Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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The Change of Life
Sensible Advice to Women from Irs. Henry Lee,
firs. Fred Certla and firs. Pinkham.
Owing to modern method of living
not one woman la ft thousand ap
proaches this perf exrtly natural change
without experiencing a train of -very ;
annoying and onetimes painful
This ia the to out critical period of
her whole existence end every woman
who neflect the car of her - health
at thi time In rites disease and pain.
When her system ia la a .deranged
condition or she ia predisposed to
apoplexy or congestion of any organ,
the tendency 1 at this period
' likely to become active and with a
host of nervous irritations make life a
burden. At. this time also cancers
and tumors are mere liable to form
and begin their destructive work.
Snch warning symptoms as sense
- of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches,
backaches, melancholia, dread of Im
pending evil, palpitation of the heart,
' irregularities, constipation and dlir.1
ness are promptly heeded by ' intel
ligent women who are approaching
the period of life when this great
change may be expected.
Mrs. Fred Certia, 1014 So. Lafayette
Street, So. Bend, Ind,, writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
Lydla E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com
pound b the ideal medicine for women who
When a medicine has been successful ia restoring to health,
actually thousands of women, you cannot well say without trying
it, "I do not beliere it will heln me." It is your duty to yourself
and family to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Hora Than Half Thousand to Be Affected
' by a Strike.
Tie iVesldeat of International
Claims HIstM ta Call Strike'
a Baals of Meetlaar
- One Week Ace,
, The question of strike or no strike on the
- lines of the Omaha ft Counoll Bluffs Street
BallwSy company is still undetermined and
the matter will be put to a vote of the men
Thursday afternoon and evening at Wash
Intrtoa hall. Vies President Behner of the
Internationa) union claims he has a right
Lto call a strike on the strength of the vote
yBakon at the meeting of the union men last
Thursday. '" It is said at this meeting thirty
seven men were present. . . .
March there were 6S1 motormen and
Conductors in the employ of the street rail
way company, Before the arrival of Mr.
Behner in the city the union men claimed
a membership of 127 men, and it is said
between forty snd fifty have Joined the
union alnoe that time.
Vice Piealdent Wattles of the oompany
says his published statement of his position
and the position the company was all they
would nay on the subject until the men had
decided what they would do. Mr. Wattles
said, however, that the company had over
1.000 applications on file for positions on the
"The isaue ia fitirly drawn as to whether
Cooper's New Discovery has taught me
miuiy thinga! Net least of which Is that
parasites , pr tape
worms as they are
called are reepona
Ihje for an Immenae
amount of suffer
ing. Thousands of
thene o r e a t u res
have been brought
to me by people
who have taken
the New Discovery
and I now know
that an Immenae
j mount of sup-
NICK EMMER1CK tt sed stomach trou.
Me Is csuaed Is reality by one of theso
parasites. A man or woman may be af
flicted la this manner for years and not
realise the true cause cf their suffering.
When I first sold Cooper's New Dlsoovery
J did not know that the medicine, would
remove this troubts. I have since found
that it invsrlably does so. The following
letter is a fslr sample of the symptoms as
experienced by an Individual thus affected:
"I waa always tired. My stomach bloated
and ths slightest exertion mode me sick,
weak and dlssy. My appetite was variable
and a good night s sleep wss unknown to
me. When I awoke In ths mornings I had
a bad taats In my mouth and a coated
tongue, I heard of the wonderful bene
fits that were being derived from Cooper's
New Discovery, snd decided to try IU
frfie horrible tape worm, atity feet long
that had been sapping my Ufa away,
passed from my syatem alive and squirm
ing after I had token three dosoa New
I . have a splendid sppetlts. every trace of
stomach trouble haa disappeared and my
digestion is good. I aleep well and am
gaining In strength every day," Nick Ein
merlck, 1344 Liouls Ave., Milwaukee, Wla
We ara authorised Mrvnt. for tha Coopar
.ji.u. 11 sanst Lft Ma , mam
tTUit. ! m - waa asivw
About the itu , .
Corner ltta and r arm am ftte. Ok aba. Veto,
The ladlffereaee of dentists gea
' eraUy tu the pais tbay taaiut Is
hard to eapiata. It suy be from
Igaotaaea ooUegea aad aooleUaa
tasca little os auUUng palaleee
nass la aaattstvy.
a ay r my paUeata will tall yon
that I give leaa paia taaa A STY
nD riPirC Dentist
'Phone Doug. (IT.
I3t Bee it I US.
are passing through Chance of Life. For
several months I suffered from bot flaabeo,
extreme nervousness, headache and iWp
laaaneaa. I bad no appetite and could not
slenp. I had made us my mind there was
no help (or me until 1 taput to use Lydia
E. Hnkhama Vegetable Compound, my
bad symptoms oaaaed and it brought me
safely through the danger period, built
up my system and I am In excellent health.
I consider Lydla E. Ftakbhm's Vegetable
Compound nnsurpamed for women during
this faring period of Ufa"
Mrs. Henry Lee, 60 Winter Street,
New Haven, Conn., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkhamj 1
"After suffering untold misery for three
veare during Change of Life I heard of
Lydla E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound.
I wrote you of my condition, end began to
take Lydla K. Pinkham's Vegetable Cntn-
rrond snd followed your sdvioe, and to-day
am well and happy. I ran now walk any
where and work ss well as anyone, and for
years previous I had tried but could not get
around without help. I consider your meal
cine a sovereign balm for suffering women."
Women passing through this critical
r;riod should rely upon Lydia E.
Inkham's Vegetable Compound. If
there is anything about your case
you don't understand write to Mrs. '
Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for advice. It
is free and has guided thousands to .
health. v 1 "
the street railway company will close Its
doors to any but union men and we don't
propose to do It," he added. '
"Mr. Behner has given the men to un
derstand they will lose their charter If
they do not force the street rsllway com
pany to sign te contract at this time to
recognise' union men," said a street csr
employe Tuesday morning, "but I do not
believe any such thing 'would-' follow;"
"I believe the men wilt strike and that
90 per cent of the present employes will
walk off the ears Friday morning," said a
prominent business msn Tuesday morning,
whowltchee such matters closely. "I havs
talked with several of the men and they
say they don't want to stsnd lm the posi
tion of opposing ths union men.'J
Behaer Keeps H amber Secret.
"The men now have the question of a
strike or no strike to decide at their meet
ing Thursday," said Vice President Behner
of the International union. , Mr. Behner has
headquarters at Jhe .JjJUnd, hotel, where
he la conatantly in touch with the street
railway employee, who go to bia room dur
ing their off hours.
When asked how many men there were
In the union Mr. Behner replied: "When
1 oeme here there were 176, -but nobody
nut myseir snows now .many triers are
now and I don't want to reveal our strength
to the company. We have a system whereby
men can belong to the union end still not
have to reveal themeelres to the company
by attending our meetings,' and in that way
nobody but I knows how many -we have.'
When asked whether he thought the men
would vote- to strike Secretary Michelson
replied: .,
"I can't say as to thst: you might put it
In the newspaper. ' .
Eallstsaeats by Uncle- Saas In Omaha
Darin- Month of
Eighteen enlistments for the tfnlted States
nsvy were secured at the permanent naval
recruiUng station In the posteffice build
ing, Omaha, during the month of Febru
ary. Of this number twelve enlisted
apprentice seamen, one as landsman for
yeoman, third 'clasa; two for firemen, first
class; two for firemen, second class, and
one as an ordinary . seaman. The names
and postoffloe addresses of ths recruits are
Clyde M. Vsnwlnkle, Elk Creek.
Albert Berg, Hamaey, Nev,
Martin Bchmkt, Akron, O.
George L. Hels, Chicago.
Thomas Edward Kyan, Omaha. -
Charles Smith, Milwaukee, Wla -
Albert Lerov Kltchin, Bartlett.
Frank Wooda. Chicago.
Harry Carl Olsen. Omaha.
James Ryan, Scranton, Pa.
Albert William Green, Philadelphia, Pa.
William Dundaa Carson, Omaha.
Fred Grover Knodle, Forest Grove, Ore.
Harry Em met t Foley. -Maitland. Mo.
Joseph Harrlaon BcIea, Howell county,
Frank Fred Dolesal. Fremont
George Young, Wahoo. i
Edgar Arthur Cranter, Grand Ieland.
Oat Hnadred Bolaiera Art Traaa
fered fVoam Colnnibaa, Ohio,
to Fort Croak,
A battalion of 100 recruits for the Thirtieth
United Btaies Infantry has arrived at Fort
Crook. The recruits were transferred from
the recruiting rendesvous at Columbus bar
racks, Columbus, O. Another Urge detach-
nient of rsctuits for the same regiment Is
expected at Fort Crook shortly. In order
that the regiment may be filled to Its
maximum strength before its departure for
the 'Philippines. The terms of enilatmont
of moat of the old members of ths regiment
will expire within the coming few monthr
the regiment having been recruited about
three yeors ago upon its return from ths
Philippines. ,
Lleateaaat ( barged with Kegleet at
Daty, a Mark Leee Bertoas
Ofleaae. , ,
Second IJeutenant A. U Clark ef the
Thirtieth Infantry at Fort Crook, who con
fesaed to the charge alleged against, him
before the court-martial which aat at the
furt yesterdsy to hear thst snd the charge
of insobriety agslnat Captain Ralph H.
Stogadall, was hot charged with Insobriety
but "neglect of duty," which Is a much
leas srrlous offense, meriting a less stria
gent penslty. In referring to the two cases
ths erroneous at a lament was made that the
charge against ClerX wss the same ss thst
I pmiuuii. uiunaoi t-iara lias
n"r iM-eu suspaciea oi tun ontose Dy Ms
superiors. '.-
This U Thst W. 3. Cotnsll fsji ftCftlltd
Coal Trust Is.
Several Hoart Caaaaanea' la Argaaaeat
f Matloa Agalaat Teatlataay
a Grttai Me Crlate
la Alleced.
Henry Kuhl, T'nlon precinct, farmer.
J. F. Msndervllle. 411 North Twenty-sixth
Street, South Omaha, grocer.
G. W. Hlbbler, IM South Fifteenth (col
ored). Janitor. .
Charlee Townsend. Florence, teamster.
P. 1.. Van Dorn, ul South Twenty-second,
W. H. Murray. ISA Bouth Twenty-ninth
avenue. Junior saststant general passenger
agent t'nlon Pacific.
Krnpat Oibaon, tflo South Twenty-ninth.
Charles A. Peterson, 4174 Chicago, fore
man gas company.
W. H. Wycoff. 13) Dodge, motorman.
Charles W. Henn. 1416 Bouth Sixth.
Frank Dwarnk, J Nortb Twenty-first,
Bouth Omaha, grocer.
C. M. Billings, 3831 Decatur, csrpsnter.
This Jury for the trial of the second "Coal
trust" case, that against James A. Sunder
land, was seoured and aworn In at 10 o'clock
Tuesday morning. Most of ths remelnder
of the morning wss taken up In the pre
liminary statement to ths Jury by County
Attorney English for the state and by W.
J. Connell for the coal men. Ths latter
took mors thsn an honr to his statement.
It partook so much of the nature of an
argument that the county attorney inter
rupted him a number of times snd pro
tested to ths court. At ons time the county
attorney said:
"I think oounaol ought to be reprimanded
by tho court."
Judge Troup then warned Mr. Connell to
confine himself only to what was legitimate
In a preliminary statement snd Mr. Connell
sal 4. he would leave out argument until
the ekd of the trial.
In his preliminary statement of what the
state intended to prove, the county at'
torney reviewed the manner of organisation
of the Omaha Coal exchange, showed thst
the dealers were divided Mnto Ave classes.
that Initiation fees' were tlO for the first
class and 15 for other classes, that ths
organlxatien dated from April ts, 190S, thst
quarterly dues were payabls of 13, $30, tlS,
m snd SB for the five reapectlve classes,
and that the chhrges embodied In the nine
counts of the Indictment found by the
grand Jury against the fifty-four Omaha
eoal dealers are fixing the prices of coal
and preventing soliciting.
Straaalina for Bxlstvaee.
Mr. Connell started in With his state
ment by declaring that the dealera Instead
of being "coal barons" were "struggling
for sxlatence with profits scarcely sufficient
to make the books balsnoe at the end of
the year." He declared they had never
fixed or attempted the price of ooal. He
was going on into a history of the cause of
high prices on eoal for he and his clients
admit that 110.50 Is too much a ton for
hard coal when he was Interrupted by Mr,
English end ths court sustained the ob
jection and told Mr. Connell to confine him'
aeif to offense committed or alleged to
have been committed within this county,
Mr. English hsd said the Indictment
"voluminous." Mr. Connell characterlsea
It rather ss a "blunderbus." He said it
wss drswn up to make a noise rather than
to produce any good end and he followed
ths Illustration by saying lUwould do more
damage by the kick at Its butt than by ths
execution done from the mussle. . .
He declared the evidence would Show
that the Omaha Coal exchange, far from
being a trust or. sn unlawful organisation.
was organised for ths benefit of the patrons
ef the eoal dealers a well ss tor the. deal
When be had proved the harmless snd
even beneficial nature of the organisation,
Mr. Connell sold the evidence .would shew
further that J. A. Sunderland was not
msmher of the exchange. It wss ths flrrri
to which he belongs which maintained
membership. He said the evidence would
show Jhat James A.' Sunderland resigned
from the exchange in 190.
Competition by Prises.
Far from restraining trade, he said, each
member of the exchange had continued to
give away pins, 'needles, thermometers and
every conceivable kind, of premium as In
ducements to patrons to buy his partic
ular brand of coal.
After Mr. Connell had finished Walter
Wills was placed en the stand, but before
ths, taking of evidence eould begin Attor
ney H. H. Baldrige, for Mr. Connell, made
a motion objecting to the introduction of
any evidence on the ground thst ths In
dlctment does not charge a' crime. This
is practically the earns ss the motion to
quash argued at length before Judge But
ton In the Howell cess and finally over
ruled by him.
The argument on the motion to quash
continued throughout the afternoon and
was not completed when court adjourned
for the day.
The twelve Jurors will be kept together
and. under conatsnt guard until the close
of the trial. Judge Troup expressed re
gret thst he found it necessary to order
this confinement and offered each Juror a
ohance to communicate with his family and
friends to notify them that hs cannot be
home until the trial is completed.
Colonel Wallaee) Taylor Starts for
Oman with Bodtea at
i Wife aad Babe,
Mr. and Mrs. Cadet Taylor Tuesday
morning received a cablegram from their
son. ' Colonel Wallace Taylor, at Ilollo, P. I.,
saying: "Coming with remains." This
refers to ths bodies of his wife and babe.
whose deaths ware reported a couple of
days ago. No further information was
sontalned In ths messags. It will requir
some five weeks for ths Journey from the
lalands to Omaha.
A dsmoastrstor will call at etrerjr beuaa
in Omaha and give each family (row
inai pacaagar 91 in cieratc
AX for
ithout Rubbing
Saves half the time, half the goeip
and half the labor. Will not Injure
the daintiest fabrics. ' Leaves your
bands soft as velvet. Washboards
unnecessary. Clothes wear twice
as lone when this wonderful
article ts used. If our claims were
not true we could not afford to
give you a free trial package..
1 tal UUXMf KOI C. . M Sbaaieaa ta, Cbtteae
e Federal Comr The case ct
August Olrllng for 11.000 damSgea f r
peraonal injuries against -ts Omaha
Packing company has been transferred
from the district court of Douglas county
to ths United Btates circuit court.
Court Opened aad Closed I'nltod Elates
Msrehsl W. P. Warner,1-Circuit' Court
Clefk Oeorge M. Thummel and District
Court Clerk, R. C. Moyt returned Tuesday
morning from McCook, Where they opened
and adjourned the tertn of the federal
courts for that Subdivision of the Houih
Platte federal district until June 10.
Inspector of High Sense la It haa been
announced from . the University of Ne
braska that Superintendent A. A. Reed of
ths Superior schools has been appointed
to the position of inspector of accredited
high schools for Nebraska, which places
Mr. Reed on the faculty of the State unl
veralty. Oaae of Steamship Agent The case of
embesslement sgainst Joseph Salerno, agent
for. the Lloyd-Italland steamers, which was
brought by R. V. Jlomsno of Chicago, wss
Called before Police Judge Crawford Tues
day morning, but sfter continuing for an
hour, wss postponed until Thursday, to al
low defendant's attorney to consult authori
Two PlVaroes Are Granted Augusta B.
Mollne was awarded a decree of divorce
from Michael Moimsr in the district court
Tuesday on ths ground -of drunkenness.
She - was restored to her maiden name,
Augusta B. Anderson. Etta Collins was
grantsd a dlvorcs from Frederick O Col
lins on ths ground of nonsuppnrt and de
sertion. - '
XoQmots Waive Bearing Anton Holl-
mots, ths Florence man accused of murder
In the first degree, the crime alleged being
the 'suffocation of his Infant child the day
after It was born, wslved preliminary ex
amination In the county court Tuesday
morning and wss bound over to the district
oourt under (LOCO bond. . In default of bond
he was returned to the county Jail.
new stromsbarg ruts Ths union Fa-
clflo will open np Its nsw line from Btrorns-
burg to Central City March II. Just what
ths servloe will be on this line has not
been determined, ss the. officials are StIU
considering the matter. Neither have sta
tion agents for ths new stations been ap
pointed, because "there is no houses for
them to live W. as one official put the
Want More Carnages Isaac B. Harwich
and EmllleSommer of Bouth Omaha have
Died in the district court an appeal from
the appraisement of damages awarded them
by reason of the lowering of the grade of
the alley In block 81. South Omaha.' They
allege the grading was done not for pubho
mprovement, but for the accommodation
f the Union Paclflo railway. Harwich
asks $1,000 damages and Sommer 15,00b.
. Bokoolmastors' Clab of State The
Schoolmasters' Club ef Nebraska will be
the guests of Superintendent Davidson in
the Omaha club Friday evening. Chan
cellor B. Benjamin Andrews of the Uni
versity of Nebraska is president of the
club. There are fifty members , of the
club. Prof. J. N. Bennett of Doane col
lege will read a paper' en some subject not
yet announced., ' - '-'
O. 1. aibeea ArUs Beeldeaoe Bids
will be received within the next tew days
by Fisher Lewrte, architects, for the
erection, of a modern two-story and attio
residence for Oeorge F. Oilmore, president
of the Conservative- Savings . and Loan
association, on Thirty-second street. Just
north of Paclflo street The houee win
face east and will be" of a subdued Oothlo
styae of architecture' ef'grtglnal design.
O. St. Fayas uaser atasdet q. H. Payne'
has returned wfron a Jrgpjpf over a month
to Texas and Mexico, fvbssa he went .with
Oeorge K. Barker, for the purpoae of look,
ing over ths real estate field, with a view
to possible Investments. ' K Whlls "hs did
not buy any land on his recent trip, Mr.
Payne expreeeed himself ae very favor
ably Impressed with the country and will
return in a few weeks for further inspec
tion. .' '
tUUm of Stabbing improves Domlnlo
Felvb, the vlotlra of the stabbing affray at
loa Bouth Twentieth street Sunday night,
is doing well at St. Joseph's hospital, with
greatly Increased chances for ultimate re
covery. The wound Is In ths abdomen,
and at first was considered exceedingly
daagerpus. John Maseora Is still in Jail,
awaiting the result of ths wound, being
under arrest as the assailant.
Will BaUd STew Heme Samuel Hawver.
Who resides at Kit Kmmet street, has
bought the lot at the northwest Corner of
Sherman avenue and Emmet street from
Hastings at Heyd'en and will build a home
on the lot early thla summer. C. H. beg.
bare and Roy M. Keller, who bought lots
recently from Hastings a Heyden on
Spencer street, between Twsnty-flrst and
Twenty-second streets, twill build modern
homes this . spring, on their respective
"Oaaaha Betel ' Clerks The Omaha
Hotel Clerks' association held a largely
attended meeting Monday night, with
President Scott of tho Merchants In
the- chair. Considerable - buslnses was
transacted. Several new members were ad-
mltstd to ths association. Ons or two ap
plications wsre received ' from out in the
state. Toe Irma hotel at Cody, Wyo,, has
applied for membership in ths association.
Tbs orgenlsaUoa la not confined exclualvely
to Omaha, but U Interstate wide in Its
work. 1 ,
Cralghtoa Mnaameat Committee The
advisory committee ' of the John A.
Crelghton Monument, association, consist
ing of Captain H. K. palmer, T. C. Byrne,
W. D. McHugh. Fred H. Davis, Robert
Co well' snd Joseph Hsyden will meet at 1
p. m. Wednesday in Elks hall to nams ths
committee of fifty to have chargs of tbs
monument enterprise. This committee of
fifty will devlss ths ways and means
to erect the monument snd will have charge
of all the details connected therewith, and
will be known as the John A. Crelghton
Monument association.
Whipped by goka Barleyeora Hayuen
Patterson had a bad drsam and an equally
bad "drunk on" Monday night, and for a
while the police department and the fire,
mea at No. 1 angina house. Eleventh and
Jackson streets, believed murderous vil
Hans were abroad, Patterson, very drunk
and very bloody, entered the engine bouss
and cald five men had attacked and beats a
him almost to death. His appearances cor
roborated his story completely and thM
polloe were notified, but at the station ths
msn loat -soma of his "Jag" and some of
his story, so hs failed to make the lm'
preaston he otherwise might. In police
court Tuesday morning Fatierson failed to
recollect any of the events of ths night
before and was sent home.
awtaes stands tor Boy The love or a
mother for her son may secure for Barney
Kemroerllng hie release from completing
htiis sentence at the oounty Jail received
about two weeks ago. though hs is known
to the police as a worthless "dope" fiend
snd troublesome character. Mre. Kern
msrlings mother has Just dlsd, and the
thought that the grandson -of the aged
weman ahould be unable to attend the
funeral because he is languishing In Jail
as tSs result of his slavery to the drug
habit has become sn added sorrow to her
and spurred, her to uae every means possi
ble to secure her boy'a freedom la time
for the burial. The matter was laid before
ths proper officials and their hearts have
been touched by I lie mother's tele, with
ths result the chances for her sou's re
lease are good
W. A, Ftxtot Properly Will ts Cat
Up ia Aort Lota.
Heme aa the Old ' Knsrllah Style
f Areblteetare Will Be
Ballt by Jobs S.
The large Keystone farm of W. A. Pax
ton, which adjoins the town of Benson on
the west, has been bought by a local syndi
cate headed by the D. V. Bholee company
snd the Payne Investment company and
will be tatd out In acreage tracts for j
suburban homes. Ths property contains
Nil scree, about 400 of which have never
been plowed up and has been used by Mr.
Paxton In recent years ss a breeding farm
for fancy live stock. The price paid for
ths farm has not been settled upon, but will
be edjusted through appraisers for ths
syndicate end Mr. Paxton.
It is planned to make, the new addition
one of the most desirable suburban resident
districts of Omaha, as the land ia Idet-lly
situated, being very high snd affording a
fine view over many miles of surrounding
country. Boulevard drives wilt be made
throughout the entire tract and trees aet
on both sides of the driveways.
Cat ts In Aere Traeta,
The property will be sold to actual
settlers In from five to twenty acre tracta
The addition probably will be celled
"Keystone Park." and lots will be placed
on the market as soon ss negotiations and
preliminary Improvements are completed.
The sale was .mads through ths Paxton
Real Estate company, representatives' of
ths D. V. Bholee company and the Payne
Investment company having gone to Texas
for personal consultation with W. A.
Paxton. who haa been In the south for'
some time on account of his heslth.
The farm of Frank B. Hlbbard, consisting
of 1U acres about ons mils west ef Irving
ton, has been sold through J. H. Dumont
a Co. to P. H. Lane for ths reported price
of tss per acre. Mr. Lane' Is a retired
farmer and owns several farms In Missouri
snd Kansas, but the Hlbbard farm was his
first inveetment in Nebraska realty and he
will probably extend his investments In
this respect. The price obtslned for the
Hlbbard farm la deemed comparatively low,
aa the Peter Stuehm farm, altusted a short
dlstsnoe northwest, waa sold Isst week for
about tM per acre.
New Home for T. I- Davie.
Bids hsve been made for the erection of
a unique houss for John 8. Brady, vtce
president of ths McCord-Brady company,
on the lot adjoining hie residence at 8628
Jackson street. The plans were drswn by
Fisher a Lawrle, architects, and the house
will cost between $10,000 and ril.OOO. It is
understood the residence when completed
will be occupied by Thomas I Davls ss
slstanf cashier of the First National bank,
who is to be married to the daughter of
Mr. Brsdy.
According to ths specifications drawn by
ths architects the house will be built In ac
cordance with - the old English style of
architecture, the first story to be built of
brick and the second of cement, with a
colored gravel roof. The Interior plans are
elaborate, the idea of comfort predomi
nating throughout. There will' be a large
living room with, a fireplace, cosy corner
and inglenooks, and the arts snd crafts
styls of decorations will be used to a great
extent .
'' VKoaatse Plaee Proarresslaar.
Kountss Place is being rapidly built np
by the erection of a number of moderate
priced cottages, ' and several more are
projected. ' Dr. H. P. Hamilton' has started
the erection 'Of a home on Wirt street be
tween Twentieth aad Twenty-first streets,
Hastings a Heydsn havs begun tbs erec
tion of a modern house on Blndejr street
between Sherman avenue and Eighteenth
street and also the building of a houss for
Ia A. Goldsmith at ths northwest corner
of Sherman avenue and Spencer street.
William II. Clark, William A. McKey and
August Klrschstein win begin the erection
of homes this month on Wirt street between
Twentieth and Twenty-first streets, while
on the next block esst, on Wirt street,
Mrs. Forbes and Mrs. Ferguson art plan
ning to erect comfortable homea.
Another home to be built in the subdivi
sion fs thst of Major WIIoox of Browning,
King a Co., on Blnney street between
Nineteenth and Twentieth streets.
Ilarte Oets northwestern.
The Northwestern railroad wilt not be
guided by what is termed antl-rallroad leg
islation or any other railroads In their de
veloping or Improving plans, but will pro
oeed with the construction of Its Immense
freight terminals, taking up three blocks
in ths neighborhood of Thirteenth and
Davenport streets. Ths oontract for the
depot and offloe building has been let to
John H. Harts for about H 00,000.
Operatloaa Resaaaed, Marklagr Advent
of Blgr Cavaapalgrn at Iatrove
seats hyt City.
Work on ths largs Jonee street relief
sewer was resumed Tuesday ' morning.
This contract was started late In the fall
and the resumption of work at this ttms
marks ths beginning of the season's -campaign
- of publle Improvements. This
sewer will coat about 165,00 and will bs
big addition to ths sswer systsm or ths
south slds.
City Engineer Bosewater has about
$100,000 of lmprovsmsnts under contract,
much of which will be pushed as soon ss
ths frost is out of ths ground. One of
the contracts Is ths repaying of Farnam
street from Thirteenth to Eighteenth.
CompUes with all requirement of
"Out food was good FVar
ttesV. flapjacks, fresh bread, etc
but nothing seemed to
strengthen us at much at
ARIOSA Coffee, which we
thd original package and ground at
tteeded." Fr-e a ,i sew k Mima
ArbocLW ARIOSA wss ths ir nested
peclaged cotm, packages' (or the cooiiaiw'i
pratection and the jMres el each berry ssakd
euer ths toeahag wan (rem egg sad sugar e
seep the goodness ia sad stake ths coles sskis
deaf aad ejuicLly.
This Spring's Suits SuwS
have immense quantities of them.
These garments are direct from the hands of the de-
signer and are cut in the very latest styles.
Everything that art and skill can accomplish has
been done to make these new goods not only (he smartest,
but beet garments on the market.
They are made from a large number at desirable ma
terials, such as worsteds and silk mixed worsted serges,
French velours and English caseimeree. They come in
checks, over plaids, stripes and all new spring Bhades.
"We have a large number of desirable and exclusive
patterns. Better see them now while the lines are
Prices range from .
$7.50 to $28.50
Trustees 1eet to Hoot Snooetson and
Oossldsf the fiew Law.
II New Law Is Enacted Board Jaat
Blevted Will Be Sneeeeded la
Fall by Confereaoa
The annual meeting of the Nebraska
Methodist Episcopal Hospital and Deacon
ness Home Association was held Tueeduy
afternoon In the parlors of ths First
Methodist Church. Ths meting was culled
to order by C. W. DeLamatre, presldont
of the board of trustees and after a
brief devotional ssrvlcs Rev. William
Oorst, presiding slder for ths Omaha d's
trlct, was chosen chairman of the meet
ing and Rev. Clyde Clay Clasel, secretary.
The reports of the president, secretary,
treasurer, auditor and Mre. Alice T. Mc
Laughlin, superintendent, were read and
approved. The report of Treasurer W. P.
Harford showed that the total receipts for
ths 'year were 123, US. 44 and the expendi
tures 120,116.19, leaving a balance on hand
March 1, 10T of $1,800.06. (
The report of the general hospltM
building fund shows that there was re
ceived during the year from el sources
including Interest, $111, T4 8.19. ' Disburse
ments: Paid, 'or hospital sits $14,000;
Rocheford a Gould, $17,005.51; F. P. Gould
ft Bon.. $11,170.$$; miscellaneous, $11'.
880.17. Mfsceilaneous pledges unpaid,
$:0,678r special pledges $80,000.
Nasaber' ef Pat I eats.
During ths year the number of patients
admitted was 770; discharged 74$; from
Omaha and South Omaha 111; from Ne
braska, outslds Omaha 444; from Iowa
11$; from other states 70; deaths 24; pay
patients' $84; free patients 186; surgical
cases 440. Nurses' work outside of hospi
tal: numbsr of days spent in nursing pay
patlsnts In homes 1482; nursing froe T
patients 441 days; numbsr of days spent
in free dispensary at medical college 44;
graduate nuraes into homca 11$. Employed
In hospital, dsaconnesses 1$, nurses 21,
women helpers 8, male helpers $, corres
pondence secretary 1, house physician .
An Important feature of the meeting
was ths report of the chairman of the
board, C.,W. DeJamatre, relative to pro
posed amendments to the articles 'of in
corporation to conform to ths new stats
law regarding the management of hospi
tals. Thla new law, which was drawn
by Mr. DeLamatre, does away with ths
old provision which restricted the exis
tence of hospital corporations to thirty
years. The old lew further provided that
the number of trustees should not exceed
twenty, who should hold offloe for but one
year, requiring, a new board to be elected
annually. The new " law provides that
ths board shall consist of not fewer than
three members and as many mors as may
bs necessary, to bs elected for one, two
aad three years. That provision of the
lew which directs that hospitals may not
bold any property exoept their plant for
but ten years,- is amended to make the
limit twenty-five years. The old restrl'v
tlon limiting the amount of incorporated
liability to $100,000 Is also removed by the
new measure. (
Plan at Or, Jennings.
Ths report of Dr. Jesss W. Jennings,
chairman ef ths Joint committee to Je
vlss a plan for ths unification of all ths
Methodist hospital Interests In Nebraska,
the National Pvm Jood Law, Guarantee) No. 041, filed at Wasbingtosa,
U JJ jfgr7 bade mn iUKt Ifi-r
Warm and 11 I - I rSsW-J m
I W""SBW ai. mm 1
t A Si Vel W x''-M hl mam
AT amp am aS S
Talk about " roasted fresh daily, the
way to get g cup of coffee titaWasteg
Lka coffee, with aS the dchciout flavor
ad axon intact, it to buy ArbuckW
ARIOSA and grnd k as you want to
Use k. WanaahaaalesWmtaSBWmiaad
waa read and the rcpopt, was sdoptod.
This committee was epclnted from the
four Nebraska Methodist Episcopal con
ference, the several conferences pledging
their suppprt to the unification plan,
which will result In ths concentration
of ths entire Methodist hospital Interest
of Nebraska in ths hospital now being
completed on Cuming street.
The proposed amendments to ths artl
else of incorporation wsre adoptsd by an
unanimous vets. These new amendments
go Into effect at once. In view of the
adoption of the amendments the associa
tion proceeded to the election of ths board
of trusteee to held office until next fall
When the new board 6f trustees, which
ahall be elected at the four annual con
ferences shall taks hold.
Ths old board waa re-elected as fol
lows: Nebraska conference, J. H. Mickey,
Oeorge I. Wright, A. U Johnson. West
Nebrsska conference, L. H. Shumate,
Thomas Campbell. Northwestern Ne
braska conference, T. F. Bturgess, W. P.
Harford, Charles A. Ooss, A. P. Stryker,
Wllllsm Wilson. C C. Troxell.
The resignation Of Thomas 'campboU
waa accepted and Rev. William Ooret wan
elected to fill the vacanoy. ...
The new board Immediately convened
and organised by the re-election' of C.
W. DeLamatre, president; Oscar Allen,
vice president; T.'T. Bturgess, secretary!
C. C. Troxall, membership secretary) W.
p. Harford, treasurer and Oscar Allen,
Ms. Allle P. McLaughlin" wss re
elected superintendent; Mary M. Duekor,
Superintendent of ' nurses; Jennie 1
Livunusn, cienc lira nat. w. a. nvuwiiii.
lin, corespondlng SeSreCAryT'"'
Clergyman Will Resort t. 'Highest
Tribanal la Effort to Clear
Bis Name.
Charles C. Bassett, " accompanied by, (ltd
oldest son, Chestsr, custody of whom ha
aecured after a long legal battle in the
district court, left Monday evening for
Washington. He was accompanied by his
friend, ex-Congressman Ben Falrchlld of
New York, who made two Special trips to
Omaha during ths Bassett diverse trial.
Mrs. Bassett is reported to- be bearing up
well under the strain of losing her oldest
son. v t
Rsv. E. Lawrence Hunt will leave this'
svenlng for Brooklyn, 'there' his aged
mother Uvea and where be had temporary
oharge of a church until Mr. Basaetttwas
given a divorce from his wife, when Hunt,
who wss co-respondent In the case, re
signed. Mr. Hunt expects to consult with
his attorney in the esst with a view to
clearing himself of the serious - charges
agalnat him embodied in the decree given
Mr. Bassett. He may . appeal the ease t.
the United Btstes supreme court
Chasaberlalm'a . Coach itemed? a
Favorite. . ,
We prefer Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
to any other for our children," says Mr, L.
J. Woodbury of Twining, Mich. "It has al
ways dons ths work for us in hard oolds
and oroup, and wa taks pleasure In recom
mending it." .
Now is ths time to maks your wants
known through Ths Bee Want Ad page.
Qaarrel Owmw Party Maej,
William B. Deyle, a prominent demooratlo
politician of this city, was shot but not
fatally Injured hers today by Rlohsrd
Irwin, a well-known mining Than, ss ths
result of a quarrel In which boyls and
Mrs. Irwin engaged over a party-line tele
phone. sW sriwieg amr. Cafes sme is) teWfcr SS
era ban anaad m warn easomi amis,
Never buy loose coffee out of a bag,
bn or tin. If it were good the roaster
would bot be ashamed to leu it n ft
package with his name on it
Tea sis si AifavAW ARJOSA emwd dms ef 4
fts ems sa rtisiii Jim mimt kbSMsadeudas
If your grocer won't supply, write ts)