TOE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1007. 16 Final Clearance of Winter Clothing Unsurpassed I fl j fCM Rivaled Buy Your Uext Winter's Supply BRAN DEIS Imports Direct The Lono Gloves FROM PARIS Franirt . U aV l NOW a. i I. In r ll 1 ,ft BranrlelB' own bu: V ) 1 'kll'l- Parls-thpy sre eh f X , 1's.rts office and tl ) ft In Omaha. We J I fs' ot ,mJorter' rnldl The Long Real Kid Gloves 16-button, -white button tan and white Glove with lace length Kid Gloves In black and white New arrivals In lt-button lengths, real black, tan and gray, worth up to $3.60 at 16-bulton length real kid and French white, tan and gray In Trefouse, well-known makes worth up to EVERY PAIR FITTED IF DESIRED Bid BARGAIN IN THIS SALE OF EISSOBlS:at5c40cd. One immense bargain square filled with thousands of yards of heavy all silk ribbons in all newest spring shades worth as as 25c a jard, at, a yard .' . . . . HOSIERY SALE Ladies' elegant Imported Hosiery plain lisle and fancy cotton, many silk embroidered,' novelty foot patterns anl all over lace, out size3 and some with double soles 3 most extraordinary bargains at, pair Ladies', Men's' and Children's Hosiery Plain and fancy lisle some silk finished, fancy ,merceri?ec others plain foot, black and double solQ8men's hose in black and tan children's hose in fine and heavy l T J iff pi ribbed, 2 Irage bargain squares, . j AT" ( 1 T) c &t pair C!Z 2k HANDKERCHIEFS at 12c ' Ladies' and men's all pure linen sheer quality all widths of hems some are daintily initialed and fancy. A f j - '' embroidered worth up to 25c each I F. "P a at, each V Torn Over Collars About 100 styles to 25c each, at, each. REMEMBER THE BIG SALE iNEXTT MONDAY POIHERES and COUCH COVERS $12.50 PORTIERES nt $2.50 EACH ' $5 and $8 PORTIERES at $1.98 arid $1.25 V' $7.50 COUCH COVERS at $2.98 FINE TAPESTRY TABLE COVERS at 25c Ea. 75c COUCH COVERS at 25c ; Biggest Bargain Brandeis Ever Offered SEE THE (.nnnMnri1! Fancy Art DepartmeM Maia Ploos Alale ' ' 80c lithograph pillow tops,- 15c. Tinned Pillow mips, ready tor use, special ISo. ' - ISC Tennerlffe dollies, 11x18 in. Special. 26c ' in. Tenerlffe dollies, 10c val ues, special, THe. Ixien. 75c. Tapestry Pillow Tops, 60o value, apecial. i&c. Pillow Cords, 84 yds. long. In all colors, special, 10c . NEW WALL PAPER FOR SPRING Our new Wall Paper department is offering the finest display ever shown In the city at prices that will astonish everyone. . le Kitchen and Bed Room - 71- 1 860 high class gilt and era- f a Papers, roll...; ! bossed papers, roll IUC 10c deep rich colored papers, t. I 8(0 to 60c papers, . this week only, roll J atj roll . . . 77!?. T. J5C No Matter What You Wantr It Will SaYCt You Time and Aloney If You Wiil Use The Spring's Newest Shades buyers Mlwt these srlovee In hipped from uranaeis- own the duty la paid right here void all excessive chara middlemen, etc, and we offer Finest Quality of Long Kid Gloves At a Real Saving lite only also 16- Vlfil' e tips Ten-button f X ' 95 Kid Gloves, In . $2.50 nch lamb Gloves, black, ) 08 , Reynler, and other V S. $4. at. ) ' lamb Gloves, black, the high . ". . '. all new actually worth, up 5 I I II WINfJOWS S NOTION SALE Main rioor and Basement. ' Large pad, hose supporters, wtth xtra strong elastic In all colors, pair, 25c. - Child's skeleton Waists, all sixes ISc. Extra heavy celllu lold hair pins, box. 25c Side combs with extra heavy teeth for heavy hair, 85c. ISc dressing combs, lc. Celluloid , soap boxea, 10c Cellu loid hair-pins, first quality, box Hie Safety pins, all aises, dos. 8c. Hooks and eyes, all slses. card, ic Beo Want Ads Se-ite Just a Few Days Longer ire Slaughter Winter Goods Men's fleece lined Jersey Coats, SUS value, sale price too. Men s ilw Sweaters 60c Men's Lanbadown Un derwear, H00 the world over, sale price 60c . Heavy flqpce lined Under, ahlrts 25c. Astrakhan Fur Coats J7.M. Heavy tenulne Frlese Ulaters M85, a regulation $10.00 ferment. $8.78 (or choice of Overcoat, formerly $1.00 and $18.00. Heavy winter Pants $100, worth up to 12.26. tl.SO for Pants, aen ulne $3.60 value. Men's fur lined Capa 8e. Genuine $2.00 Fur Caps $c. Men's Covert Duck Coats, blanket lined, worth $2.00, aale price 96c. Brown and black Duck Vests, blanket lined, 69c Men's flannel lined. Overshoes $8c Sheep lined Duck Coats $1. Gauntlet Canvas Gloves, heavy, 6o a pair. Men's Wool Bocks Sc. Good Mufflers 16c Men's heavy Corduroy Suits, suitable for hunters. $10.00 standard value sale price $4-86, sixes up to 44. Men's heavy winter Butts, mads of finest worsted, made In. best style, former price $30.00, hundreds of neat up-to-date patterns to choose from, $9.90; they compare favorably with the kind tailors charge you (36.00 for. Guarantee Clothing Co. 1519-1521 Doughs SL OMASA'S rUXJ TOOD CBSTTO Remember that regular buying at Courtney's meana that you maintain a better table at a great saving to the family purse. M.TTTKDAT BPBCXAX TW OXTB Bid MUZ KABKST. (Shoulder Roast, choice beef at, per lb 64o Lege of Prime Mutton at, per lb. So Armour's Sugar Cured Bacon at, per lb ISHe rrom 3 F. M. to 5 P. WL. we will sell 1,000 pounds of Boiling Beef (choice steer meat) at, per lb.lHo TOtr bats Ko'nr o ou . MUCOUS H.OOB. Smyrna Pigs, per lb ,...1S 1-pound package Dates........... 6o Cracknel Is, per lb J.lOo Fig Nootons, per lb. ........... MOc 48-pound sack Flour 91.00 48-pound sack Excellent Flour. .1.18 Lemons, per dos.,... lOe Oranges, per dog ...16o FBtrrr aits vsoitibu BSPABTMEXT. In this department you 'may And for your Sunday's dinner all that ia in the market. Including Fresh Mushrooms. Fresh Egg Plant, Strawberries, Artichokes, Brussels Sprouts, Pineapple, - Head Lettuce, Cauliflower, Fresh Cucumbers, Fresh Tomatoes, Pie' Plant. Bellevue Celery. S X.IQUOB BXVABTlCZirr. Remember in thla dDtrtm.n we give you a bottle of excellent Call- R fomla Wine with each pur- FS .h. .1 AA tw mM TT7 i m t Liquors of our own bottling. pEonrtney a Co, ; . TL Songtos M7. J Private Exchange connect alt Dents. ace To Sell - ' Household Goods Machinery Horses Wagons, Buggies Real EsUte, or II You Want to Exchange Any thing .' r A Bee Want Ad will ' be found a speedy and satisfactory method to employ. .' ' . Telephone Douglas 23S G. A. LINDQUEST CO., 1 MERCHANT TAILORS ' Maker of good clothes. Spring- goods arc new and ready (or Inspection. lth and Parnam Bts. ' 116-IH Pasted Blk. 'Ftfone. Doug. 1U SCHOOL! AND COLLEGES. DELLCVUE COLLEGE t-OLiOB ClustasL scl.sttSa, eklkMoBhlcal m Al'ADKMT Am tocx4lld bit Softool sapan tmt it.ll.ras er snr otscr ceu.s r aamnti. tormm. Cwtiaoaus iruM. OONrKaValvJRY-TlMttrr U B1A u, i I v. loutloa sne ui ' - ' OMAHA COMhaVTluNS Oeatris Uh sa4 BertUar M tsllwaj. rMi Modern OorvnvrMa. ttniMS fnaMeat WsdseenA, swwe, ysaini J u Ve are now making up cars for CHICAGO AI1D SAN FRANCISCO to leave by March 10th. DENVER car to leave Monday. Goods accepted for western coast points at reduced rates. W f i f LL IT. ui Iti) IU3 p ving, Storage - and '. .Forwarding Phone Douglas 1195 Something New Again ! This will greatly Interest hotel men, livery, grain and, feed men, farmers and poultry raisers, and every one who le pestered by BATS. Park, Davis & Co., the well-known manufcturlng pharmaceutical house have perfected an article called AKOA. It Is a Tiros which rats will eat readily and it kills them, too! Now for the new parti All rats killed by ASOA are eaten by the other rata and they die Just ae quick as if they had eaten the AS OA.. It haa been proven that rats have died from AZOA poison two miles from where It was used! AVOTKEH IKTHQI AzoA will not kill fowls or other animals of the homel bee what a great thing this Is? It means the extermination of rats, that's all. . Bee us for all the new things. Four Big Stores using more drug store things than any competitor. . ( SCHAEFER'S CUT Omaha Corner .16th and Douglas Sts.; lth and Chicago Sts. Bonth Omaha N. W. . Cor. 84th and N. fits. Council Bluffs 6th Ave. and Main Bts. ' Ths Druggist Who Will Not Tolerate Substitution. PROTECT THE CHILD'S FEET Fit them out in Fry Shoes. They are made of real leather; the kind that wears the kind that keeps out the moisture. We sell a boy . or girl a solid pair of shoes at 12.00, and we think that they are the best to be had for the money. Bee them, try a pair. FRY SHOE CO. 16th and Douglas Strtets DKPUTT BTATB VBTB7RINAR1AI. H. L RAMMACCIOTTI. D. V.S. CITT VETERIS1ARIA1I. Office and Inflrmarv, Wli and Uttson fits, OMAHA, NKH Telepnone U. BAILEY M MACII DENTISTS Thiral Flor, Paxloft BUek Ui jheit Grade Dentiatry M m 1l ii 214 II. Sixteenthth St. 1C PRICE DRUG STORES .BEAUTIFY YOUR , LAWN with our Iron and Wire fence. Trellises and Arbors for vines, flower guards, chairs, setees, vases, tree guards,' hitching posts, window guards, Barn fixtures and ohloken fence. CHAMPION FENCE COMPANY. ,611 Booth 18th Street. Tel. Douglas 1690. Bend for Catalogue. What Do You Think fo Our Boys' Shoes Parent who have. bought them for their boya- will tell you I "THEY ARE THE BEST MADE' They are the best we can buy, and we guarantee them to outwear two pair of the ordinary kind. The price may be a little higher than some shoes you can buy, hut la wearing qualities they are the cheapest shoes lntthe long run. Joys' sizes. a fA ts to 6 4 eSZ.DU Youths' sizes, aq qr 1 to S .JL.Zd Little Gents' sizes, fa a io to 13 $Z.UU These are the- famous STEEL SHOD" SHOES that bavo acquired such a good reputation for wear. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnarn St. P ARTIFICIAL P TEETH That we . make are so natural In color, size and arrangement ao aa to bring the natural expression 'to the face, you can can scarcely tell them from the ones nature gave. Our price from 1 5 to $16. and fully guaranteed. TAFTS DENTAL ROOMS till DeualM Btreew stvles. f A iJ f :tlli ;. ; r :k in d you'd expect to pay twice t-: mthem miiii ni prices- $5, Manufacturer's Stock of Men's Pants I2a "-?J.5&, 1.95 and 2.50 Spring and Summer Styles of Men's Boys' and Children' s Clothing noYi ready for your inspection. 8c PER DAY 4 Under our new, club plan will secure, you the most nseul article in the home A SEWING MACHINE end not only that, but very best machine the market affords. The New Club, started at the request of many customers who failed to get in the lastwill be limited to a membership of 100. It begins Saturday, March 2. Don't miss the opportunity. fUl 1 Ifli EASTE Oxfords Shoes WALK-OVER ALWAYS LEADS THE SEASON SPRING STYLES J3 Bct Qualify Buckles Buttons Bluchers NEW $3i, $4 and $5 CALL SATURDAY FEET FITTED BY MEASUREMENT, "There's no more reason why your toe should tonch the end of your shoe than that your head should touch the top of your hat." , 1H1 Walk-Over Shoe Store r ED S. THOMPSON The Would you like to sell put? The easy way is to put a want-ad in . THE OMAHA BEE and. tell the people that your business, is for sale, - A three line ad (T.rd.) 3 times 25c: 7- times 45c .' " : '. - ' - ' ' , . . ADDRESS WANT-AD DEPARTMENT, THS OMAHA BEE, OMAHA, NEB. Within everybody's rch reaches everybody Not an out-of-date style in the. lot strictly up-to-date, Everv garment 1 de- X ''. 1 1 nonrlihlA in nnnlitv inct the in season. Children's Knee Pant Suite $2.50 to $5 values all newest styles and materials clearing ealo price Saturday 1.50, 1.95 and 2.50 Youths' Long Pants Suits regular values up to $12.50clearing sale . 6.50 and 7.50 .V Now Selling R Finest Workmanship Dull Calf Patent Colt Fine Kid LASTS Walk-Over Man. x J .A r,