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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1907)
12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, MAIiCII 1, 1007. a xc15tiona.aaiMiw 35c Madras at 19c Yard We contracted for a large quantity of English madras, which we secured at a bargain white grounds, jacquard effects, black and colored dots, stripes, checks and neat figures, suitable for men's fine shirts, waists f K and whole suits, positively worth thirty- v H five cents a yard, at, per yard Very fine sheer India llnon In long length for dresses, IA at per yard IWC Fine dress ginghams, pretty pat terns and plain shades (or spring and summer wear waist O 1 and drees lengths yard. . .CIC Remnants ot genuine Lonsdale cambric, each piece ' stamped Lonsdale 16c is the reg ular price, at, yard I U C Beautiful white walstlng, Including fine crisp Swisses, piques, poplins would sell at 3 Be off )L the bolt, remnants, yard. I 2 C Forenoon Sale 10,000 yards, yard-wide shirting percale, easily worth 15c a yard, 15 yard limit during the '.3ic forenoon sale, yard. Dress Goods Big sale of short pieces of dress goods basement, at, each, , He Rimi ants of double fold dresa good a odda and enda from tlie mill, all wool at, each, 5c Dress Goods on Remnants of henrlettas, panamas, serges, brllliantlnes, voiles and novelty mixtures, worth up to 65o yard- at, yard . if u Mat j om Our New York buyer Just expressed fancy and plain colored silk in Various weaves at 65c on the dollar. We offer the lot on Bargain Square Friday. They are positively worth 89o to, fl.00 yard at, yard IN OUR BARGAIN SILK DEPARTMENT JThJrd Section. Main Silk AislePopular priced Bilks, sulUb'ie for Shirt ' Waist Suits, Jumper Suits, Waists,' etc. Foulards, Poplins Peau De Cupid, Printed Pau Taffetas Regular price, 69c at, yard Bilks In broken lots 76c Black Ouaran- 6 Oo White Jap Silks suitable for all teed Taffetas, very the klnd tuat lustrous finish Is .purposes, quantity Is limited Aa at, yard li'l' Friday's trice, yard. Remnaiis of VaJ Ltvces Sample Strips of Fine Laces and Inserting -Vale, Torchons and Fancy Wash Laces In all widths up to 16c a I values at, yard M2 Embroideries Remnants Odd bolts and sample pieces of new Embroideries variety of widths all made ot the highest quality of, Nain- book, wui ana wamnnc at, yard. i All h Wt tleres 1 1 rt r f-A 2 On sale March 1 to April 30. Liberal stop-over prlvllegea. TlekeU honored In Tourist Sleeper on "payment of berth rate 15.76 from Kansas Oity. Ask (or Tourist Bleep.r, AddrMs Burnutl Larimer, Fua. rrse Oovsrnment Land and Aft.. 404 Sth Are., quttbU Ban Joaquin Vallajr foldar. Buiidlns. Dm Moines, Iowm. o 6 VI 17 Bee Want Ads fi The 12 He Manchester percales, In medium and dark styles, at, per yard U2v One lot fine . grade' mercerised waistlng all plain colors In short mill lengths, at, flr 1 per yard i . 2"C Fine and sheer wide lawns, black and all bright colors for inter lining dresses, waists, etc. worth 16c yard, remnants ,u. 34c I Q at, yard Regular 19c quality soft finished English Longcloth in long A mill lengths, at, yard . ...vC Afternoon Sale At 1:80 we place on sale a new lot of thlrty-slx-inch full bleach ed muslin, at, per 11 yard .......JzC in Basement Be mn ants of cashmeres, ser ges, mohairs, Cheviot and fancy suitings, at yard 12c Just from the mill, warps of fancy dross goods, 49 to 64 Inches wide, at, yard. 15c Main Floor Remnants of 6 4 -In. slcllllans, storm serges, panamas, black novelty suitings and L 35c many other weaves. worth up to 76o yard- at, yara. ....... S o$wimsa tas a tine lot of sample pieces 49 c De Crepe, Dress - 35c49c and 86c yard- ana me right will launder II 7 pieces, at, yard ...28c R ......3ic-5c-10c Kondij B! Coach Coier Sail u n in,- i . One way Colonist Tickets from Missouri River to iffonmia Produce Results oniui rrrma tood caaram Our Ankola Java and Mocha Is making nw friends every ay, be cause It la the beat I pounds for a dollar coffee sold in Omaha. BOOKS TXiOOB. ' Unadvertlsed bargains galore await your Inspection on this floor, as well 8 aa the following Firs, per pound i K Tt.tAi iter oound package ,CP 1Ki LI I cakes to a box Fancy Toilet Boap for cakes to a box Fancy Toilet ,35c tf .sbc n Boap for Pretsels, per, pound . Flour, 41-pound sack Flour, 4-pound aack .U-00 ft .$1.15 P X.IQVO- DErAJtTKEV Our week-end Wine and Liquor ln- oucempnia. rrum mo iuin v. j Free wine orrer wun eacn purv-iu m of $1.00 or more of our own bottling, ft which many people have taken ad- Q A - .lniat VlStt Ha? VftniBga ui, ww uwhhivv ... -mim arnftAa Rnnnal to the aTncrU DUb- IIC. TT fS mrUlO (ilia) VliCI awe aw h&l&ncA of this week. r - t.i tsm thai k fA - T -nnlr IT tlnil rVlAW f lift X Vnum i uunf a& j wm waa , quart .' una ooiiie wine Atherton Rye (full quart) .11.15 $ Ona bottle Wine free. Genuine Imported Port Wine. $1.00 B One bottle California Wine free. F Maryland Bye. (full quart) "... $1.00 una ooxwc mo irew. . e: lAlllornia. r un ur Oliwrry .vino, per gallon .$1.60 55 One bottle Wine free. California Table Clarst, (gallon) f 1.28 tponnney & Co TeL Xtoufflaa 047. Private Exchange connect all Depts. BS9EEaB92&2E3E&?aJ NOTION SALE Thla week we place on sale a fuU line of Notions at deep cut prices. Pearl Buttons, worth 60, 'at lo a dozen. Hair Pins, boxes worth 6c, at Sc a box. ' Metal Back Combs, worth 10c, at M each. Ladles' Bubber Hair Pins, worth &c, at 2o each. Pins, worth 6c, at lo a paper. Celluloid Dress Combs, worth 15c, at lOo each. Barker Combs, worth 15c, at to each. Pocket Combs, worth 10c, at So each. Pants Buttons, per gross, 25c, at 10c a gross. , ., Blcyle Playing Carda," 25c, , at Ifio a pa-k. Mouth each. Mouth each. Mouth, each. Mouth Harp, Harp, Harp, Harp, worth 60, , worth 16c, worth' 8c, .'. worth 60c. at Ic at 10o at 16o at , . 15c Give us a call and let us show you what we can do for you. JOS, F. BILZ 322 So. 16th St Omaha OF INVESTING your money Safety should be your first consideration in this respect visit our Bond Depart- ! ment for United States Govern- ment Bonds or Railway Bonds, yielding from 2 to 5 interest. TIT ! ll . M S1 : , wniie inis raie oi interest is D ' not so high as is promised by fejsome securities, the guaranteed SAFETY makes them particu larly desirable. An' interview . with investors solicited. First National Bank OMAHA. NEB. GSff Wixles Adding Machine Is the latest, most modern, op-to-date Addlag and ' listing Machine oa the) market. It must be seea . to be appreciated. Correspoadeace Solicited. Trial Examination Free. A. L. McCreary Kebraaka Agent P. O. BOX 801. LUiUOUt. "Whfn You Write to Advertisers Ratnamtor that It takaa only aa extra stroke or two of tha pan to mention tha fact that you saw tba ad. In tha Bee. Try The New Way CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 237 S U2 OMAHA WEATHER FORECAST Bargain Friday Again! Women's Spring Jackets Barxin Friday Special 185 Women's Spring Coats Sample Garments Made of Covert and Fancy Mixtures; this season's best and most up-to-date styles, Friday at two prices . S5.S0 Jackets at $3.95 $7.50 Jackets at $4.95 Sample Hosiery Friday morning we offer about 70 dozen ladies' imported hose, manufacturers' samples, -in fine llsles and fancy cotton. These goods have slight Imperfections and are worth to 50c pair, choice, pair Handkerchiefs LADIES' REVERE AND DRAWN WORK FINE CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, worth 8c, for 44 MEN'S INITIAL FINE COTTON HAND KERCHIEFS, regular 10c value.. 7 Gloves LADIES'" 1-CLASP PRIME LAMBSKIN GLOVES, all colors, worth $1.00 pair, 'for 60, LADIES' 16-BUTTON KID GLOVES, brown and tan, $3.50 value, pair. $2.98 2c Corsets An Inch FRIDAY THE GREATEST CORSET choice of all $2.60, $2.00. $1.50 and 2c an Size 18 at - -36J Size 19 at 38. T&ls lot comprises several hundred dozen salesmen's samples and mill ends, all standard makes, such as Warner's, Royal Worcester, R. ft G., Kabo and others. All sizes SECOND FLOOR. Our First Pyrographv Contest Starts Saturday, March 2d ; See beautiful prizes 16th St. Window. Call for cir cular, Pyro Dept., Second Floor. Extra heavy Llsk'B 5-gallon Galvan ized Oil Cans, Friday only .. .75, Long handled Tree Pruners, you can ; cut small limbs from trees which ' you could not otherwise reach, spe cial ,..75 And Thirty Green Trading Stamps. Vegetable Brushes, extra good Little Hand Brushes, each Scrub Brushes, large assortment And Bennett's Big Groeery rmroAT ivo satitksat BAJtaanrs. nun XvEAVI 0SK8 SAAX.T TO AVOID SUT. Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack $1.80 And One Hundred Green Trading tttamps. Granulated Sag mr Doable Oreea TradlsaT Stamps Bennett's Best Coffee, t pounds ....$1.00 And One Hundred Green Trading- Htarnps. Bennett's Best Coffee, pound . ...3oo And Thirty Green Trading i Tea, assorted kinds, pound And Fifty Green Trading Diamond C. Soap, nine Bennett s Capitol Mince for And Twenty Qreen Trading Bennett's Capitol Baking 1 1 riVJ can 'u And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Maine Corn, t cans, 26c; dos cans.JOo Diamond S. Chill Sauce, bottle AIIU J ""-ill; - - A. B. C. Catsup, bottle v V. And Twenty Green Trading Bumps. Diamond S. Freerves, large Jar ........... .o And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. . Kultnna Ra.iBlnS. DOUnd 160 n r. Tnulnc RtamDS vt. vn.u iTnii rram Cheese, pound . , fmmnttr rirAAti T r iMuz Stamps. Domestlo Swiss Cheese, pound . .v: 25 And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Flower and VeKetable Seeds, pkg, .. . . ... BSST Wl XATS" BliHD VMBTABLMl Ten Ureen iraaum diiuhh wi.u Tomatoes, large can Baked Beans, can . . Strlngless Beans, can Lima Beans, can Wax Beans, can . Kidney Beans, can Corn, can Hominy, can Petit Pols, can . . . Pumpkin, can Navy Beans, hand picked 10 lbs. for.. BUTTE 1 Direct from the finest 'dairles-Fresh Country Butter, pound Sour Pickles, quart And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Chow Chow Pickles, quart .......... .... And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Small Sweet Pickles, quart And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Japan .Rice, 2 pounds . And Twenty Green Trading Stamps. Camp Fire Baked Beans. lare can Ana l weilljf unii a i auk, '"-'' flTTTI ABB TXOBTABI.XSJ South Takot White Potatoes, pk. 16c; bushal.ftits Naval Oranges, dosen, 25o and 16 Ben Davis Apples, peck 26o behhitti oabdixs ; Mixed Candy, special value, pound...., lfo Faster Novelties at 25c. ISc, 10c, 6c Chocolate Bon Bona, assorted, pound box....Z5o And Ten Green Trading Stamps. Silks Extraordinary Silk Offer for Friday Only We place on sale a beautiful line of Pongee Suitings, some genuine Pun lab fabrics, which are in great demand tor suit. These goods are sim ilar to the Rajah Silk, which -we have at $1.25 new shades of brown, , black, navy and green. 2 7-ln. wide, Friday, 'kA.t a yard DRESS GOODS SPECIAL $1.25 Chiffon Panama, a much wanted fab ric for suits or skirts, 64-ln. wide and positively worth $1.25, Q Friday a large lot In navy blue and black, yard,, at. . , . pOC LININGS 25c Mercerlxed Sateen, 20e Spun Glass, In all colors, 8e liclas, Percallnes, etc., all la one great lot Friday, f) yard , , ZJC n SOM13 QUICK SELLERS FOR BARGAIN FRIDAY IN 1 Linens and White Goods -Remnants and Short Ends White Goods, in lengths from 1 to 10 yds. For the person econom ically Inclined, this is a rare chance. The assort ment includes India Lln ons, Persian Lawns, Dot ted Swisses, Long Cloths, Figured Waietings and some Novelty Materials at these prices: Goods worth up to 15c yard for Gtte Goods worth up to 1 80 yard for . . . . . ; . . 10s4 Goods worth up to 25c yard for . .12 60-ln." Cream Damask, regular 30c quality, yard 21 70-ln. Cream Damask, regular 50c goods. 38 2c An Inch SALE OF THE SEASON Your $1.00 Corsets at Inch Friday: Fair. Bargain Friday in . .. Hardware Handy Force Pump, used for forcing stoppages and cleaning waste pipes, basins, closets and sinks made with a heavy rubber cup on the end of a 3-foot wooden handle CA Friday. JUC tP 5 10t Ten Green Trading Stamps. Vollmcr Clothing Co.'s Closing Out SaJe 86 Men's and Young Men's' Suits Worth up to $20, ' exceptional bar gains, most all sizes from 34 tj to 44, Bargain Friday, at stamps. 480 mamps. bars . ...25o Meat, 3 pK. Stamps. fowaer, 10. -G J.50 lJHc ,..150 ...15o . . .16c 12Ho 12V.0 .100 ..12ttC 12C .25c 2ic ,10c ,15o ,t0o ,14o ,15c , ' THE T9RI I 1 J Sole Agents for Dress Forms Unrivaled Bargains Two Great Sales van i x ixoi it eh., COMMENCING AT 8 A. 8 A. M. TILL 12 M. We will place fire cases of Mill Ends, consisting of Percales. Ginghams, Dimities, Wash Goods. White Goods, Linings and other goods too numer ous to mention, not over 13 yards to a customer, at, per yard Ma Muslins, Sheetings, Wash Goods, Ging hams, Prints, and other stuff from the bolt, some slightly mussed at, per md 4 2 5,000 yards of extra heavy Muslins, unbleached, regular 7c goods, not over 10 yards to a customer, at, per yard 3 American Prints. In two to ten yards In length, regular price of these goods today would be 8ftc; we will sell Indigo Blues, Gingham Prints, Calcutta and other American makes or prints, In mill lengths, not over 1 2 yards to a customer, at, yd. -4H We will sell 60 dos. Bath Towels, extra large sizes, extra wide; these goods .are sold regularly at 12 He, for Fri day only, each . 5 Afternoon Sale, Commencing at 1 p. t m. and Lasting Until 5 p. m. FROM 1 TILL 5 P. M. We will sell five cases of Tolle du Nord Ginghams direct from the Park hill Mills and five cases of A. F. C.'s Ginghams direct from the Amoskeag xr.'.Ws; everybody knows that these are the best goods made; the regular price is 12'c retail and at some places retail at 15c a yard; we will sell in good, long lengths from 3 to 12 yards In length for Friday only at, per yard 5 We will sell 32-inch extra heavy Ger man Prints, the "B" quality, that la sold everywhere at 12c a yard, for Friday only, not over 12 yards to a customer, at, per yard OH We will sell 10,000 yards of 36-lnch White Bleached Muslins, some are Lonsdale, some are Fruit of the Loom, some are Knights and various other brands, all mixed together; they are 'worth from 8 He to 10c a yard; the lengths run from four to 15 yards, and only 12 yards to a customer, at, pef yard 5 Silks Friday at 25c A great lot of plain and fancy Silks from the great mill purchase, con sisting of Figured Suitings, Plain Color Taffetas, color China Silks, Fancy Pongees and many up-to-date Novelties; great snap Saturday at our closing prices, per yard ...... 25 2 7-ln. Black and Color Taffetas Friday's Furnishings Bargains Ladles' Vests, 25c values, long sleeved, low neck, silk taped, at, choice.. 10c Ladies' Jersey Knit Pants, lace trim med, all sizes, that sold to lc gar ment, rt 10c 19c Vests and Pants, all stieB, for misses and children, lace trimmed, spring weights, choice ' 5c Ladles' Spring Weight Union Suits, lace trimmed yokes, front and back, worth $1.00, choice, Friday ...,40c Ladies' and .Misses' Vests, values ud to 19c. short sleeves or without Friday Bargain Shoes 800 pairs Girls' Good 60c Rubbers at 20c Ladles' Vlcl Kid Cushion sole welt Shoes, with patent tips, $4 value, at $2.50 Ladles' vlcl kid patent tip hand turned soles, Blucber cut, Castlllian heels, $4 value, at $2.50 Ladies' patent colt and gun metal calf, genuine welt sole, college Bluchers, $4.00 value, at $2.50 Misses' and Children's Dongola Exten sion sole Lace Shoes, $1.60 value, at .75c Boys' good strong Calf Shoes, $1.75 value, at. $129 Linen Dept. Extra special for Friday in our high-" grade Linen Department, main floor, second aisle to right. Unbleached and Silver Bleached Ger man and Irish Table Linens, all pure linen, 12 patterns to select from; these goods are selling regular at 65c yard, for this day only and only 6 yards to customer at 89c yard. Mercerized Table Damask, bright. new patterns, extra heavy, regular 75c and 86c Quality, la this sale at 4 5c yd. Pattern Table ciotna. . border all around, all pure linen; some of them mussed and slightly soiled, in both bleached and silver bleached; goods that sold up to $2.60 piece, at 98c piece. Towels Extra heavy and long huck and Damask' Towels, in fringe and plain all linen, sold up to 19c piece, at 10c piece. German Tapestry Table Covers- Fast colors, large sizes, in reds and bluea. assorted patterns, worth up to $3.25 apiece; to close at $1.25 and 98c piece. . ... Four Clothing On Main Floor, South Room. Boys' Knee Pants, regular 60c values. Friday at 25c Boys' Knee Pants, regular 76c values, Friday at c Butter and Egg Sale Friday We have Just received a large ship ment of extra Fancy Country kou Butter which we are going to make a special of for one day only. Friday, at, per pound 22c Fancy Dairy Butter, very fine, for this sale, par pound 23c Extra Fancy Separator Creamery But ter, equal to anything pnt up In packages for much higher prices; this sale, per pound 27e IU1 Ml 11U Ask I See the Hill Dress J forms Friday ana uxmju i audi l xiuu o r. M. FRIDAY MORNING. 6,000 yards of India Llnon, 40-lnct AM at A.leaJaW. t s. wwrSl Jthet ViXiy a yard; not Lawns, Persian Lawns, Lawns, Organdies and othef goods that sell up to 25c ever 12 yards to a customer, at, per yard QH4 Extra heavy Bleached Towels, regular 25c and 35c grade. These Towels are; extra large; not over four pairs to a customer, at, each 12Hg 25 dozen Towels, unbleached, that we sell for 15c each, Friday afternoon only at, each ,. . . . 7V4 10,000 yards of Bleached. Unbleached and Silver Bleached Linen, that sold from 76c to $1.50 per yard. In three) piles, yard, 4c, 39c and 25t 1,000 yards of lengths ot Towellngs of all grades, pure linen, at, yd. 5 From 3 Till p. m. We will sell five cases of Holly Batiste, Primrose Ba tlete; we- mention these two names because they are well-known goods, made by Arnold's mills and the Pa clflc mills, and are sold everywhere at 12 He a yard; we will sell 13 yards to a customer at, per yard . . . .3 From 4 Till 6 p. m. We will sell extra heavy unbleached Muslin, regular 8 He goods; only 10 yards to a cut tomer, at, per yard ........ .5 We have several other sales during the day too numerous to mention. We will send no samples or goods that have been on sale Friday, because these goods are on sale for Friday only and all closes for the day, .. ' Wool Dress Goodst About 20,000 yards of different kinrtaLav. ot Wool Dress Goods on the squaretvi to be sold at a trine of their values? ' Danish Cloths, sold everywhere at 15c a yard, we will sell good, long; remnants at, per yard OHo Good, long remnants of Henrietta Cloth, ranging in prices from 2 So to 60c a yard, will go at, per yd. . . ,184 Broadcloths, various lengths and sev eral to match, all colors, that sold from $1 to $3 per yard, as long as' , tney last, the entire lot at, per yd.25o Handsome Novelties. In 20 and 27- in., regular $1 values ........ 55 $1.25 Black Dress Taffetas, 6-In. wide Friday at, yard ...854 Natural Jap Wash Silks, 20-in. wide, on sale for Friday at, yard . . . .19 36-In. Black Dress Taffeta, In great ' assortment, Friday, 69) sleeves and low necked, silk tt at, choice Ti Boys' Shirt Waists, made of - linuLoi ina percaies. nam or aara. J , a . . . . colors, worth up to 60c, choice. . . 10a Men's, Women's and Children's Hose, regular value up to 19c,' at, pair. .So Winter Underwear, for men or ladles, sold up to 76c, Friday, to close at, garment iqq Ladies' Muslin Gowns. Chemise and Skirts, odd lots and broken lines, worth regularly to $2.00, choice. 79o Curtains and Portieres Rope Portieres, slightly soiled, that sold at $7.60, go at $3.98. r Rope Portieres that sold at $6, go at z.8. Rope Portieres that sold at $2.98, go at $1.60 each. All the Swiss Curtains that sold from $1.60 to $3.00 a pair, go Friday at New Swisses. In all colors, Colonlai-v designs, at Z0c yard. Dotted or Figured Swisses at 15c, 12Vc. 10c, 7 He yard. Lace Curtains, worth $1.98 pair, go at 49c each. Lace Curtains, worth 98c pair; go at 87 c each. , 1 Lace Curtains, full size, at 7Eo, 49a, 25c pair. Extra Special Friday In Our ' . Cloak Department Over 100 dozen Dressing Sacques and Kimonos, purchased from B. Crystal ft Co.. N. Y., at about one-fourta their actual worth, will be placed on sale Friday, polka dots, ring dots and other patterns In the most popular styles, $1.00 values, Friday 25o $25 Sample Suits, $14.90 This lot in cludes scores of nobby tailor Suit! and many handsome silk Shirt Waist Suits, made to sell up to $25, whil$ they last Friday, choice $14.00 Women's Wrappers, regular values' up to $1.60, choice .600 Women's $1.50 Black Mercerized T7n dereklrts, special ............. 700 New Covert Coats, all best spring1 styles, $8.50 values, at ..... . . .$5.00 $2.00 Lawn and Lingerie Waists. .000 Children's 76c Gingham Dresses, in. Friday's sale at 254 Bargains Friday Boys' Knee Pant Suits, worth up to 1 3, choice $1,80 Men's Pants, worth regularly $l.r,to $3.00, at, choice $1-50 amuso Friday, March 1st, Is Orange Day We have . Just, received another car-, load of extra fancy, large, sweet andA Juicy Highland Navel Oranges, which f , we are going to sell for this special I occasion only, per dozen 214 . This size Is retailed everywhere f3aC- J ."l . , , . , , ovc per owd. do oi spurious VKJJ tatlons tor the Highland Navels. 0)0) - 1 i . a.