Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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Mtseellaaenns Cewtlaaea).
FBW tmrgalns In M-hand soda fountains;
monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Fsrnnm.
FOR HALETwo National cash registers,
one total adder; slso nice line of store
fixtures. Olobe Dagid and Investment Co.,
. . . . ... - ta ATA
BCHOUARBHIP and booke In Boytes Busi
ness college for sale at reduction; party
taken 111; books entirely new. Address
B 747. Bee. 1J til M4X
MEMBERSHIP In tre Omaha Grain ex
change for anle cheap, for rash; no trades
considered. Address A 2SJ, cure Be.
(1 M1M I
paint. Sherman A McConnell Drm Co.
1S 4
RTDPATH 8 History of World Encyclo
pedia Brltannlca, cheap. Ml Paxton
block. Roberta, (16) 1SJ AprSOx
TWO store awnings end refreshment tent
. with poles, cheap. 308 N. 16th.
i)-zn 7x
PARIS studio for silk photos, 210 S. 14th
St. (1) 474 lOx
FOR SALE Two good large Ice boxen;
must be sold to make room for larger
one.- Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co.
OOOT flat-top office desk, and chair. 110. 121
8. 25th Bt. (16) M477 6x
-HOLE nteel range, bent make, nearly
new: low nrlee. 24A1 Hsrner.
CIGARS No. ,15n. to close out at bargain
Srlce, well known nickel brand. Address
2X9, Bee. 'ID M447 6x
D. O. BARNELL, patent attorney and ma
chine designer. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 71 IT.
Ti-M7S7 Mil
MACHINE designing end general draught-
lng at reasonable rates. W. P. Dorner.
824 S. 26th Bt. G7 M784 Mil
PATENTS, trade marks, guaranteed or n
fee. National Investment Co., Done-las Blk
(17) M7IX Mil
Larson A Co., book free. Bee Bldg.
17 M?X
CITT STEAM LAUNDRY 8hlrts pressed,
not Ironed. Ill 8. 11th St. Tel. Doug. 254.
(IS) -952
BEWINO machines rented, any mnk. 75c
per week or $2.00 per month. Second
hand machines for sale, 15 00 and up,
Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harnev
, MASQUE costumes. Lleben. Tel. 4115. Onon
evenings. ut
SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; out
prices; send for free catalogue. Mvers
Dillon Drug Cf., Omaha. (IN) 96
COSTUMES-8318 S. 20th. Sack.
Tel. Red 7173.
(18) M9G3
PLEATING Buttons, Rushing,
1 l-'Uinu Embroidery.
Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink
ing, only 6c per yard. Bend for prlco list
and samples.
40 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 19"!.
tW '31
Dr. King, 2018 N. 21st Bt. Tel. Doug. SiifiUw
tia :ios
Institute. Ramii
UH) u
Now Is the time to trim trees. trelllHcs and
grape vines; also landscape garaening.
Tel. Red &4fc. Res. livl a. ifctn Ave.
ia-7 Mil
THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caBtoff
clothing; in fact, anything you do not
. need: we collect, repair ana sell, at lit M
lith St., for cost of collecting, to the
: worthy poor. Call 'Phone Doug. 41.16 and
wagon win call, us) &u
if A CJ A fl VSwedisli movement. 410 N,
'AfvfrJfrv-,-'Wth,..rooni 2, second floor.
(IS) M487 A3
f A nWVTTP treatment and bath. Mm
Bmltb, 118 N. 15th, 3d floor.
US) ul
Complete line of leading periodicals; Ger
man ana foreign puoiicauons a specialty,
(l)-370 Mil
EYE defects corrected by glasses, fitted
In your home If deHired; reasonable
' prices. Bmith, Graduate Optician, 2M1
' ' Uhlu. 'Phone Webster 4337.
(18) MOW 2x
SEWING machine supplies for all makes
of machines; machines repaired ; machines
for rent. Hayden iiros.. Hewing Machine
Dept. Douglas Bt. entrance. Tel. Doug.
Wft US) ilj HU
EFFA ELLIS, muslo by malL Adults'
evening clues Mondays. 1611 Farnnin.
Douglas 7U1. (IS) lt M4
ANY ONE knowing the whereabouts o
Nela and Olaf Olsen will confer a favor
Upon them by showing them this ad. or
by writing to Miss Carrlo Olsen, Rock
Island, 111., 640 4tith Bt.
(18) M789 M12x
FOR anything In the sewing machlns line
go to P. E. Flodman & Co., 1614 Cap. Ave,
. . (id) MY3H Mil
DR. N. BOMMER, homeopath, Bee Bldg.
(18) SoJ
RUPTURE CURED ISO: no knife. Oulck
Cure Rupture Co., Woodmen of the World
DUiiaing. US) M3W M31
HEALTHY nursing mother will take In
fant for nursing. Apply Mr Agnes
Aaams, urn ana iw mi., soutn Omaha.
(18) M413 8
HEALTHY, wholesome, satin skin bestowed
Dy uim sitm cream ana bulla powder.
. U8)
OMAHA Steam Paste Co. manufactures
pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Telephone
OWNER, wishes to sell at once nice east
front Duuuing .lot, icvtxii ft., close to
car line ana wunin easy walking ins
tance of town. Terms caxh or pert cush
AUtlress care uee. (1U) U3s4 bx
This tiler of nrnnertv hmi a frnntitm n
fI2 feet on Harney street; It lira !M) ft-et.west
of the N. W. cor. of Xh and Harney.
finely located for a row of flats. It
won t be long before hta will be business
property. It lays at grade, and is In ever:
war ucsirauie. no fancy price on tli
.This addition begins at M St. Farna
runs throush th mi.iiii ih.u
have over (ltoi for sale. They are deKlrahle
lor resilience and trackage. The (1W)I lot
musi e soia in a bunch. They are price
innr uiiiivi'iii.ii value.
This chcltce residence lot. 60x165 ft., II
In h HI., the most desirable resident
aistrivt; esBt rmnt. lot terraced and sodd.
Atpnun pavement in front of property
1320 Farnam fct.. City.
t2 M259
modern except furnace: If
. . taken at once can be had for
B. E. Cor. lih and Dodge Bts.
(19)-M311 1
FOR BALE Two modern houses and Urge
barn, one block forth of llanscoin puk;
, paved street, east front kit 75x150. East.
: fiu owner UI sell at a tnrs.dn
liowut 1 N. Y. L. Bldg.
Six-room house on Franklin street, near
car, city wafer ami gns, good -barn, per
manent walk. Cheap at 11,100.
t lots on paved street, paving paid, one
block from car, water and sewer, 1 5 00 for
all. or $300 each.
I lots In Omaha View, 1250 for all.
These lots will soon be only one block
from car line and one lot will be worth
all we ssk for the three. BUT THUMB
High, sightly lots on Ames Vve.. with
car by the door, 1260 and up.
Phone Douglas 161.
(,04 8. ICth BU
(19) M452 6
LANDSCAPE architect. B. C. Foster,
phone Doug, ifci. on raxion bik.
BUT from owner and save commission;
-room, new. mooern collage, u o. inn.
400 Fine home, 7-room modern house,
valuable full' lot, $1,400 cash, balance
monthly payments. Inquire 1411 Vinton
Bt. I 1 ox
INVESTMENT' In Omaha Improvement
property, close in. a. liawver, in fc-m
met St. , (1)-481 8
FOR BALE Nice 5-room cottage 11. r.0. Bee
owner, a18 Grant Bt. il) M,a x
Seven rooms, all modem, east
front. Price, 22,800.
1001 N. Y. L. Bldg.
'Phone D-2162.
(191496 6
STRACTS OF TITLES are tne sareat.
Tou sre protected by a tlO.OOO bond against
loss nv errors, l ou aon i nuy iuw sun
when you buy a "Kerr" abstract. 1614
Harney, lei, uougiaa msi u
Kansas. .
ffOMESEEKERS! Be careful. Locate right
Investigate our famous artesian vauey,
Sure crops, matchless climate. Let ua
writ you. Miller & Jamoa, Meade, Kan.
Farm Joins the city limits of
Grand Island; level land. Price
KA per acre.
1001 N. Y. Life Bldg.
Phone Douglas 2152.
(20) M3S8 i
BOX BUTTE county, Nebraska 320 acres,
finest soil in the county, l miles norm'
east of Alliance: 110 per acre, half cash
Cuming County, Nebraska 160 acres, six
miles southwest of Wiener; : per acre
half cash, balance 6 years, 6 per cent
Box 722, West Point. Neb. (20) 603 ox
4b0 acres NVi SE14, section .
1, township 12, range 48;
north half smooth, hard,
black land; southeast quarter
rolling; suitable for pasture.
( Price 16.50 per acre. $3 per acre
cash, balance nine annual
payments, 6 per cent Interest.
1001 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
(20) M391 (
Howard County,
three miles from
St. Paul,
must be sold.
Price $1,200.
1001 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
(20)-M393 i
l.OOoacres, all level land,
good black soil. Improvements
consist of a 6-roojn house,
stable, corral, good well and
mill, etcr all fenced and
cross-fenced. Write us about
1001 N. Y. Life Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
(20)-M390 S
oath Dakota.
BOON to be opened in Tripp county, goulg
Dakota; new and authentic map Just out,
price, 60 cents, postpaid. Fred Reich
manu, uonesteel, 8. D,
(201 Um M18
It has 46 Inches of rainfall. - -
It has more productive soil.
It has no brush to grub out
It don't have to be Irrigated.
It baa pure water at sixty feet
It ousts less to Improve.
It grows best cotton In Texas.
It is a natural clover country.
It Is best sugar cane lana.
It Is good alfalfa country.
It U a aplendid hog country.
It has a ten months' growing season.
It has lowest shipping rates.
It sells at $12.00 to $18 per acre.
Illustrated list free.
Ban Antonio, Tex.
(20) M511 M3
DALHART, TEXAS, the hub of a mtUloa
acres o( tne choicest tana in me pan
handle. Come with us on March 6tli,
Join our soeclal cars either at Omaha,
Neb.; Clarion, la.; Waterloo, la.; Cedar
RaDida. la.: Plymouth. Hid., or moom
Ingtou, III. Boe local agents. W. P.
Soaah Land Co., Waterloo, la.
(20) 118 Mari
Land $15 to $J6 per acre. Also Irrigation
project for Investment. Address tlox 83,
Tlieriuopolia, Wyo.
(iu) M53S M6x
(40 acres smooth, hard black
land, underlaid with a clay
subsoil, in Kimball county.
5 miles from railroad. Price
1U01 N. Y. Life Bldg..
Omaha, Neb.
(20)-M3S9 6
1.6M) ACRE8 of fine soil, 100 acres of tim
ber, living water $2u per acre; a forced
760-ACRE stock ranch for quick sal $4
per acre, cash.
1614 Emmett Bt.. Omaha. (20) 483
WE WANT at once 600 live real estate num
f help ur. dispose of li'.0 acres of the
choicest africultural lands near Dalhart,
Tex., only t tires to ten miles from town.
Special Inducements to live real estate
, ft:n. Write or wire ua at once. W. P.
i rn""'h Land. Co.. Waterloo, Ia.
V (20) 117 Marl
There Is a (real demand for
cheap land. We can sell you
fiom lio acres- un to uny
amount you aant ftr Western
Nebraxka. Easier." Colorado,
of Uyomli'K. level land,
black top soil, underlaid with '
a clay subsoil. Prices $3.50 to
$10 per acre, depending on lo
, cation and quality. If you
aie Intarested write us and
tell how much you want and
where you want It
1001 N. Y. Life Buldg..
Omaha, Neb.
(2)-M 32 I
FINW ranch to rent on crop p!sn In famed
Big Horn Basin.
write w. m
No Wood, Wro.
FOR RENT 6-arre tract of land In Ben
son (without house), suitable for garden
ing or raising potatoes. Will rent till
January 1. for ti& If taken Immedi
ately. Address E 338. care Bee. -
(2!) 4Sx
() 223 16
MONEY TO LOXN Payne Investment Co.
(2i 66
GARVIN BROS., 1604 Karnsm. t and IH
per cent loans on real estate; no delay.
LOWEST RATES Bemla, Paxton Block.
(22) 67
11,000,000 TO LOAN on business and resi
dence property In Omaha; lowest rates;
no delay. Thomas Brenuah, H. 1, N. Y.
Life. (22)-6
WANTED City loans and warrants. W,
Farnam Smith Cf., 1320 Farnam Bt
LOANS on Improved city property. W. 1L
Thomas, uui First National Bank Bldg.
(22) 670
WANTED City loans. R. C. Peters Co.
PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead, 1620 Doug
(25 671
WANTED To buy at once for cash, build
ing lot M to 75 feet wide by 132 deep.
Must He within the area bounded by
Jones, Davenport 16th and 2"th. Btate
price and location at once. M 40, care
Bee. (231 MHO 6x
WANT to buy one or two sections In
western Neb.: prefer Cheyenne, Kim
ball or Banner county. Give section.
townahlp and range, also price, in first
letter. Address is 816. care nee.
(26) M199 7
TOP prices for Id-hand books, novels, all
kinas. uiacey, i t. im. m mni-j
to MJl ttlOX
WANTED To buy good late model, second
hand No. Remington typewriter. Ad-
dreas 0-31S. Bee. (26) M462 6
CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foye Co.,
313 B. 14th. 'Phone Douglas-1321.
WANTED to buy, second-hand typewrit
era, all makes. 318H N. Uth St, flat 8.,
(26) 680 M21
TYPEWRITERS We pay the highest cash
price for typewriters. Call at once or
Tel. Doug. 6477, Kendls. Paxton block.
(26) (74 Mis
WANTED A 1,200-pound horse, a good
looker, sound and young. Chas. E. Bates,
601 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Harney 8fl4.
: (25)-22l7x
WANT to buy hardware stock with estab
lished trade. Address. V Z4, Hee.
(25)-M124 6x
WANTED Good base burner and fur
overcoat. Address Y 2o0. care Bee.
(26) M422 6x
WE have a buyer for a or 10-room house
in Hanscom Park or West Karnam aiS'
trlct $5,000 to $8,ono; also buyers for cot-
tsges, I1.W0 to 3,0UO. Wright L-isnury
6(4 Bo. 16th St. ta M4W e
WANTED TO BUY A thoroughbred Irish
water SDanlel: send Photo and pedigree
young male preferred. Address Y 261,
care Bee. (26) MM4 llx
WANTED Eight or nine-room modern
house. In Purk Ave. or f arnam at. als
trlct, by very desirable tenant Inquire
H. C. Callaoh, care J." L. Brandels m
Bona. (26I-M434 6
YOUNG lady wants room mate. 206 South
25th Ave. tab) oib ox
WANTED Seven or eight-room modern
house in walking distance, snout iftn of
April. Address E 287, Bee. (26) M4W bx
When You Write lo .
Remember that It takea only an extra
stroke or two of the pen to mention the
fact that you saw the ad. In the Bee.
Bee Want Ada for Business Boosters.
DAT WOMEN furnished free of charge.
Telephone Douglas 1112. izo mow
wanted A rood sDeclal line to sell
on commission in Hen. ana toio.; naa
long-time experience and been success
ful. Room 26, Bchllts Hotel, Omaha; In
room evenings until March 8.
(27) M4S86X
UNIVERSITY man, wltn years' experi
ence as manager of grain, coal and live
' stock business, wants good paying posi
tion, has small capital; will Invest If re
quired. Address 11 786, Bee.
(27) M530 MUX
GOOD bread and pie baker wants a situa
tion. Address P. HJllmuth, 468. Oakland.
Ia, (27) 291 x
WANTED Good appearing young man, has
good Identity with the trade, would like an
account for Omaha and tributary towns.
Address N 312. care of Bee.
, (() M449 5x
POSITION aa clerk In atore or bookkeeper:
have worked In atore two years; have
been bookkeeper and stenographer; can
talk 8 languages; can furnish good refer
ence; will accept position outside city.
Address B 827. Bee. (271372 4x
clerk; 12 years' experience in general de
partment stores', best of references. Ad
drees Y 255. care Bee. (27) 498 6x
WANTED Young lady, age 21. wanting
employment at doctors' or dentists! oince.
Address R. M. N.. South Omhaa, Bee
office. 27-M5T 9
Notice la hereby given that the regular
annual meeting of he stockholders of the
South Platte Land company will be held
at the office of said company at Lincoln,
Neb., at 11 o'clock a. m. on the 8th day of
March, A. D., 19v7. By order of the Board
of Directors. C. H. MORRILL, President;
A. B. MINOR, Secretary.
Lincoln. Neb., February 4, 1907.
Omaha. Nebraska, March J. 19U7. Sealed
propoauU. in triplicate, will be received here
and by guarteriuamers at the posts named
herein, until 10 a. m , central standard time,
April 1, IM. for furnishing wood, coal and
cLurcoal, during ths fiscal year ending June
iu, I'joK. at Omaha y. M. 'Depot, Forts Crook,
Omaha ami Robinson, Nebraska; Forts
Deavenworth and Klley, Kansas; Forts D.
A. Russell and Mackenzie, Wyoming; Fort
Des Moines, lo, and Fort Meade, South
Dakota. Proposals for delivery at other
places will be mr tallied. Tutted States re
serves right to reject or accept any or all
DroDt sals or any part thereof. Information
I ui nlshed on application here, or to ttf uar
t. rmanters at the stations named. Envel
opes containing proposals should be marked
"prupooHls fir Fuel," and addressed to
Major THOMAS CM.' BE, C. Q M.
Omaha. Neb. March 1. IMI. Sealed pro
posals. In triplicate, will be received here
and by the Quartermaster t the posts
named herein, un.111 10 a. m , central stand
ard time, April 1. li'7. for furnishing min
eral oil during the nical year ending June
, 1S. at Fort Robinson, Nebraska; Fort
Des Moines, Iowa; Fort Leaven worth, Kan
ras: Fort Mackenxia, Wyoming, and Fort
Meade South Dakota. Proposals for de
livery at other than the above named sta
tions will not be entertain J. The l nltea
States reserves right to reject or accept
any or all proposals or any part thereof.
Information furntrhed on applicatioa. here,
or to Ouartermaster at the stations named.
Envelopes i' ntainlng proposals should be
marked "Pr.'meals for Mineral Oil. and
addi-saed U Major THOMAS ( Rl'BK. t
Q. M. , M2 4 5-fi -29 So
msstcr. Fort Robinson. Nebraska, Feb
ruary 28, 1H07. Sealed proposals, In tripli
cate, subject to the usual conditions, will
be rmelved here until 13 m , western stan
dard time. March li, 1907. for the con
duction, proper, of one Bet Held onlcers
quarters, two double Sets captains quar
ters, one double, set lieutenants quar-
ers, one ten-set bachelors officers quar
ters, two double cavalry barracks, two
double stable guard and shop buildings.
four cavalry ataMes end one veterinary
stable at Fort Robinson, Nebraskn. Bid
ders are required to submit with their
proposals samples of the bricks they pro
pose to use for facing and backing, with
prices for each different kind. Plans may
be seen in oince or Chief quartermaster.
Denver, Colo., and In office of the con
structing quartermaster. Fort Leaven
worth, Kan. run information nirnisn-n
upon application to this office. Proposals
to be marked "Proposals for Construction
of New Buildings," and addressed to the
undersigned. Captain I.eon B. Roudles.
Constructing Quartermaster.
tnloa PaclAc
a 1:6 am
a 8:18 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 8:30 pm
Overland Limited
The China and Japan
Fast Mall a 4:1s pm
Colo, ft Calif. Ex a 416 pm
California A Ore. Ex. ..a 4:26 pm
a 6:io pm
a!0:45 pm
Ixjs Anceles Limited. ,.al2:06 pin
Fast Mall
Colorado Biteclal ....
1:56 am a 6:00 pm
a 7:45 am a 7:44 am
North Platte Local a 8:10 am
a 4:60 pm
b 12:45 pm
Beatrice Local .., b 3:00 pm
Chlcaa-o Kort a western-
Cedar Rapids Pass a 7:06 am
a 6:06 pm
al0;P0 put
all:16 pin
a 3:45 pm
a 8:35 am
a 8:50 am
a 3:46 pm
a 7:30 am
a 2:00 pm
a 8:30 am
7:06 am
a 8:31 am
all:51 am
al0:35 aia
10:36 am
a 6:06 pm
a 6:05 pm
b 6:06 pm
bl2:50 pm
a 8:80 am
al0:30 pro
bll :30 am
Twin city express a cooam
Chicago Daylight a 8:00 am
Chicago I.ocal all:30 am
Sioux City lxcai a 3:50 pm
Carroll Local a 4 32 pm
Sioux (City Local
Chicago Express a 6:60 pm
Fast Mail
Fast Mall t:!t pm
Twin City Limited ....a 8:28 pm
Overland Limited a 8:38 pm
Chicago Limited all:U0 pm
Norfolk-Honesteei a . :ei am
Llncoln-Chadron b 7:40 am
Dead wood-Lincoln a 8:00 pm
Casper-Shonshonl a 3:00 pm
Hustings-Superior b 3:00 pm
Fremont-Albion D 6:02 pm
St. Louis Express a 8:80 pm
Bt. Louis I.ocal (from
Council Bluffs) a 9:15 am
Btanberry Local (from
Council Hiurrs) o o:u pm
Chleaso Great Western.
Bt. Paul ft Minneapolis.. 8:30 pm
7:10 am
11 :60 pm
9:00 am
St. Paul & Minneapolis.
Chicago Limited
7:45 am
6:40 pm
Chicago kx press
7:40 iml 11:60 nm
Chicago Fxpresa
3:30 pm ' 3:30 pm
Missouri Pacific.
K. C. ft Bt. L. Express.. a 9:00 am
a 6:30 am
a 6:26 pm
all:40 am
a 4:15 pm
a 3:46 pm
a 8:15 pm
a 7:30 am
a 7:30 am
K. C. ft St. L. Express.. all :lo pm
Nebraska Local a 2:00 pm
Des Moines Local
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express a 8:00 am
Minn, ft St. Paul Ex..b8:0)am
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pin
Minn, ft Bt. Paul Ltd.. .a 8:30 pm
Chicago, Rock Island ft Pnelflo.
Chicago Limited a 3:15 am a 7:10 am
Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm
Chicago Mail a 8:46 Dm
Iowa Local bl2:06 pm b 9:56 pm
Chicago (Eastern Ex.). .a 6:05 Din a 1.33 rm
Chicago (Iowa Lmtd.)..a 6:36 pm al2:26 pm
Rocky Mountain Limit. 7 -20 am a 3:05 am
Colo, ft Cal. Express, a 1:50 pm a 4:50 pm
Okl. ft Texas Express.. a 4:4 pm al2:06 pm
Lincoln Falrbury and
Bellevue a 8:50 pm a 9:30 am
Chtcaa-o, Milwaukee ft t. Paal.
ni. ana t.uiu. opecim.. i.du am a cjfu am
California and Ore. Ex.a 5:45 pm a 8:10 pm
overmuu ximiivu m o.ju pm a am
Des Moines ft Cedar
Rapid Local b 6:46 am bll:00 pm
Leave. Arrive.
Denver ft California.
Black Hills
Northwest Special .
Northwest Express .
Nebraska Express ..
Nebraska Local
.a 4:10 pm a 3:30 nm
.a 4:10 pm a 3:30 pm
.a 4:10 pm a 3:20 pm
.all:10 pm a 7:10 am
.a 9:10 am a 7:45 pm
a 8:00 am a 7:46 pm
Lincoln iocal
Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:00 pm
Lincoln Local
Ft. Crook & Plattam'th.b 2:50 pm
Plattsraouth a 7:50 pm
Denver Limited
Bellevue ft Pac. June. .a 8:80 am
Chicago Special a 7:2K am
Chicugo Express a 8:45 pm
Chicago Flyer a 8:06 pm
Iowa Local a 9:15 am
Bt. IxjuIs Express a 4:46 pm
Kansas Clty-8t. Joe al0:46 pm
Kansas Clty-St. Joe a 9:15 am
Kansas City-St. Joe a 4:45 pm
a 9:05 am
al2:01 pm
a 7:30 pm
bl0:26 am
a 8:10 am
a 7:10 am
a 1:50 nin
a 7:2S am
a 8:56 nm
a 7:i6 pin
aiu:w pm
all :30 am
a 6:46 am
a 8.10 pm
Chlraaro, St.
PanI, Minneapolis
Twin City Passenger... b :o am
Sioux City Passenger... a 2:00 pm
b am
all:80 am
b 9:10 am
e 6:60 pm
Emerson Local
.b 6:46 pm
.02:46 am
Emerson Local
Mlsonrl PaclBe.
Local via Weeping
Falls Cltr Local ..
a 8:05 am a (.60 pm
a 8 50 pm all: 20 pm
a Daily, b Dally except Sunday.
a uany
except Saturday, e Sunday only,
except Monday.
e Daiiy
New steamers Victorian and Virginian, trlpla-
turbtna snainea. and TunUlan. Coralran ana
Ionian, twin-acraw. Waeklf ealllug Llrarpool. Olaa-
cow, London, Harre (Franca).
Ramamber, our aatllnsa sra from Montrasl. paw
ing down the pleturaaque St. Lawranea Klrar br aajr
lliht. Accammodatioua anauruaMrd. Ratea: saloon
aao uo and uowardt: aacond cabin Mtl.uO and up
wards, pne alaaa cabin staamara, ana upwaraa.
AUtN COMPANY, pt Jackaos noui., tnicago.
Itretber's Trial at Cnlpenper How
Centers on Testimony a
to Insanity.
CULPEPPER. Va., March 4. The second
week of the Btrothcr trial opened with In
terest centered in the attempt of the prose
cutlon to shatter the plea of "emotional In
sanity" advanced by the defense. By call
lng Dr. de Jarnette. auperlntendent of the
Western Btate hospital of Etaunton, Va
to the stand today, the prosecution alma to
show that on the night of December 15,
when William F. Bvwatera wan shot to
death. Jamea A. and Philip Btrother,
charged with the killing, were In no sense
mentally deranged or Irresponsible. Dr.
De Jarnette ,1s the state's main stay In the
effort to controvert the testimony of Dr.
Charlea Clark cf the government asylum
for the Insane, the alienist who established
the defense's plea of Insanity.
The next witness In point of Importance
Is Edward I.. Oalnes. brother-in-law of the
Btrother brothers, who was called by the
commonwealth. Mr. OalnVa was at the
Btrother home o the night of the tragedy
although he was not. according to the de
dendants. present when the shooting of
Bywatera occurred.
My Mr. Gaines' testimony (he prosecution
hopes to establish the fact that the Btrcth
ere were not only perfectly cool and sane
on the night of the tragedy, but that he
was an actual witness to the shooting of
Following the examination of Dr. Jar
nette and Mr. Oalnea today, the pleas
of the prosecution and defense to the jury
will be aubmltted to Judge Harrison. These
Instructlcns will form the basis of Judge
Harrison's charge to the Jury.
Both of the defendants today appeared In
court with renewed confidence In the abll
Ity of their counsel to strengthen their
lines of defense. '
After arguments by both sides had been
made, Judge Harrison announced that hi
trnructlons to the jury would be given
some time tomorrow. It Is expected th
case wilt go to the Jury within twenty-four
Cross-Elimination of Pr. Etsdi Finished
tnd Dr. Wgcner Takes Stand.
At Times He Seems to Seek to Snow
that Thaw Never Was Insane aad
at Others that He Was
Inenrnbly Daft.
NEW YORK. March 4. A long stride
forward In the trial of Harry K. Thaw
was takes' today when District Attorney
Jerome announced that hia exhaustive,
croaa-examlnatlon of Dr. Brltton D. Evans,
one of the .alienists for the defense, had
been concluded. Dr. Evans has been under
fire since Wednesday - morning last. He
was Immediately succeeded on the stand
by Dr. Charles O. Wagner of Rlnghamton,
N. Y.i who accompanied Dr. Evans on moat
of his visits to Thnw In the Tombs. Mr.
Jerome Indicated that he may conclude
with Dr. Wagner tomorrow.
Mrs. William Thaw Is expected to be the
next witness. With Mrs Thaw's testi
mony In. the defeime will practically nave
completed Its case, and It seems likely that
the state's case In rebuttal may be begun
before the end of the week.
Just what District Attorney Jerome will
be able to prove on rebuttal remains as
much of a mystery as ever. He complained
tcwTay In seeking a broad Interpretation of
the naes of evidence by Justice Fitzgerald
that If he should call any of the defense's
llenlsts In rebuttal they mlfrht refuse on
the ground of professional privilege to
nawer any questions put to them.
Jerome's Mrsterlona Tnetirs.
It Js not yet exactly clear to the lay mind
to what extent the district attorney can
go In disproving Mrs. Evelyn Thaw's testl- I
mony. He admitted that even If he could I
show Stanford White was out of the
country at the time of the alleged expe
rience with Evelyn Nesblt In the Twenty
fourth street studio, he would not be al
lowed to do so on the ground that It would
be a collateral fact. It appears, however,
that the prosecutor can call any one to
contradict. Mrs. Thaw In cases where she
snld she made certain statements to a
third party. In this connection Mr. Jerome
aa Indicated that he will call Howard
Nesblt to testify tITht his slater told him
Thaw had treated her cruelly because she
would not tell Mies about Stanford White.
Dr. Evans left the witness stand today
ubject to recall for redirect examination.
The witness protected the rnteresta of the
defense quite keenly throughout his cross
examination -and at all times appeared a
match for the district attorney. Dr. Evans
today, however, admitted that Thaw had
an Insane knowledge of what he was doing
on Madison Square roof garden 'the night
he 'shot and killed Stanford White.
In explaining Thaw's action subsequent
to the shooting. Dr. Evans declared that
as soon as the defendant .shot Stanford
White the brain storm subsided and his
senses began to reorganixe themselves so
that, the man knew quite welt what he
was about. iTe also knew he waa attack
ing Stanford White when he ahot, Dr.
Evans admitted, but the knowledge was
that of an Insane man and the act waa the
result of insane reasoning.
Wnarner I'ses Present Tense. -
Dr. Wagner also declared that Thaw had
Irrational knowledge of what was trans
piring on the roof garden. Dr. Wagner
created a stir In court by using the present
tense In responding to a question by Dis
trict Attorney Jerome as to what form of
Insanity Thaw "has or had." Dr. Wagner
declared Thaw "Is suffering" from symp
toms which lead toward a melancholic
state antra stateof dementia praecox. Dr.
Wagner declared Thaw's condition of mind
at the time of the shooting was the result
of one of the Insanities of adolescence.
The district attorney continued his some
what puxxllng tactics. His questioning of
Dr. Evans seemed to have the purpose of
showing that Thaw never was Insane to
the extent contemplated by the New York
criminal statute. Again with Dr. Wagner
he pointed toward the same end at one
time and at another aeemcd deslroua of
having Dr. Wagner admit that Thaw was;
sufferlng from forma of Insanity which
might not be curable.
Dr. Wagner was on the stand when court
Dr. Evans Resumes Testimony.
In resuming his cross-examination of Dr.
Evans District Attorney Jerome asked:
"Doctor," reverting to the night of the
hooting of Btanford White, does the fact
that the defendant walked . deliberately
away without excitement after the shoot
ing appear to you to be an important fact
in determining whether . or riot the de
fendant was Insane?"
Yes; it leads me to believe he was of
unsound mind that Is, when taken In con
nection with the other incidents."
The fact that at that time Thaw's step
was slow and measured and his manner
somewhat dramatic, and that he, manifested
no agitation, tnat he walked deliberately
away wlthoot any effort to escape, taken
In connection with the other facts, indi
cated to the witness that he did not know
that he had done anything wrong; did not
know that he had done anything that
ahonld make him shrink from his fellow
men or from the officers of the law.
"I would hardly go as far as that."
"When he walked toward his wife did he
knew In which direction he was going?"
"In view of the fact that he walked to
ward his wife, It seems to me that he did."
"The fact," said Mr. Jerome, "that Thaw
told the fireman who seixed him, 'he mined
my wife' does that indicate to you that
thia defendant knew he had killed Stan
ford Whiter"
"It Indicates to me," replied Dr. Evans,
"that this one thought which had weighed
down upon him which had been devouring
his soul was still within him. The Idea
of his wife being ruined by Stanford White
was still In the forefront of tils thought."
"What mental process in the defendant
Is conveyed to your mind by his stating
on the roof garden after his arrest, when
told at the elevator that an officer had
been aent for, 'I've got to go down; you
might as well take me down the elevator
now. I don't want to cause any annoy
ance." "As to whether the man was Insane or
sane," replied Dr. Evans, "the remark
conveys nothing. It may simply have
meant that there waa a crowd at the ele
vator and he did not want to annoy any
body by obstructing the way."
As to Knowledge.
In the momenta Immediately following the.,
shooting of White, the wltnesa said. Thaw
might nave had an insane appreciation of
all the Incidents. There was, said Dr.
Evans, nothing In the evidence to show
that Thaw knew he hud been arrested for
killing White, and the only thing tending
to ahow he did know it was his statement
that it was an act of Providence.
"But that was subsequently," said
Jerome, "I'm asking for the condition of
his mind that right. In most cases where
Insane persons kill, while In a maniacal
condition, do they usually possess enough
Intelligence to know these things?"
"Sometimes, not alwaya,"
. "When he waa In the elevator did he
know what he had done?"
"There had been by that time a reor
ganisation of his mental forces, and by
that time he knew that he had done some
thing." "Therefore, If there bad been a brala
rsj . a. rs an aa. u
P" Ttada Mil 1
Free Sample. AddreaaDeptt.
' The Shine
storm he had recovered In this short time
sufficiently to know what he, hsd doneT"
"That Is one of the characteristic of a
brain storm, but I cannot say whether or
not he knew at the time what he had
What He Knew.
The wltnesa believed that In the brain
storm the defendant had an Insane knowl
edge of what he did not the knowledge of
a sound mind. The ssne man reasons In a
logical manner; the Insane man In an
Illogical manner. Although reason was de
throned, the witness said, the defendant
had an Insane knowledge that he was at
tacking White.
The New York law Is explicit on the
subject of Insanity as a defense In criminal
cases. It provides that the person com
mitting the crime must be so Insane as
not to "know the nature or quality of the
act. or to know that the act Is wrong."
Dr. Evans.-' In explaining his answer, de
clared that If Thaw had been walking In
a delirium following a fever he would un
consciously have been directed In the way
he took, for his mind was so satiated with
the one Idea of his wife's ruin.
Mr. Jerom questioned the witness again
as to what llht was thrown on Thaw's
declaration In the elevator, "I did It be
cause he ruined my wife," and Dr. Evans
replied that the defendant evidently knew
something had been done and that the
something had to do with the ruining of
his wife. He realised that something of
Importance had transpired. Dr. Evans also
said that Taw reallied that he was under
arrest when he asked that hta, wife be
taken to a hotel and that George Carnegie,
his brother-in-law, be sent for.
The witness declared the fact that the
defendant did not ask why he was under
arrest conveyed no light as to his mental
Scene ne-Enneted.
Thaw was paying absolutely no attention
to Dr. Evans all this while, but bunted
himself wlth reading the letters he had re
ceived this morning. As usual, he. made
notes on each letter after finishing Us
Dr. Evans was unable to understand the
exact relative positions of Thaw and White
before and at the time of the shooting, so
Mr. Jerome acted the scene out for him.
"We will Imagine Mr. Delinas Is the vic
tim," he said, turning suddenly on the
California attorney.
Mr. Delmaa dodged and the judge and
jury laughed. Mr. Jerome explained with
many gestures and described Thaw's pas
sage down the roof garden, his turning to
the left and walking twenty-five feet to
the table where White sat with his head
resting on his hand. "Then, said Mr. Je
rome, "he turned, deliberately and calmly,
and ahot Btanford White dead. Does that
fact show that he knew what he waa doing?
Dr. Wattner on the Stand.
In course of his conversation Mr.
Jerome next took Dr. Wagner to the eceitd
I In Paris, where Evelyn NeBblt told ht-r
life story to Harry Thaw. The prosecu'-or
read at length from the young woman's
testimony and asked If the witness
thought the defendant was Insane before
or after he heard the story.
"You will observe," said Mr. Jerome,
"that Thaw knew something of Btanford
White, because before the girl had toid
him her story he asked her If her 'reiusul
was because of Btanford White." Sim
said 'yea' and told him the story."
"I am of the opinion," replied Dr. Wan
ner, "that the glrl'a empowering story
precipitated a stare oi.memai uns.rui.u-
Was the defendant's condition aftfr tbe
telling of the story sucl aa to show that
he was then Insane?"
"I don't think so."
"Do you think he was insane before
he told him the story?"
"That I cannot say."
Reverting to Thaw's will, Dr. Wgncr
aid the eighth article of tho document
howed a deluslonafy stute of mind, while
the codicil was so unusual as to lead to
the belief that a sane man would not huve
written it
Dr. Wagner auld the effect of an heredi
tary taint was not a matter of physical
determination, i but simply made the sub
ject "a little more susceptible." He de
clared that Thaw had an hereditary pre
disposition to mental disorders.
"I would say," said the alienist, "that
all these contributions of hereditary neu
rosis made this defendant a little more
liable to a mental break down."
"Now, doctor, when this defendant went
to the roof garden on the night of June
25. with a pistol in his pocket, did he
know what that pistol was?"
"Yes, I think he did."
"When he walked toward White, turned
down the aisle, wheeled calmly and flrud
the three shots, do you think he knew
what he wu doing?"'
"I think he had knowledge of what he
waa doing, but it was not a rational
Climax of Brain Storm.
"What effect did Ills seeing Blunford
White have?"
"I Imagine It began to have a strong ef
fect Immediately, reaching a climax which
has very excellently been described here aa
a brain atorm. He probably realised that
be was pulling and firing a pistol, but he
did not have a same appreciation that he
waa committing a horylclde."
"But he knew he was firing at Stanford
"Yes." '
Dr. Wagner said that In his orlnlon Thaw
was ot unsound mind when he fired the
shots, and this waa supported by the dra
matic effects with which th act waa ac.
"Isn't it true," asked Mr. Jerome, "that
men under the influence of liquor often
kill in this dramatic manner?"
Mr. Jerome asked for examples of brain
term, aud Dr. Wagner said he could cite
him Instances of cases where such storm
occurred and where recovery came In a
few hours.
Mr. Jerome asked Dr. Wagner if In his
examinations of Harry Thaw khe had found
anything to Indicate epilepsy among the
defendant's antecedent.
Ha said he had not.
Here court adjourned until tomorrow
Bats, vuilow'i sooTiiao mvr
fcaa ba aaa (or 0ar 11XTT VKARS br MIL
UnNi A MOTHKRI lor their C HU.OHKN ' WHiL
tkl nil PAIN, CURES WIND COLIC, and la U
at rasaadir lot PIAHH HOEA. Bold by Srusslats
m avarr sari of tBa worla. na aura aa4 aak fur
Mltti, W1XSLOV, '! bOOiUla bVltl'P
I .a' J
8 the'
Appeal for Contributions to Aid lamia
Stricken is Iuntd.
thief Kxecatlve Derlnrea the F.mnlrn
Has Been Friend st America
and Should Re tilven
WASHINGTON, Msrch 4,-Declarlnt that
Russia has been a good friend to America
In the past. President Roosevelt In a letter
to the Russian famine relief committee ot
New York, made public today, appeals for
contributions In behalf of the famine suf
ferers In that country. With the letter ha
sent his own check for lino. He calls at
tentlon to the "literally unparalleled pros,
fieri! y of Ihe country," and hopes that tha
peon out 0f their abundance will give
generously on this occasion. His letter la
In reply to one received from the commit .
tee calling his attention to the urgent need
of assistance.
The correspondence follows:
NEW YORK, Feb. 8. W7. To the Presi
dent of th I'nlted States: Detailed re
port a, received from Rusia, show that
millions of people, afflicted by a terrible
ranilne, are In a starving eonnltton. All
relief thus far organised has proved lnade
quale to rope with this great calamity,
which affects a region half as large as tha
continental territory of the I'nlted States. '
t'nless aid Is forthcoming the loss of life
will be Incalculable.
Fnnds Sent Direct.
With a view of showing In a helpful way
the deep sympathy which the people of tha
t'nlud Sta'es feel for the people of Russia
In their- distress, the Russian famine re
lief committee has been formed to solicit
subscriptions In this country. Arrange
ments have been made by which the money
sollcltfd by this committee will go as
directly as possible to the relief of tha
suffering without dclnv or Interruption.
Confident of your sympathy for these,
fellow beings, we writs to nsk your aid
In calling the attention of the Amrrlcan,
people to the need of prompt and generous
contributions, and we shall also be pleased
If you can see fit to recommend or suggest
our committee as the channel through,
which these contributions may be sent.
Very respectfully,
Chairman Executive Committee.
8AMVEL BARROWS. Secretary.
Contributions sddres(ed to the secretary
of the commitfe, Snm'iel J. Barrows, 135
East Fifteenth street. New York City, will
be properly acknowledged and deposited
with the Morton Trust company. , .
Reply of President.
March 2, lUe". Gentlemen : I have received
your communication of February. S8, and I
feel as all Americans must feel, the deepest
sympathy with the starving people In Rus
sia who are suffering under the terrible
disaster of famine. Russia has been a good
friend to America In the past, nnd In ad--dition
to our general feelings of sympathy
with any portion or mankind, we must all
feel especial sympathy In tills case. It
evident that early aid must lie forthcoming
to prevent the most far-reaching sulTerlng
and a dreadful loss of life. I am glad that
your committee has been formed lo solicit
subscriptions in this country, so as to
show In a helpful way the deep fellow fel
Ing of our people for the people of Russia,
In their distress. I note that you say you
have made arrangements te forward the
money you colbct as directly as possible to
the relief of the Sufferers. I earnestly hope -that
your appeal will not fall on deaf ears.
We In this country are now enjoying a
period of literally unprec-dented prosper
Ity. Never before'ln the history of any na
tion has the average of material well being"
been so high aa here In our own land at
this time. I take this opportunity of more
clearly Joining with you In your appeal to
ovr people that out of their abundance
they shall generously contribute to those
who are In such dire need at the very
time that 'we have such cause for
thanksgiving. I enclose my check for 1100.
Sincerely jours.
The Russian Famine Relief Committee,
135 East Fifteenth Street. New York, N. Y.
I'nlted States Supreme Court Holds
Aatalnst Drftinrt Company.
WASHINGTON, March 4 The case of
I. AVS Fowler, receive." of the Iowa & Illi
nois Coal company, against John C. Osgood
of Colorado, was dismissed for want of
Jurisdiction by the supreme ccurt of tha
t'hlted States today.
The case Involves a claim on behalf of
the company, now a bankrupt, for an ac
counting of the proceeds of the Pekay
mine In Mahaska county, Ia. Osgood was
nt one time the principal owner of the
stock of the company, and Fowler charged
In his complaint that Osgood had had the
Pekay mine made over to him In payment
for an Indebtedness of 1180,000, whereas
there -was no such Indebtedness. He de
clared the mine to be worth $400,000. Os
good Is now a resident of. Colorado. Tha
case waa tried In the I'nlted States cir
cuit court at Denver, wliere the bill was
dismissed. The effect of today's decision
Is to affirm that ruling. .
President's Son Better,
WASHINGTON, March 4. Considerable
Improvement was shown today In the con
dition of Archie Roosevelt, the third son
of the president, who has been ill aince last
Friday with an attack of diphtheria
Burgeon O.meral Rixey of the navy, tha
family physician of the Roosevelts, vis
ited the sick boy early) today and upon
leaving the White House said that Archie's
condition was very satisfactory.
AV 8 kin of Beauty ia at jo roraynr,
T. Fallx Oouraud'a Oriental
Crnam or Magtoal Baautlflar,
Etc Tan, flnska
ica, Mots P.toint
sal btln Siaraxs
ana tvarr pieaiini
an oaauij. aon aa
lea iucttoa. D
baa itood lta Ua)
M nt 7 til aui
u aa harmleaa w
la propcrlt made
Aocpt noooualep
hit of almlla)
name. Dr. L. A
ftu-.ra anil te i
Udr of tin aaui
n (a pattern).
"Aa you Indict
U1 Uaa Ui.oa ,
1 tlauBBill
tSaarssff C rasas' ai Mia M sarmrul of all iht
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To thus lager (or age)
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