Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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DR. N. SOMMER, hotnopnth, Bm Fldg.
PAINrvL burr. any or shin hurt
quickly healed by Batln Skin Cream, 25e.
hTTt-rtnm cT-mrnMO: no knife. Quick
Cure Ructure Co., Woodmen of the World
building. nil-MM M31
Institute. Ramgs
' (18)-80
N. 28th 8 rooma, modern except
furnace, eajit front. high una orw
looklnf city, lot 40x136 foct. Cheap
at $J,00; part caan. I
. 2011
2011 N. ilat rooms, modern exceot fur
nace, lot eaxi 40, cnerry trees, ap
ple treea. crape vlnea ' and other
email .fruit. $2,800. ,
1624 Ohio 8 rooma, city water and ela
te rn, lawn, will aell cheap.
2804 N. Ilat I rooma, modern except fur-
nace, cemented cellar, barn: rentea
now for 122. Price 12,100: one
half cash.
1722-24 N. 27th 22 room house,, eaat
, '..front, modern, lot 4120, ranting
for $50, always occupied. ' 14,500.
28th and Caldwell rooma and bath,
south - front, lot 60x127, paved
, street, grape arbor, cherry treea
.a hade treea, barn; houae In good
condition. $2,760.
J6th and Hamilton 7 rooma, partly mod
- . ; . em. (1,860; 8500 cash.
11th and Wirt 4 room, lot 60x135. one
. .block to car. I860; can make
, terms. ,
UK Chlrago 7 rooms, lot 50x115, south
front, xz.iooi part caan.
TTJRREL at CD, 17th and Farnam.
!) M02 8
This piece of property has a frontage of
- in reel on tiarney street; it lies so reel west
:of the N. W. cor. of 20th and Harney.
Finely located for s row of flats. It
Wbh't be lone before this will be business
' property. It lays at grade, and la In every
way desirable. No - fancy - price on this
This addition begins at 42d St. Farnara
i runa through the middle of these lota I
'have over (100) for sale. They are desirable
for residence and trackage. The (100 lots
must be sold In a bunch. They are priced
. at one-hall their individual value. '
Thfs choice realdence lot. 50x165 ft., lies
en Wth St., the most desirable residence
district; east rront, lot lerraceo. ana soaaea.
' ' Asphalt pavement In front of property.
- Price iz,uu. , .
1220 Farnam St. City.
(20 M256
i .blocks from Florence oar
v - line, - small J-room ' cottage;
well, oarh. 12x14 ft; all hew. '
84th and Hedlck Ave." Bee us
!t one. ; : : - ' -
' GEORGE ex CO.. 1601 FARNAM ST.
. U8)-437t
: . , . $750.00 v
"" 4-room' cottage and 2Vi iotai
- total fro n take 126x120 ft., lo-
. V cated In Dee's addition to A1- - - 1
"'T-' trjghf,-' about blocks '.a Wi
"" "..of .car Bne'; all kinds of fruit
. on premises;- possession In tea -
' day from - data of sale. Occu- k
. pled by owner, Henry Adolph.
.. Must be sold this week for the
. " kbov price. Rasonable terms '
to responsible party. Inquire
. at .
'Phone Douglas 756. - 1601 Farnam St,
U)-638 Tx
U PER CENT Investment In Omaha Im
provement property, close In. 8. Hawver,
1614 Emmet St. (19) 481 9x
. , ' Seven rooms, all modern, east ;
front. Plies, 82,800.
' 1001 N. T.-L. Bldg.
' "Phone D-21&2. -
0 436 8
, Sixty-five feet on the boulevard, near tOth;
a very pretty lot. three fronts. Be aura
j ; to look at this.
The Byron Reed. Co. t
iU SOUTH 14TH. TEL, DOUa. 287.
' J. ' 1)-M1T
' $4,00 .
i " ' GLOSS IN. ' '
' . Tlx S. 26th. Ava, 7-room, all
.modern house, furnace heat,
oak finish first floor, hard pine
', . ... seoond. full oeraented , baae
; 'f ; . meet, lot 0x131 feet, short die-
lance from Leavenworth . oar.
. , V First class property. '
lSul Farnam St.
' , 'Phone Doug-las 76.
- .. Ot)-63T
FOR SALE On East Maple St. strictly
modern 7-room - bouse, full bateraent,
-' laundry, - paved street, - near three ear
' lines. Inquire J. H. Olseen, 217 Board of
Trade Bldg. Tel. .Douglas 3&. (ltf f&t
' FOR BALS-Two modern houses and larare
tiarn, one block north of Hanscom park;
paved street, east front, lot 76x150. East
P ern owner will sell at a bargain. -.
- Room 1 N. V. U Bldg
'BUT from owner snd save commission:
6-room, new, modern, cottage. lk-. 17th.
() MlrU ua
' 160xl0. VA and California Sts., all modem
aenvenienra except paving paid for. I4.6O0.
. a W. corner 18th and Clark, fine location
, for rat OB . Boulevard, walking (balance,
s Ths above are bargains and must be sold.
Bubiult oilers. .
1 IJI Be Bldg.. 'Phone 1157.
J ' Withla walking tl.stjnce of
paaineas district, each apart'
. ' .' , orient has f rooms, all modern,
' ,. .... ceutral bot water heating plant
for whole building. All oak
' finish. ' built in woo; . fact
east on asphalt paved street,
-corner lot 84x130 feet, gross -'
.' ,'Jr,rlT' rentals, 82.128. An ex- -'
celleot InventgicBt property.
-?. OKOHGlt -A CO.
l!kd Farnam St. '
'Pbvae Doug-laa 7M.
U-a t
Two vacant lots, each 23x112. south fronts.
on Davenport 8t., on grade; anod place
for two frame houses or three brlMc flats
W.l. GATES, ' '
i7 N. T. Life. 'Phone Douglas 1284.
' ' . 0) 627 1
STRACTS OF T1TLK9 are the safest.
You are protected by a $10,000 bond against
loss by-errors. Tou don't buy a law. suit
when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. ' 1614
Harney. Tel. Douglas 6487. (18)
LANDSCAPE architect. B. C. Foetsr,
phone Doug. 767, 611 Paxton Plk.
(1) M641 Ml
FOR SALE Nice 6-room cottage 81. 150. Pea
owner, 2tnn urant t. luu mws x
. JVettrasltsu
FOR BALKt 26 acres; 11 In alfalfa; fine
piace to raise nogs ana reed cattle. Wll
flam Ruppel, Taylor, Neb. , (20) MS08 7x
Heath Dakota.
FOON to be opened In Tripp county. South
uaaota; new and autnenuc map just out.
price, w cents, postpaid, t red Helen
mann, Bonesteel, S. D. . (20) Mi 18
Miscellaneous. . .
L680 ACRES of fine soil. 100 acres of tlm
ber, living water ju per acre; a forced
sale. . .
760-ACRE stock ranch for quick sale, 86
per acre, casn. . .
1814 Emmet St., Omaha. (201 4RJ 8
and Rsack La ad.
FOR RENT--acre tract of land In Ben-
aon (without house), suitable for garden'
. Ins or raisins: potatoes. Will rent till
January 1, 1H08, for $25 If taken" immedi
ately. Address E 330, care Bee.
(21) 48 X
81,000,000 . TO LOAN . on business and rest-,
dence property In' Omaha; lowest rates;
no aeiay. i nomas tirentian, jttoom l, in
Y. Life. (22) 668 .
LOWEST RATES Betnls, Paxton Block ,
. " . .(C) 667
(22D-223 15
MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co,
(22) 965
OARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. 6 and 6Vj
per cent loans on -real estate; no aeiay.
, , (22) 1016
LOWEST RATES Bemis, Paxton Block
(22) 867
81,000,000 TO ' LOAN on business and real'
dence property in Omaha; lowest rates
no delay. Thomas Bre.nnan, R. 1, N Y,
Life. (22)-'i8
Farnam Smith
loans and warants. W.
A Co., IS J0 Farnam St.
(22) Ml
LOANS on Improved city property. W. H.
Thomas. 5u6 First National Bank Bldg.
, . . (22)-70
WANTED Olty Voans. R. C. Peters St Co.,
(22) 971
PRIVATE MONETF. D. Wead, 1620 Doug.
, . , . . (22)-872
BU1IJDINQ loans on -residence property; 6
per .cent, W. B. Meikle, Ramge Bik.
. . (22)-M5
WANTETu-To buy, second-hand furniture,
. cook and heating stoves, carpets linole
ums, otllce furniture, old clothes snd
. shoes, pianos, feathers; bed pillows, quilts
And aH kinds, of tools'; or wlu buy the fur
niture of your house complete. Will buy
antique or mahogany furniture. The hlh
: est prices paid. Call the r In: tit man. Tel.
L Doug. 371. (25) MS15 M16
WANT to buy. one or two sections In
western Neb.; prefer Cheyenne, Kim
ball or Banner county. Give section,
township and range, also price, in first
letter. Address E 816, care Bee.
,. . " . . (26)-M199 7
CASH paid for old books. Cmne-Foye Co.,
818 S. 14th. 'Phone Douglas 1321.
TTPE WRITERS We pay the highest cash
rice tor typewriters. Call - at once or
uoug. 6477, Kendla, Paxton block.
(26) 474 Ml
WANTED TO BUT A thoroughbred Irish
water spaniel; send photo and pedigree;
young male preferred. Address T-25L
care Bee. (25) M614 Ux
WANTED to .buy, second-hand typewrtt
. era, all makes. 818H N. J6th St.; flnt S.
(25)-680 Ma
WANTED A ,l,20n-pound horse, a good
looker, sound and young. Chns. K. Bates,
, 601 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Harney Kit.
(35) 234 7x
CASH for old. books. Stacy, ns 8. ISth.
- (25)-M597 AjBx
WANTED A four to six-room modern fiat
In desirable location, at. once. Address
X-2W, Bee. (26) M060 8x
WANTEUBy travellns; man and wife.
room In inodurn house, with board In
. house or. near; Hanscom Park vicinity
preferred: 'references exchanged. Ad
dress J 2ft. bee. (2rt MiM 12x
WHEN"-you wrhe -to -advertisers, remem
ber It takes but a few strokes of the pea
to tell that you aaw the "ad." In The Bee.
DAT WOMEN furnlihrd free ct charge.
Telephone Douglas 1113. . 21) Maou
UNIVERSITY man, with years' -experience
as manager of gralu, coal and live
Stock business, wants good paying posi
tion, has small capital; will Invest If re
quired. Address H 780. Bee.
(27) 291 8x
OOO D bread and pie baker wanta a situa
tion. Address P. Hillmuth. 458 Oakland.
I- - ., (t7)-mi x
clerk; 13 years' experience In geneial de
partment stores; best of references. Ad
dress T 266. care Bee. CI7) M x
Vi ANTED Position as clerk or manager
, of gneral store; Nebraska preferred;
marrivd man, 1! years' experience;
apvaks German and American; callable of
running store; good reference. Address
Y 256, rare of Omaha Dailv Hee
' ' my-MM8 8x
WANTED Young laiy, age ,21,- wanting
employment at doctors' or dentist' office.
Address R. M. N., South Omaha. Hee
Offlee. : (J7)-M3C (
COMPETENT young lady stenographer, at
present employed, sticks a stenographic
p.ilion in another . business. - Rraldes
with parents and can furaleti references
Address. N 2.W care Hee. iS7)-hlauu x
Bids will be received by the Village
Board of Ulbtiun. Nebraska, March 2s, at T
p. m. 4ora system of water works. - Kn
glne and pump are already provided. For
g' '( and speclflcattonn apply to -ThOmaa
haw, I'axtuo Blockx Omaha. Neh. ..
- - MohodotMAE
N BtoasMrs Victorias snd Vlrfinlaa. trlola
sora turWn MlM, aad Tunisian. Coraleaa aad
luelaa. twls-arraw Waaklr aaiUns-ljlTarvooi.. fUt
sow. Lo4. Hra IKruua).
Kaaaaaabar, ear asillsss are from MootraaL. ptm
las soars tka awiarvaoua Si. Lawnace Uiit by Ur
luht. Aoaoouku4alkoika anavrpaaa. lUtct: Salooa
latl.OS and uuwarda; arvuua cabin 140. an and up
warua. OS clmaa Cabin SuaiBara. M IM and apa-arda.
ALLAN COMrANY. T4 Jackaoa Itoill., Cktcao.
TTIE 011AIIA , DAILY - BEE: r TLftfii&DAY, . MARCH ,7, .1907.
Nw Jtrtea-Committas Offer Burrwtloni
for Btronrthtniac 6tu Cgnosrot.
Reemsaeadatloas Are fjweesitiis;, bat
Ro Faalt Is Feaad with Oaera
Ioa of Companies lader
Preseat - Laws.
TRENTON, N. J., March . Many Im
portant recommendattons' for ths regula
tion of . life .Insurance companies In New
Jersey are Included In the report of ths
select .committee of the senate, appointed
last year to Investigate the subject, of life
Insurance In the state, which was made
public today.
, By far the greater part ofthe report Is
devoted to the Prudential Insurance Com
pany of America, the largest of the four
companies under Investigation. .Principal
among; the recommendations Is one that a
bill be enacted limiting fhe amount of
capital stock which any life Insurance com
pany may have to 82,000,000 and the divi
dends which may be paid thereon from
future earnings, so long as the company
continues to conduct the participating life
Insurance business, to 10 per cent upon
the stock, and providing that upon the
dissolution of the cotnpa'T the stockhold
ers of the company shall have out of. the
ultimate distribution of- assets not more
than 82 for 81 of the face value of their
hares. This bill psovld, however, . that
where accumulations greater than that
amoJt- already have taken place (as
daisied In .the case of the Prudential), the
stockholders shall, not be deprived of their
rights thereto. -
Other Rerommendatloii, '
Among other recommendations ' were:
Provisions for the appointment by the gov
ernor of three directors of every stock life
insurance company, these directors to be
persons having no Interest In the stock of.
the corporations; limiting the amount of
the stock ' which' any company may hold
In any company to 15 per cent of the whole,
and that where a company holds more than
the amount so limited It shall dispose of
the ' excess wlthm' live years! providing
that no life Insurance company shall In
vest mora than 2 per cent of Its own assets
In the stock of any other corporation, or
more than 10 per cent of Its assets In the
bonds of any other corporation; restricting
child Insurance;- requiring more detailed
statements of the affairs of Insurance com
panies for the purpose of, securing more
publicity with respect to helr affairs; re
quiring (the -examination of Insurance agents
' at least once in three years, the examina
tion to be. brought Immediately under the
direction of the Insurance commissioners;
pronlbltlng contributions to political camf
palgn, conventions; that after January 1,
no domestic company shall write both
participating and nonpartlclpating policies,
and requiring all stock companies to elect,
on or before September of this ' year
whether they shall conduct a "participating
or nonpartlclpating business after the fol
lowing first day of January, and a provl-
" ' ' ' ' f
hm bMS ed for otw SIXTY YKARS bjr MIL
best roiMdr for D1AHRHOKA. Sold bj drusflals
In mvmry part of ttie world. Ho auro and aak for
faloa PaclBew )
Leave. ' Arrive.
Overland Limited a :tro ana a 8:18 pm
The China and Japan
-Fast Mall M.a 4:15 pm a 6:10 pin
Colo. St Calif. Ex ..a 4:15 pm a :30 pm
California St Ore. Ex., .a i:J6 pm a 6:10 pm
Los Angeles Limited. ..al2:06 pm al0:46 pm
Fast Mall a 1:55 am a 6:00 pm
Colorado Special a 7:45 am a 7:44 am
North Platte Local a 8:10 am a 4:50 pm
Beatrice Local b 1:00 pm b 12:45 pm
Chicago at- Northwestern .
Cedar Rapids Pass. .....a 7:05 am a 6:05 pm
xvin city express. .... .a 7:m am aic:uo pm
Chicago Daylight
a 8:09 am all:15 pm
all:30 am a 3:46 pm
....a S:f0 pm a :36 am
a 4 &2 pm a 8 60 am
v. .a 8:45 pin
a 6:50 pm a 7:30 am
i a 2:00 pm a 8:30 am
. nicago uucal
Sioux City Local .
Carroll Local
Sioux City Local..
Chicago Express ..
rant Mall ...........
Fast Mail
Twin City Limited
Overland Limited ...
Chicago Limited ....
NorfoTk-Bonesteel ..
Lincoln-Chadron ....
Dead wood-Lincoln ..
Casner-Shonshonl ...
,.J4 8:2S pm a 7:06 am
...a ):38 pm a 8:31 am
...all:o0 pm all:51 am
,.,a 7:40 m al0:35 am
...b 7:40 am al0:36 am
...a 8:00 pm a 6:06 pm
...a 8:00 pm a 6:06 pm
...b 8:00 Dm b 6:06 nm
Fremont-Albion b 8:02 pm bl2:50 pm
WabaaK. ,. . .
St. Louts Express a 1:30 pm a 6:80 am
6t. Louis Local (front
Council Bluffs) a 8:15 am a!0: pm
Btanberry Local (from
Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bll:S0am
fhlcaao Great Western.
St. Paul Minneapolis.. 8:30 pm 7:10 am
Bt. Paul Minneapolis. 7:45 am 11:50 pm
Chicago Limited 5:40 pm 8:00 am
Chicago Expreaa ; 7:40 am 11:60 pm
Chicago Fxpress 8:30 pm 3:30 pm
Mtaaoerl 1'aclHe.
K. C. St 8t. L. Express.. a 8:00 am a 6:30 am
K. C. tc Et. L. Express. .all:15 pm a 6.25 pm
Nebraska Local a 8:00 pm all :40 am
Dea Moines Local , a 4:16 pm
Illinois CeatraL
Chicago Express a 8:00 sm a 3:45 pm
Minu. dt. Paul Ex..b 8 00 am a 6:15 pm
( hlcago Limited . a 6:00 pin - a 7 SO am
Minn. & Bt. Paul Ltd... a 8:30 pm a 7:30 am
thlcato, Hock. Islaad ' PaelAo.
Chicago Limited a 3:15 am a 7:10 am
Iowa Local a 1M0 am a 4:30 pin
Chicago Mall -. a 8:46 pm
Iowa Local bl2:06 pm b 8:66 pm
Chicago (Kastern k.x.)..a 6.06 pm a 1 35 bm
Chat-ago (Iowa Lmtd.l .a pm al2;36 pm
Rocky Mountain Limit. 7 80 am a 3 05 am
5!1,0-n.C1' gPreM- a Pm a 4:50 pm
pkl. A Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm 12;o8 pm
Lincoln Falrbury and pm
BeUevua a 3:60 pm a 8:80 am
Chteaao, Mllwaakee A et. Paal.
Chi. and Colo. Special. .a 7:5vi am a 7 JO am
California and Ore. hix.a 6 to pm a 8:10 bra
Overland Limited ....a 8:J pin- a 8 3u am
L-s Mulnes aV Cedar
Raplus Local b 6.45 am bU: pm
Lsava ' Arrlva,
Denver 4 California.. , .a 4:10 pm a 8:30 pm
&im-m. jitiiv ......
NorthWest Bpectal
Norlliwest- Express
a 4:10 pin a 3:30 pm
a 4:10 pm. a 3:30 pm
all: 10 pm a 7:10 am
a 10 aui a 7:45 pm
a 8:00 am a 7:46 pm
b 8:00 pm al2:l pm
Nebraska Express
Nebraska L'cal ,.,
IJncoln 4-Acal
Lincoln Fast Mall ,
Lincoln luvai
Ft. Crook ax Plattsm'th.b 2:50 pm LlO.a am
plattamouth . .....a 7:50 pm' a 8:10 am
a i:au pm
hienver XJiunao a 7 10 am
Betievue aV Pao. June. a 8:30 am a 1:50 pin
Chicago HpecUl a 7:25 am a 7:25 am
Chicago Express a 8:46 pm a .5i pm
Chicago Flyer a u6 pm a 7:26 pin
Iowa Local ' a 8:16 am al0:58 pin
fit. Louis Express a 4:46 pm all .40 km
Kansas Clty-St. Joe a 10 45 pm a 6 46 am
Kansaa 'Clty-St. Joe.. ..a 8:18 am a (.10 Dm
Kansas City-Bt- Joe a 4 45 pm
Ckleaae, St. . Paal, sf laaeapalts a
Twin City Passenger... b 8-8 am b l in
Bloux City Passenger.,. a 2:00 pm all 80 am
r.memn l'rai .....
Emerson Local
Mlsoarl Paelfle.
Local via Weeping
.b 6:46 pm b 6 IS am
.oai 46 am e 6 50 pm
.a 8:06 am a6 S0pm
a 8 M Dm all 'a nna
rails City Local
a Daily, b Dully axcent Bunnav. il nm.
fxct-pt Saturday, c Sunday only, a Daily
except luVouday,
You can wear a MCKIBBIN
anywhere and feel well
There's a satisfaction about
knowing your headpiece is
right in style- as well as
quality. See the new
McKibbin fiats 3
Best Dealers i
i ""
sion that an annual accounting be made to
No recommendations were made bearing
upon foreign Insurance companies except
those which' prescribe "certain provisions
which may be in every policy and those
which forbid the putting of certain provi
sions In policies.
The committee reports that on the whole
It found that the companies under Investi
gation have been carefully administered,
their funds generally well Invested and
the salaries of . their officers: not so high
as to require restrictive legislation.
The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance com
pany was found to be a purely mutual
company and to have ahowh a steady and
uninterrupted growth. There Is little sug
gested by an examination of this company, .
says the report, which calls for any otltl
cism or reformatory legislation.
The committee has no special recom
mendations .to make with respect . to the
case of the Colonial Life .Insurance Com
pany of America, the funds of which, It
says,, appear to be carefully Invested, or
the North American Life Insurance com
pany of Newark. The latter company was
organised only about a month ago.
Work of Prudential. '
The report contains an extended review
of the Prudential from the time of Its or
ganisation In 1873 under I he names of tho
Widows' and Orphans' Friendly society,
with a share capital of 325,000, until the
present, when, as the Prudential Insurance
Company of America, It has a capital stcclr
of 82,000,000 and a surplus of 318,580,000. Tho
report says:
It is' claimed that this surplus belongs
to the stockholders, subject to contlngen:
liability to policyholders. It would appear
from the president's testimony that cer
tainly In the past and In the present some
at least of the stockholders, would, If they
could, divide this surplus, or part of It, In
the snape ot casn or stock aividenos. The
case presents a remarkable state of affairs.
By the investment of $91,000 in cash three
stockholders were enabled to ' accumulate
stock of $2,000,000, whereon they have al
ways drawn 10 per cent, or 200.OjO per
year, and still to accumulate beyondlhat
316,600,000. ' Nor Is this all. So rapid were
toe gains and so great the prospect of their
future accumulation that In 1902, when the
scheme for reclprooal control of the Fidelity
and Prudential companies was In course ot
arrangement the stockholders of the Pru
dential company were able to dispose of
shares at, six times their par value aid the
principal p.omotef of the comp ny aotuiliy
received for a part only of uielr holdings
In November, 19o2, from the treasury of the
Fidelity Trust company $5,897,000. . ,
- Sarplns Is Trust Knnd.
For the shares which . produced ' this
amount there had been paid Into tla treas
ury ot the Widows and Orphans friendly
society by the promoters only $4S,5ol.0s, or
three-quarters of 1 per cent of this vast
sum of money.
If the theory of the stockholders be cor
rect that the surplus of this company In
law belongs tq them, the present surplus
of $18,580,000 afforda $204 for each dollar of
the $91,000 contributed to the enterprise,
and this In addition to annual dividends pf
$200,000,1 or 219 per cent paid for many years
Ths assets of a life ' Insurance company
are trust funds and the management of
such-a company must be deemed to be the
management of a great trust. While It may
be, true, as a strictly legal proposition that
the obligation of the company to policy
holders are limited by the, terms of the
written contracts .or policies which it is
sues, yet it is not the whom truth; and
the x Prudential company' Itself has recog
nised that its obligations. In equity and
good conscience, go further, for they state
thai, that they have voluntarily divided up
among policy holders, In excess of Its legal
obligations, more than $7,000,000.
The truth Is that this vast accumulation
of money, now amounting to more 'than
$126,000,000 was all contributed by and In
ethics all ' belongs to the policy holders,
after a fair deduction for tne expenses of
operations Just and liberal return to the
promoters of the enterprise. While the
vested rights of the stock holders, what
ever they may be, of the Prudential com
pany must be recognised and maintained,
we cannot ' contemplate without' some
solicitude the continuous rolling up of
an enormous surplus by this company,
taken from millions of contributors for
whom the company Is the trustee. If this
surplus Is to be considered ths property of
a few stock holders, whose reward ob
tained under the company's charter have
already been so great If ths stock holders'
Interest In this corporation' la what some of
them claim It to be It may well be doubted
whether they cannot prevent the voluntary
contributions out of "the surplus to the
policy holders which heretofore have been
made from year to year to the extent of
$7,000,000; and It may well be supposed
that the time will come, at no distant day,
when the pretensions of stock holders may
again bring forth from them a 'demand for'
the division of this surplus. .
Aeenmnlatlea Mast lie Stopped.
It has been stated before us that at the
present rate ot progress this surplus Is
likely to be, at the end of 1907, $23,000,000 and
the end of 1908, $2S,000.000. This money
ought. In some way to be assured to the
policy holders, except such part as now
belongs to the holders of stock. Rather
than allow this accumulation to go on for
tl.e benefit of the stock holders at the ex
pense of the policy holders of this company,
we would be In favor of the repeal of the
charter of the corporation, and a reorgani
sation of It under ths general law and
under preper restrictions, if such a meas
ure seemed necesary, but the committee
does not think that such a remedy Is
necessary and they believe that the Invasion
of any Juat rights of the stock holders
can be avoided and yet that the assets
ran be substantially retained for the policy
It Is. In place 'of this extreme measure
that the committee prepared the bill
limiting the amount of capital stock' of any
Insurance company to $3,000,000 and restrict
ing ths profits of stock holders.
BhaatlBK la Oklahoma.
NEWKIRK. Okla.. March .-Carl Mat
thewa today shot and seriously wounded
Mabel Matthews, his divorced wife, and a
Mrs. Jones, at whoso home she was visit
ing here. Mrs. Matthews' dress csught
tire and shs was severely burned. Mstthews
then shot himself. All three are still alive.
rresBeaxs) Address Dept. t.
lianil.Cawla.aCaa.lSl I II Si
' The Shine 1
That Lasta Longest
' a
DeiErrt DsfeaU Po4trnbnre ia Amtat
Ciamplomhip ConUrt hj Sic Bcors,
Title Holder Takes Afteraooa Oawt
frosa Philadelphia Mam CtuO to 1
Sllal Plays" CAnkllat This
NEW YORK. March . Calvin Demarest
of the Chicago Athletic" association, the
young aspirant for national amateur billiard
championship honors, won a great game to
night from J. Ferdinand Poggenburg, a
former national champion, .in the tourna
ment at the Llederkrants club. t DemaresJ
ran up Soo In sixteen Innings, his aVerajfe.
of 18 12-14 equalling the national amateur
record held by Wilson P. . Fobs of Haver
straw,. H. T. '
Poggenburg got only 139 points while the
young man was gathering In the necessary
800. with the fastest billiards seen thus
far In the tournament. The game lasted
one hour and eighteen minutes.
Demarest passed, the 500 mark In his
fifteenth Inning, when he ran 66 points
after some of the most difficult shots pos
sible. A simple draw pear the top rail,
however, proved his undoing. Poggenburg
made only 4 In his half. The Chicago man
electrified the onlookers with his fine work
In the sixteenth Inning. . when " he scored
out the game with an unfinished run of 57.
i 'Tomorrow afternoon Dr. L. L. Mini Will
play Conklln, and-in the evening- Gardner
will meet Rolls.
Conklln Wins from Rolls.
In the fourth game of the tournament
this afternoon Charles F. Conklln of Chi
cago defeated T. id. 8. Rolls of Philadelphia
by a score of SOO to 1. Rolls won ths
bank and made a run Of 37. Conklln played
poorly until the seventh Inning, when he
coaxed the balls for 81. In the eleventh
Conklln passed the first century mark with
a run of 42.
During the following .seven innlnas Rolls ,
added 65 to his string, Including runs of
21 and 22. ' Conklln meanwhile Increased
hlB .score by 47 and the eighteenth Inning
ended with the score standing 161 to 113, In
favor of Conklln.
The Chicago nian the Ivories-under
good .condition In t,h. twenty-third Inning
and ran up 48, missing a short two-cushion
shot. This' sent htm "over the 200 mark
and it was his best effort during the game
and he finished the game with an un
finished run of 27 In the thirty-third Inning.
Scores : .
Conklln-2. 8, 0. 4. 0. 4, 31, 4. 0, 19. 42, 7, 0, 1,
S, 4, 1, 25. 0, 0, 1, 2, 48. 1. 0, 0, 2, S8, 1. 0, 7, 12,
7 300; average, 9 3-33; high run, 48.
Rolls-37, 0, 0, 3, 10, t, 2. 0. 1, 4. 1, 22, 0, 2, 1,
4, i, 21. 2. 2. 0, 7. 8. 24, 1, 0. 14, 0. 10, 0, 18, 2, 0
19ti; average, 6 31-33; high run, 37.
,nemarest Defeats Pontabsrs,
Tonight Calvin Demarest of Chicago met
! I. Fefdinand Poggenburg of the Home club.
! Demarest won the bank and netted thirty
eight In his first attempt. Poggenburg
gathered fifteen points and then missed a
j follow ' down the 'side rail. Demarest
I brought"' the Ivories down to the bottom
rail on his fourth shot In the second In
ning where he made three beautiful masse
shots, hut stopped with. thirteen. Poggen
burg replied with eight. Demarest'a third
Inning produced twenty-nine points, but In
his fourth and fifth Innings he got a cipher
and a single point. t
After making, two. ciphers Poggenburg
added fifty-two huttons and the score tor
five Innings was eighty-one to seventy-five
In Demarest's favor. Poggenburg, however,
passed tilm In the minth with a nicely gttth-.
ercd eighteen, but Demarest replied In kind
In the eleventh, getting thirty-six caroms,
when he failed on aldose two-cushion at
tempt. He then: led by sixteen points.
Demarest passed the 209 mark In his fif
teenth Inning. Demarest went out In the
sixteenth Inning, 300 points, while Pugg; en
burg's score Was 'still 139.
The scores: . -
Demareat-S8 13 19 0 1 4 0 2 0 86 0 26 18 66
57300; average, 18 12-16; high fun, 66.
IVWgeilDurg Id O 0 M 0 0 IS 13 4 0 15 1
4139; .average, 9 4-16; high run, 52.
Farmer Accepts Challenge of
Pag.ll, (Jhanplas of Catted
Frank Ootch, champion heavyweight and
Farmer Burns, champion middleweight
wrentler of the United States, are matched
for the best two out of three catch-as-catch-can
at the Auditorium next Tuesday
night. March 12. " ' ..
This announcement was made Wednesday
morning by Peter Loch. He read a tele
graphic challenge from Ooch to ths winner
of the Burns-Parr match at ringside Tues
day night and Burns has accepted.
t'p to th present the Bums-Parr match
stands out most conspicuously In the wrest
lings annals of Omaha, but that match will
necessarily be overtopped In Importance by
the Ootch-Burns match. Parr Is ths cham
pion of England and he was thrown by the
middleweight champion of America, but
here comes the heavyweight champion of
.America for the foxy old Farmer to handle.
Ootch has been recognised as the best
there is for a long time. -He was matched
to wrestle the Russian Lion at Kansas City
for $10,000 a siqe In May, but ths Lion has
turned tali
The interesting thing about ths meeting
of Burns and Ootch Js that .Burns Is ths
man who taught Ootch ths game. Both are
Iowana. Goteh Is a boy In years as com
pared with the veteran Farmer. Farmer
saw the raw' material In him a few years
ago and took hold of him. Out of that raw
material he developed the greatest man on
the mat. And yet not so great that his old
teacher cannot get a fall out of him with
aggravating frequency. Ootch weighs be
tween 198 and 202, while Burns ranges from
108 to 17. '
A feature of the Parr-Burns match was
not only the splendid audience, but that
there were so many women present. It Is
thought the Auditorium will be none too
large for ths crowd at th Ootch-Burns
People who saw the Burns-Parr match
were Impressed with nothing more than the
vast difference In the characters of the
two men aa manifested in their speeches
after the wrestle. Burns, the old man who
never engaged in a foul affair, won by dint
of superior skill and vet arose from the
mat at the end and told the roaring audi
ence, "one mas s as good as another, parr
is one' of the best men' I have met In the
west. He gave me an awful tug." Parr,
through his interpreter, Peter Loch, said he
was lot at his best, etc., etc., and added
he would wrestle Burns In Chicago, St.
Louis or New York tor $500 or $1,000 a side.
"Why not Omaha." yelled a fan and then
a hundred. For, Indeed. Omaha had treated
Parr far better, than doubtless an English
audience would treat Farmer Burns. Parr
told friends before the wrestle he was In
fine form, and he was, too. but, of course,
finer than when Farmer Burns had got
through with him. Before he Is entitled to
challenge the Farmer let him go throw
some other good man.
Inside tin to th contrary notwithstand
ing, the St. Louis . management evidently
has not yet found out that it has sgreed
to pay George 8yne the $4,000 he demands
for this season, as the team has gone on
Its practice tour with Stone still unsigned.
6tone Is worth the money snd probably
could get It and more where 'Tie manage
ment waa not a tightwad.' Being com
pelled to play with an Inferior team at an
inferior salary is a sever sentence for a
superior man.
President Cross of th ftefhoff Athletic
club has arranged a big- card for Friday
night at the regular meetlnsr of the dub.
Those two former rivals, McCarthv, the
fUhUng brakeman of Council Bluffs, aud
Out Ruckles, the Omaha you
matched for a flfleen-round tm. Th.
met on a former occasion and ten rounds
was not enough to permit of a decision,
so the manasrment has extended the time
to fifteen rounds, that one or the other
rnlght win. Two rattling preliminaries
have also been arranged, one a six-round
nd the other a ten-round affair.
Jimmy Parr .must have been reared
among the Eskimos, where the customary
Sign of greeting Is the rubbing of noses.
He drank the hitter dreps of his own medi
cine, though. In those last two falls.. -
Someone says Jimmy Parr tnld his defeat
to Tele Inch's saw mill. The quartet was
an Innovation. But, then. Burns stood It.
What a difference Just a few hours make.
Tuesdny morning- Jim Parr confidently told
a friend he could not only threw "this
Farmer Bums, but I'll put Frank Ooteh on
his back, too. He must have been feeling
"bully" then, much better. In fact, than
when at the ringside Tuesday night he
protested that the reason Farmer Rurns
threw him wss that he. Parr, was not at
his best. Rata!
The Colts took two out of three from the
Jetter Oold Tops on the Metropolian alleys
last nlaht. The handicap helped the Oold
Tops to get the last game. The old re
liable Ren Hull had high single gime
with 209. also hlith on totals with 561. The
Oold Tops had unusually hard luck In
drawing splits.
1st. !d. Totnl.
Hull 2 1W 1n6 5".l
Carman IRS 1M 11 473
Voss 14 27 170 . 6?r
Drink 191 lfi W 617
Dudley 191 181 173 515
Totals SM fill 848 2,651
1st. 2d. 81. Total.
Prlmeau, 11.,,." 1M 1 11 4S-S
Qrotte li 1. 118 44A
OnuM KS 1SS 138 444
Moraan 138 138 ... "
Pilmeau, C 179 179
Mithoney 154 143 191 491
Handicap ; 48 48 18 141
' Totals 794 "801 ' 7 J,48
Following are the scores of three of the
teems entered fur the F,t. Ixmls tourna
ment. ARaln the Mets team ' was high
with a total close to 3,000. OJerde was
again the top man with a total of R31, and
Prof. Chatelaln had the beet single same
with 141. Tonight the teams are the Krug
Parks and the Hamlltons Score
1. 1.
oierde , :ra i
Bprague 194
Neale ; 223
lilakeney ,.203
Huntington ..ia6
Totals 91
Rengole .,
Weber ...
French ..
Murble ..,
Welty ....
Hunter ...
Chandler ,
Thomas aad Mellody Flaht.
PHILADELPHIA, March 6. Joe Thomas
of California had a Blight advantage over
William Mellody ot Chaileslown, Mass., in
their six round bout before the National
Athletic club tonight. Thomas dropped
Mellody 4n thef opening round with a left
to the chin, but the latter was quickly on
his feet and rushed to a clinch. The fight
was unsatisfactory because of the almost
continuous clinching of both fighters, .
' Mrs. Wllhelmlna Byers.
Mrs. Wllhelmlna Byers died at th home
of her daughter. Mrs. O. Wandell, 18:0
North Seventeenth street, at 6 o'clock Mon
day evening, aged 78 years; The funeral
service will be held at 8 o'clock Thursday
afternoon at the German Lutheran church,
Twenty-eighth and Parker streets, with in
terment at Laurel Hill cemetery.
Isaac Newton Wllfona-.
Mrs. J. H. Bhugart of Dundee Is In re
ceipt of news of the death of her father,
Isaao Newton Wllfong, at his home In
Philadelphia. He was for many years an
extensive boiler manufacturer In that city.
but has retired for a number of years. He
was' 83 years of ag at the time of his
death, .
Mrs. Ells Bawtell.
Mrs. Eliza Bawtell, 65 years of age, died
at her home, 2707 South Seventeenth. street,
at 10:80 o'clock Tuesday night. The funeral
service will be held at 8:30 o'clock Friday
morning at ths residence and at 8 o'clock
from St. Patrick's church. Interment will
bo at Holy Sepulchre cemetery.
Benjamin F. I.oaan.
The death of Benjamin V. Logan, aged 70
years, occurred at his home. 11J Dominion
street, Tuesday. The funeral services will
be held at 8 o'clock Thursday afternoon at
the undertaking parlors of E. L. Dodder,
Twenty-third and Cuming streets. Inter
ment will be at Forest Lawn cemetery.
William, B. Godbey. '
William B. Godbey, the Infant son of Mr.
and Mra W. M. Godbey. 209 North Thir
teenth street died Wednesday and will be
burled from the residence at 10 o'clock
Thursday morning with interment at Forest
Lawn cemetery.
Frank T. Campbell.
DE8 MOINES, la., March . Frank T.
Campbell, formerly lieutenant governor ot
Iowa and for many years a resident of
Des Moines and the state, dltd at Lima, O.,
this morning. .. .
James C. Klnsler and wife to John B.
Cunt and wife, lot 5, block 1, Went
End. I
The Omaha Realty company to Kate
Gladstone, south 47 feet nVfc lot 1,
and east i3H feet sH nH lot 2, block
8, Improvement association add
Mary A. Dupon et l. to Ber
nard Riley, lots 1, 2, and 8, Morse dt
Brunner's sub
C. W. Bummer and Wife to L. M.
Parsley, lot 10, block 4, Maxwell's
2d, South Omaha ,
Emma I. Duff and husband U Anna
M. Duff, north loo feet-lot' 1, Mis
souri Avenue Place, South Omaha..
Ines Cliriatensen and husband to Roy
H. Christcnsen, north 80 feet lot'
12, block 8, Marysviiie
Roy H. Chrlatenaen to Ines Chrlsten
sen, lot 11, block 3, Maryavllle
Frank Crawford and wife to Joseph
Rochelford, lot 8, block 1. Cottage
Lora Power to Mattle E. Shelly, part
ne nW4 24-15-12
Bernard Riley et al. to Theodore
Thomas, lot 2. block 10, Myers, Rich
ards at TUden's add
Anna Olander to Herman E. Lowe,
south 28 feet lot 8, block 10. Reed's
1st add
Nora Manvllle and husband to C. T.
Peterson, lot 8, Boe tune's sub....'...
Garrett H. Tuniaon and wife to Hugh
W. Hale. s nw4 10-14-10
South Omaha Land company to Wil
liam McOulgan and Peter Fetr, lot
12, block XI, South Omaha
Milton Trust company to Emll Reu
mann, lot 1 and east 26 feet lot 2,
Cherry Garden
Charles F. Jennings and wife to H
R. Hume, lot 17, block 6, Orchard
Olive E. Shattuck to E. R, Hume,
lot 8. block 103. Dundee Place........
Mandana Bean and- husband to George
C. Cater and wife, lots 6 and lo, '
block "I." Lake James park add...
Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust
company to John W. Hillaen.'- Dart
Martha Hydock and husband tn
Katarlna Na.lollnakl, nVi lot 3, block
364, South Omaha
Henry W. Pennock and wlf to
Margaret K. Sullivan, lot 8, block
t Ralph Place ,
Charles F. McCretry et al. to James
11. McCreary, lots 8, 6 and t, block
1, McCreary Place...".
Omaha and Florence Land and Trust
company to Charles Ladd Thomas,
lots 6 and 8, block St. Florence
Mrliora Wool wank Fairfield et al. to
.Leonard Everett, sH ns aad nS4
m 86-15-12
8. Total.
1W 631
1S9 J2 66
191 176 590
fT6 212 , 610
1S8 1F0 523
882 ti9 2,949
1. 2. 8. Total.
lfil 200 180 641
179 170 2i0 549
191 191 199 6M
1K 2 141 642
187 172 220 559
8fi4 698 910 8,772
1. t. 8. Total.
175 190 224 6.89
141 155 171 4ti7
...140 175 130 446
175 241 198 608
109 ' 19 168 6ft
.....800 950 8S6 ' 2,635
fries in Couooil Biufts Are Ltu Ibun la
" Ikis City.
dealers Over the River Hare Na Com.
fclaa aaal Are Not Enaeaed
1st Wat?
Illinois nut coal, delivered, $5 SO per rbn
spailra grate. $8.60 per ton. William Welsh,
18 North Main street.
The above advertisement has been run
nlng tn the Council Bluffs psge of Th
Bee for a long time.
The price tor Illinois mtt In Omaha IS
The price for spsdra grate In Omaha Is $8.
The freight rate for both these coals la
the same to Omaha a It la to Council
"What makes the difference In price la
Council Bluffs and In Omaha T"
That question was asked of one dealer,
who said he could not understand It. unless
Council Bluffs ' wss getting an Inferior
grade of Illinois nut, while Omaha waa
getting the. washed coal, which Is consld 4
erably better.
"Washing takes out the sulphur anil
makes a better coal, and the Illinois coal
In Omaha Is egg-slsed."
"How about the spsdra coal?" was asked
of the same dealer.
"I don't understand that, unless they bar
a fight on In Council Bluffs and are selling
the coal for less than cost, or at A very
small margin." x
Another dealer, said:
"They can't sell a good quality of Illi
nois nut fur 85.60 and make anything on It,
and they surely don't make anything on th
spadra at $8.50. If they want to give their
coal away over there they are Welcpma
to do It."
From the Other Side of the River.
'IWe are .selling these brands of coal at
these prices because they give us a rea
sonable margin ot profit," said aa attach
of the firm of William Welsh, th
Council Bluffs' dealer. "The Omaha
dealer who says wa can't sell at these;
prices and make a profit doesn't know
what he la talking about. . He may un
derstand his business, but that does not
necessarily mean he understands our bust
ness. We fire not In the business purely
for our health."
"Th Omaha . dealer says you probably
have not first-class coal of these brands,"
Was suggested.
"Our coal la the best there Is of th
"Have you Council Bluffs dealers any,
combine, or association, or exchange. Ilk
they have In Omaha 1" wa asked.
"Not that I ever heard of."
"Is there any fight among you, as la
suggested by the Omaha dealerT"
"Is competition free and general T" .
"Yes. We get all the business we can by
every legitimate means we can."
Each Yoanar Man Bears Share lav
Cost of Repairing Hlsrh
Superintendents Davidson and McLean and
Principals Waterhot-se and Graham of th
Omaha and South Omaha schools yester
day arranged for what they hope will be
the final chapter In the recent vandalism
on the Omaha .and South Omaha high,
schools. In consideration of the manner
In which the offending students presented
themselves and offered to make amends, It
was conoluded to permit the students to
retain their standing In the schools provid
ing they restore the damaged property to
Its original condition. The students involved
In this affair aU'expressed their regrets and
appeared to be chastened by their acts.
The offense with which these students
were charged was the painting of class
references on the stonework In front of
the Omaha and South Omaha high schools,
the Omaha students going to South Omaha
and 'the students from the Magic City re
taliating In Omaha. To restore the stone
work to a proper condition will coat each
student' enough money to make the Inci
dent worth remembering. It Is thought
The school authorities, however, . feel
pleased that th students came into th
open and confessed, although the affair
was a serious one. .
Proposition Dlacnaaed by Advisory
. Committee and Will Be at Lodg
Meetlnsr Tonight.
Plans for a new horn for the Omaha
aerie of Eagles . were discussed yesterday
afternoon ' at a meeting. of the advisory
commute of the lodge at the rooms of th
Omaha Commercial club. Consideration
was given to a proposed plan for Incorpo
ration and issuance of stock to members la
case it was decided to build a new lodg
building and reports, together with sug
gestions, from other aeries were received.
The question of a site for the building;
received consideration, several sites being;
mentioned In executive session of the com
mittee, but nothing waa definitely decided
In this respect.
Whether a new building will be erected
or not In the Immediate future will b
brought up for final action tonight at th
regular meeting of the lodge, when th re
ports and recommendations of the advisory
committee will be given to the members of
the aerie.
Labor genre at Cndy.
CODY, Wyo.. March 6. (Special.) Farm
ers here Intended to put In a large acreage
of sugar beets and supply the factory at
Billings, but the scarcity of labor ha
rsused the cancellation of th contracts.
All available labor Is employed at th gov
ernment Irrigation works on th Bhoshon
st wages far In advance of the rates that
farmers could afford to'pa.y.
It j rct oty tka
. Ket -ltrjiricrvr,
let chaxmpegrv!