;: said Dr. Wagner,
"they Indicate to m. thai the defendant
was Insanei He may have had automatlo
knowledge as to flrihg the pistol and he
rriay 'have' had sufficient Intelligence to
know that he was causing annoyance by
blocking the elevator ' after the tragedy,
but these facts do not show he was sane."
Mr. Jerome next asked ' Mr.. Wagner:
"Would your 'opinion as to defendant's con
dition bs influenced If you knew he had
taken a larg amount of liquor that after
noon r 1
"I -would want to know how much he
bad taken."
"Men who hav been insane -are still
susceptible to liquor during lucid Intervals,
are they not. There Is nothing In the dis
ease which would mak tham Immune to
th -effect of liquor, I there?"
"Nothing that I know of."
, No Indication of Alcoholism.
"Is there anything In the hypothetical
question that enables you to tell whether
the defendant was Insane or drunk?"
"There Is nothing whatever in tha ques
tion to Indicate Intoxication, much las to
Indicate Insanity."
Dr. Wagner explainacT that the pallid
face, the Slow and measured tread and the
deliberation ' if the defendant at the time
of the tragedy were not Indications of alcoholism.-
. '
Mr. Jerome then took up each of the
facts ss given In the hypothetical question
and asked If each one might not hav been
th act of a sane msnDr. Wagnsr said
there wa no act that might not hav been
performed by a sane man.
"A aane man can do anything he likes,"
aid th witness, -"provided he ha th ca
pacity. An Insane man is Impelled to da
things which he cannot help."
After excusing Dr. Wsgner from cross
examination Mr. Jerome recalled him to
show that he had testified In the Preuaaer
murder case, declaring Preuaser to be aane,
when a Jury declared htm Inaane and hs
was sent to Mattewan, but afterward dis
charged a sane.
On redirect examination wltnea declared
that Thaw did not know - hs - was doing
wrong when he shot Stanford White, and,
on recro-xamlnation declared he meant
that hi mental condition was such that
he did not realise he waa committing a
Crime or that he was liable to punishment
for what be waa doing. ,
One or two more question relating to
Dr. Wagner' testimony In the Preusser case
ended the recross-examlnatlon and Dr.
Wagner was excused.
lnder the Food aad Drags Act,
Juno 80th, lOOfl. Serial No. 832.
Ii yon take a cold, or it takes yom,
and you sneeze and choke and almost
cough your head off, GEX
Tlu CU Lsvvr Oil tmmlsfm "Par BsaUmt.'
the New Cod Liver Oil Emulsion
Cuaiacol, Glycerine and the Hypo
phosphites of Lime and Soda.
Then the cold will end in core, not
- in consumption. Under-nourished
folk, with thin blood and sluggish di
gestion, cannot get rid ot a cold.
Consumption's shadow is always
over them.
Cam out of the shadow, and stay
out. '
Fortify yourself with the great food,
At all druggist.
Tsr are "u tun-Shm. b4 IS-ea. Bortls
,fc Formula it pruned ia T Uagusgcs ss ack.
OzoMULSiotf Laboratories
til fesj-l bur eel. New Tor a.
Banzai Silk
This Is a beautiful new material"'
brought out this spring to meet
the demand for light gauty
stuffs and will make the hand
somest 'summer frocks you
could wish filmy quality
wash fabric of cobwebby fine
ness and unusual beauty The
season's very latest colorings .
ntnl iatterns
50 Cents a Yard
Plain colored brilliant Taffeta
Ribbons, 1 to 4 inches wide. In all .
the desirable shades, on sale
Thursday for, yard 7'
Corset Cover Embroideries
.The best values ever offered one
huge bargain square piled high
with 18-ln. Corset Cover Embroid
ery and Skirtings, numberless lot
of patterns to select from, worth
from 39c to 60c 'yard, Thursday
only. yard. 2547,.
Great Bargain fa Ladies' Hose
Fine cotton Maco Hose, double
soles, fast black, Thursday 15c pr., '
or 4 pairs f or 50
14-lnoh new Spring
rich design, per
Ch allies.
vard .
SDrlns Sllkollne..
Thursday only, yd.
The Magic Motor Washing1 Machine
power to run it furnished from
faucet, city water force runs it
Wash Benches, holds two i
and a wringer $1.43
Curtain Stretchers 05o
It makes the toilet something to te eh.
joyed. It removes all stains snd roughness,
prevents prickly heat and, chafing, and
leaves the skin white, soft, healthy. . n the
bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which
no common soap can equal, imparting the
vigor and life sensation of a mild Turkish
bath. .All Grocers amd Druggists.
OOVP'S .ST1 Mgra.
Last Season's Success,
The Lion Mouse
Prices 25o to, tl 00.
Matinee Sac to $1.60. .
. Tridayv Sat, Mai, and sTlfht,
l . In Her Greatest Success, ' "
Price S6c to $1.60. ' . .
This Afternoon Tonight
Mats. Thurs. and Saturday.
Hoyt's A Texas Steer
Nxt week: THE CRISIS.'
TODAY of House
. ghilonssj ie.
w isc-atc-ooo-780
Tonight, ilS Matinee Batnrday
Ernest Hogan
Sun SCat at. WU1 la A X.ueky Der
3 ' LIfsWr4sJwS
IfV. A
Is what all our patron are after eating
a meal cooked duliclously snd served at
W serve you all the delicacies of the
Music every evening from I to O'clock.
PARK HOTEL ottfA'u&fi?
FraaUoaUy Srsproof. During the past
u-er entirely rentted and dscoratsd;
hoi and eord running water in avery roous,
American and a.uropsao plaa.
I. SS. UTBB, XM au sfaaaa-sa . ,