Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1907, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Cenaatlesel Bayinc of This Block tbe
Feature ef the Market '
Enmof that E. E. Harriman ie Eeeki&c
Oontrol of the Eallroad.
Other EeperU Credit lujt to Moreen
and Lake Shore.
Great Northern, Northern Partfle
and ' oath era Faelde BeoTf
Part af the Losses of
NEW YORK. March . Sensational buy
ing of the shares of the Reading company
today gave 'Wail afreet Ita moat exciting
experience alnce the-Northern Pacific con
teat of six yeara aim. Reading Jtsd been
strong In the face of a generally weak
market all through the morning aesslon of
the Stock exchange, wherC ahortly after 1
o'clock, there developed an enormoua buy
Ing movement In the shares, which carried
the price up more than eight polnta In half
an hour.
Up to the close of the market there waa
nothing official to ahow the source of the
purchasing order, but a persistent rumor
waa 'In circulation that E. II. Ilanitnan
was buying the atock with the object of ac.
quiring control of the property and that
Mr. Harrlfnah waa taking all that was of
fered In tha open market. In addition to the
holdings of H. C. Flick, which he was said
to have purchased privately.
It was aald also that the Reading stock
held by the Lake Shore had been turned
over to Mr. Harrlman ao that he would
have absolute control. It was pointed out
that Mr. Prick, having become a director
of the Pennsylvania Railroad company
would desire to dlxpose of his Reading
1 slock and that as he Is friendly with the
Harrlman Interests he would be likely to
soil to them If they cared to buy.
- Morsia Ramor Afloat.
The reports as to Harrlman buying were
circulated generally throughout the finan
cial district and were given credence In
plte of the lack of anything official to
confirm them, but there were other rumors.
One of these waa that J. P. Morgan A Co.,
whlqh formerly 'dominated Reading, waa
buying to resume Its former position In the
property; another was that the New Tork
Central, which owns the Lake Shore, was
adding -to the Lake Shore's holdings of
Reading, and a third attributed the buying
- to the Delaware, Lackawanna A Western
Still another rumor waa that Mr. Flick was
buying back stock that he sold some time
ago at higher prices. - ,
All the time that the stock was going
, up errorts were made without success to
-discover rh ewuroa-of the - bunnir'8naTl
Ahhtbt alffca JlM,ff ... ... -i -. ...
.- . ui i in.) VI VUIIMI IIIKUVll Ol IU.
i,r.vanous reports in circulation. JU the of
Jf . Aces of the banking houses associated with
T ' 'the different Interests' mentioned In the
rumors all knowledge of the movement waa
denied, but at the same time It waa said
that Independent action to secure the prop
erty might have been undertaken without
the knowledge of the firms Interviewed.
Mr. Harrlmsn, who Is In Washington, was
Informed of the use of his name In con
nection with the Reading transactions and
he then made a statement through his sec
retary to the effect that he was not "Inter
ested In Wall street and did not care to
be denying all the rumors originating
ttoro." Further, than this nothing official
vi'.i obtainable. The brokerage houses
handling the buying order were numerous
and their Identity gave no indication what
ever as to the persons for whom they were
Eaormaas Trad Iks; la Reading.
The trading In Reading reached, the ex
tremely large total of 786.600 shares, or
about one-third of all the transactions on
tha stock exchange for the day. The mag
nitude of the sales seemed to preclude the
Idea that an ordinary manipulation maneu
ver for higher prices was being executed.
The blocks traded In were large, ranging
up to 4.000 and 6,000 share lots, with One
block of 10.000 changing bands at 126.
Tha strength In Reading attracted atten
tion early In the day, owing to Its being in
sharp contrast to the weakness In the list
generally. 'The market opened with a rally
from yesterday's decline, but before noon
tha hatte tnn. arvm wa a a
- - - w - .vuvwou
, j,fjh. bearish sentiment and the decline became
f violent
9 iwnii up w Aviiaiia Doraereo on
demoralisation, with extremely heavy liqui
dation and declines for many Issues to the
lowest point of the year. The Harrlman
shares snd the stocks In what Is called
the Standard Oil group were notably sen
sitive to pressure and this fact empha
glsed the strength of Reading and the
relative firmness of the Morgan and Hill
This condition of the market held until
shortly after 1 o'clock, when the sensa
tional buying of Reeding, began. At that
time the atock waa selling at Sud
denly It developed that ' an -of the stock
ottered waa being taken on an ascending
scale of prices. Lots of from 1,000 to
shares were traded In rapidly and the
price rose In about half aa hour to lag,
Entire List Strengthened.
This sudden turn after the recent weak
ness In the market served to strengthen the
entire list and a general rally was soon
In progress which continued to the oloee,
which waa strong and active, with quota
tions In the main at the best of the day.
prominent in the recovery were Great
Northern preferred, which closed at 16614.
I an advanoe of 1; Southern Pacific, which
.closed at 86. a rise of X. and Northern
Pacific, which improved r to 1J9V4,
In connection with the Reading rurrfors
i tercet attached to the fact that the Baltl
ykore Ohio, la whleh Harrlman In
terests have very large holdings, owns a
total of asO.Sfi.eOO of Reading, divided be
tweea common, first preferred and second
preferred. Lake Shore holds, or did hold,
an equal amount.
The Reading- company owns the entire
, capital stock of tbe Philadelphia Reed-
Ing iRailway company, tha Philadelphia
Roadlng Coal and Iron company and the
Reading Iron company, $14400.000 of the out-
standing $27,43,800 capital stock of tha
Ceatral Railroad of New Jersey, and a
anatroOIng Interest in the capital stocks
e various other companies operated by or
adUsted with the Philadelphia Reading
Te capital stock of the Reading company
aatavonsea ana issued Is tlsj.aaO.QuO, of which
tBtue.ON Is 4 per cent toncuraulaUve pre
ferred. eU.W0.lW) second 4 per cent aoo
cumulative preferred and t?0,eu0,eoo oanunoa
vTharsday, March T, 190T.
rsi eat
Thursday, except fair in southwest por
tion; colder In west portion. Friday fair.
Thursday, warmer In east portion. Friday
fair and colder In east portion.
Temperature at Omana yesteraay
ft a. m....
?a. m....
a. m....
I a. m....
t a. m....
10 a. m....
II a, m....
U m ,
1 p. m...
2 p. m...
8 p. m...
4 p. m...
(p. m...
4 p. m...
7 p. m...
8 p. m...
.... 28
.... 2
.... a
.... 29
.... SO
.... II
9 p. m . .
Sunday base ball bill Is killed In the
house at Lincoln after extended ilobatfl.
Annexation bill reached, but action Is
postponed by request. House recom
mends for passage bill to compel Chris
tian Science healers to report contagious
diseases. 'age 1
Governor Sheldon signs 2-cent fare bill
to avoid possible Illegal complications.
Legislative committee listens to argu
ments In favor of submission of a pro
hibition amendment. Captain A. O. Fisher
tells legislative committee he now has
deed for land out of which the in, 5C0
claim arose, but disclaims any knowledge
of how those figures came In the ap
praisement. Page 1
South Dakota divorce bill passes house
after running gauntlet of smooth moves
on part of opposition. Page X
New Jersey committee reports on life
Insurance companies of the stale, recom
mending sweeping changes In the law.
Page 11
Sensational buying of Reading starts
rumor thet E. H. Harrlman Is seeking
control of that railroad. The stock roso
eight points and the total sales were ovor
seven hundred thousand shares. Page 1
Rev. B. Lawrence Hunt appeals from
decision of Washington court in the Bart
sett divorce case. Pags 1
Mother of Harry K. Thaw testifies as
to his mental condition after his return
from Paris. The defense announces that It
will call but two more witnesses. Page 1
Ice gorge at Vermilion, S. D., is going
out Page 1
mCBaVAflKA. -
Former County Judge Hendee is found
guilty of embezsllng $3,185 from estate of
George Smith, hermit. . Page I
i Secretary - Taf t , may. settle question if
eck fighting in Cuba. Pags
He&lth Commissioner Connell asks city
council for more money to conduot the
affaire of his office, saying the preim Ap
propriations are Insufficient properly to
protect the public health. Submits, or
ficlal report to mayor and council.
Page 1
With the same freight rates Council
Bluffs coal dealers are selling Spadre.
eeml-anthractte and Illinois bituminous
coal for 60 cents a ton less than is
charged In Omaha. Page 11
The Burlington Railroad company says
It will not build Its new freight depot In
Omaha at present, but the Northwestern
will continue work on its new terminals.
Page T
Judge Troup overrules motion to Uis
miss case against J. A. Sunderland, on
trial In coal trust case. Pags 4
Bids for construction of new Young
Women's Christian Association tulldir.g
will soon be received, plans and specifics.
tlons being nearly ready for use. Page 7
John ' L. Kennedy says Omaha must
crake the next move In restoring steam
boat service on- the Missouri river.
,i- Page T
Deputy United States district clerics are
appointed for federal court at McCook.
Norfolk and Hastings. - Page T
Jloel Estate exchange refuses to go on
record for South Omaha annexation bill
and endorses reduction of tax on mort
gaged real estate. - Page 4
County brings second suit against clerk
of district court for feee earned but n-t
collected. Page 4
Demarest defeats Poggenburg and Conk
Iln wins from Rolls In amateur Millard
championship contest. Page 11
Omaha live stock market. Page t
Omaha grain market. . Page
Omaha general market. Page f
. New Tork stocks and bonds. Page
Port. ' Srriad. SitUd.
NSW TORK Vntt4 etsts...-TMtonla.
NEW YOHK.... PatwUel . , Rjrsdaia.
BOPToN ...DwouUs BohMBtw.
NAPLES ..i ..OtfinanU
OBNOA. OltU Dt rsltrme.
HALIFAX .NomltUa t
Bill Will Be Piled la Maaaaehasetts If
Defeadaata Do Hot Appear la
New Hampshire.
BOSTON. March 4. Former United States
Senator William K. Chandler, special at
torney for George Washington Glovar of
Lead, 8. D., and other relatives of Mrs.
Mary Baksr G. Eddy, who have brought
suit against Christian Science officials In
three states, announced tonight that pos
sibly a seeondsult will be Instituted in
Massachusetts. "
Mr. Chandler- has been in consultation
here for two days with the other counsel
for the plaintiff. In addition tp the former
senator, there were preeent at the confer
ence today John W. Kelley of Portsmouth,
N. H. Nathaniel K. Martin of Concord.
N. H.', and F. W. Peabody of this city.
Mr. Peabody has entered- the case aa as
sociate counsel.
After the conference Mr. Chandler Issued
the following statement:
It has been deddwd to serve imraedlatalv
the processes un tbe four New Hampshire
oerenoams. iiuvin a. rTye, irving v. lom
llnsun, Herman C. Herlng and Lewis C.
Strang and to aivs notice to the Massa
chusetts defendants so that they may be
present ana join in tne isew Hampshire
suit If they choose. If they do not tuin
In the suit powlMy a second suit will be
instituted In Massachusetts, In the state or
federal court.
It was decided today to besln imme
diately taking testimony In tne viulous
places In both states and get reaUy lur
trial as sous, as y slUa,
1007 MARCH
Son mo twi wis fee
' 7 ,
3 4 5 6 7
10 II 12 13 14
17 18 10 20 21
Xi 25 26 27 ?:
She Telle of Mental Condition of Eon After
Return frrm Europe.
I 2
q 'w-Bxamlnatloa la Brief aad laef
ieete ! Jej-oie ladlreetly Raises
Aaestloa at I.anaey Cosa
NEW TORK, March 4. Another dramatic
chapter was added to the history of the
trial of Harry K. Thaw for the murder of
Stanford White today when the defendant's
mother took the witness stand to contrib
ute what she might toward saving her son
from the electric chair. Mrs. Thaw's stay
before the Jury was brief. When Mr. Del
mas had finally limited her , examination
to the change she had noted In her son's
condition following his return from Paris
In 1903, after Evelyn Nesblt had told him
her life story, and when District Attorney
SJerome had with great consideration con
ducted a short and Ineffectual cross-exam
ination, mother love welled strong In Mrs.
Thaw and she felt she had not done her
all. She was loath to leave the witness
There It the queetlon of heredity," she
protested when both Mr. Delmas and Mr.
Jerome told her she might step down.
"I have asked you, madam, all that Is
considered necessary," said Thaw's at
torney, with the utmost deference.
Mrs. Thaw half rose, hesitated and was
about to alt down again when tbe leading
counsel for the defense offered her his i
hand to assist her from the stand.
Twice during her recital Mrs. Thaw broke
down and was unable to proceed.
Witness Nearly Breaks Dowa.
After a few moments Justice Fltsgerald
asked solicitously If she felt able to pro
ceed, and Mrs. Thaw, evidently much
chagrined that her great grief had over
come her strong will of resistance, nodded
in the affirmative. She declined a glass
of water, made an effort once more to
proceed, but'falled. Justice Fitzgerald then
Interposed a relief for which the elderly
woman facing htm must have felt deeply
grateful. He said that as many of her
remarks had been uttered In a very low
voice tt would be necessary to havs the
stenographer read all her testimony up to
that time to the Jury. When the reading
was ended Mrs. Thaw had regained her
composure and was able to proceed.
She said that when Harry cams home
in 1903 he seemed depressed and appar
ently had lost all Interest In life. He
passed sleepless nights, would often leave
the table at meals and go Into the rarlor
to play upon the piano, the music growing
softer and softer until it finally died
'He told me a wicked man probably
the wickedest man In all New York, had
ruined his life."
It was not until some time after he
had offered this - explanation of the
change In him that she learned the etory
of the. young woman who .wa tq bfj&rtie
he dautrhtar-la-law. - ' ,- -r . V
Mrs. ' Thaw' told ' of her son ' breaking
down In a Pittsburg church and explain
ing, that it waa all because of the sor
row which prevented the young woman
he loved being at his side. Mrs. Thaw
told of coming to New Tork to meet
Evelyn Nesblt and of giving her consent
to her son's marriage the one condition
being that the girls past ltfe in New
Tork should be a closed book, never to be
referred to In any way. Then came the
story of the marriage in. Pittsburg In
April, 1905, the honeymoon trip and thon
a happy, placid summer spent at the
mother's country home In the mountains.
Croas-Rxaailaatloa Is Brief.
Mr. Delmas ended her testimony ab
ruptly. The district attorney was taken
by surprise and began to cross examine
Mrs. Thaw in a low voice. He asked the
conditions surrounding the Increase In
her son's allowance, but Mr. Delmas ob
jected. He asked what the son's Income
amounted to. Mrs. Thaw said it wits
moderate and nothing like the sum the
newspapers have so often reported.
Mr. Jorome then trod upon what
he must have felt was the thinnest of
ice, lest he put himself In the attitude of
attempting to harass the pathetlo figure
in black on the witness stand. He asked
the mother what she knew of her son's
relations with Miss Nesblt before she be
came his wife.
"Nothing." she r replied without hesi
tancy. The district attorney seemed oomplotsly
baffled and speedily brought his cross ex
amination to close.
Mrs. Thaw's story was deeply impressive
In Its simplicity and brevity. ,
If Harry Thaw's fate is thrown into the
hands of the twelve men in the Jury box
who tode.y heard the mother's story, there
seems little doubt that what she said will
carry wonderful weight. But Mr. Jerome
gave the impression that he might use the
mother's testimony as a weapon In an
other direction In his fight to have a com-
mlslon appointed to test the present state
of mind of the defendant.
Threat of Laaaey Commission.
While the elder Mrs. Thaw was on the
stand the district attorney engaged in a
wordy war with Mr. Delmas during which
he uttered publicly for the first time the
threat of a lunacy commission. Mr. Delmas
wss Invoking the presumption of law that
Thaw, declared Insane In 1908, remained
insane In 1904. This was to enable Mrs.
Thaw to state conversations with her son
during the latter year. These conversations
were admissible only on the ground that
they were the utterances of a person men
tally Irresponsible, Mr. Jerome said there
was no reason why ths assumption should
not continue down to the present, and If
Mr. Delmas' point were well taken the
trial should be suspended and a commis
sion appolntsd.
Justtcs Fltsgerald upheld Mr. Delmas
position and said the question of a commis
sion was not before the court. With tho
completion of the mother's testimony to
day Thaw's attorney said they would have
but two more witnesses experts who will
be ealUd apon to answer a newly-framed
hypothetical guest001 covering the entire
case from beginning to end. These experts
are said to be Drs. Graeme M. Hammond
and Smith E. Jelllffe.
Harry Thaw -during his mother's stay
upon the stand seemed unusually pals and
extremely nsrvous,
At the end of Mrs. Thaw's examination
court adjourned until Friday morning, a
death in Justice Fltagerald's family caus
ing an abandonment of tbe Thursday sit
ting. Or. Wmtr rross-Exasalted.
Dr. Charles G. Wagner of BInghamton.
who has been under cross-examination since
Monday aftarnoon, was again called to the
stand and District Attorney Jerome began
(OubUaued. m taiaonA Pac
Oppealtloa Plays "aiooth Game, hat Is
Palled fa Attempt to Side
track tha Measare,
PIERRE, a D.i March 4.-8peclal Tele
gram.) The divorce bill wss the principal
cause of action In the house today. The
minority opposing the pill hnd planned a
smooth game In an attempt to wipe the
bill out of existence. Under the rules an
amended bill can be held over1 for one day
on demand of fifteen members and Glass
had an amendment to present urjfw which
the rule was to be Invoked, hi 'l It, over
until tomoiT" or.d sending It S.'tcBi. to the
senate where It wduld have been little
trouble to hold It until after adjournment.
Cable was the first recognised, and after
stating that he thought It time for the
state to take In the laundry sign, moved
the previous question. Glass was up with
his amendment which was ruled out of
order and he appealed from the decision
of the chair securing eighteen votes to
sustain his appeal. The bill wns then
passed by a vote of sixty-five' yeas to
eighteen nays.
Another railroad bill requiring railroads
to sell 600-mlle family books at the same
rate aa for any other mileage book came
to the surface and passed the house, aa
did the senate bills creating municipal
courts, and a state printing commission.
The house this morning refused to re
consider the vote by which the five supreme
court Judges bill was killed, and the bill
Is dead for the session. The same action
was taken on the senate bill to fix a
standard form of life Insurance policies.
The hnnse holds its first night session
this evening. The senate passed the house apeakers were M. B. Reese, C. C. Bell, A.
anti-gambling bill which makes gambling, q. Wolfenbarger. Frank Lynch and Sena
betting or wagering by any one a mlsde- j tor Wilson, all of them favoring the sub-
meanor and gives the right of recovery
against property owners or tenants where
betting or gambling Is allowed. Beveral
attempts to amend were voted down and
the bill went through as left by the house.
las Gradaally Doing; the Work Whleh
Uncle Sana Was Getting; Ready
to I'adertake.
VERMILION, S. D., March . (Special
Telegram.) There Is great rejoicing here
tonight over the prospects of the ice gorge.
which has held for sixteen days, going out
within the next two days. The channel,
now Is twenty rods wide south .of the
gorge and Is running full of Ice tonight
It has taken out over two miles of Ice.
A hundred rods more west will have the
main gorge open all along twenty rods
aide. The surface Ice, extending back
twenty miles, can then run oft smoothly.
Meantime the channel Is gradually widening
and cutting out the gorge in the Missouri
bed. It Is evident the crisis Is past The
water Is working Its way up through the
gorge at all points. The warm weather of
the last three days has rotted the loe
and sunk the gorge several feet. The
financial loss from the overflow for fifteen
miles along tha river Is very large, but
would be far greater should the gorge hold
till high water comes.
, MOVX. C1TT. Ja., March 1 (Special TeW
efram.) Upon a report from W. D. Da
wltte, who made an official inspection of the
Missouri river gorge at Vermilion. S. D.,
Colonel James B. Qulnn, United States en
gineer In charge of the Missouri river, an
nounced today that the flood situation is
not so serious as had been feared and that
the gorge will go out of its own accord with
a few more days of warm weather. Resi
dents of Vermilion and Sioux City recently
appealed to their congressmen for govern
mental aid to relieve the situation, and De
wltte's trip waa upon ordera from the War
department. It had been planned to dyna
mite the gorge, but Dewlttesays this will
not be necessary.
Line from Rapid City to Mystic May
Now Be Exteaded Iato Wye
mine Caal Fields.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D., March 1 (Special
Telegram.) The difficulties between the
stockholders of the Missouri River &
Northwestern Railroad company, which
culminated in the appointment of a re
ceiver for the company In February, have
been amicably adjusted and today Judge
McGee of the Pennington county circuit
court appointed C. O. Bailey of Sioux Falls
aa additional receiver, representing the In
terests of W. J. Hayes 4 Sons of Cleve
land, O., and the bondholders of the road.
The road will be operated by a Joint re
ceivership, in ( which Vernle Crouch will
represent the 'crouch Interests and C. O.
Bailey the Hayes Interests and ths bond
holders'. Funds have been provided to de
fray the current evxpensea of the road,
and It is understood Charles D. Crouch will
now proceed with his plans for an exten
sion of ths road to the Wyoming coal fields.
This will open up a rich and hitherto unoc
cupied territory tributary to Rspld City.
The road extends from Rapid City west
Ward lrro the Black Hills.
Captala Woods Closes for State aad
Coart Will Charge tha Jary
This Moralaar.
CULPEPPER. Vs., March 6. The case
of James and Philip Strother, charged
with ths murder of William F. By waters,
their brother-in-law, will go to the Jury
tomorrow -morning. The case was fin
ished at 10 o'clock tonight, when Captain
Mlcajah Woods closed the state's, case
against the accused with a five-hour
Judge Harrison, being told that several
of the Jurymen were feeling the stress of
ths long day, decided to let tho case go
over until tomorrow morning.
Attorneys for the defense In their argu
menu today mads the plea of emotional by-
sanity. Their clients should be acquitted
for sentimental reasons also, they said.
Mrs. Eddy's Right Haad Maa at Oae
Time a Resldeat af
BOSTON. March 4. (Special Telegram.)
Alfred Fallow, chief publicity agent of the
ChrUJan Science faith, president of the
publishing society and one of the defend
ants tn the suit here of George W. Glover
against tha trustees and leaders of the
faith, formerly lived in Beatrice, Neb.
He refuses to give much of a biography
to The newspapers or to say what his for
mer occupation was before becoming Mrs.
Eddy's publicity agent. He says he waa
born In Orange, Knox county. 111., and at
tended a Lutheran college In Knoxvtlle.
later studying law until his health broke
down,' when he went to Beatrice. He was
called to Boston by the Eddy leaders about
eitfht reare ego
GoTornor Siena tbe Measure a Short Time
Before Midnicht
Allea O. Fisher Appears Before Com
mittee aad Tells Hie. Story at the
Claim Avalast State for
tha Goedde Land.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 4.-(9peclal Telegram.)
The t-cent fare bill Is a law. Governor
Sheldon affixed his signature to ths measure
shortly before midnight so it would become
effective at that hour. The governor gave
out no statement when he announced he
had signed the bill, but he did so In order
that no question might arise as to the
validity of the bill or the emergency
clause which It carried. Inasmuch as
some attorneys believed the legality of
the law would be questioned unless the
governor signed It, because the bill pro
vided It should go Into effect after Its pas
sage "and approval," Governor Sheldon re
fused to allow It to become a law without
his signature.
With only four of. the eleven members
present the house committee -on constitu
tional amendments held an open meeting
tonight in representative hall to listen to
a discussion of the proposed constitutional
amendment to prohibit the manufacture
and sale of Intoxicating liquors. The
mission of the amendment. The opponents
of the measure did not appear. Chairman
Tucker of the committee, presided.
Judge Reese did not commit himself on
the question of prohibition, but asked that
the matter be left to a vote of the people.
Considerable opposition to the measure is
based on the ground It would have to be
submitted at the next presidential election
and would tend to complicate the cam
paign. The friends of the bill claim to have
petitions signed by 16,000 persons asking for
the submission of ths amendment.
The senate sifting committee met tonight
and got ready for business by electing Root
of Caas chairman. The committee de
cided to do all Its work .behind closed doors
and to have no open hearings on the merits
of measures on the ground open meetings
would delay action. It will report for
duty tomorrow and will be ready to go to
work whenever the senate Is ready.
Fisher Tells of His Claim.
Captain Allen G. Fisher of Chadron ap
peared before the claims committee of the
house tonight aa a witneaa In the famoua
Flaher claim for H1.600 for land which es
cheated to the state. Captain Fisher
brought with him a deed to the land signed
by the. Goedde heirs, for which he said he
paid I960 to the First National bank of
Chadron. He also had with him a power
of attorney from the Goedde heirs and
some correspondence which he had with
them. The deed he said he got from the
bank some time in November last ,. Fisher
said he appeared for the heirs and drew up
a Journal entry which was agreed to, by
the county attorney of Sioux county set
ting forth the' land was worth 18,000. . This
was to be the Judgment of the court, and
he left Harrison with that understanding.
He knew nothing of the 111.600 appraise
ment until he received a certified copy of It
He did not know the $8,000 was stricken
out until the following fall. He filed a
claim with the auditor, he said, for the
$8,000, based on the transcript of the rec
ord in the case.
"Will you be willing to withdraw your
claims for $8,000 and $11,600 and accept a
deed to the land?" asked Senator McKes
"I will consult my attorney, Halleck
Rose, first," said the captain, "I do not
know what he has done or what he has
Captain Fisher said he had not Informed
Herman Kaup or the Goedde heirs any
thing about the value of the land. He
made the offer of $960, and It was accepted,
he said.
H. R. 1 and 6. F. 26, both providing for
the ownership of Interurban stock by street
railway companies, will be reported for the
general file of the house tomorrow. The
house bill was amended to conform to the
senate bill.
The Quackenbush reciprocal demurrage
bill, with some amendments, will be re
ported favorably to the house tomorrow,
One amendment provided the penalty shall
be paid to the state and any damage to tbe
McMullen's employers' liability bill has
been made a special order for Friday morn.
Ing In the house, and tomorrow the primary
election bill Is a special order. McMullen
probably will substitute the' Gibson senate
bill for his own, aa they are practically the
Amendments to Commlssloa Bill.
A movement Is on foot to amend the rail'
road commission bill, which has been rec
ommended for paaaage In the house, so that
It will be more specific In some of Its sec
tions. Friends of the measure are anxious
that It be so worded that there will be no
doubt of the authority of the commission
to change any single rate without chang
Ing a schedule or classification. This was
the plan Governor Sheldon mapped out
during the campaign. He argued then that
the commission, If It desired, could change
the rate on corn from any given point to
Omaha without affecting any other rate. Or,
for that matter, change any given rate
Those who stand sponsor for ths bill claim
It gives the commission that power now
but as It Is not clear to others It Is
thought the senate will amend the bill to
make It so clear there can be no question
Inasmuch as, ths I-cent fare bill Is now a
law, the railroads have turned their atten
tton to defeating the passage of the term
inal taxation bill and a commission bill
which will be effected. They have already
begun to suggest to the members that they
have satisfied ths people In the passenger
rate bill and therefore there Is no necos
sity for the passage of a rate bill or need
to pay much attention to the commission
bill. Tonight the Indications are the re
publicans will receive no help from the
fusion 1st In their efforts to pass a good
commission bill, and neither will they receive
help on the terminal taxation bill. Some
of the members have consulted with Gov
ernor Sheldon about the commission bill
and he Is of the opinion this is the real
meat of the whole business and It must
be clear and to tbe point In all that It provides.
Mayer Daaae Says Nehraskaa Will
Net Speak la Chleaga Maalelpal
CHICAGO, March 1 W. J. Bryan will
not be one of the speakers Id the Chicago
mayoralty campaign. This was announced
today by Mayor Dunne, who said:
"Btrtctly local Issues are Involved, and
it la perhaps better tbat we sotUe our dif
ferences aunuceT eurselvar"
Railway Man-nate Dlarasses Trans
portation Problems with Ciroaa
of Newspaper Mea.
WASHINGTON, March 4.-E. H. Harrl
man tonight granted a farewell Interview
to fifteen newspaper men. announcing that
he would teturn to New York tomorrow
and stop talking for publication.
Mr. Harrlman discussed transportation
problems, railroad legislation, ths tariff, the
currency question, the attitude of the pub
lic toward the railroad corporations and
the probability of a panic in the future.
"I notice that the afternoon papers say
that the New Tork Central holdings and
those of the old Wassermnn pool in ths
Reading railway were taken over last
night This Is not true. I have not pur
chased a single share of railroad stock
since I have been In Washington."
He refused to answer the direct question
as to whether he had secured control of
the Rending.
As to the currency and the tariff, Mr.
Harrlmnn said:
"I think the currency and tariff questions
should be settled In a more definite way
before congress and the present adminis
tration devote so much precious time to
regulating railroads. Ths Interests of the
country demand that there should be some
modification of the tariff, but since we have
no McKinley or Dlngley I fear the pros
pect for such legislation Is not very encour
aging. The United States will not always
enjoy the prosperity that'has prevailed dur
ing the last dacade. Hard times certainly
will come again unless congress and the
people generally change their tactics to
wards railroads and corporation Interests."
As an argument against the tendency for
wholesale reduction In railroad rates, Mr.
Harrlman called attention to the increased
cost of everything that enters Into the
maintenance of railroads.
"Even money Is higher," he said, "than
it has been at any time In the last ten
years. This is Just the same to the rail
roads as If the cost of labor and material
is raised."
Admitting that the railroads to a great
extent are responsible for the hostile move
ment now sweeping over the country, Mr.'
Harriman said the only way to solve the
problem was for the government and the
great corporate Interests to get Into closer
harmony and to try to bring about a solu
tion that will be to the interests f the
government and to the railroads as well
Mr.. Harrlman commended the stann
taken by President Roosevelt In a recent
message to congress when he advocated a
"reciprocal agreement" between the gov-
ernment and the railroads.
'It was a very bold and courageous stand
for the president to take," said the rail
road magnate. "And the only thing for
the administration to do Is to give us a
law that will legalize our combines."
President ITrares the Sooth Dakota
Delegation to Get To
gether. (From a Staff Correspondent.).
WASHINGTON, March 8. (Special Tele
gram.)-The South Dakota senatorial pa
tronage muddle had a seeaion at the White
House today, the president holding con'
ferences with Senators Klttredge and Gam
ble, Representative Parker and State Sen
ator W. C. Cook, chairman of the reput
llcan committee. The president expressed
a desire to see the two senators get to
gether on patronage matters In that state,
and It Is understood they will try to do so.
The president made It plain, however, that
as to the United States attorneyship he
would give the appointment to Senator
Gamble, stating that he had promised to
do this some time ago. Senator Klttredge
succeeded in preventing the confirmation
of J. D. Elliott, named by Senator Gam
ble, but the latter will now pick out
another man. The United States marshal
waa named last year, but there is a sur
veyor general, register and receiver for
land offices and an Indian agent to be
chosen. It is upon these offices the presi
dent should like to see harmony in recom
mendations to him. Whether It can be ar
ranged Is considered somewhat doubtful.
Representative Parker said there waa
rather a strong feeling In South Dakota
over the defeat of Elliott for United States
attorneyship by Senator Klttredge ,ln view
of the high standing of Mr. Elliott as a law
Representative Parker leaves for New
Tork tonight and thence to New Haven,
Conn., to visit his son, who Is a student st
Yale. Mr. Parker will return to Washing
ton on Saturday.
Postmasters appointed: Iowa Mineral
Ridge, Boone county, William Pollard, vice
C. B. Jennings, resigned. South Dakota
James, Brown county, August J. Finburg,
vice Jerome S. Pratt resigned.
Rural carriers appointed: Iowa Atallssa,
Route 1, William B. Barkalow, carrier: Cy
rus Barkalow, substitute. South Dakota
Verdon, Route 1, Edmund F. Nellan, car
rier; C. W. Drake, substitute.
Slight Decrease la Marketing of Hogs
as Compared with Pra
Tlons Week.
CINCINNATI, March 6. (Special Tele
gram.) Price Current says: "The past
week has shown but little decrease In the
offerings of hogs in comparison with the
preceding week, while being somewhat In
excess of the corresponding week last year.
Total western packing was 625,000, com
pared with 060,000 the preceding -week and
480,000 last year. It is not deemed neces
sary to introduce details for the period
since March 1, which represents less than
a week, and the usual table Is omitted."
President Dill Dealea tha
that Aesoelattea Is
WASHINGTON, March . The fifteenth
annual meeting of the National Wholesale i
here today. Lewis Dill, the president. In
his address said:
"To the charge that we form a lumber
trust we plead not guilty."
Reports were had from committees and
a recess taken until tomorrow, when Glf-
IMV,, -hi? ,.r h. n,.n,.
. ... w .-.
ment, win maae an aaaress.
Objects ta Deelsloa la Washington
la tha Bassett Divorce
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, March 1 (Special Tele- ' Mule time to dispose of sny particular
gram.) Rev. E. Lawrence Hunt this aft- J measure except ons by Shubcrt of Richard
srnoon noted an appeal to the court of j son. H. R. tt, and Dr. Sward's Christian
appeals from the recent decision of Justice Science bill. Both were finally recom
Oould In granting Charles C. Bassett a mended for passage. The Shubert bill pro-
divorce from Fanny Rice Bassett Rev,
Mr. Hunt was nam as ooraapoodaat In
thi ecUus -t ,
Home Takea Up and Acta Favorably oa
K ember of Meaanrei.
Goet Orer by Bequest Without Loeing, Ita
Flaoe on the Call
Compel, Tboie Who Fraotioe tbat Faith to
Bepert Oontacioni Diseases.
Favorable Action aa Bill to Com set
Roads to Sell Mtleaaa Books
Good In Hands of Bearer for
Two Cents Per Mile.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 4. (Sneclal.l The
house recommended for passage two rail
road bills, killed the Sundav base hsll
bill, recommended for passage a bill to
pmce inrlatlan Scientists under the same
rule as other practitioners In the mattei
of reporting on contagious diseases, treated
Harvey of Iouglns county like a prince
and came very near taking up the Omaha
South Omaha consolidation bills. Harvey
secured favorahle action on H. H. 293. al
lowing the retirement of notes given to
mutual Insurance companies; H. R. ti.
providing a way for the firemen and po
licemen of Omaha to Increase their re
lief funds; H. R. 117. allowing the council
to grant a person a monopoly on the'
garbage business so long as It costs neither
the city nor cltisens a cent. II. R. 170,
Harvey's legislative annexation bill, waa
called up, but at his request It went over
without losing Its place. Lee wanted the
bill discussed then and there in conjunc
tion with his bill, but after some discus
sion the house sustained Harvey's re-
quest, though Jennlson at first moved that
the bill go to the bottom' of the file. Jennl
son was Induced to withdraw his motion
and so did Lee.
Knowles got his bill. H. R. 220, providing
a 2-cent fare mileage book good for pas
sage In the hands of any person and good
for two years, acted upon favorably, though
Barnes of Douglas county told the house
It was the most foolish thing that ever
happened, because the railroads were com
pelled to sell tickets at t cents, and no
person would be foolish enough to buy a
mileage book for U0 and have the money
tied up when he could get a ticket at the
same rate. The bill orlgnially read good
for three years, but Best offered tha two
year amendment, which Knowles so
cepted. Saaday Ball BUI Killed.
The discussion of the county option Sun
day base ball bill by McMulltn of Gage,
known as H. R, 180, attracted a large crowd
to the gallery, and oa his bill McMullen de- !
Uvered the masterpiece of the session, and
bq was ably backed by Lee of Douglas by
word of mouth, while all the Douglas del
egation except Walsh stood with him when
it came to voting for the passage of his
blU. But it was no xxteV The house didn't
want Sunday base ball. McMullen reviewed
the history of legislation to regulate Sun
day sports and said finally base ball had
been Included in the same category aa
poker, horse racing and such other forms
of gambling. He told how Justice Max
well' had hold It waa Illegal to play ball
on Sunday, and how since that time very
few city authorities had even attempted to
enforce the law. He believed playing base
ball was the cleanest and purest sport In
America, Young men who went out in the
good, pure sunshine and witnessed a good
game of clean base ball on Sunday after
noon had no time to loiter around saloons .
and other such places: He made reference
to a remark made by some of the Lincoln
ministers who had been before the commit
tee to tell that body the supporters of the
bill were bums and toughs, and he In an
swer to that statement read the namea of
such prominent cltisens as J. C. Harkham,
Rudge and Guenxel, Walter Ludwlg and
others who had signed the petition In favor
of tho bill. These men, he said, had made
Llnooln and were not bums and toughs 'aa
stated by the ministers. .
Mike Lee recited that he had four boys
and he Insisted that after they had gone
to church and Sunday school that they
play base ball and get down close to na
ture and grow up strong and healthy and
pure In morals. Dives and saloons and
theaters, he said, remained open on Sun
days, but the boy who went to the ball
games had no thought of such places.
Vote on the Measare.
Hogemclster of Hamilton thought the bill
a vicious and bad measure and said so. He
liked to play ball, he said, but not on Sun
day. He moved the bill be Indefinitely post
poned and Speaker Nettleton added a
strong second to the motion, and then Red
mond of Nemaha got in with the last kill
ing knock. He said while the bill said It
was wrong to play Sunday base ball there
was a proviso that If given permission it
wss right. The permission, he said, did not
make It right. McMullen got a roll call on
the adoption of the report and It follows,
those voting yea being In favor of the bill:
Teas: .
Marlatt, ,
Van Hauaas,
Jonaa, .
Mr. Bpaakar M
Prows, B.
j tiuiraa,
By- , .
i Absent
I "", B.
Wklth.m 4.
- Ths bill was Introduced principally to hslp
Lincoln base ball fans and It waa supposed
to have the support of the Lancaster dale,
gatlon, but only Rejcha came up to the ex
pectation of the fans.
Dehate oa Christian Science.
While the house was In the committee of
the whole nearly all morning,. It took vary
yidee that where mixed trains are run tbe
caboose shall stop at tha depot platform
to 1st off passengers so ths tU BXit