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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1907)
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEEt MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1907. i i, "V-.rV y PERSONAL (Continued., ETI dfata corrected h a lass, fitted In rour bnmi It desired; reasonable . nrloea, Bmith. Graduate Optician, A Ohio, 'Phone Webeter 4337. 08)-M6OO 2tx SEWING) machine supplies for alt makes of machines; machine repaired; machine for rent. Heyden Bros.. Sewing Machine Iwpt Douglas St. entrance. Tel. noug. tout. 0) Tl M10 EFFA KLLI8. evening claaa Douglas HL muste by Monday. maiL Adults' loll Farnam. (18) 169 M4 ANT ONE knowing th whereabouts of ' Nels and Olaf Olsen will confer a favor unun them br show in a; them thla ad. or by writing to Miss Carrie Olsen, Rock Island, UL, MO 46th Bt. : 18) M789 MUX 4! R anything In the sewing machine Una go to P. E. Flodman It, Co., 1M4 Cap. Aye. lioj mi.m mu im. N. BOMMETL homeopath. Bee Bldg. o rm RTTPTITRH CtTRED MO! no knife. Quick Clire Rupture Co., Woodmen of the World tiniiaing. ti M hu HT1ALTHT nursing mother will take In fant for nursing. Apply Mr Agne Adam I, utn ana M eta., south Omaha. (18 M413 B PAINFUL, borne, any ore or akin hurt oJckljr healed br lathi Hkln Cream. 26c REAL ESTATE tm PROPERTY FOR BALB NEW ADDITION WEST OF FIELD CLUB Thirty lota on ny pay menta; amaU payment down, balance 31 per week. We will build twenty new bousea to ault purchasers, on eaay pay ment Oet your order In early, a theae will not laat long. National Investment Co. 68 Douglaa Block, 18th and Dodge. Douclaa M9L I ACRES, on 13th Bt., (South Omaha), one block from oar lice; x,oou. r ix weaa. 1634 Douglaa. , (19) M846 4x I FINE ACRE ". 8060 for One acre lot, 88th ' and Kansaa Ave.; email nous and bam, cistern, email fruit tree and grapea; Ilea fine. ( D.V.SholesCo. PHONE) DOUOLAB 49. 110 BOARD OF TRADE. a HO x OWNER wishes to sell at onoe nice east front building lot, 624xIS6 ft., close to ' car line and within easy walking dis tance or town. Terms caan or part caan. Address N-Mi, care tse. ti aubm ox CLINTON H.BRIGGS "HARNBTT 8TR1TET." Thla piece of property haa a frontage of m reel on tiaraey street; it lies w leei wen of tha .N., VV., ioi.;of. ,30th and.. JUrney. 5lnely located ft C row of flats. It V'on't be lone before this will be business ' vVroperty. It lays at grade. . and la In evert way desirable. No fancy . price on thla piece. ... , . "BRlOd'S PLACH." . Thla addition baarlna at 42d St. Farnam rune through tbe middle of these iota 1 1 have over 10s foe sale. They are desirable fur residence and trackage. The (100) lots muet be sold In a bunch. They are priced l at one-hair their individual value. "NEW FARNAM." This choice realdenoe tot, 60x165 ft., lies In tAth St.. the most desirable residence dlatrlct; east front, lot terraced and sodded. Asphalt pavement In front of property. Price 12,100. CLINTON H.BRIGQS 1830 Farnam BC. City. (20) M2B8 w it in wmm T - ail tWITTlTlliirn . : 6-ROOM HOUSE modern exoept furnace; If taken' at once can be had for 11,800.00. 0. C. OLSEN 8. EL Cor. 18th and Dodge Sts. THESE ARB THE BAROAINS Six-room house on 'Franklin street, pear car, city water ana gas, gooo parn,. por- manent waia. voeap at ii.iwu. I rota on pavad street, paving paid, one block from oar, water and sewer, 886ft for sJL or 810V aacn. 8 lots in umana view, izdu tor an. These lota will aooa be only ona block from oar Una and ona lot will be worth all we ask for the three. BUY THESE ON SPECULATION. Hlrh. slahtly lota on Ames Ava. with oar by ina door, ixdv ana up, WRIGHT LAS BURY. Phone Douglas HI. 804 8. 16th Bt. JW1DJ B LANDSCAPE architect B. C. Fester, T . (18-M7180 FOR BALE Two modern bouses and large barn, one block north of Hanscom park: paved street, east front, lot 76x150, East- era owner will sell at a bargain. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room IN. I.L Bide. (8-4M8 BUY from owner an sara commtseloni fr-roem, new. modern cottage, 110 8. 17th. US alou sal 8X400 Fine home. T-room modern Niousa, valuable full lot, H.4U0 cash, balance monthly payments. Inquire 1411 Vinton Bt. 1-M42 6X U INVESTMENT hi Omaha Improvement property, cuae in. s. Uawver, 1614 Em. aaet sit. .... Q-481 8 FOR BALE Nlc 6-room collate 41,1M. Sea owner. : .frnt hi. tli M X ' REAL ESTATE ARM A VD HAaCH LARDS FOR SALB IIOHTCTETEKBTRSI Be eareful. Locate right Investigate our faiooiii artesian trailer. Sure crops, niatchleee climate. Ixt ua writ rata, Millar A Jama. Meade, Kan, C80-MA4 M abraaksw 80 ACRES HALT, COUNTY Farm toina the city limit of , Orand Island; level land. Frio ImI per acre. ... O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. , 1001 N. T. Ufa Bldg. ...... . Phone Douglaa 2iA (80)-U38 t taft-ACRB FARM Ooae to Gretna, Neb., at ri6 per aore. A) Acre, does) to Central City, at 860 an acre. Irrigated far near Sullivan. Neb., all In Cultivation, 3t0 an aor. . . Addxws U. a. buir. Gretna, Neb. . . (A--M376 U , REAL ESTATE FARM AMD RANCH LANDS FOR AI.B Nebraska Contianed. CHEYENNE COUNTY NEB. 48 acrea- -NH soH. section p 12, range 4s; 1. township 12. range north half smooth.- hard. black Innil; nmnhMUt quarter rolling; suitable for pasture. Price lAM per acre. 88 rr "cr cash, balance nin annual pajrinenta, per ceflt Interest. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life BUg. Omaha, Neb. (20)-MS91 I 100 ACltES Howard County, three miles from Nebraska, 81. Paul, must be sold. Price 11,200. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO vrt TAT V T lf DM ' WA . M. . 1 T3 LIIVaBXj.a Omaha, Neb, (30)-M2M I STOCK AND GRAIN FARM l.ono acres, all level land, good black aoll, Improvementa consist of a f-room house. -stable, corral, good well and mill, etc., all fenced and cross-fenced. Write ua about it. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N..Y. Ufa Bldg., . Omaha, Neb. 20)-M390 5 South Dakota. ONE MILLION ACRES ROSEBUD LAND SOON to be opened in Tripp oounty, south Dakotai new and authentic map Juat out; brice. w centa, poatpaio. trw Keicn mann, lioneateel, 8. D. 20 M3S8 Ml 8 FOR BALB Rellnaulahment to aplendld 160-acre ho meat ad. 18 mllea from Pierre. state capital of South Dakota, IB mllea railways. Address J &X, care Bee. ta M.zi tz Tetsi, LAND SEEKERS! FARMERS MAKE 200 PER CENT IN THE BKAZOS VALLEY, OUR LAND HAS MANX ADVANTAGES OVER ANT OTHER SUCTION OF TEXAS. It haa u tnchea or rainfall. It has more productive soli. It baa no brush to grub out : It don't have to be Irrigated. - It baa pure water at sixty feet. It costs less to improve. It grows beet cotton in Texas. It is a natural clover country. il is Dent lUMitr cane una, It Is a good alfalfa country. It U a splendid bog country. Jt haa a ten months' growing season, t has lowest shipping rates. It sells at )12 00 to $18 per acre. Illustrated Hat free. . UliANU P. LOCKWOOD, Ban Antonio, Tex. (20) Moll M5 DALHART, TEXAS, the hub of a million acres oi tne choicest tana in the pan handle. Come with us on March 6th Inln All. ananlal r fm nl.l... B, l . U - Neb,; Clarion. la.; Waterloo, la.; Cedar Kapios. ia.: fiymoutn. ina.. or Bloom Ington, 111. Bee local agenta. W. P. Boasn iana Co., Waterloo, la. 120) 118 Mart WyOmlBC. WYOMING IRRIGATED LAND-Valloy land 115 to 136 per acre. A 1st Irrigation project ror investment. Adareas box hi, Tnermopoiis, wyo. Wh-Mbja mw Mlaeellaaeoas. westeFn land 640 acres smooth, hard Mack land, underlaid with a clay gubaoll, in Kimball county, miles from railroad. Price ; , I6.50. . OfKEEFE REAL ESTATE CO "" 1001 N. T. Life Bldg., . ' Omaha, Neb. ' () M388 HOMESTEAD THE COEUR D'ALENE RESERVATION will be opened soon. It contains 500,000 seres choloe wheat, fruit and timber land. Do you want 140 acres t COEUR D'ALENE RESERVATION IN FORMATION AGENCY. Room 17-18 Exchange Bank Bldg., B i Bldg., Bno r20)-3ce mi aane, waan. WE WANT at one 600 lire real aataU men to help ur, dispose of 100.000 acres of the choicest agricultural lands near Dalhart, Tex., only three to ten mllea from town. Special inducements to live real eatata men. Write or wire ua at once. W. P. Boaah Land Co., Waterloo, Ia. (20)-117 Mart WESTERN LAND . There Is a great demand for cheap land. We can' sell you fiom 160 acres up to any amount you want In Western Nebraska, Eastern Colorado, of Wyoming. ' Level land, black top soil, underlaid with a clay subsoil. Prices 83.60 to -- 810 per acre, depending on lo- cation and quality. If you - are Interested write - ua and tell how much you want and where you want It O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Uf Buldg., Omaha, Neb. (20 M391 6 1,60 ACRES of fine soil, 100 acres of Um ber, living water J0 per acre: a forced aale. T40-ACRE stock, ranch Xor quick salo, 841 imr acre. caan. 8. HAWVER, 1614 'Emmett St. Omaha. (20 4S8 I REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Farm aad Raaek Laad. FTNH ranch to rant on crop plan in famed Big Horn Basin. Write W. M. Harvard. No Wood. Wyo. a 424 M4x FOR RnNTV-6-acre tract of land In Ben son' (without house), suitable for garden ing or raising potatoes. Will rent till January K 19uS, for t-'i If taken Immedi ately. Addreaa E 838, care Bee. (21) 46x REAL ESTATE LOANS UNION LOAN & 1NVT CO., PRIVATE BANKERS -A810 BEB BUILDINQ. LOANS MONEY ON REAL ESTATE. ()-8a u MONEY TO LOAN-Payna Investmanl Co. tao 4 GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam. . pac cent toaaa oa real estate; I and 6Vt no delay. (28)-H8 LOWEST RATES Bemis, Paxton Block. . (28) 667 P. 000, 000 TO LOAN on buslneas and rest- oenie property lu Omaha; lowest rates; no delay. Thomas Brenuan, K. 1, N. T. LUa Ot 408 WANTED City Farnam Bmlta loan and warrant. W. CO, 1320 Farnam St (22-;3 LOANS on Improved city property. W, H. Thomas, iu6 First National Bank. Bldg. . (23) 470 WANTED City loans. R. C Peter 4k Co. 2)-72 FRJVATE MONEY F. D. WeAd. liXl Doug . . (211471 REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTEX To buy at one fo cash, build in tot w u it feat wide by in aeep. Must He within tne area bounded by Jon. Davenport, l&ih and 8otli. Slate " prloe and location at one. M 840, car Bee. (23 Ml 6x WANTED-TQ BUY WANT tp buy oa br two sections In western Neb.; prefer Cheyenne, Kim ball or banner county. ' Give aectlon. township and range, also plic, in Brut , letter. Addtoaa E 816. care Be.' (21) M)U T WANTED TO BUY (Continued.) WANTED To buy, second-hand furniture. cook and beating stove, oarpeia, iinuie uma. office furniture, old olothee and ahoee, pianoe. feather, bed btllowa, qauuv and all kinds of tools; or will buy tbe fur niture of your houae complete. Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The nlah eet prices paid. CaU the right man. Tel Doug. im. &) MDU M14 TOP prices for M-hand books, novels, all kinaa. stacey, ais w. uin. ii. nrn-i i ' (26 MS7 Mix ' WANTED To buy good late model, second hand No. t Remington typswruer. ao dress O-IIJ. Bee. . (26 M4S2 CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foy Co., lis B. ittn. f none uouiiu-uo. (25)-4U WANTED to buy, second-hand typewrit" era, all makes. E8H N. 10th St-, flat I. (25)-6 Mil TYPEWRITERS-We pay th highest eh price ror typewnoers. can at once or Tel. Doug. (477, Kendla, Paxton block. (26) 474 M19 WANTED A l.tnO-pound horse, a good looker, sound and younx. Chas. B. Bates, 01 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Harney W4. WANT to buy hardware stock with estab lished trade. Address, x rc. nee. . (25)-Mt!4 Bx WANTED Oood haae burner and fur overcoat. Address T 260, care Bee. (25) M42J Bx WE have a buyer for a or l(Vroom house In Hanrcom Park or west rarnnm aia trlct IS.OiO to 18,000; also 4 buyers for cot. tages, 11,000 to W.000. Wright Iaibury. K4 So. 16th St. MtW 4 WANTED TO RENT WANT1T.D Board and room. In private famllyv by man and wife; reference fur- nlahed. Statu price. Addreaa K-821, care Bee. (26)-M256 4x 1 -- I OR 10-ROOM houae In West Farnam dis trict. Address D-iJW, care nee. (26)-M401 4 WANTED Eight or nine-room modern houae, In Park Ave. or tarnam St. Dis trict, by very desirable tenant- Inquire H. C. Callsch, care J. L. Brandels & Bona. (2)-M434 6 WANTED Seven or eight-room modern house in walking distance, shout lf'tn oi April. AddreBSE7,eej(26)jM41g 6x WANTED SITUATIONS DAY woman furnished Telephone Douglaa lilt free of charge. (27) M800 WANTED A good special line to sell on commission In Neb. and-coio.; naa long-time experience and been aucoeas ful. Room it, Schllts Hotel, Omaha; in room evenings until Marsh 8. (27) M 486 6x UNIVERSITY man, with t year' expert ence as manager of grain, coal and live stock business, wanta. good paying posi tion, has small capital; will invest if re quired. Address H 786, Bee. (27)-M30 Mllx OCtoD bread and pie baker wants a situa tion. Address P. Hlllmuth, 468. Oakland, I. 427)-291 8x WANTED Good appearing young man, has good identity with the trade, would like en account for Omaha and tributary towna. Address N 312, care of Bee. (S) M449 5x ' POSITION as clerk In store or bookkeeper; have worked In store two years; have been bookkeeper and stenographer can talk 8 languages; canlftifniah good refer ence; will accept position outaiae city. Address 8 827, Bee. GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Nebraska, March 2. 1907. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will bo received here and by quartermasters at the posts named herein, until 10 a. m,, central standard time, April 1 1917, for furnishing wood, coal and charcoal, during the fiscal year ending June 10. laux. at Omaha U..M. Depot. Forts Crook, Omaha and - Robinson, Nebraaexa;: Forts Leavenworth and Riley, Kansas; rorts u. A. Russell and Mackenzie, Wyoming; Fort Lea Moines. Iowa, and Fort Meade,. South Dakota. Proposals for delivery at other places will be entertained. United States re serves riirht to relect or aoceot any or all oroDosala or any part thereof. Information furntshed on application here, or to Quar termasters at the stations named. Envel opes containing proposals should be marked "Proposals for Fuel," and addressed to Major THOMAS CRUSE, C. Q M. M2-4-5-8-28-80, CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Omaha, Neb. March 1, 1907. Sealed pro posal in triplicate, will be received here and by the Quartermaster at the posts named herein, until 10 a. m., central stana . u utile, nyin A. ,WI, ,VI . u. ...v..t .b .....a- eral oil during the fiscal year ending June ki, 1908, at Fort Robinson, Nebraska; Fort Des Moines. Iowa: Fort Leavenworth. Kan' saa: Fort Mackenxle. Wyoming, and Fort Meade. South Dakota. Proposals for de livery at other than the above named sta tions wlll not be entertained. The United States reeervea right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on application here, or to Quartermaster at the stations named. Envelopes containing proposals - should be marked "Proposal for Mineral OH," and addressed to Major THOMAS CRUSE, C. Q. M. M3-4-5-6-29-80 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BIS RE celved at office of Treasure? Battle Mountain Sanitarium, N. H. D. V. 8., Hot Springs, soutn Dakota, until 13 o'clock M., March 9th, 1907, and then opened, for furn lahlng and delivery of Screens, Cement and Plows, in accordance with Instructions and specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals, and other Information, may be had upon application to W. A. TUCKER, Treasurer. F23-27-M4 LEGAL NOTICES NOTICB OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Notice la hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholder of the South Platta Land company will be held at th-offloe of said company at Lincoln, &eb., at U o'clock a. m. on the (th day of arch, A. D., 19v7. By order of th Board of Directors. C. H. MORRILL, President; A B. MINOR, Beoretary. Lincoln, Neb., February 4, 1807. Ft-daot-m. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION TENTH AND' 88ARCT IJaloa Paeia Leave. Overland Limited a M am The China and Japan Fast Mall a 4:15 pm Colo. Calif. Ex a 4:14 pm Arrive, a 8:14 Dm a 8:10 pm a 9:80 pm a 6:10 pm al0:46 pra a 6:00 pm a 7:44 am a iM pm bl2:4S pin a 8 :08 pm al0:00 pin all: 15 pm a 3:46 pm a 9:26 am a 9:60 am a 3:46 pm a 7:30 am a 3:uo pm a 8:M am a 7:( am a 9:31 am all 61 am al0:36 am al0:36 am a 646 pm a 6:06 pm b 6:06 pm bll.4 pm a 8:80 am al0:80 pra bU :80 am 7:10 am 11 'M pm 940 am 11 60 pi 8:80 pm a 3 80 am a i.'Jt pin all: 40 am a 4:16 pm California Or. Ex.. Los Angeles Limited.. .a 4:26 pm .al2:U6 pm r'aat Mali Colorado Special . . . North Platte Local. Beatrice Local .a 1:6 am ,.a 1:46 am ,.a 8:10 am ,.b 3:08 pm Chicago North waster a Cedar Rapids Pass.., Twin City Express. .i Chicago Daylight ... Chicago Local , Sioux City Local , Carroll Local Sioux City Local Chicago Express ..... Fast Mall Fast Mail Twin City Limited... Overland Limited ... Chicago Limited Norfolk-Bonesteel .., Lincoln-Chad ron Deadwood-Llnooln ... Casper-Shonshonl Hastings-Superior ... ..a 7:06 am ..a 7:60 am ..a 8:00 am ..all:80 am ..a 4:60 pm ..a 4 82 pm ..a 8:60 pm ..a 1:26 pm ..a 8:26 pm ..a 8:36 pm ..all 00 pm ..a 7:40 am ..b T:40 am ..a 3 00 pm ..a 1:00 pm ..b 8:04 pm Fremont-Albion .a 4:o in Wakask. Bt Louis Express a 8:30 nm St. Louis Local (from Counoll Bluffs) Btanberry Local ' a t:l am (from Council Bluffs) Ckleaga Great .e l:uo pm W eater a. Bt. Paul A Minneapolis.. bt rwul Minneapolis. Chicago Limited Chicago Expresa Chicago Express 8:80 pm 7:k am 8:4u pm T:40 am 8:80 pm Mlssoart Paia. K. C. A St L. Fxpres.. 140 am K. C. 8k St L Expreea..all:U pm Nebraska Local ..a 3:00 pm Da Moines Local.. Hllaols CealrmL Chicago Expree . Minn. A St Paul a 840 am Ex..b 8 00 am a 3 45 pm a 8:16 pm a f so am Chicago Limited a 4.u0 pm Miaa. 6t paul Ltd.. .a 8 Jo pm a 1.80 am GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET f llln(t IppMn at Optaioc and Frioi of Qraia Dam Uo. CLOSE UNDER THAT OF DAY BEFORE . .. Cora Weak la Sympathy wltk Wheat, bat Reslataace to Lewer Level at Prices ia . Mlaalagt. ' OMAHA. March i. 107. Belling appeared at opening of market and prices eased off considerably at tbt cloae. May wheat closing at 6fc aaked, a loaa of V.C from yesterday's close. The pit crowd Were bearish on advices from nonn west that the spring wheat movement will run larger ana tnere was considerable iiuuinauun or long lines. There waa some covering by shorts, but the market failed o snow any rally whatever and waa weak at the cloee, although offered some sllgat support. Cam waa weak In sympathy with wheat, but the resistance shown yesterday to a lower level of prices waa not evident and May corn closed at 4-c asked, a loaa of He from yesterday's close. Juiy corn also lost So. closing at 4lo asked, while Septem ber corn lost fee, the final quotation being 41o aaked. oats waa not in strong demand and suffered in proportion lo wheat and corn, closing at 40Vic asked for May and Hc aaked for juiy. Braomhull estimates that wheat ship ments Monday will be bushels, of which Europe will take ,W,000 bushels. Primary receipts were 41J,0iW bushels and shipments Iw.wa) bushels, as against re ceipts last year of 4ia,ow bushels and ship ments of llK.Ouo bo-hela. Corn receipts were tlicuw bushels and shipments suO.ouO bush els, against receipts of 60,,UpO bushels and uiiinienu oi soi.uuw Duaneis last year. were si,uuu Dtisneis corn, itl.WU bushels oats and wheat and Hour eoual to 2,i,l buehele. Liverpool cloaed lower on wheat and Vufed tower on corn. AjOual range of options: Articles.) Open. I Hlghtj Low. I Close. lYes'y. Wheot-i 70 a' 7U4A SA HA 41AJ 85 A I May.,. July... 70 A 69AI 71 A 6PA 71 A 70 A 71HA 42HA 41HA 41vA 71Ai 42HA1 41-HA 41)A 40T4A Corn May... July... Sent... iA 42 A! 41 A 41 A 41VA 41SA O.i t.- May... July... 40V4A, M VA 40HA1 tA 4o'iA 35 A, A asked, b bid. Omaha Cash Prleea. WHEAT No. 2 hard. yTU-iio: No. 8 hard. 63'0,c; No. 4 hard, t,'')c; iso. 8 vpring. CORN No. 8, 38a3Si4c; No. 4, 843;Hc; No. 8 yellow, 8SV4fp3c; No. 3 white. 41VsC. OATS No. 8 mixed, S!4i&38Vic; No. 3 white, 89Ao; No. 4 white, feWfrUtsfco. , Rvbn"0. 2, 59c; .No. a, 67Vo. ' Carlot Receipts. ' Wheat. Corn. Oats. 130 Chicago 374 Kansas City.. Minneapolis . Omaha Dulutn St. Louis .. 90 ..It .. 13 . . 76 ..111 b8 ltf CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION Featarea of the Trading and Closing Prices oa Doard of Trade. CHICAGO, March 2. The fear that the weekly statistics which will be made public on Monday will be favorable to the bears caused an extremely weak market In wheat today. At the close wheat tor May delivery was down VAo. Corn was off Vac. Oats showed a loss of0 He, and provisions a. loss of "VitflOc to 17 Ho. W 1th the exception of a few minutes at the opening when steady cables and re latlvely small receipts in the northwmt encouraged some buying, the market wit weak all day. The firmness of the open lng was quickly dispelled by the freo sell Ing of pit traders wb? seem to be Imbued with the idea that Monday's statistics will favor the bears. . The prediction was made that world's shipments for the wtk Will be shown to exCucd, those of the cor responding, week last year, and that the amount of breadstuff on passage and the visible supply will each show a moderate Increase. The fact- that, the markets st Minneapolis, St. Louis and Kansas City were weak, also affected the local situa tion. The. market closed weak with prices almost at the lowest point. May opened unchanged" to He higher at 76 e to 76TtjC, sold off to 75c. and closed fit 76H676c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 268,000 bu. Primary receipts were 417,000 bu., against the same amount on the corresponding (lay last year. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi cago, reported receipts of 264 cars, against 727 cars last week, aad 826 cars one year ago. The weakness in wHeat and a decline at Liverpool depressed prices In the corn pit. The enormous accumulation of low grade corn which the eastern railroads are not handling with great promptness seemed to cause much apprehension among the handlers of cash grain. Com mission houses were free sellers all dav. Shorts were the best buyers. Th inark jt closed weak. May corn opened a shade to H'ic lower at 47 He to 47 He. sold off to 46Hc and closed at 4644 0'4?;e. Th local receipts were 874 cars, with 1 of contract grade. Oats were weak,' ohleflv because of the decline in wheat. Th - principal trading was In the July option. Pit traders and commission houses were the chief sellers, with cash houses the leading buyers. May oata opened a shade lower to a shade nigner at 41 He to 42 He. sold off to 41 c. and closed at the lowest point. Local i celpts were 180 cars. Liberal receipts of live hogs at western packing centers caused steady selling of provision by small holders and resulted RAILWAY TIME CARD-col,TI!,lEn Ch lea are, Hoik Island ft Paeia. EAST. Chicago Limited ...,.,.. 8:18 am Iowa Local ... .a 7:00 am Chicago Mall Iowa Local bl2:06 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.).. a 6:06 pin Chicago (Iowa Lmtd.)..a 6:88 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain IJmit. 7-20 am Colo. 4k Cai, Exprees. a 1:60 pm Okl. 41 Texas Express.. 4:40 pra Lincoln Falrbury and Bellevu ..a 3:60 pm a 7:10 am a 4:30 pm a 6:46 pm b 9:56 pm a 1 36 pm al2:26 pm a 3:06 am a 4:50 pm a 11:05 pm a 9:30 am Chicago, Mllwaakee A ft. Paal. Chi and Colo. Special.. 7:U am a 7:30 am California ana ure. ,x.a & pm Overland Limited a 8:35 pm Des Moines A Cedar Rapid Local 4:46 am a 8:10 pm a s :30 am bUJOpra BURLINGTON STATION lOth 4k MASON Barllaajtoa. Leave. ...a 1:10 pm ...a 4:10 pm ...a 4:10 pm ...all:10 pm ...a 9:10 am ...a 8:00 am ...b 2:00 pm Arrive, a 3:80 pm a 3:80 pra a 3:80 pm a 7:10 am a 7 46 pm a 7:46 pm a 3:05 am al2:01 pm Denver A California, Black Hills Northwest Special Northwest Expreas . Nebraska Express ., Nebraska Local Lincoln ocal Lincoln Fust Mall ... Lincoln Local Lincoln nuvwi m i.eopm j-t. i;roo as nabieiu uuu :: pm diu:zs a m Plattamuuth ..a 7:60 pm a 9:10 am a no am a 1:60 pin a 7:26 am a 8 66 piu a t : iin ai0:M pin all :30 am a 8 46 am a 110 pm tienver Limited Bellevue A Pae. Juno. .a 3:30 am Chicago Special ..a 7 am ..a 3:5 pm ..a 8:06 pm ..a 9:16 am ..a 4:48 pm Chicago Express .... Chicago Flyer Iowa Local bt. Louis Expresa., Ranaaa C'ltv-St. Joe. sio:o pm Kansaa Ctty-St Jo.. ..a 9:15 am Kansas Clty-St Jo a 4:46 pm WEBSTER gTATION-lotfc M WEBSTER Chleaso, St. Paal, Mlaaaapoll 4k Osaaka. Twin City Passenger.. .b 3- am b t am Sioux City Pasaeuer...a 2:00 pra all:am Emerson Local b 6:46 pm b f 14 am Emerson Local 01:48 am 1:60 pm Mlaoarl PaelSo. Local via Weeping Water v..a 84C am a 6 80 pm Falls City Local a 8 60 pm all:20pot a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, d Dally except Saturday. Sunday only, a Dally except Monday. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. CANADIAN PACIFIC rIMPRISI" Line of the Atlantic xajtd to rAjrs zt rova says The Empress of Britain and Empress of freland make the voyage fnom Quebec t .Iter poo I in six days, two being spent on tbe majestic St Lawrence. Book now for summer sailings. O. 8L BZWJAklTaT, Crea, AgU S3S B. COark ttiMt, (;! p. ia. In a weak market. At the cloae May pork was off lIHc at lkiH- Lard was down IT He at 45. Ribs were THOlOc lower at 1110. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, (I cars; corn, 471 cars; oata, 24 cars; hogs, 44.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. High.) Low. Close. Tes y. Wheat II" I May... TP "'! 75' 7S7tr 7R July... 7TH 77"j76ii ' 77 Sept... 77H77 it 77H Corn May... 477 7H 40 44 July... 4V 46 4 464 Sept... Sa 46Mi 464 46H6 H 4eVH UbH- May...42HWi4 424 41 41 42Hi4 July... riVwS 'S W 7Vi;s8 Sept... 2 Sit2VtU S&Wa Pork May... 16 30 16S7H 16 20 16 I24 1 S5 July... 14 46 16 47 14 7H 1 87V 1 47H Lard May... 62H ISH 145 45 PH July... L'i4 5 t SO 50 Bept... 72 7ZVM 57H I 67 H 75 Rlb- May... 90 8S 8M 896 July... 00 I07V4 I 92 8 95 06 Sept... IH 110 800 800 No. t. Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Easy: wknter patents. nWM SO straights, t;l.0oti.26: spring patents. fl.5n 8.60; stralahts. 3.10iS.40; bakers. IJ.IO.IO. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 8('iUMc; No. J, 72 82o: No. 1 red. 72Vn74c. CORN No. 8, 43'ic; No. t yellow, 44e. OATS No. 2. 40Sc; No. 1 white, i39 434c; No. 8 white, 414424c. HIE-NO. 8, Sic. BARLEY Fair to choice malting. mn (DC. SEED No. 1 flax, 81 17; No. 1 northwest ern. 81.84; prime timothy, 844.70; clover, contract grade, 818 85. PROVISIONS Short rihs sides (loose). t8.62VL(a.75. Mess nork. ner hhl.. SlS.25cijKt.30. Lard, per iro ina., .. snort clear sides i (boxed), 88.871449 87H- I The reeeipte and shipments or hour ana B-raln were Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bble Wheat, bu Corn, bu..., S2.J.10 21. 0 20.000 I6.811O 3t'.4 0O SC6 3 Oats, bu 2220) 166 6 0 Rye, bu Barley, bu , 1," V 57,9 0 17,100 exchange today the but easy; creamery, iifi jjc: On the Produce ter market waa dairy, 20ii27c. F.ggs, weak; at mark, cases Included, 194o; firsts, 20c; prime firsts. 21c. Cheese, steady, HVulSWo. Bt. Loala General Market. ST LOUIS. March 2. WHEAT Lower. track. No. 8 red cash, 76877c; No. 2 hard, 7375c; May, 7iSc; July, 74i375c. t'OKN-Lower; track, No. 2 cah. 44H 44V4c; No. 2 white, 40c; May, HV-HHi'l July, 44c. oats ivower; track, no. z cash, 4zw, No. 8 white, i3Vxii44c; May, 40c; July, 861. c. ' FLOUR Steady; red Winter, patents. $3.60 63.S0; extra fnncy and straight 83.20(64.50; clear, J2.6!i(&2.85. SEED Timothy, steady, 33.75S4.15. CORNMEAL-Steady, 82.40. BRAN Slow; aacked east track, 98ff99e. HAY Steady; timothy, 315.006 19.00; prqlrle, 310.onSn3.00. IRON COTTON TIES-811.08. BAOOINO-lOSc. HEMP TWINE 10c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, 316.75. Lard, lower; prime mess, 89.O0fi9.17H. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 3.62H; clear ribs, 89.62H: short clears, r.7.. Bacon, steady; boxed extra clears, 310.37H; clear rihs, 310.37H; short clears. 310.50. POULTRY Firm; chickens, lie; springs ana aucks. izc; turkeys, 10c; geese, 7c, BUTTER Steady : creamery, 27igjc; dairy. ?0if??7c. EGGS Firm at 17o. Receipts Shipments Flour, bbls Wheat, hu . Corn, bu .. Oats, bu .. 7,000 41, W 111,000 : 390,000 lo.ono ?'iv 79.000 Kansaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. March l.-WHEAT-lc lower; May, te'c; July. 09c: September, 7Hi.c: cash. No. 1 hard, 6H072Hc; No. 8, G6H870Hc; No. I red, 7374c; No. 4, 65H 72c. CORN H He lower; May, 41o: July, flc; cash. No. 1 mixed, 4t44'3'41He: No. 8, 40c: No. 2 white, 42H'4I14e; No. 8, 42fl42Hc. OATS-Ue lower; No. 2 white. 414J41HC; No. t mixed, 39!ifl40o. i RTF Steady at SOflMc. HAY-9teady choice timothy, 314.BO 16.W: choice prairie, 311.0011.5O. F,f!OS ? lower; firsts. 16Ho. BUTTER Firm.: ereamery, soc; packing, j RecelntS. Shipments. .. 9.000 7(Y Wheat, bu Corn, bu ,. Oats, bu . . ..R2.M0. .. 2.ono ..20.000 ,. 18,000 . Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, ' March t.-WHEAT Mav. TTH'THe; July, 78Hc; September, 7G'lhy77c: Nd. 1 hard. 79-VrWiC; No. 1 northern. TSiCWie ; No. t northern, 16 77Uc; No. 3 northern. 7Sf15e. FLOUR First patents, I4.204r4.8t: second patents, 34.004J4.10: first clears. 83.26fr3.35: second clears, 82.I&92.60. Bran In bulk, 817.60f,17.7S. Mlfwnnkee Grain Market. MILWAUKET3, March 2. WHEAT Firmer; No. 1 northern, 82S3c; No. 2 north ern. 79-881c; May. 757c hid. RY10-8teadv; No. 1, 6959Hc BARLEY Firm; No. 1. 66Hc; sample, B6 45e. CORN Iiwer; No. 8 cash, 42Hft2c; May, 46ig41Tic asked. . Peoria Market. PEORIA, March l-CORN Steady; No. 3 yellow and No. 8, 41c; No. 4, 4(H4o; no grade. tWtMc: OATS Steady: No. 2 white, 42S74IHc; No. 3 white. 41HS4?c; No. 4 white, 40Hc. RYE Firm: No. 2, 67fllc. WHISKY On basla of 31.29 for finished goods. . Liverpool Urals Market. LIVERPOOL, March 1 WHEAT Spot, steady; No. t red western. 6a 3Hd. Futures, steady; March, 6a 5Hd; May, 6 6Hd; July, 6s 2Ud. . CORN Snot, steady; American mixed, new. 4s 6Hd; American mixed, old, 4a 7Hd. Futures, quiet; March. 4s 4Hd; May, 4a 4Td. Dnlnlh Or-ilw 'MarVel, nT'T.UTTI. March I. WHEAT On track. No. 1 northern. 81,e; No. 2 northern, 764e; May. 78i4yTKTo; July. 79He; September. 77c. OATS To arrive. 89c; March. 374e. Kansaa City Live Stork Market. KANSAS CITY, March t. CATTLE Receipts. 1.000 head. Including 100 aou'h erns; mnrket stesdy; choloe export and dressed beef steers, 86.60jH.50: fair to food. 34.50 0 6.40; western fed steers, 4.00(05.80: stockers and feeders. 83.60 f? 6 26; southern steers, 33.75(3(6.26: south ern cows, 2.50S J75; native cows,. 32 B0 C4.B0; native heifer. 83 264T4.86: bulls, 3 8 B i 4 . 1 .r : calves, 33 807.25. Receipts for the week were 88.700 head. HOGS Receipts, 2.000 head; market SfflOc lower: top, 36 96: bulk of snl-s, 8680T6.90: .heavy, 36.90rT6.95: packer. 36 80414.92H; Piga and lights. 86.2536.80. Reelnta for the week 64.000 head. SHEEP AND I.AMBS Receipts 00 head; market steady; lambs'. 86.60I&7.8K; ewes and vearl!oe-. 4. 60(8 6.76: western fed year lines. 88.1506.50; western fed sheen. 14 50f 6.60: stockers and feedere, 83 6098.00. Receipts for the 'week 46,100 head. St. Irftwla LIt Htoek Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. March J CATTI.W Receipts, 4.000 head, Including 380 Tex ana; market steadv; native shipping and export steers. 84. 90 A 4 75: dressed boef and butcher steers. t4.60B.00: steer un der 1.000 Ins.. 83 7504.50: stockers and feeders. I3.60O 4.75; cows and heifers, 82 . 664 8. ?5; csnnere. 32 801.60; bulls. 2.66tT4. 60; calve, tt.flfl 65 8.00: Texas and Indian steer. 32.60H6.60; cows and heif er 2 SOW 5 60. HOGS Receipt. 4.000 head: market fc higher: r-l and Uchts. 86.264J6.90: pack ers. 86 6847.00; butchers' and best heavy, 36 6 7. 00. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 800 head: market steady: native muttons. 13 2606 25: lambs, 34 0007. 25: pull and bucks. 83. 00O4.00; stockers. 32 606 8 25. at. Jeiaewk Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH, Mo.. March 3 CATTLE Receipts. 13 head: market steady; na tives 84. ISO 6.00: rows and heifers. 82 28 04 50: stockers and feeders. 33 7804.71. HOGS Receipts. 8 196 head: market opened srt-ady. rinsed weak; top, 36.66; bulk nt sales. 16.86 6 40. RHTCEP ANT) T.AM Recelpte. 4M hea4: market stronr: lamba. 87.00417 15; ymrilnas, 8t "4 76; wethers, .$6.19 40; we. 4 7lt?6 25. ... ek la Slabt. Receipt of live stork at the six principal Ct'e. Host. Sheen. South Omaha 1 " Tmo 800 Woux Cltv 8tW) Kansas City l. lima ton Bt. .Tsrh lt l 4 Bt. Lout ...4, mo 4.nm (no Chicago ,. M 11.0U8 1.60O Totals IOsT a,C t,ttO OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET liHinc tattle, for th Week Ebtw Con - slorabla StrtDirib. HOGS SOME LOWER 1HAN A WEEK AGO Liberal Receipts f iheep for the Week, wltk Fair Demand and Prlees oa All Klada Ibow las; Little t haagc. SOUTH OMAIIA. March . 1907. Rioelpts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omclal Monday 5.26 6.841 18.124 Oniclal Tuesday 1 .8'9 ll.XA 1.0M Oftlclal Wednesday 8.S62 ll.Kii Official Thursday 8.ti) 8.108 4.''i Official Friday 1.3' 7.016 8 231 Official Saturday 160 7.000 600 This week Last week Two weeks ago..,. Three weeks ago. 19,822 61.471 41.SH 28,733 69.a4 41 739 .....11.501 61.719 27.18 26.019 47.9 .1 83 SO 22 37J 65.443 27 '8 rour weeks ago. Same week laat year 24.219 68.H1 33.6 Ihe following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha tor the year to date, compared with laet year; 107. 1. inc. Dec. raftla ' iqj n? lis x 24.113 Hogs 4Si2S3 4T6.8i7 41,094 Sheep 2y0,629 270,187 20,342 CATTLE QUOTATIONS. Good to choice cornfed steers Fair to good epinfed steers 4.7..ft6.30 Common to fllr steers l 'l V Good to choice fed cows 3.. 64. 50 Fair to good cows and heifers S.0"h3 7o Common to fair cows and heifers,. 8.0K(i3.0u Oond to choice atockera & feeders.. 4.2l'tf4.90 rair to good stockers and feeders S.7oal 10 3.0lt',,3.7 , 4.00l.60 Common to fair atockera ouns otngs, eta Veal calves RANG IS OF PRICES. Cattle. Hogs. Omaha .33.16(H.60 3B-''B90 i c.r. .c ( if;. i : IV. Chicago .IIKHBU J.WUVI.ow v. -v" Kansas City t.KKu6.30 .'u.oaH Bt. Louis..- 2.6ti'.6.75 6.2ou..lO Sioux City 2.5vati.OO e.bvju.SO ine loiiowinx table snows me price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, .with comparison: Data. 1907. 11906.11905. 1904.;19O8.1902. 11901. 4 74 5 2S I 4 69 6 23 6 93 6 I 6 6 32 6 96 5 93i 6 81 5 8S I 84 6 83 6 27 b Uii, 6 24 (KI 4 95 6 68 6 22 4 96 Sunday. , The official number of car 6f stock brought in today by each road was: came. nogs. Diieep. r C.j M. & St. 1 3 Wabash Union Pactfio ........ C. & N. W., east C. N. W., west ... C, St. P., M. V O... C, B. oc Q., ast C, B. & Q., wrat.... C, R. 1. & P., east.. Illinois Central Great Western 21 8 SO 8 4 10 6 4 4 10 Total receipts 99 12 The disposition of the dsy's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co. , 1,107 Swift and Company... 78 65 6 8 16 13J l Cudahy Packing Co.. 1.251 2.246 87 331 J. H. Bulla T. B. Inghram pther buy era ... Totals 167 8.437 418 CATTLE There were no cattle In the yards, at least none of any consequence. and the market waa practically bare ot sup plies as usual on a Saturday. For tna went the receipts show a moderate decrease as compared with last week and a year ago. Tne present week started out with beef steers slow'and lower, and the market no niore than steady in Tuesday, Commencing with Wednesday Dtlces under the innuence of a fair demand and moderate - receipt.) beaan looklns un and at the close of the week beef steers are generally 10c, and in some cases as much as 16o hlgner than last -we . ficlont While the demand has been sut to keen ths receipts pretty we. I cleared un the trade on most days has been none too active. This m especially true of th first two days of the week. Cows and heifers Were generally quoted about 10c lower on Monday., while Tues day's market waa low, but about steady. llnrlnK th latter half nr the week tne mar ket showed some little strength so that Monday loss was fully made up and in some cases a little more. In other worda, . at the cloae of the week the market is, if inything. The we a little higher than one week ago. eck started out with good heavy feeders commanding good, strong prices, In fact, cattle of thut dlscrlptioii auld very high on the first day of the week, specula tors being tne principal ouyers. as tne ex- rected oountry demand failed to mateiiallze he market eased off, clotting the week a little lower. On the other hand good light stock cattle have been gradually tinning up being for the week a trifle stronger. The season has arrived when stock cattle are selling more freely and at better prices than was the case two weeks ago. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 84 4... 11 4... At. Pr. No. Av. FT. ... HI ...1050 ...nai I..1040 444 ... l 4 44 14., 171 4 44 COWS. I 15 . 11 1001 t 40 t 41 , 11 1211 4 04 I 10 12W 4 04 HEIFERS. 8 M 1 110 4 It I 44 BULLS. IN 1 14S0 8 78 CALVES. 4 00 I 1M 4 ta 120 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4........I... Tit 4 14 HOGS There was a fair run of hogs today, but the market waa In very unsatis factory Condition from start to finish. It opened lower and kept getting still lower all day. Sellers made a hard fight to sus tain prices, but conditions seemed to be against them. The fact that It was Sat urday, that provisions were lower and other market points were also lower, gave buyers an advantage wnlch .hey were not slow to make th most of. The result waa that hogs sold 62luc lower than yet-ter day, closing a big 10c lower and very dull. This means that the early salea were largely at 36.77H. with a sprinkling at 86.1)0, wheress yesterday the bulk of all tho hogs here sold at 34 1. Ivater on a good many of the hogs sold at 86.76, while on the close It was practically impossible to get over 36.72H- No very great change took plao In the hog maraet during the flrat four days of th week, prices averaging Just a shade under the previous week. On Friday the market took a turn for tha better, hogs on that day selling a big 6c higher. The de cline today wipes out all the advance, and more, too, leaving the market 6'7Hc tower than the close of last week. Representative sales: BHEEP There wss nothing of any con sequence In sight this morning to make a market. Two cars were reported direct to a packer aad there was nothing of any consequence on aale. The receipts for tha w.iek have been very liberal, showing a large gain over a year ago. The market aa a whole ha been In very fair condition all th week. On Monday lambs sold higher, but the market eased oft on Tuesday, sine which time It has been praotlcally steady. At the closa of the week prices are not materially different from what they were at tha close of last Week While tha demand has not seemed especially urgent. It haa nevertheless been fully equal to the receipts, so the arrivals have been kept very well cleaned up. Prlcee paid for both sheep and lamba have ranged very high a compared with other market rolats. Thus oa some daya the top baa ten Identically the a mo a at Chicago. Tbe future look promising fur th seller Of strtutly - good and well finished sheep and lamb. A th number coming to mar ket 1 equal to th demand. It la only nat- Feb. 22... I 3 Si7 I 8 9o Feb. 23... 14 8'JH 04 Feh. 24... 16 Ob 14 btt 15 2IN t M Feb. 25...PH ( 4 741 6 82l 8 82 Feb. 28... 8 80 IM 6 40 83 r ob. 2.'... Vf 04 4 77) 6 3-1 i Hti Feo. 6 iiHtl 11 4 841 6 211 85 n 1 111 I a IV.I A tl.l X VI in.tii .i w 'J, 1 wi " w w ,v Maroh 3.. 76 I 6 991 4 7i 6 091 Xe. At. Sk. nr. No. At. Ms. Pr. It IM ... 4 70 tO 121 ... 4 71 '4 44 1st -. 4 71 74 4 ... 4 77 St It IH4 ... 4 74 14 til ... 4 T7i i iu ... 4 74 re ... 4 10 til ... 4 14 -14 444 ... IT1 14 "1 ... Ill II 11T ... 4 T7S4 41 Ill ... 114 4(....,...kl 40 4 44 Ml 86 4 II 11 M4 ... 4 T1V4 tl HI ... 4 II 71 tU ... 4 T1V4 44.. U4 44 4 14 41 tit H I Tlu 41 IM 44 4 14 43 1K0 ... 4T1V4 44 IM 44 4 14 14 124 ... 4 TtI 14 IM ... 114 14 101 ... 4 T1S4 14 W4 St 4 74 41 Ml 44 4 1T4 44 144 144 4 14 44 114 44 4 T7V4 Tl Ill ... 1 14 41 144 ... T7V4 11 t ... 4 Tl 14 Ill ... 4T7S4 h. Ill 144 4 14 t M ... 4 mi ... 4i4 -41 t4 ... 4 t m 144 4 14 44 144 ... 4 T7V il. ...... ri ... lit it nt ... 4 nsZ M ill ... 4 Tl 11 114 44 4 IIS 71 144 ... v4 T4 11 144 ... 4 T7V4 14 tit ... 4H 11 X.O ... I t0 44 174 ... 4 11 TO tut 44 4 44 40 . ......til 44 4 Hi 40 tut ... 4 44 10 .......111 ... imZ 4 144 ... 4 40 44 Ml 44 4 llSi II 144 ... 4 44 Tl. ...... .114 44 4 114 , 44 tit ... 4 40 II M ... I T! 44 14 ... 4 10 M l ... 4 71 44 H ... 4 40 41 141 14 4 17 11 110 ... 4 14 74 174 ... in 11 tkt ... 4 40 ural that the common and medium gradea should move rather slowly. Fortunately there has been a fair buying demand on the part of feeders, which has kept such sturt as packers did not care for well cleanest up. As has been noted a good many times before the propr policy for shippers t follow is to hold back everything that la not well finished and ready for market. Quotations on killers- Oond to choice lambs, 87 007.3(3; fair to good lambs, .7S ti7.f; good to choice ycarllnga. lamb weights. 6.0"36.4fi; fair to good ycarllnga. lainh welKlits, 8A .Ttvrr. (0; gm.d to choice yearlings, heavyweights, la TS.00; fair to good yearling. hevywrlght, I6 5y75; Kood to choice old wethers. 82 26&i.46; fair to good old wethers, 8j.2fHi5.40; good t choice ewes, 8&.00i&.8i; fair to good, 84.50TJ 4.00. Representative sales!' 86 western ewes, culls 77 I 78 830 western wethers, shorn 128 I 00 CHICAGO LIVE! STOCK MARKET Cattle aad Hob . steady Sheep and. Urnli gtroasr CHICAGO, March 2. -CATTLE Receipt m, 200 head; market steady; beeves. 4.1Gt;.: stockers and feeders. ItOfftS 90; cows and heifers. 31.6iyS6.26; Texans, 8S.7i4i4.75; calve, 84(xy(i7.5a ' HOGS Receipts, HOilO head;., market steady; mixed and butchers. 8H "Q'7 0f; good -heavy. 3i.97Vif-7.06; rough heavy, ttt.V-M.SOj llxht, 36)Viii.OO; pigs, 3A.16uti.76; bulk of. sales. 8',.90;.w. SHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1.R0S head: market strong; sheep, 8a.764jS.80i lnibs. 4. 76117.65. Horn City Mv Stock Market.' SIOUX CITY, Ia., March 8.-9peclal Tel egram.) CATTLE Receipts, 800 head; mar ket steady; beeves. . 8.6ni6. 00 cows, bull and mixed. 82.60ij4 60; stockers and feeders, 13(Wi4.60: calves and yearlings. St.NMHflO. H(K1S Receipts, 3,n neaa; market vaio lower, selling at 86.6Wtf4.fcO; bulk ot sale. 36.66i 6.7U OMAHA WHOLKSALB MARKET. ' t . ..MhM '' ' Condition of Trade and .notation m Staple and Fancy Produce. EOGS Per do.. 18c. ' ' ,. LIV1Q POULTRY Hens, 8H4c: old roo. ters, oc; turkeys, U'c; ducks, iuc; youngj roosters, "i49c; geewe, Kiito.- BITTTEK r acking sioca, iuc; cnoice m fancy dairy, 23i26c; creamery, 2'ii2c. HAY Choice upianu, w, ineuiuiu, .uuj No. 1 bottom, 8S.60; Off grades, 8& oti(Bi.ou. Rye straw, 17.00; No. I ailaua, u.ou. BitAN fer ton, im. ... FRUITS. BTBAWBERRIES Choice Texas. 26 quart cavex, ... uu; Z4 pint cases, CRANBERRIES er DOI., 4.wiB.0. APPLES Fancy Greenings,, per bbl in&O; Jonathans, 84.25; New York apples. 83.60; Iowa anu INenrasKa, eauna ana coo lng. 2.!(fi3.i; Wlnesape, 32.00 per box. PEAKS Winter rsena. per mix, oj.w COCOANUT8 Per sack of lo, 34.60. TROPICAL FRUITS. FIGS California. - bulk. 6Hci 8-crowa Turkish, 14c; 4-crown Turkish, 120; 8-orowa Turkish. lOo. i , . LEMONS Llmonlera, 800 and 860 slie, 84.6; other brands, 5oc less. DATES Kadu way, 6Hc; sayers. Be! hal lowls, new stuffed walnut dates, V-lb. 4ox, 81.10. BANANAS Per medium si led bunch, 32.0W&2.25; Jumbos, U.Wal.Wi. GRAPE FRUIT-Slxe ?4 to 80. 35.60. OHANGE8 California navels, extra fancy, all sixes, 33.00; fancy, 82.75; choice, large sixes, 2.i(fi2.(. NEW VEGETABLES. BEETS, TURNIPS AND CARROTS Per dox.. 4&)60c. .. TOMATOES Florida, SO-lb. crate, 83.6041 4.00. LEAF LETTUCE Hot house, per dol. heads, 46e. Cl'Ci:MBER9 Per dox., 32.00. RADISHES Per dox. bunohaa, 85c. PARSLEY Hothouse, per do, bunches, 40c. HEAD LETTUCE Southern, per dos, 81.0041 1.26. OLD VEGETABLES. . TURNIPS. CARROTS, BEETS Per bit, 76c; parsnips, per bu., 31.25. SWEET POTATOES Illinois, per large bbl., 33.60. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 81.68; No, X, 81.60. LIMA BEANS Per lb., 8He. CABBAGE Holland seed, home grown, le per lb.; new cabbage, 'per lb.,- 8Hc I'OTATOES Per bu., 604j75c. ONIONS Home grown, per bu., 60c; red or yellow, California, per lb:, 2c; 'Spanish, per crate, 32.00; Colorado, per bu., 76o. ' RUTABAGAS About 160 lbs. to sack, 31.00. CUT. BEEF TRICES. Ribs: No. 1, 15c; No. 3, 9c; No. : 8, 8a. Loins: No. 1, 18c; No. , 18c; No. 8, lOo. Chuck: No. 1, 6c; No.' 2, 6c; No. 8, 4a, Round: No. 1, 7Hc; No. 4, 7c; No. 8, 6Hc Plate: No. 1, 6Hc; No. 2. Aa: No. I, 4o. MISCELLANECUa CHEESE New full cream Wisconsin twins, 17c; new full -cream brick, 16H317c wheel Swiss cheose, 174j Ihc; block Swiss, 17c; ilmberger, 15a; young Americas, Inc. FISH i'lckcrel, dressed, 9c; pike, dressed, 12c; white fish, dressed, winter caught, 13c; trout 12c; halibut lie; salmon, 10c; catfish, 16c; herring, dresaed. pan frozen, Cc; perch, scaled and dressed, 7c; perch, skinned, dressed, headless, 7c; crap pies, round, 6u9C, crapplea, large, fancy, 15c; black bass. 2V; smelts, sweet and fine. 13c; eel, itc; oiue nsn. i&c; rea snapper, 12c; roe shad, per pair, 30ti40c; frog legs, 40c lobsters, green, per lb.. 27c: lobsters, boiled, per lb., 40c; mackerel. Span I all, per lb., 14o. mackerel, native, 35e per lb. HONEY Per 24 frames, 88.60. ' CURED FISH Family white fish, per quarter' bbl., 100 lbs., 34.00; Norway mack erel. No. 1, 3i.O0; No. 2. 128.00; herring In bbls.. V0 lbs. each, Norway, 4k, 311.00. HIDES AND TALLOW Green salted. No. 1, lIHc; No. i, lOHc; bull hides, 9c; green hides, No. 1, 10c; No. 2, 9c; horse, 81.6O1J 8.76; sheep pelts. 60c81.25. Tallow, No. 1, 4HC. MO. lc vooi, lbiuzzc. CIDER Ne Jew York, half barrel, 82.75; bar rel. 15.04. COFFEE Roast J, No. 35, 26o per Ih.t No. 80. 210 per lb.; No. i6, 19c per. lb. j No, 20, 16c per lb.; No. 21, 13c per lb. pi 'GAR Granulated cane. In sacks, 36.21! granulated beet th sacks. 36.11. NUTS French walnuts, I6H0; California walnuts. No. 3, soft shell, 13c; No. 1, soft shell. 16c; Braslls, 16H018c; pecans, WWlic; filberts, U&14c; peanuts, raw, , 7Hcj roasted, 9o; California, almonds, hard, shell,. 17Hc; Taragona, 17Hc; cocoanuta, 312.50 per P lbs. CANNED GOODS Corn, standard, west rn, ftbuMa Maine, 81.16. Tomatoes, S-ln, cans, 81.45; 8-1 b. cans, 31.30. Pine apples, ? rated, 2-lb., 82.2ui2 80; sliced, 31.759 3o. Galiorf apples, fancy. 12.6"o3.00. Cali fornia . aprtcata, 82 00 - Pears, . 81. 762 50. Peaches, fancy, 31.762.40; H. C. peaohea, 82.0u2.50. AlasKa salmon, red, 81.26: fanof Chinook. F.. 82.10; fancy aockeye. F.. 81.96. Sardines, quarter oil, 82.76; three-quartet mustard, 88.00. Sweet potatoes, II. 10-31.26. Siiuerkraut, 90c. Pumpkins, SOcxullOO. Wax beans, 2-lb., 604?Oi)c. Lima beans, 2-lb, 7Lcfe 41.36. Spinach, 81.36. Cheap peas, 8-1 0, 60c; extras,- ll.lniiullfi; fancy, 1.2&ul.85. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March t.-COTTON-Bpot closed steady: middling uplands, 11.25c; mid dling gulf, ll.K'c, Sales, none. ST. LOUIS, March 2 COTTON Steady middling, 1011-16C. Salea, 150 balea; re ceipt., 1,338 bales; shipments, 68 bale stock, 35,6o4 bales. - LIVERPOOL, March 2. COTTON Spot, moderate business done, prices 1 to 8 point lower; American middling fair, 6-d; good middling. 6.49d; middling. 6.13d; low mid dllng, 6i?9d; good ordinary, 6.27d;. ordinary, 4 WhI. Tbe sales of the day were 6,0u0 bale, of which 3uo were for speculation and ex port and Included 6,800 bales ot American; receipts, 33,000 bales, Including 30, X) bale of American. NEW ORLEANS, March 2. COTTON Spot cloaed steady. Sales, 2.876 balea Low erdlrfary, tt, nominal; ordinary, 7c, nom inal; good ordinary, 8t-16c; low middling, 9 9-16c; middling. lOtl-Mc; good middling, 11 9-16c: mladllng fair, 12 4-14c, nomlnall fair, 11 3-)6c. Receipt. 6,833 bale; a lock, 296,607 bales. , Coflee Market. NEW YORK, March 2.--COFFBT9-Markat for coffee futures opened at an advance of five points to a decline of five points, near months being higher on steady cables and a continued demand from roasters. ' De cember was the only month showing a de cline during the early trading and thla loss was recovered later on bull support and covering, with th market closing steady, net unchanged to five point higher. Sale reported are 26,260 bags, Including March, at 6.26c; May, 6.2oc; July, 3.30c; Sep tember. 8.26c; December, 4.26c; spot Coffee, firm; No. 7 Rio, 7Hf; No. 4, Bttntoa, C mlid coffee, steady; Cordova, tVUHo. Waal Market. BT. LOUIS. Mo., March l-WOOL Steady. Medium grades combing and cloth. Ing, 242Hr; light fine. Va'Ac; lieavy fine, 16yic; tub washed, VftrfAo. LONDON, March 8 WOOL Trie arrival of wool for th third serva of auction sales amount to 23,000 bales. Including 4.0u0 forwarded direct to spinner. Th Import this week were: New South Wales, 1 4u0 bale- Queensland, 1,800 balea; Victoria, I. Ua) bales: South Australia, 3.500 bales:-. New Kealand. 86.600 bales; Cape of Good Hop and Natal, 2U0 bales; various, 400 bale. Philadelphia Prodae Market. PHILADELPHIA, March 8. BUTTER-. Firm, good demaadl extra western areanas ary, 86a, . T V