Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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To the
1: :
Offica. 10 Pearl
. Dt1, drugs.
Btockert Bells carpets.
Fine engravings at Lefferts.
Ed Roger' Tony Faust beer.
Plumblns and heatlns. Blxby A Ron.
Lewis Cutler, funerst director, 'phone H
Picture framing. Alexander's, S3 B'wif
Woodrlng Undertaking company. Tel. t'ia
Watch repairing, O. Meutha, 228 West
new spring styles in bprino
goods at hicks'.
- diamonds ab an investment.
(Talk to lefkert about it.
R. Wesley Albert, the i-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Albert, SMI Avenue F.
died yesterday of pneumonia.
Illinois nut coal, delivered, 5.60 per ton;
.. ...... ti. . nA. ,n William Wlah
i North Muin street. Tel. US. Yard Eighth
street and Eleventh avenue. Tel. 977.
D. B. Kerr baa farms of different slsss
' to tent, either cash or crop rent. Houses
fnr naiA An mnnthiv Dtvmnnu. Tela. 417 and
euS Red. Mi Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
Spring time Is coming. Now is the time
to select your wall paper and get the work
done promptly and well. See the new wall
paper at W. S. Hewetson'a, Masonic tem
ple. Council Bluff. Ia.
There will be regular midweek services
' at tit. . John's Ensiish Lutheran church
Wednesday evening. The choir will re
' hj'arse Kriaay evening and after the serv
" Ice Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Marlowe, 1315 Avenue B, wife of
Frank E. Marlowe, superintendent of the
Consolidated Construction company, who
recently underwent a severe operation at
the Lumunuson hospital. Is rapidly re
j coveruig.
Come in and let us show our spring stock
' of carpets, rugs, linoleum, oil cloth, window
shades, laoe curtaina, ranges and gasoline
stoves. We have one of the largest stock
of house furnishings In the city. D. W.
Keller, 1 So. Main.
I am the exclusive agent for the Stand-
erd. Domestic and New Home Sewing ma
chine for this city and vicinity. Carry
other makes of machines from 16 up to
- &. Also sell the Edison and Victor talk
ing machines. Have a large stock of rec
ords for both. Repair all makes of ma
chines; bicycles -and talking machines.
8. M. Williamson, 17 So. Main St. Both
William Wallace was arrested yesterday
morning charged with the theft of an over-
coat and other garments belonging to
guests at the Martens hotel, on South Main
street. Fred Lewis, one of the guests,
missed his coat and vest, the latter con
taining his gold watch and fob, with Mao
cabee charm attaclied. Wallace Is sus
pected of this theft also, but the watch
. was not found on him when arrested by the
Water Works ttaeetlon Will Come I'p,
but Acttoa Is Improbable.
The water works question will, it la ex
pected, come up again tonight at the reg-
ulur monthly session of the city council,
but whether the special committee, of which
Councilman Wallace la chairman, will be
prepared to submit any report or recom
mendations Is doubtful.' Since the last
meeting of the city council, when the peti
tion signed, by over eighty of the leading
business men and ' taxpayers of the city
ubintf that wimn settlement ofvthe Ques
tion be speedily brought about, was re
ferred to the special commute on the In
sistence of Hn Wallace, no meeting' of he
jmmltteehai been helfL.It waA stated
VWerdy.:hktOviMlinaa Wajlace in-'
tended to earl the -committee together be
fore the' session of the city council to
night, bat other, members of the commit
tee-- said they had been so Informed by
their, chairman." . ,
There has been more or less talk the last
few days .of a public debate between Coun
' Citman Wallabe and Councilman Knudson,
a tnVmher of the gprclal committee, on the
water works question. Mr. Knudson la not
favtor of municipal ownership, as he
believes It Impracticable, like a great many
other 'cltlsens. There has been talk of se
curing a hall' for the proposed debate, but
. the whole thing. It la expected, will end In
Somo of the councllmen are In favor of
Instructing the special committee to come
to some speedy solution of the water works
' question er else turn the whole matter over
to the council again and let It wrestle with
: Jt for awhile. ,
Why not come In it your . eyes bother
you? I can fit you out with a pair of
glasses .to. your entire satisfaction. OV
Manthe, 223 Broadway. , ' ' .
Both Parties Will Name Caadldatea
for Board of Edweatloa.
'Both the democrats and the republicans
have decided to hold conventions Thurs
day night to name three candidates for
members of the Board of Education. Both
gatherings, which It is understood will be
on the informal order, will be held In the
county court house. As there are ' two
court rooms, both parties can be accommo
dated at the same time.
A few names are beginning to be men
tioned In connection with the republican
nominations. They Include W. H. Klllpack,
former county attorney; Andrew- McMUlen,
former councilman from the Fifth ward;
W. 8. Balrd, a member of the bar and of
the library board; A. J. Manderson, former
agent of the Union Pacific at the transfer,
and G. W. Gorman, a former member of
J he school board.
these symptom la
Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
made from native roots and herbs. No other medicine in the country baa
received such widespread and unqualified endorsement.-- Ho other medi
cine has such a record of cure erf female 111. ,
Miss J, F. Walsh, of 358 W. 8flth Bt., New York City,- write--,Lydia
E. Hnkham Vegetable Compound baa been of inestimable vrnlu in
restoring my health. I suffered from female ' illness which1 caused
dreadful headaches, diaiinesa, and dull peine. in my back, -but your
medicine soon brought about a change in any general ooaOiUoB, built
me up and made me perfectly well." -
, Lydia E. Pinkhaiu'a Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaint,
such as Backache, Falling and Displacement, Inflammation and Ulcera
tion, and organle diseases. It is invaluable in preparing for child-birth
and during the Chan (re of Life. It cures Nertou I'rosU-sViOfi, Ueadsnae,
Cienerul DebilHy, and invigorate the whole system. ' .:
Mrs. Plnkham's Standing Invitation to Women
'Women suffering from any form of female waakoea ara iarlted to
writ Mrs, TUikham, at Lynn, Mas. Her advice ia tree.
St. Tel. 48.
Tartly Cepletu Boildinr Dedicated with
Appropriate ferries.
la fast rial School and ' Free Employ
ment Bareaa Are to Bo Featares
of Institution Money Needed
to Finish "trnrtnre.
The services attendant on the opening of
the Union mission on Broadway between
the Northwestern and Illinois Central
tracks yesterday afternoon attracted an
audience which filled the main hall, the
only portion of the building completed.
Rev. W. L. Glersdorf, former pastor of
the Free Methodist church of this city,
who, with his wife, will have charge of the
mission, was assisted yesterday by Rer.
O. O. Smith, D. D., pastor of the First Con
gregational church; Rev. F. A. Case of
the First Baptist church; Rev. T. C.
Webster, pastor of the Ep worth Methodist
church; Rev. Henry DeLong and Rev. , Mr.
Lee of the Omaha Rescue hall, all of whom
made short addresses.
The musical part of the services wns
conducted by Miss Waters of Kansas City,
a singing evangelist, who will assist at the
meetings to be held every evening this
Explaining the purposes of the Union
mission and Its Intended part in the charita
ble work of the city. Rev. Mr. Glersdorf
stated that it would be strictly non-see-
tarlan and that it would be a rescue home
in all that the name Implied. The Indus
trial school, formerly conducted by Rev.
Henry DeLong on Avenue F, will be con
tinued at the mission. As soon as the
necessary arrangements are made a froe
labor bureau will be conducted In connec
tion with the mission and it Is the Intention
of the management to make the charitable
work among the needy and Sick one of the
strong features of the Institution.
The- building stands on Twelfth street,
which is closed at that point by the North
weatem yards and which the city vacated
for the purpose of affording a site for the
mission. It Is two stories In height, con
structed of frame, and when completed will
be covered with corrugated iron. When
finished it will have cost about $3,200, and
11.(00 Is needed to complete It.
On the first floor to the left of the en
trance will be the office and to the right
a room for storing clothing, etc., for distri
bution among the poor; the main hall In
which services will be held, and back of
the hall a dining room and kitchen. On
the second floor will be six or more bed
rooms, two bath rooms, a reading room,
parlor and apartments for Rev. and Mrs.
Glersdorf, who will make their home at the
Now Is the time for getting a nice piano
at the Bourlclus piano house. Ask Bourlclus
for facts and figures, how his prices com
pare with those of others; S35 Broadway,
where the organ stands upon the building.
.... 1 ..-u.
Physicians Will Bo Gnosts of New
Hospital ' Tnesday Evening.
A meeting of the Pottawattamie County
Medical society will be held Tuesday aft
ernoon In the auditorium of the public
library, commencing at ' 8 o'clock. The
evening session will be held at the new
Jennie Edmundson Memorial hospltai,
when the doctors win be the guests of the
management at a banquet to be served at
8 o'clock. '
The afternoon session will be devoted to
clinics, and a number of Interesting medi
cal, surgical, eyes and other special cases
will be presented. Also' some very Im
portant matters touching the general good
of the profession will be presented for
consideration, according to the announce
ment The following toasts will be given
at the banquet:
The Value of a (bounty Medlcal'soclety
to -the Younger Practitioner Dr. V. L.
Treynor. . ,
The Value of a County Medical Socljty
to the Older Practitioner Dr. Donald
The Value of a County. Medical Society
to the General Public Dr. J. M. Barstow.
The Value of a County Medical society
to the Medical Profession Dr. J. M. Em
ert. , , -v
Baeetaealar Baypta.
Few productions offer such remarkable
opportunity to the scenla artist and the
costumer as does Egypta, the Impressive
spectacular opera that will be staged at
the New theater next Wednesday, Thurs
day and Friday nights. In the first place,
no traveling ' professional i company can
ever hope to rival this production In tho
number of participant actually appearing
In the different scenes.
The local programs ' will contain I he
names of nearly 600 singers, dancers, sol
diers and children. The vast throng, mov
ing through the various features of the
opera, give a solidity and Impresslveness
that satisfies the eye no less than the
Many woman suffer Is silence and
drift along1 from bad to worse, know
ing well that they ought to have
Immediate assistance.
How many women do yon know
who are perfectly well and strong-?
Tho cause may be easily traced to
some feminine derangement which
manifests itself - in depression of
spirits, reluctance to go anywhere
or do anything, backache, drugging
sensations, flatulency, nervousness,
and sleeplessness.
These symptoms are but warning
that there ia danger ahead, and un
less heeded, a life of suffering or a
serious operation ia the inevitable
result. ' The beat remedy for all
tremendous volume of melody ailslngfrom
so many throats delights the ear. All
will be arrayed In the rich flowing cos
tumes of the orient. Some of the finest
of the stage settings were in the first
shipment, which has already reached
Council Bluffs and has been stored In the
New theater.
N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 630. Night, L MS.
r. m. c.
Committee Will Ben-la . Canvass for
rnaiti for Mew "tractors at Once.
Harry McGee, Iowa state secretary of the
Toung Men's Christian association, arrived
In ths city yesterday and was In confer
ence with President Day and the other offi
cers of the recently Incorporated local a
eoclatton. Mr. McGee will remain In the
city today and will assist the local pro
moters In making a canvass of the city to
secure contributions towards the proposed
building. It Is understood that the commit
tee today will go after the "big money"
only today and will leave the canvassing
for smaller donations to other committees,
which will be appointed at a mass meet
ing to be held Tuesday night at the rooms
of the Commercial club. This meeting
Tuesday night will be a public one and
everybody interested In seeing a Toung
Men's Christian association orga-nlxed In
Council Bluffs Is urgently requested to at
tend. The officers of the newly Incorpor
ated association are out to raise $30,000, as
they believe that with this sum a building
adequate for the present needs could be
erected and the association started on a
firm basis.
The 14 te of the Room
Is In the decorations the bare walls and
ceilings are like a skeleton without beauty,
life and warmth. Wall paper and celling
decorations transform your rooms Into a
thing of beauty, when you choose rich col
orings and handsome patterns from Jensen
tt Nlcolalsen, 238 Broadway. Phone L618.
Strip Near Sloax City Wortb fSR.OOO
Gradnaly Disappearing.
SIOUX CITY, la.. March .-(SpeclaI Tel
egram.) The swirling current of the Mis
souri river, swollen by the high waters
up the stream. Is cutting under the Strange
brothers'- strip at the foot of Prospect hill,
and already It has sunk fifteen feet until
It Is within two feet of the level of the
stream, with good prospects of being swal
lowed up. It is supposed the sand founda
tion is being eaten out. It Is reported
that the Stranges were recently offered
$35,000 for the property by the Great North
ern Railroad company, but demanded $00,000.
Plumbing, steam and gas fitting, furnace
and sheet metal work, galvanised Iron cor
nice, skylight, tin roofing .gutter, spouting
and repairing, green and Norfolk furnaces.
First-class mechanics In all branches.
Both telephones No. 690. 158 W. Broadway,
Council Bluffs, la.
Mrs. Van Brant Is Dead. .
Mrs. Carrie Douglas Van Brunt, wife of
William H. Van Brunt, died yesterday at
the family home after a short illness from
lung fever, aged 67 years. Mrs. Van Brunt
was born in Auburn, N. T., and had been
a .resident of Council Bluffs for forty
years,, coming here with her husband two
years af ten their, marriage.. . The funeral
will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock from the family '-residence, 715
Fourth street, and the services will be
conducted by Rev. H. W. Starr, rector, of
St. Paul's : Episcopal church. Interment
will be lri .Walnut Hill cemetery.
The Pottawattamie County Abstract
company makes superior abstracts. Books
in constant use for fifty-five years. 235
Pearl St. Both 'phones 87.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
March t by the Pottawattamie County Ab
stract company of Council Bluffs: .
Bertha Allls and husband to Timothy
a. Turner, two-third Interest In sw"4
and n 120 acres e and part s4 ne1
and sH nwVi 9-74-42, w. d 130,000
Mrs. 8. A. Jones et al.. to John T.
Jones. nwl4 18 and ett neH 16, 75-41.
and w4 w4 ne'4 se'i 36-TB-41, w. d.. 18,500
O. Mosher and wife to WilllRtn Lehn-
hardt, noV 84 and wVi wft nw 'iff
7t-3. w. d M.OO0
C M Burke and wire and B. D.
Burke and wife to August F. Voss,
nwVi 25-77-3S, w. d 16.000
Frank Ronsa and wife to Lee J.
Hough. nwK 35-76-48. w. d 12,600
1. A. Hnapp and wife to William Levi
Dickons, ne'4 4 and part se nw4
4-74-40, w. d 12.000
Frank J. and Charles G. O'Callahan
to Mary E. Taylor, nH swli ana part
nH sett 23-75-41, w. d
John F. Garner and wife to Ralph D.
and Almcda J. Dllts, part ne4 and
part nVt se4 10. and part nw4 11-75-43,
w. d
Harry V. Jefferls snd wife to Emma
Rlef, eH ne and nH ne4 se4 84,
nwSt iw14 and part awVt nw4 86-77-44.
w. d
Louis Flies and wife to Alta M. Brad
ley, wH nett and ee4 nett 15-76-89,
w. d ,..
Joshua Alston to Clans Harts, nV4
nwt 8-74-40. w. d
H. Charles Gravere and wife to J. H.
W Kay, nw se and wi sw4
6, WW
se-4 1B-I-41, w, o....
William Falk and wife to Fred 8.
Carley, wH ne4 19-75-40. w. d
Irving W. Coopur and wife to Amos
Stephens, wVt nw 24-76-40. w. d
John Gordon and wife to Melvin Mc-
Kray, ne4 nw"4 8-76-39. w. d
John D. Bennett and wife to John
Christiansen, swV. se4 8-77-41, w. d. 4.000
i nristiun Jensen and wire to ueorge
U De Witt. swVi se4 86-76-44. w. d..
John Hurgin and wife to carl H. Oer
niann, ety ne1 nwV 8-77-3X, w. d
J. W. Squires and wife to Margaretha
Basch, part of lot 18, Auditor's
sulxliv. of w498 feet of outlots 8 and
8, Jackson's add., w. d
William J. Martin and wife to Wil
lliim J. Henry, ee4 se4 I1-7H-S9, w. d.
John Gordon and wife to James
Chandler, nw ne'4 8-76-39, w. d
County sheriff to J. P. Hess, trustee,
sei4 3B-74-44. s. d
ChriMt Beckendorf and wife to J. A.
Burgln. lots and 9. block 17, Wal
nut, la., w. d
Guardian of lina Blahop to John T.
Jones, one-eighth interest nw"4 16
and eS neV 16-75-41. and wSfc wV
ntt se 3o-76-41, g d
Guardian of Elma Ieafa Jones to J.
T. Jones, one-eighth interest in nw'i
15 and e4 ne 16-75-41, and w w)4
seV 36-76-41. g. d "
8. P. Madaun and wife to Petrus
Peterson, lot 4. block L Dickey Place
add., w. d
C. S. LefTerts and wife to Sadie R.
Bhepherd. part of lot L block 6,
Grimes' add. w. d
Frank J. and Charles C. O'Callahan to
L H- Matthews, part sV sw ne
HS-7&-41. w. d
Hattle Johnson to Alfred B. Williams,
lot 27. block 6. Sackett's add., w. d..
Fells Swift to Horace E Gould, lota
8 and 4. block 20, Mullln's oubdlv..
a w. d '
Council Bluffs Real Estats and Im
provement company to C. J. Jones,
lot 11, block at. Burns' sdd. w. d....
MiCord-Brady ooinany to Thomas H.
James, lot 411, Johimun's add., w. d
R. G. Hacki-tt and wife to G. W. Skin
ner, lots 25 and 26, block 34, Central
subdlv., w. d
Harry O. Cunard to Otto E. Volls'tedt,
lots 17 and 18, block 15, Central
subdlv., w. d ,
Emmet Ttnley and wife to Mrs. Anna
Williums, lot 9. block 8, Crawford's
, add., w. d
Joiwlea J.' Srldentopf and husband and
Ellen M. B. Haas snd huaband to
Ad.1l L HesHe. lot It, block 87, Cen
tral subdlv., q. c. d
Countv treasurer to J. M. Matthews,
lot 23, block a. Omaha add., t. d....
Ira B. Manes snd wife to William
Arnd. lot t. Mock , Twin City place
add., q. c d.
Thlrfy-elght transfers, ui
lhirU-Thrsa Bill Tassed bj Both Houmi
and Ekned br the Governor.
Twenty-Nine Senate Bills Are "Pend
ing la Hoaso aad Forty-It lee
Honse BlUs la tho
(From a 8taff Correspondent.)
DE8 MOINES, Msrch 8. (Special.) A
little Inquiry Into what the legislature has
done up to the present recess discloses
that the session thus far has been a profit
able one and that the time has been well
occupied. The legislature has been In ses
sion just thirty-seven days' actual time,
and In that time thirty-three bills have
be?n passed by both houses and sent to
the governor and everyone of them - has
been signed. . But In addition forty-nine
bills have passed the house and are now
pending In the senate and twenty-nine bills
have passed the senate and are now pend
ing In the house. About fifty or sixty
bills have been Indefinitely postponed in
each house. Put in tabular form It Is some
thing like this:
House bills Introduced.. 2R8
Senate bills Introduced ...269
Hills passed and , signed... ...33
Bills killed (about) 1 100
Paarfed house, pending In senate 49
Passed senate, pending In house 29
In the thirty-three bills which have been
passed by both houses and signed by the
governor there are some few legalising
acts and bills of only local Importance to
various comrhunltles, but there are also
the following bills of state Importance:
The bill providing for railroad commis
sioners' maps; Increasing the salary of the
insurance actuary; allowing fraternal ao-
cldent associations to do business In the
state; defining the term mlsbranded as ap
plied to pure rooos; presrrioing the Invest
ments of fraternal beneficiary Insurance
companies;. directing the preparation of the
supplement of the eode; allowing police
matrons appointed In special charter cities;
providing for the transportation of dead
bodies; the Z-cent fare bill.
Of the important bills that have passed
the senate and are ponding in the house
there is the bill by Senator Hughes pro
vidlng that a pass In a Juror's pocket Is
grounds for challenge for cause; provld
ing for pure paints and oils, prohibiting
corporations contributing to political cam
palgns; providing for the examining and
licensing of graduate nurses; amending the
Juvenile court law so as to allow super
visors and cities to erect detention homes
appropriating tfl.OOO for the railroad com
mission for extra help for Investigating
freight rates. -
Of those that have passed the house and
are pending In the senate there Is the
bill fixing minimum rates for fraternal in
eurance companies; the Do ran minimum
speed limit" st6ck train bill; Mars ton's bill
limiting the hours of continuous employ
ment of railroad trainmen; OffllVs fire
cracker bill; rirdvld'lhg state aid for county
agricultural ' societies; providing a means
for drawing Juries In cases of emergency
when for arly cause a legal Jury cannot
be drawn from'the regular lists; requiring
employment offices to make reports to the'
state labor corrlmlssloner; increasing the
amount of supdeirf; 'to the county teachers'
Institutes; pr6y1djrig for, the. investment of
the' funds of fotliirance companies ' other
than life.
Anyone familiar, with legislation knows
that the showing so far as the number of
bills passed Is concerned comes late In the
session. The fjrst part of every session
is taken up quite largely , in committee
meeting hearings, in visitations to the In
stitutions, and the first week practically Is
given over to organising. and the tnaugura
tlon. Following that for a time only bills
of minor importance are passed, because
the flme Is quite largely" given up to com
mittee hearings In which the members
seek to study the various subjects presented
for legislation, i Furthermore, after a bill
has passed one house, with Its committee
hearings. It Is nearly always necessary for
It to go through the process of committee
hearings in the other house.
With twenty-nine bills passed by the
senate and pending In the house, and forty'
nine passed by the house and pending in
the senate, the prospects are bright for
a number of Important bills to meet their
final test within the next week or two.
On the house calendar ready to be acted
upon as soon as the legislature reconvenes
are twenty-nine bills. Including the Smith
wife desertion bill, the Peterson bill pro
hibiting corporations contributing to po
litical campaigns, the bill to license grad
uate nurses and the bill providing for pure
drugs and oils... On the senate calendar
are thirty-nine bills. Including the bill pro
hibiting combinations for controlling the
price of grain and the bill providing for
pure seeds.
Warehoaso Receipts Negotiable.
a. Din introduced in both the house and
senate last Thursday sees to make the
warehouse receipt for grain or goods ne
gotiable paper Just as the certificate of
deposit of a bank ia negotiable. It Is an
Interesting looking bill, wrth all the ap
pearance of needing a Philadelphia lawyer
to explain its provisions, but It ha back
of It more big Influences demanding Its
enactment than any other bill that has been
Introduced at this session. It is backed by
the American Bar association, which drew
it; by the American Bankers' association,
by the American Warehoua association and
by Chief Justice Emlln McClaln of the
Iowa supreme court and H. O. Weaver.
both of whom are members of the uniform
laws commission appointed by the governors
of the various state, the Iowa members
being appointed by Governor Cummins.
All three of the assoclatlona that have
endorsed the bill are Interested in securing
A demonstrator will call at every houae
la Omaha and rive each faasily a free
inai package ti in caieDratea
1 v sntii
AX for
(ashing Clothes
Ithout Rubbing
Saves half the time, half the a nan.
and hall the labor. Will not Injure
the daintiest fabrics. Leaves your
bands soft as velvet Washboards
unnecessary. Clothes wear twice
as long when this wonderful
article Is used. If our da! ma were
not true we could not afford te
give you a free trial package.
Xaa lAlUias! BU'I tK'U Buatasa ft, CaJease
insurance Company
of New York
The progress of the Company in the year that has just closed has been eminently
satisfactory, especially from the standpoint of the policyholder.
The new paid-for business was $ 87,347,284.00
The Company had in force at the end of the year 1,517,257,180.00
The amount received in premiums during the years was 58,317,866.5"5
The total funds held in trust for policyholders aggregated 495,864,649.5
The Total Liabilities Were as Follows:
- - .,.. ...
Net reserve on outstanding policies and other ' '
legal liabilities ..$411,236,019.41 , ;
Reserve for dividends on existing policies as divi- ,v '
dend periods are completed 64,529,529.70 ,..
Reserve for dividends payable in 1907 4,030,000.00 .- ,
Reserve for possible depreciation of securities and
other contingencies 16,069,100.47 " '
In Gains for Policyholders the Company lias Broken AH Records
It earned in interest, rents and net miscellaneous investment profits $22,265,436.56
Its gain from mortality, loading, surrender charges and annuities were. . . , 10,413,909.32
. . Total $32,679,345.83
This is over fifty-six per cent of the entire premium income, a remarkable showing,
rarely, if ever, approximated by any other company.
In Economy ol Management the Company Today Stands Pre-Eminent
The expenses of the year were paid entirely from the loading provided for that. '
purpose, with a surplus over for policyholders of .$2,9277.67.00
In Benefits' to Policyholders the Company is Unexcelled
It paid to members and their beneficiaries during 1906 in death- claims, en-, . ;
dowments, dividends, surrender values, etc i ... .$37,736,684.24
In tte same year it added to the funds held in trust for policyholders . . .... 25,003,483.6$
The total benefits to policyholders during the year were .'if. .,$62,740,i67.92
The Company, received from policyholders in premiums ............. .Tf. 58,317,866.55 '
benefits to policyholders during the year exceeded the amount received
Mn them by I...:,;;::.::.;.. ...... ..........:..:. . i'.T."".' '4,422,3013
Since the date of its organization the. Company has paid
ers and their beneficiaries ...i
It holds for policyholders, etc. ...)..
1 Total benefits to policyholders have been
In 64 years it has received from policyholders
Excess of benefits to policyholders .$ 101,209,938.00
That is to say, in the sixty-four years of its existence, The Mutual Life has paid to '
policyholders and their beneficiaries and still holds in trust for them more than one hun
dred million: dollars in excess of all that it has received from them.
Further information will be supplied on request.
Stanhope Fleming
Its passage, bnt especially the warehouse
and bankers' associations. The uniform
state laws commission has been solicited
to take an interest in the bill, and through
this commission the bill Is being- presented
to the legislature in every state In the
'union that meets this year. The other
states will get the bill as fast as their
legislatures meet. The bill has been ex
amlned by the ablest lawyers of Iowa,
and If endorsements count for anything,
this bill ought to pass.
It Is argued by those supporting ths bill
that when goods are deposited at a ware
house they ought to be a source of busi
ness negotiation without the goods them
selves having to change hands, in lust
the same sense that when gold and silver
is deposited at a bank the certificate or
receipt becomes a negotiable paper and can
be used In business transactions without
the gold and silver changing hands each
time. The warehouse men's Interest is
easily discernible. The bankers' Interest
Is due to the fact that banks could put
their money to remunerative use in taking
up negotiable warehouse receipts if ths
business is legitimate, and If they knew
they were protected. Furthermore, man
ufacturers snd jobbers will not store goods
In this state now because when stored In
other states if the necessities of business
demsnd they can quickly turn their ware
house receipt Into cash while they cannot
do so In Iowa. If the law was In operation
here It Is claimed there would be enormous
warehouses built In this state such as are
now standing In other states.
Klaae Acrfcaltaral Bill.
The Klnne agricultural bill. Introduced In
the senate Just before the legislature ad
journed for the recess, provides for di
viding the state Into four geographical di
visions and arranges for establishing In
each of1 these a high school for teaching
manual training and agriculture. Since
the showing made by Judge Deemer before
the senate the other day It has been eon'
siderea likely that tne legislature will take
some action looking towards agricultural
education preparatory to the state college.
Plant Over Waaa Exemption.
At eveiy session of
some tea years ago
effort on the part of
til legislature linos
there has been an
the retail grocers to
modification of the
secure a repeal or
wage exemption laws.
When the attempt
wae first made the
postponed on motion
bill waa Indefinitely
of Attorney Oeneral
ttr who waa then
member ef the
The Record of 64 Years
house, without reference to a committee.
It has shared better fate since then and has
always gotten to the committee, and some
times has tieen reported out of committees,
but has never gotten farther. Sooree of
petitions for and against the bills now
before the legislature repose In the pigeon
holes of the clerks and secretaries' desks.
It Is understood to be the Intention to have
the house act on the bill first this session,
and it is expected that this action will
be taken soon after the recess ends next
Snpreme Conrt Meets.
Cases from Pottawattamie county and
other counties In the southwestern quarter
of the state will be called up for oral
argument before the supreme court, when
that tribunal meets this week. The Pot
tawattamie county esses for the most part
are down tot argument for Thursday,
March 7. Five cases from Pottawattamie
county are assigned for oral argument,
being those of Dsnlel Carrlg against Me
chanics Savings Bank; Louts Smith against
A. E. Fuller, Emma Smith against Lewis
Ryan, Jennie Bromberg against Evans
Laundry Company, and the case in relisting
property of Shields Bros, for taxation,
Shields Bros, against L. C. Conslgny, treas
urer. Tuesday and Wednesday the court's
attention will be directed to 'hearing cases
from the counties la the northwestern sec
tion of the state. In addition to the Potta
wattamie cases, one from Cass and one
from- Harrison will be heard Thursday.
Cases from Harrison, Shelby, Fremont.
Mills and Crawford hsve been assigned for
Friday and cases from Carroll, Calhoun,
Green and Sao and the cases from Polk
county. Involving the question of the fran
FIR chronic catarrh take Scoff s
Emuljion. Its pure cod liver oil
restores to health the affected mem
branes and enriches the blood. It hypo-'
phosphites give the nerves new tone and
. .1 - - .
rxengin. , - . A
Then the invigorated system throw off. Q
the catarrh. $i
to policyhold'
.$ 739,350,923.00
; . . . 495,864,650.00 ;
.. $1,235,215,573.00 '
, 1,134,005,635.00
First National Bank Building,
Corner 13th and Farnam Sts.,
chise of the Des Molnee City railway, will
be heard on., Monday, March II.
CENTRAL FLOUR, n (a sir AmrJ
raps na fiowns at Ames. t
AMES, Ia., March l. (8peclal.) At a
meeting of the senior class of th tnw.t
State college Friday night. It was decided;
that the class will this year appear at thel
commencement exercises of the lnstltu-
tlon In caps and gowns.. This question
has been fought pro and con for the last
twenty years and only once or twice heaf
a majority voted In favor as they did Ffl-i
day night. The 1804 class wore cape and!
gowns, but It was generally thought that
the 1907 class would not, as the C. E
course students were almost a unit against
lt Two or three, however, yielded at the!
last moment and voted with the cap and
gown supporters, carrying the measure.
If you have anything to trade advertise
It In the For Exchange column of The.
Bee Want Ad page. ,
New Home for.Caarlea.
SIOUX CITT, Ia., March I. .(Special.)
The Eagles are planning Jo dedicate their
new quarters, ia the new Lorsh. building
about April 15, and Eagles frdm Omaha.
Council Bluffs, Des Moines, Et. Paul.
Minneapolis, Eloux Falls and many of thel
smaller towns surrounding . Sioux City
are expected to attend the exercises. Th
Eagles plan to Install elabdruto furnish
ings, wnicn win make their, "nest onet
of the finest Eagles' homes In the west