Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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Hew Bnch CointT EheriflTi Bills to
" State An F added.
lltree hri teed In Oarti l
obbo Walks Takea, not '
la Asked to Par oe.
. (Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March . (BpectaL) It turns
I eut that tba craft by which the Douglas
county sheriffs have bean unlawfully en
1 rlchlng themselves out of tha atata treaa
vUiry Includes not only padded bllla (or feed-
i ng prlaonara after sentence and mileage
charges for trlpa traveled on free passes,
but also that thejr bare been making; fraud
I nlent claims for hack hire when they never
Deed hacka at all.
In the claim filed with the legislature
by Sheriff McDonald of Douglaa county, a
i sample of which was published In Tha Bee
last week together with an exhibit of the
amounts asked and tha amounts cut out by
tha auditor and tha claims committee, tha
Items for hack hire were entirely over
looked. A hunch from a party who ought
to know prompted hn Inquiry as to how
many prisoners brought down to the atate
J penitentiary by Sheriff McDonald were
1 really conveyed In a hack or were taken
down by foot or In the street car.
The Bee correspondent went out to the
j penitentiary and Interviewed personally a
I large number of the prlaonera there sen
Itenoed from Douglaa county and according
, to their own stories a majority of them
I were taken from the county jail In Omaha
to the depot In street cars, while a few
walked, but In every Instance whether the
I prisoner rode In a street car for t cents
or whether he walked, the Douglaa county
sheriff has charged up 1 to the atate for
alleged hack hire. Every one of the claims
died by Sheriff McDonald with these fraud
ulent Items for hacks are subscribed and
worn to over hla own name, but this oath
does not seem to have been conclusive.
Wot the Prisoners Ray.
Of the seventy some odd prisoners who
were brought to tha penitentiary from
Douglas county during 1(06. forty-four of
them were Interviewed and each waa posi
tive In hla statement as to how he was
taken to the depot from the Douglas county
Jail. Twenty-one said they had been
placed on street ears and taken down;
three said they had walked and twenty
aid they had been taken down In hacka.
t ' Sheriff McDonald made the sworn state-
tnent that each one of the forty-four pris
oners named In the table below had been
taken to the Omaha depot from the county
Jail In a. hack, and for eachon of them
he charged up 1 to tha atate to pay the
hack fare. All of the prlsonera declared
Excel all other. Many style,
whit and numberless exclu
sive designs In fancy fabric.
Aikr CUett fUitrU.
" Uokftr C'lMMiaM.
Formal Opening
Souvenir Sale,
, MARH 11, 12, 13.
Bee the MEW STORE and get
the benefit of the SOUVENIR
PKICK8 which these TI1RKE
. , ' offer. .
Miller, Stewart
. Beaton Co.
41S-1B-17 South leth St.
Itt fabrics, j
Workmanship, fit
v And comfort " ; . Vfy
-I I
Employees Sent to
Liquor Cure bsiihite
Win. Coleman, la The Chicago Sunday Tribune, sara:
1 ' i-
y"W W rrn few ye
W I drank too au
' ? wfca a ataa
1 bis eats
- a7 fired fall
hlra eltegether. How there ,
are say
we take It epoa tbeies to
seas leeerlate sad valued ,"r0' , l"
sure toe aJoohollsrn sns taea aaviag
transformed there treat ertaslog ansa to
so rasa, take them hack work.
One Baa who holes a hiah iesUioa la
a lereo buslrtMs eorporatloa that baa "re- H
earoarous aae
drlakera. hut to their employers They
' figure how tha they get ao much bettor
: work of she mop they have sent to (he
' tnetltotlona that they eaa wall afford the
Baanelal eharaos ed the Varna of time that
la omenta.
There are working In Chicago many moa
who do not touch a drop of liquor and who
for that, among many other reasons, are
mm lovo.tuo.bln tn lluiff HnnU.... m
r .
side working or taooa -roo- Thoy are
, filled with gratltudo to their superiors,
wee naoee it poosioio tor tnom to -braee.
ap." and thoy are much betUM
sorvleo thaa thoy ever gave betore.
(. II M tha hlea grade man that usually Is
Tha boo of the word aavod la
ceanoctloo requires some aueltrica-
amaettmes a euoetloa how te bwpl lo
to and girls from running to town I
ciaimea- went 01 no !""-" ana aot wnoa he waa gotllag over a eproe ( m
fashion, says that he and hla aosoclaios would naturally ho remorseful with -a
look back upoa the old lime system as uai sort of romons thai la so muh Hue mmm
eanur. sot oiuy ao .aoo aenah In that It wonro off on
V -saved.'
y uie
f.'D. Armour, late head of tha Armour Packing Co., aaya of the Keeley
"I have want about two hundred ot my employees', from butchers to fore
men, end all have been permanently cured. (From a personal letter to Dr.
Keeley) I do not think there la any one thins or any one man. who ever did
the rood to humanity that you are doing with your care.'"
- If Interested, write for booklet, "Facta About the) Keeley Cure," to The
Keeley Institute, corner 16th and Casa St.. Omaha. Neb.- Correspondence la
fonfidenUH. The eeley InstHuU treat Drunkeneaa, Ovlwn, Morphia aad
Tobacco bUeaoea eoocesafully. r
The Kidneys
When t bey are weak, torpid, or stagnant,
the whole system Supers. Don't neglect
them at this time, bat heed tbe warning of
the aching back, tbe bloated fact, tbe sallow
Complexion, tbe urinary disorder, and begfn
treatment at once with ' '
Hood '& Sar&d pari I la
which contain tha best and safest curative
In nana! liquid form or la chocolated
tablets known as araatatb. 100 doses fL.
they had' been taken from the Lincoln
depot to the penitentiary In hacks.
No statement was taken frorq any pris
oner who In the least quibbled In hla an
iwer, but the onea given below were made
in the presence of officials at the state
penitentiary and in each Instance the pris
oner was positive of his mode of transporta
tion to the depot. Inasmuch aa It was tha
custom In Omaha for county and city offi
cials to carry street car passes during the
rear DOS. according to tha statement of
the prlaonera. Sheriff McDonald cleared 96
eenta on hack fare alone on each prisoner
be took to the Omaha depot on a street car.
The following table shows the date of
the prlaoner's arrival at the penitentiary.
his statement of bow he got to tbe Omaha
depot and how he got from tha Lincoln
depot to tha prison, and the sworn claim
of Sheriff McDonald as shown In his vouch
ers filed with the claims committee of the
Prisoner. need, at Pen.
Dan Brady Jan. SO
George Frailer Feb. 3
J. J. Buckley ;.. ........March 4
Leslie Allen March 26
John Berry March 29
Walter Anson April I
leo Angus.... April 10..
George Bmlth .' April 14
J. B. Adklns April IS
George Ashford April It
J. H. Robinson April 17
Michael Ford April 19
John Dovle April !
William Young ,., April 27
Frank Thomas April 28
J. J. Reed May 8
ttrrt Char.ler... , ........May 21
George Miller May 15
L. H. Eyre May 18
J. H. Devcrs May IS
I-eon Hewitt May 30 '
Ed Swnnson June 2
Clarence Gathrtght .....June 26
Harrison Clarke June 27
J. O'Hearn June 28
William Rich July 9
Paul Claycomb .....Julv 20
William Gibbs ...July 21
Joe Warren July 24
August Martin July '8
Jack Jennings... ..... .July 2S
James Bmlth Sept. 6
James Howard Sept. 27
A. R. Peterson Oct. 16
Jamea Gallagher Oct. 26
Walter Scott ....Oct. 26
T ester Williams , Oct. 81
Harry Cummlngs Nov. 30
William Smith Dec. 17
Joseph Hlckey ...Dec, 1J
Henry May j,A.-).WItrw'
Charles l.i;htner ....,.,.. Pea. M
Willing Long ........Dec. 26
Hugh Gray ...Dec. 31
Broughtywlth another prisoner.
It Is up to the legislature now to use the
knife a little more freely on the sheriffs
claims. ' '
Hearing; on Tncker Bill.
The house committee on fees and sal
aries tonight listened to a. discussion of
the Tucker bill to cut, out the graft for
feeding prisoners In county Jails. Victor
Rosewater explained the bill In place of
Tucker, who Introduced It, and he showed
by statistics that during, the- 0rst six
months of the present sheriffs term 14,
000 meals had been served at a cost of
nearly $7,000, but since then no report
had been made by the sheriff. During this
time state prisoners had been fed for
seventy-five cents a day and last year the
revenue from feeding federal prlaonera
had amounted to tl.COO. Mr. Rosewater
Insisted fully forty ' per- cent- would be
saved the county and atate If the feeding
contract were let to the- lowest bidder. '
Sheriff McDonald artd Office Deputy
Steere tried to save the situation by
telling what a great responsibility rested
on the sheriff to select the proper food
and how generous he was to the sick pris.
oners and particularly how dangerous It
would be to have food furnished by out
side contract on which the sheriff gets no
rake off. The committee took the bill un-
der advlsment and the indications are It
will be reported back with a recommends-
tlon that It pass.
Baslness Men Believe That lew Depot
Will Be Batlt Despite Rumors.
YORK, Neb., March I. (Special.) Since
the passage of the 2-cent bill, reports are
circulating that . the Burlington will not
build a new depot lneJTork. ;. The Commer
cial club has the promise of the Burlington
officials that York will have a new depot
and that the depot here will be In keeping
with the other public buildings, and ade
quate for the, business done at this point.
When the Commercial club took the matter
ttea. At first ataaee weeM leek ae tt
.. th ...... t.
pat sp w hi. ae a straight usieWss am
mpotofc ,a ,.. Ut af a ttjee
a year hease MBAftf, he had keea he'
or,nsiBg too much tor his m and ie ad
tm m good the thine waa eeae by the I B
bwis er the heuas as follewet the -
Ha can. 1. tB.
oaught hint whea he was reettng wotl for
-Jl- he said to him. "see aav
rop vaeeite this yoar. hut we're gala to ITT""
0 mm another Wo are seine te pay
ai your oapoaaoa at aad wo Waal l
yi i go there aae soon a atonia "
-Jim" took a Bight te think It nr The
ait day ho wool. '
Dut to moot eeoea the man that drmks
... w STOW
toons inni no no nmo ion for im euro - -
m - hotel bllla or railroad rare aad he la
in a receptive mood when the firm pays
(he bltls for him. And somehow 11
to help him when ho oomos out and 0000
that ho has boon treated Hhe a dolloate
pioeo of machinery that be had got eat
ot edluatmettt rather thaa a hopolooa atn-
nor who was drunk eimpty as be devtmh,.
go ha hod aad root, hot lust after
hooking there m a mil antu tprtag a work
ap there was no trouble In semiring a
promise that a new depot would be built
this year. General Superintendent Blgnelt
admitted that tha business at York had
years ago outgrown the shed used by the
company and waa heartily In favor of tha
company building a depot Tbe .business
men rely oh the officials of the Barllngton
railroad keeping thHr promts with the
It Is predicted that with the lowering of
passenger rates to 1 cents a mile a larger
number 'of cltlsena of Tork and farmers
will travel. Already there Is competition
for th first Ucket sold by the Burlington
at this station at the 1-cent rate.
rorsner Ceanty Jade Caesar with
EnsbeaallaaT 93.0OO.
WILBER, Neb., March a. (Special.) The
case against Hosmer H. Hendee Is on trial
with Judge Hurd on the bench. . A. J.
Sawyer of Lincoln and J. H. Orlmm of
thta place appear for tbe defense n(1
County Attorney R. D. Brown and R. M.
Proudflt of Friend for the atate, Hendee
Is charged with embesillng $3,886 belonging
to the estate of George Smith, deceased,
under color of his office as county Judge.
In January. 190. Smith, who from his
hermitlike hablta. had been nicknamed
Groundhog" Smith, was found dead In his
little shack where he lived alone. He waa
M years old and so far aa known had no
relatlvea In thla country. The coroner
found amdng'the old man's efleote a cer
tificate of deposit In a Friend bank of. with
accrued Interest, over (3,300, and $88 In
cash, of all of which the coroner took
charge. Hendee, who waa then county ludge
and In sore financial straits, persuaded the
YEAR 1806.
Statement by Prla
Statement Filed by
ance. Street car
Street car
Street car
Street car
Street car
Street car
1 Street car
Hack -
Hack ,
Btreet car
Btreet car
Btreet car
Street car
Btreet car
Btreet car
Btreet car
Btreet car
Street car
Street car
Hack '
Street car
Street car
Btreet car
Street car
Convey- Cost In
ance. Omaha
Cost In
$2 00
$2 00
Hack $1.00
. Hack
11 no x-
$1 00
$1 60
With Smith.
$100 ,
$1.00 ' '
$1 00
With Jennings.
with Hlckey.
$2 00
$2 00
coroner to tum the money over to the
county court and he deposited It to his
personal account In a local bank. Later,
W. W. Stephens, administrator for Smith,
ought to get the money back, but It was
refused. Mandamus suit was commenced
but waa decided adversely by the district
court. Other legal proceedings were had
and the day Hendee's term of office expired
he dlsaopeared and was seen here no more
until,. brought back from South Dakota by
the sheriff . on a requisition. ' Suit " was
brought against Hendee and-his bondsmen
to recover the money, but by Instruction
of the court the bondsmen were released
from liability on the ground that ' the
money had not been received In the line
of duty as county judge', and Judgment was
given against Hendee alone.
The case may reach the Jury Wednesday
or Thursday.
Bonds Voted to Rebuild the Preseat
. f ECUMSEH. Neb., March 6. (Special
Telegram.) Tecumsch will have a new elec
tric lighting plant. - At the special elec
tion today twenty-year bonds In the sum
' ot tXTV were carried, the same to bear
j Interest at the rate of 4Vi per cent. The
I city has some money It can use In the
construction of the plant, and the Improve
ments will not cost less than $15,000. Eigh
teen years ago Tecumseh voted bonds for
the present plant, which for years has been
Inadequate and Is now on the verge of
collapse. The public-spirited cltlsena here
are Jollifying tonight.
Bnnlnesa Men's Ticket Planned
FALLS CITY, Neb.. March 6. (Special.)
In reapjtise to a call, for a republican cau
cus a number of republlcana met at the
court houae Monday night for the purpose
of nominating a republican ticket for city
offices. Previous to the meeting the busi
ness men rl both parties had agreed to
nominate a business man's ticket, which
would be elocted on a platform of improve
ment. W. 8. Ley da placed the matter be
fore the caucua and with the consent of
everyone the meeting adjourned until next
Monday night when the cltlsena of both
parties will take part
New a wt Nebraska.
DAVID CITY The aeventh annual aea
sion of ths David City chautauqau will be
held August $ to II.
DAVID CITY Rev. Father Caraher, pas
tor of St. Mary's aCthnlic church , la now
agitating for a new church In course of
another year. ,
HARVARD Prof. Clark, who for two
yeara has been superintendent of schools,
has been retained for the coming year at
a salary of $1,200.
TEKAMAH About forty Masons from
hero are planning on attending the Ma
sonlo gathering at Omaha Thursday to see
the traveling "trowel."
SCHUYLER Ed Roaa, who baa bean
living here tbe paat year, haa moved to
Dakota City where he will manage the
Dakota poor farm for the next year.
BEATRICE The Beatrice-Auburn de
bate acheduled to take place at Beatrice
March 22 may be called ofT If some favor
able terms are not conaented by Auburn.
BEATRICE The Beatrice Gaa and Power
company Is pushing work on Its plant
and announcea that It will be ready to
supply consumers with gas about April L
AINSWORTH There was four
of snow on tbe ground and It haa bejn
snowing all day and malting as fust aa It
fell, and tonight there. la about two tnchus
SCHUYLER The Schuyler brewery,
conslatlng of aeven acrea of land, all
brewery buildings and ths aaloon building
of thla city was Bold to T. W. Lyon for
BEATRICE Eugene Freeman of Au
burn and Miss Clara Houae were united
in marriage at the homo of tbe brlds'a
parents at Virginia, Rev. Mr. Whitman
officiating. .
NEBRASKA CITY Revival meetinga are
tlng held at the Methodist church and are
Very largely attended, more Interest being
nown uun nos onea rur many month a.
TUa mcoliugs will continue.
ORESHAM The Oresham Law and Order
league Is prosecuting J. Ernlae, proptletur
of Oreeham's only billiard hall. In the
trial betore Justice I mm, Ernlae was fouoe
guilty aad nned M and costs.
YORK Michael Orier, an old resident, la
slrk at the borne of his sun, Jasper Orier
Jolm Orier of Kansaa City, aad Mra.
Catherine McClure of Colorado Springs, son
ana aaugmer, are at na Daaaiue.
eXHlYLtR By ths decision of the
suprems court In favor of ths state
against the railroads to prevent the
oountlea from oollocllnar taxea levied in
tue years of 10. lv and. 18. Colfax
90 Per Cent of AH IMsease the Result
of Undigested Putrefying Foods.
Men of affairs, women of society and
children with active brains are too often
sedentary In their habits, giving little time
to exercise. To this evil Is added that of
high and Irregular living at a result, the
stomach cannot stand the demands made
upon it. The abused and overtaxed stom
ach does not properly do the work of di
gestion, food taken In ferments and the
poison permeates the whole system. The
body loses In weight and becomes a prey
for the attack of whatever disease It may
Did It ever occur to you how busy that
stomach of your isT It only holds three
pints, but let one year you force It to take
In 2,400 pounds of material, digest It and
prepare It for assimilation Into the blood.
No wonder It rebels when overworked. We
crowd It with steaks and pastry. Irritate Ha
Juices with spices and acids, and expect the
stomach to do Its work. It can t do It.
All over the Inner layer of the stomach
are glands which secrete the Juices neces
sary to digestion. The entrance of food
Into the atomach la the signal for these
glands to do their work.' The more the
food, and the more indigestible, the greater
the demand upon them and upon the mus
cles of the wall adjoining.
Think of the tons of high seasoned game,
sweetmeats and appetisers crammed Into
.this little four-ounce mill, and then won
der. If you will,- why you are 'dlssy or
nauseated or constipated. Don't blame your
stomach or curse your fate that you should
be born so unfortunate. Blame yourself
and apply the remedy.
First, get a smal package of Stuart's Dy
spepsia Tablets, taking one after each
meal and at bed time. They are not a
medicine, but a digestive. Your stomach
Is worn out and needs help, not medicine.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will do the
work that the stomach falls to do. There's
enough power In one grain of Stuart's Dy
spepsia Tablets to . digest 8,000 grains of
ordinary food, so you needn't fear that
anything you eat will remain In your stom
ach undigested.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets wll rout the
poison because they remove the . cause
food fermentation. They are nature's ewn
cure for dyspepsia. The host of troubles
dyspepsia Is the father of cannot be num
bered, for a healthy stomach Is tha source
of all health.
Slese your opportunity before worse con
ditions confront you. Send today for a
free trial package of Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tableta. They will bring your stomach re
lief. F. A. Stuart Co.. 81 Stuart Building,
Marshall, Mich.
The 60-cent alse for sale at your drug
gist's. county will receive between $10,000 and
DAVID CITY The decision of the federal
supreme court affirming the ta caaea was
good news to the cltlsena of Butler county,
as the taxea and Interest from the Union
Faclflo and Burlington amount to to!. 600.
NEBRASKA CITY Wlllim Hughea, one
of the oldest men In the county, being 88
years old, died at the home of his eon, John,
ten miles southeast of thla olty. He passed
more than half of his years in this county.
YORK The high school Junior class play
was greeted with a crowded house. The
acting was good and , showed they had
learned their parte well. . Nearly $300 waa
realised, which goes to pay. expenses of
the school.
TEKAMAH Several' Of the sports have
been out this week and succeeded In bag
ging a goodly number of ducks. The corn
fields seem to be better than the alougha
this year, as all the big kills have been
made there. ' ' v.'-
HARVARD "-Sunday was district rally
day with the Sunday. , schools or Har
vard and nortnwestern Wlay county. v
Sood program was ' carried ouU Miss
laimie Hatne,' me' of the" state officers,
was present.' 1j .i
HARVARD F. - C. MoHntOsh ' has sold
his stationery and book- store stork
to J. T. Bougnan Co, who la expected
to continue the business at the old stand
or resell, should favorable opportunity
present Itself.
BEATRICE The Board of Education last
night at Its regular meeting voted to allow
the Southeastern Nebraska Educational as
sociation, which holds Its annual meeting
in Beatrice the first week In April, tbe
use or tne central scnooi DUiiaing.
SCHUYLER Edward Vraak and Joaeph
Vrba, two young men of thla city, have
entered into partnertnip ana win go into
the hay business. They have bought the
L. W. Bingham haying outfit and have also
leased large hay lands for the ..coming
BLUE HILL The Beatrice Creamery
company has moved its building here to
the track.- The buildings have been
located about six blocks back from the
track, which made It Inconvenient. The
office will also be located In tha same
TABLE ROCK Mr. George F. Cotton.
who has had practical charge of the Cot
ton brick plant here aince Its erection
In 189$. has purchased a half lntereet In
a brick plant at Seward. He will remove
with hla family to Seward the latter part
or the month. . 0
BLUE HILL From all reports obtain
able It aeema wheat has withstood the
winter especially well and that a good
crop will be harveated. The only dis
couraging reports thus far received are
from extremely low lands, wrvre fields
were covered with Ice for several days.
PLATTSMOUTH Fred E. Kroehlor,
formerly a resident of this city, has
brought suit agalnat- the Burlington to
try and collect tne aum or u&.ooo dam
agea for Injuries received while In the
employ of the company while working
hydraulic machine, Which, was out of re
AINSWORTH Rev. Mr. Johnston of
the Methodist Episcopal church Is
holding a protracted meeting here,
with Rev. Mr. Sutton of the Newport,
Neb., church assisting. The Congrega
tional church Is not having any ser
vices on account of the death of Rev. Fax
on's wife.
BEATRICE The ' committee on aayl
high up on the chest. It won't Cure
you In a minute, but keep It on a
reasonable length of time and you
will feel the beneficial results.
For lb tubmf btcM after a Grlppy
Cold, It hu no equal.
RIMIMtl AIU'i are tbe orig
inal and genuine potous plasters. Made
ol aboolotcl the pare and boot Bialer
tale, and Coorontood wader tbe Pore
Food aad Druas Ast, Jwaa M, looo.
Drandreth's Pills
JbnhMwiifOHirMtt ...
Bach pill contains one gimiw of solid ea
tiact ot aoiospofilla. wulck. with other
valuable vcgdsblo products, autke It a
blood pariBo oi e&ceucat tliarecter.
1 1. nets wishes ira
urns from tbe bouse of representa
tives visited Beatrice Tuesday and In
spected the grounds and buildings of the
feeble minded Institute. It Is said the
visit was in the Interest of the $0.000
appropriation recently asked for new
SEWARD Harry Owartney. son of
District Clerk Owartney. died at hla par
ent's home Tuesday morning from lung
trouble. The young man was not quite
twenty years of age. He bad passed the
examination for railway mall clerk and
took a position, but 111 helth caused him
to leave for New Mexico.
DAVID CITY Miss Marie Boston, who
haa been confined to her bed for the past
six months and waa taken to a hospital
In Omaha about a month ago for treat
ment, died at that r'sce Sunday afternoon.
The body was brought home Mondar even
ing, accompanied by her mother. Funeral
services were held Wednesday morning
from St. Mary's Catholic church,
YORK The Pendell A Brown sale ot
draft horses held at the sale barn of Hill
Broa. was the most successful sale of
horses evtr held In York county. The bid
ders were principally York county farmers
and the bidding from the start waa moat
spirited. Horses were rapidly picked up
at from $160 to $236. The total amount of
he sale was about $4,000 and everyone paid
TEKAMAH The elevators St this nlace
are having a great deal of trouble In se
curing care for the shipment of grain. All
three elevators are full and It la Impossi
ble to get more than one car a day for
tne tnree nouses, owing to tne tact tnst
the Missouri river has been unssfe for
crossing most of the winter there has
been more grain sold here this year than
ever before. 1
NEBRASKA CITY-Monday last Henry.
son of Peter Hoffman, died St the family
nome, twelve miles aoutnwest 01 tnis city.
The day before the funeral the father,
Peter, collapsed, and It was thought he
waa suffering from pneumonia, but Satur
day night he died, more from a broken
heart than from disease. Henry was the
favorite son and the father relied on hlra
for almost everything.
TABLE ROCK Ell Porter died at the
residence of his daughter, Mra. W. L.
Tipton, at Junction City, Kaa., aged k
years, ile had a stroke or paralysis a
few days ago. Mr. Porter came to Ne
braska In 1878 worth many thousand
dollars, but died a poor man. Reverses
came to htm, caused by the meter rlo
career or nia son, ueorge w. rorter. wno
died about a month ago. Interment wag
at Junction City.
BEATRICE Mrs. Susan B. Kins died at
her home in this city Sunday evening, aged
71 years. She was born at Fort Wayne,
Ind.. and came to Beatrice In 1N81. where
sho has since resided. Her husband and
oldest son died five years ago. She is sur
vived by three daughters, one of whom Is
a teacher In the Lincoln schools, and one
son. The funeral was held today at 1:110
o'clock from the family home, conducted
Dy kpv. j. uavia.
NEBRASKA CITY A few days ago the
Coupon base ball club met and reorganised
ror tne coming campaign. This is one of
the strongest clubs In Nebraska and it
was very successful last summer, as they
loot but few games. This year they ex
pect to put up a better game than ever
before.. Saturday night the "Nebraska City
Reds" met and organised with Leslie Bur
nett as manager and Harry Chapman as
captain. Thla is also a strong nine.
UTICA Mrs. Sophia Meyer, aged 68
years, waa discovered In an unconscious
condition ny her aaugnter, Mrs. Paul
Knoechel, who lives next door. She went
to call her mother In the morning, but
could not arouse : her '1 his alarmed hor
and she sent up town for her husband,
who brought Constable Collamore along
and they broke open the door, finding the
old lady in bed. Dr. W. C. Kenner was
called, who pronounced It a stroke of
apoplexy. He gave out no hopes lor
her recovery. Her three sons have been
called to her bedside.
PLATT8MOUTH A deed has ben flltd
In this county transferring the owner
ship of 120 acres of land from Hon. Joa
eph O. Cannon, the speaker of the national
house, or representatives, to cranes t:
Tlmmls of Mills county, Iowa. This land
was purchased by Mr. Cannon In 1901 for
$15,000, ahowlng that the land haa almost
doubled In value in that ahort period,
of time. Other transfers of land amounted
to $110,100 and the next to $126,100. Cass
county land Is readily selling at from
$76 to $100 per acre. George Wiles pur
chased from O. E. Chandler 240 acres for
$20,700. J. M. Carper sold to Miss Cora
M. Walker 80 acres for $,800.
who died Monday at Kansas City, waa one
of the pioneers of this section. He landed
at West port. Mo., In 168, snd did mission
ary ' work among tne Indiana, ana at tne
breaking out of the war came to this city
and remained for many years and held sev
eral positions of trust In city afTaira, He
was one of the company of We at port ,mon
who attempted to solve the problem of
firalrle transportation by the Use of eati
ng vessels, broad of beam and set close
to the ground. Bad roads and lack of ateer
lng apparatus made the scheme a failure.
in lmu in-, ana Mrs. iTu-Ker ceieDratea
their golden wedding anniversary. . A
widow and three children survive him.
BEATRICE The monthly meeting of the
directors of the Beatrice Commercial club
waa held last evening with a large attend
ance. The matter of occupation tax by
Insurance companlea waa discussed. It Is
claimed that they offer to reduce insur
ance rates 6 per cent if the occupation
tax is taken off, and if ths companies would
make and retain aucn reduction It would
be economy for the city to repeal the oc
cupation tax ordinance. A report was sub
mitted showing that no site waa yet avail
able for the firemen's monument. Messrs.
Duncan, Hardsn and Penner were ap
pointed a committee to aee that the South
eastern Educational association, which
meeta here next month, was properly
housed and to Induce the association to
continue to hold Its meetings In Beatrice.
LYONS At a meeting of business men
the Nebraska Improvement company was
organised and Incorporated with a capi
tal or iioo.ouo, or wnicn tzu.ouo is pain
up. The following officers were elected:
Frank B. Rhode, president; Oliver Walte,
vice president; David McMonles, treas
urer; and John F. Piper, secretary. This
company will Immediately go Into the
grain business and the old Peavey eleva
tor will be put in operation under the
name of The Farmers' Elevator, and
another elevator will be operated at Ros
alie, about 10 miles north of Lyons, as
soon aa It can be constructed, ir the com
pany is unable to purchase one of tbe
elevators already there. The object Is to
secure a good grain marKet lor theae
twalat aad) Cartons Feataves of Life
la a Rapidly Grow
laar State.
Prices Ten Yeare Ago Corn, 10 cents;
wheat, 68 cents; oats, 10 cents. Aurora
Bun. '
If the new passenger rate looks like the
old "one and one-third fare for the round
trip" traveling tn Nebraska will be one
continuous excursion . until the novelty
wears off.
A "graduate" of tha dipsomaniac hospital
promises to return to his old home and re
deem himself and the local paper suggests
that he should get a reputation before fac
ing; old acquaintances.
Sunday School Boom Closed Tbe Sunday
school, nee ths Blues and the Reds, have
ended tbe attendance contest, the Bluts
winning by a neck. Sprague Correspond
ence Hickman Enterprise. .
Having sent tbe mayor to examine the
books kept In New York by the local water
and lighting company, Nebraska City will
at least learn something about how the
Investment appears to stockholders.
Editor Hughes of ths Thurston Gaaette is
being "mentioned" for mayor of ths town.
but as the life of the municipality Is still
In doubt Mr. Hughes may have to wait
until the office Is created before captur
ing it.
Insult to Injury-Have you, received a
valentine by registered mailt We do know
of one who got it that way, and by
Jingo, he felt as if he was alofted In the
seventy-seventh stories. Z-s-t-s est let's
go away. Sparta Correspondence A'srdlgrs
Where the Dance Failed Financially the
dance was a success, but tbe usual dis
turbance s created and we would con
sider It advisable to cut out this dance
buainess and let the fighting fraternity, for
which Wellfleet la gloriously noted, take a
rest. Correspondence North Platte Tribune.
EYE PECLaLlnra, Huteeon Optical Co,
i.iuw'M.wp.i m iiimi hi
Prepare lor Easier .
One' of the Old-Time Sales Which Should Crowd
the Store and Cause Genuine Excitement.
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clook i starting' timo.
Taffetas 19 to 27 inches wide the guaranteed kind. Plaids
up to 27 inches wide, especially new and 'desirable. Fou
lards 24 inches wide, splendid styles from best markets.
Novelties and fancies 19 up to 27 inches wide, some printed
warps, all colors and a great variety of Styles and many
qualities. Nothing worth less than 75c and many worth
$1.25 a yard.
. 4-
54c Yard-
Weuw.,.,,,i.i , u nil'.' " i ' utimaumummm mini an , .
(Waist Lengths and Remnants Will Not Be Cut.) . .
Now just a word, for your information) and benefit:
Perhaps no article of merchandise has seen a greater, ad
vance than desirable silks, and prices are : still climbing.
There is not one yard of silk provided for this sale that can
be bought to sell for less than 75c a yard today, and, as be
fore stated many are worth $1.25 a yard.
If you need a waist, a silk skirt or a beautiful dress, you
owe it to yourself to take a look 10 in the morning,
There Will Be a Clean-up Sale ol Short Gloves
Cashmere, silk lined and 'golf gloves sold this season
at 50c, 75c and $L00. The price for Wednesday suggests
"Skiddo"- ' ."" ;
23c Pair
Shouldn't Be
Thomas Mpatricli & Co.
Liquidation on a Large Boale 0anwi a
General , Decline in Prioea.
. . i - - " -
Nearly Every Issae Is Affected aad
Losses Ranare 'frees Two to Tern
Folate-alas OTOr MlUlea.
. Shares. -
NEW TORK, March 6. liquidation On u
large scale caused a collapse In today's
stock market. Very demoralised conditions
marked the closing, final prices In a number
of instances being the lowest In years.
There were few new developments to ac
count for the movement.
The great bulk of today's Belling eman
ated from high quarters. The pressure waa
especially directed against Southern Pacific
and Atchison, those Issues declining 4
and 6 points respectively. There were
other losses ranging from I to 10 points.
practically every active stock participating
in the break. ..
Foreign selling was something of a factor.
London, according to report, unloading
fully 86,000 share though part of this was
probably for New Tork accounts. The
opening transactions reflected some sup
port, especially In the Hill stocks which
were recently .the weakest Issues. By mid
day, however, the selling movement was
In full swing and gained Increased momen
tum as stocks poured out. Rallies were
feeble and the signal for a fresh outburst
by the short Interests, whose operations
contributed In no small measure, to the
day's transactions, approximating 1.150,000
shares, the largest business of the year.
A eanvsss of the banks and other finan
cial Institutions after the close of the mar
ket ellcted the assurance that no trouble of
a serious character waa pending In thoae
quarters. Conservative bankers were dis
posed to regard the break as highly bene
ficial to the general situation.
D1AMOKDS Frsnser, lata and Dodge
Two Explosions la. Mexleo Bsry ntn
"' Mem and Imjare Rlae
EL PASO, Tax., March (.Two explosions
In the rock quarry of the Chihuahua St Pa
clflo railroad at Sandoval, Chihuahua, yes-
It pays
ttnbbere that
Fooe-Scbalse eosMla aaoio Bora India
mafcoe dum rha aarecber braad. This ilvis
thta tbelrtoarfkaasssBd nukes thcavsar. Tbey
are the linMi"(;im"k.i (area n inuda'i
Suadare, Ask roar
, Sesd ss row ataxias
Bull res lnaal,h.M.ft.k...tlf..l A Mkutm luv-'
I lor calldraa. This book
" sis seas Bronoaaead
. snaaaa. . it s lor oa If
, "oo oaooiiioa. ana mat
iwiiiob in sapor ia
aaoraos BS plaialr ss lollevs
Misoii renin
St miauuiuii in. u umiiws iiiBJailL I, LimiM-X
a Pair Left.
terday killed and burled nine men and
seriously Injured nine others. ' ' '
Fair Today In Itebraaka and Kaasasi
Rata Tomorrow Fair Today
,.. . la Iowa.
WASHINGTON. March S.-i-Forecast Of
the weather for Wednesday, and Thurs
day: .
For Nebraska, Kansas Fair Wednee--day;
Thursday rain:- i'
For Iowa Fair Wednesday Thursday
Increasing cloudiness . and warmer, rain
or snow tn west portion;
For Missouri Partly, cloudy 1 Wednee
day; Thursday cloudy, rain In south and
west portion; ' .
For 8outh Dakota Fair Wednesday;
Thursday rain or snow;
For Wyoming Ram or snow Wednes
day; Thursday partly cloudy, rain or snoe?
In north portion; : ' '
For Colorado Rain ' or snow Wednes
day; Thursday partly cloudy, ' enow on
the mountain district. "
loeal Reeord.
OMAIIA, March 6, Official record ot tem-
rerature and precipitation, compared with
he corresponding day of the last three
veers: 1907. 19H6. 1905. ISM.
Maximum temperature.... 42 81 , 46 44'
Minimum temperature.... SI 22 S4 31
Mean temperature '. 34 24 40 SS
Precipitation .00 .08 .00 .40
Temperature and precipitation departures'
from the normal at Omaha since. March 1,
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature (0
Excess for the day 4
Total excess since March 1.. IS
Ko-r"al preolpltHtlon Mlnch
Deficiency for the day M Inch
To'al prerlpllatlon since March 1..' '.OH Inch
Deficiency sines March 1 .17 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period. 1906. .IS Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1906 ' .10 Inch
Reports Irons Stations at T FVM.
Station and State Temp. Max. , Rain,
of Weather. . Id. in. TemD. tall.
XHsrnsrcK, near i
Cheyenne, cloudy 42
Chicago, clear 82
Davenport, clear ............ SO
. 62
26 u
v 44'
., -44
Denver, cloudy ,. 46
Havre, clear i 26
Helena, cloudy ...ti '....40
Huron, clear 28
Kansas City, cloudy , 42
North Platte, cloud 40
Omaha, cloudy S7
Rapid City, cloudy. 40
Bt. Louis, clear 44
St. Paul, clear 23
Salt Lake City cloudy .....58
Valentine, parOcloudyv-1... 40 ,
Wllllaton, clear 28
T Indicates trace of nreclr.ltatlon.
L. A. WEJ8H, Local .Forecasts
to bay th
Wear Loosest
4lr about Foot-SchaJM
as aaovs.
addraaa oo a eoatal sao wm orlll
cost as tboouada ol dollars.
lbs boot ol ris klsd over
too will ask lor It. Oal
is tbalroa as ssra to
vaus roe sa ttls esar
sod Wll Imliiiol
trade an-