Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1907, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13
TOE OMAHA. DAILY. DEE: SATURDAY, MARC1I 2, 1907. 53 . . t . J I . .pate Ky J ynt .1 I i CHAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Only Oats Displays Straartn, Wheat Etinc tJider Em IcfltMnc EFFECT IS DEPRESSING ON COARSE CEREAL Reports 'of HMty Receipts at Mlnae. polls aad Other Northwest Potato Hots Considerable . Weight la Resalt. OMAHA. March 1. 1807. The grain market broke sharply, strength being displayed In oats only, wnlle wheat was subjected to strong bear pressure on reports of heavy receipt at Minneapolis' and tne nonnwesu Biotas oi wneai i Minneapolis increased suu.uuO busnels and ge lacrosses were predicted witn tne emng or navigation on tne great laaes. ine market ooened on May wheat at 71c aeked and closed one point lower on revived selling of lung Unas, several stop order being shaken out In the decline. The weakness In wheat had a depressing Influence on .other coarse grains, but the trading In oats was light and It cloned At ujc, a loss of only Sc from yesterday. kxport sales of 888.000 bushels Whest, moelly durum and Manitoba, and 40.0U0 bushels corn were reported at seaboard. Shipments of !,4M,GuQ bushels wheat and f3,uuu bushels corn were reported from .Argentina, uilnil wheat snloments of 4.2o,v0 bushels and corn MO.OuO bushels . Primary wheat reeetnts were 76S.O0O bush els and Shipments 2b6,(M bushels, as against receipts last year of 872,U00 bushel add hlDineot of 194.000 bushels. Cora receipts were 3,000 bushels and shipments of M4.ouO bushels, against receipts of oou.otu Dusneis and shlrjmanta of 461 .00 bushels last year. Liverpool closed Hd lower on wheat Ana Hd -nigner on corn. Clearances were 439.000 bushels of corn. 1&.0U bushels of oats, and wheat and flour equal to 363.000 bushels and wheat 80,0u bushels. Local range of options: , patents. M.ftMM IK: first clears, t3.2!ff3.$5; second clears, 12 47?.0. BRAN In bulk, ll7.6oai7.Te, HKW VOHK ICXEIUl, MARKET Qaotatloaa of the nay Tarloas Commodities. NEW YORK, March 1-FLOUR Receipts, 1. W. Mils ; exports, 11.0SS bbls.; market dull and about steady: Minnesota pat- ntt. I4.10ii4 (: winter etralahts. tl 4'fT 66; Minnesota bakers. ta.Khdrt .76: winter ex- trae, $2.3.liO; winter patents, l3.6tNa3.SS; winter low grades, K.Wlw rly nour, ull: fair to good. l.iti4m.N0: choice to fancy, $S.86fc4.;. Buckwheat flour, dull: $, spot and to arrive. CORNMEAL Rteadv: fine white and vel- low, $1.23L26; coarse, 4i.-tO4Tl.Us kiln dried, $2fi2.7. W HEAT -Receipts, 40,000 bu.; spot market easy; No. 1 red, 2c, elevator., and MXc o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern. Dulutn. 2Hc, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard winter, 8rtic, f.-o. b. afloat. Liquidation on a fairly liberal scale broke wheat over He today. It was started by lower oahles and big northwest receipts and reoelved late Im petus from an absence of crop damage news, heaviness In northwest markets and large Interior receipts. The final prices were He to So net lower. May. 84V85'4c closed at 84Vc; July. MQMc, cloned at 84Vtc; September, SSVaWttc, closed at MHc. I'llHN-Receipts. 138.676 bu.; exports. 11,692 bu.; spot market barely steady; No. (Ac, elevator, and (4c, f. o. b. afloat; No. white, 66c; No. 1 yellow. 64ttc. f. O. b. afloat. The option market, was without transactions, closing partly He net lower. May closed at M'Ao : juiy closed at wc. UATB itecelpts, 33. DUO Du.; exports, 1,SI bu.; spot market Arm: mixed oats, 2B to 82 lbs., 4Se; natural white, 30 to US lbs . 62fc64c; clipped white, M to 40 lbs., B2ifc. nrm; spring bran, la.t; mid- dllnira. $?S10; city, 124 00. HAT Steady: shipping. T&3S6C! good to choice. ll.tWl.10. HOPS Qwfet ; state, mmmon to onoice. ISO prnn IHfrfOr: lOTt crnn. RiiWle: Paclflo coasV 10 crop, lOCJUc; 1906 crop, 83llc niujui-bipuy uaivestnn, so to a Articles.) Open. I Hlgb.l Low. Close. Tesy .Wheat i ' May... t July... corn May. Jniy. Sept., July. 71 a 71 a' 70 A1 71Aj 7lA 711iA. 43 SB 43 41 B U Al 41TA 41HBI 4AJ 40T4B) 79 A 7iAJ 42A el HA 71 B TlViB t?A 41 ttA 42 A A S&ttA A asked. B bid. . Omaha Cask Prises. WHEAT No. 1 hard. 4JWtc; ' No. hard, 637c; No. 4 hard, Imaiio; No. voorlng. 4(cf8Uo. corn No. a. ntmKtci No. 4. Kfe3Jo Jo. a yellow, 48Hw3Soi No. t white. 419 ilUo. OATS-NO. I white, 3SHo; No. 4 whit. KSI.WC. RYB No. t, 0ot No. a, UVsO. Carlot Reeelpte, wheat. Corn. Oats, Chloago tl M 13 MlnneapoUg .................471 . - Omaha t M llnluth . ItS Bt. Louis .. U Ki IS! 'aHBBMnwsMsaeM CHICAGO ORAIlf AMD FROTIIIOXfl t aBsBB Featmres of the Tradlaaj aa CloslaaT Prices oa Board (, CHICAGO, March 1 Increased receipt in the northwest caused general selling of wheat today which resulted In a decline of almost one cent. The May option was down Tic Corn was oft fee. Oat war unchanged, and provision 12Vio to 1710 lower. Ths bears were In the ascendent through - out the -entire session and he wheat mar. Wat . a auV All 4tav. ProsnActa are con sidered bright for a liberal movement of wheat from the northwest during th pres. ont month and as evidence of this the bear minted to the recelDts of the day at sun neapoll and Duluth, which ware to? oar against car ror tne same oay laai year. , In addition the movement to all primary nolnta wu heavv. tha Utal Drimarr re ceipts being 713,000 bushels, against 17X000 bushels last year, ine sausiactory oun- ditlon of the fall-sown crop was also an NEW iORK STOCKS ASDB05DS IncooiirUnoy of Karctt Etill Farther Tm phn:'dbj Itt Imtio afortmtnti. SHARP DECLINE IN THE HILL ISSUES Readlns, llarrlmana aad Peaaayl vaala 'Also Down Rally Coaaea Late la Bessloa aad Cloa I Irregolar. reached lnfi4. but eoppr hares generally were strong In "yimethy with the metal. Americans were well supported durinK the forenoon snd reached over partly, operators N'lnn encouraged by the overnight Wall street advices. Canadian Parlflo and Mis souri, Kanaas A Texas received specis) st tention. Forelirners were firm on rarls buying. Jspaneae Imperial to of 1WH cloaed at 1( .!. Kalllrs were aim on Pari pur chases. MRRI.IN. Mrch I.'-Prlce cn the Bourse todav were firm. PARIS, March 1. Prices on the Bourse to day were firm. Russian Imperial 4s were not quoted and the bonds of 1904 closed -at 487.00. " other reason for the weakness. One dis patch from St. Louis stated that from prea- nt indications the crop or nansa ana wourt will equal that of last year. Bell- was general, while tne demand came fly from shorts. The market closed at lowest point or tne day. May wneat opened He to a lower at T7Ho to 77 He and sold off to 7tjo, where it closed. Clear ances of wheat and flour were -equal to Sb4,0U buahels. Exports for the Week as ahnwn hv HrilatMta w . . . aiia.t tn X-flOO.. d bushels. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi- Wheat, bu. pounds, S0c; California, n to pounds, ale; Texas dry, M to 80 pounds, ll'c. LEATHKR Steady ; acid, x7HV29c. PROVISIONS Beef. steady; family, IU.0015.60: mess. 18.60 4i 10.00; beef hams, I4. 00024. 00; packet. 11.0041 .00; city, extra India mess, 20.oo 28.00, Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, $l0.7fx 12. SO; pickled hams, 112.25 vi1 1 2.60. lar l. easy; western prime, 9.7VuV.86; renned, easy; continent. $10.10; South America, til. 00; compound. t8.76tU.K7 Vi. pork, steady; family, $22.60; short clear, $18.00(3) It. 25; mess, tl -60 l.60. TALLOW-ateady: city (U per pkg.). 6140: country (pkgs. fre. ShVSIo. RTCIS Steady; domestic fair to extra. IKGHc; Japan, nominal. . BUTTEB-nrm; street price, extra creamery, 3H$34o. Official prices: Cream ery, common to extra, 22'ff.l3o; held, com mon to extra, iiiaiiio: state aairy. com mon to fancy, 2Ot031c; renovated, common to extra. lcwZKc: western factory, common to firsts, ntf2lc: western Imitation cream. ry, extras. 264J27c; flrsU. 2aii4o. CtiCiJutlu ' irm; siate, .. iuii jcream, small September, fancy, 16c; state, white, lic, October small colored, best, UUHo; state, good to prime, 13t?i3H:; state, winter made, average Desi, izy,c; state, large Sep tember fancy. 14l4c: state. October best. 1814o: good to prime, 12(8riJ4o; same. inferior, waims, naiio. EXJOS steady; atate, Pennsylvania ana nearby fanoy selected white, 90o; state, choice, 2Mj29c; brown and mixed, extra, 2g2c; firsts to extra firsts, 27'S,27Hc; wes tern firsts, 27c; official price, J7o; second. 2trWHe. POULTRY 14ve oulet: western chickens. 11c; fowls, 12c; turkeys, 14c Dressed, easy; western cnicgens, uwioo turaeys, iaitc: fowl, 8S13c. ; J St. Loots General Market. ST. LOUIS, March 1 WHEAT Lower; track. No. 2 red, cash, 77(gT7Hc; No. X hard, IVaOc; May, 76c; July, 767c. CORN Lower; track, No. i cash, 4fi9 4&HC; No. I whit. 4tJ0o; May, Wo; July. 46Hfr-6H- OATS Weak; track, No. 1 cash, 43c; No. I white, 44o ; May, 41o; July. tfciWc. FLiOUR Steady; red winter patents, $3 SO tfS.SO; extra fancy and straight, Ii.2oijj8.a0; Clear, $2. 12,86. SEED Timothy, steady t3 7504,15. CORNMRALr-Steady, $2.40. BRAN Slow; sacked, east track, 9fi99o. HAY Dull; timothy, tl6.0Oi318.SOi prairie, ll0.00tglS.O0. IRON COTTON TIES-41.10. BAOOINO 10SO. ' HEMP TWINE 10e. PROVISIONS Pork. ' lowen lobbing. I$K.8&. Lard, lower; prim steamed, $.3t. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra short, $9.62; clear ribs, t.62H: short clear, $9.76. Baoon, steady; boxed,, extra short, $10.37Vi; clear ribs, 110.27; short clear, $10.50. POULTRY Firm; chickens, 11c; springs, 13c; turkeys, lOHc; ducks, 12c; geese, 7c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 2704o; dairy, tli'Hc. FXKJS Higher at 17a. The receipt and shipments of flour and grain were; Receipts. Shipments. ! Flour, bbls O.OnO 10.00 cago reported' receipts of tut cars against a holiday last week and tot cars a year ago. Small local receipts ant) unsettled weather steadied the corn market early In the day, but the weakness of wheat offset these in ' tluences and caused an easier tone during the last half of the session. Because of a scarcity of offerings trading was light at the opening, but became more active later when pit traders sold freely because of th break in wheat. The close was easy. May corn opened a shade higher at 47HO, sold between 47WO and 47'S-7Xc and closed at 'uHViC. Ical receipts were 844 car with none of contract grade, . Trading In oats was light and the market was a trifle easier because of the weakness of wheat. The bulk of the trading was In July option. May oat opened Hfo'io higher at 4-'Vc, sold between 42Vo and 42Ho and closed at 42Wtf42c. Receipt were 123 cars. The provisions market was subject to heavy selling pressure by stockyards In terests and as the support was not strong prices suffered a considerable decline. Of ferings were chiefly at tlt.35. Lard was do"n 12c at $9.624 Rib were UVsQ'lta lower at t8.9Vu8.H6. Estimated reoeipta for tomorrow: Wheat, as cars; corn. 874; oat. 122; hogs, 20.000 head. The leading future ranged as follow; Corn. Oats, bu. bu. . 2,000 .m.ouo . 80.000 NEW YORK. March l.-The inconsistency of the stock market was emphaeisvd by Its erratic movements today. Hitherto this week the abrupt reversals have come on succeeding days. Today the range was re traced before the expiration of the ses sion. Several declines were shown atf on time during the day and these were prac tically all wiped out by a subsequent rally. Transactions were on a considerable seals, but was largely congested In a few actlv stocks. The constant fluctuation of price pointed to a professional origin for the greater part of ths transactions. The extent of the fluctuations, however, as well as the absence of authentic Information to ex- filain them keep alive suspicions of man pulatlve tactics In the market to oonoeal the character of the oper ations In progress. Some of the special weakness today was attributed to th after math of the Harrlman Inquiry and to Sug gestions of new direction which future prosecution of the inquiry might take. The sharp declines in the Hill stocks were connected with these suppositions. Read ing continued a center of attack and ru mors persisted of a forthcoming large note issue by that company. A bad effect was produced also by the re ports of a vote In progress amongst some classes of Pennsylvania railway employes on a proposed strike, although officials of the company profess confidence that the dispute will be settled. Canadian Pacific offered a report of earnings for January In which a decline In gross earnings com bined with an increase In operating ex penses to make a wide decline In net earn In as compared with last year. The same tendency was observable In some other less Important railroad reporting. Conferences were reported In. progress at the same time amongst railroad officials looking to advances in rreignt rate on coal and Iron One of the board room review on the early weakness of the market was that it was tne expression Of disapproval by large financial Interests of any attemnt to dis count in the market, the 'final adoption of the Aldrlch bill. Large Influence on the upward turn In th market was attributed, however, to th report from Washington that this bill would be taken? up In the house during the Afternoon Instead of be ing put over to the Saturday session. The upward turn, came in the race or the an nouncement of new note Issues, for which so much dread had been professed, the IiOUlsville and Nashville and the Atlantic Coast line being the oomnanles concerned Money rates were Arm here on call and on time. The London and Paris money markets, however, showed prompt response to. tne relaxing mnuence of the turn of the month and foreign exchange here was easier. The coming Japanese loan refund ing, although it will .be participated In by New York bankers, will. It Is said, serve rather to move funds to New York than to make any Inroads on banking supplies. The late rally In stocks was onlv sllrhtlv Impaired and th closing tone wae slightly Irregular. Bonds were heavy. Total sales, par value, $1.48. 000. United States bond were unchanged on call. The following was the range of price on th New York Stock exchange: Silo. Hlh. iJtm. CloM mi Nxprns Amalgamated Copper 14. fit U Amer. Car and. Foundry..,, 44 i" .... Antr. Cotton Oil 400 1144 11 do fd Amer. Iipreas 1M 2M tit Amir. Hide Leather pit , Amer. Ice 1,(00 tt II Amer. Unwed Oil., , pfd Amer. Loeometlve tot 111 T2 4o pfd Amer. tmsltlng a tUf.., do pfd Amer. Busar Ref., sx-dlr Amor. Tobacco pld (III. Anaoonda Mining Co Atcblaoa .. ...... do sfd Atlantis Coast Una 700 11 1 H Baltimore Ohio lluH . do pfd , Brooklyn Rapid Tranilt 4,600 7014. Canadian PaclBs. ea-dlv... 1.700 181 Central of Now Jersey .... too ftMVfc tMVt Chomapoake Ohio , l.Ono K 4 cnicago ui, woatern one in 14 Chleife 4k Northwesters... Isto 147 C. at. St. raul 4,suo 144 Chlcaco Term. At Timna .... do pfd , .... ... c c. r a st. ituia 71,Ol6 I Colorado Pual and Iron.. Mew York Money Market. NEW YORK, March L MONEY On call, strong at 6V4U fer cent; ruling rate, t per cent; closing bid, 6Vj per cent; offered at 4 per rent. Time loans, slightly firmer; sixty day. 614 per cent; ninetw days, 6V4ylib per cent; six months, 64 per cent. KKIMK MUKCAKTILB l'AJ'lVht-e!?pi per cent. BTKHUNa EX.CHANUE Easier, witn actual business In. bankers' bills at t4.ft46ttf 4.84H6 for demand and at $4. 803534 ft HO for sixty-day bills: posted rates. t4.ftlVk and $4J4; commercial bills, $4.mtfJ4.80. BIL.VEK Bar. tsa-Ho: Mexican dollars. 63t40. bonds uovernment. steady: railroad. heavy. CluHlng quotatlrns en binds were a follows: V. t. ref. la, do coupon Ktvfc V. . . rr 10314 do coupon 10,414 V. 8. old 4a, r(....10s to coupon, -ei-lnt. 101H V. a. a. 4a, da eonpon It " - 1 ww ...... .. do (a ;...i Atrhiaon fn. 4a 101 do adj. 4s i At. C. L. 4a, ax-lnt.. M B. O. 4s 101W do l4 : Brx. R. T. er. 4s.. cnt. or oa. is.... 11 do lit Ino. do Id Ine. do M Ino. C. A O. 4H. ex-lnt.l2 Chicago A A. 71 C, B. A Q. n. 4.... t44 C. R. I. A P. to... 1it so eoi. m, i-int. u CCC. 9t U . 4. 10144 r. A Colo. Ind. U. Colo. Ml. 4a..., Colo. A So. 4s ruba ta , !. A R. O. 4s., Mrt. ,. to.... Brie prior Hon 4a., do geil. 4a , Hock. val. 4Wi. "It, Bid. Offered IJapaa to. 2d sarlea. M4 do rtfa K4 do id sarlea 4 do 4a I34 L. A N. nl. 4a 1004 M.nbat. e. told 4a.. ion Met. Central 4a.... do lot Ino 24 at. A St L. 4s ti-lnt M M., K. A T. 4o... t7H do Ida 14 4 N. R. of M. a. 4a.... at N. T C. son. 1.. M 14. J. C. an. 4a..l5t4 No. Paelne 4s 10014 do la 70 V4 Norfolk A W o. 4a. H ore. . U rf. 4a... tl Fnn. ov. US Raadlaf sen. 4s.... tT St. L I I. , t to. Ill si. L. A . r. tg. 4a. ai t. U . W. a. a.. T Koabnord A. L. 4a.. 7H 3o. Pacific 4a IH do let 4a otfa Il4 Southern Rt to 11'S 7mTei. A P. lata 1!'S 1 ItT St. b. W. 4a. II .1004 U. P. 4a K"- . Nlt l'. R. Hteol Id to.... 4ft . fits "Wahaah lata Ill . nvi W.ntrrn Mfl4a It . It ,W. A L.B. 4a ax-lnt IT .1I 4H wis. Central 4a If 1814 77 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Licbt Eeoeiptt f Cattle, with Trioe Generally Ettady. HOGS OPEN UP HVt CENTS HIGHER Light Reeelpte of Sheep aad Laabe, with Detnaad Very Good aad I-rlres rally Steady with Yesterday. A 1 SOUTH OMAHA, March X. 1907. Racetnts were: Official Monday ... Olllclal Tufsday ... Ottlcial Wednesday Official Thursday .. Official Friday Cattle. Hog. Sheep. ... 6.204 6M1 U.W1 11.3TI 14.V.V 11.16 8,1 V, 4.M ,W 7U) .... '....rt to t M sa m ... t N u. ...... .M ... tM 77 tl ... 1X4 an 4 4 I at tl 111 ... t "v, 44 t'4 ... ISt 4 'l ... ItT 71....,,. s4 . . tat sa a ... t 47 mi m is 4 11 ... t rv 1 44 its H I U 74 ... t rrv4 M. H7 ...1st ft IM 4 I rrH n r.-4 M IM Tl V ... irit M Kl ... I TO Ht ... t nwj 17 rt 4 . m 1 ... I rrv so i4 ... I M K IM ... t rH 4 141 ... tM H ft ... IS 71 141 ... t M 71 Sl ... I H 1 174 ... til Tt Ml ... IN 44 ttl ... 1st Itnatna Stocks and Beads. BOSTON, March l.-Call loan. Vql per cent; time loans, 6Vfi6',t per cent Official prices on stocks and bonds were i Atehlaoa adj. 4a.. no 4o Mrt. CentlAl AWhlann IOI14 no pfd 1.1 Soaton A A., ei-dlY.tritt Boston A Maine 1(7 Boiton Elevated ....141 ritchburg pfd llu Ilex. Central l.t4 N. Y., N. H. A H . 18144 Para Marqaatts tl Union Paclno Y! Am. Arga. Cham.... II do sfd M fnea. tuos Bunr in do pfd 126t4 . Tel. A Tel.. 12s II AdTentura t'VAIlouet . SH Amalnamatod Am. Woolen da sfd 11aon Sloe. III.. Maaa. Blootrla ... do pfd aas. Uaa ITnlted rrult .... nlted Shoo Maeh. Pfd a. atooi d4 Ofd uia. "Offered. . tl, 70 140 luO U4V, . 1.1(H) 1114, too. .104,000 W44 . 17,000 io;4 no 1M 1104 41 44 a n i to X It liH u$ 114 11144 M m 101 n 11 lis "4 4 7014 1174 lll4 104 Hi 110 101 1144 10r4 tM4 Con sola, money . , ao aceounL .., Anaconda Atchlaon ... do pfd . A O....'. Canadian Pactte Choa. A O Chicago O. W ... ( .. tt. a st. P.. DaBeara . A It. O do pfd Erie do let pfd ..... 'Illlaola Central , A Niahvllle 8H.VF7R Bar, 1114 mvt roo 1IIV4 14144 115.UK) 62 000 Kaasaa City Grala aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, March 1. WHEAT Ho lower; May, 70o; July, 704c; September, 7o'pe; cash, No. t hard. eoHfiSc; No. i, tti(71c; No. t red. 74(&74Hc; No. i. 6W73o. CORN Unchanged to o lower; May, 414c; Joly, 41Hc, September, 42Hc; cash. No. 2 mixed ,- 41 42o; No. I, tOfec; No. 1 white. 4Sc: No. t. 42,0. OATS Unchanged; No. X white, 410 4mo: No. 1 mixed. 40t40Vic. BGG8 Steady; firms, 17Ho; cases In cluded. HAY-r-Steady; choice timothy, HS.6O3iS.OO; choice prairie, $11.000 11.60. RYK aJteady, &Kaio. Bl'TTtOH Steady to firm; creamery, 81c; packing, Uo. Keceipie. bhipments. Wheat, bu. 61,000 (OOOO Corn, bu 40,000 SA.000 Oats, DU.,. 16,000 Board of Trade quotation for Kansas City delivery. The range of prices, as re ported' by Logan At Bryan, 111 Board of Trade building, was: Colorado A gouthere. do lat pfd do Id pfd Conaolldatad Oas Com Products do Pfd , Delaware A Hudaoa Dal., Lack. A Weatara lianvor A lllo Grande Article. I Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Close. Yes-y. Wheat 11 I May 774 , 77S 74 764 July 784J71H, 7SH 77i 77 Sept. . 7S J 7t T7iH 77s& Corn I May 47Hf'4 47ff4 H 46 . July V 4 4t 4i" 4t4 Sept 4o',a 40 46ViMeila C)ts I May 42 4I ttHiiSHie-H July tr ' ST1 t7,S7S'a Sept. . M ,12 123(8 Pork , -May 16.60 1 60 1 T S6 July 16 b0 It 60 U 17ft 1 47ft Msy t7?ft I 78 t 8?H tzft ' July t 72 77ft t tUft 2ft Sept. I 77 Is 77ft $ 71 in 00 106 1 92ft IK July 16 116 rOs Its 7ft1f. ailft ftb"H Htlft It 66 73 I 77ft t fcft 107ft Cash ouotatlon were follows: PLX.1UR Kasy; winter' patent.. Article. I Open. I High. I Low. 1 Close. Wheat- I I I May Wft 71 70iS4l7(VB July 71fti Tift? 71ft 71ftB Corn "I May 41ft41Hia 41ftiflft4ft July 41ft42ftnpft 41ft 4,2 1.60; winter straights, W.OOifi'itS; sjurlng pat ents, t.Duwa.ov; siraignta, 44.1utjs.0u: Daaui. I2.KHS170. WHKA T No. I sprfng. elf4c; No. 1 TJVf-V: No. I red, 7Sfi740. COKJJ-No. X 43o; No, I yellow, 44fte. OAT a No. X 4lftc: No. I whits, tic; No. I whlltt. 41i&420. , , RTK-No. i &c. . ' HAKUEY Fair to chok-e malting, OtWo. aKI No. 1 flax, $1.17; No. I north wi em. 11.24. Otnver, contract grade, $13.1(6. , rROVISlONS Short ribs side (loose), $7i 75u8lt7ft. Mess pork, per bbl., tl.rtWii Jd .40. Lard, per 100 lbs., $9.t7ft. Short clear aides tboxed). $8.7ft''t.,ft. The receipts and shipments of flour and 1"' , , , statceipta ejmpmente. riuui, 4.0iJt Wheat, bu t,000 Corn, bu 2o.) Cwts, bu ...lta.4) Jtye, bu 4.0,0 barley, bu., T,0 On the Produce eschsngs today the but- T" maxaej was weaa: creameries, EsuMftc t? JOdjac. I:ggsw .te)ldy; at mark. e-v. K7.3i'0 7J,"J :. 7a M.oiio - t.j .-eew iweay; at mark. 1 Included. S0t". flrala. tei prim first. Cheese, teady; HHCltiWo. MUwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE, March 1. WH RAT Mar ket Uwer; No. 1 northern, alfcSLc; No t northern, TbfeSrtc; May. 7ba7tic. bid. . HAKLET-Hlgher; No. t. 60c; sample. &g tjuoc. OATS Steady; standard. eSfttSc. CORN Kaoler: No. t. cash, 4J4ijJc: My. 47Vii471sC, asked. - Liverpool Urala Market. I.IVKBPOOL, Feb. WHEAT-Spot, 'steady; No. I red western winter. Is fd; futures, qnlet: March, 6s 61; Msy, Cs 6Vtl; July, lis CORN Spjt, steady; Anterclan mlxt-d 4a tJ: old. 4s 7W1; futures, quiet; March, as 4ftd; May, 4s tftd. Mlaaeapolla Orala Market. MINNBAPOI.ia. Minn., Mar. 1. WHEAT May rli.s-d at 7V(i:sVo; July Tsfta, Ou track. No. 1 hard. SL-MiKliao; No. 1 north ern. Vir-aUSac; to arrive, Jft7ic: No. I Ufrthfin. r -iT,r; to nrr v. T;S4I7V. itALll Ml ,-ateuU, 4-ij4.u, scuuj nnlath Grala Market. Dtrt TtTH. March 1. WHBAT-On track: No. 1 northern, 7Sfto; No. 1 northern, 77fto; May, 70ftc; July, ! I Heptemoer, tec. OATS To arrive, March. IBfto. BARLEY-8fl0. Peoria Market. PEORIA, Feb. .-ORN Unchanged; No. A Ac; no grade, toftoaac OAT8 Firm; No. 1 white, 42ftc; Ko. white. 41ii-C4c; No. 4 white, 414ifto. RTlw btedy; No. X 67iic. Phlladolakla Prodae Market. . PHILADELPHIA. March 1. EGGS Mar ket lc lower; western fresh, 14c at mark. CHEEHB Market firm and in good de mand; New York full cream,' fancy, 14ft9 na; new xora iuii creama, choice, ldfto. Toledo Peed Market. TOLEDO. O.. March 1. SEEDS Clover. Caah and March. $N JO; April, x .06 ; October, 40 w. nmotny, aisik. i.te. Wool Market. BOSTON, March 1 WOOL The Com mercial Bulletin of Boston, basing It re port upon statistics gathered tor the gov ernment, will say tomorrow of the wool market: It has been a week of big sales. heavy receipts and large shipments. The market I active In all departments and an enormous amount of the staple Is being handled. The American Woolen company has been a large buyer of territory, sev eral million pounds of which have changed handa. Prominent In the transactions are between l.OtU.Ouu and t.tuu.Ofio pounds of tine staple Montpna at Uc Staple Oregon Is active at mi?4c. While the tone of the market la firm, prims ars not mora than stia,dy. and any advancs Is 'improbable7. Foreign advices indicate Arm prices at tha Ixndon auction sales, 0enlng March 1. The shipments of wool from Boston to February 2a. Inclusive, according to tha same authority, are al.2id.7ev Dounda asalnat 46,6oll pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to February a, In cluelve. are 44.872.-tw pounds, against 42,87a,- P4' nounds tne same period last year. . ST. LOUIS. March 1. WOOL Steady medium grades, combing and clothing, M tifoftc; light fine. afQ&o; heavy fine, lo"lc tub washed, 9Utfa. Tottes Market. NEW YORK, March t.--COTTON-rot closed steady; middling uplands, ll.&c middling gulf. 11 60e; sales. 14.814 bales. NEW ORLEANS. March l.-CiyTTON Spot, firm: salea, 4.U50 bales. Low ordinary t t-16a. nominal: ordinary, Tt-ltic nominal; good ordinary, kftc; low middling, tftc middling. 1So; good middling, llftc; mid dllng fuir. 12fte nominal; fair, lKftc ruim Inn I Kecelpts, I.OJh; stocks, til, 17 bales. ST. U),ll, Mo., Msreh L COTTON SteaVty; middling. loSc. Sales, t.Otl balsa; K'flih S-v, baies; altlpmeota, oouei stock. 94, lit IMisa. 1.100 l.oot too lot t. 40 TOO 11 44 140 '4 do pfd tecurltlaa. 100 104 J'O 40 - 404 VA ton 144 lto 1414 t ai 44 lt tVs lltft tlH .... H t04Uj S04 4o m iV IV. 41 ' tl 1171 14 Wj 11. lot lot In 14 400 tl . 40 1MH 1.40 1IS4 11 w 40t II l'ooo liin too t44 4U0 IS 100 111 S00 144 t.400 to4 11,40 444 41Va St. L. 1.40 fO t.e iM'4 IV 4I4 TO t44 . 700 I0V4 40 US .. 1T.T04 114 ,. 1,00 Mt4 40 71V4 .. 10 4444 10 ;.-44.'io it 1 r. lit 44 natulan Erie .' do lat pfd do Id pfd Oeooral. Eloclrlo , lllnola Central inter. Paper do Bid Tatar. Pump do cfd .., Iowa Central do sfd , K. C. Southern do pfd UoulBTllla A NaakTlila... Mexleaa Central Minn. A at. Leala It., at. P. A sault 8ts. II do sfd notour! Paclflo M... Kansas m Texas do pfd National Lead N. R. R. of Mexico pfd.. Now Tork Central ,. N. T.. Ont. A Westers.. Norfolk A Wasters. do ofd North Americas ... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania Poiipia'a oas .... pitta., c, v. m Proaae Steal Car do pfd .do pfd Reading do let pld do td Dfd Republic Ileal da Did .., Rook lalend Ce do pfd Ruober Oooda pfd St. U A Baa rran. M pta. gt. Loais aouthweatara... da ofd Southern Facias , do ofd .. Railway , da ofd Teaaaaaoo Coal saA Iron., Toiaa A Patina Toledo. St. L. A Weatern, do sfd Colon Plains do pfd , V. a. sJxproas V. a. Realty , U. a. Rabbor do pfd D. . Steal do pld Virginia-Carolina Chemical. to pia n jbuh do pfd Walla-rargo giproae Woatiachouea Kleotrla ..... Wcetern Cnloa Wheallni A lata Erie Unanoaata Central do pt Nerthara Paeia Central laethof do pfd Sluaa-Sheflald Croat Nortnora no lMorborougk Motrosolllaa.. Total salaa lor the day. 1 lit, tot Shan. 764 Mt4 f4 17 "4 17 til lit" U 14 111 141 7114 100 0 l.loo too A to Vo 10 to. a.tu 1404 M. 40t ,5s 14 tt Ml 1 41 H u 11744 II 7t - tJ UV4 I Ma tt U 46 tl Si- 14 u i4 II ii'" M to .IfrT.tO 1714 144 400 pa ; loo u '. 'tei 10414 . I14O0 44 1.10S OS) 17 Tt 7f 1114 41 47t 117 ltd II TH P a 144 11414 2(44 14 111 141 74 4 70 81 IMS 411 S4 I 4 in 14 04 Tl 141 11514 to 11 IT 1444 oa lot It 11 14 11 lit n 147 II 444 17114 10114 t 11 10 44 It 144H 40 17 lat lOOtt toe 41 s I. too 1414 1.04 U 100 I lot ' 44t4 10314 II lot It 101 .... ns .... 140 tl I0H a 11 .... 11 41 44 14 1H lot 4IH 10314 II N4 u 17 10014 7 11 1 100 4 .17 H1H 4 tt Bostea Copper Market. ,-1 (..a nuotatlona oa Boston oopaer rear ket! rep.rted by Logan A Bryan, lit Board of Traaa ouuums. ,. tt .. It .1114 ,. tt ..14 ,. .. s ,.U4S .. n ..114 ::K ..10114 .. 41 .. 4 .. 7 II II , IN U u V'wrelaB riaaaalal. laONDON. March 1. The rates for money were easier in tne maraei today. Tne pay ment of dividends and the rvlrase of hank era' bale news nusre than offset the heavy calls, mocounis were j' ine lndt cretary purchased V 1 gtd. du liere March 14, snd s- . oiHlort $16110.0x41. The feature n, iv'i business as A uuk(l sjurt In iUo Tlnlca, wulvh Advent ure Atlouoa Atlantie blnahan black Meuatata haaaa Coall, bulla Caaltlion ... Calumat A Arlaoaa Calumet A Hacla.. Cantanalat Copper Range .... Dally Weat Kaal Bulla Praaklla Crcoao Copper .... Qraaby HallMla ,le koyal A. C u . A rau .... Maaa Mitetgaa U Mohiat , . 4 NJa Cos . lt N. Butte . H4 Uoalaloa . 7 , Oeeeola . HI4 Poou. aVarrtco . U-4 Puau. aanloe Bid., .144 Quincy .100 fhanaoa . 41 Tamarack . 44 Toon. Copper ,. it Trinity . 11 lultad Fruit . null. . Commas . UU. a. pfd J4 Ptak Cooa ,. 4 t'uk Copper ,. US Victoria ., 11 Wlaaaa .. It Woliorlae .. dCa .. IVVNII M-4 . MS .120 . II . 17(4 . 44 J04U. .'44 . 1444 . 44i .1M Atlantic Rlngham , Cal. A Hacla Centennial Copper Range .... nalr weet Franklin ,., Isle Royale ...... Maaa. Mining ... Michigan Mohawk Moil. Coal A 0.. nid Dominion C'iceola Parrot uulncy Shannoa Tamaratk Trinity united Copper I'. 8. Mining. U. 8 Oil Utah Victoria ...... Winona Wolverine .... .. 44 ..1104 .. l'4 Ik4 ..Ml .. 4244 .. 44 .. 14 .. 1 .. llf. .. IV, .. tl .. tl .. Itt .. 1114 147 1914 Ill T4 IM ...... KJ4 ...1. Vl , tl II , 70 , 1074 , 1 ...,1M Five day this week....l9.M7 U .708 Same days t weeks ago.. 11.476 4S.HU W.iU Bums duys t weeks ago.. $4,tll 40.418 S3.oJ0 Same days t weeks ago.. ti.309 43,796 il.SWi Same days last year.... 23,877 64.600 tXiKi ine iouowing taUe show th receipts ot tattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for ths year to date, compared with last yeari lx)7, 1K. ino- L6- Csttle W.4i7 16,6T $4.16 Hogs 4b.l4 tai.&U bheep U7.(o tbt.alxt 4,61i CATTLE! QUOTATIONS. Good to choice corp.fed stent.,... .$o.26S00 Fair to good cornfed steers : ""i'f, Common to fair steers 4.ov4.w Good to choice fed pows ? Fair to good cows and hslfers...,. $ Common to fair cows and heifer.. .utj. Good to choice stock era Ai feeders. Fair to good stockers and feeder. Common to fair atockor. Bulls Stags, eto . Veal calves , SHEEP When th market opened this morning there were only about thirteen car In sight, almost all of them ewes. In spite of the fact that the week Is draw ing to a close the demand was very good and everything In sight changed handa at an early hour In the morning. The trade s a whole might be summed up as a good stesdy and actlv market Among the of fering were ewea good enough to bring $6.S6, The sheep market this week has been In very satisfactory condition. Receipts bar been liberal, while there ha been a cor respondingly good demand. Prices, how ever, have not shown any material change. being generally about steady with A week ago. lAinM are not quite ss high as they were Monday, but they were as high as on last p riaay. Quotations on killers! flood to choice lambs, $70076; fair to good lambs, $6.76 0 7.00; good to cholc yearlings, lamb weights, $aoo&6.46; fair .to good yearling, lamo weights. $6.76$t.u0; good to choice yearlings, heavyweight, to.76i4pS.00; fair to good yearlings, heavyweights, t5 6"u6.7J: good to choice old withers, 12.365. 5; fair to good old wethers. 16.14)6.40; good to choice ewes, t6.0u4f6.36; fair to good. H-60ti 8.00. Hecreaentativa salsa: no. 4.1X4l4.K , t.76i4.iO s.Ouut.79 H.76'5 The- following tabl how the average price of hog at South Omaha for th last several days, with comparison; tat. I laoj. lDOt.lu6,lO4.U03.lH 1M Feb. 20.,. Unb. 21... leb. ... Feb. 23... Feb. 24... Feb. 26... Feb. it... reu. Feo. lot... March 1. t S2H! W 4 6 2o t Jl J Ml Jl ( 6 Vol 4 ',41 I Hi 6 " AiHI t 04 4 61 I U f Wl I t 6! t odl & Mi 84 t l El western bucks 14t western ewes tit western ewes 8v0 western ewe I2t western ewe 78 Western awes .(HxS.69 64 western yearlings 1 western lambs, feeder... 7$ western lamha. feeders.... 618 western lamb $ weslsrn ewes $00 . western ewee DO western ewes Ill western ewes 800 western ewes.S 6 30 1 100 weetern ewes 6 $2 I ar western lambs a western spring lamb;... 4 71 6 U t 62 80 6 98) I t 40, M 6 it. (Mi 4 77 6 i m t Vu-)t 11 f 84 t 211 I 86 6 . 6 88 6 W t (8 Av. . 148 . 1Z2 ,. 62 . 104 . 109 . 108 . M . 8 . 7t ,. t . 141 . m . 1 . 116 . 113 . nt . 71 . $0 Fr. , too I 26 i 80 I 26 I I 10 76 t 80 86 f 00 I 86 I 86 I 86 6 80 6 30 1 10 100 lct roe had, per fish. 11; frog leg, tncj lobsters, green, per id., sici looaiers, 001 tea. per lb., 40c; msckerek Spanish, ser 1., Mo. macKerei, natira, l" 10. HON KT Per M frames, $154). Cl'KEU riSH Family White flsh, r quarter bbl., 1X lbs., $400; Norway maok erel. No. 1. $86.00; No. 1 2t0t); herring, la bbls., f J lb each, Norway. 4k, 811.00. - . Hlbfcrl AND TAlXOW-areen Mlted, Jto. T, lie; No. t. He; bull hide. gren hides. No. 1. loo; No. , tc: hors. fltt $.76; pheep pelts. 6rtcJ$l.rtl. Tallow, No. J, t4cr No. I 840. Wool, lf4T22o. CIDKR Nw York, half barrel, $3.71; bdr rel, $6 04. COFFEBJ Roastel. Ko. , JAo per lh.1 No. 80, llo per lb.; No. i. 19o per lb.; No. 10, lc per lb.; No. tl, 13c per lb, BVQAR Granulated ctne, In sacks, $8 tit granulated beet. In sacks. 86.11. SYRUP In bbla, I7o per gal.; In case, t 10-lb. cans. $1.70; cases. 11 t-lb. cans, ll.suj. cases, M lb. carta $186. NUTS French walnuts. UHci Callfomli wslnuts, No. 1, soft shell, 13c; No. 1, soft shell. 164tc: Praills. lo4?lo; pecans. lMfin; filbert. 1J4jl4c; peanut, raw, ?Hct reaaled, to: California almonds, hnr shell, 16c; Taragoma, 17c; cocoanuta, KM per 100 Jbs. . CANNKD OOODB Corn, standard, weet. rn, 65fiY0o; Maine, $1.16. Tomatoes, 8-In, cans. 11.10; 8-lb. cans, rHcrtl.(0. Pin apples, grated, 8-lb., $2.0Mj1.!to; sliced, )l.M ti2.20. Gallon apples, fancy, $3 06. Call, fomla apricots, MOO. pear $V7M71 M. Peaches, fancy, $1.7641140: H.' C, Ptachea, $2.002.60. AlasKa salmon, red, $1.26 fane Chinook, P., $2.10; fancy sookeye,.F., $l i Sardines, quarter oil, $2.76: three-quarteia mustard, ' $3.00. Sweet potatoes, tl.HV?i.25. Sauerkraut. $1.0a Pfmfckln. Bji6)l.oe, Wax bean, t-lb.. tolMOc. IJma beans, t-lb 7uc3l..B. Splnsch, $1.36. Cheap peas, t-lb, toe; xlra. 86c4jtL10: fancy. tl.86tjFl.Ts. Rvaporated Apple aad Dried frail, NKW YOTIK, March l.-BVAPORATFt APPLES Market Is quiet, with no quotable changes; fancy,. 8o; cholo. ao; prime, CALIFORNIA CRIED rRtnTS--prune are steady at 8c to ltd for California fruit; Oregon prunes, t4jO to loo. Aprloots, firm; choice, llic; extra choice, lWn 19oi fancy, 131 20c Peaches, firm; choice, lM(12Hc; ex tra choice, 12m2l34e; fancy, 12ttl4c; extra fancy, 1.1416c. Raisins, unchanged; loos Muscatels. 2-crown to 8-Crown, atjltot seeded raising, 7mc; London layers, $1469 1.46. . CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET 6 W 6 29 U 4 86 'Sunday. RANGE) OF PRICES. Cattls. Hogs. Omaha $3.5um50 $6.0l)o Chicago 1.00u6.6 , t .1MJ7.US Kansas City t6a.60 4W4i.i St. Louis 16xa.75 .2bu7.0a Sioux City 3.86w00 .foO86 The official number of car of stock broutrbt in today br each road Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. U'aea C, M. ex BU Y Wabash t Mo. P. Ily 1 U. P. syslem 18 'C. dt N. W. teast) .. 1 C. dt N. W. twest). 16 C, St. F., M. A O.. 4 C, B. dt (4. least) , C, B. & Q. (wcit).. i V., H. 1. tt f. teastl.. 1 C, U, i. f. twesU. i liil.iois Centrul Chicago Gt. Weatern .. Total receipt .... 64 The disposition of the day' receipt waa as follows, eacn Duyer purchasing ins num ber of head indicated; Buyers. cattle. Hogs. bnop. London Closlas; Stoajfcs. LONDON. March 1. moalntr nnntntlnn. r,n tocks were: It 1-11 M., KA T 44 Ill-UN. T. Central., 110 ..164 Norfolk A W 1414 ..101 , do pfd IT ..10214 ont. A Weatara 41 ..114 Pennayleanta 414 14 Rand Mines 114 1314 Reading .. it Southern Ry ,.lto4 do pfd , .. 10l4;Southarn Paolfle II .. ltl .. 1614 .. 7114 .. tl ..111 ..111 Union Pacific do pfd . .... U. 8. Steal .. do pfd I Wabash , do pfd npautah to .... 1114 .... 44 ... 14T4 ....17714 ::::i.a ....10714 ..1, II .... 11 us 14 . . , 1 2 85 a 10 .. 1 1 8 .. 8 . .. 14 ' .. 6 , .. 1 .. 1 t 1 .. n "t stead V: 22 1-lGd ner nunca. MONBY-4a44 per oent. . The rate ttf discount in the omn marlrot for short bills Is 4 per cent; for throe 13-16 month' bills, 441 per cent.. New York Mlalag; Stocks. NEW YORK. March 1. Closing on mining biocks were: Adams Con. A Ilea .., Breece Bruniwlck Cons. Cotnatock Tunnel , Coo. Cal. and Vt, Horn surer Iron Silver . Leadrllle Coo. II ...It ..; It ... to ... tl 0 .4M . t Mttle Chlat Ontario Ophlr rotoai - BR-4 Hiarra Nevada ... .170 Ismail Mopes Standard t T16 ISO It to 71 40 Treasary Statement. WASHINGTON. March l.-Todaya stats- ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve, shows: Available cash balance, $20,164.656; gold coin and bullion, $116,98$, 746; gold certificate, $44,623,470, Bisk Clearings. OMAHA. March 1. Bank clearings for today were $1,936,368.48, and for the corres ponding date last year t2.28A 797.72. Bank clearing for February this year-were $41, VlZm.a, and for trebruary, 1806, $37.06,- 0.0. 4i . Omaiia Packing Co 14 l,vJ4 Swut and Company ... 404', 1.H44 Cudahy Packing Co fUJ K.V4) Armour A Co J 181 2,dl Omaha Pkg. Co., K. C Lobman dt Co , 84 Hill dfc Son .' 26 ... Huston A Co . L. F. Huss 13 ..... J. H. Bulla Mike haggerty , 11 ..... Sol Begun 8 ..... J. B. lioot at Co 15 T. B. lngnram 4 ..... b'ullivan tiros. 1 ..... Leiiraer ' Idros 1 Other buyers 196 1 Total 1.715 7,079 CATTLE-rReoelpts ot cattl wer Kansas City Live Stoek Market. KANSAS CITY. March l.-CATTLW-R- ceipto, 1,800 head. Including 100 southerns: mantel siow, steady; cnoice export ana dressed beef steers. 85.Sofid.60: fair to good. M WK06.4O; western fed tockors snd feeders native cows, $2.6054.60; nstive heifers, $3.2o47 4.86; bull. $3.866416: calves. 13.WW7.I6. HOGS RecelDts. 6.600 head: market Sc higher; top, $7.06; bulk of sale, f6 87H6t.8i; neavy, to.pora7.Ub; packers, $a.S7ViH 8iH; pigs and light, $6.864.874. SHEEP AND UMB8 Receipt. 8,000 head; market steady, shade lower; lambs, $il0$f7.36; ewes and yearlings. $45t3'j.76; Food staff a froaa IJverveol. LIVERPOOL, March 1Followlng are the stocks of breadstuff and provision la Liverpool: Flour, 66,000 sack; wheat 67,100 centals: corn, tUO.000 centals; bacon, 17,000 boxes; hams, 6,6m boxes; shoulders,. 2,8110 boxes; butter, lbs.; cneese, 7t.w boxes; lard, 8.100 tleroes prime weartsr Cattl aad Sheet Steady Hog Steady to Strona. CHICAGO. March 1. CATTLR Receipt , Ksteam and 1,300 ton of other kind. bout l.otio head. Market steady r ntain to best steera t4.266.f6: heifers. cows, $8.8pit.0O; bulls, $2.00b4.6O; calve. $2.60 tjif.oi; stocker ana feeders, tz.Butuo.gtj, HOGS-Receipts, about 24,000 heed. Msr ket steady to strong; choice heavy ship ping, $7.00tiS7.06: light butchers, )8&&7.0O; light mixed, $.86'a7.00; packing, $U. 667.00; piss, $s.7D4i.8t; bulk of salea 1. 967.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, about 8,000 head. Market steady; sheep, $4.76 .00; lambs, $0,503.60. RICH COUNT PIES A j PAUPER Seloa at Swedish Jtobl Fasally, Blt to flSOPOO, Was Not . Kaana, Behind th bar statement of the dat& In th Lehigh county (Pa.) almshouse la 190$ ot Count Frank Axelson Is a romance stranger than fiction. It has Just been revealed that Axelson was a scion of A family close to Swedish royalty, and that l ww"4'.o wwwo niiu yenninKa, aa.DlXfj. to; " western fed yearlings, $6.16(Jji)60; western t fvi I? "oeep, 4.6t8t..tW; stockers and feeder. 614 St. Loots Lira Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. March 1.CATTLB Re ceipt, 1,000 head. Including 800 Texana; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $5.20'i7.76; dressed beef and butcher steers, M.86416.10; steers under 1,000 pound, W.7&34.70: stockers and feeders, $3.76'd4.76; cows and heifers, $2.6&&26; canners, $1,907 2.60; bulls, $2.6634.60; calves, $3.264j.00-; Texas and Indian steers, $2.606.60; oow and heifers. 82.90iafi.60. 23 HOGS Receipts, 7.000 head; market So i nw- , ijio iiu iigiiia,; pacaers. 3,608 $6.60137.00; butchers and best heavy, $o.t llght fl- . . . oniiw a,u uanraB-nacaipii, stw neaa; market strong; native muttons, tl.25rjti.10; lamb. $4 O097.2S; cull and buck. $1.0uy4.0U; Stocker. $2,604(3.26. tiaJok es.omt.; ther Is an estat awaiting him valued at .V60'?; oSrSy1, i, ' $160,000. This has transpired through A re cent visit of the Swedish consul general In New York, accompanied by a Bpedlsh law- ' yer. The proofs, It Is said, are Indisputable.' .Axelson, was a soldier of fortune and served In nearly-every continental army.' About ten year ago he cam to America to engage In some manufacturing buslne,. HI family At last received A letter from him whll he was In Connecticut, and It was to Connecticut that the Swedish lawyer first went when he cam to America to hunt htm up several months agt). Thar h found Axelson had left for eastern Pennsylvania, to look Into th Iron busi ness. k Further search revealed th faot that ha had com to Catasauqua, on a visit to a Swedish resident, and while ther he was taken sick with 'pneumonia. Th Swedish friend and 'Squire Beldler took the man to the poorhouse, Where he died th gam thia morning, as usual oa a D'riday, leaving the total tor the week to Hate cousiaeraoiy smaller than last wtwk or last year. The total receipts of beet aieers were very small, and a some of the trims were late, Uiuie were not enough cattle un sale at am, nn. ,,m. f mill, rrlunll (if S. tSSt pf the markeu , It would appear, how-I gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 600 head; mar ever, tnai uacaers waiucu ww utuv.., killers-and were out In good seuuaon look. lug tor supplies. It would be safe to quote the market a fully steady tor1 the day and as much as luc, and in some ifn. hlirhf.r.than a week Aaro. About halt of the receipts consisted of cows and heifers, there being close to twenty-live cars of that kind of cattle in the yards. The market did not show any quotable change, ''being generally steady aith vpriiav. As there wu a fair de mand, the most of the dfferlngs changed hands In aood season. There Were no feeder of any consequence in firm bands, but speculators had quite a number carried over. The market on heavy feeders has been rather dull this week, and a: the close la generally a little lower than a week ago. What few light stockers there were In the yards this morn Inar. at least those having quality, sold quite readily at good, steady prices. Th market on good hhl cattle has been quite active all tho week and prices are a Utile stronger. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. ' loaa City Uti Stoek MarafCt. SIOUX CITY, March t. (Special Tele ram. CATTLE Receinta. Aon bead ' mar. ket steady; beeves, $4.6Ofi00; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.e6?4.60; stocker and feed er, $3.00J4.76; calves and yearlings, $3.0oa 4.00. HOGS Receipts. 4.600 head: market weak: selling at $.664j.86; bulk of sales. $6,704, 6.80. BHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 900 head; market steady. St. Joseph LIT Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Maroh l.-CATTLS- ftecelnts. 670 head: market steady: natives. $4.2&ta.OO; cows and heifers, $10084.60; stockers and feeders, $3,754(4.78. HOGS Receipts. 6.030 -head: market Ko higher. Top, $.00; bulk sales, $6.824ij.90. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 708 head: market steady. Lambs, $7.0UaP7.26; yearlings, $6.7&4.2S. ' Stoek la Sight. Receipt of live stock at the Six prlnclnal weatern market yesterday were as follows: cattle. Hogs. tTheep. A... When h got to th pdorhouse h was ebl only to give hi nam. He did not reveal hi ancestry or hi noble connection. Burial followed In the county cemetery. Th estate Is hsld by th Swedish oourta, and with the title of count It waited upon Axelson. Upon 'proof of death being sub mitted to th proper authorities, th tltl will go to th next heir, and th estat v to th proper relative. Paclflo Steamer Ashore. SAN FRANCI8CO, March I.-Th Mer chants' exchange has received a message from Eureka to the effect that the steamer Corom, which left hers yesterday, la Ashore, at the entrance of HumboWH bay. REAL ESTATE TRANSFER.". trustee, to Oeorg block L Anderson Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 1. The London tin market was higher today with spot quoted at 1H2 and futures at VJl. Locally the market was firm, with spot quoted at $42.00 Odz.tu. uopper was lbs nigner in London, with spot quoted at 100 10s and futures at 110 10. Locally the market continued firm and wa a shade higher, with Iake Quoted at $26.2&a26.&0: electrolytic at 124.78 and casting at $34 60g2t.f5. Lead was about zs d nigner at i lzs td in London and unchanged at $6.0fl(.S0 locally. Spelter advanced 2s 6d to 26 2s td in London, but was unchanged at $6.8W.90 In the New York market. Iron was higher In the En. alien market, with Standard foundr nunted at 64a d and Cleveland warrants at 65a 4'4d. Locally the market was unchanged No. 1 foundry northern is quoted Ht $. S6S526. 28, No. 8 foundry northern at 8!4 764f 25.75: No. 1 foundry southern at fc.0K'.&0; No. t foun dry southern at $26.O0ij0.00. ST. LOUIS. March 1. Metals Lead, steady at $6.10. Spelter, stesdy at $6.76. Kew York Lira Stoek Market. NEW YORK. March 1 BET?VK-R. celpts, $.692 head; steers slow to lOo lower; bulls, steady; fat cows, steady; medium And bologna cows, dull. Steers, $6,00(25; bulls. $30u&4.35; cows 11.7654 26. Liverpool and London cables reported live cattle steady at UH12Sc per pound dreseed weight. Refrigerator beef, firm at 8io per pound: Exports tomorrow, six rattle, twenty sneerv nd 5.800 quarters of beef. UALVKcV Receipts. 164 hesd: market steady to strong; no barnyard calves. Common to prime vents. 83 0l3f 6C; choice, $10.00; culls, M60. Pressed va'ves, oulet; city dressed veals, fcftHc per pound; coun try dressed, easier at stftlio. HOGS Receipts. 2,726 head; non on sale. Fej-tng easier on Buffalo advices. SHEKP AND LAMBS RecelDts. 1 SS0 head. Sheep market nominal: lambs ex tremely dull and lower to sell: one car fairly good lambs sold at $7.60; very lltttle demand and seven cars want over. Oils aad Hoala.' NEW YORK. March 1. OILS Cottonseed. Irregular; prime crude, f. o. b. mills,, ale; prime yellow, 4c. fetroleum, steady; re lined. $7.76: Philadelphia and Haltlnsrjrex bulk. $4 46. Turpentine, firm. 7";67r,c. KUUiN oteody; strained, common to good. I4 4M4 6U. SAVANNAH. March l. OIL Turpentine, firm. 72c. Sales. 15 bbis. : reoclDta. 4 bbla : shipments, 192 bbla ' ROSIN Firm. Quota: A, B, C, $4 16: D, $4.20; E, $1.26; F. 14 30;V $ 25,; H. $4.b0: I. $4 66: K, $6 45; M. $5 60; N. $6.10; W. O.. $.40; W. fV.a. ti.tslS. CoSfeo Market. . NEW YORK. March 1. CO yMfD! Mar ket for coffee futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decllns of 8 point on the late positions. The cloas wa steady, net unchanged to- i points lower, fcales, 4.760 bag. . including March st 8uc; May, .Sn.t6c: June. t.20c; July. 6 tu ; August. 4 16ii.2uc; September: t zoc: Uerem ber. tSU0j.26c: January, tJCci Keburmry. tlfce. " Spot coffee.'atsadv; No. T Rio. 7Hci No. t Santoa. 8So. Mild coffee, steady) Cordova, ryuc. Isgsr aad Molaseoa. NEW YORK. March 1. SUGAR Raw, steady; fair refining, 1 16- 16c; centrifugal, Pu test, 1 7-ltk ; molaases sugar. 211-luc; refluatd, steady; cruolied, a.4uci powdered, 4t" sranuiatd. 4.70c. NHW ORLEANS. March 1 SUOAR Strong; open kettle. IVstfS 16-ltc; centrt fnsal whttaa. 41-ld,i!dUc: .nfrtf uwu'l v.t. Iowa, 8 3-1-.-.M 3-lc; aeconds. 2H 7-ltq, I. MOLAkitiii iiil; syrup, 3tic. No. II...... It 1 , , 11 14 II 11 ..... 10 It 11...... i.:.... i...... i it i T t 1 11 1 11 t 8...V 14 t I t 4 1 t 1 1 t t t 1 1 8 1 1 I t t It , I t , I t 'Ai FX, . IU 4 II . tot 4 41 .1UO0 4 44 . 74 4 41 ,. 144 4 40 .1011 4 41 . Pol 4 45 .1041 4 44 . 140 4 40 ,.12M 4 10 ,.111 4 It ,.1041 4 44 Na. t... It.., tt... 4... M... II.., 4.., .. 1.., 14.. I.., At. Tr. ..1071 4 7 ...lr04 4 U ... 171 4 10 ...1111 too ...llil t 0 ...12 I 06 ...lltt I 1 ...lul I It ...144T f M ,..1M I 10 ...llo I M South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansas City St. Joseph ... St. Louts .... Chicago Totals. L2U0 600 670 1,000 1.600 4.6tO 6.600 6,(40 7,000 24.000 700 too 3.000 700 8.NI) .0t .. C670 62,840 12,880 COW8. tftOlM U... tat I to 7 ......1010 8 tt 417 1 74 141 t 71 141 f It 7l 1 10 1070 I 10 ,-.106O t 10 IM t II no t tt 141 I 4U Il t tt 141 1 40- IU 1 4 1141 40 1 44- HEIFER8. tat t tt li 440 t to 4 , to I 7t . t 171 t 71 It , Ill I I ,...:.iw in . '..ltuO t it , ino lie i.... A....14A0 I t 1.... , U I t CALVES. ....... lit I t 4.... , M 144 1.... , M IM I ... 120 I 4 I-... , lit t 00 I-... 120 t 00 t...., , ui ta BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. i i r.::::;: i it t i ii i . ir t i 1:::::::: t)4J I 10 ... ta i tt ..10i) t 7 . I.lltd 7 .. 110 I 71 ..1071 I SO ' ,.. 171 1 10 ...1007 ... Ill ... till ... Ml I N ...111 tM ,..1111 I tt ,.1011 t M ,.. UI 4 10 ...llu 4 1 ...1011 4 1 ...U1 t M) ... 191 4 0 ... 147 t 10 ... ttl 4 If ...10M 4 10 ... Ut 4 4 ...lift ...uet ...177 ...1740 I t ! M 4 1 4 1 in t tt IK) 4 M 144 t M itt t M HO t 40 171 t tt 4 i ta .. Sit t 71 .. 174 t 71 .. 4J4 .4 00 .. 740 4 II .. 0 4 If .. 7V 4 td 4., t-. 11.. I.. . ,. 8.. 171 T7I .... 171 ....ltlt .107 4 tt 4 at 4 4 I M 4 4 ...111 I M HOGS The severe sleet storm which ex tended over a large part of the state was undoubtedly responsible for the heavy fall ing off In receipts. The market opened quite early this morning with a good de mand from all sources. Prices wer to hia-her than yesterday s general market Comparisons made with yesterday's early market would show even more Advance than that, but not aa much as compared with yesterday's strong close. The bulk of the hogs, as wiu do notea rrom tne sales twOos. sold at and ria-ht around td.86. whereas yesterday nearly half of the hogs old at $680, with quit a prtnkllng aa lo as $6.76 and a top of $.67fe. The close w. dull and lower. Representative sales; Na wa tl... 74... 77... Tl... 14... 41... II... 71... II... 41... 44 .. 44... 44... 74... AT. ..147 ..Ml ..lit ..171 .147 . tol .XI .141 ..111 .1.1 ..Ml ..111 .144 ..t4l ..tit .117 ..MT .ATI ..Ik ..lit .441 ..HI ..UI 8k. FT. Me. A, ta. Ft. It t Tt tt Ut ... t U ... IM Tl lit ... t at ... t to 44 H ... i it ...It tl ta M t M ' I t M 4 ... t at ... t 11 44., 1)1 si t tt ... till tl 141 ... tit tt I W . I la 4 t at 4 t ll 41 I4 ... t 4 ... 111! Kl Ml ... I 11 t US Tl Ibt ... t It ... t It It Ml st I It ... t tt Tt lot ... t at ..; IN 17 tut ... tat It tt 47 tut !4t t at ... t N MT ... tM. ... t It . Tl Ill M I It ... t 41 tit K I M ... m 44 174 ... t M ... t M 11 Wl ... I V, ... I IS . Tl Mt IN IN ... t II tt Ill SO t tt ... t t II Ut 4 M OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKET. Coadltloa of Trade aad Qaotatloas Staple aad Faaey Prodoee. EGGS Per dot., 18c LIVE POULTRY Hens, 8Q9e; old roos ters, tc; turkeys, 12c; ducks, f10c; young roosters, 79c; geese, 8'tiSc. tJUT 1 KK-facaing stock, VKi cnoio to fancy dairy, 24c; creamery, 26&9o. HA x Choice upiano, t.tu; medium, iv.w; No. 1 bottom, $8.60; oft grades, $6 5tr.0ti. P.ys straw, $7.00; No. 1 alfalfa. $1X60. BRAN-rer ton, tif FRUITS. CRANBERRIES Per bbl., $8.0u.0. APPLES Fanoy Greenings, psr bbl.. $3.76; Jonathans, M.26; New York apples, $3.60; Iowa and Nebraska, eating and cook ing. $2.7Etl3.0O; Wlnesaps, $2.00 psr box. fUAKii winter jNeus. per rxx, aiuu. COCOANUTS Per sack of 100. $4.60. TROPICAL FRUITS, etna ri.itfnrHt. 4...I1. rua. i.h Turkish, 14c; 4-crown Turkish, 12c; S-crown urklnh. lOe. ' LEMONS Limonlera.. too and 360 sta. $4.26; other brands. 60c less. 1ATES Kadaway, tct say era, 6o; hal low la, nw stuffed walnut dates, t-lb. box. 11.10. BANANAS Per medium alaed bunch, t2.0Oi2.j6; Jumbos. $2.60tfi8.50. UKAfK ruin-aise 04 to ou. aoou. ORANOEHCallfumia navels, extra fancy, all sisss, U.uO; fancy, U76; cjiolce, large Uses. $2.2S$160. jv a. w v tti ABixn, BEETS, TURNIPS AND CARROTS Per dos., 4660c. TOMATOKH lond, tv-io. crate. t3.6j(a AW. leaf Lurrrccjc not nous, per doa heads, 46c. CUCUMriEKB per dot., tioo. RADISHES Psr doa. bunches. 860. PARSLEY Hothouse, per doa. bunches. 60c. HEAD LETTUCE Southern, per dos.. L.AU1.. vrxiETABLKS. . TURNIPS. CARROTS. BEETS Per bu . 76c; parsnips, per bu., $1.26. BWEKT potato so Illinois. pr lartrs DDI., So OU. - NAVX beanb per bu.. No. a ai.ou. LIMA BEANo r4f lb., C. CAHBAUB Holland seed, home grown. so per iu-i new i-Mi;uge, per 10., ifo. itm 1 , rn 1 or du.. aowiuc. ONIONS Home grown, per bu., 0c; red or yellow, California,- per lb., tc; Spanish, per cruie, e w; cvioraao, per ou., 700. RUTABAGA B About 160 lb, to Back. tl. ou. CUT I-KICEB. Rib: No. 1, 16e; No. 8, to; No. 1 So. Loins: No. 1. 18c; No. t. Uc; No. 3, loo. Chuck: No. 1. tc: No. 1 60: No. L aa. Round; No. 1. IVtci No. t. 7c- No. 8. Vo. fiaisi 4u. 1. ru. a. c; r.Q. g, to. M i BC ELLA NEOU8. CHEEBB Nsw full cream Wisconsin twins. 100; nsw run cream erica. iW(tl7o whsel Swiss cheese, l,jlsc; block SwistA lac; umusrser, jac: young am ericas, 17c. FISH Pickerel, dressed, tct ptk drssaed, 12c; whit Bah. dreseed, winter caught, lie: trout, uc; nalibut, lie; salmon, luc; catdah. 10c; nerrlug. dressed, pan froaen. so: perch, scaled and dresaad. ta; perch, skinned, dressed, headless, lo; orap ,lea round. Oij'Jo; crappisa, laxge, fancy, 15c; black bass, V; smalts, sweat and Ana, Uc l, loci blue tub, Uv lad suaper. in 3,600 ta urn (00 v 59 TM 00 ' n , 1,000 too too W9 80S John I. . Koche, ttiifh.a lot d. Place David J. O'Brien to Jennett O'Brien, lot ( and oast lot t, block 10. Kountse Placs Bessie Kavan at al. to Albert Prasan et al., lot 23 and W tt lot 84, block 2. Mellas' first add. South Omaha... Mrs. Jane Keith to Flora El Bommer, lot 23, block 1, Moea' tlb Ernt E. Cran and wlf to Elisabeth M. Shanan. lot 7. block d, Crelghton Height ... Augusta J. Harder to Albert J. Harder, lot S, block 1, Fowler Pisco. . Eliery R. Hume to Frederick Br h war- lck, lot 8 and 4, block 1 Carthage... Ellery R. Hume to Arthur Bchwarlek, lot t, block 2. Carthage jl- Byron R- Hastings, trustee, to A. B. Rice, lots 6, , 19 and 20, block 1. Military add. John W. McDonald, sheriff, to John Seansqn, east 96 feet lot 4, Okahorna u.ttu VT Mackev to - Hiram B. Maokey, north U feet east ss root, Int 4. Okahnma John Mussleman to Minnie M. Bchorn- t a ki.l. a U.M.IIi. AAA Minnie M. Bhornborn to George W. Platner, lot 3, block 8. Kendall a add. Mary Gros and husband to George W. Plainer, lot 1, dioc a, ana iui 1, tiiu.b X Kondall a add John W. McDonald, sheriff, to John A. Rine, lots 1, a ana s, uioia rv, runda Carl Johnson and wife to Ernet A. Wlggenbotn, jr., lot ja, moca a. Hawthorn add lAither M. Kuhn et al. to Mane Mo-. Iver. part lot T. diock ia isaao o ' Belden add H. O. Martin and wlf to Davia H. and Julia ueverness, 10 is to ana so, block A Pruyn Park Charles H. Dots to II . O. Martin, lota 22 and 24. block , 4. Pruyn Park Robert O. Fink, county treaaurer, to Security Investment co.. wis iv 20, block 7; lot 23, block 8, Ecker. maa Place ... . Roliert O. Fink, county treasurer, to Security Investment 4.0., 101s a, o . nl M. blook A Eckerraan Place .aa' Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to Paturson Land CO., lota tq , .... block 1, Easuiae as Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to Patterson iJtad to., wis n ana , , block T. and other lots, Edgewood Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to Patterson Land Co., lots 1 vo to, hlnek 1 Eastslde Robert O. Fink, county treasurer, to J. i. wear, 101 S, oioca v vrrisa Place. South Omaha Byron Hastings, trustee, to Hans C. llamm, 101s 11 pna ia, ww a, A tar add S3S John Land et al. to John E. Reagan, iota is ana o, . - ond add KO Bessie Kavan and husband to Edward Kuoera, lot M. block 4. Mellas' first add. South Omaha 130 Ernest Sweet to Frederick W. Smith, lot T, Ernest Sweet's add a,T Conrad Doerlng to Fred C. Whit, lot 14, Clifton Hill O. W. Ltnlnger et al. to James Tom- asek. north tt lots 1 and t, block 48, CTedlt Fonder add LCSO F. W. Carmichael to Arthur S. Peck. , lot and 10. block 84). Don dee Plac 1,0(8) Robert C. Btrthlow and wlf to Mary Condurrter, north 10 feet lot Ml block 64. South Omaha KO Alice B. Brown to D. S. Clark, lot 1. ' block 1, Spring Lake Park, South fawlaha 86V Etnme O. McCoy and buaband to Arthur Kuhn. couth 80 (set lot It. block 18. Hanecom Place 1.000 Charles 8. Hoxle and wdfo to A deltas, J. Brader, sub lot It,1 tax let I. nwtt ne"4 -16-13 1200 Peter Venstrand to Ida L. Planck, lot T, blook, 1. Haosoom Plac...,,.. l,8o Total ,$2i,ta