TITO OMATIA DAILY' PTCE: FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1007. II I I I i i OFFERED FOR SALE f A M Rwt' Tr- Tuend ae-e-t-rv wrttr.. f ljit B a.' ! . B K. I'Ut Are. fthzw4 H"-": tLH whi afusr 1 p. m. 111 (TJCE Tntrtoo fyy-B-iTter. Nn. tn P" r- rlirvjri. far mle clM-ap. Can Be office... Clfi-! 7, .. . rat an t1Ilara Table. FOR ALli- rV w and e--r-I-tuua MT1kud ,aiJ pnnl table; wo lead the worM in cVap bar fixtnrea; warpMiwiiti;. Bruna-wk-aHalke-Cuaendar, 8PI & kAh . C4V-M8 --'r- ' ' I, . lMlallasMe-s-a, 1 KATJ-A few fln-t rina ifmw ease very cheap; nearly' new. Kennard Glass and Faint Co, 1Mb and Ddj-e 81 G8-Xb i, 3 MMf, new,' Id-hand. 1X13 Fwmm fl 4)48 3r:NT aa your iBflfl order for flr-figs; f riit poM on 8 iota, atyers-L-iiioii .I)nw Co- omana usr-e-. rOR MAI.K-Oim aond Garlaod cook stove. with wmtr. 17CB N. 24th. 'PTwme WehiftT 20. ' - : "C1)-MK0 Mix ' ywW bantahiB-In M-rmnd sor" fouirr-ihi: HKmibry payments Deri--; nr. uus rwwm. J .It- inrmnN wiJJAMfi co.. bee mixed . paintv giier-man A McConnell Iniir Ox -' as-w VOR 8AT..I-Two Natlonnl . enxh register. arwt-tnt-U adder: also nlre line of store -.-. O'nbo Land and Investment ' o.. P-meracn Illtwk. , 0 frTOLAR.HIP and books In Boyle Bufd- riese colee- -fT aala at reduction: party Mfce-n 111:, hooka entirely, new, Art-irea H 747. TKWJ. (IS) tn M4X ' mfcERStrifP tn He Omaha Grain ex rhai-i- frr anle cheap. ftr dish: no trade! trades c-rmsldered. Address A 2FJ, ere fire. (1 M133 5x dF-TrW CAST'S snd Nntlonm? cash rnnter 4tcTiieap. -pm "JN. ruin i. ".idi mwi mi ItfT5T'ATT'ft ' TTlntnrr nf WorM ET-pyrlo- pedln, Tliftannlca, cheap. Ml Paxton PATENTS ty.'O. HARNKTIa ratent attorney and m ehine designer. Pnxton Blk. Trl. Red TI1T. ()7-Mn Mil WACHlNE'fle!flmlnB find Benoral drnuuht- IP? at re&ennabie rates, w. f. iwrner, 8i.viiath St. fl7 Nrw Mil KTENTfl.' tr-wTe marks, rn-trantwl or no ew National Investment Co.. lmii;lH PUt. fV- ' (17 MV3 M13 .fjaraoa A' Co., book free, Boe Rldtr. n7-Mro p"': ..y V PERSONAL . I tn-. CITT BTEA.M I,At'NnR V-fihirts prespd, .jrt.Jrpned,. 701 8. 11th St.. Tel. Douqr, 2M. '', . f AO )7U BEWINO machines rented, any mnh. 7Ro er week or $2.00 per month. Second- Vtiaha machines for sale, 5IC and np. fi?n. ,wn wT.. mm ana jnarnev '"' V1S)-"j3 JTi i -X-Z . 1 , . ' KJASCIt'E ceslumes. Uebcn. Tel. 411S. Oytm fevetilnBS. .. ' (IX) 9.4 jU-i I,, . . BTTIINOE8. rubber noodn, by mall: cut prices; send -for free catalogue. Mvorx ' I'lTWon "Drar Co., Omaha. ' (1H) 9G t t.mrVilKB-S B. 26th. Stick. Tel. .Red 7073. . P L E AT I N G ' Butt"n' Rhin'B, Dyaino; and cleaning, trponglng wud. shrink-in.- only 6o per yard, fiend (or price list aa. i samples i- . r ' J . . -UOIWlMAX PLEAT I NO CO., 40 Doufelas Ulock. Tel. DouRlns 1A36. PK1VATB CONFINEMENT HOME- Mrs. ,,Jir. King. fUi N. 2lst 8t. Tel. Doug. r5. . "j, (UJ-IKS OlJAllA Slaimmerers" .. Institute. Ramxe, ,. r-- , j r-. . "TjOri?! CANE 18 IN TOWN! .lhe.tlnie to trim trees, trelllocs and. fiZ. vims; also landscuue gurduntng. T. Red u46u.' lies. 11U1 8. Zoth Ave. . '. . ; . . . , (lA)-tvXr Mil VTC VOOEVS private home for ladles be. f nr n nii rlui'In tr nunAnaiAAiil ttaar a- r,A Vl cheapeot In the city. MID 8. 13th tit. . tr"" "' . . 18-9J0 rtrK SALVATION ARMY solicits casUff . clutntng; in ruet. anyinitig you do n.)t nt'ci; we Collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. "Uth St., for. cnet of culluctlng. to the worthy poor.' Calt"l'hone Doug. 41K and wagon wl.il xalL-a , is u ' r riKRTT fi trtmnt and bath. Mine. f.V- .V S"-Itn- ns N. lfjlh.'id flour. j ' ' ' ! L (1S)1 f ASRAflFi "Swedish movement. 410 N. jauvoovarj Kytl) r00m KKCond nool. ETG defects corrected by glasses, fitted tin your ' lioirte if desired; reasonable 4rt6s.' Smith, Oraduute Optician, fciol JhlO.' 'Phone Webster 4337. ' r'' (IS) M600 t9x vimwiHU maemne supplies lor all makes tol machine; mnchinea repaired; machines for rent. Hayden Bros., sewing Machine Ix-pL DouEluk St. entrance. Tel. Doui. 8810. (18)-713 M10 EFFA. ELLIS, muslo by mall. Adults' evening class Mondays. 1611 Farnam. Douglas 7ul. tiSj It M4 SCHULTZE 4 BLATTERT, 111 8. lBth St. Complete line of leading pericxilcaltt; Oer hMUi and foreign publications a specialty, . (1 370 M17 ONE knowing the whereabouts . of , Kl,and Oiaf Olsen will confer a faver Upon them by showing them this ad. or y wnung 10 biibs .arrie uieen. Rock .4, lU UO th BU (ll)-M789 M12x TOR murtt.t In the sewing machine line go to P. Ei Flodman & Co., 1514 Cap. Ave. J ' . i a M736 Mil rR, n. SOMMER, homeopath. Bee Bldg. en.. . (18)-9ija PAlNrt'L burns, any sore or skin hurt uigiuky xirfMcu vr numn cam creain. RTTTtTlM CTTREP-IS0: no knifes Quick Jire Rupture Co., Woodmes of the World .llldltig. .. ... , (ID-MiM M31 -REAL ESTATE CtTT" rROPKRTV FOR BALE llt&ni ST. NEAR FAENAM Beautiful residence lot SOx rn? fct terraped and sodded. i t aaphait pavement, an. specials t,' paid,' The location Is the swell, est In the rity, No fancy price Is asked. Tills won't be en the market long at the low -price asked.' . ' - , . ".: . Awrtg qNTON fi.briggs . '" - IS FARNAM BTH ' : '. -it- $8?0,00 ' ' ': e-RQOM house and IVi hta. otal frontage l26lo, IqI ' cuted ((Jn Albright, about t - v oi iroin car line. All kinds hf fruit trees on br l'nliluu in tea .data from - dftle tit alA by T owner. 4 . JnqMlre of OtMrga at Cum- . Huk aruau btre.1, . US' Ml f i,:OR 8A!JC-.T'j modernhouau J l.r.. til tarn, one block i.orih of liMiiacoin park; 1 t J I'tveq '"!, tst rroi.l, lt il.w. East. I V oaj; T'1' "eir ..t a baiYiin. ' "' "1 REAL ESTATE ritOPRRTY FOR tlLB (OonUnoed.) $800 & $950 Lots in 4 ' . Kountze 'Place on Emmet and Bpeneer Bta. are by far tha beat barajalna In lanra, dealrabla lots ever ofTnrad In tha city of Omaha. AH ara on pTed streets and In moat casna all pavlna; la paid for. hare permanent walks, water, war and kms. Kacl) lot la 60x134 feet. There are not many left at theae prices, so don't put off buying; before tha advance In price. W also have soma on tha follow ing atreeta: Plnkney between 18th and Mth, 6U to Lthrop between 16th and Mth. STSO to Wirt St. between 16th and Mth, fUtfc . Blnney BU between 16th and 24th, (1.060. Locust 8U between 16th and 24th. ia If you can't pay cash wa will make terms of one-fourth down, balance one, two and three years. Don't forget that Kountse Place la the largest and moat uniform resi dence district in the city, convenient to three car lines and close to the business center. Ask for our new booklet ' of Kountxe Place homes and plat. , ( HOUSES BUILT TO ORDER. . Hastings & Heyden 1704 Farnam 8u Bee Bldg. i 181 -H , $250 TO $550 DON'T BUY A LOT UNTIL 'YOU SEE ' One of thoxe finest of all sub- f urban building sites, over '40 ' choice lots from which to select; only t blocks south of . Benson business center and Military Ave. car .line. We' ' can make terms to suit. Call , , or phone Douglas 807 and We will meet you -on the ground.. Russell & McKitrick Co.f Bole Agents, 432-4 Ramie Building. , Fifteenth and Harney Streets. '.' . ' , i - (i'b-io4 a corner, only three blocks from ' union oepin, oBianiisiupu urivue. ouren jeison. Fromont, Neb. HARNEY STREET This property Is 112x132 ft. Dear the corner of 20th 8L It . lays . to grade and la la ' every way . desirable. Finely located for row of flats. It ( Won't be long before (his will be' business property. - No fancy price Mked. , ' t' ' " Apply ...... CLINTON H'BRIGGS 1320 FARNAM ST. CW-M3S4 GEORGE & CQ. 1001 Farham Street.' ; 'Phone pouglas 7,18. , Dundee $4,200.00 All modern 7-room : house, on Davenport street, near 49th, quarter-rawed hard pine flnlh throughout. modern i.H-m'blpg snd good furnace, ' T)' ;' In 1905. Benson 1. .cheap corner lots, Jront ago 200xl3&, $160.00 cash, ' balance on . time. Price. . $375.00. " North Sid- $300.00 for two lots in Pruyn Park,. 8. front on Fowler Ave., between 4 2d and 43d, each lot 60x128. Owner aays submit offer. - . ' $500.00, each for two lots In Lowe's suhdlvtson, E. front on 31st street, near Decatur, level and on grade. Submit offer., 1) Mitt 2 DODGE ST. INCOME AND TRACKAGE Corner, 60x132, south and east frontage, with excellent track ' age facilities. The present buildings are yielding an In come of 1100 month. An ex cellent Income or . trackage proposition. $10,500. WV : FARNAM SMIHI & CO., ' 13 FARNAM ST. Douglas lut4. 091-148 28 FINE ACRE $550 for five-acre lot, S6th and Kansas Ave. small house ' . and barn, cistern, small fruit trees and grapes; lies fine. D.V.SholesCo. PHONE DOPOIVB 49, lltlBOARD OF TRADli (iy-110 2Sg 127x150 A beautiful corner, I choice east-front lots. Paving aud permanent sidewalk on both streets; lirst-class neighborhood. PtIos. $4,1U0. - ' 96x125 Corner JTUi Ave. 'and Indiana Ava. r-room, i-mory house'; opeu plumbing; barn. iPlice. 22,8m The Byron Reed Co., "Phone D, m. iJ South 14th. U 17 1 LANDSCAPE architect. B. C. Poster, pliwne Inug. 7. in Paxtoa lUk. (U M7 0 I MT NEW BFTSX-nooM BTRTf.TLT MODERN P.fc:l I'SNCE. with lot 60rlSn. near ttth and Burt, for x3,o; win take good t or 6-room coccage as part psvment. ADDREda L , BEE. , (H 10S a Near tlie Meroer Home rooms, all modern, hot water beat, new house, corner lot, on ear line, fine location. ; Price $6,800. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. T. Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 21SX. (19) MISS 1 QUICK SALE DOUBLE CORNER IN DUNDEE Southwest corner of 49th and California St., 135 ft east front on 49th Bt by 100 ft on California. This Is one of the choicest corners left In Dundee today. The owner wants to realise on this oorner at once, and has instructed us to sell same for $l.too. This corner would subdivide Into three lota. Don't fail to see this property at once. Payne, Bostwick & Co., ' Sixth Floor N. T. Life Bldg. ' "Phone Doug. 1016. - (1-144 21 BUY from owner and save commission; 6-room, new, modern cottage, 110 8. 17th. t IS) MfKl Ml ANOTHER $2,500 COTTAGE rooms, modern exoept - furnace; room in attic for . 2 more rooms. Corner lot 60x132, with lots of fruit and ' shade, 8 blocks from oar line. An Ideal home . for some one. : , J. H. DUMONT & SON, . . t 206-6 N. Y. Life Bldg. (19)-1U22 BUY WEST END PROPERTY For sale, over one hundred ' (100) lots In "Brlggs Place." Farnam 8t extends through ' the middle of this addition. These lota will be sold dirt , cheap, aa I wish to close them . out at. once. They ore to be sold In a bunch. They must be sold altogether. . ' Apply . ' CLINTON H.BRIGGS 1330 FARNAM ST. O9-M301 , SNAPPY SNAPS - (room partly modern cottage, lot 20x100 leet, 7,th ana Patrick Ave. l,iu. i-rooin cottage, modern except furnace, ce mented cellar, permanent walks, zist, near Grant 8t.-i-41.G00. 4-room cottage, partly modern, south front. smi ana parser price only tsuu. 1 W. S. FRANK, $21 Neville BJock. . Tel. Douglas 3600. (lit 106 IA v REAL ESTATE FARM AND KAKCH LA.BS FOR SALS) i . Canada. ALBERTA FARMS On Crop Payments Every .dollar or purchase uioney to be made out of the property. No s.eepleas nights. Purchaser cau not lose his -home through failing to meet a payment, as pay ments never come due until the money is made out of the farm to meet them. None Of the buildings on these places are over 4 years old. Everything in the best of condition. Land nrat-claus. wheat now in crop la turkey red (Alberta hard.) by cropping two-thirds of any of these farms for 4 to b years your home would easily be paid for, besides making you a living in the meantime. Any of this land will advance $20 per aore In a very few years. No cash payment Is required on the unimproved lands. Only a small cash payment Is asked for on the improved placea. 470 acres two miles from Crosxfield. nrlca $22 per acre; 160 acres 6 miles Olds, $20; 3J) acres between Dldsbury and Olds, $17; 320 acres Detween .(Janttairs and Noeiton, $18; $30 acres one mile from Carstalrs, $6. No cash payments on the above olaces: every dollar of purchase money made out oi iana. 1.540 acres seven miles from ttlzh River. $30 per acre; , 176 acres In fall wheat, ti acres piowea. Two houses pn this farm, one 25xr$ kitchen. 13x24. One 16x24: kitchen. lixa two stuMea, ltxl8 and 2x38. Building stone ready for barn, 30x60. Granary. 20x32.. Two poultry houses, 20x20 and 10xl. Two wells, pump houses, etc All fenced. Could be aivtdea suitsme ror two ramllles. Cash, about $6,000, balance half of pro ceeds of crop each year untlKthe place la paid iur. 313 acres four miles from High River. price, $35 per acre, house, stable, chicken nounc, etc., an fenced, 33 acres In wheat, 20 acres plowed. One thousand dollars cash, balance in crop payments. The above are all good farms, close to good towns. The conditions of sale are that the pur- rnasrr snan Dress: up, as soon as possible, two-thirds of the land snd croo the moat of It every year until . the place Is paid Tlils property will not he on the market leng on these terms. Five or sIt rmna should pay for any of these farms. Also 1 have good building lots inside the mile nmii m tne city or Medicine Hat for sale at 100 each, which are splendid invest ment, easy terms, one-third cash. Write direct to the owner and save trou ble and expense. CHARLES C. SHORT P. O. Box 258, High River, Alberta, Canada. 'Plione 85. Kaaaas, IIOMESEEKERS! Be careful. Locate right Investigate .our famous artesian valley. Dure cropa, maicniess climate, LAtl us write you. Miller Jaioos, Meade, KanT v. tao) um ale SOUTHERN Kansas farm lands,' Kingman and Southern Reno counties offer greatest inducements. More natural advantagts for agriculture, fruit, live stock and poul try raising of any location In the sist. Mild climate, fertile Bull, Innumerable Streams and aprlnus of pure water, rail, roads, schools, church and progressive vittsens. Land purchased at present prices will soon double in value. For dreorlptlve lists and complete Information write or call on Brown Temple, Kingman. Kan sas. - (20-M- Mix HekniSka. FARM FOR BALE 80 acres, half section flue hay land, 1J acres farming and the . other in pasture and meadow fur cattle, I want to sell all or wtll sell half section or euarter section. All good land. Price, $J0 pir acre. Joaepn Tllayher, Deloit, Holt County Neb, (20) Mlbs $x FARM lands for sale In Neoraska and South Dakota, improved and unlirpreved, lark and small tracts.' Ala some good traJing proposition. Address . P, Fal ter, Pla'.tsmouth. Kca. (20 tt4 M3 WHEN you write to atiwrtiaura, remem ber H tk,oB but a few strokes of the pen to tea that you saw the "ad." tn Tjio Bee. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY rOR PA LB Coitlnuil) REAL ESTATE FARM AMD RATVCII LASD9 FOR SALR Sehr-askn Tnittlnaed. BOX BUTTE COUNTT, NEBRASKA. We have 1580 aorea of the flnnnt soil till this county, only seven miles frnra Alil- ne,' the connty sent, nn,l s city of 1.000 people, which we are selling at $10 per acre, half down: 20 acres disposed of last week. We run excursion every first and third lueanaya of tne month, write, cau or telephone. Stewart-Leavenworth Co. TeL Douglas 63E0. 619 N. Y. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. (Joy-MZlt 1 Central Nebiaska H- A L. The beat 480 acre farm In cen tral Nebraska, Is only three-fourths mile from court house, and has f0 acre of aa One valley land as Ilea la Nebraska. Good set of frame bulldlnga complete, large grove 9 years old, orchard, etc., 180 a ores to pasture. Plica $38 per acre. C. 1,200 acre farm, fenced only 4fc miles from Bar gent, has 200 acre of fine land lq cultivation, balance fenced In two pastures, good set of buildings, windmill, well, eta, a bargain at $16 an acre Hartle7 & Lundy Box 23. Sargent, Neb. (20-M2uS M2X MONEY In Nebraska land. Write us for list of some good forms In Clay county, Nebraska. Dept L Eller St Johnson, Harvard. Neb. (20) M81 Mix BARGAIN 180 acres -ot good bottom land In Madison oounty, Nebraska, one mile from town, $46 per acre; $1,000 cash, $600 per year. Inter est 6 per cent. This will make one of the best dairy farms In the state. For sale by . PETERSON BROS., 522 Bee Bldg., Omaha, or Meadow Grove State Bank, Meadow Grove, Neb. (20) 141 28 oatb Dakota. SOUTH DAKOTA LANDS SOo acres prairie farm land, one rolls from Gettysburg, Potter oounty. South Dakota. No Improvements; price $J5 per acre, pay able $5 per acre cash, balance eight yearly payments, 6 per cent interest. Also have quarter and half sections at $12 per acre up. Writs for free map to A. G. Wlllri.ms, owner, Gettysburg, Potter county, South Dakota. (l-2t7 Marl ONE MILLION ACRES ROSEBUD LAND SOON to be opened in Tripp oounty. South Dakota; new and authentlo map lust out; price, 60 cents, postpaid. Fred nelch niann. Bonestcel, 8. D. (201 M3S6 M18 . Texas. ;. LAND SEEKERS! farmer make 200 per cent in the brazos valley, our land has manv advantages over any other section of TEXAS. It has 45 Inches of rainfall. It has more productive soil. It has no brush to grub out It don't have to be Irrigated. It has pure water at sixty feot. It costs less to improve. It grows best cotton In Texas. It Is a natural clover country It Ik best sugar cane lund. , It Is a good alfalfa country. It Is a splendid hog country.' -It has a ten months' growing season. It has lowest shipping rates. It eella at $12.00 to $18 per ucre. Illustrated list free. ' - ' H1LAND P. LOCKWOOD. .nlonio, Tex. (20) M511 MS Corn and Wheat Lands In fertile northwest Texas. We own and control several thousand acres of the best land in the Panhandle. Join one of our big excursions. V LEREW LAND CO.. . $03-5 S. 13ih St., First Not'l Bank Bldg. . ' (20 M541 Ml DALHART, TEXAS, tha hub of a million acres or tne choicest land in the pan hundle. Come with us , on March 6th. Join our special car: either nt Omaha. Neb.; Clarion, la.; Waterloo. Ia.; Cedar Rapids, la.; Plymouth, Ind.-, or Bloom- lngton, in. bee looul agents. W. P, So ash Land Co., Waterloo, la. C0 118 Mar6 TEXAS EXCURSION Tuesday, March 5 1907. SPECIAL SLEEPING CAR . t We will run a through car to Dalhart, Tex., on the above date. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR 8LEEPKR If you wish to see this land that Is being purchased so rapidly make ar rangements to go with our party. For full particular ad-' dress GUmore Real Estate Co.. 1419 Douglas St., OmaJia, (20)-M160 1 Wyemtaa-. WYOMING IRRIGATED LAND Valley land $15 to $36 per acre. Also Irrigation project for Investment Address Box 98, Thennopolls, Wyo. (20) MS38 M6x Washington. RANCH for sale; 2.080 acre deeded, two sections leased school land, all fenced; located central Neb. Write for full descrip tion. J. V. Anderson, Grand Island, Neb. , (20) tU Mix Bflseellaaeoos. HOMESTEAD THE COETJR D'ALENE RESERVATION will be opened soon. It contains 5n0.Un0 acres cnoice wneat, trult and timber land. Do you want 160 acres? COEUR D'ALENE RESERVATION IN FORMATION AGENCY. . Rooms 17-18 Exchange Bank BMg., Spo kane, Wash. (SO) 3t M8 WE WANT at once 600 live real estate men to help us dispose of 100.AOO acres of the choicest agricultural lands near Dalhart, Tex., only three to ten miles from town. ' Special Inducements to live real estate men. Writ or wire us at once. W. P. Soash Land ' Co., Waterloo, Ia. (80) 117 Mart Excursion to Kan?asv Tuesday, March 5, to Goodland, Kan!, where we have 42 quarter sections of the world's best wheat, corn and alfalfa land for sale. Just the same soli and climate as were found around Hastings. Neb., 20 years a so. ana lana.at Ooodland is now about one-tenth the price of that. Some Improved places there for sals. Prices rea sonable and easy terms. ROUND TRIP TICKET $10.4-Les than one fare If you go with our Mr. Patsmsn In our private car. Write for lists snd price a. Legal numbers given. EXCURSION TO COLORADO: Same dato, leas than one fre to vartcue points mhere we have land for aale. President of company goes with private car. Dcn't fail te see us if you want to go. NO EXCURSION TO TEXAS until March 19th, on which date we will announce a very low rate for the round trip. Watch for It. CONTINENTAL REALTY CO. tl-$2-3e V. B. Nations! Bank Bldg., Omaha. 201 B. Uth St., Urns In, Neb. 711 Security Bank Bldg. Sioux City, Ia. 612 Edmond St., 8t Joseph, Mo. - West th St., Kansas City. Mo. ; ISU M J04 1 REAL ESTATE LOANS Fares sad Baaek Vm.mK 10 ACRES, with house and barn. Ill & ItitU Bt (ID-774 FINE ranch to rent on crop plan In famed Hlg Horn Basin. Write W. M. Harvard, No Wood, Wyo. 2D U4 Mx 1 ACRES farm land, 8 miles west of Hvua Pajk, pn Center St paved read. Apply C. E. WUkliia, Dewey ll.iel, . tU-417 ' REAL ESTATE LOANS MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Ce, GARVIN BROR. 18M Farnam. and H per cent loam as real esiaiss n delay. . , , . taj tut. LOWEST RATES Bemls. Pax torn Bloek. (22) eU n.OtC.000 TO I-OA.N on bvsmnas and resi dence property In Omaha: kwt rates; no delay.. Thomas Brennsn. &. I. N- T. Ufa mt-ta WANTED City roans and warrant. W. Fan-am Smith & Co. U30 Farnam 8t LOANS on Improved city property. W. li. Thomas. iis First Natiuoal Bank Bfelg. WANTED City loans, R. C Peters Co. UOaT2 PRIVATE MONEY F. D. Wead. 1S5 Dong WANTED TQ BUY WANTED To buy, seoond-hand furniture, cook and heating stoves, carpets, Unole- . urns, ottloe furniture, ofa dotbea and shoes, pianos, feather, bed pillows, quilts, and all kinds of tools; or will buy tbs fur niture of your house oompletei Will buy antique or mahogany furniture. The high est prices n-Ud. Ceil tha right man, TeL Doug. 8071. Oky-mxi 2434 TOP prices for 2d-hand books, nereis, all kinds. Stacey, 216 & lllh. TeL Harn? y 13& . . () MJ97 Mix DON'T give your second-bsnd furniture away; I pay the highest price; big prloee Raid for oieVe furniture. Joe Levloe, 301 I. 16th. Tel. Douglas 771. C25)-M251 Ml WANT to buy. one or two sections ' In western Neb.; prefer Cheyenne, Kim ball or Banner oounty. Give section, township and ran go, also price, in firut letter. Address E 816, care Ree. (25) M199 7 CASH paid for old books. Crane-Foy Co 212 B. 14th. 'Phone Douglas-lid (26 442 WANTED to buy, second-hand typewrit ers, all makes. 818H N. 16th St, flat 8. (25)-680 M21 TWO or three work horses, also one driver. Telephone Douglas 6069. (26)-M8D8 M2 TYPEWRITERS We pay thi highest oash . price tor typewriters. Call at once or Tel- Doug. 6477. Kendls, Paxton block. . (26) 174 Ml WANTED TO RENT - TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; must be close in; would be permanent roomers. Address P 809, Bee. (26) 188 8 ROOM and board for lady In modern house, .convenient to car line. Address W 811, care Bee. (26) M207 8x' f- WANTED Board and room In private family, dose In, South Omaha, by young man with A No. 1 references; reasonable'; Catholic family preferred. Address H 819, Bee. , (26) M221 2x ROOM and board by man and wife In pri vate family. Permanent if satisfactory. Walking distance preferred. Address B 813, care of Bee. (26) M205 3x WANTED SITUATIONS DAY women furnished free of charge. Telephone Douglas 1112. (27 M800 UNIVERSITY" man, with years' experi ence as manager of grain, coal and live stock business, wants good paying posi tion, has small capital; will Invest If re quired. Address H 7b5, Bee, i (27) M630 MUx SITUATION wanted by young man, as stenographer; best references. Address M-806, care Bee. (27) 111S9 1 WANTED Position as clerk and book keeper In hardware and Implement busi ness In country town, capable of man aging same; experienced. Address. P. O. Box 307. VaJl. Ia, , (27) 111 Martx GOVERNMENT NOTICES , PROPOSALS FOR LEA8ING THE TRI bal Lands of ths Standing Rock Reserva tion, North Dakota, for Graiing Purposes. Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, February 6, 1907. Sealed proposals for leasing the sur plus tribal pastures on ths Standing Rock reservation. North Dakota, for graxlng purposon. will be received at thla office until 2 o clock, p. lu., on Thursday, March 28, 1907, and will be Immediately thereafter opened la the presence of such bidders as may attend. The lands will be leased for a period of five years from June 1, 1907, and tio bid for a different period will be considered. The proposals must be ad druesed to "The Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Washington, D. C," and must be plainly endorsed on the outsldo of the en velope, "Proposals for Leasing Standing Rock Lands." The lands offered fur lease have been divided Into four pastures. Pas ture No. 1 contains 98.0UO acres; pasture No. 2 contains 660,00 acres; pasture No. 2 contains 31a,2u0 acres; pasture No. 4 con tains 116,480 acres. Maps showing the loca tion of the pastures and posters giving ul rections for the submission of bids, and all other necessary Information, may be obtained on application to the United States Indian Agent, Fort Yates, North Dakota. Proposals not conforming to the requirements mentioned in the posters may be rejected, if such action shall be deemed advisable. C. F. LARRABEE, Acting Commissioner. F$dl8tM LEGAL NOTICES DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing be tween Waldo Anderson and Aaron Chad wick, under the firm name of Anderson Chadwlck Co., wholesale flour, la this day dissolves' by mutual consent. Mr. Ander son will continue the business and collect all company accounts and pay all unsettled bills. WALDO ANDERSON. AARON CHADWiCK. Omaha, February 28, 1907. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Notice la hereby given that the regular annual, meeting of 'he stockholder of lb South Platte Land company will be held l the ottlce ot laid company at -Lincoln, Neb., at 11 o'clock a. m. on the 8th day of March, A. D., 19U7. By order ot the Board ot directors. C. H. MORK1LL, President; A. B. MINOR, Secretary. Lincoln, Neb., February 4, 1907. Fi-dSOt-m. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The annual meeting of stockholders ot The. Bee Publishing company Is hereby called to meet in the office of The Be building. In the city of Omaha, Neb., on the 4th dy of March, 1907, at 4 o'clock f. m. By o-oer of the president H. A. 1A8KELL, Secretary. Feb.lt d 12 m-e The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Millard Exporting Company or ""Nebraska will be held at 10 o'clock a, in.. Thursday, March 14, 1W07, at the office of the company, ii.3 First National Hank build ing. F. B. HADLEY., Secretary. RAILWAY .TIME CARD 1'KiION gTATIOS TKNTH AND MARCY I'Blea Parlac Leav. Overland Limited a 9:68 am Arrive, ft 8:18 (MB ft 5:10 pi it a 9:80 pm ft 6:10 pio al0:46 pia a 6:u0 pm a 7:44 aia a 4.60 pm bl2:46 pio ft t06 pm alO:i pin all 16 pn a 1:46 pm a 9:6 am ft :fai am a $ 46 pm a 1:30 am a 2:00 pm a 8 Su am a 7:( am a 9:31 am all -61 am al:i am aio se am a i :ib pm a 6:06 pm bit pm bl2:40 pra ft 8:30 Sin ftM:80 pra The China aud Japan East Mail 4:15 pra Colo. A Cullf. Ex California at Ore. Ex.. Iais Angeles Limited.. Fast Mali Colorado Special North Platte Local.... Beatrice Local ,. a 4:15 pra .a 4:25 pm ,al2:0 put a 1:66 am a 7:46 fin a 1:10 am ib 2:00 pin Chicago A Northwestern Cedar Rapids Pass ft 7.-06 am Twin City Express, ,..a 7:60 am ...a 8:00 am ...all:t0 am ...a i.iA) pm ...ft 4 82 pm i. .ft 1:50 pin I.. i, .ft 1:25 pm ..a $:tf pm ...a $ is pm Chicago Daylight .... Chicago Local Sioux City Local Carroll Ixioai Sioux City Local....,, Chicago Express ..... Fast Mall Fast Mail ,. Twin t'ltjr-Limited... Overland Limited .... Chicago Limited ........ all W pin NorfuTs-Boiieaterl ,.,.,.a 7:40 am Llncoln-Chadron b 7:40 am Dead wood-Lincoln .' a I 00 pm Casper-Shonahonl a $ u0 pm Hastlngs-nupertor b $:V0 pm Fremont-Albion ...... ...b 8:02 m Wabash, St. Louis Express .....a 1:20 pm St. Louis Local (from Council Bluffs) ...... ..ft :t8 am Stanberry Local (from Cvuucll Blurts) ........ b trOO pra. bll:30 am SHIP SCBS1DI BILL DEBATE Arrodnitiit Xxiiirvttac CbJ-ault List from ProrUiiorjg of Act it IVe-aleA ' CHARGE FEVAT1NQ TO ' KR. HINSHVB Mr. Bird sal . Bays Nebraska le Marked far Dvfee-t Iteeas-s He lie- fesed to Are! Cwatrlbaitfetm tress SHIpwiaaT Imterests. WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. Oenersl debate on the ship subsidy bill In the house ter minated at 2.15 p. m. today, whereupon the bill was read under the flve-mln-ita rule for amendments. From that time until the re cess at o'clock amendments were offered te tha bill and the discussion proceed -d thereon. The leader on both aide were drawn Into the debate. By vote of 112 to 127 the bouse defeated an amendment excepting the Sierra, the Sonoma and the Ventura of the Oceanto line from the oper ation of the bill, empowering the postmsa. ter general to make contracts with cltl sens of the United State for carrying mail on steamships. Mr. Bird sail of Iowa closed the general debate for the opponents of the bill and Mr. Grosvenor of Ohio, for Us advocates. During the morning the house agreed to conference report on the military academy bill. A joint resolution was adopted creating a commission of Ave senators and Ave representatives to revise and report to the Sixtieth congress on th work of tha com- ( mission to codify the laws of the United States. The conference report on the Wit relating to the expatriation of cltlaens was agreed to. By a vote of 241 ayes to no nays the house further Insisted on Its disagreement to the provision In the army appropriation bill relating' to the retirement ot paymas ters' clerks. Ship Bnbaldy nil! Taken Vs. General deate on the ship subsidy till closed today and the bill wag read for amendment under the five-minute rule. Mr. Smith of Iowa presented an amend ment requiring -that every -contract under the bill shall be awarded to the responsible bMder who will contract under penalties prescribed by the postmaster general, for th . highest running speed between . the points named In contract. Thle amendment was adopted. Representative Bird sail of. Iowa In op posing the bill, criticised Mr. Grosvenor for his methods In reporting the measure. During his address Mr. Birdsatl, speaking of President Roosevelt said: ""The present occupant of th White House I V , only really great , man who waa actuai , brn In the great city of New York." Hlnshaw Opposed n Subsidy. Mr. Blrdsall also asserted that Mr. Hln shaw of Nebraska had been tendered a liberal donation by the ship subsidy men for his campaign, but that he had Indig nantly spurned It. "Ajid now," he added, "they propose to follow him up In hi dis trict' and defeat him for renomlnatlon. or at the poIIs.'V The first amendment to the Wll was of fered by Mr. IJttauer of New York, pro viding for a line of steamships of sixteen knot from the Gulf Of- Mexico to Brestl at a maximum compensation not exceeding 2300,000 for a monthly service, or 2000,000 for g fortnightly service. tTh .amendment was advocated In pcechea by Mr. Littauer, Mr. Pollard of Nebraska and Mr. Sherley of Kentucky, The amendment was adopted. ' By a vote of 112 aye to 127 nay an amendment offered by Mr. Ltttaner except ing the Sierra, Sonoma and Ventura of the Oceanic line from the operation of the bill was defeated. This was regarded as- a test vote aa far as the Pacific. line Is concerned. An amendment offered by Mr. Humphrey ! of Washington, that no money appropii- cited by the. bill shall be paid for any .' vessel directly or Indirectly connected with I any railroad company, wa defeated, on the theory that the bill sufficiently safe guarded In that direction. Subsidy Versus Tariff. Mr. Fordney of Michigan offered a sub stitute for the bill under consideration, pro viding for a naval reserve and Increasing ocean mall facilities, to which Mr, Burton of Ohio addressed himself, Incidentally re- RAILWAY TIME-CARD Continued Chicago Great Western. St. Paul A Minneapolis.. 1:30 pm' 7:10 am St. Paul tt Minneapolis. 7:46 am v 11 :60 pm Chicago Llmltrd 5:40 pm 9:J am Chlcage Express 7:40 am 11 -AO pra Chicago Express ti. 3:30 pm $.30 pm Mtssonrt Paclfle. . . K. C. St St L. Express.. -no am 8:20 ara K. C. A St L. Expresaall:16 pm ft 5-2S pro Nebraska Local at 2-00 pm all:40 am Des Moines Local...... a 4:14 pra Illinois Central. Chicago Express -a 2:00 am a 2r4E pm Minn. A St. Paul Ex..b 8:00 am a 8:15 pm Chicago Limited A 8:00 pro ft 7 JO am Minn. A St Paul Ltda I JO pm -a 7 J era Chicago, Rock Island A Pactfle.'-' BAST. Chicago Limited a 3:18 am 7:10 am Iowa Local a 7 :00 am a 4:30 pm Chicago. Mail ' a 8:46 pin Iowa Local bl2:06 pm b 9:56 pin Chicago (Eastern Ex.).. a 6:06 pin a 1.35 pra Chicago (Iowa Lmtd.l. a 6:36 pm al2:26 pra WEST. . Rocky Mountain Limit. 7:20 am ft $-05 am Colo. A Cel. Etpreaa.' 1.-60 pm a 4:60 pm Okl. A Texas Express.. 4:40 pra al2:tj pm Lincoln Falrbury and Believtie ft 8:50 pm a 2:20 km Chlengo, Milwaukee Jt tt. Pnnl. ChL and Colo. Special. .ft 7:63 am a 7:30 am California and Or. Ex-m 1:46 pm 1:10 pra Overland Limited a 8:36 pm a 9:30 am Des Moines A Cedar Rapid Local b 8:46 am bU:00 pm BCRLINGTOH 8TAT10B lOth A MAIOX Bnrllagten. Leave, .ft 4 no pm ,a 4:10 pm .a 4:10 pra .11:10 pm .a 9:10 am .a 8:00 am Arrive, a 8:80 pm a 1:80 pm ft $ .30 pm ft 7:10 am ft 7:46 pm .ft 7:46 pm a 2-06 ara a 12:01 pm ft 7:30 pm b 10:26 am a 8:10 am ft 710 am a 1 :60 pm ft 7 15 am ft 166 put ft 7 -Ji p.-n al0:63 pm all :30 am ft 8 46 am ft 110 pm Denver A California. Black Hills Northwest Special . Northwest Express . Nebraska Express .. Nebraska Local Lincoln Looal Lincoln Fasb. Mall ... I Jnmln Toa1 ... ,b'2:(-i)"pm b 2:50 pm ft 7 :60 pm. Ft. Crook A Plattsm'th. Plattsmoutn . rtilMr Limited Bellevue A Pae. Juno. .a 1:S0 m Chicago Special Chicago Express .a 7:25 am. .a 2:4o pm a 6 .06 pm .a t at am Chicago Flyer T.. 1 AP.I St. Louis ' Ex press Kansas City-bl. Joe..,., I ts pm ,al0:4i pin Kansas Clty-st Joe.. Kansas Cily-St. Joe... .a 13 am a 4:45 pm WEBSTER BTATION-lth A WEBSTER Chicago, St. Pnnl. Minneapolis A Omaha. Twin City Passenger.. -b am b t't am Sioux City Passenger.. .a 2 M pm all :80 am P.mraon Local b 6:46 pm b t 10 am Ernerso Lcl Oe?:4e ara i 1:50 pm Mlsnarl Pacta. Local via Weeping Water 28 ftm a 60 pra Falls City Local ',..... ..a 2 80 pin all .20 pm a Daily, b Dully except Sunday, d Daily except Saturday, e Bunday only. Dally exoept Monday. OCBA2J STEAMSHIPS. CANADIAN HAClr j "kMPRlll" Un of tho AtUnilo XVAJTB TO 2VAJTD 231 TOVM SATS Th Eropr ef Britain and Eraprees of Ireland make the voyage from gjnbac to Liverpool in six days, two being spent on the majestic St Lawrence. Book now for summer sntrrnga. " I viewing the. whole euhject of subsidy leg!. latum. "The, argument for this class of mens nree." said Mr. Rurton, "rests upon th fallacy that a. subsidy to ships Is akin to ft prott-ctlv tariff. It Is not so, because In the relation of the treasury to those receiving aid a tariff brings money Into th exchequer, while a subsidy pays It out.' 'The argument for a tariff would not b accepted If It wn contemplated that fof II time there would be a difference ta cost ot production between this and othor countries," h Mid. Mr.. Fordney did not rress hi amend ment and no action waa taken on It Mr. Townsend of Michigan Introduced an amendment striking out th subsidies for the two linee from the Pacific ooast to China and Japan, which wa opposed by Mr. Steven ot Minnesota. The bill was temporarily laid aside for other business. Je ()- nt night. At tonight' session of the house Mr. Mahon ot Pennsylvania, smarting over hi treatment when bill from th commute on . war claim wa under consideration, made the point ot "no quorum. Speaker Cannon, In View ef th brondnesg of the rule permitting the consideration of bills on the private calendar,, ordered the door closed and directed the sergeant at -arm to bring in absentee, " One by one th members cam Into the, chamber. Bom had been found at dln ner, clubs, etc., and as each answered to the call there was srplause from th member and the galleries. During th long wait there were songs without number and whistling solo and duets by Mr. Forney and Mr. Fulkerson ot Missouri.'' Messrs. Hepburn of Iowa and Gaines ot Tennessee, added to the amusement by ft colloquy over " Wll to dock members for absence." A quorum wa secured at 10-.4S p. m. and bill on the private .calendar were taken" up, the session continuing until midnight PROCEEDINGS OF . THE BESATH Several Hours "pent In Dleetusstng ! ns tared Alcohol Rill. WASHINGTON, Feb. 28. The senate to day passed th bill extending government aid to the Alaska-Tukon-Paclflc exposition to be held In Seattle In 1902 and debated for several .hours the denatured alcohol bill, reaching no conclusion on th latter mess, ure. The conference report on the army I appropriation bill wa presented and by the senate receding on the point In con troversy Its provision for the retirement of paymasters' clerk ft complete agree, ment between the two bouses resulted. The denatured alcohol bill waa taken up by the sensts today on motion of Mr. Hansbrough and he and Mr. Carter opposed the amendment suggested by the enatft committee on finance requiring ft govern ment storekeeper to be stationed wherever alcohol Is manufactured. Senator Aldrich declared that the Distillers trust was pro moting the present bill. Senator Hans brough said the Distillers' trust controlled only 20 per cent of th -output of spirits In the country and that tha Independent dis tiller producing the remaining 80 per cent were opposed to the measure. Senators - Aldrich, Allison, Hanebrough and Heybura supported the amendment re quiting th presence of a government agent during the operation of th stills, and Sen ator Carter and McCurrtber spoke against th amendment. The debate had not been concluded when . the . senate adjourned, shortly ' after I o'clock. " The senate today confirmed the nomina tions of all the Isthmian canal commis sioners sent to the senats-on the 15th Inst, Including Chairman Bhont and Chief En- glneer Steven. . " ' ' AGREEMENT ON, LA FOLITT"tS BILL Conference Committee Make Change) In. Railway Employee Measure. WASHINGTON. ' Feb. 28. Conferee on the LaFollette bill to promote the safety of employe and travelers on railroads by limiting th hours of ervtc of employe reached an agreement on the measure to day and their report wtll be made to morrow. The bill wa amended In several particular. The provision relating to em ploye who have been on-duty tor sixteen hour out of twenty-four wa amended so that the required eight hour ot duty shall be consecutive. Tlie provision of the bill a It came from the house relating to the number of hour of work for operators or other employe having to do with order connected with the operation ot train was materially' changed. Aa agreed upon such men shall ' not be "required or permitted to remain on duty for ft longer period thas twelv consecutive hours in any twenty-tour-hour period. , Thla I an Increase tn ' the hoar from nine hour. The, provision fixing one rule for day and another for night service was eliminated. ' The' claoa In regard to prose cut! cms was amended so as to read: - "In all prosecutions under this act th comrrvm carrier shall be deemed to have had kaowV edge of all acts of Its officer and agents who have direction and -control of era ploy." HAWAII . INVITES INSPECTION CoBg-re-Bsaaea Asked to Visit Island and Learn Their Need. WABH1NOTON, Feb.' 28. Mr. K'alanl anacle has Invited ft number of representa tives and senators to visit the Sandwlqh -Islands thla summer as th guests of th : resident of the Island and the congres sional party wtll noil from Ban Frandaoo . In June. They will study tha need ot th Islands. Representative Hamfltan, chair man of .th house committee on territories i . Representative Hepburn, chairman ot th house committee on interstate and foreign commerce; Representative Lloyd of Mis. sourt, the demo ratio whip, and a number of other member of these two committees, a wall other committee who deal with Insular affairs, will be in the party- - Ths Hawaiian legislature authorise th delegation In Washington to tssu Invite ( tlona to the lawmaker who have to do with the affair of th Islands, and ex tan. lye plan ax being mad o give the via. ttors an opportunity to go to all th dtJ ferent Islands and study their needs. AGRICILTTRAL BILL , IS READY Conference Cemitlee Drags Pre visa Ion for Dates an Canned Meats. WASHINGTON. Feb. &-Th coofereeg on the agricultural appropriation bill today reported aa agreement on practically all acisndinent and It I conceded that all will be agreed npon except that .providing fog an (ner. of 28,000 ft year for four con. secuttve year In th appropriation for stat agricultural and scientlnc college. Th Beverldge amendment providing that meat packer jnuat date their cans Of meat pro. duct waa dropped. On amendment over which there waa con troversy wa that which prohibit th crea tion of ftddltlunsJ fort reserves In Idaho, Montana, ' Wyoming, CxitoredOt Utah and Oregon, ft waa ratalnwd, by tha comarenco Nomfnatto-ae by Pre I den. WASHINGTON. Fb. 28. -Nomination by th president: "To Be Rsevtver of Public Money at Boise, Idaho Fred V Tinker. Postmasters Iowa; J. B. Morgan, th. bugoe. i - Missouri:: J. H. Tor ner, W Baton. Nebraska;. Danft McNeil. Cbadron. South Dakota Peril-, Axteeiani i D. Chuaav Parker. r