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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1907)
. The Qm aiI- DaS "Bee v" VOL. XXXVlf-NO. 220 OMAIIA, FlilDAY MOlXlNQ, MAKCII 1, 1907-TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. (i.- fc CITY PAYS TRIBUTE Vamifioent Andienoe at And.torinm At tends f reitrston Memorial. ALL WALKS OF LIFE ARE REPRESENTED At With Johc A, Creighton in His Life, Bo Cm! Vaunted Iti Eoinis. TENDER TRIBUTES FROM LIFELONG FRIENOS Great Heart sid Manlineis the Dominant I ait of HiiLiiV MnNIIMrNTTn Rr Rlicra TO Hl MFMORY rmmlltf Appointed to Take Charge of th Matter Money to Be Ralred by a Pnpalar Sabarrtptloa. A msgnlflcf-rt audience that nesrly filled the Auditorium gathered last evening In honor of the nemory of Omnhn'i greatest philanthropist, the late Count John A Crelghton. It was a representative (father Ing of the people of Omaha, all walks of life being rej resented. The meeting; was marked by Intense feeling throughout. The first steps were taken toward the erection of a monument to Count Crelghton with money to be ' ilsed by popular subscription The narrow limits of creed did not bound the audience that gathered to honor the memory of 1 -it man whose great heart knew no such Jlmlts. Men of all creeds and of no creed were there. T'pon the itage aat the 283 vice presidents of the meeting Including many of the leading citliens of Omaha and tr i state. Captain H. E. Palmer presided. On the main floor 760 seats were reserved fo the students ' of Crelghton university, lghton Medical college and the school the Crelghton Institute. Im mediately I. r-ont of the platform 150 seats were' reservV" for the relatives of Count Crelghton. "Jiirty-flve ushers assisted the Teat crowd 'o find srata. The speakers, excepting Mr Bryan, were limited to ten . minutes eachj. It was JuM, g o'clock when William J, Bryan and i is other speakers took their places on l stage, and a wave of ap- I plause swept I ver the audience. The choir of All SuiAs' Episcopal church sang "Weary Pilgrims.- j A War a the Same. "We are t Tej to do honor to the man who In a fl',. cll way did more for Omaha than a, i' i man," said Captain Painter Jn opef ' e meeting. "I made the ac- Count Crelghton In the early waa helping his brother blase 'e Pacific coaat. Through all malned. the aame generous. 4 gentleman. Dr. Geor -. Miller s speech waa marked with deep ilng. Ills voice trembled aa he recallet,me noble traits of John A. CreUrhtou i of other membera of tha family, to jnt ha paid rich tributes for I their person ! worth. I "It ha o-'g 7a-4een a pleasure to me," I SHTQ 1 sjt, jair "to recall to the mind of I tha rising gi ..(ration the sterling worth I quaint , 60s, wKT' the waff his llt&. upon-n of the men '.vho were here ialf a century I Judge for Nebraska, Senator Burkett cer Ago to lay, '.e foundatlona of thla city. I tain of confirmation. Page 1 Never In m ' 'ong life have I met or heard of a, body V men stronger In body, in I heart and . 'nd and purpose than were those men. And among them John A. Cretgtton stood with the first. Hla soul was great and hla heart generous. He waa a warm frlea l and companion and a keen man In the u' lullding of the great west. "The nairu of Crelghton Is written over thla cora'J in monuments of brick and s'- , tre material evidences of tha gener nf hia great heart. But hla namaJr . ten more lastingly in tha hearts '.. Hundreds of thousands whont he aided way. t own free, generous hearted "If he w here I know I, could not please him tter Khan to say a word of respact and .ppreclatlon of hi brother, Edward CrtKhton, to whdtn he always aald he owe I o much and hom he loved so deeply, ill ward Crelght.Jn waa also al man of gen I slty and In lis charity he. like John A. Yelghton, nev r let his left hand know y at hla right I nd did. "My heart 'a aleeply m ucted, as I r. eart that la a memory of J ed and - my speech Is oti ness of tha all the grest- llled forever. Peace be to t in A. C reign- ton." Adra- Rev. T. of the mon Id ea of Mo'taueat ackay broach'm the subject ent It Is proPi sed to erect to John A. "We are 1 "to honor a Ighton. e," aald Rev. Mr. Mackay, iian not on account of hla , cause in his veins ran that wealth, but blood which ' lght to know of a man, not what la hla eed, but what Is his need. It Is to honor such a man that thla mag- nl'cent audlen e has coma out this evening, "We want to so a monument erected to John A. Crelg tton In this city. The best thing we can to la to arect such a monu ment to this rian aa ha been suggested. Let everyone intrlbute to It, Catholic and Protestant, bei ever and heretic, rich and poor, and let tt be a memory from the pu I to their benefactor. Henry W. -Y ttea spoke fenllngly of Mr. Crelghton as a business maty He aald In part: "I feel It Inc imbent upon every man to raise his voice to honor such a man. We are here not ' honor the memory of a statesman. H never held a political of' flee. He was o ly a plain Christian gentle man. He waa i financier, but he made his money honestly Count Crelghton's religion w.e not th. kli.d to be carried branded on his forehead. H did his charitable deeds because he lovej to do them. ucn men us count cr-lghton soon would bridge th.i gulf that Is said to nxlst between tha so-jailed classes and masses. Such mon as he renew fultn In the father hood of God ant the brotherhood of man. William F. Girley eloquently character ised Coont Crelciton, saying In part: ' We bring be e tonight not encomluma which men yielt to genius and statesman ship. We are here to bring a simple, honest tribute tt. the memory of a human hearted man. "He might had the wealth of Croesus, and yt; gon down to his grave unmourned. But Count Crelghton was not 'ton waa not Slant frame that kind of man. In his reposed the tender heart ot a rhlld. Co a traat With Other l.lvr,. . Gilbert M. Hitchcock pointed out the contrast of Count Crelghton s character with th greed of th present a. "W live In an age of great commercial- Ism.- said Mr. Xlitchcovk. "W r her to honor a man who aougnt to fld bow he could help society. It la a matter of prkle to us cltixens that Omaha has pro- duced uch a man. Now Om&h&'s nad la (Continued on Second Page ) 1 SUMMARY OF TOE BEEItRAC1SC DOWN LARGE SIM j Friday, March 1, 1HOT. v J- 1007 MARCH rut WIS TM tUH MOM AT 2 0 5 B 5 6 3 4 II 8 10 12 13 14 15 16 10 20 21 22 23 17 18 2Hi 25 26 27 28 20 30 III WEATECB. FORRTA8T FOR NEBRASKA Fair Fri day and Saturday; warmer Saturday. FOHfcX ABT r un KJWA nam ana raiut i Friday. Saturday fair. Tcmnerature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. Dcg. Hour. Des- 1 p. m 22 2 p. m 22 d a. in v 6 a. m .. J3 .. 23 .. Zl .. 1 1 a. m.. 8 p. in 21 4 p. m 2- 6 p. m 21 tt p. m 21 7 p. m 21 8 p. m 20 a p. m 20 8 a. m. . 9 a. m.. 10 a. m.. 11 a. m.. U m LEGISLATIVE. Senate passes the house fish and game bill, but with amendments. Pag a Two-cent fare bill finally passes both houses of Nebraska legislature with emergency clause and goes to the gov ernor for action. Fag 1 Last day for Introduction of bills in house at Lincoln brings out a flood of measures, among them one. for a consti tutional amendment to Increase the num ber of supreme Judges to five with a salary of $3,500 a year. Page 1 Railroad attack on Omaha at Lincoln Is resumed, anonymous circulars being distributed among legislators. Page 1 Senator Randall offers a resolution ask ing that the regents of the University of Nebraska report to the- legislature why they do not comply with the law In the matter of text books, and also that a showing of moneys expended be made. Para 1 South Dakota senate passes new di vorce law with amendment that satisfies the lawyers. Page 1 DOMXSTIO. General managers of western railroads will offer to arbitrate question of wages of conductors and trainmen if local organ isations vote to strike. Page 1 Mike, the Bike," notorious porch climber, wanted In Omaha and other cities, Is shot by policeman nt Cincinnati. Page 1 Harry K. Thaw gives out a statement in which he charges District Attorney Jerome with unprofessional conduct in court room. Dr. Evans is on stand 1 11 day. Page 6 Interstate commerce hearing at New Tork ends. Page 1 WASsnroTOir, Conference committee agrees on report on LaFollette'a bill, regulating hours of railway train employes. Page 11 Senate spends several houra in debating the denatured alcohol bill. Page 11 Charge made on floor of house t'.iat shipping lobby will attempt to iefeat Mr. Hlnshaw . because he refused campaign contribution In exchange for hla Influence. Page 11 The Judiciary committee of the senat.a meets mis arternoon to consider me nomination of T. C. Munger aa federal Legislative committee investigating the Fisher claim brings out testimony figures in appraisement had been raised. Fisher first employed as attorney and later claimed to have deed for land. Page Sleet and snowfalls are reported from a number of Nebraska points. Page 3 Two notea purporting to have beei signed by local farmers in payment fig lightning roda make their appearance at Blue Hill. The signatures are denied. Page 3 POBT. Rod and Gun club elects officers for the ensuing year and laya plana for big lm provementa during the coming year. Page 6 ' Z.OOAX. Mass meeting In memory of the late Count Crelghton nils .the Auditorium, Those who knew him best pay loving tribute to hla worth and W. J. Bryan de livers the eulogy. Page 1 Second district convention of Nebraska Federation of Women'a Clubs hears re ports and finds a prosperous year. Page 4 New Union Pacific headquarters will be twelve stories In height, costing tl.201, 000. Page S No contracts being made made for sale of ice except with large consumers. Pag r Feast of Purim observed by orthodox Jews. Rabbi Cohn lectures on subjeot tonight. Pag 1 Witness testifies that Rev. Mr. Hunt was with Mrs. Bassett at Little Rock. Bassett is on stand. Fags T Railroads extend no concessio fffto Com mercial club on proposed trip to Parlrlo northwest. " Page T H. Q. Burt, formerly president of Union Pacific, mentioned for president of Kan aas City Terminal company. Page 7 Considerable activity reported Sn Omaha real estate. Page T MOTTMBBTTI OP OOXAH STSAUSKXFS, Pttrt. ArrWad. Balled. KKW YORK Teutoolo . LONOON PciSTON Irernla .. BOSTON Bohmiaa (HKRUOIRO ... HAMHt'HO Amcrtkt . MonirsM. ' ANTWERP Manilas .. y IK ICS? TOWN .gaioula .. Ql KKN8TOWN . PROMPT ACTION ' ON MUNGEF? Jadlclary Committee Meets Today ' Consider Ida domina tion. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 28.-(Speclal 1.1 gram.) Th senate committee on Judlcl will hold a me ting tomorrow mornln k at 10 o'clock to consider the nomination of I Thomas C. Munger. nominated to bi an J additional federal Judge tor the dmtnf of i Nebraska. Senator Burkett said toduytjlat ! aaia loaayi am , a favorable rKrt i commltue oi Mr. i h felt confident that would be made by the . "". y ! Th bor!l of con,ulll'' engineers Jf the rwiKiuniivii vai.iv, wuii-ii mfi ytaerday t tnwiuiu, ictvivvu uirev Olds, tlfc low ,kii. , - r - Mitchell Neb "l tnZ' f Ii' IW.v,:ff:r,...t" ."-'Lan. I Pathfinder lake, on th North Plaits lrrl I gatton project in Nebraska and Wyoming. ' ioT $2i- I Rural carriers appointed f,r Nebraska route: Nemaha, route 1, Calvin J Barker, ! arrler; Otto Baiker, substitute. tiuyler, j route 2. Albert L. 8tevens. cam.-; Charley Sloven, aubstitute. Uinslde, Ju, $. Al- I oert v. au.u. carrier; Jostl.ln Wad- J dell, substitute I -nterittte Commerce Commission Continies Inquiry Into Alton linancea. ACCOUNTING (OR IMPROVEMENT ' BONDS No steps Taken to BriiK Before Co art Bight, of Commission to Force Aaawers to ' tgnestlon. NEW YORK, Feb. 28. When the Inter state Commerce commission resumed Investigation of, the Harrlman lines tod It was with tha understanding that a hours would conclude the hearing. 11 said by counsel for the government no steps had yet been taken to place fore the courts the question raised b: refusal nf Mr. Harrlman and Mr. VUlin to answer certain Inquiries relating t' In dividual holdings of stocks. Mr. K'Uogg of government counsel said he waj not prepared to atato what action wdi'd be taken In thla matter. Before the faring began It was said that, contrary to ex pectations, William Q. Rockefellt Would not be called to testify regarding W' al leged sale to him by Mr. Harran of 300,000 shares of Union Pacific atria time of the so-called Keen raid in 1ST Samuel Felton. president of to f Chicago St Alton, waa called to show I fit about $1,000,000 from Income, as agalnf proceeds from the sale of securities, wa Included in the statement that shower' that $22,- 000,000 had been expended In lavrovements. The $22,000,000 also Include? W.780,000 ex pended since last June, paid for by Car truit certificates. This redded the ex penditure from the sale ofurlties In the Alton to between $18.0U0,0 am sm.uuv.uuu. Milliard Corrects esnent. Charles W. Milliard, CO Chicago & Alton, who w g(iller of the the stand when the hearing adjourir last evening. waa then recalled In t;- to Mr. Kel- logg he explained that t fbranch line or cut-off from a point naT Murrayvllle to Springfield, which he f lerday testified had been mortgaged wlfl it was built, waa one which the Chi.iil & Alton had a right to build. The pri J'dlngs were not unusual. The enterpri rnd the methods of mortgaging were legllinate. The line of Inquiry w 'evidently meant to correct the lmpressl l left by counsel's questions and Mr. HiJi-rd's replies yes terday. Then Mr. Kellogg aslfJ a series of ques tions, eliciting a stateJbjnt of the Chicago & Alton's assets and Jifbllltles In 1898, be fore Mr. Harrlman elered the property, and at the present I me. These figures were taken from an ufiual report allowing that before 1898 its c.I itallsatlon. In round numbers, was $33,000.1 against $122,872,328 on June last. The witness aald catea were not lnc! e car trust reran. Id In the capltallra- tlon, ao the total lld really be $125,000,. 000 and not $122.00C Mr. Kellogg exfned the witness at length as to the Jrioks of the company and he had him eAilain many of the ao counts already co s red by evidence. The witness produced li record showing the stock standing irlhe name of tha syndl cate managers. Expls Ion of Books. Mr. Kellogg erl ivored to show that the Harrlman manal nent of the Chicago A Alton had caplti ed the debts of the old Jollet ft Chlcai road prior to 1863, but his knowledge of the not go back that far. Mr. HUlard si road's affairs It was eliclteill owever, that there never had been a closure of the Chicago St Alton road f;CUlway, While the old Jollet & Chicago ;M been foreclosed. The wit ness was ';i Bnlned as to the $12,000,000 which It koJf'Irned that Harrlman party added to tjM apltal of the Alton because that amovr.fhad been expended on lm provement ,fr had been lost by former shareholder, Mr. Lor I counsel for the Harrlman In terests, O; I ted to Mr. Kellogg assuming that $10,0?; lo of the amount represented losses of -laid set ot stockholders through foreclose! It developed that neither wit ness nu. I'unsel knew If there had been a forecre, so Mr. Kellogg amended his question' Include "improvement or losses or both The lnese said that the $12,000,000 In questionfiad previously been paid and the account! were written off. He did not know lfiither railroads ever added to their capital Ih that way. Mr. Kellogg then asked Jfceiie of questions tending to show that effUln operating expense also had been ipltallzed by the Alton, but the wltne J did not admit this. Certain eon-, struct n expenses had been so charged, he suld. Mr. Kellogg elicited the admission that tie discount on the bonds had been ao chanfd that while the books disclosed it, the iinual report would tend to confuse tha libllo In regard to this Item. Criisel Lovett and Mr. Cravath cross-ex-amlld Mr. Htllard briefly, but he main tain fl hla position firmly, particularly as to 4a propriety of capitalizing the old ex pei liturea on the Alton. J ,' Mahl oa Stand. 'tv'Mahl, controller of the Harrlman Hi (a, waa then recalled and Identified a nimber of exhlblta. At. Mahl explained that the resolution of t.e board of directors of the Union Paciflo althorlxlng Mr. Harrlman to borrow money ii the name of the corporation was a purely i&rmal matter, done at the request of the Ultness and without the knowledge of Mr. I liarriman. It waa done to meet a requlre KiiwWiihdan ment of certain California bankers. i Mr. Lovett also ahowed by the 'witness rj,i(ie. that the late C. P. Huntington had a Ilk Aurtian. i authority In the Southern Pacific board and that It waa a common busUuua sractine. ett and Mr. HUlard. Mr. Harlan read an extract from the constitution of Illinois which prohibited the payment of stock dividends from the sale of securities, rais ing the point that the Alton'a 80 per cent dividend probably waa Illegal. Mr. Severance then informed th com mittee that counsel for the government had no more wlmesaea at this time and would ask tor an adjournment without date. Mr. Harrlman'a counsel conferred and Judge Lovett stated tljat they would like oral argument, but h. presumed that could be made In Washington. Mr. Severance said h thought the whole matter should b ... . . . - , roed and arguments made by the end of April. Judge Lovett aald If no more teati- n tu tnkan that Brv,,l ...I. mony waa to be taken that would suit hi side. Chairman Knapp then announced that the hearing was postponed to a date to be I nxea ana aajouriininii was laaen. ,n " QU,,0n' Commission., th. witness questioned th. right of fixed and adjournment waa taken. the director of the Alton In going back over their books for a period of many years and capitalising the expenditure. He said that each succeeding board of director had each year passed upon th accounts, and he thought that such acta should hav been final. Th witness repeated bis testimony of (Continued on Fifth Page.) adamson the stand Hffr Confession Waa Planed I'nder r Promise of fmmoalty and That It Waa Oar bled. TALLACE. Idaho. Feb. 2R.-That a de- erate conspiracy was formed among the cers of the penitentiary and the de- ctlves to Implicate the leaders of the estern Federation of Miners in the as- asslnatlon ot ex-Governor Steunenberg nd that the conspiracy waa to be backed y false evidence, obtained by threats and bribes. Is In effect the charge- made by Steve Adams before the court today. Adams' statement was In substance as follows: "On the sixth day after t waa taken to Boise and put In the cell with Harry Or chard I was taken to the office of the penitentiary and Introduced to Detective McPartland. He told me about 'Kelly the Bum' and other men who had turned state's evidence and had been Bet free. He told me some Bible stories, too, but I cannot remember what they were, as I am not familiar with the Bible. He kept me until 4 or 5 o'clock In the morning trying to make me confess. ' "McPartland told me that he wanted to convict Moyer, Haywood, Pettibone, 8t. John and Slmpkins, whom he called 'cut throats.' If I would not help to convict them, he said, I would be taken back to Colorado and either hanged or mobbed. If I did help I would be taken to Colorado as a witness. When we parted McPartland told me he was my friend. They put me back In the cell with Harry Orchard, who talked to me about the need of backing up his story I was somewhat frightened. The next day McPartland called again. I said I would do what he wanted me to do. He told me to think well what I was doing, to think of my family and aave myself. He said he would Bee that my family waa cared for. "When the confession was made Mc Partland led me on step by step and showed me all that he wanted me to say. He told me that what I said about the Tyler and Boule murders was only taken with the Idea of making a strong chain of evidence to convict the officers of the Western Fed eration of Miners. He wanted the names of the officers of the federation used aa much aa possible all through the confes sion. Two or three days later Warden Whitney brought the confession to me to sign." Adams confirmed all the early part of the confession as to his family and past history, but denied that part relating to the plot to kill Steunenberg and aa to ills life in the Marble creek country. Adams testified that when the copy of the confession was brought to him by the warden he told Notary Public Hueber It was not the same as what he had stated, but he supposed that he would have to sign It. and he did sign It. He denied the testimony ot Detective Thlele regarding the relies alleged to be burled on the Ore gon ranch and also the testimony of Bulke ley Wells aa to his oral confession while en route to Colorado. The witness stated that he had at dif ferent times been visited by W. F. Borah, Governor Gooding and Attorney Hawley, but he was not allowed to detail the con versations. - Adams stated that when ha was al-risted um'or h habeas corpus "pro- ceedlngs and returned to the Wallace Jail he waa not allowed to see hla attorneys, but waa compelled against hla will to talk to Detective McPartland. The sensation of the day waa sprung by the prosecution toward the close of the Adams murder trial this afternoon. Mr. Dnrrow of the defense had Just announced thnt frhnli on aa kail )won rn,,,lna.l v,KAn I ""i'u - Mr. Hawley of the prosecution requested the consent of the defense to recall Mrs. j Archie Phillips and to reopen the case for the prosecution, saying that by Inadvertence the witness had not been asked when di rectly examined the day of the week on which Tyler ate his supper the night Immediately preceding his disappearance. According to the Information filed against Adams, Tyler had been murdered - on Wednesday, August 10, and had therefore eaten supper at the Phillips house on the night of Tuesday, August 9. After having ' given her testimony. Mrs. Phillips recalled ll ,?,7 tnatK1T'lM' ten BUPP" , .,,i,w v wuii, vii iiiv mewl ui Dami , day, August 6, and from this It follows that Tyler must have been murdered on the morning of Sunday, August 7, the day on which Adams arrived at Mason's cabin ( and participated In the birthday dinner. If Judge Woods, who has taken the matter j I under advisement until morning, decides to allow the prosecution to recall Mr. Phillips to the stand the whole tenor of the ease will be altered and it may be shown that If Tyler waa murdered on Bun- day morning, Adams. Mason and Glover, th three men Implicated In the confee- sion In the murder. Immediately after the crime started for Mason's cabin and arrived In time to participate In the birthday dinner ao testified. The distance between the scene of the murder andMason's cabin la about fifteen miles anc- iron Phillips testified on direct examina "ion to hearing shots about ( o'clock in the morning of the crime, so that good time would be gtven the de fendant to reach Mason' rabln In time for dinner If the murder bad been committed In the morning, and the whole alibi a proved by the defense would fall to pieces. The matter waa hotly debated by both sides and the oratorical effort of the trial waa made by Mr. Darrow, ! NOTED PORCH-CLIMBER SHOT "Mike the Hike," Wanted In Omaha aad Other Western Cities, Killed by Cincinnati Officers. CINCINNATI. Feb. 28. (Special Tele gram.) Charles Sweeney, known aa "Mike the Bike." one of the cleverest crooks and notorious porch climbers, who waa wanted for many big Jobs In the porch climbing line In Omaha. Kansas City and Denver, waa the man killed by Policeman Martin here a few davs asfo when ha ri,t him i th 1 act of breaking Into the residence of a local I millionaire. The body waa positively ldentl- ! tied todav and the rw.llee .r. mnrr.tuiin. themselves that one of tha cleverea. cru. . . I " in hla line haa been nut out of tha wav. According to ine local Bertllllon bureau. Sweeney waa badly wanted In all the large western cities, aa well aa Chicago, which la his home. Erlrkaoa President of Rsasats. PIERRE. 8. D.. Feb. 28.-(Speclal Tels - . . .t.. ,. a moviiug) ui ma aiaie ooarq 1 of regect of education E. C. Erlckson waa chosen president and committees for th different Institutions selected. Nothing was done In regard to selection of a sec. retary. Seattle Aa-atast Japs. SEATTLE. Wash., Feb. 28 At a meeting of the Central Labor council hut night, at which were present delegatus from most unions of Seattle, a commit tee of three was appointed to call a conference for the or ganisation of an association to carry on agitation for the exclusion of Japanese coolie laborer. tux out sheriff's graft McDonald's Parldod Bills for Jail Feodinr Bednoed One-lhird. ' DEMANDS MILEAGE FOR FREE PASS RIDES Itemised Kxhlblt of Claims Sworn to a Correct, bat Fonnd to Be Watered in to the Brim. Graft-Loaded Sheriff's Claims. Amount Amount Claimant. Asked. Allowed. John Power, t claims. . $3,089.80 9 b40.1 John W. McDonald, 1 claims t.asa.tS 1,833.80 (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 28. (Speclal.)-As dis closed by the deficiency claim bill Just In troduced, this Is what the committee did to the bills presented by Douglas county sheriffs for reimbursement for alleged ex penses for keeping and conveying prisoners sentenced to the penitentiary or to the re form schools at Kearney and Geneva. The committee did . this notwithstanding the persistent appeals and constant lobby ing of Sheriff McDonald on his own be half and on behalf of hla democratic pre decessor for allowance of claims in full. In cutting out the graft in these items the committee simply endorsed the action of Deputy Auditor Cook, who had ' Hrst gone over these claims with a fine tooth comb, and had attempted to reduce them down to a semblance of fairness. It Is only fair to say for ex-Sheriff Power that only two of his bills were rejected In toto and that two more were left unacted upon for lack of Information. The bills are the usual Itemised state ments presented by sheriffs to the state auditor covering the board of prisoner from the time sentenced until the time turned over to the warden of the peniten tiary or superintendent of the reform school, .ogether with traveling expenses and per diem of the attending officer ac companying the prisoner. Sample of Padded Bill. As a rmple of the bill the following Item for Eva William, convicted March 7, 1906. will give an Idea of what Is In cluded: Twenty-nine days' board at 75c $2175 Railway fare for prisoner J.J Hallway fare for officer 30 Railway fare for guard J"0 Hack, Omaha Hark, Lincoln J-j Officer, one day J "0 Guard, one day 2.y0 Meals Total Ml. 00 Each of McDonald's ninety-one claims were sworn to and subscribed to by him, himself, as being true and correct atate menta of his Just claims for reimburse ment by the state. How It Waa Worked. The graft which the auditor and the claims committees have cut out of the Douglas county sheriff's bills, amount to nearly a third of the total. The reason for the reduction of the padding Is explained by Deputy Auditor Cook In thla way: "We have cut out of the bills presented by Douglas county sheriffs 26 cents a day on each prisoner charged to the etate and a& f the railroud arc ot the sheriff and his deputies. The law reads that the aherltl shall deliver prisoners at the penitentiary within thirty days after sentence and that during the time they are In his custody he may receive for feeding them 75 centa a day or $3.50 a week. The $3.50 a week Is 60 cents a day and the Intention clearly Is to allow 50 centa a day when the prisoner Is . . . .1 ....... Kafr,- halnu Aa. Kepi more man ' Uvered to the penitentiary or reformatory, w took thla matter up to the supremo court and got a decision aome months ago upholding this contention of the law and began at once reducing the billa filed by sheriffs to the 60 cent basis. "Sheriff McDonald had a few bllla cut down and then held out all the rest of them, presumably preferring to get the legislature to allow them. The remarkable thing about thla Is that In Douglas county, alone of all the counties, It Is' the regular practlce of the 8nerift to hold on to every ntence& pri80er for almost the entire thlrty daya. apparently In order to get the maximum allowance for feeding. In other counties prisoners are brought to the peni tentiary, with few exceptions, within three or four daya after eentence and are seldom kept longer than ten days, but It Is the rare exception when any prisoner from Douglas county la ao delivered short of at least twenty-five daya. Chara-ee Mlleaae for Free Rides. "As to the rejected Item for railroad fare they were cut out on Sheriff Mc- i Donald a own admission that he and all hla deputies who convey prisoners rode J constantly on passes on all the railroads ' aud that no money had been expended by I them for railroad fare. Mr. McDonald tried to Justify hla attempt to collect mile age from the state for trips made on free passe on the ground that he performed numerous services In hi official capacity for the railroad companies for which h never charged them anything, regarding the services aa being paid for by these passes, and that under the circumstance he had a tight to collect mileage from the state Just the same, to make good the fees he did not collect from the railroads. We, of course, refused to recognise this as any proper Justification. "Another very peculiar thing about these sheriff's claims from Douglas county Is that they represent, with few exceptions, special trips made to bring prisoners to Lincoln or to Geneva or to Kearney, one at a time. By making special trips the sheriff has been able to put In expense accounts for each one, thus multiplying the mileage and per diem. Sheriffs In other counties, where they have several prisoner under sentence, bring them to Lincoln, aa a rule, all at on time, and put In only on bill." Details of the Claims. The itemised eiaima presented ry ex- Sheriff John Power, showing In tabulation 'orm th number and amount asked for ! an1 th amount allowed and tha amount , cut out, la aa follows: JOHN (POWER-KEEPING AND CON- VEIINU HI Alt; nimurtiUKB. I . . . . . i niuuiii viiiiwjiii jr Amount Claim. Claimed. .$ 732.30 Allowed. Re.lerted ' No. &.. ; ?li' $ .... $ re 3o i.7o do. 19 I No. !) M.46 2S.85 No. 3 w w No. 4i2 2-. 00 No. 4ol 28.75 ...... I C- ii,' I No. 4.1. ... jw sa, I. (6 rt3.75 617 35 U3.75 60.2" 161.) 1K3.M) No. 478. Totals $2,525. 84 Not acted on. $ 840.16 $1,174.96 MeDoaaJd' Graft by Items. The bill presented by Sheriff John W. McDonald, itemised In the same way, are as follows: JOHN M'DONAIJV KEEPING AND CON VEYING BTATE PRISONERS. Amount Amount Amount Claim, Claimed. Allowed. Rejected. Noi7 :..$ . $ & $ t 30 No. 8o. " 7 23 utlnuod on Third Pag.) So BRITISH NAVAL ESTIMATES Amonnt of New ronatrartloa Will De pend t'pon Action of The llaa-ae Conference. LONDON, Feb. 28. A atatement of the raval estimate for 1907-8 presented to "Par liament tonight makes the construction of battleships during tha coming year depend ent In a measure on the decisions reached at the next peace conference at The Hague. Thus the new construction estimated at $40,500,000 against $6,175,000 for 1J0&-7 will, says Ixrd Tweedmouth, first lord of the Admiralty, "Include two or unless an un derstanding between the naval power la reached at Thf Hague conference, three large armored vessels of the Dreadnaught type." Ona fast unarmored cruiser, five torpedo boat destroyers, twelve torpedo bosts and twelve submarines also are provided for. On April 1 there will be under construction Ave battleships, seven armored cruisers, eight torpedo boat destroyers, seventeen tocpedo boats and twelve submarines. Th estimates for the year show a total reduction ot one thousand men and $5, 75,000 compared to 1908-7. Lord Tweed mouth comments on the striking Improve ment In the gunnery of the fleet compared to last year. The average of hits was prac tically douriled and the Improvement waa general throughout the fleet and not con fined to a picked selection of crack ships. As an Illustration of this system and the better state of repair result from the sys tem of nucleus crews, he compares the con dition of January, 1904, when out of sixty battleships thirty-eight were not available owing to tho need of repairs, with that of January, 1907, when out of fifty-one bat tleships eight were not available. Lord Tweedmouth notes the fact that the first cruiser squadron is , going to Jamestown for the opening of the expo sition. The total of the naval estimates I $152, 212,045. NEW DIVORCE BILL IS PASSED Amendment Permit Snlt Within Six Month In Certnln Case. PIERRE. B. D , Feb. 28. (Special Tele gram. )-The senate today passed the new divorce bill, after the lawyer had Injected an amendment allowing suit to be com menced within 'six months, where cause of action Is In this state. This allows both parties to the suit to come to the state and on agreed cause of action separate, one leaving and the other staying Blx months. y The bill to allow a liquor license vote" to stand until voted down was defeated by a vote of 23 to 20. Goodner, Merry and Dud ley, supported the bill and Vessey, Byrna and Dowdell opposed it. The senate bill providing for the division of Lyman county, after a favorable vote has been secured, was passed after it was amended, to prevent Its Interfering In any way with the general bill for county divi sion. The senate killed the house bill to repeal th law allowing cities to sell water works. which was asked by Bloux Falls. In the house Price of Yankton Introduced a resolution memorialising the South Da kota representatives In congress to oppose any ship subsidy legislation, and Gurrrey presented a bill to allow county commls. sloners, Instead of the county treasurer, to select tho paper for publication of delin quent lists. The house passed the bill approprli the balance of the endowment lands dajjfto atate experimental farrna, and put in an hour bickering over which apportionment bill would be taken up and adopted, finally settling on the bill presented by Engstrom, and passing It, providing for forty-five senators and 101 representatives. The Ovlatt partition fence bill caused a tangle and was lost for lack of two votes, but Is up for reconsideration tomorrow. WRECK NEAR CONNELLSVILLE Passenger Train Derailed and Debris Take Fire, bnt Only One Per son Is Killed. CONNELLSVILLE, Pa, Feb. 28. Balti more & Ohio troln No. 49, westbound, run ning eighteen minutes late and forty nillea an hour, was wrecked tonight hear Indian Creek, even mile east of here. The en tire train, consisting of a combination amoking and baggage car, two day coaches and the private car of Robert J. Finney, superintendent ot the Pittsburg division of th Baltimore & Ohio railroad, left the rails, and after running for 200 feet along the ties was thrown Into a ditch at the foot of the mountains, where the wreckage was completely burned. Wylle Irwin, engineer, of Pittsburg, waa killed; the fireman fatally Injured and the baggagemaster, express messenger, con ductor and six passengers seriously in jured. About thirty passenger were mora or less cut and bruised. Irwin waa caught under the wrecked en gine' and burned to death before the passen gers, who were powerless to liberate htm. REPORT ON INDIANA WRECK State Commission Scores Tralamea for Disregarding Itoles Objects to YonnaT Telegraphers. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Feb. 28. The Btate railroad commission today made a report to the legislature on the recent wrecks at Woodvllle, Fowler and the explosion of a car ot powder at Sandford, which de atroyed a Big Four passenger train. The report scores railroad employe for disre garding the rules, asked that railroad com panies require a more thorough knowledge of the rule on the part of their employea and recommends a law compelling railroads with an annual gross Income of $5,000 or more per mile to Install an Improved block system along their line. It also recoro- mends that no telegraph operators lee ! than 21 yeara of age be employed and that , rullrouda cease to accede to the reckless I demand ot the traveling public for greater 1 a need : apeea. ! PEACE DAY IN THE SCHOOLS ldratra Heeommend Onaervnnco of Analversary of Th Hsgst Trlbnnnl. CHICAGO. Feb. 28.-Members of the de partment of superintendence of the Na tional Educational association at th clos ing session today ot their three days con vention here recommended the observance by all school In the United States on May 18 each year In commemoration of the con ference that led to th establishment of the peace tribunal at The Hague. The educa tors declared their belief In "the gr tat significance of the movement to substitute arbitration for war In the settlement of International dlsp CONE TO GOVERNOR Two-Cent Tin Bill Fasiei Both use. With Emrrgsnoy CI ante, LAST STAND OF RMLROADS IN SENATE Desperate Effort to Tefeat tha Immediate Application of the Law. OLD ATTACK ON OMAHA IS RESUMED Auonjmons Circular on Terminal Taxation Beioc Dftrlbnted. ' SENATORS WARM UP ON INSUnfl Burns of Ianpnster and Aldrleh of Butler Indnlaja in Personalities Over Bills Affeetlas Lit Insaranee Companies. (From a Staff Correspondent.) Itaff Correspondent.) t., Feb. 28. tSpeclal.) TlF lature over a 2-cent pn e to a close thla morniif LINCOLN. Neb fight In' the leglsla Sflnger fane .came when the senate pasted H. R. UR7, the Jo I committee bill, hurried It over to th hou where the senate amendment waa lmme ately concurred In. The bill waa then r rolled and early In the afternoon waa the 'Hands of th governor. ' , - The railroads took a last stand In an e fort to kill the emergency clause, which will put the bill In force three day after It Is signed by -the governor, but th attempt failed In the sVnate and all bit four of the senators who gave thla clause aa their reason for opposing the bill hur riedly changed their votes before the fliiil result was announced and lined up win the majority. The vote, as finally jj nounced, stood 27 to 4, two senators, O'C nell of Johnson and Latta of Burt, abse The four senators who persisted In oppot tlon to the bill, even after they saw It tin! secured the required majority were Burn of Lancaster, Glover of Custer, Gould o Greeley and Hanna of Cherry Donarla County Member Switch, On the first roll call Gibson, Thomas and Saunders of Douglas and McKesson Lancaster voted against the bill, glvl as their reason the objectionable emerge! clause, but before the vote was announce all of them flopped to the affirmative.... Glover of Custer at first voted for the bill,, but when It appeared that a change In his vole might defeat the emergency claue and after consultation with' some of th opposition, he changed his vote to th negative. His change came first and it re duced the vote for the bill to 23, Just on more than enough to carry the emergency clause. When It waa found the emergency clause had carried there was a scurry Li ' get on the popular side of the fence. VS the vote was being verified, Clark. Adam voted no, though he had prevl voted aye. When he found he would to be recorded aa changing his vote b lowed hfs ay vote to stand. ' explanation ot Vote-4L, Several of tho senators explained tlii vote. Ashton while votlngV for the raid the Interstate commence act req Hie ralltoada to give JO daya' notice bet changing a rate. He therefore thought tr emergency should have been atrlcken ou Hanna and Saunders also explained their opposition was due to the emergency clause Randall explained he thought the railroad should, be given 30 days, but neverthelca he voted aye. The following written ex tUGiatlon were sent to the secretary' desk: . Jewish to explain my vote: ' When bill was In. the committee of tne wh voted to Strika out the emergene thought then-as I do now that under inter-state act no railroad can change late without first giving thirty daya' n to the Interstate commission. And as act must necetisnrlly Involve sale of .ti state tickets, thus we will find If this passes with the emergency, a federal prohibiting any rhanse of rates without tli thirty dsys' notice and a state statute de manding Instant action, which seema to me would be so confusing to alt concerned; that It should not be Insisted upon. I Willi vote for this bill without the emerge' y but in its present form 1 vote No. J JOBrnH HTJRNB I vote No because the bill has the em it gency clause Incorporated therein, bi' would vote yes otherwise. And further for the reason that I ai not moved In any action I take by aonf ment. politics or newsnnner criticism. And also because 1 believe It manlfusll fair, all conditions being considered to be nilt ninety days to elapse before the bi becomes a law. GIBSON f i uesire in explain my vole, l Dem that the railroads should be given thl days in which to adjust their matters conform to the law. C. A. RANDALJ? i am in ruvor or tne z-cent maximum rate bill and will vote for the same with the emergency cut out. , THOMAS. When the roll call was comDfeted Outri ders moved the call of the house, a if or four of the senators were absent. Kesson came In about that time and voi no, afterward changing to aye. Gould w abaent at first, but came in during th call. When It was found that only Latta an4 O'Connell wer absent and both wer-ex- J cused the can was raised. Vote of Reeord The vote after the changes had been corded was aa follows: Ayes Aldrlch, Holbrook. Anhtua, Kins, lluik, Lua. Baundara, BIM.t. Thomas, Thomaoo, Thorna, Wllcoi. ByrnM (Platte), MiKaaisa. Clarka, fal rli'k. IMlsoa, KppvrsoB, OIlMon, Goodrich. Nay Burns. Hanna 4. Absent La Ha. ' Phillips, Randall, Wlllaa (fV Koot, BaoksU. Olorer, Wllfay ( Wilson- tt Oouie, ' O-Conn.ll. House Members Interested. The fight In the senate was watched wlul considerable interest from the other en.f of the state house. It th assault on emergency clause had been successful had been agreed among the leadera the house would take up and pass with emergency cluuso the Sackelt bill wj went through the senate several days with the emergency clause. This have Dut th senalt In th awkward! . tlon either of receding from its hostllj the emergency or Killing a part or a f had already passed. I As soon as the bill had passed tfie ' ate It was reported with the amesdi I to the house, which by a vote of )n I concurred in the senate amendment. I bill was enrolled during the noon reel J and went to the governor before t:3Y I tha afternoon. Tho senate amend n. ent slated of a change in the wording ofi provision that tickets need not be sole less than 6 cents. Water board's Salary Sticks. The doing nothing members of the Om I Water board will continue to draw $'! month, or rather $o0 an hour for each they meet, because tne nouse this si I1UVII timuiium ij jkiijuiiqu HIV Barnes providing membera of the ll shall draw no salary until aft or the I Is acquired. Inasmuch aa th boar been "acquiring" tb plant for four (... I. .;..!... I. r ... , . 1. . , I 1 F A J ' - t UJ li