Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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TTiie V (Rr cat
of the day, made entirely of native
. medicinal roots and without a drop of
alcohol in its composition, is known a?
, '
There are no secrets about its com
positionall its ingredients being
printed on the bottle-wrappers.
The Golden Medical Dtsoovtry
not only builds tip the strrngth of
the feeble, debilitated, languid,
jrciTOui and easily fatigued, wheth
er young- or aged, but it enriches
tnd purifies the blood, thtxs making
the improvement lasting.
It corrects and overcomes " indi
gestion, dyspepsia, biliousness, tor
pid liver, chronic diarrhea and
kindred deran rements of the stom
ach, liver and oowtils.
' Bronchial, throat and laryngeal
affections, attended with hoarseness,
persistent cough, and all manner of
catarrhal anections are cured by the
"Golden Medical. Discovery."
In Chronic Nasal Catarrh, it is
well to cleanse the nasal passages
out freely with Dr.- Sage's Catarrh
Remedy fluid while taking . the
"Golden Medical Discovery' as a
constitutional treatments Old ob
stinate cases of catarrh yield to this
thorough count of treatment.
"Through enriching and purifying
the blood, the "Discovery" cures
crofuVius affections, also blotches,
pimples, eruptions, and other ugly
anections of the skin. -Old, open,
running sores, Or ulcers, are healed
by taking the "Golden Medical Dis
covery " internally . and applying
Dr. Pierce's All-Healing Salve as
a local dressing. The Salve can
, be) had of druggists, or will be 6ent
He carried considerable Ufa Insur
ance. On account of some conflicting re
ports ef his death Coronor Overgaard went
up to Dodge Suqday morning; to Investigate
4neatlO of leaning? Bonde to Re
Decided at Tuesday's Election.
TECUM S EH. Neb., March 8.-A special
election Will be held In this city Tuesday,
whan the voters will be .given an oppor
tunity to say whether or not the bonds ot
the city ahall be Issued' In the sum of
113,760 bearing Interest at the rate of
per Cent for a period of twenty years, to
give Tecumsoh a modern and adequate
elictric lighting plant. Mont people are
Of the Opinion the bonds will carry,, and
they ahould. For many yeara the preaent
plant has been of Insufficient rapacity for
the demands made upon' It, and by being
worked over capacity It . la now on the
verge of eollapae.
Land galea la Caaa County,
PLATTS MOUTH, March l.-Speclal.)-Ae
spring time approachea the Casa county real
state la changing ownership right lively
at a greatly Increased price In value.
Among the recent tranafera Susie C. Berger
sold to Glenn Perry forty acres for M.4O0;
Andrew Hotter to C. D. Kuni; sixty acres
for fS.00o -William Wllkea to Albert Tlgha.'
M0 acrea for 111,200; N. .J. Calkin to F. H.
Standsr. 120 acres for $32,000; II. H. Rlst to
Charles R. Troop, M0 acres for tlS.OOO; J. M.
Roberta to N. C. Halmaa, 10 acrea far
1&.KX); N. C. .Halmaa to Fred Kehne, 100
acrea for lit.,
Sews of Nebraska. i '
BEATRICE Palmer & Co. have pur
chased the secend-hand atore of Annatrong
4c Krtaa. ..
BLUB HILL Dr. C. M Wegmann and
family, who have been making their home
In California for the last six montha, re
turned Saturday.
YORK A lien K. Sedgewlck has just com
pleted a course In mining engineering and
has aocepted a position with a large mining
corporation In Mexico.
BRAD8HAW Fred A. Llnstrom and Miss
Lula Peterson, two of York county's most
popular and well known young people, were
United In marriage last week.
TOR K Fred C. Newton, groccryman. has
old his stock of groceries to Ueorge Chll
cote. Mr. Chllc4e will consolidate the
stick with hia stuck of groceries.
BTELLA Robert Tlmarman, a young mat
IS years of age and sun of Frank 'limer
man, living three miles southeaat of town,
died Sunday morning after a week's HI
neaa v
BEATRICE The ' democrats have caliw
a eonveniton, to be held In thla city Thurs
day evening, March 14. for the purpose of
placing tn nomination candidates for city
B EA TRICE Henry Oerhardt of Plymouth
mi Sold his saloon to lou Iit)ben ot Fair
bury. Mr. Oerhardt will soon engage in
, Look for tho word "RYE" in red on label. '
DUtlllaryi Distributer '
Woodford Co- Ky, ... Riley Dros.'t Co Omah.
by ict urn mail on receipt of 50
cents in stamps. Address Doctor
Pierce as below for it.
In short "Golden Medical Dis
covery " regulates, purifies and in
vigorates the whole System and thus
cures a very large range of diseases.
The reason Whj it cures such a
varied list of diseases is made clear
in a little booklet of extracts from
the leading medical authorities,
compiled by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of
Buffalo, N. Y., and which he will
be pleased to send post-paid and
entirely free to any who send him
their names and addresses.
Yea can't afford to accept a sub
stitute of unknown composition
for thispon-secret medicine of
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta core con
stipation. Constipation is the cause of
many diseases. Cure the cause and you
cure the disease. One '"Pellet" ie a
gentle laxative, and two a mild cathar
tic. Druggists sell them, and nothing
is "just as good." They are the original
Little Liver Pills first put up by old
Dr. Pierce over 40 years ago. Much
imitated, but never equnled. They are '
tiny sugar - coated granules easy to
take as candy.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser (1000
pages) is sent htt on receipt of 21 one
cent stamps (to cover cost of mailing)
for prper-covered, or 81 gtarrps foi
cloth-bonnd copy. Address Dr. Pierc
as above.
the general merchandise business at
BEATRICE The little aon of John
Knapp, living one' mile aouthweat of Cort
land, has the smallpox. Every precaution
Is being taken to keep the disease from
PLA TTSMOT'TH-Arthur . 8. Westbver.
aged 26. and Miss Edith C. Oray, a red 18
yeara. came to thla city from South Omaha
Saturday and were united tn marriage by
Judire H. D. Travis. ,; X
DAVID CITY Friday was a record
breaker In land and mortgage deals. Total
amount of -buslnes dona hy the Central
Nebraska National bank, t5W.K8.14; amount
of deposits for the day, t2C2.386.01. .
YORK The damage case of Fred Dunfee
afralnst the Burlington company for serious
tlamuges sustained while In the employ of
Armour A Co. when loading a car here,
will again be tried in district court.
BLUE HILL Oliver W. Hudson of
Oulrte Rock and Mini Delia M. Gardner of
Blue Hill were united In marriage Satur
day by Rev. Mr. Priestly of Bladen. They
will make their home at Guide Rock.
BEATRICE Five box care on the Rock
Island Jumped tt. track In the yards at
Dubois, Pawnee county, and blockaded the
main line for aeveral hours yesterday.
BLUE HILL At the home of Rev. O. W.
Hummel Wednesday afternoon at t o'clock
occurred the marriage of Miss Cora Clauaon
of Red Cloud and Mr. John Ray Nelson of
Blue Hill, Rev. Mr. Hummel officiating.
BEATRICE Residents of North Twelfth
street were given a mad dog scare yes
terday, and the police put an end to the
excitement by quickly dispatching the
Canine, which belonged to Lloyd Crocker.
TECUM8EH A good -sized tarantula
dropped out of a bunch of bananaa at Bher
man a grocery atore one day recently. The
animal waa corralled In a glasa Jar and
saved as a specimen of the dreaded aplder.
YORK George F. Corcoran, attorney and
president, of the York Commercial, club,
haa Just returned from Colorado, where
he had been successfully prcaer-uUng aeveral
land cases In the Interest of York clients.
BLUE HILL Frank G. Epkea of Ayr,
Neb., and Grade Johnson of Blue Hill
were united in marriage by Judge Edson
last Friday. Both are favorably known
here and will go to housekeeping on a
STELLA In the debate Saturday even
ing between the Humboldt and Stella High
sc.hjola the Judges gave the decision to
6tella by a high acore of polnta. The large
opera house waa tilled and much Interest
manifested in the contest.
SIDNEY Dr. F. J. Woltlshek of thla city
Is In receipt of an appointment from Dr.
Jonaa, chief surgeon of the Union Pacltta
railroad, of the position of physician and
surgeon to one of the largest mining camps
In Wyoming, at a salury of t&.OU).
YORK W. W. Wyckoff. receiver of the
Fraternal Wedge, a fraternal life Insurance
company organised In Nebraska, haa
brought suit for final settlement and prays
to be discharged In the next term of dis
trict court that convenes thla week.
S1DNKY The rlty cojiich Intend to aub
mit a proposition to the votera of Sidney to
vote on waier worm, coauup; euoui h.iw,
It will be submitted at a apeclal election.
At the present time the water Is supplied
bv the Union Pacific Railway company. .
banker, haa sworn out a complaint charslng
Henry Real and son with assault. Mr. I
Real Uvea Just over the Una In Fillmore
county. The trouble is the outgrowth of
differences In renting land by the Reals
rtrni v. w. Seng.
WACO William Owen brought ault
against George Bnelouah of York for loss
or money while gambling. Mr. Owen had
sold his corn and claimed that Mr. Boelnugh
had wrongfully won from him the proceeds
of sale of his corn. Judgment waa given
Owen to the amount of Jan.
BIDNKY The women of the Degree of
Honor met with a committee of the Ancient
Order- of United Workmen and devised
c ana for a fine entertainment to take place
on April 11 at the Workmen temple. Every
effort Is being put forth to make the night
one of the epochs In lodge clrclea.
SIDNEY The high school boys organised
base ball team last Friday and elected
the following officers: President. Robert
James; treasurer. Edward Shoemaker; sec
retary. Edgar Dleflrlck; captain, Ebson
Clnsman. The board of managers will -consist
of president, secretary and principal
of the schools.
TECUM8EH State Senator J. O. O'Con-
nell, who has been confine. 1 to his house
here for ten days on account of sickness,
Is considerably Improved, and expects to
be In his seat Monday. Senator O Connell
has been In poor health throughout the
winter, and yet he has remained at his post
of duty In the state legislature.
HYANN1S K. W. Chrlstmon's 10-year-old
eon had a narrow escape from being killed
Saturday. He fell from -a horse and his
root caugnt in me sauoie stirrup ana ne
was dragged about a Quarter of a mile
befbre being rescued by two of hia com-
panlons. He waa not seriously nuru out
considerably acratched and bruised.
ALLIANCE Dr. H. A. Copsey, who re
ceived such severe burna about the face
and eyea In attempting to extract an ob
stinate com from a Oct tie or nitric acin,
la very much Improved. Hia eyealght, which
at first waa thought destroyed, is unin
jured, and It la now only a matter or a
few days when he will be able to resume
his practice.
BEATRICE At the Farmera' Institute,
held at Ellis Saturday, these officers were
elected: C. T. Seara, president; O. T.
Reynolds, vice president; D. J. Wood, sec
retary; Mrs. C. T. Bra re, treasurer; Fred
Highland. Will Summers and Miss Hattle
Summers, executive committee. It waa ar
ranged to hold another meeting next year,
at which there will be exhibits of corn and
AI.tJANCE The final act In the plan to
make the Flrat National bank of thla city
t'nttsri Rtstes denosttnrv was the re
ceipt aeveral days ago of 160.000, which will
be kept on deposit here by the government.
This ia the first United States depository
eatahiiaheil went of Grand Island and will
mean much for this faat developing ountry.
where there la alwaya a demand lor money
for Improvement purposes. '
PLATTSMOUTH Judge A. N. Bumvan
has filed a motion In the district court
asking for a new trial In the case of the
State against LJtwrence iuu. wno was
found guilty by a Jury on the charge of
assaulting with Intent to do great bodily
Injury to Jesse Green, aged 19 years. The
penalty of the crime Is from one td Ave
yeara In the state penitentiary.
BEATRICE At a meetln of the Fellley
Independent Telephone company the capi
tal stock was Increased from IS.OOO to 19.000.
The purpose of this increase la to enable
the company to make extensions of Its line
and otherwise Improve its facilities. The
company has been organised but three
yeara and In that time lta bualness has
made a wonderful growth.
BLUE HILL-J3. W. Fay. manager ot the
Chicago Lumber company s yards at this
point, received word Friday announcing
the death of his mother, Mrs. D ray, in
California, and the body will be taken to
Chicago for burial, her former home.
Mr. Fay left for that point today to be
In attendance at the funeral. Mrs. D.
Fay resided here with her son a few
years ago and la well known here.
BEATRICE The Cortland Telephone
company held a meeting at Cortland Sat
urday and elected P. H. Jamea prealdent
and H. M. Huestla secretary and treaa
urer. The uestlon of continuing the toll
connection with the Bell company was
discussed and laid oved to March 18. The
Cortland company la a combination f local
companiea and It owna the switchboard
and controls the outside connections.
BEATRICE Mayor M. E Shults has an
nounced himself a candidate for re-eleo-toln,
C. J. McCall havln gwithdrawn from
the race. T. H. Burke and Bv H. Avery,
the preaent Incumbent, are candidates for
city clerk, and J. H. Inman, J. R. Craig
and ,W. H. Walker are after the offioe of
police Judge. For treasurer J. E. Jones Is
a candidate for re-election, as is slso J.
R. C. Field, the present water commis
sioner. PLATTSMOUTH A new trial haa been
asked for In the case of Pope acalnat
Oberly. The evidence showed that-: the
plaintiff, John U. Pope, a farmer, drove
to Greenwood, and after purchaalng a load
of lumber went to the aaloon of George
O. Oberly and purchased and drank liquor
and became Intoxicated. Later In the day
while on hia way home he fell from his
wagon ana one of the wheels ran over
one of hia limbs and broke both bones.
The Juryi gave the plaintiff a verdict for
$400 and Coats.
PLATTSMOUTH Charlea Grant, fore
man of the rlprapplng crew for the Bur
lington, at work northeast of this city,
met with a painful accident that pama
very near coating him hia life. He had
placed a charge of dynamite in the river
ank to prepare for the riprap work andj
ugntea tne ruse, but as tne explosion aid
not follow as quickly
he expected, he
went to ascertain the
cause. The ex
plosion came as he reached the spot and
he was hurled about twenty feet in the air.
He was badly brulaed and hia face and
eyea filled with aand and dirt.
SIDNEY Dlatrlct court will convene for
Cheyenne county Monday, March 18. -The
Jury panel haa been drawn and the mem
bers notified to appear March 19. The
Juryla aa followa: ft. S. MeConnell, L. L.
Btoner. John Jenlk, Gua Mtddleatadt, E. A.
Comatock, Frank Cahtwell, Herman Miller,
Jamea Iddlngs, Louis Wasem, J. P. Fisher,
Jamea B. Cawley, James Burns, Frank
Ackerman, C, H. Harpole. U. K. McAdam,
J. T. Mcintosh, Andrew Nelson, Jamea C.
Wolfe, H. H. Llbby, Frank Lehmxuhl, Nels
Thoratenson, C. D. Henderaon, Ray Neu
man and Robert Email uelaon. Thla will
be one of the hi oat Important sesslona of
court held hers In yeara.
To Car Grin la Two Days. . '
Laxative Bromo Quinine removes the
cause.. To get the genuine call for full name
and look for signature of E. W. Orove. ffio.
23 karat wedding rings, Edholro. Jeweler,
Arraageaneata for Three Days' Pro
gram Begylnnlngr Jaly 2.
HASTINGS. Nob., March I. (Specill.)
Preliminary preparations have been made
for a race meet in Hastings July 1, tf and
4. Hastings will take a place In a central
Nebraska circuit that will begin and end
before the state circuit In the eastern
part of the state. Grand Island will lia 'e
a meeting and York and aevvial other
towns are expected to fall Into line.
The decision to have a race meet hero
In tour tli of July week Is the result of
the failure of the local association to
secure an assignment In the state circuit
i outside of the period of the Hastings
Chautauqua. The state circuit committee
gave Haatinga dates In tho latter part of
July, during the principal days of the
In connection with the Fourth of July
races, there will be a patriotic demonstra
) ir "
tion, with plenty of good speaking and
A prise bull will be given away each day
of the races. Adeline's prince 217882 has
been donated to the association by A. H.
Farrens, to be given away on the Fourfh.
About twenty-nve horses are now oelmr
trained on the. Hastings track, and with
a race meet tn prospect for the Week of
the Fourth. It Is likely the number will be
considerably Increased soon.
Partial gehedale for Sprtaa; Field
Meeta Announced.
AMES, Ia March t. 8peclal.) With fine
open and warm weather continuing, the
athletic advance at the Iowa State eolloge
Is becoming rapid. Considering every fea
ture of the athletic life of a college the
spirit and life of these sporta at the Iowa
State college are far above their usual
standard this spring. Financially, the
school never was In better condition, to
carry on Its athletic aporta. When work
started thla spring after Battling all out
standing obligations there remained almost
tl.biO in the treasury.
The number and class of man reporting
for duty la also very gratifying and Ames
looks forward to a prosperous year. The
track and meet schedule haa Just been
made public ao far aa it ta now known
and ta aa followa:
Home meet among classes April M.
West Dea Moines HlKh school 4 fr"h.
i men, April 27, at Ames.
I nlversltv or Netrasfcs. May 4, at Ames.
Grtnnell. May 11. at Orlnnell,
Htata meet. May 26. at Dea Moinea. I
The Grtnnell date ia provisional. It may
yet be change to aome other day.
Tkeasns Hirst Meiko.
CITY OF MEXICO. March I. Ambassa
dor Thompson arrived in thla rlty tonight
from Vera Crui. The ambassador was ac
mirrnl4 bv Mrs. Thomneon and a party
of frirada. who will visit him here. H
ha Ixfri on leine visiting In the United
Plates and Cuba
Attorney sti fib Does 5ot Berard Hsf
Eea as Heal Flaiatiff.
Katemeat that Helra Wero to Be
Offered Urge Ian Rot to rile
nit an Waive Rlttats
to Eatate.
CONCORD, N. H., March I. General
Prank 8. Streeter, legal adviser of Mrs.
Mary Baker Eddy, Issued a statement to
night replying to various allegations tn
the bill of equity, which has been brought
against trustees snd directors of the
Christian Science church by relatives of
Mrs. Eddy, with the view of obtaining an
accounting of funds.
"Early Saturday morning," he says, "J
sent to Mrs. Eddy a copy of the bill In
equity aa published, but not Vet served
upon any of the defendants, so far as I
am Informed. I have since had a con
ference with tfer, at which this proceed
ings and matters connected with It wsre
fully discussed. .
"In common with her many frleiiHs, she
believes that the initiative was not taken
by . her son or other relatives, but by
others who In a markedly unusual manlier
and by unique method are undertaking
under the guise of court proceedings to
continue the persecution begun some lime
ago. i
"From my conference with her at the
time and on recent occaalona, I am able
to speak definitely and positively. Her
clearness of mind and resoluteness of
purpose haa been tn no respect impaired
by her advanced years. Her capacity to
think clearly and to deal accurately and
Justly with Important business affairs has
never been more perfectly demonstrated
than tn her conferences and acts In the
last two .weeks and In numerous business
letters in her own handwriting, which I
have received from her during that time.
Mrs. Rddy'a Income Exaggerated.
The amount of Mrs. Eddy's property
has been grosaly multiplied by vumor and
unfounded report. She Is not possessed
with, large wealth as the term Is used.
Mrs. Eddy receives no Income from the
church or the church publication society.
Her sole Income haa been for many years
from the copyright on her own books and
the amount from this source haa been
.- "Mrs. Eddy's business affairs have been
managed by herself, with the aid ot Mr.
Frye and under the oversight and personal
audit of another gentleman, whose name
has not been mentioned, but who stunds
for all that Is honorable and of good
repute In financial circles In Concord. Ac
curate accounts of all her property and
Investments, as well as her annual lacome
and expenditures, have been carefully kept
and frequently audited. The last audit
was in October, 190. None Of the de
fendants named, except Mr. Frye, have
any connection with the .management of
her property or Investments or have any
knowledge whatever In reference thereto,
nor have any .of the said defendants ever
received any property of Mrs. Eddy, which
they hold In trust or otherwise, except In
one Instance for the benefit of a relative.
"Inquiry haa been, made whether the
varloua defendants would accept service
of the proceedings. . I. cannot say as to
thst. With my partner,. Mr. Allen Mollis,
I am counsel for Mrs. Eddy alone. While
the defendants uhAriotedly would be
guided largely by Mrs. Eddy's wishes,
cannot as her legal representative, under
take Ao speak for them. With reference
to the -report that within a few days Mrs.
Eddy has placed In the handa of trustees
a large amount of money to be held and
used for the benefit of her son and grand
children, I have nothing to say whatever,
what she may or may not have done to
ward providing for her family Is a matter
which ought not to be discussed by me.
Case Without Precedent.
"The proceedinga are unusual, i Bo far as
this case can be considered a legitimate
proceeding In equity. It seems to be ian
attempt to have the personal rights and
privileges of a cttlxen adjudicated In a way
unprecedented In New Hampshire, so far
aa I am aware, and If It shall appear that
these proceedings have been Instituted for
purposes other than the ascertainment and
protection of the plaintiff's legal rights.
the method of dealing with such a case will
be carefully considered by Mrs. Eddy's
counsel before making any public state,
Meaars. Kallay and Martin, counsel for the
nominal plaintiff In the bill ot equity
have an appointment with Mr. Streeter
for tomorrow afternoon, ff at that time
Mr. Streeter declines to accept service
In behalf of the defendants, the process
of serving the defendants individually will
be Instituted. Former United States Sen
ator William E. Chandler, the senior coun
sal for the plaintiff, will arrive here from
Grape-JTeta Foo&.Contalaa all the Ele
tents Coadenaed.
There waa a time when doctors de
pended almost entirely on the use of
drugs In, treating diseaae. That day la
happily paat, and our doctors of today ure
men of wider vtewe they have learnel
that proper food la moat Important to
healing disease. A practicing physlcUn
in New York City aays:
"Disease Is often an effort of Nature to
get rid of Impurities In the system as the
raault of Incorrect hablta wrong living.
The cause of disease ought to and can bo
removed by right living and right 'think.
"Nature requires good air, sunlight,
food of proper quality and quantity,
plenty ef pure water, exercise, oleaollnoas
and aleep. Whan theae oondltioas are
met, health follows, but when they are
denied or neglected,, slcknesa and disease
are sure to raault. i
"The Important question Is to decide
what 1s the proper kind of food to supply
the physical and mental necessities cf
man? I have had experience with all the
varloua foodstuffs known to our mark sis
but up to the present time I have met
with no other answering so fully all the
requirements aa does Orape-Nuts food.
In my own experience and observation In
my practice, I have found Orape-Nuts to
be not only aatlafylng, but more lasting
In the benefit derived from lta uae. It
Bends a man forth to his labors in a stale
of physlclal comfort, with a cheerful and
buoyant spirit, and the end of the day
finds him with reaerve strengths he suf
fers less from exhaustion and depletion
of powers.
"I particularly recommend arape-Nuts
food to those whose occupations luvolve
great d! of brain work. There could
not be a food better adapted to the
strengthening and conservation of the
facultiea and energies. It supplies a more
sustained mental vigor than any other
food that I know of.
"Grapa-Nuta food contains all the ele
ments that form the valuable part of
natural diet In a condensed, tOolhsome
and easily digested form." Name given
by I'ostum Co., Battle , Creek, Mich.
"There'a a reason."
Washington on Tuesday, and will Join
with the others In the conduct of the case.
Helra Offeree gettlemeat.
It waa learned tonight that about 4 o'clock
last Friday afternoon, the day on which
the bill tn equity was filed, a messenger
from Oeorga W. Glover of Dead wood,
8. D the son of Mrs. Eddy, delivered to
her a letter In which Mr. Glover stated
his purpose of beginning the suit. At 4:50
o'clock that afternoon Rev. Irvlngton C.
Tomllnaon, one of the defendants named tn
ths suit, left Concord, his mission being.
It Is understood, to go to Mr. Glover. Mr.
Tomllnson Is said to have In his poeeesaion
for delivery to Mr. Glover a deed of truat
for a certain sum of money, variously
estimated at from flM.OQO to 1250,000. This
money. It is declared, waa to be delivered
to Mr. Glover on three conditions, as fol
lows: First, that neither he nor his household
should make any further demanda upon
Mrs. Eddy; second, that they ahould offer
no objections to the probating of any will
that might be offered after her death;
third, that they should not seek any legal
proceedings to set aside any gifts, deeda
or conveyances that Mrs. Eddy might make
during her lifetime.
Meanwhile John W. Kelley of Porte-
mouth, one of the attorneys Interested In
bringing the proceedings, had filed the
bill In equity with the clerk of the su
perior court and not) fled Mr. Streeter, coun
sel for Mrs. Eddy, "of the fact. Btreeter
had a long conference with Mr. Kelley
and Mr. Martin, during which he made It
known that the deed of trust was to be
given to Mr. Glover. This conference cams
to an end when Mr. Streeter was Informed
of the fact that the bill had been filed,
had been given to the press, and Mr.
Btreeter then recalled Mr. Tomllnson from
his mission.
ttaalat and CorlOaa Featoree of Life
In at Rapidly Growing
State. Hunters who are permitted to kill twenty-
five birds a day, but not to sell any, may
And It, easier to let the birds fly than to
give them away.
Norfolk Men to the Rescue Though Pan
ama canal engineers may come and Pan
ama canal engineers may go, the Norfolk
colony In the canal sons Is sticking with
the kind of pluck that makee presidents
happy. Norfolk News.
Mistake of Strangers Transients often do
funny things While wslting for the Norfolk
train when the Drench train comes In. Mon
day I saw a traveling man race clear across
the street In the mud to mall a letter on
tho branch mall car end when he again
reached the sidewalk he looked as though
he Relieved he was a real Carnegie hero
until told of his grievous mistake Wayne
Postofflcee Go Begging There Is lote of
trouble over postofflce affairs In the north
ern part of this county. L. M. Hohenstein
has repeatedly resigned his place as post
msater at Boy Valley, but Uncle1 Sam has
so far refused to accept his resignation. At
Fordyce the proposed postofflce has been
going begging, and we understand even at
Crofton there la nobody that seems to want
it Editor Robinson was appointed for the
place there seme weeks ago. but it is a
queatlon If he accepts It. Times are too
good for people to want to look after these
small offices where the recompense Is very
small. Hartlngton Herald.
A Stranger at Welthlll Tuesday nlgtit a
disreputable looking, long nosed, dirty
ntcked skunk landed In Walthill with a
Jag. a foul mouth and a supply of alcohol
and proceeded to cheer1' up the Indians
around town. His efforts provoked a howl
l,ngj success. In leaa than two hours after
hs got busy he had developed ten or a
dosen whooping drunken Indians. The In
dians were not so bad at that; In fact, they
were a blamed sight more decent than
would have been a fair slsed delegation ot
whites as thoroughly pulverised. The most
disgusting, the drunkest of all, and the
one wnose race and croak and manner
really made the night hideous and offensive
was the filthy old bum who was handling
the "white line," He operated so braienly,
his talk was so utterly vile, his jag such an
indecent, stomach disturbing monstrosity,
and he such a low down, homely looking
human burlesque that a self-respecting
man couldn't paaa him on the street with
out spitting In his direction. And assur
ance! He bad the assurance of a Metho
dist preacher at a chicken pis social. He
informed ona of his audiences, during the
progress of his evening's buslneaa, that he
had lived on this reservation for two years
and that he had never come here and he'd
be d d if he was ever going away. Now
we have formulated a guess that the miner
able reprobate has Just about lived on this
reservation long enough to prove up and
move on to a civilisation better suited to
his peculiar atyls of beauty and character
of culture, and if he does not move or will
not be good and has to be moved, he Is
going to court the visitation of the crown
ing sadness of his career. Another one
ot our. guesses la that a sentence In the
pen would be too mild and respectable for
this alcoholic old roos'.er, and ths next
time he carries any "whits line" or "dls
couragad forty-rod" into Walthill he'll get
more than the law owes him and In such
a hearty, off-hand manner that his peculiar
affection for thla locality win was too thin
and weak to be of any compelling conse
quence. Thla bootlegging bualneas Is un
comfortable at beat, but we hope to make
It positively excruciating in Walthill.
Fair Today and Tomorrow In
bra ska, Iowa, loath Dakota
nad Mlaaonrl. v
WASHINGTON. March I. -Forecast f
the weather for Monday and Tuesday:
For Nebraska, Bouth Dakota, Missouri,
Iowa and Kansas Fair Monday and Tuea
For Wyomlng-Partly cloudy in eaat, rain
or anow In weat portion Monday, and prob
ably Tueaday.
Local Reeord.
OMAHA, March (.Official record of tern-
Deratura ana precipitation, comparea wuu
the corresponding aay
Maximum temperature.
Minimum temperature.
Mean temperature
of the laat three
107. I 16. 104.
k 2 79 14
1 43
14 24 61 tl
.00 T .00 T
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at .mana since rcn i.
and comparison wlto the last two years
Normal temperature
Excess for the day
Total excess since March 1 ,
Normal precipitation
Deficiency for the day
Total precipitation since March 1
Deficiency since March 1
Iieflciency for oor. period In lf
Deficiency tor cor. period la 1
.04 Inch
.04 inch
.01 Inch
.11 Inch
07 Inch
.11 Inch
Reports frosa gtattoaa at T V.
Station and State
of Weather.
Blamarck, clear
Cheyenne, cloudy
Chicago, clear ,.
Dvenport, clear
Denver, part cloudy....
Havre, clear...-
Helena, part cloudy
Huron, cloudy
Kansas City, clear
up. tall.
50 .
It .00
14 .00
U .03
60 .0v
4 .0u
38 .(e
42 .SO
M .
51 .00
IjI oi
42 .t
60 .Mi
24 .00
44 T
24 .00
, K
, 4
, it
. 12
North Platte, cloudy...
'lane, ciuuuy i
Omaha, cloudy U
Rapid City, cloudy
St. Louis, clear , 46
St. Paul, clear 2V
Valentine, cloudy M
Wllliston. clear 14
Icatea ti
11 A.
WElSiL Local Forecasts.
Cardinal Diseuwsi Eelatioa of Vawiptptn
and Eeoki to Daily Life.
Newe and Advertlaeanenta Tkey Con
tain Are the Greatest Danger to
the Morale of Aay
BALTIMORE, March I. Preaching h'.e
uaual monthly sermon at the cathedral
thla morning. Cardinal Gibbons denounced
"salacious journals" and newspapers print
ing objectionable advertisements. Taking
aa his subject, "Spiritual Reading." espe
cially In connection with the Lenten sea
son, after pointing out the helpfulness of
reading religious books, and particularly
the Bible, he said:
"I shall conclude by making a few prac
tical suggestions:
"Rigidly exclude from your household all
books and pamphlets which are hostile to
religion and good morals. Nevsr admit
Into your homes any newspaper or periodi
cal which ventilates obscene news and
licentious scandals.
"There Is one kind of literature In which
we all Indulge and of which we partake as
regularly and with aa much relish as our
daily bread, without which life would be
dull and tedious a literature which has
become almost a necessity ; of our daily
life. I refer to the dairy newspaper.
Now, there are good and bad Journals, and
there are clean and unclean animals.
"No kind of literature works more mis
chief In a community than salacious
Journals. They contain not only news
matter, but also advertisements of a most
objectionable character.
'They have sensational Items, which ate
a snare and a stumbling block to the Inno
cent and unwarned. Many of the youth
of both sexes have learned from this Im
pure fountain their first lessons in human
depravity. Advertisements appear, which
paint in glowing colors the attractive fea
tures of dangerous haunts of amusement,
advertisements of patent medicines and
other drugs whoss object is to defeat the
Inexplorable laws of nature and of na
ture's God. (
"As an offset to these depraved journals,
I have known the proprietor of an upright
paper of this state who refused an offer
Of 110,000 rather than admit into the
columna of his paper an advertisement
suggestive Of Immodesty, though its In
decency was thinly veiled by ambiguous
phraseology. Would to God that all news
paper owners had emulated this noble
(Continued from Tlrst Pagfc.)
until tomorrow morning I ahall not Inter
fere with It," suggested Mr. Carmack.
"The senator knows I cannot," waa the
"Well," continued Mr. Carmack, "the
senator Is evidently much more concerned
about the defeat of this bill than anything
Mr. Carmack then declined to yield
further to Mr. Frye, although the" latter
attempted to interrupt.
Shortly after this the Incident was closed
by the restoration of amity. Senator Car
mack expressed regret that the incident
had ocourred. He had spoken, ho said,
"on the Impulse of the moment, and ,wlth-
drew what had been said." Senator Frye
expressed the same sentiment and explained
that he had not meant to address ths
senator from Tennessee personally In his
criticism. v
At 5:80 p. m. theeenate took a recess
until :30 o'clock. " -
Talk at Right Session'.
The filibuster against the ship subsidy
bill was continued when the senate resumed
Its session st 3 JO tonight 'Senatora Dubois
and Carmack made an appeal to Senator
Oalllnger to withdraw the bill, but he did
not comply. Ths debate was Interrupted
by ths paaaage of a resolution for ths
printing of a document on horses, which
brought out from Senator Carter the re
mark, "That's a horse on the democratlo
This sally aroused' the venerable Bene tor
Pettus of Alabama, who remarked, "We
accept the rebuke from the. senator from
Montana, because of -tils wisdom and long
experience, and do not fall . to recollect
that he haa the reeord of speaking for
more than -twenty hours to kill a river
and harbor bill."
Philippine Bank Bill Paaaed and Cos.
fereneo Reports Agreed To.
WASHINGTON. March 1,-More than an
hour was apent by the houae In obtaining
a quorum after meeting at II o'clock today,
but when the necessary number waa se
cured buslneaa . prooeeded aa usual. A
greater part ot the day" a aeasion was given
to the consideration of conference re porta
Of theae a partial report on the sundry
civil bill and a partial report on the La
Follette railroad bill wars accepted and
the bills sent back to conference for further
consultation with the representatives of
the senate. The final report onttthe pension
appropriation bill, containing a provision
for the maintenance of eighteen pension
agencies, was agreed to. The bill au
thorising the establishment of an agri
cultural bank In the Philippine Islands was
passed. At 6 o'clock the house took a re
cess until s:so, and the night session con
tinued until lata.
After the recess ths houae agreed to
the conference report on the general de
ficiency bill. A number of monument bills
wsre paaaed. Including the completion of a
monument hi honor of tana battle of New
Orleana at Cbalmette, La.; the Btevenaon
Grand Army memorial, to be erected In
Washington: monument for Ttipecnoe bat
tle ground, Indiana.
The oonferenoe report on the sundry civil
bill waa agreed to and with business gen
erally Completed the hoUae at 12:10 a. m.
took a recess until 1:30 Monday morning.
By a vote of 187 to 69 the houae today
paaaed the senate bill providing for the es-
flr. r a f. " , i :ul
A .". W
ff' SM InanC iA JMgMU,fI itstTTB atlTat V 11
Suan.emssnsa.atsm arsumsssns )' .
;'.?UW& Dollolou,
are the moot natural flavors made.
I i J
x:-.. v-v...-..--
tabllehment of an agricultural bank In the
Fhlllpplnea. The paaaage developed dla
raetrlcally oppoalte views on the part of
the two leaders of the minority. Mr. Do
Armond of Missouri voting for the meaa-
ure. While Mr. Williams, minority leader,
stood squarely against It. The following
democrats voted for the bill: Aiken (B.C.).
Bankhoad (Ala.), Dearmond (Mo.), Hot
ard (Oa.). Kline (Pa.). Lcgare (S. C),
Ransdell (Ia.). Ruppert (N. T.), Bherley
(Ky.), Small (N. C), Taylor (Ala.), Wiley
But two republicans voted against: Par
rah (Mich.) and Mann (III.).
Wlille the bill was under discussion Mr.
Rucker of Missouri made the direct charge
that certain democrata tn favor of the bill
had been the guests of the secretsry of
war on hie trip to ths Philippines last
year, which, he said, might account for
the position taken by thse gentlemen,
who were Measrs. De Armond, Sherley,
Wiley and Howard.
Xn reply Mr. Sherley said that the "slur"
cast by Mr. Rucker upon the democrets
who voted for the measure was uncalled
for In view of the fact that ths man who
had seen the Philippine situation waa bet
ter able to legislate than the man who
had vague kleaa aa to conditions.
The bill was called from the speaker's
table by Mr. Crumpacker of Indiana, who
moved to pass it.
Mr. Rucker of Mlaseurl was recognised
as a member of the committee. He wanted
to know If the bill could be paaaed with
out amendment. "The houae can pasg
an elephant under auapenalon if the party
in charge of the measure was recognised
for that purpose," replied the speaker.
Mr. Crumpacker supported the bill. -Mr.
Sherley also advocated Its passage as In
the line of lending much-needed assistance
to the Philippines. Mr. Grosvenor of Ohl
who advocated the bill, expressed the opin
ion that the United States had been guilty
of more wrongs towards ths Philippines
than Spain had been, and Mr. Longworth
thought the bank bill should be passed
aa a crumb ot comfort due In the face of
failure to pass the Philippine tariff bill. ,
It waa here that Mr. Rucker made his
charge that Secretary Taft had won the
support of members while they were his
guests on the Philippine trip.
Mr. Parsons of New York asked for an
explanation, and Mr. Rucker replied that
the gentleman knew what he meant. He
had accepted them.
Mr. Parsons replied that the secretary of
war had urged members of the senate
and house to go to the Philippines so that
they could Intelligently legislate. ,Mr.
Rucker said he knew nothing about the
trip and he did not care about that, but
It was his opinion that the legislation
would haunt the American people aa It
grew more odloUs.
Mr. Williams said the old populist scheme
of a subtreasury was an angel in white
In comparison with the Philippine bank
scheme and thst he would never rote to
guarantee "self-seeking, proflt-huntTng
capitalists 4 per cent upon their capital."
DIAMONDS Frenaer, ICth and Dodge.
EYE SPECIALISTS, Huteson Optical Co.
Used by
with ike Pate
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Always .Kemrmper tn JTtdi .WfJBB
t exative ftromo Qcinlia
Coats) tiCoM bOtaDdy, Crista 3 Dayf
tax. 21q
BOYD'S Vsix? Mgrt.i
Special Tueaday Tstatlaso,
Prices. 60a to 33.00.
Special Thursday Mat,
Last Season's Big Success
Prices, evenings, 25o to 32; mat., 20 I
IO 11. DU.
Friday, Saturday Saturday Matinee
Professional Matinee Tuesday.
Hoyt's A Texas Steer
Mats., Thursday, Saturday.
Next week: THE CRISIS.
Phone Douglas 4tV4.
Beery Bight, Matinees, Thax Bat, Sua.
Ths Padsttea Woman's Orchestra, Dea
Burke and BUS Sohool Olrls, X.a Weola, S
Mase Bros, Xiecaara sad Xjouia, Pay and
I.oa DuxbyeUe aad the Xlnodroma,
Prices lOc-l&c-SOc.
TONIGHT 1:15 Last Performance
4 Bights, Com. Bun., March B Mate.' Baa,
aad Wed.
-Her Fatal Error"
Nights, ticlkc-tOo-Kc. Mat., llo-lfie-Ils,
rVFlV Theater
Tues. March 5
Council Blnga
ate. Dtxey does aot play Oasaagj.
f y
i i