Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1907, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Hires Vote fer tod Three AeJnrt the Bhip
Subsidy BilL
arkett latradaeee la Reaate tke
Resolatloa for aa lavestlaratioa
of Eiprna Conpuln la
Fralt Baslaeas.
' (From a Staff Corespondent.)
WASHINGTON, March l.-Speelal Tele
gram.) The fight on the ship subsidy bill
Uxlar again showed the strength of organ
isation as against those who are not el
waa tied down to the hard and fast te
nets of party- It looked for all the world
more like a town meeting than It did like
the national house of representatives be
cause so many and so vitally conflicting
interests got together agalnat the mall
subvention bill which II really nhould be
called rather than the ship subsidy bill.
During the perfection of the bill In com
mittee of the whole nearly all the delega
tion from Nebraska voted to strike out of
the bill the ateamshlp lines running from
Padflo ports to the orient. This was a di
rect slap t the Hill and Harriman Inter
ests. The Nebraska delegation was not
by any means alone In opposition to the
lines when both San Francisco and Port
Townaend, but also representatives , from
tbe whole middle weat Joined with the Ne
braakans to knock out thla feature of the
bjll. Mr. Pollard, however, having been
successful In writing Into- the bill a line of
steamships from the 3ulf of Mexico to
Argentina voted with the republican lead
ers. On the Hnal vote the delegation Bpllt
evenly, Hlnshaw. McCarthy and Klnkald
voting against the measure, while Norrta,
Kennedy and Pollard voted for the bill.
The Iowa delegation, with the single ex
ception of Birdaall, also voted for tha
measure, which was beaten at one time by
several votes, but which everttually by
adroitness and clever manipulation was
passed by ten majority.
Manser roaflrated as Jnda-e.
The .nomination of T. C. Munger
additional Judge for the federalNdistrlct of
Nebraska was confirmed this afternoon by
the senate. At the session of the Judiciary
committee this morning Mr. Munger's name
was favorably reported upon. Senator
Burkett saw In the confirmation ' of Mr.
Munger a personal triumph, for It was by
hard and consistent work that he was abla
to overcome what was ( undoubtedly a
strong sentiment against Mr. Munger's
selection for so important a place upon the
federal court bench.
Express Compear Resolatloa.
' Representative Kennedy, realising that
it would be Impossible to get a favorable
report from the house committee on In
terstate commerce on his resolution to In
vestigate the charges that the express com
panies are taking advantage of an omis
sion In the rate law of last winter and
are engaging In business other than that
Of common carriers, asked Senator Burkett
to introduce the resolution, which he did
today. Senator Burkett called up the
resolution, but objection was made by Sen
ator Kean, of New Jersey and the resolu
tion went over until tomorrow.
Even though the resolution does not pass
at the . present session of congress, the
foundation Is laid for an investigation at
the next session of congress.
' Elliott Matter Settled.
-.The South Dakota senators have reached
an' agreement concerning the nomination
of J. D. Elliott to be United States at
- torney for the district of South Dakota.
. The nomination was reported adversely
from the committee on Judictary because
of the opposition of Senator Klttredge,
but Jie has agreed not the press the ad
verse report to the point of having the
nomination rejected If assurance is givon
that President Roosevelt wllL not give
Mr. Elliott a recess ' appointment after
March 4. That assurance has been given.
The appointment was made at the request
of Senator Gamble, J
liovlaa- Cap for Laeey.
Representative Lacey (la.), chairman of
the house committee on public lands, who
will retire from congress on March 4,
was presented today with a handsome
silver loving cup by the members of his
committee. .
Minor Matters at Capital.
Postmasters appointed: Iowa Ira, Jasper
county, Howard R. Larimer, vice H. A
Jeffreys, resigned. . South Dakota Mi
randa, Faulk county, A. a. Flndis, vice
Parents Applied to Hospitals and
; . Doctors but Could Get No Re
liefGrew Worse Under Doctor's
Prescription Friends Recom-
mendea Cutlcura Result
"We tipitm to you herewith our beat
thanks (or tha cure of our baby from
ecaema. The ecsema appeared when
. the child was three months old. We
applied to several doctor and hospitals,
each of which gava us something differ-
cnt every time, bet nothing brought re
lief. A physician lecqmmended a salve
which we threw into the fire after two
' ' days' use a the ecsema became worst
eo that the baby scratched hie face. At
' i last, one of our friends recommended to
: its Cyticurs, Soap and Cuticura Oint
. merit. A few days afterwards improve
ment could be noted. Since then we
Lav used nothing but Cuticura Soap
ana Cuticura Ointment, and now the
baby is six months old and is quite cured.
U that we used was one cake of Cuti-
- cure Soap and two boxes Cuticura Oint
ment, costing in all 11. 24. Even the
poorest man can pay that instead of
throwing it into tLe doctor's lap. I
myself only make twelve dollars a week
as a teamster, but I recommend the
Cuticura Remedies strongly to all moth
ers whose children suffer from such dis
eases. They are cheap, harmless and
rood. C. F. Kara and Wife, IU East
fcih Stmt, New York, March 30, 1000."
IL J. Kimball, realgned.- Wyoming Look
out, Henry H. . Horton, vice O. B. Fred
erick, resigned.
Representative Kennedy has been ad
vised by the pension bureau that pensions
at $10 each have been Issued to John I
Hobbs and Edward Morris of Omaha.
Rural carriers appointed: Iowa Luana,
route J: Harvey R. Roderick, earner;
Harry M. Bklpwortb. substitute. South
Dakota Wesalngton Springs, route 1; Ar
thur V. Hall, carrier; Henfy McElwaln,
(Continued from First Page.)
He said he wanted to see If "It was a ques
tion of geography."
An amendment by Mr. 8ulsr requiring
ahlpa to stop at Mexican Pacific ports.
which developed the fact that several mem
bers of the' house do not know the names
of Mexican ports, wss next offered. By
this time Interest In the bill was Intense.
The gallerlea were crowded and the lead
ers on both sides of the chamber were
rallying their forces for the final battle.
It was near I o'clock and there was still
pending Mr. Fordney's amendment sub
stituting a tonnage tax measure. The ad
vocates of the littauer substitute did not
desire to vote on that proposition and they
began to filibuster by forcing a vote on
the Bulser - amendment,' which was over
whelmingly . defeated.
Tellers were demanded by Mr. Littauer
to . kill tliae, notwithstanding the chorus
of "noes'' that went up from the demo
crats. When the count was finally taken
there was found to be only one vote for
the provision. The vote was slow in the
extreme and the democrats became highly
Indignant., Mr. Sulser rose to have the
vote by tellers abandoned, but Mr. Cur
rier of New Hampshire, In the chair
held that the vote could not be interrupted,
and the farce was continued until 3 o'clock
arrived, when the regular order was demanded.
' BUT Reported to Haste,
The bill was then reported from the com
mittee of the whole to the .house, and
much to the chagrin of tha supporters of
the Uttauer bill. Speaker Cannon held that
there must still be a vote on the Fordney
substitute. The result was unfavorable to
that measure and a ballot on the Uttauer
bill was Immediately announced.
Tbe ayes and nays were ordered and the
vote, as announced showed the bill de
feated, ayes 164, nays 161.
Mr. Littauer moved to reconsider. Mr.
Williams of Mississippi, tbe minority leader,
moved to lay the motion , on the ' table.
Then the republican leaders determined to
undo the former action and pass the bill
If possible. The motion to lay on the
table was defeated, 156 to 169; . The repub
licans won a victory in the very - jaws
of defeat '
Again the ayes and nays were called,
this time on the motion of Mr. Uttauer to
reconsider the first vote, and the house
decided to reconsider by a vote of 164 to
Mr. Littauer then moved that the substi
tute to the senate bill be agreed to and the
substitute was adopted, 162 ayes, ISO nays.
The third reading of the bill was author
ised 161, nays 161, and then on Its final
passage there were ayes 15S, nays 144. Mr.
Williams realised that It would be useless
to continue to contest and the motion to
reconsider and the motion to lay on the
table were perfunctorily agreed to .
Soak the hands on retiring, in a hot.
Creamy lather of Cuticura Soap. Dry
- and anoint freely with Cutioura Oint
ment, and in severe cases spread the
Ointment on thin pieces of old linen or
' cotton. Wear during: the night old,
loose, kid cloves, with the finger ends
' rut off end holes cut in the palms, or
light bandage of old cotton.
CwmUm Inml 4 ton ml T- il i t tar Oirr
1 1ftaMwrf ChbdrtK, 14 A4uii. cuu of I
e- i .) CIHI CU Uk, Cwlcan OUHB-at
m- ti Sim. h4 tttucw ruta r'i 11,11,1,
a.tnaii, rwrttj u imi
Si. r, a- a. TtM I . Krmtms ,Sl
Denatared 'Aleokol Bill Passed' aad
Conference Reports Agreed To. .
.WASHINGTON. March 1. The .dena
tured alcohol bill passed, the senate today
by a vote of 15 to 1. Senator Pettus of
Alabama cast the negative vote. . This
action was taken after the committee
amendment, requiring the presence of a
government storekeeper whenever alcohol
Is being manufactured, had been defeated
by a vote of 4T to 1. The bill as passed
contains a senate amendment permitting
rum to be denatured. Consequently the
measure must be returned to the house
for action. The bill Is intended to make
it possible for farmers to establish stills
of limited capacity for the manufacture
of alcohol to be denatured. -
Senator AJdrlch made a brief answer to
the arguments which were advanced yes
terday against the committee amendment
requiring the presence of a storekeeper
during the process of manufacturing alco
hol. He said opportunities for fraud on
the revenues, unless such a safeguard was
provided, were, numberless. The commis
sioner of Internal revenue, he contended,
would have authority without the amend
ment to require the presence of an agent
during the process of manufacture and It
was bis belief that this would be done
whether the amendment was adopted or
not. A roll call was. demanded on. the
amendment resulting In Its defeat by a vote
of 47 to IT
The amendment of Senator Daniel post
poning the operation of the law until Jan
uary 1, next, was also defeated, after which
the bill was passed by a vote of 66 to 1.
Conference reports on the ' agricultural.
sundry civil, naval and poitofflce approp
riation bills were agreed to. , 1
A bill was passed granting a pension of
ISO a month to the widow of the late
general Joseph R. Hawley.
The conference resort on the postofllce
appropriation bill was reported to the
senate today and adopted. The more Im
portant senate amendments which were
retained ' were, classifying clerks in nrst
and second class postoAVes and fixing a
scale of salaries ranging from (00 to
$1,200; authorising contracts in the sum
of 1,J8,73 for pneumatic tubes In
Brooklyn, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Kansas
City,. Pittsburg and San Franclcso; In
creasing the pay of rural carriers to $000
a year.
The senate receded on Its amendment re
quiring the use of the divisor seven Iq de
terminating the average daily weight cf
mails carried by the railroads, .The sen
ate also receded on' its amendment au
thorising newspapers to carry return
coupons as a' part of advertisements.
Froslaeat Mes with ' Iha'w aad
Hltcaeaek for Last lime.
WASHINGTON. March t Today's cabi
net meeting was in the nature of a farewell
to two of Its members who, on next Mon
day wijl retire to private life, they being
Secretary of tbe Treasury Shaw and Secre
tary of the Interior Hitchcock. The for
mer will be succeeded by Postmaster Cor
t el you and the latter by Commlasloner of
Corporations Garfield. This was the last
meeting of the cabinet as at present con
stituted. Another addition will be former
ambassador to Russia Qeorga von L.
Meyer, who succeeds to the postmaster
generalship, ..
With the retirement of Secretary Hitch
cock. Secretary Wilson of the Department
Of Agriculture will be the only member of
the lata President McKlnley'e cabinet who
has remained consecutively In that of the
present chief executive. Secretary of State
Root was a member of President Mo Kin
ley's cabinet, but ha retired January L
1S04, alter having served over two years In
Mr. Roosevelt's first cabinet.
Your money
back if you
want il-
but you wont
All goods
marked in
riain figures
lowest prices
(Tormerly Peoples rornltnrs aad Carpet Co.) Established 1887.
t tl H T7 a a Is extended to the public of Omaha and vicinity
to call and inspect our
AND CHILDREN. We are offerincr uneaualed assortments in this sea-
son's latest eastern productions- at prices within the reach of all our polite salespersons will be pleased to show you through, whether you purchase or not
and advise you regarding the new spring styes. We offer you unlimited credit in both departments. Take advantage of it, it costs you nothing.
r i Ladies New Spring Suits,
For our early showing we have , on display many new and
exclusive 'models In ladles' tailor-made suits colors black, blue,
brown, tan and fancy mixtures. Including checks and the popu
lar stripem, They are made in coat, eton and pony models
you'll like them prices range from
f 13.75, $15.00, $17.50, $20.00, $22.50 and up to $65.00.
Lingerie Millinery Skirts
In these departments we have already quite an elaborate
showing exhibiting this season's latest and newest ideas. Any
doubt existing in any lady's mind regarding what will be worn
In waists separate .skirts and millinery will soon vanish after
Inspecting what we are showing.
Special for Saturday Only
Ladies' ia.SO Walking Skirts,
This lot of skirts was bought expressly for this sale they are
made of fine quality chiffon panama come In black f Q
only and made In this spring's latest style skirts Zf O
are pleated and trimmed with taffeta silk bands S n.
well tailored and hang beautifully a regular Jf
$12.60 value, special for Saturday only, at
All alterations free of charge.
Final Clearance of Winter Coats
This week must see the finish of what few winter coats we
still have on hand we can't show quality or values on paper
you must see them and Judge yourself what wonderful values we
are offering we must dispose of these coats within ths next
few days in order to make room for new spring goods and we
positively will not carry a single coat over. Profits on these
coats are a thing of the past, they are new selling much lees
than cost.. Ask to see what we are sbowihg at
$10, $7.50 and $5
In Our Men's Clothing Section
We Are Ready
ar -
To show you our spring stock of ready-to-wear
"clothes for Men and Boys. We are displaying
prettier goods than ever every garment we sell
is guaranteed by us and the maker all goods are
strictly hand tailored throughout. We are sole
-.agents for Kuh Nathan & Fisher's celebrated
"Sincerity Clothes" you know what they , are,
they speak for themselves prices range from
$7.50 to 25 v
Many styles and patterns to choose from.
Boys' and Children's Suits
in new spring effects carrying out all the latest Ideas
many handsome patterns and designs for your approval this
v.b.v ........ , uu rim., KomnK Dinger eacn season.
men range II
rom $2.50 to $5.50.
New Furnishings for Spring
We carry large assortments of hats .shirts, underwear, hosi
ery, neckwear, collars, cuffs, etc. Also shoes for both mn n1
Fopular prices prevail. Have everything charged nn
an easy way to shop.
one bill.
Manufacturer's Samples
At One-quarter to Oie-hlf Leu Tha.n Regular Prices. Don't Fail to Come Early. Very Easy Terms.
(Exactly like cut.)
Made of solid oak,
have five roomy
drawers and bevel
mirrors, are neatly
carved and the cabl-.
net work la of the
flnest quality ,
March sale price
8.75 :
Terms: $1.00 Cash,
$2.00 Monthly.
Specials .
Extension Tables,
$12.50 values
March sale price
.Dining Room Chairs
$1.25 values
March sale price 1
700 .....
China Closets, $25
valuer March sale
price ....$10.75
Buffets. $$7.50 val
ues March ' sale
Pric $10.75
The Peoples Store
Rocker ,
EiaeUy like
cut. Solid oak
highly pol
ished March
tale price
Terms: 50c cash;
' $2.00 monthly.
Parlor Suits, three
pieces, $22.50
March sale price
Dressing- Tables.
$20.00 values
March sale price
Iron Beda $5.00.
values March. .
price ...... 83.75
Bookcase, $18.00
values March- sale
price $12.50
Oak Dresser
(Exactly like cut)
Made of solid oak.
highly polished,
large roomy drawers
. French beveled
mirror o f oblong 1
'shape, trimmings
tra solid brass,
guaranteed work
manshipMarch sale price . ,
Terms i 91.00 Cash)
ta.00 Monthly.
-1- TTli
A. Cleveland of Alabama and Traugrett P.
Keller of New .York as second lieutenants
In the army is provided for in a bill passed
by the houae laat night. They were dis
missed from the military academy for in
subordination in 1301, but, according to the
committee report accompanying the bill,
their subsequent career has been especially
praiseworthy and their parents urged that
the young men be set right by congress.
Nonataatloas by President.
WASHINGTON, March l.-rThe president
today sent the following nominations to
the senate:
Register of Land Office at Burn's. Ore.
William Farre. .
Poatmasters: Kansas L. ,-H. fihpup,
Clmarro; J. K. Cochran. Pratt; John Oil
man, Madison; T. U Hogue, Olathe; U
Ballou, Tonganixle; It. D. Rodger, Syra
cuse. Mlaaour iW. W Wagner, Jefferson
City. Nebraska W. Cook. Hebron; W. T.
Mauck, Wahooi J. F. Grlfflth, Pawnee
City; J. F. Nfsblt. Tekamah. South Da
kota J. D. Reich, Scotland; H. L. Bras,
MltcheU. Iowsf-C. M. Hoyt, Fayette.
Geaeral Jjocelra Retired.
WASHINGTON, (March 1. Brigadier Gen
eral S. P. Jocelym commanding the De
partment of the Columbia with headquar
ters at Vancouver Barracks, Wash., was
today transferred to the retired list of the
army on account of age. The vacancy thus
created in ths list of brigadier generals
will be filled by- the promotion of Colonel
Charles B. Hall, Eighteenth Infantry, In
charge of the Infantry and cavalry school
at Fort Leavenworth. Kan.
rraaer Cadets Favored.
WASHINGTON. March l.-The appoint
ment of B. a MeuaSay ef Texas, John
Aadover Qradaates Meet.
WASHINGTON. March 1 -The annual
meeting of the Washington Alumni asso
ciation of Andover academy was presided
over by Sir Chentung Liang Cheng, Chi
nese mlnlater to the United States, who
was elected president of the association.
The meeting which was held last night was
addressed by Ephralm Adams of Waterloo,
la., of the clasa of 1883.
Herrntaaa Trial Postponed.
WASHINGTON, March 1. The trial
of representative Blnger Herrmann of
Oregon charged with the destruction of
public records while commissioner of the
general land office was today postponed
until next Monday.
Survey of Saltoa Sea.
TUCBON, Arli., March 1. An exploration
rarty, headed by Da Donald E. MacDon
aid, dtrectorof the Carnegie desert labora
tory at Tucaon. returned yesterday after
an extended survey of the Ballon ana. The
area Is estimated at 70U square miles.
Although tha inflow from the Colorado
river has been stopped, tha level Is main
tained by seepage from the New and
Alamo rivers. Dr. ManDougal predicts
that this level will not fall Afty inches this
year. t
Side Headache
brain-fag, dull head pain, whether
l caused by overwork, biliousness,
constipation or stomach disorders,
yield quickly to the wonderful
curative properties of
Pills ,
Bold aWsrywhsra. la boxes Its. aad He.
District Attorney Jsrcms Fpendi Pay
CroM-Extmininf Di Evana
Pai4laJlr Saoceaafal Attempt fo Hake
Witness Adult Prlsoaer May
Have laearable Form of
NEW YORK. March i. The Insanity of
adolescence, paranoia and "brain storms"
occupied both sessions of the Thaw trial
today, and when adjournment until Monday
morning was ordered Dr. Brlttln D. Evans,
one of tha alienists for the defense, wss
still under cross-examination.
District Attorney Jerome's course In ques
tioning the witness was somewhat baffling.
He seemed desirous to have Dr. Evans ad
mit that Thaw Buffered from paranoia,
which is practically incurable. Then again
he brought from the witness the opinion
that when Thaw armed himself he well
knew that a revolver was en Instrument
for set (-protection and wheri fired Into a
human body might produce death, Finally
the prosecutor wanted to . know if the
actions of a person suffering from a brain
storm, or mental explosion, would be char
acterised by the calm, deliberate, manner
which Thaw displayed the night he shot
Stanford White to death on the Madison
Square roof garden.'
The net result appeared to be that Mr.
Jerome Is still laying tbe foundation on
which he may aak for a commission In
lunscy to judge of the present mental con
dition of the defendant. Even to the ex
tent of greatly fatiguing the judge, and
jury, ths district attorney dwelt on . ths
subject of adolescent insanity and para
noia, endeavoring to establish a relation
ship between the two and being at last
rewarded by Dr. Evans admitting that the
defendant's will and codicil did suggest to
his mind a paranoias form of adolescent
Insanity. Adolescent Insanity, it has been
explained, is common In persons during
the development period of life from 10 to
yeara, while paranoia Is a fixed Insanity
on one subject, monomania. . ,
J a da Is Fatlaraed.
Justice Fitsgerald Indicated his fatigue
at the three-days cross-examination of the
expert when Mr. Jerome began to question
Dr. Evans about his knowledge of other
Instances of adolescent Insanity which bad
resulted in acts of homicide. Tbe alienist
said there was a. woman In his hospital
for the Insane at Morrta Plains, N. J.,
who. In the midst of a brain storm, or
mental explosion, had killed two of her
children. "'
After . a number of questions by Mr.
Jerome, objection waa mads by Mr. Delmaa
to this line of examination. Mr. Jerome
answered that "we are just getting to the
point of this thing." '
This brought out a weary remark from
the Judge to the effect that "we have ben
mighty long time getting there."
Mr. Jerome disclaimed responsibility for
the tedious cross examination, suggesting
the blame was with the evasive answers of
the expert.
"I am not saying whose fault It la" said
Justice Fitzgerald, "but I repeat, we have
been a long time getting to the point."
Witness Refuses to Answer.
The district attorney and the Judge had
another wordy conflict near the end of the
day when Mr. Jerome' asked Dr. Evans to
give his opinion of Dr. Allan McLane Ham
ilton, who Is to be called In rebuttal by the
state and who is reported to have said
that' he believed Harry Thaw to be suf
fering from form of Insanity which could
not possibly have been eradicated by this
"I refuse to answer," replied the witness.
Mr. ' Jerome argued the point and cited
a part of the record In the Preusser case at
Albany, where the presiding Judge had
allowed one expert , to give an opinion of
"Now you will direct the witness to
answer?" suggested Mr. Jerome, Inquir
ingly of 4he Justice.
"I will not," responded Justice Fits
gerald. He added that he would not rule finally
on the point until he hau read the entire
record . of the Preusser trial. As Mr.
Jerome said the ruling would cover the
last questions of his examination, the ad
journment until Monday was ordered. Dr.
Evans will again be on the stand.
Dr. Evans declared today that Thaw
showed a degree of adolescent Insanity
when he wrote the letters In 1903 after
Evelyn Nesbit had told him of her alleged
wrongs at the hands of Stanford White.
The delusions apparent In tne letters were
more concentrated in the will and codicil
executed April 4, 1905, and when taken by
themselves Indicated a paranoiac feature of
the Insanity. On June 25, 1906, when Thaw
shot and killed Stanford White, Dr. Evans
said the defendant was suffering from an
explosive outburst of adolescent insanity.
' Mr. Jerome tried to make the witness
admit that a person Insane from UOS to 1906
suffered from a chronic form of mental
disorder, but Dr. Evens Insisted that ths
evidence merely showed acute outbursts
and not a chronic state.
I'nasnal Acts of Prlsoaer.
Now that Evelyn Nesbit Thaw Is no
longer upon the stand and the center of
all interest, the prisoner is attracting more
and more attention. He gave out no addi
tional statements today, but created al
most as great a aensatlon as on yester
day when he lasued his attack upon the
"unprofessional" methods of the district
attorney. Through bis' counsel Thaw ob
tained permission to absent himself from
tha roem. When he got Into the prisoners'
pen Thaw threw off his hat, brought his
heels together and began violently to go
thorough a five minutes' drill at "setting
up" exercises. When he had finished
Thaw announced that he was ready to re
turn to the court room, declaring he felt
he had been compelled to take the' exer
cise. '
Mr. Jerome late was Informed of the de
fendant's conduct and made notes upon it.
Thaw again brought to court today sev
eral large packages of letters, which he
read wlthavtdity and mads pencil, notes
upon each. He took apparently no inter
est In the fencing between the district at
torney and the alienist.
When the Thaw trial opened this
morning District Attorney Jerome an.
nouneed that there had been ' received
a second packet of letters from - I
D. Lyons, ths Pittsburg barker, who untU
November last had custody of Thaw's will.
The letters received today were written to
Mr. Lyon by Thaw while In the Tombs
and all bear dates subsequent to June's
last. Mr. Lyons first sent on only letters
written prior to the roof garden tragedy.
Mr. Jerome was very anxious to havs
the latter letters and they were ; sent by
consent of 'Thaw's attorneys. The letters
are held subject to the court's orders.
Freaks of the Kartaonake.
Since the disastrous earthquake In- San
Francisco on April 18 last ' stories have
been appearing from time to time telling
of queer freaks of the upheaval. Only last
week It was discovered that the wells In
the courtyard of the United States mint
had been transformed from pump wells to
artesian by the big disturbance. This was
learned when the pump was taken out for
repairs, the courtyard being flooded within
a short time. The wells were bored many
years ago and are about 175 feet deep.
There was apparently a subterranean con.
neotlon between them, for the pumping of
water from one lowered the water In the
other. Normally, the water was within
thirty feet of the surface, and that wns
the condition when the pump was taken
out last March. Last week, for the first
time since March. 1906, the pumps were
again removed, when it was discovered
that the water flowed freely without me
chanical aid.
' See special ad No. 12 Page Five.
I 0TO1S for.CU.EN'
..... ,' . ,,.
l 4
'V -in
. ' ' ' '
AJkl.A - j
A "-
The Reliable Specialist
est F.lethodG off Cure
: ' ?
iWi have devoted years of study to the best methods of coring diseases
and weaknesses of men, spending thousands of dollars in researches, evolving
a system of treatment which ia a aafe cure for akin, nervoua and blool dis
eases and weaknesses of men. We treat each case according to Jts special
requlrembents, and thousands today Join in thanking us for the new lease of
life our skill and ability has opened up for litem. Come to us and we will
spare you the penaltlea associated with diseases, weaknesses, etc.
The State Medical Institute is established for the benefit of sufferlrg
men; for the purpose of curing the terrible diseases and blighting weaknesses
that destroy men's mental and physical powers and make them unfit for
work, bualnesss or study, and deprive them of the duties and pleasures of lite.
If you wish to be saved and restored to health and strength.. with iiK-nial and
physical powers complete, come to ths men's true spclallsts and Hum your
true condition. Get the right treatment first and be safely and thoroughly
i im. Are YOU one of the many thousand of ailing and wretched A
i MEN. and do you wish to be curedT Many bring on themselves i
a the horrors or a lire-long oiseaae ty neglect or Ignorance. 1 hou-
sanda and thousands of man are prematurely old and diseased through over
work, overstudy. dissipation, etc, which aap the very foundation of life, du
atroy their health and strength, leaving them a mental and physical wreck.
Not knowing where to apply for a cure, many of the sufferers sllentl suffer
on loaded with disease, remorse snd hurnllltation, going from bad to worn, or
they experiment with too many "Free Treat men" and "Quick Cure" methods.
We treat men only, and cure promptly, safely and thor
SPECIAL diseases and their complications.
(rei ConiultitloB tod Exinlutlai STS? fSE?: U&2?S2!
1303 Farnam St., Between 13th and 14th. Sts., Omaha) Neh.