Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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J A3
It Chafes District Attorney With Unpro
iessional Cenducl ia Court
Clbt ttora Wrlttcm tr Dfeadeat,
Whr ak Collectlvels-, Iadl
. . put Meatal Irreanlarlty
, ea Part of Writer.
NEW YORK. Feb. 2S. Harry K. Thaw
enlivened an extremely dull session of It 1 at
trial today by fflvlng out a brief state
ment, n jwhlch he accused District At
torney Jerome, of having- made unpro
fessional' remark In court, asserted that
his. Wife's testimony was absolute truth
and' declared that Mrs. Thaw's "natural
real .goodness was above the comprehen
sion of the'prosecutlng; officer.'
It wag Just before adjournment and
after matiy.'.tiours of expert testlmouy as
to the jtieuilng- of extracts from eight
letters wrtiten by the defendant with
their relation to the sanity or Insanity
of the writer that Thaw- gave his state
ment to -the1 press. Thl3 Is Mr. Thaw's
second statement since August 10. It
with -.- chances of millions to one
against -her after the catastrophe In 1901,
It Is nwonderful that Mrs. M. K. Thaw
prevailed In the crons-examl nation against
the prosecution backed by hiacaiegs.
Iter tcmlmonv was absolute truth.
Otir evliimice was of conversations. The
crosa-examlnatlon has proved the exact
farts wider path.
Mr JWrcrnr-, finding his Informants In
certain lines falsifiers, concluded by more
usual rhethons. which Is to his credit
However, from same of his aueMtlons
and some, of his unprofessional remarks
In court. It' appeared clearly that the nat
ural and 1 real goodnexs of the witness
is aove comprehension.
History of Statement
Thaw began to prepare his statement
yesterday afternoon. One of the news
paper tables adjoins the table occupied
by Ms counsel,' and a reporter sitting
next to the defendant read over the-lat
tcr's ' shoulder the two opening para
graphs. When the papers appeared yes
' terday with extracts from his statement
' In display type Thaw was much cha
grined. Today In court he took the re
porter to task. He said he had not In
tended to make the statement public until
i the en'd of the trial. He further asserted
that many mistakes appeared in the por
tlon of the statement that was published
and added that he might make a correc
1 tlon later. Last night In his cell Thaw
1 completed his statement and today - he
1 handed the original draft to a reporter
he has known for years and In whom' he
had confidence. He also handed the news
. paper man a brown envelope,
i "Sal -the 'statement nip In this envelope,'
I nald Thaw and write your name across the
i flap. I am going to have some typewritten
' copies made 'and when they are completed
1 I want' you to' compare them with the
'' original and If they are all right they will
. be given out.
:f Daniel O'Reilly, one of Thaw's lawyers,
eald later that ha also had a copy of
Thaw's statement, but would not give It
out until the defendant directed him to do
so. Late this afternoon the typewritten
d copies suddenly appeared In court. Atten-
tlon was first attracted to them by Thaw
. handing a, carbon copy to 'his newspaper
friend and asking him to compare It with
V the original. Four or five other copies lay
; on the counsel table In front of the de
fendant. One of the reporters reached over.
picked up the copies and hastily left the
court room. Hs was quickly followed V'h
l other reporters and . soon the statement
f was being flashed Into newspaper offioaaJ
' throughout the country. The copies and
' the original; wtre exact ,, Thaw .said
j he was content to have the statement re
I leased as a correction to the garbled state
$ xnent which appeared, thjs morntyig.
' Clifford Hartrtdge of Thaw's counsel and
1 Mr. Delmaa declared later they had no
1 knowledge of the statement being prepared
or being given out. j
i Dr. Evans Was In the witness chair all
.'.day undergoing cross-examination ' by DIs-,
i trlot Attorney Jerome. The prosecutor
J said he would probably keep Dr. Evans on
the stand throughout tomorrow. This
makes Indefinite the time when the defense
; will rest. Dr. Evans and Mr. Jerome spent
the entire day In going over eight letters
written by Thaw and culling out some ex
j cerpts on which Dr. Evans based his be
t lief that they were written by a person of
unsound mind. '
"Do you mean an insane person?" asked
Jerome. . - , . .
"Yes," 'replied .the witness, "but not In
, the sense that the person might always
t remain Insane."
f This was the essence of the day's work.
) Mr. Jerome seemed as Interested as the
i expert In searching out the phrases In the
A letters which might be construed aa the
5 writings of an Insane man and for the
first time the Jurors were permitted thor-.
i oughly to examine photographic copies of
J the letters. As the witness and the pros-
ecutor pored tediously over the documents
the Jurors were enabled to follow them
j closely. The district attorney apparently
wanted the letters to be -thoroughly scrut-
Inlsed and understood by the Jury.
Expert la rrasa-Examlaed.
s Tha first letter handed to Dr. Evans
. When court reconvened after the luncheon
t recess was one on which he declined to
express an opinion, saying ; it wss too
j short to enable him. leaving all else out.
t oi me question, to determine the mental
condition of the writer.
The next letter, taken by itself, the doo-
tor said, would not enable him to form a
scientific opinion regarding the sanity of
the writer, and the same thing applied to
J tho next.-?'
There were Indications of mental Irregu-
lartty in the next letter, the doctor said,
but taking tha letter alone he would not
f say positively that the writer was Insane.
The letter was In parts Incoherent, he
i thought.
J Letter Snaaests Mental Irregmlarltles.
"I have examined all of these letters to-
get her, said Dr. Evans, "and It Is prac-
Tho Interstate Commerce Laws
permit ug to eU our. Cigarette
direct to consumers' for their per
sonal use.
We will be pleased to mall you
our Consumers' Price List con
taining a description ot our well
known brands ef Cigarettes and
Little Cigars of the; highest quel-,
Uy. . Address , - ;
Mall Order Department
BUTLER-BUTLER. Incorporated.
14 West list Street.
, New York City. . ,
tlcslly Impossible for me to separate them
In expressing a diagnosis -of Insanity.
Taken altogether, with what I know of
the case, they Indicate to me that the
writer's mind was unsound. Taken In
dividually and excluding the history of the
case, they do no more than suggest mental
In pointing out various things In one of
the letter Dr. Evans again called atten
tion to the heavy underscoring of seemingly
Immaterial words.
Mr. Jerome called attention to one word
which had but a single line beneath It.
"What would you call that, doctor?" he
Oh," said Dr. Evans, "that's nothing
but a genteel scratch." ' '
The district attorney then called atten
tion to-several more "genteel scratches."
The statement, 'I have nothing to live
for." " said Dr. Evans. "Indicates a de
pressed condition of the mind. Taken as
a whole. It Is more or less reasonable."
When Dr. Evans was handed the letter
marked exhibit 1, he spent a long while
examining It before he said he was pre
pared to answer any questions. He said
the letter was Irregular and disorderly.
but did not In Itself show that the writer
was Insane. "
"The letter shows a delusive state In
that the writer speaks of owning Pitts
burg politically," said Dr. Evans.
The alienist had some difficulty In de
ciphering one sentence of the letter and
said It was Incoherent.
Thaw Could Be Senator.
Mr. Dclmas suggested that the sentence
In the letter might read: "1 oould be sena
tor from Pennsylvania," and Mr. - Jerome
agreed with limi
"Does It seem Incoherent." he asked the
witness that a young man of means should
aspire to be senator from the state that
Senator Quay came from?"
"Tou do not allow me to take Into con
sideration who the writer of the letter Is."
said Dr. Evans, "so without that knowledge
I cannot say."
"Are there any 'genteel scratches' In the
letter!" asked Mr. Jerome.
"There are several genteel, smooth
strokes of the pen," replied Dr. Evans.
"This letter suggests a state of mental
Instability, the first .Indications of a mental
breakdown." ' -
"Now. doctor," asked Mr. Jerome," "tak
ing these letters as a whole, and excluding
all else, can you say -whether the writer
was sane or Insane at the time of the writ
ing?" Dr. Evans did not think he could. j
"If you only, had these letters and. noth
ing else, you could not tell whether the
writer was sane or insane.".
' "I could not form a scientific opinion."
"What, was there In the hypothetical
question that enabled you to aay he was
insane. on June 267" - ....'...
.Dr. Evans related "a number of the facts
that were In the hypothetical question and
added several matters of pre-natal Influence
which have not come out in evidence.
Mr. Jereme asked the doctor If he con
sidered the statements In framing tho an
swer to the hypothetical question.
Dr. Evans said he did not.' .
The subject of the reports of his examina
tion of Thaw made to the attorneys for the
defense came up. and Dr. Evans admitted
that, he-did make a personal and .private
report and ttjat he had never been forced
'to. produce ;auch reports. . ,
Mr,' Jerome directed that a subpoena be
served on him directing hlra to produce tnj
report tomorrow.
The letter Thaw wrote from Paris after
Evelyn Nesbit had told blm her story was
produced and Dr. Evans asked whether It
showed evidence of Insanity. Taken : by
Itself, the doctor said. It would not enable
hkn to- say positively , whether, the writer
tsy WnV wt given a typewritten' copy,
of Mr. Ttetaias Hypothetical question.
he promised to read before tomorrow morn
ing. when Mr. Jerome wl examine him
'oh It .' ; , ' ". i ' V s;
At 4:60 court adjourned until tomorrow.
(Continued' from First Page.) . ' '
last evening as to the transfer of the Alton
from tho railroad company; to the railway
company, through Louis Stanton,- and said
that ' It was evident from the books that
the syndicate had simply handed over the
$22,000,000 In bonds and had received the
preferred stock of the St. Uouls, reona ft
Northern property.
When counsel had concluded with the
witness, Commissioner Lane asked mm
how. much the 'Harrlman Interests had
paid for the Chicago St Alton and how
much they got out of the transaction. Mr.
HUlard was unable .to state the . profits.
He had no means of knowing. . As Mr.
Lane continued to press for some Informa
tion on this point, Mr. Kellogg remarked:
"It can be told."
"O, yes," . rejoined Mr.. Severance. "We
can figure It out. It will show they did not
lose anything."
Mr. Cravath then again drew attention
to-the statement of the witness last even
ing about the mortgage of the. cut-off .from
Murray villa to Springfield before it was
built and said that the transaction ha1
been perfectly proper from both a legal
and a moral standpoint., . .
Commissioner Lane said he had under
stood that, but he wanted to know what
had become of . the money. . ."
Attorney Severance said the railroads
ofter did similar things, but the money
had -usually been kept to build the road.
Fair Today aad Tomorrow la Ne
braska and Kaaaas Warmer
' Toasorrpw.
WASHINGTON, Feb! M.-Forecast of the
weather for Friday and Saturday:
For Nebraska and Kansas Fair Friday
and Saturday; warmer Saturday. ' J
For Iowa and Missouri Rairt and colder
Friday; .Saturday, , fair.,
For Bou,th Dakota Fair and wanner Fri
day and Saturday. " ' '
For Colorado Fair Friday and Saturday;
warmer Saturday.
Local Record.
OMAHA. Feb. 27. Official recora of tem
perature and precipitation, -compared with
the corresponding' day of the last three
years: 1907. 1806. U05. lam.
Maximum temperature.... 23 M M 4t
Minimum temperature.... 21 W 88 &
Mean temperature 23 41 62 Si
frvcipltatlon li .00 .00 .JO
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 2J
Deficiency for the day 7
Total excess since March 1, 1908 jrtt
Normal precipitation 03 Inch
fexress fur the day si Inches
Total rainfall since March 1... .28.26 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 1.43 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period li.... ! w inches
IMtncteucy, ror cor. period 16.... 4.44 Inches
Restarts froat Statloas at IKK.
Station and State Temp. Max. Ralu-
... ot weatner. .. . i p. m. Tenip. taU.
Bismarck, snowing 4 .08
Cheyenne, cloudy tt a) T
Chicago, clear M SH .00
Davenport, cloudy ......... 4s 50 .00
Donver, cloudy , SO 10 "T
Havre, clear -'4 ' .oo
Hflena, clear 28 SO . ,(u
Huron, snowing 10 12 ,T
Kaoaaa City, raining....... 14 ' U) .18
North Platte cloudy 13 ' 14 T
trmana, ciouay xi a 11
Rapid City, part cloudy... 10 12 .14
bt. ixtuia. part cloudy 51 64 T
Bt. aul, cloudy 3? . 18 .io
bait Lake City, cloudy.... kg 40 T
aientins, part Cloudy 11 14 .01
tvtiiiston. clear g jun
I uiuK-aioe irace or 'precipitation. "
L. A, WU6H, Locai Forecaster.
Annual Report Shows Balaaoe ia Treasury
' of the Bsckty.
Officers uected for ensuing year
Membership Fee sad Daes Are Raised
Sew Boats to Be Ballt fad
Plaas laeanatlaa- for e
New Clahhoase.
Nearly three hurulred. enthusiastic mem
bers of the Omaha Rod and Qun club met
at the Merchants hotel Thursday evening
to take part In the annual meeting. Presi
dent D. J. O'Brien presided.
The following were elected officers of the
club for the ensuing year:
President. John A. Scott; vlc' president.
Jeff W. Bedford; secretary. Earl M.
Mathews; treasurer, Harry ' Townsend;
board of directors. Dr. F. F. Teal, H. J.
Latey, D. F. Corte, H. H. Drefold, I. J.
Dunn and Harry V. Crouch. , The officers
of the club are ex-offlclo members of the
board of directors.
It had been currently reported for several
days past that an effort would be made to
elect a directorate that would favor the
establishment of a saloon or buffet on the
club grounds, but the sentiment was so
unanimously against any such a proposition
that the matter was not even broached at
the meeting.
Treasurer Townsend submitted his annual
report, showing the receipts of the club
from all sources for last year to be $2,7S8.40.
The expenditures were $1,268.67, which In
detail were: For furniture, 1105.15; wages
and labor. 1930.30; miscellaneous, $154.30,
leaving a balance on hand of $314.98.
The house committee submitted a verbal
report that 160 loads of sand had been con
tracted for to Improve the bathing beach.
Model Rowboat Ready.
It was reported" that the mqdel row boat
manufactured by Mr. Brown was now
ready for Inspection at the beach, and If
the boat was found suitable the club In
tended having twenty of them built for the
summer season.
i Efforts are being made to secure a lease
on some additional property belonging to
the Retflck estate as a site for cottages
and camping grounds, which will Increase
the extent of the grounds to about nine
acres. N
Encouraging assurances were given that
there was a good prospect for the street
car line to extend to the club grounds In
the near future. The board of directors
reported that many courtesies had already
been extended the club by th street car
company, and likewise by the Nebraska
Telephone company. A vote of thanks was
unanimously extended both these companies
for favors received.
Much of the time of the meeting was
devoted to the discussion of an amendment
to the bylaws of the club providing for an
Increase of the admission fee from .its
cresent figure of $5 to $10, and that tho
duea be Increased from $4 to $6 per year,
or 60 cents per month. Both propositions
were unanimously adopted. The new ad
mission fee of $10 becomes effective at once
and the dues on April L which are due
and navable In $3 Installments on April 1
and July 1. Members falling to pay their
dues within thirty days after the same be
come due will be suspended from member-
shin and all privileges ot tho club,
Another proposltlpn was adopted authoris
ing the amount of Indebtedness the club
may assume may be Increased from the
present sum of $1,000 to $2,500. This provi
sion la made necessary in view of the pro
posed erection of a new club house during
the year and for other necessary Improve
ment to the grounds.
The present membership of the club Is
618. .and a motion prevailed that tne mem.
bershlp be limited to 1,000. :
t A vote of thanks was unanimously tend
ered the retiring president, D. J. O'Brien.
(. hi. nnHivi riurlna: the last year. A
vote of "thank was also" unanimously tend
ered to H. B. Peters of tho Merchants hotel
for the. free use of the dining room for the
Latter a Flolshed. Wrestler, bat
Farmer Wins Jast the Same.
Farmer Burns won from Oscar Wasem
at the Auditorium Wednesday night In
straight fallB. the first fall being made In
twenty minutes and the second In forty
four minutes, liurns had his hands full to
throw Wasem. as the later was the
strongest defensive wrestler seen in Omaha
since the revival of the wrestling game.
He got away from many a hard hold which
Farmer Hums had fastened upon him, but
on the other hand he was not strong
enough to do any damage to the Farmer,
who look the aggressive -from the start
to finish. Burns secured an advantage at
the very start, but Wasem was able to
....iirm uiiiv Waaaem then secured a full
Nelson, dui it avaueu mm wmn urn ahla to break It as soon as he
wished. Burns secured a hammer lock and
a half Nelson, Out wasum was ague
enough to squirm away. The Farmer soon
followed this up with a crotch hold and
a half Nelson, out again uiu iimwu hi
the trap set for hint. Burns added a toe
hold to a half Nelson and hammer lock.
but wasem succeeaea iu iwum uwi m
all. The Farmer nnally secured a nan
Nelson and a hammer iock on wmcn 11a
was able to, make good and Wasem was
forced to the mat in twenty minutes from
the call of time. '
The second fall took forty-four minutes
with the Farmer on the offensive most of
the time. At one time, he pretended to be
looking at something on tne canvass mat
when suddenly he made a dive for Was
sem's legs and soon had blm down, but
VYasum briagea ana avi iruiu
strong hold.
The Farmer was Dy isr tne more ague
of the two and after most mix-ups he
would come out wun wasem a leg pin
ioned between his two legs and after a mo
ment's rest would start for another hold
with which to conquer his adversary.
At one time Wasem had a full Nelson,
but whan the Farmer had sufficiently
rested he simply raised his neck and broke
the hold. At anotner time wasem naa a
full Nelson which Burns turned to his ad
vantace and soon had Wasem on the de
fensive. Burns nnally got a hammer lock
and half Nelson which were Just, right to
force Wasem to the mat after forty-four
minutes of hard struggle.
The first preliminary was between Hart
of Dea Moines and Gray of Omaha. They
wreailed a fifteen minute exhibition with
no fall. Hare was the larger, but Gray's
activity onset this advantage.
A giant named Hookup ot Malvern, Ia.,
undertook to throw any two Omaha
wrestlers In ten minutes. He weighed tf
pounds and put Thompson to the mat In
three minutes and Woods In five minutes.
Wood got the giant hooked with a hammer
lock and almost forced him to the floor
at the start, but the giant soon reversed
Considerable Interest attached to the pre
liminary between Charles and Raymond
Burns, the ' 11 and U-year-old sons of
Farmer Burns. These youngsters gave an
exhibition of real wrestling and although
the crowd was with the smaller boy lue
larger won two oui 01 mree raus.
"Wrestling makes men peaceable," said
Farmer Bums, ana is tho only game
which two
brothers can play without a
Peter Lock refereed the big match and
as usual gave entire satisfaction. Farmer
Burns refereed for tne boys and acted as
second to com.
Manager 'Gillan of the Auditorium has
arranged for a wrestling match which Is
attracting more than ordinary Interest for
next Tuesday night between Farmer Burns
and Jimmy Parr, parr la considered one
of the top noti tiers In this country at pres
ent and is (he champion of England. He
Is the only wrestler who has been to the
mat with both Hackeijichmidt and Ootch.
Parr Is the ehallunaer or the winner of ths
Hurns-Wssem match. He will wrestle the
Farmer for 11.000 a side and gets money.
Matt Simmer Issued a ringside challenge
Wednesday night to the winner for a
(Jraco- Roman match, at which Wasem
thinks Simmer the best there is.
.The wrestling matches which are now
being held In Omaha are attracting many
of ths sport-WvUig citlacns from the
smaller towns around Omaha. At the
Btirns-Wasem mutch We1nedsy ntaht
were twenty-one men from Tekatnah, moat
of whom had come to Omaha on purpose
10 see me ooui.
Athletic Director Pentland Is belns- be-
sterod these days with applicants for merr-
hersntn in classes in the new Young Men s
Christian association gymnasium. It Is not
a case or seeking men to fill ths classes,
but rsther finding room in the classes fof
those who wish to take the exercise.
An Item has been going shout the Dress
claiming veteran championship for two
80-year-old bicyclists, but In the light ot
recent inrormation they are mere children.
Thomas Knstone of Gloucester, tfng., who
Is 103 years old, and therefore doubtless
the oldest rider In the universe. Is In a
hospital and In a very dangerous condi
tion ss the result of a collision with a
bicyclist. Mr. Knstnne wss taking his dallv
constitutional on his tricycle when the sc.
clclent occurred. He was thrown to the
ground and bis thigh fractured a serious
nnsnap when you have passed the century
, Omaha hunters are hiking to the Platte
or are preparing to hike Saturday and
Sunday, for the birds are in snd plenty of
them. Reports from all along the Platte
bear out this statement. Paul Hoagland
returned Wednesday from Clerks with the
fifty-bird limit and most of the birds were
mallards.- Bob Lowe of Lexington, In
writing from that place to Omaha friends,
advising them to "hurry out," ssld that
two hunters came In with seventy-flMe
birds Monday. ,
Interest In sporting events In Omaha now
centers on the Courtney-Williams bout,
which will be pulled off tonight at Oathaff's
hall. Coiirtnev ia the colnreal ImA hi wnn
the plaudits of the crowd at OsthofT a hall
ine nigni ne made Cotton Bllllter quit
when Mayor Dahlmsn was present. Court
ney is a two-handed fighter and hits hard
with either hand, hlttirar so hard In his
last bout that Bllllter had to quit to avoid
the blows which were rained so tant and
hard. .
The Dresners won two games from the
Hamlltons last night at the Association
alleys. The Bluffs boys were short two of
their regular men and were giving away a
big handicap. Under the circumstances
they did well to save one of the games.
riL-aeruig was nign man with 602 and a
single game of Z. Tonight s teams are
iim j. u. M, ana urea hers. Scores
1st. 2d.
8d. Total.
Frush ...
Stone ...
Maurer .
871 862 2,644
1st. 2d.
Catherwood , 171
Gordy us
Goff 1H9
Norene 137
Handicap , 62
totals 811 921 869 2.693
On the Metropolitan alleys last night the
Bicycles took two out of three games from
the Armours. TheBlcycles bowled one of
their best games of the season. Ollbreath
was high on single game with 224, while
Ktyt was high on totals with 6K8. With
one exception every man on the Bicycle
team had his bowling clothes on. Captain
Kohansky, with the aid of his large handi
cap, bowled a splendid game. . Frisbee and
Lngler were the only Armour men to reach
the 600 mark, with 611 and 662. While Ko
hansky had a good score in the first two
games ne was woefully weak In the third
tonight the Black Kat and Gold Tops
uuuuivuQtiuer, scores;
. 1st. .2d. 3d. Total
rangier 179 iw 170 611
Kohansky 171 199 128 4:15
Manning 121 111 109 836
grirtln m 169 157 447
Friabee .... 193 178 1k:1 ,
Handicap 99 g 99 .97
Totals 894 800 843 ' 2M1
1st 2d. Id. Total.
Judy- 41 181 ,190 193 6'4
Ollbreath 142 224 l'J3 669
Shants 100 164 179 493
Boord 190 189 163 632
Keyt 174 213 111 698
837 870 929 2,146
Goteh Falls to Throw Olson
CINCINNATI. Feb. 28. Frank Go
champion of America, tonight again failed
to throw Charles Olson of St. Louis within
the fifteen-minute limit. Olson jas never
In danger, though decidedly on the defen
sive all during the bout. During; the last
five minutes Gotch handled his opponent
rather roughly and was hissed by the
crowd. Olson did not seem as strong as on
Tuesday night and declared that he was
much weaker, owing to the fact that he
has wrestled' four consecutive nights.
French Telearaph In Morocco.
BERLIN. Feb. 28. A dispatch to the
Cologne Gasette from Tangier asserts that
a French syndicate closely connected with
the Comptolr Descompte has elected wire
less telegraph stations at nearly all the
Moroccan ports. Including Tangier. The
dispatch adds that the British snd German
merchants are arraii mat tn control of
the wool trade and the fluctuations of the
silver currency of Morocco will thus be
come entirely under French control.
Wllkle at Chicago.
CHICAGO. Feb. 28.-John F. Wllkle.
chief of the secret service ef the United
States, arrived in Chicago today and Im
mediately took charge of the Investigation
of the recent robbery of the subtreasury. It
was announced oy tne government officials
today that no definite clew had been ob
tained and no arrests are In Immediate
For 50 years
the same
- flood
-ri -ssifaBsd t:7c-.
"" ' 3aV5' Its fine flsTor hss
-0Vy' never "el OW)-
S ' 1 1
A. Gnekcntactmcr & Brodw
F t
If. ,(., , . - - - wfui Bium mow liven irsuani,
I 'i j-. 411 ( llta r.. litk f. a w.
Usbm Paoifia EssdqiarUrt Enigma1 ly
I Ksw snd Final flans.
MeCagrae Iavestmeat Company Will
' Begla Wrecking Old Balldlngs
! oa the Site Early la
I March.
Twelve stories In height, 172x132 feet
ground space. $1,200,000 these are the last
and final figures on slse and coat of the
Union Pacific headquarters to be erected
at Fifteenth and Dodge streets. These
matters have been definitely determined In
a revised set of plans which the architects
have just Issued In complete form.
At first It was Intended to erect an eight
story building and plans to that end were
drawn. Then It was decided two more
stories would be necessary and the plans
were revised accordingly. Finally, after
the most thorough consideration and con
ference with the higher powers of the
Union Pacific, It was agreed that to meet
the requirements of the company and ade
quately accommodate the Increasing de
mands of an Immense Institution of con
stent development nothing short of twelve
stories would suffice, so final plana for
twelve stories were drawn.
The Increased slse carries with It an In
crease In the cost. Originally It .was esti
mated the building ' could be erected for
considerably less than $1,000,000, and even
when It was decided to make It ten stories
high It was believed possible to shave the
million mark, but with the addition of two
more stories, bringing it up to twelve, the
appropriation was lengthened to $1,000,000
as a minimum and a margin of $200,000
to go on. which one official of the company
says certainly will be consumed. t Is not
believed possible to complete the building,
such as It will be modern and of the
latest design, construction and pattern In
every minute detail one penny short of
McCagaes Do the Wrecking.
The building will occupy a ground space
of 172 by 132 feet. Between Its east wall on
Dodge street and the adjacent buildings
there will be a leeway of twenty-six feet
and a leeway of ten feet will be left on
Its north side on Fifteenth street.
The wrecking of the present buildings on
this site. Including Labor Temple, will be
gin early In March and proceed without In
terruption until the job is complete. Then
excavation for the mammoth Union Pacific
structure will follow as quickly aa possible
and building will be pushed with great en
ergy. The McCague Investment company
has finally obtained a definite contract for
wrecking snd removing the present build
ings. This contract was tentatively let to
this company, but the articles of agree
ment, which the MoCagues signed and re
turned to the Union Pacific were not at
once approved by that company. But they
have been signed by the company. B. A.
McAUaster, land commissioner of the road,
announced to The Bee Thursday MoCagues
had the job. Mr. Mc A Master has charge
of this part of the enterprise for the Union
"The work will be completed during
March and April," said Mr. ' McAUaster,
"or Just as quickly as possible."
All Hands and the Cook Will Gnaw
tha Cltrae ' Fralt '
If you see every man and woman and boy
and girt you'meet today gnawing an orange
don't get scared. This Is "Orange Day."
That's a new one on the calendar of an
nual festivals and It hasn't, got Its feet
firmly enough planted on the ground as
yet to have a front seat In the parquet
of national holidays, but It may have
later. ,
A movement was originated recently at
Riverside, Cal., the center of the orange
growing Industry In California, to have the
first . day of March designated as a "Na
tional Orange Day," and the project is
being pushed with vigor by the Omaha
representatives of the California Fruit
Growers'' exchange.
The object of the movement la to have
each person In the country eat at least
one orange on March 1 every year, and
Incidentally pay his gastronomic respect to
the great orange state. The matter has
received much favorable comment by the
press and la being extended throughout the
"Sine l5r
Pittsburgh, Pa.
"aw m n. Jim
PAY WHAT YOU CAN and begla your
treatment now. Are you discouraged and
disheartened T Have your former treat
ments by others been a failure? '
Office hours all day to 8:30 p. m. Sun
day, 9 to 1. Call or write. Box 766. Office,
Z16 South Fifteenth St., Omaha, Neb.
FOR $6.00
- t ths Oil Reliable Or. Scarlet & Searles
Established la'Otcaha foe II years. The many tboa.
sands of cases cured by us makes us the most expert
eaoed Spaciallsu la the Wast, tn all diseases and die.
ardors of men. We know Just what wtu cere ru
and cure quickly.
prmm examination and consultation.' Write foe
sit irA w
B"16 st all Srat-clant
. When your health is con
cerned, don't experiment with
incompetent treatment, unbusi
nesslike methods and deceptivo
propositions. Always, go to re
sponsible, skillful specialists.
We treat men only end cure prompt.
y, safely and thoronglUy NEIiVOLS
DISEASES and all Special Diseases and their complications.
BO.OT S for CU3 ERf
Call and Do Examined Free or Write.
OFFICE HOURS 8 A. M. to 8 P, M. SUNDAYS 10 to 1 ONLY.
1308 yarnam St., Between 13th and 14th Sta., Omaha, Neb. ,
PernianenUy EsUbliahed in Omaha, Nebraska.
Have you an ideal location for your business . .
in this community of 200,000 people T. 1'. X
Do your patrons ' have' to climb a flight
or two of stairs in order, to reach 'you T
Are your office fixtures, papers, books, . ,
and other assets protected in, any v '
way from fire except by insurance!
Couldn't you improve the situation by having an office in
There are three rooms here that are offered .
for rent, all moderate priced offices.'
No. 601 is 13x16 in size, has a vault and is located near the
elevator; rental price f 17.60 per month..
No. 621 (aces oa the court and is 14x18, with a vault.
No. 210 is a desirable office for a doctor as it is 27x13 and par
titioned, affording a reception and private office. Rents for 125.00.
We furnish janitor service and lights free.
Room 418
Pnnrt tnp aa asrvous mss
rOUU lUr who find their power te
NAsstlAC. wurk aud youthful siaar
OI IUO son ss a result of Yr
rora or msnlsJ exertion sliould taks
GRAY'S NEK VK FOOD P1I.L9. Thtj will
Aake jrou est and siaap and ba a man aaais.
tSX Bast Waas M-fiO mw KSsOl.
Sherman McConnell Dr Co
iw Uia an Dode ata. Ossaba, Mas.
safer, sns fey Jobbers,
BUM. BalUniya.aU.
R. W. Baker, Supt.
ArttclM hi whka
Detlclocs '
h. JiSlS
J ia. but x alaays mtufium. J
: . t'.i. .s: . . ." y
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