Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Til IB UM AHA DALLY HHltli IS A' I'll HI) A Y, MAfflU .A imn.
Shoe Sale
Boys' good solid calf shoes
-$2 values, at ....$1.29
f Men's gjod strong calf work
Bnoes, tip or piain ioe, iare
or congress, at, pair... $2
Misses' and child's dongola
extension sole lace , shoes,
$1.25 value, at ... ...75t
Full line, every pair new
and up-to-date Queen
Quality Oxfords and Rib-'-
bon Ties, $2.50 to $3.50
all leathers. We are the
only Omaha agenia.
Large girl's rubbers, 50c
values, at 20
Ladies' Goodyear welt cush
ion sole shoes, $4.00 value
at $2.50
Be Sure and Attend Our
Hourly Sales
. ', FROM 8TO.4P.M.
We will Bell fifty Jileces of mor-
,cerlied' walatlngs, regular 2 So
and 88c roods, npt over 12 yards
to a customer, at per
yard . .
Will Ml 60 dos.' Turkish' Towels,
extra large, and extra heavy",
regular 15c grade, not over four
pair to a customer,
at, each .
stomer, 7"C
Grand Ileckwear Sale
All silk 'veilings, both plain
and fancy mesh, greatest
snap o,f the season, at 10t
'''t'' Ladies' Muslin and Knit
$2.00 Muslin Gowns at 08c A great lot of
ladies' gowns, trimmed with lace embroidery
and washable ribbons.' worth regularly up to
$2.00; choice 98
$2.00 Skirt at $1.50 These garments made ex
tra full with deep flounce of several rows of
lace and Insertion or wide embroideries, worth
up to 12.00; in,two lots Saturday, at, 11.60
and ...... 08s
LadloV Cornet Covers and Prawers Nicely trim
med, values up to 60c; choice Saturday. . .25s
Ladles Knit Vents and rants Not a garment In
the lot that sold for less than 60c; choice Sat
urday 25
Ladles' Wool Vests and Pants that sold regularly
up to fl.26; -to close, Saturday at. gar
ment y 69
Drug Specials
Malvina Cream 77
Violate Cerste 50C
Almond Cream
Talcum Powder
Tooth Powder
Rose Cream 1
for .
Rubber-Fle'sh Brushes
for ......... ......
. ( Hayden's For Groceries
Tht Crtital Vniftml ftwMen of Pure Food Products la the Wt s'
Buffer Safe
H lbs. m1 Wa Cans Crranulated
Sage 100
10-lb. sacks beat whiu or yellow
eornmeal . "
The beet hand picked nary beans,
--Mr lb..-. V4o
The beat rolled breakfast oatmpal,
S.J" per o -7v
t The best pearl tapioca or easo,
VI per lb 'Wc
f l-Ib. pltg. best corn starch
1-lh nkr. himt Mu-Aronl SVkO
' i Bromangelon. Jellycon or Jell-O,
per pkg
1-lb. can assorted snups 7 Via
Horseradletv per bottle 6o
a-lb. cans fancy sweet sugar
' corn w.. ....itfo
I-lb. cans wax, string or ulma
beans : Hc
-lb. cans golden pumpkin, hominy,
squash, saur kraut , or baked
beans ... . ....jVjC
Cold water starch, per, pkg-. ..... So
Gallon cans peaches, 'tipplei ' or
plums 35c
The best soda or oyster crackers,
per lb 6c
The beat XXXX sinter xnape.
per lb. ..... .. ....... ...... ... .so
mixea cooKiea, worm uc
v. tier lb IZVfrO
California prunes, per lb... ii
cleaned currants,-, per io. . . vc
dried grapes, par
Beat, pare nucsrwneai
flour ... 7sf. .... . . . ..iso
. rancy
, tar 1
,." Is Fancy
'I - Fancy
f Fancy Cal.
-. r 10-lb. sack
We have Juit received a Urge ship
ment of extra fancy country roll
butter, which we are going to make
. a special of for one day only, Sat
urday at, per lbi 2o
Fancy dairy butter. Very line, for this
aale, per lb -iio
Extra fancy separator creamery but
ter, equal to any put up in pack
ages for much higher prices; this
aale. per lb , 7
Omaha's Oreatest rrean rraii and
Vegetable Market.
Two beada freah leaf lettuoe Bo
Large bunch pie plant..... to
Large heada head lettuce &o
Freah apinach, per peck ISo
Fancy cooking applea, per peck..sl5o
Beeta, carrota, turnlpa, rutabagaa,
white, red or yellow onioua, lb. .1 Vyc
Large heada freah cabbage to
Fancy kiln dried sweet potatoes,
per lb o
Two bunches freah beeta JO
I bunchea freah carrota or turnipa 100
Fancy Fard datea, per lb THcS
Large Juicy lemona, per dos. ...... lvo
Extra large Highland navel oranges,
worth 60o per dos; for this sale,
tar dos.. -po
Freab roasted Peanuts,, per qt
15c Pure U nen
Handkerchiefs 75c
Fine phecr pure linen hand
kerchiefs, greatest1 value
ever seen, at .7Va
20c tooth brushes at...7Vs;
Velvet Ribbons The neat
est stock of ri,bbonB in the
city; at ft .saving of .
$1 copyright books.... 39
New Leather Belts A splendid
line of regular belts with fancy
jeweled buckles, on aale at.JJOtf
Windsor Ties A new line of all
silk Windsors on sale, each, 10
New Ruchlngs, per yard .... 15s
BOc Pad Hose Supporters. . . .25
25c Side Elastics, only 10t
Sole Agents for Hall-Brochert
Dress Forms In Nebraska, South
Dakota and western Iowa.
50c Silk Veiling 10c
A new line of ladies' spring
neckwear, regular 25o and
35c values, at 5 and 10$
Sale of Sample Corsets
x. x
We Win With Women's Wearables
An assertion we 're .more than ampft able to back with the goods. Always4 leaders in complete
showings and best values, we excel all previous-records this season. Our values will be a delight
ful surprise to every lady who visits the great new cloak section. Early prices mean a substantial
cash saving.
Two full lines of Warner's Rust Proof and
F. P. Corsets, In fancy broche, imported
Coutil and Batiste, mostly .Bmall sizesj
but worth regularly up 'to $5.00 come,
early and get your choice. $1.50-9S
$5.00 Kabo Corsets Fancy broche, in white
only, a fine model, greatest value ever
offered, at S3.00
Brassieres, the most complete line shown
in the city, at ; 50 and $1
Complete Line of Corsets In long or short hip,
girdle top' with dip hip or plain girdle styles, all
coiors ana sizes, remarkable values at,
$35.00 Tailor Suits. $24.90 Elegant
Voiles, Panamas and English Suit
ings in plain colors and fancy mix
tures, 15 distinct styles to select from
at '...$24.90
$20.00 Tailor Suits - $14.90250 new
Tailor Suits in eton, pony and blouse
styles, made of fine Panamas,' in
blues, greyB, browns, tans, blacks and
fancy mixtures, unequaled bargain
, Saturday at . : ". $14.90
Silked Rubber and Cravenette Coats,
in almost endless assortment, the.
most complete line and greatest valu-
- ues shown in Omaha.
100 Nobby Tailor uits-RegulariS
values in great assortment of style
and material; while they last, choice,
at ........ ...... ....... S10.00
We Jiave secured :rom Max Roth, the king of waist manu
facturers, hla entire surplus stock of spring waists, in
cluding ove'r 200 dozen garments In nattiest new styles;
V linens, lawns, vesUngs, lingeries, Henriettas and sicllans';
waists In the lot worth np to $3.00, In Saturday's sale
at : ....95
$15.00 New Covert Coats $9.90 A lot
of neat covert coats, including the
popular Gibson style with strapped.
Beams, splendid value at $12.50 to
$15.00; early price, 1 choice. . .$9.90
Women's Covert Coats n box style',
manufactured tp 6ell at-$6.50; spec
ially priced at $3.93
$8.00 Walking Skirts In all newest
styles, .colors and materials; choice
Saturday '. .$4.93
Women's $6.00 Bilk Underskirts Un
rivaled value at .. .. . . .$3.95
$5.00 Children's Winter Coats, to close
Saturday at - . .;. ; . . ... .$1.50'
Women's Tailored Linen Waists; spec
ial at $2.98
Women's $4.00 Jap Silk Waists; snap
at $1.98
ChUdren'sM.OO Dresses Monday at, choice $1.50
From 8 Till A. M. fl.2 Satin Underskirts. ... ..50
From 8:30 Till 0:80 A. Women's $1.25 Wrappers f9
From O Till 10 A. M. Children's Gingham Dresses. -21?
From 9:30 Till 10:80 A. M. Women's $2.00 Shawls 70,
From 10 Till 11 A. M. Women's Short Kimonos and
Dressing Sacques 25J
Sheet Music
Popular Musk 9 els. Copy
Add one cent per copy for postage
In ordering by mall.
"San Antonio" (latest aonc hit).
"Breath of the Rom" (WaUses, very
'Dixie Bloaaoma" (two-step, very
ballad bit)
aland of Dye and Bye1
Take Me Back to Dixie"
"Love's Garden Walttes" (new).
"Oh, What a Nlfht to Spoon"
"Keep In the Bunny Side" (vocal).
"tiood Old U. 8. A." (great march
song). ,
"Impatient Jane" (great two-step).
"Brownla Rag" (new).
"My Heart's All Wrapped t'p in
You" (voral. newt.
- "Hearts and Maaka" (waltsrs, new.)
"rtrI n(vH." I r.D t a. t rr, . V. '
two-atep In year).
(,000 coplea standard claaalcaj voca)
and lrmtrv mental aelertlona at !4e.
Bonga from all the claaalcal atandard
operaa and many tay teaching pictcta
for piano are Included In this sale.
Furnishing Goods at special Bargain Prices
Each sale day adds to our reputation for unrivaled bargain-giving
in men's and ladies furnishings. You'll cer-,
tainly find Saturday's .offerings unequaled elsewhere in
variety cr quality at the prices.
75c to $1.00 Sample Shirts, BOc
Over 600" doaen men'a shlrU, In
madras, percale and chambrays,
all new spring patterns, collars
and cuffs attached or detached,
good clean stock that wonld sell
regularly at 76c and $1.00
The Griffon Shirt is again our
leader for 1907, and It leads all
.otheru In high quality, good style,
perfect fit and all around shirt
perfection, $2.00, $1.50 and 08e
Men's. Neckwear All, the newest
and nobbiest shapes and colors
In men'a ties; superior qualities
and assortments, at $1.50 down
to 60c and 25
., Men's- Underwear Heavy or med
ium weights, all sizes; to close,
. at 60c, 89c and 25s
Men's Heavy Fleeced Underwear
, Worth to 76c; to close, at, per
garment, 45c, 25c and IQi
From 9 Till 10 A. M Men's
heavy work shirts, worth to 50c;
at, choice 10
From 10 Till 11 A. M. Men's and
boys' fancy suspenders, many of
..them fine silk web, in individual
boxes, values to 60c, at. . . .15
From 11 A. M. Till 12 M Ladles'
vests, high neck, long sleeved,
silk taped, ln spring Weights,
values to 39c; at, choice. . 10t '
Hosiery at About H A great pur
chase of over 1,000 dozen men's,
ladles' and children's hose, (See
Ladies' Hose Worth 25c, in plain
black, white or colors, lace lisle
or fancy silk embroidered; great
snap, at, pair 10
Men's Fancy Half Hone Blacks or
colors,, allk, embroidered, 25c
Children's Heavy Ribbed Hose
With double knee, heel and toe,
worth regularly to 25c at, pe"r
P,r 8H
From 8 Till 8 P. M. Men'aliose,
in black, tan and fancies, worth
J 5c pair (limit of 4 pair to cus
tomer), at, per pair. ...... .5j
Save Money on Meats
It's easy to do so and still have the satisfaction nf fin.
est quality if you buy your meats at Hayden's. We Lever
sacniice quauiy or price. . v
Dressed Chickens. . . .10V
Pot Roast, per lb. 5c and 7c
Sirloin Steakper jb..l2y25
Round Steak,- per lb . . . 10c
Shoulder Steak, per lb.7Vc
Pork Loins, per lb. .. . ,10c
Spare Ribs, 3 lbs. for. .25c
Cudahy's best Hams) 10 o
12 lbs. each, at . ..14o
Armour's best Bacon, fine
lean stock,; lb , 1546
I '. . a. . . ..jtM.. J-Ae-UeeJprlrWllVa ewMW e-jeWlr Vj" Vlr i Wyia vyssj aeWW U as. mflfy awrTy aa warliVsa Wl as , arV ewat Aa.rn
' L ' ' 11 1 L i I -y I ' ... 1
i . - ' I M(t.nirlT Ur R. V rhumhljw Mnt. rmlc ura. 1 tt Tl. r TU. If j- n T vtn . ti ah nr Mr I
I .' il'I'I'I. f 1 . 1 III. II . k ill .4 I -.. I . . - , v.. uw. v. m-j . " - . - . I
- Anti-Aoiiexatlonlsti Elated OTsrths Crowd
v .Shioh YUitsdLincohi. , - -
Bl Crowd f tatlvevaltr' Stadeate E
eted Today em Aaaaal Vtalt
ta Iaapeot the Packla
I -
Since the return of the antl-anneation-lata
from Lincoln yesterday they have ap
peared vary jubilant. Mayor Hoctor said
that the special committee of the deles-
tlon whoa bualneas It was to. probe the
sentiment of the legislature had reported to
him that their belief was that no annexa
tion measure would pasa the lower houae,
They did not, however, atate that they
had any poaltlve pledges of this. He said
"I don't believe that we have much to
fear and taat If the Breea tUl is. defeated,
I think t It la likely the other bills will be
poatponad." ' . "
'Threat. , pt boycotting the' business of
those who favored union of the two cities
were renewed yesterday.
It Is not thought advisable nor neceaaary
by the managers of South Omaha annex
atlon.sU to send a large delegation today.
The leglalature U well acquainted with
the situation and It la bellevad that a fair
and unclamoroua presentation of the argu
meats la. favor of the, Immediate merger
will carry more- weight with the dlapaa-
I B a ON avl"v eixca I
I Chocolate Bor:bonsl '
0 I
Always Delicious Pur
Wbolesoms Digestible
Oat Box will tnsk.9
' A Happy Nome t
Every Sealed Package guaranteed
freah and Full WeifM '
Irkasr Sana) mm4 Bmtkrt la) auaaafea)
Mgas tar UitU
Makars of Cocea aad Chocolatae
aionate men of the legialature than the
Cheers ot a sentimental crowd. A aoren
of the kind which ' eharactertees the an-
nexatlonlsU of Soutih Omaha will work
quite ss well, as the big delegation. No
perceptible Influence has affected tnS
crowd- of firm believers In the great good
of a community of Interests with Omaha.
The delegation yeaterday was dlecuaaed as
quite the usual outburst which riaea In a
night in South Omaha and subaidea with
the morning following. Bald one member:
South Omaha Ilkea a hot time. The people
like a good free-for-all and they ought not
to" be deprived of the opportunity. They
will stand it td be beaten out of their eye
teeth by any kind of manipulation If It la
their favored aona who are doing It, but
let a man from Omaha make a fair propo
sition to give. South Omaha the same
chance with the beat that Is In Omaha,
a chance to take part in a great city, to
provide a bettes Are service, better police
protection, more lights, cheaper gaa, the
elimination of telephone tolls, easier street
Improvements, safe publlo contracta, capa
ble ofllcera, opportunities for more, hon
orable political aapirattons, and great
preatlge and advantages with outatde cap
ital, and the aatpe people wil J... accuse the
party , of. graft, robbery and the whole
oStaloguo of crime.", ., '
i .' Park Mtter Delayed.'
With regard to 'the inaction of the city
council and the Park board oh the matter
of the park sites for the city of South
Omaha, the mayor said yeaterday that the
matter - bad been dropped for the time
being on account 6t the' fact that J. H.
Van Duaeti, . one of the members of the
board, was busy -with the Caaaett case in
Omaha, In all probability as soon as that
case Is settled the board will take up the
park sites again. It Is apparent that there
Is some friction , to . be overcome before
tb matter Is settled or the members would
have reached an agreement before this.
' Carltoa Leaves Wife.
.' Frederick D. Carlton,' whd died In Lincoln
Wednesday .night, leavea a wife to mourn
Yini st bis home, 2626 C afreet Carlton
was a watchman for one of the packing
companies, and tk SV day oft to go to
Lincoln, expecting when ho returned to go
to work on t ha 'night shift without going
home at alL 84 when he did not return
his wife thought nothing of It, thinking he
was at work. , She thought nothing of his
abaence, even whea he did not rome home
in the morning. She thought he- had lain
down at the plant, aa he often did after
a buay night, and had gone to sleep. At
o'clock 'yeaterday, morning she received
a long dlatanca call from frlenda In' Lin
coln stating he waa dead aa the result of
aa accident. She left at once for Lincoln
to take charge of her huaband'a body. Mrs.
Carlton Is an expert dreaamaker and haa
piled this trade while her huaband haa done
duty aa watchman.
Hip Dtalovaited B7 Fall.
WlllUim Kdwarda. an employe of the
Cudahy plant, living In Malle addition, fell
at Thlrty-alxth and X atreeta yeaterday
morning and dislocated his hip, due to the
slippery condition of the streeta. He la a
man of middle age and quite heavy. He
waa taken home and It was found that
there waa a fracture of the bone In addition
to the dlalocatlon. It la likely that his
recovery will be slow. He has a family
dependent on him. ,
Stadeata Vtalt Paeklasj Plaata.
Bwlf t and Company ara expecting the
annual visit of the atudenta of the agricul
tural department of the Vniveratty of Ne
braska this morning. Preparatlone have
been mad for the reception of u0 studenta.
Thle visit Is one ot the regular things In
the course of study of the athool and haa
always been an enjoyable affair. The
young men ara always welcomed at the
plant, which makes a special display of all
tae packing fcmiae pruducM. icr, their In-
apectkui. Usually. he state farm consigns
some fine stock Jo be, killed and, placed on
exhibition. . s
Mas;le City
The little son of J. J. GUlin Is very ser
iously ill.
W "E. Perry, 211S- O street, haa been
placed under quarantine for smallpox.,
Albert Newton, 3 South Tweniy-thlrd
atreet, la eufforlrig from ecarlet lever.
John Phllllpot haa come to the city from
hla home in Banner county to visit lus
William Broderlck, one of the well known
men of the city and ex-councllman, la ser
iously 111.
During the month of February there
were forty-ftve births recqrded lb twenty-
nine deatl
William B. Chandler, 1711 Monroe street.
la boasting ot the aafe arrival ot a son
In hla home.
The case of Miss M. Lovelev for dam
ages In the sum of IIO.MO will come to trial
lu trie amuici court oiunaay evening.
Dean A. C. Feck had a successful meet
ing last night at the Ancient Order of
United workmen temple. The meeting will
be continued tonight.
The west end ot the Q street viaduct waa
charged witr, electricity from the trolley
yesterdny and two or three horses got
severe shocks from contact..
A casa of scarlet fever has.develoned In
the home of Frank Holupskl, 22ui W street.
The family oojeciea very lgorouav tn
having the quarantine aign placed on the,
Chief John Biigga haa gone to Plttsbu
wanted here for aaaaulting, his wlfa
Kan.,' to brlna
Intent to kill.
back Frank Moore, who Ts
rlfa with
The aasault took Diana nv.r
a week ago, dui me anair was kept from
tne police una amy me cmec ana the do
tectlve knew the lacta In the case. He la
said to have broken eeveral of hla wife a
riba by hla mows ana left tier tor
Bhe is now slowly recovering.
Mrs. John F. Watreaman ft Hcnor Guest
at Tridtre Ptrties,
' ' sbsaaaaaiaBsaBk
Mr. said Mrs.' Charles Harding ppek
Their New Heme em Thirty
Eighth Aveaae with
High Five Parties.
Mra. John F. Waggaman was honor guest
at a 'bridge- party glven Thursday after
noon by Mies Curtis and Miss Carlta Cur
tis. The guests were; seated at Ave tables
and the prises were won by Mr. W. ,8.
Poppleton and. Mrs. Harry Wllkins. The
consolation prise 'was awarded to Mra.
Luclen StepMena. Thoae present. were Mrs.
John F. Waggaman, Mra Francis Brogan,
Mrs. John L. Kennedy, Mra Marple, Mrs.
Harry Wllkins, Mrs. El H. Bprague, Mrs.
Walter Page, Mrs. Bam Burns, jr., Mrs.
Edwin Bwobe, Mrs. Eva Wallace, Mrs.
Herbert Wheeler, Mrs. W. 8. Poppleton,
Mrs. James Love Paxton, Mlas Daisy
Doane, ' Miss Genevieve Baldwin, Miss
Mable Balcomfce, Mia Ida Sharp,, Mlas
Curtis and Mlas Carlta Curtis.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oulou gave an In
formal bridge party Thursday evening dn
honor of Mra. John F. Waggaman of
dead I "aaningxon, wno w viaiunar -," j
' 1 Doane. The arueata were seated at two
New spring goods are arriving dally, and
as we atlll have too much winter gooda
we decided to make one more big cut to
move a big quantity Saturday. Take ad
vantage ot thla opportunity to lay In your
next winter'a aupply now. Get the benefit
of the balance of thla season, and, besides,
own them for about halt of what they will
cost you early next fall. Fur coats, I7.B0;
duck coats, W centa; men'a heavy panta,
U; good lined glovea, th centa;- 110 over
coats. 16: l-'O winter aulta. t.M. The above
are a few of the many extraordinary bur.
galna you can get Saturday at the Ne
hraaka Shoe ana Clothing Houae. corner
Kth and N streets,. South Omaha.
Patriae of the KraaT Entertalaed by
a Drmt That Splaa a
Loagr Yara.
The Burglar and the Waif which
opened at the Krug laat night, la a comedy
drama, typifying Ufa on the Maine coaat
The play opens with a ship wreck, where
Mlas Marie Young, aa little Captain Polly,
ts waahed ashore. Bhe la picked up by
John Livingstone, a boatman, taken to hla
home and remains there permanently. Her
sister Ethel managea to drift to shore also,
but lands further down the beaoh, and
finally wlnda up In New York CUy. Theae
girls' father. Bandy Hoyt, Is a bad man,
but be Is the Inventor of an artillery gun.
Polly has the plana of the Invention with
her and Ethel has the patent papers.
Polly's rescuer, Li ring-stone, goes ahead
and perfects the gun for the benefit nf
Polly. Ethel masts a burglar tn New York,
who marries bar for the purpose of obtain
ing the pater.t to the gun. 8 ha dlecovera
his dishonorable motivea and flees on a
boat. The ' boat Is wrecked. Polly and
Livingstone sight the wreck and with the
gun Livingstone perfected from Polly'
plans they .shoot a line over the wrecked
boat and rescue Ethel. Livingstone falls
In lova with Ethal, and la about to marry
her, when the burglar shows up and kid
nape her and bears her away to a cave.
Jack disguises and goes to the cave and
reacues her and they are married and live
happily ever aftes. A shooting scrape takes
place at the cava la which the burglar and
Ethel's father are killed. The play will
be repeated tonight and Saturday night
Reception for Mrs. Leheaer.
Complimentary to Mrs. Charles Berger
Lehmer a beautiful reception was given
Thursday afternoon between the hours of
t and t by Mrs. Frank Lehmer. The
houae was profusely decorated with cut
flowers and prettily shaded lights. The
parlor waa In pink carnations, ferns and
pink lighted candles. The library and
dining room were in yellow. Yellow
shaded lights, jonquils, daffodils snd tulips
artistically placed made very handsoms
decorations. Those who asatated were Mrs.
Alfred Millard, Mrs. Richard Carrier, Mrs.
Irving Carrier, Mrs. Fred Engle. Mrs.
C. H. Gardner, Mra E. P. Smith, Mrs. H.
HoeU Mrs. Arthur Chase. Mrs. Henry
Jaynes, Mra. George Fisher, Mlas Grace
Conant, Mlas Ethel Cqtiant, Mlsa Mabel
Alliaon. Mias Sophie Shirley, Mlas Ida
Smith. Mlas Gertrude Patterson and Miss
Jaaale Nason.
Mra George Parker entertained the Cen
tral Whist club Thursday afternoon, when
the prises were won by Mra Falkner and
Mrs. W. C. Fenwick. Those present were
Let the diet consist of fooda
that are nutritious.
is made by a physician and chem
ist and leader of the world in
pure food products. Its daily
use helps to regulate the bowels.
, . to cents a package.
Far al by all Croters ' u
Mrs. R. V. Chumbley; Mrt.' Drake, Mi
C. A. Grlmmel. Mrs; -Baker, Mrs. W.. H.
Ahmanson, Mrs. Falkner, Mrs.' Rich,. Mrs.
Voaw, Mrs. Beaton, Mrs. W. C. Fenwick,
Mrs. Reed and Mies Blanche Parker. The
next meeting will be In two weeks, at the
home of Mrs. Reed. '
Hardlnara Opts tfew Homo'.
Mr. and . Mrs. Charles Harding' opened
their beautiful new. horns at 12a South
Thirty-eighth avenue, Thursday aflernoou
and evening at two large high five parties.
The rooms, so beautiful In themselves,
needed no further adornment, but quanti
ties of spring flowers were used, which
lent their fragrance) and charm on theae
two delightful occasions. The flowers most
In evidence were tulips, daffodils, Ullles of
the -valley, aunflowers and hyacinths.
Numerous palms were also in evidence.
During the card games' Mrs. Swanson
played the harp tn the music room. Three
hundred Invitations were' Issued for the
two parties. '
Misa Anna Humpert of 2219 South FK
teeentb street was hostess Thursday even
ing for members of the Jewel Hlglj. Five
club. Three tables were used and ten
games played. The prises were won by
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Plattl and the consola
tion prises wers awarded to Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Humpert. The prises were burnt
wood panels of Dutch children snd were
especially appreciated, aa they were done
by .the hostess. Those present wers Mr.
and Mrs. James Brawley, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Humpert. Mr. snd Mrs. L. J. Plattl.
Miss May Wear, Miss Anna Humpert, Mr.
Allle Moore, Mr.. John Wear, Mr. Anton
Btelnhofer and Mr. George Wactler. The
next meeting will be entertained Thursday
by Mr. Anton Btelnhofer and Mr. Geerge
Wactler at the home of Mr. and Mra L.
J, Plattl, 1611 Sherman avenue.
Minor Events Past. (
Mlas Agnes Horwlck gave a theater party
Wednesday evening at the Burwood in
honor of her guest. Miss Mary Berlwlck, of
Des Moines, la.
Mrs. Louise Muser was hostess Thursday
at luncheon, followed by a box party at
the Burwood. The luncheon table bad
decorations of red roses and red-shaded
lights. Covers were laid for six.
Miss Pearl Rockfellow -entertained at
cards Wednesday evening, followed by a I
chaffing diah supper. Her guests were Mrs. I
M. Borglum of New York, Mrs. Flfleld ot
Janesville, Wis.; Mlas Louisa Shaddock,
Mlas Theodora Borglum, Mlaa Holen Bran-
dels, Misa Nells Fay, Mias Kathryn Hant
ing, Mlas May Hantlng and Mlas Rock
fellow. Mrs. Thomas Brown was hoateaa Thura
day at the meeting of the Walnut Hill
Luncheon club. The table was dainty with
the early spring flowers. The next meet
ing will be entertained at the home of
Mrs. Deaaler, on Harney atreet. '
Mlaa Minnie Meyer and Miss Myrtle
Moses wers hostesses at the meeting of
the A. O. T. Bowling elub Thursday after
noon, when the prices were won by Mias
Hasel Cahn, Miss Jennie Klein, Miss
Blanche JSpieaberger and Mlas Stella
Brandels. The visitors' prises were
awarded to Mias Gladya Sloman snd Mlaa
Etta Hadra. There were eighteen present.
Evearta to Bo.
Miss Mayme Hutchinson will entertain
forty women of the P. E. O. sisterhood
on Saturday afternoon at ber home, mtet
North Twenty-third street.
Mlas Jeanne Wakefield will give a bridge
party Wedneaday afternoon in honor of
her guest, Mra Frank Wllllard Brown ot
Portland. Ora. '. .
' Poraanal or Partly to.
Mrs. Charles F..Mack and daughter, Mlas
Marlon, have gone (or an extended vlalt to
Oalveaton. Tex. , . "
Mr. E. H. Hemming announces the en
gagement of bis daughter, Mlas Vers lone,
to Mr. Walter G. Lyman, son of Mr,
Dwight G. Lyman of this city. The wed
ding will take place in May.
Mlaa Mary Berlwlck of Des Moines, la..
Is the guest of Miss Agnes Horwlck.
Miss Caroline .Waterman, daughter , of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waterman, and Mr.
Jessie Thomas will be married March 7 at
the home of the bride's parents. It Is to'
be a very quiet wedding, with no attend
ants. ,
Law to muzzle the dogs
Ordinance Contemplating; Protection
from Hablea Will Be Introdneed
hy Sheldon.
Councilmsn Sheldon next Tuesday eveti
ing will Introduce an ordinance requiring
that all v doge running at large in Omaha
be muszled. '
Sheldon asys there has been In Omaha for
some months an eptdemio of rabies among
dogs, and it Is believed the only way to
control the situation Is to musxle the dogs,
especially during the spring snd summer
months. The Sheldon ordinance probably
will stipulate a period of six months, or
the council may decide on the remaining
months of 1M7. .
One of the serious phases of the situa
tion Is that horaes and cows are being bit
ten by rabid dog. One man died in a
hospital a month ago from the same cautet
Veterinarians say dogs usually recover
from any signs of rabies . with cold
weather, but the disease seems to have
been communicated during the winter to a
large extent by dogs biting other dogs
and noraes and cows.
Dr. W. C. Langdon Friday morning- said
be killed thirty rabid dogs in Omaha since
"dog days." Thursday Dr. Langdon etiet' a
horse owned by the Lucas Coal company
on Sherman avenue, and the day before
killed a horse In the barn of Duehraera aV
Co., 8030 Sherman avenue. Two eowa suf
fering with rabies were shot on Ames ave
nue a. week ago. Other cases of affected
horses In the north pari of the city have
been reported.
Mlnneapolia, St Paul and Chicago have
such ordinances as it la propoaed to pass
In Omaha. About three years ago a move
waa mads In Omaha, to mussle all dogs. '
but the Humane society Interposed. . '. .
Dr. Langdon Friday mornlnr aald:
"As a veterinarian; who' has been in
touch with the situation I would urge that
the , city council paaa the proposed - ordi
nance with an emergency clause, as the ,
matter ts Important, and the quicker soma
action is taken the better It will be for the
dogs and their owners."
. .
Now Is the time to make your wants
known through The Bee Want Ad page.
Peter Hasten, Fonnd Dead ,by las,
Supposedly Craned with .
. Orltt to Wife.
Hanging dead by a window cord at an
early hour Friday morning the body of Peter
Hansen, 1521 Berry avenue, ' "South Omaha,
was found by Hans Hensen, a son. .Peter
Hansen had boon aTrealdent of the city for
several years, , a laborer In the packing
houaes. .The eon and. father 'had been
caring for the wife of ' the deceased, who
Is critically ' 111 from an attack of pnsu-
mania. Ths father left the- house at 1:80
a. tn.,' ostensibly to yislt the 'bam.'' which
stands In-the rear of tho house, .After
halt an hour's absence the sen took alarm
and went out to see what had become of
his. father. He found him hanging In tha
Stable, or, more properly, a woodshed.
The man had faatened the auah cord
around hla neck, tied - the other end to a
rafter and then kicked -away the' support
,on .which he stood. When, found he waa
dead, though the son cut him down aa
quickly aa he could. No efforts could re
vive him. A doctor was summoned, but
could offer no assistance. ' .
The body waa found at 3 a. "m.' The son
was of opinion it was the serious lllneaa
ot his mother, whWh caused his father to
become despondent and end bis lite.
: The body waa taken to the Brewer under
taking parlors, where an Inquest will be
held 8aturday. Ths knowledge of tho
death of her husband has been kept from
Mrs. Hansen,' whose critical condition for
bade tho great shock. The son ts ,20 or
a years of age. -
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Its forty years of successful service in the treatment of blood and skia dis-
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herbs and barks. It is, therefore, in addition to being a certain cure for
blood troubles, an absolutely ea'e medicine for voung or old. : It U not n
experiment to uae S. S. S. ; it is a remedy with a record and one that has
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remedy begin the use of S. S. S., and write our physicians and ty will send
you a book concerning your trouble, and will give you, .without marge, any
medical advice. TllZ SWIFT SPCCIHQ CO., ATIAMTA, CA,