Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Eajt Eiit Aeainst Hi Com pair ii Eohems
ef Un'on Ncio
try for Plaintiff rorser Pr
cr ml Edsoa Rich, General At
ferae? fr Ikr llnrrl
inaa Railroad.
Elmer R. Thorn, attorney for the Bloux
'City A Rock Bprtnr Mining company, ha
been named on of sever! defendant
In suit started by Mr. A. T. Rlffls of
"lou City, klnit for receiver, that the
mounts of the mining company my be
Investigated. Charge of fraudulent ma
nipulation of itorka have been preferred
gainst the director of th company. Al
though Mr. Thoma I cited In reports n
a director, he declare he acting only
a attorney for the present board.
Thoma maintain the action look like
a counter more of the Union Paelfle, which
company was compelled by th court to
' furnish trnporttlon facllltle to the
properties of th Sioux City Rock Spring
company. Mr. Thoma 1 watllnr for par
ticular of thl lateet action, which h in
tended bringing hlmielf had not Mr. Rime
tarted th ca.
Mr. Thoma glvr thl venlon of th
"Th company w flrt promoted by
three member of the Waterman family.
Other promoter got Into th deal and cap
italised th company for 1600,000 before they
had any real property right. A group of
wealthy German farmer living near Bloux
City bought 1160,000 worth of tock nd It
1 alleged that member of the old board of
director kept most of that money for
thmWr. Last year I fought th Union
Pacific before the Interstate Commerce
commission. We won. and now have th
desired transportation facilities and ar In
a fair way to make a paying Investment
f th property, which 1 In Sweetwater
county, Wyoming.
. 'Thl Mrs. Rime Is being represented by
M. F. Bears. I'nlon Pacific attorney at
Bloux City, and who waa a former partner
cf Edson Rloh, general attomsy for th
Union PaclBc. It look as If the woman
wa being used a a cat' paw for th
railroad company In an attempt to embar
rass th mining company. H. P. Brown,
A. Holt, A. B. Kller and M. D. Water
man, mentioned In the telegraphic re
port, ar all member of the old board
of directors. I bellev sensational develop
ment will appear when the receivership
matter oomea to a hearing." .
la Rapidly Orewlng
Information from Sterling-Mr. Haupt
meyer family, the gentleman who bought
JTed Buehler farm, arrived yesterday
from Iowa. Sterling Sun.
Envy In Tork County Th Arborvlll oor
respondent I bound to keep Arborvllle
alive. Wall all It take to keep some thing
alive la a little wind. Benedict Correspond
nt Tork Republican.
Barber In Demand How about A barber
In SmlthneldT Th barber who reads thl
ana aoes not na n is csrrainijr nitnsui
bonsnsa, a th whisker ar getting awful
long la thl town, In fact, they ar ao long
thy ar dragging In other people' busi
ness beside their owner. Cmlthfietd Cor
respondent El wood Bulletin.
fiigflg at Sparta It' tru that (11 road
don't lead to Ro Sparta, but notwith
standing that fact, all sign show that J.
F, Llska will paddle In th matrimonial sea
In a abort time. WhyT Because he bought
A churn, a washing machine and w pre
sume a-o-a-l-e. That's good, because the
good book say that It I not advisable for
man to be alone. Sparta Correspondent
Verdlgr Cltlsen.
Faithful Depositor Remembered Twenty
year ago last September th Goodrich
IJro.' bank wa established In Falrbury.
Th first cutomr wa Prank Pattlt, who
walked up and mad a deposit and re
ceived hi bank book. Mr. Pet tit ha been
Did 3DuMi
Doesn't compromita with dirt.
It cleans cleans thoroughly
and quickly, and with very lit
tle help from you.
. ATSilable (or all kinds of
cleaning In every department of
the household.
Sold Id large, convenient, sift
ing top cans.
V t
At All Grocers
Sent FREE on request the
handsome. Illustrated booklet,
"Hints for Housewives," con
taining many practical and
valuable helps for the house
wife. Address
Tb3 Gudahy Packing Co.
O. D. C lVptl,
South Omaha, Nebraska.
a faithful patron of the bank ever sine
and th record of that Institution show
that he ha never drawn a check on any
other bank and never overdrawn hi ao
count. A a mark of appreciation of his
custom, the bank presented him with a
gold headed can Thursday afternoon ef
thl week. Falrbury Journal.
Bird Uvea With Shot In Heart H. M
Hardin exhibited a strange thing th other
day. He was cleaning a duck he hsd killed
nd on taking the heart of the bird out he
found a shot Imbedded In the center of It,
and almost out of eight. The strange part
of the occurence, however, waa that the
shot must have been there some time, for
nature had built a kind of cartilage caat
Sound the shot. It shows that when the
heart of a bird I penetrated It doe not
always kill. The hunter who shot th bird
that time must have thought It wa a miss
The bird was a mallard. Gretna Breese.
Persevering Visitor It seldom happen
that there are two charivaris In on night,
but that I what took place last Thursday
night. First, Mr. and Mrs. ' Archie Miller
were called on. and treated th crowd right.
Next wa at th horn of Albert Rain. He
and hi wife thought they would fool th
crowd and left, thinking they would drive
around a while, and the boy would leev!
but they went to stay until he got back,
and they stayed. BUI waa captain, and at
midnight got aupper for the boys. Then
Cat passed cigar. Fred, Qui and Charley
told stories and kept th boy In good
humor. At daylight Fred got breakfast,
and his coffee waa fine. About S o'clock
the bride and groom arrived home, suppos
ing the boys to be gone. Tog can guess
their surprise when they opened the door
and saw th crowd still there. Albert
passed the cigars again, and then the
crowd left. Th bride and groom put their
horse In the feed barn at 1 o'clock, think
ing by daylight the boy would be gone,
but such wa not the ease. Riverside Cor
respondent Beatrice Time.
Writ of Replevin Beaten One of our
farmer friend In th south part of th
county relatea the following story In refer
ence to two of hi neighbors: On of them
found a couple of hog belonging to a
neighbor on hi premises, shut them Into
hi hog lot and then notified hi neighbor
by telephone that he could have the hog
when the damage wer paid. The neigh
bor replied that It waa all light, but he
wouldn't be In a hurry about getting them
horn a several of hi hog war sick with
cholera anyhow. The telephone receiver at
the other end of the line went up with a
bang and a few minute later the truant
porker appeared running down th road
followed by the thrifty farmer" busy dog.
Aurora Sun.
(Continued from Flret Pag.)
rent of the farm. Every farmer pay on
hi profit exceeding (260.
Salaries, pensions, life annuities and such
Income are subject to a tax on that por
tion of. the Income which exceed: (1) for
pension and life annuities, $280; (2) for
salaries exceeding S2M in a commune of
1.000 or less, exceeding $300 In a commune
1.001 to 10,000, exceeding $X0 up to 50,000
Inhabitant, exceeding $400 for anything
above M.0O0, and exceeding $300 If the tax
payer live In Part.
Ambassadors and consul ar exempted
from this tax. If French ambassador and
consuls are exempted from Ilk taxation
Every individual or company employing
alerted assistant must forward to the
comptroller of taxes a statement giving
employes' names, rate of pay and dura
tion of employment when lea than a year.
Thl prevision ' only applle to employe
whose salaries, exceed $300 In a commune
of $.000, tM up' to 10,000 Inhabitants, $300 up
to $0,000, $mo for over 60,000 and MOO for
Pari. Every person or company paying
pensions or life annuities must furnish a
list of all th recipient who have over
1260 a year.
Th tax on professional Income and all
Incomes from occupation not Included In
the previous categoric I based on th
profit of a year with, a deduction of from
$260 te $t00, according to th population of
th oommun, from $.000 to over 60,000, and
of $500 for Pari. Each taxpayer must pro
vide th comptroller of direct taxea with
th necessary Information, accompanied by
proof to enable him to assess the tax. An
Incorrect declaration I punished by a five
fold tax. ,
Every person residing n France will pay
th complementary tax based on hi total
Income. Wives separate a to property
and living apart from their husband and
children, or other member of a family who
earn or own separate Income will also pay
thl tax.
exemption fader Law.
Th only exception are thoae whoa tax
able Income doe not exceed $1,000 and am
bassadors and consul, a before. Th
tariff I: Income of $1,000 to $1,100 pay $2:
every extra $100 pay an Increased tax on
an Increasing ratio, so that Income of
$2,000 to $2,200 pay $36. Income of $4,000 pay
$8$. 14.000 pay $170. $10,000 pay $360, $20,000
pay $710 and above $20,000 Incomes pay 4
per cent. '
Th comptroller of direct contribution
will notify th taxpayer that he must
make a declaration showing what Income
he ha from every possible souce. Th tax
payer must algn th statement and affirm
on bla honor that the declaration fulfill th
taw' requirements.
Th declaration ar submitted to xam
Inatlon by a . oommltte composed of a
magistrate, a tax comptroller, a registrar
and a tax collector nominated by th pre
fect. Thl commute oan summon th tax
payer to give It any information on hi
declaration and can put him on his oath. ,
If a declaration I proved Incorrect the
maker of It or hi hair ar fined half th
Income which ha been concealed.
To replace the suppressed stamp duties a
tax ot 1 per cent la levied on the dividend
of French companies of French colonial
companies. To replace th annual tax on
transfer of "bearer" securities a tax of S
per cent Is levied on the dividend on all
French securities whose transfer can be
made without entry on the books of th
Th present stamp duties and deposits to
which foreign corporation are llabl ar
suppressed and replaced by:
1. A stamp duty of $ per cent.
I An annual supplementary tax of t per
cent on th dividend of th ecuiitle
which will be In addition to th 4 per cent
previously mentioned.
Thes taxea apply to foreign government
stocks also.
Aa Eiplaaatlea freaa Braafeta.
We feel that w should offer s a apology
to the many patrona who visited our shoe
department Saturday, on the first day of
our sal of ladle' shoes. Th extensive
remodeling of the old store has left the
shos department with Insufficient space, and
In spite of our o.ost earnest effort, th
large crowd made It Impossible to wait
upon our customers properly.
W hope you will generously forgtv th
Inconvenience you may have felt and we
assure you that within a few week our
new shoe department with splendid equip
ment and elegant fixtures will be In raadl-
Very r paetfuUy,
Street Railway cfBoIals and Union Vest
, Without Etatinc E emits.
IadlcatloBs Are laloa I Still Draaaa
la; Recognition, Which Com
pany I Still Befae
la te Olv.
"The officers of the Omaha & Council
Bluff Street Railway company held a con
ference yesterday with some of Its em
ploye who were union men, Th company
will oon Issue a statement which will de
fine the position this company ha taken
and which It will etand upon in reference
to It employes." Mr. Wattle said he would
give out his ultimatum Monday.
Thl statement was given out after a
meeting Saturday morning, which lasted
several hours, between the officer of the
Omaha aV Council Bluff Street Railway
company and a delegation of employe who
are member of th railway employe'
union. A. L. Behner, vice president of the
Street and Electric Railway Employes' In
ternational union, was present
Secretary Mlchaelson of the looal union
said all men had been Instructed by their
president to say nothing of what trans
pired at the meeting.
Mr. Behner said: "I don't have any Idea
what to say. I think nothing ought to be
published while negotiations are pending.
Anyhow, we don't know what to say until
Mr. Wattles Issues his statement."
Unless on aid or th other ha made a
vital concession trouble Is Imminent, for
the union ha ald it must be officially
recognised and the company has said It
will not be. Mr. Wattles' statement, there
for. It Is taken for granted, will be a re
iteration of this avowal by the oompany,
unless the company has changed Its mind
or the union It demand, apd. It I said,
neither ha don so
Woalrt Have All Farts Ressrdlsc
Arrest ef Mine Oflllelal
Made Pabllc.
WASHINGTON. March (.-Organised
labor ha as Iced congress to Institute an
Investigation into all of the facts and cir
cumstances sttendlng the arrest in Colo
rado of Charles . R. Moyer. William P.
Haywood and Oeorge F. Pettlbone, officer'
of the Western Federation of Miners, and
their deportation to Idaho to stand trial on
charge of complicity in the murder of
Governor Frank Stuenenberg. To that end
Senator Carmack today Introduced a pe
tition sinned by hundreds of worklngmen
and cltlsena. and also had printed in th
record the dissenting opinion of Associate
Justice McKenna to the opinion of the su
preme court of th United States, that th
court could not Inquire into the circum
stance surrounding th alleged "kidnap
ing" of the three men. Senator Heyburn
then aecured an order for the printing of
th majority opinion of th court.
The petition asks for the enactment of
such laws and measures as may be re
required to redress tho grievous wrongs
committed against Moyer, Haywood and
Pettlbone and to safeguard and protect
the cltlsen of this country from legalized
kidnaping and deportations by administra
tive order in th future.
The fact that these men had not been
In Idaho for several year prior to the time
they wer arested for complicity In the
Stuenenberg murder Is recited. It Is de
clared that th decision of the supreme
court that it could not inquire Into th al
leged "conspiracy of the governor of Idaho
and Colorado" legalise the crime of kidnap
ing and puts In the hands of corporate In
terest power by which they may lay hand
upon cltlsen of any atate, tear them from
their home and firealde. deport them to
another state and thrust them in prison,
there to remain without trial for month
or year, thus depriving citlsens of their
right to life and liberty without process of
law. The petition emphasises th claim
that the Western Federation of Miner la
a large and peaceful organisation of la
Brtsane Buy Tow Site.
NEW YORK. March t Th deserted vil-
lsae of Allaire. In Monmouth county. New
Jersey, waa bought yesterday by Arthur
Brisbane, eauor ot tne new xora journal,
at private sale, and is to be converted Into
a model farm. The seller was the Allaire
Water Supply and Land company. The
place takes in some 600 acres, and It Is said
that Mr. Brisbane paid $126, (XX) for th tract.
For years h ha been deeply interested In
experimental and scientific agriculture, and
he Intends to make Allaire on of the finest
modern farms In th eastern states. Allaire
1 on a division of the Pennsylvania road,
about six miles from Lakewood.
Get Rid of Your Piles Right Now
Pyramid Pile Cure Can Do It
Quickly and Painlessly.
rmxa rACXAaa nwT to fbotb it
Half of the suffering and torture of plies
has never been told. But no matter.
Whether your particular case of pllea I
almost too excruciating or any mortal to
bear, or If you ar fearfully tantalised by
unreachable Itching, or whether you have
only a moderate case of pile, there I
positive relief, and quick, too. In Pyramid
Pile Cur.
Tou need not take for granted all w
ourselves say about our Pll Remedy. W
want It to apeak for itself. W want you
to send for a free package today of th
marvelous Pyramid Pile Cur. W want
to prove these statements to you person.
ally, so that you will fuel the result your
Pyramid Pll Cur ha cured th worst
form of pllea known. W prove It.
Instant relief can be gotten by using
th marvelous Pyramid Pll Cur. It Im
mediately reduce all congestion and
welling, heal all orea, ulcer and irri
tated part.
Th moment you start to us It your
uttering end and tha cur of your dread
disease Is in sight Her I on of th
many thousand letter we get about thl
great cur:
"I have been a terrible sufferer of piles
for fourteen (14) years and during all
thl time you can have an Idea of how
many kind of medicine I tried. But I
found no relief whatever.
"Now, after trying but on treatment of
your 'Pyramid,' I am free, free to tall all
sufferers of this dreadful disease to try
thl medicine th Pyramid Pll Cure. It
will cure when all other falL Sincerely
your. George Branetght, Schellburg, Pa."
Th Pyramid Pll Cur 1 put up In th
form of "ay-to-ue," specially mad
suppositories. Thsy are soothing, pain
less. Instant and certain.
A trial treatment will be sent you t
once by mall. In plain, sealed wrapper,
without a cent of xpene to you. if you
end your nam and address to Pyramid
tmig Co.. U Pyramid Building, Marshall.
Mich .
After you receive th sample, you can
get a regular-als package of Pyramid
ptl Cure at your druggist s for IS cents,
or If h hasn't It, sead us th money and
w will send It te you.
ynwM tmn nttm "nwni . .MAwrw, wrwrw lis
I cannot afford It! Is anything
but a good excuse now, for the rea
son that during this GRKAT SALE
the prices on the Pianos are so
LOW snd we are willing to make
the TEItMS SO K.A8Y, that any
family with a steady Income may
be the possesor of a fine musical
The above is a pen sketch of Hie wreck on the looal railroad, from whom we purchased the Piano that we are now offering in this THE GREAT
During this sale we have Killed ConipHltion and at the same time have Killed High Prices. We have often been asked by buyers during this
sale: How can you afford to sell such fine Pianos at so low a price? The answer Is: We bought these Pianos from a Railroad who sold to us at One
Half the Price that is generally paid to the factories (and as not one of the entire lot was materially injured, we, with a small (very small) outlay,
put them Into as good shape as the day they were turned out) and we were perfectly willing to share our good fortune with our friends and cus
tomer. This great sale of Pianos presents ECONOMICAL CHANCES AHSOLUTELY WITHOUT PRECEDENT.
Hand in Hand, with Ileauty of Cane Iei(fii, Sweetness of Tone Qualities, Thoroughness of Workmanship and General Style and Elegance, goes
Economy when you buy a Piano during this GREATEST OK ALL GREAT MONEY-SAVING PIANO SALES. The following favorite and well known
Pianos are offered In this sale: Chickerlng Hro., Solimer, J. & C. Fischer, AVeginan, Price & Teeple, Franklin, Jacob Doll, Iluiley, Davenport &
Tracy, Kingsbury, Ilehr Hros., Ltidwig, Carleton, Chickering & Sons, Lester, Decker & Sons, Chane, Krell, Vose & Sons, Shubrrt, Camp & Co., Henry
& S. G. Linderman, Wellington, RoMon, Cable and Rembrandt.
Douglas Street
Governor of Connecticut and Ccmpany o.'
Militia in Bailroad Collis:on.
Blame ts Plaeed en Engineer
ot the Special, Who Ha Dis
appearedThree Mem
NEW HAVEN, March 2 On the evidence
presented to him this afternoon. Coroner
Mix has made a preliminary finding that
Engineer William E. Fisher of the special
train, by disobeying orders, is responsible
for the wreck on th New York. New
Haven & Hartford railroad early , today at
Waterbury. The special train ran into a
regular passenger train ' fom New Haven,
resulting in the death of three persons, the
probable fatal Injury of two national
guardsmen and the serious injury of a
scoro of other passengers.
The debris was cleared away this after
noon and, a no trace of Fisher' body was
found, the coroner has decided that he
jumped from the cab and fled. An order
has been issued to the police to arrest him.
Impact I Terrlflo.
With an impact of sufficient force to crueh
the ponderous locomotives together like pa
per, twist and bend them and topple them
from the track down an embankment and
Into a ditch beside the track, two passenger
train, a regular and a special, met In
head-on colllson early today on the Nauga-
tuck division of the New York. New Haven
Hartford railroad at Pla.tts Mills, about
a mile and a half below this city, resulting
In the death of four men, the erlou
wounding of two more and lesser Injuries
to over a score of others. Th dead were
tha crew of the two engine.
The special was mad up of an engine
and one coach, which wa a party of about
sixty-five member of Company F, Second
reglmit Connecticut National Guard,
known as the Gray, and Governor Wood
ruff and member of his staff. The gov
ernor escaped Injury. They had been In
attendance at a banquet given in their
honor in thl city by Company A of the
same regiment and were on their way
horn at the tint of th accident The
train left Waterbury at 4:J6, and a tha
regular train was then late, order were
riven th Declal, It I understood, to run
to Hillside crossing, there tak the siding
and wait until the regular went by. The
special, however, is said to have run be
yond that point and so met the regular at
Piatt Mill.
Hear Person lajared.
Th tender of th locomotive did not
leave th rail, but wer hurled backward
Into the coache behind them. Almot all
of th occupant of the special coach re
ceived om hurt. Th baggage oar of the
regular wa telescoped.
Th mot rlously Injured of the passen
gers arei
Fred C. Russell of New Haven, a private
In company E, and O. V. Champlln. musi
cian, also of New Haven. Both received
Internal hurts.
In adidtlon Russell I bruised about th
head, ears and nose, and one ey Is In
Jured. Champlln had his elbow fractured,
fac cut and minor bruie about the body.
By order ot Coroner Mis. It 1 under
stood, warrants ar being prepared for th
arrest of Conductor George Eaton of New
Haven who wa in charg of th peclal
train if th New Haven Grays, and for
Enginser William E. Fisher of th peclal.
It wa supposed that Fisher was killed,
but as th wreckage 1 being cleered away
no trace ot hi body ha been found and
th belief Is growing that h Jumped from
the engine cab and fled. Hi name, how
ever, remain in th list of dead as made
(Continued from Third Pag.)
hour before th outbreak of th flam".
Las approximate 1400, with lnsuranc
In the Farmers' Mutual.
DAVID CITY Two games Of basket bell
were played with the Genoa HlKh school
at th opera huuse Friday evening. One
game was played with the girls' team
against th David City girls' team, which
resulted In a victory of SO to 12 In favor of
the David City girls. The othr game was
played with the boys' team, which the Ge
noa boys won by a soure of 2b to 12.
NEBRASKA CITT Teutonla lodge No.
15. Son of Horman, gave Its tenth annual
banquet last evening at Kagle hall, at which
0 members snd their families were In st
tndanc. The Nebraska City bund fur
nlrhed the n.ustc for the early part of the
evening and luter there whs vo ul m isic
r-y tb cclcbiaud Arkia club of Fail City.
In their GREAT PIANO SALE to sell Tianos of the
the factories of the BEST KNOWN and MOST RELI
You can get a $500 Piano (regular price at other stores)
in this gTeat sale for only $237. A $400 Piano for $195.
A $300 Piano for $147. A $250 Piano for $130. A $200
for $115, and the prices on all the Pianos in this sale are
cut in like proportion.
President Weberllng railed to order and
in a neat speech introduced Hon. John
Mattes, Jr., who male the principal address
of the evening.
COL.L M1JU8 The decision cf the United
States supreme court did not affect the B.
& M. as far as taxes were concerned In
l'latte county. It has so little to pay that
it pays up every year; but the Union Pa
cific got it in the nock, and of the. 119,642. SI
the I'nlon Pnclfta pays It all. Except about
$4.0W that goes to the stnte, the money goes
Into the various funds of the county.
WEST POINT The firm of Eggert &
Bon. dealers In agricultural Implements in
West Point, has traded their business to H.
Roblson of Merrick county, who will here
after conduct the establishment. The
consideration for the deal was a tract of
land in Merrick county. Mr. EKiiert, sr.,
who Is a pioneer of Cuming county, will
retire from business, his son being as
yet without a location.
BEATRICE A double wedding occurred
yesterday at noon, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. William Davison in West Beat
rice, the contracting parties being Miss Ida
Belle Davison and Mr. Charles Burgess of
Lincoln, and Miss Jennie Winifred Folden
and Mr. George F. Gamble, Rev. J. W.
Lewis officiating. The brides are cousins
and the newly wedded couples will reside
at University Place, Neb.
GRAND ISLAND Grand Island la now
being illuminated. For the first time In
about twelve years there are arc lights In
the residence ttecllon. While the remod
eled municipal water and lighting plant has
not as yet been turned over to the city au
thorities the current has been turned on
and in a few days a day current will fol
low. The plant Is said to be the most
modern In the west for the stxe of the
NEBRASKA CITY Tho Western Land
& Cuttle company wss organised In this
city Wednesday afternoon with a capital of
fcJO.OOO. The officers are: Logan Enyart,
preeldent, and H. H. Hanks, secretary and
treasurer. The stockholders are: Logan
Enyart, H. H. Hanks, Theodore and Os
wald Wlrth. F. Joe Band, Mike Gurdner
and F. M. Kuwltxky. They own seventeen
sections of land In the northwestern part
of the state.
BEATRICE In attempting to serve a dis
tress warrant for taxes on Chet Force yes
terday Constable Muck was forced to look
Into the muzzle of a six-shooter, which
Force threatened to use If the officer trial
to attach his goods. After a war of word
the constable finally made good by attach
ing enough household goods to satisfy the
claim. Force and his family left on an aft
ernoon train for Langdun, Mo., where they
will reside permanently.
WEST POINT The Cuming County As
sociation of Rural Free Delivery Carriers
met in West Point In regular session,
with a fair attendance. William Farley
of Wlsner presided. Th regular routine
of business was transacted and Mr. Far
ley was elected a delegate to the state
convention of rural mall carriers, whic h
will be held at Grand Island. The next
meeting of the local association Is sched
uled to meet on Labor day.
FREMONT Rev. Charles Ruegg of
Etockbridge, Wis., lectured at the Congre-
Katlonal church Friday evt-nlnn on twit
erland, the Economic Republic." The
speaker Is of Swiss descent and was edu
cated In theology at a Swiss university
devoting special attention to their form
of government and municipal ownership
of public utilities. During his residence
In Switserland be corresponded for
newspaper syndicate in this country.
NORTH PLATTE It ts reported that
the Union Puclflc Railroad company will
build club houses for its employes at a
number of division terminals and that
North Platte has been named as a bit
for one of them. It Is estimated tbut
the cost of the buildings will be about
120,000. The building will contain read
ing rooms, gymnasium, bath, etc., and also
some sleeping rooms for employes, thus
furnishing a place for the men to spcnJ
their time when they come In from their
GRAND ISLAND The first train over
the Stromsburg line of the Union Pacific
left this end of the line yesterday for
Omaha. It waa a train of nineteen curs ot
grain. Conductor Hedlund and Engineer
i Kelly, engine mo. Ula doing the pulling.
Tha line will greauy snorten ins distance
bet wen this point and Omaha, the ter
minals of the division, especially after th
Lane cut-off has been completed and Is
used. The line is not yet, however, open
to th full allotment of traffic that will be
given It.
NEBRASKA CITY C. V. Ratlkln cam
near making a fatal mistake Thurs-
i day evening. Some time ago be
1 had a sore hand and got some bichloride
I of mercury tablets to dissolve In water
with which to wash his hand, lie did not
use all of them, but put them away so
they could be found. Hs was taken sick
with grippe and went to the medicine
chest to get some bromo-quinine tablets,
but by mibtake got hold of the wrong tab
lets. His lite was saved, but 11 was a
close call.
WEST POINT A double marriage was
celebrated Wednesday by County Judge
Dewald it his office In West Point. The
parties united In matrimony were Einlel
Zuhike and Miss Otltlie Vossberg, residents
of Bancroft neighborhood, and Henry A.
Spanglur and Mias Josephine Udmllla, both
well known young people living west ot
this city. The county Judge's office is be
coming the Gretna Green of Nebraska.
Since the Incumbency of Judge Dewald ths
marriage fees of the office have nearly
FREMONT County Attorney Graham
and Supervisor Main went to Wahoo to
consult with the Saunders county com mis.
sloners In regard to repairs on th l'latte
river bridge. A definite contract has not
yet been made, but as all parties ar in
favor of the necessary repairs being of a
permanent nature, there is not likely to
be sny further trouble between th two
counties over the bridge question. A
motion for a rehearing on the case to th
supreme court will, however, come up
next we-k.
W&i'f POINT Th snowstorm prevail
It i a .1 . k i. I
"r igw . i rww m rw .
ing over thl section for the past twenty
four hours was preceded by a cold rain,
moisture falling plentifully and frecxlng
as it fell. Streets and roads were icy and
locomotion very difficult. The snow cov
ers the ground to a depth of five Inches.
This laBt storm Is by far the most severe
of the winter, causing great suffering to
live stock. Grippe, pneumonia and kin
dred diseases are rife among th people,
almost every family having ono or more
of Its members under doctor's care.
GRAND ISLAND The Commercial club
at a smoker discussed several matters of
local Improvement, paving the business
section of the city belna- the principal sub
ject, and heard a complete report from
the delegates to the convention. Commit
tees on the retail trade, the wholesale In
terests, municipal affairs to consult with
city authorities and good roads were or
dered appointed at the next meeting, on
Monday evening. A great deal of renewed
Interest ha been awakened In the common,
commercial and other affaire of the city. .
NORTH PLATTE Wednesday after
noon there was organised in this city
Twin RJvsrs Lodge No. ?7, Ladlos' Auxil
iary to the Brotherhood of Railway Train
men, by . Mrs. Msry Connell of Denver,
w-ho is district organiser. There weie
nineteen charter membera, tout there will
soon be an Increase In membership, as
many more are eligible. The different
officer were elected and In the evening an
Informal reception was held and a pro
gram rendered. Following this, a Avs
rourse banquet wa served at the Paciflo
PLATTSMOUTH A reward Of $175 Is of
fered for the recovery of the body of John
Snyder, who was drowned In the Platte
liver at. South Bend last Saturday. Mr.
Snyder was working on the Rock Island
bridge. In company with another workman.
and was in the act of prying some tlmhere
loose wnen ne supped and rell backwards
Into the river. His companion attempted
to throw a rope and then a plank to him.
but could not reach either. He made an at
Commands the Consumer's
m -m mmmmr mmmm sbw pj
hare every ingredient the very best in point of PURITY and
QUALITY that could be obtained.
We established a standard of PURITY and QUALITY
and MEDICINAL STRENGTH, that has been maintained for
all these years, and every Cascaret tablet has been as harmless,
pure, gentle and effective as every other one.
; The substances that enter into a medicinal formula, to pro
duce the desired effect, to be SAFE and ever TRU ST WORTHY,
MUST be clean, fresh, carefully selected and compounded with
painstaking supervision.
The eternal vigilance necessary to secure the ingredients of
j Cascarets in the most PERFECT CONDITION, so as to get
the best effect without any danger from intruding substances,
has never been relaxed.
What is the result?
I There has caver been a disappointment, never m complaint. The oeople
of America are today buying- over ONE MILLION BOXES a month of Cas
carets Candy Cathartic, a recognition of their dependable qualities to do what
is claimed for them, as the best medicine FOR THE BO WELSas yt discovered.
Our patrons are sll onr friends, loyal and more than satisfied of the stead
fast, honest, reliable MERIT of onr preparation. It is today ths greatest
FAMILY MEDICINE in the world.
j We attribute Cascarets' great success to PURITY, QUALITY and
j 'MEDICINAL EFFICIENCY, backed by Truth and Honesty ia our dealings.
! Ths Cong-res of the United States, on June 30, 1906, passed a PURE
FOOD AND DRUGS ACT to protect the Health of the People against adulter
ation, misstatement and careless processes. This law went into effect January
1, 1907, and will help to banish all questionable practices and preparations. W
endorse the law.
The essence of this law was anticipated by the makers of Cascarets when
the first boa was made ten years ago, and every precaution was taken to estab
lish Cascarets as the standard, reliable and responsible Bowel medicine for the
vAmsncan People,
We shall continus in our purpose to produce the best product possible, and
are proud of the confidence of our friends, a commercial confidence which will
never be betrayed. All druggists, 10c, 23c, 50c. Try a little 10c box TODAY. 7M
ta ,a I a II It il 41 ti t
TUNITY To beautify the home, to educate
the children, to entertain th fam
ily, and to amuse the guests. Any
one of the fine Pianos we are of
fering in this CHEAT SALE will
do the above four things better
than anything else you can get.
CATJTXOW Io not ay you can't
afford a l'lsno, for we have, throush
our prices and terms, obliterated that
aylng as a truthful ezouse.
Douglas 2600
tempt to rench the shore through the Ice,
but when within about twenty feet of the
bank sank Into the water and disappeared.
MULLEN Ira Cumpston, the pocketknift
vender who supplied several of the boyi
around town with a good article of cut
lery at about SO cents a throw, is now
langulthtng In the Custer county Jail await
ing a hearing on the charge of burglary.
The hardware store of Mahan Bros, at t'al.
laway, where Cumpston once conducted a
shooting gallery, seems to have been his
base of supply, and his stock wss far from
being run down when he visited Mullen.
He was "rounded up" at the horn of a
brother in Hay Springs by Deputy Sheriff
BEATRICE At the meeting of the Beat
rice Woman' club yesterday, it waa de
cided to receive propositions for work on
the roads In the city with a King drag
during th month of April. May and June.
The club has arranged to give a reception
to the teacher attending th Southeastern
Nebraska Educational association which
meets here next month. These officers
were elected for th coming year: Mrs.
F. C. La Belle, president; Mrs. Jennie
Starn, first vice president; Mrs. A. V,
Robinso.i, second vie president; Mis Jutlu
Fuller, corresponding sncretary; Miss Erin
Johnston, recording secretary; Mrs. A. H.
Felch, treasurer; department Instructors,
music. Miss Myrtle Beck; literature, Mrs.
G. E. Emery; nature study. Miss Kalherlne
Howe; art, Mrs. A. V. Robinson; current
topics, Including psychology, Mrs. B. C.
Smith; home topics, Mrs. F. A. Claussen;
history, Mrs. Julian Smith.
glek Sailor Keoorerlnar.
NEW YORK, March I Th sailors from
the battleship Connecticut who are down
with typhoid fever, were all resting com
fortably at the naval hospital at the
Brooklyn navy yard yesterday, and nun of
them is reported to be In a serious condi
tion. Naval Director Harmon said that s
far as cduld be ludsed all of the men would
pull through.
When Cascarets Candy
Cathartic were Invented in
1896, and the formula was
perfected after much experi
mental labor by highly scien
tific chemists, it was our aim
not only to produce a perfect
combination of EFFECTIVE .
FAY WHAT YOU CAN and Uegln your
treatment now. Men. L have a treatment
especially adapted to all 'your ailments; 32
years' experience makes It possible for me
to cure where all others fall 25 years In
Omsba. Treatment by mall.
Office hours all day to 8:80 p. m. Bun
day. to 1. Call or write. Box 766. Office,
SIS South Fourteenth Bt,. Omaha. Neb.