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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1907. 6 Want - ads A4TrtlwairU for tke waa-nd mlaasas will takes watll for ovealaeT dittos aad til p. . for the uoralac aad Baaday odltloao. Cm! snast aoarMf all orders wt4li aad advsrtlseaaeat will Besetted for loaa taasi lO eoats for tko drst lasertloeu Rates apply either Tko Dallr waday Bo. Alwaya ooaat at worda to a llae. Otnaklaatloaa of laltlala or aaaakora oaat a a word. CAsH RATES rOR WAHT-ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATIONS Oa la aertloa, per llae, lO cents. Two or laoro ooaseeatlvo laaerttons, per llae. fl eoata. Raeh laaertloa made oa odd daya, lO eoata per lime. flJW per llao per assstb. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATIONS If ! advertisement la laaerted aader aar ae of the classifications ajlven below, It will be charged at the following rateat One Insertion, 4 ceata per llaet three to six coneacntlvo inser tions, S cents per llae eaeb laaertloa : seven err mere coaaeeatlve laaertloaa, IfJ ceata iter lino eaek laaertloa. 30 ! ceata per llao per aeonth. BARTER A1TD EICHARGB. B CUBES! CHANCES. BEXP WAITTED FEMALE. HRLP WANTED MALE. Until Aaroata, Solicitors Ml v Salesmen. OITEREO FOR SALE I Cows, Blrda D(i aad Pets. Horaoa aad Vehlelea. Poaltry aad Ebb. Paraltaro. . Plaaoa, Onaii aad Maaleal In- atraateata. Typewriters aad ' Sevrlagr Ma- . chines. Mlseellaaaowa. OFFERED FOR RENTt Faralakod Roosts. Cafnrnlshed Rossis. Housekeeping Roonta. Boarding; aad Rooma. WANTED TO BI T. WANTED TO RENT. SIL'ATIONS WANTED. CASH RATES FOR NOTICES. Death aad Faacral Notices, Carda of Thanks aad Lodge Notices, T oeata per llao for oao edltloa, aoraUf or orealaaTi 8 ceata a llao for eaek addi tional edltloa. Snaday, lO ceata a llae. No ad taken for less tkaa SO , oeata. BRANCH OFFICES. Waat-ada for Tko Beo anay bo left at aar of tko following drag stores oao la 'roar eoraar druggist" tbry are all braack offices of The Beo aad roar ad will ' bo laaerted last as promptly aad oa tbe an me rates aa at the mala offlce la Tko Beo balldlaK, Seventeenth aad Farnam streets. Albaoh, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beraiick. B. A., 1402 8. 16th Bl Bechta Pharmacy, 720 8. ICtli St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming. , r ..n kiln f U .lb, nnM UUr,.. Dla U llllll) A.., Will B11U l.llf. U l.l Clifton lilll Pharmacy, CU Military At. Conte, J. v., mat Ave. and Farnau. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cermak, Emil. 1264-8 S. 13th SU Eastman Pharmacy, 406 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H., 2u2 Leavenworth. Foster Arnoldl, 213 N. 26th St. Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman's Pharmacy. 20th and Lake, Green's Pharmacy, corner Park Ave. ana pacinc. Greenough, G. ..A., 1036 6. 10th St. Greenough, G. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden. Wm. C, 2830 Farnam St. Hanscora Park Phar., 1501 S. 29th Ave. Hoist. John. 624 N. 16th St. Huff, A. U, 2924 Leavenworth St King. H. 6., 2238 Farnam St. Kountae Place Pharmacy, 8304 N. 24th. Patrick Drug; Co., 1602 N. 24th St. Lathrop, Chas. E., 134 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Amea Ave. Bchaeler's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and vnicago. Schaefer, August. 2631 N. 16th St. Schmidt. J. 11., 24th and Cuming Sta. Storm Pharmacy. 16th and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. vtaiton rnarmacy, zotn and Grace bis. Wlrth. O. H.. 40th and Hamilton SU. LODGE NOTICES. . Garaeld Circle. Oarfldld circle No. 11. Ladles of the Grand Army of the Republic, are requested to attend the funeral of Bister Gertrude Hubbard Tuesday, March t, at 2 p. m. from 1812 N. 2tith St. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. . ANNOUNCEMENTS ' DAY SCHOOL, NIGHT SCHOOL, ' BOYLES COLLEGE. BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. j, TELEGRAPHY. ENGLISH. Jtudents Begin Any Time. Catalogue Free, ddress H. B. BOYLES. Pres., Omaha, Mi). ll Wo ALL kinds of hardwood and parquetry noon, r rana Bevies, a. loin ana uo- punlon bu. (1) 12$ M12x SPRING TERM of the Omaha Comercial College irril AND FARNAM Opens Monday, April 8. Courses: Business. Shorthand. Tv rewrit ing, Telugrbpn, Civil Bervioe aud Pen manship. CATALOGUE FREE. (D-MS31 THE CITY GARBAGE CO., Offlce 4th and iwivrnworin bis. lei. uuuglus w. U-g87 .SIGN PAINTING-S. H. Cols, 1302 Douglas. . (1) sag BIDS will bo received by the Omaha Gas Co. for moving 7,uuu yards of earth at 2uth ana center bis. il 2 i OMAHA Safe and Iron Works male a spe cialty of tire escapes, shutters, doors and sales, u. Anareeu, 1'rup.. lug u. 10th Bt. Q)ini ZOWA Sanitary Cleaning Co.,191 Farnam. (!)! J; ILK photos. Paris Studio, 210 S. 14lh St. , iir 47 3 10X BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE A stock of general mar- cbantlise In good bouth Dakota ton. win uivoice auout M.Mi aoing good busi ness. ui tag residence as iart pay ment or small piece of land. Globe Laud aud Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., vuiaaa. iseu. ) sug tvru k t-ji i vnl k. ..- . .. stucKs of guuds. farm Und or property of any kind to exchange, write for our com plete Hut. We have properties and lands in au pa;is or me country to exchange. Our list is free. Bend for It at once. uiobe Lna ana Investment Co., Patter son mug., umana. neb. (J sol FOR EXCHANGE W) acres near Orchard. Antelope county. Neb.; price Ili.W per acre. J0 acres six miles from O Nell Holt county, Neb., Improved; puce 120 per acre. Will exchange either or both of above terms lor merchandise or hardware. We also have several Income Drowrtlea 1a Omaha to exchange for merchandise, or hardware. Globe Land and Investment to., r Hereon tact . Omaha. Neb tD-ttd FOR BALE OR EXCHANGE A fine, up-to-date stock of drugs in good Iowa town of lu.uoO Inhabitants; invoice tla.uuu. Will give right parly a good deal or might Consider good land In exchange. Globe lend and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg., Omaha. Neb, l ftut tTO'l of general merchandise: will In voice about HO.tM); will take farm land for part If It suit but not farther west. Address bog ii. beaver City, Neb. , lj-ZMtx I BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) ' FOR EXCHANGE We haveVeverel stocks of merchandise, groceries and ory gooas, up-to-date and doing a good business, to exchange for g-od, clear una at ngni price. Send complete description in rtrst letter. Glob Land and Investment Co., Patterson Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. () 4 WE HAVE land In Holt county. Neb., to exchange- for Omaha residence; also a 160-acre tract to trade for general mer- chandlee stock. THE BTBWART-l-EAVENWOHJH W., 61 N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha, NCD., Tel. Douglas 63f0. (D-M12B S WRITE Townsend Realty Co., Fremont, Neb., who nave rarms, wild land, etc, for clear town property and merchandise. 40 ACRES Sarpy county land for trade, half cash, balance Boutn umana property, at 140 per acre. Address T 20). care Bee. FOR EXCHANGE. MO ACRES, all tillable, best of soli, within two miles or railroad station and a miles of best, market. In central Canada, for Omaha property, Nebraska or Iowa land. N. Fenger, Umana, web. I'none rtea MEDICAL library. M0 volumes, for law books or what, Kemp, Blair, Neb. SOME Blair property for Omaha vacant. What Iiavo your Kemp, uiair, rxeo. i.6) aim 9 WANTEXV-To trade Nebraska land f"f drug stock in Iowa or NeDraaaa. u. ta. Bturdevant. Atkinson, Neb. (3J M47U in WHAT have you to trade for phaeton and ingle harness. Address w. ns, care Bee. ( M48D ox FINE 640-acre relinquishment In western Nebraska, $xno. Hair cash, balance on time, If desired. Address. F 28. Bee. 5 MUD DX BUSINESS CHANCES Do You Wish to Make a Change If you have a farm, home, business or property that you want to sell or ex ennnre. write us. GLOBE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. (O M2SW MS FOR SALE Flrst-clats blacksmith and wagon work business, with tools: 4 to K received for shoeing and $4 to $8 for set ting tires. Address x iw. nee. HONORABLE and good paying business for lady, clearing $aoo per month, ror sai, $1,200. Particulars, address C 286, Bee. Free Presents French artistic photography, known as the Paris Studio KENNARD BLOCK. 210 South 14th St., Have opened a photograph gallery, with the latest improvements in me pnoio graphic line. Photographs on Silks, Pillows, Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Etc A SDeclaltr. BDeclal Inducements for two months only, we wiu give witn eacn oraer a irre present of fine Jewelry and silverware, amounting to the sum eoual to your pur chase in photographs. This Is done In order to get our work before the public Call ana visit our piace. open uunaay. 'Phone Bed 4502. (4) 404 M6X WE BUT OR BELL-Buslness chances or exchange a business, rooming nouse, or exchange tor anything. Money loaned on chattels. If you have anything to sell or want to buy anyimng see REAM A. CO.. Tel. Douglas 2W3. . 634-6,15 Paxton Blk, ROBERT C. DRUESEDOW & CO., STOCK BROKERS, 80S New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (4) 906 ran shares of the Mankers-Heavner Navl gatlon co. atocK, at mucn less man me market price If sold at once. Address Box 243, Omaha, Neb. (4) M365 FOR SALE New clesn stock groceries, dry goods, boots ana shoes, in a good town In eastern Nebraska; Invoice about $6,000: good brick store; cheap rent. Address Y 2u7, care Bee. (4) MOM M4 FOR BALE Money making harness shop In Scandinavian community, good coun try, square deal, reason poor health. Ad dress Y 206, care Bee. (4J-MSK1 M4x FOR SALE Dry goods business, In live town lO.OUO; clean stock 2,uuo; annual sales 143,000. Inquire Y 208, care Omah Bee. (4) M162 6x $800 balance due on residence; good se curity; runs nve years, pays i per cenc Address 46, wee. n aiisi ox FOR SALE New, clean stock of hard ware, county seat town. invoice; snap if taken soon. Address Box 714, Al bion, Neo. n ura x FOR SALE No gold brick; fm cash and il.wo, payanie monthly, Duys tne nest country hotel In Iowa. For particulars call or address Hotel lowans. Essex, la. FOR SALE 20-room hotel on good corner. only three blocks rrom i nion aepou iLs- tablished trade. . Sorei Nelson, Fremont, ixeo. w 1" ux TO buy. sell or exchange anything calL write or pnone feterson uros., oz uoe Bldg. Tel. Doug. sit)i, omana. (4-M469 AS LOTS 6 minutes from business center of Omaha, 2 blocks from car line; $60 to $100, 110 down and 16 per month. Address C 368. Bee. . (4J 4t6 9x FOR SALE Photograph wagon cars, loca lion oa a i arming community; money maker, or would rent to responsible party. Address Photographer, Exeter, ieo. t aiuw ox FOR SALE At sacrifice, newspaper plant located r.t Brunswick, rseo. Add reus J, E. Nye. Stanton, Neb. (4)-M&4 M2 WB buy, sell or exchange everything. Nat. investment Co., M Douglas lilk. (4J 320 MS DRI'O stores for sale everywhere. F. V. Knlest. 34 N. Y. L-. Omaha, (4) 8 WANTED Partner In good paying black' smltbwig business. Box ev, fanors. la. (4)-M21( 14x TO BUY OR SELL Any business or property, write or call m n fl a yji i pat a t 403 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas J441 to lua kilo LADY with $800 to invest and part of tlm can double same In 6 months. Handle own money, no risk. Address B 281. Bee. 4 M2M x FOR SALE A newspaper business and Plant in new. growing town In eastern Nebraska; good subscription list and nice Job business; $600 cash takes It. A good opportunity for practical printer. Address I -ito, cars tsee. KI-MJC OX FOR SALE In David City, two business iois on principle pusinesa street; frame Duuaing, s rooms. DOTT'A SMITH. David City, Neb. (4)-M42 I PARIS studio for photos. 110 S. 14th St 14) 472 10 ONLY harness shop In small town for sale; about ; good. Address Y 248, care oee. 14 M423 dx IF YOU want to get in or out of business. no matter wnai your ousiness la, where It Is. we can belo you. We make !! kinds of trades and guarantee to suit, it you nave anything to trade. write us. KELLY INVESTMENT CO.. t Neville blk. 4)-M44S A RARE OPPORTUNITY-I have ha plared In my hands for sale part or all of 2tie shares of Breckenrtdge (Colorado) - Kjia union mining siocs. i nis IS a pro- nucing mine, wits nne mill already pull! Circumstances offer exceptional opportun iiv tor investment at a Pig bargain. I4i delay. 8. llawver. 144 hJmmett Bt. Otnahs. t4 480 a) Would you like to get into a good business? Read over the "Business Chances." VMIRJCAUSallUsT BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) ALVA SMITH CO., 'PHONE BLACK 420, COUNCIL BL,UKre, IA. . 230 acres, Hubbard Co., Minnesota, for sale or exchange lor Omaha, council Miurrs property 415 acre. Grocery, dry goods and clothing $9,000. Several grocery stocks for sale $1,600 to $3,0n0 each. Small fruit and vegetable farms, close In, cheap. Fire Insurance written. (4) 479 4x, , BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architects. O. L. B RO LINE, 118 Bee Bldg. . (5) M340 M8 Attoraeys. T. E. BRADY, Probate Atty. 609 Bee Bldg. (5) M663 M Pcasloa Attoraeys. HOWARD 8AXT0N, Atty., 23 N.T.L. Bldg. Chiropodist. DR. BOY, R3, 1506 Farnam St Doug. 8497. (6 808 Dressmaking. $2.60 SHIRT waist suits Phone Web. 2930. (6) 338 M18 IN FAMILIES Mrs. Sturdy. Tel. Harney (5) M438 A2 ijos. Florists. HESS A SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. (6) 810 L. HENDERSON, 1619 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 14 Sill Osteopathy. JOHNSON INSTITUTE, 418 N. Y. L. TeL Douglas Hi64, (5) 912 Dr. Bowser Over 1600 Far. Tel. Doug. 6370. to) M3tw Mia Printing;. YNGSTADjr".19?!.110!" & JORVE :'apitoi Ave. (6'-eu CALL CENTRAL Doug. 3969 Central Printing Co., lowest prices on printing. 110 B. 17th. Typewritten letters specialty. (6) Mi2 M2 JENNINGS Printing Co., Tel. Douglas 6380. 10) Hit Plamblna". LYNCH BROS. Repair work our specialty. 118 N. 16th Bt. Tel. Douglas 1477. (6) M161 M27 Rlprapplngr Englserr. H. F. KELLNER, River and Riprap En gineer-; 20 years practical experience; write for Information. 610 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb, (5) 915 CLAIRVOYANTS iee ARMONDE LEVEAUX, The Greatest Living Clairvoyant and Psychlo Palmist. Private Parlors , N. W. Corner 18th and Capitol Ave. (Tbe Elms,) Dlreot from Paris. . Private Parlor for Ladles. ' Never before in the history of Omaha have you had an opportunity to consult a man who could euual Prof. Leveaux's knowledge of occult forces. His powers are almost oeyona oeiier; you win ie tonlshed. mystified and dumfounded at the remarkable things and secrets he tells regarding yourself and those you are in terested In; his description of your friends and enemies are as real as u tney were right In front of you, even giving their names in full as well as your own. Tells when and whom you marry. - No matter what your troubles may be, no matter how downhearted you may feel, do not lose hope, but consult Prof. Leveaux. He tells you how to win the one you love even though miles away; how to succeea in Dustness, lawsuits, cnanges, sta. Bv nsvchle vibration ha reunites the gen erated. He tells you everything, good or bad: you hear the truth and nothing but tne trutn. special tins weea, complete lire reading, fl.w. omce hours, w to 8, sun dnva Included. Parlors 202 N. 18th. cor. Capitol Ave. At home Sunday. (Every thing eacrea ana connaentiai. ARMONDE LEVEAUX. Cor. 18th and Capitol Ave. (The Elms). (6) M4S0 fix MADAME BUDDHA. The Leading Palmist of Omaha. Revelations of past and future described. Parlors 113 o. lttn Bt., opp. Boston Btnre, (61616 MADAMES Bean A Mayo. Spiritual Life Headers, tteances Tuesday and fTiday evenings. Consult us. Wi N. lKtn. Tel. Red 6066. (6) M977 M26x HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory aad Trades. TWO laundry girls wanted. M. E. Smith's factory, 11th and Douglas. (7) Ma 15 GIRLS wanted at once; steady work, good . ' w.,. vitcic .--"-Si CD-M305 WANTED Three girls to strip tobacco at Binderup'a Cigar Factory, 1!&2 St. Mary's Ave. (i) Hi Marsx WANTED Collar and mangle girls. Model eteam laundry company. . vfitS ox Hoasekeeaers aad Domestics. WANTED A girl for general housework. 2008 Dewey Ave. ui-oi WANTED Girl 2716 Jackson. for general housework. t, -iu LADY waitress, first class, highest wages. Apply to manager Dellone hotrt. (T)-M27J4 GIRL for general housework; three in fam ily; no objection to girl ust learning English. 1628 Jackson Bt. 'Phone Doug las 4781. l7 M2o2 4x WANTED Woman to come to house to do washing. Mrs. C. C. Howe, 2614 E St., South Omaha. (7) 801 6 WANTED A competent girl for general housework at 14 8. Uth St.; three In family; wages $4. (7) 297 4 WANTED Young girl for general house work. 812 S. 37th. Tel. Harney 25111. (7)-M328 WANTED Experienced cook for private family. References required. Mrs. Vic tor B. Caldwell, G3U 8. 2uth. . (7) 368 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; good wages. Call 8700 liar nay Bt. (7)-M.W WANTED Experienced girl ' for geenral housework. Mrs. T. E. Banders, 1616 Park Ave. 7)-M42l 6x WANTED Competent second glrL Mrs. T. J. Rogers, 1130 Park Ave. (7) S Mlseellaaeons. LADY of good appearance and address to solicit for charitable organisation. Apply between 9 and 10 a. m., Mr. Ellison, 108 city halt (7) 5S3 M'DOWELL Dressmaking School. Ifi23 Farn. (7) M738 Mil WANTED Lady canvassers for Red Seal Lye; salary weekly. Call or 'phone Mil- lard hotel. Vied Winkler 0)-M9;4x HELP WANTED MALE Assets, Solicitors aad saleassea. AGENTS wanted to drive through the country; best selling proposition ever of fered; big value fur your customer, big profit for you. Write today for particu lars end territory. B. B, MeClcIUn. C beo bldg.. Oiuaha. Neb, 834 HELP WANTED MALE Agents aad Solicitors t'ostlnaed. I MEN for canvassing; steady work; pay weekly. C. F. Adams Co., 1819 Howard. (9)-M216 M31 SOLICITORS wanted; prefer those who selling views, por- Plnassnt work; big Call at Room (S03, (9) M377 9x mve had experience traits, maps or books, money; outfit free. Bee Bldg. TRAVEL1NO salesmen wanted; must be hustlers and business getters: knowledge of business not necessary. To the rljrht persons we will give a permanent posi tion and a good income. References re quired. Address, P 843, Bee. (B M378 ix ANY person to distribute . our samples; $3u.00 weekly. "Empire," 92 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Steady position; no can vassing. (9) M489 6x WANTED at once, good, live, hustling young man, 20 to 24 years old, for out side work for loan office. Must be fa miliar with the city. Good position to right party. ' Apply Omaha Mortgage Loan Co.. Room 119, Beard of Trade, 306 S. lth St (9)-M381 4 WANTED Man who has had experience on road as a general salesman or crew man Hirer. -. Position permanent at a stated salary. Address L 889, Bee office. (9)-M379 6x WANTED District agents for the oldcrt Western Life Insurance company; most liberal contract. Address H 290, cure Bee. (9) M457 GOOD salesman wanted. Apply Mayne, 219 rve vine tiiK. l lua t i - Boya. WANTED Five boys; good wages; perma nent Job. A. D. T. Co., 212 B. 12th Bt. (9) 017 WANTED Cash boys and cash girls; good positions ror bright little people; must De at least 16 years of age. See Mr. Cul ver, main floor, The Bennett Company. (9)-MSl 4 Clerical aad Office. WANTED First-class bookkeeper; answer In own handwriting, age, experience, ref erences, wages. Address Y 206, care Bee. (9) M9S6 13X WANTED Good stenographer at once. A. Hospe, Piano Dept. () MZ72 Factory aad Trade. POSITIONS for drug men everywhere. F. V. Knlest, 624 N. Y.L., Omaha. (9)-890 TAILORS, ATTENTION. A good coat maker and also a good pants and vestmaker wanted at once. Herman Peterson, Fremont, Neb. (9) M4K2 Max TAILORS wanted at Tailor, Casper, Wyo. once. Jake, the (-M136 8x WAGON box striper wanted at the eitand . ard Mfg. Co, Council Bluffs, la. . y (9) M181 6 TINNER wanted by Hartman A Bullock, York. Neb. .... (9)-M178 llx WANTED An all-round printer; reference; no boozer; at once. Friend Sentinel, Friend, Neb. (9) M34S 9x CAPABLE young man for press room, one with some experience on cylinder presses preferred: state age and experience. Ad dress N 807, Bee. (9) M450 4 Miscellaneous. WANTED A young1 man and wife who un derstands taktng care of live stock In eeneral; good home. Apply Thomas WI1 lnson A Son, Kimball, Neb. i .1. (9)-M265 WANTED Railroad trainmen for work out of city. 'No fee charged. Call at room 111, Midland hotel. , (9)-M268 4z WANTED 10 or more experienced painters. Tel. Red -3781. F. H. Craig, 2709 So. 14th. (91404 6x WANTED Someone who can write French well to write some letters In the evening. P-314, Bee. - (9) M460 6 WANTED A THOROUGH, PRACTICAL MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF MECHAN ICAL END OF LARGE PACKING HOUSE. MUST THOROUGHLY UN DERSTAND REFRIGERATION, ELEC TRICITY, REPAIRS, ETC. ADDRESS Y. 340, OMAHA BEE. (9) M4K8 HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE. AMERICAN-GERMAN Employment Offlce, 1624 Dodge. Help of all kinds. Tel. 867. . (10) M758 Mllx LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaeg aad Vehlelea. 1 HORSES, weight 1,200 Iba. each, wagon and harness, $126; one team, weight 2,600 lbs.; one team, weight 8,000 lbs.; 2 farm mares. 2118 Grant. Tel. Douglas 8410. ' - (11) 919 E. H. FERRIN. scientific horseshoer, 418 8. Uth. Will call and deliver. Doug. 1839. - (11) M 130 M8 ALL kinds of h6rses, wagons and harness for sale on easy payments. Buy your horse now and save money everybody will be buying when work opens: pay for him as, suits your convenience; first pay ment when work cpens. Omaha Horse and Supply Co., rear 414 N. 16th. vdU-MStt GOOD heavy team work horses, weighing 2900. $200. 2816 N. Uth Ave. (11) MG65 WAGONS for sale. 1314 N. 24th St. 1D-835 M18 ONE team of mares, weighing 2,400, $176; one team of work horses, weighing 2.i0, $276; one team mares, weighing 1.700, 1-0; one sore-footed mart, $60; one horse, $36; 4-year-old mare, $86; one horse. $26. Rear 414 N. 16th. - (11) M566 FOR SALE Oood road cart. In splendid condition; cheap if sold at once. Inquire William Anderson, 8634 Seward St., Omaha. (11) M241 8x FOR SALE 3 work horses end 2 mares. Inquire st coal office, N. E. Cor. 20th and Lake. Tel. Webster 16C1. . (1D-M2G4 8 FOR quick eale, wagona, farm lnplements, etc., very cheap. Jacobsen, 4tu2 Maple street. 01) 467 6x Poaltry aad Bags. SAVE EVERY CHICK The extra chick saved by feeding B. Ac H. IDEAL CHICK FOOD more than pays the cost of feed. Mfg. only by Bunnell A Had lock, 24th and Belt Line, Omaha. (1D-M12S A28 OUR handsome Illustrated poultry book Is free to all who will write and ask for It, telling where they saw this ad. A valuable book for every poultryman; 80,OuO printed. Address Harris Poultry Co., Clay Center. Neb. (ID MJ May23x SQUAB RAISING beats chickens, requires less work, time, room. Book Issued by Department of Agriculture tells all about It; copy free. Homer Pigeons $4 pair; visi tors welcome. Model Squab Co., 1923 S. Uth St., Douglas 6664. (ID M159 M27 EGG8, EGGS. Toulouse geese eggs, $1 per setting; Rouen and Pekln duck eggs, 18 for $1; Bronze turkey eggs, 9 for $2; peacocks. While and Barred Plymouth Rocks. Houdans. Butt Cochins, Bllvtr Spangled Hamburga, Cornish Indian Gaines, buff Orphlngtons, Rhode Island Reds, Brown. Huff and White Lguorns, Buff, White and Silver Laced Wyandotles, White and Pearl Guineas, Golden Beabright Bantams. Buff Cochins Bantams poultry eggs, 16 for $1. ' Eggs by tbe hundred. AU kinds of fancy pigeons for sale. Hunting dogs. Satis faction guaranteed. Write for free circu lar. D. L. Bruen, Platte Center. Neb. CD 184 lux A FEW choice White Rock cockerels bred from-our prise winning stock; all! close ut cheap; we need the roor . Lggs for setting that will bring you prize wlnnera Hubert Willis. 1333 Parker Vt . Omaha. tU-M41 IS frfsTnWffWi f'f LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Poaltry aad Eaas Coatlaaed. BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK cockerels. Norvsl or Devore strain. R. F. Curtis, 4923 Cass 8t.. Dundee. Tel. Harney J?H. (11) M 171 Ox MY Bt'FF WYANDOTTES won most prises at the big Trl-Clty show In a class of sixty. Eggs, lnc each, any quantity. H. G. Klddoo, South Omaha. (1D-M178 M27x CHOICE Buff Cochin Cockerels, high grade and heavy weights, young and hcalthyi ressonniiln prices, w. A. Tarneii, Kear ney. Neb. 11) M278 4x BARRED Plymouth Rocks, pure Ringlet strain. A nice lot of breeding cockerels for sale at $2 and $3. 'Phone Red 5470. F. C. Ahlquist. 2762 Meredith Ave., Omaha, Neb. (11) Mitt yx FOR SALE White Wyandotte cockerels (Dustan strain). J. F. Pettlgrew, 346 Fowler Ave. 'Phone Webster 3fW. (11) MS26 6x Cowa, Birds, Dogs and Pets. MILCH cows. Center. on easy terms. 43d and (11) 234 LOST AND FOUND LOST About 1 p. m. Baturdey, a small purse with small amount of money, be tween 19th and 21st on Harney St. Re ward on return to 2030 Harney. (12)-46B 6 LOST From Commercial club rooms, heavy uaiK oiue, siiK-unea overcoat; nana noies of National Lead Co. and E. E. Brando, with checks. In pocket. Return to E. E. Brando, 1416 Dodge St. Reward. (12)M463 4x LOST In front of station D, gold bracelet. Initials engraved Inside "L. B. B. from P. R. B.;" liberal reward. 618 N. 40th. (12) M4M4 IPX MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical College, 14th and Dav en Dor t Sts. : special attention paid to con flnement cases: all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Doug. 1187. Calls answered day or night. (13) 139 PRIVATE home during confinement: ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs. Ii TeL 774. (18) 322 MRS. PERRY, drugless healer, treat er of circulations and chronic diseases. Neville block, room 316. (18) M344 M6 BEST nerve bracer for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pflls," $1 box, postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13)-9 DR. PRIES, specialist, diseases of women 80 years' practice In confinements. Office, 614 N. 16th; residence, 2421 Charles, Omaha. (13) en ANY noor srlrl In need of a friend call or write to the matron of the Salvation Army Home for Women at 3824 N. 24th Bt.. Omaha. Neb. O3)-M100 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AMD CHATTELS. FOR A SQUARE DEAL GO TO THE PHOENIX CREDIT CO., for chattel or salary loans. 633 Paxton block. i-none Douglas 746. 04) 923 , DR. PRIBBENOWS MONEY loaned on furniture, salary, pianos, horses, etc., In any amount; less than halt rates; nnrfert nrivmy. immediate attention: any terms wanted; payment suspended when SICK Or OUt Ol WUia. ALS iwiunvu Hi.. , 2u South 16th St. . (14J-9-1 Bowen, 703 N. Y. Life Bldg., advances nrlvata monev on chattel! or sal ary; easy to get; no red tape. You get money same day asked for at small cost. open evenings tin 7. uj SALARIED PEOPLE and others furnished money upon their own names, without security; easy payments offices in 83 principal cities, nave your self money by getting my terms first. D. H. TOLMAN, 714 N. Y. L. Bldg. 04-28 WOULD MONEY HELP YOUT Our new plan enables you to obtain money at rates which honest people can afford to pay. We will make you a loan on your salary, furniture or piano, and you can pay us back later In amounts to suit your convenience, nrveryming uinuuruwi. EASY LOAN CO. TEL. DOUG. I960. Room 20, Frenser Blk., 16th and Dodge Sts. UU-MUl All MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, cows, horses, etc. C. F. Keed, siu a. itstn. (141-924 CHATTEL, salary and storage receipt loans. Foley Loan Co., 1604 Farnam Bt. U4)-30 EAGLE LOAN OFFICE Reliable, accom modatlng; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. (14)-e26 Cash in Any Amount $10 to $300 LOANED ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, ETC., OR ON YOUR SALARY IF STEADILY EMPLOYED, without se curity or publicity, at the very lowest rates with payments to suit your convenience everything strictly confidential. Reliable Credit Co., Rooms 107-308. Paxton Block. (14-29 FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., room 8, Barker block, (14) 928 THE UNION LOAN COMPANY PRIVATE BANKERS Have Increased their capital and during the month of March will make a special rate on collateral loans, mortgages on personal property and notes, without se curity; terms to suit. 'Phone Douglas 2904. 310 Bee Bldg. (14) M834 OFFERED FOR RENT Board lag aad Rooms. VIENNA hotel; private dining rooma; cafe. Uo sii FURNISHED Dodge. rooms, with board. 1718 (16) M3S2 Mix NICELY furnished, well heated room, all modern conveniences, excellent table; pri vate family. '2469 Harney. (16) 932 DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (16) 933 WANTED Two young gentlemen who wish good table, pleasant associations down town, wtih good service. Call at 19o! Capitol Ave. (15)-41 LANGE HOTEL, rooms. Corner 13th snd Jackson. (15 163 March 4 THE PRATT, 110 0. 26th Bt. (15) 144 Mart BACHELOR First-class table board, ele gunt rooms, with hot and cold water, steam heat, building and furniture new and up-to-date; ckse In. 406 S. 24th Ave., ' (24th Ave. and Harney.) (lo)-4U M19 OOOD room Farnam Bt with first-class board. 2618 (T6)-M47 Ix Foralshed Rooms. BRUNSWICK hotel, 1210 Dcuglas St. (15 162 Marl STEAM heated front rooms, 1P09 CapltoL (15) 181 Mar4 MODERN rooms, fine neighborhood; gen tlemen preferred. 2614 St. Mary's Ave. (15) M646 ZS FURNISHED ROOMS, 1915 Cspltol Ave. (15) M767 MUX FURNISHED ROOM8. Douglas WI TH N. 1ts Tel. f (16 IdosS M9x OFFERED FOR RENT stlaood. EXCELLENT steam heated rooma for I young men; gra twsru, e, 1 1 16c. "The Boston," 107 S. 17th Bt. (16)-M286 X JOB B. th Ave., Isrge south room with alcove; also tnree uniurnnmo rmmie iui light housekeeping. tl&)-M97 Mix WHY RENT rooms when a saving of $S Or siv per muiiwi w,, k" v j new modern house costing $2,600. with a monthly payment of $22. Write for par ticulars to Alden M. Blake, International Improvement company, room 80s, F. A M. Bldg.. Lincoln, Neb. (16)-M268 4 ROOM, either furnished or unfurnished. No children nor cooking. 41s . rain ou (16) M267 4x NICE south front room, with privilege of breakfast If oesirea. jmj tipi (16 298 8 FURNI8HED rooms for business men and women; modern. uougms. (16) M322 tx I'afaralshed Rooms. A SUITE of large unfurnished rooms, first floor; strictly mooern, rawrmm re quired. 2408 Caso. (16) 418 i ROOMS for housekeeping, unfurnished, or will furnleh; also 4 rootna. iei. iwusim 53(1. OB) M476 9x THREE rooma. desirable for small family; modern except neai, rmiurnw in-.i. Inquire 808 8. . 13th St. (15) M876 7x WANTED Two or three unfurnished rooms In walking distance, oy nounr anu daughter; must be reasonable; reference exchanged; give particulars. Address M 823, care Bee. (16)-298 4x FOUR unfurnished rooms on second floor for light housekeeping; monern except heat. 1612 N. 26th St. . (16) M131 6x THREE or four rooms for housekeeping. Inquire 1618 N. tl arter p. m. (15) M127 5 TWO rooms furnished or unfurnished for Ug-ht housekeeping. 1703 no. Mtn. iei. J8!. (16)-M46 9x Apartments and Flats, FOR RENT Three flats of three and four rooms escn. una Ave. ana uougias ox. Globe Land and Investment Co., rooms 1 and 1 Patterson Blk. (15) M129 ELEGANT new brick, 7 rooms, 2401 Harney. VA. Vacant March 1. mrnesi tsweei. Bis N. Y. Life. Telephone Douglas 1472. (16-M179 FOR RENT Semi-basement flat In the Dunsany. 4 rooms, neat ana Dam. Con rad Young, agent, 1518 Dodge. (18)Mrj . Hoases aad Cottages. WE MOVE PlANPe Maggard Van and Storage Co. in. Doug, isn, umce, nu Webster St. (16) 084 FOR RENT 7-room modern house, with not water neat; r. 1 cu w 1 1 uo miunu, month. 1143 Park Ave. 'Phone Harney 8498. (16) M483 6 room modern cottage. Ml 80. 26th Ave. 6 room modern cottage, 2WB Spencer. 7 room modern cottage, 1907 S. 28th Bt. I room modem brick house, 1617 8. 29th St. F. D. Wead. 1524 Douglas. (16) M439 6 FOR RENT 7-room cottage, good repair, gas, city water and cistern water In house, at 1731 Van Camp Ave., $15. In quire at 8461 S. Uth St. (U-800 8 FOR RENT Modern 9-room brick house; 1128 S. 31st St.; $40 per month. Thomas liar. (lS)-SB ITnTTSTTS In .n Part f tn dty. Ths IIUUOXjO o. F. Davis Co.. Bee Blda-. (16) 838 HOUSES, insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Big, Ofi) 939 4-ROOM apartment, modern except heat, THE ORMAND, 683 8. 28th St., $20. I new first-floor apartment flats, 814 and ill B. Zlth bt., $36. BEMIS, Paxton Blk 'Phone Doug. 688. r. - (1B M587 '. BEE us when shipping household goods to large cities west; we can save you money. EXPRESSMEN'S DELIVERY CO.. 214 N. 16lh St. Tel. Doug. 1196. (16) 45 OMAHA Van Storage Co., pack, move, . store, H. H. goods; storehouse 1 120-84 N. 19th. Office, loll Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1569. (14-J8 FOR RENT 7-room house, modern exoept furnace; 711 N. 28tb Ave.; newly painted and papered; very convenient; rent rea sonable. Apply at 607 N. 19th, or room 908, N. Y. Life Bldg. . OB)- M764 CENTRAL, modern, steam heat. 7-room house, 4-room corner flat; 8-room cottage. R. Tlsard, 220 N. 23d. (16) M78. WE DO expert piano moving at lowest prices. Tel. Douglas 1626. Bohmoller . 4k Mualller PUno Co., 1311-1311 Farnam. (15)-U HOUSES ,n " p-1" of eltr- UUUOLO c. peters Co.. Bee Bldg. (13) 937 FOR RENT 8-room house, all modern, ex cept furnace, $20. C. M. BACH MANN, 436 Paxton Block. . . O5)-f40 FOR RENT Brand new house, stiiotly modern, good location, oost $3,000. Do you wish to know how you can own this prop erty on a monthly payment of $36 407 You can start with $6 or $10 per month. Write tor particulars to Alden M. Blake, State Agent, International Improvement Co., Room 80S, F. A ii. Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. (16 M268 4 FOR RENT, 1316 B. S2d St., 8-room, modern house, finest location In city $32.60. 607 S. 29th St., 4-room fiat, bath 110. 2727 Chicago St., 7-room, modern house $80. 2727 Chicago St.. 4-room house, in rear (10. W. R. HOMAN, 1617 Farnam St. (16)-M284 FOR RENT. 4-ROOM house, with gas, close to two car - lines and within easy walking dlstanoe of town (16. 916 N. 26th Ave. 06) M388 6x FOR RENT, MODERN eight-room house, - 8118 ' Wool worth Ave.. $32.60. W. L. Selby, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 1610. 06)-M t FOR RENT 6-room house. 839 80. 24th Bt, (16) 446 6x Offices. ONE large office room, ground floor. Ed ward Crelghton Institute Bldg., 210 S. 18th 6t., opposite city halL Inquire building. 06 942 1614 HARNEY St., new, modorn offices. Hastings A Heyden, Agents, 1704 Farnam Bt. (16) M43S FOR RENT Desk room In Bee office, city hall building. 417 N. 26tn Be, Bouth Omaha. Apply to manager. 05) 134 FINE OFFICE in ths Omaha NaUonal bank building with use of reception room, on 4th floor, $20 per month. 'Phone Douglas 180. (16) 228 10 Bee Building OFFICE For Rent. A single room on the fifth floor, slsa 14 si 8, has a vault. Can ba occupied ths nAt of March, at $18. Janitor service and lights furnished free. Bee R. W, Baker, Bupt.. room 418. (16)-M4a OFFERED FOR SALE Coal. FIRE sale on coal Burr eggs, $6.11 ton, stove or furnace. Tel. Harmon A Weeth. (1S)-7U M10 FeaelaeT. ANCHOR and Iron fencing; wire fencing 6c per foot. 206 N. 17th St. Tel Red 814. U4 M648 Far a It are. . FINK upright piano, parlor suit, bookcase, rugs, hall tree and other furniture. Call at onoe. 416 N. 23d BC (IS) 21T M4 FOR 8AI.E A handsome bookcase, mahog any flnlah. at a bargain, fesd Dewey Ave. U0 ewi a OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltare Coatlaaed. . j ITURE Cf 8-room house In Brat els Ii V, tlon; also good carpet. Can r hl ' FT'RN rnnd! with home, 1916 Farnam. (1l M2S8 6x FVRNITURE for three rooms, nearly new. Cost gain, will ecu mr " "- Omaha Bee. (16)-;-94 Ix Tool aad Blllard Tables. FOR SALE New snd second-hand MJUard snd pool tames: we ieao heap bar fixtures; easy payments. Bruns- wlok-Balke-Collendar, 407 0. win "- , f !l..n.i orsrana. Moalcal Inetraments7 RARE VALUES IN FINE PIANOS y. CALL AT ONCE TO OBTAIN FIRST CHOICE WE WILL ARRANGE PAY MENTS TO SUIT. $3, U or $5 MONTHLY. ' Former Bala - , Price. Price. Btelnwsy upright $750 $351 Emerson upright X 298 Btcger upright 600 - 278 Kranloh A Bach upright 4n0 tH Vose A Sons upright 400 200 Norwood upright (.... 360 1SS Smith A Barnes upright........ 4 160 Gay lord sample Iss 148 Chlckering A Sons 400 133 Kimball Bons 300 113 Hallet As Cumstock grand 700 loQ Two other uprights at $75 and $S6. Every instrument fully guaranteed as represented. Write for catalogues and bar. gain list. New pianos for rent $.1 monthly, we tune, repair, move and store pianos. Schmeller & Mueller Piano Co. 1311 and 1311 Farnam Stl Tel. Douglas 1615. (16) M371 UPRIGHT 8TEINWAY PIANO. In fine condition. 118 McCague Bldg. (16)-M348 M PIANO, mahogany case, In excellent con dition, cost 1X0, for sale at $175. 432 S. 24th Bt. 'Phone Douglas 3306. (16) M833 FOR SALE A good Emerson upright piano, at a sacrifice: Apply 113 Hamil ton. OB) MS12 UPRIGHT piano, very fine finish, onl y $HT.-- m 64IW. 192 " aa this must be sold at onoe. Room Paxton block. (181192 UPRIGHT Kimball piano, fine condition. $116. Owner leaving city. 1819 Daven port. . (16)-232 7x ONE Remington typewriter. No. , In good condition, for sale cheap. Call at Be offlce. (16)-629x Mlseellanooaa, FOR SALE A few first class show case and counters, very cheap; nearly new. Kennard Glass and Paint Co., 16th and Dodge Sts. (16-46 SLOT machines of all kinds; cash and trade. 1406 N. 21st St. 'Phone Douglas S139. , (16) M 485 lOx HALL'S safes, new. 2d-hand, 1818 Farnam. 06)-846 SEND us your mall orders for drugs: freight paid on $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, . (16) 947 FEW bargains in Id-hand soda fountains; monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Farnam. (16)-18 PRINTING Prers." 10x18 Gordon! 4-lnrh paper cutter, one-horse power motor, 250 innts or type. Aoove property ai a inc. liflce. 110 17tb. (18) 229 7 FOR SALE Two National cash registers; one total adder; also nice line of store m fixtures. Globe Land and Investment r- j Patterson Block. (18) SCHOLARSHIP and books In Bnyles BusU ness college for sale at reduction; party taken 111; books entirely new. Address B 747, Be. 06) 417 M4x MEMBERSHIP in tre Omaha Grain ex change for sale cheap, for rash; no trade considered. Address A 283, ch re Ree. (18 M133 Ex 8HBRWIN WILLIAMS CO., best mixed paint. Sherman A MoConnell Drug Co. . .(16) 849 RJDPATHB History of World Enoyclo pedla Brltannlca, cheap. 64t . Paxton block. Roberta. (16) I85-AprS0x TWO store awnings and refreshment .tent with poles, chesp. 808 N. 16th. (16)-231 Tx FOR BALE Two good large Ice boxes; must be sold to make room for larger one. Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co. Oft M2SJ I PARIS studio for silk photos. 210 S. 14th Bt. (1$) IT4 lOx , GOOD flat-top office desk, and chair. $10. 121 & 26th Bt. CI6)-M477 5x mom steel range, best make, nearly new; low price. 2469 Harney. (1)-M81 I CIGARS No. 8.160, to close Out at bargain Srice, well known nickel brand. Address 289, Bee. (16) M4I7 6x PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, patent attorney and ma- I 'I cnins Designer, paxton Blk. Tel. Ken nu. jr (1T-M737 MU y MACHINE designing and general draught- y A Ing at reasonable rates. W. P. Dorner, "r 124 B. ZStn Bt. UT) M7B4 Mil PATENTS, trade marks, guaranteed or no fee. National Investment Co.. Iipoplss Blk, (1T)-M798 Mil Larson A Co., book free. Bee Bldg. rm-M2?o PERSONAL CITY 8TEAM LAUNDRY Shirts pressed, not Ironed. 211 B. Uth St. Tel. Doug. 264. (18)-952 BEWINO mschines rented, any make. Tko) per week or $2.00 per month. Second hand machines for sale, $5 00 and tip. Neb. Cycle Co., 15th and Harney . (18)-5I MASQl'E costumes. Lieben. Tel. 4115. Open evenings. (18) 964 BYR1NGES, rubber goods, by mall; out rices; send for free catalogue. Myers illlon Drug Co.', Omaha. 08)r-958 COSTUMES 8318 B. loth. Back. TeL Red T'7J. (U0-M963 PLEATING B-ttonhln Dyeing and cleaning, sponging and shrink. Ing, only 5c per yard. Send for price list and samples. GOLDMAN PLEATINO CO.. 10 Douglas Block. Tel. Douglas 1938. (1SI K7 PRIVATE CONFINEMENT HOME Mrs. Dr. King. 1018 N. list bt. TeL Doug... OMAHA Bldg. Stammerers' Institute. ' Ra (Ui)9U JOHN CANE IS IN TOWN! Now la the time to trim trees, trellises and grape vines; also landscape gardening. TeL Red 64d6. Res. 1101 B. th Ave. 08-2T Mil DR. VOGEL'8 private home for ladles be. fore and during confinement; best and cheapest In the city. 2319 B. Uth St. (liO-960 THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast off clothing; In fact, anything you do nt need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting, to the worthy poor. Call 'Fbwue Lvug. 4136 ami wagon will call. 1 . (U tU MASSAOE8wedl,h movement. 410 N. JUAOOAUlj, room 2. second floor. (18) M487 A8 MAGNETIC "" n bith. Mm.' (i8)-a CHULTZE A BLATTKRT. lit 8.18th 8t dlcals; Oer- f a specialty. " Ut H Ml r 1 . Complete line of leading periodical ntaa aaa foreign publications 1 i ii $ 1 1 '