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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1907)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1907. V. TL Douglas fllA lushes All Iepertmnt. . ' Bee. March 1, II 07. Our First Great Clearing Salo Saturday of Colored Dress Goods Remnants in Base ment Dress Goods Department - " Quantities of Colored Dress Goods remnants from this department for a big, quick Clear ing Sale Saturday. Not just anything and everything, but our standard of quality, and the biggest dollar's worth of choice dress goods next Saturday you ever bought in Omaha. A Clearing Sale that you cannot afford to pass. Do ybu want children's or misses' school dresses, perhaps material for a separate skirt or house dress, and there will be many pat terns that will make you $ handsome New Spring gown. The .saving will be very large. Hundreds to choose from not advertised. Read each item below carefully. Note, the sweep ing reductions. . On Sale Saturday, 9 ft. m. Novelty Check Panama 6-ln. derk tan mix. regular $1.26 quality, Mi yds. In remftdnt, for $2.09. - WUfTen Silk Lustre Brllltnntine In dark rich brown. In the new shadow check; regular 11.00 quality, 6 yds. (or t . . ' 1 Novelty Navy Panama-7 yds. In remnant for 11.06. all wool. Mixes Orey Suiting 6 yda. In rem nant, fof New- Qry - Novel ty--ln., r-ular $1.25 quality, one of the new Spring ' eolors, 4 yds. for $1.9. thadow Check Batlste-M-ln.,' In thr dark - rich hello, regular $1.50 quality, yards fof $2M. New Ore? Check PanamaThe new light ahade of gray, in "email, dainty check. 9H yd, for IJ.89. Wool Taffeta Batiste 6.-ln., medium brown, Just a suggestion of novelty, regular $VW quality, t yds. for $2.43. Navy MIx""Ralnproof M-ln., for rain coats and milts, regular $1.78 quality, yda. for' $3 4. Black and Whit Mixture 4 yd". remnant, for $1.SB. Jacquard Panama 7 yds. In rem nant, color mode, for $1.89. Checked Wool Taffeta--ln.. dark . rich ahade of tan. In the new shadow check. $? yds. for $!.. Novelty Eron Fanama-.AU wool, 7H yda. in rmnant, for $L1. Pretty Bright Plaid 4V4 yds. In rem nant. for 83c Novelty wool walstlng New reseda green. In mixed effect. i yds. for $90. Men's Shirts Just Received Tout' Inspaction Is Invited fof Saturday ' Comfortable, serviceable Shirts are thee, good looking, too; made of madras, in a variety of figured pat terns and pin stripes Frfoe, 1.00 eacH. Remnants of .Cream, Bril liantlnes, Serges, Voiles, Etc. Cream French Serge Fine, pretty quality, I yds. In remnant, for $1.67. Cream Batiste All wool, 75o quality, 6 yds. for $3.14. -v ' . . Cream Silk and Wool Crepe de Chine Regular $1.00 quality, 6fc yds. for $2.81. Cream Bilk Finished Henrietta 1 yds. in remnant, for (7c. Cream Twine Voile Regular $1.80 quality, 7 yds. for 43 7$. Cream 811 K and Wool Crepe do Paris $1.00 quality, 7H yds. In remnant, for $3.14. N . Cream Bilk Finished Brilllantlne 6H yds. In remnant, for $1.69. NCJTEJ No telephone or mall orders filled. To be sold , on Basement Bargain Square. wjssm Cor-- 4 ?J,,mr: Miss McCauley's Last Day AM' xr v i vvjr uvi -r 1 no m W- Red- "1 Wm fern Miss McCauley's engagement with us ends Saturday afternoon, and with It your opportunity to profit' by a frco fitting of America's best whalebone Corset by one of the best Informed corsetteres In the country. - There is a Red fern to suit every form no matter what the requirements, may be. an J Miss McCaul-y Is broad minded enough to recommend what Is best. That is why we asked for her this' third season. That is why she has gained so many friends among Omaha women. . . ... . . Come Saturday, as this will be you r last opportunity to enjoy a free fitting ,rom the hands of Miss MoCauley. .93. BO Bedfsras as low as ,. We fit all Corsets In coiy fitting rooms. Second Floor. Spring Fashions NiTer before has it been our good fortune to show such a remarkablo variety of the newest and most beau tiful things for Women's Wear. Saturday will be the laltlal day. Beautiful creations In Suits, In all the lovely new fobrics. Fashion's favorite styles In Coats, In ilk, black and colored Broadcloth, fancy mixtures. Coats from S.W up to $60 00. Fashionable designs In Separate Fklrts, hundreds of charming styles at $.60 up to $$S.OO. The dainty waists of lawn, China Bilk and other beautiful fabrics make a showing never esoelled. Waists froro. $l.oo to $2S.0O, - Second Floor, Wash Goods, Season 1907 ,-'-. ' It Is not the name of Waah mate rials that make them desirable, but "style" first, laM and always. What food Is a fine quality, no matter how ow the price. It the style is old or out of datet We wish to emphasise the fact that "stylt" plays a very Important part In our great showing, of Wash Goods, and no matter where you pick. In the fine, medium or lower grades, you are sure of getting fashion's approved, styles. I Irlces are loo, liHo, lBo, 18o, aoo, ' flSo, 300, 3BO, 40o, 480 and SOo yd. See display of Wash Qoods In How ard 8t. windows, all 1107 styles. Final Clearing Sale of Dress- ing Sacques Saturday The end of the season means broken assortments, slses missing, etc. Some re of fine cashmere, others cf Swansdown, sold during the season at $2.00 and $$.00 each - Saturday your ensloe at, eaoa, BOo Second .Floor, New Neckwear fof Men Fluid the latest Brtg;ht new Neckwear beauty tor Saturday. The new plaids are worthy of special mention. They will go out In a hurry. Come Baturday and see them Prtoe, boo Slaeo. 1 String Ties In latest colorings and patterns, all widths, narrow, . medium or wide. , They looks like a $0o tie Vrloe, 8 So Sack Surprising Bargains '". . ! - , .' - 1. ' To be found at our Basement Bargain. Square at all times. Come Saturday - . and aee. , -., .-. v v'. Beautiful Souvenir Postal Cards showing interior views of our store free upon request. Howard Oor. Sixteenth Street. STORE OPEN SATURDAY EVENI1TGL. ,,r --""-""--""''""'' V-M-i,,nmjririn.ri.iiji.njT.iui. auldw, Tukr, orthla It. Ftrtcher, Ollsuia. 1, Efforts to Bteomiilt Pall. , At the afternoon session when the bill bad been reported, engrossed and waa put i upon Its passage, Hamer moved to recom mit .t to tha committee of tne wnoie lor tf specific amenameni proviama wa m- Ueduao. families Of baggagemen, teiegrapn UnemenXand sleeping caa conductors should b perndtted to receive passes. Jho vote was as fbllowai . ' Yeas 1 , Alums, Bijrttu&V , Bucklar, brrun, -rrtay, .Naya ' Aldenoa. ' , Ariwrwi, 1 r1r, BrrU, ' V A t. .' BoMtl. Brown. S. ' Ctrlla. . Con, ' Camice, ' ti4. ' LuDoa, il.r, , ,- . OIIm. Hftm!'' -lUrr.f, tlli, Klilta, Harrleod, l.irt, '.ilrn, Hnr. Hwtr4, ' How. Jwiiilsoa, Jobaaua, Joast, K.Ur, . Know let, KM, Utain, -U. Ub. ' , Lossdoe, Mat key. kliriktt, Vmim. M Wsrr, VII1II4S, ' Murphr, . MS. MeCutlough, llcMullu, lltitnauar, WorUliS 14 Bnkl, K'Kkt. hlclr4aoa, Eibrtr, gi.and.rt. tftitr. Shutxrt, fiirlik, v Su,4r. prl0fr, Boli. . Talbot, ItilaaMa, Van aVuuaf a. Vnpa'.toaky. Walak. Wmbm, WblW, WkiUiao, Whttaar, WUaoa. Oraea, Noras, Mr.Bpaakar TV. Orai, . PHiar, , Hanaaa, i guackaiibuah. ilanr then moved to recommit for an amendment providing menrroers of Soldiers' home be allowed to receive free trans portation, but that motion, too, waa lost by the following vote: Yeas Gllam. MoMallaa, tiatnar, Baonoara, Liana, . . Scuildat, Hill. J etauianar, Klllan, Wilaoo It. McCulloagh. Adama, blyatoDa, Bmwa. a. r. Uurklar. firran. Culdloa, Nays Alaraon, A rm.trooa. Dalrd, Ilaktr. . barratt, - " Beaaa, Beat. Bulro, Broaia, . W. Browa. Jt. A. Carl In, r Clark. Coaa, IWTla, boran, Duncan, KUar. Karlar, rraaoai, rrlaa, rak, - Orag. Oraas, Oralf. Hanaaa. Harrlaoa, Hart, HeStniaa, Hanrr. Howard, Howa. Jannlaon, Janaa, Juka,oa, Ktltar, Know lea, Kuhl, Lahnarsi Lao. Line, Loftaoa, Makar, Marlatt, . taarak, laatars, ' atauear, -i.luaaa, Quackaabuah, Kapar. kadmond, Itankal, Rajehe, hiuhanltea, Rotirar, aVhoaltstr, thuoart. x ktinltb. 9ojrdar, oprmsar, Stoll, S Tarbot, ' Van Houaatt, Vopalasaky, Waits. . WaaiiM, Wtilta. WkUkan, . wkitnar. WotMut. Mr. pakar-Tt. j.lilaaa, Vu-plur, Nt. Nora,' llli. Absent, excused and not voting were Barnaa. Haftmalttar, Tvckae V ; Platckar, Laaoar, . Ollaaaa, SiaUar, In the discussion ot the railroad oommls Ij . I . Spring's Here at the Boys' Store BDrintr la here, and we'ra opaned our exposition of Juvenile clota- IngfUlnga and ehoee, Tnlg boye' and rlrle' atore offer all the adran lagee of gbouplDK on Broadway, New York, and a decided saving on very purchase. , BOV8SlITS Boyg Knlckerboaker MJerome" and 'Dudley" Norfolkg and Double-Breaated Suit, for ages 7 to 18 roars, boys' clothes of quality in the new steel grays. twilled worsteds ttnd fancy homespuns and in fine blue serges 110. $8.50, C fifi 17.60. fC.50 and J.UU LITTLE CHAPS SUITS Fetching new styles In Eton and Tailor Collar, -Russian and Sailor Suits, In worsteds, homespuns, serges and fancies, $8. BO. $7.60, j:r.'.'..... 3.95 The new models in Washable Suits are here, crisp and fresh. VOl'NQ MEN'S svrrs. Clothes of distinction and dignity for young men ot select taste ages 14 to 10. Our new .model single-breasted long cut Sack suits ars on a oar with the best work of swagger custom tailors. We have them In checked worsteds and the favorite grays, also . f "1 C( -lls.OO. $16.00 $13.60 and n.Se.v Kew blouses. new shirts. kew hats. WrKt for Illustrated CatAlogu read in 10 days. BENSON GfTHORHE: bin CIUUlAaliEIi: sion bill, H. R. 90S, which the house began In the committee of the whole as soon as the session opened, it developed there Is a serious difference ot opinion regarding the mode of prooedure to be taken by the coiy mlselon In fixing rates. The bill s now drawn provides the commission shall make a "complete" schedule of rates as soon as practicable and put the same Into effect. The railroads then. If they choose, may appeal from those rates. Ned Brown Is of tne opinion the hearing should come nrt. He therefore offered an amendment to the effect that the commission shall prepare. a scneauie ' (not complete necessarily) and then before putting the rates Into effect give me railroads an opportunity to be heard on (he matter. His argument was In effect that the present section as drawn Is not legal. Inasmuch as he holds the rates filed by the railroads' are property and property cannot be taken without due process of law. He believes the committee puts the horse before the cart, Speaker Nettleton agreed with him, as did Quacken bush of Nemaha. Walsh, who helped draft the bill, objected strenuously to any such change and his position was endorsed by augias. ii was suggested that a committee be appointed to look Into the legality of the section and the committee merely reported progress and without fur ther action took up the anti-pass bill. Annexationists Are Heard. A delegaUon from South Omaha cone posed qf W. W. Plaher, a merchant, and Bruce McCulloch, a newspaper man. and John P. Breeji from Omaha, addressed the bouse In open session this afternoon from 1:30 to o'clock In favor of the consoli dation of Omaha and South Omaha. The men were not accompanied by a brass band and neither were they flanked On all sides by schoolma'ams or school children, yet they were given good, attention and a respectful hearing. Mr. McCulloch and Mr. Flaner talked along the same lines they had dlsouased when before the committee on cities and town Mr. McCulloch told of the floating population In South Omaha which made It doubtful whether annexation would carry If left to a vote of that-4.owh, because, be said. It would be a question of who could secure the floating vote of from 1,600 to t.OOO. At the start he said tbe friends of legislative annexation would be handicapped by at least 1.500 votes. lu describing some of the Conditions In the packing dty, Mr.. McCulloch said .one brew ery owned thirty-eight saloons and at least two members of the city council owned saloons, ' '1 am sorry I have not a picture of that council to show you." he said. Mr. Fisher told of tbe line between Omaha and South Omaha being only im aginary and described again that It Is a vcity of 16,000 people absolutely dependent en Omaha for everything In the way of llaHjt, water and street oar aervioe.' i MY Breca discussed tbe legality' of leg islative annexation and cited numerous de- dalonsto support His contention that the bill nope ruling la a legal document and will stand the tests of the courts, tie be lieved the greatest good would be done to the greataat number by the passage of the bUL May Set kjn Two-Cent Rill. Oovernor Bheldan In all probability will not alga tbe 1-cent rate bill and neither will be veto it. but It la understood he has de rided to allow the Mil to become a lew without any action n his part. This It will do within five daya in his speecliee during the campaign. In which he bore the brunt of the fight,, the governor srent on record as being opposed to a flat I-cent rate, at the same time saying he was In favor of this matter being left to the rail, way commlMlon. He has not channel his position on the question. Inasmuch, how ever, as the legislature has so unanimously gone on record In favor of the flat 2-rent rate, the governor believes he should not Veto the bill, but at the same time he does not want to endorse the measure. The fact that the railroads agreed to sell mile age books at a flat 1-cent rate leads the governor to believe they could not sustain an action in the courts. His idea In leav ing the matter to the railway commission was to get the best results. He believed some of the roads could afford to sell tick ets at less than 1 cents a mile, while others' probably could not sell for I cents. Bill May Be Recalled. The house, will attempt to g't back from the governor H. R. Ill by Quackenbush, the bill to Increase the fees of court re porters. If the house doesn't get the bill back tha governor will veto It. . It has been discovered the bill Increases the sal aries of the court reporters of Douglas and Lancaster counties out of all proportion to the work done and therefore It Is Con sidered a bad measure. The bill went through both bouses with very little trouble under the guidance of Henry Waring and Myron Wheeler, but It will have hard sled' ding' If It Is started through again. Some of the members who voted for It aro now of the opinion a salary of II, B00 for about eleven months work, regardless of fees. Is a pretty good salary for a court reporter. The governor likes some portions of the bill, but Is opposed to others and unless It Is amended to conform ,to his Ideas he will veto It. The bill can be recalled by a Joint resolution. Oaaaha Cttarter Amendments. Senator Thomas today Introduced a blU Into the senate making some Important changes In the Omaha charter, one of which relates to the annexation of adjoin ing cities and villages. Tbe bill makes the following changes In the present charter: Amending section 7569'ot Cobbey s supple ment of 1Wj6 to Increase the district within which the mayor and council may order street improvements from k.000 to 4,000 feet of the courthouse square. Including repay ing, and providing- for certificates of the city engineer that the paving Is worn out and that It will not be economical to re pair It. ' - Amending section 7649 (61) to Increase the limit on bond Issues from $2,760,000 to 3,00O, OUO. t Amending section 7D49 (53) to allow the Is suance of district Improvement bonds before the work has been approved and special taxes levied therefor. Amending section 7039 to eliminate hos pitals fa-om the list of Institutions which may be established and maintained by the city; to permit the city to maintain Its own garbage department under tbe direction of the city health department, the work to be done either by- the city or by contract, or in any other manner determined by the mayor and city council. Amending section 7M at follows: "The corporate limits of any metropolitan city shall be fixed and determined by ordi nance and such limits may be extended by ordinance so as to lnolude any lands or un organised territory, as well as any village. town or city of a leaner graile or class whose boundary lines adjoin the boundary lines of such metropolitan city, and. when the boundary lines are so extended as to In clude any organized vlllaite. town or city. a senarate government of anrh villain. town or city shall thereupon cease and the government ana laws governing such met rotoolitsn city shall extend over the terri tory and property embraced within the vil lage, town or city whose territory is so an- nexea, ana sucn metropolitan city shall De liable for all obligations of the vlllajre. town or annexed and shall succeed to all the publio property and property rig ma ui uin village, town or city so an nexed." Amending section 76rtl so as to eliminate from the grant of power to the mayor and city council the following words? "Ana tn regulate telephone service and the use of leiepnones within the city and to fix and determine the charges for telephone and iiicpiiuiie wrvica connections. , Slftln Cfontaalttee In Senate. The senate this afternoon Just before ad journment voted by a large majority to have a sifting committee to be elected next week to go over the general file to select the measures of general Importance The committee Is to be recommended by the standing committee on oommlttees and a report was ordered by .next Wednesday. A number of senators, Including McKesson and Burns of Lancaster, opposed a sifting committee at all and a few others urged It was too early, for one,' but the majority favored early action In order that the im portant measures may be got out of the way before the rush of closing' days. I The revised county option bill, was Intro duced in the senate today by McKesson of Lancaster. The measure Is somewhat dif ferent from the .one killed In both houses several weeks ago, but Is backed- by the same people as that one. It provides for a special election to be held the last Tues day in July, 18, where 20 per cent ot the voters petition tor It If the county goes dry no saloons may be licensed, except In cities of t.OOO or over, which may vote li cense If they wish. If the county goes wet licensing boards still have the power to refuse licenses If they desire to. Eleotlon under the act may not be held oftensr than once In four years. McKesson also has a plan for the estab lishment of a new normal school at Lin coln. Hs Introduced a resolution today au thoring the acceptance of the old Western Ntfrmal scjiool building by the 'state and the establishment of a normal school therein. Oraln men will be Interested In a bill In troduced by McKesson which provides all grain corporations must mall to the labor commissioner every day a list of the prices paid by them on that day. The labor com missioner may publish these prices ss he may see fit It Is claimed the bill will prevent discriminatory prices In- different parts of the state. . Senator Sackett wants an Investigation of Nebraska Insurance companies and to day Introduced a bill providing, for an In vestigation to be held beginning nest May. His resolution provides for an Investigation committee of nine members, four from the senate and Bye from the house. the pmprlate resolutions next Monday St convening ot the senate. . A bill Introduced Into the senste by Burns of Lancaster provide a change In the methods of granting street railway franrhlses and places all street railways under the Jurisdiction of the state railway commission. Franchises are to be grantoH for certain definite lines which mustv bo described specifically. The railway com mission le given power p regulate street car rates and fares snd other matters per taining to the companies. The house turned down a motion by Clarke to make his terminal taxation bill a special order for Thursday. The prl mery bill had already been made a specUl order for Wednesday, which is also the date the Wilson resolution on the unit system of assessing railroads Is to be discussed. When Clarke made his motion the house was in no mood for further special orders and on a rising vote the motion waa lost. fa It 1 c 3 C 1517 Farnam St. RFRRFITS 1517 Earnam St, Firot Spring ffering ROl'TIKH PROCEKDISCli Of SENATE Committee of the Whole Acts on Many I ' Bills. (From a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 1. (8peclal.) The fol lowing bills were reported from standing committees at this mornings session 01 the senate: n tr mo tv TtTmea. Maklna It optional Vlth counties under township organisation to have separate supervisors lor eacn town ship. On general file. B. F. uy Byrnes. 10 pnii" hinged gates at farm crossings to be main tained by railroads ana ior nm use v wnven-wlre fence. On general nie. 8. r . By Sackett. Kequiring snenns in rtink. a nuarterlv renort of fees col lected or earned and to turn fees Into the county treasury- On general file. 8. F. 7 By Gibson (amenoea oy juoiciary committee). Prohibits breweries or distill eries from having any Interest In a retail saloon or saloon license or trom aiaing or assisting any person "to secure a licence. On general file. 8. F. K4 By Sibley, providing a nivorre shall not go Into effect for six months sfter It Is entered. On general file by vote of senate after an adverse report by the committee. . H P. sin Rv RnckMt. Providing sheriffs shall be paid out of the general fund In- y eteaa or oy reee, ana nxing me hui. On general file. The senate went Into committee of the whole, with Thomas in the chair, and the following bill were considered: a. F. 24-Br Gibson. Making amend ments to the South Omaha charter. For f)aSBje. iM - u ..' 1 1 m v it ninn KrnTinin. i w n - shift system for South Omaha firemen. I Went over because of omission oi provi sion for salaries of certain officers. S. F. 42 By Patrick. Making county com missioners road commissioners and provid ing for the King system of roadmaklnif. Made a special order, with other road bill, tor next Tuesday. S. F. Hi uy Koot. MftKina; me governor and secretary of state the State Board ot Charities snd Corrections and .eliminating the paid secretary of the board. No action. Roofs bill relating to the State Board of Charities caused a long discussion, a number of the members opposing the Idea bf abolishing the paid secretaryship. -The committee rose before any action had been taken. ' The Gibson bill, relating to the owner ship of saloons " by brewers and other mannfacturers of Intoxicating' liquors, was reported back to the Judiciary oommlttee. to which It had been recommitted for a little change In form and wkh the provis ion limiting tho number of saloons ac cording to population stricken out. The limitations ' formerly had In the Gibson bill have been Introduced into a blU fath ered by Patrick of Sarpy, At the afternoon session the senate went Into committee of the whole and acted on the following bills: S F. 94 By Thomas. Creating a state nt neteormthv. For bassaare. Blllt and Indefinitely DOS tDO wnen tne committee reponea iwjoi nraim to have the action of the committee ' kill ing the bill reversed,' but his motion was voted down by a vote ot 11 to JJ,. The following blMs were reported from standing committees at the afternoon ses sion: a V lm.R rrvrnea. ' Provldinc for the election of township deputy assessors. For general file, ' .... . 8. F. 9 By tAtts. Two-cent fare bill. In definitely postponed. companies under the Jurisdiction of tne State Railway commission. Recommitted. S. F. 1 By King. Anti-pass bill. On gen eral file. The senate adjourned until 1 p. m. Mon day. The following bills were Introduced In the senate Friday: 8. F. 420 By Patrick of Barpy. Amend ing the game law to provide for hunting and flsning license for all persons over 14 years of age desiring to hunt or fleh on any except land of whlcn they are owners or tenants; reducing the resident license tee from 11 to 60 cents and allowing county clerks Issuing licenses to collect a fee Ot 10 cents for nls services. - S. F. 4a By Dodon of Saline. For the calling of county syfet - elections upon pe tition ox two-nuns oi an oi tne votes cum 0 Easter comes unusually early tills year and because of that our spring trade will now start in earnest. Merely to start the ball rolling we shall make you an other offering ofGpaclal Low Prices on our Now Spring Merchandise for tomorrow e- . . Some of Saturday's Bargains $2.00 New Spring Wash Waists for........ $5.00 NW Jap. Silk Waists, black or -white, for. . . : $8.50 All Silt Petticoats, silk Drop, for ...: $8.50 New Spring Dress Skirts, in Panamas - and Novelties, lor . $7.50 Spring Jackets box effects, plain or nov- l QQ elties, for ...tliUO $15.00 Spring Jackets, tight fitting tailored O QD UlVU 98c 2.90 3.98 3.98 jaxd of osteopathy. For passage. 8. F. 81 By Hoot. Relating to the I Board of Charities and Correction, abolishing the paid secretary. ned. effects, for. . Extra Special Values in Spring Suits 19.90 22.50 27.50 $27.50 New Spring Suits-SPECIiL- ior. $30.00 New Spring Suits, Panamas, Voiles and Novelties, for ' $35.00 New Spring Suits, the very swellest models, for. 'All Other New Spring Suits Priced Specially. & FREDRICK BERGER& CO. 1517 Farnam, St. n i i r ' nrUgsk FJ&ui sf I a ir I v Varii3.r i .d recording of cattle brands every 5 years. 8. F. 43 By Saunders ot Douglae. Pro- Jldlng the governor shall appoint suborn Inate officers at the Grand Island sold iers' home. S. F. 440 By Thomas. Amending pro visions of the Omaha eharter. S. F. 441 By Sackett of Oage. providing that a committee of nine members from both houses, four from the senate and five from the house, be appointed to pro ceed next May to investigate life Insur ance companies doing business in the stats of Nebraska with reference to Inveftmenta, and the relation of such companies to sub sidiary corporations, cost of life insurance and other phases of the business, for the purpose ot araritng leigsiaiion to oe sub mitted to the jiext legislature. 8. F. 44a By Sackett (hy request). i-or the appointment of county agencies and defining the offense of obtaining transpor tation or money under false pretenses. Only Oae "Bromo 4)nlalae.n That Is Laxative Bromo Quinine. Simi larly named remedies sometimes deceive. The first and original Cold Tablet Is a white paokage with black and red lettering and bears the signature of S3. W. GROVE. 2oo. filed a motion l arrest of judgment and a motion for leave to withdraw hie former plea of guilty. .The matter was continued fo, the July term of court, to allow the county attorney time to prepare counter affidavits In reply to Patrick. - . Piles Careit In O to 14 Daya. Paso Ointment will cure any casee of Itching, Blind, Bleeding: or Protudlng piles. At all druggists 60 centa Fretaht Consxestloav la 'Frisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal March 1. A con gestion of all classes bf freight, worse than that of a few months ago, Is threat ened In San Francsco. J. C. Stubbs of the Southern Pacific says he believes the only way ouf of the difficulty would be to increase the demurrage charge Freight Is being sent to the city from all parts of the country, and In order not to have too great a congestion In San Francisco trains are being held up on the different systems so as to allow of the unloading of the cars already In the city. DXAUONDS-rFrenzer, 15th and Dodge. COUNTY . HELDNOT LIABLE Frelcht Heelers Inable to Recover Damages Sastaiaed Tkroack Collapse of Brldsje. I CASPER. Wyo March 1. (Special.) The suit of McOetrlck Bros, against the county commissioners for $2,157 damages for Injuries and loss sustained by the break-ins- down of a county bridge was decided 8. F. 100 By Epperson. Placing telephone t Dy judge Carpenter yesterday The de cision sustains the demurrer of the board and denies the right of the plaintiffs to recover. This suit grew out of the break ing down of a bridge across Squaw cree' about four miles west of Casper, on V cember 20. 1906. The McOetrlcks were haul lng freight to the Pathfinder dam and while, crossing the bridge with a slxteen horse string - team and heavily loaded freight wagons the bridge gave way, pre cipitating the teams and load Into the gulch, killing several horses' and, destroying a large amount of freight. This Is one of the first cases in this state where an attempt has been made to make a county pay for Injuries resulting from defective AMCSEMttNTS. BOYD'S .nrd M6i-. Nebraska's Fortieth Aaalversery, Senator King this morning called atten tion of the senate to the fact that this Is the fortieth anniversary of the admission of Nebraska Into the union, lie made a brief address reviewing the history of the bill which was vetoed by President John son and passed over his vetoe and the 'is suance of the proclamation Maresj 1. At bis suggestion Senator Saunders, son of Alvln Saunders, who was governor at that time. Senators Root of Cass, Patrick of Sarpy, McKesson of Lancaster and WIHse of Cedar ware named as a committee to draw uo suitable resolutions. Senators McKesson and Wlltse were both living In Nebraska at the time and It was considered appropriate that they be added to the com mittee. The committee will present ap No Cooking! r - Just a little cream or milk and you can eat GfaLpe-Nuts without tbe bother bf lighting- the fire. THY IT. There's a Iteaon" VsTTirrtffrTTiV.m-iiaa" ulwir, v ,i at the last general election and for the j bridgel n, roads, and this decision estab- IDIIIUvai UI uin vuuihj mm i . i . of unarmes ano. i;orrecuons. 426 By Saunders of Douglas. An amend senate tile , 'already signed governor, by striking out that part fifths .vote regardless of the number of years the county seat has been located. 8. F. 422 By McKesson of Lancaster. To require grain companies to make dally re ports of prices by postal card to the labor commissioner and providing for the pub lication ot such prtcas at places ot pur chase of grain at such Intervals sls he may deem necessary. - Providing a fine of from ill) to fcS for violation. B. jr. to uy iisey. oi rTonuer. tun ing the form of county treasurer's deeds and the manner of redemption. 8. F. 424 By Epperson. Requiring that associations to care for dependent, neg lected or delinquent children may not be Incorporated until the proposed articles of Incorporation have been approved by the State Board of Charities and Corrections. 8. F. 4-6 By Epperson ot uiay. 10 re quire associations that plaee out or give the care and custody of any child to any person or association to obtain a license from the State Board of Charities and Cor rections, such associations to be governed by the rules and regulations of the State Board of Charities and. Corrections 8. F. act to amend bv the covernor. of the act requiring a label on the exterior of packages containing intoxicating liquors and in lieu thereof requiring tne niing or. a statement with the agent of the com mon carriers showing the amount and kind of intoxicants and the name of the con signor and of the consignee, fi. F. 427 By King of Polk. Permitting stablUhment of other departments ot Htate university in addition to those already prescribed. 8. F. 4& By Burns of Lancaster. Estab lishing maximum telegraph rates within the state at not more uuiu iv per cent ui the rate In force January 1, 1907, and pro viding a fine- of front J6 to $100 for vio lation. 8. r. 42-lJy uouia or ureeiey. jrmna ferrlng from the conscience fund of the stats treasury-to 4he credit Ot the general fundi .. . " 8. F. OftBy Burns oi Lancaster, riu vidlna that water may be appropriated and dtvertod for domestic use in the same man ner as for agricultural purposes. 8. F. 431 By Latta of Burt. To provide that In counties under township organlxa tlon each townahlp ahall constitute a single road district, and that but one road over seer shall be elected In each township. 8. F. 432 By Sackett of Oage. Providing that In towns or villages having no real dent registered pharmacist any wholesale or retail dealer In any business may sell .aHaln anAi'lnad camnkfln drUKS. ft. V. 433 Bv Sackett of Oage. Validates, fv the aLla of land When soms note or memorandum thereof In writing has ban subscribed to by the party to be S F. 434 By McKesson Of Lancaster. A joint resolution relating to the acceptance of tha omDerty known as the Western L'nrmal School and the establishment Of a tnml arhoul on said site. 8 F. 4J6 By Oould of Oreeley. To pro- iAm tnr the destruction of the cockle-burr 8 F. 4e By McKesson of Lancaster. To provide and establish a system of local option by counties on the question of grant ing license to sell Intoxicating liquors to k. ,,a m bevaraae. S F. 437 By Burns of Lancaster. To pro vide for the Incorporation of street railway mmnanlM and the acquisition sA right-of- avav and franchises thereby, to declare annh oonriDanles common carriers, to pro vide for the regulation thereof by the state railway commlaslon ana to preacrioe Pn allies for tbe violation of this act. A. r. e-BY Ueuid. Requiring the re lishes tbe rule that not even negligence on the part of the county officers can make the county liable In damages. Patrick Waata to Cksag Plea. CABPER, Wyo., March 1. (Special.) a W. Patrick, the Canadian sheepman who was fined 1728 last December for ship, ping scabby, sheep Into the state In viola tion of the streep Inspection laws, has SPRING WOOLENS You'll find a tempting display' . at NlcoU'g. There's no sifting . out here whut vmt-dnn't like: It's a question wwen vou like beat. So with the tailoring olj them. ..... Somehow we feel tnai we nave u speclft! claim on your patronage tni season. Suppose you drop In today. TroDsers$StoS12 lalti 520 to S50 TAB 111 R WILLIAM stCRRKMB' 00N8. 200-1 1 Bo. J 8th St.. TRAVELERS LUNClt UOXES . riLLEO THOKSON' iTAUl TOJtlOHT AWO BUBTBAY The Military Comic Opera, SERGEANT KITTY xoarsAY TUMSAY Special Tuesday Matinee, OLGA IIETHERSOLE SAPHO Seats on sale. Prices 60c to 11.00. WZDaTSSBAY TXTBBS AY Special Thursday Met THE LION ANO THE MOUSE BURWOOD SEC0HD StASOM' ' This AfternoonTonight NEL.L GWYMN Next Week HOTT'S A TZXAB ftTEXB. CfttCaWOH OPPOSITE UNION STATION OrWAHA T.l.OUl on Relieve Inflammation of the throat, erased by cold or catarrh. Contain no opiates. PHONC DOUC. MODERN VAUDEVILLE MATINEE TODAY NOTE CURTAIN 1:15 SHARP ;v' TONIGHT PRICES-lOc. 6o, 60c. Omaha May Festival Association rxmaT COHCMT BOYD'S TXXATEKs Wednesday Svenlag, March 1. 107. Omaha Philharmonic Orchestra aaofeert' Cascades, Conductor. '. Ernest Morals, Ooacertmaste Assisted by Prominent Chicago Vocalist. Season tickets, good for two reserved seats for each of 4 concerts. 15.00. Throe other concerts in May, closing with "Eli jah" by well-trained Chorus and Orches tra with prominent soloists from the east. Huhsrrlplion tlrkets may be had of Schmoller A Mueller Piano Co., A. Hospe Co.. A. M. Borglum. aecretary, lilO Capi tol ave., or any of the directors. ' IfRUCa THEATER i I W sl lot.5oo.TSe Matlaee Today, too Toalgat, tilt The Big Sensational Comedy, THE BURCUR AKD THE WAIF Sun. BAaUrBT OXX.MOB. DIJOU THEATER Wlgats, Com. Sna., Merc 1 - Mats. Saa. . ana w , RUTH CRAVEN ZsT y -Her Fatal Error" Nights, lao-lSc-iOo-Uc. Mat.. Q-lo-laC AUDITORIUM ROLLER RINK Skating Friday and Saturday of this Week both Afternoon si.d Evening; ' 3 0 J II A A